The Astrological eMagazine - January 2010

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Dr. B. V. Raman Memorial Number


Chief Editor and Publisher Niranjan Babu Bangalore The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. Articles submitted for publication in The Astrological eMagazine must be certified in writing by the author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to reject, revise or rewrite any article/material without assigning any reason whatsoever and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated. The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given. Printed by Niranjan Babu Bangalore at Sharadh Enterprises, Bangalore

From the Desk of Chief Editor


Dr. B. V. Raman Astrology is a National Science


What I know of Dr. Raman


Dr. B. V. Raman Photo Feature

12, 19, 20

Kaundinya What the Planets Say in 2010 Astrological Projections for Key Nations


Niranjan Babu Bangalore Vedic Vastu and Roman Architecture


Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji Veda Vastu


Bharadwaja The Annular Solar Eclipse of 15th January, 2010 Astrological Implications


Dr. T. S. Vasan Art of Astrological Blending


Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara Predicting Longevity


Varahamihira What is in Store for You in 2010


Jayasree Saranathan Predicting Earthquakes


Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi What is Kalyanam?


By Gerry K.J. Liao Feng Shui — Ancient Secret of Architecture Designing


Dr E S Neelakantan The Eye of Rudra


Kathleen M Whalen Sankhya Sastra — The Science of Numbers


S.N.Tekur Esoteric Astrology


V. S. Kalyanraman


Once in a Blue Moon


V. R. Soundar Rajan Hysterectomy — An Astro View


Rashmi Sachidananda Natya Sastra — The Art of Dance


Gargacharya Does Jupiter’s Transit in 2010 Affect You?


Activities Around the World

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Rs.Ps: US $ A Catechism of Astrology ....................................................................... 65.00 ................................ 6.50 A Manual of Hindu Astrology ................................................................. 70.00 ................................ 7.00 Ashtakavarga System of Prediction ........................................................ 70.00 ................................ 7.00 Astrology for Beginners (PB) ................................................................. 35.00 ................................ 3.50 Astrology in Predicting Weather and Earthquakes ........................................................................ 40.00 ................................ 4.00 Bhavartha Ratnakara ............................................................................... 70.00 ................................ 7.00 Graha and Bhava Balas ........................................................................... 50.00 ................................ 5.00 Hindu Predictive Astrology ..................................................................... 80.00 ................................ 8.00 Hindu Astrology and the West................................................................. 75.00 ................................ 7.50 How to Judge a Horoscope, Vol. I (Paperback) ...................................... 95.00 ................................ 9.50 How to Judge a Horoscope, Vol. II (Paperback) ................................... 150.00 .............................. 15.50 Muhurtha or Electional Astrology .......................................................... 65.00 ................................ 6.50 My Experiences in Astrology ................................................................. 95.00 ................................ 9.50 Notable Horoscopes (Paperback) .......................................................... 150.00 .............................. 15.00 Notable Horoscopes (Hardbound) ........................................................ 295.00 .............................. 25.00 Planetary Influences on Human Affairs .................................................. 65.00 ................................ 6.50 Planets and the Next World War ............................................................. 60.00 ................................ 6.00 Prasna Marga Vol I(Paperback) ............................................................. 325.00 .............................. 32.00 Prana Marga Vol II (Paperback) ............................................................ 295.00 .............................. 29.00 PrasnaTantra ............................................................................................ 65.00 ................................ 6.50 Studies in Jamini Astrology .................................................................... 65.00 ................................ 6.50 Three Hundred Important Combinations (Paperback) ............................ 95.00 ................................ 9.50 Three Hundred Important Combinations (Hardbound) ........................ 195.00 .............................. 19.50 Varshaphal ............................................................................................... 65.00 ................................ 6.50

PROF. B. SURYANARAIN RAO Brihat Jataka (Hardbound) .................................................................... 395.00 .............................. 39.00 Brihat Jataka (Paperback) ..................................................................... 250.00 .............................. 25.00 Jaimini Sutras (Adhyayas 1&2) ............................................................ 125.00 .............................. 12.50 Stri Jataka or Female Horoscopy ............................................................ 45.00 ................................ 4.50

MRS. RAJESWARI RAMAN Hatha Yoga for All ................................................................................... 65.00 ................................ 6.50

NIRANJAN BABU BANGALORE Handbook of Vastu ................................................................................ 175.00 .............................. 18.00 Vastu Relevance to Modern Times ........................................................ 195.00 .............................. 20.00 Vastu FAQs Answered ........................................................................... 175.00 .............................. 18.00 Vastu Directional Influences on Human Affairs ................................... 195.00 .............................. 20.00 Vastu Shastrada Kaipidi (Kannada) ...................................................... 175.00 .............................. 18.00

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From the Desk of the Chief Editor



We are happy to present you, our esteemed readers, the January 2010 issue of The Astrological eMagazine in memory of my father Dr. B. V. Raman. On December 20th, 1998 Dr Raman left this mortal world to create an empty space in the astrological world that is yet to be filled up. The lead article is by Dr. B. V. Raman based on a key note address that he delivered in November 1996. Astrology is a national science, he says. Though modern science avers that its methods alone are dependable it cannot still explain how a Srinivasa Ramanujam without a formal background, bestrides a domain of science, like a colossus, Astrology can reason out how Ramanujam was a genius. We have rare photographs of the ‘Bhishma Pitamaha’ published in this issue. Kaundinya writes on World Trends and Tensions in 2010 and gives, what he calls, astrological projections for key nations. Speaking of India, he warns us that retrograde Saturn in the tenth can give rise to political instability due to the departure of senior political leaders and clamour for separatist states can increase. In a separate write up Apocalypse 2012, he is surprised that many people believe that the world will end in 2012. This belief, exasperated by sensationalistic newspaper articles, books and hollywood movies, has as its basis the end of the current cycle of the Mayan calendar which occurs in 2012. There is no known Mayan record that indicates this to be the end of the world. Vedic astrology does not support any doomsday predictions for 2012, he comforts us. We write on Indian and Roman architecture and bring out the striking similarities between the Vastu treatise Manasara and the book of the roman architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio. Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji, the Junior Pontiff of Avadhoota Datta Peetham, educates us on the wisdom of Veda Vastu. The pontiff tells us that the primary elements that are of importance in Veda Vastu are symbolized with specific yantras and their application to modern habitation is detailed out. Bharadwaja writes on Annular Solar eclipse of January 15th and its astrological implications. The effects can be experienced months ahead or later after the occurrence and he cautions us that that this eclipse can trigger troubles and tribulations. Dr. T. S. Vasan tells us that predicting is an art of astrological blending and says a holistic approach is needed for a proper analysis. Bangalore Sureshwara presents a methodology for calculation of only longevity and tells us that no recommendation is made, one way or the other. One must use this or any quantity based method on a very large number of horoscopes and then come to the conclusion as to the usefulness or limitation of this method. Prediction of earth quakes is a formidable task in both science and astrology. Ms. Jayasree Saranathan tells us certain patterns are observed with the study of earlier earthquakes that highlight the role of Mars and Rahu and the martian signs of Aries and Scorpio and Saturn’s association with these planets and signs. Mr. Kalyanraman writing on the much puffed up Blue Moon with some horror-mongers working overtime to float some sensational and false prophesies about an imaginary and impending ‘Doomsday’ tells us that such prophesies are not only baseless but are absurd too.





Mr. Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi tells us that Kalyanam is a process of unification. He educates us on how and why it is to be performed? Mr. Gerry K.J. Liao writes on Feng Shui, the ancient science of architecture and guides us through its philosophy. He tells us that world is categorized by three basic concepts - Yin-Yang, Xi-Hsiang and Ba-Gua. Rudraksha is born out of Siva’s tear, says Dr. Neelakantan. Different faces of Rudraksha have different properties of power avers the author and sermons the astrologers to suggest the appropriate Rudraksha based on the position of the natal Moon. Ms. Kathleen M. Whalen tutors us on Sankhya Sastra and tells us that it is an extension of Jyotisha and Vastu Shastra. She says that everyone of us has three numbers – Psychic, Destiny and Name - which in harmony creates a connection between self view and life purpose. Mr. S. N. Tekur, speaking on Esoteric Astrology, tells us that astrological interpretation has to focus more on the requirements of the soul and suggest suitable actions rather than concentrating on purely material issues which can only provide temporary relief without really satisfying the urges of the soul. Discussing several charts of women, Mr. Soundar Rajan spells out the planetary combinations that can lead to removal of the uterus and concludes that in most cases of Hysterectomy, Scorpio is blemished in either Rasi, Navamsa or Trimsamsa.. Ms. Rashmi Sachidananda writes on one of the more popular forms of Indian dance – Bharata Natyam. Telling us that this form of dance has three components - Nrutta, Nruthya and Natya - she lists out several treatises on this ancient and wonderful art form of India. We have more readers write to us in ‘What the readers say’. This month we introduce another feature in which we report Activities Around the World. Readers are in for bumper forecasts with Varahamihira predicting your future in 2010 based on both your Moon sign and constellation while Gargacharya analyses the transit of Jupiter into Aquarius equally exhaustively. We have received very many requests for the print edition of our very popular and respected ezine. With this issue, we are happy to bring out the print copy. We thank you for your continued encouragement and support by way of advertisements and donations . We welcome our readers to send us your well researched articles for possible publication in our ezine . We invite general and research articles on Astrology, Yoga, Vastu, Ayurveda, Vedanta, Sangeeta Shastra, Natya Shastra and related subjects. We respect your valuable suggestions and comments to make your ezine/magazine more interesting, informative, eventful and helpful. The Astrological eMagazine wishes all of you a wonderful New Year 2010. May the best of health, harmony and happiness be always with you and yours.

Niranjan Babu Bangalore 1st January 2010




Lead Article


Astrology is a National Science Key Note address delivered by Dr. B. V. Raman at the Third All India Astrology Conference held at Bangalore on 2nd November 1996


ESTERN OR MODERN scholarship and its Indian counterpart tend to underestimate the antiquity and the authenticity of Indian achievements not only in the fields of philosophy and psychology but also in the so-called positive sciences of which Jyotisha forms an integral part. However, it is gratifying to note that in recent times some of our scholars have begun to extricate themselves from the web of modern preju-dice in regard to the culture and scientific heritage of the Hindus. Astronomers competed with one another in proclaiming that this Universe was beyond any scale of man’s. How could it ever be imagined that the puny man stuck to our tiny globe due to gravity, be influenced by the celestial bodies? On the other side, geneticists claimed to have discovered a strange incredible world and they said that Nature decides, at the moment of conception, our physical strength, weaknesses, character pre-disposition and intelligence - even to the moment when this mysterious machine, viz., our body becomes disordered and breaks down for ever. Therefore the gap between astronomers - those who wanted to know what the Universe was made of, and geneticists - those who wanted to know what man was made of, became a yawning gulf. The sky of the astronomers was not concerned with man’s future and man as revealed by the biologists had no need of the sky to know his destiny. But the thinking of our Sages was on a different level. Their ap-proach to man and the Universe was holistic. Man and the Universe cannot be separated from each other. Therefore, they were the first to bridge the gulf between astronomy and biology with the great discipline of Astrology. Many English educated Indians, while showing a high level of in-tellectual ability are generally alienated from their own scientific and spir-itual heritage of which Jyotisha forms an integral part. They are not aware, because they are not taught, or they have not learnt - of the original contributions made in ancient India to the cause of knowledge in general and science in particular, independent of western influence; they naturally suffer from a sense of inferiority. Of course there may be exceptions. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE




The champion of scientific temper or pseudo-scientific temper, misses no opportunity to decry astrology as superstition. He fails to think that such denunciation amounts to dogmatism and can be completely devoid of reason. Astrology reasons that the mind in its profundity can light upon truths. Science says that its methods alone are dependable - though it cannot explain how, for instance, a Srinivasa Ramanujam without a formal back-ground, bestrides, like a colossus, a domain of science. Astrology can give reasons how Ramanujam was a genius. The claim that science alone has the key to the doors of knowledge is a dogmatic assertion. Today we are surrounded by fanatical advocates of the one and only method and that is the so-called scientific method. Anyone who honestly stresses the limits of this scientific method is dubbed as an obscurantist. As Whitehead, Bertland Russel’s great teacher says: ‘Today it is our sci-entists who, entrenched in their orthodoxy, are refusing to look at every evidence falling outside the purview of their own blinkered methodology. Science has remained a predominantly anti-rationalistic movement based upon a naive faith.” The famous Australian neurologist and Nobel Laureate Sir Eccles says: “This is an age more beset by superstition than any other age and the worst superstition is that ‘materialistic science’ can explain all things. The materialists have had their long innings of arrogance. Their beliefs are worn out. They land nowhere. Materialism gives you a hopeless, empty life, one without values.” The claim that some scientists have disproved astrology is utterly false. The so-called scientific arguments against astrology are not really scientific at all but merely rationalisation of irrational and pseudo-sci-entific prejudices. A careful study of ancient literature bearing on astronomy, astrology and allied subjects will reveal that the vision of the ancient sages was far more deeply based on, and intimately correlated to the realities and values of life than dreamt of in modern times. Though perception, observation and experiment were the main cri-teria of truth, intuitional wisdom, now neglected in the name of scientific temper, was mainly responsible for the development of disciplines like Jyotisha, Vastu etc. As Percy Seymour, a British Astro-physicist says, the socalled sci-entific method is a particular way of 6


investigating the natural world. “One extremely important approach which is known to all scientists but may not be known to non-scientists is that there is no such thing as “scientific proof”. Ever since Galileo, Descartes and Newton, Western scientific cul-ture, confused in India as modern, has been obsessed with the so-called rational knowledge, objectivity and quantification, that intuition and sub-jective knowledge are completely ignored. Paradoxially many of the critics themselves make full use of Jyotisha when their own interests are involved. We must understand that the frame-work designed by the scientist to bring in any knowledge within the purview of laws known to him is as brittle as the frame-work of the scientists of the 16th century when science in Europe was dominated by the Church. In his times, Galileo was persecuted because he expressed views not acceptable to the scientists of those times, dominated as they were by the Church. Luckily there is no fear of our meeting with the same fate when the claims of some of the scientists are questioned. We live in a land where even two thousands years ago the Charavakas (materialists and atheists) along with Acharyas lived together engaged in intellectual battles which ultimately resulted in the rout of the Charavaka mischief. An essential difference between the approach of the Rishis and mod-ern science is that the former is comprehensive, integral, holistic and spiritual; while the latter is mostly adhoc fragmentary, reductionist and mechanistic. During the Vedic period, Indian culture preserved its character as an astrological culture. In fact the totality of the spiritual, intellectual and cultural life of Indians contains Jyotisha in perfect integration with itself and constitutes a coherent whole. At the moment Jyotisha still holds a remarkable position in India and exists as fresh as ever and occupies a unique place in Indian social life. Jyotisha is the one subject in the world that has tried to tackle the problems of life in its various aspects. If the basic issue of free will versus determinism is involved in this question, it only shows that astrology, unlike western sciences goes to the very root of life and the experience of man as an individual and as a species. The usefulness of astrology to mankind is manifold, beginning from its application to individual horoscopes and embracing such aspects as agriculture, psychology, medicine, weather and forecasts of political events. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


Predictive astrology both in its theory and practice is the result of long continued tests and records on the part of many master-minds be-ginning from Sage Parasara to my own revered grand father late Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao. To a careful observer astrology reveals a bird’s eye view of the entire history - past, present and future of an individual. Astrology does not rest in the erroneuous idea that man’s life is ‘deter-mined’ by the stars, a statement sarcastically employed by some ill-in-formed critics. The modus operandi in astrology revolves round the concept that the great is mirrored in the small and that vicissitudes taking place in any part of the heavens register their effects on the earth and its in-habitants.

The importance of Astrology as the only national science capable of helping the individual, society and the nation is beyond doubt. Its scope is immense. It can help medicine, politics, agriculture, meteorology and psychology.

The art of prediction is not merely a gift. It is a power that could be acquired by profound study and a deep insight into the various tech-nicalities of the subject, keen power of analysis and ability to reconcile the often conflicting combinations revealed in a horoscope.

The relation between astrological facts and great political events in history opens up a vast field of fertile and illuminating study. History and astrology will throw light on each other and may offer valuable guidance for political leaders and statesmen. Horoscopes of political leaders can give important clues as to the course of action likely to be adopted by them in moulding the destinies of nations at the helms of which they may preside for the time being. Political astrology can be of great sig-nificance to Governments all over the world in patterning their admin-istrative policies.

Learned and experienced astrologers make a study of the horoscope and give predictions. Many of these predictions turn out to be fairly cor-rect. The predictions vary from individual horoscopes to weather and crop forecasts to national and international events. What is Astrology? But what is astrology? It can be defined as the corpus of organised knowledge of correspondence between the motions of celestial bodies and (a) natural phenomena occurring on earth such as weather, floods, earth-quakes, volcanic eruptions etc., (2) human physical phenomena, such as birth, death, disease and accident and (c) human psychological phenom-ena such as love, hate, jealously, sex-urge etc., and the physical actions resulting from these emotional states such as mating and murder etc. In Sanskrit it is called Jyotisha or the science of light and Hora Sastra or the science of Time because it unravels what is contained in the womb of time and links man to nature and establishes that order reigns supreme in life and that accident and chance have no place. Jyotisha is primarily concerned with the application of cosmic laws to terrestrial phenomena. The so-called objective or physical science cannot lay down the law for astrology which deals with a different sphere of experience. Mundane Astrology has become a part of the life of millions of our countrymen. Likewise horary astrology is called in many times to solve immediate or remote problems. Astrology has thus become an integral part of modern life. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

While Astrology at the national level can predict longrange weather, floods, earthquakes, etc., on the individual level the horoscope can reveal one’s mental structure, his likes and dislikes, his strong and weak points, his abilities, his aptitudes giving scope for further improvement. It can diagnose disease and supplant medicine, let alone “fortune telling” which aspect is liberally exploited by a section of the news media for the sale of their journals.

A competent astrological bureau can give the Government enough insight into future complications with foreign powers that would be worth untold millions even if this Bureau made only 60% of correct predictions. Forecasts concerning weather, rains, storms, cyclones and earthquakes will be of immense use not only to farmers and traders but to the public in general. Such a national science as Astrology has the first claim on our Uni-versities, to be studied. But unfortunately many Universities seem to think that it would be derogatory to establish a chair for it, while the modern superstition called “Futurology” has become respectable enough to find a place in the curriculum of studies. Many branches of Astrology need exhaustive exploration. There are various systems of Dasas outlined by the great sage Parasara; which one is operative and under what planetary configurations? There are many systems of determining longevity and a band of earnest and devoted as-trological scholars should examine this. Then again, the intricate system of Jaimini is not fully explored. Problems like these are formidable. A few astrological savants can-not undertake this great task, since it needs many who can devote them-selves fully to this task in a specialised manner. 7



Today, barring a few, most of our astrologers are engaged in other professions for their livelihood; and I congratulate them for their devotion to Astrology. If only we have an adequate number of scholars, and fi-nancial resources to match, we can unravel some of the mysteries of man and Universe which in India is called Jyotisha

the cosmos and even in society are determined. He begins life with a certain number of facts that cannot be changed - he cannot change his parentage, his nationality (at least the majority), his place in the geographical region or country, his tem-perament, even the life fund of energy these are his capital.

Why Predictions Fail?

But he can use this capital in various ways, so as to rise higher or sink lower in the scale of value. He can better himself in character and social status or diminish his stature by bad conduct. Man has enough freedom to make or mar himself. But he has not enough freedom to command nature and history to suit his fancies.

Astrology is widely and successfully used. Yet there are complaints that sometimes astrological forecasts are not fulfilled. If one could keep a statistical record of the predictions made by different experienced as-trologers, one would be surprised to find that the majority of predictions get fulfilled. A counter question can be posed to the critics. Why does medical diagnosis fail? Why do surgeries result in deaths? Why do meteorologists with all the latest sophisticated instruments at their disposal miserably fail in their weather forecasts? Why do lawyers fail? Why do bridges constructed according to expert engineers collapse? and why do space scientists also fail in their attempts to send satellites inspite of Physics being an exact science? Why do politicians fail and heap miseries on the people?. Yet politics is a science! And most importantly why is Astrology alone singled out for such criticism while all other sciences, with their blunders, sometimes running into not only losses of crores of rupees, but countless lives are allowed to go scot free. To answer the question why sometimes astrological predictions do not happen, three factors have to be considered. 1.

The Philosophy of Astrology


Correctness of Birth Data


Want of Interpretative Skill

One of the first philosophical questions that comes up in one’s mind regarding astrological claims is that of human freedom. If the future of man is determined by the planets and stars, there is nothing that he can achieve by his own efforts. His life will be reduced to that of a puppet which has to make every movement in mechanical obedience to the pulls of the operator. For Astrology reveals only the general influence of the planets and stars on our life and development. It reveals tendencies. It reveals good times and bad times for certain kinds of choice. The real situation is that man is partly free and partly bound. His physical nature, his heredity, his position in 8


There is no reason to think that Astrology seals the fate of every human being at birth determining everyone of his acts of choice every moment of his life. Astrology does not support the idea of fate or com-pletely determined life for man like a mechanism moved by previous op-erating causes. In accordance with the general background of Indian thought, Indian Astrology supports the idea of rebirth and Karma. Then we have the remedial side. Certain Mantras and propitiatory ceremonies are suggested to counteract certain afflictions, which if such palliatives are not resorted to, may express themselves in a variety of troubles. Sound vibrations and the power of suggestion of sacred formulae were understood by our ancient seers. Even according to science matter is resolvable into energy and the nature of different things is derived level by level from the rhythms of its vibrations, its complexity and pattern. It is possible that people can receive benefits from the mantras etc., provided they have been done according to recognised sastraic principles and feel fortified and protected against the evil influences of the planets for the time being. This is akin to scientists thinking that adverse effects on individuals during magnetic disturbances can be neutralised by chang-ing the magnetic field. (to be continued) Om Tat Sat Are you planning a ... Residential Layout? Business School? Hotel Complex?

Vastu shows you the way THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


What I know of Dr. Raman... Padma Bhushan Prof. N S Ramaswamy (National Research Professor in Management and Director, Cartman) Dr. B.V. Raman is well known world wide as the Father of Modern Astrology: He has made a magnificent contribution to get Astrology accepted as a science as well as to spread all over the world, an understanding of the relevance of Indian Heritage and Culture for human welfare. From humble beginnings, by sheer hard work, he attained great heights in the Astrological world. With extraordinary discipline and sincere dedication and commitment, he established a respectful place for Hindu Astrology as a scientific subject, worthy of serious research and practical and useful application for the welfare of nations and individuals. He had a thorough knowledge of Sanskrit, Vedas, Upanishads, Ithihasas and Shastras. After all, Jyothisha is a branch of the Vedas. His strong grounding in the various branches of Sanatana Dharma as well as modern Astrology, as practiced in the West, strengthened his concepts and methodology of calculation, analysis and prediction. His ability to communicate effectively in English made him famous and acceptable in the Western world. Dr.Raman had to struggle hard and fight many polemical battles to prove himself and his unique methods. But only repeated successful predictions on important events made people accept his authority. Thus he acquired a huge following and admirers not only within India but also in the West. So strong was his scholarly influence that he founded the American Council of Vedic Astrology to facilitate and encourage the systematic study of Indian Astrology in the West. He structured it on the pattern of the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences, which was started by him in 1983 in order to regulate the study and practice of Astrology in India. His The Astrological Magazine was the most respected Journal in India and abroad.. In spite of his tall stature and standing, Dr.Raman led an austere and simple life style. He was a teetotaler and a strict vegetarian, who consciously observed Bharathiya Samskaras, as prescribed in our Shastras. The high and mighty of the land - Presidents, Prime Ministers, VVIPs, scientists, ambitious politicians, business magnates, popular artistes, military commanders, millionaires and even cynical journalists as well as common people consulted him and sought his guidance. With his significant advise to the rich, which enabled them to make fortunes, he could have easily acquired enormous wealth. But he never aspired for material wealth Nor did he display his name and fame. He was a sincere friend, gentle, philosopher, counselor to thousands of rich and poor, whom he helped without expecting any compensation. But he succeeded in creating a place for himself as a modern Varaha Mihira. Dr.Raman established his credibility by using his own unique methods for making unbelievable predictions with a high degree of accuracy, which silenced the skeptics and secularists who only see Astrology as a hotchpotch trick to fool the gullible public. Thus, the cynical world, which ridiculed Hindu thought and acharas as superstitions, started admiring him and Astrology. Dr.B V Raman is a modern sage in the long tradition of India, which produced Rishis and Munis in every century and in every part of the country for 10,000 years. Dr.Raman upheld Dharma and ethical and moral values, which enabled him to access higher knowledge from the Cosmos and integrated this intuitive wisdom with the secular lower knowledge acquired by study. Millions of his followers who benefited from his advice, remember him and his contribution on this occasion. I had the good fortune to know him and speak about this great man in public meetings arranged to honor him. He even graced our home and blessed our family and friends.





... What I know of Dr. Raman

Christina Collins (Faculty and Board Member, CVA and ACVA, USA) Dr. B.V. Raman wrote the first vedic astrology that I read.We would always shop for spiritual books at the Bodhi Tree bookstore in West Hollywood, California. It was there in 1981 that I first knew of Dr. B.V. Raman, when I purchased a little yellow paperback book called A Catechism of Astrology Vol I by Dr. B. V. Raman. I soon had as many of his books as I could obtain, and I never dreamt in a million years that I would ever meet him in person. I lived for 23 years in California, and in 1992 moved my active vedic astrology practice from Beverly Hills, to the mountain valley town of Boulder, Colorado. I wanted to be more self reflective and to write books about my research with Jyotish on earthquakes, on prasna using nama nakshatras and on medical jyotish. (I come from a medical family). Just as I settled in to country living, I heard about the first Symposium on Vedic Astrology to be held in San Rafael, California. Keynote Speaker was to be Dr. B.V. Raman! So, I found my way back to California in order to hear him speak in person. The symposium campus was a bit removed from the hotels, and I had just returned from dinner at an Indian restaurant, and getting out of the car right next to me was Dr. Raman and his entourage. I did not know the proper etiquette for greeting someone so respected, world renown and famous, let alone a lady greeting an Indian gentleman. So I stood there and said “Thank you for coming to America to speak!” He smiled. So, not knowing any better,I offered my hand to shake his. He just stood there. So, I said “ my grandfather was an astrologer.” It was at that moment that he offered his hand to me. I think maybe, respecting my family dharma, and that I was part of a lineage of astrologers. I still remember the touch of his hand, feeling like the smoothest of velvet. A hand of refinement and age. In 1996, I didn’t know a lot about Jyotish honors or titles. Then, one day, I received a phone call from India! The caller told me, that someone had recommended me for the Jyotish Kovid title. I said, “but I’ve never been to India, how do they know about me?” He relayed “ we listened to your tape on Prasna!” Evidentally the ICAS governing board had listened to my audio tape on a class I taught the previous year at the second American College for Vedic Astrology Symposium in Northern California using my research with Prasna and the 108 Nama Nakshatra sounds. Imagine how very excited I was to receive the title in the mail, personally signed by Dr. B. V. Raman, author of my first Jyotish book. The next year, I was contacted that I would be given the Jyotish Vachaspati title– one who speaks the truth of Jupiter, whose predictions come true. Again from Dr. Raman. As far as I can discern, I am either the first or one of the first American women to receive such an honor. I felt both humbled and thrilled to also be asked to speak. So I happily went on my first journey to India, and of course the word was out, and many people came up to me, “is it true? Are you the vedic astrologer who thought you had to fast for your title?” I laughed and said, yes, that’s me. I enjoyed so much my time with Dr. Raman, visiting his home, drinking coffee with him, and being in his office where all his books were written, and where he proudly displayed the actual correspondence between Dr. C. G. Jung and himself. When I referred to the photographs on his sitting room wall, he proudly named Niranjan Babu and each of his many children. So, that is how I came to be friends with the Raman family, honored to take meals with them, and to visit the family temple. They also took me to a Ganesha Temple, and to a Nandi temple, both having a profound impression on me. That trip was the first of many to India, but the memory of that first trip, where I gave a talk on and Navamsa and Compatibility and my research with the Saptamsa on a stage where Dr. Raman and his wife Mrs. Rajeswari Raman presided, who I will always nostalgically miss, continues to be an honor I will cherish all my life.





... What I know of Dr. Raman

Dr. T S Vasan (National Vice President of Indian Council of Astrological Sciences) Dr.Raman was a fatherly figure to me as my father was good friend of him and I used to read his The Astrological Magazine when the cost was 25 paise (4 annas). I used to attend many of his lectures and I was moved by his orations and profound learning. I got deeply interested in the science of astrology after reading his books and The Astrological Magazine and listenting to his speeches. When Indian Council of Astrological Sciences was established by him I was made Chapter Chairman of the Bangalore chapter. Our relationship grew and I had many opportunities to discuss with him many subtle matters of the science. Apart from astrology he discussed with me yoga, spirituality, meditation and a whole lot of subjects. Dr. Raman was very much against Vamachara practiced by some astrologers. He was also against people who exploited the general public in the name of remedial measures. He would say that mere mastery over calculation was not sufficient and one had to have an analytical mind and an intuitive ability. The practitioners of astrology should do Oupasana of a particular diety of their choice and this would help them in all their profession. I have attended many conferences conducted at many places of India and he graciously introduced me at many places. It was an honor for me. He used to set an example with his personal habits, cleanliness and way of approach to life. He maintained excellent health until he passed away at the ripe age of 87 years. He was a man of conviction and zeal and he used to inspire many including top intellectuals to study and respect the science of astrology.

S. N. Tekur (Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services, Bangalore) My entry into the world of astrology was through reading the books of Dr. Raman. His books are written in such a simple and lucid style that it is almost like sitting and talking to him. He continues to train his innumerable and growing fraternity of disciples even though he is no longer with us in physical form. He has made the great treasures of vedic astrology available to a convent educated English speaking audience. He has led a renaissance and revival of Hindu Culture through making available great secrets of Indian thought in an appealing manner spurring an interest in modern youth to explore our roots and start getting deeper into the huge bank of vedic literature by learning Sanskrit and taking up serious studies. Remarkable facets of his personality include his extraordinary sense of discipline, his strong focus on his mission - essentially not getting diverted into commercialization of his talents and resources, as also his human qualities of compassion, gentleness, and willingness to share his insights and knowledge to enable vedic astrology to regain its place as a means to provide guidance to suffering humanity and enable significant improvement in the quality of life. I was fortunate in having opportunities to interact with him and observe his style of functioning. He would provide opportunities for all participants to express their views freely and make well considered decisions weighing all the pros and cons without bias or prejudice even in a setting where most of the members stood in awe of his towering personality. His approach was truly democratic. On the couple of occasions when I met him individually he expressed happiness that well qualified individuals from all walks of life are taking serious interest in this subject which could ensure success of his mission of lifting astrology from the status of ‘fortune telling’ and soothsaying to one that merits study as a serious discipline of science. Dr Raman has been a beacon of light showing the way forward for the development and growth of vedic astrology and I am sure Raman and Rajeswari Research Foundation would carry forward the noble task as envisaged by him.





Dr. B V Raman Photo Feature

The Newly Weds

Four Generations : (L to R) Father Nanjunda Rao, Grandfather Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao with Surya Prakash on lap and Dr. B. V. Raman (1936)

College Student (1931)

With Family



After Upanayanam (1920)

On return fom USA with son B. Surya Prakash at Bombay Airport (1959)

In Contemplation

With Family



What the Planets Say in

Apocalypse 2012 KAUNDINYA Newspaper and a few visual media reports indicate that many people believe that the end of the world will occur in 2012. This belief, exasperated by sensationalistic newspaper articles, books and Hollywood movies, has as its basis the end of the current cycle of the Mayan calendar which occurs in 2012. On December 21, 2012 the Mayan "Long Count" calendar marks the end of a 5126 year cycle. There is no known Mayan record that indicates this to be the end of the world. All it meant to the Mayans was the calendar was reset to zero and the count started all over again. The Earth's rotation axis is not fixed in space. Like a rotating toy top, the direction of the rotation axis executes a slow precession with a period of 26,000 years . This was well known to both Mayan astronomers and ancient Indian astronomers and the concept of ayanamsa (which is used in Vedic astrological computations) was based on total precession from a reference point. Some people's fears were based on the fact that the Sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky way during the winter solstice of 2012. It is important to note that this is nothing unusual and that the solstice axis aligns with the galactic equator every half precession cycle and hence has happened thousands of time in the history of the earth. Vedic astrology does not support any doomsday predictions for 2012. As Dr. B.V. Raman had said so many times, we are still in the beginning of Kali Yuga and we have a long way to go.



Astrological Projections for Key Nations KAUNDINYA


HAVE USED the word projection, instead of forecast, in the title of this article for one simple reason. Forecast implies a certain amount of inevitability and determinism. However, it is the opinion of all great Astrological savants that predictions based on Astrology cannot be deterministic. The transits of planets affect different nations in different ways and the pluses and minuses are all relative to the current political, military and economic standing of a country and its national horoscope. Thus, in an absolute sense, a bad year for a country such as Sweden would probably be better than a good year for a country such as Somalia. Dr. B.V. Raman the foremost twentieth century exponent of Vedic Astrology principally used a combination of the specific year that was part of the Indian sixty year cycle and the ascendants rising, at various capitals, corresponding to the time of a Sun-Moon conjunction in Pisces as the basis for his "World Predictions" . The Sun-Moon conjunction in Pisces has been called Ugadi or Yugadi in Sanskrit, and this literally translates into English as the "beginning of a new era." Conventional new years are based on a January first to December thirty first cycle and do not correspond to the astrological new year. Hence for astrological projections to be consistent with the conventional year 2010, the projections of the period from January first to the day of Ugadi has to be based on the horoscopes computed for the time of the previous Ugadi, and that for the start of the current Ugadi to the end of the year has to be based on the horoscopes pertaining to the current Ugadi.

New Year Start The year 2010 straddles the years Virodhi and Vikrita. Vikrita starts on March 16, 2010 at 2:31:44 am Indian Standard Time. The previous year Virodhi started on March 26, 2009 at 9:36:31 PM Indian Standard Time. The charts below show the rising signs and planetary positions, at New Delhi, for the two lunar years under consideration. This article will principally deal with the lunar year Vikrita.

Key Considerations The transits of planets affect nations only in a relativistic sense. A new year chart in a sense can be viewed as transits frozen for the time of the new year. Note that a new year always begins with a Sun-Moon conjunction in Pisces 13



which automatically means that Mercury will always be in Aquarius, Pisces or Aries at the start of a new year. Since the Sun represents the Atman or soul and the Moon represents Manas or mind (or more accurately the emotional states of a person or a nation) and Mercury represents the intelligence, the basic soul and mind-set of a nation and the majority of its people are not likely to change from year to year, unless the country's birth chart warrants it. However, the rising signs change from year to year and provide a basis for where the emphasis of a nation would be for that year. Nations whose capitals are geographically close to each other will tend to have similar effects- of course relative to their current situation because of common ascendants. Under these conditions, it is necessary to take the navamsa lagnas into consideration.

will be a monumental task that this writer is not equipped to do. Hence with due apologies to the countries that are missed, I have selected about twenty countries, dispersed around the world, that seem to have significant influence on global politics and economics. For purposes of convenience, I have grouped the countries into 5 groups as follows:

A deviation I have taken from traditional "World Predictions" is that I have intentionally avoided weather predictions, such as earthquakes, floods and tornadoes, based on an analysis of a country's New Year chart. It goes without saying that, in India and Bangladesh, there will be monsoons in the June to September time frame with considerable loss of people and property. We know that hurricanes hit the US Gulf coast between July and October regularly with similar effects; and, we also know that different countries do have their own significant weather related issues annually at approximately the same calendar period each year. In order to predict a catastrophic, not routine weather issues, it would be necessary to correlate the birth chart of a country with transits and soli-lunar eclipse charts. This is outside the scope of an article such as the one you are now reading.


There are over one hundred and ninety countries in the world and even attempting to analyze their new year charts Sun 13-35 Moon 13-35 Merc 9-06 Ven 15-25 (R)

Mar 16-29

March 26, 2009 9:36:31 pm New Delhi, India

Jup 25-32 Rahu 13-56


Ascdt 23-35



Ketu 13-56

Sat 24-27 (R)

Sun 2-36 Moon 2-36 Merc 3-53 Ven 17-50

Jup 20-54

Ketu 25-09

March 16, 2010 2:31:44 am New Delhi, India

Ascdt 19-06 Rahu 25-09

Mars 7-53

Sat 9-12 (R)


South Asia (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan & Burma)


North America (United States, Mexico, and Canada)


Far East (Japan, China, North Korea)


Europe (Russia, Britain, Germany, France)


Other countries (Israel, Iran, Iraq, Cuba)

Group 1 - South Asia In three of the Group 1 countries (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan) the warlike sign Sagittarius rises in different navamsas. The common theme for all of them is the disposition of retrograde Saturn in the 10th house. As lord of the 2nd, Saturn's position in the tenth tends to consolidate previous gains instead of providing an economic expansion. This is different from what happened in 2009 when at the start of that lunar year, Libra was rising in New Delhi with Saturn in the 11th house. This disposition along with the conjunction of the navamsa lagna lord with the lord of the 2nd house in navamsa enabled India to continue to have reasonable economic growth in spite of the global downturn. In 2010 economic growth will slow down. The situation of retrograde Saturn in the tenth tends to give rise to political instability due to the departure of THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

senior political leaders either by death or otherwise. In New Delhi, Mars is in navamsa lagna. There is a possibility of either a change in central leadership or the loss of a prominent political leader. In Islamabad the navamsa lagna is Cancer with Rahu in the 5th. This certainly does not indicate a departure from Pakistan's deceptive policy of stoking up disturbances in India while professing that it is doing everything possible to fight terror. The tenth house effect of retrograde Saturn in the rasi chart might affect the Pakistani high command as well. The situation in Afghanistan will continue to simmer; the navamsa chart for Kabul shows Saturn in the tenth aspected by Mars indicating that 2010 does not warrant any optimism in terms of Afghan stability. In all the above three countries, the situation of Rahu in the ascendant is indicative that most of the divisiveness happening in those countries will be caused by forces inside those countries, not by those outside. In India the clamor for subdividing existing states into smaller states will increase. The rising sign at Washington, DC being trinal to the rising signs in New Delhi, Islamabad and Kabul is indicative of the US continuing to play a constructive role in bringing peace to the region. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have Capricorn rising, with Jupiter in the second aspecting the tenth house. This year might be slightly better than last year for their economies. The presence of Ketu in the 6th from the ascendant at Colombo suggests that Sri Lanka will still have secret enemies and that elements of the Tamil Tigers may regroup and continue to pose a problem.

Group 2 - North America At Washington, D.C and Ottawa, Leo rises in Taurus and Gemini navamsas. The aspect of expansive Jupiter on the ascendant is partially offset by the situation of a constrictive retrograde Saturn in the second. This combination of forces, coupled with the second lord (Mercury) being in conjunction with the ascendant lord (Sun) is likely to result in slow but positive job growth. The fears of a 1930's type recession are unfounded. The lord of the 4th house is debilitated in the 12th indicating that the housing market will not see a major improvement. Saturn is also lord of the 6th and 7th and his disposition in the 2nd is indicative of a continuing drain on the US economy by its foreign involvements. The10th lord is exalted, but in the 8th. This indicates that while Mr. Obama's personal reputation is likely to be high among THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


the American population, there may be a chance that his health suffers. It is important that attention be paid to his well being by all concerned. The 6th house in a mundane chart rules public health and health services. In the 2010 chart for Washington, D.C., it is seen that the 6th lord is in the 2nd house. This is strongly indicative of Mr. Obama achieving his goal of a national health plan bill being finally passed by Congress. Unfortunately this will be a watered down version of what he wants and the plan will be a significant drain on the exchequer. The rising sign at Mexico City (12th degree of Cancer) is dwirdwadasa that at Washington, DC. Illegal immigration from Mexico will continue to cause friction between the two countries and there is little likelihood of an immigration reform bill being passed this year. In general Canada will have the same economic issues as the USA.

Group 3 - Far East At Tokyo, Beijing, and Pyongyang the 6th degree of Pisces, the 29th degree of Capricorn and the 28th degree of Aquarius rise respectively. The mutual dwirdwadasas of the rising signs in those three capitals are indicative of their mutual distrust of each other. In fact the North Koreans may trust the US more than they trust China or Japan. In the annual chart for China, the situation of debilitated Mars in the 7th house is indicative of that country pursuing an aggressive foreign policy; India can expect more absurd claims and demands from China. The exaltation of the 2nd lord promises continued economic growth but the disposition of Rahu in the 12th is indicative of much internal unrest. At Tokyo, the ascendant lord is is weakly placed in the 12th. Jupiter also happens to be the 10th lord. The country will have a serious economic downturn and massive increases in spending will be resorted to stave off a possible recession.

Group 4 - Europe With the rise of developing nations, the power of the European Union seems to be gradually declining. In Bonn, Paris and Moscow Libra rises in various navamsas while in London Virgo rises. Debilitated Mars occupying the 10th from the ascendant lord indicates that Germany, France and Russia will follow weak policies related to dealing with terror. As has been discussed in a prior article, cancellation of debilitation does not affect the inherent negativity of the debilitated planet. The conjunction of the ascendant lord, Venus, with the lord of the 11th, Sun, is indicative that their economies will also recover steadily from the effects of the recent global meltdown. 15



In London, the presence of retrograde Saturn in the ascendant aspecting the tenth, and Ketu in the 10th indicate a possible change in the government. The presence of Rahu in the 4th house is disturbing - many British Muslims are likely to become increasingly radicalized leading to possible domestic terrorism.

Group 5 - Other countries At Baghdad, Scorpio rises in Sagittarius navamsa. The presence of 4 planets in the 5th, aspecting the 11th, is indicative of considerable amounts of money pouring into the country from the USA. However, the presence of retrograde Saturn in the 11th is also indicative of significant portions of that money being misused or unaccounted for. The debilitation of the ascendant lord (Mars), albeit with cancellation, shows that the Iraqi government will continue to be feeble; though the aspect of Jupiter on the 10th is indicative that the country will somehow plod through with a modicum of democracy. At Teheran, Scorpio rises in Capricorn navamsa. Though the ascendant at Teheran is the same as in Baghdad, we need to interpret them differently. As I have previously said predictions are relative to the current situation in a country. The implication is that though Iran has a relatively strong government in power, the debilitation of the ascendant lord translates into considerable opposition to the government. Additionally, in the navamsa chart the 10th lord is in the 12th from navamsa lagna., and is aspected by the lord of the 12th from lagna. This is indicative of the government's position being weakened by internal dissent . Compromise with the opposition may become necessary.

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At Jerusalem, Scorpio rises in Virgo Navamsa at the beginning of the new year. As with Iraq and Iran, the debilitation of the ascendant lord, Mars, results in an uneasy coalition for Benjamin Netanyahu. Mars is located in Navamsa lagna, aspected by Saturn. This is indicative of Israel continuing to take an aggressive stance against terrorists. The navamsa ascendant is aspected by conservative Saturn; this is indicative of Israel refraining from taking any unilateral action against Iranian nuclear targets. Middle east peace will continue to be elusive. In Havana the Cancer rises in Pisces navamsa. The 10th lord is debilitated in the rasi chart and the 10th house in the navamsa chart is aspected by both Saturn and Mars. This suggests that 2010 will see the start of the decline of the communist party in Cuba via a gradual return to a free market economy.

Conclusion Where we are today is the sum total of everything that has happened to us since we were born. What will happen in the future is based on a combination of past, present and future karma. Astrology provides us with a method of extrapolating from the present to the future. No determinism is implied. It is not logical for anyone to believe that astrologers can predict the future. What astrology can do is to provide an astrologer the tools necessary to make reasonably accurate estimates of what the future might be. As in any empirical science, the skill of the practitioner will be an important factor in the accuracy of these projections. Om Tat Sat

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Vastu Shastra and Roman Architecture NIRANJAN BABU BANGALORE


S MOST OF YOU KNOW, Vastu dates back to the Vedas or the knowledge books of India that are said to be Apourusheya or that which cannot be dated. On a safe platform, we can easily date back this science of dwellings to at least 5000 years back. Vastu is said to be a Upaveda or a minor

veda and is referred to as Sthapatya Veda. We have many classical works like Brihat Samhita, Mayamata, Manasara, Samarangana Sutradhara, Viswakarma Prakasha, Manushyalaya Chandrika and others giving us a whole lot of material with respect to this science.


Indian Temple Interiors It is interesting to note that that there are certain points of similarity between the text book of Manasara and the treatise of Vitruvius. The similarity of these two works is striking.

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, a roman architect and famously known for his books on Architecture, is referred to as 'world's first known engineer'. His well known book 'The ten books of architecture'(said to be written in 25 BC) on which most European architecture is based on, is translated into English by Morris Hicky Morgan. This book is said to have been published in almost all European languages Latin, Italian, Spanish, French, German and English. The book deals with both civil (temples and residential) and military architecture. Of the ten books of Vitruvius, seven deal with similar subjects.

The Similarities

~ 20 chapters of Manasara deal with sculpture Three books of Vitruvius deal with war instruments, machines and engines.

~ Manasara has 70 chapters of which 50 at least deal with architecture.

Of the alike 70% there are striking similarities in the chapter names and contents too.





~ Manasara opens with a prayer to creator Brahma and refers to the development of architecture from Siva, Brahma and Vishnu through Indra, Brhaspati and Narada Vitruvius opens with a prayer to Ceaser, his patron, and acknowledges his obligations to Ceaser's sister and father. ~ Manasara has two distinct chapters on qualifications of an architect and system of measurements that it titles as 'Shilpi Lakshana' and 'Manopakarana' Vitruvius deals with the same subjects calling them 'Principles of architecture' and 'Education of an architect' ~ Manasara describes the Sthapathi or the Chief Archtiect as well versed in all the sciences including the Vedas and Shastras. He has to be learned, meritorious and of noble descent. Vitruvius says an architect has to be ingenious and apt and well versed in geometry and optics. He also says that the architect has to be a good writer. ~ Manasara has the habitation divided into ground, building, conveyance and bed - dhara, harmya, yana and paryanka Vitruvius talks of 'building, dialling and mechanics'

~ Manasara speaks of Bhu Pariksha detailing ways of soil examination and the area where a village, town, fort, palace, temple or residence has to be built. Vitruvius calling one of the chapters as ' Of the choice of healthy situation' talks of climatic condtions, elevations, orientation, etc. He gives importance to fog, rain, heat and cold that are peculiar to European countries. He even says a habitation in a city on the seaside should not be oriented to the south and west as during the morning it would be hot and at noon would be scorching. Of the western aspect Vitruvius says at sunrise would be warm, at noon hot and in the evening be burning. Manasara and Vitruvius have both two chapters on town planning

Pancha Prakara Vitruvius even speaks of the five courts of an area ringing a tone of similiarity with principles of temple architecture that speak of Pancha Prakara or five enclosures. Paucity of space does not permit the scribe to go into more comparative notes of similarity between Manasara and Vitruvius. It is for the learned readers to look into Roman, Greecian and Egyptian architecture and compare them with our palaces and temples and find the remarkable similarity in beauty and architecture and conclude that the science of Vastu was applied all over the world since eternity. It is pertinent to note that while the GraecoRoman architecture speaks of five orders of columns - Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Tuscan and Composite, Manasara speaks of Brahmakanta, Vishnukanta, Rudrakanta, Sivakanta and Skandakanta. Vastu is a science that speaks of the primary elements and the metaphysical Vastu Purusha identifying a building as live energy. It is fascinating to note the similarity in the thinking of Vitruvius in his quote given below:

St. Peter's Basilica in Rome 18


"If nature has composed the human body so that in its proportions the separate individual elements answer to the total form, then the Ancients seem to have had reason to decide that bringing their creations to full completion likewise required a correspondence between the measure of individual elements and the appearance of the work as a whole." THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


Dr. B V Raman Photo Feature

With American Astrologers at Los Angeles, USA (1959)

Union Home Minister of India Mr. Gulzarilal Nanda arriving at “Sri Rajeswari” (1963)

Special Lecture at Mysore University under H. H. The Maharaja’s Chairmanship (1963)

With Mr. Al Morrison, President, American Astrologers’ Guild at New York (1970)

At Hyderabad with Andra Pradesh Governor Mr. Khandubahai Desai (1975)


With the Indian Ambassador Mr. Dhamija at Amsterdam (1970)

After delivering a lecture at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi with Dr. Misra and Dr. Bajaj (1975)




Dr. B V Raman Photo Feature

At “Sri Rajeswari” with Mrs. and Mr. Govind Narain, Governor of Karnataka (1979) With Mr. Morarji Desai, Prime Minister of India, at Delhi (1978)

At Hyderbad with President Sanjeeva Reddy (1981)

With Mr. Rao Birendra Singh, Union Agriculture Minister of India, at Delhi (1982)




With Mr. T. Anjiah, Andra Pradesh Chief Minister (1981)

Dr. Balamurali Krishna confering the title “Jyotisha Sudharnava” (1981)

With Miss, Mrs. and Mr. A. N. Banerji, Governor of Karnataka at Dr. Balamurali Krishna’s music performance (1983)

With Andra Pradesh Chief Minister Mr. N. T. Rama Rao at Hyderabad (1983)




eda astu

SRI DATTA VIJAYANANDA TEERTHA SWAMIJI Sri Ganeshayanamah | Sri Gurubhyonamah ||


MARAKOSA POSTULATES VASTU as the land (a piece of ground) suitable for the construction of a house. It is also understood as a proper plan/scheme to construct an abode. In other words, it can be described as a plan or scheme to keep an object in its proper place. With a keen observation, one can see that all creation by the Almighty is in accordance to a systematic planning or scheme. This planning or Vastu can be classified as Paramatma (Supreme God) Vastu, Deva (Gods) Vastu, Asura (demon) Vastu, Panchabhoota (Five Primary Elements) Vastu, Desa (Nation or country) Vastu, Griha (House) Vastu. All these can also be put under the single plan of Paramaatma Vastu. A home is a resting place for a householder and his family engrossed in the everlasting battles of life and resting place should be comfortablee. Vastu acts as a bridge between the house, its lord and his family. The science of proper planning wais in vogue, even before the process of human construction began. This is evident in Nature itself. It is everybody's experience that proper and timely formation of clouds to usher in rain is necessary. Beyond these clouds, a group of planets, constellations, et all are present in an THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

orderly planned arrangement. Even if a single planet goes astray, entire creation will be in turmoil. To maintain this planned arrangement in the cosmos God has created the Pole Star. The ancient texts of India tell us that Kailasa, Vaikunta and Satya Loka are in accordance with prescriptions of Vastu . Similar descriptions of these worlds are seen in all scriptural texts. Let us take the example of the primary element air. There is an order in the movement of air in respect of place, direction and volume. Whenever this order is disturbed, it results in typhoons, cyclones and such other natural calamities. This order in the movement of air is to be understood as Vastu. This can be corroborated with the fact of the presence of void (airless space) up and beyond the earth. Let us now take the primary element fire. Fire burns everything but sand. This is the Vastu in relation to the fire element. The Vastu of water element is understood when we observe the fury of the oceans and the habitats of undersea world that include various sea animals, gardens, precious stones, various types of fauna etc. All this comes under the umbrella of Paramatma Vastu. Now, let us take our Earth. Vedas tell us that initially earth was created as one single unit at the time of its creation. The epics mention that King Priyavratha cut this earth into seven

pieces with his chariot and water accumulated in these dug areas leading to the formation of oceans and seas. These may be stories, but if it is observed scientifically, one can infer that these changes in the Earth are in accordance with an order. Hills are formed, with flora and fauna, to contain the flow of water and air and the movements of man and animal. They also act as barriers and boundaries. They help in creating vegetation and forests with medicinal plants that gives health to earth. A healthy earth means healthy humans. Let us conceptualize the whole Earth as a human habitation. The forests are the cleansing brooms. Fertile lands are the multicolored decorations. Mountains are the compound walls. Pure and unpolluted sky is the ceiling. The rays from Sun and Moon are the illuminating lights. Water in the wells, tanks and lakes is the tool to cleanse this house of earth. The pleasant sounds of birds are the auspicious musical notes. Paddy fields are the godowns for groceries. This orderly science of the natural elements is the manifestation of God. Nobody can understand this perfectly. None else can create this. A beautiful and illustrative example of this is our India. If you observe India on the world map very keenly, India on it appears like a yogi sitting in a lotus posture or it like a mother with extended arms inviting all onto 21



her lap. The sea at kanyakumari touches the feet of India and the Eastern and Western parts, the palms of the country are moistened with the waters of the sea and at the place of mind is located the Himalayas in Kashmir (indicating a peaceful state of mind). The perennial rivers Ganga and Yamuna are flowing representing Ida and Pingala nerves of the yogic body and symbolize the flow of inspiration and expiration with river Narmada flowing in the middle part. Our scriptures tell us that Narmada is a remover of all poisons and venoms. It means that Narmada is protecting our heart from bad thoughts. This is the concept of our nation's Vastu. Likewise, the Vastu of every nation should be examined and perceived. When all the protective/corrective measures are taken accordingly, then nations will prosper. 'Vasa' is the constituent word for the word 'Vastu'. The division of Vastu is Va+astu. 'Va' is a seed letter of nectar. Nectar is bliss. Basing on this constituent analysis, it can be derived that this science of Vastu has been created by God in order to facilitate humans to attain continuous bliss. Those who wish to possess this constant bliss should construct their houses in accordance with the principles of the science of Vastu. For all those already constructed, the necessary corrective alterations should be made. In such a house, the dweller gets noble thoughts, increased vitality, health, cordiality in relationships, skillful abilities, elevation in his spiritual practice and thus obtains bliss. Now, let us examine the relationship between the Vastu of a habitation and the panchabhootas (Five primary elements). Veda has prescribed a 22


specific yantra or graphic representation to each of the five natural elements. Primary Elements Earth Water Fire Air Space

Yantra Square Half Moon Triangle Hexagon Circle

When all these are drawn on one another, the square yantra of earth appears large. For the Vastus in this world, these yantras are to be started with that of earth (square) while for the higher world Vastu, it starts with that of space (circle). Let us, now, discuss the Vastu of earth. The yantra of earth element is square. It means that a square shaped land is best suited for house construction. At least ten percent of the land is to be kept for garden.landscaping The yantra of water is half moon. It is the symbol of a mother's womb. It indicates that whoever sets apart 50% of the land for water gets a motherly protection from that habitation. Half moon also represents Easha or Lord Siva. So, the north-east place should be the place of water. In olden days, the wells were bigger than the houses. When there are no wells, the central portion of that house is left open to receive rain water. They are called 'Manduva houses'. Bathrooms can be included in the place for water, but not the toilets. These days, sumps and tanks have replaced wells. Triangle is the sign of fire. It had three sharp edges, indicating that one should be careful. Kitchen represents the fire element. It should be in the south-east corner. House construction in a triangular land is not advised. In case, if one has to construct, then the upper 33.33 part of the triangle

should be left out and in the remaining part, the construction should be made in consultation with experts in the science of Vastu. In case of walls forming triangle, three windows are to be kept in them. In the kitchen, one door and two windows are essential. This facilitates the exhaustion of smoke. Presence of two windows also minimizes damage in case of gas leakages. Hexagon is the sign of air. Hexagon is a cross combination of two triangles that makes it difficult to differentiate the triangles separately. A free ventilation is very essential for the physical and mental well-being. The science of Vastu imparts a importance to air circulation. But this does not mean that a house should be constructed hexagonally. It only indicates that there should be good cross ventilation. A room with closed doors and windows become suffocative after sometime. The connecting lines in the hexagon represent cross ventilation.Medical science tells us that prolonged stay in air conditioned rooms is not advisable. The facial part of the body represents the air element and the corresponding symbol is a hexagon. The two eyes, two ears, two nostrils of the nose these six represent the six angles of the hexagon. The central part of the six angles represent the mouth. Air circulation in a house is as vital as breathing is to the body. According to the science of Vastu, every house should have a central point (nabhi sthana - navel point), over which no construction should be made. Where there is no possibility for such a provision, atleast a provision is to be made for the sun rays to enter the worship place. In case where the (continued on 26)



The Annular SOLAR ECLIPSE Its Astrological Implications BHARADWAAJA


HE WORLD is going to witness a special annular solar eclipse in the middle of the ensuing month of January or more exactly on the 15th January 2010. On that day the Moon will pass between the Sun and the earth creating the longest annular eclipse of the third millennium. One will have to wait till the year 3043 A.D., to witness another annular eclipse of this kind. Theoretically maximum duration of such annularity can last as long as 12 minutes only. It is pertinent to note the maximum duration of the eclipse on the 15th January will be 11m 08s. Usually, whenever any annular solar eclipse happens, it will be only be about half this length of duration, not exceeding 6 minutes.

phase will run from 10h.43m.54s. IST, when the eclipse begins in the Central African Republic. It will end at the Chinese Yellow Sea coast at 14h.29m.01m. IST. (See fig 1) The maximum moment of the eclipse will be at 12h.36m.31s. IST. Then the annular phase will last just over 11 minutes.

One would remember the warning given to Julius Caesar: "Beware the Ides of March!" The word ides coming from a Latin word would mean "to divide". 'The ides' marks the halfway point in any of the months in the Roman Calendar and simply means the middle of the month. In the Roman Calendar, though actually the 'ides' for January is the 13th, the 15th on which the eclipse is going to happen will be the middle of the month. Can this eclipse be another "ides of January" for India and the World?

In the path of the annular eclipse, when it reaches India, the centre-line will just miss the mainland. However, it can give a spectacular sight for people in the south-west of the sub-continent of India. North-eastern Sri Lanka also will have a good view of the annularity when the centre-line just clips that land at 13h.24m.IST. The path itself will be 323km wide at that point and the eclipse will last over 10 minutes.

The impending eclipse is a very special one because it is the longest in duration. It will be interesting to note that the central path of the annularity also cuts the mainland of India and Ceylon. (See fig 2.) The appended map can help to view the pattern clearly. This will be one of two solar eclipses of the Sun that will be occurring during 2010. The first will be this annular solar eclipse on January 15. This will be visible from a broad track across Africa, the Indian Ocean and south east-Asia. (See fig 1) The second one will be a total solar eclipse on July 11. This will be visible from a corridor that traverses the South Pacific and will not be visible in India. This annular eclipse will be visible from within a 300km-wide track that traverses half of the Earth. The annular THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Though the visibility of the annularity is restricted to a short band throughout, a partial eclipse of the Sun will be seen within a much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow. This will include the South -Eastern Europe, most of Africa, South East Asia and Indonesia. This will be between 09h.35m.26s., and 15h.37m.33s.IST.

Unlike any total solar eclipse the annular phase will be very bright. Wherever the annularity could be seen the Sun will be blocked with a dark patch by the Moon, with a bright ring of fire around it. Therefore the Sun's gorgeous corona will remain hidden from view. Annular eclipses will be quite interesting to watch, as like total eclipses. But they are equally dangerous to look at the Sun directly with the naked eye. All the precautions as prescribed for viewing total eclipses of the Sun have to be adhered to for safely viewing such annular eclipses. Some of the places, in India, where the annularity can be seen and their circumstances are given on next page. The present effort of this scribe is to try an astrological analysis of this eclipse as far as India is concerned. 23



Though the other technical details of this eclipse, will be quite interesting for those who love astronomy , I am not going to go deep into them for reasons obvious. Place

Annularity Begins IST


11 10 09.5

13 20 07.8


13 18 44.9

13 21 43.4

2 58


13 10 50.8

13 18 06.2

7 15


13 12 25.0

13 21 10.6

8 46


m s

Annularity Ends IST

Duration of Annularity


m s

m s

9 58

This scribe feels that it would be appropriate to take the time of the first contact of the eclipse on the mainland of India, which will be 11h.03m.42s., for any astrological analysis concerning India, instead of making to any pivotal place of India. Pisces will be rising at this contact time. This being at the Madya Drekkaana, possibility of the death of a famous and excellent personality in India cannot be ruled out. Tidal waves or inundations and even destruction of many species of the sea, especially fishes can be experienced at many places over the globe. Ascendant 13.24

Ketu 27.07



can of worms. This will be despite the presence of Jupiter posited there. The position of Mars in Cancer is unfavorable to Tamilnadu, especially the Choladesa. This eclipse can have some special importance to Tamil Nadu. It happens just on the second day of the Pongal Festival in the Tamil Nadu. Even in parts of Sri Lanka, where the Tamils are residing Pongal is celebrated as a harvest festival. It has to be remembered that the Tamil Nadu state government declared, quite recently, the Pongal Day, as the revised New Year Day for Tamil Nadu. This would mean that the Tamilnadu will have an eclipsed New Year this time, at least for those who want to follow the new pattern. In such a context, during the "new" New Year commencing with Pongal, the state may have to face the fury of nature, death of a prominent personality or some civil disturbances that can cause severe annoyance to the governance. It will be interesting to note that the annularity of the eclipse would enter and exit India, at Rameswaram. It will be the only place of the land that comes under its annularity phase in India. The central line of the eclipse may fall between the Kodandaramar Temple islet and Dhanushkodi. Ketu

Every year, generally, up to 5 Solar Eclipses (Total, Annular and Partial) Mars* Gulika 18.56 can be seen in some part or other of Mercury 21.14 Jupiter 05.21 RASI the world. In a particular location, NAVAMSA 15th January 2010 partial eclipses can be seen within a Moon Venus 01.45 11 h. 03. m 42s gap of a few years. In some rare cases Sun Sun 00.57 Mars Moon 00.12 they can be seen even within a gap Moon of only a few months. However the Rahu 27.07 Total and Annular eclipses will take Ascendant Saturn* Rahu Mercury Jupiter 10.37 much longer time to return to the 11.24 same place. Tamilnadu witnessed a Total Solar Eclipse, last time, on the 12th December 12, The planetary pattern, displayed in the chart, can give us 1871. The last to be seen in Sri Lanka was on June 20, a glimpse of things that are in store. Venus Lord of the 1955. Tamilnadu can seen the next Total Solar Eclipse 3rd and 8th houses is in the 11th. Venus is aspected by only on July 5, 2168. the malevolent retrograde debilitated Mars, who is the lord of 2nd and 9th. This is clearly suggestive of the The last Annular Eclipse seen in Tamil Nadu and Sri separatist forces, especially in the south, to swing into Lanka was on November 11, 1901, - over 100 years ago. some drastic action or instigate some kind of unrest. The This belonged to the same Saros Cycle 141. The next eleventh house representing the parliament has no benefic Annular Eclipse that could be seen in Tamil Nadu would aspect. Though Venus is there, it is combust. The malefic be on December 26, 2019. That, of course, will not be of aspect of Mars can instigate problems in its functioning. such a great magnitude. To be precise, there will be much sound than any sagacity Saturn, the Gulika bhavanadipa, in the seventh can bring in all the parliament meets. A legislation favoring women great friction in the foreign affairs including treason and can come through with the benevolence of Venus. A sabotage, so far the Nation is concerned. A saving grace bereavement of a senior member or some unpleasant is the aspect of Jupiter to the 6th. This can make the incidents, including a possible scandal can be foreseen. defense services invincible. As the central path of the The malefic aspect of Mars on the 12th can open-up a (continued on 26)





Art of Astrological Blending DR. T. S. VASAN


N ORDER TO understand or analyze any topic like bhava, transit, dasa or any other, we have several methodologies and concepts to follow. Some times students of this science are confused and fail to understand their importance in applying to a chart. In other words we have to follow certain standards in blending methodologies or concepts and apply them to a chart. Analysis or conclusions cannot be made on the basis of one concept or methodology alone. Some of the concepts are very general and they may not apply to every horoscope as one rule overrides the other. To be more clear we have many rules which are very general in nature, but without verifying the special concepts applicable to each horoscope we cannot take these general rules in analyzing a horoscope. Some concepts are complimentary to each other and others may override or nullify others. Sometimes modifications of the rules have to be adopted keeping in view of Kala, Desha and Varthamana. For instance, when we have to analyse a bhava there are many concepts which are applicable to a bhava reading. A bhava has got sthoola and sookshma lords. Sookshma means the mid point lord of a bhava. The rasi lord becomes the sthoola lord of the bhava. Strength and weakness of these lords are very important and their aspect conjunction are also important. The THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

bhava lords position from the bhava and also from the lagna is important and his position in Navamsa is equally important. The nakshatra position of the bhava lord is more important than the rasi position of the planet. The bhava lord's strength in shadbala is equally significant. And each bhava lord's position in varga kundali plays a central role. Each bhava has got a karaka and his position is of primary importance and also in analyzing a bhava, bhavath bhavam, karakath bhavam and lagnath bhavam are to be studied comparatively and proper conclusions are to be drawn. The next observation regarding the bhava analysis is the transit. The transit of bhava lord at a given point in the trinal houses will give significant events connected with the bhava. Bhava lord aspecting the bhava is very good from the point of view of the bhava. While dealing with the bhava reading Dasanatha and its transit are also Venus Mars Mercury

important. For instance, if we are dealing with the 10th bhava, bhava lord of the 10th house from dasanatha is also very important. At the same time the tenth lord aspecting the 10th house in transit helps the 10th house to be more forthcoming during that period. This is with regard to Dasa. A horoscope speaks of different bhavas and their applicability is not concentrated for a particular period. It is only a general view of the bhava. Their significance and fructifications can only be seen through the Dasa periods in ones life. Therefore it requires special skill and insight. With proper blending of concept the horoscope has to be analyzed. There are so many plus and minus points which haveto be weighed very carefully and thoroughly in analyzing a horoscope. Below is given a chart for analysis. Let us interpret the 10th bhava. The bhava lord of the 10th is in his own house which is excellent. But, when is it going to give the result? Life Gulika

Sun Ketu

Saturn R





Rahu Ascendant



Gulika Ascendant Jupiter

Ketu Venus

Saturn R


Sun Moon



started with Venus Dasa (childhood). From Venus, the 10th lord aspects the 10th house, but this is not an appropriate time for a professional life. The next Dasa is that of Sun. The 10th lord from Sun is in the 12th . Here too the native is in the younger phase of life. The next Dasa is of Moon. From the moon the 10th lord Mercury is good in 7th but has conjunction with 6th and 12th lord from Moon which is unfavorable. But look at Mars Dasa. The 10th lord aspecting the 10th is an appropriate time to have a job or a profession. In actual experience Mars Dasa was a turning point in the native's professional life. When we see the 10th lord from the Rasi Ascendant, it should be strong and Dasa lord's 10th house also should be strong. In this chart see the 10th lord from Mars who he is exalted in Navamsa clearly indicating stability and satisfaction in the job.

The Annular SOLAR ECLIPSE (continued from 24)

annularity also cuts the mainland of India and Ceylon, a forceful and fierce friction between the two countries is not improbable. An assassination of a prominent personality of Ceylon can happen. The effects of such eclipses can be experienced some months ahead or in about a year after their occurrences. It is pertinent to note that this eclipse happens during the extended stay of

When we see the 10th lord, his position in Punarvasu speaks of Jupiter, who is the controller of the 10th bhava and is exalted in Navamsa. This aspect should synchronize with Dashanata's 10th lord in Rasi as well as in Navamsa to give good results during that period. There is Dharmakarmadipathi Rajayoga in this chart but it is afflicted because of Mars conjoining the yoga giving planets. This speaks of struggles and hurdles in life. This fact is also supported by the position of 10th lord in Navamsa wherein he occupies a Shatru Navamsa and nidanamsa. Therefore we have to analyze a chart by blending many concepts keeping in view the Dasa which operates during a particular period and then draw final conclusions.

Veda Vastu (continued from 22)

house is too small for the central point to be provisioned, the terrace of that house becomes the space point. Those who construct their house, thus, in accordance to the principles of five natural elements, will lead a happy, peaceful life - so says Veda Vastu.. May Vasthoshpati, the protector of Vastu of the house shower his divine blessings to the world, nation and the human habitation and give every happiness and peace! May Lord Datta grant his choicest blessings on this special issue of The Astrological eMagazine, brought out in memory of Dr. B.V.Raman, by his son Mr. Niranjan Babu, an ardent devotee of Sri Swamiji and a scholar in the science of Vastu. May Gurudeva shower his blessings on Mr. Niranjan Babu and his family. Jaya gurudatta 26


Mars in Cancer, which is the Janma rasi for India. Therefore it may have enough potential to trigger troubles and tribulations for the governance and also cause nature's fury causing damage to properties and people. At least as a caution, those who are concerned can undertake the possible and appropriate precautionary measures to contain the calamities, foreseen, to the extent possible. Subscribe to

The Astrological eMagazine TODAY! and NOW!! Web : Email : THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara has been involved in the study of Hinduism, Ramayana and Vedic Astrology. He predicted the victories of President Bush (2000 and 2004) and President Obama (2008) in the USA Presidential Elections.


Dr. Sureshwara was the principal speaker on Vedic Astrology at The Second Parliament of the World’s Religions held in Chicago in 1993. His articles and public presentations on Astrology, Hinduism, and Ramayana have been well received. Dr. Sureshwara obtained his doctorate in Engineering from the University of Notre Dame, USA. He has taught engineering at various universities in USA.


EDIC ASTROLOGY indicates many aspects of an individual's life through a horoscope based on birth data. Most individuals are not comfortable in dealing with death, the ultimate material event of life. Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism considers death not only as merely the end of the physical body but also as the beginning of a new cycle for the eternal soul .On the other hand, when it comes to the physical world, many astrologers find little comfort when dealing with any query related to death. Classical astrological texts indicate various planetary geometrical combinations that indicate the possible period for the end of life or death. Horoscopic review must be integrated with the existing world of reality. This means that that there is a possibility, even if it is rare, for an individual's life to end any time due to traffic or other type of accidents, natural disasters, etc. In this context, what exactly does an astrological prediction covering a specific period for the end of life or death really indicate? It indicates only a possible or potential maximum life span that is subject to the fact that an individual may have an untimely death any time during the entire course of life on this earth. One needs to be aware that horoscopic indications related to death are also not deterministic. Ethical, moral and other considerations play an important role when an astrologer is reviewing any length of life related information with others.



The information covering longevity and related areas is primarily evaluated from the second, third, seventh and/or eighth houses. Planets that indicate death related information (maraka) are associated, either by locations or geometrical relationships with one or more of the four houses indicated above. The length of life for astrological evaluation is commonly divided into four categories. The life categories are early (0 to 8 years), short (8 to 32 years), medium (32 to 75 years) and full (75 to 120 years). A large number of astrological combinations are given in classical texts to determine to which one of the four categories a specific horoscope belongs to. A learned astrologer eventually comes to conclusion as to the likely period of death. This evaluation is primarily a qualitative based one.

come to a reasonable decision as to the length of life. This length-of-life conclusion is always an indicative one. Length of life calculation method, based on the years of life related to exaltation and debilitation points of planets (Pindayurdaya method) is one of the familiar quantitative based methods. The objective in this article is to merely present the methodology only and no recommendation is made, one way or the other. One must use this or any quantity based method on a very large number of horoscopes and then come to the conclusion as to the usefulness or limitation of this method. The method and the corresponding calculations are shown below.

Length of Life Calculation Based on Exaltation and Debilitation points

Brihat Jataka and other classical texts indicate methodology for quantity based calculations to determine the possible length of life in years. An astrologer integrates the information obtained from the quality and quantity based evaluations. Then, experience and intuition are coupled with the integrated information to

(Pindayurdaya method) A sample birth chart (Chart A) is given below. This is used to show the length of life calculations. Absolute values of longitudes are used in the various calculations. Appendix contains Tables A1, A2, A3 and A4 that are referenced in the calculations.

Chart A: Planetary Positions and Longitudes Planets










18° 29’ 180° 53’ 308° 27’ 321° 38’ 12







260° 33’ 63° 20’

43° 9’







I. Life Contributed by Each Planet's Longitude (Sphuta Ayurvarsha) The maximum numbers of years allocated to the planets when they are in their exact exalted or debilitated positions are shown in Table-A1. Any intermediate location between the exalted and debilitated positions are calculated as follows: Angular difference (AD) = absolute value of the difference between the longitude of the planet and the longitude of the exaltation point of the planet. If AD is greater than 1800, Longevity Latitude of a planet (LL) is equal to the absolute value of AD. However, if AD is less than 1800 , Longevity Latitude of a planet (LL) is equal to the value of the absolute difference between 360 and AD. Life contribution by planet in years = ( LL) x (Maximum years allotted to the exaltation position)/360 Below are example calculations for determining the life contribution by planets (Chart A). Absolute degree values of Longitude and decimal digits are used in the calculations. a)

Sun in Aquarius (1degrees 12 minutes = 1.2°); Absolute Longitude = 301.2° Longevity Latitude = LL = 301.2 - 10 = 291.2°

Life contribution in years = (291.2) (19) = 15.36 years 360 b) Venus in Sagittarius (20 degrees 33 minutes = 20.55°) Absolute Longitude = 260.55° Longevity Latitude = LL = absolute difference of (260.55 – 357) = 96.45° 28


Life contribution in years = (360 - 96.45) (21) = 15.37 yrs 360 Life contributed by all the seven planets, based on their longitudes, are shown in Column 4 (Table 1). Then, the life for each of the planets is reduced by the application of the various planetary effects .

II. Reduction in Life Due to Various Planetary Effects. The various planetary effects that contribute to reduction in life are the following: Planets located in 7th to 12th houses reduction (Chakrapatha Harana); Enemy house occupation reduction (Satrukshetra Harana); Combustion reduction (Astangata Harana); Malefic planets in Ascendant reduction (Krurodaya Harana). a) Reduction due to planets located in 7th to 12th houses (Chakrapatha Harana): Life is reduced when a planet occupies any house from the 7th to the 12th. Table-A2 shows the reduction factor applied to the life for a planet, depending on whether it is a benefic or malefic and its specific location in the chart. The effective reduction in life is applicable only to the strongest or powerful planet in the house, if there are more than one planet in the house. In Chart A, Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are all located in the 10th house. Sun is the lord of 4; Mercury is the lord of 2 and 5; and Jupiter is the lord of 8 and 11. Sun is in the enemy's (Saturn) house. Based on the above, the effective reduction is applied only to one planet (Mercury).

b) Enemy House Occupation Reduction (Satrukshetra Harana): One third of the term obtained from the above calculations is deducted when a planet occupies an enemy sign. This reduction is not made for Mars and retrograde planets. Table-A3 shows the enemy relationships for the various planets. Sun is in enemy's (Saturn) house. c) Combustion Reduction (Astangata Harana) When a planet is near the Sun, it is said to be under its combustion effect. Table-A4 shows the maximum distance of a planet from the sun for the combustion effect to be effective. As a result of the combustion effect, the planets lose half of their life. Venus and Saturn are exempted from the combustion effect. As Mercury is combust in Chart A, its contribution towards life is reduced by one-half. d) Malefic Planets in Ascendant Reduction (Krurodaya Harana) Reduction in life is made when malefic planets are located in ascendant. The total number of life years obtained from all the planets is multiplied by the number of navamsas between the beginning of Aries and the rising navamsa of the ascendant. The result is divided by the total number of the navamsas covering the twelve houses ( 12 x 9 =108). The resulting quotient is the number of years to be reduced from the already obtained total number of years. If the malefic planet located in the ascendant is aspected by a benefic planet, the


reduction is half of the resulting quotient. If benefic and malefic planets are located in the ascendant, only the planet nearest to the ascendant is to be considered. If the benefic planet is nearer than the malefic planet to the ascendant, then no reduction is made. The presence of a malefic planet in the ascendant may significantly affect the length of life. As there is no malefic planet in the ascendant of Chart A, no reduction is applied.

III. Number of Additional Years Given to Life by Ascendant (Lagnayurdaya).


Table 1: Estimating Length of Life; Calculation Based on Exaltation and Debilitation points (Pindayurdaya method) Reduction Factors Planet


Absolute Longitude

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Ascendant

10 12 6 10 10 8 2 1

301.2 18.48 180.88 308.45 321.63 260.55 63.53 43.15

The number of years given to life by ascendant = 3.94 years The length of life calculations are summarized in Table 1. It shows a total life span of 74.4 years. The person (Chart A) lived for 81 years. It is important to recognize that information obtained from any quantity based method used for determining life is an estimate or approximate value. This value is employed to primarily supplement the information obtained from quality based length-of-life evaluation to arrive at a longevity decision.

1/3 -

1/2 -

10.24 12.00 10.11 2.40 9.44 13.83 12.41 3.94**

No malefic in the ascendant


Appendix Table-A1: Exaltation and Debilitation Positions and Life Degrees (Exalted/ Debilitated)















The number of years given by the ascendant is calculated as follows.

= 130 09' = 13.15/3.33 = 3.94 30 20'

1/2 1/3 1/10 -

Life (Years)

*- Reduction due to planets located in 7th to 12th houses; **- See Item III


The number of completed navamsas

15.36 24.00 10.11 7.21 9.44 15.37 12.41 -

Malefic in ComAscenbustion dant

Total ( Length of Life)

A sign (rasi) consists of nine navamsas. Each navamsa is considered to give one year.

The ascendant is Taurus (130 09' or 13.150)

LongiEnemy tude R-D-P* OccuLife pation


Debilitation Years






































Table-A2: Reduction in Life Based on Planet Location House





















Table-A3: Enemy Relationships for Planets Planet








Enemy Venus





Mercury Venus

Sun Moon

Sun Moon Mars

Table-A4: Maximum Degree Limit for Combustion effect of Planet from Sun Planet














Venus (Retrograde)


Mercury (Retrograde)



15 (to be continued)





What is in Store For You in 2010 VARAHAMIHIRA The results given below for different rasis can only be indicative and are subject to aggravation or atonement, consistent with the strength of the running directions, good or bad, of the respective individuals.

Planetary Transits during the Year


URING THE YEAR 2010 the SUN makes a full round of the zodiac and from Sagittarius where he was at the beginning of the year moves into Capricorn on 14th January; Aquarius on 13th Moon February; Pisces Ketu on 14th March; Aries on 14th April; Taurus on Jupiter Mars Planetary 15th May; Positions Gemini on 15th on 1st Jan. 2010 June; Cancer on at 0:00 IST 16th July; Leo on 17th August; Mercury Virgo on 17th Venus Saturn Rahu September; Libra Sun on 17th October ; Scorpio on 16th November and Sagittarius on 16th December and remains there for the rest of the year. MARS after a prolonged stay in Cancer and being retrograde becomes direct on 10th March and moves into Leo on 26th May; Virgo on 20th July; Libra on 5th September; Scorpio on 19th October and Sagittarius on 30th November and remains there for the rest of the year. MERCURY retrograde at the beginning, in Sagittarius becomes direct on 15th January and enters Capricorn on the 5th and Aquarius on 25th February; Pisces on 14th and Aries on 29th March; becomes retrograde on 18th April and direct on 11th May; and enters Taurus on 6th and Gemini on 22nd June; Cancer on 6th and Leo on 23rd July; becomes retrograde on 20th August and direct on 12th September ; and enters Virgo on 30th September;



Libra on 17th October ; Scorpio on 4th and Sagittarius on 25th November; becomes retrograde on 10th December and re-enters Scorpio on 23rd December to remain there for the rest of the year and becomes direct on the 30th December. Retrograde at the commencement of the year Mercury becomes direct on 15th January; JUPITER in Aquarius moves into Pisces on 2nd May; becomes retrograde on 23rd July; re-enters Aquarius on 1st November; becomes direct on 18th November; and enters again Pisces on 6th Jupiter Ketu December to remain there for the rest of the year. Planetary Positions on 1st Jan. 2011 at 0:00 IST

VENUS in Sagittarius moves into Capricorn on 13th January; Mercury Sun Aquarius on 6th Venus Saturn Rahu Mercury February; Pisces Moon on 2nd and Aries on 26th March; Taurus on 20th April; Gemini on 14th May; Cancer on 9th June; Leo on 5th July; Virgo on 1st August; Libra on 1st September, becomes retrograde on 8th October and direct on 18th November and remains in Libra for the rest of the year. SATURN becoming retrograde on 13th January and direct on 30th May remains in Virgo for the whole year. RAHU remains in Sagittarius and KETU in Gemini all through the year. Mesha (Aries) [Aswini, Bharani and Krittika 1] You are the most lucky this year. Jupiter is in the 11th for several months and even when he is in Pisces he is in his own house. Saturn transits the 6th and Ketu transits the 3rd. Mars moves to the 6th in July stays for some time. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Others have good and bad transits. Thus the results will be good during the major part of the year. On the whole restoration of health, financial gains, elevation to higher position, increase of influence, contact with VIPs, acts of philanthropic nature, religious activities, travels and gains, removal of obstacles, governmental favour are the general results. Also domestic life will be happy. Marriages will take place and restoration of good conjugal relations is likely. You will be able to vanquish your enemies and win law suits particularly in July and August. There will be auspicious occurrences at home. Child birth is also likely for some. In general, comfortable life is indicated. Around March/April, there may be losses and confinement. But they may also be restored. Some unpleasant events are likely during July/August. In September/October troubles through women are likely. Despite all these things which are casual occurrences, you enjoy this year in general. Aswini: In the beginning you may face some obstacles, but they will be solved. Favourable conditions will prevail afterwards. Minor health problems can be felt around April/May. Events which are favourable to you will occur in the other periods. You may face some accidents in June/July. Otherwise this year will be very favourable to you. You will succeed in ventures and emerge victoriously. Bharani: In the beginning conditions will be favourable. But you may face some obstacles till March. Then things will become favourable to you. Despite some setbacks later, normalcy will be restored. There will be affluence and you will have peace of mind. Krittika 1: You may sustain some injuries in the beginning. But Jan/Feb things will improve. Things will indicate your welfare. Though some opposition to your schemes may be felt, they can be solved. Financial position will be good. Vrishabha (Taurus): [Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohini, Mrigasira 1, 2] Jupiter moves to eleventh by May, and stays there for some period. Saturn is in the 5th, Ketu is in 5th, Mars moves to 6th in September and stays till mid-October. These things are period of mixed nature. Till May you may face financial problems, problems of health and disappointment in career. Proposals for marriage may not be fruitful. There may be anxiety on many matters. But the situation will change after May. Financial gains, restoration of health, auspicious events, acquisition of valuable goods etc. are indicated. Hurdles for marriage, child birth etc. will vanish. Elevation to higher position, THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


realization of ambition, acquaintance of men of consequence and governmental favour make you happy. Even in the beginning the position of Mars is quite favourable. Consequently though complete satisfaction may not be there, you will earn money and will be able to build power and influence in a restricted way. Acquisition of different kinds of goods is also likely. There may be worry about children in the beginning. The period after May will be particularly good around September. You will be able to vanquish your enemies, win law-suits. You will succeed in all ventures. Acquisition of various goods and projection of personality are all likely. On the whole this period will make you happy. Krittika 2,3,4: The period from January to April will be good and auspicious things will happen, despite this general results. After July also the results will be favourable. There will be gains of various kinds. Rohini: The period till April may not be very good, but for certain minor gains. After April favourable results can be expected. Problems of health, injuries etc. are also likely in the beginning. Mrigasira: From January to May, there will be financial gains and a happy disposition. But problems of health and accidents may make you unhappy. Mithuna (Gemini): [Mrigasira 3,4, Aridra, Punarvasu 1,2,3] Jupiter is in the 9th till May and later shifts to the 10th. Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu are not in favourable positions. Mars moves to 3rd in May and stays for about two months. Again he enters the 6th in October and stays till the end of November. Thus there are some good transits, but extraordinary results will not manifest. Till May good results will manifest, in general. Influence will increase. Elevation, financial gains and happy conjugal life are indicated. This will be a good time for marriage and child birth. Learning, intellectual activities and academic excellence and similar results manifest depending on the profession. Religious activities, philanthropic activities, travels and professional development are also likely. Obstacles will vanish and things will happen according to your desire to a great extent. Yet, the domestic life may be affected because of your travels and leaving the house for some specific reasons. Relations may keep a distance and the mind will be greatly disturbed. There are local problems which can be solved to some extent. 31



During May, June, October and November you can expect good results despite the shortcomings. You can wield power and get money and goods through unlawful methods. Acquisitions of valuable things are also likely. You will be able to function independently and vanquish your enemies. You will win law suits. Apart from this mixed nature of results you will get occasionally good results. You may become lethargic towards the close and undergo some losses. Mrigasira: Good financial gains, improvement in the field, happy conjugal life etc. are likely in the first quarter. After July also favourable results are likely. Help of friends is also likely. Aridra: After April financial status will greatly improve. Hurdles will vanish. Accidents and ill-health are likely in the beginning of the year. Punarvasu: You will have financial gains, realization of ambitions, elevation, influence and other goods during the major part of the year. Accident, ill-health and worries are likely after September. Karkataka (Cancer): [Punarvasu 4, Pushya, Aslesha] Jupiter is in the 8th till May and he moves to the 9th then. Saturn is in the 3rd throughout. Mars occupies the 3rd in July and stays for a month. He moves to 6th by November and stays till the end of the year. Other planets are occasionally favourable. Thus the latter half of the year presents a very good picture though in the early part setbacks, illness, loss of money and unpleasant things occur. Those with diseases should be very careful. Apart from these, acquisition of money, costly goods, domestic happiness and respected position are also indicated. You will be able to vanquish the enemies, win cases. Disputes will end in your favour. The second half of the year presents a very rosy picture. Wealth, prosperity, glory, elevation, success in travels, and benefits through children are indicated. Around July, August and the close of the year you will realize your ambitions. You will enjoy the affection of relatives and friends and your assistants will serve you with loyalty. People with religious belief will undertake pilgrimages. Others may also travel on mission with success. Overseas contacts will be strengthened and prove beneficial to you. The year will end on note of cheer. Those awaiting marriage, child birth, etc. will have the satisfaction of realizing their wish. Impediments will vanish and you will exercise influence to solve the problems. 32


Punarvasu: Almost throughout the year you will feel lucky. Many aspirations will be fulfilled. There will be minor obstacles, problems of health etc. But you will be able to solve them. Pushya: For the major part of the year you will be successful. There will be wealth, conjugal harmony and happiness. You will have normal health, in general. Aslesha: You have good beginning. After the first quarter there may be a period of mixed results. Then again you get good experiences. There will be financial gains, elevation, domestic happiness etc. Simha (Leo): [Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni 1] Jupiter is in the 7th till May and then he shifts to the 8th which is his own house. Mars is not favourable in the beginning, but during September and middle of October he transits the 3rd. Ketu is in the 11th. Saturn is not favourable. Other planets are occasionally favourable. The first half of the year will be fairly good. You may acquire costly goods. Conjugal life will be happy. You may acquire new vehicles. If you are in the academic field, you will be recognized for merit. If you belong to other fields also you may get elevation, financial gains, good connections and benefits through children. In some cases marriage will take place or children will be born. But after May you may not be completely happy. There will be setbacks, disappointments, problems of health, which will be serious in case you have any disease. But, despite financial gain there will be great expenses. There will be events which reduce your self-confidence. By September/October, the period will be encouraging. You will procure many valuable articles. You may wield power and influence. Chances of getting things unlawfully are also likely. There will be problems through women in the beginning, but towards the close financial gain and auspicious occurrences are indicated. Makha: Chances for accidents and facing obstacles are likely in the beginning. There will be also financial gains. Many things will be favourable to you in the early period and the end. Poorvaphalguni: The early period will not be satisfactory. Hurdles of different kinds trouble you. But there will be some financial gains. The middle portion will be mediocre and the end will be good. Uttaraphalguni: There will be financial gains, official elevation and realization of ambitions in the beginning. The middle portion will give obstacles. In the end there will be auspicious events. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Kanya (Virgo): [Uttaraphalguni 2,3,4, Hasta, Chitta 1,2] Saturn is in the 1st throughout the year. Jupiter is in the 6th till May. Mars is in the 11th till May. Rahu and Ketu are not favourably placed. The other planets occasionally help. On the whole the picture is dark in the first half and slightly better in the second. The first half gives several problems. Illness, mental worry, fiscal problems, separation of friends and death of senior relatives torment you. Many ventures undertaken would fizzle out. Those aspiring for promotion may not get. On the other hand you may face humiliation. Even under very favourable conditions, there will be a slip between the cup and the lip. You will put to great hardship. Travels will not be useful. Changing residence, transfer causing inconvenience, indifference of very close people in helping you will cause dismay. You lead a life without cheer. In short with all these, there will be some financial gains. You may6 be able to vanquish the enemies and win law-suits. In financial disputes you may win, but the payment may be delayed because of technical hitches. You will have to wait for the second half of the year for satisfactory results. In the second half also you face problems. Many pieces of work will remain unfinished. But you get financial gains, and undertake useful travels. There will be reasonably satisfactory conjugal life. Despite some problems you will have a sigh of relief. Uttaraphalguni: There will be some financial gains in the beginning. On the whole the bad results will manifest in a mild form.


circumstances are good. Gains of various kinds, vanquishing enemies etc. will make you happy. Yet you are likely to develop proems of health and lose confidence at times. Things may be delayed. Certain things may be promised but actual realization may be difficult. With great effort you can solve your problems. In fact the first half is fairly good. The second half gives you real problems. By the close of the year you will enjoy some good results. But the first half would be certainly more enjoyable. Chitta 3,4: The early part will be very good for you. There will be financial gains. The second part also will be reasonably good. Swati: You will face obstacles, in the early part. Though you achieve something, you will not be able to enjoy it completely. The latter half will be normal and the help of friends will make you happy. Visakha 1,2,3: The first half will be quite good. Many desires will be fulfilled. Even in the second half, you will come across cheerful results. Vrischika (Scorpio) [Visakha 4, Anuradha, Jyestha] Jupiter is in the 4th till May, and then goes to 5th. Saturn is in 11th throughout. Mars comes to 10th in May and 11th in July. Rahu and Ketu are not good. The others show good results at times. Thus the year gives fairly good results and the second half will be very good particularly in July and August.

Jupiter is in 5th in the beginning, Rahu is in the third, Mars moves to 10th, then moves to 11th by May and moves to the 3rd in November. Saturn is not favourable. The others are occasionally good.

During the best period you will enjoy life. All kinds of comforts will be at your disposal. Long-cherished desire will be realized. There will be immense financial gains. Money through landed properties and law suits, winning position by exercise of influence and loyal assistance of servants make you happy. You will have good conjugal relations. Marriages take place. If you aspire for a child you will get it. Travels will be successful. Those who want to go abroad will find that no hurdles are there. Your contacts and connections bring you many favours. If you are enthusiastic and enterprising, you will attain eminence in your field and have a feather in your cap. These results will be in the latter half, particularly in July/August.

The first half will be fairly good. There will be several gains. Long-cherished desires may be fulfilled. Acquisition of luxury goods and increase in respectability are indicated. You may get elevation and exercise influence. Children will make you happy. Marriage and child birth are likely. You will get chances to show your talents. Winning accolades, prizes etc. are possible if the

Even in the first half, there will not be any problems in routine life. You will have domestic problems at times. Your relatives may give you embarrassment. At times you may be on the horns of a dilemma. But since the second half will be very good your problems get solved. On one side there will be gains and achievements and on the other side there will be a fly in the ointment. It may

Hasta: Your time will be bad till September. Afterwards there will be some relief. Chitta: Even in the beginning you have a good share of results and financial gains, despite the opposition. Tula (Libra): [Chitta 3,4, Swati and Visakha 1,2,3]





be due to domestic problems or pressure of work, and estrangement from friends. This is the picture in the first half. Visakha 4: Even in the first half you do fairly well. Your associations are good and they certainly help you to solve the problem. Anuradha: You also stand to gain. Still you face some obstacles which will get solved in the second half. Jyestha: The first half gives you many difficulties that affect your peace of mind. But you will get wise counselling of seniors and it will alleviate your worries. Dhanus (Sagittarius) [Mula, Purvashada, Uttarashadha 1] Jupiter in the 3rd in the first half and moves to 4th in second. Saturn is in 10th. Mars in the 8th and he moves to 11th by September and stays for a month. Rahu and Ketu are not good. Others occasionally shower good results. These things do not promise a cheerful year. You are a victim of destiny. Problems of all kinds domestic, official, personal, social and others tantalize you. If you are aspiring for a promotion, chances are bleak, save possibly by September/October. Money promised will not reach you. Conjugal relations may become bitter. In certain families, divorce and separation may happen. Actions will not bear fruit. Scandals, machinations of enemies, and displeasure of your superiors really cause frustration. Question of prestige will haunt you. Humiliation in many places is also indicated. Travels will not be successful. Ventures do not succeed. In fact, undertaking ventures put you to hardship. Keep a low profile or you may fall from the frying pan in to the fire. What gives you satisfaction is the occasional help of friends and wellwishers. If you apply for loan, you may get a negative reply. The best course open is to pray to God. Recite Navagraha Stotra without fail. Mula: Certain occurrences will be favourable to you in the first half. Occasional gains are likely. Still accidents and impediments to progress are also likely. Purvashada: Some financial gains are likely. But you face obstacles of various kinds. Uttarashadha 1: In the latter half you may come across some events which make you happy. Still you face obstacles which could be solved only with effort. 34


Makara (Capricorn): [Uttarashadha 2, 3, 4, Sravana,Dhanistha 1, 2] Jupiter is in the 2nd till May. Then he goes to the 3rd. Saturn is in the 9th, Mars is in 7th in the beginning, but he comes to 10th in September and 11th in October and stays till November. Ketu is in 6th. The other planets are occasionally good. In the first half you do get some good experiences. There will be domestic happiness. Financial gains, success in ventures, elevation, good connections, possession of vehicles, goods and religious activities. You will be able to vanquish your enemies and win law-suits. Your children will be successful. Marriages take place. Child birth is also likely if the time is suitable. Governmental favours, increase in respectability, good relation with the public, and pre-eminence in the field are likely. Some of you may get accolades, prizes and honours. But routine matters may be affected. Daily practices will have to be suspended owing to ill-health, lethargy etc. Diseases of the stomach and accidents are likely. But the good results of the first half will not be felt in the second which gives predominantly bad results. Work started will come to a standstill, change of place or residence may cause difficulty. Unexpected transfer and official displeasure will cause difficulties. During September and October some financial gains, success in disputes, temporary solution to problems and opportunities to show your talents and dynamism will make the life a bit colourful. Uttarashadha 2, 3, 4: In the beginning many favourable events will help you. Towards the close of the year financial gains will make you cheerful. Sravana: In the early part obstacles will be felt and later many favourable events will happen. Problems of health are likely. Dhanistha 1, 2: There will be some financial gains in the beginning. Afterwards obstacles will be felt. Friends will be helpful to solve some problems. Kumbha (Aquarius) [Dhanistha 3, 4, Satabhisha, Poorvabhadra 1, 2, 3] Jupiter is in 1st during the first half and shifts to second later. Saturn is in 8th throughout. Rahu is in the 11th and Ketu is in 5th. Mars who is favourable till May moves to 10th in October and 11th in November. Others are occasionally good. (continued on 41) THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


Predicting Earthquakes JAYASREE SARANATHAN


REDICTION OF EARTH quakes is a formidable task in both science and astrology. Though seismologists are keeping track of the under ground disturbances of the earth, it is not possible to exactly know when the disturbances will turn into tremors shaking the earth and killing people. The basic tenets of astrology can indeed be helpful. Some factors have been discussed by Varahamihira to predict earthquakes on the basis of Moon's position in certain constellations, analyzed in combination with certain terrestrial phenomena. There is another way to predict earthquakes by analyzing eclipses. However if we look at the numerous charts of earthquakes, we can observe a pattern. When this writer analyzed numerous earthquakes that occurred since 1900, both on the basis of higher magnitude and higher rate of causality, certain distinct patterns were observed as follows.


The malicious combination among the nodes, Mars and Saturn involving Martin signs and earthy signs increase the chances of earthquakes.


When such a combination occurs around Full Moon or New Moon, disturbances are certain.


When an eclipse is visible in an area with all the above combinations, that area becomes a more likely candidate to receive tremors.


There exists something similar to Paksha Chidra when earthquakes occur. Particularly 4th, 6th,12th and 14th thithis seem to indicate some stress experienced by the Moon as it moves away and towards the Sun's line of direct influence.


y Mars as signifactor for land, must get connected with earthy signs by association or aspect.

y Rahu as signifcator for earth and under ground must also get connected with earthy signs.


y The Martian signs Aries or Scorpio must get connected with either or both of these planets.

y Saturn's aspect or association to these signs and planets increase the intensity of earth quakes and the casualty rate. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

With a degree in economics, she is a practitioner of astrology (and palmistry) for twenty years. She is presently doing her Masters in Astrology from PSTU, Hyderabad and on way to her Doctorate in Astrology. While her teacher was her maternal father, Kaazhiyur Bashyam Iyengar, her knowledge enriched by going through Dr B.V. Raman's books. Married to an engineer husband she has two children, a son and daughter.


In other words, starting form 12th thithi until 6th thithi, the Moon and the Sun are in some coupling, with the earth in between. Most of the earthquakes have occurred when Moon passes these thithis. The shaded area in the diagram shows the vulnerable days for earthquake. The continental plates get highly stressed when Moon enters the 120 degree arc on the side of earth facing the Sun and behind the earth. When the above mentioned planets get connected with the earthy signs and Martian signs

with mutual aspect between themselves, during this period of Moon's motion around the earth, the earth is disturbed.

This can be ascertained from the following charts drawn for the earthquake times or days. Here are the top three tremors in terms of magnitude that occurred since 1900.

Chart 1 Date


May 22, 1960



14:11:00 hrs



aldivia, Chile

Magnitude :




6,000 +



Krishna Trayodasi

Mars and Saturn together aspect the earthy sign Virgo, while Ketu aspects the Martian sign of Aries.The Thithi is Trayodasi, with the moon coming closer to the Sun. Virgo being a Dwiswabhava rasi suffers vulnerability indicating both stability and movement. 35




Moon Venus

Ketu aspect the martian sign of Aries. The 2 earthy signs Taurus and Virgo are aspected by Mars and Saturn respectively.

Sun Mercury


May 22, 1960 Chart 1 Rahu

Jupiter (R) Saturn (R)

The maximum malefic aspect falls on the eastern direction. The earthquake occurred in the east of the globe. Mars and retro Saturn in watery signs showed disturbance in the waters.

Date Time Place Magnitude Casualty

: : : : :



July 28, 1976 03:42 hrs Tangshan, China 7.8 240,000 + (highest toll) Sukla Pratipat

Chart 3

The maximum malefic stress is received by Virgo which denotes South west direction where Chile is situated.

Date Time Place Magnitude Casualty

There was total lunar eclipse on March 13, 1960 visible in Chile. Tithi

Chart 2 Date Time Place

: Dec. 26, 2004 : 7-58 am : off Sumatra, Indonesia Magnitude : 9.3 Casualty : 228,866+ (2nd highest toll since 1900) Tithi : Pournami

Sun Mars Mercury



Dec. 26, 2004 Chart 2

Mars Mercury Venus



The worst tSunami in recent human memory was triggered by this earthquake.

: March 27, 1964 : 17-36 hrs : Alaska : 9.2 : 128 lives (tSunami 113, earthquake 15), : Pournami Jupiter Venus



March 27, 1964 Chart 3



Chart 4


Rahu and Saturn aspect the martian sign of Aries while Virgo receives the aspect from Mars. Saturn aspects Scorpio too while Ketu aspects Saturn. The 4 common signs are stressed by malefics with maximum stress experienced in Pisces with LuniSolar opposition. The watery sign showed the role of tSunami in the North east part of the globe as a fall out of the earthquake. The following charts are arranged in the order of highest toll since 1900.



July 28, 1976

Sun Moon Mercury Venus Saturn

Chart 4 Mars


A partial lunar eclipse was visible in this area on May 14, 1976. Since the time of the Full Moon a fortnight earlier, abnormal occurrences such as well water gushing out and gas bursting out of the earth were noticed in the area. Note the sky map of all the planets on one side of the nodes when the Moon opposed the Sun a fortnight earlier. Aries receives the aspect of Saturn and Rahu with Ketu posited there. Mars aspects Scorpio while Saturn aspects Virgo. Mars from a fiery sign heats up Vayu (Aquarius) and Water (Pisces) showing the disturbance to these elements beneath the surface. The stress is felt in East and Northeast making China vulnerable. (The 2nd highest toll was reported in the tSunami triggered by the December 26, 2004 earthquake. It is explained in Chart-2)

Note the perfect combination of Rahu and Mars in martian signs. Saturn and 36




Chart 5 Date


December 16, 1920



15:35 hrs



Haiyuan, China

Magnitude :




200,000 +



Sukla Shashti

some developed into firestorms which swept across cities.


Chart 8


Sep. 1, 1923 Chart 6



Sun Mars Venus Rahu Mercury Saturn


Dec. 16, 1920 Chart 5 Mars Venus






A total lunar eclipse was visible on 27-10-1920 in this part of China. This earthquake triggered landslides extensively that killed many people. Note the two malefics Mars and Saturn in earthy signs. Aries receives the aspect from Mars and Rahu while Ketu is posited there. Scorpio is aspected by Saturn. Maximum stress is felt in Aries in the east making China vulnerable.

Note the malefic combination of Sun, Mars and Rahu in the fiery sign. Scorpio receives the aspect of Mars and Saturn while Aries is aspected by Ketu. Saturn is in Earthy sign while Rahu fans the winds of 2 airy signs from Leo. The stress is in Leo signifying eastern direction affecting Japan.



October 8, 2005



8:50 am



Mozafarabad, Pakistan

Magnitude :







Sukla Panchami


Mars (R)


Oct. 8, 2005 Chart 8

Chart 7 Date Time Place

: : :

October 5, 1948 11: 08 hrs Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Magnitude : 7.3 Casualty : 110,000 + Tithi : Sukla Tritiya

Moon Venus

Mercury Jupiter

Sun Ketu

Mars is retrograde in Aries aspected by Saturn. The earthy signs namely Taurus and Virgo are afflicted by the nodes and Saturn.

Chart 9

Chart 6 Date Time Place Magnitude Casualty Tithi

The affliction to Aries is caused by the nodes and Mars. Taurus, the earthy sign is aspected by Mars and Saturn, while Saturn casts its 3rd aspect on Mars. Mars aspects another earthy sign also (Capricorn).

: : : : : :

September 1, 1923 11: 58 hrs Kanto, Japan 7.5 143,000 + Krishna Shashti

Fire was the cause for the huge toll. The earthquake struck at lunchtime when many people were using fire to cook food that broke out in many places. The fires spread rapidly due to high winds from a nearby typhoon off the coast in Northern Japan and THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


Oct. 5, 1948 Chart 7


Moon Mars Mercury Ketu

Venus Saturn


A partial lunar eclipse was visible in this area in April that year.

Date Time Place Magnitude Casualty Tithi

: December 28, 1908 : 5:21am : Messina, Italy. : 7.5 : 60,000 + : Sukla Shashti

This earthquake triggered a tSunami that reached 12 meters in height. Note the position of Saturn in a watery sign aspecting the earthy sign, Virgo. Aries receives the aspect of Mars and Rahu. Taurus is afflicted by both Saturn and Mars. 37






Place Magnitude Casualty Tithi

: : : :

Bihar, India 8.4 10,700 + Amavasya

Scorpio gets afflicted by the nodes and Saturn. The earthy Taurus is also badly afflicted.

Chart 13

Dec. 28, 1908 Chart 9 Jupiter

Sun Mercury Ketu

Venus Venus


Jan 15, 1934 Sun Mars Saturn Rahu

Chart 10 Date Time Place Magnitude Casualty Tithi


: : : : : :

May 31, 1935 03:02 am Quetta, Pakistan 7.7 60,000 + Krishna Chaturdasi Sun Moon

Mercury Venus



May 31, 1935 Chart 10 Rahu

Jupiter (R)


The impact was too severe that the Himalayan Mountains opened up in parts. The gorges and rifts in Balochistan owe much to this earthquake for their appearance. Note the position of Mars in the earthy sign aspected by Ketu. Aries receives the aspect of Saturn and Mars while Scorpio receives the aspect of Rahu. Some instances from India

Chart 11


: :


January 15, 1934 2:30:00 pm

: January 26, 2001 : 8:46 am : Bhuj, India : 7.6 : 20,000 + : Sukla Dwiteeya Jupiter Saturn

Moon Mercury


Jupiter Mercury Venus

Mars, Saturn and the nodes cast a deadly affliction to Capricorn, the earthy sign, the sign of India in Mundane astrology. Mars aspects Aries while Rahu aspects Scorpio. Ketu casts its aspect on Taurus also.

Chart 12 Date Time Place Magnitude Casualty Thithi

: : : : : :

September 30, 1993 3:55 am Latur, India 6.3 7,900 + Pournami

Jan. 26, 2001 Sun Moon


Chart 13


This earthquake which struck on the Republic day was also a classic combination of earthquake parameters. The affliction to Aries is there, besides the aspect of Mars on Saturn in the earthy sign. Saturn afflicts Scorpio too.

Future Earthquakes Moon

Having the insight about the basic combinations as noted above, it is possible to venture out to locate the times of future earthquakes.


Saturn (R)

Sep. 30, 1993 Chart 12 Venus


Mars Mercury

Sun Jupiter

Chart 11 Date Time

Date Time Place Magnitude Casualty Thithi

This is also a perfect scene of earthquake with Aries getting afflicted by Mars and Saturn.

To begin with let us see how we have just had a brief season of earthquakes in the last few months. It started with Mars in Taurus (earthy) aspecting Scorpio and Saturn aspecting Mars from Leo. The nodes did their job by aspecting Scorpio and Taurus. This season that started in August proceeded with Mars shifting THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


to Gemini and aspecting Virgo from there and Saturn also moving to Virgo to lend twin malfeasance to Virgo and Scorpio. Chennai experienced a tremor on 11 August 2009, when an earthquake of 7.6 magnitude intensity struck off the Andaman and Nicobar islands. It must be noted that a total solar eclipse was witnessed on 22-07-2009.

Chart 14 Date Time Place Magnitude Thithi

: : : : :

August 11, 2009 1-26 am Off Andaman 7.6 Krishna Panchami





Sep. 30, 2009 Moon Jupiter (R)



Chart 16 Date Place

: :

Magnitude : Casualty : Thithi :

October 24, 2009 Banda sea, off Indonesia 7 Sukla Sapthami

The next fortnight will see a total lunar eclipse on June 15, 2011 when Mars would have moved to Taurus. This will be visible in most parts of earth - Asia, Europe, South America and parts of Africa. The stress region is Scorpio - denoting general west and North in particular. Under-water tectonic movement is likely to happen around this time when Moon will still be in the 120 orb opposite to the Sun. Jupiter

Mars Venus


June 15, 2011

Venus Moon


Sun Mars

August 11, 2009 Jupiter (R)

Oct. 24, 2009

Mercury Jupiter


On September 30, 2009, an earthquake occurred off the coast of Sumatra.

Chart 15 Date


September 30, 2009



17:16 hrs



Off Sumatra, Indonesia

Magnitude :







Sukla Dwadasi

Note Mars and Saturn in strategic locations afflicting earthy signs. Saturn and the nodes take care of Martian signs.


Mercury Venus

At Sunami alert was sounded which however did not materialize. The stress region was localized in Capricorn, an earthy sign. The malefic impact was dispersed with Rahu and Saturn on transit mood to the next sign. The day also was Saptami when Moon was outside the hand-shake distance form Sun. The result was - no threat.

Futuristic Predictions Applying these inputs, we can say that an earthquake season can be expected when Rahu enters Scorpio in June 2011. At that time, Mars will be in a strategic location of Aries aspecting Scorpio. On June 1, 2012 a partial solar eclipse will be seen in East Asia and North America.


The season will continue when Mars moves to Leo where it will stay for sometime moving forth and back. The stress level will increase when Mars joins Saturn in Virgo. But before Mars joins Saturn, a partial lunar eclipse will be witnessed On June 4, 2012 in the Americas. By August 15, 2012, both Mars and Saturn would enter Libra. Till Mars moves out to Sagittarius in November 2012, the west and east regions of the world would have had bad times with a trembling world. The intensity also is likely to be high. It can be noted that when the intensity in magnitude is high, the location of the direction can be easily ascertained as in the above chart and in the first 3 charts. In other case studies, the intensity is not as high but the casualties were high - and locating the place was not as distinct as it is with high magnitude earthquakes. But when casualties increase, it makes news! We have to work further to explore the causality rate from the earthquake charts. This analysis is thus not yet over!




What is Kalyanam?

Sri Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi is an academic of Indology, deeply interested in philosophy, music, literature and linguistics. He is associated with Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji, a great spiritual leader of our times for the past 3 decades.


What is Kalyanam? Why and How is it required to be performed?

the unlimited Almighty. (Ava is downward; Taara is to transform/ convey = Effectively it is downsizing/ downgrading the infinite Saguna Brahman to a finite existence, with Janma & Niryaanam (Birth and Expiry comparable to humans).

keÀu³eeCeeslmeJe lelHej mme YeieJeeved kegÀ³ee&led meoe ce²ueced


ALYANAM LITERALLY means welfare/ well being (Mangalam). As marriage/ initiation into Gruhastha Ashrama (System of House Holder with duties to take care of the beings around him) is vital to the world, marriage is also called Kalyanam. In physical sense, it is to bring together two clans, two families, two bodies, two souls closer to each other. In other words, it is indicative of the process of Unification. Hence, marriage has also come to be known as an institution.



From the philosophical perspective, Kalyanam as explained in the story cited in Brahma Vaivarta Puranam is a metaphysical concept. It is to convey the concept of Creation and sustenance as well as delusion. Without the advent of Sakti (Rajasika Pravrutti of Maya), Siva (Param Brahma) is a static, monistic, all pervading, omnipotent, omni scent force. The potent energy remains latent, till aroused by the dynamism of Sakti. To assume the form of dynamic force, the combination of Maaya is compulsory. This is well explained in the first stanza of Soundarya Lahari.

(efMeJe MMekeÌl³ee ³egkeÌlees ³eefo YeJeefle MekeÌle: ÒeYeefJelegb ve®esosJeb osJees ve Keueg kegÀMeue mmHeefvolegceefHe~) Hence, for the world to be exuberant with


Without a form, it is highly difficult to a common mortal to understand and experience this high theory/ principle of Creation. It is quite common for a professor/ teacher to draw an illustration to convey his idea effectively to his subjects.


Hence, all the concept of Kalyanam is nothing but a metaphysical representation of the Universe. The Sankalpam and several procedures amply explain the same, if one has time and knowledge to examine the Mantras, recited in the Program.


To affirm that the Naama & Roopa (Name & Form) are representation of the Limitless/ Infinite Almighty; the Mantras list out several benefits that can accrue to the participant in the Kalyanam, if observed and understood properly. Thus, from Nirguna Param Brahma> Saguna Brahma + Maaya > Prakruti + Purusha; our critical analysis is reaching the mythological stage.


The concept of Prakruti & Purusha is also abstractive to explain to a common listener/ starter. Hence, the sages have explained the several stories denoting the communion of Static and Dynamic Forces (Hitherto bounded energies); leading to Unified Monist/ infinite energy of Almighty. Those who understand this concept and perceive the Meta Physical process will be enlightened to achieve Moksha (Salvation). Otherwise, the innumerable benefits, listed in the Kalyaana Sankalpam are impossible for anyone to beget.

dynamism, creativity and incessant existential energies; the communion of Siva & Sakti (in other words Prakruti & Purusha or Saguna Brahma & Maaya) is absolutely required.




To signify and propagate this concept of the Universal Creation and Existence, Devata Kalyanam is observed annually in temples all over India. Several Mythological stories and epics have narrated various fables to convey this concept, as part of Avataara Kathaa (Description of the incarnation of a deity). In fact, incarnation or Avataara is nothing but the assumption of form to limit the scope and outlook of JANUARY 2010

Selection of Name and Form for Kalyanam y

At this stage, an enquiry would be initiated to select the name and form to visualise the process of Devata THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


Kalyanam. Naturally, we try to trace a source of information, where a similar event is purported/ reported to have occurred in the past Yugas. At this juncture, Puraanas (Epics) are the only source of exhaustive information and authentication.


Hence, wherever a Puraana has explained in detail, a procedure of marriage citing the name and form of a deity, Kalyaana Utsavam is performed by devotees. We should not get confused to mix the philosophical concept with the selection of name and form. Precedent and Traditional Authentication is an integral mandatory part of this selection.


For an example: Siva has many forms - some fierce, some calm, some benign, some destructive, some tranquil. Among these, the form of Kalyaana Murty, which is described in the Puraanas, is chosen for Kalyaana Utsavam. Similarly, Lord Vishnu had many incarnations, among which Seeta Raama Kalyanam,

(continued from 34)

These things indicate a fairly good period in the latter half particularly in the end. The year will end cheerfully. In the beginning there will be change of place, loss of wealth and possession. At the same time, you will be able to vanquish the enemies, and gain wealth. Though elevation in the official career may be difficult, with great effort you will be able to solve the problems. Your smartness and capacity to please others will help you. Despite loss, you gain from different sources. But things will be delayed and your close relatives like wife and children may face problems. Construction of houses undertaken may be stopped because of the indifference of labourers. Even in the society, you may lose your influence, but for some occasional successes. Desired objects will torment you with hopes. You have to be satisfied with the minor gains. In the latter half you will be successful. There will be financial gains. Auspicious events like marriage, child birth are likely. You will be able to remove the obstacles and achieve your ends. Many unfinished things will be completed. Anything promised earlier may be fulfilled. Your associations with men of consequence will be of help to you. In the end, you will be quite happy. Dhanistha 3, 4: Your financial gains will be fairly good even in the first half. You will be helped by seniors and friends. Satabhisha: Your first half is not good. During the second half you may be able to make up for the losses. Obstacles will vanish in the second half.

Rukmini Krishna Kalyanam are performed. It would be inappropriate to select Vaamana, Narasimha, Matsya, Koorma, Varaaha, Parashuraama, Buddha or Kalki, citing the Philosophical theory of one force - many names & Forms.


Hence, understanding the logic; mythological precedent combined with tradition observed by knowledgeable elders should be the basic requirement for the observance/ celebration of any event. We should well grasp that, Bharateeyas are better known for their acumen rather than superstition. Though, sentiments play a greater role in our preferences, it would be wise to harmoniously blend logic and authentic traditions in choosing our options, to realise full extent of benefits, enlisted in the scriptures.

meJe¥ ye´ïece³eced half in his own house. Mars moves to 6th in May and to 10th in November. Saturn is in 10th. Rahu and Ketu are not favourable. Others give good results occasionally. On the whole the results will not be satisfactory. You will have travels, but without any results. Professional ambitions will remain unfulfilled. At the same time other colleagues and rivals will steal a march over you. To face the realities of life is difficult and you will have a taste of that. The domestic life will not be cheerful. The difference of opinion between you and your consort may lead to difficulties. You should know how to adjust with the others. Even in the latter half change of place, denial of opportunities and loss of peace of mind will make the life miserable. With all these there will be partial success in some ventures. Some financial gains, winning of legitimate claims etc. really make the life a bit enjoyable in the midst of other difficulties. The work undertaken remains unfinished. Labourers and assistants show their wrath and fury and subvert your schemes. Getting stranded in travels is also not unlikely. By November things will generally improve. Some cheerful events, gains, and hope of completing the task undertaken will make you cheerful. You need not worry. Better times are ahead. Sunshine will follow the shadow. Poorvabhadrapada 4: You will have some comfort throughout. But you face obstacles and ill-health.

Poorvabhadrapada 1, 2, 3: Major part of the year will be fairly good. But problems of health and obstacles will give troubles.

Uttarabhadrapada: In the beginning you will have some gains. You will receive some favours from seniors.

Meena (Pisces): [Poorvabhadrapada 4, Uttarabhadrapada, Revati]

Revati: Till the middle obstacles will be felt. In the second half help through friends and gains are likely. Till September things will be smooth. Afterwards some obstacles may be felt.

Jupiter is in 12th and in the first half and in the 1st in the latter THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE




Feng Shui Ancient Secrets of Architecture Designing GERRY K. J. LIAO

Gerry K.J. Liao is an experienced practitioner of Feng Shui, E-Ching, Medieval Astrology, Chinese Astrology in Taiwan and he has been learning Vedic Astrology for years. He is renowned particularly in the field of Astrology and Feng Shui. In 2007 he successfully predicted stock bailedout clash in 2008. He also predicted Maokong Gondola’s failure, floods, diseases, air crashes in Taiwan in 2009. Gerry has been teaching E-Ching Horary, Feng Shui and Astrology in NCCU since 2008 and he also tutors privately.


his question may be easy to answer, while difficult to understand, especially for people who don't quite understand Chinese culture and its philosophy. In a simple interpretation, literally, Feng is wind and Shui is water in Chinese. These two words are derived from ancient master piece Zhan-Shu (Book of Burial), written almost 2000 years ago. One passage in the book notes: "Chi Cheng Feng San, Jieh Shui Zhe Zhi, " which means "If Wind blows, Chi will not be retained. Chi can be retained when it meets water." Chi is difficult to define. Our ancestors believed that mountains create huge power and do good to people. This kind of power is called Chi, which you can not see. Thus our ancestors always take Dragon, an animal of divinity, as a metaphor of mountains, and Chi is Dragon's breath. Many people thought Chi was Wind, because Chi in Chinese also meant Air. But that is a big mistake. According to ancient texts, Wind will blow only if Chi is non existant. So Wind is bad for Feng Shui, and Water is good because Chi can be held and would not disappear when it meets Water. We may interpret the metaphor like this:

When Dragon stops to drink water near rivers or lakes, that place is good Therefore, Feng Shui is a study (metaphysics) which finds methodology to spot good places of dwelling, to retain Chi and to modify or design people's houses (or tombs), further to improve their wealth, health and also to protect their children. If we call mountains as Dragon, then the spot we pick to construct houses or bury the dead would be called Long-Shei, Dragon's Lair, a sacred and safe place which retains Chi. People would be protected and blessed because of the Chi. Chinese culture and metaphysics always place much importance on "balance"- Tai-chi or YinYang. If mountains are Yin, that's because they don't move. Rivers and waters which move all Chinese Dragon the time are Yang. When we pick a place between Yin and Yang, that place provides good energy Chi because that place is a good balance of Yin and Yang. With the protection of claws and rivers, that place shall be easy to defend in military thinking 42




It is the primitive form of the universe. The white half of Tai-Chi represents Yang and the other is Yin. The white dot in the black half represents there is also Yang in Yin. The icon is similar to two fishes in the pond that chase each other. This means the world is Tai-Chi is an important concept in continually changing and China history. the nature of materials is also changing but always stays in balance. A place between Yin and Yang may be prosperous.

A place at the peak of the mountain or deep down in the valley is not good to choose, because wind blows violently at the top and houses built too low would be destroyed by river. Any place with steep mountains or rushing waters is always bad to choose. You can live nearby slow running waters and delicate mountains. What do we mean by "When Dragon meets water"? In a geographical view, when two rivers converge together, that place would be lower and gentler in comparison with the peak of mountain. The appearance of mountains is always delicate and the plain is fertile near the convergence. Moreover, if there are gentle heights surround the plain, to keep An idealistic Feng Shui Chi in it, just like a dragon protects its egg with two giant claws, that would be excellent. This means the Dragon should meet the convergence of two waters. Chi is well protected and retained by blockades like mountains and waters. Chi shall not be sealed off completely, as you may see in the picture, because the Dragon has to breathe. The convergence is always the most important issue to study in Feng Shui.

Philosophy of Feng Shui The philosophy of Feng Shui is very diversified on account of China's long history and different cultures between provinces. There are two major concepts that are very important for Feng Shui learners. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

The world is be categorized or developed by three basic concepts. The first one is Yin-Yang or Duality, which is already widely known. For instance, men and women, fire and water, positive and negative, summer and winter‌etc. In astronomy thinking, Yin-Yang can be easily observed from day and night, Sun and Moon, the midheaven and the subterrain‌ The second is Xi-Hsiang or Quadrant, namely Tai-Yang, Tai-Yin, Shao-Yang and ShaoYin.

The world is evolved through 3 phases - Yin-Yang, Xi-Hsiang and Ba-Gua. Each symbol is related to an important analogy.

This can also be observed from astronomy, the four points of the quadrant, the midheaven where the Sun elevates, the subterrain where the Sun goes to the bottom of the earth, the intersection of the equator and horizon where the Sun rises and sets in equinoxes. The third one is Ba-Gua, eight natural phenomena, namely Chien the sky, Duay the lake, Lih the fire, Dzen the thunder, Hsun the wind, Kan the water, Ghen the mountains and Kune the earth. The second important The mountains are categorized into 5 types concept is Wu-Hsing, Five 43



Elements of Material. All of materials are formed with these five elements, namely Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. This concept is widely adopted in Feng Shui theories. The mountains can be categorized into five kinds by their shape. Fire mountains create military leaders. Earth mountains create rich people. Wood creates noble persons. Water creates artistic people, ie poets and singers‌etc. Finally metal creates government officers and fortunes.

Li-Chi, a Key to Feng Shui

Li-Chi is also very diversified in different schools of Feng Shui, and the debates in these schools have existed since a thousand years ago. The following Each line represents a perfect balance. are the two basic The sky is opposite to the earth and the concepts of Limountain is opposite to the lake Chi - symbology and numerology in modern language.

Symbology of Feng Shui

This is one of my Luo-Pans and it is custom made. The size is 8.6 inches square.

Symbology is a simplified and effective system of measuring Feng Shui. In Feng Shui "balance" is the very important. Symbology checks if a place is well balanced.

As we can see the middle is a magnetic needle which points to the directions. There are many marks which indicate other important information needed to judge good or bad Feng Shui. Normally each Feng Shui practitioner has his/her own Luo-Pan based on information he or she may need to have.

Li-Chi is a methodology of measuring and differentiating good and bad Feng Shui. Li in Chinese means reason or theory. In Feng Shui, the Dragon Lair cannot be spotted by just looking into the environment. Doing so can be very dangerous and disastrous. A good Feng Shui always needs to be corroborated by measuring. And a Luo-Pan or a compass is what we need in measuring. Luo-Pan is much more complicated than any types of compasses you can find in the market. However, for beginners a n o r m a l compass is Hsien Yien Ba-Gua is the analogy of enough to use. natural phenomenon 44


Balance is the most important thing in Feng Shui theory

The first set of symbols is called Hsien-Tien BaGua, which is inspired by natural phenomenon. Which of the three will we pick to build a house? from the three cases illustrated in the picture? The first and the second Ho-Tien Ba-Gua is a system of are well balanced directions and life cycle because mountain and the water occupy Yin and Yang positions respectively. However in the third case Yin and Yang are both occupied by only mountains which make the spot very imbalanced. A good balanced area brings fortunes and fame while an imbalanced area causes poverty, ill-health and misfortune. The second set of symbols is called Ho-Tien Ba-Gua, a direction system of Feng Shui as illustrated below. HoTien Ba-Gua is also used to identify the life cycle of mountains and rivers or Chi. Therefore timing issue and directions are represented through this set of symbols. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


Numerology of Feng Shui Numerology is also called Shu, numbers literally. Numbers coexist with Gua. There are two sets of numbers, Hsien-Tien Shu and HoTien Shu. Hsien-Tien Shu coexists with Hsien-Tien Ba-Gua and is used to examine if a place is perfect or not. The sum of each balanced side is always 10. And the sum of each balanced line is Hsien - Tien Shu 15. When practicing Feng Shui, numerology provides accurate and fast measuring and judgment. On the other hand, Ho Tien Shu is used to calculate the life cycle of a spot. Each number of Ho-Tien Shu represents different phases of life cycle. A Ho-Tien Shu whole cycle is 180 years and consists of 8 different phases, 1 , 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Number 5 placed in the middle represents balanced status and it does not carry any phase of the cycle.


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For different phases of life cycle, the numbers are reallocated to find when the place is going to be prosperous

For instance the 8th phase of life cycle is the period from 2010 to 2020. During the period of time, we have to rework the chart and reallocate the numbers as illustrated. The process is complex and will be covered in a later article. Number 5 is relocated in Ghen Gua which represents the direction of north-east. Therefore if we identify a place with convergence of water in the northeast while a mountain is in the south-west, that place would be excellent and would be prosperous during 2010 to 2020. If we move in the house during this time, life would be happy and prosperous. These explanations and illustrations are the fundamental concepts of Feng Shui. In acual cases more profound theories and issues are noticed. In later articles, we will see how we can apply the Feng Shui principles for indoor designing.


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Dr. Elavathur Subrahmanyan Neelakantan graduated from Loyala College of Chennai with distinction in Statistics. As a qualified Chartered Accountant, he is an Information Systems Auditor. While his interest in Astrology was activated by going through books of Dr. B. V. Raman, his formal learning of the subject was from Prof. K. V. Seshadrinatha Sastri, a renowned scholar of Astrology and Ayurveda. Awarded with a Doctorate by the Deemed Sri Chandrasekarendra University, Kancheepuram for his thesis on Medical Astrology, Dr. Neelakantan has been a regular contributor to The Astrological Magazine. His multi faceted talent also includes proficiency in Vedic chants.


HE RUDRAKSHA tree grows mainly in the Gangetic Plain of Himalayas and in Nepal. It is also found in South east asian countries( like Indonesia ), Hawaii and in the Australian continent . In India this tree is also found in West Bengal, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar. In Tamilnadu one can see this tree in the famous Sim's Park in Coonoor, a popular holiday resort. Rudraksha means eye of Rudra. Legend says it was born out of a single tear of Lord Rudra. The Rudraksha is also used as a garland with 108 beads in number usually for the purpose of repetitive prayer (Japa) as well as meditation. Rudraksha is believed to have magnetic properties (as it aligns to North - South direction always ) and is said to have medicinal value and is believed to control hypertension. Rudraksha tree is generally fast growing, bearing fruit in about four years.

The size of Rudraksha Rudraksha of any size is equally powerful. But according to Jabalopanishad, Rudraksha of the size of Gooseberry (Amla Fruit) is most powerful, size of Ber (or Badariphalam) is moderately powerful and of the size of Chick Pea (or Chana) is least powerful. This view is endorsed by Shiva Purana which states that the power of Rudraksha varies inversely with its size. 46


Origin and Sanctity In Rudraksha Jabalopanished, there is a dialogue between Bhusunda Maharishi and Lord Siva. The Maharishi requests Lord Siva to explain the greatness of Rudraksha. Lord Siva says, " I was meditating for 1000 years with my eyes closed. At that time a single tear drop fell from my eye. The same became the Rudraksha tree. Continuing this sermon, Lord Siva proceeds to describe the greatness and sanctity of Rudraksha in the following words :"Devotees who wear Rudraksha get rid of sins committed either in the day or night. When Rudraksha is worn at the time of performing good karma, the merit ( or punya ) accruing out of that good deed gets multiplied by one lakh times. If one touches a Rudraksha at the time of performing an auspicious karma, the merit therefrom gets multiplied by one crore times. Wearing a Rudraksha while doing good karma, enhances the merit by 100 crore times. By holding a Rudraksha garland in hand and chanting a Mahamantra increases the merit by one lakh crore times and wearing by hundred lakh crore times". It is said that merely by reading the Jabalopanishad, one gets merit (or punya) which otherwise can be obtained only by chanting Gayatri Mantra six crore times. The sanctity of this Upanishad arises on account of the fact that it contains an elaborate

The Eye of

Rudra DR E S NEELAKANTAN dissertation on the merit of Rudraksha. While one might get bewildered by the number of times one's merit of good deeds gets multiplied by the simple act of wearing a Rudraksha, the ultimate truth or message of the Upanishad is that Rudraksha is capable of acting as an agent which has the potential to augment the beneficial vibrations emerging out of good karma.

Medicinal Properties The botanical name of Rudraksha is "Eleocarpus Ganitrus". It is a refrigerant (or a herb which keeps the body cool), acts as a tonic for the body especially nerves and has sedative powers. It is used in the treatment of Rheumatism, epilepsy, wheezing and headache. In general it can cure all bilious and phlegmatic disorders.

Wearing Rudraksha Before wearing, a rudraksha should be kept immersed in milk, cow's urine or ganga water An auspicious time for wearing a Rudraksha is on a Thursday when Moon is in Pushya constellation. It is also said in Shiva Purana (chapter 25, verse 47) that all people including women can to wear Rudraksha. (Readers can note that this auspicious day falls in 2010 falls on Thursday, 25th March which happens to be a Dasami). THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Legends Once upon a time there lived a trader by name Sarvangan, who attended to his business using deceitful means. Finally he became a thief and subsequently breathed his last. The attendants of Yama drag him using ropes but are stopped by the demigods attending on Lord Siva. Yama's messengers tell them that the dead person is a great sinner. Siva's attendants say the soul of the dead person should be taken to Sivaloka and crowned with glory merely because of the fact that within striking distance of the spot where the trader passed away, a Rudraksha tree was in existence. Such is the glory and sanctity attached to this sacred tree. It is also said that out of the 38 species of Rudraksha, 12 emerged from Lord Rudra's left eye, 16 from the Right eye and 10 from the Third eye.

Forbidden Varieties A Rudraksha that is afflicted by insects or having fissures or sharp projections should not be worn. It is also pertinent to note that one should never wear a Rudraksha that has been previously used (or worn).


Two Faced: Do mukhi Rudraksha pleases Lord Ardhanariswara or the powers of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati as a single entity. Three faced Rudraksha pleases Lord Agni and one gets the full blessings of the lord. The three faces represent, Garhapadyam, Dakshinagni and Ahavaniyam. Four faced Rudraksha pleases Lord Brahma.

Twelve faced Rudraksha denotes Lord Mahavishnu and it is said that the twelve Adityas reside in the twelve faces of the bead.

Five faced or Pancha Mukhi Rudraksha denotes Lord Siva. It is the most abundantly available of all Rudrakshas.

Thirteen faced Rudraksha is very rare and is said to please the God of Love (Kama Deva) and fulfils the desires of the wearer.

The Six faced Rudraksha represents Lord Skanda and confers wealth, health and. Makes the mind steady.

Fourteen faced Rudraksha bestows health and removes all diseases.

Seven faced Rudraksha also has similar properties as the six faced. Eight faced Rudraksha pleases Goddess Ganga Devi. Nine faced Rudraksha pleases the nine deities or " Navasaktis". Ten faced Rudraksha represents Lord Yama and effectively controls the malefic effects of the nine planets in their Dasa and bhuktis.

Information Sources Much information on Rudraksha is found in works like Devi Bhagavatham Siva Purana, Padma Purana, Akshara Malika Upanishad, Rudraksha Jabala Upanishad, Mantra Maharnavam and similar works.

Benefits Based on the number of faces a Rudrakshna has, a particular property is attributed. One faced Rudraksha: One conquers the senses and becomes one with the supreme Brahman. This rare Rudraksha is expensive and comes in two shapes - round and crescent. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Eleven faced Rudraksha is very rare and is believed to have the eleven Rudras reside in it. The merits of donating one thousand cows or performing one thousand horse sacrifices accrues to one who wears this Rudraksha. It promotes all forms of good fortune.

Gauri Shankara Rudraksha This is a special type of two naturally coupled beads. It is believed that this Rudraksha ensures peace and comfort to the entire family. Astrological Suitability Astrologers advising their clients to wear Rudrakshas can ascertain the position of natal moon and suggest wearing Rudhraksha suited to their birth star as below.


No of faces

Ashwini, Makaha, Moola

9 faces

Bharani, Pooram, Pooradam

6 faces

Kritika, Uttara, Uttarashada, Gauri Shankar

1,12 or

Rohini, Hasta, Sravana

2 faces

Mrigasira, Chitta, Dhanishta

3 faces

Aridra, Swati, Satabisha

8 faces

Punarvasu, Visaka, Poorvabhadrapada

5 faces

Pushya, Anuradha, Uttarabhadrapada

7 faces

Aslesha, Jyeshta, Revati

4 faces (continued on 51) 47



Kathleen M Whalen is an American Council of Vedic Astrology certified Vedic astrologer and has a Bachelors in Biochemistry and a Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental medicine from Bastyr University. She is a Vedic astrologer and advises clients on how to create a successful and harmonious living.


ANKHYA IS A DIFFICULT term and concept to translate. In a direct sense it refers to a science and the method of counting. Sankhya is a 'philosophy' referred to in the Bhagavad Gita composed by Maharishi Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, and refers to the practice of inquiry to reach ultimate truth and is a more modern concept. The Indian science of Vaastu and Vastu is based on the concept that the Universe expresses Itself as a perfectly balanced mathematical formula and the Vasthu Shilpa shastras describe this in the creation of living buildings based on the principles of harmony and proportion. All existence emerges from Time and Space, from Sound and light.

Vastu Purusha Mandala Notice that the Vastu Purusha Mandala is a 9 x 9 'magic' or cosmic Vedic square which relates to the harmonious living of humans within the cosmos. This is not to say that indian numerology derives as a science straight from this upaveda as part of the Sthapatva Veda, but the harmony of all human existence on planet Earth as an expression of planetary rays is clearly described in the Vaasthu Shastras and the Vedas as a source of Jyotisha. The nature of human consciousness is described through Vedic astrology. Modern indian numerology is an extension of these Vedic principles. Indian numerology is a mystical tool that can help the Vedic astrologer give resonant advice when the exact birth time is unknown or guide a name change as a form of upaya. Indian numerology has emerged from vedic astrology and the sacred geometry of the vedic square that describes our harmonious world. Indian numerology is a simplified system of the vibrational planetary influences describing individual behavior and perception. As a knowledge form, indian numerology is easy to learn, can deepen and guide Self inquiry and personal sadhana, and is meant for everyone to study.



Sankhya Sastra The Science of Numbers KATHLEEN M WHALEN Indian numerology for the Vedic astrologer, on the other hand is a powerful tool that can distill the themes of sukha and dukha in an individual's life, and direct the jyotishi to a resonant upaya. This system, much like Hasta, Swara Yoga and the use of nimitta can direct the Vedic astrologer's intuition, corroborate what is in the Janma chart and assist giving clear, resonant advice. I have researched that often the same upaya recommendation emerges from a detailed study of a chart as from the study of psychic and destiny numbers of an individual. This is not a complete science, but can be used with Jyotisha and Hasta in order to direct focus and intuition for the Vedic astrologer. In the West, many have not had the guidance of a Vedic astrologer to help name children, so we see that changing a name in adult life and thus name number, can be a remedy for some, bringing resonance to a client's life purpose. Indian numerology uses the birth date to access 3 levels of vibrational information about an individual. Everyone has 3 numbers - Psychic, Destiny (Life path) and Name. When all three numbers are in harmony, life flows more easily and there is connection between self view and life purpose. When these numbers are not in harmony, this can add to the experience of obstacles and difficulties in life. The same theme in numerology often emerges in a person's birth chart. We will be discussing name numerology since this is a domain where we can help, but a short explanation of the basics is needed to proceed. The first two numbers are associated with fixed karmas, since they rely on one's birth date. The third number, the name and name number is chosen at birth or can be changed later to create more harmony in an individual's life.

Psychic Number The number comes from the date of the birth day. This is connected with how an individual views and thinks about THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


the Destiny number 7 or Ketu. (5 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 3 + 4 = 25 = 7) 7 is the dominant number here and the 2 is significant.

the self and is often an apt description of the 4th bhava. The psychic number influences the mental patterns of the entire life, but describes the quality of karmic influence on life events up to ages 35 - 42.

The destiny number matures in the second half of life and reflects in the quality of karmic experience after age 42, after Rahu has matured.

The psychic number is derived by making a simple whole number from the date in the birth month; someone born on the 12th day of a month is a 3. The date changes one hour before dawn with Indian numerology, or one to one and a half hours before actual sun rise. So someone born in pre-dawn will have the psychic number and personality traits of the previous day's number.

Compatibility between the psychic number and destiny number creates balance, and is based on the basic concepts of Vedic astrology planetary camps. Venus in numerology is a universal friend and works with both planetary camps.

A 7 destiny number may not be recognized in this lifetime for their works, and brings out the artisan qualities, purpose as a life teacher and cultivates the spiritual path through Venus Saturn Ketu Mars profession with the Ketu influence.

There are 9 whole numbers associated with the 9 planetary vibrations. Planet













Every number has inherent qualities that contribute to the world; every number guides us on our path. The classic malefics Sun, Mars, Saturn and the nodes may bring difficulties in their unique way, but the complexity of karmas is the same as the study of vedic astrology. Some one born on the 5th of a month will be a 5 psychic number or ruled by Mercury. One born on the 24th of a month will be a 6 psychic number, associated with Venus. Number 6 psychic people can be some of the most fortunate in life, but relationships are one arena where there is often suffering. Combination psychic numbers are those born after the first 9 days in any given month, and exhibit the qualities of both numbers, as well as the whole psychic number it becomes. One born on the 12th is a 3 psychic number, and will experience first the tendencies of a generous and often over extended, hard working Jupiter, but is in the 1 or Sun camp and shines a little brighter with leadership skills than someone born on the 3rd of the month. Those born on the teen dates of any month will experience the quality of 1 in their personality, while those born in the 20's of any month will additionally have the reflective and nurturing quality of the Moon.

Destiny Number This number lights up career, life purpose and how the world responds to an individual. The Destiny Number comes from creating a single, whole number by adding every number in the full Birth date. For example, the birth date May 12, 1934 combines to THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE




As for upayas, a 4 psychic or destiny number can always benefit from a Ganesha mantra practice.

Name Number Birth names traditionally begin with the Sanskrit sound of the pada of the Natal Moon or lunar rashi. Later in life, there can be new names; professional names, married names, names of businesses, names of abodes, and names given by one's guru. Each of the ashrams in a person's janma chart or consciousness, dharma, artha, kama or moksha can be illuminated according to the sound that is associated with the newly named person or place. Thus, the key below is connected with the Sanskrit sounds and the vibration that occurs when the name is spoken. Creating the name number to be the same as the psychic number can help the person be more accepted, social, and allow their inherent qualities to flow. Creating the name number the same as the destiny number creates pioneers; they will reform in their arena of influence, as artists, social scientists, writers, scholars, or mystics. Their name continues to be known connected with their unique approaches and philosophies. In general, compatibility between or the same destiny and name number can smooth and harmonize the karmic effects of the destiny number, and decrease the mental suffering that a non-compatible psychic number can bring. The wrong name number can impede someone finding or expressing their life purpose. So the name number can have a great impact on someone's life. Note: 7 as a name number is compatible with any psychic or destiny number, except number 1 or 5. 49



It can bring difficulty to have the psychic, destiny and name number all be the same number. This is akin to a sannyasa yoga; too much energy within one domain to manifest in the world.

Vedic Letter Key* For example, It is said that a destiny 2 with a name number 2 can bring fame. A client with a 6 psychic and 2 destiny number was a single woman desiring AI J QY B C K R 1














The Eye of Rudra (continued from 48)

This table is merely recommendatory and not mandatory. Health problems, for instance, can be minimized by wearing a fourteen faced Rudraksha that does not find a place in this table. To conclude, wearing an appropriate Rudraksha can contribute to the following benefits.

to make her mark on the world through her good works in relationship counseling. The name number was an 8 and by changing her professional name to a 2, she began to teach nationally.


Helps in meditation and is beneficial to both mind and body.

House Numbers


If the house number of the residence that one would like to rent or buy is not compatible with one's destiny number, it is not recommended to move into it.

Improves the benefits of good karma .


Rudrakshas like Gauri shankar foster domestic harmony.


The ten faced Rudraksha is an effective remedy for people afflicted by planetary evils.

The Chaldean or ancient Babylonian system of numerology is similar to the ancient Indian in that both systems view 9 as a Sacred and complete number, so no letter or sound is applied to the number 9. There are 3 letters that are different from the Indian letter key and the Chaldean, namely B, C and H.


The thirteen faced Rudraksha fulfills the desires and aspirations of its wearer and is a boon to people facing disappointments in life.

The Vedic or Magic Square describes the harmony of the planets as harmonious shapes. These are created by connecting the center point of each number within the Vedic square. The shapes can be used to study the relationships between the psychic, destiny and name numbers. These shapes are also used C in sacred painting to bring out a harmonious theme 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 with the image of 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9 devotion.

Since all human beings are under the sway of karma, it is said that the appropriate Rudraksha will reach a person at the appropriate time. Good deeds performed continuously optimize the benefits of the Rudrakshas. It is also said that one earns one lakh of merit by seeing a Rudraksha, a crorefold of merit by touching it and ten crore merit by wearing it on the body. Rudraksha can also be a preferred gift since texts mention that Punya (religious merit) accrues by gift of Rudraksha.

Likewise the name of a business or home can balance destiny or psychic numbers of those living and working within. So, one could use name numerology or the sound of the 10th or 4th house lord accordingly.
































































*Harish Johari 50


This article is not to exhaust the topic of the qualities of psychic and destiny numbers and their unique combinations. This scribe recommends Harish Johari's book Numerology, with Tantra, Ayurveda and Astrology. May Indian Numerology give you another key to decrease suffering in the world.

Reserve your copy of the February 2010 issue of The Astrological eMagazine.


Esoteric Astrology S.N.TEKUR


Mr. Shirdi Nath Tekur’s interest in Vedic Astrology began with a study of Dr. B. V. Raman’s books in the eighties. With a Jyotish Visharada from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences. then chaired by Dr. T. S. Vasan, Mr. Tekur joined the Bangalore Chapter of ICAS as a faculty He has conducted classes and career gudiance camps and organized lectures. He has conducted an all day workshop on Shadbala Applications under the auspices of Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation and has contributed articles to The Astrological eMagazine. Mr. Tekur has delivered talks at various seminars and conferences and has been awarded many titles, recognizing his services for the cause of Astrology. Mr. Tekur served HAL, Bangalore as an aeronautical engineer with specialisation of design of avionics and electrical systems. He is now a consultant for Tata Consultancy Services, Bangalore.

Vedic astrology is founded upon the theory of karma The soul is indestructible and undergoes various experiences through incarnating in different bodies over innumerable lifetimes. Incarnating in a human body is itself a special condition and is a good opportunity to gain significant experiences in the path of spiritual evolution. The astrological natal chart is a 'freeze shot' of the position of planets in the heavens at the time of birth. An experienced astrologer can interpret the symbolic representation of the location of planets in the chart through the assigned meanings for the planets, signs, stellar constellations, their mutual relationships and their strengths to obtain the following:

y y

Main purpose of the current birth


Resources available to enable going through the experiences in terms of personal traits and characteristics as well as physical and material resources.

y y



This is based on previous background and scheduled current learning experiences.

Major experiences to be undergone during this lifetime

The type of spiritual practises that can provide greater benefits.

Association of an individual with either by learning the subject himself through enrolling for a course or by personal instruction through a Guru or even seeking astrological guidance invariably leads towards opening the gates for getting on the fast track towards 'spiritual advancement'. Astrology provides insights into Adrishta which means the 'Unseen'. Astrology is not only the original and foremost of the outer sciences; it is also the most important of the inner or spiritual sciences. In today's world, 'spirituality', 'becoming more spiritual' or 'spiritual enlightenment' are much misunderstood THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

topics. Spirituality is strongly linked with religion, and a person exhibiting caste marks on the forehead combined with a fancy dress and the appropriate accessories (ochre robes and varieties of beads around the neck) are considered 'spiritual'. Also being'highly religious' (obsessive preoccupation with religious rites, pujas homas, long periods of intense prayer, going to extremes in observing fasts etc. automatically signifies spiritual advancement. While different modes of keeping in touch with our higher selves include various practises including pujas, homas and meditation, automatic elevation to a higher state is not guaranteed. Spirituality is simply being aware and convinced through our own deep feeling and experience that we are essentially souls having a 'human experience and the physical body is only a vehicle through which we can interact with the physical environment and other souls. We are both material and spiritual beings. The spirit soul, or the living being, is the root of all the activities of the material body But because of illusion the spirit soul remains covered by the gross and subtle bodies. Thus covered, the conditioned soul identifies with the material body and becomes subject to the sense of false ego. This false ego obliges a living being to consider his material body to be his real self and his offspring as his children meant to further his own ambitions and complete his unfinished tasks. As Kahlil Gibran says " Your children are not your own" They are independent souls with their own agenda and tasks. Your duty is to only nurture them till they are able to take off on their own and not impose your will. The meaning of spirituality, according to a research conducted by Martsolf and Mickley, is related to perceiving the meaning of life, values that are to be addressed, appreciating the transcendent nature of life, connecting 51



the soul with the Omnipotent/nature and the state of becoming a better human being. Spirituality is firmly rooted in Indian culture and heritage and has significant connotations in a number of religious practices. The soul comes in to undergo varied experiences as games. Some souls wish to be warriors - aggressors - create drama and fear. They love the drama (Yang). Some souls play the peacemakers - the healers, teachers, helpers, caretakers and custodians of the planet - when other souls lose their way (Yin). We are frequently troubled by the fact that there is so much negativity, injustice and sorrow in this world. Probably it is intended that way to enable the soul to gain various experiences. The name of the game is to find balance for your soul - to balance the male/female - yin/yang energies while still playing. Yet to play the game - the souls and the planet must remain out of balance - or the game will cease to exist. Also, it is not possible to gauge the level of spiritual advancement of a person either through his station in life, profession, habits , behavior or external means -this has been amplified through various anecdotes in classical literature. Gaining spiritual enlightenment has caught the imagination of today's youth spurred on by disillusionment with early material succeses and consequent disillusionment. This is leading to the commercialization of the 'spiritual space' with ready methods of attaining nirvana with the right accessories and tools for experience. Unfortunately, spirituality cannot be bought like any other commodity and it is only through an elaborate inner growth and understanding together with divine grace that any insights are possible.

Conventional Astrology Conventional astrological analysis addresses the problems on the material plane - Health, Career, Marriage, Children, House, Finances Vehicles, Relationships etc. Esoteric astrology or soul centered astrology exclusively deals with the spiritual status, means for spiritual development and the inner life of the individual. There is considerable interest developing with this area to enable answers to be provided for questions such as:


What is my current state of spiritual evolution?


What spiritual practises are appropriate for me in this lifetime?


What are the learning experiences which can lead to progress in my inner life?



When everything is progressing satisfactorily in the material aspects of life the benefic planets are conferring their gifts by virtue of good placements and good periods. However the malefics create obstructions and difficulties as soon as their periods commence leading to severe frustrations and losses. These lessons make us 'sit up and think' and hopefully lead us to focus within and resume our inner journey. Thus the so-called malefics of conventional astrology could be considered as the benefics for inner development.

Esoteric Astrology Esoteric astrology is concerned with answering questions related to the journey of the soul. Alice Bailey, a well known exponent has this to say: "Esoteric Astrology is inextricably entwined with the study of the Seven Rays - those seven streams of energy that emanate from cosmic sources and enter our solar system. The zodiacal signs are another "occult" factor, i.e. they are "unseen", yet act as a channel through which the energies of the zodiacal constellations focus. The zodiac could be considered as a "subtle" body of the Earth, the "astral" body. (Astral meaning "starry substance") So there are all these intangible, unseen energies that we are studying with our developing "intangible" senses. Of course we know from "exoteric science" that the Sun and Moon both have physical, emotional and mental effects; these are well documented in our earthly tides and full moon cycles, and all growth that occurs in nature. Esoteric Astrology therefore, develops the fusion of knowledge and intuition; the integration of mind and heart. It is really the astrology of the soul, of the causal factors behind incarnate being. "Exoteric" astrology is the "personality expression" of Esoteric Astrology. It can be Horary, Mundane, Personality, Humanistic and Psychological. These astrologies have undergone an intense re-development this century and achieved a high level of personality and "spiritual" interpretation." In conclusion, astrological interpretation needs to focus more on the requirements of the soul and suggest suitable actions rather than concentrating on purely material issues which can only provide temporary relief without really satisfying the urges of the soul. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


Mr. V. S. Kalyanraman, with distinction in Mathematics (Hons) from the University of Madras, was a regular contributor to The Astrological Magazine. He retired as a Senior Class I Officer under the Government of India, finally heading a training centre. He turned to serious study of Saivasiddhanta, philosophy, psychology, Vedic mathematics, Bharatiya ganita sastra and Jyotisha (astronomy) and Hindu astrological systems, including Vastu, Vedic numerology and allied disciplines. Worked with Prof. Koru for a critical edition of Lilavathi and Karanapaddati in Malayalam. Mr. Kalyanraman is engaged in propagating Bharatiya Samskriti with emphasis on Vedic mathematics and astronomy for children. He is also the Bangalore coordinator of the Trivandrum based Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage.


ecently when the print media carried a note (news) on the forthcoming `Blue Moon', some horrormongers started working overtime to float some sensational and false prophesies about an imaginary and impending 'Doomsday'. The present effort of this scribe is to dispel such fears and explain what exactly the 'Blue Moon' is. We say generally "it happens only once in a Blue Moon" to describe an uncommon occurrence. This term "Blue Moon" is however not a very old expression. It has been in popular usage for over 100 years. It has to be noted that most of the encyclopedias or dictionaries do not have an entry for it. At the outset let me make it clear that the term 'Blue Moon' does not have anything to do with the color of the Moon. We know that tiny particles of dust or smoke have a strange effect on the moonlight or sunlight passing through them. When volcanic ash fills the sky, the Sun may look green and the Moon blue in color. This happened in 1883 in Indonesia when the Karakota volcano erupted. The Moon looked blue on the 26th September 1950 when the dust raised by vast forest fires of Canada filled the sky. Interestingly, the Guinness Book records the sight of green moons in Sweden in 1884 at Kalamar on February 14 and at Stockholm on January 17, for three minutes each.

What is a ‘Blue Moon’? Then what exactly is a 'Blue Moon'? It is simply the second full moon that occurs within a given calendar month. According to an ancient tradition the fourth full Moon, in a season, is called a Blue Moon. There are four seasons in a year and each one will have three months. These three months will usually have three full moons. Each of these 12 full moons, of a year, has separate names in folklore, like "Harvest Moon", "Hunter's Moon" etc. Occasionally, a particular season may get four full moons. The extra full moon is called a "Blue Moon ", as there was no particular name for this occasional full moon THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Once in a Blue Moon V. S. KALYANRAMAN

attributed. "Harvest Moon" is the full moon of harvest time. This occurs just before the autumnal equinox on about September 23. The continuance of the moonlight after sunset was useful to farmers in northern latitudes. The name stuck because they were harvesting their crops then. The full moon following the 'Harvest Moon', which exhibits the same phenomena in a lesser degree, is called the 'Hunter's Moon'. It takes the Moon about on an average of 29 days, 12 hours, 44.05 minutes, to go round the Earth, once in its orbit. Occasionally therefore, two full moons can occur within a same calendar month. If a full moon occurs on the 1st or 2nd day of any calendar month, there will be is a good chance for a second full moon by the end of that month. This second moon was called the 'Blue Moon'. In January 1999, the Moon was full on the 2nd and the 31st, and so the second full moon on the 31st was called a 'Blue Moon.' On average, this takes place once in every two and a half years. However, in 1999 another Blue Moon appeared in March, 1999 also, with two full moons the 2nd and the 31st. Likewise there were 'Blue Moons' in November 2001, July 2004 and thereafter in 2007 June also. On average, in a century, there will be 41 months, in which we can have two Full Moons. Therefore, 'once in a blue moon' can only mean 'roughly once in every two-and-a-half years'. This is not any rare occurrence either to justify its import or to give it any undue publicity. However, to see two 'Blue Moons' in one year we may have to wait until 2018. Then we have to change the idiom as "Once in a Double Blue Moon". Blue Moons are likely to occur in some particular months than others. The calendar months having 31 days are more likely to get two Full Moons. In fact the month of February can never see two full moons, because it length is shorter than the length of a lunar month. This will be so even in a leap year when February gets 29 days. At times, the month of February can be devoid of even one full moon. However, this does not happen often. Whenever February gets no full moon, those years can




be seen to coincide exactly with those years in which there are double Blue Moons, most commonly with January-March doubles. Otherwise they can be with January-April; January-May or even December- March doubles. If March is to have a second Blue Moon there can be no full moon in February. This can happen especially in non-leap years. However, it is possible to have a double Blue Moon in a leap year also. Sometimes December of one year and the following month of March of the next year can have Blue Moons. Actually this happened, in December 1933 and March 1934. We reckon the beginning the year on January 1st just as a convention. So, taking technically, even the December- March pairs of double Blue Moons cannot be excluded, from such double Blue Moon occurrences. It must be noted that whenever a December- March Blue Moon pair occurs, February will have no full moon. The same will be the case with January - March; January - April or January May pairs.

Multiple Blue Moons There can be two Blue Moons in one year for about four times in a century. This will be the frequency also, for February, to have no full moons. The Blue Moons have some patterns as well. The first Blue Moon always occurs in January. The second occurs predominantly in March. It has been calculated that in 10,000 years starting with 1600, out of 400, 343 second Blue Moons appear in March, 37 in April and the remaining 20 in May. One may ask why then two New Moons in one month are not talked much about? If the second full moon in one month has a special name, what about the second New Moon? There is some belief that any black magic done during the second New Moon in a month called the Black Moon can have special power. Of course, the chances of two New Moons falling within one calendar month are just the same as for the two full moons. Perhaps as the New Moons are invisible, most of people may not take the trouble of noticing them, whenever occasions arise when a month has two of them. It will be pertinent to note that the Hindu Calendar has reckoned these events, even thousands of years ago. It must be noted that the Full Moon and New Moon are natural phenomena. The Gregorian civil calendar is artificial and arbitrary and has been structured for convenience. There is nothing scientific or even significant when one tries to identify a second full moon in the month of such an artificial civil calendar. Our 54


ancients formulated the scientific Hindu Calendar, based on natural movements of the luminaries. They called the year as varsha, meaning `shower of rains'. This period of time is when the annual seasons complete their course. The night on which the Masa or month becomes Poorna or complete is called Pournamasi or Pournima. Both these modes of reckoning the lunar months as Amaanta or those ending with Amavasya or New Moon and Pournimaanta which end with Pournima are seen reckoned since the Vedic times. Though both these systems are still followed in India, the Amaanta is followed for fixing Adhika and Kshaya months. Our ancients called the moment of entry of the Sun to a zodiacal sign as Samkranti. The period of time between two Samkrantis is a Soura or solar month. In the lunisolar calendar scheme, a lunar month with no Samkranti of the Sun occurring in it is termed as Adhika. The one with two Samkrantis is known as a suppressed month or Kshaya or Amhaspathi. The former will be encompassing a Soura month with two New Moons in it. In religious practices this Adhikamaasa is deemed as unfit for the conduct of any religious or auspicious functions.

Does the Blue Moon Herald Havoc? Our Editor wanted to know whether the occurrence of this Blue Moon can herald havocs in India or elsewhere in the world during the ensuing months, as a word of incredible prophesy is doing its rounds. Such prophesies are not only baseless but are absurd as well. There are other natural celestial signals that indicate some of such hazards, one of which is the rare Annular Solar Eclipse occurring on January 15, 2010 apart from the unusual prolonged stay of Mars in Cancer till May 2010. Interested readers can take a look for the probable results, elsewhere in this issue. It has to be noted that the Hindu calendar is natural, purposeful and scientific. It has no sensational or conjectured phenomena like the artificial ascriptions of Blue Moons. Those who consider anything Indian as unscientific, be it mathematics, astronomy or even the positive scientific contributions of our ancients, are free to hype and holler the occurrences of such "Blue Moons". Till time the average Indian tries to understand his heritage, the freedom gained at midnight will never see the dawn.




Mr. V.R.Soundar Rajan, with a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, has served Anna University, Chennai for over thirty years. He has been rendering astrological counseling for two and half decades. Mr. Soundar Rajan’s training has been under Pandit Asuri Venkatachary.

Hysterectomy – An Astro V iew – View V. R. SOUNDAR RAJAN

Hysterectomy means the removal of the uterus (womb). Up to one in five women undergo a hysterectomy during their lifetime and is a relatively common surgery. A hysterectomy is nearly always necessary if a cervical cancer or a uterine cancer or an ovarian cancer is diagnosed. Most hysterectomies are performed in women who do not have cancer but where bleeding or pain from the uterus causes them much discomfort. In such cases, a hysterectomy is appropriate only for a woman who does not wish to have children in the future. We shall look into several cases of Hysterectomy and the indicative planetary combinations. Venus Mercury

Chart 1 30.6.1955 9.00 am Chennai RASI

Mars Ketu Sun

Ascendant Moon

Rahu Saturn

Saturn Moon

Ascendant Jupiter


Ketu Jupiter

Saturn (R) Moon


Rahu Ketu



Venus Mercury


Ascendant Venus Mercury



In Rasi Venus, Badhaka lord is in the Badhaka position, In Navamsa Venus is debilitated and this indictes a problem in the uterus. In Trimsamsa Ascendant has Mars trimsamsa, Ascendant lord and 12th lord exchange their houses and shadow planets Rahu and Ketu are in 6th. Ascendant caught between papagrahas in 2nd and 12th house caused Papakartari yoga. Ketu Moon

Chart 2 27.9.1958 11.46 am Tirupati RASI


Saturn Mars




Ascendant Sun






Mercury Rahu Sun


Moon Mercury




Rahu Ketu Saturn


Mars Sun

In Chart 2., Mars aspects Scorpio, which is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac, considered a "feminine" and introverted sign and also signifies the reproductive organs. Venus has Jupiter Navamsa and Jupiter (its dispositor) THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE




gets debilitated. In Trimsamsa Ascendant gets Mars' house and is aspected by Mars and Venus. Rahu/Ketu are with Saturn in Scorpio. All these indicate the cause for Hysterectomy,

Jupiter (R)


Ascendant Moon


Chart 3 8.12.1964 10.55 am Chennai RASI

Ketu Sun

Ketu Moon


Venus Jupiter Mars







Saturn Jupiter



Ascendant Rahu


Ascendant Rahu Ketu


In the Chart 3, Mars aspects Scorpio and 8th lord Sun who is with Ketu. Exchange of Sun and Mars gives some clue. In Navamsa Saturn and Jupiter are in Scorpio. Ascendant in Trimsamsa gets in the amsa of Mars' house, Scorpio. Rahu/Ketu in Ascendant aggravated the energies that lead to Hysterectomy.



Chart 4 22.9.1959 11.29 pm Kanchipuram RASI




Rahu Moon

Saturn Mars




Saturn Venus




Mars Mercury Sun Rahu



Moon Rahu Ketu Sun Mercury

Ascendant Ketu

In Chart 4, 7th lord, Jupiter is in Scorpio and its dispositor Mars is with Rahu and Sun. Venus is in the constellation of Ketu while Jupiter is in the constellation of 8th lord, Saturn. Saturn is in the constellation of Ketu. 6th lord Mars is aspected by the 8th lord, Saturn. These malefic configurations encircle around Scorpio. In Navamsa Venus gets Papakarthari yoga out of Rahu. Saturn, Mars in 2/12 positions. In Trimsamsa Venus is in the Badhaka house from the Ascendant along with Badhakadipathi, Saturn. All these lead to Hysterectomy.





Ascendant Moon Ketu


Chart 5 1.1.1939 12.58 pm Chennai RASI

Venus Mercury


Rahu Mars





Rahu Ketu Mars





Saturn Jupiter





Moon Sun


In the Chart 5, 6th and 7th lords, Mercury and Venus are in the 8th house of Scorpio and both the planets get Papakartari yoga by Sun in 9th and Rahu and Mars in 7th. Mars and Venus exchange their houses. In Trimsamsa, Ascendant is in Mars' house while Mars is with Rahu/ Ketu. Venus is aspected by Badhakadipathi, Saturn(3rd

Natya Sastra The Art of Dance MS. RASHMI SACHIDANANDA


Ms. Rashmi Sachidananda is a Bharatanatyam dancer and teacher of repute based in Geneva, Switzerland and is a Disciple of Guru Smt.Sudha Nagaraj (Director, Aradhana Institute of Bharatnatyam Bangalore) and Guru.Smt.Suparna Venkatesh (Choreographer, Sai Arts International Bangalore ). She performed her Rangapravesham (Nupura Namana) on 1st March 2001 and is currently the assistant dance teacher in Omkara Institute of Bharathanatyam, Geneva, Switzerland. Ms. Rashmi has given performances, individual and group, in India and abroad. She has given exclusive dance recital at Datta Peetham, Mysore of the bhajans of Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji. She has also performed at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai apart from being an artist of the Karnataka Doordarshan Channel.

One of the most popular classical dance forms of India is Bharathanatyam. Also known as Naatyaveda the origin is traced to the Vedas - literature from Rig Veda, abhinaya from Yajur Veda, musical notes from Sama Veda and Rasas from Atharvana Veda. Brahma created a Fifth Veda that was practised by Bharatha. Bharatha was taught Thandava, the powerful and masculine dance by Thandu, disciple of Lord Shiva . The feminine counterpart of Thandava is Lasya and was taught by Goddesses Parvathi to Usha, daughter of Baanaasura. Thus Natyaveda originated. Bharathanatyam is the combination of Bhava (expression), Raga (melody) and Tala (rhythm). In ancient days it was performed by Devadasis. In 19th century the Thanjavoor brothers Chinnaiah, Ponniah, Shivananda and Vadivelu modelled the present method of Bharathanatyam.There are six styles namely Mysore, Madras, Thanjoor, Pandanallur, Vazhavoor and Kalakshetra. Mysore Style is well known in Karnataka. This dance has three components Nrutta, Nruthya and Natya. Nrutta (Adavus) is the graceful combination of limb movements and hand gestures with rhythm and tempo while Nruthya is the combination of Nrutta and Abhinaya (expression) and Natya is the dance drama. The traditional way of starting the practise or performance by the artiste is to offer salutation


(namaskara) to god, guru and the rasikas (art lovers) and seek pardon from mother earth for dancing on her. The salutation is offered with a prayer as follows: Angikam Bhuvanam Yasya Vachikam Sarva Vaangmayam | Aaharyam Chandra Taradi Tam Vande Satvikam Shivam || meaning The movement of whose body (Angikam) is the world, Whose speech (Vachikam) is the sum of all languages, Whose jewels (Aaharyam) are the Moon and the stars, To that pure (Satvika) Shiva I bow my head. After the salutation, the artiste performs ten kinds of Adavus (Limb Movements ) called Dashavida Adavus in three tempos and five jaathis namely Thishra (three beats), Chaturashra (four beats), Khanda (five beats), Mishra (seven beats) and Sankeerna (nine beats). Different types of hastas (hand gestures) namely Samyutha, Asamyutha, Nritta and Devatha hastas and different types of movements of head, neck and eye follow. The first purely nritta piece called Alarippu which means 'blooming of the body and mind' is the movement that symbolises salutation to god, guru, stage and elders .This is done in three tempos and is not expressive but figurative. Then follows by Jathiswaram the second dance item where Jathis are designed according to swaras.

Abhinaya Abhinaya is the life breath of dance and is the 'art of expression' that leads the audience towards Rasa or sentiment. Abhinaya is divided into four parts - Angika, Vaachika, Aaharya and Satvika. Angika relates to the movement of body, Vaachika to expression carried through speech, dialogue and songs , Aaharya to use of 57



external gear such as costume, jewellery, makeup and light settings and Satvika Abhinaya is the expression through mental feelings, emotion communicated through eyes. Navarasa is the main ingredient of Sathvika Abhinaya.

sequence is called Maargam. Audiences' involvement and response is vital for the Arangetram performance to be successful. Abhinaya Darpana by Nandikeshwara explains the importance of an audience in the success of a sabha or performance. It says: Vidvamasha Kavaiyo Bhatta Gaayakaaha Parihaasaaha | Ithehaasa Puraanajna Sabha Sapthaanga Lakshanam || A dance recital consists of seven main divisions known as Sapthaanga. It is compared to Kalpavriksha with the branches being the Vedas, flowers Shasthras and butterflies, the scholars. A recital can be successful if the audience consists of those who value traditions and culture.

Treatises A few well known and respected treatises are listed below.

Navarasa is the depiction of nine emotions, moods or sentiments - Shringara (love), Haasya (laughter), Karuna (compassion), Roudra (anger), Veera (valour), Bhayaanaka (fear), Beebhathsya (disgust), Adbhutha (wonder/surprise) and Shaantha (calm). Padams, Javali and Ashtapadhi are purely Abhinaya items. This apart there are above three dance items known as Varnam, Shabdam, Keerthana and Devarnama with Abhinaya and Nritta . These are called Nritya. Music is an integral part of any classical dance. Carnatic classical music is played as an accompaniment in the background for a Bharathanatyam performance. Musical instruments like Mridangam, Flute, Violin, Veena, and Morsing are used in the ensemble. Nattuvannar is the guru who conducts the recital by playing metal cymbals and also co-ordinates between dancer and musicians is seated besides voicing songs. After several years of rigorous practice under the guidance of guru , a dancer gives first on-stage performance. Known as Arangetram or Rangapravesham, the dancer performs sequence of items beginning with an invocatory number Pushpanjali followed by Ganesh stuti , Allaripu, Jathiswaram, Varnam, Shabdam, Keethana , Padam, Javali Devarnama and ends with Thillana. This 58


Natyashastra is an encylopedia of Fine Arts authored by Bharatha Muni between second and sixth century and contains 36 chapters with 6000 stanzas. Abhinaya Darpana authored by Nandikeshwara dates back to the third century and is exhaustive on Aangikaabhinaya or body movements. Laasyaranajan by King Simhabhupala, Dasharoopaka by K.V.Subbanna, Sangeetha Rathnaakara by Saarangadeva are books worth referring. Kannada enthusiasists can benefit immensely by referring to books such as Aadhunika Bharathadalli, Nrithya Kale, Bharathnatyam Nighantu and Nruthya Kale and Bharathanatyam Digdarshana. Bharata Natyam skillfully embodies the three primary ingredients of dancing. They are bhava or mood, raga or music and melody and tala or timing. The technique of Bharata Natyam consists of 64 principles of coordinated hand, foot, face and body movements, which are performed to the accompaniment of dance syllables. A successful dancer has to develop stamina and body flexibility and this is possible by the practice of Yogic exercises and Pranayama. To conclude dance or performing art is as limitless as the sky. True proponents and masters have always said that it is a continuous learning journey and an eternal quest for knowledge. I will feel elated if my readers feel that they have been given a useful and meaningful insight into this ancient and wonderful art form of India. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


Does Jupiter’s Transit in


Affect You? GARGACHARYA [Jupiter enters Kumbha rasi (Aquarius) on 19.12.2009. He leaves Kumbha rasi on 2.5.2010. He is combust from 15.2.2010 to 15.3.2010. The motion is direct throughout. Jupiter is in 3rd and 4th quarters of Dhanishta till 21.1.2010. Then he enters Satabhisha and stays there till 18.3.2010. Then he enters Purvabhadrapada and stays in the first two quarters till 2.5.2010. In general the tansit is beneficial for this rasis Mesha (Aries), Mithuna (Gemini), Simha (Leo), tula (Libra), Makara (Caprilorn) and not favourable for others. The results consider Vedha and the important planets]

MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani and Krittika 1 In general, this is a very good period. Health will be restored for those suffering from illness. People aspiring for position will get it. Long-cherished desires will be fulfilled. Long voyages and consequent gains are likely. This is a good time for marriage, child birth, and reconciliation of estranged couple. Religious people will undertake pilgrimage, visit shrines and enjoy themselves to their heart's content. Politicians, remaining sidelined with emerge with new vigour and project themselves with charisma. Some of them will get positions in the party or the Government. Lawyers and those in managerial position will win cases in general, but for some set backs, particularly those relating to property disputes, and technology. Teachers in general will do well in their profession and ardent researchers will get fame. Those in the field of publication also will be successful Sportsmen will emerge victoriously, but may sustain injuries and face temporary indisposition. Finance will be good depending on the individual. Investment will yield good returns though speculation and gambling may prove unsuccessful in March. Particularly, this is a good time for enjoyment, but excessive indulgence may result THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

in food poisoning, indigestion and the like. Philanthropists are likely to be rewarded. Those connected with international organizations are likely to be benefited. For anybody groaning under agony, penury and plight this period will offer relief. The period can be considered very good, in general assessment. The early period will be good for Bharani and mediocre for A'svini and Krittika. The middle period will be better for A'svini and Krittika than Bharani. The last period will be better for Bharani than others. Students: Brilliant students will win accolades prizes etc. Scholarships will be available for some. Women: Women connected with clubs will get importance. They will receive valuable gifts.

VRISHABA (Taurus) Krittika, 2, 3, 4 Rohini and Mrigasira 1,2 This period is not good in general. One has to give up the schemes undertaken, and lose the privileges enjoyed. Uncertainty prevails in matrimonial affairs and problems in family life will make the otherwise happy disposition, miserable. People who are very dynamic, work hard and achieve their ends, though not very satisfactorily. The returns will not be proportional to the efforts of the individuals. Politicians may feel unhappy because of the sudden setbacks and disapproval of the rank-and-file. Businessmen may not make much profit, not to speak of the labour problems. Some of their calculations may go awry. For anyone, things will fall short of expectations, but for some financial gains through unlawful means. During January and February bad results will not manifest in full. There may be financial gains, elevation, contact with men of consequence, and consequent benefits. Even people with religious inclination will find it difficult to carry out their tasks. During this period people may feel 59



the period is moderate, if not good. Investment is not advised. In the case of people aspiring for position, scandals and machinations of enemies may subvert their efforts. On the domestic plane, conjugal happiness may be blemished. Researchers may struggle to achieve their ends. Sportsmen may be sidelined. Publishers may be haunted by problems with the Government, absence of publicity and financial commitments. On a general assessment, January and Frebruary will give fairly good results but the other months may be mediocre. In the early period Krittika fares worse than others. In the mid-period Krittika and Mrigasira fare better than Rohini. In the last period Rohini fares well. Students: Even brilliant students may face problems. Problems of admission to decisive courses will trouble them. Women: Marriage remains unsettled. The jewels and ornaments received may not be upto expectations. There will be problems in domestic life.

MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira 3, 4. Aridra and Punarvasu 1,2,3 In general, this is a very good period. Ambitious people will find this period excellent but for the short period in the beginning, during which the results will be less pronounced. The individual enjoys life in general. Some troubles due to fire, quarrels with enemies, law suits, and diseases are likely. Seperation from friends and family, some losses and mental torture are also indicated. But these things pale into insignificance because of the favourable Jupiterian transit. Businessmen have good turn-over but for the hue and cry of the labourers with dissatisfaction. Politicians will emerge powerfully despite the resistance of opponents. Those aspiring for travel may find their dreams fulfilled. Problems like that of visa get solved because of the influence of favourable officials. A mouth-closed patient man in a disgruntled disposition searching for employment will find sunshine suddenly. Actions will be fruitful. Strained domestic relations will be restored and children will make the parents happy. Marriage will take place in many cases. Success in enterprise and ventures and financial gains make the person happy. People in various professions will get recognition. Contact with many highly placed persons will be of help. Investment also generally brings success. Publishers will make profit but with technical problems and occasional official disagreement. The transit can generally be considered good.



Students: The students get very favourable results which make them happy Scholarships, useful travels, and projects give a fillip to better learning. Women: Women get attractive gifts, ornaments etc. Marriage and child-birth are likely.

KARKATAKA (Cancer) Punarvasu 4. Pushya and Aslesha In general, the period is not good. Many problems crop up. Diseases of various kinds, including those of virulent nature give anxiety. The anguish connected with them will be great, but they can be diagnosed and treated properly and normalcy can be restored. Despite troubles and turmoils, the persons concerned will be able to surmount them gradually. Travels undertaken are not likely to yield very good results. The problems relating to passport visa etc., may also create concern. Confinement due to illness, loss of money, injuries, accidents etc. will continue to disturb the individual. One may apply for loan only to find that it is not sanctioned. He has to wait patiently and ultimately get the sanction. At times he is driven to frustration. Despite all, there will be a silver lining. He will get protection to get rid of the difficulties by which he is engulfed. Politically inclined people will miss their targets, but there need not be any alarm. With some delay they will succeed. Businessmen may not get the expected profit but they will enjoy the support of sub staff and colleagues. People in all walks of life have bitter experiences. Marriages will be delayed. Towards the close of the period, the bitter part will be considerably reduced when the transit of Jupiter is over, in Kumbha, then the person concerned will be cheerful and will have the satisfaction of winning the obstacle race. In general this can considered as period of 'mixed results'. Punarvasu and Aslesha fare will in the beginning, Punarvasu and Pushya do well in the middle of period and all of them do well in the last period. Students: Students may find this a difficult period. They may have illness, and consequent problems. Accidents etc. blur their progress, Scholarships may be delayed Women: There will not be many problems in routine life. But special favours are unlikely.

SIMHA (Leo) Magha, Poorvaphalgani and Uttarphalguni 1 In general, good results can be expected. One has happy domestic life. Acquisition of valuable goods, symbols of THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

prestige, new vehicles and houses are also indicated. There will be remarkable financial gains. Contact with well-placed people will help the persons to achieve the ends, Governmental favour also can be expected. Travels on mission and success through them are also likely. Those with artistic talents and academic excellence will get accolades, awards and wealth. Writers also stand to gain. Politicians may emerge from hibernation with redoubled vigour and win the public favour. At the same time, there is a dark side. There will be problems of health and quarrels will friends. New attempts may become futile. Eye-troubles and diseases of, head will cause concern. Incurring displeasure of women is likely. Loss of strength and things that cause dismay even in the midst of triumph, loss of wealth and troubled disposition of the mind are indicated. Even if one wins great wealth, honour and position, the value will be discounted and marred by other occurrences.. Good and bad results equally balance and the mental strength of the individual can make him view everything from a philosophic perspective and resign himself to the situation. The period can be considered to give 'mixed results', but predominately good. Poorrvaphalguni fares well in the beginning. In the middle period, Magha and Uttaraphalguni fare better. Towards the close Purva phalguni has its turn. Students: Brilliant students do well in their examination though problems of health can block their progress at times. Women: Women will get good gifts. But there will be problems that can disturb the otherwise excellent situation.

KANYA (Virgo) Uttaraphalguni 2,3,4 Hasta and Chitta 1,2 There will be some good results, but the transits are not favourable, in general. There will not be much domestic happiness. No specifically interesting event will occur to make one rejoice. Routine life goes forward without very colourful event. Moreover, there will be separation from the family. Death of some senior relatives also may cause sorrow. One may be forced to leave the house and seek shelter elsewhere. Health also will be affected. The person will be sidelined in many affairs. Investments will not be profitable. Constant tension will torment the individual. Ventures will not be successful. There will be a small share event giving happiness. There will be THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


steady flow of income. With great effort, some ventures may succeed. Quarrels with friends will be settled amicably. Occasionally friends will offer moral and financial support. Though the major problems remain unsolved, things of less importance will be achieved. Politicians will face scandals and be sidelined and become victims of internecine quarrels in their party, though normal life remains unaffected. Industrialists and businessmen face lot of problems. They make some profit but not to the extent of making grandiose claims about their organization. Academicians also face problems. Absence of recognition and non-realization of ambitions make them unhappy. Technologists are better - placed. They achieve partial success and feel happy in profession. People in other walks of life feel the pinch. Hasta fares better than others in the beginning. Uttaraphalguni and Chitta fare better in the middle and in the last Hasta has the turn. Students: Students will face setbacks and disappointments. Due to laziness and absence of systematic study, they do not reach the target. Women: There will be no exciting events to make them happy. They have to wait for better times.

TULA (Libra) Chitra 1, 2, Swati and Vishaka 1,2,3 This is a good period in general. There will be realization of ambitions. For marriage and good conjugal relations, the period will be helpful. One will acquire luxurious possessions, new houses and symbols of prestige. Ventures will be successful. There will be financial gains and even those trying for loans will get them without much effort. Businessmen may get overdraft concessions. Children will prosper and bring fame to the family. In profession, people will get elevation and other benefits. Politicians will get positions in the government or the party and will be able to win the favour of the people. People in all walks of life generally prosper. They will enjoy governmental favour and those of men of consequence. Auspicious occurrences will make the people cheerful. Even with these good results, there will be some short comings. Despite the person's dynamism and smartness, opportunities to show them will be obtained with difficulty. There will be earnings, but expenses may be more and consequently there may not be savings. Despite sunshine, the black cloud of troubles and turmoils hover overhead with constant threat. In same cases the effect 61



will be much pronounced. One should guard against enemies and should not involve in speculation, gambling etc., Business men face labour problems forcing them to delay production. This period can be considered "Fairly good" in general assessment In the beginning all constellations fair equally well. In the middle and towards the close all do equally well. Students: In general students can expect good results. But there may be causes for unpleasant experiences Women: Women get gifts and ornaments of their liking. But loss of possession of some objects is also indicated.

VRISCHIKA (Scorpio) Visakha 4, Anuradha and Jyestha In general, the results are bad at the start. There is a share of favourable results. Tthere will be problems in the family and relatives can be responsible for these. This may be due to various reasons, depending on the individual. On the whole, there will be suffering of various kinds, ranging from simple local problems to general problems. For one aspiring for elevation, the official bottleneck will cause delay. There will be competition in which others may steal a march over the person, because of smartness, qualifications, experience etc. Some ventures may be unsuccessful due to ill-health. Natural debilities can cause concern for senior citizens. Others can have ill health. Loss of money and possessions can agitate the native. With all those things, financial position will be good. They will be able to assert when required. Even for marriage, the hampering forces will withdraw in the end. For businessmen sub staff will certainly help. But problems with the government and professional rivalry can cause concern. Politicians are favoured but party factions may try to sideline them. They may not succeed in impressing the 'high command' despite public support. For publishers, academicians, etc, the time will be mediocre. Rival groups will try to overthrow. For people in service, partial success is likely. On an overall assessment the period is 'not bad'. Visakha and Jyestha do well in the first part. In the second, Anuradha does well. In the last part Visakha and Jyestha do well. Students: This is not a good period. Particularly for competitive examinations. For interviews one should prepare well. Women: The period is not good. They may get their inexpensive needs. Matters may not be easily solved. Family relations cn be strained. 62


DHANUS (Sagittarius) Moola, Poorvashadha, Uttarashada 1 This is a bad period, but for some pleasant experiences occasionally. There will be financial gains, auspicious occurrences in the house and comfort in a small measure. There will be change of place, position or residence. Efforts will not bear fruit. Life will be a struggle at times. One may lose the earlier influence and consequently he may find is difficult to achieve the ends. Despite contacts, it may not be possible to use the services of the people concerned, either because of misunderstanding or nonavailability of those. There will be problems of health and problems at home. Many bitter experiences make the person unhappy. Professional set backs, scandals and loss of money will disturb him. Diseases relating to blood circulation, heavy expenses, absence of job-satisfaction difficulty in dealing with implacable employers and accidents are indicated. In general, the person fails to deal with the problems of daily life. The only solace is the occasional occurrence of pleasant events. There will be financial gains at times, and profit in investments. Marriages are not easy, but under very special conditions they may occur. Sub staff on one side and the authorities on the other side make life miserable for the businessman. Though occasional success may reinvigorate him, it may not be adequate to make up for the loss. Politicians face opposition in many ways. They face a multifront attack. It is better for them to keep aloof from controversial matters. People in all walks of life see the dark side of life with occasional pats on the back. In general this can be considered a bad period. Of the Stars Moola and Uttarashada suffer in the beginning. Poorvashadha has a tough time in the middle and in the end, Poorvashadha does well. Students: This is not a good time for students. Even brilliant students may find in difficult to face the competition. Women: This is not a good period. Occasionally they may get some minor gifts.

Makara (Capricorn) Uttarashadha 2,3,4, Sravana, Dhanishta 1,2 For this rasi, results are good in general. The person vanquishes his enemies; wins lawsuits, acquires wealth and enjoys domestic happiness. If he has any special talents, the opportunities for showing them will be obtained. Travels also may take place without difficulty. Financial gains make one happy, though expenses cause some dissatisfaction. Spending for philanthropic purposes THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

and charitable acts are also indicated. Many longcherished desires may be fulfilled. Despite all these, problems relating to children cause concern. Vanquished enemies may stage a come back and pay back in the person's coin. But these problems can be solved with some effort. Those with cardiac problems should take care of health. Confinement is likely. Quarrels with rivals and consequent losses are likely. Practices may be upset. For example, one's daily exercise, walking etc., may have to be suspended. It may be due to ill health, pressure of work, employment etc. For academics, good results can be expected, but for some, there could be tussle with others. Politicians will emerge powerfully in the teeth of opposition. Even the victory attained may be Pyrrhic. Publishers may do well, but for some problems with marketing. People of all categories may find the period good, but for setbacks, wrangles, ill health and some losses. On the whole period will be "good". For Uttarashada, the early period is not good. In the middle period, Uttarashada and Dhanishta fare better than Sravana. Towards the close, Sravana fares better than others Students: Students will be able to do well in the examination, win accolades, prizes etc. But steady work may be affected to some extent. Women: They get good gifts like ornaments and enjoy the affection of the consort. When compared with others, results may not give fulfillment.

Kumbha (Aqharius) Dhanishta 2,3, Satabhisha, Poorvabhadrapada 1,2,3. This is not a good period, in general. But there are some indications reducing the beneficial effects of transits. There will be change of place or position; some kind of disturbance is likely. People in service may get transfers. Change of residence is also likely. Quarrels with relations and acquaintances will mar the period. However, the quarrels will end and things will be settled. Despite some loss, there will be flow of money. Acquisition of possession of various kinds and symbols of prestige is likely, though they fall short of expectations. There will be domestic problems, particularly worries about children and wife. Problems of health also are indicated. Though very efficient, one may not be able to show efficiency. This could be due to illhealth or "other factors leading to stress problems. Politicians may not do well. But they will able to settle disputes. Public support may not be available. Businessmen make some profit, but reputation may be THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


affected. The efficiency of the organization may get reduced. Also labour problems may cause trouble. Technologists can do fairly well. But other professionals like academicians, lawyers and others may not find any excitement. In all walks of life, setbacks, financial loss and problems of health will hamper progress. This can be considered a mixed period, predominantly bad. Of the constellations, all the three do well in the beginning. After that Dhanishta and Satabhisha do well. In the end Dhanishta may not fare well. Students : This is not a good time for students. Laziness and ill-health can make good students falter. Women : There will be dissatisfaction in many matters.

Meena (Pisces) Poorvabhadrapada 4, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati In general, the results will be bad. Occasionally there can be financial gains, comfort and auspicious events. Otherwise, the results will be unsatisfactory. Many events will cause disappointment. Setbacks, loss of wealth, denial of promotion, poor health etc. will cause concern. Even people who are well placed will have to yield to circumstances and get humiliated. Influential people will realize the inability to execute things according to their will. There will be problems about children. The children may not obey parents or co-operate with them. Even people with boldness may become timid, being engulfed by fear-complex Ill health, accidents, fractures etc. torment the individual. There will be frequent and unnecessary travels. Help from others will not be available. This kind of multi front attack makes life tough. However, after the middle of the year there will be some improvement. Restoration of position, some financial gains, and some comfort will make the person happy. Politicians will have a tough time but for some, success towards the close. Major targets may not be achieved. For people in all walks of life no phenomenal success can be achieved but for some minor achievements after the middle of March. The stars Poorvabhadrapada and Revati fare well in the beginning. In the middle, Poorvabhadrapada and Uttarabhadrapada fare well. In the end, Poorvabhadrapada and Revati fare well. Generally, the period is unfavorable. Students : For students the period will not be good. Schemes will be delayed. Women : There will not be any thing to give cheer or be excited, barring some occasional events. 63



Activities Around the World 25th International Conference on Ramayana


HE AVADHOOTA DATTA PEETHAM Mysore and the Vishwa Sahitya Sanskriti Sansthan,(VSSS), New Delhi, jointly organized the Silver Jubilee of the 25th International Conference on Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji, at the Nada Mantapa in the ashram premises from the 27th to the 29th of November 2009 at Mysore. Delivering the inaugural address and lighting the lamp, His Holiness Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji, Senior Pontiff of the Avadhoota Datta Peetham said in this age of Kali, Rama's ideals were very relevant and had to be emulated . The session, after the Veda Swasti started with a recital of the Swamiji's Shatashloki Ramayana by the ashrams devotees. The three day conference saw speakers from different parts of the globe - India, Thailand, UK, USA, South Africa, Netherlands, France and Mauritius - congregating to speak about the relevance of Rama and Ramayana in today's stress ridden global world. A wealth of information was disseminated spread over seven sessions that were aptly titled as 1) Ramayana - Spiritual Dimensions; 2) Similarities in messages from Bhagavad Gita and Ramayana; 3) Ramayana in Indian languages - Basis of National Unity; 4) Ramayana as basis of global cultural relations and human understanding; 5) Science in Ramayana; 6) Management of leadership in Ramayana; and 7) Ramayana - Divine experiences and inspirations. Each evening, the audience was treated to a cultural fiesta that included music and dance. The valedictory address was delivered by the Junior Pontiff Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji.

Janmadina Dharma Stupas


N THE OCCASION of Dattatreya Jayanthi celebrations in Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore on 30th November 2009, Janmadina Dharma Stupas were inaugurated by Mr. Ashok Singhal, President, Vishwa Hindu Parishad. Later the Pontiffs consecrated each pillar with a yantra. 64


The 365 beautifully sculpted stone pillars are associated with the features of that particular day. Said to have taken a little over four years for designing and sculpting, these remarkable pillars are spread out throughout the green environs of the various parts of the Ashrama. The sculpture of each pillar relevant to a particular day is said to portray the heritage symbols of India such as the Dwadasha Jyotirlingas , etc.

Workshop on Vedic Mathematics


-SERVE, in collaboration with the "Arts & Science College for Women" Andhra Mahila Sabha, O.U. Campus, Hyderabad, conducted a one day workshop on Vedic Mathematics. The workshop was conducted by Ms. Malati, Director, Hansel School, Hyderabad and Mr. P. Sita Rama Rao former Head Master, Saraswati Sisu Mandiram, Hyderabad. While Ms. Malati introduced the concepts of Vedic methods of addition, subtraction and multiplication to the students, Mr. Sita Rama Rao taught the higher techniques of finding squares, cubes and higher powers as well as square roots , cube roots of given numbers, faster than a simple calculator. Chief Guest at the workshop Prof. K.V. Krishna Murty, gave an inspiring oration on the scientific depths of Vedic and post Vedic literature and said the techniques of Vedic mathematics can immensely help school and college students in tackling their higher examinations. The workshop was attended by more than two hundred students.

Seminar on Marriage Compatibility


HARATIYA JYOTISHA VIDYA KENDRA will conduct a Seminar on Marriage Compatibility on 6th and 7th March 2010 at Bangalore by Dr. T. S. Vasan, Dr. N. S. Murthy, Mr. Vasudevamurthy, Mr. Haridass, Mr. Shivappa and other noted scholars of Astrology. Those interested in taking the benefit of this seminar can contact the Kendra at 080 266677281 and 09844296992 THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Published & Printed by Niranjan Babu Bangalore at Sharadh Enterprises, Bangalore

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