NLCS Jeju. The making of…
Our first term
It’s difficult to believe we’ve only been here for 11 weeks. We’ve achieved so much already.
An established House system where students feel cared for and safe.
A community where bullying is not tolerated and respect is paramount.
A House compeDDon that helps create idenDty and community spirit.
House branding, basketball, football, public speaking, wriDng and singing.
Houses that have been branded by music, moFo and mascot.
Students with clear academic targets who are aware that they are being monitored and regularly assessed.
CreaDve teaching that focuses on improving English and self-‐confidence.
Students receiving guidance on their opDons and opportuniDes for the future.
Over 100 clubs socieDes and co-‐curricular events every week.
From origami to orchestra and from swimming to sewing, there is something for everyone.
The beginning of Senior SocieDes where Year 11 students run socieDes for the benefit of younger students.
Saturday morning acDviDes challenging students to try something new and make brave choices.
PoFery, robot design, taekwondo, mountain biking, scuba diving and horse riding, the range of acDviDes is huge.
InternaDonal Award overnight trip on windy Jeju.
Trips to the coasts, towns, mountains and below and on the sea.
InternaDonal trips planned to the UK, USA and China.
First sports fixtures played on the mainland.
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year from NLCS Jeju
We can’t wait for next term!