Burlington City + Burlington Township + Burlington County Institute of Technology + Ewing + Hopewell Valley Central + Nottingham + Rancocas Valley Regional + Steinert
Key Club Official Newsletter of Division 4: New Jersey District-Key Club International May Issue, Edition 1
Kirsten’s KEY Notes Fellow Key Clubbers, District Board, and Kiwanis Committee, I am Kirsten Reed, Lieutenant Governor of Division 4 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International. I am very excited to be a LTG for this upcoming service year. It is my last year in high school and I intend to make a large impact in division 4. Ever since September of my freshmen year I have been a member of Key Club; participating in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, our club's annual Christmas party for underprivileged children, and many other Key Club services. Key Club takes up a big part of my heart and this year I am going to give it my all. Apart from Key Club I play Soccer, Golf, run Track, and row on the Crew Team. I am also a member of Science League, Stage Crew, Language Club, Girl Scouts, National Honors Society, and Jersey Girls State. Even though I am involved in many extracurricular activities, I promise not to let it get in the way of my LTG responsibilities. My goals for the upcoming service year include but are not limited to: •
Creating a builders club because i believe community service is an addiction which is easiest to fall into at a young age.
Connecting all the clubs in my division with each other and Key Club International through my newsletters and district projects.
Getting more people involved in Key Club through increased awareness.
Working with advisers and members of struggling clubs to help get them back on their feet.
Keeping in touch with not only the advisers and executive board members of each club but the general members as well through phone calls, e-mails, mail, visits, and text messages. I want my clubs to know me as a friend not a boss.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to contact me in any way. all my contact information is posted on the website, www.njkeyclub.org and the new division 4 website is, njkeyclubdiv4.yolasite.com. Always yours in caring & in service,
Volume 1: Issue 2
In This Issue Introduction ...................1 Upcoming events .........2 Club Events ....................3 About Key Club ............4 Upcoming Events..........5 Contacts.........................6
Monthly Message: Get your elections out of the way before the end of the year so the hustle and bustle of starting school in September doesn’t interfere.