High Point ~ Hackettstown ~ Vernon ~ Pope John ~ Mount Olive ~ Sparta ~ Sussex Vo-Tech
July 2010
Volume 1 Issue 4
In this scroll
¡Hola, División 21! Greetings from Madrid, Spain! It’s beautiful out here—I wish I could bring our division out here for a nice vacation. It’s also crazy since Spain won the World Cup for the first time! I actually saw the soccer team in person parading down the streets of Madrid and got footage (remind me to show you all the next time we all get together!) I’ve put pictures from my travel throughout this newsletter for your enjoyment. This newsletter’s a little late than usual, but only because the computers here are a little strange with Microsoft Word. Nonetheless, this On the Key Road is jam packed with some key information: blurbs from the International Programs and Advocacy Committees, The Eliminate Project, upcoming events such as RTCs, Fall Rally, and Key Leader, as well as other information. Check out this YouTube Video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWXJtkg8ynQ for more information regarding NJ Key Club’s Major Emphasis Program (MEP): Live 2 Learn. Note: There will be no PCM for the month of July. Things are too crazy to have one take place with vacations and everything. I know I’m going out to California to visit my grandparents next week so we’ll meet again together in August at a date to later be announced.
Message from your LTG .............................1 Accomplishments Corner……..……….2 An Advocacy Announcement .......3 International Programs Blurb ...........................4 The Eliminate Project……..5 Local Service... ........6 Upcoming Events…7-8 Important Reminders.9 District Contacts……10
We’ve done it again: Division 21 has submitted 100% CMRFs on time for the month of June—what an accomplishment, especially since it’s the summer and we are all busy! Thank you so much Secretaries for your hard work! Now without further ado, I will let you enjoy my newsletter. If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to shoot me over a text or email! Yours in Caring and in Service,
Gabrielle Gutierrez Lieutenant Governor of Division 21
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