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July’s horoscopes brought to you by Russell Grant

While everyone remembers Russell Grant from his Breakfast TV appearances in the 1980’s, most people don’t realise that Russell was the first astrologer in over 300 years to present a horoscope forecast to a member of the Royal Family (HRH Queen Mother). Now dubbed the “Royal Astrologer” Russell has appeared on numerous television shows, including Strictly Come Dancing. He divides his time between London and his North Wales home near Portmeirion. www.russellgrant.com

ARIES (March 21st – April 20th) Finding time to kick back and relax will be difficult in the opening days of July, due to social and financial commitments. Breaking promises for the sake of fun could come back to haunt on you. The New Moon on the 10th favours family time. If you can’t meet with your nearest and dearest, schedule a video conference. Mid-July brings a welcome opportunity to enjoy romance.

TAURUS (April 21st – May 21st) Family responsibilities could get on your nerves in the opening days of the month. No matter what you do, it may not be enough for a demanding relative. The New Moon on the 10th brings a welcome opportunity to realise a cherished goal; expressing your artistic side will be very rewarding. Mid-July is ideal for taking up a course of study.

GEMINI (May 22nd – June 21st) Finding a job that is worthy of your experience will be challenging at the start of July. On the 10th, the New Moon could deliver a lucrative work opportunity that has lots of career potential. You could be attending lots of brainstorming sessions in the middle of the month, either online or with a small group. A legal matter will come to a satisfying conclusion near the 24th.

CANCER (June 22nd – July 23rd) Money could be scarce at the start of July, so budget accordingly. Don’t worry, your luck will shoot through the stratosphere when the New Moon rises on the 10th. This is an ideal time to treat yourself to a makeover, experiment with a new image, or change your name. An exciting chance to share your expertise with an appreciative audience could arrive in mid-July.

LEO (July 24th – August 23rd) Pushing too hard towards a goal could backfire in the opening days of the month. Instead of working around the clock, take a relaxing break and assume that what you want will arrive. The New Moon on the 10th finds you devoting more time to spiritual pursuits. Detaching from the material world can be as simple as taking nature walks, listening to music, or gazing at a body of water.

VIRGO (August 24th – September 23rd) Beating yourself up can drive opportunity from your door in early July. Replace all self-criticism with lavish praise, even if it feels awkward at first. The New Moon on the 10th could find you joining a group or organisation devoted to your favourite cause. Even if you can’t meet in person, you’ll enjoy some lively conversations online. LIBRA (September 24th – October 23rd) Friends may not be sympathetic to your desire for private time in early July. While you long to pour your energy into a creative project, they demand your company. Try striking a healthy balance between your public and personal lives. On the 10th, the New Moon could drop a marvellous career opportunity into your lap. Not only will your duties be engrossing, but the perks will be considerable.

SCORPIO (October 24th – November 22nd) An overbearing person will drive you to distraction at the opening of the month. Resist the temptation to quit a good job over a temporary power struggle. The New Moon on the 10th invites you to expand your horizons in some exciting ways. It’s a great time to plan a trip, enrol in an online course, or start a writing project. Resist the temptation to heap scorn on a so-called expert.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd – December 21st) The New Moon on the 10th sends bolts of electricity through your love life; this is a wonderful time to get lost in your partner’s arms. If you’re single, you could meet someone special via an online dating site. Having fun sending flirtatious messages back and forth until you’re finally able to meet in person. The middle of the month could find you enjoying more domestic pursuits.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd – January 20th) Instead of focusing on your struggles, cultivate feelings of abundance. By focusing on what you have, you’ll attract even more blessings. This will become obvious on the 10th, thanks to a highly romantic New Moon. If you’re single, you could meet someone special through a mutual friend; let this relationship start slowly with some flirtatious texts.

AQUARIUS (January 21st – February 19th) The New Moon on the 10th could attract a wonderful job that draws on your imagination. Not only will this position be creative fulfilling, but it will be financially rewarding as well. Intense romantic encounters could characterise the middle of the month; have fun flirting with the object of your desire. On the 24th, the Full Moon fulfils a personal wish.

PISCES (February 20th – March 20th) It might feel like someone is trying to sabotage you at work at the start of July. Stay out of danger by remaining calm and refusing to get defensive about your contributions. Once the New Moon rises on the 10th, you will be so wrapped up in romantic pursuits that job matters will seem like minor annoyances. Mid-July is ideal for meeting someone special.

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