Official Newsletter of Division 12 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International Volume 1 Issue 2
Meissner’s Monthly Marauder! In this issue! Service Project ............ 1
Happy Summer! Hello Key Clubbers! Summer vacation has begun! This means that you are sleeping in, staying out late, and having the time of your life! I know I couldn’t be more excited! However, I want you all to remember that the key club service year doesn’t take the summer off. Your District Board will be working all summer long, and many clubs will be as well. Service never stops. Ever. So, I would just like to remind you that club monthly report forms are still due every month this summer. Even if your report is blank, I urge you to send it in. I need it for my monthly report, and there is no reason not to send it in. The summer reports will be your easiest reports out of all of them! I cannot stress enough how important it is that you send in your monthly reports on time every month. So, while you are having a fun time at the beach, getting a tan, and sitting around the campfire, keep that thought in the back of your mind. And, most importantly, stay safe and make good choices. I know, I sound like that message your principal says over the PA system on the last day of school, but I mean it! You are always representing the Key Club International organization. Mischief managed! (Though, not too much mischief, because then my last point would have just been defeated.)
A Message from Public Relations……………….2 Int’l Programs............... 3 Key Leader................... 4 RTC Recap ................... 4 Important Contacts ... 4
Want to be in the newsletter? Send me your Key Club pictures!
Yours in caring and service,
Aimee Meissner
Want to keep in touch? Email me, call me, or send me a Facebook message. I’m never far away!