4 Construction and Strength The purpose of this section is to ensure that all yachts to which this Code applies are constructed to a consistent standard in respect of strength and watertight integrity. New yachts are to be built to the requirements of one of the Recognized Organizations and issued with a Class Certificate or equivalent, acceptable to the Administration. Existing yachts which do not already hold a Class Certificate or equivalent should be surveyed by one of the Recognized Organizations so that an appropriate certificate can be issued. The extent of the watertight bulkheads defined in Section 4.3 is to ensure that sufficient buoyancy is maintained by the yacht to meet the damaged stability requirements of Section 11.
4.1 General Requirements 4.1.1
All yachts should have a freeboard deck. 4.1.2
All yachts should be fitted with a weather deck throughout the length of the yacht and be of adequate strength to withstand the sea and weather conditions likely to be encountered in the declared area(s) of operation. 4.1.3
The declared area(s) of operation and any other conditions which restrict the use of the yacht at sea should be recorded on the load line certificate issued to the yacht. 4.1.4
The choice of hull construction material affects fire protection requirements, for which reference should be made to section 14.
4.2 Structural Strength 4.2.1
For unlimited operation, all yachts hold a Class Certificate or equivalent. CDP 502 YACHT CODE Rev01