Division 4 May Newsletter

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Burlington City + Burlington Township + Burlington County Institute of Technology + Ewing + Hopewell Valley Central + Nottingham + Rancocas Valley Regional + Steinert

Key Club Official Newsletter of Division 4: New Jersey District-Key Club International May Issue, Edition 1

Kirsten’s KEY Notes Fellow Key Clubbers, District Board, and Kiwanis Committee, I am Kirsten Reed, Lieutenant Governor of Division 4 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International. I am very excited to be a LTG for this upcoming service year. It is my last year in high school and I intend to make a large impact in division 4. Ever since September of my freshmen year I have been a member of Key Club; participating in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, our club's annual Christmas party for underprivileged children, and many other Key Club services. Key Club takes up a big part of my heart and this year I am going to give it my all. Apart from Key Club I play Soccer, Golf, run Track, and row on the Crew Team. I am also a member of Science League, Stage Crew, Language Club, Girl Scouts, National Honors Society, and Jersey Girls State. Even though I am involved in many extracurricular activities, I promise not to let it get in the way of my LTG responsibilities. My goals for the upcoming service year include but are not limited to: •

Creating a builders club because i believe community service is an addiction which is easiest to fall into at a young age.

Connecting all the clubs in my division with each other and Key Club International through my newsletters and district projects.

Getting more people involved in Key Club through increased awareness.

Working with advisers and members of struggling clubs to help get them back on their feet.

Keeping in touch with not only the advisers and executive board members of each club but the general members as well through phone calls, e-mails, mail, visits, and text messages. I want my clubs to know me as a friend not a boss.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to contact me in any way. all my contact information is posted on the website, www.njkeyclub.org and the new division 4 website is, njkeyclubdiv4.yolasite.com. Always yours in caring & in service,

Volume 1: Issue 2

In This Issue Introduction ...................1 Upcoming events .........2 Club Events ....................3 About Key Club ............4 Upcoming Events..........5 Contacts.........................6

Monthly Message: Get your elections out of the way before the end of the year so the hustle and bustle of starting school in September doesn’t interfere.

Upcoming Events & Past Events Public Relations Committee Page 2

The Public Relations Committee was formerly known as the District Relations Committee… until it was changed back in the 2009-2010 service year. The general idea of this committee is simple: Publicize + Build + Inform = Public Relations. Throughout the service year, this committee is assigned to create PowerPoints and videos, contact the local media, write articles, create brochures, and to overall publicize Key Club and its work in any way possible. We cannot do what we do without YOU, the members of this organization! It

In July 2010, Key Clubbers from Districts around the world will be coming together to celebrate another year of service to our homes, schools, and communities. The 67th Annual Key Club International Convention will take place in the amazing Memphis, Tennessee. There will always be something to do, whether it is evaluating this year's candidates for Key Club International office, hearing a motivational speaker or learning more about the phenomenal programs that Key Club International offers, or dancing!

takes work on our part, but it’s a very simple thing for you to do. Why do you love Key Club? What makes Key Club so great? What does Key Club give to you? Instead of answering these questions in your head, answer them by telling your friends! By letting your friends know all about the wonderful thing that is Key Club, you are doing exactly what this committee entails: publicizing! If you have any questions or comments about the Public Relations Committee, contact co-chairs Nicole Darrah (njkceditor@gmail.com) or Brian Cheung (ltgcheung@aol.com)!

ASAP for more information, as the first payment is due by May 15th. If money is an issue, feel free to ask your Kiwanis Club to help you out with the costs. They would be glad to help! I can’t wait to see you there! (=

The New Jersey District will travel to Memphis by bus, leaving New Jersey on the morning July 4th, and returning on the evening of July 12th. On the road to ICON, we will stop at many points of interest, including Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio, Graceland, and the Civil Rights Museum. At ICON, the festivities begin with a private concert by Ohio poprock superstars Relient K, and continue with appearances by such celebrities as Clay Aiken and Josh Hutcherson, various workshops, caucuses and elections, and dances! It will truly be a week to remember. Anyone interested in attending, please contact me

If any club would like to have an article published in this newsletter about the events you have held, or will be holding in the future, don’t hesitate to contact me. It is a great way to publicize to other clubs in our division as well as the district board.

Club Events The BCIT Key Club joined with the NJ State Library and collected “Pennies for Peace�, which was founded by Greg Mortenson and started by Western Elementary School in River Fall, WI in 1994. The money collected will be used to build school libraries in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Although they did not collect a large sum, every penny counts. In a ceremony at the NJ State Library on April 17, Norma Blake, NJ State Librarian, presented Christine Leitinger, director of Pennies for Peace, with a check for $13,400. The money was raised by over 75 New Jersey public and school libraries.

HEY Key Clubbers!!! This space is reserved for you. Get the word out about what your clubs are doing to help your community, advertise upcoming events, or communicate your personal experience at a district event. All you have to do is email an article to me, your Lieutenant Governor.

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About Key Club I have noticed that many of the clubs in our division do tons of service but have no idea what key club is, what we stand for, the events that go on, how we became what we are; the list goes on and on. Therefore, I am writing a few tidbits of Key Club information in this section, “About Key Club,” for each issue. Page 4

Key Club Lingo •

CMRF: Club Monthly Report Form. These are crucial because they let Lieutenant Governors as well as the New Jersey District Board, know how your club is doing. The form is to be completed by your club Secretary and it is important to have it turned into me by the 10th of each month. In the form. Some areas of the form will not be applicable and that is quite all right, just leave it blank and fill in as much as you can!

OTC: Officer’s Training Conference. Officer’s Training Conferences are mandatory for all clubs. In order to carry out your position in the club when we come back to school in the fall, you must be trained by yours truly!

PCM: President’s Council Meeting. There will be five of these and more if necessary, throughout the course of the service year. At these meetings, the Presidents of the clubs (or any position of office if the President cannot make it) and myself are to meet up, usually at a restaurant or some nice place, to discuss how your clubs are doing.

RTC: Regional Training Conference. This is also mandatory for all officers. Here, you will have the experience to meet the New Jersey District Board and attend workshops which will help you have a better understanding of your position as well as workshops that will help spice up your meetings, stir some new ideas for projects, and a great opportunity to meet new Key Clubbers! Because the board knows that we all hail from different schools that could be far away from each other, the RTCs are broken up into three parts: North, Central, and South. There are RTCs held in the spring and fall. They usually take place on Saturdays or Sundays.

KEY-Kiwanis Educates Youth

CMN-Children’s Miracle Network

KCI-Key Club International

DCON-District Convention

CKI-Circle K International

ICON-International Convention

KI-Kiwanis International

DCM-Divisional Council Meeting

BMRF-Board Monthly Report Form

KFC-Kiwanis Family Conference

CMRF-Club Monthly Report Form

RTC-Regional Training Conference

NJDB-New Jersey District Board

OTC-Officer Training Conference

MEP-Major emphasis program

GATC-Governor Administrator Training Conference

CSH-Children’s Specialized Hospital UNICEF-United Nations International Children Emergency Fund

PMC-President’s Council Meeting

YOF-Youth Opportunities Fund

CMRF-Club Monthly Report Form

ALS-Alex’s Lemonade Stand

IP-Immediate Past

BMRF-Board Monthly Report Form

If any club would like to have an article published in this newsletter about the events you have held, or will be holding in the future, don’t hesitate to contact me. It is a great way to publicize to other clubs in our division as well as the district board.

Upcoming Events Fall Rally!!

The New Jersey Fall Rally is one of the largest (percentage-wise) Key Club events in the WORLD. It is a rally that brings together 3,000 New Jersey Key Clubbers from all over the state under “one roof.”As always, Fall Rally will be held at SIX FLAGS GREAT ADVENTURE in JACKSON, NJ. On OCTOBER 10th, 2010, in the midst of COLUMBUS DAY WEEKEND, is when you and other Key Clubbers from all over new Jersey will have the opportunity to meet the District Board, meet each other, learn more about our wonderful organization, and win prizes for being your favorite musician’s look-alike. The best part is, you have the entire day to roam around the park after the short Key Club session for the low price of $32 dollars a person if registration is handed in by October 1st for early registration. If you have a season pass, or work at the park admission is only 6 dollars. Make sure to get the registration in by October 1st or the cost increases by $5 a person. Another benefit of submitting early registration is a bus parking fee waiver given by the New Jersey District upon request. On the note of buses, with the budget cuts it is very unlikely that the schools are going to pay/provide for busing to a day at six flags especially on a Sunday. There-

fore, the price of each club member to attend can be raised a few dollars to cover the cost of transportation. A few dollars for a bus is better than 15 dollars per car for parking. Fall Rally is going to be a fun-filled and action-packed day so sing the SONGS OF SERVICE with Key Clubbers from all over New Jersey at Six Flags Great Adventure on October 10th.

June Sunday



















President’s Council

Report forms due!



















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District Administrator Barrie Werfel

Zone Administrator Sue Andris

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Contacts District Governor Rachel Orbach governor@njkeyclub.org

District Secretary

District Editor

Kevin Sun

Nicole Darrah



Lieutenant Governor Kirsten Reed KirstenKeyClub@gmail.com

District Treasurer Devan Corona treasurer@njkeyclub.org

Webmaster Shivam Patel webmaster@njkeyclub.org

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