99th Raman Jayanti 25th September 2011
Saturn’s Transit into Libra How will the next
2 ½ years be for You? GARGACHARYA
ATURN ENTERS LIBRA on 15th November 2011 while the Moon is in Aridra in Gemini. He dons Svarnamurti for Gemini, Leo and Capricorn. He assumes Rajatamurti for Taurus, Aquarius and Libra. He has Tamramurti for Aries, Sagittarius and Virgo, and Lohamurti for Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. He leaves for Scorpio on 2nd November 2014. Jupiterian transit is also quite important. Jupiter stays in Aries till 13th June 2012. Then he moves to Taurus and stays there till 27th May 2013 from where he moves to Gemini and stays on till 12th June 2014. Then he moves to Cancer. The transits of other planets also affect the results.
Mesha (Aries): (Aswini, Bharani, Krittika 1) Saturn moves to an unfavourable place and he assumes Tamramurti. Jupitarian transit also does not improve till June 2012 and for one year, it is helpful. On the whole, the transit is likely to give numerous problems. Because of the exaltation of Saturn, one can expect favourable results in some matters. The problems created by labourers may assume great proportion. They will be solved by arbitration and conciliation. Relation in the family may be strained, but will be settled by the good offices of seniors and well-wishers. You are a lover of travel, and you get plenty of opportunities for that. In the initial stages, things may not be very successful. Problems relating to passport and visa may cause procrastination. But you may succeed after June THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE
2012. Those with chronic illness may gradually get rid of that and get back to normalcy. It is true that you have lost the support of many kinsmen and friends you enjoyed earlier. Now you have to try everything yourself and the will power and the might with which you are intrinsically endowed now stand in good stead. From the point of view of profession, there will be improvement. But you may have to wait for a year to get the consummate product. People in all walks of life have mixed results, but even in the midst of bitter results, the occasional sweetness enlivens them. There will be some important achievements but the heartburn you have undergone is certainly bad. Aswini: In the beginning, there will be impediments. In the middle portion, you emerge victoriously. In the end, some sufferings are indicated. Bharani: You find currents leading to your welfare in the beginning. In the middle, there will be impediments. In the end, there will be happiness. Krittika 1: There will be problems of health in the beginning. In the middle, you feel quite happy. The end gives mixed results. Vrishabha (Taurus): (Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohini, Mrigasira 1, 2) This is an excellent period. Many matters tormenting you in the previous years end and you achieve your goal. Lawsuits, which have been going on, are likely to be settled in your favour. It is true that you get the real benefits towards the end. NOVEMBER 2011
Still many exciting experiences not even conceived of will certainly make you forget the untoward experiences in the past. Those engaged in business get the favour of the government and the loan sought for. In official career, you impress the higher ups and even get merit promotion at times. Your health will be normal but for the routine disturbances. Transfer to a convenient place, substantial income in salary etc. make you cheerful. Your enemies are vanquished with ease and the hollow bonhomie of the villains engaged in machinations will be exposed. You will have a feeling of triumph. A good transit of a planet assuming Rajatamurti should take you to great heights. If you are a politician, you are bound to be favoured with a coveted position in the party or the government. Academicians also may get recognized though the process of recognition is slow. Women may find that the continuous quarrels with inlaws end. Newly wedded couple may succeed in having a separate establishment. People in all walks of life succeed. But the other transits have a dampening effect leading to delay. Still you are sure to succeed. Krittika 2, 3, 4: In the first part, you may have problems of health. In the middle part, you have enjoyment and the last part gives mixed results. Rohini: In the first part, you have financial gains. In the second part, your health deteriorates and in the third, you get benefits. Mrigasira 1, 2: In the first part, your health creates concern. In the second, you acquire health and the third creates some opposition. Mithuna (Gemini): (Mrigasira 3, 4, Aridra and Punarvasu 1, 2, 3) Though Saturn moves to the fifth, which is not good prima facie, the fact that he is exalted and dons Svaranamurthi makes all the difference. Thus, the bad results get greatly modified. In the beginning when Jupiter is favourable, the results will be well pronounced. You may visit shrines and worship your ancestral deity. If you have any chronic illness, which has subsided, the recurrence may create concern. But it can be set right by treatment. A dispute, which has been going on in the family matters, will end and you may be the beneficiary. The relationship with inlaws may be smooth who offer their support. Those who have romance may find this period exciting. Children may create concern. But all these will be balanced by many favourable results. Those in service may find that the workload increases. There can be change of place. Still, there will be recognition in official career. Businessmen 10 NOVEMBER 2011
also find the period good and the profit increases. Yet problems relating to payment of tax may give worries. Women also do well and get employment of their choice. Politicians also get position of importance. It is true that students do well in the examination. But they may flounder because of overconfidence and conceit. On the whole, the period will be reasonably good. Mrigasira 3, 4: The first portion will give problems of health. The second gives you health and the last gives setbacks. Aridra: You get wealth from various sources, particularly from insurance, senior kinsmen and others in the beginning. The second gives problems of health and the third gives wealth. Punarvasu 1, 2, 3: The first part gives you wealth. The second also gives many good results. The third gives problems of health. Karkataka (Cancer): (Punarvasu 4, Pushya, Aslesha) Saturn’s transit in 4th and assumption of Lohamurti give unpleasant experiences though he is exalted. But by the middle of the period things certainly improve. At the same time, conjugal relations may be strained and your attempts for foreign travels may be failed. Dislocation and transfer to other places cause loss of health and wealth. Those with chronic illness should take precaution. You may buy old vehicles. Maintenance of the house and problems connected with vehicles etc. give concern. Those doing business may find that labour problems try to block your progress. Your relatives and friends also keep aloof from you. You always have a vacillating mind and hardly come to any concrete decision in general. Much impetus is required to force you to act. At the present, the time aggravates things. Your tendency to brood over things and waste time manifests more. You may delay matters and miss the bus at times. With all these things, you earn money from different sources though the expenditure is also high. In some cases, travels abroad may take place with great difficulty. But you will be away from home and remain separated from spouse and children. You may earn wealth, but the enjoyment you have will be little. Those aspiring for promotion may get it with great effort, but it involves inconveniences like greater responsibility, change of place and the non-cooperation of assistants. On the whole, the period is not good though the middle portion and the occasional successes you get cheer you up. Punarvasu 4: The first gives you new relations and friendship. The second part gives good results. The third gives problems of health. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE
Pushya: The first part gives you losses. The second gives you wealth and the third showers good results. Aslesha: The first part is favourable. The second gives concern about health. The third gives many benefits. Simha (Leo): (Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni 1) You are thrice blessed. Saturn dons the garb of Svarnamurti and above all exalted. These certainly guarantee a plentitude of good results, which have been denied to you in the past. Saturn has been cruel to you for the past 7 ½ years by giving a flood of unmanageable situations. Now things change and many of your longcherished desires materialize. The disputes in family properties going on against your wish now get settled in your favour. Many worries, about children, family, office and society now end and you get peace of mind. Many matters tantalizing you also now turn into your favour. In the first and last portion, Jupiter also acts favourably and you rule the roost in your field of activity. Worries about the health of kinsmen or yourself also vanish. You earn wealth in different ways and the goddess of fortune smiles on you. What else is required? Even if you are a timid man, you apparently act as a man endowed with fortitude and your opponents keep aloof from you. Some kinsmen may offer you valuable gifts. Money through insurance or due to death of relatives is also likely. In short, you enjoy life after quite some time and this period is sure to cast an indelible impression on your mind. Those who are religiously inclined may visit shrines and uplift themselves spiritually. Even with your aversion, you are encumbered with luxuries and the like. Makha: The first part gives you problems of health. The second gives you prosperity and the third gives obstacles. Poorvaphalguni: The first part is excellent. The second gives some obstacles and the third gives good results. Uttaraphalguni 1: The first gives unfavourable currents. The second gives favourable currents and the third gives disappointments. Kanya (Virgo): (Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, 4, Hasta and Chitta 1, 2) The exalted Saturn assumes Tamramurti but transits the second and one cannot expect good results. In general, there will be plethora of difficulties, with occasional benefits. In the middle portion, some comfort is indicated. Your legitimate claim may be overlooked. Even in the official career your rival exercises his influence and easily thwarts away your chances. Even in conjugal life, you THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE
face problems. Children also show recalcitrance and disregard your advice. Your mother also may show interest in the case of your siblings and behave with indifference with you. Even in matters of inheritance in which you have real claim, she may remain close-lipped. Your inlaws also may try to trouble you and draw your spouse to their side. Those preparing for competitive examinations may find a discounted success. In the case of students also, the results will not be completely satisfactory. Your problems of health create concern. Though you follow up your ventures persistently, you find that things slip away in the end. What happens is that your opponent is more influential. In some routine matters, you do succeed, but your success is not worthy of celebrating with ĂŠclat. You need to recite the hymn on Sanisvara. Neelanjana Samaabhaasam Raviputram Yamaagrajam | Chaaya Marthaanda Sambhootham Tam Namaami Sanaischaram||
Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, 4: There will be losses in the beginning. In the second portion, you will get benefits. In the second portion, you will get benefits. In last portion, you face impediments. Hasta: You get income through various sources in the beginning. In the middle, you face impediments. In the last portion, you find favourable currents. Chitta 1, 2: There will be problems of health in the beginning. In the middle, you will be happy. In the last, you face impediments. Tula (Libra): (Chitta 3, 4, Swati, Visakha 1, 2, 3) Though the transit is not good, the assumption of Rajatamurti and the exalted position shower some favourable results. In the official career there will be mixed results. Yet the first and the third parts push you to an elevated position. The problems relating to your house, if any will be solved. You will visit the family deity and give your offering. Maternal relationship will be strengthened. Children will make you happy. The real problems are about your health and that of your senior kinsmen. Despite good conjugal relations, you will be forced to take up travels and undergo some sufferings. If you get some promotion, you may have to stay away from the family. There will be loss of money due to dislocation. Chances of food poisoning, problems like arthritis etc. give you concern. Many colleagues and assistants help you in a half-hearted way. Agriculturists may have bumper crops, yet there will be some problems in marketing them causing dismay. Things fall short of expectation making you indifferent to worldly matters. There will be a tendency NOVEMBER 2011
to remain sequestered; still you do not succeed completely. The fact is that you get some favours, but certain things end up in a fiasco. The question is whether to rejoice for the first or lament over the latter. With all these, you find that something has been achieved. Chitta 3,4: The first part gives problems of health. The second gives wealth and the third gives unfavourable currents. Swati: There will be favourable trends in the first part. In the second part, there will be problems of health and the third will make you happy. Visakha 1, 2, 3: In the first, you feel cheerful. The second gives benefits. In the third, there will be problems of health. Vrischika (Scorpio): (Visakha 4, Anuradha, Jyestha) The transit is not favourable more so because Saturn dons Lohamurti. The exaltation of Saturn is a general feature and the transit of Jupiter in the middle portion showers some good results. Still the overall picture is grim. You face setbacks in many ventures and the absence of cooperation of your colleagues adds fuel to fire. In official career also, you face stagnation. Even the innovations you have do not help you. The absence of encouragement, recognition etc. gives you much disappointment. In matters relating to your siblings, there can be some misunderstanding. Your mother favours other children and leaves you. The construction of a house you started gets blocked partly because of the noncooperation of the labourers and inadequacy of funds. Your desire to buy vehicles also does not easily get fulfilled. Even if you get it after much wait, it may not be of your choice. If you do research, there will be many impediments. Those involved in industry may find problems because of the non-availability of raw materials and resources. It is possible that you leave the ancestral house and buy another. You may also go abroad and stay there for some time. There may be problems of health and straining of relationship with friends. In-laws may give troubles and try to exercise their supremacy. Worship Saturn to get over the problems. Visakha 4: The first part gives gains. The second showers prosperity and third gives problems of health. Anuradha: There will be problems of health in the first part. The second part gives you prosperity. The third gives good results. Jyestha: In the first part, you face favourable currents. The second gives problems of health. The third gives you prosperity.
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Dhanus (Sagittarius): (Moola, Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha 1) The transit is in the 11th, an excellent place. Saturn is exalted, but assumes Tamramurti. In general you succeed and get income through various sources. Your life in the family is pleasant. Your brothers and other kinsmen favour you. Your special skills manifest in full bloom. In official career you have a cakewalk while trying for elevations. Those engaged in education do very well. It should have been the best possible transit, but for the murti which slightly pulls you down. Because of your systematic methods, thoroughness of the subject you deal with straightforward nature and the winningest demeanour you have, you should be the number 1 in any selection. But at least in some cases there can be rift with the nearest enemy who overtakes you by crooked methods. Still you do not bother and you have reasons to ignore. You have many gains already and the loss of material aspired for hardly disturbs you. The first and the third parts are good. Marriage and enlargement of entourage are likely to take place. Your travels also become quite successful. There will be wealth, fame and increase in prestige. Those in political field get positions. Academicians get accolades. There will be expansion of business in the case of businessmen. The cooperation of the workers will be a great boon. The illness that has been troubling you will gradually subside. In short you get whatever you aspire for, though there may be disappointment, rarely. Moola: The first part gives problems of health. The second gives you good results and the third gives troubles. Poorvashadha: In the first part, many favourable currents cheer you up. In the second there will be impediments and in the third you get many favours. Uttarashadha 1: In the first part there will be problems of health. The second gives favourable results. The third causes impediments. Makara (Capricorn): (Uttarashadha 2, 3 4, Sravana, Dhanistha 1, 2) Saturn dons Svarnamurti with exaltation. Though the transit is not quite good, the results get greatly redeemed. Particularly during the middle period when you take up ventures, you get disappointment in the beginning. The problem of finance and the governmental sanction may get delayed. You have to work for it and gradually you come across an ombudsman who sets your problems right. In the matters relating to wealth, you face some difficulties. Excessive expenses and payment of fines, charges due to delay and lethargy trouble you. But gradually things THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE
are settled. You may be misled by people with evil designs to invest money in risk-involving schemes. Such speculative methods do not help you. On the other hand, you may land in trouble. Utmost precaution should be exercised in such matters. With all these, you may succeed in some of the things by the middle of the year. There can be problems of health. Those with rheumatic ailments may have problems relating to these. In the matters relating to ancestral properties your problems do not get solved. They tremble in the balance. With great effort partial success may be obtained. There may be scandals about you and this will be due to the people bent upon damaging your image. Try to keep a low profile in important matters. Uttarashadha 2, 3, 4: In the first part there will be impediments. The second gives favourable currents. The third gives obstacles. Sravana: There will be flow of income in the first part. In the second there will be unfavourable currents. The third will cause auspicious events. Dhanistha 1, 2: In the first part there will be problems of health. In the second you get wealth. In the third obstacles are indicated. Kumbha (Aquarius): (Dhanistha 3, 4, Satabhisha, Poorvabhadra 1, 2, 3) The Saturn in 9th with Rajatamurti gives fairly good results. You are likely to get wealth from your father and even inherit from ancestral sources and the opposition, which precluded that, will now vanish. You get children, visit shrines and do acts of charity. You get a position of preeminence in many places and exercise your influence well. Your schemes for travel abroad may click now and the problems relating to them may get solved. You may get the loans you have applied for. Construction of houses and acquisition of vehicles take place and the financial aid for these come to you without hitch. In some cases difference of opinion with your family may cause troubles. But they will be solved easily with the help of the kinsmen. In the last portion there will be happiness. It is also likely that you inherit from your father his profession and succeed. Investments fetch wealth. There will be unexpected success in the some cases. Promotions which have been kept pending will now materialize. You will contribute to the welfare of the family. Conjugal life will be happy. In some cases in-laws may become helpful. Students also do quite well. Those involved in research may be able to complete their project. Some of them may take up advanced work in foreign countries. There will be problems of health and those with cardiac problems should take care. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE
Dhanistha 3, 4: The first part will be harmful. In the second part, you earn wealth. In the third, there will be impediments. Satabhisha: In the first part, there will be favourable currents. In the second, there will be problems of health. In the third, there will be financial gains. Poorvabhadra 1, 2, 3: There will be favourable results in the first part. In the second, there will be financial gains. In the third, there will be problems of health. Meena (Pisces): (Poovabhadra 4, Uttarabhadra, Revati) Saturn assumes Lohamurti and is in the 8th. He is exalted, but this is common to all. Not much can be expected out of Saturn. Since Jupiter transits the second, there will be some benefits in the beginning. The mountain-high waves of numerous problems put you to hardship. Despite many difficulties, there will be restoration of losses and you can clear your debts without much difficulty. You may also get loans for essential purposes. There may be gains but they have to be utilized for things needing immediate attention. In official career, your legitimate claim may be overlooked, but with great efforts, you may get a consolation prize! Children give you very difficult problems. It may be health, progress in studies or even behaviour. A senior son may brush aside your advise and choose his life-partner. Your investments may belie all hopes. They may get blocked in some place and retrieval may cause delay. The brothers, sisters and in-laws may give trouble. The paternal relatives also may try to intimidate you and try to disprove your claims. These things have to be carefully tackled and patiently dealt with. Businessmen may find that the labourers have the upper hand and appeasing them may not be easy. Ultimately, you have to succumb to their demand. Pray to Saturn for alleviation of bad results. Poorvabhadra 4: The first part makes you happy. In the second you face impediments. In the third you get favourable results. Uttarabhadra: In the first part, ill-health creates concern. In the second part you earn wealth. In the third, you face impediments. Revati: In the first part, there will be favourable currents. There will be setbacks in the second. In the third, you feel happy. (Editor’s Note: Daily recital (with faith) of a simple Maruti mantra (108 times at least, as given here), in addition to the Saturn’s mantra suggested above, can minimise the imbalances of Saturn’s transit (for certain signs) and lessen the maleficence indicated. – Om Namo Hanumathe Namah!) NOVEMBER 2011
Niranjan Babu turns Sixty 28th September 2011
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