North London Collegiate School Jeju
Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of NLCS Jeju The first half term of an eventful academic year draws to a close this Thursday for all our students both boarders and day. All staff - both faculty and support/admin will have a training day on Friday 30 October. In such a busy school as NLCS Jeju it is very important that both teachers and students do have a break during half term to recharge their batteries and to prepare for the demands of the remainder of the term. As always there have been deadlines to meet for university applications, study deadlines for academic subjects at all levels, and an expected level of commitment in terms of wider involvement in the cocurricular life of the School. I continue to be impressed by the commitment of all at NLCS Jeju to involve themselves actively in the school both within the school day and beyond, including the evenings and weekends. The school continues to be recognised in the wider community, as seen in the recent awards received for our Service in the community (more news on this after the break). Currently we have large numbers of students sitting admissions tests in order to gain entry to this School either this academic year or the next and the pressure on places is high with waiting lists for places in a number of years. After half term we have a number of students joining us and I hope that you will all welcome them into our community and help them adjust. This week we were thrilled to see the House Dance competitions taking place. As usual the competition was fierce but the winners were Mulchat House for an amazing performance. Well done to all the Houses and the dancers for their wonderful efforts. We hope that you all have a wonderful break and stay healthy. Before travelling, please ensure that you have updated our Travel and Contact survey Here so that we are kept up to date with everyone’s travel plans. See you all in November! Yours sincerely, Lynne Oldfield Principal
MUSIC Magic Flute
North London Collegiate School Jeju
It’s not long to go now before our performance of Mozart’s The Magic Flute in collaboration with Opera in Jeju. All our Year 8 students are involved, along with our Presto Strings and other musicians. They will be joined on stage by six professional singers from Opera in Jeju and it will be a feast for the senses with its German-language comic opera and features comedy, magic and fantastical creatures. It follows the adventures of Prince Tamino and Papageno on their search for the Queen of the Night’s daughter, Pamina. To help them conquer the trials and tribulations faced on their quest, the duo are given magical musical instruments, including a magic flute. See the teaser HERE and look out for announcements about our audience (bear with us as this is dependent on Social Distancing Guidelines in place across Korea.)
Neil Tamlyn, AVP
Jinyeong Oh, Year 10
North London Collegiate School Jeju
Joona Kim, Year 10
North London Collegiate School Jeju
Junior School - Student Leaders Last week there was a very special Leadership Assembly in the Junior School.Years 5 and 6 heard who would be the Student Council and the Ambassadors for the rest of the Academic year. Ms. Megan Hardy shared the pride that the leadership team felt in the newly elected students. Each group took to the stage to be applauded and honoured by the teachers and students who elected them. Well done to all of you! Student Council (Mentor - Jane Rouson) Daeho Kim, Joon Kang, Arin Lee, Austin Im, Flynn Jung, Evie Hamilton Scott Jayden Kwon, Olivia Kim
Eco Ambassadors (Mentor - Vivienne Brooks) Aiden Lee, Bryan Suh, Ethan Cox, Lisa Lee, Colin Kim
North London Collegiate School Jeju Technology Ambassadors (Mentor - David Smithson) Juliette Elkaim, Sam Lee, Alex Kim
Stephen Davidson
Global Awareness Committee (Mentor - Megan Hardy) Jane Kim, Andrew Kim, Aiden Oh, Dana Moon, Ellie Lee Ethan Kim
North North London London Collegiate Collegiate School School Jeju Jeju
Student Welfare Awareness Group (Mentor - Richard Washington) Raya Cox, Gabriella Whitney, Leo Kwon, Gian Park Jeannie Brown, Sienna Lee, Ellie Lee, Dan Lee
Librarian Ambassadors (Mentor - Justine Whitney) Jane Kim, Irene Yoon, Louie Kim, Sean McKeogh
North London Collegiate School Jeju
Service Ambassadors (Mentor - Gwangho Im), Jiho Yang, Ryan (Tae Yoon) Lee, Hannah Song, Henry Jiang
Music Ambassadors (Mentor - Cristyn Draper), Roy Jeong, Jaewon Son, Iona Scott, Sophia Park, Eunbie Ko
North London Collegiate School Jeju
STUDENTS Student Written Parody - Dongmyung Kim - Year 9
Year 9 students learned about ‘Person who I met at the corner of the street’ by Yang Gui-ja in Korean Literature Class and wrote a piece introducing the people around them. It is the first time they learn a story which has characteristics of both essay and novel. They enjoyed the process of writing a parody as well. Every piece is wonderful and we would like to share one of them written by Dongmyung Kim.
길모퉁이에서 만난 사람
Y9 김동명 (Kim, Dongmyung)
떫은 아침 공기와 모든 게 화창해 보였던 나의 어린 시절, 매일 아침 온화한 벽돌로 지은 도서관 앞에서 바닥을 쓸고 있던 그녀. 그녀는 나의 아침을 반겨주는 한 그루의 단풍나무이자 하루의 마침표를 찍어주는 한 그루의 소나무이기도 하였다. 그녀의 이름은 나은이다. 그녀를 표현하는 데는 한 단어이면 충분하다. 그리고 그녀를 아는 모든 사람들도 아마 같은 단어를 말할 것이다. ‘가을’이라고... 나은씨는 가을 바람처럼 차갑기도 하지만 그녀의 말 한마디 한마디안에는 가을 햇살이 숨겨져 있다. 급하게 나오느라 말리지 못한 머리, 하지만 먼지 하나 없는 단정한 옷차림, 수수하지만 따뜻한 그녀의 목소리는 여름 임에도 단풍잎을 연상시킨다. 그렇지만 어딘가 불편해 보이는 왼쪽 다리와 눈동자에 담겨있는 쓸쓸함은 마른 나뭇가지를 연상시킨다. 가끔 나은씨는 사람들에게 괴짜라는 소리를 듣기도 한다. 왜냐하면 도서관 사서임에도 밖으로 나와 정원의 허드렛일을 도맡아 하고 6시면 문을 닫는 도서관에 늦도록 남아 도서관 앞 놀이터를 치우는 일을 하기 때문이다. “거 참, 나은씨는 인생을 참 고단하게 산다니까...쯧쯧... 아직 젊은 사람이 총각을 만나야지 이렇게 매일 늦도록 일을 하니...” 동네 할머니들은 매번 이렇게 말씀하신다. 그럴 때마다 그녀는 조용히 눈웃음을 지으며 자기 할 일을 한다. 나은씨도 처음부터 여러 가지 허드렛일을 자처한 것은 아니었다. 그녀도 한 때는 저녁 6시면 칼같이 퇴근을 했었다. 하지만 그녀가 바뀐 계기는 하나의 사건 때문이었다. 그리고 그 사건은 내가 나은씨와 처음 만난 그 때의 일이다. 어린 내가 나은씨와 처음 만난 곳은 뜻밖에도 도서관이 아닌 도서관 앞 공용 놀이터였다. 그 당시 그곳은 아무도 관리를 하지 않아 어린이들이 노는 곳임에도 오물과 낙엽으로 가득했다. 그럼에도 아이들이 갈 수 있는 놀이터라고는 동네에 그곳이 전부였기에 그곳에서 놀았다. 바람이 많이 불었던 어느 날인가, 낙엽으로 가득한 그 놀이터에서 수많은 낙엽을 하늘로 흩뿌리며 놀던 나는 낙엽에 가려져 있던 어떤 물건에 다리가 걸려 넘어졌다. 아파서 끙끙거리고 있을 때 그녀가 다가왔다. 그녀는 나를 달래 주며 집까지 데려다 주었다. 부모님을 기다리던 내가 다시 놀이터를 찾았을 때 부스럭거리는 소리를 들었다. 귀신인가 싶은 마음에 주변에 있던 나뭇가지를 들고 살금살금 다가갔다. 발소리를 죽이며 다가가선 본 귀신의 정체는 나은씨였다. 그녀는 헝클어진 머리를 대충 묶고 불편한 다리로 헐떡이며 놀이터의 낙엽을 치우고 있었다. 인사를 하고 싶었지만 늦은 시간이었기에 나는 다시 집으로 돌아갔다. 하지만 낙엽을 치우던 그녀의 아름다운 모습은 아직도 생생히 기억난다. 그 사건 이후로 그녀는 매일 늦게 퇴근하게 되었다. 또한 그녀의 그노력 덕분에 더럽고 지저분했던 놀이터는 깨끗하게 바뀌었고 하나 둘 그 놀이터를 찾는 발길들이 붐비며 하나의 공원이 되었다. 누군가는 그녀를 괴짜라고 말한다. 하지만 그녀의 그러한 노력 덕분에 수많은 아이들이 안전한 곳에서 행복하게 놀 수 있다. 누가 뭐라고 해도 그녀는 오늘도 어김없이 퇴근을 하면 놀이터로 가서 단풍나무처럼 아이들을 반겨준다.
North North London London Collegiate Collegiate School School Jeju Jeju
Ms. Cristyn Draper organised a wonderful Autumn Concert with our youngest musicians on October 15. They played music from around the world including traditional African folk songs and drum music and other classical and traditional music. We hope you enjoy the concert and share the enjoyment of the children. We hope very much that all our parents will be invited next time! Click Here to watch.
ENRICHMENT Languages Enrichment Week Last week it was the turn of Languages to host their Enrichment Week. Ms. Laetitia Choi and her team organised many activities and events to celebrate all things French, Spanish and Latin American! Year 10 students attended lectures such as “An A-Z of Latin America - Why a Gap Year Should be on your Bucket List” and “I am Fluent - How does Fluency Manifest Itself?” Students also watched Jamie Oliver cook Spanish food! We love that our Enrichment weeks are so diverse.
Music Competition winners!
North London Collegiate School Jeju
We are very proud of the breadth of talent in our School - and nowhere is this as prevalent as Music. Four of our string players have done exceptionally well in the 2020 J. S. Bach International Festival Competition in Jeju. Well done to the following students Category - Violin (Ages 7 to 19) Grand Prize - JooAn Kwon, Year 10 Sarah 1st Prize - Eunbie Ko, Year 6 2nd Prize - Lucas Jang, Year 3 Category - Cello (Ages 7 to 19) Grand Prize - Hyeon Moon, Year 10 Jeoji
Lucas Jang, Year3
Hyeon Moon, Year10
Music Competition winners!
North London Collegiate School Jeju
Eunbie Ko, Year 6
JooAn Kwon, Year 10
North London Collegiate School Jeju
A Kind Donation We have extremely generous parents here at NLCS Jeju. A group of parents decided they wanted to support our Sixth Form and help create a relaxed atmosphere with lovely sofas, tables and plants to help our students study better. Here is the finished look! Thank you to our students for helping us showcase the areas so perfectly! And thank you to Mr. Tom Pettifor, Head of Year 12, and Mr. Jason Sannegadu, Head of Year 13 for lending a hand as models, too!
North London Collegiate School Jeju
North London Collegiate School Jeju
DOFE Bronze Practice and Assessed - Hyeopjae area. Now that social distancing rules have been relaxed slightly, we are delighted that our students have been able to pursue other activities and outdoor trips. Recently, Mr. Nick Chaddock and Ms. Rachel Donaldson were out with students who are working towards the Bronze Award. Mr. Chaddock says “Congratulations to our Bronze participants from Year 10 & 11 who successfully completed an Adventurous Journey on Jeju last weekend. The weather was wonderful as our teams hiked, navigated and camped together. Their next expedition will be in April, when they travel to Jeollanamdo.� Contact Mr Chaddock to learn more! nchaddock@nlcsjeju.kr
North London Collegiate School Jeju
INITIATIVES Student Welfare Awareness Group The SWAG, (Student Welfare Awareness Group). Our committee ensures the welfare of students in our school community by organising events and raising awareness on key issues including bullying, mental health, academic pressure, social relationships, and behaviour. They have a message for all students â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are now opening our application for new members in Years 10 - 12. Join us and help support projects like these - Anti-bullying and mental health awareness campaigns - Social exclusion experiments - Collaboration with the Student Musical Project <DEAR EVAN HANSEN> for mental health awareness - Initiation of the academic mentoring program - Wellbeing Wonderings magazine published every half term - Wellbeing Wednesday events during break and lunch times for student involvement This year, we will link with the Junior School and work closely with the emotional counseling department to endorse student wellbeing at an even greater level. We are looking for passionate students who genuinely care about creating a safe environment in NLCS Jeju despite the pressure everyone is facing! We want you to take responsibility and introduce creative ideas. If you are interested in joining SWAG, please click the link below and answer all questions in the form. Shortlisted applicants will be individually contacted for interviews. The deadline for this application is WEDS 11 NOVEMBER 2020 Thank you and we look forward to reading your applications! Good luck! *** APPLICATION FORM *** https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfAze9ILpOhiXhM8lAf3ClLFoe5wfeGsgLgzoTa5ANrhAGT Iw/viewform?usp=sf_link Best regards, The SWAG Student Welfare Awareness Group Junior School No Food Waste Junior School students are incredibly aware of the issue of food waste in School and in general. They have been working hard all year to try and address potential problems. Each Friday the Year 4 Food Waste Monitors andYear 6 House Captains oversee the bins to collect any leftover food at lunchtime. The Eco Committee then weighs and records the amount of food that each house has thrown away, collating it over a half term. The results are below - and while Hyeon Mu are worthy winners - it is worth noting what a phenomenal job every House has done! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not the most exciting of jobs but requires thought and commitment and hard work! Well done to all Houses! Remember - Just take what you can eat and eat all you take. Results (average weight students): 1st Hyeon Mu 2nd Cheong Nyong 3rd Baek Ho 4th Ju Jak
per week for approx 450 4.67Kg 4.97kg 5.15kg 5.87kg
North London Collegiate School Jeju
Collaboration on Online Safety Mr. David Smithson, Head of Computer Science in our Junior School shared this great story of collaboration. Year 6 have been creating an online quiz targeted at Year 2 children with the focus being Internet Safety. Each year group learns about the importance of staying safe online. Class 2JB visited 6EF this afternoon. It was an amazing experience for all involved and the buzz and engagement level was at an all-time high. Well done to all students involved. What great teachers our Year 6 students have become!
North London Collegiate School Jeju
Darangswi Taster Sessions If you are considering boarding we very much recommend a Taster session - from one night to a week. Our Junior Boarders had a great time last weekend when their House hosted Taster Weekend in Darangswi for lots of Year 5 day students considering boarding. HM,Vivienne Brooks, AHM Seungmo Chung and their teams - and lots of visiting teachers - made it wonderful fun! Activities included Halloween party, T-ball, campfire, playground, reading in JS library, Halloween crafts, Hotteok cooking and eating and movie night. They even visited Jeojiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Haunted House (of which more soon!) We ALL want to be Darangswi boarders now!
BOARDING Happy Halloween
North London Collegiate School Jeju
Halloween came early to Jeoji last weekend as Mr. Crebier and Ms. Sangster and their teams threw a party for boarders on their last weekend before Half Term. Can you spot your favourite teachers?
Reception Class Pancake Making!
North London Collegiate School Jeju
Reception students made pancakes and learnt the key vocabulary they would need - first, next, after that, then and finally. They can now tell you how to make delicious pancakes in clear, confident English! See the mini pancakes they made below. They look great!
More Pictures
North London Collegiate School Jeju
More Pictures
North London Collegiate School Jeju
More Pictures
North London Collegiate School Jeju
House Dance North London Collegiate School Jeju
House Dance North London Collegiate School Jeju
House Dance
North London Collegiate School Jeju
House Dance
North London Collegiate School Jeju
House Dance
North London Collegiate School Jeju
House Dance
North London Collegiate School Jeju
House Dance
North London Collegiate School Jeju
House Dance
North London Collegiate School Jeju
North London Collegiate School Jeju
Happy Halloween! Thank you to Benjamin Jun - Year 7 who produced this excellent Latin homework.
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