High Point ~ Hackettstown ~ Vernon ~ Pope John ~ Mount Olive ~ Sparta ~ Sussex Vo-Tech
September 2010
Volume 1 Issue 6
In this scroll
Hiya Division 21! Wow, so I can’t believe we are going back to school already. I’m sitting right now typing this in my hotel as I look out to the beach of Ocean City, Maryland and it’s sad that this week is our last week of summer. However, with school arriving brings in the new Key Club year and more opportunities to have fundraisers and perform service. In this newsletter, you will find TONS of inspiration for service, including the Governor’s Project, the District Programs Committee Seasonal Focuses, Tools for Schools, and other neat ideas. Also, take note of many upcoming important dates, such as the North RTCs (if you didn’t attend the Spring RTCs), and Fall Rally. Well, I hope you all enjoy the last week of summer. Finish it up on a positive note. Good luck with all of your first days of school! Yours in Caring and in Service,
Message from your LTG ............................. ……1 Accomplishments Corner……..………...2 Division 21 Fun in the Sun Day Recap………….3-4 Duties as Officers…..5 Fall RTCs………………6 Fall Rally/Tools for Schools………………..7-8 Governor’s Project…..9 District Programs: Seasonal focuses………….........10 Important Reminders…….……...11 District Contacts….....12
Gabrielle Gutierrez Lieutenant Governor of Division 21
September 10th: CMRFs for the month of August are due September 25th: North RTC @ Millburn HS October 1st: Early Registration for Fall Rally Due (due by October 10th) October 10th: Fall Rally @ Six Flags, CMRFs for the month of September are due October 15th: Registration for Key Leader is due, YOF application is due
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