The Astrological eMagazine June 2012

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Follow the Dharmic Path undertaken by our Ancestors People are classified as Astikas and Nastikas. An Astika has faith in the existence of God, Dharma, reincarnation, and in the Vedas. One who is devoid of such faith is classified a Nastika. A Nastika cannot be easily taught. Even a man who is completely ignorant can be taught. One who is bestowed with good intellect can be taught with greater ease. But a man with half-baked knowledge cannot be taught. A Nastika falls into the last category.

De%e: megKeceejeO³e: megKelejceejeO³eles efJeMes<e%e:~ %eeveueJeogefJe&oieOeb ye´ïeeefHe leb vejb ve j_pe³eefle~~ We belong to the category of Astikas since time immemorial. The Shruti (Veda) says – HegC³ees n Jew HegC³e: keÀce&Cee YeJeefle HeeHe: HeeHesve~ – one attains joy by performing Punya and falls by sinning. It is our Dharma Shastras that decide what constitutes Punyam and what constitutes Papam. In the Mahabharata, Duryodhana tried to cause trouble to the Pandavas even after sending them to exile. But he himself was caught in trouble as he was captured by Gandharvas. At this juncture, Yudhishthira sent Arjuna and Bhima to help Duryodhana. Though his brothers were reluctant, Yudhishthira persuaded them to help their cousin, Duryodhana inspite of what he had done to them. It is natural to help those who have helped others, however the tendency to help even those who have caused us harm is the quality of a Mahatma. Mahatmas such as Yudhishthira are our ideal. Mahatmas would be ready to sacrifice anything for Dharma, but never sacrifice Dharma. Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada in His Bhashya writes thus about a Mahatma – ³ees efn Fäeefoue#eCeb keÀce& Dee®ejefle, lecee®e#eles ueeskeÀe: Oece¥ ®ejl³e³eb cenelcee – People call him who adheres to the path of Dharma as a Mahatma. It is not sufficient to say our ancestors were such people. While they lived such dharmic lives and fulfilled their life's purpose, it is our duty to reflect if we are following in their footsteps, rather than merely take pride in our lineage. May everyone reflect thus, strengthen their resolve to follow Dharma, act accordingly and attain Shreyas.


3 &

... Astrology Weather Forecasting

7 Sanskrit through Ramayana

5 Jyotisha Chinta Nidhi


Cover Story

9 Venus Transits the

The Mayan Apocalypse

Sun 21

Nakshatra Paddathi

27 Fifth House Progeny and Creativity



Partial Lunar Eclipse

29 Panchanga for the Month

JUNE 2012


HeÀueeefve ûen®eejsCe met®e³eefvle ceveere<f eCe: ~ keÀes JeÊeÀe leejlec³em³e leceskeÀb JesOemeb efJevee ~~

Chief Editor and Publisher Bangalore Niranjan Babu The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. Articles submitted for publication in The Astrological eMagazine must be certified in writing by the author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to reject, revise or rewrite any article/material without assigning any reason whatsoever and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. All published articles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated. The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by other than The Astrological eMagazine. No free insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be given. Publisher

Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ?

Contents DR. B. V. RAMAN ... Astrology & Weather Forecasting


YAJNAVALKYA Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi


Benedictory Message for “Sanskrit Through Ramayana” Series


T. K. NITHYANANDAN Family Astrologer Tradition


PROF. V. S. KALYANRAMAN Venus Transits the SUN


DR. VAMSHI KRISHNA GHANAPATHI Sanskrit through Ramayana


JAYASREE SARANATHAN The Mayan Apocalypse A Vedic View


C.A. PADMANABHAN Nakshatra Paddathi


Niranjan Babu Bangalore 101C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore-560 003 Tel : +91-80-2336 6864


Fifth House Progeny and Creativity


The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for June 2012


Partial Lunar Eclipse 4th June 2012





JUNE 2012

This Month for You June 2012


Sunrise and Sunset Timings for June 2012


Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka



Lead Article

... Astrology& Weather Forecasting DR. B. V. RAMAN


HEN YOU NOTE WINDS blowing from the northeast in the evening (Sandhya) of the Full Moon day of Ashadha (July-August) month, then there will be downpour and consequent luxuriant vegetable life during the ensuing year. When it rains on the 4th lunar day of the dark half of Ashadha and on the day ruled by Poorvabhadra in the same month, there will be luxuriant vegetation during the year ahead. When the 5th lunar day of the bright half of the lunar month falls on a Sunday (in Ashadha), there will be a little rain. If it is on a Monday, there will be a down pour. If it is a Tuesday rains will be fierce ; Wednesday would bring in a storm ; Thursday— general prosperity ; Friday —ruin and loss; Saturday— there will be misery everywhere. If the constellation of Rohini coincides with the 10th lunar day (in the month of Ashadha) there will be terrible rains.

(c) Full Moon and New Moon days, (d) When the Sun transits Cancer and Capricon signs. (e) When the Sun occupies the Aridra nakshatra. (f) When Mercury conjoins with Jupiter or Venus or when Jupiter joins with Venus there will be rain. When Mars and Saturn join together without any aspect or association of good planets, then danger from fire, lightning and storm can be expected.

Sun occupies 21/4 nakshatras every month beginning from Aswini, making up 12 months from Mesha. He occupies Poorvashadha in the month of Dhanus and stays there for 13 days and 20 ghatikas (13 degrees and 20 minutes). If during the 1st day, all the sky including the Sun is found to be completely covered by dark clouds, there will be rain during the month of Mithuna when the Sun occupies Ardra. Similarly, if during the 2nd day all the heavens are found to be dark by clouds, there will be rain during the latter part of Mithuna and the first part of Kataka, when the Sun will occupy the asterism of Punarvasu. Similarly in the 3rd day, 4th day, 5th day, 6th day and so on till the 14th day, if the same conditions prevail, there will be rains during the succeeding months when the Sun will be in Pushyami, Aslesha, Makha, Pubba, till Moola in regular succession. The above information is useful in giving longrange forecasts which appear to have been a specialty with our ancient meteorologists. If the heavens are clear, then there will be no rains.

If in the rainy season, the sunrise is observed to have a ‘halo’ in the East, and the Noon— (midday) is marked by the intense heat of the Sun’s rays, we can make sure that there will be rain that day. Apart from atmospheric factors, the ancient meteorologists took note of the behaviour of certain animals as indicating immediate rainfall such as...

Rains can be expected in the following periods:— (a) When the combustion period of the various planets begin and end. (b) When Moon conjoins with other planets,

We are asked to predict that there will be rains immediately if the following are observed :—

Continued from the May 2012 issue THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

We are also enabled to determine the very day of the occurrence of rain from a knowledge of the nature of the clouds during the day. When clouds surrounded by a radiance resembling that of the Moon, white as nectar, with a blue-black spot in the centre, and pouring layers of water pass from West to East or East to West, we can predict that there will be a very heavy shower before long.

Cows hasten home to meet their calves. Cats scratch the ground with their claws. Hills shine at a distance and seem to have a blue coloring. The disc of the Moon has a circular red line, the color being that of the eyes of the hen. Chameleons climb up trees and stare stupidly at the sky. Cows too seem to stare upwards. Cocks crow in the day looking up. Flashes of lightning are marked in the North East. The Moon is observed to have the color of honey or of the eyes of parrots or doves. The disc of the Moon though enveloped in clouds, seems to emanate a radiance—round in shape Prathi Chandra (mock moon).

Pearls of thunder crash in the night time, deep red flashes of lightning are observed during day time; cold winds blow JUNE 2012


Siva and Parvati in extremely propitious mood. When it happens on a Saturday, it is called Sanipradosha and if on Monday Somapradosha and both are special. Pournamipooja is done in the evenings on days the full Moon is prevalent. The Amavasya day, Pitrudina is devoted to manes and offerings are made to them through Tarpana. Thirteen Amavasya days of the lunar year are included in the shannavati -96- Sraddhas. A discussion of various other special Tithis is deferred, as our present aim is to examine some of the special Yogas. These Yogas are numerous and only some select ones find a place in the daily guide. By permutation and combination, the Vara, Nakshatra and Tithi can generate too many groupings. We have VaraTara-Yogas with the combination of weekdays and Nakshatras. The Tithi-Vara Yogas are the combination of those with Tithi and weekdays. Tithi-Vara-Tara Yogas are those with the combinations of all the three. Let us try to examine them one by one.

The combination of specific Tithi on a specific weekday is called the Tithi-Vara yoga. Dwadasi on a Sunday, Ekadasi on Monday, Dasami on Wednesday, Navami on Thursday, Ashtami on Friday and Saptami on Saturday create Krakachadosha. This can be spotted out easily. It will be present when the sum of the Tithi and the weekday add up to 13. It must remembered that, in our panchangas, the reckoning a day by its name, is done from one sunrise to the next. Krakachadosha yoga is generally not recommended for auspicious events. Tithis Trayodasi, Chaturdasi, Pournami, Amavasya and Prathama to Panchami cannot create this Dosha. Krakacha means a saw and like it is capable of cutting the beneficial effects of the time selected. As there are divergent views in the constitution of some of the Tithi Vara Yogas according to different authorities, we shall confine only to those, mostly accepted and discuss them hereafter. (to be continued)

Raman & Rajeshwari Research Foundation, Regd. Bangalore India


DR. B. V. RAMAN Birth Centenary Year Celebrations on 5th August 2012 Event news updates on 6

JUNE 2012


Benedictory Message of Sadguru Parama Pujya Avadhoota Datta Peethadhipati Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji

Sanskrit through Ramayana (Series by Dr. Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi begins on page 15 ...) The significance of Sri Ramayana cannot be described in words. The impact of Sri Rama’s character has captivated the Indian psyche. The magnanimity of his virtues, perseverance to adhere to the principles of Dharma in the face of intense adversity; catapults the phenomenon of Sri Rama, into the supreme unique league. However, Sage Valmiki has simply enlisted the benefits of Ramayana. This story

Decimates the sins of listeners/ readers, as it encourages and inspires them to adhere to the path of Dharma. Sets the polity on the path of virtues and merit. Increases their health and life span, to lead life of chastity and virtue coupled with prosperity. Elevates them to the greatest plane of spirituality.

Thus, Ramayana parayana has become an integral part of Indian Society. It has branched out to many forms of humanity, such as an enactment of drama, literature, songs, ballet, simple prose, poetry, analysis and other forms of folk art. In this electronic age, medium of internet has been crucial to spread the awareness about Ramayana. Hence, Ramayana’s 1st Chapter called Sankshepa (Shatashloki Ramayana) is presented in video form, attracting thousands of viewers across the globe. Its frequent viewership has even helped to lessen the impact of calamities. This great chapter is now presented in a series of articles in THE ASTROLOGICAL EMAGAZINE for the benefit of its readers. Samskruta Bhasha As we speak of Ramayana, it would be our inherent duty to mention the classic language deployed by the poet sage Valmiki. What is so great in it? The work is known as the first and foremost work in classic Sanskrit Literature. Thus, it retains its preeminence in literary pursuit. Hence, it will be beneficial to start learning Sanskrit and the nuances of usage through Ramayana. The relevance of each word and its deployment are great source of inspiration, for and all. Let us look forward to learn the language and adopt the values espoused thru the medium to acquire umpteen chances of reform in life. Jaya Guru Datta!


JUNE 2012


Venus Transits the

SUN PROF. V. S. KALYANRAMAN V S Kalyanraman, a mathematician and amateur astronomer by training, a bureaucrat by profession and a student of astrology by passion, had his traditional training in astrology in his teens, under a couple of illustrious masters in Kerala and took a vow not to turn a professional astrologer. A journalist from his student days he commenced his career as a teacher and ended it as a senior officer of the Government of India. Turning his attention to serious studies, from story writing, in the fifties, to Saiva Siddhanta, Philosophy, Psychology, Vedic Mathematics, Bharateeya Ganitha Sastra, Jyothisha (astronomy), the various astrological systems, Vastu Sastra, Vedic Numerology and allied disciplines, under various masters of repute, he was actively associated in astrological journalism, over decades and more intensively after his retirement for over two decades, under the guise of various pseudonyms and has been the recipient of many awards. He, as a senior contributor is with THE ASTROLOGICAL EMAGAZINE, since its inception. He is not available for any private consultations.


(This special article is dividied into three parts – The event, the astrological significance and the astronomical aspect. Every student of astrology and astronomy will greatly benefit by going through this very well designed, content rich article by a vedic scholar par excellence.– Editor, The AeM) Part A


S A SECOND RARE EVENT of this century we will be witnessing a “Transit of Venus across the disc of the Sun” on June 6, 2012. Some of our readers may remember the one such transit occurred on the 8th of June 2004. That was a most interesting celestial event that was eagerly awaited then, after a lapse of 121 years, when almost one generation who died before that date was denied the opportunity to witness such a rare celestial sight. On the 8th June 2004 we, in India, could see the planet Venus moving across the face of the Sun for nearly six hours. 2004 transit as seen from Bangalore at 07:41 UTC, about two hours into the transit. The image is inverted compared to the diagram, so Venus is seen near the top of the Sun’s disc

A similar event will happen this year on the 6th June 2012. Here is a warning. No one must try to see the Sun with naked eyes. No optical aid, telescope or binoculars, as we usually watch the night sky, must be used to observe this phenomenon. Even filters will not be safe. Any such attempt can damage the eyes and cause permanent blindness. The safe method will be to project the image of the Sun on a white screen and observe the event on the screen. What Is this All About? After-all what is this “Transit of Venus across the disc of the Sun”? The orbits of the planets Mercury and Venus lie inside the orbit of the Earth, around the Sun. Therefore only these two planets can pass between the Earth and the Sun and trigger such transits. JUNE 2012


The Mayan Apocalypse



HE DOOMSDAY PREDICTION of the Mayan calendar that the world would come to an end on 21st December 2012 has done enough rounds around the world. This prediction is different from the prophecies of the Nostradamus kind, because the Mayans had based their predictions on a repetitive calendar system of astronomical position of planets. This background of the predictions naturally arouses the interest of astrologers like us who have been introduced to traditional astrology given by the Vedic seers. Of particular interest is the importance given to Venus in the Mayan calendar. The origin of the Mayan calendar coming from regions closer to the southern hemisphere raises our curiosity as to whether the system of Venus, known as Shukramana was the basis for the Mayan calendar. In this article, an attempt is made to bring out the salient features of the Shukramana, taking cue from Brihat Samhita and interfacing with Mayan revelations and the probable interpretation of the Mayan prediction of 21st December, 2012. Before going into the details, let us remind ourselves of the Mayan connection to our traditional astrology. The name Maya comes as a Vastu specialist and also as an astrologer who received the wisdom of Surya Siddhantha. In both these contexts Maya is either referred to as a Danava or an Asura. Surya Siddhantha recognises him as an Asura only. We should recall that the region to the south of the equator was peopled with Asuras according to Puranic narrations. The Asuras of the south and the Devas who inhabited the Northern hemisphere were guided by their respective preceptors namely Shukra (Venus) and Brihaspathi (Jupiter) respectively. For the astrologer, the important information is that the cycle of Jupiter, known as Brihaspatya mana was in vogue in the Northern hemisphere. This gives a presumption that the cycle of Venus called as Shukra mana must have been popular in the southern hemisphere. Although not much is known about Shukra mana, the traditional opinion is that such a system of time measurement did exist as part of different systems of mana or measurement of time. Interestingly Mayasura THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE

With a Masters degree in astrology, she is a practitioner of astrology (and palmistry) for twenty years. She is currently doing Research in astrology. While her teacher was maternal grand father, Kaazhiyur Bashyam Iyengar, she says she owes her knowledge largely to Dr B.V. Raman whose books enriched her perception of astrology.

received the knowledge of nine systems of mana according to the narration in the Surya Siddhantha. They are Brahma-mana, Prajapatya-mana, Deva-mana, Pitru-mana, Saura-mana, Chandra-mana, Savanamana, Nakshatra-mana and Brihaspatya-mana. The Brihaspathya mana is based on Jupiter and was followed by the Devas or the people of the northern hemisphere. But an Asura receiving that knowledge precludes that he later deduced the mana for the Asuras or the inhabitants of the southern hemisphere. There does exist in some compilations that a mana known as Asura mana was in vogue in times of past but was lost due to dis-use in the region where we live, namely the northern hemisphere. An analysis of the past does reveal that a system of astrology propagated by Maya and applicable to the southerners did exist in the past. From Vedic texts we come to know that a common ancestry of seers known as Bhrugvangiras got divided into Bhrugu and Angiras. Bhrugu’s disciple was Shukra, who became teacher for Asuras (demons). And from Angiras came Brihaspathi who became the teacher for Devas. The sage Bhrugu and the teacher of Shukra are grouped along with Maya in Matsya Purana as sages who were proficient in Vastu sastra. Thus we find a connection between Maya and Shukra and Asuras, the people of southern regions. This background information gives credence to the Bhrugu or Shukra mana (Asura-mana) system of time measurement as the origin of the Mayan belief system that is found in the Mesoamerican regions including Mexico and in regions just north and south of the Equator. The importance given to Venus in their systems also lends credence to its origin in Asura-mana or Shukra-mana. The Mayan Calendar of Time Mayans followed 3 types of calculation of time. One is the long count which is similar to Yuga cycles running into thousands of years. One such long cycle is going to end on 21st December 2012. The second one is a Divine calendar (Tzolkin) running to a duration of 260 days. This resembles our Lunar calendar which we use for religious purposes. Mayans have 13 rounds of 20 days JUNE 2012



JUNE 2012


Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka 12 hours of the day and 12 hours of the night are divided into 8 sections each having duration of 90 minutes or 1½ hours each. The seven Upagrahas kaala, paridhi, dhooma, ardhaprahara, yamakantaka, indrachaapa and Maandi take over by turns their ruler-ship of the seven sections, each day, leaving one to Rahu. The period ruled by Rahu is called Raahukala which is generally considered inauspicious. The timings of the ruler-ship of Raahukala for the seven weekdays are furnished in the table below. The timings given are for days when the sunrise is 06.00 AM and sunset 06.00 PM. For calculating the exact duration of the period of Raahukalam, on any day, the duration of the daytime must be ascertained first and that has to be divided by 8. The result arrived will denote the duration of the


each of the 8 sections for the day. For example take a Sunday having the sunrise at 06.20 AM and sunset at 05.40 PM. The duration of the daytime will then be only 11h.20m.., or 680minutes. Divided by 8 the sectional value will be only 85 minutes. Raahukala generally for Sunday is from 16.30 to 18 hrs. In this case Raahukala must therefore be only for

85 minutes. It would commence 85 minutes before the actual unset of the day namely, 05.40 AM. Therefore the Raahukala for the day will be from 16h.15m, to 17h.40m. It has to be worked out accordingly for the periods of other Upagrahas also. Gulikakala is considered auspicious. Regarding Yamakantaka, popularly considered inauspicious, opinions however, differ.






16.30 to 18.00

15.00 to 16.30

12.00 to 13.30


07.30 to 09.00

13.30 to 15.00

10.30 to 12.00


15.00 to 16.30

12.00 to 13.30

09.00 to 10.30


12.00 to 13.30

10.30 to 12.00

07.30 to 09.00


13.30 to 15.00

09.00 to 10.30

06.00 to 07.30


10.30 to 12.00

07.30 to 09.00

15.00 to 16.30


09.00 to 10.30

06.00 to 07.30

13.30 to 15.00

JUNE 2012


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