KEY CLUB | Cherry Hill East | Clearview | Eastern | Gateway | | GCIT |Paulsboro | Pitman | Triton |West Deptford | Woodbury| |
THE KEY TO LIFE A MESSAGE FOR YOU! Hello Key Clubbers! I hope everything is going well with all things school and Key Club. It’s finally November, which means you should be getting a lot done for Key Club. Start planning more projects and get more involved! November is definitely a high point in Key Club and it’s best to make it worthwhile. There are many things to do, such as volunteer or fundraise for Children’s Specialized Hospital or just simple projects that benefit your communities. Whatever you’re doing, make sure you’re enjoying yourself while giving back to others.
In this issue, you’ll find information about upcoming events, March of Dimes, Children Specialized Hospital, Generosity Rocks, and much more! As always, feel free to contact me in anyway if you have any comments, problems, or concerns! I hope to see you all very soon and keep up the good work! Yours in Caring and Service,
Ami Shah Ami Shah Lieutenant Governor Division 3 .
Contact me at
Volume 1 Issue 3
In this issue! A Message For You…1 Fall Rally Recap
Key Leader
March of Dimes
Generosity Rocks Information ….4 Children Specialized Hospital & Events …5 Important Contacts....6