The Astrological eMagazine April 2012

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Jagadguru performs Puja to Adi Shankaracharya on the first anniversary of the Prathishta of the new Adi Shankara temple at Sringeri

Remembering the Acharya and Expressing our Gratitude Among the various Mahatmas who have tread our holy land, Sri Adi Shankaracharya reigns supreme. Had not Sri Adi Shankaracharya resuscitated Sanatana Dharma twelve centuries ago, would we even have temples to visit today? One only needs to look at the achievements in His short life of 32 years to realize that Sri Adi Shankaracharya was an incarnation of the Lord. Rather than taking up weapons and annihilating the personifications of evil, Sri Shankaracharya used the weapon of intellectual inquiry to bring about a transformation in the minds of the masses. All his activities stemmed out of compassion and the desire for well-being of all humanity. His works and travels across the length and breadth of India bring forth the purpose of His mission and how He fulfilled it. One realizes the extent of His foresight when one notes that He established four Peethams along the four directions of the country to carry forward the task of sustaining and propagating Sanatana Dharma. It is said ’Fé&ejeveûgeneoJse Hembgeeced DeÜlweJeemevee“ - The Lord's Grace is required even for the longing of Advaita to develop in a man. The great Acharya has explained the tenets of the abstruse Upanishadic philosophy of Advaita in His commentaries, Prakaranas (small works) and even Stotras (hymns), and thus made them available for all sincere seekers. Should we not remain grateful to Him and remember Him always? Gratitude is an essential quality to be developed by all. When one needs to remember even a small help rendered by an ordinary human, what must be said of the gratitude we must have towards an incarnation like Sri Adi Shankaracharya. May everyone remember the great Acharya, observe Shankara Jayanti (falling on April 26 this year), express their gratitude, direct their lives as per His teachings and attain Shreyas.

Þeerceles Me*dkeÀje³ee&³e OeercelesçÓglekeÀerle&³es ~ veceesçmleg DeÜwleefme×evlemLeeHeveesHeeÊecetle&³es ~~ (Salutations to Sri Adi Shankaracharya, endowed with great intellect and of great fame, and the establisher of the Upanishadic philosophy of Advaita.)


3 Human Nails & Diseases

Astrology, Vibration & Colors



Jyotisha Chinta Nidhi Cover Story

9 The Mystery of Nadi Astrology


Horoscope of a Yogi


Astrology & Random Thoughts


Timing of Events


Yoga Panchanga for the Month for the Spine



33 This Month for you

APRIL 2012


Lead Article


Vibration & Colors AGASTYA


CCORDING TO THE Bhoutika Sutras or physical sciences in Sanskrit the basis for the manifestation of life activity in this universe is Sakti or Force. Two kinds of forces are recognised, viz., Grahasakti or Planetary energy and Parasakti or Divine force or Cosmic energy Matters can be classified into five kinds of grades according to density and specific gravity. They are: solids, fluids, gaseous, radiant and ethereal. All these different grades of matter are interconvertible and can be changed from one state to another by lowering or raising co-related force, which changes the motion of the constituent units of matter. Hence a skilful manipulation and control of force and energy under the law of transmutation will cause form to disappear and appear This is construction and disintegration of form only. Nothing is destroyed, nothing is lost; only there is a change of Vibratory Motion of constituent parts. What we call physical matter such as iron, gold, oxygen, hydrogen, etc, only differ to our sense-perpection by the number of group-ing molecules and the motion of the atoms of which they are composed. If force could be lost and motion arrested matter as we know it today would cease to exist. It is absurd to suppose that the atom by virtue of its inherent motion should possess inherent potentialities of highest known soul attributes, such as intelligence or life principle which belongs to the realm of Parasakti. The atom also consists of the ordinary Grahasakti or planetary force. We have referred above, to what is called Motion. Two kinds of motions have to be recognised, viz., life-motion and force-motion —the former belonging to the category of Parasakti and the latter of course to that of Grahasakti to whose influence every terrestrial being—mineral, vegetable and animal—is continuously subjected. Lifemotion is a result of inherent soul-powers manifesting as life in some kind of organic structure or form, the said form being the immediate and direct result of this power exhibited in growth, and various other activities of Will and Mind, with an unmistakable evidence of intelligence along lines of least resistance. This intelligence always THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

corresponds in degrees to the complexity of the organic form or structure, which again corresponds to the stage of development the individual soul entity may have attained on the great spiral highway of evolutionary progress. The force-motion is the result of inherent power of attraction and repulsion. Whether it is force-motion or life-motion vibrations are at play. Leaving aside the life-motion for the present, the force-motion or Grahasakti finds manifestation or expression through (1) sound-energy, (2) heat-energy, (3) light-energy, (4) magnetic energy and (5) electric energy—the lowest kind of energy being of course that of sound. Above and beyond the electric energy is the Chichhakti or Parasakti or the Divine force. The different kinds of energies differ from each other on account of what is called vibratory activity. Silent Vibrations All vibrations are silent. When a stringed instrument plays music, no sound is really produced. A mass of harmonious or discordant silent vibrations are collectively produced. Those vibrations that blend are harmonious, those silent vibratory waves that strike crest against crest, are discordant. These silent vibrations strike the ear drum with a frequency of certain impulses per second, the ear-drum responds with the same identical number of vibrations per second. These impingements of silent vibrations are taken up by the adequately arranged links of bone connections in the inner ear—Mallens, Stapes and Incus which transmit the silent vibrations to the sensitive and receptively adjusted auditory nerve system, which receives and transmits these same vibrations to the auditory nerve centre in the brain. The central office—the mind—defines and interprets the number of impulses according to its capacity and transmits the translated message to the realm of consciousness. Similarly are the processes of smelling, tasting, seeing and feeling. We have now explained how man is subject to Grahasakti and how this force operates in the shape of sound heat, light, etc., and how their operation is taken

APRIL 2012


Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi p³eeseLf e<e ef®evlee efveefOe YAJNAVALKYA Kalagnana of Our Ancients O HUMAN ACTIVITY is possible without the framework of the time and space. Even a good act can suffer sometimes, if done at a wrong time. Conversely even a thoughtless act done at a time packed with the invisible creative powers of the nature can turn to be a phenomenal success. Generally for the success of any activity the primary requirement would be some sort of congenial atmosphere created by the flow of “Time”.


Naturally one may wonder as to who is actually responsible for creating such a concept of “Time”. All of us, who live on this earth, know that it is the Sun. Though we know that the Sun is actually situated at an average distance of 93020000 miles (149669180 km), we all know that it is the Sun that causes the nights and days for us on the earth. We know also that it is its perceptible motions that cause the changing seasons. Really is it not the earth carrying all of us on it, rotating and revolving around the Sun, responsible for all these? The importance of this ‘Kala’ or ‘Time’ was recognized even by the primitive men, by their experiences. Our ancients recognized the rising of the Sun in the east, movement to the zenith and then the setting in the west. They could observe the onset of nights causing darkness that could at times be partially or fully lit by the Moon. Perhaps they took the point, where they could see the Sun rising, as the East. It was this interval between the two consecutive risings of the Sun in the east that enabled them to identify it as a day in their initial attempts to measure the ‘Time’ However, our enlightened seers of yore not only knew the fact that the Sun never rises or sets in the real sense. They were also able to perceive the Sun as a source of life, intellect and enlightenment. They could perceive the “Soorya” always - “sada pasyanti surayah, diviva caksur atma.” Rig Veda proclaims the Sun as the soul of all beings movable and stationary. It is the illustrious Rigvedic Gayatri mantra that has immortalized the effulgence of the Sun THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Aum Bhur Bhuvah Swah, Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat

ß YetYeg&Je: mJe: lelmeefJelegJe&jCs ³eced Yeieex osJem³e Oeerceefn efOe³ees ³ees ve: Òe®eeso³eeled Liberally translated this would mean: Oh God, the Protector, the basis of all life, Who is self-existent, Who is free from all pains and Whose contact frees the soul from all troubles, Who pervades the Universe and sustains all, the Creator and Energizer of the whole Universe, the Giver of happiness, Who is worthy of acceptance, the most excellent, Who is Pure and the Purifier of all, let us embrace that very God, so that He may direct our mental faculties in the right direction. When we meditate on this Pratyaksha deva (a visible God) who is the most beneficial and at the same time the most vicious who can destroy all the felony, he can guide our intellect along the path of self-realisation which in fact, is the goal of our life. But for the heat of the Sun and light even inanimate objects could not exist on this earth. This is true for all living beings on the earth including the human beings. Surya Upasana Some years ago, this scribe had the opportunity of meeting and interviewing a person on the coastal Kerala who lives for over three decades without taking any food and sustains himself with the help of his training of performing “suryopasana” by tapping the energy from the Sun. Swami Rama has also narrated how those yogis living in the interior Himalayan terrains have been living for many years without taking any food or water but getting their energy from the Sun alone. Great Yogis knew how to tap the

APRIL 2012


The Mystery of


With a Masters degree in astrology, Mrs. Jayasree Saranathan is a practitioner of astrology (and palmistry) for twenty years. She is currently doing Research in astrology. While her teacher was maternal grand father, Kaazhiyur Bashyam Iyengar, she says she owes her knowledge largely to DR B.V. RAMAN whose books enriched her perception of astrology.


HE WISDOM OF ANCIENT sages enshrined in the Nadi manuscripts still remains astounding and non-decipherable to a greater extent. In this write-up I wish to focus on the physical description of the home surroundings of the native about which most Nadi scripts have something to say.

Traditional wisdom gained from standard books does give us some idea about the place of birth, whether born in father’s or mother’s house and such other factors. But they do not always satisfy the Nadi aphorisms thereby making us search for more information. One such information is related to shashtyamsa position of the ascendant about which DR BV RAMAN has earlier written in THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE. The same ascendant in Rasi, with ascendant position in different shashtyamsa gives different predictions with regard to the physical surroundings of the native. This can be tested in the horoscope of Mahatma Gandhi. The Satya Samhita gives the description of Gandhi with a noting on his place of birth that he was born in a holy city near the ocean. The classical texts contain clues to identify the places near water bodies. They can be listed as follows. Taurus – Field filled with water Libra – River-side Sagittarius – Pond or tank Aquarius –Well

Cancer – Canal Scorpio – River Capricorn – River stream Pisces – Ocean

Birth in own city and near or inside temples must have Saturn and Sun connection to ascendant or Moon. The native is identified by ascendant and/or Moon sign. I would also add Jupiter and Venus to this list because Jupiter is considered as Jeevakaraka for men and Venus for women. Saturn signifies native town and Sun signifies temple. Seen from this perspective, we can justify Gandhi’s birth in a holy city near an ocean. His Shashtyamsa position is shown here. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

APRIL 2012


The Astrological eMagazine

Panchanga 2012-2013 Nandana Nama Savatsara It is laudable effort on the part of Mr. Bangalore Niranjan Babu, Chief Editor of The Astrological eMagazine to have ventured and come out with a Panchanga in English for the year Nandana, an endeavour conceived and executed perhaps for the first time, from any of the houses of astrological magazines in English, from the South. Many decades ago even though Niranjan Babu’s father Dr. Raman had some plans to bring out yearly panchangas, he had to abandon the idea for reasons of its possible non-viability both on the technical and commercial grounds. Mr. Babu, has, in a way, accomplished that dream of Dr. Raman to become a reality, in bringing out a very useful, attractive and handy Panchanga for the year Nandana. It may be because of the exceptional success and popularity of his earlier attempt of issuing a mini panchang for the first quarter of the year 2012, as a supplement to the Annual issue of The Astrological eMagazine that Mr. Babu took this bold venture of bringing out a full-fledged Panchanga for the whole year of Nandana. Produced in a very attractive format, handy in size, feasible to carry it over anywhere, with ease, the Panchanga is packed with a plethora of valuable information and hints useful for the reader for his or her daily use. The Panchanga opens up with general prediction for the year, etched on traditional norms and then with information packed ‘Introduction’. It dwells further on ‘Evolution of Panchanga’ and its ‘Five Constituents’ that are encyclopaedic in effect and much educative in effort. Then comes a very useful guide for a variety of muhoorthas for some of the choicest deeds and this is followed by a very useful and practical hints for such selections. The Panchanga itself is exhaustive, providing information regarding the ending moments of Nakshatra, Tithi, Yoga and Karana, in eye-catching boxes for each day, with the Gregorian and lunar month dates and Amritadiyoga and details of festivals pertaining to that date. With a chart showing the planetary positions for the first day of the month, the pages have a header note in red ink indicating the month to which the page relates that makes the reference simple and easy. An additional and useful aid is the highlighting of the inauspicious yogas, Karanas in the rest of the day in red. The Panchanga provides the detailed transit details of the Sun into the nakshatras and rasis and of the Moon and other planets into the raasis. Apart from a list of muhoorthas or auspicious dates for the year, the Panchanga has very useful tables of Rahukala etc, dasa bukthi tables and even the sunrise and sunset tables for the six prominent cities. The Kalahoras table and the details of Varatara yogas with another table to determine the Amirthadi yogas is another bonus. With all such essential and educative inputs, attractive layout and printing on good paper, it is surprising how the publisher could offer the Panchanga at a literally a throw-away price of Rs. Fifty only. Being in short, a vade mecum for the student and researcher of astrology alike, this priceless book will be a boon to all lovers of astrology and even every Hindu home for whom the Panchanga is an essential and integral part. No amount of accolades or appreciations would suffice to congratulate the publisher Mr. Babu and the erudite and senior contributor and compiler Mr. Yajnavalkya for their precious efforts.


APRIL 2012




Random Thoughts P. UTSAV Astrology, Science and Intuition HE TERM “SCIENCE” is commonly used for subjects like physics, chemistry and other similar subjects. Medicine, as is known today, is not considered by some as “pure” science. Astrology has been a fascinating subject from time immemorial. The foundation of astrology is based on Karma, the universal law that holds the individual accountable for his/her good and bad actions in life. Some consider the field of Vedic Astrology to be a synthesis of science and art. Many others, feel, it is more appropriate, to consider Vedic Astrology to be an “applied” science integrated with intuition. Regardless of how Vedic Astrology is described or defined, intuition plays a vital role in influencing mathematically based horoscopeindications. Intuition is a gift that one rarely gets at birth or is instantaneously obtained. It is a gift from god that is gradually achieved and fine-tuned over a period of many years to an individual whose life is based on spiritualism and good values. Although astrological charts are developed by the use of mathematics, the ability to extract reasonably accurate information from the horoscopic chart depends to a large extent on the level of intuition that exists in the individual astrologer. DR. B.V. RAMAN, the father of modern Vedic Astrology, has emphasized the importance of intuition in applied Vedic Astrology. Location of Jupiter in the ninth house covers intuition. An individual has the power of free-will that may be used to finesse a horoscope-indication based on mathematically derived information and intuition.


Divine Grace, Fate or Luck? People, regardless of whether they have faith in Astrology and/or Supreme Being, are always imagining or dreaming about a happy, successful, wealthy, healthy, etc., future. More often than usual, the dreams approach the infinite sky. All dreams are possible but the probability of their fulfillment may be between nothing to one hundred percent. One is reminded of a cricket player of making a mighty hit. It is a six even if the ball narrowly escapes a fielder’s protective hand and a great catch if the fielder catches even after he has juggled it a number of times. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

With Malice to None The difference between an unbelievable six and a glorious catch happening is often a split second or an unmeasured small distance. In this situation, the ultimate result (six or a successful catch) is attributed to divine-grace or “luck”. The simple example can be replaced by a larger-than-life event that turns, possibly unexpectedly, favourable to the individual. The word “fate” sometimes used by many people to attribute or justify negative, difficult or unpleasant events and experiences in life does not belong in the lexicon of Vedic Astrology. Can anyone think of a larger-than-life or life-changing event that happened beyond one’s expectation or wildest dreams? Does one attribute the event to divine-grace or mere luck? Based on limited knowledge of mathematics, below are destiny-related equations that, if nothing else, may generate endless discussion and, hopefully, not sleepless nights. Potential Destiny = Operative Karma (Prarabdha Karma) + Free Will Possible Destiny = Potential Destiny + Divine Grace Destiny = Possible Destiny Fate in Vedic Astrology = 0 or less Astrology and Rule-of-Thumb In many technical fields, because of the cost factor and time limitations, approximate values of a certain variables are sometimes needed for an initial evaluation of an evolving design, etc. The “Rule-of-Thumb” (ROT) is defined as an approximate and practical approach, procedure or rule, based on experience or practice, rather than a strictly accurate methodology or process in every situation. The ROT is often used by experienced engineers and other professionals to obtain reasonable solutions to variety of problems whose solutions involve applied mathematics, experiements and/or observations. The state-of-the-art used in high technology industries includes cutting edge software and test equipment. The in-depth analytical analyses and experimental evaluations provide APRIL 2012


Timing of



HE SUBJECT OF TIMING EVENTS is one of the more complex topics in Astrology. There is no disputing the fact that it is much easier to assess the strength of a horoscope and predict probable events than to predict the time at which those events would occur. In fact, if they did not have to deal with “timing of events” most astrologers would be able to consider themselves fairly proficient in the subject. It is this fourth dimension, the dimension of Time, that poses the greatest challenge to an astro-loger and to his reputation. In Hindu Astrology, events are timed princi-pally on the basis of (1) Gochara and (2) Dasas. Gochara is a Sanskrit word, a liberal trans-lation of which is “star-movement”. In common parlance, Gochara is understood to mean the “transit of planets”. In this article, we will define Gochara to mean “the response of an individual to the dynamic stimulus of transiting planets”. While Gochara is at least referred to in astrological texts of other countries, the Dasa system is peculiar to Indian Astrology. “Dasa” in Sanskrit means a “period or stage in life”. The Dasa system implicitly specifies that the human life span can be divided into a number of discrete time segments, each under the jurisdiction of a particular planet. And that, the events in a person’s life in any segment reflect the results of that specific planet. There are a number of Dasa systems in vogue but we shall restrict ourselves to Vimshottari, a system that has proved itself to be eminently satisfactory in practice. In this system the longitude of the Moon is the sole determinant of the Dasa at birth. The other Dasas follow one another cyclically. We presuppose that the reader has at least a reasonable understanding of the basic elements of Dasas and Gochara; hence we will make no attempt to detail how Dasas are computed. For readers who are new to the subject of Indian Astrology we refer them to the chapters on Dasas and Gochara in our book Hindu Predictive Astrology. We had earlier defined Gochara as the response of an individual to the stimulus of transiting planets. An individual’s response is basically dependent on his mental THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

make-up and it is no surprise that classical texts view Gochara results mainly with reference to the position of the Moon in the natal horoscope. Phaladeepika (stanza 1, chapter 26): says “Of all the Lagnas it is only the Moon’s Lagna that is most important for ascertaining the effects of transits. One ought therefore to calculate and predict the effects due to the transits of planets through the several signs counted from that of the Moon. The positions of transiting planets relative to the ascendant and to the positions of other planets in a horoscope cause effects which also are significant. Careful attention has to be paid to these effects also. A universally dreaded transit is Saturn’s sade-sathi. This is the seven and a half year cycle when he transits the 12th, the 1st and the 2nd from the Moon. Classical texts say that his transit of the 12th generally causes loss of near and dear ones; in the first he is said to cause weakness of the body, humiliation and travel to foreign countries; and in the 2nd he is said to cause loss of wealth and property. Our experience indicates that these results should not be taken too literally. If the ruling Dasa is good, sadesathi delays the good effects of the Dasa but does not negate them. Further-more for Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aqua-rius Saturn’s negative effects are considerably toned down. In many cases his seven and a half year cycle mellows a person and gives some spiritual progress. Jupiter’s transits normally hasten the benefic events signified by the ruling Dasa and Bhukti. His transit of the 5th, the 7th, the 9th and the 11th from the Moon gives a person an optimi-stic twist. If transit Jupiter trines the 7th lord and the latter’s Dasa is in progress, marriage may be expected. In an analogous fashion if Jupiter in his sojourn trines the 5th lord (whose Dasa is in progress) the birth of a child is likely. The other planets do not seem to have effects as significant as those of Jupiter and Saturn ; nevertheless, they can be invaluable in zeroing in on the approximate period of occurrence of an event. For instance if the 6th house is afflicted seriously and the appropriate Dasa and APRIL 2012


Dr. Elavathur Subrahmanyan Neelakantan graduated from Loyala College of Chennai with distinction in Statistics. As a qualified Chartered Accountant, he is an Information Systems Auditor. While his interest in Astrology was activated by going through books of Dr. B. V. Raman, his formal learning of the subject was from Prof. K. V. Seshadrinatha Sastri, a renowned scholar of Astrology and Ayurveda. Awarded with a Doctorate by the Deemed Sri Chandrasekarendra University, Kancheepuram for his thesis on Medical Astrology, Dr. Neelakantan has been a regular contributor to The Astrological eMagazine. His multi faceted talent also includes proficiency in Vedic chants.

Introduction INCE TIME IMMEMORIAL a galaxy of seers, sages and spiritual savants have lived in India, a land known as the karma bhoomi (land of karma). Being seen also as a very sacred country, some refer to it as the gnana bhoomi, yoga bhoomi, moksha bhoomi, and punya bhoomi. India is a nation of rivers and abodes of holy sages.


Punya bhoomi refers to a land where good things happen. For example all the avataras of Maha Vishnu have occurred only in India. Karma bhoomi is a place where one does good and bad deeds. All other nations (lands) are bhoga bhoomi -- where people execute karma, but nothing accrues as karmic balance. They are the places where people enjoy fruits of past deeds and actions, but do not get further accretion to punya (credit balance of good deeds) through new deeds and actions. Ascetic Yogas What astrological combinations are needed for becoming an ascetic? 1. Presence of at least four planets in conjunction in a house, which is either a trine or a quadrant. 2. Presence of a five-planet combination in a quadrant or trine 3. Moon in a decanate of Saturn aspected by Saturn. 4. Moon in a navamsa of Mars or Saturn aspected by Saturn. 5. The lord of Chandralagna aspected by Saturn and by nothing else. 6. Jupiter, Moon and Ascendant aspected by Saturn and Jupiter in the 9th house. 7. Mars in the Ninth house aspected by a benefic. The above list is illustrative, not exhaustive. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Horoscope of a


Shivarudra Balayogi In a spiritually rich family, Baba Shivarudra Balayogi was born in Kolar at 9.54 AM on 20 September 1954. Kolar was famous for its gold fields and at this place the spiritual goldmine, affectionately known as Babaji, too also appeared. From an early age Babaji showed his inclination towards spiritual matters. Babaji was mainly influenced by the three titans of spirituality in India - Adi Sankaracharya, Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. During his teens, Babaji pursued Botany at the University of Mysore. It was then that he met Shivabalayogi Maharaj. This was the turning point in his life. Babaji's spiritual pursuits grew stronger every day, culminating in the 'experience of enlightenment' at midnight on the Kartika Krishnapaksha Ashtami day of 1999. Array of Planets The array of planets apparent in the chart of Shivarudra Balayogi proves adequately that Babaji was born, not just to live a life for himself, but to guide the destiny of the world. The lagna lord who is strongly placed forms a conjunction with the exalted yogakaraka, Saturn. The planet of divine grace is not only exalted in rasi but also in navamsa. Jupiter occupies the ninth bhava - the seat of good fortune and divine blessings. The exit of Babaji's father is the natural outcome of the lord of Pitrusthana (Mercury) and Pitrukaraka (Sun) getting relegated to the house of loss (twelfth house). On the subject of Pravrajya Yogas, Mantreswara says, "When the end of a sign is rising and a benefic planet occupies it and Jupiter is in a trine or a quadrant, the native is sure to attain Moksha or Final Emancipation APRIL 2012





EETH, THE ORGAN of mastication, are ruled by Saturn. As you all know Saturn rules all bones of the body in general. Teeth being bones also come under his rulership. The sign Aries controls the upper jaw and teeth, whereas Taurus governs the lower jaw and teeth. There is another sign which has an indirect bearing on teeth i.e. Cancer. This sign provides calcium fluoride to teeth. Along with Saturn, Jupiter also affects the health of teeth. So the strength, size and shape of your teeth or for that matter your entire dental health can be assessed mainly by examining the position of the above planets, signs and corresponding house viz. the 1st, the 2nd and the fourth. If Jupiter and Saturn, Aries, Taurus and Cancer, the 1st, the 2nd and the 4th are afflicted the dental health of the person will deteriorate depending upon the intensity of the afflictions. It is, therefore, possible by an examination of the horoscope to decide the nature of dental health of the person. If damage to the teeth is clearly indicated in the horoscope, necessary preventive steps can be taken to avoid the trouble. Now for example in the year 1981, Jupiter will be in conjunction with Saturn thrice viz. on 1st January 1981, 5th March 1981 and 24th July 1981. This conjunction, inter alia, will influence the health of teeth of all those who are already having the conjunction in their horoscope and those who will take birth on this planet during the periods of these conjunctions. If you are interested in knowing how the conjunction influences the dental health please examine. This is the horoscope (chart 1) of a female who has suffered and even today is suffering due to dental troubles. Her Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in Lagna. The lord of the 2nd house Venus is in the 10th house aspected by Saturn from Lagna. As a result of this combination the following things have happened. Chart I : Rasi: Aries -Ascendant, Saturn 16, Jupiter 17, and Uranus— 21; Cancer—Pluto 9; Virgo-Neptune 6 and Rahu 16; Sagittarius— Mars 11; Capricorn—Venus 28 and the Moon 19; Aquarius-Sun 12 and Mercury 16 ; and Pisces—Ketu.


(i) Presence of Jupiter in Lagna gave her small and otherwise good looking teeth. (ii) Presence of Saturn in Aries spoiled the health of the teeth and the same started decaying fast. (iii) To add to the above trouble, Saturn afflicted the lord of the 2nd house Venus in the 10th house. (vi) The lord of Lagna Mars luckily escaped affliction but the Aries suffered due to close conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Consequently teeth of the upper jaw started decaying first (Aries) followed by those in the lower jaw (Taurus) (v) Saturn is the planet of limitation. Presence of Saturn in Lagna that too in Aries made her jaws small and as such a couple of teeth sat on one upon the another spoiling the natural alignment. (vi) Jupiter in Lagna and his aspect on Lagna lord saved her teeth from complete damage. (vii) The Sun in Aquarius gives irregular teeth. In this horoscope also the Sun is in Aquarius. Decay of the protective enamel of teeth, irregular teeth, breakage of teeth take place mainly because of the affliction of Saturn. Those who are having Saturn in lagna or Saturn’s signs in Lagna usually suffer from dental troubles. Even in horary horoscope if Saturn is in Lagna you can be rest assured that the querent has some dental trouble and if you find the querent an old person you can safely conclude he is using dentures. Irregular teeth are usually the result of the Sun. The Sun in Saturn’s house or the Sun otherwise afflicted by Saturn gives irregular teeth. So also when Saturn is afflicted in Aquarius or Pisces the person gets irregular teeth. Jupiter in the 4th in a watery sign, particularly in Cancer or Scorpio with Mars or Rahu or with Mars and Rahu, the incissors are usually very big. Jupiter in a watery sign along with Ketu or affllicted by Saturn and. Mars the teeth become black and start APRIL 2012


Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka 12 hours of the day and 12 hours of the night are divided into 8 sections each having duration of 90 minutes or 1½ hours each. The seven Upagrahas kaala, paridhi, dhooma, ardhaprahara, yamakantaka, indrachaapa and Maandi take over by turns their ruler-ship of the seven sections, each day, leaving one to Rahu. The period ruled by Rahu is called Raahukala which is generally considered inauspicious. The timings of the ruler-ship of Raahukala for the seven weekdays are furnished in the table below. The timings given are for days when the sunrise is 06.00 AM and sunset 06.00 PM. For calculating the exact duration of the period of Raahukalam, on any day, the duration of the daytime must be ascertained first and that has to be divided by 8. The result arrived will denote the duration of the

each of the 8 sections for the day. For example take a Sunday having the sunrise at 06.20 AM and sunset at 05.40 PM. The duration of the daytime will then be only 11h.20m.., or 680minutes. Divided by 8 the sectional value will be only 85 minutes. Raahukala generally for Sunday is from 16.30 to 18 hrs. In this case Raahukala must therefore be only for

85 minutes. It would commence 85 minutes before the actual unset of the day namely, 05.40 AM. Therefore the Raahukala for the day will be from 16h.15m, to 17h.40m. It has to be worked out accordingly for the periods of other Upagrahas also. Gulikakala is considered auspicious. Regarding Yamakantaka, popularly considered inauspicious, opinions however, differ.






16.30 to 18.00

15.00 to 16.30

12.00 to 13.30


07.30 to 09.00

13.30 to 15.00

10.30 to 12.00


15.00 to 16.30

12.00 to 13.30

09.00 to 10.30


12.00 to 13.30

10.30 to 12.00

07.30 to 09.00


13.30 to 15.00

09.00 to 10.30

06.00 to 07.30


10.30 to 12.00

07.30 to 09.00

15.00 to 16.30


09.00 to 10.30

06.00 to 07.30

13.30 to 15.00

Edited and Published by Bangalore Niranjan Babu at 101 C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560003 eMAGAZINE APRIL 2012 and Printed by him at Sharadh Enterprises, # 51, Car Street, Halasuru, Bangalore 560008.THE Ph:ASTROLOGICAL 25556015. Email:



APRIL 2012


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