Camp Hill Newsletter February

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Camp Hill February 2023 newsletter

Whether you need treatment for a heart condition or just want to keep your heart healthy, you can trust Penn State Health’s team of heart and vascular experts to listen to you and get right to the heart of it. You’ll get comprehensive, compassionate heart and vascular care tailored to you— right here in Central PA. And as a universityaffiliated health system connected to Penn State College of


2 HVI_27800_HEA_PAID_PRT_INT_7.75x10.5_10_23 (CHBorough) Trust us with your heart. We won’t miss a beat. Seeing patients in: Penn State Health Camp Hill Outpatient Center Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery 875 Poplar Church Rd Suite 400 Camp Hill, PA 17011 Call for an appointment 717-724-6450
Medicine, you have access to innovative clinical trials that offer the latest treatments and new hope.
your heart health in the right hands.
Spring Fling Save the Date M A R K E T S T R E E T , C A M P H I L L S H O P P I N G D I N I N G L I V E M U S I C O U T D O O R G A M E S F U N A C T I V I T I E S Follow us for details! March 25 from 10 am - 3 pm 717-774-7721 Gilbert J. Parthemore, Supervisor 1303 Bridge Street, New Cumberland, PA Over the past 50 years of serving our community, we’ve grown and changed to meet the needs of the families we serve. But the one thing that we haven’t changed is our family tradition of caring. You can count on us to help you honor the lives of your loved ones. For Three Generations We’ve Been Here

Susquehanna Valley Veterinary Clinic

2235 Kohn Road

Harrisburg, PA 17110

Phone (223) 322-7894

Camp Hill Animal Hospital

3804 Market Street

Camp Hill, PA 17011

Phone (717) 737-8669


The Earl Besch Project would like to thank all those who participated in and sponsored the 3rd annual Trick or Trot. We have the most wonderful sponsors and we are grateful for all the help and support they continue to give.

Title Sponsors: Hoverter Charitable Foundation • Law Offices of Halbruner, Hatch & Guise, LLP

Gold Sponsors: Upstream’s, PILLARS with PURPOSE

Bronze Sponsors:

Latorre Communications

Watershed Pub

Select Medical

D&H Cares

Van Allen, LLC

Schmidt Kramer Injury Lawyers

Thrive Fit Co.

Rotary Club of West Shore


Silver Sponsors: Cornerstone Coffeehouse

Corporate Sponsors: MollyBee Kids

Building Blocks Therapy

The Regan Team

Snack Sponsors: Karns Foods

Capital Blue Cross Connect

us on Facebook at the Earl Besch Project for updates on the 2023 Trick or Trot!


Siebert Park Day Camp

Preschool Summer Adventures

Outside the Lines Camp

Legos Camp

Slime Camp

Science Camps

Teen Volleyball Camp

Camp Hill Recreation Camps: More Information:

Boys Basketball Camp

Girls Basketball Camp

Lacrosse Camp

Girls Field Hockey Camp

Soccer Camps

Wrestling Camp

Purchase/Register at

Approved Actions of Council


• Consent agenda

• HRG to proceed with the construction phase services for the Siebert Park Pump Station project for $128,700

• Payment No. 2 in the amount of $66,589.68 to Wexcon Inc. for the 34th and Walnut Sewer replacement project

• Change Order No. 1 for the 2022 paving project to increase the contract by $10,907.00 and extend two weeks

• Payment No. 1 for $187,434.85 to New Enterprise Stone and Lime Company, Inc. for the 2022 Paving project

• Gibson-Thomas Engineering to complete the Market Street Streetscape Project for HOP approval for $26,828

• A temporary construction easement at 367 North 24th Street (Parcel #01-20-1854-116A)

• Modification to Section 176-17.C. Streets and Sidewalks Ordinance to allow construction of a driveway less than thirty (30) feet from an intersection at 367 North 24th Street

• Resolution #2022-11 to create a Junior Council Person program

• Act 167 Stormwater Management Ordinance #2022-07

• Resolution #2022-12 to establish fees for stormwater permits.

• Advertise ordinanc to permit the sale and consumption of alcohol in a Borough park for Borough hosted events

• Payment of checks in the amount of $979,287.84


• Consent agenda

• Appoint Lia Levy and Alex Baturin as student representatives

• Appoint patrol officers, Jason Yerg and Ryan Flenke, effective 12/1/22

• Payment No. 2 for $302,937.32 to New Enterprise Stone and Lime Co. Inc. for the 2022 paving project

• HRG agreement for services associated with the 2023 curb ramp project in the amount of $32,000

• Refuse and Recycling Contract with Penn Waste, Inc. Bid Option A.1

• Memorial tree planting in Willow Park

• Ordinance #2022-08 to permit the sale and consumption of alcohol in a Borough park for Borough hosted events

• Advertise the amendment to the Chapter 113 Fire Prevention Ordinance.

• Send the draft Zoning Ordinane to the County and Borough Planning Commissions.

• Resolution #2022-13, implementing the property tax penalty waiver provisions of Act 57 of 2022

• Advertise the final 2023 budget for consideration on December 14.

• Payment of checks in the amount of $543,399.91


• Consent agenda

• Issuance of request for proposals for towing services

• Resolution #2022-14 to apply for $93,500.00 through the PA Small Water and Sewer Grant Program

• Resolution #2022-15 to apply for $1,000,000 through the H2O Program

• Mailing of fee increase notification letter via bulk mail

• Amend the agenda to add payment application #3 to New Enterprise

• Payment application #3 to New Enterprise, Stone and Lime Company for $98,101.26.

• Revised pool membership policies and regulations

• Settlement of litigation agreement with Michael Serluco relating to property at South 32nd and Chestnut Streets

• Ordinance #2022-09 to amend Chapter 113, re: ignition, discharge, and use of consumer and display fireworks

• Easement Agreement with Camp Hill School District for improvements to building located on Borough property

• 2023 meeting schedule

• Advertise two ordinances to waive contributions to police and non-uniform pension plans

• Advertise ordinance to amend Chapter 168 of the Borough Code in relation to sewer rental fees

• 2023 budget

• 2023 Real Estate Tax Resolution #2022-16.

• 2023 Fees Resolution #2022-17

• Payment of checks in the amount of $497,713.42


Jr. Council Member – Lia Levy Student Advisor on Planning Commission –Alex Baturin

High School Teacher – Mr. Robbie Tubbs



8 – Council Meeting – 7 pm

20 – Presidents Day – Borough Offices closed

21 – Planning Commission – 6:30 pm*


1 – Camp Registration & Pool Memberships Begin

8 – Council Meeting – 7 pm

12 – Daylight Saving begins (Spring Forward)

21 – Planning Commission – 6:30 pm*

25 – Spring Fling – Business District10 am – 4 pm

25 – Bunny Extravaganza – 10 am


4 – Recreation Commission – 6 pm

7 – Good Friday – Borough Offices closed

12 – Council Meeting – 7 pm

18 – Planning Commission – 6:30 pm*


10 – Council Meeting – 7 pm

13 – Fire Company Chicken BBQ – 11 am

16 – Planning Commission – 6:30 pm*

16 – Election Primary – 7 am to 8 pm

20 – Camp Hill Art Walk – 10 – 4 pm

21 – Kite Festival – 1 – 4 pm

27 – Pool Opens

29 – Memorial Day – Borough Offices closed

29 – Memorial Day Parade and Festivities – begins 9:30 am

*meetings are held as needed

These meetings are held at the Borough of Camp Hill Municipal Offices, 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 and are open to the public. If you are a person with a disability, please note: 48 hours notice is requested for any individual with a disability who needs an accommodation to participate in a borough meeting, program, service, or employment procedure. Individuals wishing to attend these public meetings who require an auxiliary aid service or other accommo-dations to participate in the meetings please contact the Borough of Camp Hill at (717) 737-3456 or via e-mail: Residents requiring TDD service should call 1-800-654-5984.



• Mill and Overlay Paving and Microsurfacing completed on multiple streets.



Submit to Audrey Logar at




Mayor – Mark Simpson

Police Chief – Stephen Margeson

Police Dept (non-emergency)

Fire Chief – Mark Simpson

Fire Dept (non-emergency)

Camp Hill Borough Office

Main Telephone

Public works & Codes & FIRE







Fax 730-3961



Camp Hill Borough Office Hours

Monday–Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

Mailing Address:

2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011


general email:

Borough Manager Sara Gibson ..... ext 1042

Recreation Director – Audrey Logar ext 1019

Codes Enforcement Officer ext 1014

Sewer, Trash & Storm Water Billing ext 1022

Public Works Department 730-3694

Borough Council

Alissa Packer President

Bonnie Bentz Vice-President

Jennifer Hoover, Mercedes Evans, Michele

Forbes, Emily Smith,Sherry Bowman

Solicitor – E. Lee Stinnett

All council members are accessible by email through the Borough website or at the montly Council meeting (2nd Wed at 7 pm)

Tax Collector – Amy Baron 737-2731

• ADA ramps installed with new crosswalks.

• Russel road culvert replacement.


• Street Sweeping is scheduled to begin on April 3rd .

• Please avoid placing grass clippings, tree limbs, or any other debris in the street. This can cause damage to the machinery and down time for the operators.

• Sweeping takes place the day AFTER your regular trash collection on the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month.

• Please check the Borough website for schedule changes or updates.


• OPEN 6am- 7pm daily. The Borough may close the facility for maintenance, material processing, or a lack of space for waste.

• Compost access cards are valid only for the calendar year in which they are purchased. To renew or obtain a card please visit the Borough office or you can print out the registration form from the website, fill it out completely, sign it and drop the form and a check off in the drop box at the front of the borough building.

• Starting April 3rd, mulch loading services will be provided on Monday & Fridays ONLY, from 7:30 am to 8:30 am. Mulch loading ends on October 6th.

• Please check the Public Works page on the Borough website for full details, guidelines, and closure updates.




Works crew are to keep their vision on the street while driving. It is likely that they won’t take notice of a basketball hoop in the rightof-way, particularly in dangerous weather. We have clearance guidelines for Shade Trees for the same reason.


Trees that are within the street rights-ofway in the Borough are required to meet the standards of the ordinance. Trees must have 8’ of clearance above the sidewalk. From the curb to a point 6’ out into the street, the clearance is 14’. From that 6’ mark and out to the middle of the street requires an 18’ clearance. If the tree is on the private residence but overhangs the public right-ofway, that tree is subjected to those clearances as well. Please be sure any pruning, planting, or removing of a Shade Tree has a permit submitted prior to the action being performed. The Shade Tree Commission meets only once a month so please take that into consideration while planning tree services.


Shovel and remove snow and ice in a timely manner. If you have a sidewalk in the right-ofway, it is to be cleared within 8 hours of cessation of precipitation. Sidewalk shoveling should provide a minimum 3’ wide pathway. Fines may be up to $300, and every day can constitute a new separate violation. Please take into consideration the plow trucks. If you happen to clear your sidewalk and a plow truck pushes snow back onto it, you will need to clear it again. Please be aware of the direction you are discarding the snow. Do not throw snow into the street.

State Representative – Patty Kim

986-1673 or 772-3570

State Senator – Greg Rothman

787-1377 or 975-2235

Attorney General Office

Consumer Protection

Contractor Problems

Utilities Penn Waste

PA American Water

PPL/Street Light Problems






Unless indicated otherwise, all telephone numbers are 717 area code.

Please remove the basketball hoops from the right-of-way. These are structures which have been erected in the right-of-way and are not permitted. Placing basketball hoops in the right-of-way promotes children playing in the streets which are meant for motorists. The overhang of the hoops has resulted in damaged Borough equipment. Borough equipment can be damaged during leaf pick up, street sweeping, and plowing. The Public


‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Fire House, no fire police/ fireman was stirring, not even a siren. Their gear was hung on the lockers with care, in hopes that they could stay home for Christmas this year! The Camp Hill Fire Company wishes you and your loved ones a Healthy, Safe, and Happy New Year! Our Fire Company has responded to many 911 calls! We’ve also brought Santa

No One Should Be Hungry!

The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank will be giving food to all qualified Camp Hill residents in need of food assistance at the Christian Life Assembly Church, 2645 Lisburn Rd. in Lower Allen Twp. Please stop by between 9am – 12 noon on the following Tuesdays: February 14th, March 8th, April 11th, and May 9th.

A utility bill from your residence is the only requirement. Please stop by if your family is in need!

District Justice Court 761-0583 Camp Hill Post Office ................... 737-1461 Camp Hill School District 901-2400 Cleve J Fredricksen Library .......... 761-3900 Humane Society 564-3320 Camp Hill Pool ............................. 909-3887 Chamber of Commerce 761-0702 Cumberland County Courthouse Directory 1-888-697-0371 Elections Bureau 240-6385 County Tax Assessment 240-6350 Cumberland
Tax Bureau 590-7997 County
Recycling Authority 240-6489

throughout our neighborhoods, orchestrated a drivethrough Toys for Tots, and assisted in many other Borough events. Please mark your calendars for our 2023 Chicken BBQs! The dates are May 13, June 10, August 12, and September 9. The drive-through opens at 11:00 (til sold out) and walkers are welcome to come as well!


Pollinators—bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, flies, wasps, and hummingbirds—are essential for the reproduction of flowering plants and agricultural crops, but up to 40% of pollinator species are at risk of extinction. Due to the economic and ecological importance of these keystone species, Camp Hill is seeking affiliation with Bee City USA, a program that recognizes, supports, and encourages pollinator conservation in our communities. A volunteer committee, appointed by Borough Council, is developing educational and outreach activities for the broader community.

The Committee invites borough residents to attend our monthly meetings, held every third Thursday in the Borough office at 4 p.m. Also, please join us March 21 at 7 p.m. for our presentation “Bee Friendly: Plant This, Not That” at Fredricksen Library’s “Gardening with Nature” series. More info is available at beecity .


Camp Hill Borough is looking for feedback related to limits on single use plastics. Communities including Media, Haverford, West Chester, Newtown, and Narberth, as well as Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, have enacted ordinances banning single use plastic bags. Some stores have voluntarily eliminated their use of plastic bags.

The reduction of plastics is a complex issue. Residents and owners of businesses in the Borough can help us to understand your perspective by completing the short plastics survey accessed on the Borough website or by the link or QR code

The Camp Hill Climate Action Plan Task Force has been working with Messiah University for two years to conduct a greenhouse gas inventory and develop a Climate Action Plan (CAP) for the borough. The goal of the CAP is to set emissions reduction targets and to present multiple pathways for the borough to potentially achieve those targets. The Task Force will give a preliminary presentation to Borough Council during their March 8 meeting. Residents are encouraged to attend to learn about the CAP. Additionally, there will be a public forum to learn about and discuss the final proposed CAP in April. The Task Force looks forward to talking with members of the public about the proposed plan.

Thank you to everyone who attended our event and thank you to our presenters, The Camp Hill Borough Public Safety Committee, along with the Camp Hill Police Department, Camp Hill Fire Department, Camp Hill School District, East Pennsboro Police Officer Helwig & K9 Maarten, and the Cumberland County District Attorney Office’s new Forensic Laboratory for offering a family-friendly safety education event.

Thank you to everyone who came out for this holiday event. We had a great turnout and received a lot of positive feedback. A special thanks to our sponsors: HRG, Fox Pest Control, Cordier Auctions & appraisals and Salzmann Hughes, P.C. Attorneys at Law.


Thank you to all who supported our Christmas tree sale. Our next function is our Annual Pancake Breakfast on March 5th from 7am-12pm at Trinity Lutheran Church. Tickets are $7.00 for all you can eat pancakes.

For tickets please call Carl Winfield 717-7665442.

If you have a senior at Camp Hill High School or Trinity High School, we are offering two scholarships to seniors who attend these

9 COMMITTEE WORK P r e s e n t e d b y Follow us for details! Spring Fling March 25 from 10 am – 3 pm Camp Hill Art Walk May 20 from 10 am - 2 pm Harvest Hop September 30 from 10 am - 3 pm Candy Cane Walk November 19 from 12 noon - 4 pm 'Twas the Night Before December 7 from 5 - 8 pm 2023 Downtown Events: M a r k e t O n M a r k e t C a m p H i l l . c o m Tuesdays 3-7 PM May 16 through October 24, 2023 Trinity Lutheran Church Parking Lot Market Street, Camp Hill D o w n t o w n C a m p H i l l U p d a t e s : Join us at D o w n t o w n C a m p H i l l . c o m

March 6 was a Sunday. On the preceding Thursday or Friday, we awoke to a severe ice storm. On the south side of Market Street was the telegraph line of the Postal Telegraph Company -- a line of open wires carried on tall poles with six or seven crossarms. The heavy accumulation of ice on the wires had snapped off many of the poles, and the tall poles brought down all the wires below them, disrupting telephone, electric and trolley service.

With no electricity, our next-door neighbors, the Fred Rockey family, moved in with us to keep warm. Fred had a new house, with one of those “new-fangled” oil burners, which required electricity. We burned Number 1 Buckwheat coal, with a blower, which also required electricity to operate, but my dad knew we could keep a fire going without the blower, by opening the ashpit door for more draft. In those days people went to work in all kinds of weather, so Fred Rockey drove to work as usual, and my dad, who usually rode the trolley, rode with him. I was instructed to watch the furnace when I came home from school for lunch. (We didn’t have snow days!)

This photo shows the trolley car [snow covered blob at top of hill] that was stranded at 21st and Market for about a week until the trolley wire was repaired and service restored. The downed Postal Telegraph poles and wires were cleaned up before this photo was taken.

Clubs and Events


One is in the amount of $2,500.00, payable only to HAAC for either a Camp Hill High School or Trinity High School student. It is based on scholastic scores.

The second one the Richard Gulden Memorial scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00 payable to ANY college but only to Camp Hill High School students. This scholarship will be based strictly on community service.

Students can receive more information from the HS Guidance Department. Interested in becoming a member? Please go to our link for information: camphilllions/contact.php


Aside from staying organized, enrolling in eStatements allows you to help providers go green and reduces your carbon footprint. It also feels good to free up some space and remove the clutter! Here are some additional reasons to Make the Switch to eStatements:

• Reduce the risk of mail fraud and identity theft. While easier to intercept or lose during the mailing process, paper statements are more susceptible to identity theft, since your personal information is accessible to anyone who happens to stumble upon them. eStatements offer an extra layer of security since your statements are accessed through your online portal.

• Double-check your payment/deposit history with ease. With eStatements, you can access your statements directly online. No more digging through paper files to review your payment and/or deposit history.

• Stay organized and say goodbye to paper filing/shredding. With

eStatements, say goodbye to paper filing and having to purge your statements at the end of the year. eStatements are online and available whenever you need them.

• They are FREE!

If you would like to join us or get additional information, visit the borough website www. or contact Paul Garrett at 717- 514-3546 or paulgarrett40n@gmail. com


The Camp Hill Woman’s Club is a very active and growing philanthropic and social organization of women from Camp Hill and the surrounding areas. Our primary object is to raise money through fundraisers, which we distribute to local charities.

Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 14. Please come; make new friends; get involved in our community outreach activities. We’d love to see you there! We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month September to May at 7 p.m. at the Borough Building, and each meeting includes a brief business meeting, a guest speaker or entertainment, and time for socializing/refreshments. Some of our other activities include book discussion, pinochle, and outings.

Our ever-popular BINGO fundraiser on Saturday, April 22 will be held at the Borough Building, and is open to the public. Details on our website.Visit us at

The borough doesn’t promote, endorse or recommend any contractor or business advertised in the newsletter or in general practice.
Reminiscence from the late Chick Siebert, son of Christian L. Siebert, Sr. for whom our Community Park is named.

Fredricksen Library

March, April & May 2023

Cleve J. Fredricksen Library

100 N. 19th Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 • 717-761-3900

Hours: Mon Tues Thu Fri 9-9, Wed 9-6, Sat & Sun 1-5

East Pennsboro Branch Library 98 S. Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025 • 717-732-4274

Hours: Mon & Fri 11-4, Tues - Thu 10-8, Sat 10-2, Closed Sun


2023 Spring Reading Challenge


Join us for our third annual Spring Reading Challenge from the first day of spring until Arbor Day! Earn badges by logging whatever you like to read and doing activities related to new beginnings, fresh starts, and growth! Rregister and participate at

Bingo for Books for ALL AGES!

SAT, APRIL 1, 1:30 PM OR 3:00 PM (2 SESSIONS)

Join us to play Bingo! Each person will win at least two books to take home. Registration required.

Game Day for All!

SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 1:30 - 4:30 PM

Board games are fun for everyone, so come drop in and play with us! We will have games available to play, but please feel free to bring your own too! It’s always fun to share a game you love. All ages are welcome; ages 12 & under must be accompanied by an adult. No registration necessary.


Ages 18+. For more details or to register go to or call 761-3900 x 225.


What is Cryptocurrency?


Join us for a new daytime series, Leisure Learning, for those who want to learn something new in the afternoon! What is this digital currency? This session will provide an explanation for the person who doesn’t understand it at all. This isn’t an investing guide, but what it is and why it’s in the news.

Gardening with Nature


In partnership with the Master Gardeners of Cumberland County, we will be offering a new gardening topic on the third Tuesday of each month. Check back for topics!


For ALL Book Discussions: You must have read or listened to the book to attend. Ages 18 and older. Registration open.

Moving Forward Book Group


March – Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés

April – Indomitable! Immigrants’ Stories of Perseverance and Resilience by Margery Leveen


May – What Just Happened: Notes on a Long Year by Charles Finch

Curl Up with the Classics

TUES: MARCH 7, APRIL, 4, MAY 2, 10 - 11 AM, HYBRID

March – A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett

April – The House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne

May – Light in August by William Faulkner

Fredricksen Reads

MON: MARCH 27,APRIL 24, MAY 22, 7 - 8 PM, HYBRID

March – The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams

April – Overdue: Reckoning with the Public Library by Amanda Oliver

May – The Stolen Book of Evelyn Aubrey by Serena Burdick


See the website for more info on these programs.

Fredricksen Writes

MARCH 6, 20, APRIL 3, 17, MAY 1, 15, 7 – 8:30 PM


Come join us at this writer’s group that provides aspiring writers a forum for their literary work and feedback from their peers in a respectful and friendly environment. Space is limited; registration required.

The War Room: Military History Roundtable


March 7 - The Battle of the Little Bighorn 1876

Come and join your fellow military history aficionados in a meaningful discussion about battles and other military events. The three priorities for this group are having fun, learning new things, and hopefully developing new friendships. Registration suggested, but not required. Ages 16+.

Peaceful Poses for Adults


Join Ann Fields, founder of Peaceful Poses Kids Yoga, for an adult slow flow yoga class. This 45 minute class is open all levels and no experience is necessary. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle and yoga mat.

CPBB Monthly Blood Drive

FRI: MARCH 3, APRIL 7, MAY 5, 10 AM-5:30 PM

Just one pint of your blood can save as many as four lives. Donate in Fredricksen’s lower parking lot (Walnut Street). A form of ID is required to donate. Walk-Ins are welcome; however, donors with appointments will be taken first. If you have any questions call Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank at 1-800-771-0059 or visit

Paint With Us

SAT/SUN, MARCH 18 AND 19, 1 - 3 PM

SAT/SUN, APRIL 29 AND 30, 1 - 3 PM

SAT/SUN, MAY 13 AND 14, 1 - 3 PM

Enjoy step-by-step instruction with our experienced and enthusiastic instructor. You’ll leave with a one-ofa-kind creation to enjoy! Cost: $5 per person. All art materials supplied. Registration required. Ages 18+.

Meditation to Calm the Mind

THURSDAYS 12 - 12:30 PM

Learn short, easy 15-minute meditations to calm the mind. Meditation is an ancient tool to calm anxiety, worry, depression, and more. Led by Buddhist nun, Kelsang Chondzin, a teacher and practitioner of almost 20 years, these meditations are suitable for people of any religion. Everyone is welcome! No registration necessary.

Indie & Foreign Film Fridays


Our Indie & Foreign Film Fridays are continuing through the spring. You are also encouraged to join us for our film discussions! Watch the film at the library or watch it on your own. You must have watched the film to participate in the discussion. Registration is suggested.

Philosopher’s Roundtable


Each month the group will choose a philosophical issue and everyone attending will have the opportunity to learn and discuss with others in an open and respectful environment. Ages18 and up, please. Registration is suggested.


Language immersion conversation groups meet on a regular basis. Our expert leaders will guide you through conversation and culture of your chosen language. Some experience is necessary.

Italian via Zoom

2ND & 4TH THURSDAYS, 12:30 - 1:30 PM

Spanish – Beginner & Intermediate Conversation


Spanish – Fluent Speakers



French – All levels


Looking for a career update, help with your resume, investment resources or small business support?

The Business & Career Center at Fredricksen offers workshops and sessions to help you succeed and meet your goals. Find out how the BCC can open paths to new opportunities!

• Career Guidance Sessions

• Get That Job! Workshop

• Career Exploration Workshop

• Resume Writing Workshop

• “Ace That Interview” Workshop

Email us at


Ages 13-18 unless otherwise noted. Registration for all programs begins February 1st.


SUN: MARCH 26, APRIL 16, 2 - 4 PM

March – Pour Painting April – Soap Making

Book Keepers Teen Book Club VIA ZOOM

THURS: MARCH 9, APRIL 13, MAY 11, 6 - 8 PM

Our book club meets once a month to discuss a great YA or classic book. Copies of the book will be provided. This program is for teens ages 15-18. Registration begins February 1.


Plot Twisters Teen Writers’ Group

TUES: MARCH 14, APRIL 11, MAY 9, 6 - 7:30 PM

Plot Twisters is open to writers of comics, manga, novels and poetry.

Teen STEAM Meetup

WED: MARCH 1, APRIL 5, MAY 3, 5 - 6 PM

Explore the sciences with awesome hands-on activities and STEAM crafts.

Teen Advisory Group VIA ZOOM

THURS: MARCH 16, APRIL 20, MAY 18, 7 - 7:45 PM

TAG is a service-oriented group of teens. TAG members help plan teen programs and perform service projects around the library. The group meets monthly via Zoom. The group will also meet in person for special library projects.


Ages 9-12. Registration for all programs begins February 1st

TWEEN S.T.E.A.M. Meetup

WEDS: MARCH 15, APRIL 19, MAY 17, 5 - 5:45 PM

Each month we meet up to explore the sciences through cool projects.



THURS: MARCH 2, APRIL 6, MAY 4, 6 - 7 PM

We are diving into the world of Dav Pilkey with our own chapter of his Epic Comic Club! At each meeting we’ll work on our own comics (just like George and Harold), make crafts inspired by the books or watch an episode of Captain Underpants.


TUES: MARCH 28, APRIL 25, MAY 23 6 - 7:30 PM

SAT: MARCH 25, MAY 20 3 - 4:30 PM

Meet with other LEGO mega-fans. We have loads of bricks and specialty pieces so you can create amazing builds. Each session will have a Challenge Build.



Don’t miss this special version of BINGO where we will play for specialty LEGO pieces, accessories, minifigures and more. Plus we will play rounds for whole LEGO sets!


Storytime is a beloved tradition that helps set the foundation for the joy of reading.

Spring Baby & Toddler Storytime


Baby and toddler storytime engages participants with fun dynamic early learning activities with books, songs, and movement. Ages 0-2. Registration required.

Spring Children’s Storytime


Children’s storytime engages participants with fun dynamic early learning activities with books, songs, and movement. Ages 2 and up. Registration required.

Disney Storytime


March - Little Mermaid

April - Moana

May - Toy Story

Each month a coloring page or craft associated with that story will be available. Dress up as your favorite character! Ages 3-5. Registration required.


Library for Lunch

FRI: MARCH 31, APRIL 28, & MAY 19, 11 - 12:30 PM

This program is here to help your child get ready for school. After storytime and learning activities, your child will eat lunch at the library and go through the “lunch line” to pick up a drink and sweet treat. Ages 4 – 6. Please indicate number of attendees when registering. Registration is required.

Library AFTER Lunch

FRI: MARCH 31, APRIL 28, & MAY 19,1 - 2:30 PM

We’ll have learning activities and centers set up around the room for your preschooler (with your help) to play and practice their get-ready-for-school skills. Ages 4 – 6. No registration required.

Artist Reproduction Team (A.R.T.)

THURS: MARCH 23, APRIL 20, MAY 18, 6 - 7 PM

Join us to learn the art technique used by our featured artist of the month. Miss Kayla will teach the technique, then you get to create your own art using that method. Bring your own inspiration and ideas! Ages 8-12.

Book Explorers


Join us each week to explore a different book. We will read the story, then participate in activities that relate to the story. Ages 3-6 years old. Registration required.

American Girl Book Club

TUES: MARCH 28, APRIL 25, MAY 23, 6:30-7:30 PM

Each month we will read about an American Girl character, then meet to discuss each girl. During our meetings we will get to know each other and our favorite American Girls. Bring your American Girl doll with you to participate in activities. Recommended ages 8-12. Registration Required.

Chess Club

FRI: MARCH 3, APRIL 7, MAY 5, 6:30 - 8:30 PM

Volunteers from the Harrisburg/West Shore Chess Club will be able assist young chess players and match up competitors. Participants are asked to bring a chess set if possible, but not required. Ages 5-13. No Registration Required.

Discovery Zone Fun!

All Year Long in the Children’s Library



Come play with our developmental toys and take part in special activities during the mornings. All ages welcome. No Registration Required.


Hogwarts at the Library

SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1:30 - 4:30 PM

Enter the world of Harry Potter! Join us for a Costume Contest, get sorted into the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, make your own wand and more! Recommended ages 4-18 and parents. Registration required

Costume Day at the Library

THURS: MARCH 2, APRIL 6, MAY 4, ALL DAY March - Pajama Day

April - Nature and Animals Day

May - Wear Your Favorite Costume Day Bring your little ones for a fun themed dress up day. Books matching the theme will be available for reading and checkout. Don’t have a costume to wear matching our theme or have time to make one? Have your little one wear any costume they have or enjoy dress-up with our bin of masks and hats. All ages welcome. No registration required.

Family Paint & Pix!

FRI: MARCH 17, APRIL 21, MAY 19, 6 - 8 PM

Join us for a night of creativity and cinemas. Kids are invited to participate in a movie-based guided painting before the family film starts. Films will be rated G or PG. Registration Required.

Meet & Greet Library Pups

THURS: MARCH 9, MARCH 16, MARCH 30, APRIL 13, APRIL 20, MAY 11, MAY 18, 10 - 11 AM

Come meet our favorite library pups, Calvin & Hobbes. Registered therapy team Mr. Gregg and Calvin & Hobbes offer children the opportunity to interact with dogs and build self-esteem. All ages welcome. No Registration Required.

Peaceful Poses Yoga Storytime for Preschoolers

MAR 17 & 31, APRIL 21 & 28, MAY 5, 10-10:45 AM Yoga classes and story times designed just for kids! Join Ann Fields for some mindful movement, deep breaths, and ways we can learn about our feelings. We read books, listen to music, and move our bodies. Ages 2 1/2 - 5 years old. Registration required.

Play & Learn: Parachute Party


Join us for parachute play where children develop language and social skills through singing and rhyming while incorporating movement. Recommended ages 3-5. Registration required.

Read to Dogs

MARCH 7, 21, APRIL 4, 18, MAY 2, 16, 6:30 - 8 PM

Specially trained dogs from K-PETs will be at the library to listen to children read aloud. This program is helpful to children who may be shy or reluctant to read aloud and will encourage them to practice reading independently. For budding readers. Recommended ages 6 - 12. Registration required.

World Explorers

MON: MARCH 13, APRIL 10, MAY 8; 6 - 7 PM

March - Greece

April - Kenya

May - Japan

Explore the world and learn about different cultures and people around the globe. Program includes reading, activity, and discussion. Each month features a different country or region. Recommended ages 6 to 8 years old. Registration required.

Young Explorers


This Young Explorers group will learn about art, science, history, and more in their quest to learn more about the world around them. Program includes reading, activity, and discussion. Recommended ages 6 to 8 years old. Registration required.


Registration required.

Family Crafternoons


Join us monthly for a family crafternoon. Learn to sew, use the cricut machine, make your own creation on our 3D Printer, and more. Limited to 12 individuals per time slot. Recommended ages 8-18.

Roots and Shoots Program

MON: MARCH 6, APRIL 3, MAY 1, 6 - 7 PM

March - Thank you Letters to Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Keepers (Parents encouraged to stay for this program.)

April - Composting & Growing Seeds

May - Litter Pick-Up (Parents will be required to stay.) This program developed by Jane Goodall is a youth service program which helps empower young people to become leaders who build a better world. Recommended ages 5-8.

STEAM for Kids

TUES: MARCH 7, APRIL 4, MAY 2, 1 - 2 PM

March - Rainstick and Shakers

April - Butterfly and Fairy Wings

May - Sand Art Mandalas

Join us for a STEAM program discovering various crafts, art, and artistic methods used around the world. Recommended ages 8-10 years old.


TUES: MARCH 14, APRIL 11, 1-2 PM AND 6-7 PM

March - Squishy Circuits

April - Clean Water Science

Get ready to explore, create, learn, and experiment in our STEM monthly meetups. Each STEM program includes concept learning and experimentation or creation of a project based on the topic. Recommended ages 8-10 years old.


I hope all of you enjoyed a happy, healthy and safe holiday season. In 2022, we were able to hold many programs, camps and special events and I am thankful for that. A special thank you to everyone who helped to make our Parade of Lights for Toys for Tots a success. It truly was wonderful and a complete community effort.

As we start the New Year and hope for a wonderful year ahead. We continue to offer programs and are planning our summer recreational activities in the Borough. As you might expect, all plans are subject to change, so please keep an eye on our website as it will be updated as needed. If you are on Facebook be sure to like the Camp Hill Parks And Recreation page to enable another way to find out what is going on in the Recreation Department.

Please remember that each Newsletter covers approximately 3 months of activities and events. As with all Camp Hill Recreation programs, registration is on a first come first served basis. Please read over all registration procedures for each program carefully, so you do not miss any important deadlines. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas for new programs, please contact the recreation office by phone at (717)737-4548 or by email I am a one person office, so I am not always able to answer my phone when it rings. If I am not available to answer your call, please leave a detailed message and I will return your call as soon as possible (usually within one business day).

Thank you,



1st Place: 451 Country Club Road

2nd Place: 3533 March Drive

3rd Place: 809 Conodoguinet Drive


Camp Hill Recreation invites your children ages 3 - 9 to participate at our Bunny Eggstravaganza. We will be holding this event during the Downtown Business Association Spring Fling. Preregistration is required and space is limited so register early. This fun event will be held outside on North 22nd Street between Market and Walnut Streets from 10-11 am. Volunteers will be running the different stations, but with the help of each child’s parent/guardian the children will make crafts, decorate eggs, make a basket, etc. Cost is $11 and there are no refunds. Registration is online and deadline is March 16th or when full. Go to www.camphillborough. com to register online!



Come out to watch the Keystone Kiters fly their kites and make a kite yourself! Grandpa Bubbles is joining our event again this year. Mark your calendar and come out to enjoy a relaxing & Free afternoon with your family! There will be food for sale. Sorry, no rain date.


This annual event is being planned for May 29th and the parade will start at 9:30 AM, Cemetery Ceremony will follow at 11 am and festivities in Willow Park will start after the parade. Anyone interested in being in the parade or part of the festivities in Willow Park please contact the Recreation office at (717) 737-4548 by May 2nd. Look for the program for this event on our web page www.camphillborough. com in early May.


In December, Camp Hill Borough and Centric Bank joined forces to host the Parade of Lights for Toys for Tots. This was our third year for this event in place of our traditional Toys for Tots Parade. We had displays throughout the park and nearly 1,300 cars drove through the park during the event. Best of all, we filled four ABF Freight cubes with over 4,500 toys for local families in need. We had support from many businesses, clubs and students in the community. Families enjoyed driving through the park and seeing all the lights and Santa.

13 Recreation Department
Jon Arosell, Dustin Chapman, Nick Decker, Council Member Mercedes Evans, Borough Manager Sara Gibson, Melanie Gurgiolo, Jamie Lawrence, Superintendent Daniel Serfass, Mayor Mark Simpson, Doug Snyder, Paul White and Alexandra Willauer

Recreation Department

This event could not have been a success without the continued support of donations from various businesses and organizations especially Centric Bank. We would like to thank the Camp Hill Woman’s Club, the Camp Hill Lion’s Club and Brenner Family as well for their contribution. There were a number of in-kind donations, that don’t go unnoticed. Thank you to ABF U-Pack Moving, HRG, Camp Hill Fire Company, Camp Hill Fire Police, Cornerstone Coffee House and the Sutliff Family.

A special thank you to Mark Simpson and Jon Arosell who worked very hard to help make all this happen: Also to Borough Council, the Recreation Commission, the US Marines and many other community members who volunteered as well. A total community effort!

Recreation Commission Meetings ’23

We will conduct our meetings at 6 pm in the conference room at the Borough Office, 2145 Walnut Street,on the following dates: Tuesdays, April 4, July 11 and October 3, (Dates may be added as needed.)

Online Registration

For your convenience, we have ONLINE REGISTRATION for programs or to rent a facility. Of course, you are always welcome to stop by the Borough offices to register in person, but you should make an account first so when you come in we can register you. PLEASE NOTE: If you already have an account, please don’t create a new account, just login and if you forgot your password, just click forgot password. Be sure to read over the Refund Policy prior to Registering as well. More details can be found on our website.

Information about Access to Siebert Park Stadium

If you are interested in having access to utilize the stadium when it is not being used for an event, you need to stop by the Borough Office and fill out an application. One application per family. To enter the stadium access the Siebert Park Stadium near the Athletic House. Just swipe your card and push on the access gate. It will turn to let one person enter. If you lose your card, you need to notify the Borough immediately, so we can deactivate your card. Replacement cards, are $5.00 each.

Camp Hill Banquet Facility and Environment, Education, and Recreation Center

Both the Thomas J. Prosser Hall and EERC are available to rent for private events. You can find general information on our website and if you would like to request a date please go on our active net site.

Playground Brick

We continue to sell bricks for the Lion’s Den playground at Siebert Park. Funds raised go towards our playgrounds in the parks. Information can be found on our website: www. camphillborough.comas.



This Award Winning Event is back again and will be in Willow Park from 11:30 - 1:00 PM. If it rains, it will be held the following Friday. We would like to invite all of you to come to the park on opening day and enjoy the great music. You are welcome to buy or bring your own lunch to the park. You may want to bring a chair or blanket along as well to sit on. More details will be in the available late spring, but for now here are the dates: Dates: June 9th, June 23rd, July 7th, July 21st and August 4th


Jacki’s Aerobic Dance • Sandy Cronin

Tuesday–Thursday: March 28 – June 8 • 6-7 pm • Hoover All Purpose Room • resident $220/ non-resident $225

LaBlast Dance Class • Anne K Myers

Mondays • February 6-May 22, no classes Feb. 20 • 10-11 am

Camp Hill Community Room • Register for Free classes online or call Recreation Office for assistance


Kids Creative Art Classes



Online Registration for Camps

STARTS Wednesday, March 1

Go to and look under Recreation. You need to make an account for you and your family members

IF you don’t already have an account from prior year. If you have an account from a prior year and forgot your login or password, please don’t make a new account, click on “Forgot your login name or password?” button for assistance. Of course, you are always welcome to stop by the Borough offices to register in person, but you will need an account prior to registering for an activity or camp. If you need help in making an account, please call the Recreation Office and it is recommended you do that prior to March 1st.

Please note: Due to the planning and coordinating of summer camps there will be NO refunds for any cancellations of summer camps, unless it is canceled by the Recreation Department at no fault of the participant.

Siebert Park Day Camp

Campers will enjoy sports, arts and crafts, swimming and other theme-based activities. Monday – Friday • June 12 - August 11, no camp 6/19 or 7/4 • 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

• Open to elementary aged children who have completed kindergarten through the summer following 5th grade • resident $184 / non- resident $204

Preschool Summer Adventures

Camp will be offered the following weeks and you can register for as many as you wish if there is space.

Monday – Thursday • June 5th – August 3rd, No camp the weeks of June 19th or July 3rd

• Ages 3-5 • 9am-12 pm • Trinity Lutheran Church • Resident $102 / Non. Residents $114



Session 1: March 6 - 27; Session 2: April 3 - 24 • Grades: 1-3 • 6:30

– 7:30 pm • Community Room • Cost per session: resident $82 / non-resident $88

Imagination Station • Monday – Friday

Outside the Lines Camp • Fun4All, LLC

• Monday–Friday • June 12-16 • Grades 1

- 6 • 9-3 pm

• Community Room • resident $260.00 / non-resident $270.00

Grades entering 1st thru entering 4th • 9:30-11 am

• Seesion 1 TBD; Session 2 TBD

• The Pollock Center • Cost per session: resident $80 / non-resident $90

Lego Camp • Fun4All, LLC • Monday –Friday • June 26-30 • Grades 1-6 • 9-3 pm

• Community Room • resident $260.00 / non-resident $270.00

Description programs and camp can be found on our website: and CDC guidelines will be followed for all programs.

Slime Camp • Fun4All, LLC • Monday – Friday • August 14-18 • Grades 1-6 • 9-3 pm • Community Room • resident $260.00 / non-resident $270.00

Science Camp: Far Out Space Academy • Science Explorers • Monday – Friday • July 10-14 • Ages: 7-11 • 9-12 pm • Community Room • resident $240.00 / non-resident $250.00

Science Camp: Potions, Powders and Polymers Academy • Science Explorers •

Monday – Friday: July 24-28 • 7-11 • 9 – 12 pm • Community Room • resident $240.00 / non-resident $250.00

Science Camp: Ready, Set, Science!

• Science Explorers • Monday – Friday • August 7-11 • Ages: 7-11 • 9-12 pm • Community Room • resident $240.00 / non-resident $250.00

Co-Ed Volleyball for Teens • Jennifer

Klos • Monday – Thursday • June 19-22 •

Grades: Entering 6th – Entering 8th • 9-11 am • Eisenhower Gym • resident $87 / non-resident $97

Boys Basketball Camps • CHB Coach

Scott Barrows and staff

Lions Future Star • Grades: Entering 4th grade through entering 8th grade • Monday – Thursday • June 12-15 • 9-4 pm • Eisenhower Gym • resident $148 / non-resident $158

Elite Lion • Grades: Entering 7th through entering 9th grade • Monday – Thursday • June 19-22 • 3-5 pm

High School Gym • resident $110 / non-resident $120

Little Lion • Entering K through entering 3rd grade • Monday – Thursday • June 19-22 • 6-7:30 pm • Eisenhower Gym • resident $82 / non-resident $92

Co-Ed Lacrosse Camp • DJ Healey •

Monday – Thursday • July 10-13 • Entering

3rd – Entering 6th • 4:30-6 pm • Siebert Park Stadium • resident $75 / non-resident $85

Lions Girls Basketball Camps • CHB

Coach Donny Taylor-Pollins

Lions Future Star • Entering 4th grade through entering 8th grade • Monday –Thursday: June 26-29 • 9 - 4 pm • Eisen-

hower Gym • resident $148 / non-resident $158

Elite Lion • Entering 7th through entering 9th grade • Monday – Thursday • July 1013 • 3-5 pm • Eisenhower Gym • resident $110 / non-resident $120

Little Lion • Entering K through entering 3rd grade • Monday – Thursday • July 10 -13 • 6-7:30 pm • Eisenhower Gym • resident $82 / non-resident $92

Lions Girls Field Hockey Camp • Coach Julie Colestock with HS Staff and Players • Monday – Thursday • July 31st –August 3rd • Arrangements will be made to make up time as needed • Grades: Entering 2nd – Entering 8th • 6 – 8 pm • Siebert Park Stadium • resident $93 / non-resident $103

Soccer Camps • CHS Coach Matt Earhart • Rain dates if needed will be on the Friday of the week your child is participating in camp. Times TBD.

5-6 year olds • Monday – Thursday • June 5-8 • 5-5:45 pm • Siebert Park Stadium • resident $40/non-resident $50

7-9 year olds • Monday – Thursday • June 5-8 • 6-8 pm • Siebert Park Stadium • resident $93/non-resident $103

3-4 year olds • Monday – Thursday: June 12-15 • 5 – 5:45 pm • Siebert Park Stadium • resident $40/non-resident $50

10 – 12 year olds • Monday – Thursday • June 12-15 • 6 – 8 pm • Siebert Park Stadium • resident $93/non-resident $103

Camp Hill Youth Wrestling Camp • CHW Coach Chad Gallaher

Monday –Thursday • July 17th – July 20th

Entering K—Entering 7th • 6-7:30 pm • Hoover Gym • Resident $93 / non-resident $103


Tennis membership may be purchased by Camp Hill Borough residents, property owners and business owners. Memberships is non-transferable and fee is per household. Membership Fee $ 30.00 per household, per calendar year. Forms are available on our website and at the Borough Office. More details about using the courts are on our website.


We are now accepting applications for individuals interested in joining our Camp Hill Recreation team this summer! We are looking for individuals who work hard, work well with others and can have fun in the process. We are offering competitive wages and a friendly work environment.

Applications can be emailed to alogar@ or mailed to the Camp Hill Recreation Department, 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011. Deadline to apply is March 1st or until all positions are filled.

• Summer Intern for Recreation Department

• Siebert Park Day Camp Counselor

• Preschool Summer Adventures Camp Counselor

• Front Desk at the Pool

• Lifeguard

• Snack Shack at the Pool

Descriptions for these jobs can be found on our website:


A refund will not be granted for any cancellation of a session $50 or less. This includes any program offered by the Recreation Department.

For all programs greater than $50, a refund will be granted according to this schedule:

Due to the planning and coordinating of summer camps there will be no refunds for any cancellations of summer camps.

If any program or summer camp is canceled by the Recreation Department at no fault of the participant, a full refund will be granted.

Refund Request Date Amount of Refund >90 days before program 75% program cost 60-90 days before program 50% program cost 30-59 days before program 25% program cost Less than 30 days before program No refund



Since 2012 Camp Hill Borough has recognized a resident in the borough for their contributions. The 2022 Volunteer of the Year winner is Pat Baumann. For over 20 years he has been a member of the Camp Hill Shade Tree Commission. As part of his service on the Shade Tree Commission he has spent many hours evaluating the trees in the borough to make sure the town is safe. In addition to being on the Shade Tree Commission he also served on the committee for America in Bloom and the committee for International Community in Bloom. He also designed the planting of Owens Grove and has planted many Memorial Trees in Willow Park and Siebert Parks. He has also spent 15 years assisting in the leadership of Pack 51 at Trinity Lutheran Church. Over the years Pat has been involved in the Canadensis program for the local students. Even now that his children are no longer in the school system, he continues to spend countless hours drying out the wood, then cutting the medallions down to size and finishing it by hand sanding and finishing each medallion for the students. He truly does care about Camp Hill and its residents. Pat’s dedication and energy continue to have a positive impact on our community on a daily basis. For all these reasons and so many more, Pat Baumann is named this Year’s recipient of Camp Hill Borough’s Volunteerism Award.


Camp Hill Borough offers pool memberships through the Active Network program and will be available to purchase starting March 1st. Pool rates are listed below.

Pool Membership Rates

Membership Type Resident Non Resident Family * $184.00

Adult (18 years and older) $139.00

Child (3 to 17 years) $120.00

Senior (60 years and older) $ 75.00 $150.00

Grandparent Plan $ 57.00 $114.00 (5-visit punch card)**

* Restricted to household members. For purposes of this application, “household” is defined as two (2) adults and four (4) children three years of age and older. Each additional child (three years of age and older) is $20 more. Children include individuals up to 23 years of age who are in school. Each additional adult or senior in the household must pay the separate applicable rate.

A babysitter is an additional $25 to be added to a family membership. A babysitter is defined as someone watching children when their parent or guardian is not present.

** Purchased at Borough Office, not online. Create an account on the Active Network through the Borough website before visiting the Borough Office.

Non Residents – membership is available to those who reside outside the borders of the Borough of Camp Hill at an increased rate.

Daily rates: Residents $10 per person and anyone outside the Borough can come to the pool at a daily rate of $20 per person.


Camp Hill Aquatic Club returned to the pool with a splash this past summer. The 13-14 boys placed first in the AA division. Thirteen swimmers advanced to the mid-cap championship meet. Look for signups for the 2023 summer season in the spring.


Camp Hill Little League is celebrating 75 years!

• Registration is open Jan. 1 through Feb. 10

• Register ASAP to secure a spot for the 2023 Little League season

• Teams available from T-ball up to Teeners.


Camp Hill Girls Softball is celebrating 50 years!

• Registration is open January 1 – February

• Register ASAP to secure a spot for the 2023 season

• Teams from 6U to 12U

• Open gym skill clinics every Sunday at Hoover Gym (see website for details)


• Spring YDP Registration opening soon

• 2023/24 Travel Tryout registration opening April 1

• Save the date: Fall Tryouts

May 7th

Promote & Advance Youth Soccer in the Camp Hill Area




Camp Hill Community, Happy New Year!

As the second marking period draws to a close on Januar y 20th, our students, families, faculty, and administration are all working superbly together to live the District mission of “providing all students with the foundational skills, knowledge, and oppor tunities for lifelong success ”

One of the many hallmarks of Camp Hill is the altruistic nature of our community Shared here is another meaningful oppor tunity for you to suppor t our Camp Hill School District students I am pleased to write that CHSD is once again par tnering with The GIANT Company to help suppor t children in our District who are facing food insecurity Throughout the months of Januar y and Februar y, 2023, ever yone who shops at GIANT stores will be invited to “Round Up At The Register ” and donate the round-up amount of their bill to suppor t feeding school kids. Please help us spread the word of this program to ensure its success in mitigating food insecurity for students in our community. Our goal is to suppor t the children in our district who need the most help accessing nutritious meals so that they are ready to learn. As a community, we look for ward to continuing to par tner with The GIANT Company to fight childhood hunger. Your suppor t of this endeavor is highly encouraged.

Thank you!


Robert E Latham, President

Melanie W. Gurgiolo, Vice President

Laurie S. Kennedy, Treasurer

Gregory E. Lamay, Assistant Secretary

Josceylon R Buchs

Neil O Connelly

Randall G Gale

Karen Mallah

Geoffrey S. McInroy

Daniel D Serfass, Superintendent

Jeff Ammerman, Director of Business & Operations and Board Secretary

Autumn Reely, Director of Student Services & Special Education

Mark Ziegler, High School Principal

Leslee DeLong, Middle School Principal

Nicholas Snider, MS/HS Assistant Principal

Dr Sandra Fauser, Eisenhower Elementary Principal

Eileen Czarnecki, Hoover Elementary Principal

2022 ADMINISTRATION DISTRICT OFFICE 418 South 24th Street Camp Hill, PA 17011 (717) 901-2400
Educational Excellence Community Strength Student Success


Girls Wresting Team, who are now an officially sanc- • tioned team at the Camp Hill School District!

Hannah Brungard for placing in PMEA District 7 Upper • Band!

Maria Mulvihill for being chosen as “Student of the • Quar ter ” in the cosmetology program at CPACTC!

Middle School Student Mini-THON leaders & CH • faculty! CHMS Mini-THON raised $17,451 for Four Diamonds!

Luke Parise for earning a spot and Noah Doi for his • honorable mention on the Class 2A Postseason Football team!


Kindergarten Registration Day for the 2023-2024 school year is March 29, 2023 by appointment If you have a child that will be five (5) years of age by September 1, 2023 and will be attending kindergarten in the 2023-2024 school year, please check the District website after Januar y 27, 2023 for more details on how to pre-register your child


For the first inclement weather day, where schools must be closed to in person learning, a traditional snow day will be called and the weather makeup day as listed in the board approved calendar will be used for instruction (June 7, 2023) Additional snow days, up to 5, will be FID (flexible instruction day) remote learning days. If there are additional days beyond that, days will be added after June 7, 2023

Newsletter photos cour tesy of Samuel Getty & CHSD

18 APRIL 1 Jazz Fest, PAC 3 School Board Work Session, DAO Board Room, 7 PM 6-10 SCHOOLS CLOSED (Spring Break) 17 School Board Meeting, DAO Board Room, 7 PM 29 Prom, 6:30 PM
School Board Work Session, DAO Board
13 School Board Meeting, DAO Board Room, 7 PM 17 SCHOOLS CLOSED 20 SCHOOLS CLOSED 25 HS Mini-THON, 6:00 PM
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @CampHillSD @GoCHAthletics @CampHillHighSc1 @PrincipalCHMS @IKEelem chsd @HooverES CHSD
Room, 7PM
School Board Work Session, DAO Board
9 Delayed Opening (2 hour), Modified Kindergarten 9 HS Musical, PAC, 7PM 10 HS Musical, PAC, 7PM 11 HS Musical PAC, 7PM 12 HS Musical, PAC, 2PM 13 School Board Meeting, DAO Board Room, 7 PM 17 SCHOOLS CLOSED 29 Kindergarten Registration, Hoover Elementar y 30 Grades 3-5 Concert, SFA , 7 PM
Room, 7 PM
MAY 1 School Board Work Session, DAO Board Room, 7 PM 5 MS Musical, PAC, 7PM 6 MS Musical PAC, 7PM 7 MS Musical, PAC, 2PM 8 School Board Meeting, DAO Board Room, 7 PM 11 MS/HS Band Concert, PAC, 7 PM 16 Grades 3-5 Band/Chorus Concert, PAC, 7 PM 17 Senior Honors Banquet & Awards, 6:15 PM 18 MS/HS Choral Concert, SFA , 7 PM 22-24 Canadensis 6th Grade Outdoor Education Trip 29 SCHOOLS CLOSED (Memorial Day) 31 MS Awards Ceremony, SFA , 8:30 AM

Our Children, Our Community, Our Future

Message from Kelly

Hooray for the new year! Before we tell you about all the exciting things we have planned for 2023, we wanted to take a moment to thank you, our donors, friends and supporters, for helping us bring more than 100 great ideas to light in 2022!

Visiting authors. Student video equipment. Percussion instruments. Ping pong tables. A field trip to view a surgery live! Grants for all these experi ences—and so many more—were made possible because of YOUR donations.

Thank you!

We have big plans for this coming year. And it’s a special one: our 20th year of funding academic, athletic and cultural programs for our students.

We couldn’t be more proud of how far we’ve come, and how far we aim to go!

100+ Grants in 2022!

“Thank you so much for the flexible seating for our classroom. I really like them because they’re cool and they help me focus.”

“Wow! This is so cool, I didn’t know it [the drone] would sound like that!”

That’s what our students had to say about the amazing ideas and experiences YOU helped us fund this past year at Hoover, Eisenhower and the Middle and High Schools.

We are so proud to have helped bring more than 100 such wish list items submitted by our teachers to help our students grow in the classroom, on the stage and on the athletic field.

A 501(c)3 non-profit educational foundation

The first grant went toward funding Hoover Math Intervention Curriculum & Equipment. The 100th grant went to fund tables for the Ping Pong Club! None of this could have happened with-

out your generous support. Our students and teachers – and all of us at The Lion Foundation – thank you!


This past year brought with it so many wonderful moments. We welcomed our littlest Lions with a playground playdate— and a new book—before the start of their school journey.

We proudly saw our

elementary school students showcase their innovative thinking skills during STEAM Day. And we watched our high schoolers soak in the sounds and sights of a wonderful theater production.

These moments, along with the smiles, confidence and knowledge they brought to our Camp Hill students, are why we do what we do. We can’t continue to bring Great Ideas to life in 2023 without You!

The Lion Foundation 340 N. 21st Street, Camp Hill, PA, 17011 (717) 775-5170

The Lion Pride Society

We called and you answered. This year, we launched our Lion Pride Society for businesses and individuals.

We are overwhelmed by your support! Learn how to join this wonderful circle of supporters that make a powerful impact on

the lives of our students and teachers.

Thank you to all the local businesses and individuals who joined this new group!

Individual Donors

Platinum VIP

Donna B. Earhart

DJ and Dani Healey

Andrew and Melanie Lick

David La Torre and Jessica Meyers

Mark and Deborah Osevala

Tate Livelsberger and Dori Pinku

David and Melissa Rhen

Greg Ries

Robert and Angela Shaw

Jill and Jonathan Stahl

Blue VIP

Bart and Alice Anderson

Bruce and Nancy Bigelow

John T. Brosius

Mike and Jesse Denny

Ray Givler and Sherry Bowman

Theodore and Lisa Mowery

Anne and Jim Ramsey

Lisa and Marc Reeves

Linda Rhen

Mike Rish and Mary Soderberg

Todd and Erika Shamash

Greg and Susan Sutliff

Amber and Daniel Yarmel

White VIP

AFR Foundation

John and Jane Van Allen

Jon and Sarah Arosell

Matthew and Christina Aungst

Liesl S. Beckley

Charles and Sue Beckley

Jennifer and Robert Branstetter

Mark and Carol Brown

David and Yvonne Carmicheal

Steven and Suzanne Carter

Jeff and Jennifer Chaplin

Steve and Meghan Dade

Bill and Tammy DeSanto

Brian and Crissy Dopkowski

Julien and Amy Gaudion

Myra and Steve Gons

Laurie and Mark Gullo

John and Deborah Jurasits

Richard and Lydia Keller

Bill and Jean Kirchhoff

Carrie and Christopher Knight

Dave Berkebile and Minke Kooistra

Barb and Brian LaBine

Angela Couloumbis and Marc Levy

Andrea Livelsberger

AJ McElwee

Ellen G. Mulvihill

Sean and Ashley Murphy

Allison and Andrew Riley

Frederic Sanford

Carl and Lisa Schultz

Vladan and Bethany Serdar

Bob and Kelly Shuster

Dave and Shari Sponic

Jill Family and Nick Stapp

Jordan Weber


Jim and Angie Armbrust

John and Robbe Bendick

David and Alison Mae Bliss

David and Laura Butcher

Fabrizio and Vanessa Cilento

Jennifer and Thomas Clark

Jason and Leah Clarke

David and Julie Colestock

Mike and Christine Consiglio

Melissa and Thomas Corbin

Timothy Diehl

Derek and Erica Dilks

Matthew and Sarah Dressler

James and Lorraine Edris

Ashley Everette

Kelly Falck

Scott and Kristie Foster

Denise and Matt Gamber

Diane Gombocz

Adam and Lea Grove

Michael and Melanie Gurgiolo

Jennifer Haas

Bob and Kathy Hamilton

J. Pat and Nancy Harry

Christine Hartman

James and Melissa Hepfer

Greg and Nancy Herb

Jason and Beth Hockenberry

Carrie Jones

Frank Sgrignoli Jr.

Edward and Sara Kaplaniak

Michael and Anita Kelsch

John and Laurie Kennedy

Brent Kepner

Beth and Michael Kern

Christopher and Amy Kiley

Rachel and Emmett Killeen

Michael and Sharon Kline

Elizabeth Kayon and Edward Laczynski

Kristine and Robert Latham

Kim Mack

Charles and Deborah Mackin

Parul Mehta

Jo Mitchell

Suzanne Moran

Ian and Janice Mullin

Edmund and Diane Myers

Mitchell Orr

Diane Pancoski

James and Linda Penny

Al and Susan Pera

David and Kathryn Pettergrew

Rick Poplaski

Brian and Mary Prendergast

Andrew and Allyson Preston

Chris and Raven Ross

Lauren and Matt Sadler

Mike Sarff

Albert and Leslie Sarvis

Marc and Melanie Scaringi

Dan and Janean Searfoorce

Jessica Schneck and Frank Sgrignuoli

Faye Shannon

Casey and Kori Shore

Andy Simpson

Evan and Dayna Smedley

Shaun and Kara Sparks

Charles and Allison Thomas

Brant and Dana Underwood

Heather and Kurt Waldner

Lisa Matukaitis and Ross Walker

Marian Willauer

Bruce and Jill Williamson

Mark and Amy Ziegler

Bojan Zorkic

Craig and Karen Zerby

Camp Hill Education Association

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23 A Commitment to Excellence for 155 Years 717-221-7900 Your choice. Our privilege. Devotion. Compassion. Dignity. When your loved one needs help, join hands with Homeland. We are privileged to be part of your caregiving team. 717-857-7400 207 S. 32nd Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 (717) 763-1970 4341 Linglestown Rd., Harrisburg, PA 17112 (717) 545-6200 25 Eastgate Drive, Carlisle, PA 17015 (717) 462-4555 American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Robert L. Myers, DMD, M.B.A. Board Certified Daniel J. Smith, DMD, Board Certified Arya Varun, DMD, Board Certified William R. Currie, DDS, Board Certified Patrick M. Gaus, DDS, Board Certified State of the Art Oral Surgery Treatment Including:  Dental Implants  Bone Grafting  Extractions  Orthognathic Jaw Surgery  Laser Surgery  TMJ Treatment To find a Girl Scout near you, contact Dana Little 717-805-8748 or
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