Future of India in 2012

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Benedictory Message from our Kulaguru Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji, Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

The Working of Karma and the Need to Perform Good Deeds Until a man attains Moksha, he will be subject to births in accordance with his Karmas. In each birth, pleasure and pain will alternate in proportion to the fruits of his karma. This is what is known as the Samsaara Samudra (the ocean of births and deaths). Whatever karma one does, one will have to experience its fruits – happiness as a result of satkarma (good deeds) and suffering as a result of dushkarma (sinful deeds). That is why our ancestors used to advise that everyone must always keep doing Satkarma. The Shastras says : GH³eles ³eÜerpeb leÊeosJe Òejesnefle ~ (what one sows, so shall he reap) However many people on hearing this, get the following questions - Are there not instances of bad people enjoying the comforts of a good life? And are there not many good-hearted people who are seen to undergo suffering? This is because that the comforts enjoyed by people today, even if they are evil-minded, are a result of their good deeds from a previous birth. Similarly, a good person can also undergo suffering as a result of sins committed in a past life. The fruits of karmas of the present birth will definitely follow. The Manu Smriti clarifies:

veeOece&½eefjlees ueeskesÀ meÐe: HeÀueefle ieewefjJe ~ MevewjeJele&ceevemleg keÀleg&cet&ueeveer ke=Àvleefle ~~ That is, unjust actions do not produce immediate results as the cow that gives milk the instant you milk it. Rather, unjust actions like the seeds sown in the earth sprout and slowly destroy the unjust person in due course. Hence, in whatever position one is, he should not let his mind stray towards Adharma. We bless all to understand this well, develop an inclination towards good deeds, and attain Sadbhaava (good nature) through help to others and steadfast devotion to God.


Future of India in 2012 RAMAN SUPRAJARAMA


HE ONGOING WINTER sessions are making a mockery of India. The political leaders, both ruling and opposition, are at logger heads. The Congress and its allies are trying to hide the recent scams that have got exposed, while BJP (also equally scammed) and its allies are taking a chance to collapse the ruling party. How does the future of India look like? Are we, citizens of this oldest and spiritual country, safe guarded? Are our interests taken care of? And can we citizens live peacefully? Political Parties and Future Vimshottari style of time division allocates the Sun, Mercury and Rahu in that order, as the influencers in January 2012. It is commonly referred in the astrological community as “having Sun Mahadasa, Mercury Antardasa and Rahu Pratyantardasa” and denoted as Sun>Mercury>Rahu. The role of the Sun, as the main influencer started as early as August 2007, when the NDA government was ruling. In the Indian Independence horoscope, the Sun is the lord of the fourth house and is located in the third house, in Cancer, a movable sign. Being in an inimical sign, his influence on the ruling party to Moon undertake immoral and unethical tasks of high degree, behaving Saturn Natal Chart Mercury opportunistically and exhibiting hypocrisy has been clearly seen. Sun Venus Rasi The ruling parties refer to those in center as well as the states. More than 20 plus scams have been committed since August 2007 including the 2G scam which looted money of the citizens, the commonwealth games scam which caused shame in the international front, the Jupiter Ketu Bellary mining scam, Indian Black Money in Swiss banks etc. The same has been the case with Jan Lokpal Bill. The promise by central government to Anna Hazare is not likely to be kept. This unfavorable influence of the Sun on India’s political influence extends into 2012 as well. We will continue to see similar events and scams happening in 2012 as well. Rahu Ascendant


Mercury is the secondary influencer of the first three quarters of 2012. He owns the second and the fifth houses of the Indian Horoscope, and occupies the third house as the Sun. Thanks to his influence these scams were exposed in the second half of 2011. Watch out! More scams are going to get exposed in the coming days. Mercury’s effect will escalate the political debates addressed to sort out and find solutions to various scams. Mercury however lacks support from the primary influencer, the Sun. He will only be instrumental in exposing the scams and other unethical transactions of the political leaders, but will not be able to bring about justice. The undesirable influence of the Sun will eventually prevail.





In January 2012, a scam related to military and science is likely to take place. We would caution the citizens and urge them to look out for any such dealings that might be undertaken by our political leaders. The Jan-Lokpal bill activities might give out favorable side-shoots with a major financial sector scam getting exposed in the last week of February. A wikileaks cable or similar broadcasts could be leaked exposing the role of certain state government officials’ unethical practices. However, with the undesirable influence of Sun, the political leaders are likely to get themselves a rain check from getting arrested and sent to jail. In April 2012, Ketu becomes the secondary influencer and lasts till August 2012. As the ruler of Scorpio, the seventh house, he is in Scorpio itself. He does not have any malefic influence. His influence will trigger spiritual leaders and freedom fighters to take up the cause of corruption in India. We can see far more influential and persuasive protests from Anna Hazare and his team, Baba Ramdev and his team and similar people. They will be able to effectively educate the citizens about the causes they are standing for, and gather even greater support from the citizens. In April, we might see the spiritual leaders and freedom fighters coming together, and discussing their strategy to eliminate corruption. May 2012 could see film and sport celebrities joining the movement. At around this time, there are certain planetary patterns worth taking note of from the May 22, 2009 swearing-in chart of the current Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh. In June 2012, the present political ruling will be under the primary and secondary influence of Jupiter and the Moon. Jupiter as the lord of the third and sixth house is in the fifth house and viewing the ascendant. The Moon, as the lord of the tenth house is in the seventh. He is along with the second and the seventh lord Mars. The Moon takes the role of a first rate maraka. This pattern of Jupiter and the Ketu Jupiter Moon is likely to create Natal Chart problems to the ruling party. Rasi The problem creators for the Saturn Rahu ruling party are clearly indicated as spiritual leaders Ascendant and freedom fighters. The influence of the Moon will be severe, perhaps life-threatening as well. The similarities in the Indian Horoscope and swearing-in chart indicate Venus


Mars Moon

(Mercury) Sun


destabilization of the ruling party with a few top leaders going behind bars. In July 2012, the tertiary influence of Jupiter kicks in. The political leaders may twist the laws to their favor, and even conceal certain facts from being exposed. They may attempt to buy out top judges as well to stall or turn certain cases to their favor. India could see the first version of the Jan Lokpal Bill rolling out, with lower officials under its radar in August 2012. The unfavorable position of the Sun could help the top political leaders to negotiate themselves out of the ambit of the Jan Lokpal Bill. Venus takes the role of secondary influencer in September 2012. Venus as the lord of the ascendant and the sixth house is in the third house. The anti-corruption activities would have minimized by this time. The top political leaders will happy that they were out of the Jan Lokpal radar. A new issue arises and attention is focused to that. October and November might see the political leaders occupied by this issue. As the year ends, there would be state of uncertainty pervading across the country. 2012 Legislative Elections A few states have their ruling party’s tenure expiring in 2012. Goa, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand are due. The transit of Saturn in Libra, Jupiter’s transit in Aries and then Taurus, and Mars’ transit in Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, are going to have a significant impact on the elections. India represented by Virgo, will have Saturn in the second from it. Jupiter will transit the eighth and ninth houses. The BJP government in Gujarat under the leadership of Mr. Narendra Modi is likely to win the elections again. In Mr. Modi’s horoscope, the Sun and Mercury influence his actions in 2012. The Sun as the tenth lord in the eleventh is a positive combination and makes him more powerful in the political front. Mercury, as the lord of the eighth and the eleventh is in the eleventh, and will push Mr. Modi to take many more economic reforms. Indications suggest that Gujarat under the leadership of Mr. Modi could emerge a world destination. His Prime Ministers role however, will have to wait.

Free Panchanga for January 2012, February 2012 & March 2012 with this issue THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE


The Bahujan Samaj Party won 206 seats in 2007 election in Uttar Pradesh. Ms. Mayawati became the Chief Minister. In 2012, we can expect a repetition. Mercury as the primary influencer will help Ms. Mayawati to emerge victorious. Overall, the planetary patterns indicate an unfavorable outcome for the Congress Party. Moon and Mercury are the primary and secondary influencers for the party in 2012. Moon, as the fifth lord is in the seventh, in maraka sthana along with Rahu. Mercury as the seventh lord is the ninth house. The Moon’s gender is Female and Mercury is a eunuch. The party’s senior leader’s end is foreseen. Economy, Inflation and Markets The Indian economy has been bad in 2011. Both the Sensex and Nifty are down by 18% in the last one year. Inflation is ending at around 9.5%, Benchmark Interest rates are have increased from 5.5% to 7.5%, petrol prices have increased by Rs. 10.00 per litre, both Industrial production and Government Budget have dropped by 5.1% of GDP. Basic necessities have become dear. The influence of the Sun is clearly seen. Going forward, the first half of 2012 will continue to see a downward trend. We can expect the markets to drop by another 10%. Iron, Steel and other Metal Sectors, Automobile sector, Oil and Chemicals sector, and companies with government holding will move southwards. Banking and Financial sectors, Power and Media sectors will also move southward, but at a slower pace. We may see a temporary relief in the months of May. The transit of Sun into Aries is likely to build support levels, and the markets gaining some strength. There could be an upward growth of about two to three percent during this time. Inflation can increase to around 11%, and two more upward revisions of petrol prices can be expected, once in January and then in February. The secondary influence of Mercury, indicates an increase in benchmark interest rates 50 basis points. Home loans and vehicle loans could be very high. The transit of the Sun and Mercury in bearish signs also suggest that the crops, pulses and other necessities will become dearer. By June 2012, the secondary influence of Mercury would have subsided and Ketu’s influence will begin. The markets will drop further, perhaps to another 10%. However, the benchmark interest rates are likely to reverse and likely to reduce the home and vehicle loans. Inflation can also reduce to about 8% and petrol prices can also stabilize. Throughout the year, iron, steel and metal stocks may perform badly while media and power stocks can be stable. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

Other Mundane Indications The new Samvatsara or lunar new year, Nandana, commences on March 22, 2012 at around 8 pm in the evening. The first degree of Libra will be rising and thereby Vargottama. With retrograde Saturn in the ascendant and viewed by Venus and Jupiter, Nandana Moon (Mercury) Venus appears to be a year of mixed Ketu Jupiter Sun results, both favorable and unfavorable. The ruling star Lunar Year is Uttarabhadra, ruled by Rasi Saturn and is an Amritanadi. (Mars)

At the time of Solar Ingress to Gemini in June 2011, Leo Rahu will be rising with Mars in it. Jupiter and Retrograde Venus occupy the tenth house and Saturn, the third. Rains this year will be below the expected levels. Farmers need to factor this or will end up facing problems. Amritanadi effects can manifest with Government providing support in the form of cloud seeding. (Saturn) Ascendant

Further Events There is a strange planetary formation taking place in the last week of October. Jupiter and Ketu are in conjunction in Taurus, and Ketu Mars, Mercury and Rahu Moon Jupiter (R) are viewing the two planets from Scorpio. Yogas or planetary combinations October 2012 taking place in Taurus usually manifest aggressively. In the case of Mercury Saturn Scorpio, in addition to being Rahu Venus Sun Mars aggressive, they are secretive in nature. The arrangement of these five planets suggests terrorist activities or human exploitation. The affected countries include one belt from Guyana, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay and another belt from Ukraine, Turkey, Iraq, Syria via Ethiopia, Somalia and all the way to Tanzania. Planetary heat map estimates indicate Kenya and Somalia to have the highest influence. With reference to India ruled by Virgo, Scorpio is the third house and Taurus is in the ninth house. An unhappy event is likely to take place and it could relate to religion. More details about this event will be given in the coming issues of our magazine. The above predictions are projections only. We hope the readers and governments take note of the planetary movements and plan for greater good. JANUARY 2012


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