7 Machinery This section outlines the minimum requirements for machinery which are to be in accordance with the requirements of one of the Recognized Organizations and should cover the minimum aspects defined below, even if the machinery is not considered the primary means of propulsion. Existing yachts which do not hold a Class Certificate or equivalent approved by the Administration should be surveyed by one of the Recognized Organizations so that an appropriate certificate can be issued. However alternative arrangements for Short Range Yachts may be agreed by the Administration.
7.1 General Requirements 7.1.1
The machinery and its installation should, in general, meet with the requirements of one of the Recognized Organizations. The Class Survey, Notation or equivalent should include, as a minimum, propulsion and electrical generation machinery and shafting. For existing and new vessels which operate with periodically unattended machinery spaces, the machinery and its installation should meet the standards of SOLAS II-l/Part E - Additional requirements for periodically unattended machinery spaces, so far as is reasonable and practicable to do so. Plastic piping may be accepted where the piping and the arrangements for its use meet the requirements of the IMO Fire Test Procedures Code. 7.1.2
The requirements for main propulsion are based upon the installation of diesel powered units. When other types of main propulsion are proposed, the arrangements and installation should be specially considered. Where gas turbines are to be fitted, attention should be paid to the guidance contained within the IMO High-Speed Craft Code, and installation is to be to the satisfaction of the Administration.