Mirabilis n°4 Nivi Group - English version

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Nยบ 04 MARCH 2017

privacy due diligence

THE FOURTH DIGITAL REVOLUTION cybersecurity infographic

Nยบ 04 MARCH 2017

Mirabilis 2017 March_ 2

Leonardo Tirabassi Director of Mirabilis Dear Friends, I think it’s time to introduce myself. I’m Leonardo Tirabassi, director of Mirabilis. When Luigi Nicosia, president of Nivi Group, told me that he wanted to publish a company magazine and that he wanted me to run it, I had a momentary lapse of confusion. Of course it gave me satisfaction to be involved in a responsible journalistic position, but it also gave me suspense for being it a new and uncharted road. So, long story short, how to provide with true, identifying and innovative information of Nivi at the same time? How to marry the outwards information for our clients and friends - I mean, Mirabilis in its role of business card - and the inwards information able to offer a moment of reflection for our group, at the same time? Not many companies our size can afford a newspaper. Of course Nivi doesn’t hold the numbers of the food retail chains, the variety of products or dozens of head offices with thousands of employees - just to give examples of groups with famous newspapers. At this fourth issue, I would say that we are on the right way and that Luigi Nicosia has been right. Also thanks to the beautiful and clear graphic interface realized by Karolina Sadowka, Mirabilis arises with a clear idea of what a company magazine can be, by dealing with different interests, from the debt collection area to projects and services for the Smart City, and in general within the IT area. The magazine includes 3 different but interconnected sections. A first part is dedicated to topics describing the activities of Nivi. This issue, for example, starts with an article about the work of a vital department which is Nalpi, that deals with the normalization of data relating to the plates. It also is about the importance and relevance of two new products and services: Cyber ASC for the IT security and Privacy Due Diligence for the privacy protection. The second section is dedicated to deepening, culture in general and information topics: what the Big Data, Industria 4.0, Smart City, virtual reality, user interface - and so on - are and how do they work. Finally the third part is lighter, consisting of columns about music, books and art. A last note before the conclusion. Mirabilis wouldn’t even be conceivable without the collaboration of the colleagues who are involved in the drafting with articles, suggestions and ideas. Many thanks to them.

Mirabilis 2017 March_ 3


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INDUSTRIA 4.0 The fourthdigital revolution has begun. No shortage of creativity and flexibility in italy, but we have to run

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TO REPRESENT THE INFORMATION Graphics from the stone walls to the screens

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A LESSON OF LIFE IN THE SNOWBOUND MARCHE REGION Our colleague’s experience during this year’s earthquakes

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QUASI GOAL Football and sporting events for companies

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Mirabilis 2017 March_ 5

Cybersecurity If you don’t have any idea about the danger caused by the hackers, let’s reflect on this data.

Every day more than a million hackers, unauthorized external agents and spies try to hack networks and computers of one of the surely better protected centers in the world, the United States government. One million! And, as the case of WikiLeaks or what’s happened during the American presidential election show, sometimes somebody can do it, with very serious consequences. The multinational titans are not better, as the case of Yahoo shows, with 500 million hacked accounts just in 2016 (Corriere comunicazioni, February 6th 2017). “According to the latest estimate produced by Cybersecurity Ventures and The Herjavec Group, the damages caused by the cybercrimes could reach 6 thousand billion dollars per year in 2021, exactly twice as today’s 3 thousand billion. Italy, too, doesn’t seem to escape this danger. In the first half of the year, the number of recorded cybercrimes is increased by 9% over the second half of 2015”. What especially increased are the attacks carried out with “banal techniques as the common malwares (increased by more than 100%) as well as phishing and social engineering, which increased more than 1.500%” (Notiziario finanziario, December 25th 2016). And 2017 doesn’t seem to be better, as the attack to the computers of our Foreign Office shows. Now, if it is possible to undermine the security of these titans, much less what can happen to the computers and networks of a normal company. Industrial control systems, communication between machines, data bases, cloud, apps, social networks etc. are the playing field for the modern robbers. The fact is that the number of the IT users increased at an exponential rate and the number of the devices too, but meanwhile the growth of the security systems didn’t correspond to the speed with which the technology was spreading. In the opinion of Andrea Zapparoli Manzoni, member of the Security IT Italian Association, in charge of the cybercrime, “none of these products was designed thinking of the security”. And in this gap blackmailers, thieves and villains of all kinds are all over it. A malware able to steal bank credentials may cost 500 € on the black-market; if it is sent by email to 1 million spam, which infect 1%, the deed is done. With a loot of 100 € for each violation, it is possible to easily obtain 1 million Euros, differently it is extremely difficult to trace back the origin of the theft. In addition to the actual scam, there is the field of catching the information, data bases, business secrets, mailing lists. The perimeter of the action area is represented by a quadrangle consisting in the number of IT devices used, its security threshold, the importance of the information contained and the background training of the users. A plain and simple example, which can cause irreparable damages, is to naively give credibility to the information on the social networks. It sometimes can develop in hate campaign, even reaching the defamation or spontaneous supply of information or data. Cyber fraud, forgery in electronic documents, data an Mirabilis 2017 March_ 6

programs damaging, sabotage, illegal accesses, interceptions, espionage, alteration or use of protected software, these are a few of the criminal acts that can be made through warm, virus, spam, malware and kind of wizardry in an infinite competition between Law and bandits within the modern Far West of the Web. As evidenced by these examples, it is not surprising that the governments from all over the world are battening down the hatches, but in this war against ghosts the power of the deterrence is limited and what matters is the 360-degree prevention. After the damage, in fact, the so-called reactive security is of little use. Material and reputational damages are in front of everyone, to testify the suffered clash. Public administrations, service networks, companies, finance have to fight against ghosts to protect its own organization, clients and users. The only good thing is represented by the labour market. It is estimated that the new war between good and evil will increase the world demand of experts of cyber security to six million new jobs. The solution is not to consider the cyberspace as a particular and divided entity where each actor plays alone his own match in the security war.

The cyberspace is a shared space where the public and the private, citizens and government agencies, security forces, big companies and professional profiles equally coexist. The cyber space is a single environment, a shared eco-system, where a hacker can affect anyone indifferently. So, to paraphrase an old expression about the war, it is too important to be fought by generals, as well as the cyber security is too important to be left to the technicians. According to the summaries in Italy, our companies are totally unprepared even to define the basic strategies against the cyber-crimes and in the opinion in the Privacy Guarantor Antonello Soro: "it is inexplicable the unwillingness of many companies to protect its cyber heritage and to take the data protection as new advantage competition element" (Notiziario finanziario, December 25th 2016). Even if the figures for 2016 on the investments in cyber security confirm the consciousness increase - the market increased by 5% over the previous year - just 39% of the big companies got a long-term investment plan and just 46% got an official security responsible, in 12% this plan is not formalized and in 9% the introduction of this role during the next months is foreseen (Corriere comunicazione, idem). Therefore the bet in Italy is to be able to convince the myriad of little companies making up the production sector, about the possibility to take steps to fight this new challenge. Often companies convinced not to have cyber heritage to protect, sometimes companies that ignore what the modern cyber pirate is able to do, finally other companies that are just unaware about the solutions to be adopted yet.

Cyber ASC The most effective protection from the IT risks. • Protection of Partners and Clients • Greater reliability • Safeguard of your company heritage

www.nivigroup.com www.assipbroker.com

Privacy Due Diligence The most effective solution to verify the right application of the privacy regulation. • Greater reliability • Protection from sanctions • Assistance in the procedure of adaptation to the new legislation

www.nivigroup.com www.consulentelegaleinformatico.it

has been underlined the educational importance with comprehension of the problem. Anyway it wasn’t a regulation immune to faults, it was based on an experimental stage. Subsequently in 2008 the rule has been shaped to this European regulation, but it still had defects, as the poor approach to the tech area and the failure to be reasonably applied to the technologies. With the EU regulation, we start talking in the key of systemic logic and ability to demonstrate the choices. In the new regulation the processing of personal data as basic principle on correctness, utility, scope remains close to what originally declared: just think to the Big Data and to their possible value”.

In contrast to the Directive 95/46/CE, the Regulation will be immediately implemented because it is executive in all the EU Member States without the need for any legislative national intervention.

Privacy On the 25th of May 2018 the new European regulation about the protection and free flow of the personal data will enter into force, which was published on the Official Gazette of EU on the 4th of May 2016. This whole time is needed because of the companies situation; to this day just 9% of them has already set up a path and just 46% is analyzing the requirements. These are alarming figures, as per research presented by the Security & Privacy Observatory of the Poly of Milan regarding the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) during the convention “The New European Regulation in the field of processing of the personal data: the most important elements”. Gabriele Faggioli, scientific director of the Observatory, explained the path which has led the European legislator to the Regulation. In 1996 the concept of protection of personal data was introduced and it

In the case of the Directive 95/46/ CE it was necessary that every State adopted the rule and in fact in Italy it was implemented with Law N. 675/96 first and with Privacy Code of 2013 subsequently. The adoption of a new law and the use of the “regulation” tool was necessary for two needs: assure a greater legislative harmonization between the States and a better protection of the citizens. More than ten years ago the social networks, the Internet of Things, the apps were still unusual in the Old Country, meanwhile the nature of the “directive” made every State differently and inharmoniously implemented the rule about the protection of personal data, threatening its effectiveness, even if it was born specifically to face the international issue of the web. As the recent painful news show, the topic of privacy, the right to protection of confidentiality and the right to be forgotten became arguments in the common reflection. So, let’s talk about the Regulation.

First of all it should be noted that the Regulation shall apply to operators, companies and public authorities operating in Europe, even if their headquarters are not here.

Regarding the protection, the news is the introduction of the right of the party concerned about the “data’s porting”, e.g. from a social network to another and of the right to be forgotten, which allows anyone to ask to a website or a social network for the cancellation of his own data. A key role is the obligation of communication of the violation of the personal data (provided for in the previous directive 95/46/CE just for some subjects) suffered by the public administrations and by the companies. This fulfillment will result in an amount of responsibility and other burden for the owners of the farms and of the institution, who will be obliged to show that they have taken all the measures of privacy according to the European Regulation (so-called principle of accountability). In some cases these subjects will also be required to evaluate the impact of the processes made about the protection of personal data.

The Regulation also provides for the introduction of the position of Data Protection Officer, already present in some European legislations. It is a professional, employee or not, with legal, IT, risk management an process analysis competence, in order to check that all the procedures regarding the processing of personal data protecting the privacy are met. In case of not following closely the rules, for the infractions considered more serious by the legislator - such as the violations regarding the basic principles of the processing, conditions for the consent, rights of the interested parties, abroad transfer of data, failure to observe an order or a temporary or definitive limitation of the processing, required by the supervisory authority - administrative sanctions up to 20 million euros are foreseen, or, in case of company, up to 4% of the world’s total revenue per year of the previous year.

Mirabilis 2017 March_ 9

A decision of the EU Council, 2005/214/GAI, makes it possible between the EU States the mutual recognition of administrative sanctions, including those relating the infractions to the traffic code. According to the EU, the State where the infractions was committed may directly request the collection of the sanction to the foreign citizen residing abroad, without further formalities.

NALPI Normalization of Addresses and License Plates Identification The normalization department of Nivi, that is to say the applied puzzles From this legislation, Nivi Credit has developed the European Municipality Outsourcing-EMO department, which deals with the management and international notification of the administrative sanctions issued by the municipal polices to foreign citizens. Behind each visible result, there is a necessary work, hiding from the outsiders. Behind the activity of the call center and of the client acquisition department there is the activity of a whole group , born in 2004, dedicated to a sensitive task, because on its proper functioning depends the success of the whole process.

The normalization office - NALPI - deals with two different processes: a. Read or identify the plates’ nationality took by the cameras or verify the data relating to the plates indicated on the reports issued by the Police officers; b. In case of infractions committed by vehicles owned by rental companies and leased to clients, it’s about verify, rectify and normalize, according to the postal format of the analogue country, the personal data of the driver, which are provided with by the rental company, that otherwise are responsible for the infraction and therefore obliged to pat the sanction. The material related to the plates and to the addresses may come in many ways: in paper form or scanned paperwork. In these cases the entry in the system is done manually at the company. Anyway it also may be imported from a computer file, whose data, verified at the moment of acquisition, are pre-entered.

NALPI Department (Photo: Giulia Pianigiani) Mirabilis 2017 March_ 10

The two activities are absolutely necessary because enable the unambiguous identification of the vehicle’s owner, making it possible to send the sanction and to make it chargeable. When the municipal police or the authority, as in the case of the motorway companies, have the infraction’s report, the plate’s photo or the data related to the owner of the vehicle, they can decide whether to proceed independently or to entrust to external companies (to Nivi in this case) the collection task, but these companies will have the burden of the verification. The difficulties are many. Let us take the example of the report through photo of the plate number. Every day Telepass, ZTL and lasers cameras take pictures of thousands of vehicles exceeding the speed limits, crossing the intersections with red light or entering within limited traffic areas. To receive the resulting fine seems to be automatic, and unpleasant indeed. In fact “it seems”, but that’s not so. To read a plate number on a photo is not easy, because of atmospheric reasons such as rain, fog, lack of light, glare, unclean plate, speed of the vehicle considerably reduce the visibility and therefore the resolution of the image too. And here begins the “investigation” of Nivi, which first of all has to give a nationality to the plate. For the delight of the collector, the formats and fonts of the plates differ from country to country and inside the same country too, for reasons of type of vehicle, year of registration, kind of activity etc. In response to these variables, the department has had some experience and introduced specific software, developed by the IT office of Nivi, and a really considerable database of international plates. These tools enable the identification of almost all the cases, even the most ambiguous. When it comes to the communication of the personal data from the rental companies, the difficulty is the possibility that the data provided are not clear. This difficulty is caused by many figures, such as the kinds of postal formats, that may be very different from the Italian format, initial clerical errors also caused by numerous computer steps. The addresses provided for by the rental companies are in 60% of cases wrong and/or incomplete and are not transcribed according to the postal format of their country. In absence of any correction, 30% of the communications wouldn’t get to their destination. Here again, that requires a painstaking work, close to puzzles, in order to obtain reliable personal data. At the end of the process Nivi is able to proceed with the sending of the notification to the offender, which can be made just if some specific rules established by law are respected. In fact, in order to have merit, the notification has to be written in the language of the registration, include the indications about the kind of infraction, place, date and time, the violated rule, the data about the device used to detect the offence and the amount to be paid.

in 2016 the normalization department precisely and punctually verified 1 million and 600 thousand plates and almost 300 thousand addresses. Really a big hit. Despite the difficulties,

Mirabilis 2017 March_ 11

industria 4.0 The fourth digital revolution has begun

No shortage of creativity and flexibility in Italy, but we have to run.

There’s much lost time to make up for. Just take a look at the data of “Digital economy and society index”, the index of the European Commission which classifies the countries according to five variables: connectivity, digital competence willingness to use digital services, integration of the digital technologies and digitalization of the public services. We score 0,404 points compared to the European average of 0,52. Italy is just number 25 out of 28 EU countries regarding the digitalization of economy and society. On top: Denmark 0,685, Netherland 0,673, Sweden 0,672, Finland 0,671.

Italy is 4th last position ahead of Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. The structure of the production system, which is extremely small and jagged, doesn’t give rise to great leaps forward within the investments in research and development. Francesco Sacco, economist at Bocconi University, carried out a study, presented during the event of Industry 4.0 in Rome on January 25th, which measures with any degree of certainty the effects of the missed opportunity. From the advent of the Internet in 1995 to date, the world’s export (without variables such as inflation, exchange rate etc.) increased three times (+200%). The United States, traditionally great exporters, came closer to reach this level, but they are anyway a little worse than the world’s average. However Germany is better than the world’s average, becoming so the real winner of the Internet match. China grew up 14 times more than the international average. Italy on the contrary "in the 70’s and until the end of the 80’s was the fourth exporter in the world. Today it is the tenth. Still a great exporter", but we have lost many positions. From 1995 the export has grown by 1.5 (50%). Therefore "we have lost ground during the Internet era. Within the world of traditional exports we were so much better. The digitalization, on the contrary,

made us lose ground… Our business lost the game, in a scenario that has many more opportunities than in the past. It did not take advantage of the digitalization".

But the picture is not so black. Proving the power of the ‘made in Italy’, there is the resistance against the Asian invasion. The power of export is also proven by balance of payments surplus by 2,5% of GDP, certainly far away from Germany’s 9%, buy anyway second performance in Europe and amongst the world leaders (Istat data of November 2016).

In order not to miss the train of the fourth digital revolution, the Italian government has launched the “Industria 4.0” plan. Presented for the first time in Milan by Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda at the Science Museum on the 21st of September 2016 and now included in the Finance Act, the Plan put our Country on the top of the European list, even if it came after the plans of the other major world economies, but with a richer envelope. Rome will reserve for Industria 4.0 more than the one and a half billion dollars allocated by Washington, more than the 10 billion euros of the plan “Industrie du future” of Paris and more than the one billion approved in Berlin. The commitment has been strongly emphasized on the 18th of January in the German-Italian Summit by Prime Minister Gentiloni to Chancellor Angela Merkel, meeting dedicated to the industrial recovery. The fact is that Industria 4.0, like all the historic economic changes, implies upheavals in every economic and social aspect. This fourth industrial revolution is anyway different from the previous revolutions. The new technologies are characterized by a peculiarity set to radically change our global eco-system because they merge the physic, digital and biological worlds affecting the society overall, the economics and the industries, leading to something that had never been seen because set to unpredictably affect the human nature. The change is often positive, like the 2 million new jobs, but at the same time it will spell the end of other (continued on page 14)

Industrial Revolution

Revolution 4° Industrial Revolution 3° Industrial

Revolution 1° Industrial

Use of machines driven by mechanical energy. Introduction of steam power for the operation of production facilities.


Revolution 2° Industrial

Industrial robots and computers.

Mass production and assembly lines. Introduction of electricity, chemicals and oil.

Use of electronics and IT in order to automatize further the production.



Connection between physical and digital systems, complex analyzes through Big Data and real time adjustments. The ability of machines to connect and communicate with each other via the internet.


The term “Industry 4.0” was used for the first time at the Hannover Fair in 2011 in Germany. In October 2012 the Working Group on Industry 4.0, chaired by Siegfried Dais of the Multinational Engineering and Electronics company Robert Bosch GmbH and Henning Kagermann of Acatech (German Academy of Sciences and Engineering), submitted to the German Federal Government a series of recommendations. On 8 April 2013, at the annual Hannover Fair, the final report of the working group was released. Mirabilis 2017 March_ 13

of more than 5 million jobs (but the future data are uncertain, they come and go. Bill Gates is projecting the end of 8 million jobs in the USA and 15 million in Great Britain). Then we need to act…and soon.

According to a McKinsey’s analysis the new digital technologies shall apply on four development guidelines. 1. The first one is about the use of the data as tool to create value, the power of calculation and the connectivity. It translated into big data, open data, Internet of Things, machine-to-machine and cloud computing for the centralization of information and its storage. 2. The second one is the analytics one. It means, once the data are collected, how can we actually monetize them. Currently just 1% of the collected data is used by the companies, which actually could get enormous benefits from the “machine learning”, that is to say the machines improving their yield by learning from the collected and analyzed data. 3. The third aspect is about the interaction between human and machine, that is to say how we communicate with the machines, aspect which involves the “touch” interfaces, the augmented reality and the languages involved. 4. Finally there is the sector that fills the moat and enables the passage from digital to real. Once obtained, analyzed, processed the data and one they have been made tools for “train” the machines. The final step consists in the moods, the tools necessary to produce the goods. This sector includes the additive manufacture, 3D printing, robotics, communications, machine-to-machine interactions, new technologies to store and use energy in wa targeted manner, rationalizing so the costs and optimizing the performance. Elio Catania, president of digital Confindustria, commenting on “plan Calenda” during the convention Industry 4.0 sais that this measure “maybe is not perfect, but shows a politic ambition on the hi-tech front, that had never seen before”. Industria 4.0, Catania thinks, “needs a politic and commercial leadership and now we have to guide the energy to the ground and get the skills to the thousands of Pmi behind the Italian companies”. We have to start from a “positive approach to technology, that brings with it risks and changes but at the same time it is a mine of opportunities: with plan Calenda we bet on a deadly mix, consisting in incentives, investments and saving. Now we just have to decide if betting on the technologic innovation and time will be of the essence”.

Mirabilis 2017 March_ 14

3D printing while working in a school laboratory.

The “National plan Industria 4.0 2017-2020” provides measures on the basis of 4 strategic guidelines (http://www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/) • Innovative investments: to encourage the private investment to adopt enabling technologies of Industria 4.0 and to increase the investments on research, development and innovation. • Infrastructures: to assure proper network infrastructures, to grant the security and protection of data, to collaborate to the definition of standards of international interoperability. • Competence and research: to create competence and to encourage research through ad hoc training programmes. • Awareness and Governance: to spread knowledge, potential and applications of the technologies of Industria 4.0 and to grant a public-private governance for the achievement of the goals set.

In 2017 alone the government intends to mobilize private investments for 10 billion euros more (moving from 80 to 90 billion), with an increase of 11,3 billion private expenditure for research, development and innovation, and 2,6 billion resources for early stage projects within the period 2017-2020 (Corriere Comunicazione). All the rules announced have flowed into the Stability Act and in most cases they are already operational. Here is an overview. • Super- and Hyper-depreciation: extended over 2017 the super-depreciation at 140% on the purchase of machines by the companies and the hyper-depreciation for investments in digitalization, with incentive at 250%. • Research and development tax credit: the tax credit doubles to 50% for the investments of companies in research and development until 2020 (it used to be 2019). • Nuova Sabatini (paragraphs 52 and subsequent of the maneuver): extended to December 31st 2018 for the preferential financing to the PMI, that buy new machines, designed to realize investments on technologies, including the investments in big data, cloud computing, ultra-wideband, cyber security, advanced robotics and mechatronics, augmented reality, 4D manufacture, Radio frequency identification (RFID) and system for the waste tracking and weighing. It is about a preferential financing of 20 thousand and 2 million euros. • Startup losses: it is a financial measure for the innovation which provides that the startups can cease the losses to a society that holds a participation at least of 20% and that is quoted in a regulated market. • Equity crowd funding: the possibility to collect risk capital on an online portal is extended to the innovative PMI too. • Investments in startup: tax deduction 30% up to 1 million euros. Thanks to these measures the government estimates to increase the investments by 0,9% per year between 2017 and 2019.

Mirabilis 2017 March_ 15

To represent the information

Graphics from the stone walls to the screens Big data, millions of heterogeneous data immediately at disposal in all the languages and formats, pretty much organized. We are living immersed in byte fluxes from all over the world in the Internet of Things (IOT) and the finding problem seems like all that’s in the past. Now precisely the opposite is the case, the relationship between human and computer is all about that the data are too many and to be able to represent them is crucial. Without a proper development and visualization, a big bunch of data won’t turn into information, thereby increasing the background noise. When we are in front of Google Maps or in front of a videogame scene we don’t care anymore, we are not impressed, actually we think that this way to represent the reality is obvious and natural. We don’t think that the way to represent the things isn’t natural at all, and that “straight lines” and “perspective” are manmade, a path begun thousands of years ago, which has been speeding up from humanism, renaissance and industrial revolution, to explode with the opportunities offered by the IT. All the more we are amazed by the primitive drawings where we catch the efforts to reproduce the space, for example the so called Map of Val Camonica. Before proceeding to the next step, one remark. 200.000 years ago, the organization of human society - composed of tribes of hunters - gatherers gathered in small villages Mirabilis 2017 March_ 16

“In Boeing, the managers following the Osprey program have to improve the efficiency of aircraft’s takeoffs and landings. But every time it leaves or hits the ground, its sensors generate a terabyte of data. Ten takeoffs and landings produce as many data as the data contained in the Library of Congress (American, nor.). Without any kind of visualization, it would be a hard work to identify the inefficiencies hidden somehow in the patterns and anomalies of these data.”

Figurative Map of the successive losses in men of the French Army in the Russian campaign 1812-1813. Minard managed to represent in a simple image the following information: • The distance and direction of the French army • The dates of the battles • Latitude and longitude of the march • The changes in the consistency of the army and the number of soldiers died of hunger and injuries • The temperatures relative to place and time during the march

Immediately men have seized the quality and possibilities contained in the images as shows indeed the Val Camonica Map. The simplified reality, organized and represented through drawings and symbols, enables men to move around in the environment, namely produces additional information because intelligence operates and organizes itself through verbal, symbolic systems and through images. The ability of our brain to encode data, concepts, connections and geographical locations is impressive. Understanding the operation of 85 billion neurons that form the brain, however, is not simple. The link eye - brain - perception memory - image processing is not certain.

has become much more complicated. The starting point is the fact that man does not have behavioral automatism, the instincts that govern his actions and rations in the environment. Or rather the only instinctual movement, recognized by ethologists in the movement of the lips of the baby during breastfeeding.

Unlike other animals, each human action must be planned and organized. From this limit, from this true biological deficiency, the long way took off. A fundamental role in the evolution is represented by the language, the first intersubjective and structured form allowing exchange of necessary information to deal with threats and fully seize the possibilities of the world. The society and its subsystems, culture, science, companies, all with its institutions, with its mechanisms, perform the double function of increasing complexity but at the same time also provide the tools to simplify reality. Reducing and simplifying the world, without clearing the possibility to learn about useful innovations, was and has always been the unending toil of mankind.

It is certain that we cannot separate the interpretative function from seeing. We understand because we can see with our eyes. We experience the world through verbal and graphical symbols. We act because we are able to represent reality through words and images. If the physical facts are semiotic facts, a real visual syntax exists to quote Riccardo Falcinelli, one of the biggest visual design experts, data are “forms of thoughts embedded in our eyes”. It has always been like this, but let us be careful! The way to symbolize reality, varies among different cultures; the organized reproduction systems of images representing reality that may seem natural,

are however cultural "discoveries" of some civilizations. Cartesian axes, perspective, statistical representations are located at precise moments in history. Let’s do an experiment and get back to the initial example. Try to think what would the graphical interface of Google Maps look like without perspective and Cartesian coordinates. Can we? Even the ways to represent the data are therefore not obvious. When we open the Power point line graph function, pie charts, scatter, bar, to the surface, and so on, they are like a system assumed to display the reality data. We have only to choose between the illustration modes that we feel are obvious, and the Excel sheet is offering this possibility. The story of the representation is long. It was in the nineteenth century that the need to obtain data and information and display them in graphic form, has made a huge leap in quality. In the century of industrial machines and mass war, statistics has become a basic science. Hence the need to offer an information display with a largely graphic and visual appearance rather than textual, namely the infographic one.

In 1861, Charles Joseph Minard, an ingenious French civil engineer, depicts masterfully the disastrous Russian campaign of Napoleon (1810). In one single image, he manages to represent the variables that led to the failure of the march. A complex and elegant piece of work because it has the ability “to say much with little, to organize thoughts in a much more accurate as comprehensible way” (Falcinelli), because, as Minard liked to repeat, “ a good drawing is worth a thousand speeches”. (continued on page 18)

Mirabilis 2017 March_ 17

Diagram (1858) of the causes of mortality in British military hospitals during the Crimean War (1853-1856)

Another historic and famous infographic was developed by the Red Cross founder Florence Nightingale in a cockscomb graphic, known as the “Rose diagram”, the conditions of the military hospitals, an illustration which was showed to Queen Victoria in order to convince her of the importance of better hospital sanitation. The infographic was obtained by dividing a circular area into 12 equal sections, each corresponding to a month of the year, on which it was possible to clearly visualize the evolution over time of the different causes of death of the soldiers, a method which demonstrated that most of the losses during the war were not due to war injuries, but to poor health care on the spot. That's how the directness of visual data, their correlation and comparison make us discover information that we had not considered. Edward R. Tufte, the theorist of the graphic display, has briefly worded the role of graphics in 1983. Mirabilis 2017 March_ 18

“The duty of the designer is to provide visual access to what is subtle and difficult, he makes the complex simple”. Actually a graphic will reveal the reality. The IT event has only increased in an exponential way the quantity of data, so has blown out of proportion the problem of complexity but at the same time offers the instruments to manage it. “ The technology creates the problem of complexity, but at the same time offers new materials and new methods to model our relations. “ The relation man-machine becomes thus the new limit of comparison of the link complexity-reduction. The UI development has added a further dimension to the visual design, born from the junction of statistics and pictorial art, increasing the possibilities, just think of the virtual reality. This goes also for the design of controls (clickable design, buttons and tables, draggable sliders and spinnable controls) that must meet the principles of rationality, logic and intuition. The graphic tools provided by IT have now the same purpose as the first infographics. And the rule to get a good result is always the same. “Reduce what you can and hide the rest” (John Maeda, The Laws of Simplicity). Represent reality, reduce its complexity, but working on an incredible number of data, unimaginable quantities, in order to decide as quickly as possible.


Photo (Giulia Pianigiani): Interface of T&C Solution - Nivi Group

Mirabilis 2017 March_ 19

Nivi Credit has formed a new partnership with Colin & Partners Srl. a Legal Consulting firm which operates in the highly specialized, complex and dynamic field of IT law, dealing with the new technologies. Market challenges require companies and organizations to possess the ability to be aware of, manage and master Information and Communication Technology’s everchanging tools and evolutionary innovation. Colin & Partners focus on giving assistance and advice, creating custom-fit action plans related to the IT challenges which today’s businesses face, as well as offering coaching and training program. Nivi itself is a company committed in the credit sector and offering services to authorities and companies. From this synergy came up the idea to create two new highly innovative and complete products within cyber security and data protection.


The International Salon of Integrated Logistics and Transport has taken place in Verona from 22nd to 25th February. As a host of the partner Clever City, Nivi has illustrated the Teseo Project, the solution dedicated to smart parking bringing together the technologies of the two companies. T&C Solution provides a system that acquires, process and represents unique data developing the possibilities of the Internet of Things and allowing to connect and contextualize objects, machines, sensors of all kinds. The partner Clever City has highly innovative, next-generation products such as cameras to manage the parking stalls instead of ground sensors. Each camera is able of monitoring more than one hundred parking spaces, is equipped with plug-and-play technology, can measure the GPS position and the size of the spaces. All devices can be inserted in any urban context, from light poles to traffic lights, to the facades of buildings.

On February 9th in Lazise, Nivi Green has attended the Refresher course organized by the Local Police Force on the mobility of foreign citizens. On this occasion, Roberto Tummolo, Sales Director Systems and Smart City Nivi Green - company of the group that commercializes new technologies - intervened on the new instruments in the field of sustainable mobility and territorial control. The Automatic number plate recognition cameras and the intelligent management system of parking pay areas through Clevercity system optic sensors, represented in Italy by Nivi Green, offer a highly innovative idea of security management. The combination of these instruments allows the government to analyze road traffic, rationalizing timing and load, to optimize traffic flows and parking management for the benefit of the whole community because they lead to a significant reduction of pollutants in the air.

Mirabilis 2017 March_ 20

On February 27 and 28 at the Palacongressi in Florence has taken place the appointment Research and Innovation, Toscana Tech dedicated to the leaders of the Innovation and technology in Tuscany. A short glance at the topics discussed leads us to the heart of IT. Industria 4.0, Fabbrica Intelligente e creativa, Smart Specialisation Strategy, Smart cities e Smart Communities, e formazione strategica. For years the Tuscan region is investing in research, competitiveness, growth in skills, professional growth and business, to support and stimulate Tuscan business and professionals. This premise has created the brand Tuscany Technology. Codemotion (Rome, 22-25 March) one of the biggest tech conferences in Italy and one of the most important in Europe dedicated to High Tech, will be held at the University of Rome (UniversitĂ degli studi di Roma) at the Department of Engineering. This year Codemotion is also coming to Tel Aviv, Amsterdam and Berlin, offering a 4 days event and 2 days of workshops, moments of discussion between professionals on new solutions and exhibition spaces for companies. Among the topics covered : AI/Machine Learning, Microservices, Reactive Programming, Containers, VR, Design, Front-end and much more. From 3-7 April, Florence will become the capital of open source technologies. With DjangoConEurope it will become a meeting point for the international technology community. The ninth edition of the meeting will be held in the halls of the historic Odeon Cinema. Django Software Foundation is an independent non-profit organization, created to support open-source web framework to develop web applications, to manage several news sites.

Nivi Green is one of the Hackaton sponsors promoted by the School of Engineering of the University of Florence on 7 and 8 April, aiming at the development of concrete web and mobile applications on the basis of Smart City API, based on the model KM4City. The event is organized within the strategic project Smart City national Sii-Mobility (http://www.sii-mobility.org) in the context of mobility and land transport with the participation of numerous industrial partners, involving several laboratories of the University of Florence.

In Florence from 6 to 9 April will be held Pycon Italia, the national conference dedicated to anyone involved with PyCon programming language. At the Grand Hotel Mediterraneo meetings will be held with focus on this programming language during an intense weekend of learning, networking, study but above all of sociality.

Nivi Credit will attend the annual congress of members of TCM Group - Total Credit Management Group International - that will take place in Warsaw from 15 to 18 May 2017. TCM Group brings together credit collection agencies of more than 140 countries in a global alliance. The international network has by now become a vital necessity since being an expert in one’s proper country is no longer sufficient in a world where money, and hence the credits, do no respect certain international borders.

Mirabilis 2017 March_ 21

"A lesson of life in the snowbound Marche region" The experience of our colleague during the earthquakes of this year. My group of the Civil Protection “La Rachetta” of San Casciano, joined the Tuscan travelling column, and we left at 5.30 h on Thursday 19th January, heading towards Muccia, in the province of Macerata, destroyed by earthquakes and submerged in snow. The San Casciano team, carrying a half load with a snow cutter and shovels, was composed of 4 volunteers Alessio, Marco, Catia and the undersigned. At 14.00 h, more than 8 hours later and passing through Bologna, we arrived at our destination. Here, the teams were also working in the neighbouring villages in a range of 15 km.

There were many semi-isolated villages with houses covered in half a meter of snow and it was precisely our task to remove the snow from the roads. Henk Driessen

Abbiamo svolto le operazioni con la fresa e le pale per tracciare sentieri che portassero alle frazioni non evacuate e alle poche abitazioni ancora abitate. Nelle giornate di 19, 20 e 21 gennaio abbiamo sempre operato per liberare gli accessi nella frazione di Nemi, nel comune di Fiordimonte, ed a Pievebovigliana. With the snow cutter and shovels we cleared trails to the not evacuated villages and the few inhabited houses. On 19,20 and 21 January we cleared the accesses to the villages of Nemi, in the Municipality of Fiordimonte, and in Pievebovigliana. We helped a desperate lady who couldn’t open her small shop, a disabled man who had lived for several days enclosed in a cave full of smoke as he had kept a fire built up in a corner to keep him warm; we helped some farmers to feed their animals. Sometimes we even had to skip our meal because of the many emergencies, but we were rewarded with a smile, with a handshake by whom we had helped. In fact the inhabitants have welcomed our precious intervention that allowed to open a breach towards the houses covered in snow. These people are fantastic and despite the distress and sorrow, they received us with joy and helpfulness.

When we got back home, we were asked what we brought with us. I replied that “we have to learn to appreciate simple things, how important it is turning on a switch to have light, sleeping in a warm room, turning on a tap to have water to wash your face. Things we take for granted, that we don’t notice. It remains a life lesson, an experience I will always remember. Henk Driessen Mirabilis 2017 March_ 22

The Rachetta team of San Casciano on the earthquake grounds

Volunteering : from the “mud angels” to the civil protection. In 1966 the volunteers were known as “mud angels”. Thousands of people gave way to a spontaneous outburst of offers to help Florence hit by a dramatic flood.Today millions of such organizations exist. Each one with its proper identity and field of specialization, and able to take action in exigent circumstances. The volunteers of the civil protection have become a solid reality, the mirror of all the professions and the flavors of society. The mud angels could only rely on their will and their strength. The volunteers of the civil protection can rely on a solid baggage of knowledge and experience, because unlike the past, these are well organized, trained and prepared volunteers, who belong to legally recognized and registered associations. The Civil Protection Department and the Regions promote regular exercises to improve the capacity of collaboration between volunteers and other operational structures of the system. The Italian civil protection is the “National Service” that operates according to the subsidiarity principle. This national system is coordinated by the Department of the Civil Protection, by the Regions en the local authorities. The Law assigns to volunteering the role of “operative structure”, just like the Fire Department, the Armed and Police Forces, the State Forestry Corps, the scientific community, the Italian Red Cross Society, the National Health Service and the National Alpine Cliff and Cave Rescue Corps. The Civil Protection department is a structure of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers established in 1982. The Department along with the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces, directs, promotes and coordinates, the activities of the National Service of the Civil Protection. H.D.

Luqa, Malta, September 23,2005, Bombardier CL-415 of the Civil protection (CL-215-6BI I) in action. Photo: InsectWorld Mirabilis 2017 March_ 23

Quasi Gol Football and sports events for companies Surely the youngest must have heard the unforgettable voice of Niccolò Carosio, the man who invented the sports commentary in Italy, when footballers were playing with rolled-up socks. His greeting :“Italian friends listening, Niccolò Carosio is speaking and greeting you…” and his comments lasted in the football history, just like the famous “Quasi gol” (nearly goal).

1. Price awarding ArtSwiss Viaggi 2015

2. Longoni awards Seedorf 2015

From this spirit and nostalgia, the idea arose for the present “Quasi Gol” (nearly goal), created in 2000 in Milan out of the passion and the managerial experience of Aldo Longoni, a pharmaceutical executive for over 30 years, and amateur footballer who brought together a group of friends credited to his passion. The original goal was to continue playing, despite the relentlessly advancing age. In due course and through word of mouth, numbers have been gone up and it was necessary to go along with the expectations of the public, creating a real organizational structure. In 2009 the association turned into a LTD. In the early years, its activities were aimed mostly to individuals, offering football tournaments: “Saturday’s championship, “Province of Milan”,”Over 40 Fair”. Subsequently the first initiatives targeting the business world, took off with the championship of the law firms "The Law loses it" and the “Real Estate” tournament, for real estate companies in Milan and Rome. Since 2009 the company launched the project "Football Milan” and varied its offer with the Pricewaterhouse Coopers business Olympics and other events, such as the recent " World Pernod Ricard "(2016) Socially active as always, Quasi Gol has collaborated with Unicef, Operation Smile and other non-profit organizations, by organizing “Champions in Milan”, an amateur tournament reserved to business teams and enhanced by the participation of former professional football players. Quasi Gol is also active at an international level and cooperates with RC Sport, the Spanish company that organizes the European football on 7.

3. A football game

Quasi Gol srl Via Maestri Campionesi 17 - 20135 MILANO www.quasigol.it - www.calciomilano.it info@quasigol.it - info@calciomilano.it Tel. 347 2727947 - 335 8074412 4. Champion Prizes 2015 Mirabilis 2017 March_ 24

Mirabilis 2017 March_ 25

Social networks from all over the world, unite! The hope that Social media can become incubators for a new virtual and real society, that will consider the globalization, the inclusion, as values and assets for the progress of mankind, does this make sense?

What does it mean if an individual who manages a company spying on the lives of its users and retaining the big data of our existence, dresses up as the new Captain America? We are wondering since the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, has written a long manifest which outlines the current challenges, his vision of the world and the measures to which Facebook can help to “unite humanity”. Facebook stands for bringing us closer together and building a global community. Perplexities arise from the question with which he opens his letter :

Sorry, Mr. Zuckerberg: Which world? And especially: who is we?

Is it the Facebook community, to whom the letter seems to be addressed, or the new citizens of his State without borders - “a global community”, as he has called it repeatedly? Within 10 days Facebook has first announced a company mechanism that maintain control over the business owner even if he “would serve in a government office”; then all of a sudden Zuckerberg has retrieved his faith - in a nation that doesn’t tolerate atheist presidents - and will visit 30 American states - of which 20 he already visited in the past, in order to understand the mood of the country. In December, shortly after his victory, Trump invited in his Tower the leaders of the 13 largest top tech companies in America: Apple, Amazon, Google. Mark Zuckerberg was noticeably absent from Trump's meeting, attending on behalf of Facebook was the company's COO. The night after the elections, the owner of Facebook wrote: “We are all blessed to have the ability to make the world better, and we have the responsibility to do it. Let's go work even harder.” But while the cyberspace of Facebook and the financial markets don’t have borders, the perception of distance by those who feel uncertain, insecure and at the mercy of the winds of globalization, due

to the social network effect, is increasing, unlike those who seem to be part of the global processes. The target of Facebook, what everyone sees when signing up for the first time to the service, is to help people connect and stay in touch with the people in your life. In his letter, Zuckerberg admits that this mission has left several unresolved issues that now need to be addressed considering the size of the social network, the largest community in the world with more than 1.8 billion subscribers. The new goal of Mr. Facebook is to take better care of what happens after people have been put in contact with each other, developing a “social infrastructure” that gives everyone the chance to “contribute and build a global community that works for everyone”. Zuckerberg admits that Facebook has a responsibility in the way people consume information and are informed and the social network is working to create new filters and algorithms. But even on this point it would be good sense to ask whether it is plausible to build a community where a private algorithm can decide what is reasonable and what isn’t, what is opinion and what news. It still eludes us if Facebook wants to block the ‘hoaxe’s on the network or RATHER put in the background those facts for deca-

Edoardo Tabasso, sociologist, author of essays including "The anti-Israel obsession” and “Brief social history of communication” with Zeffiro Ciuffoletti Mirabilis 2017 March_ 26

des denied by the dictatorship of political correctness.

Dear Mark, we have not yet entered the society of knowledge. Instead, we are in an ambiguous information society in which information technologies have extended in time and made more pervasive the techniques of division of labor, knowledge and skills. And if it is true that globalization has made it possible to release and start energies such as those of the Chinese and the Indians and some African countries, it is equally true that the uncontrolled and uncontrollable accelerations triggered by globalization have triggered protests, following deluded expectations, in the very heart of the most modern democracies. Dynamics that are fomenting the revival beneath new forms of illiberal traditions.

books! books! books! The world has become more complex The world has become more complex, not to say chaotic and we struggle to interpret facts and information different from each other. Dominic Barton, Global Managing Director of McKinsey, has on his bedside table a history book on the Renaissance, “The Black Prince of Florence: The Spectacular Life and Treacherous World of Alessandro de’ Medici” - Catherine Fletcher, also published in Italy. With Teresa Clarke as the first black woman to serve as managing director in investment banking at Goldman Sachs, and also founder of Africa.com, we enter the field of technology. “The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces that Will Shape Our Future Kevin Kelly. Translated in Italian, inspired the cult film Matrix. The co-founder of LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman, is focused on “The Inner Lives of Markets: How People Shape Them - And They Shape Us” by Ray Fisman and Tim Sullivan. Looking towards the East, we discover that Chinese managers are attracted to humanist books. Winston Ma, Managing Director, China Investment Corporation is focused on a classic of the literary criticism, “Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human” - Harold Bloom. Finally a book of hope. “When Breath becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi, at the top of the USA charts for several weeks, autobiography on the disease and the death of a neurosurgeon of Indian origin, chosen by Carlo Messina, CEO and managing director of Intesa Sanpaolo. Source http://www.mckinsey.com/global-themes/leadership/what-ceos-are-reading Mirabilis 2017 March_ 27

Play me a song ... Cloud Nothings - Life Without Sound Fourth album of the former one-man band di Cleveland “Life Without Sound” released on January 27, 2017, marks the return of Dylan Baldi and mates, with a welcome and unexpected sunny and energetic turning. A compositional excitement probably inherited from the collaboration with the Wavves (another ex one man band of Nathan Williams) which indeed put to a stop the melancholic drifting and a turn towards punk/pop. Quick melodic riffs, and perfectly in harmony with Baldi’s voice that now and then intersperses the beats with sudden outbursts of anger. Energy and adrenalin, but not only that. In this happy updated now distant college-rock of the 90’s, we can hear a stylistic maturity which wasn’t present in the monotony of similar bands of twenty years ago and everyone can make his own conclusions here. As things stand at present, the album must reach success: it opens with 2 particularly harmonious songs that come to the attention (in particular “Things Are Right With You”) and make the example clear for the rest of the track list.The only common thread with the past is the last song “Realize my fate”, undoubtedly the darkest and anxious of the album, an angry sound at the beginning that gradually comes to sonic despair with the help from the laments of Baldi, never so tearing and obsessive. An important indication of development by the band from Cleveland, the achievement of a never boring balance between fidelity of what they were and the project of what we they will be.The present, on the other hand, is a well-defined certainty of clear and well-structured ideas.

Human Performance - Parquet Courts One of the most interesting innovations of last year comes from the United States and more in particular, from the Parquet Courts, a rock band from New York formed in 2010 and emerging in the American Indie Rock scene. Andrew Savage and mates release their fifth album Human Performance on April 8, after their mostly instrumental, experimental EP, entitled Monastic Living (experimental noise for myself and absolutely 'inaudible’) and showing immediately that they want to transmit an indie rock message with greater ease of listening than the previous collection, with more direct and catchy melodic formats despite the presence of dissonance that characterizes their style of composition. Among the greatest merit of these New York guys, is definitely their ability to skip from one topic to another, to find new solutions in the stylistic fusion of different eras: quick flashes the same approach as Velvet Underground, post hardcore contamination and even college rock in these 14 fresh and effective tracks, which easily flow without any major problems. As to the texts, Andrew Savage decided to put aside his philosophical and existential lyrics, distancing himself from earlier work and instead preferring to dig in himself, somber and reflective, in clear contrast to the instrumental part of the album. An introspective style for a personality like Savage, looking for answers and reflecting on concepts such as solitude and self-criticism, little investigated as universal concepts but more as experiences of his personal life. At the basic question that seems to arise continuously within “Human Performance” Am I a good person or am I cheating everyone including myself? I cannot answer this question and perhaps neither can he. But after all, even he would be cheating on us, it wouldn’t be that bad, since he would do it with an impeccable style, using a crossover able to look at the past in a pleasant and original way, without wanting to overdo nor inventing musically mysterious objects at all costs like often happens in the avant-gardes or suchlike. I wish everyone would do it this way.

Francesco Fusco Mirabilis 2017 March_ 28

Start up

Start app

http://www.athonet.com/athonet/ Italian start-up, from Vicenza, for several years they have accumulated achievements in the field of advanced telephony solutions, not least the recognition of Best for Growing Smaller or Independent Network at the Mobile World Congress in Barcellona in 2016. In other words the best solution for the growing of small and independent networks. What does Athonet stands for? Created to bring the Internet and low cost broadband in rural areas and developing countries. Its field of action is the development of Primo, a product allowing to create in less than thirty minutes an autonomous cellular network, the Internet extension (UMTS / HSPA and LTE). Primo enables video and audio communications between users and is suitable for use in emergency zones and disaster areas, in fact it has already proved its effectiveness during the 2012 earthquake in Emilia Romagna when the coverage of the mobile telephone network was interrupted.

http://www.neonode.com/ Nowadays the touch-screen mode is in common use: smart phones have made it available to everyone. It’s a pity however that a pc with a touch user interface is not economical. A Swedish company, Neonode, came up with an intelligent solution and has launched a slim strip to be applied under the screen, it is connected via USB to the PC emitting invisible beams on the monitor which made it possible to sweep, gesture and tap.The gimmick can translate the light touches into commands and is now available on the market.

http://www.x-next.com/ The Bocconi University considered Xnext the best start-up of 2016. Established three years ago, they also reached a record collection in crowd-funding. The business idea is based on the use of a more effective X-ray system compared to the current one which allows to determine the exact chemical composition of an object. "Particularly in the production of food and drugs - explains Bruno Garavelli, nuclear engineer, CEO and founder of Xnext together with Peter Wells - we are able to identify with the utmost precision foreign objects and very small contaminants. " The control sector of Non Destructive Testing (NDT), where the company is ranked, is indeed growing strongly at a rate of 8% per annum, a development also due to the increase of the security concerns.

http://mymotiv.com/motiv-ring/ In the spring of 2017 a new technological jewel, a snapshot of our health, will be available in the European market. Forget about the uncomfortable elastic bands to wear, now the he data related to our physical activities, steps measure, distance, heart rate monitor, sleep duration, calories burned will be contained in a normal ring, waterproof up to a depth of 50mt, and with a battery life up to five days despite the small size, sending the information via the mobile app. Cost? Approximately 185 Euro.

https://www.natufia.com/collections/natufia-60 Are you living downtown or in the outskirts of a city? You don’t have a garden? And maybe you want to eat 0 km fresh vegetables every day? The solution comes with a forced use of HT. Natufia Kitchen garden proposes a homemade cabinet equipped with artificial lighting that contains as many as 32 small flower beds contained in drawers and arranged on shelves, where plants can grow. In a small space and without soil, your salads will grow vigorously in the home greenhouse. The self-sufficient nursery novelty consists in the use of capsules containing the seeds just as the Nespresso coffee and smart sensors that transmit data on the growth of lettuce to your smartphone thanks to the usual app! And the price is no joke, almost $ 13,000 as a real vegetable garden!

http://www.gideon.ai/ A group of brilliant Italian guys has solved a non-trivial problem, creating one of the most innovative apps in the world of artificial intelligence applied to home automation by creating a "Home Intelligence System” .The devices of smart phone, the apps, have facilitated many activities, but they have multiplied beyond belief. You can’t have an app for everything. Hence the bet that has led this young team to develop software that gives you complete control of multiple smart home devices. An intelligent system: a technology that connects all the smart devices of a smart home without the need for a physical hub, for a hardware, simply through the cloud. In fact it received funding by John Lewis, the retail giant made in the UK with 40,000 employees and then by Microsoft Ventures, Microsoft's accelerator, which donated 500,000 pounds in web services and monitoring sessions.

In collaborazione con Mirko Mancini Mirabilis 2017 March_ 29

Mirabilis by NiviGroup Three months periodical/year 2/n°4/march 2017 Registration n. 6027 of the 22nd of June 2016 in the Court of Florence Managing Editor: Leonardo Tirabassi Drafting committee: Luigi Nicosia, Leonardo Tirabassi, Edoardo Tabasso Art Direction: Karolina Sadowska Collaborated: Francesco Fusco, Mirko Mancini

The Nivi brand has been present for over 56 years on the Italian and European market. Nivi Group S.p.A. is the holding company of the Nivi Group. Nivi Credit Srl, the company founded in 1960, deals with international debt collection and public and private bank or financial micro debt collection. Nivi Green S.u.r.l. is the group company that deals with services and technological products in sustainable mobility and smart cities field. Quantic Research srl, based in Rome, is active in research and technological development for the management and representation of Big Data. Nivi Gestiones S.L. Espana, the leading company in Spain with headquarters in Madrid, manages the notification, collection and recovery of fines for violations of the Traffic. Also Nivi Usa based in Chicago, Nivi UK Management based in London and Nivi City based in Lugano are part of the Nivi Group.


Nivi Group S.p.a. Via O. da Pordenone, 20 50127 Firenze, Italia tel. 055344031 Fax 0553440494 www.nivigroup.com mirabilis@nivi.it

Nยบ 04 MARCH 2017

www.nivigroup.com mirabilis@nivi.it

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