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KTW 2013-2014 წლებში ზურაბ ჩხაიძე kompania `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba~ (KTW) qveyanaSi erT-erTi wamyvani qarTuli kompaniaa, romelmac udidesi wvlili Seitana saqarTveloSi meRvineobis dargis ganviTarebasa da iseTi saSviliSvilo saqmis keTebaSi, rasac miviwyebuli qarTuli vazis jiSebis moZieba-SenarCuneba da tradiciuli qarTuli meRvineobis aRorZineba hqvia. `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ saqmianobis mTavari principi Zlier qarTul fesvebze myarad dgoma, Tanamedroveobis tradiciulTan idealuri Serwyma da produqciis umaRlesi xarisxia. kompaniisTvis gasuli ori weli gansakuTrebiT nayofieri gamodga - axali investiciebi, axali teqnologiebi, axali qarxnebi, xelaxla dabadebuli qarTuli vazis uZvelesi jiSebi da mravali axali proeqti es is miRwevebia, romlebic `tradiciuli kaxuri meurneobis~ samomavlo war matebis garantad unda iqces. kompaniis saqmianobis Sesaxeb gvesaubreba KTW-jgufis damfuZnebeli zurab CxaiZe 2013 weli KTW-saTvis warmoebis kuTxiT gardamtexi aRmoCnda, radgan Sar San Zalian bevri saintereso da mniSvnelovani investicia daviwyeT. pir vel rigSi, minda sofel patarZeulSi ganxorcielebuli investicia dava saxelo. investirebis efeqtianobis gamocdis mizniT aq davamontaJeT wamyvani italiuri firmis “delatopolas” koniakisa da Rvinis Camomsxmeli xazebi cal-calke, SevavseT Rvinis sacavebi da amiT davasruleT tes ti reba. es warmoebis yvela im detalis gamosacdelad dagvWirda, romlebic erTi SexedviT ar Cans. Sedegic kargi miviReT. Cveulebriv reJimSi 70 aTas boTls vasxamT, 3-cvliani muSaobis reJimSi ki dRe-RameSi 100 aTasamde avdivarT, rac imas niSnavs, rom Cven mier SarSan gan xor cie le bulma investiciam gaamarTla da es sworad gaTvlili nabiji iyo. mogexsenebaT, patarZeuli kaxeTis erTgvari turistuli karibWea da aq orive mimarTulebiT Camosuli stumrebis didi nakadebi moZraobs. amitom patarZeulis qarxanasTan gavxseniT sade gus tacio darbazi da Tanamedrove aRWurvilobis safirmo maRazia “Rvinis gza”, erTi oTaxi ki turizmis erovnul administracias gadaveciT, sadac turistuli centri ganTavsda.
KTW 2013-2014 YEARS Zurab Ckhaidze Company “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” (KTW) is one of the country’s leading Georgian companies, which have contributed greatly to development of winemaking industry in Georgia, as well as to great cause of the national significance – seeking and maintenance of the forgotten vine varieties and restoration of traditional Georgian winemaking. The main principle of KTW activities is relying upon Strong Georgian roots, perfect combination of the modern and traditional, and ensuring high quality of the products. Past two years, were particularly productive for the Company – new investments, new technologies, new factories, newly born ancient Georgian vine varieties, and numerous new projects – these are the achievements providing guarantee of future success of KTW.
warmoebis gafarToebis garda, mniSvnelovani siaxle gvaqvs geografiuli gafarToebis mimarTulebiTac. 2013 wlis bolodan daviwyeT da 2014 wels gavagrZeleT gurjaanis raionis sofel veliscixesTan mdebare, 5000 tona yurZnis gadamamuSavebeli qarxnis investireba. investiciis moculoba 8 milioni laria da igi momaval welsac gagrZeldeba. aqve daviwyebT qar Tuli marnis tipis turistuli obieqtis mSeneblobasac, romelsac 2016 wels davasrulebT da mas pirobiTad “roial mukuzani” daerqmeva. radgan kaxeTze vsaubrobT, minda, kidev erTi siaxlis Sesaxeb giTxraT. Cven gadawyvetili gvaqvs sakuTari nedleulis bazis gafarToveba, rad gan migvaCnia, rom venaxebis sakuTrebaSi qona Cvens saqmianobaSi Zalian mniSvnelovania. swored am mizniT, wels, winandlis raionSi, SeviZineT Cveni sasiqadulo da sayvareli mom Rer lisa da qvelmoqmedis, Cemi megobris paata burWulaZis mier gaSe ne buli da mimdebared arsebuli venaxebi. am mimarTulebiT investirebas momavalSic aucileblad gavagrZelebT. aqve getyviT, rom Cveni venaxebis dacvazec vizruneT da amerikuli warmoebis, gazis tipis, setyvis sawinaaRmdego Tanamedrove mowyobiloba Sevi ZineT, rome lic Cvens savenaxe meurneobas stiqiis dros yovelmxriv daicavs. minda giTxraT isic, rom Cveni kompaniis mTavari prioriteti momxmareb
Mr. Zurab Chkhaidze, the founder of “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking”-Group told us about Company’s activities For KTW, year 2013 was decisive, with respect of production, as past year we have made many interesting and significant investments. First of all, I would like to mention investment made in village Patardzeuli. For the purpose of testing of investment effectiveness we installed here the separate brandy and wine bottling lines manufactured by “Della Tofola”, filled the wine warehouses and by this we ended testing. We needed it, for testing of all production details not seen at one glance. We obtained good results. In ordinary mode we produce 70 thousand bottles, and in case of 3-shift work – even up to 100 thousand bottles per day. And this means that investment made last year was reasonable and we have made correct step. You are aware that Patardzeuli is some kind of tourist gates of Kakheti and significant flows of guests move in and out. Therefore, at Patardzeuli factory we arranged the wine testing hall and well equipped firm shop “Wine Way” and transferred one of the rooms to National Tourism Administration, where the tourist center was located. In addition to production expansion, we have significant news with respect of geographical expansion as well. In late 2013 we commenced and in 2014 continued investing into the factory processing 5.000 tons of grapes located at village Velistsikhe, Gurjaani District. Investment is GEL 8 millions and investing will be further continued in the next year. We
lisTvis xarisxiani da usafrTxo produqciis miwodebaa. amitom davner geT gasul wels produqciis usafrTxoebis Tanamedrove standarti ISO 22000:2005, romelic warmoebis yvela etapze (venaxidan momxmareblis suf ramde), produqciis mkacr kontrols moiTxovs. axla CvenTvis saintereso axal zonaSi guria-aWaraSi gadavinacvleb. aq yurZ nis Zalian bevri miviwyebuli jiSia. SarSan qedaSi Zveli amortizebuli Rvinis qarxana SeviZineT da Tanamedrove tipis Rvinis qarxnis mSe nebloba daviwyeT, romelic aWaris maRalmTian regions moemsaxureba. aq Zalian kargi `Cxaveri~ da `colikauri~ modis da gvinda, am dargis gan viTarebaSic miviRoT monawileoba. adgilobriv mevenaxeebTan inten siuri TanamSromloba daviwyeT. am mimarTulebiT wels pirveli nabijebi gadavdgiT - `Cxaveris~, `colikaurisa~ da `butkos~ 60 000 nergi SeviZineT da glexebs ufasod gadaveciT. Cven maT venaxis movlis sakiTxebze konsultaciebsac gavuwevT, xolo roca vazi msxmoiarobis fazaSi Seva, glexebTan winaswar gaformebuli xelSekrulebebiT, maTgan yurZens sa bazro fasebSi SeviZenT. am saqmianobas momavalSic gavagrZelebT. amas gnebavT qvelmoqmedeba davarqvaT, gnebavT socialuri proeqti an ub ra lod, yuradReba
shall also start construction of tourist facility of Georgian wine cellar type. Construction will be completed in 2016 and conditionally it will be called “Royal Mukuzani”. As we are talking about Kakheti, I would like to tell you about one more thing. We have made decision to expand our raw materials base, as we regard that ownership of the vineyards is of great significance for our activities. For this purpose, this year we have purchased the vineyards arranged by our famous and popular singer and charity provider, very good friend of mine, Paata Burchiladze and the adjacent vineyards in Tsinandali District. We shall continue investing of this line in the future. I would like to say that we took care about protection of out vineyards and procured modern, US manufactured, gas-type hail protection aggregate and it will protect our vineyards from the natural phenomena. I would like to tell you also that the main priority of our Company is providing high quality and safe products to our consumers. For this purpose, last year we have introduced ISO22000:2005 standard requiring strict control of the products’ quality at all stages of production (from the vineyards to the consumers’ tables). Now I shall tell you about new zone - Guria-Adjaria. There are numerous forgotten grape varieties. Last year
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miviwyebuli Zveli jiSebis asaRorZineblad, faqti erTia Cvens Soris ormxrivad sasargeblo TanamSromloba Sedga. es procesi ar unda SeCerdes. vfiqrob Cvens mier aWaraSi ganxorcieebuli 1-milioniani investicia samacivre meurneoba da yurZnis gadamamuSave beli teqnika _ am etapze aWaris moTxovnilebas savsebiT daakmayofilebs. rac Seexeba gurias, bevri fiqri ar damWirvebia saimisod, Tu sad SeiZ le boda dasavleT saqarTveloSi Rvinis moyvaruli turistebisTvis mimzidveli adgilis povna _ Zveli marniT, Rvinis gadasamuSavebeli mow yo bi lobebiTa da komfortuli pirobebiT. am yvela pirobas srulad ak ma yo filebda Cemi mSobliuri, ulamazesi sofeli askana, sadac Cemi winaprebi meRvineobas saukuneze meti xnis ganmavlobaSi misdevdnen. swored aq aris babu aCemis anTimoz CxaiZis marani, sadac 1883 wliT daTariRebuli qvevria. damuSavda proeqti, romelic or weliwadzea gawerili. sakmaod didi da mZime samuSao Catarda, aseT saqmeSi aCqareba dauSvebelia _ mSenebare obieqtis arqiteqtura bunebas unda erwymodes, Zveli da Tanamedrove stilis nazavs unda warmoadgendes, masSi guruli da aWaruli eTnografiuli elementebi unda iyos gaTvaliswinebuli, imavdroulad, iq Casuli stumari Tavs komfortulad unda grZnobdes. amitom mSeneblobis procesSi sul ZiebaSi varT. proeqti momavali wlis bolos unda dasruldes da yvelaferi mzad iyos stumrebis misaRebad. es proeqti - askanas Rvinis marani “roial askana” - aucileblad Cajdeba turistul „Rvinis gzaSi“. amasTan dakavSirebiT Cven mWidrod vTanamSromlobT rogorc adgi lob riv, ise centralur xelisuflebasTan, radgan rigi samuSaoebisa adgi lobrivma municipalitetma, zogierTi ki centralurma xelisuflebam unda daafinanson. rodesac Cven “roial askanas” pro eqti warvadgineT, saRma azrma gaimarjva da sami soflis wyal moma rage bis dafinansebis sakiTxi dauyovnebliv
askanis Rvinis marani da muzeumi
we purchased old, amortized wine factory in Keda and commenced construction of the modern wine factory to provide services to high mountain regions of Adjaria. Here grow very good Chkhaveri and Tsolikauri grapes and we would like to participate in development of this sector. We commenced extensive cooperation with local vine growers. We made the first steps in this direction – we procured 60.000 nurslings of Chkhaveri, Tsolikauri and Butko and transferred them to the peasants free of any charge. We shall provide consultations to them and when the vines yield the grapes, on the basis of the contracts made in advance, we shall procure grapes at market price. We shall continue these activities in the future. This could be called charity, or social project, or simply attention to revival of the forgotten old varieties, the fact is that there is mutually beneficial cooperation between us. This process should not be stopped. I think, 1-million investment made in Adjaria – arrangement of the refrigeration facility and grape processing equipment – would meet the requirements of Adjaria at this stage. As for Guria, I did not need too much time to find the place attractive for the tourists loving wine – with the old wine cellar, wine processing appliances and comfortable conditions. All these requirements are fully complied with by my native beautiful village Askana, where my forefathers were engaged in winemaking for over the century. Here was located the wine cellar of Antimoz Chkhaidze, my grandfather. There is large clay vessel for wine dated by 1883 in that cellar. We developed the project We have developed the project with two-year term. Quite significant and hard work was done, one should not hurry when doing such things—architecture of the building should be suitable to the nature, it should be some combination of the old and new styles, it should include Gurian and Adjarian ethnographic elements and at the same time the guests there should feel comfortable. Therefore, we seek perfect solutions all the time. Project will be completed next year and everything must be ready to host the guests. This project—Askana Wine
gadaiWra. proeqtis farglebSi Seicvleba amor ti zebuli, 50-70 wlis winaT gayvanili wylis milebi. mTavroba soflamde gzis axali safaris dagebaSic miiRebs monawileobas, raTa turistebma askanamde Casvla Seuferxeblad SeZlon. vfiqrob, guriaSic saintereso da saWiro iqneba Cvens mier aWaraSi dawyebuli e.w. `mwvane proeqti~, romelic mosaxleobisTvis vazis darigebas iTvaliswinebs. amitom vazebis darigebis proeqts ozurgeTisa da Coxatauris raionebSi momdevno wlebSic ganvaxorcielebT. guriaSi, `Cxa ve ris~ garda, romelic gasul saukuneebSi filoqseras gavrcelebis Sedegad nel-nela qreboda da Cvens zvrebSi axla Tavidan idgams fesvebs, bevri miviwyebuli jiSia: Tundac `jani~, romelic arasamrewvelo ra o de nobiT modis; `sakmiela~, romlis Sesaxebac legendebs hyvebian, Tavad jiSis dasaxelebac, SesaZloa, sakmevlidan modiodes da saeklesio ritualebTan kavSirze miuTiTebdes; aris kidev bevri sxva jiSi. am mimarTulebiT muSaoba daw yebulia. mogexsenebaT, am saqmeSi myisier efeqts ver miviRebT, magram, darwmunebuli var, oTxi-xuTi wlis Semdeg STambeWdavi Sedegebi gveqneba. rac Seexeba saguramos proeqts, igi ufro patriotul da sulier moTxovnilebas ganekuTvneba. sxvadasxva instanciebTan 6-7 wliani brZo la dagvWirda saimisod, WavWavaZiseuli navenaxari gayidvisa da gaveranebisgan rom ga da gver Cina. amaSi didi wvlili miuZRviT ilia WavWavaZis saguramos muzeumis direqtors, baton andro bedukaZes
Cellar “Royal Askana” - will inevitably fit into the touristic “Wine Way”. In this respect, we closely cooperate with both, local and central government, as some works shall be funded by local municipality and some—by the central government. When we presented the project of Royal Askana, the common sense celebrated victory and the problem of funding of water supply to three villages was solved immediately. Within the scopes of the project the old piping made 50-70 years ago will be replaced. The government will participate in funding of improvement of the road to the village to ensure that the tourists will arrive to Askana without any delays. I think that so called “Green Project” launched in Adjara would be interesting and necessary in Guria as well. The project provides for distribution of vine nurslings among the population. Therefore, we shall implement the vine distribution project in Ozurgeti and Chokhatauri districts in the following years as well. In Guria, in addition to Chkhaveri, gradually disappeared because of grape-louse in the past century and now growing in our vineyards, there are numerous forgotten varieties: for example Jani, now grown in nonindustrial quantities, legendary Sakmiela. Maybe the name of the variety originates from incense, evidencing its association with the religious rituals; there are many other varieties. You know, we have already started working in this respect but this work cannot yield immediate results. Though, we are sure that in four or five years the results will be indeed impressive. As for Saguramo project, it is of rather patriotic and spiritual nature. We had to fight with various state organizations to save Chavcavadze’s vineyards from selling and ruining. Mr. Andro Bedukadze, Director of Saguramo
da mis megobrebs KTW-s uxu cesTa sabWodan Tamaz tyemalaZis meTaurobiT. Cveni daJinebuli mcdelobiT, rogorc iqna, ijariT gadmogveca WavWavaZeebis savenaxe teritoria, agreTve Tadeoz guramiSvilis Zveli marani, romelic, faqtobrivad, 30 wlis manZilze upatronod iyo mitovebuli da Cven misi restavracia daviwyeT. rogorc aRmoCnda, restavracia gacilebiT rTuli yofila, vid re axlis aSeneba _ decimetrdecimetr vacocxlebT Zvel marans. es ad gili sulierebis wyaroa _ erTi mxriv, ilia WavWavaZe da meore mxriv, daviT guramiSvili, Tundac Tadeoz guramiSvili da maTi
saxelovani gvari. maTi roli aR mo sav leT saqarTvelos istoriaSi, vfiqrob, usa marT lod aris miviwyebuli. proeqtis dasrulebis semdeg saguramoSi iqneba ara mxolod Rvinis marani, aramed aq Tavs moiyris srulyofili informacia am didebuli gvaris Sesaxeb. es mxolod turistebisTvis ar keTdeba, Zalian mniSvnelovania, Cvenma bavSvebma
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da axalgazrdobam ukeT gaicnon sakuTari qveynis istoria da rac SeiZleba bevri Seityon TavianTi saxelovani winaprebis Sesaxeb. mi saTvis Cven Sesabamis infrastruqturas movawyobT. paralelurad, WavWavaZiseuli miwebis 5-6 heqtar farTobze vazis miviwyebul nergebs davrgavT. aq gaSendeba: `xixvi~, `qisi~, `goruli mwvane~, kidev wiTeli vazis ramdenime ji Si. amasTan, konsul ta ciebi gvaqvs baton levan ujmajuriZesTan, raTa `mwva ne proeq ti~ analo giu rad aqac daviwyoT da glexebs nergebi ufasod davurigoT. aq aRd ge ni li miviwyebuli jiSebi mevenaxeobis ganviTarebis am umdidres regionSi sruliad gansxvavebuli organoleptikuri Tvisebebis mqone Rvinos mogvcems. bevrjer miTqvams da gameorebiT kvlavac ar daviRlebi _ udidesi madloba minda gadavuxado `mwvane proeqtis~ sulis Camdg melsa da upi ro bo, erTpirovnul avtors, baton biZina ivaniSvils, romelmac 7 wlis winaT Seuferxeblad daafinansa vazis uZvelesi qarTuli jiSebis aRorZinebis iseTi profesionalebi, rogo re bic arian levan ujmajuriZe da misi gundis wevrebi baton iuri nozaZis xelmZRvanelobiT. Sedegmac ar dayovna da dReisaTvis qarTuli vazis 437 jiSia aRdgenili. es proeqti saqarTvelos nebismier kuTxes saSualebas aZlevs, regionulad gana viTaros mevenaxeoba. es mevenaxeobisTvis, faqtobrivad, axali sulis STa bervaa. iciT albaT, rom inglisSi, londonSi, Rvinis muzeum “vino po lisSi” specialuri darazi eZRvneba saqarTvelos, sadac aRniSnulia, rom Rvinis akvani saqarTveloa. aq ki me xilul akvans vxedav, yurZnis 500-mde uZveles jiSs, romelTa didi nawili ukve daviwyebuli iyo da zogi Tur qeTidan, Zveli tao-klarjeTidan gadmoitanes,
Museum of Ilia Chavchavadze and his friends, under the leadership of Tamaz Tkemaladze, the member of KTW Board of Elders have contributed greatly to this. As a result of our insistent efforts we finally received on lease the territory of Chavchavadze’s vineyards, as well as the old wine cellar of Tadeoz Guramishvili, actually abandoned for 30 years and we started the restoration works. It turned out that restoration is much harder than construction of new buildings—we revive the old wine cellar inch by inch. This place is the source of spiritual wealth—on one hand Ilia Chavchavadze and on the other—David Guramishvili, or Tadeoz Guramishvili and their outstanding family. In my opinion, their role in the history of Eastern Georgia is unduly forgotten. After project completion, in Saguramo there will be the wine cellar, as well as complete information about this outstanding family. This is not done for the tourists only. It is significant that our children and youth got familiarized with the history of their country and know as much as possible about their famous forefathers. We shall arrange the necessary infrastructure for this. Simultaneously, on 5-6 ha area of Chavchavadze’s vineyards we shall plant the nurslings of the forgotten vine varieties, including Khikhvi, Kosi, Goruli Mtsvane, as well as several varieties of red grapes. In addition, we have consultations with Mr. Levan Ujmajuridze to commence Green Project here and distribute the vine nurslings to the farmers free of charge. In this richest region of viticulture the restored forgotten varieties will give the wines of absolutely different organoleptic properties. I have stated many times and I shall repeat once moreWI would like to thank the initiator and unconditionally sole author of Green Project, Mr. Bidzina Ivanishvili, who, 7 years ago, immediately provided funding work of the professionals of restoring of the ancient Georgian vine varieties as Levan Ujmajuridze and members of his team, headed by Yuri Nozadze.
zogi ki saqarTvelos sxva dasxva kuTxidan, kerZo venaxebidan Seagroves. es jiSebi CvenTvis, faqtobrivad, dakarguli iyo. guliswyvetiT minda vTqva, rom saqarT ve los Tvis udidesi mniSvnelobis mqone es proeqti jerovnad jer ar aris Sefasebuli, Tumca, didi imedi maqvs, rom mova dro da misi erovnuli mniSvneloba yvelasTvis cxadi gaxdeba. minda, mogaxsenoT, rom gvaqvs kidev erTi axali mimarTuleba _ xilis sakonservo warmoeba. aWaris da guriis regionebi mdidaria mravali saxeobis xiliT, rac xilis gadamamuSavebeli simZlavreebis uqonlobis gamo xSirad upatronod lpeba da ikargeba. KTW-m xilis gadamamuSavebeli mcire warmoebis mSeneblobaze proeqtebi waradgina da or regionSi gaimarjva: aWaraSi - qedaSi da guriaSi - CoxataurSi. am Temaze amjerad bevri laparaki ar minda, radgan aRniSnul sakiTxze amJamad vmuSaobT da Tan vswavlobT, Tumca wels orive qarxanas avaSenebT, Cven viciT, ra unda miviRoT, ra unda gavyidoT da amis Sesaxeb momaval wels, Jurnalis Semdegi nomris gamosvlisTvis, ufro metis moyolas SevZleb. ai, es iyo 2013-2014 wlebSi warmoebis mxriv yvelaze mniSvnelovani movlenebi. Tu SarSandel wels gadavavlebT Tvals, ar SeiZleba ar aRvniSno, rom kargi impulsi mogvca ruseTis bazris gaxsnam. Cven SarSan ruseTis bazarze pirvelebi SevediT da ganvlil periodSi sakmaod kargi maC ve nebeli gvaqvs. Zalian gamocdili partniorebi gvyavs, zogierT maTganTan embargomde gvqonda damyarebuli kargi urTierToba. maTac da sxvebmac KTW - sTan TanamSromlobis didi interesi gamoxates, rac CvenTvis erTgvari stimuli aRmoCnda. Tumca, Cven ar gvinda, mTlianad ruseTis bazarze
Our efforts yielded the results and currently 437 varieties of Georgian vine are restored. This project allows any region of Georgia to provide regional development of viticulture. Actually, this would revitalize viticulture. In England, London, in Vinopolis, the wine museum, the special hall is dedicated to Georgia, where there is written that Georgia is a cradle of wine. Here I can see the visible cradle, about 500 ancient vine varieties, most of which were already forgotten and some of them were brought from Turkey, some-from Tao Klarjeti and some-from various regions of Georgia, from private vineyards. Actually, these varieties were lost for us. I would like to state with sorrow that this project, so significant for Georgia is not properly appreciated, though I hope that the time will come and its national significance will become clear for all. I would like to inform you that we have one more new line-fruit canning enterprise. Adjara and Guria regions are rich with various fruits but these fruits are often lost because of absence of processing facilities. KTW submitted the projects of small processing enterprises and won in two regions: Adjara-Keda and Guria-Chokhatauri. I would not like to discuss these issues now, as we now work and study, though we shall complete both factories this year. We know what we should obtain, what should be sold and in the next issue of the magazine I shall be able to tell you more about this. These were the most significant news with respect of production in 2013-2014. Regarding past year, I shall admit that opening of Russian market was a good stimulus for us. We were the first, who entered Russian market, and we have quite good achievements in this period. We have very experienced partners, we have made relations with some of them before the ban and they, as well as the others, expressed great interest in cooperation with KTW and this is some kind of stimulus for us. Though, we
viyoT damokidebulni, radgan igi metad politizebulia da xval ra iqneba, aravin icis, amitom alternatiul gzebs veZebT. ukve me-5 welia, CineTTan vmuSaobT da arc erT weliwads ar gvqonia gayidvebis kleba. SarSan CineTidan axali partniorebic dagvematnen, romlebTanac efeq tia nad vmuSaobT da saqme ise midis, rom momavali wlisTvis gayid vebis gaormagebas vgegmavT. bolos, ar SemiZlia, ar vTqva imis Sesaxeb, rac presaSi araerTgzis aRminiSnavs. mewarmis gaTavisuflebam SiSisgan da dargisadmi saxelm wifos SarSandelma Tanadgomam didi Sedegi moitana _ zogadad dargi gafarTovda da 170 milionze metis produqcia Seiqmna. es Zalian didi Sedegia, Tanxobrivad aseTi Sedegi Cven ruseTis embargomdec ar gvqonia. `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ generaluri direqtori zurab CxaiZe
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don’t want to depend on Russian market exclusively, as it is excessively politicized and no one knows, what may happen tomorrow. Therefore, we are seeking the alternatives. We work with China for 5 years and the sales never decreased. Past year we found the new partners from China and we work with them effectively and plan to double the sales next year. Finally, I have to say once more, as I have mentioned many times, freeing of the entrepreneurs from the fear and state support to the industry last year provided significant results-sector in general expanded and the products for over 170 million were manufactured. This is indeed significant result. With respect of the money, we have not had such achievements even before the Russian ban. Zurab Chkhaidze General Director of KTW
В статье Генерального директора и основателя компании KTW-Group (Кахетинское Традиционное Виноделие), Зураба Чхаидзе, описана её деятельность, нацеленная на следующие приоритеты: 1) Выделение инвестиций для строительства новых и реконструкции старых заводов, с внедрением современных технологий, причем в Кахетии и Гурии, при заводах функционируют: дегустационный зал, фирменный магазин «Винная дорога» и турцентр, где можно приобрести марочные вин. 2) Расширение сырьевой базы путем приобретения частных виноградников (в том числе и у известного певца Пааты Бурчуладзе ). 3) Возрождение древних сортов виноградной лозы, в осуществлении этой программы большую роль сыграл еще 5 дет тому назад меценат Бидзина Иванишвили. По этой программе «Зеленый проект», в прошлщм году компанией было безвозмеэдно передано виноградарям в Аджарии и Гурии, 12 тыс. саженцев сорта «Чхавери» и «Цоликаури». 4) Новым направлением в деятельности компании является строительство заводов по переработке фруктов в Гурии и Аджарии. С целью обеспечения повсеместного контроля за качеством и безопасностью продукции, внедрена система современного европейского стандарта ISO 22000:2005. Благодаря правильно выбранной стратегии продукция KTW расширяет рынок сбыта в России, Китае и др. странах. Продукция компании экспортируется в 14 стран мира.
მოვლენათა კალენდარი
«კახური ტრადიციული მეღვინეობა» მოვლენათა კალენდარი
Calendar of events “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” September 2013-September 2014 kompania „kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba“ yovelTvis did yuradRebas uTmobs sakuTari produqciis cnobadobis amaRlebas, rac ara mxolod Cveni warmoebis, aramed sruliad dargis da mTlianad saqarTvelos popularizacias uwyobs xels. gasuli wlis manZilze kompaniam monawileoba miiRo TiTqmis yvela prestiJul saerTaSoriso gamofenasa Tu konkursSi. rogorc gasul wlebSi, ise axlac, „kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis“ produqcia yvelgan gansakuTrebuli yuradRebis centrSi iyo.
14 14
Company “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” always paid great attention to recognition of its products, contributing to popularization of not only our entity, but the sector as a whole and generally Georgia. For the past years, the Company has participated in almost all prestigious international exhibitions and competitions. Whether, in the past or present, products of KTW are attracting particular attention.
20.09.13 არაგვის გული
kaxurma tradiciulma meRvineobam~ aRadgina gasuli saukunis yvelaze popularuli brendi „aragvis guli“. saqarTvelos pirvel dedaqalaqSi, mcxeTaSi, iq, sadac aragvi mtkvars erTvis, napiri simbolurad iRebs gulis formas. es adgili saqarTvelos erTianobis erTgvari bunebriv simbolodaa qceuli. koniakis am brendis warmoebaSi mdinare aragvis sanapiro zvrebidan dakrefili yurZnis spirti gamoiyeneba. brendis pirveli partia ruseTis bazraze ukve gavida, uaxloes momavalSi ki misi ukrainasa da yazaxeTSi gagzavna igegmeba.
“Aragvis Guli” (Heart of Aragvi)
September 2013 Aragvis Guli the most popular brand of the past century! In Mtskheta, in the heart of the first capital of Georgia, where Aragvi joins Kura River, the river bank is of symbolic, heart shape and this symbol depicts unity of Georgia. Spirits used for production of this brandy are obtained from the vineyards located as on the left also on the right sides of Aragvi River. KTW restored brandy “Aragvis Guli” (Heart of Aragvi) in 2013 and its first shipments were already sent to Russian market. This brandy is intended for Ukraine and Kazakhstan as well.
მოვლენათა კალენდარი
27.09.13 პრემიუმ კლასის ღვინოების ახალი ხაზი ჩინეთში
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27.09.13 premium
class wines in Cihina
`kaxurma tradiciulma meRvineobam~ CineTSi premium klasis Rvinoebis axali xazi gaagzavna, romelic samxreT-aRmosavleT CineTSi arsebuli erT-erTi umsxvilesi kompaniisTvis (Dege Group) specialurad Camoisxa. In September 2013, KTW has exported to China the new line of premium class wines, made especially for “Dege Group”, one of the largest companies of South-Eastern China.
«kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba» kidev erTxel aRmoCnda yuradRebis centrSi. kompaniis premium koleqciis Rvinoebma udidesi aRiareba moipoves iseT mniSvnelovan konkursze, rogoricaa Decanter Asia 2013. dajildovda kompaniis gansakuTrebuli maragis oTxi saxeobis premium Rvino - `muxranis Cinuri~, `cageris colikauri~, `kaxuri muskati~ da `veliscixis saferavi~. aRsaniSnavia, rom `premium saferavi~ wels meoTxed gaxda medalosani amjerad mas vercxlis medali mieniWa.
November 2013 Decanter Asia, KTW products are in the limelight again, wines of premium collection gained recognition at such significant competition as Decanter Asia 2013. Premium wines of special reserves of the Company— Chinuri from Mukhrani, Tsolikauri fromTsageri, Kakhetian Muscat and Saperavi from Velistsikhe were awarded. It is notable that premium Saperavi was awarded fourth time this year. Now it was awarded silver medal.
23.11.13 Decanter Asia:
მოვლენათა კალენდარი
27.02.14 „kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis“ TanamSromlebi amjerad kaxeTSi Seikribnen, sadac sazeimod ikurTxa kompaniis kidev erTi axali sawarmos saZirkveli. axali qarxana mukuznisa da axaSenis mikrozonaSi, gurjaanis raionis sofel veliscixesTan aSendeba. uaxlesi evropuli teqnologiiT aRWurvili sawarmos warmadoba 3000 tona yurZnis miRebagadamuSavebazea gaTvlili. axali obieqti, romelic mTlianad evrostandartebze iqneba morgebuli, saSualebas mogvcems, mniSvnelovnad gavzardoT evrovnuli produqciis warmoeba da gayidvebi. qarxnis mSenebloba xuTi TveSi unda dasruldes.
February 2014 Personnel of KTW gathered in the center of Georgian winery, Kakheti, where the basement of one more enterprise was blessed. New factory will be constructed at village Velistsikhe, Gurjaani District, in Mukuzani microzone and Akhasheni microzone. It will be located among the best scenes of Kvareli Mountains. The enterprise will be equipped with the state-of-art European technologies and its installed capacity provides acceptance and processing of 3000 tons of grapes. New entity, entirely complying with the European standards would allow significant growth of the production of domestic goods and their sales. Factory construction will complete in five months.
02. 2014
09 . 2014
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07. 2014
09. 2014
„kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba“ ukve mexuTe welia regularulad monawilebs germaniis qalaq diuseldorfSi gamarTul Rvinisa da alkoholuri sasmelebis yovelwliur gamofenaSi Prowein 2014, sadac kompaniis produqcia yovelTvis didi mowonebiT sargeblobs. kompaniam wels ukve meored warmoadgina premium xazis iseTi iSviaTi jiSis Rvinoebi, rogorebicaa: `CxaiZis Cxaveri~, `sviris cicqa~, `Cinuris muxrani~, `cageris colikauri~, `kaxuri muskati~ da ~veliscixis saferavi~. gansakuTrebuli yuradReba daimsaxures qvevris eqskluziurma Rvinoebmac.
23-25.03. Prowein 2014
March 2014 In Dusseldorf, Germany, the annual exhibition of wine and spirits, Prowein 2014 was arranged. For last five years Company KTW is a regular participant of this event and our products are very popular. This year, the Company presented the premium wines made of the rare grape varieties: Chkhaidze Chkhaveri, Tsitska fromSviri, ChinurifromMukhrani, TsolikaurifromTsageri, Kakhetian Muscat and Saperavi from Velistsikhe, as well as the exclusive non-bottled wines, which were subject to particular notion and recognition.
მოვლენათა კალენდარი
ღვინის ტურიზმის მეექვსე საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია
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Sixth International Conference on Wine Tourism 28-29.03.14 Rvinis turizmis meeqvse saerTaSoriso konferencias wels saqarTvelom umaspinZla. RonisZiebam, romelic sastumro „Tbilisi mariotSi“ ori dRis ganmavlobaSi mimdinareobda, sxvadasxva qveynis 150-mde stumars mouyara Tavi. stumarTa Soris iyvnen somelieebi, turoperatorebi da turizmis industriis sxva warmomadgenlebi. „kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba“ konferenciis stumrebs iSviaTi jiSis premium klasis RvinoebiT gaumaspinZlda. aRsaniSnavia, rom safirmo brendma „CxaiZis Cxaveri“ somelieTa gansakuTrebuli simpaTia daimsaxura. konferenciis Semdeg „kaxurma tradiciulma meRvineobam“ stumrebs mcxeTaSi, „qarTuli Rvinis palataSi“ umaspinZla, sadac isini Cveni kompaniis sxva turistul obieqtebsac gaecvnen. gansakuTrebuli interesi kaxeTSi mdebare safirmo maranma „veliscixis verandam“ daimsaxura. viziti profesionali Rvinis eqpertis mier Catarebuli degustaciiT dasrulda.
March 2014 This year, Georgia hosted the Sixth International Conference on Wine Tourism. This event was held at Hotel Tbilisi Marriott, for two days and was attended by 150 guests from various countries, including the sommeliers, tour operators and representatives of the entities operating in the tourism sphere. Within the scopes of the Conference, KTW offered to the guests the premium class wines made of the rare grape varieties and brand Chkhaidze Chkhaveri was particularly appreciated by the sommeliers. After the Conference, KTW invited the guests to the Georgian Wine Chamber, where they got familiarized with the other tourist sites of the Company. Brand wine cellar Velistsikhe Veranda located in Kakheti attracted particular interest. Visit ended with the wine testing conducted by the professional wine expert.
03.04.14 ISOO 22 000-2005.
April 2014 Company Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking offered one more novelty to its consumers. Company has introduced Food Safety and Quality Management Standard ISO 22000-2005. Thus the Company emphasized once more its care about its consumers, complying with all requirements of food safety and trade legislation. Certification audit was conducted by German company TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH
„kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba“ sakuTari momxmareblis winaSe kidev erTi siaxliT wardga - kompaniam danerga sursaTis uvneblobisa da xarisxis menejmentis standarti ISOO 22 000-2005, riTac kidev erTxel gausva xazi, rom zrunavs sakuTar momxmarebelze da sursaTis uvneblobisa da vaWrobis kanonmdeblobiT gaTvaliswinebul yvela moTxovnas akmayofilebs. sertificiriebis auditi germanulma kompaniam TÜV SÜD Mana¬gement-Service GmbH-ma Caatara.
მოვლენათა კალენდარი
პარტნიორები რუსეთიდან
22 22
Partner from Russia 14-15.05.14 „kaxurma tradiciulma meRvineobam“ ruseTidan Camosul partniorebs umaspinZla. `rotor haus brend menejmentis” warmomadgenlebma daaTvalieres kompaniis sawarmoebi da turistuli infrastruqtura, gaecnen saqarTvelos istoriul adgilebsa da meRvineobis tradiciebs. aRniSnulma vizitma qarTveli da rusi meRvineebis daaxlovebas Seuwyo xeli.
May 2014 KTW was visited by its partner from Russia, Rotor House Brand Management Company. Partners visited the Company’s enterprises and tourist infrastructure, they got familiarized with the historical places of Georgia and its winemaking traditions. Visit contributed greatly to close relations between Georgian and Russian winemakers.
მაისში espaneTis q. xeresSi gamarTul Semagrebuli, tkbili da sadeserto Rvinoebis gamofenaze Vinoble 2014 „kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba“ naxevradtkbili RvinoebiT iyo warmodgenili. gamofena sami dRis manZilze mimdinareobda da masSi saxelganTqmuli somelieebi, Rvinis eqspertebi da importiorebi monawileobdnen. gamofenis farglebSi gaimarTa prezentacia saxelwodebiT „qarTuli Rvino“, sadac Rvinis eqspertma liza granitma saqarTvelos istoriasa da qarTuli Rvinis unikalurobaze isaubra. prezentaciis stumrebs saSualeba hqondaT daegemovnebinaT Cveni kompaniis safirmo Rvinoebi `Cxaveri~, `qinZmarauli~ da `kaxuri muskati~, romlebmac maTi didi mowoneba daimsaxures.
May 2014 KTW participated in exhibition of strong, sweet and desert wines Vinoble 2014, arranged in Jerez, Spain where the semi-duce wines of the Company were presented. Exhibition lasted for 3 days and it was attended by famous sommeliers, wine experts and importers. Within the scopes of exhibition presentation “Georgian Wine” was arranged, where Liza Granit, wine expert discussed the history of Georgia, in general, as well as unique nature of Georgian wines. At the presentation, the attendees had the opportunity to taste Company’s brand wines Chkhaveri, Kindzmarauli and Kakhetian Muscat. These wines deserved their great appreciation.
მოვლენათა კალენდარი
“Winexpo Georgia 2014” 6-8.06.14
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Catarda Rvinisa da alkoholuri sasmelebis saerTaSoriso konkursi WinExpo Georgia, romelzec `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ premium Rvinoebi „cageris colikauri“ da „muxranis Cinuri“ vercxlis medlebiT dajildovdnen. aRsaniSnavia, rom am konkursze es Cveni pirveli warmateba ar yofila - 2013 wels „veliscixis saferavma“ oqros medali, „muxranis Cinurma“ da „kaxurma muskatma“ ki vercxlis medlebi daimsaxures.
June 2014“Winexpo Georgia”, International competition of wine and spirits was arranged, where Company’s premium class wines Tsolikauri fromTsageri and Chinuri from Mukhrani were awarded silver medals. It should be noted that this was not the first success of premium class wines at this competition. In 2013, Saperavi from Velistsikhe was awarded golden medal and Chinuri from Mukhrani and Kakhetian Muscat wer awarded silver medals.
saqarTvelos erovnuli turizmis administraciisa da USAID-is proeqtis - «ekonomikuri aRmavlobis iniciativa EPI»-is organizebiT, qarTuli Rvinis turizmis popularizaciis mizniT, saqarTveloSi ukrainis wamyvan JurnalistTa jgufi Camovida. 16-18 ivniss Jurnalistebs kompania `kaxurma tradiciulma meRvineobam~ umaspinZla. gaimarTa miReba q. mcxeTaSi, `qarTuli Rvinis palataSi~, sadac ukraineli Jurnalistebis SekiTxvebs kompaniis damfuZnebelma, batonma zurab CxaiZem da turizmis departamentis Tavmjdomarem batonma giorgi siguam upasuxes, dRis bolos ki stumrebma `qarTuli Rvinis palatis~ restoranSi qarTuli kerZebi da `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ premium klasis Rvinoebi daagemovnes. stumrebisTvis Catarda specialuri seminaric, romlis meSveobiTac maT qarTuli Rvinisa da qarTuli tradiciebis Sesaxeb sruli informacia miiRes.
June 2014 Georgian National Tourism Administration and USAID project Economic Progress Incentive (PI) arranged, for elucidation of Georgian wine tourism, the visit of the group of leading Ukrainian journalists. Within the scopes of planned event, on 16-18 June, “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” hosted the journalists. On 16 June, they visited Georgian Wine Chamber in Mtskheta, they recorded interview with the founder of the Company, Mr. Zurab Chkhaidze and Chairman of Tourism Department, Mr. George Sigua. Later, on that day, the guests tasted Georgian national cuisine and premium class wines of KTW at the restaurant of Georgian Wine Chamber. Special seminar was arranged for the guests to provide full information about Georgian wine and generally, Georgian traditions.
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ARGO 2014 4.07.2014 saqarTveloSi tim severini da `axali argonavtebi~ Camovidnen, romlebmac `axali argonavtebis~ pirveli eqspediciis saqarTveloSi mogzaurobis 30 wlisTavisadmi miZRvnil saerTaSoriso konferenciaSi `argo 2014~ miiRes monawileoba. konferenciis monawileTaTvis mowyobili Rvinis turi 3 ivliss kaxeTSi, sof. patarZeulSi, kompania `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ axal sawarmoSi daiwyo. patarZeulidan `argonavtebma~ siRnaRSi gadainacvles, saRamos ki gurjaanis raionis sofel veliscixeSi, kompaniis safirmo marans, `veliscixis verandas~ estumrnen. 4 ivliss stumrebs q. mcxeTaSi `qarTuli Rvinis palatam~ umaspinZla.
June 2014Within the scopes of international Conference “Argo 2014”, Tim Severin and Argonauts visited Georgia. The event was dedicated to 30th anniversary of Argonauts’ voyage to Georgia. On July 3, within the scopes of Argo 2014, the wine tour was arranged, starting from the new factory of KTW in village Paratdzeuli, Kakheti, further they visited Sighnaghi and at 16:00, they continued the tour at brand wine cellar of the Company in village Velistsikhe, named Velistsikhe Veranda. On 4 July, at 17:00, the Argonauts visited Georgian Wine Chamber in Mtskheta.
«kaxurma tradiciulma meRvineobam» CineTSi, q. pekinSi gamarTul Rvinis saerTaSoriso gamofenaSi BEIJING (YANQING) INTERNATIONAL WINE EXPOSITION 2014 miiRo monawileoba. gamofenas adgilobrivi distributorebi da importiorebi, msoflios sxvadasxva kuTxidan Camosuli gamocdili somelieebi da Rvinis eqspertebi eswrebodnen. Cvenma kompaniam warmoadgina rogorc evropuli, ise tradiciuli qvevris da premium xazis Rvinoebi. damswreTa gansakuTrebuli mowoneba da interesi swored qvevris `saferavma~ daimsaxura. gamofenis farglebSi Catarda Rvinis seminari adgilobrivi importiorebisa da baierebis monawileobiT, gaimarTa Sexvedrebi samTavrobo da arasamTavrobo seqtoris warmomadgenlebTan.
July 2014 Company“Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” participated in international wine exhibition in Beijing, China, named 2014 BEIJING (YANQING) INTERNATIONAL WINE EXPOSITION. Exposition was attended by local distributors and importers, as well as the experienced sommeliers and wine experts from various countries. Our Company has presented both, European and traditional wines of premium line. The visitors particularly appreciated and showed interest to the Saperavi made in large cley vessel kvevri. Within the scopes of Expositin the meetings were arranged with the representatives of the state and nongovernmental secors. The wine seminar was arranged for the local importers and buyers.
მოვლენათა კალენდარი
ქედა Keda
29-31.07.14 `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ kidev erTi proeqti, romelic zemo aWaraSi, qedaSi Rvinis qarxnis mSeneblobas iTvaliswinebs, adgilobriv mevenaxeebs mosavlis dabinavebis problemas mTlianad mouxsnis. qedis qarxnis mSeneblobas safuZveli 2014 wlis wlis TebervalSi Caeyara da ramdenime TveSi unda dasruldes. masSi Rvinos rogorc tradiciuli, ise Tanamedrove teqnologiebiT daamzadeben. sawarmos mSeneblobaSi kompania 1 mln aSS dolaris investicias ganaxorcielebs. am proeqtis Semadgenelia kidev erTi aqcia - `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ saCuqari maRalmTiani aWaris mevenaxeebs, romelic maRalmTian aWaraSi vazis iSviaTi jiSis nergebis ufasod darigebas iTvaliswinebs. kompaniis generaluri direqtoris zurab CxaiZis TqmiT, pirvel etapze, `Cxaveris~ 8500-mde nergi municipalitetis yvela sofelSi darigda. miRebul mosavals glexebi qedis Rvinis axal qarxanaSi Caabareben.
July 2014 Gift of “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” to the viticulturists of high mountain regions of Adjara. One more project of KTW, providing construction of the wine factory in Keda, initiated in February, this year, will provide complete solution of harvest storage for the local viticulturists in the nearest future. At Keda factory the wine will be made applying both, the modern and traditional technologies. The Company will invest $1 million in factory construction. One more activity is the part of this project—with KTW incentive, the nurslings of rare grape varieties were distributed in high mountain regions of Adjara. As Zurab Chkhaidze mentioned, at the first stage, 8500 nurslings of Chkhaveri were distributed in all villages of the municipality. The harvests will be delivered to the wine factory, tom be constructed in few months.
03. 2014
10 . 2014 28 28
07. 2014
10. 2014
ახალი ქარხანა ველისციხეში
September 2014New enterprise of “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” was opened in village Velistsikhe, Gurjaani District. Factory construction commenced in March 2014. It is equipped with the state-of-art machinery corresponding to the international standards, with the stainless steel cisterns and refrigeration facilities. Its installed capacity is 5000 tons of grapes.
gurjaanis raionis sofel veliscixeSi kompania „kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis“ axali yurZnis gadamamuSavebeli qarxana gaixsna, romlis mSenebloba 2014 wlis Tebervlis TveSi Caeyara safuZveli. veliscixis qarxana aRWurvilia saerTaSoriso standartebis uaxlesi danadgarebiTa da teqnikiT, uJangavi foladis cisternebiTa da samacivre meurneobiT. axali sawarmo 5000 tona yurZenis miReba gadamuSavebazea gaTvlili.
მოვლენათა კალენდარი
უახლოესი გეგმები 2014 wlis bolomde dagegmilia or saerTaSoriso konkursSi monawileoba - Decanter Asia da hong-kongis Rvinisa da spirtiani sasmelebis saerTaSoriso konkursi HKIWSC. `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba~ monawileobas miiRebs sarTaSoriso gamofenebSi evropaSi poloneTsa da norvegiaSi da aziaSi - Cengdusa da hong kongSi. gvjera, rom momavali weli ufro met gamarjvebasa da aRiarebas mogvitans, rac ara mxolod Cveni, aramed mTlianad qveynisa da qarTuli Rvinis udidesi warmateba iqneba.
By the end of 2014 Decanter Asia and Hong Kong international competition of wine and spirits HKIWSC are scheduled, as well as the expositions in Asia: in particular, in Cheng du and Hong Kong; and in Europe: Poland and Norway. We believe that the next year will bring more achievements and recognition and this will be not only our success but of the country in general and Georgian wine. В статье эксперта-менеджера, Экатерины Хмиадашвили, приводится календарь мероприятий, проведенных компанией KTW, с 2013 по 2014 год, направленных на популяризацию как грузинского виноделия, так и продукции KTW, в частности. С этой целью компания принимала участие в международных выставках и конкурсах, где её продукция пользовалась неизменным успехом. За истекший период, премиум-класса продукция компании получила золотую и несколько серебряных и бронзовых медалей. В селе Велисцихе Гурджаанского района Кахетии, начато и закончено строительство нового винного завода, способного принять 4000 тонны винограда. В селе Кеда (Верхняя Аджара), построен завод, способный полностью удовлетворить потребности местного населения, которому компания бесплатно передала 8,5 тыс. саженцев виноградной лозы. С целью укрепления деловых связей, представители компании выезжали в разные страны, а также принимали у себя гостей, что создало предпосылки для дальнейшего расширения рынков сбыта, развития сферы винного туризма и стабилизации производства, что неоднократно подчеркивал в своих выступлениях по телевидению и в печати, Генеральный директор компании, Зураб Чхаидзе.
eka xmiadaSvili eqsportis menejeri
Eka Khmiadashvili Export Manager
"kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis" axali qarxana patarZeulSi 2013 wlis 28 seqtembers kaxeTis gzatkecilze, Tbilisidan 40 kilometrSi, sagarejos raionis sofel patarZeulSi, S.p.s `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis“ axali Rvinis qarxana gaixsna. qarxana sami ZiriTadi korpusisagan Sedgeba da TiToeulSi individualurad xdeba Rvinis, brendis da WaWis warmoebis teqnologiuri procesebis gadanawileba, ZiriTadi procesebi ki pirvel korpusSi mimdinareobs, sadac Camomsxmeli xazebi da sakupaJe cisternebia ganlagebuli.
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New wine factory of “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” was launched on 28 September 2013 in village Patardzeuli, Sagarejo District, on Kakheti Road, in 40 km from Tbilisi, for the purpose of production of wine, brandy and traditional chacha vodka. The factory includes three main buildings and technological processes, of wine, brandy and chacha production, are individually distributed in each of the three buildings. The key processes in the factory take place in the Building I, where the bottling lines and blending reservoirs are located.
I korpusi – Camosxmis saamqro qarxnis I saamqroSi xdeba Rvinis, brendisa da WaWis Camosxma. igi Sedgeba Camosxmis xazisa da sakupaJe cisternebisgan. qarxnis am zonas `sufTa zona” ewodeba da izolirebul korpusSia ganTavsebuli. zonaSi Sesvla mxolod steriluri xalaTebiTa da fexsacmliTaa SesaZlebeli. Camosxmis saamqros tara sawyobidan konveieruli wesiT miewodeba. garecxili da dezinficirebuli boTlebi SefuTulia hermertulad da dalagebulia paletze. sawarmoSi muSaobs ori Camomsxmeli xazi, aRWurvili evropis wamyvani teqnologiuri kompaniis, italiuri Dela Topolla-s uaxlesi, 2013 wels gamoSvebuli mowyobilobebiTa da avtomatizebuli oTxpoziciani danadgarebiT (boTlis Siga da gare zedapirebis recxva, CaCisa da etiketis avtomaturi distribucia).
KTW wine products Building I—bottling shop Through combination of the modern technologies and the ancient traditions of Kakhetian winemaking, the Company managed to maintain the unique old taste of wine. The grapes are accepted in stainless steel containers or polyethylene boxes. Accepted grapes are subject to acceptance control (examination, weighting) and placed into the receiver bin. At this point the hygiene control, visual control, variety purity control take place. Grapes processing takes place on the permanent operation line consisting of crushing, draining and pressing machines. Pomace—chacha obtained as a result of grapes processing is utilized and sweet juice is left for settling. Juice settling takes place in the vertical reservoir. Immediately after completion of fermentation the wine is poured into the
Rvinis warmoeba
kompaniam Tanamedrove teqnologiebisa da kaxuri meRvineobis uZvelesi tradiciebis SerwymiT SeZlo SeenarCunebina Rvinis Zveli unikaluri gemo. yurZeni qarxanaSi uJangavi foladis ZarebiT an polieTilenis yuTebiT Semodis. Semavali kontrolis (Semowmeba, awonva) gavlis Semdeg yurZens yrian mimReb bunkerSi. am dros xorciledeba higienuri, vizualuri da jiSobrivi sisufTavis kontroli. yurZnis gadamuSavdeba uwyveti moqmedebis xazze, romelic Sedgeba saWyleti, sawreti da sawnexi danadgarebisgan, ris Semdegac miiReba WaWa da tkbili. WaWa midis utilizaciaze, tkbili ki dasawdomad gadadis vertikalur cisternaSi. duRilis damTavrebisTanave Rvino gadaaqvT stacionarul WurWelSi, gadaavseben mas da cisternas xufaven. dawmendis Semdeg Rvinos xsnian leqidan da gadaaqvT sufTa WurWelSi. davargebuli Rvino gadis laboratoriul Semowmebas, romlis drosac testireba tardeba saxelmwifo standartis yvela komponentze. damuSavebuli Rvino ifiltreba da gadaecema Camosxmis saamqros. TiToeuli Camosasxmeli xazi gankuTvnilia brendisa da RvinisTvis cal-calke. amave SenobaSi xdeba mza produqciis SefuTva-dasawyobeba. produqciis Camosxmis procesSi xorcieldeba milebisa da Camomsxmeli manqanis sisufTavis monitoringi. yoveli samuSaos dawyebis win Camomsxmeli manqana da milgayvaniloba irecxeba orTqlis aparatiT. avzs utardeba laboratoriuli analizi; danarCeni manqana-danadgarebi da saamqro sufTavdeba `higienis programis mixedviT”, sveli
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stationary vessel to fill it completely and further the vessel is sealed. After settling, the wine is removed from the settled product and moves it to the clean vessel. Matured wine is examined and tested in the laboratory for all state standard properties. Processed wine is further filtered and transported to the bottling shop. Bottling shop—wine, brandy and chacha are bottled in this shop. It includes the bottling line, blending reservoirs. This zone is called “clean zone” and it is located separately in the building. Entering into this zone is allowed with the sterile overalls and footwear only. From the tare warehouse the tare is supplied to the bottling shop by conveyor system, where the bottles are washed and disinfected. Bottles are sealed hermetically and placed on the palettes. The enterprise has two bottling lines with the equipment manufactured by leading European company, Italian Dela Topolla. The automated state-of-art equipment was produced in 2013 (bottle internal washing, external washing, automated caps distribution, four-position labeling machine). Each of the lines is intended separately, for brandy and wine, where wine and brandy bottling is provided independently. Ready products are packaged and stored in the same building. In the bottling process the monitoring of pipes and dispenser machines cleanness is provided, before commencement of each work the piping and dispenser machine are washed by means of steam aggregate. The reservoir is lab tested; all other equipment and the ship are cleaned according to the “hygiene program”, by wet method. After all these operations, the filtered wines are placed in the
wesiT. gafiltruli Rvinoebi SeaqvT Camomsxmel manqanaSi, sadac Camosxma 12-dan 14째C-mde temperaturaze mimdinareobs. Camosxmis procesSi produqcia kvlav mowmdeba mTel rig parametrebze. Rvino isxmeba Sualedur boTlebSi, sadac kidev erT Semowmebas _ mikrobiologiuri tests gaivlis. Sualedur boTlebSi Camosxmuli Rvino mza produqciis sawyobSi xuTi dRis ganmavlobaSi inaxeba, mikrobiologiuri testis uaryofiTi pasuxis SemTxvevaSi ki, rac imas niSnavs, rom Rvino yvela dadgenil standarts Seesabameba, produqcia mzaddeba sarealizaciod _ Rvino damatebiT ifiltreba sterilur membranul filtrSi, civi meTodiT isxmeba sarealizacio WurWelSi, ixufeba, ukeTdeba etiketi, ifuTeba muyaos yuTebSi da magrdeba paletze. mza produqciis miwodeba xorcieldeba kontraqtis, Sesabamisi specifikaciebisa da SekveTis safuZvelze.
bottling machine. Bottling takes place at 12-14째C temperature. Bottling process includes testing of number of parameters. The wine is poured into the middle bottles, here contents of alcohol, sulfur dioxide, microbiological test is conducted and bottled wine is stored in the warehouse of ready products for five days. In case of negative microbiological test results, implying that the wine complies with all standards, the product is taken for sale. In the bottling shop the wine is additionally filtered in the sterile membrane filter. Further the wine is poured into the bottles intended for sale the bottles are labeled, packaged in the cardboard boxes and attached to the palettes. Ready products are delivered in accordance with the contract, relevant specifications and order.
qarxnis Rvinis produqcia:
The wine products include:
TeTri Rvino:
White wines:
muxranis Cinuri
• cageris Cinuri • CxaiZis Cxaveri • axalcixis rislingi
• Mukhrani Chinuri • Tsageri Chinuri • Chkhaidze Chkhaveri
• sviris cicqa
• Akhaltsikhe Riesling
• winandali
• Sviti Tsitska, Tsinandali
• manavi
• Manavi
• colikauri
• Tsolikauri
• Tvishi
• alaznis veli •
Tbilisis legenda da sxva. wiTeli Rvino:
• Alaznis Veli • Gurjaani • Tbilisi Legent etc.
Red wines:
• qinZmarauli • mukuzani
• xvanWkara
Alaznis Veli
Saperavi Muscat
alaznis veli
• saferavi •
saferavi muskati
axaSeni vardisferi Rvino:
• roze •
maisis vardis surneli
ias vardi tradiciuli qvevris Rvino:
• rqawiTeli • saferavi romlebzec bolo wlebSi moTxovnileba gaizarda rogorc saqarTveloSi, ise sazRvargareT. spirtiani sasmelebis warmoeba
sabrende spirtebisTvis Rvinis distilacia xdeba rTvelis Semdeg _ noembridan momdevno wlis maisis Tvemde. distilacia xorcieldeba spirtis saxdel specialur aparatSi. sabrende spirtisTvis iReben e.w. ,,Suanaxads”, romlis simagre 62-
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Rose wines: •
Odor of May Roses
Ias Roze
In addition, the factory produces traditional kvevri wines: •
highly demanded both, domestically and abroad.
70 gradusia, ,,Tavnaxadsa” da ,,bolonaxads” ki acileben da uSveben utilizaciaze. sabrende spirtis daZveleba, romlis xangrZlivobac sami da meti welia, mimdinareobs iberikas muxis kasrebsa da italiuri firmis emalis cisternebSi muxis tkeCze. spirtis kupaJi xorcieldeba asakis, fizikoqimiuri da organoleptikuri maxasiaTeblebisa da mza brendis kategoriis gaTvaliswinebiT. aqve emateba sirofi da ko-leri. sawarmoSi brendis damuSaveba xdeba siciviT. damuSavebis Semdeg brendi moixsneba dekantaciiT, ifiltreba da dgeba dasvenebaze sul cota 3 Tvis ganmavlobaSi. dasvenebis Semdeg brends filtraven, Camoasxaven axal sarealizacio WurWelSi, aformeben, fuTaven da amagreben satransporto paletebze. warmoebis yovel etapze xorcieldeba nedelulis, damxmare tara-masalis, Sualeduri produqciis fizikoqimiuri da organoleptikur kontroli. mza produqciis miwodeba xorcieldeba kontraqtis, Sesabamisi specifikaciebisa da SekveTis Sesabamisad. sxvadasxva saxeobis brendi (koniaki): • Zveli kaxeTi ( 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13 da 17-wliani daZvelebiT); • aragvis guli (3, 4, 5 7, da 10-wliani daZvelebiT) • iveria (3, 4, 5 7, da 10-wliani daZvelebiT) WaWis warmoeba `WaWa” miiReba daduRebuli, gamownexili an gamouwnexavi yurZnis WaWis gamoxdiT pirdapir wylis orTqliT an wylis damatebis Semdeg. yurZnis WaWaze SesaZlebelia Rvinis leqis damatebac. aseve dasaSvebia WaWis eqstragirebiT miRebuli spirtwyalxsnaris gamoxda da/an zemoaRwerili wesiT miRebuli spirtis xelmeore gamoxda. miRebul naxadSi spirtis Semcveloba ar unda aRematebodes 75 moculobiT procents, ris Semdegadac xdeba kupaJireba. WaWa davargebulia Sesabamis bunebriv rbilobze ara nakleb sami Tvisa. Camosxmis win siTxe gadis membranul filtrebSi. sxvadasxva saxeobis WaWa: • tarxuna • klasikuri • kakali • Tafli • yurZeni
Production of the alcohol beverages For the brandy spirits wine distillation is provided after harvesting—from November to May of the following year. Distillation is provided in the special spirit distilling units. For brandy the alcohol is taken in the middle of distillation process, its strength is 62-70. The alcohol produced in the beginning and end of distillation process is disposed off. Brandy alcohol is aged in the oak barrels, manufactured by Iberika and enamel cisterns on oak chips. Aging of the alcohols is 3 years or more. Alcohol blending is provided regarding physical, chemical and organoleptic properties and category of ready brandy. Syrup and color are added here as well. At our enterprises brandy processing is provided by cold. After processing the brandy is removed through decantation, it is filtered and left, for at least 3 months. After this period brandy is filtered, bottled into new bottles intended for sale, decorate and package them and attach to the palettes for transportation. Of course at each stage the raw materials, supplementary materials, tare, intermediate products are controlled with respect of their physical, chemical and organoleptic properties. Ready products are delivered in accordance with the contract, relevant specifications and order. KTW is proud of brandies of various ages and chacha Factory produces various
brandies (cognac): •
Old Kakheti (3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13 and 17 years aging)
Heart of Aragvi (3, 4, 5, 7, and 10 years aging)
Iveria (3, 4, 5, 7 and 10 years aging)
Chacha production Company produces 5 sorts of chacha— •
Chacha is obtained through distillation of the fermented, pressed or non-pressed grape pomaces directly by water steam or after adding of water. Wine precipitate may be added to the grape chacha. It is also possible to distil the alcohol-water solution obtained through pomace extraction and/or re-distillation of the alcohol obtained by the above
II korpusi - Rvinomasalis saamqro saamqro aRWurvilia titanis liTonisgan damzadebuli Tanamedrove Termoregulaciis perangiani cisternebiT, romlebic aRWurvilia sxvadasxva mowyobilobebiT (sadekantacio mili, temperaturuli kontrolis maCvenebeli, mzomi Skala da sxva). Rvinomasalis saamqros samacivre meurneoba Sedgeba eqvsi agregatisgan, romelTa meSveobiTac xdeba cisternebis Termoregulacia, rac uzrunvelyofs cirkulaciis gziT Rvinis swraf gaciebas, es ki Rvinomasalis siciviT damuSavebisa da Rvinis xarisxis mniSvnelovnad gaumjobesebis saSualebas iZleva. Setivnarebuli nivTierebebis mosacileblad da Rvinis gamWirvalobis misaRwevad gamoiyeneba Delatopolla-s firmis filtrebi. amave korpusSi xdeba Rvinis, brendisa da WaWis kupaJebis damzadeba, rac sursaTis uvneblobis winaswar gawerili programis mixedviT mimdinareobs. IIkorpusi daxuruli sistemiT ukavSirdeba pirvel korpuss, rac dadebiTad aisaxeba produqciis xarisxze.
III korpusi -SuSxuna Rvinisa da Tixis WurWelSi Rvinis Camosxmis saamqro saqarTvelos meRvineobaSi uZvelesi droidan gamoiyeneba Tixis specialuri WurWeliqvevri. qvevrSi dayenebuli Rvino gamoirCeva gansakuTrebuli gemoTi da mdidaria sasargeblo mikroelementebiT. dRes meRvineobaSi specialur Tixas - bentonits iyeneben. bentoniti aumjobesebs Rvinis biologiur stabilurobas da Seiwovs sxvadasxva mikroorganizmebs (baqteriebi, safuari). mecnierebis mier saqarTvelos bentonituri Tixa msoflioSi erT-erT saukeTesodaa aRiarebuli. Tixas gaaCnia mravali samkurnalo Tviseba. maT Soris: avadmyofobis Sesrutva, antibaqteriuli aqtivoba da mzis magnetizmi. keramikis warmoeba saqarTveloSi Cvens welTaRricxvamde me-8 - me-6 saukuneebidan iwyeba. Rvinis didi raodenobiT Sesanaxad gamoiyeneba sxvadasxva moculobis qvevri (50 dan 3000 litramde), yoveldRiuri moxmarebisTvis ki doqebi, WinWilebi, Tasebi da sxva formis Tixis WurWeli. uZveles qarTul leqsikonSi Rvinis 50-mde dasaxelebis Tixis WurWeli moixsenieba, romelTagan 15-mde doqis saxeobaa. `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba~ saqarTveloSi Tixis WurWelSi Rvinis Camosxmis aRorZinebis
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mentioned methods. In the obtained product alcohol content should not exceed 75 volume per cent. After this, blending takes place. Chacha is drawn on the relevant natural pulp for no less than 3 months. Before bottling the liquid passes the membrane filters. Building II—Wine materials shop Wine materials shop is equipped with the state-of-art coated cisterns with thermal regulation made of titanium metal with various modern accessories (decantation pipe, temperature control display, measuring scale, etc). The refrigerator facility includes six aggregates providing thermal regulation of the cisterns providing rapid cooling through wine circulation, allowing cold processing of wine materials. And all these improve the wine quality. For ensuring wine transparency and suspended particles removal the filters manufactured by Dela Topolla are used. In building II the blends of wine, brandy and chacha are produced, in compliance with the predetermined food safety program. As we have already mentioned, the building is equipped with the state-of-art equipment, closed system connected with the building I and all this ensures high quality and safety of our products. Building III Shop for bottling of sparkling wines and bottling into the clay vessels Company bottles the wine products into Italian glass bottles and original clay vessels. As company orders, each vessel is specially designed and there is special line for pouring into these vessels. One of the buildings entirely is dedicated to this. For the mankind everything commenced with two types of clay vessels—porcelain and simple burnt clay. The former provides uniform and smooth surface while the latter—gives strength. In Georgian winery the special clay vessels—kvevris are used. Wine made in kvevri is distinguished with fine taste, abundance of useful microelements. In today’s winemaking special clay—betonite (aqua-gel) is used. It improves biological stability of wine and absorbs various microorganisms (bacteria, yearn). The scientists regard Georgian aqua-gel as one of the best all over the world. The material is characterized with
iniciatoria. Cveni Rvino isxmeba rogorc SuSis italiur boTlebSi, ise originaluri formis Tixis WurWelSi, romlis yoveli saxeoba kompaniis SekveTiT, specialuri dizainiT, xeliT mzaddeba da maTSi Rvinis Camosasxmelad warmoebis calke xazi arsebobs. konkretuli saxeobis Rvino calkeuli dasaxelebis Tixis sxvadasxva WurWelSi isxmeba. Tixis WurWelSi Camosxmuli Rvinoebi: • alaznis veli - isxmeba WurWelSi saxelwodebiT: «rTveli», «Semodgoma», «samze» • saferavi: «toti», «mtevani», «doqi axali», «doinji», «askana», «Zveli ubani», «vaxtanguri» • qinZmarauli - isxmeba WurWelSi saxelwodebiT: «Tamada», «taZari», «kalaTa» • xvanWkara - isxmeba WurWelSi saxelwodebiT: «dioskuria», «ornamenti» da sxva.
various medicinal properties, including absorption of diseases, antibacterial activity and solar magnetism. Production of ceramics in Georgia commenced in 8-6 centuries Before Christ. KTW is the initiator of packing of wine into the clay vessels. Each vessel is unique, hand-made, with different design, produced upon the Company’s exclusive orders. For storage of large quantities of wine various kvevris are used (from 50 to 3000 liters capacity) and for everyday use there are jugs, cups and bowls. There are about 50 types of clay ware mentioned in ancient Georgian dictionary and about 15 of them are various jugs. Building III the wine is poured in various clay vessels: •
Alaznis Veli is packaged into the vessels named “Harvesting”, “Autumn”, “Solar”;
Saperavi - in “Branch”, “Bunch”, New jug”, “Askana”, “Old District”, “Vakhtanguri”
Kindzmarauli -”Tamada”, “Temple”, “Basket”
Khvanchkara -”Dioskuria”, “Ornament” etc.
As we have noted, the vessels with different names have different shapes and the consumers make their own choices. In addition, attached booklet explains the names and meaning of each vessel.
ISO 22000 – 2005 patarZeulis qarxanaSi
Introduction of ISO 22000:2005 standard at Patardzeuli factory
kompaniam 2014 wlis martis TveSi danerga sursaTis uvneblobisa da xarisxis marTvis menejmentis sistema - saerTaSoriso standarti ISO-22000-2005. am standartis dacva uzrunvelyofs Cveni produqciis sargeblianobasa da maRal xarisxs. produqciis xarisxisa da uvneblobis kontroli xorcieldeba sawarmoo procesis yvela etapze _ dawyebuli yurZnis miRebidan, damTavebuli mza produqciis dasawyobebiT.
In March, the Company has introduced the food safety and quality control management system—international standard ISO 22000:2005. By complying with this Standard we are able to produce safe and high quality goods. Control is provided at all stages of technological process, starting from acceptance of grapes, supplementary materials, bottling, packaging and storage.
evrokavSiris sursaTis higienis moTxovnebis Sesabamisi saerTaSoriso standartebis danergviT `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba” uzrunvelyofs janmrTelobisTvis uvnebeli, maRali xarisxis produqciis iseT warmoebas, romlis mTeli procesic daculia rogorc fizikuri, ise mikrobiologiuri da qimiuri dazianebebisgan. es ki evropeli momxmareblis didi ndobis mopovebas niSnavs.
In accordance with EU food hygiene requirements, through introduction of these standards, "Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” Ltd ensures consumers’ confidence all over the Europe, regarding that the Company’s products are of high quality, safe for human health and is protected from physical, chemical and microbiological hazards at all stages of procurement, production , transportation and warehousing.
rogorc aRvniSneT, sxvadasxva dasaxelebis WurWels sxvadasxva dizaini aqvs da maT momxmarebeli Tavisi gemovnebis mixedviT irCevs. amasTan, TandarTul sareklamo bukletSi sainteresodaa axsnili TiToeuli WurWlis dasaxeleba da mniSvneloba.
Cveni kompania gansakuTrebul yuradRebas aniWebs personalis gadamzadebas, maTTvis axali teqnologiebis gacnobasa da Sesabamisi mimarTulebebiT maT treinings. kompaniis xelmZRvanelobam gamoyo saTanado dro kompaniis TanamSromelTa safuZvliani da detaluri swavlebisTvis da maT gadasca samuSaos Sesasruleblad aucilebeli masalebi da teqnika. tardeba specifikuri treiningebic, romlebic moicavs im TanamSromelTa samuSao instruqciebisa da procedurebis srulyofas, romlebic sawarmoo procesis TiToeul etapze kritikuli sakontrolo wertilebis monitorings axorcileben. turistuli momsaxurebis centri patarZeulis qarxana mdebareobs gzispiras, kaxeTis gzatkecilze, sadac moZraobs Tbilisidan kaxeTSi da ukan mimavali turistebis ZiriTadi nakadi. turistebis mozidvis mizniT qarxnis SesasvlelTan, gamosaCen adgilas, gaixsna maRazia `Rvinis gza”, sadegustacio darbazi da sainformacio-turistuli centri, romelic turistebs Semdegi saxis momsaxurebas sTavazobs: eqskursia qarxnis teritoriaze: Rvinomasalebis sardafis, Rvinisa da brendis warmoebis teqnologiuri procesebis gacnoba, degustacia adgilze. Camosxmis saamqro - uSualod Camosxmis procesSi monawileobis miReba, viziti laboratoriaSi da laboratoriuli analizebis procesebis gacnoba. maRazia `Rvinis gza” `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ produqcis farTo asortiments. igi aRWurvilia Tanamedrove aparaturiT. maRaziis dizainSi gamoyenebulia rTvelisa da vazis motivebi. stumrebi saCuqrad miiReben kompaniis sareklamo-sacnobaro bukletebs.
sadegustacio darbazSi winaswar dakveTiT Catardeba Rvinis degustaciebi da masterklasebi; did monitorebze turistebi gaecnobian kompaniis video reklamebs, saqarTvelos ampelografiis (vazis saxeobebisa da jiSebis Semswavleli mecniereba) Sesaxeb wignis eleqtronul versias: ixilaven qarTuli vazis 270 jiSs; daaTvaliereben korporatiul saits www.ktwgroup.ge da sxva.
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Company pays particular attention to the personnel training, to gain the knowledge corresponding to the system conception. As success of HACC system depends on proper qualification of the Company’s personnel, the Company management allocated time for in-depth and detailed training. The personnel were provided with the materials and equipment required for performing of their tasks. Effective training is a significant precondition for implementation of HACCP plan. Specific trainings include work briefings and procedures showing the functions of the staff members providing monitoring of critical control points at each stage. Tourist Service Center Patardzeuli factory is located on Kakheti Road, on the roadside. The main flow of tourists moving from Kakheti to Tbilisi and back passes this place, For the purpose of attracting of the tourists, at the factory entrance the shop “Wine Way”, testing hall and information touristic center were opened to offer various services to the tourists: Excursions in the factory territory: familiarization with the cellar of wine materials, technological processes of wine and brandy production—tasting on site. Bottling shop—direct participation in the bottling process. Visit to the laboratory and getting familiarized with the laboratory testing processes. Shop “Wine Way” offers to the guests wide range of KTW products. It is provided with the state-of-art equipment and shop design includes the elements of harvesting and vine. Here the guests can receive the Company’s advertising and information booklets. Wine testing at the testing hall is conducted based on the placed orders; as well as master classes; the tourists can see the Company’s commercials. Electronic version of Georgian Ampelography Book: they can see 270 Georgian vine varieties; visit the corporative site of the Company: www.ktwgroup. ge etc.
თამარ fruiZe
Tamar Pruidze
xarisxis marTvis menejeri
Quality Control Manager
В статье менеджера по качеству продукции, Тамары Пруидзе, речь идет о том, что компания KTW (Кахетинское традиционное виноделие) 28 сентября 2013 года пустила в эксплуатацию винный завод в селе Патардзеули Сагареджийского района Кахетии и при нем открыла туристический центр. Завод оснащен новейшим оборудованием ведущей итальянской фирмы Della Toffola и состоит из трех корпусов. В первом из них размещены две линии розлива продукции, отдельно для вин и для коньяка и виноградной водки Чача. Во втором корпусе размещен цех виноматериала, в котором за счет шести холодильных агрегатов автоматически регулируется температура продукции, что способствует повышению качества продукции. В этом же цехе происходит купажирование виноматериала. В цехе третьего корпуса происходит разлив игристых вин, а также разлив вина в оригинальных декоративных глиняных кувшинах. Необходимо отметить, что все процессы проходят в стерильных условиях и в соответствии с требованиями Европейсского стандарта, неоднократно проверяется в лабораторных условиях. На видном месте,с автомобильной магистрали, перед заводом размещены: фирменный магазин-салон «Винная дорога», дегустационный зал и туристический центр.Здесь можно продегустировать продуукцию компании и приобрести по доступной цене.
KTW-s eqsporti 2013-2014 wlebSi
EXPORTS KTW 2013-2014 YEARS ukve ramdenime welia kompania “kaxur tradiciul meRvineobas” wamyvani adgili uWiravs saqarTvelos alkoholiuri produqciis mwarmoeblebs Soris. saqarTvelos Rvinis nacionaluri saagentos monacemebiT, 2014 wlis ianvar-ivnisSi qarTuli Rvinis eqsportma 34 qveyanaSi Seadgina 26 872 145 boTli, rac 136%-iT metia 2013 wlis analogiur periodTan SedarebiT. aseTi mateba ganpirobebulia ruseTis mier Svidwliani embargos gauqmebiT, ramac xeli Seuwyo qarTuli Rvinis ufro met popularizebas da ganviTarebas. 2014 wlis ianvar-seqtembris periodSi ruseTze modioda saqarTvelos Rvinis eqsportis 70%. embargos moxsnis wina periodSi ruseTSi warmoebulma arnaxulma politikurma aJiotaJma masmediis saSualebiT, gaaRviva interesi qarTuli Rvinis mimarT da am politikurma kampaniam dadebiTi marketinguli roli Seasrula qarTuli Rvinis popularizebaSi.
KTW-s eqsportis saerTo raodenobam 2013 wels Seadgina 9 milion boTlze meti. xolo 2014 wlis ianvar-seqtemberSi eqsportirebulia 4 709 386 boTli.
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KTW Exports in 2013-2014 For several years KTW successfully maintains leading positions among Georgian alcohol manufacturers. According to the data of National Wine Agency, in JanuaryJune 2014, Georgian wine export to 34 countries comprise 26 872 145 bottles, 136% higher than in the similar period of 2013. This growth is conditioned by revocation of sevenyear embargo by Russia and this contributed to further development and popularization of Georgian wine. In the period from January to September 2014, 70% of Georgian wine exports were to Russian Federation. Total volume of KTW exported products in 2013 was over 9.000.000 bottles. For the period from January to September 2014, exports comprised to 4.709.386 bottles. Regarding that the last quarter of the year is the most active one with respect of exports; we propose that we shall be able to maintain the same figures as in 2013, instead of expected 20-30% growth. This is caused by economic crisis in Ukraine. Nevertheless, Ukraine is still leading strategic partner for us and remains our largest and main market for sale of our products. Below are provided our brandy and wine exports to Ukraine and Russian Federation. Ukraine market is largest among the foreign markets of KTW, followed by Russia, Kazakhstan and China. Belarus market is again open for Georgia and the first batches were delivered in September, this year. Due to agreement on the zone of free trade with EU, our products will become cheaper and hence, we shall gain good chance to improve our competitiveness.
gamomdinare iqedan, rom bolo kvartali, eqsportis ganxriT, yovelTvis yvelaze aqtiuria, Cveni gaTvlebiT, 20-30%-iT matebis nacvlad, wlis bolomde SevinarCunebT 2013 wlis maCvenebels. rac gamowveulia ukrainaSi ganviTarebuli movlenebiT. miuxedavad amisa ukraina CvenTvis wamyvani da strategiuli partnioria da kvlav rCeba yvelaze did da ZiriTad bazrad Cveni produqciis realizebaSi. qvemoT mogvyavs Rvinis da brendis eqsportis monacemebi ukrainaSi da ruseTSi. ukrainis bazars pirveli adgili uWiravs KTW-s gare bazrebs Soris. Semdgom modian ruseTi, yazaxeTi da CineTi. belorusiis bazari kvlav gaixsna qarTuli RvinisaTvis da produqciis pirveli partiebi gaigzavna ama wlis seqtemberSi.
Year 2014 was successful with respect of seeking of the new countries, we entered the markets of Israel, Austria, Norway and Thailand, thus our products are sold in 14 countries. Promotion of Georgian Wines in Russia Supply of Georgian wines to Russian Federation achieved all-time high volumes lost by the country after import ban in 2006. KTW was among the first companies, which have exported their products to Russia on 10 June 2013. Before ban the supply of Georgian wines to Russian Federation was 48.000.000 bottles. For the period from June 2013 to April 2014, about 32.400.000 bottles were exported to Russia. By the end of year this figure can achieve 40.000.000 bottles. According to the data of Federal Customs Service, for year 2013, in total wine import to Russian Federation share of
evrokavSirTan Tavisufali vaWrobis xelSekrulebis xelmowerasTan dakavSirebiT, qarTuli produqcia evrokavSiris qveynebis bazrebze moxvdeba damatebiTi sauravebis gareSe, gaiafdeba da gaxdeba ufro konkurentunariani.
2014 weli warmatebuli iyo agreTve axali bazrebis ZiebaSic. Cveni produqcia SevitaneT iseT qveynebSi, rogoricaa: israeli, avstria, norvegia da tailandi. amrigad Cveni produqcia warmodgenilia ukve msoflios 14 qveyanaSi.
KTW-s Rvino ruseTis bazarze qarTuli Rvinis miwodebam ruseTis federaciaSi miaRwia sarekordo maCvenebels, romelic qveyanam dakarga 2006 wlis embargos Semdeg. kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba iyo erT erTi pirveli qarTul kompaniebs Soris, vinac gaagzavna ruseTSi Tavisi produqcia 2013 wlis 10 ivniss. embargos dawesebamde saqarTvelodan Rvinis eqsporti ruseTSi Seadgenda 48 000 000 boTls. 2013 wlis ivnisidan 2014 wlis aprilamde ruseTSi Setanilia 32 400 000 boTlamde da wlis bolomde am ricxvma SeiZleba miaRwios 40 000 000 boTls. federaluri sasazRvro samsaxuris monacemebiT, 2013 wels ruseTSi Rvinis importis saerTo raodenobaSi saqarTvelos wili Seadgenda 5,5%; safrangeTis (20,2%), italiis (15,2%); espaneTis (13,6%), ukrainis (6,7%); germaniis (6,5%); moldaveTis (6,5%); da Cilis (5,8%) Semdeg.
magram 2014 wlis I kvartalis monacemebiT qarTulma Rvinom 14,1%-iT daikava ukve III adgili da gadaaswro espaneTs (13,5%); Cilis (6,1%) da germanias (5,8%). amasTan odnav Semcirda safrangeTis (19,3%) da italiis (14,8%) wilic.
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Georgia was 5.5% after France (20.2%), Italy (15.2%), Spain (13.6%), Ukraine (6.7%), Germany (6.5%), Moldova (6.5) and Chile (5.8%). Though according to the first quarter results Georgian wines were at the third place with 14.1% share, ahead of Spain (13.5%), Chile (6.1%) and Germany (5.8%). In addition, shares of France (19.3%) and Italy (14.8%) slightly reduced as well. Opening of the new markets contributed to creation of the new brands, like: Wine TM Tbilisi Legend, brandy and wine TM Iveria. By the end of year launching of the new brandy, Tbilisi Legend in the exclusive bottle is planned. Products were designed especially for Russian market but they are already supplied to Ukraine and Belarus, supply of Iveria brandy to Kazakhstan is planned. New products were success as evidenced by high interest expressed by our partners. Plans for year 2015 provide for increase of production no less than by 30% and diversify products intended for export as far as possible.
Lela Ckheidze Export Manager
axali bazrebis aTvisebam xeli Seuwyo axali brendebis gamoCenas, rogoricaa: Rvino “Tbilisis legenda”; Rvino da brendi “iveria”. wlis bolosaTvis igegmeba axali brendis “Tbilisis legendis” gamoSveba eqskluziur boTlSi. Cveni kompania momxmarebelzea orientirebuli da es brendebi Seiqmna specialurad ruseTis bazrisaTvis, magram warmatebiT vrceldeba ukrainaSi da belorusiaSic. igegmeba brendis “iveria”-s miwodeba yazaxeTis bazarze. axalma brendebma momxmareblebis mowoneba daimsaxura, rasac mowmobs am qveynebSi Cveni partniorebis didi interesi axali produqciisadmi. 2015 wels gegmaSi gvaqvs warmoebis 30%-iT zrda da SeZlebisdagvarad ganvaxorcielebT eqsportirebuli produqciis diversificirebas. lela CxეiZe KTW-s eqsportis departamentis ufrosi
В статье руководителя департамента по экспорту продукции KTW, Лелы Чхeидзе, говорится о том, что среди производителей алкогольной продукции в Грузии, они занимают ведущее место, что подтверждается данными, приведенными Национального Агентства вина Грузии. В 2013-2014 годах отмечается значительный рост экспорта продукции компании, что, несомненно, связано со снятием Российского эмбарго. Среди потребителей на первом месте находится Украина, далее следуют Россия, Казахстан, Китай и Беларусь. С каждым днем расширяется география стран-потребителей, чему в значительной степени способствовала ратификация Евросоюзом договора о свободной торговле, создавшей благоприятные условия для экспорта продукции KTW.Рост популярности продукции компании среди потребителей стимулировал появление новых брендов, таких, как «Тбилисская Легенда» и «Иверия».В 2015 году компания намерена увеличить объем экспорта продукции на 30%.
kompania „kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba“ 2002 wels Seiqmna. es is dro iyo, rodesac saqarTvelos Sida bazarze didi qaosi sufevda ZviradRirebuli Tu iaffasiani, xarisxiani Tu falsificirebuli produqcia sruliad usistemod avsebda bazars da sakmaod rTuli Canda sakuTari niSis dakaveba. miuxedavad amisa, Cvenma kompaniam SeZlo am qaoturi konkurenciis daZleva da zustad gaTvlili marketinguli RonisZiebebis gatarebiT, mokle droSi daikava mowinave poziciebi saqarTvelos Rvinisa da alkoholuri sasmelebis warmoebis sferoSi. Cven mier gamoSvebulma maRalxarisxianma produqciam maleve gvaqcia Rvinisa da alkoholuri sasmelebis Sida da gare bazrebis seriozuli moTamaSed.
Cveni kompaniis saqmianobis ZiriTadi mimarTulebaa rogorc iSviaTi, ise nairgvari adgilwarmoSobis Rvinoebis tradiciuli meTodebiT damzadeba, ojaxuri WaWis, qarTuli brendisa da SuSxuna Rvinis warmoeba. iSviaT jiSebs yurZnis is kategoria miekuTvneba, romelic mikrozonisa da movlis gansakuTrebul pirobebs moiTxovs. swored es ganapirobebs am yurZnisgan miRebuli Rvinis sagemovno Tvisebebis unikalurobas. sxva adgilwarmoSobis jiSebisgan gansxvavebiT, aseTi yurZnis mosavlianoba SedarebiT dabalia. 2012 wels kompaniam gadawyvita, aRedgina sabWoTa kavSiris dros miviwyebuli da gadaSenebuli vazis jiSebi, romelTagan miRebuli unikaluri Rvino aseve ganekuTvneba sakoleqcio Rvinoebis limitirebul segments TiToeul boTls individualuri nomeri eniWeba, rac kidev erTxel mianiSnebs mis unikalurobaze. aRniSnulma produqciam momxmareblis didi mowoneba da sxvadasxva festivalze araerTi maRali jildo daimsaxura.
Company KWT was established in 2001 and faced significant competition at Georgian market from the outset. At that time, the market, at both, high end and low end, was flooded with the products, from high quality to adulterated ones, there was real chaos and hence, it was very hard to find some niche. Company had to overcome significant competition and due to well-designed marketing measures took leading positions in the sphere of wine and alcohol beverages, at both, domestic and foreign markets. Currently the Company manufactures highly demanded various products. Company’s key line is manufacturing of the rare wines, as well as wines of various origin by means of traditional methods, as well as production of family-produced chacha (vodka), Georgian brandy and sparkling wine. Rare grape varieties is the category of grapes requiring the microzone and special conditions of care. Their yields, compared with the varieties originated in the other locations, are low and this results in unique taste of the wine obtained from such grapes. In 2012, the Company decided to restore and develop the grape varieties lost and forgotten in the soviet period and further produce unique wine comprising the segment of limited collector’s wines. Each bottle is given individual number and this emphasizes once more its unique nature. These products were awarded numerous prizes at various festivals and were highly valued by the consumers. Company produces the following wines of premium class: • “Chkhaidze’s Chkhaveri” - of high mountain regions of Guria. Wine is presented as three types: white dry; naturally rose dry wine and naturally rose semi-douce. • “Tsitsla” - from Sviti (Imereti) microzone. • “Tsolikauri” - from high-mountain region of Tsageri. • “Chinuri” - from Mukhrani. • “Muscat” (in the past it was called Buzkurdzena) from Kakheti, the dessert wine.
`kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba~ uSvebs premium klasis Semdeg Rvinoebs: •
`CxaiZis Cxaveri” _ guriis maRalmTiani regionidan. warmodgenilia sami saxiT: TeTri mSrali, bunebrivad vardisferi mSrali da bunebrivad vardisferi naxev-rad tkbili.
• `cicqa” - sviris (imereTi) mikrozonebidan. • `colikauri” - cageris maRalmTiani regionidan. • `Cinuri” - muxranidan. • `muskati” (Zvelad mas `buzyurZenas~ eZaxdnen) - kaxeTidan, romelic sadeserto Rvinis saxeobas ganekuTvneba. amas garda, Cvens asortimentSi SexvdebiT gamonakliss `rislingis~ saxiT, romelic yurZnis ara qarTuli, aramed germanuli jiSia. kompaniam aRniSnuli Rvinis saxeoba 2013 wels CauSva warmoebaSi da am e.w. eqsperimentma gaamarTla Rvinis moyvarulTaTvis `qarTuli rislingi~ uCveulo da saintereso siaxled iqca. amasTanave, kompaniam premium klasis Rvinis axal saxeobebze daiwyo muSaoba, romelTa dagemovnebasa da SeZenas momxmarebeli sul male SeZlebs. kompaniis daarsebis Semdeg mniSvnelvnad Seicvala Sida bazris struqturac. quCis patara „gastronomebi“ marketebma da supermarketebma Caanacvla. myidvelebic ufro komfortul garemos etanebian, sadac produqcia ufro mkafiod aris warmoCenili da sxvadasxva brendebs Soris arCevanis gakeTeba iolia. amitom, Tanamedrove supermarketebSi sul ufro met datvirTvas iZens produqciis gaformeba, etiketi, safirmo dasaxeleba da eqspozicia, romlis pirispir darCenili myidvelic arCevans sxvis dauxmareblad akeTebs. Cveni kompaniis interesebSia maRali da SedarebiT dabali klasis segmentebis gayidvebis obieqtebi, romelTa Sorisac moiazreba rogorc qseluri hipermarketebi, aseve supermarketebi, Rvinis saxlebi, sastumroebi da restornebi. hipermarketebsa da Rvinis saxlebSi gacilebiT farTo asortimentis produqciaa warmodgenili, rac momxmareblisTvis Tavisufali arCevanis micemisa da mimzidveli garemos Seqmnis mizniT keTdeba.
Since the Company was established, the structure of internal market has changed. Small street “gastronomes” were replaced by the markets and supermarkets, the buyers prefer comfortable environment where the products are presented well and where they have opportunity to make choice between different brands. At the modern supermarkets the products’ packaging, labels, brand names and exhibition to be faced by the buyer directly and make choice without any assistance. Company’s interests includes the high class and relatively modest outlets including the network hypermarkets, as well as supermarkets, wine houses, hotels and restaurants. Hypermarkets and wine houses the products ranges are wider. All this is done for the purpose of providing greater freedom and attractive environment for the consumers. Irrespective of small scale of domestic market, its complexity is necessity of permanent control, extensive research of the consumers’ desires and their satisfaction, it is also significant and very difficult to make loyal relations with the partner companies, respect to the interests of one another, as the main condition for maintaining strong and stable bridge of the bridge connecting them with the consumers. Last year, at domestic market, KTW conducted the following marketing activities: the pyramid structure of so called promo island was designed and produced. Products on it can be readily seen. These islands were located in the trade areas of various supermarkets in Tbilisi with the various products of the Company depending on season—for example: he sparkling wine is significant in New Year period, therefore, in 2014, on these islands the presentation sparkling wine “Galaktioni” was presented. In the network of hypermarket Carrefour, as well as at the other outlets the products were attached the greeting cards and this was very pleasant and attractive for the consumers. In Easter time, regarding increased demand, the Company sold draught wine “Chakrulo” and the other products at significantly discounted price. We frequently arrange actions with our leading brand, “Dzveli Kakheti”. In the periods of such actions the consumers receive gifts—the brandy glass with the firm logo etc. Irrespective the season, at the hypermarkets Carrefour and Smart the wine testing is arranged every day and the consumers can taste the old and new products and buy if they desire. Products of KTW are packed in the beautiful cardboard bags. Consumers are served by promo girls wearing uniforms, they assist the consumers to make their choice. At the same time the interested guests can get familiarized with the full range of the Company’s products and offers of its tourist entities by means of the well-designed booklets. At the large markets banners of KTW’s leading brands
miuxedavad Sida bazris mcire masStabisa, igi sakmaod rTulia da mudmiv kontrols, momxmareblis survilebis intensiur Seswavlasa da maT droul Sesrulebas moiTxovs. aseve mniSvnelovani da sapasuxismgebloa urTierTpativiscemis principebis dacviT loialuri damokidebulebis SenarCuneba partnior kompaniebTan, radgan es yvelaferi momxmarebelTan damakavSirebeli xidis simtkicisa da stabilurobis SenarCunebis umTavresi pirobaa.
In addition, the products range includes the exclusion, Riesling, the German grape variety and not Georgian. Company commenced manufacturing of this wine in 2013 and this so called experiment was success—Georgian Riesling became unusual and interesting innovation for the people loving wine. In addition, the Company started to work on the new sort of premium class wines, the consumers will have opportunity to taste them and buy, if they desire, very soon.
gasul wels KTW-m Sida bazarze Semdegi marketinguli aqtivobebi Caatara: produqciis aRqmisa da xilvadobis gazrdis mizniT, daproeqtda da damzadda e.w. `promo kunZulis~ piramiduli konstruqciebi, romlebic Tbilisis sxvadasxva supermarketis savaWro qselebSi ganTavsda. kunZulebze warmodgenilia kompaniis sxvadasxva produqcia sezonis Sesabamisad. mag: axal wels aqtualuri produqti SuSxuna Rvinoa, amitom, 2014 wels, am sademonstracio kunZulebze SuSxuna Rvino „galaktioni“ iyo warmodgenili. produqcias Tan axlda axali wlis misaloci baraTebi, rac momxmareblisTvis sasiamovno da mimzidveli aRmoCnda; aRdgomis brwyinvale dResaswaulze ki, momxmareblis gazrdili moTxovnidan gamomdinare, kompanias didi fasdaklebebi hqonda Camosasxmel Rvinoze „Cakrulo“, da mravali sxva. aseve xSiria aqciebi Cvens wamyvan brendze „Zveli kaxeTi“. aqciis farglebSi produqciis SeZenis SemTxvevaSi, momxmarebeli iRebs raime saCuqars, magaliTad, kompaniis safirmo niSniT gaformebul koniakis Wiqas da sxv. hipermarketebSi „Carrefour“-sa da „Smart“-Si ki, sezonis miuxedavad, yoveldRiurad tardeba degustaciebi, romlis drosac momxmarebels saSualeba eZleva, daagemovnos da gaecnos kompaniis Zvel Tu axal produqcias da survilisamebr SeiZinos igi. Cveni produqcia KTW-s sasaCuqre muyaos CanTebiTaa warmodgenili. momxmarebels kompaniis uniformebSi gamowyobili promo gogonebi emsaxurebian da produqciis SerCevaSi exmarebian. paralelurad, dainteresebul stumars saSualeba eZleva, kargad gaformebuli bukletebis meSveobiT, gaecnos kompaniis srul produqciasa da Cveni turistuli obieqtebis SeTavazebebs. did marketebSi KTW-s wamyvani brendebis banerebia ganTavsebuli, rac momxmareblis yuradRebis misapyrobad Zalian mniSvnelovania. imisaTvis ki, rom turistul sezonze saqarTveloSi Camosul stumars pirveli sasiamovno STabeWdileba swored Cveni kompaniis saxelma da produqciam Seuqmnas, Tbilisis saerTaSoriso aeroportis duty-free-Si aqtiurad vatarebT degustaciebs, romlis drosac monitorze gadis sareklamo rgolebi kompaniis siaxleebisa da uSualod warmoebis procesis Sesaxeb.
„kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba“ monawileobs Rvinis Temaze gamarTul yvela RonisZiebaSi iqneba es Rvinis festivalebi, gamofenebi Tu sxva movlenebi, rac umniSvnelovanes rols TamaSobs ukve arsebul Tu momaval partniorebTan urTierTobebis gamyarebaSi, momxmareblis ndobis SenarCunebasa da amaRlebaSi, maTTvis siaxleebis gaziarebaSi.
are posted and this is very significant for attracting consumers’ attention. During the tourist seasons the Company arranges wine testing actions at Tbilisi Airport duty free, in this period the monitors demonstrate commercials, Company’s news, as well as production process to ensure pleasant impressions about the company’s image and products. KTW participates in all events dealing with the wines, whether the wine festivals, exhibitions and others and this plays most significant role in strengthening of relations with the existing and potential partners, maintaining and increasing of the consumer’s trust and sharing of the innovations. Company pays great attention to charity. It arranges its traditional Georgian art festival “Georgian Spirit” every year, in many arts and reaches many regions of Georgia. At these festivals the domestic sales department arranges wine testing, exhibitions and other promo events. In addition to the listed activities, KRW participates in various tenders. For example, the company participated in the tender arranged by Georgian Tourism Administration and was awarded the contract on bottling of Saperavi-type wine. According to the tender requirements the exclusive labels for wine bottles were produced, with the firm design of Tourism Administration, as well as the wooden, cardboard and leather boxes. This seemingly simple project required great responsibility and fulfillment of the tender instructions at the high level. This project, implementation of which required energetic work further deepened experience of team work. Due to the all above, sales and Company awareness grow annually resulting in further success. KRW’s team of domestic sales and marketing works hard to gain the consumers’ good attitude and for this purpose plans numerous large-scale events in the future. Domestic sales manager Nana Ratianidze
kompania did yuradRebas uTmobs qvelmoqmedebas. yovelwliurad atarebs qarTuli xelovnebis ukve tradiciad qceul festivals „qarTuli suli“, romelic xelovnebis sxvadasxva dargs moicavs da saqarTvelos sxvadasxva regions stumrobs. am festivalze imarTeba degustaciebi, gamofena-gayidvebi da sxva promo RonisZiebebi. garda CamoTvili aqtivobebisa, KTW monawileobs sxvadasxva tenderebSi. magaliTad, kompaniam monawileoba miiRo da gaimarjva saqarTvelos turizmis erovnuli administraciis mier gamocxadebul tenderSi „saferavis“ tipis boTlis Rvinis Camosasxmaze. tenderis pirobebis Sesabamisad, damzadda Rvinis boTlis eqskluziuri etiketi turizmis erovnuli administraciis safirmo gaformebiT, agreTve muyaos, xis da tyavis SefuTvebi. am proeqtma, romlis ganxorcielebac did pasuxismgeblobasa da kompaniis sxvadasxva qvedanayofebis energiul muSaobas moiTxovda, kidev ufro gagviRrmava gunduri muSaobis gamocdileba. swored didi pasuxismgeblobisa da gunduri muSaobis Sedegia is, rom yovelwliurad izrdeba kompaniis cnobadoba da misi gayidvebi, rac warmatebis udavo maCvenebelia. KTW-s Sidagayidvebisa da marketingis gundi momxmareblis keTilganwyobis mosapoveblad dauRalavad muSaobs da am mizniT samomavlod araerTi masStaburi RonisZiebis Catarebas gegmavs.
В статье менеджера по внутренним продажам, Нины Ратианидзе, говорится о тех трудностях, с которыми столкнулась компания при создании её в 2002 году. Рынок был забит дешевыми и фальсифицированными напитками, но KTW, за счет грамотно выбранной стратегии вскоре стала лидером в конкурентной гонке. Наряду с укреплением базы практикуемых сортов виноградной лозы, компания особое внимание уделила возрождению редких и полузабытых сортов винограда, что создало предпосылки для производства марочных вин Премиум класса и укрепило авторитет и популярность компании. Такие марки вин, как «Чхавери Чхаидзе», «Цицка», «Цоликаури», «Чинури» и др. неизменно отмечались медалями на международных выставках. Широкое распространение приняла практика реализация ассортимента продукции компании, как в гипермаркетах, так и в ресторанах, винных магазинах и супермаркетах. Компанией была внедрена практика размещения продукции на промо-островках пирамидальной конструкции, что способствовало росту её продаж. Регулярно устраиваются смотры-акции, где желающие могут продегустировать разные вина, а покупатели получают в подарок от компании фирменные сумки и буклеты. Наряду с участием в выставках и фестивалях, компания занимается и филантропической деятельностью: в частности, ежегодно в разных районах Грузии проводится фестиваль искусств.
nana ratianiZe Sidagayidvebis menejeri
KTW-s xilgadamamuSavebeli konsevis warmoeba ktw fruit processing plant
mexileoba saqarTvelos soflis meurneobis uZvelesi, tradiciuli da maRalSemosavliani dargia. qarTuli xilis jiSTa mravalferovneba da maRali xarisxi kargadaa cnobili rogorc saqarTveloSi, ise ucxoeTSi. `kaxurma tradiciulma meRvineobam” gadawyvita, Tavisi saqmianoba am mimarTulebiTac gaafarTovos. dasavleT saqarTveloSi ukve daaregistrira xilis gadamamuSavebeli ori axali sakonservo kompania: `agro qeda” da `agro Coxatauri”. maTi mizani xilis gadamuSaveba da qarTuli xilis sxvadasxva saxeobebis sakonservo warmoebaa. aWarisa da guriis regionebi iseTi unikaluri jiSis kenkrovani saxeobebiT gamoirCeva, romlebic saqarTveloSi sxvagan arsad gvxvdeba. regionis geografiuli mdebareoba da bunebrivi klimati ki nedleulis xarisxobriv upiratesobas iZleva, rac mniSvnelovnad Seuwyobs xels sawarmoebis warmatebas, radgan isini mxolod ekologiurad sufTa adgilobriv nedleulze iqneba orientirebuli. axali sawarmos adgilmdebareobis ganxilvisas, swored amitom SeCerda yuradReba aWarisa da guriis regionebze, kerZod, qedisa da Coxatauris municipalitetebze. analizis Sedegad gamoikveTa prioritetebi, romelTa mogvareba sargebels moutans rogorc adgilobriv mosaxleobas, ise qveyanas. amasTan, xels Seuwyobs regionSi axali xilgadamamuSavebeli teqnologiebis danergvasa da Semdgom ganviTarebas. aRsaniSnavia, rom aRniSnul municipalitetebSi adrec funqcionirebda xilis gadamamuSavebeli qarxnebi, Tumca isini qveynisTvis avbediT wlebSi gaiZarcva, ganadgurda da orivem Sewyvita muSaoba. rogorc analizma dagvanaxa, mdgomareobis gamosworeba mcire ZalisxmeviTacaa SesaZlebeli, qarxnebis kvlav amoqmedeba ki sasargeblo iqneba mosaxleobisTvis, radgan nedleulis stabilurad gasaReba adgilobrivi fermerebisTvis dRemde gadauWrel problemad rCeba.
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Fruit production is the ancient traditional and highly profitable sector of Georgian agriculture. Georgian fruits are well known in Georgia and abroad for the wide range of varieties and high quality. “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” decided to expand its activities in this respect as well. It has already registered two new fruit processing canning companies in Western Georgia: “Agro Keda” and “Agro Chokhatauri”. Their goal is fruit processing and production of wide range of canned Georgian fruits. Adjaria and Guria regions are characterized with the unique species of berries, very rare in the other places. Its geographical location and natural climate ensure raw materials quality advantages and this would contribute significantlty to the success of the entity, the one, oriented to the ecologically pure local raw materials. Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking • Attempts to restore ancient Georgian traditions, especially those of Adjaria and Guria regions in fruits processing and production; • Introduce international ISO standards adopted by EU member states in the region; • To ensure work in compliance with the international standards, support improvement of qualification of the enterprise personnel and population awareness; • Make the products popular and attract foreign consumers; • Present the products at various exhibitions and festivals, as in addition to popularization of the products’ quality and name, this would attract interest of both, domestic and foreign investors. In discussing the location of new enterprise attention was focused on Adjaria and Guria regions, in particular, municipalities of Keda and Chokhatauri. Based on analysis the priority objectives were identified, achievement of which would be beneficial for the local population, as well as for the country as a whole. In addition, this would contribute to introduction of the new fruit processing technologies and their further development. In the past, the fruits processing factory operated in this region, though it was robbed and destroyed and stopped its operation. The analysis showed that the situation cold be improved with minor efforts and operation of the factory would be beneficial for the population as stable sale of the raw materials is a problem for local farmers up to present. The way and conditions of fruits growing at the farms is of great significance. The enterprise plans to make long-term contracts with the local farmers, including consistent procedures of fruits’ handling, cleaning, harvesting, complying with the
international standards. This would be of benefit for moth, the enterprise and local farmers. Due to the contracts the local farmers would be motivated to increase quantity of raw materials and take care of their quality. As ecologically clean natural fruits would be unconditionally saleable. This would allow the farmers to gain timely and proper remuneration for his hard work and this would contribute to strength and power of greater number of Georgian families. Products Range of products to be manufactured by the enterprise includes over 30 items: fruit marmalades and preserves in different packages produced in Keda made of the fruits produced by the population of Chokhatauri and adjacent areas, including: Apple jam Pear jam and preserve; Blueberry jam and preserve; Plum jam and preserve; Quince jam and preserve; Strawberry jam and preserve; Sweet cherry preserve. All products will be packed in 650, 670, 250, 50 and 30 ml containers. DISTRIBUTION KTW has very strong partners engaged in distribution of its key products: in Georgia; Ukraine; Russia; Israel; Baltic countries; Kazakhstan having the trade networks in their countries and demand for canned fruits is quite high there. The same partners would provide sale of the Company’s new products, as entering the trade networks is still a problem not for Georgian but also for many foreign manufacturers, though the demand for ecologically clean products is high in all countries. To enter domestic and international markets, “Agro Keda” and “AgroChokhatauri”have the strengths, though there are some risk factors as well. Strengths include: quality—natural, ecologically clean products, free of chemical additives; wide range of products; powerful and respected founder KTW; with wide network of distribution and trade partners. Risks and weaknesses:“Agro Keda” and “Agro Chokhatauri” is a new company and the consumers do not know its products yet; in addition, in Georgia there are numerous competitors. These risks could be easily dealt with by means of well-thought marketing measures and . Damir Basilaia Head of KTW Canned Fruits’ Project
mniSvnelovania, Tu rogor da ra pirobebSi mohyavs fermers produqcia. gamomdinare pirobebidan, adgilobriv fermerebTan grZelvadiani xelSekrulebebis gaformebas vgegmavT, romlebic xilis movlis, dasufTavebis, mosavlis aRebis Tanmimdevrul, standartebSi moqceul procedurebs iTvaliswinebs. es xelsayreli iqneba rogorc sawarmosTvis, ise adgilobrivi fermerisTvis. xelSekrulebidan gamomdinare, adgilobriv fermerebs gauCndebaT meti motivacia, gazardon nedleulis raodenoba da izrunon mis xarisxze, radgan ekologiurad sufTa da naturaluri xili upirobod realizebadi iqneba. amiT glexs saSualebas mivcemT, keTilsindisieri SromiT, droulad miiRos Sesabamisi anazRaureba, rac xels Seuwyobs ufro meti qarTuli ojaxis fexze dadgomasa da gaZlierebas. `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba” cdilobs aRadginos xilis gadamuSavebisa da sakonservo warmoebis is Zveli qarTuli tradiciebi, romlebic arsebobda aWarisa da guriis regionebSi; Cveni kompaniis mizania regionSi danergos evrokavSiris qveynebSi miRebuli, sursaTis uvnebelobis ISO saerTaSoriso standarti. am miznis misaRwevad Cven mudmivad vzrunavT sawarmoebis personalis kvalifikaciis amaRlebaze; kompania intensiurad muSaobs produqciis popularizaciisa da adgilobrivi Tu ucxoeli momxmareblis mozidvis mimarTulebiT, risTvisac gegmavs sxva-dasxva gamofenebsa Tu festivalebSi monawileobis miRebas. es didad Seuwyobs xels adgilobrivi da ucxoeli investorebis dainteresebas qarTuli xilis gadamuSavebiT. xilis gadamamuSavebeli axali sawarmoebis gamosaSvebi produqciis asortimenti sxvadasxva SefuTvis 30-ze meti dasaxelebis produqts Seadgens, romelTa Soris iqneba: vaSlisa da msxlis jemi da muraba, qliavis jemi da muraba, mocvis jemi da muraba, komSis jemi da muraba, marwyvis jemi da muraba da blis muraba. yvela produqti dafasoebuli iqneba 30, 50, 250, 370 da 650 ml-ian SefuTvebSi. `kaxur tradiciul meRvineobas” Tavisi ZiriTadi produqciis distribuciaSi Zlieri partniorebi hyavs rogorc saqarTveloSi, ise sazRvargareT. ukraina, ruseTi, israeli, baltiispireTis qveynebi, yazaxeTi - es is qveynebia, romelTa savaWro qselebi Cvens kompanias kargad aqvs aTvisebuli da sadac xilis konservebzec didi moTxovnilebaa. igive partniorebi gagviweven daxmarebas axali produqciis gasaRebaSic, radganac axal savaWro qselSi Sesvla ZiriTad problemad rCeba ara mxolod qarTveli, aramed mravali ucxoeli mwarmoeblisTvisac. Cveni warmatebis winapiroba ki ekologiurad sufTa produqciaze msoflioSi arsebuli didi moTxovnilebaa. am TvalsazrisiT adgilobriv da saerTaSoriso bazrebze gasasvlelad kompaniebs
`agro qedas” da `agro Coxataurs” gaaCniaT Zlieri mxareebi, Tumca arsebobs garkveuli riskfaqtorebic. xilis gadamamuSavebeli axali kompaniebis Zlieri mxareebia: xarisxi (rac gulisxmobs naturaluri, ekologiurad sufTa produqciis warmoebas qimiuri danamatebis gareSe), produqciis farTo asortimenti, Zlieri da didi avtoritetis mqone damfuZnebeli kompania KTW, Tavisi farTo sadistribucio qseliTa da savaWro partniorebiT; rac Seexeba riskebsa da sust mxareebs, gasaTvaliswinebelia, rom `agro qeda” da `agro Coxatauri”axali kompaniebia da momxmarebeli ar icnobs maT produqcias; amasTan, saqarTveloSi bevri konkurenti kompania arsebobs. Tumca, kargad gaTvlili da gaazrebuli marketinguli RonisZiebebiT, am riskebis daZleva male gaxdeba SesaZlebeli. damir basilaia ktv-s xilis konservebis proeqtis xelmZRvaneli
В статье руководителя проекта фруктовых консервов, Дамир Басилаиа, рассказывается о новом направлении в деятельности компании, нацеленном на переработку фруктов, поскольку садоводство в Грузии было развито с давних пор, но не было соответствующей производственной базы. В Западной Грузии уже прошли регистрацию две компании: «Агро-Кеда» и «Агро-Чохатаури». Стратегия этих компаний зиждется на налаживании деловых взаимоотношений с крестьянами, которые на договорных условиях будут поставлять фрукты. Консервированные фрукты расфасовываются в емкостях различного объема и конфигурации, на продажу, как в Грузии, так и за рубежом. Учитывая то обстоятельство, что фрукты выращены в экологически чистых природных условиях, этот бизнес является весьма привлекательным, как для поставщиков продукции в лице крестьян, так и для потребителей.
კომპანიას «კახური ტრადიციული მეღვინეობა» ISO 22000 – 2005 საერთაშორისო სტანდარტი მიენიჭა
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meore msoflio omis Semdeg, XX saukunis 50-ian wlebSi, msoflioSi industriuli bumi daiwyo - sokoebiviT mravldebodnen axali sawarmoebi, safuZveli eyreboda axal kompaniebs, gaCndnen transnacionaluri korporaciebi, romlebic Caebnen axal omSi msoflio bazris gadanawilebisTvis. iwyeboda globalizaciis epoqa. aseT biznesbakqanaliaSi, 60-ian wlebSi msoflioSi aqtualuri gaxda kvebis produqtebis warmoebisa da transportirebis usafrTxoebis problemis gadaWra. am mizniT 1961 wels Seiqmna gaeros sakvebisa da soflis meurneobis jgufi Codex limentarius, rac laTinurad `sakvebis wigns” niSnavs. es aris saerTaSorisod aRiarebuli standartebis naerTi, praqtikuli saxelmZRvaneloebi da sxva rekomendaciebi, dakavSirebuli sakvebTan, mis warmoebasa da usafrTxoebasTan. es kodeqsi aRiarebulia jandacvis msoflio organizaciisa da vaWrobis msoflio organizaciis mier. am jgufis Seqmnis ZiriTadi mizania momxmareblis janmrTelobis dacva da kvebis produqtebiT vaWrobis usafrTxoebisTvis zomebis gatareba. gaeros sakvebisa da soflis meurneobis jgufis mier SemuSavebul standartebsa da rekomendaciebs Soris erT-erTi rekomendaciaa HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control points) anu safrTxeebis analizisa da sakontrolo kritikuli wertilebis sistema. es gulisxmobs kvebis produqtebis warmoebis procesSi prevenciuli zomebis sistematur gatarebas biologiuri, qimiuri da fizikuri safrTxeebis Tavidan asacileblad, rasac Sedegad moaqvs saboloo produqtis moxmarebis usafrTxoeba da qmnis gazomvad procedurebs riskebis Tavidan asacileblad. HACCP sistema gamoiyeneba kvebis produqtebis
After World War II, in 50-ies of 20th century, industrial boom began in the world—numerous new enterprises appeared, new companies were founded, new trans-national corporations started new fight for redistribution of the world market. Epoch of globalization was at its starting point. In the 60-ies, regarding such business Bacchanalia, dealing with the problem of ensuring safety of food production and transportation was of great significance. In 1961, for this purpose, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, called Codex Alimentarius was established. In Latin this means “Book of Food”. This is the collection of internationally recognized standards, practical manuals and other recommendations dealing with the food, its production and safety. This Code is recognized by WHO and WTO. The key reason for establishment of this Group is protection of the consumers’ health and implementation of the relevant measures to ensure safety of trade in food products. HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is one of the standards and recommendations developed by UN Food and Agriculture Organization. It implies implementation of systematic preventive measures in the process of food production, to prevent chemical and physical hazards, resulting in safety of consumption of the end products and creating measurable procedures for risks avoidance. HACCP system is applied at any stage of food production chain, for raw materials control, in preparation works, production, packaging, distribution etc. With time, the standards were revised, updated to ensure their suitability with the contemporary requirements and their improvement. 21st century revealed new incentives. GFSI (The Global Food Safety Initiative) is the incentive
of improvement of the food safety systems intended for ensuring delivery of safe food products to the world’s consumers. GFSI provides platform for cooperation between world’s famous experts, scientists, manufacturers, food industry companies, international organizations and governments. This incentive was launched after number of crises related to food products in 2000 (adulteration, epidemics, pesticides etc.), resulting in fall of consumers’ trust to the food products. Since then, the experts of all over the world cooperate in various technical groups to ensure food safety in accordance with the requirements of GFSI members. Currently GFSI is focused on covering of all elements of global food supply chain—from the farms to the consumers. Introduction of these international standards require significant efforts from the Company. ISO 22000:2005 standard is one of the most complete and recent standards. It includes number of regulatory documents named ISO 22000 family standards. By introducing of this food safety system, KTW Ltd. ensures the consumers’ belief that the Company’s products are of high quality, safe for human health and protected from physical, microbiological and chemical hazards at all stages of raw materials’ procurement, production, transportation and storage. According to EU food hygiene requirements, FSMS (Food Safety Measurement System) of KTW studies the critical points of food safety and takes care about their recording, proper control and development of the guarantee measures in accordance with HACCP plan relying upon Codex Alimentarium requirements and performs actions provided for by Global Food Safety. Company’s products, the process of production and delivery comply with the domestic and international technical norms, based on which the Company has developed technological regulations. Company ensured hazards analysis, identification of critical control points (CCP/PRP) (Critical Control Points/ Preliminary Risk Programs) and development of control and monitoring measures to ensure risks control. It also ensures development of effective tracing systems for the end products’ batches. All these measures rely upon preliminary risk programs (PRP), including: Guarantee of the raw materials’ origin: Hygiene/safety and quality control; Procurement of raw materials; Work environment: hygiene, order and safety; Planned dislocation of the premises to prevent cross contamination; Ensuring proper conditions and microclimate (temperature, relative humidity of air) in the premises for
warmoebis jaWvis nebismier etapze: nedleulis kontrolisas, mosamzadebeli samuSaoebisas, warmoebisas, SefuTvisas, distribuciisas da sxv. droTa ganmavlobaSi xdeboda am standartebis gadaxedva da gadamuSaveba, maTi drois moTxovnebTan SeTanadebis da srulyofis mizniT. XXI saukunem axali iniciativebi gamoavlina. GFSI (The Global Food Safety Initiative) sakvebis usafrTxoebis msoflio iniciativa - es aris sakvebis usafrTxoebis sistemebis gaumjobesebis iniciativa, romlis mizania msoflios momxmareblebamde usafrTxo kvebis produqtebis mitana. GFSI qmnis platformas msoflioSi cnobili eqspertebis, mecnierebis, mwarmoeblebis, kvebis mrewvelobis kompaniebis, saerTaSoriso organizaciebisa da mTavrobebis TanamSromlobisTvis. es iniciativa warmoiSva 2000 wels kvebis produqtebTan dakavSirebuli ramdenime krizisis Semdeg (falsificireba, epidemiebi, pesticidebi da sxv.), rodesac produqtebis xarisxis mimarT momxmareblebis ndoba daeca. mas Semdeg mTeli msoflios masStabiT eqspertebi sxvadasxva teqnikur jgufebSi TanamSromloben, raTa uzrunvelyon kvebis produqtebis usafrTxoeba GFSI wevrebis moTxovnebis Sesabamisad. amJamad GFSI-s yuradReba gamaxvilebulia imaze, raTa globaluri kvebis produqtebis miwodebis jaWvis yvela rgoli moicvas - dawyebuli fermidan da damTavrebuli, rogorc ityvian, momxmareblis CangliT. am saerTaSoriso standartebis danergva kompaniisgan did Zalisxmevas moiTxovs. ISO 22000:2005 standarti erT-erTi srulyofili da bolo standartia. igi mTeli rigi maregulirebeli dokumentebisgan Sedgeba, romlebsac ISO 22000 ojaxis standartebi ewodeba. sursaTis uvneblobis am sistemis danergviT Sps `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba” uzrunvelyofs momxmarebelis ndobas imasTan dakavSirebiT, rom kompaniis mier damzadebuli (KTW-s SemTxvevaSi, Camosxmuli) produqcia maRali xarisxisaa, janmrTelobisTvis uvnebelia da nedleulis Sesyidvis, damzadebis, transportirebisa da dasawyobebis yvela etapze dazRveulia fizikuri, mikrobiologiuri da qimiuri dazianebebisgan. evrokavSiris sursaTis higienis moTxovnebis Sesabamisad, Sps `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis” FSMS (Food Safety Mesurment Sistem)-is jgufi ikvlevs sursaTis uvneblobis kritikul adgilebs da zrunavs maTi aRricxvis, saTanado kontrolisa da sagarantio RonisZiebebis SemuSavebaze HACCPis gegmis Sesabamisad, romelic eyrdnoba Codex Alimentarius-is moTxovnebs da asrulebs Global Food Safety-is mier gansazRvrul qmedebebs.
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kompaniis mier damzadebuli produqcia, misi damzadeba-miwodebis procesi Seesabameba adgilobriv da saerTaSoriso teqnikur normebs, romelTa mixedviT kompanias SemuSavebuli aqvs teqnologiuri reglamentebi. kompaniam uzrunvelyo safrTxeebis analizis Catareba, kritikuli da sakontrolo wertilebis (CCP/PRP) (Critical Control Points/ Preliminary Risk Programs) identifikacia da kontrolisa da monitoringis RonisZiebebis SemuSaveba am riskis sakontrolod. aseve, uzrunvelyo mza produqtis partiisaTvis efeqtiani mikvlevadobis sistemis Seqmna. yvela am RonisZiebis safuZvelia riskebis Semcirebis winaswari programebi (PRP), maT Soris: • nedleulis warmoSobis garantia: higienis uvneblobisa da xarisxis kontroli; • nedleulisa da masalebis Sesyidva; • samuSao garemos: higiena, wesrigi da usafrTxoeba; • jvaredini dabinZurebis Tavidan asacileblad saTavsoebis dagegmili ganlageba; • ingredientebis (Rvino-masalebis) Sesanaxad Sesabamisi pirobebisa da mikroklimatis (temperatura, haeris fardobiTi tenianoba) Seqmna saTavsoSi. dasawyobebuli produqtis dalagebis wesi, izolacia saSiSi nivTierebebisgan, swori rotacia. • Camomsxmeli saamqros kargi higiena: advilad dasasufTavebeli da dezinficirebadi iatakis, kedlebisa da aRWurvilobis (xelsawyoebi, magidebi) arseboba; FSMS-is jgufi procesis sqemis mixedviT atarebs produqciis sasicocxlo ciklis yvela etapze potenciurad saSiSi faqtorebis gamovlenisa da maTi Sefasebis procedurebs akeTebs safrTxis analizs, afasebs risks da gansazRvravs Sesabamis sakontrolo zomebs. safrTxis analizis mizania im potenciuri safrTxeebis gamovlena, romelTa mizeziTac, susti kontrolis SemTxvevaSi, SesaZloa momxmareblis janmrTelobas raime ziani miadges. safrTxis analizi, riskis Sefaseba da, aqedan gamomdinare, sakontrolo zomebis identifikacia sam mizans emsaxureba: • riskebisa da maTTan dakavSirebuli sakontrolo zomebis identifikacia; • analizisas SesaZloa ganisazRvros procesSi an produqciaSi Sesatani aucilebeli cvlilebebi ise, rom produqciis usafrTxoeba SemdgomSi garantirebuli iyos; • analizi warmoadgens safuZvels kritikuli sakontrolo wertilis gansazRvrisTvis.
ingredients (wine materials) storage; Regulations for storage of the end products, isolation from the harmful substances, adequate rotation; Good hygiene at the bottling shops: presence of easily cleaned and disinfected floors, walls and equipment (tools, tables); According to the process diagram, FSMS group provides identification of potentially hazardous factors at all stages of products’ life cycle and conducts their assessment procedures—conducts dangers analysis, evaluates the risk and sets the relevant control measures. Goal of danger analysis is identification of the potential dangers to the health of consumers in case of weak control. Dangers analysis, risks assessment and identification of the control measures serve to three goals: - Identification of the risks and relevant control measures; - Analysis may identify the necessary changes to the processes or products to guarantee further safety of the products; - Analysis provides basis for identification of critical control points. Once the dangers’ analysis identifies the critical dangers, with respect of products safety, the allowable limits regulated by legislation are set. System ensures maintenance of the relevant records for food safety management system (protocols, acts, logs and other evidences of performed activities), documentation, their withdrawal, storage and utilization. ISO22000:2005 certification is provided through international audit ensuring in-depth inspection of all spheres of the enterprise’s activities—not only products’ manufacturing but also company management, staff qualifications, social conditions etc. For few months the representatives of TÜV SÜD ManagementService GmbH. German international audit firm closely cooperated with KRW staff. We were glad that the Company shortly received ISO 22000:2005 certification. This certification is the achievement of entire KRW staff and at the same time, it imposes great responsibility on them. This standard ensures presentation of the holding company and its products at international level and the assurance that the products are safe, manufactured in compliance with the international standards and of high quality and this would contribute to the Company’s success at different markets. ISO 22000:2005 certification is not permanent, it requires regular compliance measures. Therefore, the Company should take care about maintenance and improvement of the conditions provided for by the standards.
Ilia Peradze KTW marketing comunication manager
mas Semdeg, rac safrTxis analizis saSualebiT gamovlindeba kritikuli safrTxeebi produqtis uvneblobis kuTxiT, dgindeba dasaSvebi limitebi, romlebic reglamentirebulia kanonmdeblobiT sistema uzrunvelyofs sursaTis uvneblobis menejmentis sistemisTvis saWiro Canawerebis (oqmebi, aqtebi, Jurnalebi da ganxorcielebuli saqmianobis sxva mowmobebi) dokumentaciis warmoebas, amoRebas, Senaxvas da utilizacias. ISO 22000:2005 standartis sertifikati eniWeba saerTaSoriso auditis meSveobiT, romelic safuZvlianad amowmebs sawarmos funqcionirebis yvela sferos - ara marto produqciis warmoebas, aramed kompaniis menejments, kadrebis kvalifikacias, socialur pirobebs da sxv. `kaxur tradiciul meRvineobaSi” germanuli saerTaSoriso auditoruli firmis TÜV SÜD ManagementService GmbH warmomadgenlebi ramdenime Tvis ganmavlobaSi kompaniis personalTan mWidro TanamSromlobiT muSaobdnen. Cvenda sasixarulod, kompanias ISO 22000:2005 saerTaSoriso standartis sertifikati sakmaod mokle droSi mieniWa. es sertifikati KTW-s mTeli koleqtivis damsaxureba da, imavdroulad, didi pasuxismgeblobacaa. aRniSnuli standarti uzrunvelyofs mflobeli kompaniis da misi produqciis wardgenas saerTaSoriso doneze da ganacxads, rom es produqcia aris uvnebeli, saerTaSoriso standartebis normebiT damzadebuli da maRali xarisxis, rac xels Seuwyobs kompaniis warmatebas sxvadasxva bazrebze. ISO 22000:2005 standarti organizacias samudamod ar eniWeba. mas sistematurad sWirdeba dacva. amitom kompaniam yoveldRiurad unda izrunos standartiT gaTvaliswinebuli pirobebis SenarCunebasa da gaumjobesebaze.
В статье, говорится о значении международного стандарта ISO 22000:2005 по обеспечению безопасности продукции. В эпоху глобализации и выход на рынки сбыта таких крупных игроков, как транснациональные корпорации, в 1961 году, при ООН была создана группа по сельскому хозяйству и продукции, Codex Alimentarius, так называемая «Продуктовая книга», признанная ВОЗ (Всемирной организацией здравоохранения) и ВТО (Всемирной торговой организацией), как непреложный кодекс действий при производстве пищевой продукции и её транспортировке. В соответствии с GFSI (The Global Food Safety Initiative) Всемирной инициативой по безопасности продукции, создан стандарт ISO 22000:2005. KTW , в своей деятельности руководствуется планом, предусмотренным HACCP- (Hazard analysis and critical control points), т.е. общепринятой системой анализа рисков и конторля критических точек. Сертификат ISO 22000:2005 был выдан компании KTW Германской международной аудиторской фирмой TÜV SÜD ManagementService GmbH.
ilia feraZe marketinguli komunikaciebis samsaxuris menejeri
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xelovnebis tradiciuli festivali `qarTuli suli~, romelic saqarTvelos kaTolikos-patriarqis kurTxeviT 2003 wlidan tardeba, wels kaxeTis ulamazesi sofel patarZeulidan daiwyo. 31 maiss aq stumrebi mTeli saqarTvelodan qarTveli mwerlis, sazogado moRvawisa da saqarTvelos saxalxo poetis, gogla leoniZis dabadebidan 115-e wlisTavis aRsaniSnavad Seikribnen. KTW-s uxucesTa sabWos Tavmjdomarem, damsaxurebulma Jurnalistma Tamaz tyemalaZem da mowveulma stumrebma didi siTboTi da madlierebiT gaixsenes saqarTveloze uzomod Seyvarebuli mwerlis cxovreba da Semoqmedeba. sazeimo koncerti, romelSic sagarejos raionis folkloruli ansamblebi “berikacebi” da “gareji” monawileobdnen, maTTvis `qarTuli sulis~ sapatio sigelebis gadacemiT dasrulda. festivali TbilisSi saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli mxatvris, gia guguSvilis namuSevrebis gamofeniT gagrZelda, romelic KTW-s finansuri mxardaWeriT moewyo. 10 ivniss ki festivalma xevsureTSi gadainacvla, sadac sazogadoeba „xevsureTis megobris“ dafuZnebiTa da „saukunis gzis“ prezentaciiT dagvirgvinda kidec.
1. amiran arabuli - profesori, qarTuli folkloris mkvlevari. 2. babua aludauri - xevsureTis eTnografiuli muzeumis damaarsebeli, fotoxelovani. 3. SoTa wiklauri - xevsureTis qomagi, fotoxelovani 4. omar jabuSanuri - gzis mSeneblobis organizacebaSi aqtiuri TanamSromlobisaTvis. 5. ana oCiauri - xevsureTis qomagi, mesazRvre qalbatoni 6. soso oxanaSvili - xevsureTis qomagi, megobari. 7. elguja xokriSvili - regionuli ganviTarebisa da infrastruqturis ministri. festivalis farglebSi dawesda yvelasaTvis sayvareli xevsuri poetis, gabriel jabuSanuris
festivalis yoveli dRe metad lamazi da saintereso RonisZiebebiT iyo datvirTuli, gansakuTrebiT STambeWdavi ki misi bolo dRe aRmoCnda. am dRes festivals maRali stumrebi saqarTvelos kaTolikos-patriarqi, uwmindesi da unetaresi ilia II da saqarTvelos premier-ministri irakli RaribaSvili stumrobdnen, romlebsac saqarTvelos aRmSeneblobaSi Setanili didi wvlilisTvis `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ generalurma direqtorma, zurab CxaiZem gansakuTrebuli madloba gadauxada, istoriuli “saukunis gzis” mSeneblobis pirvelmoTaves, saqarTvelos premier-ministrs, baton irakli RaribaSvils ki saqarTvelos mTianeTisadmi gansakuTrebuli zrunvisTvis festival `qarTuli sulis~ ordeni gadasca. „es aris saukunis gza, romelic „taZramde migviyvans“! brZana batonma premier-ministrma. „qarTuli sulis“ medlebiT ki dajildovdnen:
On May 31, in village Patardzeuli, the opening ceremony of traditional Art festival “Georgian Spirit 2014” was conducted. The festival is arranged every year, since 2003, to popularize all spheres of fine arts. This year, the first event of the festival was dedicated to 115th anniversary of Gogla Leonidze and his patriotic poetry. Guests from Tbilisi, Sagarejo and neighboring districts gathered in the yard of Gogla Leonidze’s house museum, in Patardzeuli and recalled the poet’s art. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Tamaz Tkemaladze, the Chairman of LTW Council of Elders, Honored Journalist. Speeches were delivered by: professors: George Alibegashvili, Eldar Nadiradze, Valerian Asatiani, Nugzar Tsereteli, Niko Leonidze, writer Zaza Abzianidze, Honored Artist Givi Toidze, Nino Burdiashvili, director of Patardzeuli school and George Giunashvili, student of the same school Mr. Zurab Chkhaidze, General Director of KTW, permanent organizer of the Festival, gave the final speech and awarded the Honorable Medals of Georgia Spirit festival to: Niko Leonidze, Nugzar Tsereteli, Zaza Abzianidze and Nino Burdiashvili were awarded the honorary certificates. Further the participants visited Patardzeuli Wine Factory, where local residents are employed. There the tourist center, Company’s shop “Wine Way” and testing hall were opened. Further the guests viewed the new bottling line. Finally the musical performance was conducted with the participation of folklore groups of Sagarejo District: “Berikatsebi” and “Gareji”. General Director of the Company awarded them the honorary certificates of Georgian Spirit. On 2 June the Art Festival continued in Tbilisi, in the exhibition hall of Gia Javrishvili’s Dental Clinic, with KTW sponsorship, where the exhibition of the works by Gia Gugushvili, Honored Artist of Georgia was arranged. On 10 June, in Khevsureti the final event of the festival was arranged. This included founding of the Society “Khevsuretis Megobari” (Friend of Khevsureti) and presentation of the “Century Road”. In Barisakho Godmother Temple, Father Ioseb Gachava conducted Paraklesis, followed by presentation of the “Century Road” connecting Pirikita Khevsureti and Piraketa Khevsureti and founding of the society “Khevsuretis Megobari”. Patriarch of Georgia, Ilia II and Irakli Gharibashvili, the Prime Minister of Georgia attended the event. Mr. Zurab Chkhaidze, General Director of KTW, expressed profound gratitude to Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi and Metropolitan of Bichvinta and Tskhum-Abkhazia, His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II and Mr. Irakli Gharibashvili, the Prime Minister of Georgia, for participation in the event and their great contributions to building of Georgia. “This is the Century Road leading us to the Temple”! stated the Prime Minister. Mr. Zurab Chkhaidze awarded the Orden of Georgian Spirit to the initiator of construction of the Century Road to Mr. Irakli Gharibashvili, the Prime Minister of Georgia, for particular care about mountain regions of Georgia. Medals of Georgian Spirit were awarded to: 1. Amiran Arabuli—professor, researcher of Georgian folklore, for particular attention to Georgian mountain regions; 2. Babua Aludauri—founder of Khevsureti Ethnographic Museum, photo artist; 3. Shota Tsiklauri—supporter of Khevsureti, photo artist; 4. Omar Jabushanuri—for active cooperation in road construction; 5. Ana Ochiauri—supporter of Khevsureti, border guard lady; 6. Soso Okhanashvili—supporter of Khevsureti, friend; 7. Elguja Khokrishvili - Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure, initiator of construction of road connecting two regions of Khevsureti, Pirikita and Piraketa Khevsureti.
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yovelwliuri literaturuli premia da pirveli laureatebic gamovlindnen: lia liqokeli, giorgi arabuli da merab metreveli. barisaxoSi Ria cis qveS gamarTulma qarTuli leqsisa da simReris namdvilma zeimma, romelmac kidev erTxel dagvarwmuna, rom qarTul suls Caqroba, qarTul gens ki gadaSeneba ar uweria, daasrula ulamazesi 14-dRiani dResaswauli saxelwodebiT - `qarTuli suli~. ia maqacaria
festivalis damfuZnebeli
On the same day, the Gabriel Jabushanuri’s Annual Literary Prize was established and the first award ceremony was arranged. Gabriel Jabushanuri’s Literary Prize was awarded to: 1. Lia Likokeli 2. George Arabuli 3. Merab Metreveli The concert was arranged on the open scene In Chrdilis Chala, with participation of: 1. George Arabuli—the poem 2. Nakeuri sisters—song 3. Gogohuri sisters—song 4. Merab Arabuli—poem 5. Ensemble Gordela—song, mix 6. Merab Metreveli—poem 7. University group—song Georgian Spirit Festival 2014 was closed in this optimistic mode and we hope that next year the events arranged under its aegis will be no less pleasant. Founder of Festival Ia Makatsaria
В статье организатора традиционного фестиваля искусств, «Дух Грузии-2014», Ии Макацария, рассказывается о том, что традиция, зародившаяся в 2003 году, была продолжена и в этом году, 31 мая в селе Патардзеули в праздничной атмосфере был открыт фестиваль, посвященный творчеству известного поэта Гоглы Леонидзе. Встречей в доме-музее Леонидзе, руководил Председатель Совета старейшин KTW Тамаз Ткемаладзе. После выступлений ораторов, перед собравшимися выступил, Генеральный директор компании, Зураб Чхаидзе, который вручил почетные медали и грамоты награжденным и поздравил их. Затем участники празднества посетили винный завод, дегустационный зал и турцентр. В заключении перед гостями выступили Сагареджойские фольклорные ансамбли. 2 июня в стоматологическом центре Гии Джавришвили, в Тбилиси, под спонсорством KTW была устроена выставка работ художника Гии Гугушвили. В рамках программы фестиваля, 10 июня в соборе Успения Божьей Матери в Барисахо (Хевсурети), отмечалось основание общества «Друзья Хевсурети», и презентация «Векового пути», на которой присутствовали: Святейший и Блаженнейший Католикос-Патриарх всея Грузии, Илия II , Премьер-министр Грузии, Ираклии Гарибашвили. Генеральный директор компании, Зураб Чхаидзе , сердечно поблагодарил высоких гостей за участие в возрождении Хевсурети и, передал награды «Духа Грузии», лицам, внесшим свой вклад в развитие региона.
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“kaxurma tradiciulma meRvineobam” - saerTaSoriso konferencias
“argo 2014 - legendis gacocxleba”-s umaspinZla.
cnobili ingliseli mogzauris, mecnierisa da mwerlis tim severinisa da axali argonavtebis saqarTveloSi pirveli eqspedicidan 30 weli gavida. am saiubileo TariRTan dakavSirebiT mimidinare wlis 30 ivnisidan 4 ivlisamde saerTaSoriso konferencia `argo 2014 - legendis gacocxleba” Catarda. 1984 wels, `axali argonavtebis~ pirveli Camosvlisas, saqarTvelos mxridan eqspediciaSi `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis” uxucesTa sabWos wevrebi: Tamaz tyemalaZe, Temur Wkuaseli, zurab lolaZe da ilia feraZe monawileobdnen. swored isini aRmoCndnen am konferenciis iniciatorebi. uxucesTa sabWos wevrebs Tavidanve auba mxari kompaniis generalurma direqtorma, batonma zurab CxaiZem da `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba” `argo - 21014~-is erT-erTi mTavari organizatori gaxda.
In 1984, the following members of the KTW Council of Elders participated in the expedition of New Argonauts from Georgian side: Tamaz Tkemaladze, Temur Chkuaseli, Zurab Loladze and Ilia Peradze and 30 years later, they initiated arrangement of this Conference. Mr. Zurab Chkhaidze, general Director of the Company supported the members of Council of Elders from the outset and KTW became one of the key organizers of the Conference. Arrival of Severin and Argonauts to Georgia, with the galley Argo, built on the basis of the ancient drawings in 1984 was of great significance for the history of Georgiain particular, the expedition intended to prove that the “Argonautica” by Apollonius of Rhodes was not simply a legend but rather, an actual voyage 33 centuries ago and the stories about power and riches of Colchis Kingdom described in the poem were true. Georgian people are well aware in this story about Jason, Medea and Aeetes and arrival of the New Argonauts in 1984 was indeed great event for the people. After their arrival to overcrowded Poti Port, further, at a time of towing of Argo to Vani, the banks of Rioni River were full of people, irrespective of rainy weather. Several times a day, the locals sailed to Argo with their boats, delivering the baskets full of the fruits, bread and wine, causing delight of the guests. After completion of this voyage the scientists all over the world have been writing about significance of the results of expedition for long time. Anniversary Conference of 2014 was intended to recall the history of our country to Georgian people, invite the New Argonauts and show them new Georgia. Irrespective of overloaded schedule, Tim Severin and 10 New Argonauts agreed to visit Georgia. It turned out that for 30 years they have not seen one another and even have not communicated with one another. One should see, how they were glad to see each other here, in Tbilisi—the city, where they met after three decades.
tim severini da axali argonavtebi saqarTveloSi 1984 wels, Zveli naxazebis mixedviT saberZneTSi agebuli 20-niCbiani galera “argoTi” Camovidnen. am vizits saqarTvelos istoriisTvis udidesi mniSvneloba hqonda - miznad isaxavda imis damtkicebas, rom apolonios rodoselis `argonavtika” mxolod legenda ki ara, 33 saukunis win realurad Semdgari mogzauroba iyo da legendaSi kolxeTis samefos siZlierisa da oqromdidrobis Sesaxeb aRwerili ambebi sinamdviles Seesabameboda. qarTveli xalxi kargad icnobs iazonis, medeasa da aietis Sesaxeb Seqmnil am istorias. amitom iyo, rom 1984 wels axali argonavtebis Camosvla namdvil saxalxo zeimad iqca. foTis porti da mdinare rionis napirebi, romlis gavliTac `argo~ q. vanamde Cavida, miuxedavad wvimiani amindisa, xalxiT iyo savse. adgilobrivi mcxovrebni dReSi ramdenjerme, niCbiani navebiT awvdidnen argonavtebs xiliTa da pur-RviniT savse kalaTebs, rac stumrebis gaocebasa da aRtacebas iwvevda.
From 30 June to 4 July, the Conference “Argo 2014-Revival of the Legend” dedicated to 30th anniversary of arrival of Tim Severin, famous English traveler and scientist and New Argonauts to Georgia was held.
mogzaurobis dasrulebis Semdeg did-xans grZeldeboda msoflio mecnierebis gamoxmaurebebi eqspediciis Sedegebis mniSvnelobis Sesaxeb.
Company Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking dedicated one day to the Argonauts: on 2 July, in the morning, the guests visited Patardzeuli winery and viewed the enterprise and technological lines with great attention. Among the Argonauts there were the Irishmen, interested in the technologies of brandy production, aging of the alcohol
2014 wlis saiubileo konferenciis mizani iyo kidev erTxel Seexsenebina xalxisTvis qveynis istoria, Camoeyvana axali argonavtebi da maTTvis ganaxlebuli saqarTvelo eCvenebina. miuxedavad
and bottling lines. After visit to the wine factory, the guests visited the new shop “Wine Way”, built into the wall of the factory, especially for the tourists travelling along the Kakheti highway. The shop offered wide range of products
to the buyers. Further, Mr. Zurab Chkhaidze, General Director, invited the guests to the testing hall and presented “Saperavi” wine bottled specially for the Argonauts, with the images of Tim Severin and Golden Fleece, was met with great delight. Numerous presents and souvenirs were offered to the guests and they left the factory territory. Further they visited Sighnaghi, to see the paintings by Pirosmani and Gudiashvili at the museum. After Sighnaghi, the guests visited Veranda in Velistsikhe.
`kaxurma tradiciulma meRvineobam” 2 ivliss mTeli dRis ganmavlobaSi umaspinZla axal argonavtebs: dilidan stumrebi patarZeulis Rvinis qarxanas ewvivnen da didi yuradRebiT daaTvalieres uaxlesi sawarmo. stumrebs Soris aRmoCndnen irlandielebic, romlebic koniakis damzadebis teqnologiiT, spirtebis daZvelebiTa da Camomsxmeli xazebiT gansakuTrebiT dainteresdnen. stumrebma qarxnis kedelSi CaSenebuli axali maRazia
Velistsikhe Veranda charmed the guests with its versatility: from huge clay vessels - kvevris to wine presses, various tools. The guests viewed everything with great interest. They were delighted like children with various traditional winemaking tools and wine cellar equipment. They watched with great interest how traditional Georgian bread was baked, making roast meat - shashliks and churchkhelas, and they participated in it as well. Finally, they enjoyed the process of making Chacha in the “Zaoti” of Veranda.
datvirTuli grafikisa, konferenciaze Camosvlas daTanxmda tim severini da masTan erTad kidev 10 yofili argonavti, romlebsac, rogorc aRmoCnda, mTeli am 30 wlis ganmavlobaSi, erTmaneTTan aranairi kontaqti ar hqoniaT. amitomac iyo maTi Sexvedra TbilisSi saocrad amaRelvebeli da emociuri, radgan am qalaqma sami aTeuli wlis Semdeg kidev erTxel Seaxvedra erTmaneTs.
Wine cellar is not a real wine cellar without traditional
`Rvinis gzac” daaTvalieres, sadac KTW-s mravalferovani produqciaa warmodgenili. Semdeg kompaniis generalurma direqtorma, batonma zurab CxaiZem stumrebi sadegustacio darbazSi miiwvia, sadac gansakuTrebuli aRfrTovaneba da mowoneba specialurad argonavtebisTvis Camosxmulma `saferavma~ daimsaxura, etiketze tim severinisa da oqros verZis gamosaxulebiT. stumrebs mravalferovani saCuqrebi da suvenirebi gadaecaT. argonavtebma kmayofilebma datoves qarxnis teritoria. patarZeulidan stumrebma siRnaRSi gadainacvles, sadac muzeumSi, saqarTvelos istoriis metad saintereso arqeologiur da eTnografiul masalasTan erTad, niko firosmanisa da lado gudiaSvilis naxatebs gaecvnen. siRnaRis Semdeg argonavtebs `veliscixis veranda~ elodaT, romelmac stumrebi Tavisi mravalferovnebiT namdvilad moxibla: veeba qvevrebma, sawnaxelma, Rvinis mosavlelma sxvadasxva xelsawyom maTze didi STabeWdileba moaxdina, bavSvebiviT xarobdnen orSimos, orkapis, sarcxisa da marnis sxvadasxva aRWurvilobis daTvalierebisas, interesiT adevnebdnen Tvals da Tavadac miiRes monawileoba SoTi puris cxobaSi, `mepurianT mayalze~ mwvadis Sewvasa da CurCxelebis amovlebaSi, bolos ki didad ixalises verandis `zaotSi” WaWis gamoxdis procesiT. yvelaferi es ki didebuli qarTuli sufriT dasrulda - verandaze namdvili nadimi gaimarTa, sadRegrZeloebiTa da madliani kaxuri simRerebiT. saqarTvelos namdvili eSxis bolomde SesagrZnobad stumrebs gzaSi doqebiT gamoatanes qvevris Rvino da purmarili - Tbilisamde ismoda qarTulinglisur-irlandiuri simRerebi.
Ilia Peradze Member of the Council of Elders Head of program Argo 2014
В статье члена Совете Старейшин, Руководителя программы «Арго 2014», участника экспедиции «Арго 1984», Ильи Перадзе, речь идет о том, что в 1984 году, новые аргонавты, о во главе с известным путешественником, ученым о и писателем, Тимом Северины, повторили маршрут Язона на двадцативесельной галере за золотым руном, в подтверждение того, что события, описанные в поэме Аполлония Родосского «Аргонавтика», были реальностью, и Царство колхов во главе с Айэтом, в те времена, представляла собой сильное государство. С целью возрождения страниц истории Грузии, с 30 июня по 4 июля, компания KTW провела международную конференцию «Арго 2014 - Возрождение легенды». Спустя 30 лет грузинские аргонавты встретились со своими зарубежными коллегами. Гости посетили винный завод в Патардзеули, магазин «Винная дорога» дегустационный зал и турцентр. Генеральный директор компании, Зураб Чхаидзе передал в дар гостям бутылки «Саперави» с изображением Тима Северина и золотого руна и другие подарки. Потом гости посетили музей в Сигнахи, и в заключение осмотрели Велисцихскую веранду, где после ознакомления с достопримечательностями Веранды, все завершилось традиционным грузинским застольем.
ilia feraZe uxucesTa sabWos wevri `argo 2014” programis xelmZRvaneli
Georgian table and real feast was arranged at Veranda— with the toasts and Kakhetian polyphonies songs. To feel true Georgian charm, hosts gave Georgian wine in the jugs and treats to the guests. Georgian-English-Irish songs could be heard from the bus up to Tbilisi.
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Jurnali „saguramo“, romelic 2000-2005 wlebSi gamodioda da am periodis saqarTvelos erT-erT saukeTeso gamocemad iyo miCneuli, Tavidanve moeqca sazogadoebis yuradRebis centrSi. am yuradRebis gamoxatuleba gaxldaT murman lebaniZisa da tariel Wanturias iniciativiT rusTavelis sazogadoebaSi Catarebuli prezentacia, romelSic aqtiurad monawileobda saqarTvelos inteligenciis soliduri warmomadgenloba. Jurnal „saguramoSi“ pirvelad daibeWda msoflio literaturis iseTi Sedevrebis Targmanebi, rogorebicaa Tomas manis „iosebi da misi Zmebi“ da dostoevskis „Zmebi karamazovebi“. amave JurnalSi daiwyo diskusia qveynis administraciul-teritoriuli mowyobis sakiTxze. erTi sityviT, JurnalSi qveynisTvis mniSvnelovan bevr sasikeTo sakiTxze vmsjelobdiT, Tumca, moxda ise, rom „saguramo“ daixura. da ai, xangrZlivi iZulebiTi miviwyebis Semdeg, 2014 wels, Jurnali aRdga, riTac gaaxara WeSmariti literaturisa da humanitaruli azris moyvarulni. es yvelaferi ki kompania „kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobisa“ da piradad misi generaluri direqtoris, baton zurab CxaiZis TanadgomiT gaxda SesaZlebeli. mniSvnelovania, rom Jurnali klasikazea orientirebuli, riTac qarTul periodikaSi Tavisi niSa aqvs dakavebuli da cdilobs,
Magazine “Saguramo” have been issued in 2000-2005. It attracted public attention from the outset and was regarded as one of the best publications. This attention was evidenced by the presentation arranged by the incentive of Murman Lebanidze and Tariel Chanturia at Rustaveli Society, attended by outstanding intellectual society and they not only attended this event by actively participated in it. Magazine “Saguramo” published for the first time the translations of such masterpieces of world literature as “Joseph and His Brothers” by Thomas Mann, “Karamazov Brothers” by Dostoevsky. The magazine opened discussion about territorial arrangement of our country. Briefly, many good things were discussed by the Magazine but, unfortunately, “Saguramo” was closed. And now, in 2014, the Magazine was restored. It was restored to the joy of the lovers of true literature and humanity thought and all this came true due to support from the Company “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” and personally, Mr. Zurab Chkhaidze. The Magazine has its own niche in Georgian periodical literature and this is orientation towards classic works. We attempt to make happy the tasty readers. Our writing lacks versatility of critical thoughts and high quality translations. Therefore, we have chosen the way, we believe is the way of true literature. Four issues of the Magazine are already published. Magazine is issued once per two months, containing 200
pages of A4 format. If someone remembers old “Tsiskari”, “Mnatobi” and “Saunje”, they were of similar size. Shortly, it is a quite solid publication. Our magazine does not publish original poems and prose and this distinguishes “Saguramo” from the other literary periodicals. We regard that numerous newspapers and magazines serve to original Georgian literature and they do their job well. Today the literary life is very extensive; many books are published, though one good book is accompanied by ten doubtful ones. Situation is particularly heavy in the sphere of translations. People think that translation is an easy work, disregarding that in addition to perfect knowledge of two languages—the source and target ones, the skills are required to do the job. There are rare persons with all three items of this list and therefore, it is necessary to find such people and orient towards them. This is about translation. Georgian literature needs re-reading and no one disputes this. There were numerous attempts of such re-reading, both, successful and not. “Saguramo’s” objective is stimulation of this process, present our literature in the manner it deserves, prevent the criticism of nihilists and protect for dithyrambs’ lovers. Georgian literature is a worthy literature, with its perfect creative pieces and therefore, it requires in-depth, unbiased study. Today our literature is spontaneous, its assessment is at the level of toasts—I imply bad toasts and, as Ilia used to say, it is similar to “Kizilbash” or grovel. Such trends are prevented in our Magazine. Particular attention will be paid to study of the works of Ilia Chavchavadze. Magazine will focus on miraculous 19th century in our literature. Of course, this does not mean that there will be any chronological restrictions but literature of this and following centuries is studied in the most biased manner. Our archives are full of interesting materials, requiring many years for publication. We make efforts to offer to our readers the most significant ones containing more information about our past. Letter by Amiran Gomarteli deals with the covered literary polemics between Ilia Chavchavadze and Akaki Tsereteli. Emzar Kvitaishvili offers analysis of Ilia’s “Ghost” and letter by Jaclin Siradze offers innovative vision of novel by Chabua Amirejibi, “George the Brilliant”. In four issues of Saguramo the readers will find letters by Rostom Chkheidze, Archimandrite Ilarion, Levan Bregadze, Ivane Amirkhanashvili, Rezo Siradze, George Alibegashvili, Bachana Bregvadze, Temur Gabunia and others about Vakhtang Chelidze, Erekle Tatishvili, Alexander Sajaia, Galaktioni, Aristotle, Baratashvili, Grishashvili, Salinger etc. For the first time the translations of works by Eugene Ionesco, Martin Heidegger, Oscar Wilde, Grigol Robakidze, Julian Barnes, Alfred Hitchcock, Iosef Brodsky, Dimitri Likhachov and others, as well as the letters about them. All well-known writers, scientists and translators cooperate with Magazine “Saguramo”. We offered to our readers many interesting materials and we have to publish numerous literary monuments, first published for Georgian readers. Briefly, by supporting of “Saguramo” revival, “Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking” has accomplished indeed great national work. Andro Bedukadze Editor in Chief, Magazine Saguramo
gemovnebiani mkiTxveli axal-axali nawarmoebebiT gaanebivros. samwuxarod, dRevandel qarTul mwerlobas kritikuli azris mravalferovneba da xarisxiani Targmani aklia. amitomac avirCieT gza, romelic WeSmariti literaturis gzad migvaCnia. ukve gamosulia Jurnalis oTxi nomeri. igi or TveSi erTxel gamodis da A-4 formatis orasi gverdisgan Sedgeba. visac Zveli ,,ciskari“, ,,mnaTobi“ da ,,saunje“ axsovs, isinic aseTive moculobisa iyo. erTi sityviT, soliduri gamocemaa. Cvens JurnalSi ar ibeWdeba originaluri leqsi da prozauli nawarmoebi, rac aseve ganasxvavebs ,,saguramos“ sxva literaturuli periodikisgan. migvaCnia, rom qarTuli originaluri mwerlobis samsaxurSi araerTi Jurnali Tu gazeTia, romlebic am saqmes SesaniSnavad arTmeven Tavs. dRes literaturuli cxovreba gamococxlebulia, bevri wigni gamodis, Tumca erT kargs aTi saeWvo Rirebulebisa mosdevs. gansakuTrebiT arasaxarbielo mdgomareobaa TargmanSi. Targmna Zalze ioli saqme hgoniaT da aviwydebaT, rom am saqmis kargad gasakeTeblad ori umTavresi ram mainc aris saWiro - srulyofilad icode ori ena: romlidanac Targmni da romelzec Targmni. da kidev, aranakleb saWiro - unar-Cveva saqmis keTebisa. am sami TvisebebiT dajildoebuli iSviaTad Tu aris vinme. amitomac, aucilebelia aseTi niWieri adamianebis moZebna da maTze orientireba. es rac Seexeba Targmans. qarTuli literatura xelaxal wakiTxvas rom saWiroebs, amaze aRaravin davobs. amgvari wakiTxvis araerTi mcdeloba arsebobs warmatebulic da warumatebelic. ,,saguramos“ amocanaa, es procesi waaxalisos da Cveni literatura damsaxurebisamebr Sesaferisad warmoaCinos - aacilos mas nihilistTa qiliki da daicvas diTirambebis moyvarulTagan. qarTuli literatura Rirseuli literaturaa da Tavisi mxatvruli srulyofilebiT msoflioSi aravis udebs tols. amitomac sWirdeba mas obieqturi da safuZvliani Seswavla. Cveni dRevandeli literatura TviTdinebiT miedineba. misi Sefaseba, iSviaTi gamonaklisebis garda, sadRegrZeloebis donezea cud sadRegrZeloebs vgulisxmob da, rogorc ilia ityoda, ,,yizilbaSurs“ anu qlesur saubars Camohgavs. Cvens JurnalSi amgvar tendencias gza aRkveTili aqvs. Cvens JurnalSi gansakuTrebuli yuradReba ilia WavWavaZis Semoqmedebis Seswavlas daeTmoba da Cveni yuradRebis centrSi mTeli XIX saukunis saocari qarTuli mwerloba iqneba. es, ra Tqma unda, qronologiur SezRudvebs ar gulisxmobs, magram yvelaze ufro tendenciurad swored am da momdevno saukunis qarTuli mwerlobaa Seswavlili. Cveni arqivebi imdeni saintereso masaliT aris savse, rom maT srul publikacias wlebi dasWirdeba. vcdilobT, am zRva masalidan mkiTxvels rac SeiZleba aqtualuri, Cveni warsulis Sesaxeb meti informaciis Semcveli masalebi SevTavazoT. magaliTad, amiran gomarTelis werili ilia WavWavaZisa da akaki wereTlis farul mxatvrul polemikas exeba. emzar kvitaiSvili ilias ,,aCrdilis“ mxatvrul analizs akeTebs, Jaklin siraZis werilSi ki Wabua amirejibis romani ,,giorgi brwyinvale“ sruliad
axali xedviT aris warmodgenili. ,,saguramos“ oTx nomerSi mkiTxveli aseve waikiTxavs rostom CxeiZis, arqimandrit ilarionis, levan bregaZis, ivane amirxanaSvilis, rezo siraZis, giorgi alibegaSvilis, baCana bregvaZis, Temur gabuniasa da sxvaTa werilebs vaxtang WeliZeze, erekle tatiSvilze, aleqsandre sajaiaze, galaktionze, aristoteleze, baraTaSvilze, griSaSvilze, selinjerze da a. S. mkiTxvelisTvis udavod saintereso iqneba eJen ioneskos, martin haidegeris, oskar uaildis, grigol robaqiZis, julian barnsis, alfred xiCkokis, iosif brodskis, dimitri lixaCovis da sxvaTa Semoqmedeba da werilebi maT Sesaxeb, romlebic pirvelad iTargmna. Jurnal ,,saguramosTan“ TanamSromlobs yvela cnobili moqmedi literatori, mecnieri da mTargmneli. Cven mkiTxvels ukve araerTi kargi masala SevTavazeT da TadarigSi araerTi literaturuli Zegli gvaqvs, romelTac pirvelad ixilavs qarTveli mkiTxveli. erTi sityviT, «saguramos» aRorZinebis xelSewyobiT «kaxurma tradiciulma meRvineobam» WeSmaritad saSviliSvilo saqme gaakeTa.
andro bedukaZe Jurnal „saguramos“ mTavari redaqtori
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В статье главного редактора журнала «Сагурамо», Андро Бедукадзе «Неразрывность традиции», рассказывается о жизнедеятельности журнала в 2000-2005 годы, и его участии в литературной жизни Грузии. В 2014 году, журнал, прекративший свое существование в 2005 году, по инициативе Генерального директора компании KTW, Зураба Чхаидзе, возродил издание, как классиков грузинской литературы, так и современных писателей. Большое внимание уделяется и переводной литературе, поскольку литературные произведения нуждаются в новом прочтении. Журнал выходит дважды в месяц и насчитывает до 200 страниц в формате А-4. В тематике журнала лидирующее место занимает творчество Ильи Чавчавадзе. Инициатива компании KTW служит благородному делу повышения культурного уровня, столь важного для грядущих поколений.
saguramo Tadeoz guramiSvilis marani da WavWavaZeebis venaxebi
saguramos teritoria istoriuli xerkis sazRvrebSi mdebareobda da, rogorc didi geografi vaxuSti gvamcnobs, ganTqmuli iyo Tavisi iSviaTi miwa-wyliT, haviT, tyiT, uxvi xil-baRCeuliT, xodabunebiT, mravali jiSis venaxiT. amitomac aq uxsovari droidan mWidro dasaxleba iyo. aqve vTqvaT, rom es miwebi kaxTa mefem aleqsandre I-ma XV saukunis bolos guram zevdgeniZesa da mis Zmebs uwyaloba. aqedanve ewoda saxeli „saguramo“. guramiSvilebis saTavado erTi saukunis Semdeg Seiqmna. saguramoSi 1705 wels daviT guramiSvili daibada. igi 12 wlisa iyo, rodesac saguramoSi (iqneb daviTis mamis ojaxSic ki) ori mefe Sexvda erTmaneTs - qarTlisa, vaxtang VI da kaxeTisa, daviT II. maTi Sexvedris mizezi iyo, SeerTebuli ZaliT rogorme aRegavaT qarTl-kaxeTSi lekTa usaSvelo TareSi. 1750 wels, 30 wlis erekle II-m saguramos misadgomebTan sastikad daamarcxa WardaRestnelebi.. saguramoSi kidev bevri ram momxdara, magram axla 1863 welze SevCerdeT - am wels ilia WavWavaZem colad SeirTo olRa Tadeozis asuli guramiSvili, romelmac mamisgan memkvidreobiT veeba mamulis soliduri nawili miiRo. Semogareni aRsavsea istoriul-arqiteqturuli nagebobebiT, romlebsac zedaznis monasteri agvirgvinebs. sakulto arqiteqturidan aRvniSnavT mxolod erTs - saguramos qasuris wm. giorgis samonastro kompleqss, romelic VII saukuneSi dauarsebia asureli mamis, ioane zedaznelis mowafes TaTa stefawmindels. gadmocemis mixedviT, pirvelad wmida mama ioane zedazneli swored am eklesiaSi daukrZalavT `... da mowiwebiT warmgragnelTa sxeulisa misaTa warixunes igi monastersa TaTasa mier aRSenebulisa da larnakisa moqmedTa mis Sina daexsnes patiosanni nawilni misni“. amis Semdeg wmidani zedaznis taZarSi dakrZales. taZari wm. giorgis saxelobisa simbolurad miCneuli yofila qarTl-kaxeTis Suagamyof niSnad... daucxromeli omebis da Tavdasxmebis Sua, mainc SvilsaviT efereboda saguramoeli glexi qarTveli eris maradiulobis simbolos, vazs. Tumca, xSirad aseTi SemaZrwunebeli suraTic uxilavT, rogorc aqauri, „gorisubneli“ d. guramiSvili gvamcnobs: vai im dRes! osmaloni bevrs ubralos sisxlsa Rvriden. saca SexvdisT muSa-kaci, glaxa mwirsa Tavsa sWriden; godors Tavi akliao, cxris urmisa zarSi hyriden, tanT marxv aseT dros, rodesac mteri arbevda guramianT karis (rogorc adre erqva) eklesiebs, mosaxleoba patara saguramoelebs marnebSi naTlavda. marnebi ki venaxiT mdidar, mWidrod dasaxlebuli mxareSi uamravi iyo. ilia WavWavaZis simamrma aRmosavleT saqarTvelosTvis marTlac sanimuSo xuroTmoZRvruli marani aago XVIII saukunis bolos. marnis parametrebi, misi interier-eqsterieri, eTnologiuri
The territory of Saguramo was located within the limits of historical Kherki, and, as a great geographer Vakhushti tells, it was well known with its rare soil and water, climate, forest, abundance of fruits and vegetables, large areas of arable lands, vineyards with multiple vine varieties. That’s why this place was densely settled from the ancient time. Here we should add that in late 15th century Alexander the 1st, the King of Kakheti granted these lands to Guram Zevdginidze and his brothers. The “Saguramo” takes its origin from his name. The Guramishvili’s principality was created after one century. David Guramishvili was born in 1705, in Saguramo. He was 12 years old, when in Saguramo (may be even in David’s father’s family) two kings – Vakhtang the VI of Kartli and David the II of Kakheti met each other. The reason of their meeting was desire, to stop the unending raids of the Lezghins in Kartli and Kakheti. In 1750 Erekle the II, at age of 30, inflicted a crushing defeat to Char-Dagestanis. Many other things have happened in Saguramo, but, let’s pay attention to 1863 – this year Ilia Chavchavadze married Olgha Guramishvili, daughter of Thadeoz, he inherited from her father an important part of a great estate. In the surroundings there are plenty of historical-architectural buildings, crowned with the Monastery of Zedazeni. We shall mention only one sample of religious architecture – Saguramo’s Monastery Complex of St. George of Kasuri, established in the 7th century by Tata of Stephantsminda, the disciple of the Assyrian Father Johan of Zedazeni. According to a legend, the Holy Father Johan of Zedazeni for initially was buried in this church. “... They brought his body with great respect and care to the monastery built by Tata and buried his holy remains there.” Afterwards the Saint was buried in the Zedazeni Cathedral. The St. George’s cathedral was symbolically considered as the border point between Kartli and Kakheti. At a time of never-ending wars and invasions, a peasant of Saguramo took care of vine, symbol of eternal life of Georgian people, like his own child. Though, often they have seen such a terrible picture, as D. Guramishvili of “Gorisubani” wrote: Woe to that day! The Ottomans were spilling blood of innocent people. If they met a working man, beggar or monk, beheaded them; If the basket was not topped, they threw him under nine carts, The bodies had no buriers, foxes and jackals crunched them! In that period, when the enemy was devastating churches in Guramiamt Kari (as they called it earlier), the population baptized little children from Saguramo in the wine cellars. And there were plenty of wine cellars in the densely populated country, rich with vineyards. Ilia Chavchavadze’s father-in-law built a wine cellar of really model architecture for the Eastern Georgia in late 18th century. The wine cellar’s parameters, its interior and exterior, ethnologic illustrations can be used as a reliable evidence of high level of viticulture and winery in the 1790-ies in Georgia, and particularly in Saguramo. In Thadeoz Guramishvili’s wine cellar there are 18 huge kvevris for wine. During vintage they were pressing the main local grape varieties: Chinuri, Goruli Mtsvane, Takveri, Shavkapito... with wine-press (there are three wine-presses the wine-cellar) in separate kvevris. Further, fermenting of sweet wine, separating of grape pomace, and all the processes, necessary for production of perfect wine were performed there. Ilia Chavchavadze chose a place for a vineyard to his liking and built his dwelling nearby. This is really a classical model for viticulture and winery. The vine is planted on an inclined slope, the spring water flows down and feeds vine with life-giving
stream. A great master of viticulture and winery, our Saint Ilia the Righteous was pressing grape in Thadeoz’s wine cellar, then took it to his wine cellar and kept in large oak barrels. For a long time, no guest has visited Thadeoz’s wine cellar – neither Georgian, nor – foreigner. For the last time 35 years ago here was arranged Gogi Dolidze’s wedding ... Further, in the joyless days of our country, the territory of the wine cellar was covered with thicket of thorn. The cattle of local population have spoiled the surroundings. The wine kvevris were filled with soil. Some ethnologic things have disappeared. The walls were covered with moss. Nowhere was seen the owner! From 2003 Mr. Zurab Chkhaidze, the KTW President and all its team became the friends and protectors of Ilia Chavchavadze’s house museum. It will take long to list, what was happening here during 10 years on each 12th September (the day of Ilia’s murder!), what representation was gathering here and how important was this day for our homeland, Georgia. The proposition of the KTW Council of Elders – “About Maintenance and Care of Thadeoz Guramishvili’s Wine Cellar and the Territory of the House Museum” was a subject of debates in the office of the Company during a long time. Mister Andro Bedukidze, - the Director of the house museum of I. Chavchavadze and all the team of the museum were supporting the idea. Soon KTW submitted the project of restoration of Guramishvili wine cellar to the Ministry of Culture for approval. For a long time we were waiting for answer of the Ministry. At last, the request was solved positively... Thadeoz’s wine cellar was saved. The wine cellar, according to Zurab Chkhaidze’s project, should become a sample wine cellar for showing to the foreign tourists... There were moments of odd hindering, but, thanks to god, everything straightened out, and the Saguramo inhabitants, living in neighborhood of the wine cellar, cannot believe that it is possible to do so many things during half a year inside or outside the wine cellar... It is noteworthy that KTW became a custodian and owner of the lands of Ilia’s house museum for 49 years! 10 hectares of the land are already plowed and cultivated, this plot will be full of the grafts of Goruli Mtsvane and after three-four years will be celebrated such a vintage, as Ilia Chavchavadze, David Guramishvili and this holy Georgian land deserve. The Company of “Kakhetian Traditional Winery” will be enriched with new wine of three or four denomination. We, the members of the Council of Elders, are impatiently waiting for this day. Tamaz Tkemaladze Chairman of the Council of Elders of KTW Honored Journalist
Тамаз Ткемаладзе, Председатель Совета Старейшин KTW, Заслуженный журналист Грузии, в статье «Чавчавадзевские виноградники и марани Тадеоза Гурамишкили», пишет о том, что еще в XV- веке, Кахетинский царь, Александр Первый передал в наследство виноградники Сагурамо, Гураму Зевдгенидзе и его братьям. С тех пор и носят эти места название «Сагурамо». Здесь, в исторически знаменательных местах, в 1705 году родился великий грузинский поэт, Давид Гурамишвили. Здесь, в 1853 году, Илья Чавчавадзе женился на Ольге Тадеозовне Гурамишвили. В их имении сохранился, построенный еще в XVIII веке, древний марани, в котором после разорения захватчиками святых мест и церквей, местные жители все еще крестили детей. По инициативе Генерального директора Компании KTW, Зураба Чхаидзе, взявшем опеку над Домом-музеем Ильи Чавчавадзе, был восстановлен весь комплекс, бывший когда-то образцом высокого уровня культуры виноградарства и виноделия в Грузии.
TvalsaCinoebani, SeiZleba utyuar sabuTad gamodges, Tu ra doneze iyo 1790-ian wlebSi saqarTveloSi, kerZod ki saguramoSi, mevenaxeobameRvineoba. Tadeoz guramiSvilis maranSi 18 veeba qvevria. rTvlobis Jams sawnaxeliT (maranSi sami sawnaxelia) cal-calke qvevrSi iwureboda aqauri ZiriTadi yurZnis jiSebis mtevnebi: Cinuri, goruli mwvane, Takveri, Savkapito... Semdgom aqve xdeboda maWaris daduReba, WaWis gamocla, yvela is procesi, romlis gareSec srulyofili Rvino ver dadgeba. ilia WavWavaZem Tavisi gemovnebiT airCia savenaxe adgili da iqve aago Tavisi sacxovrisic. es marTlac klasikuri modelia mevenaxeoba-meRvineobisTvis. damrec ferdobzea Cayrili vazi, romelsac wyaro zemodan Camoedineba da macocxlebeli nakaduliT kvebavs. mevenaxeoba-meRvineobis didostati, Cveni wm. ilia marTali, yurZens Tadeozis maranSi wuravda, Semdeg Tavisi saxlis maranSi gadmohqonda da muxis did kasrebSi daavanebda. didi xania, rac Tadeozis marans stumari ar swvevia - arc Sinauri, arc gareSe. bolos aq am 35 wlis winaT gogi doliZis qorwili moewyo... mere ki Cveni qveynis gauxareli wlebis Sesabamisad, marnis teritorias nar-ekalma gadauara. adgilobrivTa oTxfexa cxovelebma waryvnes Semogareni. qvevrebi miwiT amoivso. gaqra marnis ramdenime eTnologiuri nivTi. kedlebi xavsma dafara. patroni ar Canda! 2003 wlidan, ilia WavWavaZis saxl-muzeums megobrad da meoxad aRuCnda „kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis“ kompaniis prezidenti, batoni zurab CxaiZe da mTeli koleqtivi. axla Sors wagviyvans imis CamoTvla, Tu ra xdeboda am 10 wlis ganmavlobaSi yovel 12 seqtembers (ilias mokvdinebis dRes!), ra warmomadgenloba ikribeboda da ra mniSvnelobisa iyo es dRe samSoblo saqarTvelosTvis. „kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis“ uxucesTa sabWos winadadeba - „Tadeoz guramiSvilis marnis da saxlmuzeumis teritoriis movla-patronobis Sesaxeb“ didxans ganixileboda kompaniis ofisSi. ideas mxars uWerda i. WavWavaZis saxl-muzeumis direqtori, batoni andro bedukaZe da muzeumis mTeli koleqtivi. KTW-m kulturis saministros male warudgina guramiSvilebis marnis restavraciis proeqti da damtkiceba sTxova. didxans velodiT saministros pasuxs. rogorc iqna, moTxovna dadebiTad gadaiWra... eSvela Tadeozis marans, romelic, zurab CxaiZis proeqtiT, ucxoeli turistebisTvis saCvenebel marnad unda qceuliyo... kidev iyo kuriozuli xelSeSlis momentebi, magram, madloba RmerTs, yvelaferi kalapotSi Cadga da dRes marnis mezoblad mcxovreb saguramoelebs arc sjeraT, am naxevari wlis ganmavlobaSi marnis SigniT Tu gareT amdeni ramis gakeTeba Tu SeiZleboda... aRsaniSnavia, rom „kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis“ kompania ilias saxl-muzeumis miwebis mzrunveli da patronic gaxda 49 wliT! ukve moixna da damuSavda 10 heqtari miwa, am nakveTs Semodgomaze goruli mwvanis namyeni Zirebi gaavsebs da sami-oTxi wlis Semdeg rTvlobis iseTi zeimi Catardeba, did ilia WavWavaZes, daviT guramiSvilsa da am wmida qarTul miwas rom ekadreba. „kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis“ kompania sami-oTxi saxelwodebis axali RviniT gamdidrdeba. sulmouTqmelad velodebiT am dRes uxucesTa sabWos wevrebi. Tamaz tyemalaZe KTW-s uxucesTa sabWos Tavmjdomare damsaxurebuli Jurnalisti
kompania "kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis" saCuqari maRalmTiani
aWaris mevenaxeebs
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meRvineobis saukunovani tradiciebi, qarTuli marani, Rvinis dayenebis qarTuli teqnologia da miviwyebuli vazis jiSebis gacocxleba axla am yvelafers maRalmTian aWaraSic Caeyara safuZveli. `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis» kidev erTi proeqti, romelic qedaSi Rvinis qarxnis mSeneblobas iTvaliswinebs, adgilobriv mevenaxeebs uaxloes momavalSi mosavlis dabinavebis problemas mTlianad mouxsnis. qedis qarxanaSi Rvinos daamzadeben rogorc tradiciuli, ise Tanamedrove teqnologiebiT. sawarmos mSeneblobaSi kompania erT milion aSS dolaris investicias ganaxorcielebs. investori qedaSi xilis qarxnis mSeneblobasac gegmavs. kompania KTW jgufis damfuZnebeli zurab CxaiZe-askaneli `guria niusTan~ saubrisas acxadebs, rom axali sawarmo wingadadgmuli nabiji iqneba municipalitetis ekonomikuri ganviTarebis TvalsazrisiT da, rac mTavaria, mosaxleobas uamrav problemas mougvarebs. zurab CxaiZe: `axali sawarmo fermerebisgan sxvadasxva jiSis yurZnis Sesyidvasa da gadamuSavebas uzrunvelyofs. Cven intensiurad CaverTvebiT im sakiTxSic, rom maRalmTian aWaraSi CvenTvis moTxovnadi rac SeiZleba meti jiSis venaxi gaSendes.~ swored am proeqtis Semadgeneli nawili iyo kidev erTi aqcia - KTW jgufis iniciativiT maRalmTian aWaraSi vazis iSviaTi jiSis nergebi darigda. qedaSi fermerebma vazis nergebi ufasod miiRes. daba qedis, mersisisa da sofel oqtombris mosaxleobas 2000-mde nergi aWaris soflis meurneobis ministrma gadasca. aqcia `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ direqtoris zurab CxaiZis iniciativiTa da dafinansebiT Catarda. zurab CxaiZis TqmiT, pirvel etapze, Cxaveris 8 500-mde nergi municipalitetis yvela sofelSi darigda, mosavals ki qedis Rvinis qarxana Caibarebs, romlis mSeneblobac ramdenime TveSi dasruldeba.
nergebis darigebis process aWaris soflis meurneobis ministri zaur futkaraZec daeswro: `mogexsenebaT, qedis municipalitetSi male Rvinis qarxana gaixsneba da qarxanas, ra Tqma unda, nedleuli sWirdeba. qedel mevenaxe fermerebs Cxaveris vazis nergi ufasod daurigdaT. aRniSnuli
`wels Cven miviReT gadawyvetileba, agrofermerebisTvis dagverigebina iSviaTi, miviwyebuli vazis iseTi jiSebi, rogorebicaa Cxaveri, colikauri, butko da kidev ramdenime sxva... imedi gvaqvs, rom sami wlis Semdeg kargi mosavalic gveqneba da kargi Rvinoc. simboluria isic, rom Cven aq qarxanas vaSenebT, romelic Semodgomaze gaixsneba da adgilobriv mevenaxeebs yvela im problemas mouxsnis, rac dRec awuxebT,~brZana nergebis darigebisas batonma zurab CxaiZem.
Secular traditions of winery, Georgian wine-cellars, Georgian technology of winemaking and resurrection of forgotten vine species – now all of this is commenced in the High Mountainous, Adjara as well. One more project of KTW, providing construction of a wine factory in Keda, will completely relieve the local winegrowers from the problem of harvest storage in the nearest future. In Keda factory the wine will be produced using both, traditional and modern technologies. The Company will invest one million US dollars in the construction of the enterprise. The investor plans to build in Keda a fruit processing factory as well. In his interview to “Guria News”, Zurab ChkhaidzeAskaneli, founder of the KTW-Group, says that the new enterprise will be quite a big step forward from the point of view of economic development of the Municipality, and, the most important thing is that it will provide solutions to the numerous problems of the population: Zurab Chkhaidze: “The new enterprise will provide procurement and processing of different grape varieties. We shall also extensively support cultivation of as much vineyards in High Mountainous Adjara as possible, to meet our demand”. One more event was a part of this project – upon the initiative of the KTW group the nurslings of rare vine varieties were distributed in High Mountainous Adjara. In Keda the farmers got the vine nurslings free of any charge. The Minister of Agriculture of Adjara offered to the population of Keda, Mersisi and village Oktomberi about 2000 nurslings. The activity was conducted with the incentive and funding of Zurab Chkhaidze, general Director of KTW-Group. According to Zurab Chkhaidze, at the first stage in all villages of the Municipality about 8 500 nurslings of “Chkhaveri” were distributed; they will offer the harvest to the Keda Wine Factory of Keda, to be completed in few months. “This year we decided to distribute to the agro farmers rare, forgotten vine varieties, like Chkhaveri, Tsolikauri, Butko and several others... We hope that in three years we shall have both, vintage and good wine. It’s symbolic that we are building a factory here, to be launched in autumn and will release the local winegrowers from all their problems, they have today”. Zaur Putkaradze, the Minister of Agriculture of Adjara also attended the distribution of the nurslings: “You know that in the Municipality of Keda wine factory will be launched soon, and a factory, of course, needs raw materials. The winegrowers of Keda got free Chkhaveri vine nurslings. This will not be a one-time activity and it will continue in the future”, - noted Zaur Putkaradze. According to the population, there was a great demand for the nurslings, and they are very grateful to KTW for taking their desire into account. “In general, we, the KTW group, know what we want, what the winegrowers need, and what kind product we should create for the future. We are successfully selling our products in several countries. The main thing is that there is no more fear of investing and now we have to take care for creating of as much enterprises in Guria-Adjara and entire western region as possible and employ the locals. In any business we start, the main principle is only high quality products! We are faithful to this principle of the demand of the time. So will we continue in the future...” – Says Zurab Chkhaidze. “Guria News” July 2014
aqcia erTjeradi ar iqneba da is momavalSic gagrZeldeba,»-aRniSna zaur futkaraZem. mosaxleobis TqmiT, nergebze Zalian didi moTxovna iyo da isini did mdlierebas gamoxataven `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ mimarT, romelmac maTi survili gaiTvaliswina da nergebi ufasod daariga. `zogadad, KTW jgufma viciT, ra gvinda, ra sWirdebaT mevenaxeebs da ra saxis produqti unda SevqmnaT samomavlod. Cvens produqcias ramdenime qveyanaSi warmatebulad vyidiT. mTavaria, investirebis SiSi gaqra da axla imaze unda vizrunoT, rom guria-aWarisa da mTlianad dasavleTis regionSi rac SeiZleba meti sawarmo Seiqmnas da adgilobrivebi dasaqmdnen. Cven mier wamowyebuli nebismieri saqmis mTavari principi mxolod umaRlesi xarisxis produqcia! Cven arasodes vRalatobT Tanamedroveobis am princips da ase gavagrZelebT momavalSic...» -acxadebs zurab CxaiZe. `guria niusi”
ivlisi, 2014
Генеральный директор Компании KTW, Зураб Чхаидзе, в беседе с «Гурия Ньюс» заявил о том, что начато возрождение традиции древнего виноградарства в Аджарии, для чего строится винный завод в Селе Кеда, пуск которого планируется уже этой осенью. Инвестиции составляют около 1млн. долларов. Перерабатываться будет почти весь урожай местных виноградарей, причем как по традиционной, так и по современной технологии. Мы возрождаем полузабытую культуру виноградарства и, с этой целью местному населению безвозмездно передано около 8 500 саженцев таких ценных сортов лозы, как «Чхавери», «Цоликаури» и др. Планируется также строительство завода по консервированию фруктов, что также благотворно отразится на социальном положении региона.
ს ი ნ
ვი ი ღ მ ა იზ დ რ ვ უ ტ ტ კ
kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis turistuli sanaxaobebi
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saqarTveloSi turizmis ganviTarebas bolo wlebSi gansakuTrebuli yuradReba eqceva. msoflio turizmSi SedarebiT viwro sfero - Rvinis turizmi gamoikveTa, romelic sxvadasxva qveynebidan meRvineobis moyvarul turistebs mevenaxeobis cnobili adgilebisken izidavs. saqarTveloSi, rogorc Rvinis samSoblod aRiarebul qveyanaSi, am mizniT yovelwliurad sul ufro meti turisti Camodis. KTW-m msoflio turizmis am tendencias 7 welze metia, yuradReba miaqcia da kaxeTis gulSi, kompaniis damfuZneblis deduleTSi - veliscixeSi arsebuli mamapapuri marani mimzidvel turistul adgilad aqcia. mas “veliscixis veranda” ewoda.
In recent years particular attention is paid to development of tourism in Georgia. In world tourism relatively narrow sector – wine tourism – emerged. It attracts the tourists from different countries, interested in winery, to the well-known places of winery. More and more tourists arrive every year to Georgia, a country, recognized as the country of origin of wine. More than 7 years ago KTW paid attention to this trend in the world tourism, and turned his ancestors’ wine cellar in Velistsikhe, in the heart of Kakheti, motherland of the founder of the company, into an attractive tourist place. It is called the “Velistsikhe Veranda”.
`keTili iyos Tqveni mobrZaneba”, `stumari RvTisaa” - ase, ZirZveli qarTuli tradiciis Sesabamisad iReben stumrebs «veliscixis verandis» mas-pinZlebi. am kar-midamoSi Tavmoyrilia tipuri qarTuli ojaxis meurneobis zogierTi saxeoba.
“Welcome”, “A guest is sent by God” – receive the hosts of the“Velistsikhe Veranda” their guests according to ancient Georgian tradition. Some kinds of typical Georgian family household are gathered in this place.
veliscixis veranda “VELISTSIKHE VERANDA”
“zaoti” “ZAOTI” «zaoti» - WaWis gamoxda qvevridan amoRebul WaWas inaxaven da misgan arays xdian, romelsac “WaWa” ewodeba. veliscixis verandis aryis saxdeli «zaoti» Zveli kaxuri teqnologiis dacviT Seqmnili Tanamedrove komfortuli nagebobaa, sadac stumrebi WaWis gamoxdis process akvirdebian da SeuZliaT, maTive Tvalwin gamoxdili, 60 gradusze meti simagris cxeli WaWa daagemovnon. DISTILLATION OF CHACHA (grape pomace) – The grape pomace, taken from the wine vessel is kept to make vodka called “chacha”. Vodka “Zaot” of the “Velistsikhe Veranda” is a modern comfortable building, where the old Kakhetian technology is preserved. The guests observe the process of the chacha distillation and can taste hot chacha, with strength of more than 60 degrees.
am kar-midamoSi ZiriTadia misi winapris - giguSa papas marani - „Zveli kaxeTi“. marnis miwaSi Caflulia sxvadasxva sididis 19 qvevri, romlebSic 39 tona unikaluri qvevris Rvino inaxeba. zogierT maTganSi 5000 litramde Rvino eteva. maT Soris, 2 qvevri mudmivad stumrebisTvis aris gankuTvnili. maranSi warmodgenilia Rvinis movlisa da SenaxvisTvis saWiro xelsawyoebi: mTlian xeSi amokveTili sawnaxeli, romelSic yurZeni iwureboda; sarcxiqvevris gasarecxad; orSimo - qvevridan Rvinis amosaRebad; orkapi - mosarevad. aqvea Tixisgan gakeTebuli sxvadasxva formis WurWeli: doqi, WinWila, Tasi da sxva sasmisebi. “veliscixis verandas” yovelwliurad uamravi adamiani stumrobs da maT maspinZlebi am araCveulebriv marans, rogorc wesi, siamovnebiT acnoben. qarTuli buxari, dabali magida tabla, samfexa skamebi, stumrisTvis moxdili qvevri am yvelafers gansakuTrebuli pewi aqvs. maranSi stumris gamaspinZleba xom odiTganve did pativad miiCneoda. `veliscixis verandis~ stumrebi tradiciuli qarTuli sameurneo ritualebis mraval saintereso detalsa da sanaxaobas gaecnobian. In these premises the main is his ancestor’s – Grandpa Gigusha’s wine cellar – “Old Kakheti”. In the soil of the cellar 19 wine vessels of different sizes are buried to keep about 39 tons of unique kvevri wine. Some of them may contain about 5000 liters of wine. 2 vessels are always reserved for the guests. In the wine cellar there are displayed tools necessary for caring and keeping of wine: “Satsnakheli” (wine press) carved in whole tree, in which the grape was pressed; “Sartskhi” (washer) – to wash the vesseks; “Orshimo” (ladle) – for taking wine out of the vessels; “Orkapi” (fork) – for stirring. Here are different kinds of tableware made of clay: jug, “chinchila”, bowl etc. Numerous people visit the “Velistsikhe Veranda” every year and the hosts usually show them this wonderful wine cellar with pleasure. Georgian fireplace, tabla – a low table, three leg-chairs, wine kvevri opened for a guest – all of these have a particular charm. Hosting a guest in the ancient wine cellar was considered as a great respect. Here a guest can see:
mepurianT Tone “MEPURIANT TONE” Semdegi sanaxaoba qarTuli SoTi puris cxobis procesia. ugemrielesi qarTuli puri ToneSi cxveba. Tone - miwaSi Cadgmuli uZiro da cilindruli formis Tixis nakeTobaa. mas winaswar axureben da Semdeg cxel kedlebze formamicemul coms akraven. Tones goWisa da qaTmis Sesawvavadac iyeneben.
(The Bread Bakers’ Bakery) – The next interesting thing to see at “Velistsikhe Veranda” is the process of Georgian “Shoti” bread baking. The
most delicious Georgian bread is made in the “tone”. Tone is a clay-made cylindrical article without bottom, buried into the ground. First it is heated and then stick the dough with the shape of bread on its hot walls. Tone is used also for roasting of pigs and chicken.
mayali MAKALI A necessary attribute of the Georgian kitchen.Makali – is an iron box on legs, in which the coal is heated and different food products are roasted on the skewers or grill. Though the Velistsikhe makali unlike the standard ones is made of bricks, and its walls stay hot for a long time after heating.
qarTuli samzareulos ucilobeli atributia mayali - rkinisgan Sekruli, fexebiani yuTi, romelSic naxSiri xurdeba da misi simxurvaliT Samfursa an badeze sxvadasxva sakvebi produqtebi iwveba. Tumca veliscixis mayali, standartulisgan gansxvavebiT, agurisgan aris awyobili, ris gamoc misi kedlebi gaxurebis Semdeg didxans inaxavs simxurvales.
კტვ და ღვინის ტურიზმი
qarTuli sameurneo ritualebidan kidev erTi, romelic aseve `veliscixis verandaSi~ SegiZliaT ixiloT, CurCxelis amovlebaa. qvevridan adreve gadaRebul, moduRebul yurZnis tkbil wvens puris fqvils ureven, did qvabSi aduReben, Semdeg ki masSi kanafis Zafze asxmul nigozis gadarCeul lebnebs amoavleben. Sedegad amodis rbili da Tbili CurCxela, romelsac gasaSrobad sarze kideben.
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of the rituals of Georgian household,you can see churchkhela dipping at “Velistsikhe Veranda”. First they take sweet juice of grape out of the wine vessel, boil it and add wheat flour, cook it and then dip in it halves of the walnuts, threaded onto the cotton. The result is sweet and soft churchkhela, then they hang it to dry.
sufra verandaze GEORGIAN TABLE After seeing these rituals the guests can take rest on the Velistsikhe Veranda, where Georgian table is laid and get familiar with the rules of the feast; with tamada (the chief of the table), toasts, and of course, live, polyphonic song. Who will visit the “Velistsikhe Veranda” in Kakheti, can participate in these ancient traditions himself, and also taste and obtain the samples of different products of KTW, souvenirs’, take with him the warmth of Kakhetian household and rich impressions. In addition to the “Velistsikhe Veranda” they are specially building or opening at every new place of the KTW the places interesting for tourists. One of such unique buildings is constructed in Mtskheta.
am ritualebis xilvis Semdeg stumrebs SeuZliaT veliscixis verandaze gaSlil qarTul sufrasTan daisvenon da sufris gaZRolis wesebs gaecnon: TamadiT, sadRegrZeloebiTa da, rasakvirvelia, cocxali, mravalxmiani simReriT. vinc kaxeTSi “veliscixis verandas” estumreba, SesaZlebloba eqneba, am uZvelesi tradiciebis monawile Tavad gaxdes, amasTan, verandis sadegustacio darbazSi daagemovnos da SeiZinos kompania KTW-s sxvadasxva produqciis nimuSebi, suvenirebi, Tan gaiyolos kaxuri kar-midamos siTbo da mdidari STabeWdilebebi. `veliscixis verandis~ garda, `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ yvela axal obieqtze turistebisTvis specialurad Sendeba an ixsneba saintereso sanaxaobebi. erT-erTi aseTi unikaluri nageboba saqarTvelos uZveles dedaqalaSi - mcxeTaSi aSenda.
mcxeTis qarTuli Rvinis palata “GEORGIAN WINE CHAMBER” OF MTSKHETA
The Patriarch of Georgia canonized Mtskheta as a holy town. The believers call it the second Jerusalem as well. Here, at the place for tourists built the KTW a palace for wine glorifying– a very beautiful four-storied building “Georgian Wine Chamber”. The “Georgian Wine Chamber” is one year old. During this time it hosted numerous Georgian and foreign guests and due to its outstanding location, wonderful interior, design and calm situation it stayed in their memories. The Chamber is not only a restaurant, it offers a variety of services to its guests. In the basement of the Chamber the guests can see the so called “Marani of King Mirian”, having historical significance. Here are placed the analogues of the throne for king Mirian’s and Queen Nana’s rest, and an icon, where the guests can make commemorative photoes.
In the hall is also placed the company’s brand store. After tasting the wine guests can buy the wines they liked, and also buy brandies of different aging and chacha for a reasonable price. We offer also great choice of brandies, chachas and wines for collection in special handmade pottery of particular design. On the first floor the ”Georgian Wine Chamber” offers tourists a particular show – tasting
Here is a wine cellar (marani) with the large clay vessels for wine and wine testing hall, offering to the guests wide choice of wines—they can taste about 29 sorts of wine: those of premium class and from clay vessel; white; dry; semi-duce; red; sparkling etc.
saqarTvelos patriarqma qalaqi mcxeTa wminda qalaqad Seracxa. mas morwmuneni meore ierusalimsac uwodeben. swored aq, turistebisTvis gamiznul adgilas aaSena KTW-m Rvinis sadidebeli sasaxle - ulamazesi oTxsarTuliani nageboba “qarTuli Rvinis palata”. “qarTuli Rvinis palatas” ukve erTi weli Seusrulda.am xnis ganmavlobaSi man ukve uamrav qarTvel Tu ucxoel stumars umaspinZla da gamorCuli adgilmdebareobiT, araCveulebrivi interieriT, dizainiTa da mSvidi garemoTi daamaxsovra Tavi. palata marto Rvinis restorani rodia, igi stumrebs mravalferovan momsaxurebas sTavazobs. palatis sardafSi maT saSualeba eZlevaT, daaTvalieron egreT wodebuli “mirian mefis marani”, romelsac istoriuli datvirTva aqvs. aq ganTavsebulia mirian mefisa da nana dedoflis mosasvenebeli taxtis analogi da xati, sadac stumrebs SeuZliaT, samaxsovro fotoebi gadaiRon. aqvea ganTavsebuli marani qvevrebiT da qvevris Rvinis sadegustacio darbazi, sadac stumrebs Rvinis didi arCevani aqvT - maT SeuZliaT, daagemovnon premium klasisa da qvevris 29-mde saxeobis Rvino: TeTri, mSrali, naxevrad tkbili, wiTeli, SuSxuna da sxv. darbazSivea ganlagebuli kompaniis safirmo maRaziac. degustaciis Semdeg stumrebs saSualeba eZlevaT, yvela is Rvino, romelic daagemovnes da moewonaT, aseve sxvadasxva daZvelebis koniaki da WaWa, misaReb fasad SeiZinon. aqve SeiZenen sakoleqcioo koniaks, WaWasa da mravali dasaxelebis Rvinos Tixis sxvadasxva WurWelSi, romelTagan TiToeuli xeliT aris damzadebuli da gansakuTrebuli dizaini gaaCnia. pirvel sarTulze “qarTuli Rvinis palata” turistebs gansakuTrebul sanaxaobas sTavazobs Rvinis degustacias sadegustacio darbazSi, sadac stumarTmoyvare somelie stumrebs qarTul, rusul da inglisur enebze maspinZlobs, acnobs maT qarTuli meRvineobis tradiciebs, istorias, Rvinis dayenebis wesebsa da Rvinis
Senaxvis teqnologias, pasuxobs uZvelesi qarTuli tradiciebis Sesaxeb dasmul uamrav SekiTxvas. stumrebs aqve SeuZliaT specialur monitorebze ixilon qarTuli vazis jiSis 270 saxeoba. meore sarTulze stumrebs umaRlesi klasis restorani daxvdebaT gamocdili mimtanebiT, romlebic stumrebs urCeven, Tu romeli Rvino Seesabameba maT mier SerCeul kerZebs. ra Tqma unda, restorani mxolod qarTuli samzareuloTi ar Semoifargleba - CvenTan evropuli kerZebis sakmaod didi arCevania. restorani sTavazobs stumrebs, Tavadve miiRon monawileoba qarTuli samzareulos sxvadasxva ritualebSi: CurCxelis amovleba, ToneSi puris gamocxoba, goWis Sewva. SegiZliaT moisminoT qarTuli mravalxmiani simRerebi cocxali SesrulebiT, aseve qalaquri da ucxouri gemovnebiani musika, romelic kidev ufro amaRlebul ganwyobas SegiqmniT. mesame sarTulze aRmosavlur stilSi gaformebuli daxuruli da aivanze, Ria cis qveS ganTavsebuli kafea, unikaluri gadasaxediT mcxeTis siwmindeebze - samTavros monasteri, jvari, sveticxoveli da bebris cixe.
of wine in the tasting hall, where the hospitable sommelier hosts the guests in Georgian, Russian and English languages, introduces the traditions of Georgian winery, history, rules of winemaking, technologies of wine storage, and answers many other questions about our ancient traditions. The guests can see here 270 vine varieties. On the second floor there is a restaurant of the highest class with experienced waiters, advising the guests which wine goes better with the dishes, chosen by them. Then we propose the guests to taste these Georgian traditional dishes. Our restaurant, of course, is not limited to only Georgian cuisine – we have quite wide choice of European dishes as well. The restaurant proposes the guests to participate in different rituals of the Georgian cuisine: churchkhela dipping, baking bread in tone, roasting of pig. Here you can listen to live Georgian polyphonic songs, and also tasteful urban and foreign music to create more elevated mood. On the third floor – there is a roofed cafe in oriental style and a cafe on an open air on the balcony, with wonderful views of Mtskheta holy places: the Samtavro monastery, Jvari, Svetitskhoveli, Bebris Tsikhe.
patarZeulis Rvinis qarxana
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Last year KTW with its own investment built a wine processing factory, equipped with modern technologes, in village Patardzeuli, located in 40 km from Tbilisi, on the central highway to Kakheti. The visitors are impressed by: light workshops, huge stainless steel wine cisterns of leading Italian company Dela Topolla, modern equipment for process control, automated bottling lines, laboratory for quality control, etc.
gasul wels KTW-m kaxeTisken mimaval centralur gzaze, Tbilisidan 40 kilometrSi mdebare sofel patarZeulSi sakuTari investiciebiT aaSena Tanamedrove teqnologiiT aRWurvili Rvinis gadamamuSavebeli qarxana. mnaxvelze did STabeWdilebas axdens qarxnis naTeli saamqroebi, italiuri wamyvani firmis Dela Topola-s uJangavi, uzarmazari Rvinis cisternebi, procesebis makontrolebeli Tanamedrove aparatura, avtomatizebuli Camomsxmeli xazebi, xarisxis kontrolis laboratoria da sxv. qarxanaSi turistebisTvis gaixsna sainformacio-turistuli centri. aqvea specialuri sadegustacio darbazi, safirmo produqciisa da suvenirebis maRazia-saloni “Rvinis gza”. nagebobis kaxeTis gzatkecilze mdebareoba amarTlebs mis funqcionalur datvirTvas - nebismieri mgzavrisTvis xelmisawvdomia, mcire xniT daisvenos am Tanamedrove maranSi da daagemovnos saukeTeso xarisxis Rvinoebi. maRaziis interieri mTlianad awyobilia vazis Temaze da imeorebs kaxuri ezos motivebs. xelovnuri tye da yurZnis formis
In the factory tourist information center operates for the tourists. Here is a special tasting hall as well, the brand production and souvenirs’ showroom “GhvinisGza” (“Wine Way”). The location of the building on the Kakheti highway justifies its function. It can be easily accessedby every passenger, to take a little rest and taste beverages in this modern wine cellar. Here is also the tourism information center. The decoration of the shop interior repeats the theme of vine and it contains the Kakhetian vineyard motives. Here is artificially created forest and decorative shelves of grape shape. The place is decorated with thematic paintings, old and new samples of Georgian applied art. Here the tourists can see and obtain the diverse production of the company, and also assist the tasting seances.
dekoratiuli Taroebi aq gansakuTrebul garemos qmnian. aqaurobas amSvenebs Tematuri ferwera da qarTuli gamoyenebiTi xelovnebis Zveli da axali nimuSebi. turistebs aqve SeuZliaT daaTvalieron da SeiZinon kompaniis mravalferovani produqcia, imavdroulad, daeswron Rvinis degustaciis seansebs.
saguramos WavWavaZiseuli venaxi da guramiSvilebis marani CHAVCHAVADZE VINEYARD AND GURAMISHVILI WINE CELLAR IN SAGURAMO
As Mtskheta is a holy town for Georgians, the name of Ilia Chavchavadze is also holly for them. For already 10 years, KTW has become guardian of Ilia Chavchavadze’s house museum and every 12 September, the memorial day of St. Ilia the Righteous, celebrates “Iliaoba”. Now KTW has widened its field of charity – the company has begun restoration and reconstruction of the Chavchavadzes’ vineyards and Tadeoz Guramishvili’s ruined family wine cellar. At the end of the year the guests will have the opportunity to see renewed Chavchavadzes’ vineyard, Guramishvilis’ wine cellar and a new building of the Museum of Winemaking, where the old and new styles are in harmony with one another.
rogorc mcxeTaa qarTvelebisTvis wminda qalaqi, aseve wmindaa ilia WavWavaZis saxelic. ukve 10 welia, KTW-m saguramoSi ilia WavWavaZis saxlmuzeumis movlaze meurveoba aiRo da aq yovel 12 seqtembers, wminda ilia-marTlis xsenebis dRes, “iliaobas” marTavs. amJamad KTW-m gaafarTova qvelmoqmedebis areali da Seudga WavWavaZiseuli venaxebis da Tadeoz guramiSvilis dangre-uli sagvareulo marnis aRdgena- rekonstruqcias. aq, 50 welze meti xnis ganmavlobaSi upatronod mitovebul WavWavaZieseul venaxSi, noemberSi pirveli vazis nergebi Carges kompaniis TanamSromlebma. venaxis sxvadasxva ubanze Caiyreba iSviaTi qarTuli jiSebi: Tavkveri, qisi, budeSuri, usaxelauri da or-sam weliwadSi pirvel mosavals moviwevT. Tadeoz guramiSvilis marani me-19 saukuneSi aSenebuli unikaluri nagebobaa da amJamad mimdinareobs misi restavracia. am kompleqsiT saguramos Zalian saintereso istoriuli adgili Seemateba, sadac harmoniulad erwymis erTmaneTs Zveli da axali stili, rac mniSvnelovnad gazrdis am sofelSi turistebis nakads.
KTW-s Rvinis maRazia-saloni “rabaTi” axalcixeSi KTW’S WINE SHOW-ROOM “RABAT” IN AKHALTSIKHE axalcixeSi rabaTis kompleqsis aRdgenam mravali turisti moizida. KTW-m turistebis gazrdili nakadisTvis cixe-kompleqsSi Rvinis safirmo maRaziasaloni gaxsna. aq warmodgenilia KTW-s mravalferovani produqcia, mnaxvelebisTvis tardeba degustaciebi, maT SeuZliaT monitorebze ixilon KTW-s sareklamo rgolebi, daaTvalieron vebgverdi, miiRon cnobebi ampelografiaze. momavlisTvis muSavdeba videomasalebi samcxe-javaxeTsa da taoklarjeTSi meRvineobis istoriis Sesaxeb.
Restoration of Rabat in Akhaltsikhe has attracted many tourists. For the increased flow of the tourists KTW has opened a brand show-room of wine in the castle-complex. Here are presented diverse products of KTW, organized tastings for the visitors, they can see KTW’s commercials on the monitor, see websites, receive information about ampelography. For future we are preparing video materials about history of winemaking in Samtskhe-Javakheti and Tao-Klarjeti.
askanis - anTimoz CxaiZis marani da guruli meRvineobis muzeumi ANTIMOZ CHKHAIDZE’S WINE CELLAR AND THE MUSEUM OF GURIAN WINEMAKING IN ASKANA
Tuki mcxeTasa da axalcixeSi turistebis didi raodenoba Cadis, KTW-s damfuZneblis mSobliur, guriis ulamazes sofel askanaSi turistebis mosazidad Sendeba sawarmoo, teqnikuri da rekreaciuli zonebiT dakompleqtebuli “roial askanas” ansambli. amgvari Sinaarsis kompleqsi xels Seuwyobs regionSi iSviaTi jiSis yurZnisgan maRali klasis Rvinis warmoebas, adgilobrivi mosaxleobis dasaqmebas da, rac mTavaria, moizidavs turistebs, romlebic daafaseben am soflis silamazes da uCveulod wynar garemos. proeqti iTvaliswinebs: sawarmoo zonas yurZnis gadamamuSavebeli qarxniT,
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If a great number of tourists visit Mtskheta and Akhaltsikhe, In the KTW’s founder’s very beautiful village Askana in Guria an ensemble “Roial Askana” – with zone of enterprise, technical and recreational zones is under construction to attract the tourists. Such type complex will contribute to production in the region of high class wine of rare grape varieties, to employment of the local population and, what is the main thing, will attract the tourists, who will appreciate the beauty of this village and surprisingly quiet environment. The project provides: an industrial zone with grape processing factory, storage facilities for wine row materials, place for aging of champagne, alcohol shop, recreation zone, open and roofed dining halls, inner yard, open verandas, wine museum, library, internet communication zone, sports complex, hotel zone – with eight rooms and three VIP
Rvinomasalebis sacavebs, Sampanuris saZveles, spirtis saamqros, rekreaciul zonas, Ria da daxurul satrapezoebs, Sida ezos, Ria verandebs, Rvinis muzeums, biblioTekas, internetsakomunikacio zonas, sportul kompleqss, sastumro zonas - gaTvlils rva nomerze da sam VIP - apartamentze. “roial askanas” erT nagebobad Serwymul, koSkurebian cixe-simagres da qarTul saxls bizantiuri da mavritanuli arqiteqturis motivebi amdidrebs, xolo gadaxurva da sacurao auzi ultraTanamedrove stilSia Sesrulebuli. aqve, gaSendeba iSviaTi jiSebis vazis sanerge da nergebi mosaxleobas ufasod daurigdeba. kompleqsi eqspluataciaSi 2015 wels Seva.
apartments. “Royal Askana’s” castle with towers and Georgian house combined in single building are enriched with Byzantine and Mauritanian architectural motives, and roofing and swimming pool are constructed in ultra modern style. Here the nursery will be arranged for rare grape varieties and the nurslings will be distributed to the population. The complex will be launched in 2015.
aragvis guli HEART OF ARAGVI
kompaniam duSeTis raionis sofel aragvispirSi saxelmwifosagan SeiZina miwis nakveTi, sadac turistuli kompleqsi “aragvis guli” aSendeba. kompleqsi Semdeg obieqtebs gaaerTianebs: swrafi kvebis obieqti, suvenirebisa da kompaniis safirmo maRazia, sainformacio-turistuli centri, valutis gadasaxurdavebeli punqti, bankomati da swrafi gadaxdis aparati; aqve iqneba tansacmlis ufaso samrecxao-saSrobi turistebisaTvis, Sxapis misaRebi ufaso duSkabinebi, keTilmowyobili sapirfareSoebi, didi avtosadgomi avtobusebis, trailerebisa da sxva satransporto saSualebebisaTvis Tavisi samrecxaoTi, sadac stumrebs ufasod SeeZlebaT avtomobilebis garecxva; aqve ganTavsdeba kurort gudauris stumrebze gaTvlili Txilamurebis gasaqiravebeli maRazia, Ria da daxuruli restornebi, keTilmoewyoba bazari xilisa da sxva adgilobrivi produqtebisTvis, aSendeba sastumro da kotejebi.
The company has purchased a plot of land from the State in Agargvispiri, near Dusheti turning. There will be built a touristic complex “Aragvis Guli” (“Heart of Aragvi”) with fast-food unit; souvenirs’ and company’s brand shop; an area for the Department of tourism, with the information center, currency exchange unit, ATM, and pay-box; for the tourists there will be made a free laundry-dryer; free shower cabins, fully equipped toilets, a big parking for busses, trailers and other vehicles, there will be also a free car wash for the guests. A shop for ski rent, because Gudauri is nearby, open and roofed restaurants will be equipped, a market for fruits and other local products, and alsoa hotel and cottages will be constructed. In addition, it will be taken into account that there is a new “Century Highway” under construction, to connect Aragvispiri with Pirikita and Piraketa Khevsureti, and “Aragvis Guli” will be located on the cross-road where there is a great traffic of tourists during all year and starting from the next year we are expecting that this flow increases.
Teona Utiashvili Officemanager of KTW
aRsaniSnavia, rom ukve mimdinareobs axali, `saukunis gzis” mSenebloba, romelic aragvispirs piraqeTa da piriqeTa xevsureTTan daakavSirebs. swored am gzajvaredinze ganTavsdeba turistuli kompleqsi “aragvis guli”, sadac mTeli wlis ganmavlobaSi turistebis didi mimosvlaa, momavali wlidan ki am nakadis mniSvnelovani zrdaa mosalodneli.
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Teona utiaSvili ofismenejeri
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В статье Туристические обьекты «Кахетинского традиционного виноделия», говорится о том, что, учитывая усилившийся поток туристов, интересующихся многовековой традицией виноделия в Грузии, компания создала несколько комплексных турцентров в разных регионах страны. Привлекательным объектом для туристов является «Велисцихская веранда». Достопримечательностью этого объекта является старинный марани «Древний Кахети», принадлежавший когда-то предку основателя компании, Зураба Чхаидзе. Здесь туристам предлагают осмотреть: винный погреб, выбрать себе по вкусу вино в дегустационном зале, а потом приобрести его в магазине-салоне. Здесь же туристы могут наблюдать за процессом перегонки Грузинской чачи и ознакомится с особенностями грузинского застолья и отведать, как национальную, так и европейскую кухню. Аналогичные комплексы для туристов компания создала в древней столице Грузии, Мцхета, где гостей встречает «Грузинская винная палата», на винном заводе компании в селе Патардзеули Сагареджойского района (Кахетия), на родине Ильи Чавчавадзе и Давида Гурамишвили, в Сагурамо, а также в Аскана (Гурия), в Ахалцихе, Душети и т.д.
ktw new web site
კტვ და ღვინის ტურიზმი
ktw-s axali veb gverdi
`kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineoba” bolo wlebSi Zalian swrafad viTardeba. 2013 wlidan kompaniam saqarTvelos sxvadasxva regionSi axali sawarmoebis mSenebloba daiwyo. Rvinis bazarze Seqmnili mZafri konkurencia da axali tendenciebi damSvidebis saSualebas namdvilad ar gvaZlevs - droisa da Tanamedroveobis gamowvevebis fexdafex miyolaa saWiro. amasTan, Cveni erT-erTi umsxvilesi partnioris - ruseTis bazris Caketvam sxva ucxouri bazrebis Zebnis aucileblobis winaSe dagvayena, axal bazarze damkvidreba ki did Zalisxmevas moiTxovs. amasTan, Tuki ganviTarebis sawyis etapze produqciis gamoSvebis intensifikacia iyo aucilebeli, axla kompaniis winaSe simZlavreebis zrdis problema dadga, rasac KTW-m geografiis gafarToebiTa da axali simZlavreebis matebiT upasuxa. mogexsenebaT, msoflioSi enoturizmis moyvarulTa nakadi wliTiwlobiT izrdeba. sxvadasxva qveynis turistebi qmnian klubebs, mogzauroben meRvineobiT ganTqmul adgilebSi, awyoben degustaciebs. saqarTvelo, rogorc meRvineobis uZvelesi qveyana, sul ufro da ufro popularuli xdeba. londonis msoflio meRvineobis gamofenaze `vinotera”, erTerTi darbazi saqarTveloSi aRmoCenil im unikalur arqeologiur masalas eTmoba, rac Cvens qveyanaSi kulturuli meRvineobis
In the recent years KTW developed very rapidly and in 2013 it commenced construction of the new enterprises in various regions of Georgia. Vibrant competition at wine market and new trends never allows peaceful development. Challenges of the time should be met. In addition, loss of the market of Russia, one of the largest partner caused necessity of seeking the other foreign markets and entry to these markets requires great efforts of the Company. If at the initial stage of development intensification of production was required, now the Company faces the problem of capacities’ development. KTW responded to this challenge by expansion of geography and installing of the new capacities. Flow of the ecotourism fans grow from year to year all over the world. Tourists of various countries establish the clubs, travel to the places famous with their wines, and arrange the wine testing events. Georgia, with its ancient winemaking traditions becomes increasingly popular. At the World Winery Exhibition in London, one of the halls is dedicated to the ancient samples of winemaking discovered in Georgia with the name “Georgia the Cradle of Wine”. UNESCO included Kakhetian technology of wine making into the list of world cultural heritage. Hence, more and more wine lover tourists come to Georgia. KTW caught up this trend and opened several significant sites, which soon became the favorite places of the tourists.
In the age of electronic communication, internet is the fastest and the most significant means for information distribution. Web page of the company should clearly state the Company’s functions, at the same time attracting the viewers. Kakhetian Traditional Winemaking had the web site ktw.ge but it was not able to respond to the Company’s needs any more. KTW, comprising of a single enterprise in the past now developed into the group of enterprises, with its own hierarchy. Its enterprises are located in different regions of Georgia. This wide range could be seen from the list: the central office in Tbilisi, wine factories in: Patardzeuli, Velistsikhe, Keda; Wine Chamber in Mtskheta; Veranda in Velistsikhe; Chavchavadze vineyards in Saguramo and Guramishvili Wine Cellar; tourist center, wine factory and complex “”Royal Askana” in Guria, fruits processing and canning enterprises in Guria and Adjara, touristic complex “Heart of Aragvi” in Dusheti.
aTaswleulebis win dawyebas adasturebs. darbazs amSvenebs warwera `saqarTvelo _ Rvinis akvani”, gaero-s ganaTlebis, mecnierebisa da kulturis organizaciam (UNESCO) ki 2013 wlis dekemberSi qvevris Rvinis dayenebis qarTuli tradiciuli meTodi msoflios kulturuli memkvidreobis aramaterialur ZeglTa nusxaSi Seitana. aqedan gamomdinare, saqarTveloSi Rvinis moyvaruli sul ufro meti turisti Camodis. `kaxurma tradiciulma meRvineobam” am tendenciasac droulad auba mxari da ramdenime mniSvnelovani obieqti gaxsna, romlebic maleve iqca turistebis sayvarel adgilebad. eleqtronuli komunikaciebis dRevandel epoqaSi, sadac informaciis gavrcelebis yvelaze swrafi saSualeba internetia, didi mniSvneloba aqvs, Tu ramdenad srulad da sainteresod miawvdi sazogadoebas informacias Seni saqmianobis Sesaxeb. `kaxur tradiciul meRvineobas” aqamde hqonda saiti ktw.ge, Tumca, kompaniis simZlavreebisa da saqmianobis arealis zrdasTan erTad, dRis wesrigSi axali korporatiuli internetsaitis Seqnac dadga. ramdenime wlis win erTi sawarmosgan Semdgari KTW, dRes ukve sawarmoTa mTeli jgufia, rTuli ierarqiiTa da marTvis sistemiT. masSi Semavali sawarmoebi saqarTvelos sxvadasxva regionSia ganlagebuli:
With growth of number of enterprises, their management becomes more complex, though using the state-of-art electronic and mobile communication means and new management methods, KTW managers successfully deal with these challenges. For this purpose the new web site of the Company is developed: ktwgroup.ge. It responds to the current requirements and its structure allows perfect presentation of the Company’s future development.
კტვ და ღვინის ტურიზმი
centraluri ofisi TbilisSi, Rvinis qarxnebi patarZeulSi, veliscixesa da qedaSi, mcxeTis Rvinis palata, veliscixis veranda, saguramos WavWavaZiseuli venaxi da guramiSvilebis marani, turistuli centri, Rvinis qarxana da kompleqsi `roial askana” guriaSi, xilis gadamamuSavebeli mSenebare sakonservo sawarmoebi guriasa da aWaraSi, turistuli kompleqsi `aragvis guli” duSeTSi. sawarmoTa ricxovnobis zrdasTan erTad maTi marTvac rTuldeba, Tumca, Tanamedrove eleqtronuli da mobiluri kavSiris meSveobiTa da marTvis axali meTodebis gamoyenebiT, KTW menejmentis rTul amocanebs warmatebiT arTmevs Tavs. yvela am siaxlesa da moTxovnas daakmayofilebs `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ axali saiti ktwgroup.ge romelic kompaniis perspeqtiuli ganviTarebis srulyofilad asaxvis saSualebasac iZleva. saitis meniu blokebisgan Sedgeba. masze Sesuli momxmarebeli KTW-s Sesaxeb nebismieri informaciis mopovebas swrafad da martivad SeZlebs, radgan saitis axali koncefcia swored informaciis mravalferovnebasa da misi miRebis siswrafes iTvaliswinebs. axali saiti kompaniaSi Semavali calkeuli sawarmos Sesaxeb sruli teqsturi Tu vuzualuri informaciis miRebisa da sasurveli arCevanis swrafi gakeTebis saSualebas iZleva. axali saitis meniuSi gansakuTrebiT aRsaniSnavia bloki `qarTuli Rvinis palata”, saidanac momxmarebeli Seityobs, rom kompaniaSi Semavali es dawesebuleba mxolod Rvinis restorani rodia, aramed kompleqsia, romelic didad uwyobs xels qarTuli Rvinis da vazis popularizacias. am mizniT saitze (saqarTveloSi pirvelad) ganTavsebulia saqarTvelos ampelografiis eleqtronuli versia, sadac mnaxvelebs qarTuli vazis 270 jiSis daTvaliereba SeeZleba. aseve Zalian sainteresoa bloki `veilscixis veranda”, sadac axaldamatebul “Rvinis muzeumSi”, SegiZliaT gaecnoT saqarTveloSi aRmoCenili uZvelesi Rvinis sasmisebis suraTebis galereas da sxv.
nino feraZe dizaineri
Site menu is made of blocks. The viewer can select any part of KTW. The main page is still unchanged, but regarding the new conception, it will be changed in the future. Each of the menu items provide full information about the enterprises, the viewers can see the slides and gain full understanding of the Company’s work. In addition, scrolling of the text and video information allows prompt selection of any desired information. Site “Chamber of Georgian Wine” deserves particular attention. This is not a wine restaurant only; this enterprise contributes to popularization of Georgian wine and Vine. For this purpose, for the first time in Georgia, the electronic version of Georgian ampelography is posted; the viewers can see 270 Georgian vine varieties. “Wine Museum” was added to “Velistsikhe Veranda”, offering the pictures of the ancient wine vessels and goblets found in Georgia. Nino Peradze Site Designer
Туристический поток в Грузию с каждым годом увеличивается. Многие туристы желают ознакомиться с многовековой культурой виноградарства и виноделия. Ведь недаром, на одном из залов Лондонского музея вина «Винотера», красуется надпись: «Грузия - колыбель виноделия», а UNESKO внесла традиционный кахетинский метод приготовления вина, в сокровищницу мирового наследия. С целью расширения географии и конкурентоспособности компания особое внимание уделила расширению производственной базы и созданию новых мощностей и турцентров на перекрестке ключевых маршрутов. Теперь в Компанию входят объекты расположенные по всей Грузии. До сегодняшнего дня в интернете компания была представлена одним сайтом ktw.ge которая уже не отвечает требованиям усложненной структуры. С этой целью компания создала новый сайт: ktwgrоup.ge, который позволяет получить полное представление о деятельности компании и её отдельных составляющих.
უცხოელი პარტნიორები KTW-ს შესახებ
kompania “beli” ukrainis warmatebuli operatoria alkoholuri sasmelebisa da sasaTbure meurneobis produqtebis importis sferoSi. sawarmos aqtivSia partnioroba ukrainis 25 regionSi, 20 strategiul kompaniasTan 500 saxis asortimentiT. kompania `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis” eqskluziuri distributoria 12 wlis ganmavlobaSi. 2013 wlis SedegebiT, `beli” ukrainaSi importirebul koniakebs Soris, bazris 43% wiliT, mxolod erTi brendis - “Zveli kaxeTis” meSveobiT liderobs. sakuTar saqmianobas `beli” momxmareblis moTxovnebis gaTvaliswinebiTa da da partniorebTan mimarTebaSi urTierTpativicemis principebiT warmarTavs. Company “Bel” is successful operator of Ukraine, engaged in the sphere of import of alcohol beverages and greenhouse products. The enterprise’s assets include the partnerships with 20 strategic companies in 25 regions of Ukraine, with ‘500 types of products. For 12 years the Company is an exclusive distributor of KTW. According to the results for year 2013, “Bel” is market leader in the sphere of imported brandies, with 43% market share, relying on only one brand— “Old Kakheti”. “Bel” works for the future and with respect to the activities of its own and its partners. kompania KTW-sTan TanamSromloba 2005 wlis TebervalSi daviwyeT da ukve martis TveSi pirveli SekveTa gavaformeT, romelic Cveni Semdgomi TanamSromlobis sawindari gaxda. gayidvebi yovelwliurad 70-100%-iT matulobda da ukve ramdenime welia, koniaki `Zveli kaxeTi" gayidvebis lideria. amasTan, wamyvani marketinguli Jurnalis Akciz AZ-is gamokiTxviT, `Zveli kaxeTi" wlis saukeTeso brendad dasaxelda, rac CvenTvis Zalian saamayoa. Tumca, ukrainaSi bolo periodSi mimdinare procesebidan gamomdinare, gasagebi mizezebis gamo, gayidvebis Semcireba SeimCneva. KTW stabiluri da saimedo partnioria, romelic swrafad iRebs gadawyvetilebebs da swrafadve reagirebs bazris cvlilebebze. aseTi unarebi kompanias saSualebas aZlevs, sul lideris poziciaze iyos. rogorc amboben, `swrafi nTqavs nels~.
dimitri kirilenko kompania `belis" nacionaluri menejeri
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We started cooperation with KTW in February 2005 and placed the first order in March, and this became the token of our further cooperation. Sales annual growth was 70-100% and for the recent years brandy “Old Kakheti” is the leader of sales. In addition, according to survey by marketing magazine Akciz AZ, “Old Kakheti” was nominated as the best brand of the year and we are proud of these results. Though, in the recent period, because of the well known reasons, regarding the processes ongoing in Ukraine, reduction of sales was observed. KTW is a stable and reliable partner, making prompt decisions and providing prompt response to the market changes. These capacities allow the company maintaining its leading positions, they say, that the rapid ones take over the slower ones.
Dmitri Kirilenko
National Manager “Bel” Company
Sps `savservisi” msoflioSi udidesi kompaniis `proqter end gembelis” produqciis oficialuri distributoria ukrainis teritoriaze. bolo 20 welia, “savservisma” did warmatebebs miaRwia. man biznesi 1992 wels, patara jixuriT daiwyo, romelSic pirveladi moTxovnilebis saqonels yidda, dRes ki did holdingad Camoyalibda. `savservisi~ produqciis realizacias ukrainis teritoriis 60%-ze, Tavis 16 filialSi axdens. igi myidvels `proqter end gembelis” produqciis 50 savaWro niSans sTavazobs. `savservisis” saqmianoba orientirebulia vaWrobis msoflio standartebze da cdilobs, maqsimaluri sargebeli moutanos momxmarebels, partniorebsa da mTlianad sazogadoebas. “Savservice” Ltd. is the official distributor of the products world’s largest company “Procter & Gamble”. For the last 20 years, “Savservice” had great achievements. In 1992, the business was a small shop selling the goods of prime necessity and now it is a large holding. The Company distributes its products over 60% of the territory of Ukraine. In its 16 branches, “Savservice” offers to its buyers the “Procter & Gamble trademark”. In its work, “Savservice” is oriented towards the world trade standards and attempts to ensure benefits to its partners, consumers and the society, as a whole. Cveni TanamSromloba urTierTndobasa da keTil ganwyobazea damyarebuli. produqciis maRali xarisxis, boTlisa da etiketis mimzidveli dizainis gamo KTW-s mTeli produqcia Cveni momxmareblis didi mowonebiT sargeblobs. qarTuli produqciis ruseTSi SemosvlisTanave gayidvebi swrafad izrdeboda, Tumca es procesi ruseTis politikur da makroekonomikur situaciazea damokidebuli. warmoebisadmi kompaniis ara mxolod profesionaluri midgoma, aramed sxvadasxva qveyanaSi sakuTari warmomadgenlebisadmi keTilganwyobili da gamgebiani damokidebuleba, maRali konkurenciis miuxedavad, xels uwyobs gasaRebis bazrebze axali simaRleebisa da niSebis dapyrobas. Cveni momxmareblis keTildReobis asamaRleblad da saerTo ekonomikuri gegmebis gansaxorcieleblad KTW-sTan xangrZlivi TanamSromlobis imedi gvaqvs.
Boris Zhuchi
“Savservice” Director
kompania savservisis direqtori
kompania “rotor hausi” rusma mewarmeebma 1998 wels daaarses, rogorc kerZo savaWro firma. arsebobis pirvelive dRidan kompaniam muSaobis ganmsazRvrel mimarTulebad rusul bazarze umaRlesi klasis im alkoholuri sasmelebis Semotana airCia, romlebic msoflio standartebs akmayofileben. 1998 wlidanve kompaniis ZiriTadi mimarTuleba msoflios gamoCenil brendebTan TanamSromloba gaxda, ramac kompaniis ganviTarebis Semdgomi strategia gansazRvra. kompania dinamikuri ganviTarebis stadiazea, rac ara mxolod bazris wilisa da brunvis zrdaSi, aramed ruseTis bazarze alkoholuri sasmelebis mzard warmodgenaSi gamoixateba. Company “Rosprominvest” is a wholesale supplier of elite mineral water, premium class lemonades and wines to Russia. Company dynamically expands its representation. Company has its own vehicle fleet and warehouse facilities and it is ready to supply products to Moscow, Moscow Region and other regions of Russia. Cveni kompania KTW-sTan qarTul produqciaze embargos dawesebamdec warmatebiT TanamSromlobda. im periodSi Cven Soris Tbili da partnioruli urTierToba damyarda, rac embargos gauqmebis Semdeg, 2013 wels aRdga. ruseTis momxmareblis guli swrafad moigo koniakma - "Zveli kaxeTi". Tvidan Tvemde gayidvebis dinamika dadebiTia.
“Rotor House” was established by the Russian entrepreneurs in 1998 as private commercial firm. From the first day of their operations, the decisive business line was import of the highest class alcohol beverages complying with the world standards to Russian market. From 1998, the key direction of the Company was cooperation with the world’s outstanding
boris JuCi
Our cooperation relies on friendly, reliable and confident relations. Due to high quality of KTW products, attractive design of the bottles and labels, the consumers like all our products. In case of export to Russia, the sales grow rapidly, though they depend on political and macroeconomic situation in Russia. Professional approach to the production, as well as friendly and favorable attitude to its representatives in various countries, irrespective of high competition, contributes to new achievements and gaining of the new niches at the market. We hope that our cooperation with KTW will be long, for the benefit of our consumers and achievement of common economic interests.
dReisaTvis savaWro niSani `Zveli kaxeTi" yvela msxvil federalur qselSia warmodgenili, romelTa Sorisaa: Ашан, Лента, Окей, Метро, Дикси da sxv. rusma momxmarebelma `Zveli kaxeTis" maRali xarisxi jerovnad daafasa, amitom darwmunebulni varT, ruseTSi am savaWro niSans momavalSic didi perspeqtiva aqvs. KTW-sTan TanamSromlobis procesSi, Cven Soris, ndobasa da urTierTpativiscemaze dafuZnebuli urTierTsasargeblo TanamSromloba damyarda. KTW-sTan muSaoba Zalze komfortulia. imedi gvaqvs, Cveni aseTi nayofieri urTierToba momavalSic gagrZeldeba.
natalia Cekanova
უცხოელი პარტნიორები KTW-ს შესახებ
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kompania `rosprominvesti” ruseTSi elitaruli mineraluri wylisa da premium klasis limonaTebisa da Rvinis sabiTumo mimwodebelia. kompania dinamikurad afarToebs Tavis warmomadgenlobas. mas gaaCnia sakuTari avtoparki, sasawyobo meurneoba da mzad aris, produqciis miwodeba moskovSi, moskovis olqsa da ruseTis sxvadasxva regionSi ganaxorcielos. Company was established in 1997. Its main business was international agency for marine transport operations. Initially it assisted the companies to transport their goods from China. From 2010, it commenced import of wine from Europe to Chinese market. Company’s head office is in Peking and it has representations in the other regions as well. Due to long-term foreign trade policies, it has developed professional logistics system. 1500 sq. m. wine warehouse maintains permanent temperature and humidity to ensure storage of the wine with guaranteed quality.
pirvelad KTW-s produqcias maSin gavecaniT, rodesac brend `Zveli kaxeTis" oficialuri distributorebi gavxdiT da es RirsSesaniSnavi movlena 2005 wels moxda. es savaWro marka ukrainaSi importirebul koniakebs Soris udavo lideria. ama wlis aprilSi Cven kidev erTi savaWro niSnis - "iveriis" eqskluziuri importiorebi da distributorebi gavxdiT. Cveni klientebis pirveli gamoxmaurebebiT Tu vimsjelebT, darwmunebiT SegviZlia vTqvaT, rom es koniakic Rirseul adgils daiWers qarTuli magari alkoholuri sasmelebis moyvarulTa Soris. cifrebi amtkiceben, rom wlidan wlamde gayiduli produqciis dinamikiT, ukrainaSi importirebul sxva analogiur produqcias Soris, kompania KTW liderobs.
brands and this determined further strategy of the Company’s development. Company is at the stage of dynamic development, implying growth of the market share and turnover, as well as increasing presentation of the alcohol drinks at Russian market. Our company successfully cooperated with KTW before banning of Georgian products. In that period we had warm, partnership relations and we restored these relations after removal of the ban. Russian consumers like “Old Kakheti” brandy. From month to month, the sales’ dynamics is positive. Currently brand “Old Kakheti” is presented in all large federal networks, like: Arshan, Lenta, OK, Metro, Dixie etc. Russian consumers appreciated high quality of “Old Kakheti” and therefore, we are sure that this brand is very promising one for Russia. In the process of cooperation with KTW, we have developed mutually beneficial collaborative relations based on trust and respect. Cooperation with KTW is very comfortable and we hope that we shall have opportunity to continue this effective partnership in the future.
Natalia Chekanova
Brand Manager “Rotor House”
We got familiar with KTW products for the first time, when our company became the official distributor of brand “Old Kakheti” and this notable event occurred in 2005. This brand is undoubted leader among imported brandies in Ukraine. In April, this year, our company became exclusive importer and distributor of one more brand—”Iveria”. Based on the first feedbacks from our customers, we can readily state that this brandy will take its deserved place among Georgian alcohol beverages. Figures show that KTW products maintain leading positions among the other similar imported products with respect of sales’ dynamics, from year to year. KTW is a dynamic, innovative partner with ambitious development program, prominent leader’s properties offering products of level of the world’s best brands. One should receive something and give something in the partnership relation: attention, desire, love. We would like to conduct effective and profitable business with our partners for success of our companies for many years.
Gia Dediashvili
General Director “Rosprominvest”
KTW aris dinamikuri, inovaciuri partniori, ganviTarebis ambiciuri programiT, aSkarad gamoxatuli lideris TvisebebiT, romelic msoflios saukeTeso brendebis donis produqcias gvTavazobs. Tu gsurs partniorobaSi raRac miiRo, Senc unda gasce. yuradReba, mondomeba, urTierTpativiscema da siyvaruli safuZvelia imisa, rom Cveni kompaniebis warmatebuli TanamSromloba mravali wlis ganmavlobaSi kvlavac nayofierad da efeqtianad gagrZeldeba.
gia dediaSvili
generaluri direqtori
BEIJING CHARMING GRAND INT’L TRADING CO.,LTD kompania 1997 wels Seiqmna. misi saqmianobis ZiriTadi mimarTuleba saerTaSoriso sazRvao gadazidvebi iyo. Tavdapirvelad sxvadasxva kompanias CineTidan produqciis CamotanaSi exmareboda, 2010 wlidan ki evropidan CineTis bazarze Rvinis importi daiwyo. kompaniis centraluri ofisi pekinSia da warmomadgenlobebi sxvadasxva regionSic aqvs. sagareo vaWrobis xangrZlivi gamocdilebis wyalobiT, kompaniam logistikis profesionaluri sistema Seqmna. Company was established in 1997. Its main business was international agency for marine transport operations. Initially it assisted the companies to transport their goods from China. From 2010, it commenced import of wine from Europe to Chinese market. Company’s head office is in Peking and it has representations in the other regions as well. Due to long-term foreign trade policies, it has developed professional logistics system. 1500 sq. m. wine warehouse maintains permanent temperature and humidity to ensure storage of the wine with guaranteed quality.
Geography of wine import:
Rvinis akvnidan - saqarTvelodan, uZveles aRmosavleT evropamde moldovamde da Zveli evropis saxelovani warmomadgenlidansafrangeTidan, axal samyaromde - Cilemde, Cveni kompania cdilobda, Tavisi momxmareblisTvis yvelaze gamorCeuli mwarmoeblebis produqcia SeeTavazebina. amJamad Cveni kompania Rvinis Semdeg mwarmoeblebTan muSaobs: КТW (saqarTvelo); ТBILVINO (saqarTvelo), KAZAYAKVIN (moldova), ARTEMOVSK WINERY (ukraina), CAVE DER OQUEBRUN (Франция) и VITI VINI COLAANT AWARA LIMITADA (Cile). kompanias CineTis bazarze 60-ze meti saxeobis Rvino Seaqvs.
From Georgia, the cradle of wine to the ancient Eastern Europe—Moldova and from the famous representative of the Old Europe— France to the New World—Chile—our Company made efforts to select the most outstanding wineries and products. Currently our Company works with the following winemakers: КТW (Georgia); ТBILVINO (Georgia); KAZAYAKVIN (Moldavia); ARTEMOVSK WINERY (Ukraine); CAVE DE ROQUEBRUN (France) and VITI VINI COLAANT AWARA LIMITADA (Chile). Company imports over 60 types of wines to Chinese market
В статье Зарубежные партнеры о «Кахетинском традиционном виноделии» освещается взаимовыгодная деятельность KTW и её основных партнеров, а также их отзывы о сотрудничестве и дальнейших перспективах. Это авторитетные, конкурентоспособные компании, утвердившиеся на рынках сбыта в разных странах. Среди них: компания «Бель» (Донецк, Украина), «Савсервис», (Украина), «Ротор Хауз» (Россия), «Роспроминвест» (Россия) и BEIJING CHARMING GRAND INT’L TRADING CO.,LTD (Компания, занимающаяся импортом вина на китайский рынок). Все отзывы сходятся на том, что КТВ надежный бизнес партнер и общение с KTW является перспективным, поскольку её продукция отвечает международным стандартам и пользуется популярностью у потребителей их стран. Особенным успехом выделяются коньяк «Древний Кахети» и «Иверия» в ураине и россии, и марочные вина в Китае.
kompaniis Rvinis importis geografia:
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qarTuli meRvineobis Sesaxeb SegveZlo, Zalian bevri ram mogveTxro. es aris Tema, romelic did interess iwvevs, gansakuTrebiT bolo dros, rodesac qarTuli tradiciuli meRvineobisadmi interesi mniSvnelovnad gaizarda da Rvinis dayenebis Cveneburi wesi saerTaSoriso organizaciam, UNESCO-m msoflios xalxTa kulturuli memkvidreobis nusxaSi Seitana. imisTvis, rom es interesi nawilobriv mainc dagikmayofiloT, amjerad Tqvens yuradRebas SevaCereb maranze anu im sameurneo kompleqsze, sadac tradiciulad warmoebda yurZnis dawurva, tkbilis daduReba, Rvinis dayeneba, misi movla da Senaxva. saqarTveloSi dasturdeba marnis ori gamokveTili tipi - Ria da daxuruli marnebi. pirveli gavrcelebulia aRmosavleT saqarTveloSi, xolo meore - dasavleTSi. maranTa aseTi tipebis warmoSoba aRniSnuli regionebis klimaturma pirobebma ganapiroba: aRmosavleTis mSrali klimati sicxisgan Rvinis dacvasa da Wurebis daxurul nagebobaSi ganTavsebas moiTxovda. dasavleTis nestian pirobebSi ki Wurebs naxevrad Ria marnis win, Ria cis qveS, xeebiT dafarul „WurisTavze“ aTavsebdnen. daxuruli marnis klasikuri nimuSebi dasturdeba aRmosavleT saqarTvelos centralur provinciebSi, qarTlsa da kaxeTSi. es aris qviTkiriT naSeni nageboba, romelic sacxovrisisgan gamoyofilia an mis kompleqsSia moTavsebuli. tipuri glexuri marani 5m X 10m sididis nagebobas warmoadgens, romlis centraluri gadaxurva dedaboZs eyrdnoba. marani agebulia kirxsnaris duRabiT, kedlebSi gamoyvanili aqvs Seisruli TaxCebi, sadac meRvineobasTan dakavSirebuli nivTebia ganTavsebuli. marnis centralur kedelze miSenebulia sawnaxeli (qviTkiriT aSenebuli an xis), yurZnis dasawuri WurWeli, romelSic erT jerze 3-4 tona yurZenis dawurva SeiZleba. zogierTi sawnaxeli organyofilebiania Sesabamisad, TeTri da Savi yurZnisTvis. yurZnis wveni, e.w. tkbili Caedineba sawnaxlis milTan („induri“) midgmul Tixis an qvis did WurWelSi (TaRari/isarna), saidanac nawildeba WurebSi. zogierT SemTxvevaSi, sawnaxlis “indurs” midgmuli aqvs xis mili, romlis meSveobiTac tkbili wveni daubrkoleblad gadaedineba sawnaxlidan moSorebiT miwaSi Caflul WurSi. daxurul maranSi yvela Wuri nagebobis SigniTaa ganTavsebuli. klasikuri tipis maranSi WaWis sawberi sameurneo xelsawyo „saqajavi“ dgas. es teqnikuri TvalsazrisiT sakmaod gamarTuli manqanaa, romelSic WaWidan siTxis maqsimaluri gamowberva/gamoqaCva xdeba, masSi gamoyenebuli simZimis principis wyalobiT. aRmosavlur-qarTuli marnis centraluri gadaxurva dedaboZs eyrdnoba. es elementi marans klasikuri qarTuli sacxovreblidan darbazidan aqvs SeTvisebuli. zogadad dedaboZi qarTul saxlSi saxuravis anu gvirgvinis damWer mTavar boZs warmoadgenda da igi organulad iyo dakavSirebuli xis kultTan. Igi saTayvanebel
We could tell a lot about Georgian viticulture. This is the issue of great interest, particularly in recent years, when interest towards Georgian traditional winemaking increased significantly due to the fact that UNESCO has included Georgian winemaking technology into the World Heritage List. To satisfy this interest, at least partly, I would like to offer to your attention marani, i.e. the economic complex for traditional winemaking, including grapes pressing, sweet juice fermentation, making of wine, taking care of it and its storage. In Georgia there are two types of marani—covered marani and open marani. The former is widespread in Eastern Georgia and the latter—in Western Georgia. Development of these types of marani was conditioned by climatic conditions: Dry climate of Eastern Georgia required protection of wine from heat and placing of the wine vessels in the covered building, while in the humid climate of Western Georgia the vessels were placed before the half open marani, in open air, on “churistavi” covered with wood. Classic signs, of the covered marani were found in central provinces of Eastern Georgia, in Kartli and Kakheti. This is the building built of stones and lime mortar, separated from the dwelling area or placed within its complex. Typical peasant marani is a building of 5 m x 10 m area, with the central roofing supported by central column. Marani is built with lime mortar, with the arrow-shaped niches in the walls, where the winemaking tools are placed. On the central wall of marani there is attached the wine press (maybe made of stones and lime mortar or the wooden one), vessels for wine pressing, allowing processing of 3-4 tons of grapes at a time. Some wine presses are divided—to press white and red grapes. Grape juice flows into the large clay or stone vessel (taghari // isatna) under the pipe of press (“induri”) and from this vessel it is distributed into the large clay vessels (churi). In some cases, the wooden pipe is attached to the press pipe “induri”, allowing flowing of the grape juice directly to the clay vessels buried in the soil. In the covered marani, all churis are located within the building. In the marani of classic type there is an appliance for pomace removal “sakajavi”. This is a technically quite welldeveloped mechanism for pressing out of the liquid from the pomace by means of the weight. Central roofing of the Eastern-Georgian marani is supported by the central column. This element is from classical Georgian dwelling—the hall. Generally, the central column in Georgian house is a main column supporting to roof, i.e. crown and genetically it is associated with the cult of wood. Various religious rituals were executed there and it was the object of idolization. Transfer of the central column, as the object of rituals to marani clearly shows the sacral nature of attitude towards this building. This is expressed not only in the form but also in the tradition of conducting of various rituals in marani. Western-Georgian marani is an open structure with three walls with the churis in open place in front of it. Wine press, pomace press and various inventories are placed in the covered area and the churis, as mentioned earlier—in front of the building, on so called “churistavi”. Entire complex is fenced with various materials (mostly the wood and whips) and well protected. Both types of marani, regarding the climatic conditions, are made based on the basic principles that the temperature required for wine fermentation, as well as storage should be maintained. All appliances and tools required for wine production are placed in marani. Necessary element of marani in Kartli is the clay kvevri. There are several centers manufacturing the kvevris. Currently, both, in Eastern and Western Georgia, when burying into the soil, the kvevris are covered with the lime mortar layer. It is placed into the deep pit so that its opening does not extend
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obieqts warmoadgenda da masTan sxvadasxva saxis religiuri ritualebi sruldeboda. dedaboZis, rogorc saritualo obieqtis maranSi gadatana reliefurad gamokveTs am sameurneo nagebobis mimarT adamianTa sakralur damokidebulebas. es gamoixateba ara mxolod formaSi, aramed sxvadasxva ritualis maranSi Sesrulebis wesSic. dasavlur-qarTuli marani samkedlian, Ria tipis nagebobas warmoadgens, romlis winac, Ria cis qveS, ganTavsebulia Wurebi. sawnaxeli, WaWis sawberi da sxvadasxva saxis inventari daxurul nagebobaSia ganlagebuli, Wurebi ki, rogorc ukve aRiniSna - Senobis win, e.w. „WurisTavze“. mTeli kompleqsi SemoRobilia sxvadasxva saxis masaliT (ZiriTadad, xe da wneli) da mkvidrad aris daculi. orive saxis marani, klimaturi pirobebis gaTvaliswinebiT, im ZiriTadi principiT aris gakeTebuli, rom Rvinis sacavSi daculi iyos rogorc duRilisTvis saWiro, aseve Rvinis SenaxvisTvis aucilebeli temperatura. maranSi ganTavsebulia Rvinis warmoebisTvis gankuTvnili yvela saxis inventari. qarTlis marnis ganuyrel elements Tixis qvevri warmoadgens, romlis damzadebis ramdenime centric arsebobs. rogorc dasavleT, ise aRmosavleT saqarTveloSi, miwaSi ganTavsebisas, axali qvevri, garedan dacvis mizniT, kirxsnaris feniT ifareba. qvevrs Rrma ormoSi ise deben, rom misi piri (farfli) miwis zedapirs ar unda amoscdes. igi xis safarveliT (badimi) ixureba, kargad dazelili Tixa-miwiT igozeba da zemodan wminda miwa eyreba. aseTi wesiT Senaxuli Rvino ara mxolod stabilurad inarCunebs mudmiv temperaturas, aramed arasasurvel pirTagan kargadacaa SeniRbuli da daculi. Wuris moxdisas miwis safarvels ToxiT gadawmenden, Wuris Tavze daglesil Tixas kargad gamoaCenen, mis garSemo miwas xis bariT wriulad SemoWrian, xis badimebs gaasufTaveben, moxdian, Wuridan Rvinos orSimoTi amoiReben da sxvadasxva WurWelSi Ggaanawileben.
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saqarTvelos tradiciul meRvineobaSi miRebulia Rvinis dayeneba WaWaze. am procesis sworad warmarTvisTvis mosavlis udidesi nawili Tavs yvelaze didi qvevrSi (an qvevrebSi) iyris.
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aRmosavleT saqarTveloSi WaWa da tkbili erTad iyris Tavs WurSi, xolo dasavleT saqarTveloSi WaWis micema normirebulia WurSi moTavsebul tkbilTan mimarTebaSi. WaWis micemis wessa da raodenobas gansazRvravs yurZnis jiSi, klimati, meRvinis empiriuli gamocdileba da am ukanasknelis gemovneba. daduRebis Semdeg WaWaze Rvinis yofnis xangrZlivoba sxvadasxvanairia yurZnis jiSis gaTvaliswinebiT, es periodi ori kviridan xuT Tvemde grZeldeba. rodesac Rvinis daduRebis procesi dasruldeba - igi saTanado simagres miiRebs, sasurvel buketsa da sxva mniSvnelovan komponentebs SeiZens, misi WaWidan moxsna da dididan patara WurebSi gadaReba xdeba. Rvinis gadaReba maranSi permanentulad mimdinareobs,
over the soil level. It is covered with the wooden cover (badimi), sealed with well mixed clay and soil and fine soil is spread over it. Wine stored in this way maintains the uniform temperature, and at the same time it is covered and protected, from the undesirable people. For opening, the soil cover is removed by means of the mattock to open the clay seal over the vessel. The soil is cut along the circle around the opening by means of the wooden spade and wooden badimis are cleaned. Further the wooden cover is removed and wine is taken out by means of orshimo and poured into the other vessels. Georgian traditional winemaking implies making wine on pomace. To conduct this process in a correct way, most part of the harvest is gathered in the largest kvevri(s). In Eastern Georgia pomace and grape juice are placed together in the kvevri, while in Western Georgia quantities of juice and pomace must be in certain proportion. The order of adding and quantity of pomace is determined by grapes variety, climate and empirical experience of the winemaker, together with his taste. After fermentation, wine must be left with pomace for certain time, depending on grape variety, from two weeks to five months. Once the wine fermentation process is completed and it acquires proper strength, desired aroma and other significant components, it is removed from the pomace and placed in smaller vessels. Wine is permanently moved from one vessel to the other to ensure proper purification of the wine and all other properties expected by the winemaker from one or another grape variety. Significance of marani is presented very clearly in folk beliefs and customs and cult practices, where the actions conducted for the purpose of ensuring high yields and welfare were at central place. Among them, the most widespread and universal ritual for marani was season’s greetings—at that time, the head of the family, with the imitation of eternal tree—chichilaki and such attributes as pig head, breads baked in the form of various farming tools and certain parts of the animals, sweets and fruits on the tray. He greeted New Year, opened the wine vessel, tasted wine with his family members, blessed and begged Lord to give them welfare. Ethnographic data confirm the facts of child’s baptizing and wedding ceremonies. There was a place in marani where the sacral drink, “zedashe” was stored for the saints and Lord. Age of viticulture is evidenced by the custom of wine sacrificing and it was widespread in Georgia from ancient time. According to Georgian world view, the vine and its fruit were regarded as the object of worshiping and enlivening of humans. Such attitude can be seen very clearly in the ritual of wine sacrificing. The wine made of the best grapes was chosen as zedashe wine and it was kept in the separate kvevri. People used to pray and beg something and had it after relevant ritual, on the holiday, at a time of ritual feast. Rule of donating of zedashe was established for many centuries and it was conditioned by religious beliefs—in particular, it provided to gain good graces of gods for good yields, health, welfare, fertility and other practical needs. According to the people’s beliefs, wine was one of the most significant products and its sacrificing would inevitably influence the fate of the donator. This point, as such, ensured high quality of the wine and great respect to it. In Georgia, the role of men in taking care of the wine and vine is particularly prominent and this clearly shows that these were the males, who headed development of viticulture and winemaking in the ancient period. Professor Eldar Nadiradze, Member of the Board of Elders
raTa Rvino sabolood kargad daiwmindos da yvela is Tviseba miiRos, rasac meurne ama Tu im jiSisgan moelis. marnis mniSvneloba Zalze reliefurad gamoikveTa xalxur warmodgenebsa da sawesosakulto praqtikaSi, sadac umTavresi adgili mosavlianobisa da baraqianobis mizniT Sesrulebul qmedebebs eWira. maTgan yvelaze gavrcelebul da universaluri xasiaTis rituals marnisTvis axali wlis milocva warmoadgenda. am dros ojaxis ufrosi, maradiuli xis imitaciiT - CiCilakiT da iseTi atributebiT, rogorebicaa moxarSuli Roris Tavi, sxvadasxva sameurneo nivTisa Tu cxovelTa calkeuli nawilebis formis purebi, tkbileuliTa da mcenareuli nayofiT savse xonCa, marans axali wlis dadgomas miulocavda, Wurs moxdida, ojaxis wevrebTan erTad Rvinos daagemovnebda, dailoceboda da RmerTs baraqas SesTxovda. qarTul eTnografiaSi dadasturebulia maranSi bavSvis monaTvlisa da jvrisweris saqorwino ritualebis Sesrulebac. maranSi calke iyo gamoyofili adgili, sadac wmindanTa da RvTaebaTa saxelze sagangebod iyo Senaxuli sakraluri sasmeli - „zedaSe“. CvenSi mevenaxeobis kulturis xnovanebas Rvinis Sewirvis Cveulebac adasturebs, rac saqarTveloSi uZvelesi droidan iyo gavrcelebuli. qarTuli msoflmxedvelobiT, vazi da misi nayofi adamianis Tayvaniscemisa da sicocxlis mimniWeblad iyo miCneuli. aseTi damokidebuleba Zalze ilustrirebulad gamoikveTa saritualo Rvinis Sewirvis wesSi.
saqarTveloSi venaxisa da Rvinis movlapatronobaSi uaRresad gamokveTilia mamakacis roli, rac aSkarad mianiSnebs, rom mevenaxeoba meRvineobis ganviTarebasa da mis warmoebas adreul xanaSive mamakaci Caudga saTaveSi. eldar nadiraZe `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ uxucesTa sabWos wevri profesori
sazedaSe Rvinod saukeTeso xarisxis yurZnisgan dayenebul Rvinos irCevdnen, romelic calke qvevrSi inaxeboda. zedaSes ama Tu im salocavs SeuTqvamdnen da dResaswaulis dRes, saTanado ritualis SesrulebiT, ritualuri nadimisas gamoiyenebdnen. zedaSis Sewirvis wesi saukuneTa ganmavlobaSi Camoyalibda da igi religiuri SexedulebiT iyo ganpirobebuli kerZod, iTvaliswinebda mosavlis, janmrTelobis, baraqianobis, nayofierebisa da sxva praqtikul saWiroebaTa dabevebisTvis RvTaebaTa keTilganwyobis mopovebas. adamianTa rwmeniT, Rvino iyo erT-erTi umniSvnelovanesi produqti, romlis Sewirvac Semwirvelis bedze aucileblad dadebiTad imoqmedebda. es momenti, TavisTavad, Rvinis Tvisebebis maRal xarisxsa da misadmi ritualur damokidebulebas ayalibebda.
В статье члена Совета Старейшин, профессора Эльдара Надирадзе, «Грузинский марани» рассказывается об одном из ключевых звеньев в производстве вина, – марани, – который насчитывает многовековую историю. В Грузии используются два типа марани – открытый и закрытый. Первый применяется в Западной Грузии, поскольку там влажный климат и квеври зарывали наполовину под сенью дерева, а второй – в Восточной Грузии, где климат сухой и квеври зарывали полностью в землю, в закрытом помещении, предохраняя процесс приготовления и хранения вина от климатических эксцессов. У стены, в марани стоит «Сацнкхели», емкость в виде ванны, в которой происходит выжимка винограда. Иногда он разделяется перегородкой: для белого и красного вина. В марани находится и весь инвентарь, необходимый при технологическом процессе. С давних пор марани строились с учетом обеспечения благоприятных условий, для поддержания температурных условии, при брожении и сохранении виноматериала. Квеври где храниться вино изготовлен из выжженной глины, которая имеет ряд целебных свойств и придает вину своеобразный вкус. С древнейших времен в Грузии, вино использовалось при ритуальных обрядах, ему придавалось сакральное значение.
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უძველესი მესხური ვაზი
saqarTvelo rom mevenaxeobis uZvelesi samSobloa, es sayovelTaod cnobilia. mis yvela kuTxes vazis movla-patronobisa da Rvinis dayenebis Taviseburi tradicia da, SeiZleba iTqvas, kultura gaaCnda. am mxriv arc mesxeTia gamonaklisi - mesxeTSi mohyavdaT da uvlidnen rogorc maRlars, ise zvrebs. gansakuTrebiT popularuli iyo da dRemde SemorCa xeze asuli vazi, radgan osmalobis periodSi zvari gansakuTrebuli dartymis qveS moxvda. qarTveli kaci YyurZnisgan Rvinos yovelTvis amzadebda, Rvino gamoiyeneboda rogorc saero, ise sasuliero daniSnulebisTvis.
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It is well known that Georgia is the native land of viticulture. Each of its regions has its wine traditions, even culture of vine cultivation and wine making. Meskheti is not exclusion in this respect—people grew vine both, creeping on the trees and in the vineyards. Vine creeping on the trees was particularly popular and it is maintained up to present as in the period of Ottoman attacks the vineyards were particularly vulnerable. Wine was used for both, secular and religious purposes. Neither Georgian wedding and nor mourning rituals were arranged without wine. Since 16th century, when Meskheti was under the rule of Ottomans, wine was prohibited, as unacceptable for Moslem religion, because of this the vineyard
areas reduced in Meskheti. The vineyards were arranged mostly on the terraces. Terraces were characteristic for the high mountain regions of Meskheti from ancient time. Ottoman Empire has plaid particular role in elimination of the vineyards on the terraces. Vines were cut and the fruit orchards were planted instead: apples, mulberries, pears etc. Unfortunately, this process was irreversible. Cutting of the forests, vineyards and orchards, driving out of the population and forced conversion to Moslem religion created great barriers to development of agricultural crops, orchards and vineyards” (Sh. Tsikvadze). Before Ottomans, the other invaders also threatened the vineyards. Attitude of Tamerlane and Shah Abbas towards the vineyards—both of them ordered their armies to ravage the vineyards. The enemies were well aware that by cutting of the vineyards they eliminated wine culture for Georgian people and wine was the main sign of national identity for us. In 1959, Ottoman officer wrote in the tax document titled Great Log of Georgian Region: “the vineyard of Dedisimedi and monk Matskevruli, now owned by Kali-beg son of Haidar Pasha, according to the court order, provides 50 Akhcha per year as the rent.” “Vineyard of Dedisimedi, 1 parcel with 2 sections and vineyard of Marskevruli—1 parcel with 2 sections, now owned by Zakim Elia provides 61 akhcha per year.” Akhcha was Ottoman money. These citations clearly show that the vineyards were transferred from their Georgian owners to the Ottomans or Georgian renegade feudal lords, who have changed their names immediately, to maintain their position at the Pasha’s court. Matskevruli monks (the monks of Atskuri were implied. In Atskuri there was the largest cathedral of one of the largest episcopates of Georgia) and the vineyard belonging of Dedisimedi, the family name of the Jakelis was transferred to the ownership of Kali-beg son of Haidar Pasha and Zakimi Elia. This was the period, when the vines, the vineyards, in general, were highly appreciated. Meskheti is still carrier of Georgian traditions. Unfortunately, since 16th century, no new vineyards were planted in Meskheti. Though the population was mostly Christians and only parts of the noblemen were converted to Islam, locals extensively migrated to the other regions of Georgia. This migration caused also transfer of place names and in the other regions of Georgia new, doubled toponyms appeared: Vardzia, Chorchani, Lelovani, Zovreti, Sviri etc. This migration took away the traditions of vine growing. There were no more vineyards and the vine remained only creeping on the trees. Famous scientists, Sh. Tsikvadze specially studied the Meskhetian vine varieties and the ancient varieties maintained in Atskuri were the most significant of them. “We can regard Black Budeshuri as the varieties of the vineyards of “Matskevruli” monk. This variety is very rare in Meskheti Region. There are some samples of over 60-70 years age in the old gardens of Atskuri and ruined villages”. Matskveruli monks liked also Black Kharistvala and Chitikvertskha varieties. They maintained as few samples creeping on the trees up to middle of 20th century. Atskuri Eparchy used the wines made of Black Budeshuri, Kharistvala and Chitikvertskha grape varieties for church purposes.
arc qarTuli qorwili da samgloviaro ritualebi tardeboda uRvinod. me-16 saukunidan, rac mesxeTi osmaleTis mmarTvelobis sistemaSi moeqca, Rvino, rogorc muslimanuri sarwmunoebisTvis miuRebeli, ikrZaleboda. aqedan gamomdinare, mesxeTSi zvari TandaTan mcirdeboda. zvars, ZiriTadad, terasebze aSenebdnen, romlebic mTagoriani mesxeTisTvis uZvelesi droidan iyo damaxasiaTebeli. terasebze vazis jiSis mospobaSi gansakuTrebuli roli osmaleTma iTamaSa. vazi gaiCexa da mis adgilze xexili gaSenda: vaSli, TuTa, msxali da a.S. es procesi Seuqcevadi aRmoCnda. osmalebis mier `tyeebisa da baR-venaxebis aCexvam, mosaxleobis ayram da gamahmadianebam didi dabrkoleba Seqmna am mxareSi soflis meurneobis intensiuri kulturebis, baRvenaxebis ganviTarebisTvis~ (S. wiqvaZe). osmaleTamde vazs sxva dampyroblebic emuqrebodnen. cnobilia Temur lengisa da Sahabasis damokidebuleba venaxisadmi - orive maTganma laSqars vazis aCexva ubrZana. mterma kargad icoda, rom vazis aCexviT qarTvel kacs Rvinis kulturas uspobda, Rvino ki CvenTvis erovnuli identobis umTavresi niSani iyo. sagadasaxado dokumentSi, romelsac `gurjistanis vilaieTis didi davTari~ hqvia, osmalo moxele 1595 wels aseT rames wers: `venaxi dedisimedisa da mawyveruli berisa, aw yalibeg haidar faSis Zis mflobelobaSi myofi, sasamarTlos ganaCenis Tanaxmad, ijaris wesiT, weliwadSi 50 axCas iZleva~. `venaxi dedisimedisa 2-qiliani - 1 nakveTi da venaxi mawyverulisa - 1 nakveTi, 3-qiliani, aw zayimi elias mflobelobaSi myofi, sasamarTlos ganaCenis Tanaxmad, ijaris wesiT, weliwadSi 61 axCas iZleva.~ axCa osmaluri fulis erTeuli iyo. am citatebidan kargad Cans, rom qarTveli mepatroneebisgan venaxi osmaloTa xelSi an iseTi qarTveli renegati feodalebis xelSi gadadioda, romlebmac gvar-saxeli maSinve Seicvales, raTa faSis karze mdgomareoba SeenarCunebinaT. mawyveruli berebis (igulisxmeba awyureli berebi. awyurSi saqarTvelos udidesi saepiskoposo iyo da yvelaze didi taZari idga) da jayelTa sagvareulo saxelis - dedisimedis venaxi gadadis yali-beg haidar faSisZis da zayimi elias mflobelobaSi. es is periodia, rodesac vazs da zogadad venaxs, jer kidev aqvs fasi - mesxeTi kvlav qarTuli tradiciebis materebelia. samwuxarod, me-16 saukunis Semdeg mesxeTSi axali venaxebi aRar Sendeba. marTalia, mosaxleoba ZiriTadad jer isev qristiania da mxolod Tavadaznauruli wris nawilia gamahmadianebuli, magram mimdinareobs adgilobrivi mosaxleobis intensiuri migracia danarCen saqarTveloSi. am migracias mesxeTidan adgilis saxelebic mihyveba da sxva kuTxeebSi axali, dublirebuli toponimebi iqmneba: varZia, CorCani, lelovani, zovreTi, sviri da sxv. am migracias vazis movla-
patronobis tradiciac Tan miaqvs. gamqralia zvrebi da vazi mxolod maRlaris saxiT agrZelebs arsebobas. cnobilma mecnierma S. wiqvaZem specialurad Seiswavla vazis mesxuri jiSebi, romelTa Soris mniSvnelovani adgili swored awyurSi SemorCenil Zvel jiSebs ukaviaT. mawyveruli beris venaxebis Cvenamde moRweul saxeobebad SeiZleba miviCnioT `Savi budeSuri~. vazis es jiSi mesxeTis regionSi metad iSviaTadaa gadarCenili. misi erTeuli egzemplarebi, romelTa xnovaneba 60-70 wels aRemateba, gvxvdeba sofel awyuris Zvel baRebsa da nasoflarebSi~. mawyverul berebs kidev `Savi xarisTvala~ da `Citikvercxa~ moswondaT, isini, maRlari erTeuli Zirebis saxiT, me-20 saukunis Sua wlebamde SemorCa. swored am jiSebis - `Savi budeSuris~, `xarisTvalasa~ da `Citikvercxas~ yurZniT dayenebul Rvinos iyenebda awyuris eparqia ara mxolod sabarZimod, aramed saerTod saeklesio msaxurebisaTvis. am Rvinoze arc saeroni ambobdnen uars, Tumca dedisimedi da misi saxleuli mainc `mesxur mwvanes~ aniWebdnen upiratesobas. ase movida uZvelesi mesxuri jiSebi dRemde. dRes ki seleqcionerebi ukve gavelurebuli vazisgan Tanamedrove kulturul jiSebs qmnian, rac mesxuri Rvinis axali sicocxlea. merab beriZe
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`kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ uxucesTa sabWos wevri axalcixis universitetis reqtori, profsori
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The civil population liked the wine made of these grapes as well, though Dedisimedi and his family preferred Meskhuri Mtsvane. In this way the ancient Meskhetian varieties were maintained up to present and today the selection breeders create modern cultivated varieties from the wild vines and this is a new life of Meskhetian wine. Professor Merab Beridze, Rector of Akhaltsikhe University Member of the Board of Elders
В статье, члена Совета Старейшин KTW, ректора Ахалцихского университета, профессора Мераба Беридзе «Древняя Месхетийская лоза», описана многовековая история виноградной лозы, которая, как и в других районах Грузии, всегда была ключевым звеном в сельском хозяйстве Джавахети. Здесь из за сложных географических условии виноградники располагались на специально устроенных террасах. Месхети, как один из пограничных районов, неоднократно испытывал набеги захватчиков-мусульман, которые беспощадно уничтожали виноградники. Лоза частично сохранилась только во владениях знати, принявшей ислам, но при этом, облагаемая высоким налогом, и в таких религиозных общинах, как Ацкурская епархия, где вино составляло часть ритуального процесса. Уцелели сорта виноградной лозы, произраставшие на деревьях, а другие породы, в связи с миграцией населения были почти утеряны. Компания возвращает к жизни полузабытые сорта виноградной лозы. Особой популярностью пользуется сорт «Месхури мцване» (Месхетийское зеленое).
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guriis cnobili meRvineebi
saqarTveloSi uxsovari droidan Rvinos, arays, WaWas, Jipitaurs, ludsa da sxva magar sasmelebs ojaxebSi im nedleulze amzadebdnen, rac maTi sacxovrebeli adgilis siaxloves moipoveboda: kaxeTSi - yurZeni, qarTlSi - vaSli, atami, gargali, qliavi; samcxe-javaxeTSi - TuTa, WanWuri, Sindi; guriaSi - Taflisgan gamowuruli fiWa (sanTlis arayi), xurma; mTiuleTsa da svaneTSi - tyis vaSli, anwli, msxali, qliavi; imereTSi - tyemali, panta; xevsa da TuSeTSi marcvleuli (ludi). es tradicia dResac grZeldeba. soflad Tu qalaqad, mraval ojaxSi naxavT anwlis, mocvis, wyavis, pitnis, tarxunisa da sxva mcenareul Tu sxva nedleulze damzadebul sasmelebs. maT sxvadasxva daavadebebis samkurnalod, madis aRmZvrel, saWmlis momnelebel, oflmden, Sardmden da dasazel saSualebebad iyenebdnen. xalxur medicinaSi dResac aqtiurad gamoiyeneba winaprebisgan gadmocemuli mkurnalobis tradiciuli ojaxuri meTodebi. mas Semdeg, rac guriaSi izabelas (adesa) jiSis yurZeni momravlda, glexobam WaWisa da leqisgan WaWis aryis gamoxda daiwyo. izabelasgan uxarisxo Rvino dgeba da glexoba misgan saxarjo Rvinos ar amzadebda. is glexi an meurne, romelsac xels ar aZlevda izabelas yurZnis WaWisgan aryis gamoxda, mas niadagis sasuqad an Rorebis sakvebad iyenebda. 1887-1891 wlebSi guriaSi aryis saxdeli qvabebis raodenoba 9 erTeulidan 50-mde gaizarda. filoqseras gavrcelebis periodSi venaxis daavadebis gamo guriaSi Rvinis deficiti iyo da mosaxleoba WaWas saojaxo Rvinis dasayenebladac iyenebda. guriis raionebSi - CoxataurSi, ozureTsa da lanCxuTSi, ZiriTadad, izabelas, colikaurisa da Cxaveris jiSis yurZeni mohyavdaT, Tumca ojaxebSi mcire raodenobiT amzadebdnen Rvinos aq gavrcelebuli iseTi jiSebisganac, rogorebicaa: Wumuta, jani, sakmiela, mgalobliSvili, WeiSvili da sxv. Rvinis dasamzadeblad yvela ojaxSi iyenebdnen sawnaxelsa da Wurebs. Rvinos, ZiriTadad, piradi moxmarebisTvis amzadebdnen. garda sakarmidamo nakveTebisa, sabWoTa periodSi sawarmoo gaerTianeba „samtrests“ ozurgeTis raionis sofel baxvsa da Coxatauris raionis sofel saWamiaserSi gaSenebuli hqonda Cxaveris jiSis vazi, saidanac orginalur, naxevrad tkbil Rvino „Cxavers“ amzadebdnen. amave periodSi guriaSi moqmedebda „samtrestis“
From the ancient time, in Georgia, the wine, vodka, chacha, strong beverages were produced by the families from the raw materials available in the vicinity of their settlements: in Kakheti-chacha; in Kartli-apples, peaches, apricots, plums; in Samtskhe-Javakheti-mulberries, plums, cornels; in Guriacandle vodka, persimmons; in Mtiuleti and Svaneti-Zhipitauri; in Imereti-sour plums, wild peaches; in Khevi and Tusheti-beer. These traditions are maintained up to present, in rural and urban areas, in many Georgian families there are beverages made from blueberries, mint, estragon and other plants. They are used for treatment of various diseases, appetizers, as well as for treatment of digestion tract disorders, as sudorific, diuretic remedies. All these methods were used in folk medicine and some population strata still use them, those, who continue the methods, learnt from their forefathers based on the traditions. In Guria, when an Isabella (Adesa) grape was widespread, the farmers began to produce vodka from chacha. Isabella was not good for wine production and the farmers did not use it for winemaking. The farmers, not interested in production of chacha vodka used these grapes as soil fertilizers or for feeding of pigs. In 1887-1891, number of vodka distillation aggregates increased to 50 from 9 units. In the period when grape-louse was widespread, due to vine diseases, in Guria there was lack of wine and the population used chacha for making the home wines. In the regions of Guria-Chokhatauri, Ozurgeti and Lanchkhuti, mostly Isabella, Tsolikauri and Chkhaveri were grown, though some families produced small quantities of wines from such varieties as: Chumuta, Jani, Sakmiela, Mgaloblishvili, Cheishvili etc. All families used the wine presses and large clay vessels for wine production, mostly for family use. In addition to the family plots, Samtresti had the vineyards of Chkhaveri grapes in village Bakhvi, Ozurgeti District and village Sachamiaseri, Chokhatauri District and produced original semi-duce wine Chkhaveri. In the soviet period, in Guria, there were Chokhatauri wine factory built in 1955; wine factory of village Sachamiaseri, built in 1934 and Ozurgeti winemaking center opened in 1935, all belonging to Samtresti. In addition to small family producers, there were famous viticulturists and winemakers in Guria producing the fine wines in their wine cellars. Among them we should note Jacob Marr, Gigo Sharashidze, Antumoz Chkhaidze, David Kalandadze, Solomon Cheishvili and others. Famous Georgian winemakers, Ermile Nakashidze, Maxim and Rezo Ramishvili were from Guria as well. They have provided invaluable services to Georgian viticulture. They studied the viticulture zones of the Region in details and wrote in their famous monographs published many times as ampelography, used
kuTvnili yurZnis gadamamuSavebeli ramednime sawarmo: Coxatauris Rvinis qarxana, romelic 1955 wels aSenda; sofel saWamiaseris Rvinis qarxana, romelic 1934 wels aSenda da ozurgeTis Rvinis damzadebis punqti, romelic 1935 wels gaixsna. garda wvrili saojaxo meurneebisa. guriaSi iyvnen cnobili mevenaxe-meRvineebi, romlebic sakuTar marnebSi SesaniSnav Rvinoebs amzadebdnen. maT Soris aRsaniSnavia iakob mari, gigo SaraSiZe, anTimoz CxaiZe, daviT kalandaZe, solomon WeiSvili da sxvebi. aseve guriidan iyvnen cnobili qarTveli mevenaxeebi - ermile nakaSiZe, maqsime da rezo ramiSvilebi, romlebmac qarTul mevenaxeobas fasdaudebeli samsaxuri gauwies. maT regionis mevenaxeobis zonebi Zirfesvianad Seiswavles da yvelaferi es TavianT cnobil monografiebSi warmoadgines, romlebic araerTxel gamoica da meRvine-mevenaxeTa mTelma Taobam ampelografiaSi codnis asamaRleblad gamoiyena.
ermile nakaSiZe
Ermile Nakashidze Georgia has always had the famous viticulturists and agronomists whose efforts maintained Georgian vine up to present. There was no higher education institution in Georgia before 1918 and children of Georgian noblemen and rich people got education abroad, where, together with education, they were engaged in practical activities and further continued their work in their native country. Emile Nakashidze was born in 1869, in village Makvaneti, Ozurgeti District. Ermile belonged to the agronomists, who have conducted invaluable works in viticulture and agronomy. He was a successful agriculture professional and public figure. At elementary level he studied at Likhauri village school, further he continued his education at Ozurgeti city education institution, and in 1879 she was enrolled at Kutaisi Classic Gymnasium and graduated successfully in 1883. As a successful gymnasium student, Ermile was sent to the Agriculture and Forestry Institute of Novoalekseevka, Poland, with the scholarship of the Noblemen Bank. Ermile Nakashidze was the only Transcaucasian representative there. In 1886, he graduated successfully the Institute, received the diploma and returned to Georgia. We desired to cultivate numerous crops in Guria: tung trees, hazelnuts, tangerines, trifoliate oranges, etc. In 1877, after his returning from Poland, Ermile Nakashidze was appointed at the position of the principal of Tsinamdzghvriantkari Agriculture School. For 5 years of his employment he trained numerous professionals in this sector. They provided practical and theoretical support to Georgian viticulturists in vine growing, agricultural measures, cropping, treatment and soil cultivation all over Georgia. In 1892, he left the Agriculture School and started to work at the Agrarian Department. He was also a member of Grape-louse Committee in Georgia. Transcaucasian Excise Department and Agricultural Department conducted vineyards classification and their inventory every year and further presented the annual reports. Ermile Nakashidze performed significant work annually: he provided inventory of Guria-Adjara-Samegrelo vineyards, considered their opportunities and prepared descriptions of individual grape varieties. He used to walk from farm to farm, provided advice and recommendations and further published all these data as special reports consisting of tens of pages and submitted it written in Russian. Further the reports were publicly discussed. In 1892-1896, Ermile Nakashidze worked at Caucasian Grape-louse Committee, in 1896-1906—at Agriculture Department, as agronomist–inspector; in 1905-1911, he returned to Ozurgeti; and in 1911-1921, he was the chief specialist of the Ministry of Agriculture. Ermile Nakashidze contributed greatly to education of the new generation of agronomists, who, further, became famous scientists and professionals in the sector. Ermile Nakashidze deceased on 7 May 1947, at age of 78.
saqarTvelos yovelTvis hyavda sasiqadulo mevenaxeebi da agronomebi, romelTa ZalisxmeviT qarTulma vazma Cvenamde moaRwia. bedis ukuRmarTobis gamo, saqarTveloSi, 1918 wlamde umaRlesi saswavlebeli ar arsebobda, amitom qarTuli Tavadaznaurobisa da SeZlebuli ojaxis Svilebi codnis misaRebad sazRvargareT midiodnen, sadac, codnasTan erTad, praqtikul saqmianobasac eweodnen da Semdeg TavianT moRvaweobas samSobloSi agrZelebdnen. ermile nakaSiZe 1869 wels ozurgeTis mazris sofel makvaneTSi daibada. batoni ermile im agronomTa ricxvs miekuTvneboda, romlebmac mevenaxeoba-agronomiis ganxriT fasdaudebeli samuSaoebi Caatares. igi soflis meurneobis qarTveli warmatebuli specialisti da sazogado moRvawe gaxldaT. dawyebiTi ganaTleba lixauris sasoflo skolaSi miiRo, Semdeg ozurgeTis saqalaqo saswavlebelSi gadavida, 1879 wels ki quTaisis klasikur gimnaziaSi Cairicxa, romelic 1883 wels warmatebiT daamTavra. batoni ermile, rogorc warCinebuli gimnazisti, quTaisis saTavadaznauro bankis stipendiiT saswavleblad poloneTSi, qalaq novoaleqseevkis sasoflo-sameurneo da satyeo institutSi gaigzavna. ermile nakaSiZe amierkavkasiidan erTaderTi warmomadgeneli iyo. man 1886 wels saswavlebeli warCinebiT daamTavra, diplomi miiRo da saqarTveloSi dabrunda. igi mowadinebuli iyo, guriaSi mravali kulturuli mcenare gaeSenebina: tungo, Txili, mandarini, trifoliati da sxv.
by many generations of viticulturists and winemakers for improvement of their knowledge.
poloneTidan dabrunebis Semdeg, 1877 wels, ermile nakaSiZe winamZRvrianTkaris sasoflo-sameurneo skolis gamged dainiSna, sadac 5 wlis ganmavlobaSi dargis mravali specialisti moamzada. isini mTeli saqarTvelos masStabiT qarTvel mevenaxeebs praqtikul da Teoriul daxmarebas uwevdnen venaxis movlaSi, agrokulturuli RonisZiebebis CatarebaSi, gasxvlis, Sewamvlisa da niadagis damuSavebis dargSi. 1892 wels man saswavlebeli datova da miwaTmoqmedebis uwyebaSi daiwyo muSaoba. igi agreTve saqarTveloSi filoqseras komitetis wevri gaxldaT. amierkavkasiis saaqcizo sammarTvelo da miwaTmoqmedebis uwyeba yovelwliurad atarebda venaxebis pasportizaciasa da aRweras, Semdeg ki wliur angariSebs waradgenda. batoni ermile am mimarTulebiT yovelwliurad Zalian did, Sromatevad samuSaos asrulebda: aRwerda guriaaWara-samegrelos venaxebs, ganixilavda maT perspeqtivas da calkeuli jiSebis daxasiaTebebs adgenda. igi glexebis nakveTebSi kardakar dadioda, rCevebsa da rekomendaciebs aZlevda, Semdgom ki am yvelafers specialur angariSSi aqveyndebda, romelic ramdenime aTeul gverds Seicavda da rusul enaze dawerils abarebda. Semdgom angariSis sajaro ganxilva ewyoboda. batoni ermile 1892-1896 wlebSi kavkasiis filoqseras komitetSi muSaobda; 1896-1906 wlebSi miwaTmoqmedebis departamentSi, agronom-instruqtorad; 1905-1911 wlebSi ozurgeTSi dabrunda; 1911-1921 wlebSi ki miwaTmoqedebis saministros mTavari specialisti iyo. ermile nakaSiZes didi wvlili miuZRvis agronomTa im axalgazrda Taobis aRzrda-Si, romlebic SemdgomSi cnobili mecnierebi da dargis specialistebi gaxdnen. batoni ermile 1947 wlis 7 maiss, 78 wlis asakSi gardaicvala.
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solomon WeiSvili solomon WeiSvili 1851 wels quTaisis guberniis ozurgeTis mazris sofel askanaSi daibada. meRvineobiT ganTqmuli ori sofeli - askana da baxvi, folklorSi daculi masalebis mixedviT, agunad Seracxuli meRvineobis, siuxvisa da mosavlianobis deda-RvTaebis samyofeli yofila. qarTuli aguna yurZnis RmerTia, msgavsad romaelebis baxusisa da berZnebis dionisesi. soflebis - baxvisa da askanas saxelebs swored baxuss ukavSireben. miiCneva, rom askanam saxelwodeba baxusis
Solomon Cheishvili Solomon Cheishvili was born in 1951, in village Askana, Ozurgeti District, Kutaisi Province. Due to particular contribution to winemaking of Guria, two villages, well known for winemaking, Askana and Bakhvi, according to folklore, were the place of location of Aguna, the mother-divinity of winery, riches and yields Georgian Aguna is a goddess of grapes, similar to Roman Bacchus, Greek Dionysus. Names of village Bakhvi and Askana are associated with the name of Bacchus. It is believed that name of Askana comes from Askanuri, son of Aeneas, descendant of Bacchus. Incomes of Askana community population were mostly the amounts gained from sale of the products and various articles sold out of the village. Mr. Solomon Cheishvili of Askana was from the prosperous family. He was interested in production of the wines and alcohol beverages and to study these issues, he left for France. He spent two years in Bordeaux and Champagne province. He studied winemaking and viticulture there, as well as practical training and further before returning to his native country, he procured oak barrels, grape press, ordered the bottle labels and delivered all these from Marseilles to Askana, via Batumi. He arranged wine cellar in his house and commenced his work in vine growing and winemaking. He combined Georgian and European techniques of winemaking and sold his wine with the brand name “Cheishvili Brothers: in Georgia and abroad: in Trabzon, Vladikavkaz, Odessa and even in France, where he had numerous friends and colleagues. Wines made by Cheishvili were awarded various prizes in Russia and France, including Grand Silver Medal at St. Petersburg exhibition. One of the creeping vine varieties is known as Cheishvili vine in Askana-Bakhvi area. Solomon Cheishvili had his own trade houses in Tbilisi, Odessa, Moscow, Vladikavkaz, where he had a restaurant as well. He had bought the house in Vladikavkaz. In that period, in Vladikavkaz there was the vodka factory of Great David Sarajishvili. They successfully distilled the grain spirit and produced vodka and strong beverages. At his restaurant, together with the other beverages, his candle vodka and wine, Solomon Cheishvili always offered David Sarajishvili’s products. Alexander, Solomon’s son studied at Leipzig University, further he returned to Georgia, though because of events of 1921, he escaped from Georgia. Nina Shevardnadze –Cheishvili, Solomon’s spouse was exiled and Solomon Cheishvili deceased in 1925, at age of 74.
David Kalandadze David Kalandadze was born on 2 February 1889, in village Khidistavi, Chokhatauri, Ozurgeti District of Kutraisi Province. Khidistavi is one of the distinguished villages in Guria with its geographical location and nice population. Vlillage is located on the
daviT kalandaZe daviT iagoris Ze kalandaZe 1889 wlis 2 Tebervals quTaisis guberniis ozurgeTis mazris daba Coxatauris sofel xidisTavSi daibada. xidisTavi guriaSi erT-erTi gamorCeuli sofelia Tavisi geografiuli mdebareobiTa
way from Chokhatauri to Bakhmaro, on the bank of Gubazouli River. Villagers are basically engaged in agriculture. There live the representatives of Kalandadze, Dumbadze, Vashalomidze, Kerkadze, Gogiberidze, Lomtatidze and other families. David Kalandadze studied at elementary school of Khidistavi, further at Kutaisi Gymnasium. Devid’s father was a prosperous man and he wanted to have well-educated children. After graduation from Gymnasium, David left for Kharkov, to continue his education. He was enrolled at the Faculty of Pharmaceutics of the university, where the subjects dealing with chemistry and food technologies were taught. At the university, together with Russian language, he studied French and Latin languages. After graduation from Kharkov University, he started his practical activities. He worked at private drug stores and in 1915, when he was 26, he returned to Georgia as well-educated person. In that period, in Georgia, there were numerous factories, enterprises, companies and firms producing alcohol drinks, brandy, spirit and other products. The entrepreneurs, farmers, traders, philanthropists and in 1915, Georgian entrepreneur, philanthropist and well educated person, Mr. David Kalandadze joined the, He appeared on the arena when there was vibrant competition in the sector. Regarding the existing situation, taking into consideration the local conditions, because of financial and political situation, many manufacturers and entrepreneurs sold their factories and invested in the other businesses. The Armenians were particularly active, they were the leaders of almost all profitable businesses in Tbilisi and other large cities of Georgia, mostly, they procured the movable and immovable properties and attempted to foster in the business of alcohol beverages. Fortunately, in that period, David Kalandadze was a pleasant exclusion, in 1920-1923, he purchased Aivazov factory of spirit, brandy and vodka, located on Station Street, in Tbilisi: he also purchased the rectification factory of Seilanov brothers; constructs the new brandy spirit factories in Ozurgeti and Zestaponi; establishes forms “Sesiashvili Brothers and K”, firm “Margo” and purchases interest in alcohol factory of Edward Potzel in Abastumani; he held the shares; was involved in pharmaceutical business, was a member of supervision board of Jacob Zemel and some other drug stores; he was the member of executive committee of Georgian Manufacturers and Traders of Georgia established in 1918; expert of customs; member of the National-Democratic Party. He headed production of alcohol, brandy, vodka, liquors, chacha, strengthened wines, denatured alcohol and for this hi had the alcohol distilling and bottling plants and warehouses, always supplied with high quality raw and supplementary materials. Thus, through study and working of the archive materials available to us, we were able to present a very interesting person unknown to wide society and professionals of the sector. He did good job, he was well educated and practitioner businessman who has said his word in the business of alcohol beverages. He died in 1955, at age of 66, because of complications of diabetes. He is buried in Tbilisi, Vake Cemetery.
STamomavlis, eneasis vaJis, askanurisgan miiRo. askanas Temis mosaxleobis Semosavali, ZiriTadad, soflebidan savaWrod gatanili produqtebisa da sxvadasxva nakeTobebis realizaciiT miRebuli Tanxa iyo. batoni solomon WeiSvili, romelic swored sofel askanas mkvidri iyo, SeZlebuli ojaxidan gaxldaT. man Rvinisa da alkoholuri sasmelebis mimarT interesi gamoiCina da am dargis Sesaswavlad safrangeTSi gaemgzavra. Qqalaq bordoSi da Sampanis provinciaSi ori weli dahyo. swavlis periodSi is meRvineoba-mevenaxeobas daeufla, praqtikuli mecadineoba gaiara da Semdeg, samSobloSi dabrunebis win, iqve SeiZina muxis kasrebis tkeCebi, yurZnis wnexi, SeukveTa boTlis etiketi da es yvelaferi marselidan gemiT, baTumis gavliT, askanaSi Camoitana. man Tavis saxlSi marani moawyo da vazis gaSenebasa da Rvinis damzadebas mihyo xeli. Rvinis damzadebis qarTuli da evropuli wesi erTmaneTs Seuxama da Rvinos „Zmebi WeiSvilebis“ markiT yidda, rogorc saqarTveloSi, aseve sazRvargareT: trapizonSi, vladikavkazSi, odesasa da TviT safrangeTSic, sadac mas bevri nacnobi kolega hyavda. WeiSvilis Camosxmulma Rvinoebma ruseTsa da safrangeTSi sxvadasxva dros jildoebi daimsaxura. maT Soris aRsaniSnavia peterburgis gamofenaze miRebuli didi vercxlis medali. solomon WeiSvilis pativsacemad askana-baxvis arealSi maRlaris jiSis erT-erTi vazi dResac „WeiSvilis vazis“ saxeliT aris cnobili. solomon WeiSvili sakuTar savaWro saxlebs flobda TbilisSi, odesaSi, moskovsa da vladikavkazSi, sadac sakuTari restoranic hqonda. vladikavkazSi man saxlic SeiZina. im periodSi iq didi daviT sarajiSvilis aryis qarxana muSaobda, sadac warmatebiT xdidnen marcvleulis spirts, amzadebdnen araysa da sxva magar sasmelebs. solomon WeiSvils Tavis restoranSi, sakuTari Rvinisa da sanTlis arayTan erTad, sxva sasmelebis gverdiT, daviT sarajiSvilis nawarmic mudmivad hqonda. solomonis vaJi aleqsandre laifcigis universitetSi swavlobda, Semdeg igi saqarTveloSi dabrunda, Tumca 1921 wlis movlenebis gamo iZulebuli gaxda saqarTvelo daetovebina, solomonis meuRle nina SevardnaZe-WeiSvilisa ki gadaasaxles. solomon WeiSvili 1925 wels, 74 wlis asakSi gardaicvala.
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da araCveulebrivi xalxiT. Sofeli Coxatauri-baxmaros gzaze mdebareobs, mdinare gubazouli Camoudis. iq kalandaZeebi, dumbaZeebi, CigogiZeebi, vaSalomiZeebi, qerqaZeebi, gogiberiZeebi, lomTaTiZeebi da sxva gvarebis warmomadgenlebi saxloben. daviT kalandaZe xidisTavis dawyebiT skolaSi swavlobda, Semdeg swavla quTaisis gimnaziaSi gaagrZela. daviTis mama SeZlebuli kaci iyo, undoda, SvilebisTvis saTanado ganaTleba mieca. daviTi gimnaziis damTavrebis Semdeg swavlis gasagrZeleblad qalaq xarkovSi gaemgzavra. Cairicxa xarkovis universitetis farmacevtul fakultetze, sadac qimiisa da kvebis produqtebis teqnologiis sagnebi ikiTxeboda. universitetSi, rusul enasTan erTad, franguli da laTinuri enebic Seiswavla, universitetis damTavrebis Semdeg ki iqve Caeba praqtikul saqmianobSi _ muSaoba daiwyo kerZo afTiaqebSi. 1915 wels, 26 wlis asakSi, daviT kalandaZe ganaTlebul pirovnebad dabrunda saqarTveloSi. im periodSi saqarTveloSi uamravi qarxana, sawarmo, kompania da firma muSaobda, sadac alkoholur sasmelebs, koniaks, spirtsa da sxva nawarms amzadebdnen. mewarmeebisa da meurneebis rigebs 1915 wlidan qarTveli mewarme da mecenati, daviT kalandaZec SeuerTda. is asparezze im dros gamoCnda, rodesac dargSi didi konkurencia iyo. Seqmnili situaciidan gamomdinare, adgilobrivi pirobebis gaTvaliswinebiT, finansuri da politikuri mdgomareobis gamo mravalma fabrikantma Tu mewarmem qarxnebis gayidva da fulis sxva saqmeSi dabandeba daiwyo. gansakuTrebiT aqtiurobdnen somexi moqalaqeebi, romlebic Tbilissa da saqarTvelos msxvil qalaqebSi TiTqmis yvela sarfian saqmes edgnen saTaveSi da uZrav-moZravi qonebis SeZenasTan erTad, alkoholuri sasmelebis biznesSic imkvidrebdnen adgils. sasiamovno gamonaklisi aRmoCnda daviT iagoris Ze kalandaZe, romelmac 1920-1923 wlebSi TbilisSi, sadguris quCaze mdebare, giorgi aivazovis spirtis, koniakisa da aryis qarxana SeiZina, iyida Zmebi seilanovebis sareqtifikacio qarxana, ozurgeTsa da zestafonSi aaSena sakoniake spirtis axali qarxnebi, daafuZna firmebi: „Zmebi sesiaSvilebi da K-s“, „margo“, gaxda abasTumanSi, eduard protcelis kuTvnili spirtis qarxnis erTerTi mepatrone; daviT kalandaZes hqonda saqarTvelos sxvadasxva fuladi aqciebi, Cabmuli iyo farmacevtul biznesSic da gaxldaT TbilisSi iakob zemelis da ramdenime sxva afTiaqis sameTvalyureo sabWos wevri da mowile; igi aseve iyo 1918 wels daarsebuli qarTvel mrewvelTa
Jacob Marr Marr is a Scottish name. Since 13th century this was the name of barons. Patrick Montague Marr—Jacob Marr decided to travel, after he received his legacy. At a time of his being in Spain, he married Facunda Antonioni. When he studied at London University, Marr had acquaintance with Michail Vorontsov, later the Viceroy of Caucasus and Englishman Elliot. These people caused interest to Caucasus in him. Therefore, Marr lived for several years in Odessa and later, together with his wife and two children he arrived to Tbilisi and settled there, though, after conflict with the local government, he moved in twenties of the past century to Guria. Western Georgia was not completely subordinated to royal power. For example, at least of Guria was ruled by Mamia Gurieli. In that period Mamia Gurieli invited Marr as there were rare the people with good knowledge in agriculture and farming. Mamia Gurieli asked Jacob to arrange the garden. Laborious Scotch worked hard and arranged beautiful garden in Ozurgeti (on Gurlieli’s land)/ In twenties of 19th century, Jacob Marr settled in village Ianeuli, Chokhatauri Region and arranged the vineyard there. Basically he used the creeping vine varieties—Jani, Mtevandidi, Skhilatubani, Saknatura, Mtredispekha and others. He made only red wine applying local technology. He always sorted the grapes and never used those of low quality. For one year the wine was stored in the clay vessels, further it was bottled and stored before sale. Marr had the wines distinguished in the Region and they were successfully sold not only in Kutaisi province by also Russian cities on Black Sea shore, as well as small quantities in the Europe. Marr was one of the first winemakers, who have exported Georgian wine. In 1863, after death of his spouse, Marr married with Aghati Maghularia (Sharashidze). He was aged, but soon they gave birth to son (1864) Niko. Jacob Marr died in 1874, at age of 94, In addition to the persons mentioned above, there are numerous famous viticulturists and winemakers of Guria, who made contributions to progress of this sector: Nodar Chkhartishvili, Vazha Zhghenti, Tengiz Kekelidze, Bondo Kalandadze, Givi Mikashavidze, Merab Mikashavidze, Vazha Osepaishvili, Sulkhan Beridze, Dima Beridze, Vakhtang Kekelidze, Zurab Bakhtadze, George Beridze, Gaioz Beridze, Zhora Zambakhidze, Givi Kalandadze, Nugzar Kalandadze, Vazha Lominadze, Yura Lomadze, Panteleimon Nadiradze, Tengiz Osepaishvili, Levan Zhordania, Nikoloz Zhghenti, Givi Zhghenti, Kakhi Chanijvadze, Elguja Tsintsadze, Avtandil Zhghenti, Valerian Chanishvili, George Ramishvili, Misha Antadze, Roland Osepaishvili, Avto Shavishvili, Sio Beridze and others, Bondo Kalandadze Honorable Winemaker of Georgia Member of the Board of Elders
mxolod quTaisis guberniaSi, aramed ruseTis SavizRvispira qalaqebsa da, mcire raodenobiT, evropaSic ki. iakob mari iyo erT-erTi pirveli, vinc qarTuli Rvino sazRvargareT gaitana. marma 1863 wels, espaneli meuRlis garadacvalebis Semdeg, meored iqorwina aRaTi maRularias (SaraSiZe) qalze. am dros ukve asakovani iyo, Tumca maleve (1864 w.) SeeZina vaJi - niko. iakob mari 1874 wels, 94 wlis asakSi gardaicvala. garda zemoT naxsenebi pirovnebebisa, guriidan ara erTi cnobili mevenaxe da meRvinea, vinc garkveuli wvlili Seitana dargis aRmavlobasa da winsvlaSi: nodar CxartiSvili, vaJa JRenti, Tengiz kekeliZe, bondo kalandaZe, givi miqaSaviZe, merab miqaSaviZe, vaJa osefaiSvili, sulxan beriZe, dima beriZe, vaxtang kekeliZe, zurab baxtaZe, giorgi beriZe, gaioz beriZe, Jora zambaxiZe, givi kalandaZe, nugzar kalandaZe, vaJa lominaZe, iura lomaZe, panteleimon nadiraZe, Tengiz osefaiSvili, levan Jordania, nikoloz JRenti, givi JRenti, kaxi WanuyvaZe, elguja cincaZe, avTandil JRenti, valerian WaniSvili, giorgi ramiSvili, miSa anTaZe, roland osefaiSvili, avTo SaviSvili, sio beriZe da sxvebi. bondo kalandaZe KTW-ს uxucesTa sabWos wevri saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli meRvine
В статье члена Совета Старейшин компании KTW, Заслуженного винодела Грузии, Бондо Каландадзе: «Знаменитые виноделы Гурии», рассказывается о том, что в Гурии, согласно многовековой традиции, крепкие спиртные напитки настаивались на тех плодах, которые произрастали в той или иной местности, что обусловило многообразие их ассортимента. К примеру, в Гурии из сорта виноградной лозы «Изабелла» (Одесса) делали не только вино, но и нередко гнали водку. Применялись эти напитки не только для улучшения аппетита, но зачастую и в лечебных целях для исцеления от различных недугов. Гурия известна высокопрофессиональными виноделами, многие из которых получили образование за границей. Виноделы выращивали лозу на собственных виноградниках и использовали как традиционную технологию, так и современные методы получали вина высшего качества. Такие именитые виноделы, как: Эрмиле Накашидзе, Соломон Чейшвили, Давид Каландадзе, Яков Марр и другие, составили славу гурийского виноделия, на трудах которых выросли целые поколения.
da vaWarTa kavSiris aRmasrulebeli komitetis gamgeobis wevri, sabaJo saqmis eqsperti, erovnuldemokratiuli partiis wevri. misi TaosnobiT mzaddeboda spirti, koniaki, arayi, liqiori, WaWa, Semagrebuli Rvinoebi, denaturati. saamisod mas gaaCnda rogorc spirtis saxdeli, ise Camomsxmeli qarxnebi da sarealizacio sawyobebi, romlebic yovelTvis xarisxiani nedleuliTa da damxare masalebiT iyo uzrunvelyofili. vfiqrobT, Cvens xelT arsebuli saarqivo masalebis kvleviTa da damuSavebiT SevZeliT warmogveCina saintereso pirovneba, romlis Sesaxebac ojaxis wevrebisa da naTesavebis garda, farTo sazogadoebisa da dargis specialistebisTvis TiTqmis araferi iyo cnobili. igi Tavis saqmes Cinebulad uZRveboda, gaxldaT sakmaod ganaTlebuli, erudirebuli da praqtikosi mewarme, romelmac Rirseuli wvlili Seitana saqarTveloSi alkoholuri sasmelebis warmoebis saqmeSi. daviT kalandaZe 1955 wels, 66 wlis asakSi, diabetiT gardaicvala. dakrZalulia TbilisSi, vakis sasaflaoze. iakob mari mari Sotlandiuri gvaria. am gvars me13 saukunidan baronebi atarebdnen. patrik montegiu marim, igive iakob marim, memkvidreobis miRebis Semdeg, mogzauroba gadawyvita. espaneTSi yofnis dros is fakunda antonionze daqorwinda. iakobma jer kidev londonis universitetSi swavlisas gaicno mixeil voroncovi (SemdegSi kavkasiis mefisnacvali) da ingliseli elioti. am adamianebma mas ruseTisa da kavkasiisadmi interesi gauRvives. amitom iakobma ramdenime weli jer odesaSi icxovra, Semdeg ki meuRlesa da or SvilTan erTad TbilisSi Camovida da aqve dasaxlda. Tumca, adgilobriv xelisuflebasTan konfliqtis Semdeg, gasuli saukunis ocian wlebSi, sacxovreblad guriaSi gadavida. dasavleT saqarTvelo ruseTis imperatoris xelisuflebas srulad jer kidev ar emorCileboda. magaliTad, guriis nawili jer isev mamia gurielis gankargulebaSi iyo. swored am periodSi miiwvia mamia gurielma mari, radgan im droisTvis CvenSi swavluli agronomi da meurneobis kargi mcodne iSviaTad moipoveboda. iakobs mamia gurielma baRis mowyoba sTxova. Sromismoyvare Sotlandielma am saqmes gulmodgined mohkida xeli da ozureTSi (gurielis miwaze) baRi gaaSena. gurielisganve miiRo iakobma miwa guriaSi da XIX saukunis ocian wlebSi Coxatauris regionis sofel ianeulSi dasaxlda, sadac venaxi gaaSena da, ZiriTadad, maRlaris vazis jiSebi – jani, mtevandidi, sxilaTubani, saknatura, mtredisfexa da sxvebi gamoiyena. igi adgilobrivi wesiT mxolod wiTel Rvinos ayenebda, Rvinis dayenebisas ki specialurad gadarCeul xarisxian yurZens iyenebda. erTi weli Rvino WurSi inaxeboda, Semdgom mas amoiRebdnen da realizaciamde boTlebSi inaxavdnen. maris regionSi gamorCeuli Rvinoebi hqonda, isini warmatebiT iyideboda ara
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eleqtronuli ampelografia
pirveli kapitaluri naSromi, romelic saqarTvelos ampelografias mieZRvna, 1960 wels gamovida da misi avtorebi profesorebi niko kecxoveli, maqsime ramiSvili da daviT tabiZe gaxldnen. aRniSnul wignSi moyvanilia 420 dasaxelebis vazis qarTuli jiSis cxrili da profesionali mxatvrebis mier fersa da zomebSi Sesrulebuli vazis 57 jiSis naxati. gamocema bibliografiul iSviaTobadaa qceuli da swored amitom, wignis gansakuTrebuli mniSvnelobis gamo, qvemoT mogvyavs mokle amonaridebi misi Sesavali nawilidan.
First capital work on ampelography of Georgia was published in 1960, its authors were professors Niko Ketskhoveli, Maxim Ramishvili and David Tabidze. The book offers the table containing 420 grape varieties and pictures of 57 vines made by professional painters with natural colors and sizes. The book is bibliographic rarity and it is unavailable for many people. Therefore, regarding particular significance of the book, we provide below the short extracts from the introduction of the book.
`vazi erT-erTi uZvelesi mcenarea. vazis pirveli warmomadgenlebi carcis periodSi gaCndnen da maTi gavrcelebis areali mTel maSindel msoflios moicavda. materikis danawilebis Semdeg vazis gavrcelebis areali gawyvetili aRmoCnda da amJamad igi sam urTierTisgan dacilebul keraSia moqceuli. kulturuli vazi Zalian advilad velurdeba da jvaredindeba velurTan, ris Sedegadac hibridebs qmnis.
“Vine is one of the oldest plants. First representatives of the vine appeared in Cretaceous period and the area of their spreading was the entire world. After parting of the continents, the vine spreading area parted as well and now it is spread in three separated areas. Cultivated vine runs wild very easily, crosses with the wild vines and makes hybrids.
Zvelad CvenSi venaxsa da tyes Soris sazRvari Zalian xSirad ikargeboda, venaxi tyis piridan iwyeboda; garda amisa, CvenSi venaxis piris da Robis Ziris Taviseburi gamoyeneba icodnen. aq irgveboda umTavresad `wvrili xili~: tyemali, qliavi, damasxi, WanWuri, kurkamZvrala, Svindi, Txili, agreTve msxali, vaSli da kakalic. am xeebze Zalian xSirad gaSvebuli iyo babiloc, Seqmnili iyo Taviseburi gardamavali safexuri tyidan venaxze; radgan venaxi xSirad esazRvreboda tyes, amis gamo babiloTa Soris xSirad iyo krikinacveluri yurZeni.
In the past, in our country, the border between the vineyard and forest was often lost, the vineyards were just at the wood sides and here mostly the “small fruits” were planted: various species of plum, cornels, hazelnuts, as well as pears, apples and nuts. In many cases the there were creeping plants on these trees, creating some kind of transition between the vineyard and forest. In many cases, among the creeping plants there was krikina—wild grapes.
kulturuli vazis warmoSobisa da meRvineobis ganviTarebis mxriv erT-erTi mniSvnelovani centri iyo da aris saqarTvelo, sadac 500-ze meti jiSi Camoyalibda, anu msoflios mTeli asortimentis 25%; amis erT-erTi sabuTi isicaa, rom saqarTveloSi vazis jiSi 2,5-jer metia, vidre azerbaijanSi (200 jiSi); 5,5-jer meti, vidre somxeTSi (90 jiSi); 2,5-jer meti, vidre Sua aziaSi (200 jiSi); 3,5-jer meti, vidre daRestanSi (150 jiSi).
With respect of origination of cultivated vine and development of winery, Georgia was and is one of the most significant centers, where over 500 varieties were formed, comprising 2.5% of the entire world range; this could be evidenced by the facts that the number of varieties in Georgia is 2.5 times greater than in Azerbaijan (200 varieties); 5.5 times more than in Armenia (90 varieties); 2.5 times more than im Central Asia (200 varieties); 3.5 times more than in Daghestan (150 varieties).
iv. javaxiSvils Tavisi SesaniSnavi wignis `saqarTvelos ekonomikuri istoriis~ II tomSi Cveni mevenaxeoba dawvrilebiT aqvs ganxiluli da,
Iv. Javakhishvili, in the II volume of his outstanding book “Economic History of Georgia” provides detailed
112 112
Zveli saqarTvelos CaTvliT, vazis 413 jiSi aqvs aRniSnuli. am 413 jiSisgan hereTSi gavrcelebuli yofila 8 jiSi, kaxeTSi - 66, qarTlSi - 45, guriaSi - 59, aWaraSi - 26, SavSeT-klarjeTSi _ 26. amnairad, saqarTvelos yvela TemSi, saerTod, yurZnis 420-mde saxesxvaobis saxelwodeba yofila gadarCenili. dasaxelebuli Sromis gamoqveynebis Semdeg Cvenma mkvlevrebma am mimarTulebiT kidev bevri ram daazustes da amJamad saqarTveloSi 500ze meti jiSia aRricxuli, saxeldobr: kaxuri - 80 jiSi, qarTluri - 72, imeruli - 75, raWul-leCxumuri - 50, megruli - 60, guruli -53, aWaruli - 52, afxazuri - 58 da sxv. am mxriv muSaobis gagrZeleba kidev mraval axal jiSs gamoavlens. 500-ze meti jiSidan, romlebic CvenSia gavrcelebuli da cnobilia, rogorc qarTluri adgilobrivi jiSi, naxevarze meti, udavod, friad perspeqtiuli da mniSvnelovania mevenaxeobameRvineobis Semdgomi ganviTarebisTvis. `saqarTveloSi istoriuli geografiis fuZemdebels, did batoniSvil vaxuSts xeobis mosavlianoba-nayofierebis daxasiaTebis dros yovelTvis aRniSnuli aqvs xazi, sadamdisac aRwevda is zoli da are, sadac vazi xarobda da romlis zeviTac vazi an vazTan erTad xexilic ukve qreboda. maSasadame, am TvalsazrisiT miwawyali or nawilad iyofoda: erTs venax-xiliani are Seadgenda, meores kidev uvenaxo da uxilo zoli ekuTvnoda~. venaxi qarTveli kacisTvis dovlaTis erTerTi mTavari damxvavebeli iyo, is xalxs uyvarda da es siyvaruli da venaxisadmi damokidebuleba mraval leqsSi, andaza-gamocanasa Tu zRaparSi aqvs gamoxatuli: `sidedro, SavgremanobiT ar daiwuno siZia, sofelSi modi, ikiTxe, grZeli venaxi visia~. aseTi xalxuri margaliti CvenSi uamravia Semonaxuli.
rasakvirvelia, aseTi mravali Tvisebis erT jiSSi SeerTeba arc SemTxveviTi faqtia da arc tyidan gadmotanisa da moSinaurebis ubralo Sedegi. es qarTveli mevenaxis didi guldasmiT muSaobis nayofia, Wiris oflis mowmendiT miRebuli jiSia. aseTi jiSis gamoyvanas mTeli Cveni warsuli, garemo, ekonomika ukarnaxebda. Semoseuli mteri Cvens qveyanas xSirad aoxrebda, saxl-karTan da dovlaTTan erTad, venaxic tialdeboda, am dros
“The founder of historical geography of Georgia, Great Prince Vakhushti, in description of the yields and fertility, always marked the line, to where the vine grew, disappearing above that line, together with the fruits. Thus, in this respect, our land was divided into two parts, one of them with the vineyards and fruits and the other—without any vine and fruits”. For Georgians, the vineyards were one of the main sources of wealth, people loved them and expressed their attitude in many verses, proverbs, puzzles and fairy tales: “Don’t reject a young man, because of his black hair, Go to the village and ask, whose is the largest vineyard.” There are numerous such folk pearls in our country. Georgian winemakers usually grew the vines intended for wines, but they could be used for the other purposes as well, i.e. they selected the complex varieties, combining all required properties. Classical example of this is Rkatsiteli, a fine variety for winemaking, very beautiful, delicious, sweet and the vine is resistant to various conditions. In recent time it is also widespread in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Moldova, America and European countries. Of course, combination of so many useful properties in single variety is not an accidental fact or simple result of its removal from the forest and cultivation. This is the outcome of diligent work of Georgian viticulturists, a variety obtained as a result of hard work. Selection of such variety was dictated by the past, environment, economics. Invaded enemies often ravaged our country, ruined the vineyards together with the houses and other properties. At that time viticulture was one of the key industries and after diving of the enemies away,
qarTvel meurnes, ZiriTadad, saRvine vazi gamohyavda, magram iseTi, romlis gamoyeneba sxva miznisTvisac SeiZleboda, anu, ufro sworad, gamohyavda kompleqsuri jiSi, romelSic SeerTebuli iqneboda misTvis saWiro yvela Tviseba. amis klasikuri nimuSia rqawiTeli, romelsac badali ara hyavs, rogorc saRvine jiSs, amave dros igi metad lamazia, saWmelad gemoiani, tkbili, xolo vazi gamZlea da sxvadasxva pirobebis amtani. am bolo dros igi farTod gavrcelda somxeTSi, azerbaijanSi, ukrainaSi, moldoveTSi, amerikasa da evropis qveynebSi.
discussion of viticulture in our country and mentiones 413 varieties. Of these 413 varieties, 8 ones were spread in Hereti, 66 in Kakheti, 45 in Kartli, 59 in Guria, 26 in Adjara, 26 in Shavshet-Klarjeti. These, in all communities of Georgia, the names of 420 types of grapes were maintained. After publication of the above work, our researches found more exact data in this area and currently over 500 varieties are recorded in Georgia, in particular: 80 varieties of Kakheti; 72 of Kartli; 75 of Imeret; 50 of Racha-Lechkhumi; 60 of Samegrelo; 53 of Guria; 52 of Adjara; 58 of Abkhazia etc. Further work in this direction would reveal many new varieties. Of 500 varieties spread and known in out country, half is undoubtedly quite promising and significant for further development of viticulture and winemaking,
ki venaxi soflis meurneobis erT-erTi ZiriTadi dargi iyo. mtris gandevnis Semdeg saWiro xdeboda soflis meurneobis dargebis swrafad aRdgena. maSasadame, vazi iseTi unda yofiliyo, romelic swrafad Seavsebda yvela moTxovnilebas. Sedegad Cvenma mezvrem Seqmna jiSi, romelic erTsa da imave dros saRvinec iyo, saCamiCec, sabadagec da saWmeladac kargi. amgvarad, rqawiTeli Cveni qveynis RviZli Svilia. mis TvisebebSi TiTqos asaxulia Cveni mxris bunebac da istoriac. saqarTvelos samrewvelo vazis jiSebis tomis Seqmnaze muSaoba saqarTvelos sasoflo-sameurneo institutisa da mevenaxeoba-meRvineobis wamyvanma specialistebma 1945 wlidan daiwyes da TiTqmis 15 weli gagrZelda. gadawyda vazis jiSebis gamoqveyneba garkveuli istoriul- geografiuli raionebis mixedviT. saxeldobr: kaxeTis, qarTlis, imereTis, raWa-leCxumis, afxazeTis da aWaraguria-samegrelos jiSebisa - daaxloebiT 50-60 ZiriTadi samrewvelo jiSis, romlebsac yurZnis mtevnis, foTlis da rqis naturaluri zomis feradi naxatebi daerTveboda.~ CvenSi arsebobs sxvadasxva tipis: SuSxuna, magari da naxevrad tkbili, sakoniake da saSampanure RvinisTvis da yurZnis wvenisTvis vargisi, agreTve sabadage da saCamiCe jiSebi. gvaqvs lamazi sasufre yurZnis jiSebi, agreTve baRebis, parkebisa da xeivnebis dasamSvenebeli dekoraciuli vazebi. am bunebrivi simdidridan dReisTvis bevri jiSi gadaSenda da bevric gadaSenebis gzazea. qarTuli vazis jiSebis gadasarCenad, cnobili qvelmoqmedisa da mecenatis, batoni biZina ivaniSvilis TaosnobiT, 2010 wels saguramoSi Seiqmna vazisa da xexilis sargavi masalebis warmoebis erovnuli centri, romelic miznad isaxavs gadaSenebis gzaze damdgari ara marto vazis jiSebis, aramed qarTuli xilis gadarCenas, gamravlebasa da nergebis mosaxleobisTvis darigebas.
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am sanergeSi vazis 430 jiSia; maT Soris: qarTuli standartuli vazis 35, ucxouri vazis 100-ze meti da vazis saZire 8 jiSi. sanerge did muSaobas eweva Cveni erovnuli simdidris - vazis kulturuli jiSebis gadasarCenad. “saqarTvelos ampelografia” - am wignis avtorebi arian saqarTvelos damsaxurebuli adamianebi, meRvineoba mevenaxeobaSi wamyvani avtoritetebi, profesorebi: niko kecxoveli, maqsime ramiSvili da daviT tabiZe. wignSi Setanilia qarTuli vazis mxolod is jiSebi, romelTac amJamad didi mniSvneloba aqvT mrewvelobaSi. am mecnierebma fasdaudebeli Sroma gawies vazis mravali qarTuli jiSis yovelmxriv aRsawerad, maTgan miRebuli Rvinis maxasiaTeblebis aRniSvniT. wigni kapitaluri naSromia da moculobiTac STambeWdavia, rac garkveul uxerxulobas qmnis misi yoveldRiuri gamoyenebisas. swored amitom gaCnda gasuli
the agriculture should be restored as soon as possible and hence, the vine had to rapidly meet all needs. As a result, out viticulturists created the variety suitable for wine production, raisins, sweet juice and good as a fruit as well. Thus, Rkatsiteli is a child of our country, reflecting our nature and history. Leading specialists of Georgia Institute of Agriculture and viticulture, and winemaking, commenced their work on the volume about industrial vine varieties of Georgia in 1945 and this work lasted for almost 15 years. They decided to publish the vine varieties by historicalgeographical districts, in particular: the varieties of Kakheti, Kartli, Imereti, Racha-Lechkhumi, Abkhazia and Adjara-Guria-Samegrelo-about 50-60 key industrial varieties, accompanied with the pictures of the grape bunches, leaves and shoots of natural dimensions. In our country there are the varieties suitable for: sparkling, strong and semi-duce, wines, brandy and Champagne-type wines and grape juice, as well as those, suitable for production of raisins and sweet juice. We have also beautiful table varieties, as well as the decorative bines for the gardens, parks and alleys. Today, many of these valuable varieties are lost of endangered. With the incentive of famous philanthropist and art patron, Mr. Bidzina Ivanishvili, in 2010, the National Center for Production of the Vine and Fruit Planting Materials was established in Saguramo, intending to save not only the endangered vine varieties but also fruits, their planting and distribution of the nurslings to the population. This nursery has 430 Georgian vine varieties; 35 ones of Georgian standard vines; over 100 foreign varieties and 8 basic varieties. The nursery makes great job for saving of our national wealth—cultivated grape varieties. Authors of the book “Georgian Ampelography” are deserved persons of Georgia, famous authorities in viticulture and winemaking, professors: Niko Ketskhoveli, Maxim Ramishvili and David Tabidze. The book includes only varieties highly significant for the industry. These scientists have made invaluable work for thorough description of many Georgian grape varieties, specifying the characteristics of wine made of them. The book is indeed a solid work of impressive size and it is quite hard to commonly use it. The book was published in 60-ies of the past century. In the epoch of electronics, its electronic version is necessary to make it available for many people desiring to get familiarized with it, not
saukunis 60-ian wlebSi gamocemuli am naSromis eleqtronuli versiis Seqmnis saWiroeba, rac xels Seuwyobs mis xelmisawvdomobas ara marto Cveni qveynis mosaxleobisTvis, aramed saqarTveloTi dainteresebuli ucxoelebisTvisac -internetSi wignis inglisurenovani versiac aris gamoqveynebuli. eleqtronuli ampelografia kompania “kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis” dakveTiT, sareklamo kompania «TV+»-ma da «neomedia»-m daamuSaves saqarTvelos ampelografiis eleqtronuli saZiebo sistema, romelSic Tavmoyrilia zemoT dasaxelebul wignSi Semavali vazis yvela jiSi, maTi fotoebi da TiToeuli jiSis mokle daxasiaTeba. aRniSnul saZiebo sistemaSi Semavali jiSebi danomrilia. mcxeTis “qarTuli Rvinis palatis” sadegustacio darbazis kedlebze ganTavsebulia vazis 110 jiSis foto. mnaxvels monitoris ekranze SeuZlia, vazis am jiSze amomwuravi informacia miiRos da daaTvalieros 270 sxvadasxva jiSis vazi. `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvinoebis” axal korporatiul saitze www.ktwgroup.ge SesvliT am saZiebo sistemis daTvaliereba internetis meSveobiTacaa SesaZlebeli. programa saSualebas iZleva, amovirCioT vazis jiSebi regionebis (8 regioni), yurZnis feris (TeTri, wiTeli, vardisferi) da gavrcelebis arealis mixedviT (farTo gavrcelebis, adgilobrivi). Tumca, am eleqtronul saZiebo sistemas ara aqvs pretenzia, srulyofilad asaxos saqarTvelos ampelografiis Sesaxeb arsebuli sruli informacia, romlis misaRebadac SegiZliaT mimarToT links: Google: Georgian Ampelography. Cven mier Seqmnili eleqtronuli saZiebo sistemis naxva, `mcxeTis Rvinis palatis~ garda, `kaxuri tradiciuli meRvineobis~ nebismier obieqtzea SesaZlebeli: `veliscixis verandaSi~, ~patarZeulis qarxanasa~ da axalcixis safirmo maRazia “rabaTSi”.
only in our country but also abroad. Recently its English version was published in the internet. Electronic Ampelography With KTW order, advertising company TV+ and Neomedia developed the electronic search engine of Georgian Ampelography containing all grape varieties specified in the above book, with the photos and brief descriptions of each variety. The varieties in the search engine are numbered. On the walls of the wine testing hall of Georgian Wine Chamber there are photos of 110 varieties. By typing the number of the variety the viewer can see, on the monitor complete information about the variety. This electronic search engine is available in the internet as well, at: www.ktwgroup.ge. Software allows selection of the grape varieties by regions (8 regions), grape color (white, red, rose) and area of spreading (wide area, local). Specified electronic search engine does not claim that it contains full information provided in Georgian Ampelography. For this information see link Google: Georgian Ampelography. The electronic search engine is available at Mtskheta Wine Chamber, any facilities of KRW: Velistsikhe Veranda, Patardzeuli factory, brand shop Rabat in Akhaltsikhe. Ilia Peradze Member of the Board of Elders.
ilia feraZe
В статье, члена Совета Старейшин компании KTW, Ильи Перадзе «Электронная поисковая система грузинской ампелографии», дается справка о первом капитальном труде Нико Кецховели, Максимэ Рамишвили и Давида Табидзе, «Грузинская ампелография», изданном в 1960 году, в котором описаны 420 сортов виноградной лозы. Впоследствии грузинскими учеными были изучены и другие сорта, общее число которых, в настоящее время, превышает 500 наименований. Свою любовь к виноградной лозе народ отразил в фольклоре, сказках и поэтическом творчестве. Неоднократные вражеские набеги нанесли большой урон виноградарству и уцелеть смогли только самые выносливые, те, которые сочетали в себе приятные вкусовые качества и являлись перспективным виноматериалом, как например, сорт «Ркацители». В 2010 году в Мцхета, с помощью мецената Бидзины Иванишвили был создан Национальный центр посадочного материала, где культивируются саженцы лозы и фруктовых деревьев. Поскольку вышеуказанный научный труд стал библиографической редкостью, компания KTW создала электронную версию, на грузинском, русском и английском языках. По программе поисковой систем компании можно получить подробную информацию на сайте:WWW.KTWGRUP.GE. и ознакомиться с информацией о 240 сортах виноградной лозы.
uxucesTa sabWos wevri
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sayovelTaod gavrcelebuli es gamonaTqvami - „RvinoSia WeSmariteba“ -Tavdapirvelad, rogorc andaza, moyvanili aqvT berZen leqsikografosebs zenobiossa da diogenianes. am Temas araerTgzis exmianeba ZvelberZeni poeti alkeosi (Zv.w. me-6 sauk.), romelic TanamedroveT mouwodebs „suli daiamon“: “SevsvaT, lodini aras gvargebs naTlis dadgomis, dRe swrafad gadis, didi fiala momawode moxatuli nairferebiT, gana es Rvino Tavad zevsis da semeles Zem ar gviboZa kacebis sulis dasaameblad? Camoasxi ganzavebuli erTi oris wil da aRavse Tasi pirTamde, da daedevnos Tasi fialas“. romaul literaturaSi, sxva avtorebTan erTad, Rvinos ganadidebs plinius ufrosi Tavis „bunebis istoriaSi“ da lukreciusi, romelic eyrdnoba epikures. epikures moZRvrebis erT-erTi sfero eTika swored cxovrebiseuli sikeTis qdagebaa... „bednieri cxovrebis safuZveli sxeulis simrTelesa da sulis simSvideSia“.
dionises saberZneTSi mosvlis Sesaxeb mravali miTi arsebobs. kunZul ikarosidan naqsosze mimavali dionise mekobreTa gemze moxvda. mekobreebma dionise anZaze miabes da monad gayidvas upirebdnen. gemis anZas gars Semoevlo suro da ialqnebze yurZnis mtevnebi Camoekida. am ambiT SeSinebuli mekobreebi zRvaSi gadacvivdnen da delfinebad iqcnen... sadac ki dadioda dionise, yvelgan avrcelebda Tavis kults, saswaulebs axdenda, yvelas yurZnis moyvanasa da meRvineobas aswavlida. doinises Sesaxeb arsebuli miTebi araberZnuli warmoSobisaa. dionises kulti saberZneTSi Zv. w. meore aTaswleulSi maxlobeli aRmosavleTidan unda gadasuliyo. kultis siZveleze miuTiTebs misi totemuri xasiaTi. mevenaxeobis RmerTad dionise mxolod klasikuri xanis aTenSi gadaiqca.
In Roman literature, together with other authors, Pliny the Elder in his “Natural History” glorifies wine, and Lucretius, relying on Epicurus. Ethics, - one of the fields of Epicure’s teaching is preaching kindness... “The basis of happy life is in health of body and peace of mind”. In Greek pantheon, Dionysus – protector of viticulture and winery is particularly popular. Hera, who got angry because of Zeus’s and Semele’s love to each other, advised to Semele, to ask Zeus, to make Zeus appear with all splendor before childbirth. And, indeed, Zeus appeared with his true appearance – with thunderstorm and turned Semele into ashes. Zeus managed to take infant Dionysus out from her belly ant put him in his own flank. Something similar is in Georgian legends about Amiran - the hero was taken out from his mother’s belly and put into the belly of a bull... There are many myths about coming Dionysus to Greece. On his way from the Island of Icarus to Naxos Dionysus found himself to be on the pirate ship board. The pirates tied him to the mast and were going to sell him as a slave. The ivy turned around the mast and the grape clusters hang down from the sails. The pirates, frightened by this, threw themselves into the sea and turned into dolphins... Everywhere Dionysus came, he spread his cult, did marvels, and taught everyone to cultivate grapes and make wine. The myths about Dionysus are not of Greek origin. The cult of Dionysus should come to Greece in the 2nd millennium B.C. from the Near East. The totem character of the cult indicates its great age. Dionysus became the god of viticulture only in the Athens of the Classic period. During the reign of Peisistratos the cult of Dionysus became the State religion. The festival Dionysia, dedicated to Dionysus, was celebrated 4 times a year in Attica. The first one was celebrated in connection with finishing, of grape harvesting and making of new wine. In Rome Dionysus was called Bacchus. In the history of Georgian nation a special place belongs to the famous patriots – Niko Nikoladze (1843-1928) – a democrat, publicist, critic, and Jakob Nikoladze (1876-1951) founder of Georgian realistic sculpture. Great is the merit also of George Nikoladze (1888-1931) – a well known mathematician, metallurgist, sportsman. George Nikoladze worked abroad for many years. He defended his thesis for the Doctor’s degree in France, University of Sorbonne. Now we would like to focus
berZnul panTeonSi gansakuTrebiT popularulia mevenaxeobisa da meRvineobis mfarveli RvTaeba dionise. zevsisa da semeles urTierTsiyvaruliT gajavrebulma heram semeles urCia, zevsisTvis eTxova, rom mSobiarobis win mas zevsi mTeli Tavisi didebulebiT Cveneboda. marTlac, igi Tavisi namdvili saxiT - Weqa-quxiliT moevlina da semele ferflad aqcia. zevsma moaswro misi muclidan Cvili dionises gamoyvana da Tavis ferdSi Casma. rogorc cnobilia, es motivi gvxvdeba agreTve qarTul TqmulebebSi amiranis Sesaxeb, rodesac gmiri dedis muclidan amoiyvanes da xaris faSvSi Casves...
*** The widespread expression – “There is truth in wine” – was first given by the Greek lexicographers Zenobius and Diogenianus as a proverb. Alcaeus the ancient Greek poet (6th c. B.C.) often echoes with this theme, appealing to the contemporaries “to give pleasure to the soul”: “Let’s drink, waiting for dawn gives us no profit, A day passes rapidly, Give me a big bowl, painted in colors, Did not the son of Zeus and Semele gave us this wine For making pleasure to men’s soul? Pour, diluted one against two And fill the cup brimful, And let the cup follow the bowl”.
pisistrates mmarTvelobis dros dionises kulti saxelmwifoebriv religiad iqca. dionisesadmi miZRvnili dResaswaulebidionisiebi atikaSi oTxjer aRiniSneboda. pirveli imarTeboda yurZnis krefis damTavrebasa da maWris dayenebasTan dakavSirebiT. romSi dionises baxuss uwodebdnen. qarTveli eris istoriaSi gansakuTrebuli adgili daimkvidres gamoCenilma mamuliSvilebma - niko nikolaZem (1843-1928), demokratma, publicistma, kritikosma da iakob nikolaZem (1876-1951), qarTuli realisturi qandakebis fuZemdebelma. maTTan erTad, TvalsaCinoa giorgi nikolaZis (1888-1931), aRiarebuli maTematikosis, metalurgisa da sportsmenis damsaxureba. giorgi nikolaZe wlebis manZilze moRvaweobda ucxoeTSi. man sadoqtoro disertacia safrangeTSi, sorbonis universitetSi daicva. am SemTxvevaSi yuradRebas SevaCerebT farTo sazogadoebisTvis naklebad cnobil teqstze, romelsac giorgi nikolaZe awers xels: iTvrebodeT!.. (Sarl bodlerisa) unda yovelTvis mTvrali iyoT! amaSia mTeli azri, es aris erTaderTi daniSnuleba: Tu gsurT, ar igrZnoT Jamis saSineli simZime, romelic mxrebs gwyvetT da miwisken gxriT, unda mudam iyoT mTvrali. magram riT? RviniT, poeziiT, saTnoebiT, - riTac gsurT, oRond ki iyoT mTvrali! da Tu odesme - sasaxlis safexurze, balaxiT mosil xevebSi Tu Tqveni oTaxis moRuSul martoobaSi ucbad igrZnobT, rom simTvralisgan fxizldebiT, - hkiTxeT maSin qarsa, talRas, varskvlavs, frinvels, kedlis saaTs... hkiTxeT, ra Jamia-Tqo; da qari, talRa, varskvlavi, frinveli, kedlis saaTi gipasuxebT: „Jamia Trobisa!... Tu ar gindaT, rom droebis monad da msxverplad iyoT, iTvrebodeT, iTvrebodeT sul mudamJams! RviniT, poeziiT an saTnoebiT, - riTac gsurT!“
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giorgi nikolaZe. rogori aRmafreniT, ra mSvenieri qarTuliTaa gadmocemuli frangi poetis ganwyobileba, misi leqsis suliskveTeba... rogori bunebrivia yovelive! am dros SeuZlebelia, ar gagvaxsendes galaktioni:
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„exla, ra Tqma unda, Zlier gvianaa. gulSi mwuxarebam Rame gaaTia... mainc ar masvenebs mware sinanuli romeli saaTia, romeli saaTia?... iyo Sarl bodleri, mware da Zvirfasi: “Trobis saaTia, Rvinis saaTia!“ ase iZleoda pasuxs SekiTxvazeromeli saaTia?“
attention on a less known text for the wide society, signed by George Nikoladze: GET DRUNK!.. (Charles Baudelaire) You must always be drunk! In this is the only sense, this is the only purpose: If you want not to feel the terrible heaviness of the time, which tears off your shoulders and makes you bend towards the ground, you must always be drunk. But drunk what with? With wine, poetry, virtue, - with anything you want, only be drunk! And if ever – on the stair-steps of a palace, covered with grass gorges or gloomy loneliness of your room you suddenly feel that you are sobering up, - then ask the wind, a wave, a star, a bird, a wall clock .... Ask: What is the time; and the wind, a wave, a star, a bird, a wall clock will answer: “It’s time to get drunk! ... If you don’t want to be a slave and victim of times, get drunk, get drunk all the time! With wine, poetry, or virtue, - with whatever you want!” George Nikoladze With what inspiration, in what a beautiful Georgian the mood of the French poet is expressed, the spirit of his verse... How natural is everything! It is not possible not to remember Galaktion: “Now, of course, is too late. Sorrow passed the sleepless night in my heart Though the keen regret makes me restless What is the time, What time is it?... There was Charles Baudelaire, bitter and dear: “It’s time to get drunk, time of wine” So did he answer the question – What is the time?” “Scientist Caretaker of Vine” Few years ago one of the “ideologists” of the Rose Revolution publicly offered yet another wisdom, declaring that there have not existed scientific schools in Georgia... By the words of another “reformer”, the previous generations had no experience in the field of viticulture and winemaking at all. In this regard to my memory came back the story of a very modest and hard-working person, told by many people, who faithfully served to Georgian viticulture all his life. Specialists recognize that Professor Dimitri (Tite) Tabidze was one of the first who began to create a gene pool of Georgian vine varieties in the 30-ies of past century. After grape-louse invasion to Georgia, he collected unique varieties of vine, doomed to perish, survived in homestead areas, and planted in the collection field. Thanks to his patriotic activity the Georgian vine varieties were preserved for the posterity, thus allowing commencement wide selective work. During the years Dimitri Tabidze worked in Tbilisi and Telavi. From 1946 till his death he was leading the Division of Selection & Species Studies in the scientific-research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Viniculture of Georgia. In 1960, “Ampelography of Georgia” was published, its authors were Academician Niko Ketskhoveli, N. Ramishvili and D. Tabidze. The work thoroughly examines the problems of viniculture. D. Tabidze’s works are accessible for the students
„vazis moamage mecnieri“ am ramdenime wlis winaT „vardebis revoluciis“ erT-erTma „ ideologma“ sajarod morigi „sibrZne“ gadmoafrqvia, rodesac ganacxada, rom Turme saqarTveloSi samecniero skolebi ar arsebula... meore „reformatoris“ TqmiT ki, CvenSi Turme meRvineoba-mevenaxeobis dargSi araviTari mecnieruli gamocdilebac ar hqoniaT wina Taobebs. amasTan dakavSirebiT gamaxsenda araerTi adamianis naambobi erTi uzomod Tavmdabali da Sromismoyvare pirovnebis Sesaxeb, romelic mTeli Tavisi cxovreba erTgulad emsaxura qarTul mevenaxeobas. specialistebis aRiarebiT, profesori dimitri (tite) tabiZe erT-erTi pirvelTagani iyo, romelmac gasuli saukunis 30-ian wlebSi xeli mohkida qarTuli vazis jiSebis genofondis Seqmnas. saqarTveloSi filoqseris SemoWris Semdeg, sakarmidamo nakveTebze SemorCenili, dasaRupad ganwiruli unikaluri vazis qarTuli jiSebi Seagrova da sakoleqcio nakveTSi gaamravla. mis mier gaweuli mamuliSviluri saqmianobiT STamomavlobas SeunarCunda qarTuli vazis jiSebi, ramac SesaZlebeli gaxada farTo seleqciuri muSaoba. wlebis manZilze dimitri tabiZe Telavsa da TbilisSi moRvaweobda. 1946 wlidan gardacvalebamde saqarTvelos mebaReobis, mevenaxeobisa da meRvineobis samecniero-kvleviT institutSi seleqcia– jiSTmcodneobis mimarTulebas uZRveboda.
valeri asaTiani filologiis mecnierebaTa doqtori profesori KTW-s uxucesTa sabWos wevri
Valeri Asatiani Doctor of Philological Sciences Professor Member of KTW Board of Elders
В статье члена Совета Старейшин, доктора филологических наук, профессора, Валерия Асатиани, «In vino veritas» (Истина в вине), «ЗАРИСОВКИ», рассказывает о том, что культ вина известен в мифологии и литературных источниках еще с древнейших времен. Праздник бога вина Дионисия отмечался при сборе урожая. В древнем Риме Дионисий именовался Бахусом. Миф о том, что Зевс, спасая своего сына, спрятал его в своем теле, перекликается с грузинским мифом об Амирани, которого, достав из чрева матери, поместили в чресла быка. Есть версия, что культ Дионисия перекочевал в Грецию из арабских стран. Великий грузинский поэт, Галактион Табидзе, в своем стихотворении: «Который час», вспоминая Бодлэра писал: Уже, пожалуй, слишком поздно, Огонь тревоги не угас И нет в душе моей покоя: Который час? Который час? Я, как Бодлер – поэт печали, Его спросили, как-то раз: «Который час?» - И он ответил: «Час опьянения сейчас!».
1960 wels akademikos niko kecxovelis, n. ramiSvilisa da d. tabiZis TanaavtorobiT gamoica „saqarTvelos ampelografia“, sadac safuZvlianad aris ganxiluli mevenaxeobis problemebi. d. tabiZis Sromebi dResac xelmisawvdomia studentebisTvis, profesionalebisTvis. d. tabiZem didi muSaoba gaswia vazis axali jiSebis gamovlenisa da danergvis, standartuli vazis jiSebis (rqawiTelis, saferavis, xixvis, colikauris, pinos, cicqas, kraxunas da sxv.) gasaumjobeseblad klanuri seleqciis meTodebis gamoyenebiT; saqarTveloSi Sampanuri mrewvelobis ganviTarebis SesaZleblobaTa dasabuTebis TvalsazrisiT. es CamonaTvalic warmoaCens mecnierisa da aRmzrdelis, “vazis moamage“ profesor dimitri tabiZis Rvawls.
and professionals today. D. Tabidze has done great work for revealing and introducing of the new varieties of vine and improvement of the standard vine varieties (Rkatsiteli, Saperavi, Khikhvi, Tsolikauri, Pino, Tsitska, Krakhuna, etc.), using the clan selection methods; with respect of proving the possibilities of development of Champaign industry in Georgia. Even this list is sufficient to reveal the contribution of Professor Dimitri Tabidze, a scientist and tutor, “caretaker of vine”.