Part D, Section 2 Manning and Personnel Certification 1.1 Principles of Safe Manning 1.1.1
Yachts in commercial use should carry an appropriate number of qualified deck and engineer officers and ratings to ensure a degree of safety at least equivalent to that established by the IMO with respect to the principles of safe manning and in accordance with the ILO Conventions. Where appropriate, seafarers should be experienced in the type and size of the yacht and of the operations in which it is involved. All seafarers should be medically fit. The standards apply to all seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on board every commercially operated yacht. The Administration may require yachts in private use to also meet these standards and in any case strongly encourages their use by yachts in private use. 1.1.2
In fulfilling their responsibility to ensure that yachts are safely and sufficiently manned, owners and operators should: • Make an assessment of the tasks, duties and responsibilities of the yacht's complement required for its safe operation, for the protection of the marine environment, for ensuring security and for dealing with emergency situations; • Assess the numbers and grades/capacities in the yacht's complement required for the safe operation and for the protection of the environment, for ensuring security, and for dealing with emergency situations, including the evacuation of passengers where applicable; • Ensure that the manning level is adequate at all times and in all respects, including meeting peak workloads; • In case of changes in the nature of the operation, operational area, construction, machinery, equipment or maintenance of the yacht, which may affect the manning level, review the manning level. 1.1.3
In conjunction with these factors the owner or operator should: • Identify all the functions to be undertaken on board during a representative voyage or operational period, including determination of the number of crew required to undertake the relevant tasks and duties under both peak and routine work load conditions; • Identify those functions that constitute a normal operation and determine the CDP 502 YACHT CODE Rev01