Campus Reopening Plan - Fall 2020

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TABLE OF CONTENTS LOOKING FORWARD – RETURNING TO CAMPUS FOR FALL 2020 ............................................ 4 Let’s be well together........................................................................................................................................................ 4 A message from President Hagan............................................................................................................................... 4 COMMUNITY COMMITMENT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY............................................................ 6 COMMUNICATION CHANNELS...................................................................................................... 7 HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR EVERYONE......................................................................................... 8 Know COVID-19 symptoms and signs....................................................................................................................... 8 Self-Screening....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Personal hygiene and respiratory etiquette............................................................................................................ 9 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)..................................................................................................................... 9 Social Distancing................................................................................................................................................................10 Sanitizing and cleaning....................................................................................................................................................10 DIAGNOSIS AND RESPONSE........................................................................................................ 11 Testing....................................................................................................................................................................................11 Medical resources.............................................................................................................................................................11 Positive COVID-19 results.............................................................................................................................................11 Terminology.................................................................................................................................................................11 Symptomatic residential students.............................................................................................................................12 Undergraduate quarantine and isolation housing..............................................................................................12 Outbreaks.............................................................................................................................................................................13 Communicating about COVID-19 cases.................................................................................................................13 Timely updates...........................................................................................................................................................13 Clery Act Compliance..............................................................................................................................................13 PREPARING TO COME TO CAMPUS............................................................................................ 15 Check-in/Move-in scheduling.......................................................................................................................................15 New, Transfer, and Returning Residential Students..................................................................................15 Action Steps to Take before Coming to Campus: COVID-19 Health + Safety Preparedness........15 COVID-19 Risk Notice and Release; Tuition Policy Agreement............................................................16 Pre-arrival quarantine..............................................................................................................................................16 Recommendations for air, bus or train travel..............................................................................................16 Risk-factor notification...........................................................................................................................................17 Title IX training...........................................................................................................................................................17 WELCOME WEEK AND ORIENTATION PLAN.............................................................................. 18 COVID-19 GUIDELINES FOR RESIDENTIAL LIVING.................................................................... 19 Communal Living...............................................................................................................................................................19 Residence Hall Floors: Extended Family.........................................................................................................19 Cleaning and Hygiene Expectations..................................................................................................................19 Mask Wearing..............................................................................................................................................................20 NCU Return to Campus | Page 2

Signage...........................................................................................................................................................................20 Building Entrances and Exits................................................................................................................................20 Elevators, Stairwells, Common Hallways.......................................................................................................20 Residence Hall Floor Lounges.............................................................................................................................20 Laundry Rooms..........................................................................................................................................................20 Visitation................................................................................................................................................................................21 Traveling Off Campus......................................................................................................................................................21 Isolation/quarantine.........................................................................................................................................................22 Expectations........................................................................................................................................................................22 Symptom Monitoring/Self Screening...............................................................................................................22 Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette...................................................................................................................22 COVID-19 Testing......................................................................................................................................................22 Quarantining/Isolation Practice..........................................................................................................................22 Contact Tracing..........................................................................................................................................................23 Guests.............................................................................................................................................................................23 Leaving Campus.........................................................................................................................................................23 Occupancy............................................................................................................................................................................23 DINING AND FOOD SERVICES..................................................................................................... 24 Safe dining and eating.....................................................................................................................................................24 ACADEMICS................................................................................................................................... 25 Course formats...................................................................................................................................................................25 Classroom technology....................................................................................................................................................25 Classroom safety...............................................................................................................................................................26 Readiness to switch to virtual learning....................................................................................................................26 SPIRITUAL LIFE AND CHAPEL...................................................................................................... 27 Daily chapel..........................................................................................................................................................................27 Discipleship groups..........................................................................................................................................................27 Render and Praise Gathering.......................................................................................................................................27 CAMPUS ACTIVITIES..................................................................................................................... 28 Athletics and recreation.................................................................................................................................................28 Fine Arts................................................................................................................................................................................29 Student-led activities.......................................................................................................................................................29 STAFF AND FACULTY SUPPORT.................................................................................................. 30 TRAVEL........................................................................................................................................... 31 CARES ACT..................................................................................................................................... 32 CARES Act details and how to apply........................................................................................................................32 PREVIOUS COVID-19 COMMUNICATION.................................................................................... 34 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.............................................................................................. 35 FAQ FOR STUDENTS.......................................................................................................................................................35 NCU Return to Campus | Page 3

LOOKING FORWARD – RETURNING TO CAMPUS FOR FALL 2020 Let’s be well together Having been separated as a campus community since March, we are thrilled to announce that North Central University will be reopening in August for an on-campus, in-person start for the fall 2020 academic semester.* Campus leaders are collaborating with local healthcare systems and authorities on reopening plans that prioritize health and safety, student learning, and care and support for our students. This website will provide detailed protocols and procedures for life on campus in the COVID-19 era and unite us in our knowledge and commitment to as safe and healthy a campus as possible in this challenging pandemic environment. Let’s be well together. We are ready for a great year at NCU! *North Central University's (NCU) reopening plans are tightly integrated with evolving state and federal authorities' guidance and directives, and as such, are subject to ongoing change. NCU will notify students and employees of urgent updates via campus email, updates in Skyline News, and postings on our website,

A message from President Hagan Our hearts are bursting with excitement about the reopening of North Central this fall! There has been a lot of activity happening on campus this summer, including upgrades of key spaces, improvements for health and safety, and enhancements that will change the student experience. It's a very exciting time! To provide continuity of education, our academic calendar will remain the same. We can’t wait to welcome our new students on August 22 as they arrive for “Super Saturday” and Welcome Week. We are eager to see the faces of our students returning to campus on August 24, and on August 26, our academic classes will begin on campus and online.

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Prior to these arrivals, every single member of our faculty, staff, senior leadership team, and student leadership team will be working hard to be ready for a reimagined campus experience that will give all of us the opportunity to trust God and work together to fulfill the mission of this beautiful university. We have created this special section of our website to inform you about all of the COVID-19related changes on campus this fall. You’ll find details about how chapel will be impacted, how classrooms will be set up, and how our medical culture is going to unfold to create as safe an environment as possible. For the past 90 years, North Central has been characterized by our faith and our community. In good times and bad, we have been unwavering in our dependence upon God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to guide us, and we have been committed to one another in a spirit of community unequaled in higher education. The past several months have tested our faith in new ways, challenged us as individuals and as a community, and brought us to experiences we could never have anticipated. And through it all, God has sustained us! As you get ready for your arrival on campus, I encourage you to ready your heart for transformation, for compassion, and for all the experiences that God has in store for you—and for all of us—as we look forward together to the blessings that come from triumph and trials. We're excited for this fall and we’ll be together before we know it. We're praying for you and cannot wait to see you soon!

Looking forward,

Scott Hagan, Ph.D. President North Central University

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COMMUNITY COMMITMENT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY If there is one thing we can agree on as a society in the past several months, it’s that people have a lot of different opinions about a lot of different things! As we prepare to return to campus, we have an opportunity to demonstrate countercultural unity, born out of love and obedience to God, care and concern for one another, and respect for each individual. Dozens of North Central University community leaders have worked tirelessly this summer to create plans for an environment that will allow us to be together while proactively preventing the spread of illness. We have researched and prayed through these reopening plans and are confident we have a good plan in place to open safely and stay open. Our plans prioritize the importance of protecting vulnerable populations. Consideration has been given to those who, based on personal or family vulnerability, need to participate in community virtually, avoid large gatherings, or receive other applicable accommodations in concert with and at the discretion of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Human Resources, and respective vice presidents or college deans It will take cooperation—even compliance—on everyone’s part to implement these plans to make North Central as safe as possible. Each person’s commitment to follow guidelines will help us remain together in unity and promote a physically, spiritually, and emotionally healthy environment. Let’s be well together: We can do this, NCU!

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COMMUNICATION CHANNELS North Central University's (NCU) reopening plans are integrated with evolving state and federal authorities' guidance and directives, and as such, are subject to ongoing change. The content on this section of the website may be periodically updated as circumstances warrant. Important changes or additions to our operating procedures will be communicated to students, employees, and families using a combination of the communication mediums listed here. » Campus Reopening Plan » Skyline (current students, employees) » Campus mass email system (current students, employees) » NCU’s social media platforms » Moodle Learning Management System » Campus digital signage (VCS) » Emergency Notification System (ENS) If you have any questions, you may email or call North Central’s main number during business hours, 612.343.4400, or Campus Safety and Security outside of business hours, 612.343.4445.

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HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR EVERYONE In making plans for a safe and healthy campus this fall, we have looked to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Minnesota Department of Health, and local health experts, including Hennepin Healthcare and the Mayo Clinic for guidance. Here are basic health guidelines to follow to help our campus community stay healthy.

Know COVID-19 symptoms and signs It is essential that you do not arrive on campus if you have one or more COVID-19 symptoms. If you are not feeling completely healthy, please stay home until you are well. To prepare for your return to campus, we encourage you to minimize interactions with people as much as possible for the two weeks prior to your scheduled return date. If you have come into contact with someone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19, please delay your arrival for 10 days. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, or have tested positive for it within 14 days of your scheduled campus arrival date, please stay home until 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared, and at least 24 hours with no fever without fever-reducing medication and symptoms have improved. If you must delay your scheduled arrival on campus due to testing positive, exhibiting symptoms, or suspected exposure, please email prior to coming to campus and we will work with you on a plan to come to campus when you are symptom-free.

Self-Screening Once you are on campus, all community members are expected to self-monitor their health on an ongoing basis and remain at home if you are a commuter or faculty/staff member, or in your campus residence in you are a resident student, anytime you do not feel well and/or have one or more COVID-19 symptoms. Daily self-screening for symptoms of COVID-19, which includes temperature checks, prior to engaging with others at NCU, is required. According to the CDC, the symptoms of COVID-19 that you should self-screen/monitor for are: » Fever or chills

» Headache

» Cough

» New loss of taste or smell

» Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

» Sore throat

» Fatigue » Muscle or body aches

» Congestion or runny nose » Nausea or vomiting » Diarrhea

If you exhibit these symptoms you are encouraged to get tested for COVID-19. On-campus NCU Return to Campus | Page 8

students may access the testing facilities at Hennepin Healthcare, immediately north of campus.

Personal hygiene and respiratory etiquette To reduce the spread of COVID-19, the NCU community will be following CDC guidelines. This includes hygiene and respiratory etiquette. » Community members are encouraged to wash their hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizer can also be used. Hand sanitizer stations are available throughout campus. » When coughing or sneezing, it is encouraged for individuals to use the inside of their elbows or a tissue. Washing or sanitizing hands after a cough or sneeze is important, too. » Wear face coverings/masks (see below) » Practice social distancing (see below) Signage about hygiene practices, room/building capacity, distancing, masks and other public health measures will be in place throughout campus.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) In accordance with Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s Executive Order 20-81, face coverings are required at all times on campus. Here is a list of specific, although not exhaustive, face-covering situations: » All NCU community members and guests are required to wear face coverings in all public settings, including classrooms, meetings, common spaces, and large gatherings. » Students are required to wear a face covering in all common areas of the residence halls including lounges, laundry rooms, and hallways. Face coverings do not need to be worn in a student’s own residential unit. If authorized visitors are in the room, face coverings are strongly recommended. » In outdoor spaces, social distancing is still expected. If socially distanced outdoors, community members are not required to wear a facial covering. If social distancing cannot be maintained outdoors, facial coverings are required at all times. » The Governor’s Executive Order makes allowances for those participating in athletic events, public speaking, and musical practice and performance where wearing face coverings create unique challenges. Further context-specific details on these guidelines will be provided with students, faculty, and staff upon their return to campus. » Individuals who have a medical condition that prohibits or limits their ability to wear face coverings can be granted an accommodation regarding this policy. Appropriate documentation supporting the need for and type of accommodation may be required. NCU Return to Campus | Page 9

Social Distancing According to the CDC, “Social distancing, also called ‘physical distancing,’ means keeping a safe space between yourself and other people who are not from your household. To practice social or physical distancing, stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people who are not from your household in both indoor and outdoor spaces.” Effective social distancing requires awareness and may be especially challenging on a warm and friendly campus such as NCU. Creativity in finding replacements for hugs and handshakes is important to stop the spread of COVID-19. Common areas on campus will be equipped with reminders, directional signage, social-distance markers, or rearranged furniture to encourage social distancing. Additionally, some redirection of foot traffic or changes in entrances and exits may be in place. Watch for signs and follow the guidance to help keep the needed distance for safety.

Sanitizing and cleaning The NCU Housekeeping, Facilities Management, Operations, and Residence Life teams are working diligently to help maintain a sanitized and clean campus. The supporting efforts from all community members to maximize cleanliness will also make a great contribution to campus health and safety. Here are some specific actions being taken to help mitigate the spread of disease. » North Central University is committed to maintaining, at minimum, a Level 2 threshold of cleanliness according to the APPA – Leadership in Educational Facilities organization. » There will be no fewer than four full cleanings during the school day for all common spaces (e.g., building entrances, hallways, lounges, etc.). » Bathrooms will be cleaned three times per day. » Classrooms will be cleaned by the Housekeeping staff twice a day, with sanitizing steps taken by classroom users throughout the day. » We are utilizing a state-of-the-art PathoSans On-site Generation System to ensure effective disinfection without disruption. » Instead of waste-producing disposable wipes, areas throughout campus, including all classrooms, will be equipped with bacteria resistant dry cloths and disinfecting solution. Clearly marked bins are used to dispense the cloths and discard them after use. They are washable and reusable and restocked daily for all areas. » We are implementing specific protocols for key areas, including athletics, to ensure ongoing cleaning and disinfecting and/or limiting access to some areas. » Hand sanitizing stations are available throughout campus. » Signage will be in place throughout campus for cleaning and use-of-space instructions NCU Return to Campus | Page 10

DIAGNOSIS AND RESPONSE The information below addresses COVID-19 testing, medical resources, quarantine situations, and response plans in the event of COVID-19 cases or an outbreak on campus.

Testing If an individual is showing symptoms or is concerned based on exposure to COVID-19, they should seek testing. Procedures will be implemented to assist our community members with gaining access to testing as requested. The Hennepin Healthcare facility at 900 S. 8th Street is across the street from North Central University and offers testing for COVID-19 on both an appointment and walk-up basis. If you cannot afford a test, contact NCU at for confidential financial assistance.

Medical resources North Central University’s proximity to the Hennepin Healthcare Clinic and Specialty Center, 715 S. 8th Street in Minneapolis, just one block from campus, provides ready access to a world-class medical facility. NCU has spoken with Hennepin Healthcare administration and confirmed the clinic is available to serve NCU community members on a walk-in, appointment, or urgent care basis.

Positive COVID-19 results While we are working hard to promote a healthy and safe campus environment, North Central University is also prepared to care for the needs of students who may have been exposed to, or who test positive for, COVID-19. The plans below will serve as guides as we seek to meet individual health needs and protect the safety of the campus community; due to a variety of variables, each situation will be assessed individually and handled accordingly.

Terminology Quarantine - Quarantine is used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 NCU Return to Campus | Page 11

away from others. Quarantine helps prevent spread of disease that can occur before a person knows they are sick or if they are infected with the virus without feeling symptoms. People in quarantine should stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health and temperature, and follow directions from their healthcare provider. Isolation - is used to separate people presumed infected with the virus (those who have tested positive and those exhibiting multiple symptoms) from people who are not infected. People who are in isolation should stay home or in the designated campus isolation area until it’s safe for them to be around others.

Symptomatic residential students When a residential student presents with symptoms of COVID-19 or if campus or medical personnel determine a student is exhibiting significant COVID-19 symptoms, there are steps to take to activate the COVID Care Response Protocols. First, the student will complete the STUDENT COVID-19 form to provide critical information related to his/her activity on campus and to create a list of close contacts. The form also gives permission for designated NCU personnel to make appropriate contacts, and the following steps will be taken for the student’s care: » Residence Life is notified and an appropriate isolation housing assignment on campus will be made for the student. Residence Life will coordinate the student’s arrival at isolation housing and arrange for getting belongings to the student. » Dining Services is notified and the student’s dining plan for meals is established and coordinated with Residence Life. » The Office of Student Development will notify the student’s professors, coaches, supervisors, RA, and RD so care and coordination of the student’s coursework and other activities may be supported. Students may only be cleared to return to campus life and their residence by a physician or other qualified healthcare provider. This can happen either because the student’s COVID-19 test returns negative, or the patient is no longer symptomatic and no longer contagious. In order to be considered no longer symptomatic and no longer contagious, the student will need to complete 10 days of quarantine or isolation and had at least 24 hours with no symptoms and no feverreducing medications.

Undergraduate quarantine and isolation housing Phillipps Hall 1 West residence hall rooms have been reserved for separate men’s and women’s on-campus isolation housing. These facilities have separated entrances from other living spaces and accidental access can be precluded by blocking card access or locked doors. Each person in an isolation area will be designated a room with access to a semi-private bathroom. Students who know or suspect they have been exposed to COVID-19 are expected to selfquarantine in their campus residence for 10 days following the exposure. If symptoms develop or NCU Return to Campus | Page 12

the student tests positive, they will be moved to isolation. Isolation housing is prioritized for students who do not have access to their family home or a safe residence. Local students are encouraged to self-isolate at home and may also self-quarantine at home if exposure is suspected. The COVID-19 Response Team will assist students who self-isolate or self-quarantine, either on campus or at their homes, with academic accommodations.

Outbreaks In the event of an outbreak, North Central University personnel will work closely with the Minnesota Department of Health to activate a plan for containment, contact tracing, and communication.

Communicating about COVID-19 cases Individuals who are known to have been in contact at North Central University with an individual who tests positive for COVID-19 will be contacted by the COVID-19 Response Team, and an action plan will be identified. For necessary communication with the greater NCU community, North Central University will implement a combination of the communication tools below to keep its campus constituents— including current undergraduate and graduate students, PSEO students, current parents, employees, prospective students/parents, and the appropriate government/health authorities— informed about its campus reopening strategies, related COVID-19 health and safety measures, and COVID-19 positive cases: » Campus reopening plan » Skyline (current students, employees) » Campus mass email system (current students, employees) » NCU’s social media platforms » Moodle Learning Management System » Campus digital signage (VCS) » Emergency Notification System (ENS)

Timely updates In addition to communicating NCU’s initial reopening plans and related protocols, the university will use the above methods to continue to update stakeholders about breaking developments, news, and changes in a timely and transparent manner.

Clery Act Compliance In compliance with The Clery Act, and guidance from the U.S. Department of Education regarding Clery’s intersection with COVID-19, North Central University will issue a campus Emergency NCU Return to Campus | Page 13

Notification System (ENS) message to students and employees at the start of the academic year informing them about the following: » COVID-19 and necessary health and safety precautions » Where to obtain ongoing information about the number of on-campus COVID cases » How to connect to the resources of regional health authorities and the CDC. The university will also provide a banner on that will provide this information to the broader campus community and external constituents.

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PREPARING TO COME TO CAMPUS Check-in/Move-in scheduling To reduce congestion and close contact with others, the on-campus housing move-in process for both new and returning students will look different this year:

New, Transfer, and Returning Residential Students The moving in of incoming new and transfer students will be August 22. Returning students will return to campus on August 24 and 25. New and transfer students received a link to sign up and check into NCU in mid-July. In early August, returning students will receive an email with a link and instructions to sign up to arrive on one of these two days, indicating when they expect to arrive on campus. We encourage students to pack minimally and efficiently to streamline the time it takes to movein, since each student will have a limited time window for the moving process. A limited number of NCU student leaders may be available to assist, if needed. Students are strongly encouraged to limit their guests to only those who can assist with their move in process. Students and their helpers must wear masks during the move-in process. Early Arrival Residential Students Students (both new and returning) that need to arrive to campus early (prior to Aug. 20) for university-sponsored reasons or due to special circumstances will be provided special instructions through email by the university unit sponsoring their early arrival (e.g., fall athletics, NCU Student Leadership, and on-campus employment) or from Housing.

Action Steps to Take before Coming to Campus: COVID-19 Health and Safety Preparedness We encourage you to familiarize yourself with North Central’s new student move-in schedule and procedures (they are different from past years’ due to COVID-19 health and safety precautions). Each student, new and returning, is required to sign up for a check in time to assist with social NCU Return to Campus | Page 15

distancing and crowd management. We are also asking that students only include people who are capable of assisting with move in to help as we try to limit the number of non-residents in the living area. Below are requirements and recommendations to help you arrive prepared to be part of a healthy campus community. Students are encouraged to continue to check Skyline and their student email regularly for updates to changes and plans related to returning to campus.

COVID-19 Risk Notice and Release; Tuition Policy Agreement Read and sign the COVID-19 Risk Notice and Release; Tuition Policy Agreement. All students must sign the agreement prior to being allowed to move in or attend class. Any concerns about the form should be directed to Student Development before your arrival on campus.

Pre-arrival quarantine All undergraduate residential students are being asked to commit to a 10-14 day self-quarantine prior to coming to campus, if possible. We are asking students to: » Stay home unless absolutely necessary. The best way to keep our campus COVID free is to stay home for 10-14 days prior to your arrival. This means avoid or minimizing going to work, public areas, or attending large gatherings. If you need medical care, please call your health care provider. » Wash your hands often and practice good hygiene. » Arrange for routine medical appointments prior to self-quarantine. » Avoid public areas including grocery stores, malls, theaters and large public gathering spaces. » Monitor your temperature daily and watch for symptoms. If symptoms develop, call your health care provider BEFORE seeking in-person care. » Avoid public transportation, ride-sharing, or taxis, if possible. » Postpone any travel. If you must leave your home for any reason, wear a mask, practice strict social distancing and be vigilant in handwashing.

Recommendations for air, bus or train travel If a student’s journey to North Central requires air, bus or train travel they must take extra measures to remain safe and healthy while traveling (retaining distance from others, washing hands frequently, not touching face, wearing a mask at all times).

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Risk-factor notification If you have vulnerable risk factors to COVID-19, and are studying as an in-person, on-campus student during fall semester, please email Stacy Sikorski, LICSW, Director of Student Success at to initiate a conversation about a proactive plan for your care.

Title IX training New students (on-campus and online) are reminded that Title IX Sexual Violence Prevention Training must be completed by the 10th day of classes, September 9, 2020. We highly encourage you to watch the video-based training and complete the corresponding quizzes before your arrival on campus. You may access the training at

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WELCOME WEEK AND ORIENTATION PLAN All new first-year and transfer students will experience a modified Welcome Week and orientation to our campus community. Every effort is being made to create a safe and healthy experience while maintaining NCU’s strong commitment to belonging in community. Student leaders and orientation leaders will be available to assist as needed throughout Welcome Week. New and transfer students will arrive on Saturday, August 22, after signing up for a check in time through their NCU email. Upon arrival, students will check in at the College Life Center check-in station hosted by Student Development at their pre-arranged check-in time. During check-in, students will receive a Welcome Week packet with schedule, an NCU protective cloth mask, and a Welcome Week t-shirt. They will also pick-up their residence hall and mailbox keys (residential students) and take care of other important start-of-the-semester matters. Residential students will be directed to their respective residence hall to move in and get settled. Student leaders will be available to assist in the moving process provided if they are invited to help. Activities for students and families will follow, with families expected to depart campus at the conclusion of Saturday. In the evening, students who arrived that day will celebrate together with President Scott Hagan. Final information for the Welcome Week schedule will be posted at welcomeweek. Watch your NCU email and the website for more details! We're excited to welcome you and your family to campus!

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COVID-19 GUIDELINES FOR RESIDENTIAL LIVING Keeping our community healthy will take a community effort! In compliance with NCU initiatives to maintain the health and well-being of our campus community, and to comply with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 parameters for institutions of higher education, the following parameters have been established for all residential students.

Communal Living Residence Hall Floors: Extended Family Each traditional residence hall floor is now considered an “extended family” of sorts with whom residents will share much of their out-of-class campus time in proximity with one another. The ideal is that this “extended family” will be an insulated unit with reduced risk for exposure to the COVID-19 virus. For the start of the fall semester, protective masks must be worn while in the common areas of a floor (e.g., hallways, lounges, bathrooms as appropriate) or in the building (e.g., hallways, stairwells, laundry rooms). If the campus remains COVID-19 free, restrictions may be loosened. Except for when in their own room with roommates, students must continue to practice social distancing on their floor communities and wear a protective cloth mask if this distancing cannot be maintained.

Cleaning and Hygiene Expectations NCU has aligned expectations based on CDC guidance for cleaning and disinfecting. Students are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of their living spaces, including common floor living areas, bedrooms, and bathrooms. For bathrooms, students are expected to use disinfectant spray or wipes to thoroughly clean their sinks, showers, and toilets (especially toilet handles) after each use in Phillipps Hall and the Apartment Community. Sinks could be an infection source and residents should avoid placing toothbrushes directly on counter surfaces. Totes can be used for personal items so they do not NCU Return to Campus | Page 19

touch the bathroom countertop. Students are required to take their personal toiletries to and from bathroom in residence hall bathrooms. For common floor living areas, NCU will continue to clean surfaces multiple times a day. In addition to student self-cleaning, regular cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces and objects frequently touched will be provided by dedicated housekeeping staff assigned to specific floor communities. Where self-cleaning is expected, the university will provide cleaning caddies and supplies.

Mask Wearing Protective cloth masks are expected to be worn in the public lounges of residence halls and other common spaces (e.g. study rooms, floor lounges, laundry rooms, stairwells). As stated above, restrictions may be reevaluated if NCU’s campus remains COVID-free. Once visitation is safe to resume (see below), the wearing of protective masks will be required of guests throughout the duration of visitation.

Signage Information on COVID-19 expectations will be clearly posted in floor hallways, lounges, laundry rooms, bathrooms of residence halls and in apartment sections. This signage will include, but not be limited to, reminders on symptom monitoring and reporting, and hygiene and respiratory etiquette (i.e., frequent handwashing; avoidance of face touching; appropriate use of hand sanitizer, hand wipes, or hand soap for students, staff and visitors; coughing/sneezing into tissue or crook of arm).

Building Entrances and Exits Hand sanitizer will be provided at residential entrances, as available. To minimize close contact with others, foot traffic in some buildings may be one-way only. Directional signs should be followed.

Elevators, Stairwells, Common Hallways Given their small interiors, building stairwells and elevators should be used by individuals one at a time whenever possible. Continued mask wearing and social distancing should be practiced. Where possible, tape and floor decals will mark common hallway spaces to assist in flow of traffic and maintaining the six-foot social distancing.

Residence Hall Floor Lounges Only residents of the building are permitted to use their respective floor lounges. Residents are free to use these spaces when six-foot social distancing is able to be maintained while there. Students should also be mindful of other residents who also wish to use these spaces. Maximum safe occupancy may be limited and posted where applicable. While using these spaces, students are to practice safe social distancing and wear protective cloth masks. Students are expected to use disinfectant spray and wipes to clean surfaces of any common furniture (study desks, chairs, NCU Return to Campus | Page 20

game equipment, etc.) immediately after use.

Laundry Rooms Only residents of the building are permitted to use their respective laundry room. Students are free to use the laundry room when a six-foot social distance is able to be maintained in the space. The wearing of protective cloth masks is necessary when using the laundry room. Separate laundry practices will be in place for students in quarantine due to COVID-19.

Visitation Federal and state guidance on reopening safely instruct institutions to limit visitors and nonessential personnel in residential spaces. Ideally, the nuclear and extended family units should remain closed to others, but this is challenging in a community such as ours. For this reason, a phased approach to visitation will occur to better ensure the health and safety of all. For the first two weeks of classes, there is no visitation. Students must not enter a floor or apartment or house if they do not reside there. If the campus remains free of COVID-19 cases after two weeks, visitation will resume with modified parameters outlined below. 1. Until further notice, no off-campus visitors are permitted in university residences, including commuters and student family members. 2. Residential student visitors must not have had COVID-19 symptoms nor been exposed to someone with the virus within two weeks prior to the visit. 3. Residential student visitors must remain a six-foot social distance and should not share furniture together with another person at the same time (futons, couches, chairs, room beds, etc.). Furniture should be cleaned and disinfected immediately after use. 4. No floor bathroom use by residential student visitors. Residential student visitors may use the public restrooms located in the main building spaces. 5. Resident Assistants are considered essential personnel and will perform walking rounds throughout floors and buildings, per usual, but wearing protective cloth masks as they do. Adjustments may be made as necessary for health and safety reasons. Other authorized campus employees will also be permitted access to residential spaces on an as-needed basis with health and safety requirements in place. If there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the campus community, visitation may be restricted or eliminated to mitigate the spread of the virus. If this occurs, applicable guidance will be communicated to residents in a timely fashion.

Traveling Off Campus Residential students should leave campus only when necessary. (Note: students are able to leave campus for off-campus jobs, internships, student teaching, etc.) The more residents travel off campus, the greater the risk of being exposed to COVID-19 and introducing it to our campus NCU Return to Campus | Page 21

community. If students are aware of exposure to someone with COVID-19 while off campus, they should contact their Resident Director or the COVID-19 Response Team at covid19@northcentral. edu to inform them and receive guidance. Students who travel out of state, whether for personal or university reasons, will need to communicate with the Senior Leadership Team to determine if quarantining will be required after travel.

Isolation/quarantine In support of self-monitoring and reporting requirements, any resident who has an exposure to COVID-19 or who registers a fever of greater than 100.4 or experiences other symptoms of the COVID-19 virus will be required to contact their Resident Director or the COVID-19 Response Team and follow their directives. In some cases, students will be required to remain in their rooms in quarantine, with meal and laundry service delivered, or be isolated in Phillipps Hall 1 west until they are cleared to resume normal activity. Remote learning will be available in these situations.

Expectations Symptom Monitoring/Self Screening It is expected that all community members will consistently practice symptom monitoring. All students are required to take their body temperature daily before leaving their living areas at the start of each day

Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette It is required that all community members will consistently practice physical distancing, protective mask wearing, frequent handwashing and hand sanitizer usage, and shielding others when needing to cough or sneeze. This means specifically that students will maintain a six-foot equivalent (approximately one to two arm’s length) when around other people, including moving about campus, visiting buildings, and attending class. Classrooms and the Dining Center have been configured to promote distancing. It is required that students wear masks when outside of their living spaces. Exceptions include when eating or exercising outdoors with adequate physical distancing

COVID-19 Testing It is expected that community members will agree to regular COVID-19 testing as instructed by NCU staff.

Quarantining/Isolation Practice As a result of COVID-19 testing, and/or becoming symptomatic, some community members may be required to enter quarantine or isolation as directed by the Student Development staff. Being quarantined will mean completing coursework remotely during the time you are quarantined/ isolated. The university has reserved residential spaces on campus for isolation purposes.

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Contact Tracing Community members who test positive for COVID-19 are expected to participate in contact tracing interviews to mitigate the spread of the virus within our community.

Guests Students will not be permitted to host guests from off campus, including family members, during the specified timeframe of these COVID-19 expectations.

Leaving Campus Residential students are required to follow guidelines established for leaving campus including, but not limited to, using discernment about whether or not leaving campus is necessary, whether or not to visit certain locales, practicing physical distancing and mask wearing, and not being tourists to COVID-19 “hotspots.”

Occupancy Many of our sister schools and institutions of higher learning of similar size across the country have adopted housing policies limiting the number of residents in any given living space to two individuals. Due to NCU’s multiple occupant dorm rooms being above required standards for spacing, it has been determined that dorm rooms with established occupancy of 3 and 4 individuals will continue to be housed accordingly. Students living in on-campus housing will have the expectations and guidelines related to life together in the season of COVID-19 thoroughly reviewed and explained to them during Welcome Week and orientation.

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DINING AND FOOD SERVICES It will be an exciting year for Dining Services at North Central! Construction is underway for a renovated dining center and food services experience powered by our new partner Sodexo. The pandemic has caused some unanticipated slowdowns in material deliveries and the permitting process, so unfortunately we are anticipating the Dining Center’s grand re-opening may be delayed until a date to be determined in September. But we promise no one will go hungry! Our new Dining Services General Manager Nicole Dowhaniuk is not only a creative chef but a creative planner! She is overseeing an extensive contingency plan for food and dining in the event our facilities are not fully operational, and we will be communicating those details prior to the arrival of students for fall semester.

Safe dining and eating Once the Dining Center is operational, there will be protocols and procedures for our community to help make the dining experience as safe as possible. You can expect: » All students, employees, and guests will be required to wear masks in the dining facilities unless they are seated at a table. » The Dining Center will have furniture and spacing arranged to maximize social distancing. » The Dining Center will be adjusted to partial capacity. » Automatic hand sanitizers will be placed at the entrance to the Dining Center and Deli, as well as throughout the dining areas. » Six-foot distancing signage will also be posted throughout the dining facilities and Plexiglas barriers with be installed at each register and food serving location. » A “green box” takeout and preorder system powered by Sodexo will be available. » Quick-grab lunches ordered as part of a food plan will be available at a designated coldstorage location. NCU Return to Campus | Page 24

ACADEMICS Course formats We have placed on-campus courses into three categories: » Fully In-Person » Hybrid — in-person + virtual (50% or fewer students present at once) » Virtual The format and location for classes will be posted in Colleague prior to the start of classes. Our commitment to classroom safety has also entailed preparing a few non-traditional spaces for classroom instruction, including the Lindquist Sanctuary and Anderson Chapel. It remains our goal to maximize the number of fully in-person courses while providing a safe learning and teaching environment. Please note that all decisions on course modality and location are subject to change. Courses in our fully online programs will continue without modifications

Classroom technology All North Central instructional environments will be equipped with technology that can livestream and record class sessions. All students will receive training on our Learning Management System. Fully in-person classes will have all assignment submissions, handouts, and the final exam in our Learning Management System. All courses will have virtual components and are being created to function seamlessly in the event a student or faculty may need to be quarantined or isolated and/or there is a need to move to a fully virtual format. NCU Return to Campus | Page 25

Classrooms will be equipped with new “Swivl” + iPad technology: » Each learning space will be equipped with a Swivl + iPad for Zoom. » The Swivl device is a special base for a tablet that allows instructors to use Zoom to extend the learning experience beyond the traditional classroom. » The Swivl use a tracking system that allows it to stay focused on the instructor as they move throughout the classroom. It includes a microphone for the instructor and additional microphones that allow for a better audio experience in a classroom/hybrid setting.

Classroom safety We are committed to providing our students and faculty with a safe classroom environment. We are engaged in ongoing planning to this end and we will continue to adapt as conditions change, paying close attention to governmental guidelines and mandates. The following are steps we are currently taking to provide a safe classroom environment: » Face Coverings: Students are required to wear face coverings at all times, with exceptions to include medical reasons and unique pedagogical considerations (e.g. ASL interpreting, music, student presentations, etc.). » While teaching, instructors must do one of the following: wear a face covering, wear a face shield, or remain behind a Plexiglass barrier (where provided). These guidelines follow the requirements and guidance provided by Governor Walz’s executive order and the Minnesota Department of Health. » Class capacities are limited to 50% to maximize social distancing. » Instructors will assign seats the first week of classes to assist with tracing and potentially minimize quarantine impacts should a student become ill. » Classroom users will have access to cleaning supplies to clean their areas. » Class dismissals will take place on a staggered basis to reduce the number of students in hallways during class transition times.

Readiness to switch to virtual learning All of the models being utilized are adaptable to a rapid transition to a virtual learning environment if the university deems it necessary in response to changing public health conditions and/or governmental directives. NCU faculty and the instructional design team have worked diligently to enable NCU to continue to provide quality academic instruction in a fluid way throughout the inherent uncertainties that are inevitable due to ongoing adjustments related to COVID-19.

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SPIRITUAL LIFE AND CHAPEL Daily chapel Worship and praise never have to stop because of a pandemic, although how we incorporate our tradition of daily chapel into a COVID-safe campus means some things will be modified. Here are some adjustments being made for daily chapel services: » Attendance in Lindquist Sanctuary will be set at a maximum of 50% capacity. » Additional rows of chairs may be added to the altar area to increase seating capacity » Masks must be worn by all who are not involved in leading worship. » Worship leaders who do not sing will wear masks. » Vocalists will maintain social distance from other musicians and be positioned at adequate distance from the audience. » Communion will be distributed using self-contained cup and wafer sets. » Students who cannot enter the Sanctuary due to capacity limits and students in isolation or quarantine may access chapel services through livestreaming.

Discipleship groups Discipleship Groups will still exist on every floor on NCU’s campus. The groups will be hosted by returning students on each Tuesday evening. Masks will be worn as they will be outside of the student’s individual room.

Render and Praise Gathering Render student-led chapel will continue and be offered under the same parameters listed above. The Wednesday night Praise Gathering will be offered from 10 to 11 p.m. and will be available only to North Central University students until further notice. NCU Return to Campus | Page 27

CAMPUS ACTIVITIES Athletics and recreation On July 30, the Upper Midwest Athletic Conference (UMAC) announced numerous provisions have been voted upon and approved by the UMAC Council of Presidents and Chancellors as related to fall sport competition. These provisions include modification of conference competition and championships for those programs considered high contact risk sports by the NCAA Sports Science Institute (SSI) which includes men’s and women’s soccer and volleyball. As decided upon by the UMAC Council of Presidents and Chancellors, the UMAC has left autonomy to member institutions on determining their ability to proceed with fall competition. North Central’s ability to proceed in accordance with current recommendations from the NCAA, state, and local authorities have made it possible for our men’s and women’s soccer and volleyball teams to practice and compete this fall. The UMAC will also continue to pursue opportunities for spring competition for these programs. The UMAC announcement also addresses low-risk and medium-risk contact fall sports. As stated, the sports of men’s and women’s golf, categorized as low-risk, will be permitted to compete this fall, including conference championships. Men’s and women’s cross-country, identified as mediumrisk, will also be allowed to compete this year given accommodations are made conference-wide to move both to low-risk classifications per the adjustments outlined by the NCAA SSI. All golf and cross-country competition will be limited to conference only institutions as previously laid out by the UMAC. Click here for a brief video message from our director of athletics, Travis Whipple. Future informational releases related to the university’s athletic decisions in conjunction with Covid-19 can be found on this resource page. North Central’s progressive and intentional safety precautions will afford our student-athletes the ability to participate in the sport that they love while continuing to place a top priority on safety for our NCU community.

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Fine Arts In an effort to minimize large groups of non-NCU-community members coming to campus, public Fine Arts performances, including the fall play and Songs of the Season, have been canceled for 2020. Information about ensembles, practices, and private music lessons will be communicated to students by the College of Fine Arts.

Student-led activities North Central provides powerful experiences for student leaders, including the opportunity to sponsor events. For the health and safety of our campus, all student groups will be operating under specific guidelines for any events. All student-led events need to be approved by the Executive Director of Student Development. Guidelines that must be followed include: » Adhering to all recommendations for COVID-19 social distancing, hand washing, face coverings, and illness-prevention protocols. » Any food provided must be served to students with designated servers using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). » Hand sanitizer stations must be available at each event. » Special attention will be focused on planning for activities or events to avoid being in conflict with COVID-19 recommendations (e.g., games with sharing, touching, food, distancing issues). » Utilizing virtual meeting platforms (e.g., Zoom) for planning meetings » Including COVID-19 disclaimer and advisory information in all advertising for the event. (e.g., attendees must adhere to recommendations if choosing to attend event). » Sponsoring group assisting in disinfecting and cleaning the area before and after the event, in partnership with housekeeping.

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STAFF AND FACULTY SUPPORT North Central University faculty and staff are expected to follow all recommended guidelines, and by their actions provide an excellent example to the student body. Each department and area of the university is committed to creating COVID-safe spaces for interaction. Activities to support this include: » Praying regularly for students and the NCU community. » Utilizing face coverings as outlined elsewhere in this section of the website. » This includes wearing masks for one-on-one meetings unless a full six feet of distance can be maintained in an office or meeting space. » Practicing social distancing in classrooms, offices, hallways, and other common areas. » Conduct Zoom meetings in lieu of face-to-face interactions with staff, faculty, and students. In addition, a Zoom call option must be provided for all meetings. » Working with students and colleagues to make accommodations when needed. » Encouraging a positive environment of support versus an environment of shaming or policing regarding safe-campus protocols.

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TRAVEL Being aware of where community members have traveled may play a role in preventing the spread of COVID-19 on campus. To assist with this, NCU is requesting the following from community members: » Faculty and staff who wish to travel on university business must seek prior approval from their Senior Leadership Team member. » Official travel involving students must have prior approval, with the sponsoring faculty/staff member requesting approval from the appropriate Senior Leadership Team member » Faculty, staff, or students who travel out of state will need to communicate with the Senior Leadership Team to determine if quarantining will be required after travel, whether travel is for business or personal reasons.

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CARES Act North Central University acknowledges that the institution has signed and returned the Certification and Agreement in order to receive federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Funds to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students. NCU will be awarding a minimum of 50% of the funds received from the CARES Act to provide Emergency Student Grants directly to students, with plans to designate the remaining funds throughout the upcoming year. NCU will begin awarding funds to students beginning June 1.

CARES Act details and how to apply The Federal CARES Act is meant to provide economic assistance to those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. NCU has received funds to assist with university expenses and to provide emergency financial aid grants to students. NCU received a total of $1,046,000 of emergency funding. Fifty percent ($523,000) of the funds will be utilized by the university for COVID related expenses. The other fifty percent ($523,000) of the emergency funds are specifically for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to assist students with expenses caused by COVID-19 pandemic to help with tuition, housing, food, childcare, or other expenses they have incurred. NCU will use these funds to provide assistance to as many students as possible at their level of need. The CARES Act directed colleges and universities to prioritize students with the greatest financial need. NCU’s first priority will be to provide funding to our students with the greatest financial need based on FAFSA information including those eligible for a Pell Grant, MN State Grant, or federal work-study funds along with students suffering extreme financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students who filed a FAFSA for the 2019-2020 school year and who also meet basic eligibility criteria for federal financial aid are eligible to apply for the Emergency Financial Aid Grant. Unfortunately, the U.S. Department of Education does not allow these funds to be used for international students, undocumented students, or non-matriculated students. NCU does have a small portion of Give Day funds still available for students who do not qualify for the Emergency Financial Aid Grant. NCU Return to Campus | Page 32

Students who wish to apply for the Emergency Financial Aid Grant can apply here. Students will be asked to provide detailed hardship information and request a specific amount of funds. If approved, the funds will be sent directly to students via check to your current address. Students may use these funds on expenses directly incurred by COVID-19 such as technology needs, health care, course materials, rent, food, moving expenses, or expenses indirectly affected such as future term tuition, housing expenses, etc. An application review committee will make determinations regarding the grant funds. Awards could range from $100 to $4000 but will likely average around $1000 to $2000. The committee will evaluate the student’s financial need based on the FAFSA information and the student’s significant hardship caused by COVID such as inability to pay for food or rent due to loss of employment, medical expenses, and tuition.

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PREVIOUS COVID-19 COMMUNICATION Click the link(s) below to access earlier North Central University communication related to COVID-19. Main information page Student information page Employee information page

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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS There is a lot of information to share about reuniting on campus for the Fall 2020 semester! For a condensed version of the information provided throughout this section of the website, you may explore the FAQs (and answers!) below.

FAQ FOR STUDENTS COMING TO CAMPUS What is the fall 2020 move-in schedule? Athletes: August 17 and 19 Student Leaders: August 15–17 New Students: August 22 Returning Students: August 24–25 What if I want to move in sooner than my assigned date/time? All students will need to sign up for a specific arrival date/time as communicated by Admissions or Student Development. Students who want to request a date outside the regularly scheduled move-in slots should contact Student Development at Where can I learn more about the Welcome Week 2020 schedule? What will move-in look like? » Move-in times will be spaced-out to allow for adequate social distancing while students/ families move in. » Students will receive instructions prior to arrival about where to park and where to check in prior to going to their specific residence. » We ask that students limit their move-in help to only those who will be helpful to the movein process. NCU Return to Campus | Page 35

» Masks must be worn by all students and helpers at all times. » Student leaders will be available to assist with move-in, if desired. » Elevators should be used by only one family unit at a time. » NCU team members will assist with sanitizing moving carts between each use. Are there forms or other things I need to sign or do before coming to campus? Yes! » Each student (new and returning) needs to sign a COVID-19 Return to Campus Waiver Form before you will be able to move in or attend class. VIEW FORM » New students need to complete the online Orientation materials. Please reach out to your admission counselor or email for further assistance. » New students need to complete Title IX Sexual Violence Prevention Training by the 10th day of classes, September 9. We highly recommend you complete it before arrival. You can access the training here. What do I need to do before coming to campus? Link to information under Action Steps to Take before Coming to Campus: COVID-19 Health and Safety Preparedness

CAMPUS HEALTH, SAFETY, AND COVID-91 PRECAUTIONS Will I have to wear a mask? Yes, see Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for details. Will it be safe to eat in the Dining Center? North Central University’s food services partner Sodexo is working hard to create a safe, healthy, and nutritious dining experience. See protocols that will be in place here. What steps is North Central University taking related to meeting cleaning and sanitation guidelines? A comprehensive plan has been implemented to care for campus spaces and keep the campus clean and sanitized. View details here. Is the university completing daily temperature checks? North Central University is utilizing a daily self-reporting protocol that everyone (students, faculty, staff) will need to complete before coming to campus or attending classes each day. This includes taking your own temperature and answering a brief online questionnaire. All students enrolled in seated classes will receive a Care Kit that includes a multi-use forehead thermometer. What type of medical facilities are available to students? Students in need of medical assistance will be referred to Hennepin Healthcare, just one block from campus. NCU Return to Campus | Page 36

What if my student needs care the university cannot provide? The COVID-19 Response Team will work with students to determine the assistance needed and options. It is highly recommended that every student has a health care directive on file authorizing a family member or trusted individual to act on their behalf in the event the student cannot communicate about their care needs. See the Minnesota Department of Health website for more information. Is a telehealth appointment an option for students? Telehealth services may be available through the student’s or their family’s individual insurance plan. North Central University does not provide these services What is North Central University’s testing protocol related to COVID 19? Students are encouraged to limit contact with people in the two weeks prior to arrival on campus. COVID-19 testing prior to coming to campus is encouraged but not mandatory. In the event a student exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 once on campus, the student will be encouraged to seek testing at the Hennepin Healthcare facility. See Diagnosis and Response section of the website for additional details. Are visitors allowed on campus? After move-in, for the first two weeks of school, at minimum, no outside visitors will be allowed on campus without prior authorization (which will be granted on a very limited basis). Students can watch for announcements in Skyline for any updates to the outside visitor policy. Guidelines for internal visitation to areas outside your own residence hall will be communicated by Residence Life staff when you come to campus. Visitation guidelines will be continually evaluated in light of COVID-19 trends and governmental requirements. Are residential students permitted to travel off-campus? Yes. We understand students will need to hold jobs, attend and minister in churches, etc. We encourage everyone to practice social distancing and follow face-covering regulations in all locations to protect everyone’s health and safety. Will there be training to make sure I’m safe on an urban campus? Yes! Plans are being finalized for all incoming and returning students to receive updated training with important suggestions for living in an urban setting. Training information and additional updates to NCU safety and security protocols will be posted soon on the Campus Safety section of our website.

ACADEMICS When do classes begin and end? When are finals? Seated classes begin August 26; final exams are December 9–11. Online Session A classes begin August 26; Session A ends October 16. Online Session B classes begin October 21; Session B ends December 11. NCU Return to Campus | Page 37

Do students get a fall break this year? Yes. Fall break for students in seated classes is October 8–9. I understand classes will be held in different ways; can you explain? Seated classes will be offered in one of three modes: » Fully in-person » Hybrid (50% or fewer of students in classroom at once) » Virtual Students will be able to access their course schedule via Colleague to see which type of classes and the meeting times/locations. This information is being finalized and will be posted prior to the start of classes. What if I need support services to help me succeed? (Academic coaching, tutoring, supplemental instruction, access to the office of Academic Accessibility)? The Student Success Center is fully operational and will provide both in-person and virtual support services. Will the library be open? Yes. Library hours and some protocols will be modified to allow for social distancing and capacity limits. These will be announced at the start of the academic year. How will classrooms be set up? Classrooms will be set up to accommodate a maximum of 50% of standard capacity. All seats will remain in the classroom but those for use and those not to be used will be clearly marked. How do I get books and supplies for my classes? Books can be ordered through MBS Direct. Students should have received a detailed email with a voucher code for ordering books. Email if you need us to resend your voucher or if you have questions about textbook ordering.

STUDENT EMPLOYMENT Are students permitted to have off-campus jobs? Yes. We encourage everyone to practice social distancing and follow face-covering regulations both on and off campus to protect everyone’s health and safety. I have a job on campus; will there be changes to that? Job responsibilities and requirements will be communicated by supervisors. Specific job protocols affecting all campus work will be communicated at the Student Employment Orientation on Monday, August 24, from 3-4 p.m. and Tuesday, August 25, from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. in the Lindquist Sanctuary. How do I find a campus job? Due to COVID-19, some jobs are currently limited. If positions are available they are posted here. NCU Return to Campus | Page 38

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