3 Application 3.1 General
This Code applies to a motor or sailing yacht of 24 meters in load line length and over or, if built before 21 July 1968, which is of 150 tons gross tonnage and over and which, at the time, is a commercial yacht which is used for pleasure and carries no cargo and no more than 12 passengers on a voyage or excursion. This Code applies to commercial yachts, monohull as well as multihull, which are used for pleasure, being pleasure vessels "engaged in trade" for the purpose of Article 5 – Exceptions - of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (ICll), which are 24 meters in load line length and over or, if built before 21 July 1968, 150 gross tons and over according to the tonnage measurement regulations applying at that date and which do not carry cargo and do not carry more than 12 passengers. This Code only applies to commercial yachts of less than 500 GT. However, it may be applied to private yachts. The owners of private yachts are hereby encouraged to conform to the standards of this Code as far as practicable and reasonable so as to ensure their safe operation. This Code applies to commercial yachts as defined herein which are registered at DMRI. Any provision of this Code expressed in the conditional (i.e. "should") shall be a requirement. 3.2 Area of Operation
In general, requirements given within this Code are based on unrestricted geographical operation unless specifically stated otherwise. 3.3 Equivalent Standards, Exemptions and Existing Vessels
Proposals for the application of alternative standards considered to be at least equivalent to the requirements of this Code should be submitted to the Administration for approval. Equivalence may be achieved by incorporating increased requirements to balance deficiencies and thereby achieve the overall safety standard. Equivalence may take into