11 Stability This section outlines the minimum requirements for intact and damage stability. For yachts less than 85m Load Line length, a minor damage methodology is adopted in which damage is assumed not to occur on any bulkhead, deck, or other watertight boundary. 11.1 General 11.1.1
This section deals with the standards for both intact and damage stability. 11.1.2
An intact stability standard proposed for assessment of a yacht type not covered by the standards defined in the Code should be submitted to the Administration for approval at the earliest opportunity. 11.1.3
If used, permanent ballast should be located in accordance with a plan approved by the Administration and in a manner that prevents shifting of position. Permanent ballast should not be removed from the yacht or relocated within the yacht without the approval of the Administration. Permanent ballast particulars should be noted in the ship's stability booklet. Attention should be paid to local or global hull strength requirements from the point of view of the fitting of additional ballast. 11.2
Intact Stability Standards 11.2.1
Motor yachts
Monohull Yachts The curves of statical stability for seagoing conditions should meet the following criteria: .1
The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) should not be less than 0.055 meter-radians up to 30° angle of heel and not less than 0.09 meter-radians up to 400 angle of heel, or the angle of down flooding, if this angle is