Beauty Make-up News Magazine -

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Issue 10-2008 + Price 2£/3€/5$ FREE COPY

ISSN 1973-9265

5 fall style tricks Don't have time/money to buy a whole new fall wardrobe? Use what you already have, but wear it all in totally new ways.

Photo by: Peter Duhon


5 fall style tricks


Layer a shirt and a turtleneck underneath a jacket/trench coat.

Rick Owens Cotton turtleneck, D&G Dolce & Gabbana Ruffle-front shirt and Alexander McQueen Military double-breasted coat. MORE NEWS ON NINEBYZERO.COM

5 fall style tricks


Pair unexpected pieces: a soft, full skirt with a structured military jacket.


5 fall style tricks


Throw an oversize sweater over a sweat dress, for casual chic.

Paul & Joe Cashmere poncho and River Island striped frill roll neck dress. MORE NEWS ON NINEBYZERO.COM

5 fall style tricks


Wear a chunky necklace outside your jacket/coat.

Gold Chain Crystal Necklace by Mawi and Magenta Wool Coat by Philosophy di Alberta erta Ferretti MORE NEWS ON NINEBYZERO.COM

5 fall style tricks


For an update in the eveningwear department, la layer a flowy romantic evening gown with a masculine blazer.

Miu Miu Stretch cotton blazer and Stella McCartney Chiffon ruffle dress. MORE NEWS ON NINEBYZERO.COM

Not your grandmother's ponytail

If you think ponytails are simply your passepartout for bad hair days, think again. The new ponytails you'll be sporting this fall/winter are trĂŠs chic, ladylike, and have tons of attitude.

Photo by: Patrick Q


Not your grandmother's ponytail

To get this romantic style, simply tease your hair gently before parting to add volume and texture, and apply a light hold product before securing the ponytail. Then curl the lenght of your hair with an iron to create romantic curls or waves. To create the look, you'll need:

Harnessing the ultimate in advanced haircare, the Twirl! 0.75 Professional Ceramic Curling Iron by T3 utilizes tourmaline gemstones which are known to impart optimal infrared heat to transform lifeless locks into salon-perfect tresses. The visible benefits of T3's superior ionic and infrared technology give hair an unparalleled shine, smoothness and silkiness even as it seals in moisture, protecting the hair cuticle for results that last long, stay healthy, and look and feel wonderful.

Photo by: adas buga


Not your grandmother's ponytail

For boho glam, accent your ponytail with a fun accessory, like a bright scarf. For an added twist, curl or tease your ponytail to get a full, flirty look. To create the look, ok, you'll y u ll need:

The Black and green silk scarf with marble print by Missoni is a bit retro, a bit modern posh.

Photo by: peresebastian

Not your grandmother's ponytail

Super-smooth ponytails are created parting your hair in the desired spot and using a firm hold hairspray to slick down your locks. Once your ponytail is secured, use a hair straightener to remove any bumps on the lenght. To create the look, you'll need:

Nick Chavez' Extra Extra Hold Hairspray has supreme holding power and performance flexibility. It can be used on wet or dry hair, brushes through easily and can be reapplied without sticky build-up or flaking. Moreover, its added botanicals won't dry out your hair and will help condition and give maximum shine. Photo by: Berna V

Not your grandmother's ponytail

Photo by: Evan Romine

To create this polished look, start by sweeping your hair smoothly into a basic ponytail. Then, take a small section from the underside and wrap it clockwise around the hair, covering up the elastic band. To finish the style, secure the wrapped section with a bobby pin on the underside and then apply a light hairspray. For added glamour, use a flat iron to straighten the ponytail. To create the look, you'll need:

Ojon™ Shine & Protect Glossing Mint is a microlight-mist shine spray that delivers hydration with an incredible long-lasting shine. It contains natural algae extract which has a similar molecular structure as silicon enhanced with Sweet Almond, Wheat Germ, Broccoli Seed oil and Vitamin E to help combat humidity and eliminate frizz. MORE NEWS ON NINEBYZERO.COM

Design inspirations

Fall means cold mornings and the desire to stay in bed just 10 minutes more, and 10 more, and soon you're an hour late. If you're having troubles getting up in the mornings, this unique project by Hayat Benchenaa, a graduate from the Italian's Interaction Design Institute, will do the trick for you. The Sfera alarm clock, which means sphere, is hung from the ceiling just above your bed. When the alarm chimes in the morning, the only way to silence it is to reach up and gently tap it. Every time you hit the “snooze� function, the orb-like clock rises just a little, so you have to stretch higher each time to gain another ten minutes of snooze. The 4th time you hit the snooze, it has gone out of reach and you must get out of bed to finally turn it off. Is it the answer to your needs? It is torture? You decide.



Beauty Ideas Whether you celebrate Halloween or not, you'll love this deliciously dark collection of beauty products.

LOTS OF TREATS, NO TRICKS There's nothing to be afraid of Philosophy's Haunted House. This trio of high-foaming formulas gently cleanse skin to leave it feeling soft, and they smell positively scrumptious. If you love a rich, foaming lather with fun, seasonally delicious smells in sweet caramel apple, spicy black licorice and subtle pumpkin spice, use each multi-tasking product anywhere on your body for a burst of seasonal well being. (You can also get these scents in individual bottles). Interestingly enough, studies show that the aroma of black licorice and pumpkin pie spice are among the top scents that "turn women on".


Beauty Ideas




Eventhough it looks like a witch's broom,Givenchy Phenomen'eyes Mascara is the hottest new mascatra around, don't let the strangely shaped wand fool you. It is designed to perfectly curl and separate each and every lash. Its high-tech, patented round sphere at the tip of the precision wand reaches every lash and adapts to all eye shapes. For a really smokey, alluring eye makeup, this is the new "it" mascara.

If ever there were magic wands, here they are. Laura Gellar's Wonder Wand (left) gives a hint of highlight and sparkle wherever it goes. One quick little stroke along your lower lid widens and brigh brightens your eyes, practically doubling their th size.

DKNY Delicious Night Lip/Cheek Stain is a lip/cheek stain inspired by the hypnotic DKNY Delicious Night fragrance; its sheer formula that creates a sexy pout and flush from one stick. It's packaged in a portable swivel case that's perfect for late night touch-ups. The luscious stain comes in a sheer cherry plum.

While Smoke And Mirrors by Tricia Sawyer is an instant smokey eyes in one product, one shade, and one step. Simply apply Smoke and Mirrors with the builtin professional applicator any time. Use it alone or layer it on top of your existing daytime shadow to transform your eyes instantly.

Photo by: leosam

10 steps to reduce worry

If you are one of those persons who worry too much, you know it's bad for your health. And yet, there are times you can't help but worry about every small thing around you: traffic jams, leaky faucets, running late. If a primordial necessity - to put you on alert and prevent disasters becomes too prevalent in your life, it will sap the joy of life. Here are some simple tips for you to achieve inner peace.


10 steps to reduce worry Women are more likely than men to get anxious, a fact which has been attributed to a range of biological, psychological, and cultural factors. This predispostion inclines women to worry more than men about things like social problems, work, finances even about worry itself, a phenomenon psychologists call meta-worry. David D. Burns, in his "When Panic Attacks: The New, Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life" categorizes anxiety in 11 patterns - see if you can recognize yourself in any of these. s Chronic Worrying. You constantly worry about your family, health, career, or finances. Your stomach churns, and it seems as if something bad is about to happen, but you can't figure out exactly what the problem is. s Fears and Phobias. You may be afraid of needles, blood, heights, elevators, driving, flying, water, spiders, snakes, dogs, storms, bridges, or getting trapped in closed spaces.

s Shyness. You feel nervous and self-conscious at social gatherings because you tell yourself, "Everyone seems so charming and relaxed. But I don't have anything interesting to say. They can probably tell how shy and awkward I feel. They must think I'm some kind of weirdo or loser. I'm the only one who feels this way. What's wrong with me?" s Panic Attacks. You experience sudden, terrifying panic attacks that seem to come from out of the blue and strike unexpectedly, like lightning. During each attack, you feel dizzy, your heart pounds, and your fingers tingle. You may tell yourself, "I must be having a heart attack. What if I pass out or die? I can't breathe right! What if I suffocate?" You try to hang on for dear life. Before long, the feelings of panic disappear as mysteriously as they came, leaving you bewildered, frightened, and humiliated. You wonder what happened and when it's going to strike again.

s Performance Anxiety. You freeze up whenever you have to take a test, perform in front of other people, or compete in an athletic event.

s Agoraphobia. You're afraid of being away from home alone because you think something terrible will happen--perhaps you'll have a panic attack--and there won't be anyone to help you. You may fear open spaces, bridges, crowds, standing in line at the grocery store, or taking public transportation.

s Public Speaking Anxiety. You get nervous whenever you have to talk in front of a group because you tell yourself, "I'll tremble and everyone will see how nervous I am. My mind will goblank and I'll make a complete fool of myself. Everyone will look down on me and think I'm a total neurotic."

s Obsessions and Compulsions. You're plagued by obsessive thoughts that you can't shake from your mind, and compulsive urges to perform superstitious rituals to control your fears. For example, you may be consumed by the fear of germs and have the irresistible urge to wash your hands over and over all day

long. Or you may get up and check the stove repeatedly after you've gone to bed, just to make sure you didn't leave the burners on. s Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. You're haunted by memories or flashbacks of a horrific event that happened months or even years ago, such as rape, abuse, torture, or murder. s Concerns about Your Appearance (Body Dysmorphic Disorder). You're consumed by the feeling that there's something grotesque or abnormal about your appearance, even though your friends and family reassure you that you look just fine. You may think that your nose is deformed, your hair is thinning, or your body isn't shaped correctly. You may spend vast amounts of time consulting with plastic surgeons or staring into mirrors trying to correct the defect because you're so convinced that everyone can see how terrible you look. s Worries about Your Health (Hypochondriasis). You go from doctor to doctor complaining of aches, pains, fatigue, dizziness, or other symptoms. You feel certain that you have some dreadful disease, but the doctor always reassures you that there's absolutely nothing wrong with you. You feel relieved for a few days, but soon you start obsessing about your health again.



10 steps to reduce worry Worry is negative visualization. That's what authors Michael Gelb and Tony Buzan point out in "Lessons From The Art Of Juggling: How to Achieve Your Full Potential in Business, Learning, and Life". Many of us grow up thinking of mistakes as bad, viewing errors as evidence of fundamental incapacity. This negative thinking pattern can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, which undermines the learning process. To maximize our learning it is essential to ask: "How can we get the most from every mistake we make?"

case scenario whenever worry hounds you. Then ask youself "Just how likely is it this is going to happen"? Realize how unlikely it is that the worst possible situation is actually going to happen.

1) Shift your focus outward When a worry attack gets you, redirect your thoughts to people you care about, and focus on ways you can make yours and their lives better.

6) Try to meditate 10 minutes each day Even if you’re not into yoga and meditation, remember some of the many reasons for meditating include "reducing stress, cultivating a sense of peace, eliminating fatigue, slowing the aging process, improving memory, finding clarity of purpose, and even healing," says Wayne W. Dyer, author of "Getting in the Gap: Making Conscious Contact with God Through Meditation".

2) Create a "worry" list Write down all the things that worry you, and try to write a solution to the problem next to each item to solve those problems rationally and objectively. Of course, cross out of the list anything that's totally out of your control (for example, the outcome of and health checkup). 3) Take action If worry is very much about feeling powerless, taking action empowers you and breaks you free of fear. For everything that makes you worry, work towards a solution day by day rather than letting the worry stress you out. 4) Think of the worst (only for 10 seconds!) Give yourself 10 seconds to think about the worst-

5) Hope for the best A positive attitude works wonders and prevents you from falling into the pit of worry again. Stay focused on what's going right in your life and how to improve it.

9) Take it one day at a time Planning, preparing for the future is important. So a daily checklist can help you break up larger tasks into more realistic issues. But mostly, concern yourself only with what you've got at hand: focus on making the most of the present moment. 10) Look at yourself from the outside Dr. Timothy J. Sharp, founder and Managing Director of Making Changes, says: "Imagine that you are your best friend, then think about all the negative thoughts you are having. If your best friend were saying these things about themselves, what would you say to them? How would you challenge their negativity and self-criticism?" Remind yourself to be your own best friend and challenge your own negativity the same way.

7) Choose to perceive the peaceful side of life Dyer also explains: "There are two ways to look at virtually anything. One is the violent way, and one is the peaceful way. It's the yin and the yang of the universe." 8) Get moving Did you know that working out, or even simply talking a walk can diffuse worry? Exercise calms the mind because it not only uses up excess adrenaline in your system, it also releases endorphins in your brain, creating a sensation of well-being.

Photo by: ronny-andre


Smiley! If the end of summer has left your mood in bad conditions, don't despair. Now there's a daily treatment that will lift yor moods and make yyou feel better. Presctiption-free happiness comes in a tiny flacon, nowadays. wadays. Smiley is a unisex range of products with micro-nutrients that trigger ger happiness. Its secret is the formula based on natural bio-chemistry which combines mine derived from theobromine - that decreses stress - with phenylethylamine pure cocoa extract - which sets off a feeling of joy, euphoria phoria and excitement. The result is a psycho-stimulant cocktail prepared ed using galenical eration: the more, pharmacology. This anti-stress remedy needs no moderation: the better! The exclusive perfume bottles have been developed by the prestigious glassmaking techniques of Saint-Gobain, and designed ed by Ora-Ito, the most sought-after designer of his generation.

So what are you waiting for? Every morning, a little dose e of smiley will make you - and those around you - feel better. "When you're smiling, when you're smiling... The whole world smiles with you... When you're laughing, when you're laughing... g... The sun comes shining through"


Meet Sara Eudy makeup artist


Sara lives in Houston, Texas and is 25 years old. She started her makeup artist carrier doing makeup for prom and other events during her high school years, and later went to cosmetology school after graduation. The day she got out of school, she called each and every makeup artist in town looking for someone who needed an apprentice. She then trained under an amazing artist, Tree Vaello, for almost 2 hard years, and has been freelance ever since.

Meet Sara Eudy

Sara, besides being a makeup artist, what else do you do that we don't know of yet? I paint. I actually wanted to go to art school. I love drawing and painting portraits of people I know. I also have a shopping hobby. More like an addiction! I love ebay and online stores like, karmaloop and alternative apparel.

(Sara at work:, model: Audrey Kitching)

At what point in your life did you realize you wanted to be makeup artist, and why? I've always loved makeup, I never really liked wearing it myself, but I loved to make other people beautiful. I love using products to bring out qualities in a person's face to really make them shine. We know you as a makeup artist but in another life, you were...? I was probably a lawyer. I really like reading old cases and learning about how the court room drama happens. What is the favorite part about your job? My favorite thing about my job is making someone look good with products and colors they wouldn't normally use, and opening their eyes to their hidden beauty. MORE NEWS ON NINEBYZERO.COM

Meet Sara Eudy

What has been the most challenging makeup you have ever done? Anything special effects... I'm not good at making someone look unattractive! What projects are you working on currently? I am always working on my makeup studio Cara Dulce (, which is myself and my team of makeup artists. I am also currently working with a regional Texas magazine to produce three 6 page fashion spreads. It’s been busy! Where do you find inspiration? What music, movies and books do you like? I love magazines. Any magazine. I look for color combinations, great photos, or great makeup to keep me inspired. my favorite band, that I listen to all the time, is Cult of Luna. They're amazing. Today, do you think makeup helps define one's own personality? Makeup or lack of makeup definitely helps definite ones style, and styles change with the season. I hope no one's personality changes that often. Can you tell us the quickest makeup a woman can create in the morning when she only has 5 minutes to get ready before work? Black mascara, eyebrow powder and blush: that's really all you need if you don't have a lot of time and need to look put together.



Meet Sara Eudy And what is an easy way to change a day makeup into a nighttime party face? The easiest way to change your look is to add more eyeliner, or change your lip color to something more bold. Being a hair stylist and makeup artist, I bet you can't help but look at women as they walk on the street and think: "Oh I would love to fix that!". What are the common make-up & hair mistakes most women make and how should they fix them? Eyebrows. Please! Don't over pluck or wax your eyebrows! They frame your face. A great eyebrow shape can change your face. With such a variety of makeup on the market today, how should women select their cosmetics brands? Buy what works for you, not because its pricey or because your friend uses it, or some celebrity says its amazing. Use what is best for your skin tone, and skin texture. Most makeup is manufactured in the same places, only the packaging is different. According to you, what are the best/worst trends in the beauty industry right now? I really don't like spray tanning. I think it's an unhealthy look and trend. (Sara applying eyelashes, model: Heather C.)

Meet Sara Eudy

What is your favorite beauty product of all? Is there an "old faithful" that sticks with you as years and new collections pass by? I always have my Almay Liquid Eyeliner in my own personal makeup bag, for clients I will never be without Maybelline Black Mascara. From your experience, what's the best way a woman can take care of her face and improve her overall beauty? (skincare routine, nutrition etc.) Every woman should figure out which skin creams and moisturizers are best for their skin, and use them every day. Leave us with your best trick-of-the-trade beauty tip: when applying your makeup, start with the eyes. If you have anything fall on your cheeks or make a mess, use a face wipe to clean up. Then apply foundations and concealers.


What’s in your make-up bag? Sara Eudy Please list the 10 items you always carry with yourself (when doing makeup or for yourself ), the ones that are the basis for your work - I am sure our readers can learn a lot from taking a peek into your makeup bags!

I carry two different makup bags, one for myself and one is my makeup kit for my clients. I will list items in both.

personal 1. Aquaphor, Healing Ointment - great for chapped lips and tattoos 2. Smashbox, Bionic Mascara, black - it's black. It's mascara. 3. Bed Head, Afterparty Eyeshadow, chocolate - great brown/black color 4. Bed Head, Afterparty Eyeshadow, plum love - when I want to look like a vampire 5. MAC, Fafi Blush, Hipness - it looks good on me. 6. Almay, Liquid Liner, black - I've been using this product since I was 16. 7. Cinema Secrets, Contour Cream - I hate looking like I have a double chin in photos. 8. MAC brush, 188 - so I can apply the contour cream. 9. NARS brush, #5 - eyebrows, don’t leave home with out them.


Sara Eudy’s Make-up Bag

work kit 1. NARS Lip Laquers - I have most of the colors - they are great. 2. Sephora, Kat Von D Lipsticks - the best red colors on the market. Not matte, but not glossy. 3. Maybelline Colossal Volum Express - no clumping and great shades of black. 4. Disposable Mascara Wands - because sanitation is important. 5. Makeup Forever Flash Color Palette - it's amazing. 6. Trucco Cherry Pie Blush - the best blush quad, has something for every skintone. 7. Cinema Secrets Foundation Palettes - the best ever. Great for film, runway, or everyday life. 8. Temptu Airbrush Machine and Foundation - because I like to be flashy. 9. Deluxe Studio Set Brushes from Crown Brush - I'm giving away secrets!!! 10. Cinema Secrets Brush Cleaner 32 oz - because sanitation is important. 10. IB106, angled blush - I think its from


Halloween Makeup Special If "Halloween makeup" makes you think of badly drawn skeleton faces and plastic fangs, we will prove you wrong. With the help of make-up artist Sara Eudy, we want to show you an artistic side of Halloween makeup. Who says ghosts, fairies and witches can't be beautiful? Quite the contrary, if you love makeup this is your chance to create a work of art.

Design by: krtulina


Halloween Makeup Special

photo: simon gentry makeup & hair: sara eudy model: heather

I want to be a Ghost

Sara used: Temptu air brush foundation, Maybelline mascara, Cinema Secrets concealer, Trucco cherry pie blush, theatrical white powder, MAC lipmix in burgundy.

I want to be a Siren

Sara used: Temptu air brush foundation, Cinema Secrets concealer, Ben Nye lumiere palette, Cara Dulce gloss.

Halloween Makeup Special

photo: richard tallent makeup & styling: sara eudy model: mars

I want to be a Witch

Sara used: Temptu air brush foundation, Maybelline mascara, Cinema Secrets concealer, Trucco cherry pie blush, black glitter, Makeup Forever flash colors.

Halloween Makeup Special

photo: lithium picnic hair: biyoshi patrick makeup: sara eudy model: amarachi

Halloween Makeup Special

photo: simon gentry makeup: sara eudy model: cindy vela

I want to be a Hollywood Diva

Sara used: Temptu air brush foundation, Maybelline mascara, Cinema Secrets concealer, Trucco cherry pie blush, Kryolan aqua color in black, Kat Von D lipstick in misfit.

Halloween Makeup Special

photo: lithium picnic hair & makeup: sara eudy model: apnea

I want to be a Pixie

Sara used: Temptu air brush foundation, Maybelline mascara, Cinema Secrets concealer, Trucco cherry pie blush, Laura Mercier lip quad, MAC gold pigment, Ben Bye azelea & persimmon

39 W 56th St - New York, NY 10019 Tel: (212) 245-8006 - Fax: (212) 245-8114

SPA: Yasuragi Hasseludden

Yasuragi Hasseludden Saltsjö-Boo, Sweden

Yasuragi which hactually means “inner peace and harmony”, is a place of contemplation, beauty, and harmony, where spa goers can unwind and find renewed energy, clarity of thought, and strength for everyday life. Yasuragi offers Japanese baths, hot springs, relaxing massages and treatments, invigorating activities, a choice of residential options, 30 meeting rooms, and two restaurants serving traditional Japanese and modern Asian dishes. All the elements of Yasuragi combine to bring harmony and peace of mind.


SPA: Yasuragi Hasseludden

In Japanese culture, bathing is an ancient and unhurried ritual, a far cry from modern hot-tubs or jacuzzis. Bathing at Yasuragi Hasseludden follows a set series of stages. Feel the stress run off you as this leisurely ritual is performed, then slide into one of the hot springs and allow your muscles to unwind. Follow up with a steam-bath or sauna, or just sit and relax in an outdoor hot spring. Repeat this procedure, cleansing first body then soul, for complete inner peace. Slowly repeat this procedure, cleansing first body then soul, for complete inner peace.


SPA: Yasuragi Hasseludden

At Yasuragi Hasseludden, you have a choice of Japanese or Swedish accommodation. There is a total of 162 rooms, five of which are suites. Two suites, known as “Ryokan” (or “inn” in Japanese), are totally Japanese in style. A Ryokan is designed so that all its impressions are in harmony, with no single detail dominating. You can stay in total seclusion, without ever needing to venture outside. The suites have their own hot spring and meals can be served en suite by your own Ryokan host or hostess.

SPA: Yasuragi Hasseludden

TREATMENTS The Tibetan Singing Bowls treatment is based on ancient knowledge concerning the effect of sounds that was applied in Indian healinf therapy more than 5000 years ago. It gives the body and mind a moment of relaxation and wellbeing. The singing bowls are placed on your body. The sounds and vibrations from the bowls gives an experience of inner peace and self confidence.

You can enjoy many other treatments, we suggest you try "Floating": enjoy the sensation of weightlessness, lying in a dark silent salt water tank; water is 34.5째C and as salty as the Dead Sea. We also suggest you try the traditional Japanese Shiatsu massage that increases blood circulation and has a healing effect on muscles, joints and the meridian system (the channels of energy that affect and sustain the physical body). The therapist works with acupressure and stretching of the body.


Head over Heels

This season's shoe trends are clear: your feet will sport elegant and sophisticated laced Oxfords, for a pure British fashion touch and tailored loafers, that turn an essentially masculine wardrobe piece into a feminine staple. Pura Lòpez, a Spanish shoe designer, has created a fall shoe collection in rich autumnal colors - black, brown, purple, green, grey.... MORE NEWS ON NINEBYZERO.COM

Head over Heels

Mary Janes are also a flirty choice for colder months, with a bit of retro glamour. All three high-heeled styles, Oxfords, loafers and Mary Janes, can be teamed with skirts or pants for a great fall look. MORE NEWS ON NINEBYZERO.COM

Head over Heels

From a relaxed, casual shoe to a sophisticated pump for an evening occasion, Pura Lòpez builds the line as if it were a clothing collection, creating designs for every occasion of a life of a particular kind of women. MORE NEWS ON NINEBYZERO.COM

Head over Heels

In Pura Lòpez's collection fantasy and practicality mix, reaching a compromise between a sexy, stable and comfortable shoe. These shoes do not merely let you walk, but are aimed at expressing yor own personality. MORE NEWS ON NINEBYZERO.COM

Head over Heels Feminine and revealing are the characteristics with which Pura Lopez sprinkles a touch of Mediterranean essence over the fashion capitals of the world. Her designs are characterized by elegant, but not conventional forms, based on basic but avant-garde lines which have been carefully placed to bring out the femininity of the foot.

For shoe-makers and shoe-lovers equally, shoes are not only complementary; they are one of the most important items to express femininity and sensuality, as well as making a difference in elegance.


The German and Bavarian Hairdressing Championships are the highlights at HAARE 2008 in N端rnberg, but the top competitions, which a few world champions are also expected to attend, are only part of the list of highlights. A colourful range of features from the hairdressing, cosmetics and beauty sectors is in store for visitors on 19-20 October. There will be something exciting to see and experience in every corner of the 15,000 square metre exhibition and competition area. A new feature this year is the Nail Forum, where visitors find everything for nail design and nail care.


Hands and nails – a person’s visiting card

Another highlight at HAARE 2008 is the Wet Shaving Market under the title of “nass & scharf” (wet & sharp). This is all about classic wet shaving – with brush, sharp razor and plenty of lather, a service that is clearly becoming more attractive again in the modern men’s salon. Exhibitors at the Wet Shaving Market are ready with individual advice on the right accessories for real wet shaving – like razor, shaving brush, brushes, shaving soaps, original Belgian wetstones or strops. Workshops are also offered, for example, on sharpening and caring for razors. Cutting, colouring and shaping techniques are presented step by step on the hairdressing workshop stage. So this is exactly the right place for those looking for the latest tips for their own salon. On the show stage next door, teams of hairdressers will give free rein to their creativity.


Approx. 30,000 nail designers currently work in Germany, and nail art is part of the training regulation for hairdressers. Starting on 1 August, trainees can not only take one of their examinations in manicure, but now also in nail modelling. What could be more obvious than to source information about the latest trends in the increasingly popular nail sector at HAARE 2008, where the “Nail Forum” in the championship hall offers the right opportunity. The Bavarian Nail Art and Nail Design Championships take place here under the direction of the Bund Deutscher Nageldesigner (BDND), the German association of nail designers. The 1st Manicure Championship also celebrates its premiere in Germany. The “spontaneous competition” will be organized on Monday, 20 October, and anyone can enter: visitors at HAARE 2008 can put their ideas into practice in the smallest possible space on tips – plastic stick-on fingernails. The visitors at the “Nail Forum” will get a close-up view of the works of art created in both competitions. Many exhibitors will present products for nail design and nail care, and nail workshops and presentations will round off the events dealing with the human being’s smallest space for creative design. The “Nail Forum” will become the meeting-place for insiders from the nail sector and an eye-catcher for interested beauticians and hairdressers.

Design Inspirations

10 steps

10 fall style tricks

Meet Sara Eudy

Haare 2008

Beauty Ideas Yasuragi Hasseludden SPA

Head over Heels

Smiley! Not your Grandmother's Ponytail




Iconogenic Location: Almere, Flevoland (Netherlands, The) Website:

Issue 10 / October 2008

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