1 - 10 March 2011 Issue 5 - Volume 12 CEMETERY SERVICES & MAINTENANCE
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Emigration figures may be overblown? By John McTigue
N recent weeks and months the figures and predictions for emigration from Ireland have been stark, and the tragic implications have been used for strategic effect by political parties, lobbyists and other media. However, Northwest Express, in the course of drilling down through the statistics, has discovered that reality may differ considerably from perception.
Paul Kiely Navigated Tim McNulty to his first Victory at the Galway International Rally which was on recently This is the Sligo mans fourth win at the event in the co drivers seat. Photo: James Burke
Your Local Travel Experts Warning of disease risk from reptile pets Book your holiday with us for total peace of mind and we will do the rest! Unit 7 D-Mek Centre,Teeling Street, Ballina, Co, Mayo
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PARENTS have been warned that reptiles are not appropriate pets for children under five. The Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) made the warning after an infant contracted botulism following exposure to a turtle or turtle feed combined. The HPSC also pointed out that a significant proportion of cases of salmonella are associated with contact with reptiles. Dr Paul McKeown, specialist in public health medicine at the HPSC said recently, there has been one case of botulism, in a small baby, associated with pet turtles. "On top of that, in 2008, a year when we had 449 cases of salmonellosis, fifteen of these cases had recent contact with reptiles. Continued on Page 2
The issue of emigration is one that strikes an emotional chord with every Irish person. We have a storied history of emigration at times of crisis from the Flight of the Earls to ‘Black ‘47’, to the eighties and up to today. While it is wildly accepted that mass emigration has returned to Ireland and the communities of the northwest, a study of the figures by this newspaper tells a different story. Recently, the ESRI projected that 100,000 people will have left the country in the two years up to April 2012. This is on top of the CSO figure of 34,500 people who left the country in the year up to April 2010; so 134,500 people will have left this country between April 2009 and April 2012. How realistic could this be? Firstly, it is important to point out the figure of 100,000 people leaving the country isn’t the number of emigrants, but the level of ‘net outward migration’, or in other words the number of people leaving the country, minus the number entering the country; yes people are still immigrating. So the number you hear in the news headlines isn’t the number of emigrants, it is the difference between the number of emigrants and immigrants or ‘net outward migration.’ Continued on Page 2
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Emigration figures may be overblown?
Continued from front page The last confirmed figure for net outward migration of 34,500 from April ’09 – April ’10 comes from the CSO. The figure for actual emigration is 65,300 while 30,800 people immigrated. The actual number of emigrants is, of course, disconcerting, but the fact that people still come to Ireland is heartening. Second, the 100,000 figure is an ESRI prediction. (It may be useful to point out that the ERSI’s Spring 2010 quarterly report specifically said the banking crisis "in no way threatens the solvency of the State.") The recent ESRI net outward migration estimates have been wrong. They predicted net outward migration of 30,000 in the year up to April 2009, whereas the CSO estimated it at 7,800. For the year up to April 2010 the ESRI predicted a figure of 40,000, while the CSO subsequently estimated it to be 34,500. We won’t get the CSO’s estimates for the year up to April 2011, which the ESRI predicted at 50,000, ‘til September 2011 when the Population and Migration Estimates are published. So, while the ESRI’s estimates have been shown to be overestimated in the past, the 100,000 figure is reported without qualification. Third, our political and media elite have been pointing to a re-
turn to mass emigration, well before the figures have confirmed it, for their own ends. For example, on June 6th, 2008, Fianna Fail sources, quoted in The Irish Independent warned "It's a wake-up call and the people of Ireland will have to realise if this doesn't go through there will be emigration again.” This was a warning against voting NO to Lisbon I. On October 12th, 2008 the Sunday Independent ran a ‘Mass Emigration’ to Oz article. “The spectre of mass emigration has returned as young professionals decide that living Down Under is a better option than facing an Irish recession.” This was based on the “staggering” figure that 45,300 people emigrated in the year up to April 2008. This, however, was only a modest rise from 42,200 in the previous year and 36,000 in the year up to April 2006. Indeed when this article was written immigration still outstripped emigration by 38,500. On October 28th, 2008 Padraig Walshe, president of the Irish Farmer’s Association said: “If Fianna Fáil desert those peo this stage we will return to ple at the dark days of emigration, with rural parishesdecimated.” He was speaking against cuts in the early October budget that affected farmers.
This was all said, even though in the year up to April 2009, a return to net outward migra- emigrant Irish were outnumtion was not confirmed till Sep- bered 2 to 1 by EU 12 nationals tember 2009, when the CSO and of the 65,300 who emiestimated it at 7,800 in their grated in the year up to April Population and Migration Esti- 2010, only 27,700 were Irish, mates, long after these claims not even half. Many thousands were made. This brings us to the of those emigrating are EU12 line on the lips of many election nationals who came here only in candidates: “A thousand people the past five or six years. are leaving the country per The ‘brain drain’ is not as week.” Left out of that state- acute today as it was in late ment is the qualification that the ‘eighties. In the Higher EducaSOME BENEFITS figure is a guess, is itself a crass tion Authorities statistics on the • TREATS MOULD AND CONDENSATION PROBLEMS simplification to increase its im- ‘first destination’ of third level • REDUCES RADON LEVELS • AIR QUALITY IN YOUR HOME IMPROVES DRAMATICALLY pact andis based on an estimate graduates you can see that in • WILL HELP PEOPLE WHO HAVE ASTHMA/ALLERGIES that from an organisation has 1987 23% of undergraduates • FITTED BY TRAINED PERSONNEL exaggerated its estimates 2 years and 26% of postgraduates were • NO FUSS-NO MESS running. employed abroad whereas in Fourth, emigration patterns 2009 the numbers were 7% and are not what they were at in the 9% respectively. For one thing the late ‘eighties. Finally, in 2006 Bertie Ahern population in April 2010 was said, ‘The boom is getting 4,470,700, while in 1986 it was boomier’ and in 2006 emigra- www. drimaster.ie 3,540,643, an increase in nearly tion was at 36,000. So in 2006 You can also call us on 1890 908 318 or 096 79201 1 million, or 26%. The worst when the economy was at its or email us at info@drimaster.ie year for emigration in the ‘eight- ‘boomiest’, 36,000 people left ies was 1989, when 70,800 em- the country and in the depth of igrated. The last year we have our depression April 2009 – accurate numbers for is the year April 2010, 65,300 left the up to April 2010 when emigra- country, not even twice as many. is a personal tion was 65,300. However, alEmigration lowing for a 26% increase in tragedy for friends and families, population, the equivalent figure not a national crisis. existential today for that 1989 figure of Net outward migration is the in 70,600 would be 88, 956, which evitable result of having too few we are still far off of and unlikely jobs. We will see in September to reach, even if the ERSI pre- whether the ESRI’s 100,000 fig- dictions are right. In the way accurate. ure is in any Also, in the ‘eighties nearly all meantime, the emigration statis who emigrated were Irish. Now, tics should not be overblown.
Warning risk from of disease reptile pets Continued from Front page
John Crossan Business Park, Bonage, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal Very worryingly, nine of these fifteen cases were in DISCOUNTONBULKORDERS children under one year of age. This tells us that these diseases are appear ing too commonly in households that have pet reptiles and too com monly in infants and ba bies.” The HPSC says small children are not the only group at increased risk of illness from reptiles - preg nant women, elderly or frail adults or immunosuppressed people. be “Given these risks”, said Dr McKeown, “reptiles should not age of kept as pets in a house where there are children under the five.” He added that for most people, keeping reptiles does not pose a significant are taken. health risk, as long as proper hygiene steps These include proper handling of reptiles and disposal of waste and following contact with reptiles and water, frequent handwashing Also keeping your reptiles in their tank. selling garden Sheds, Pallets Further information is available on the HPSC website and Garden Furniture, Made to order
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IT Sligo Lecturer’s ‘Grow Rings’ Gets Dragons’ Investment RTE’s Dragon Dens recently returned to our screens. IT Sligo Creative Design Lecturer, Dave Roberts starred on the first with a novel business idea that grew from his design of a flat pack home gardening system. The unique design enables gardening enthusiasts to erect raised garden beds that sit on any surface, in a matter of minutes. Having caught the attention of both Sean Gallagher and Bobby Kerr, Dave Roberts and his equally enthusiastic business partner Martin Hendricken, successfully secured an investment for their business, Flat Pack Garden Solutions Limited. Revealing the idea behind his creation Roberts, who has been a lecturer at Sligo IT for more than 20years said “There is a lack of available growing space in many small urban gardens and what soil is available is often of poor quality and full of rubble. “Soil availability isn’t an issue with ‘Grow Rings’ because the compost and soil is inserted into the structure, independent of the surface. Personally, I hate having to traverse through a mucky gar-
den to pick my vegetables, and that was one of the driving forces behind the design of the Grow Ring. They can rest on concrete, grass, or soil and work equally effectively,” he said. “Another barrier for some people to starting their own garden beds is using tools to erect the structure in the first place. The ‘Grow Rings’ I’ve designed can be erected anywhere, with minimum fuss. It erects itself in a few seconds.” Gardening is one of the few industries prospering in the current economic situation and Dave and his business partner are hopeful that their design will encourage more people to get growing; “50 per cent of people in Ireland aged between 25 and 45 are aspiring gardeners and for every 100 allotments in Britain, there are more than 60 people on the waiting list. There’s no doubt that there is a renewed interest in gardening and in particular in growing vegetables and herbs, and I hope that our product will open it up to an even wider audience,” the entrepreneur said.
Sligo County Council's "unacceptable practices" criticism
AS our country struggles to escape one of the worst economic recessions in history, local authorities, including Sligo County Council, have spent millions of euro of taxpayers' money without putting contracts out to the market to
seek better value. Department of Finance guidelines state that contracts must be put out to teder in order to potentially save the country millions each year. The local government auditor has criticised councils, according to
a recent Irish Independent report. All public contracts over 50,000 must be advertised in national newspapers and on a specified website, but councils are routinely ignoring the regulations. Sligo County Council was criticised for "unacceptable practices" where orders for services were placed by junior officials without being granted by senior management. A complaint was also made to the European Anti-Fraud Office, by the border, midland and western regional assembly, following an audit that revealed the amounts paid to contractors on four schemes were between 65pc and 127pc higher than necessary. Reports by the local government auditor also show: * Monaghan County Council paid 2.5m to a contractor
for environmental services, but the job wasn't publicly advertised. * A road in Wexford, costing 5.6m, was built without being advertised, and there were "several other breaches" of the tendering process. County councillors have also been disparaged as despite spending tens of thousands of euro attending conferences reports on the proceedings were never submitted, despite being required to by law. The auditor also found that staff and elected members of certain councils failed to submit statutory declarations of their property interests, even after repeated warnings. The report revealed that Clare county and Limerick city spent almost 70,000 on five separate conferences raising concern about the worth of such events.
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Boost for Mayo tourism NEW proposals to uplift and revitalise the Irish tourism industry have been widely welcomed by Co.Mayo hoteliers. The Irish Tourist Industry Confederation, the Irish Hotels Federation, IBEC, the IFA and Chambers Ireland launched the 10-point plan which intends to develop and promote tourism opportunities. The plan aims to carry-out extensive marketing campaigns overseas using world-recognised Irish personalities and also appoint 1000 Failte personnel. 180,000 jobs will be maintained and a further 20,000 created if implemented correctly generating 6.2billion in much-needed revenue. Heritage, culture, activity holidays and the unique feel of the rural West will be the main focus of the campaign. Joe Queenan, managing director of Foxford Woollen Mills also recognises the importance of Knock Airport in developing the Wests overseas links.“People come to Ireland for the heritagethey want to get a feel for the country” he concluded positively.
Donegal Cllr’s son is New Zealand earthquake hero
Following one of the worst earthquakes in New Zealands history Donegal man Paddy McGowan has been hailed a hero after pulling two people from a collapsed building. The 26-year-old construction worker from Killygordon, was in an internet cafe in the busling centre of Christchurch when the earthquake struck. He compard the scene to the movie ‘Independence Day’, as pavements started moving up from the road and drains started sinking. The experienced lifeguard modestly admitted he ran to the aid of helpless people trapped beneath rubble in a nearby shop, retrieving a woman and man on to the street. “We pulled the man out. He was unconscious. We kept doing CPR on him but the guy had passed away,” he said yesterday. Minutes later, he consciously alerted police to the distinct smell of gas and prevented distraught people from going down the street until police closed it off. Paddys proud father, Donegal councillor Patrick McGowan Snr expressed his delight in learning his son was safe and well and his deep pride in his sons quick thinking heroic actions.
Croagh Patrick – a Worthwhile Challenge
IT’S COUNTDOWN time to this year’s Croagh Patrick Challenge which takes place between 11th and 17th March. So far, for the 5th year of the event, 165 climbers are listed for the Challenge and the organisers are hoping to add to the 421,000 already raised for autism since the commencement of this initiative back in 2007. Things have moved on since the early years and this is now a national event, much to the delight of Irish Autism Ac-
tion who are extremely happy with the response from other counties. Funds collected within each county remain in that county, and in Mayo’s case the recipient is the Athas specialised school in Kiltimagh.This school employs ABA (Applied Behavioural Analysis) methods in the education and treatment of children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. The Challenge, originally mooted by local Castlebar DJ Johnny Oosten, when his friend’s son, Jordan, was diagnosed with autism in 2006, is the only provider of funds for the Kiltimagh facility, which depends on the proceeds for current and future requirements. They receive no state funding whatsoever. Currently, it teaches four children full-time and six on a part-time basis. To date, it is both difficult and expensive to recruit suitably qualified staff. But plans are in place to have a number of qualified university students obtain work experience in the facility. Since the beginning over 6,000 climbs have taken place, with over 300 taking on the challenge to date. This year, worldrenowned climber Ian McKeever will attempt a new Irish record, to repeat five climbs each day (35 in all) over the seven days. He will be accompanied by many Mayo sports personalities, including John Maughan and, hopefully, John O’Mahony.
Also taking part will be Today FM ‘s Keith Cunningham, who has been promoting the event at national level. There will be a link-up with Hector of 2FM.The organisers are extremely grateful to all of these; also to personalities like James Kilbane,Trudy Lawlor, Caroline and John Eaton (Jivan Ivan),and C & W singer Gerry Carney, who has even penned a song “Helping Hands” for the occasion. Thanks are extended to Johnny Groden and the Murrisk Community; also, Mayo Mountain Rescue, Order of Malta, Mayo Civil Defence, in addition to all the media support. Ocean FM will sponsor a special bus with 40 climbers from Sligo, Donegal and Leitrim. Credit must go to main sponsor, Supervalu (Castlebar) for maintaining such tremendous support. In addition, the generous contributions of the following is acknowledged: Portwest Ltd., McHale Caravans, Cashin Printing, Johnson, Mooney & O’Brien (bread), Kettrick Butchers (Castlebar) (ham), Castlecourt Hotel, Icon Signs, Mulroy family (Castlebar), All Affairs Catering, Kaptec (Castlebar), Wear It Out (Castlebar). Event Co-Ordinator Pat Kearns and Johnny Oosten wish to say a huge thank you to everyone for their generosity, particularly as times are difficult. Let’s hope the efforts of all will be rewarded for such a worthy cause.
Boomtime buyers bypassed apartments for a suburban semi
Despite the mountains of apartments erected during the Celtic Tiger a snapshot of home ownership reveals that, for most of us, only a house is considered a home. Research shows that despite the
widespread availability of luxury' apartments in 'exclusive' developments during the boom, buyers instead opted for the traditional semi-d in the suburbs. Recently published The Eurostat
housing report 2009, reveals that Ireland has the lowest level of flat dwelling in the EU with an average of 3.1% of our population living in flats or appartments.. When aligned with our current population figures shows that under 140,000 people live in a flat despite the fact that 130,000 new appartments were developed between 2000 and 2009. Ireland surpasses the EU average of 23% living in semi-detached or terraced houses with almost 58% choosing them here. Detached houses are also popular, with 39pc living in these -- compared with the average of 34pc. Slovenia and Latvia favour flats as a form of accommodation while our European neighbours, the Netherland,s have the highest population living in semi-detached or terraced houses. More worrying statistics also re-
leased as part of the investigation show that tens of thousands of people in developed Ireland are living in sub-standard accommodation. 13.2% of our population live in a home affected by damp or a leaking roof which is just below the EU average of 15.9pc. A further 166,000 Irish residents maintain their home is overcrowded and too small for the numbers living in it. In Ireland some 252,000 (5.6pc) say that darkness is a problem, compared with the EU average of 7.3pc. 13,500 (0.3pc) people have no indoor toilet, while 27,000 (0.6pc) lack a bath or shower which are classified as basic necessities. This compares with a 3.5pc average for no toilet, and 3.1pc for no shower across the EU. Romania, is EU’s worst sufferer of this lack of facilities with 42.5pc and 41.2pc respectively. Following The Department of the
Environment’s introduction of new standards for rented accommodation in February 2009,all homes are now required to have a shower or bath, indoor toilet and be free of damp. However, a spokesman on behalf of the Department said landlords had until February 2013 to make the necessary improvements. "To allow sufficient time for landlords to make necessary improvements to their properties, a four-year phasing-in period to come into compliance with the sanitary requirements of the regulations was also provided for; this period expires on February 1, 2013,” which means many struggling families will be forced to endure these appalling conditions for a further two years. From February 2013, fines for noncompliant buildings are up to 5,000, and the fine for each day of a continuing offence is 400.
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Psoriasis patients throughout the North West are invited to attend a free psoriasis information day in Tohers Pharmacy, O’Connell Street, Sligo town on Friday March 11th between 11am and 2.30pm. In excess of 6,000 people living in the area have the skin condition. On the day dermatology Nurse Caroline Kennedy will advise patients on the different types of psoriasis, management of the condition and compliance with treatments. aAlthough psoriasis is incurable there are treatments available to manage or even give clearance. Patients are urged to visit their doctor or dermatologist rather than suffer in silence with the condition. Psoriasis is a debilitating, chronic condition characterised by dry, red patches and thick silvery scales on the skin. It can be extremely itchy, leading to scratching and bleeding. The
most common areas on the body for psoriasis are the scalp, elbows and knees. The condition can come and go at any time but some people will develop it if other trigger factors are present such as throat infection, sunburn, stress, other medications and alcohol. To reserve an appointment call into Tohers or phone 071-9142896. For more information about psoriasis visit www.mypsoriasis.ie where a free iPhone app can be downloaded to help patients manage their condition.
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Dancers hoping to make a splash in Semi Finals
Most 'locked in' patients are happy ging from the other judges for losing his all ireland title to Dana last year, Daithi O' Sé was one very happy man when Sean Nos ar an tSionann guaranteed him a place in the semi final. Sean Nós ar an tSionann are hoping to go on and win the All Ireland Talent Show Final with your support and donate 10,000 of the winnings to Our Lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin. "This is an extremely important hospital that does amazing work for the sick children of Ireland. There are some very special children who attend my classes every week that would not be dancing with us today if it weren't for Our Lady's Children's Hospital. We want to do it for them and for all the children being treated in Our Lady's that deserve a happy and healthy childhood." (Edwina Guckian - Drumsna) So tune in to RTE 1, Sunday the 13th March @ 6.30pm on the All Ireland Talent Show, where Sean Nos ar an tSionann will be dancing their hearts out for Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon and the West, for sean nós, for Daithí and for Our Lady's Children's Hospital and give them your vote to get them to the Final. Find out if Sean Nos ar an tsionnann are performing in a venue near you soon by checking out www.facebook.com/seannosarantsionan
Most ‘locked in' patients say they are happy, the largest survey of its kind has revealed. Locked-in syndrome describes a condition in which a person is fully conscious, but cannot move or communicate, except through eye movements or blinking. It is caused by brain stem injury and those affected can survive for decades. Belgian researchers surveyed 168 people with locked in syndrome on their medical history and emotional state.They were also asked about their views on end of life issues. Around two in three had a partner and lived at home and most (70%) had religious beliefs. Over half the respondents acknowledged severe restrictions on their ability to reinteBURSTING with energy and en- Lynch, Shannonside Fm, Ocean Fm, New Year's Eve they danced their grate back into the community and lead a northusiasm, the wild West's, Sean Midwest Radio and i102-104. Over socks off in front of the nation and mal life. Only one in five were able to partake Nós ar an tSionann take to the the past few weeks the group have topped the public vote beating off in everyday activities they considered imporstage again on the All Ireland Talent performed with Declan Nerney, stiff competition, putting them tant. Show Semi Final, Sunday March Mike Denver, Paul Claffey Tours straight through to the semi finals. Not surprisingly, depression, suicidal "We couldn't believe it when and visited national schools, nurs13th. thoughts and a desire not to be resuscitated The group from Sligo, Leitrim, ing homes, shopping centres, hos- Grainne Seoige announced that we should the need arise were more common Roscommon and Kerry, represent- pitals, GAA matches, Comhaltas were the top act voted by the pubamong those who said they were unhappy. ing Daithí O' Sé and the West have concerts and fundraising functions lic. We were delighted to have However overall, almost three in four (72%) made it to the live shows but we caused quite a stir around Con- all over the region. said they were happy. Being lead by dancing teacher, weren't expecting the huge supnacht with over 4000 friends on Among the 28% who said they were unFacebook and national support Edwina Guckian, this young sean port we got. Shocked but very happy, difficulties getting around, restrictions from Derek Mooney, Paddy nos dancing group already cleaned grateful!" (Niamh Kerins Ballyon recreational or social activities and coping McKenna, Ruth Scott, Katherine up in the first of the live shows. On mote) After getting a lot of slagwith life events were the sources of their unhappiness. Other issues associated with unhappiness were being locked in for a shorter period (less than a year), feeling anxious and a failure to rethe researchers found that the ma- better. "Our findings are important, as cover speech. jority (73%) of THC-treated paJust 7% who responded to a question asking tients reported an increased there is no accepted treatment for overall appreciation of food com- chemosensory alterations experi- whether they wanted to opt for euthanasia, pared with patients receiving a enced by cancer patients. We are said they would want to do so. The researchers suggested that a greater placebo (30%). Furthermore, the excited about the possibilities that THC patients more often stated THC could be used to improve pa- focus on rehabilitation and more aggressive that their medication ‘made food tients' enjoyment of food," she treatment of anxiety could therefore make a big difference to those affected. They pointed taste better' (55%) compared with commented. She said that it is ‘very important out that it can take these patients a year or the placebo patients (10%). The majority of THC patients to address these problems', as more to adapt to this huge change in their cir(64%) had increased appetite and both appetite loss and alterations cumstances. none showed a decrease in ap- to taste and smell lead to involun"Our data show that, whatever the physical petite. By contrast, the majority of tary weight loss and a reduction in devastation and mental distress of these papatients receiving a placebo had ei- an individual's ability to tolerate tients during the acute phase of the condition, ther decreased appetite (50%) or treatment and to stay healthy in optimal life sustaining care and revalidation can general. showed no change (20%). have major long-term benefit.We suggest that "Additionally, the social enjoy- patients recently struck by the syndrome Although there was no difference in the total number of calo- ment of eating is greatly reduced should be informed that given proper care, is affected. For a they have a considerable chance of regaining a the and quality of life ries consumed by both groups, THE active ingredient in cannabis result of their illness for two THC patients tended to increase long time, everyone has thought happy life," the researchers from the University may improve the appetite and weeks or more. that that nothing could be done about Hospital of Liége said. the proportion of protein sense of taste in cancer patients, All were being treated with they ate and 55% reported that the findings are likely to Indeed, cancer patients are this. They added that the results of a new study indicate. chemotherapy, or had been in the savoury foods tasted better. perception that these On often told to ‘cope' with challenge the patients According to Canadian re- past. The patients were randomly the other hand, no patients in the chemosensory problems by eating can no longer enjoy a good quality of life. searchers, loss of appetite is com- assigned to receive medication placebo group reported arepublished in the an in- bland, cold and odourless food. Details of these findings mon among cancer patients. This from a pharmacist in a double- creased This may well have the result of re liking for these foods. can be due to the cancer itself, or blind manner, which meant that The researchers from the Uni- ducing food intake and food enjoy- journal, BMJ Open. the treatment, affecting the sense neither the patients nor the doc- versity of Alberta pointed out that ment," Dr Wismer explained. of taste and smell. This can lead to tors knew which treatment they cancer patients often find The researchers said that larger, that decreased enjoyment of food, were receiving. Eleven patients re- meat smells and tastes unpleasant phase II trials should test their findwhich in turn can lead to weight ceived oral capsules containing and as a result, they eat less of it. ings further, but in the meantime, loss, anorexia, poor quality of life delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol that Meanwhile, the study also found Dr Wismer thinks doctors and decreased survival. (THC) - the main psychoactive in- that the THC patients reported should consider THC treatment Finding effective ways of helping gredient in cannabis - and eight pa- better quality of sleep and relax- for cancer patients. cancer patients to maintain a good tients were assigned to the control ation than the placebo group. "It could be investigated for any diet and consume enough calories group to receive placebo capsules. According to lead researcher, Dr stage of cancer where taste and is an important aspect of treatThe participants took the cap Wendy Wismer, this is the first ran- smell dysfunction and appetite loss ment. sules every day for an 18-day pe- domised controlled trial to show has been indicated by the patient," The researchers ran a small pilot riod. that THC makes food taste better she said. findings are pub Details of these study in adult patients with any adBased on patient answers to and improves appetites for patients of On well as lished in the journal, vanced cancer (except brain can- questionnaires conducted before, with advanced cancer, as Annals cer), who had been eating less as a during and at the end of the trial, helping them to sleep and relax cology.
Cannabis may aid appetite of cancer patients
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IT Sligo crowned Irish Student National Surfing Champions 2011 The IT Sligo Surf Club was declared ‘Irish Student Surfing Champions’ at the Irish Student National Surfing Championships in Portrush on February 19 and 20. A team of six IT Sligo surfers, captained and coached by IT Sligo lecturer Kerry Larkin, took home five gold medals, one silver and the title of Irish Student National Surfing Champions 2011. The event was hosted by University of Ulster, Coleraine Campus Surf Club and took place in West Strand, Portrush. The waves were small but perfect for competition with IT Sligo Ronan Ortzen of Health Science and Ione Byrne of Applied Archaeology performing exceptionally well. The women’s longboard title was taken in style by Lone Byrne who surfed with style and dominated this event, whilst Ronan Ortzen proved why he is considered one of the strongest surfers in the country, easily winning the men's open division. The IT Sligo team demonstrated an exceptional level of expertise, dominating all categories they entered. In the Men’s Bodyboard, IT Sligo’s Ryan McEnroe pulled off all the stops and claimed the gold medal and managed to retain his title for a second year in a row. Nicky Schiffer managed to claim 1st place in the Women’s Bodyboard after seeing off some stiff competition, and IT Sligo's Christian McCleod was narrowly pushed into second place to take silver in the men's longboard
From Left to Right are Irish Student National Surfing Champions 2011; Ione Byrne (with cup), Christian McLeod (seated), Ryan McEnroe (seated at back), Nicole Schiffer (on surfboard), Ronan Ortzen (kneeling in front), Dan Simpson ( standing at back holding board) and team coach and captain, IT Sligo lecturer Kerry Larkin.
division. The Sligo Surf Club also provided lessons for 20 novice members of the club over the weekend, including IT Sligo Erasmus students Daniela Peifer and Maike Möllers.
Death of a Genius - TP Flanagan Dies (80) CONSIDERED by many within the art industry as one of Ireland’s most talented artists,TP Flanagan died on Tuesday last aged 80. With his idyllic watercolours and intricate brush strokes, he was one of the most successful artists of his generation. For more than 60 years his breath-taking landscapes and peaceful rural scenes have dominated the art industry of Northern Ireland. Flanagan was world-renowned for his heartfelt paintings of his native Fermanagh and more recently Sligo. He artwork focuses primarily on Fermanagh, Sligo and Donegal. His childhood spent in Sligo with his aunt, based at Lissadell House are portrayed amazingly through his spectacular landscapes of picturesque Lissadell. He also mystically evoked the low-lying, watery terrain of south Fermanagh. Born in Co Fermanagh in 1929 Flanagan spent much of his childhood walking through the landscape scenes he later produced in watercolour. After studying at the Belfast College of Art until 1953, he became a teacher at St Mary’s College of Education.The father-of-three, received an honorary doctorate from the University of Ulster in recognition of his supreme talent, just before his 80th birthday. Friends and comrades of Flanagan’s expressed their utter sorrow upon hearing of his death.
Good times for Ballina swimmer
The IT Sligo Surf Club will host the Competition next year in Sligo and it is intended to develop IT Sligo as a surfing and educational hot spot for young and up and coming surfers.
Enjoy the best from the grape with the specially commended wine List at Knockranny House Hotel the world. The extensive wine list now contains 270 bottles, all categorised by countries of origin and then split into specific regions. Each bottle on the award-winning restaurant’s list is individually chosen to provide a rich and varied choice for everyone who loves wine, and in-house sommelier Nick Faujour is always on hand to offer his exceptional knowledge and expertise. Knockranny House Hotel’s owner Adrian Noonan is delighted with the recognition that the hotel and its restaurant are receiving. He said:“We constantly strive to provide our guests with the very best in everything, from luxury accommodation, to delectable food, fine wines and first-class service.” “We were over the moon when La Fougère was awarded Best Hotel Restaurant 2010 by the Restaurant Association of Ireland, and Best Four Star Hotel in Ireland 2010, and now we are equally Fireplaces • Stoves • Gas • Oil• Solid Fuel delighted with the Special • Electric • Granite Worktop Specialists
KNOCKRANNY House Hotel, in Westport, Co Mayo, is delighted to have been awarded a Special Commendation for Best Wine List in Ireland at the Conde Nast Johansens 2011 Annual Awards for Excellence. The awards are made each year to those properties worldwide that represent the finest standards and best value for money in luxury and independent accommodation. The large glass-fronted, walk-through wine cellar in Knockranny House Hotel’s restaurant, La Fougère, is a prime example of the importance the hotel places on offering guests a superb choice of wines from around
Commendation for our wine list.” He added: “People come to Knockranny House Hotel for an experience and we try our hardest to ensure they leave having thoroughly enjoyed every moment of their time here.” To celebrate Knockranny House Hotel have put together a very special event for food and wine lovers on March 12th. This celebratory weekend costs from 179pps and includes two nights B&B, together with a tutored wine tasting from a selection of wines taken from our award winning list. These fine wines are the inspiration behind the sumptuous nine course tasting menu created by Connaughts Best Chef, Seamus Commons which you will enjoy on Saturday evening in La Fougere- Irelands Best Hotel Restaurant-2010.Your tasting menu will also be accompanied with wine matches. A Dinner, Bed & Breakfast package is also available from 145pps. Non residents can enjoy this fantastic gourmet experience on March 12th - with a nine course gourmet tasting menu including wine matches for just 84pp. For bookings please call us on 098 28600 or visit our website www.khh.ie.
The Biggest & Best Value Fireplace Showrooms in Ireland Sligo Road, Enniskillen. Phone: 048 66 326 327 Save €€€s by calling to us
Deirdre Cullen - La Fougere's Restaurant Manager receiving the Conde Nast Johansen Award
SHANE Dunne of the Ballina Dolphins did the business at the Connacht Championships in Tuam. Shane was in great form with excellent times in freestyle and back crawl with freestyle 400 metre 5:30.87 and back crawl 200 metre 3:01.23. Well done Shane from everyone in Ballina Dolphins.
Legends Triumph in Europe
The benefits of healthy exercise and good living radiate from the Boyle Celtic Legends, as all who have their Calendar hanging on their walls can see for themselves. It is a tribute to their vigour and vitality that this team of 40 and 50-somethings continues to seek out new challenges at home and abroad. Having raised almost 15,000 with The Calendar and presented the proceeds to The Boyle Branch of The Brothers of Charity, the Legends got back to footballing business last weekend and travelled to Berlin to take on SC Berliner which they overcame easily with a convincing 5-0 win.
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Locals object to erection of wind turbines
Range of free public events at Enterprise & Innovation Week 2011 TWENTY four free public events will be hosted during the second annual IT Sligo Enterprise & Innovation Week, which takes place from March 1st to 4th. The event celebrates IT Sligo’s links with enterprise and the community, featuring experts on a range of subjects including, innovation, leadership, team buildfemale ing, sales entrepreneurship, skills, and digital media marketing, in a series of free public sessions. The theme of March 1st Host Anton Savage will is ‘Promoting Student Enbe at the Sligo IT on trepreneurship’ and events Wednesday include a presentation from Larry Farrell, a leading authority and writer on international entrepreneurship, a Games Arcade, a seminar on Computer Clouding, an ‘Ideas Generation’ Workshop, and the Sligo VEC’s Dragon’s Den Final. ‘Supporting Enterprise Development’ is the theme of the second day, March 2nd and events include a social media workshop, seminars on sales skills, a workshop with leading entrepreneur Eleanor McEvoy and a communications seminar.The key note event of the week, a panel discussion on the ‘Global Prospects for Irish Talent’ chaired by broadcaster Anton Savage, will take place on Wednesday too. . The final day of Enterprise & Innovation Week on Friday, March 4th will be hosted at the The Model, Sligo, and features a workshop on the future of the creative industry in the North West with contributions from Rory O’Connor; Sligo Live, Gerry O’Boyle; The Boogaloo Club, London, Mary McAuliffe; Arts Officer, Sligo County Council and Ian Brannigan; Western Development Commission. President of IT Sligo, Professor Terri Scott, said that Enterprise & Innovation Week is a sign of the strong relationships that exist between IT Sligo and the regional and “Enterprise & Innovation international business community; Week is an important event in our academic calendar and of our commitment is a practical demonstration to enter of the North West region.” prise and the development Innovation All the events at Enterprise and Week are free and open to the public. Registration is required for all events. Please register by logging on at www.itsligo.ie./in novationweek or by calling 071 91 55288
THE Gweebarra Conservation group has said a decision to allow the construction of a wind farm in Glenties will destroy Donegal’s cultural traditions. An Bord Pleanala granted permission for the wind-farm despite 10 parties having expressed opposition or concerns about the development, including the Irish Peatlands and Conservation Group. Permission had initially been applied for the construction of a wind farm seven kilometres Northeast of Glenties comprising 35 wind turbines, control building, compound, access and all associated site works. Despite objections the planning board has granted conditional planning permission for the project, which reduced the size of the wind-farm to 13 turbines. In a statement, the Gweebara Conservation Group says the decision signals the death of the Gaelic cultural traditions in this area. They say people will be forced to move away to avoid the health dangers of living within 2-4km of the turbines. The group claims Donegal County Council and An Bord Pleanala are going against best international practice by allowing industrial turbines and high voltage power lines to be located within 500m of people’s homes as there are health dangers associated with the high voltage power lines which are needed to take power away from wind farms. They add that the tourism industry will be destroyed as no-one will come to a county decorated with turbines on every hill.
Irish Cancer Society seek Volunteers for Daffodil Day THE Irish Cancer Society is hoping the people of the Northwest will be even more generous than they were last year when Daffodil Day is held once again on March 25. The society is currently looking for volunteers to fundraise for this year’s event so they can reach their target of 3.7 million nationally, up from the 3.3 million raised in 2010. The funds raised on Daffodil Day are used in every county in the Republic. The Irish Cancer Society is appealing for the Northwest’s ‘Ordinary Heroes’ to help make this year’s event a success by volunteering to sell daffodils for a few hours on March 25, organising a fundraising event, order a box of Daffodils for your club or organisation or getting your workplace involved. 21,000 people contacted the Irish Cancer Society’s Cancer Information Service and over 900,000 in financial aid was pro-
vided in 2010. John McCormack, CEO of the Irish Cancer Society, said: said “Ireland’s cancer rate is one of the highest in the world. One in three of us will be diagnosed with cancer during our life time and it is estimated that by 2020, 40,000 new cases will be diagnosed. These stark figures mean that there is an ever increasing demand for the direct patient care services provided by the Irish Cancer Society. “Times are hard – so we must work harder to ensure that our vital patient services are not compromised. We know that some people might not be able to give as much this year. We want the Irish public to know that we appreciate and need every donation, no matter what size because cancer is on the rise and we need every euro raised on Daffodil Day to help the thousands of people diagnosed every year.”
OVER forty members of the 58th Reserve Infantry Battalion will be travelling to New York, totally at their own expense and at no cost to the taxpayer, to take part in the world’s largest St Patrick’s Day Parade on the historic occasion of its 250th Anniversary. The 58th Reserve Infantry Battalion is a unit of the Army reserve with an area of operations covering the Counties of Donegal, Sligo and Leitrim. There are strong ties with the 69th Regiment of New York because one of its most famous Generals is Michael Corcoran a native of Ballymote, Co. Sligo. The Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg unveiled a monument to Michael Corcoran (1827 – 1863) of the Fighting 69th in Ballymote on August 22nd, 2006. Underneath the monument is a piece of steel from the World Trade Center, donated by the Sligo family of Michael Lynch, who died in the twin towers on September 11, 2001. In acknowledgement of the hon-
our shown by the 58 Reserve In- fantry Battalion to Mayor Bloomberg and also to Major General Vincent E Boles US Army, who visited Ballymote in 2009, the St Patrick’s Day Parade and Celebration Committee, New York and the 69th Infantry Regiment invited the 58th Bn to take part in the 2010 Parade. The significance of the participation last year was reflected in the fact that the 58th Battalion members were all guests of Mayor Bloomberg at City Hall on the day prior to the parade, in 2010. The general welcome that was extended to the 58th Battalion by both the 69th Regiment and the general public on the streets of New York was quite extraordinary. They were the first Defence Force military group, to march in America since the funeral of President John F Kennedy in 1963. The Officer Commanding the 58th Inf Bn is Comdt Ger O’Grady and the Liaison Officer for the trip is Comdt Gerry Jordan of the RDF.
THE former owner of Gallagher's Bakery in Ardara has bought back a section of the business from the company he
Defence force reservists to take part in New York Parade
70 jobs may be saved in Ardara
sold it to and says this move has the potential to save up to 70 jobs at the Donegal bakery. Last month, the Swiss company IWAS, which now owns Gallaghers said 124 jobs would be lost through its decision to close the frozen food section of its operation which the company believed was unsustainable. The company hoped that 40 jobs could be saved if a buyer could be found for its fresh food section. sold the company to Last week, Declan Gallagher, who IWAS in 2007, said that he had bought back the fresh sec- tion of the business after intensive negotiations. deMr Gallagher, MD of Gallagher's Bakery, said: 'We are lighted that the fresh bread business has been saved as it is local business in the northwest with the po- an important tential of saving up to 70 jobs.'It is my intention to grow this business and increase employment to our muchneeded manufacturing sector in Donegal and indeed in the northwest region.' says however, that he needs the public’s support is He calling on retailers to get behind Donegal manufacturers and that many people have worked very hard to bring the sale. He added that the fresh bread production will continue at the Bakery and service and delivery will remain as normal.
MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY “The toughest part of a diet isn't watching what you eat. It's watching what other people eat” What is Nutron Advanced? Nutron Advanced uses the Alcat test to identify reactions to over 200 foods, chemicals and other substances associated with inflammation that are linked to chronic health problems like migraines, aching joints, fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, eczema, hyperactivity/ADD, asthma and even obesity. Their goal is to provide clients with accurate, timely and dependable test results and nutritional support services. It is not so much a diet but a list of foods that do and don’t agree with a person. To find out what foods do and don’t agree with you a simple blood test was carried out on me in their clinic in Castlebar. After ten days I went back to Liz O Malley for the results and she had a chart which identified which foods I had a mild intolerance to, a moderate intolerance to and a severe intolerance to.Then there is a green list which is completely ok for me to stick to. See attached chart.The test also showed up that there was a Candida Albicans in my system. So basically the whole idea is eat the food that agrees with your system and stay away from ones that can make you bloated and tired.
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e f i L
r e g a n e e as a t in 2011 by Rachael
verb is par ticularly “Is mor idir inne agus inniu” this pro. true for todays 21st centur y society
lition of child labour, revised eduWith technological advances, the abo re facilities from the outset a cation curriculums and advancing leisu ect introduction to the big, bad young person in Ireland has the perf world. violent attacks and escalating unYet, rising drug abuse cases, increasingin the younger generation now, with t alen employment are more prev year old student I realise more than ever before. And as an eighteenries facing young people, than many wor and than anyone the difficulties older individuals choose to overlook. ents in the life of a young adult. But having Education is one of the main compon last year I feel that the Irish Education System is our full potenjust completed my Leaving Certificate future, nor is it allowing us to reach not adequately preparing us for our n from national to secodary school can be extial. As a first year student the transitioanding timetables and older students can cause tremely challenging. New subjects, dem y student. I immense worry. tificate looms ahead of each and ever As the years progress, the Leaving Cersuring an individuals academic abilities in a few really believe that the process of meair. From the age of five, on the first day of Junior Inhours one sunny June is grossly unfa g for this life-changing exam.Yet, the system that fants children are ultimately preparin ssed in a few hours is to me, ridiculous. y, grinds and allows years of diligent work to be asse s a students life is consumed by stud In the months leading up to the exam form. projects to be completed. l aspect was the completion of the CAO However, personally, the most stressfu level courses, attended college open days and For months I researched various third to no avail. visited career guidance teachers but
At seventeen years old, with little life determine your lifes career is terrifyinand work experience the fact that you must Sleepless nights, energy supplements g. and hand cramps ,from never-ending become the norm for hundreds of stud writ ents all over Ireland from February to ing, each year. June The beaming smiles of the elite few who received six-hundred points that dom nate front covers on the second Wed ipressure and for many, unrealistic expnesday of August each year mounts huge ecta tions on already-struggling stud On an almost weekly basis, surveys appear online depicting the huge incr ents. cohol and drug abuse, among teenager ease in als. While many are quick to label “out-of implications of this drink and drug fuel-control” youths, do they ever consider the Certainly, drugs are a huge social prob led culture on us? gal substances and the legalislation of lem today. The widespread availibility of illecreasingly difficult for teens to resist the controversial headshops has made it inLikewise, our alcohol culture was creathe temptation and curiousity. people recently named the “Worlds ted years before our existence, with Irish following in our ancestors footsteps,Heaviest Drinkers”. We, the young, are simply Ireland is struggling to escape a seemyet receiving all the blame. vented many young people receiving ingly never-ending recession, which has preRising unemployment has forced manemployment. beloved family and friends, having to y youths to immigrate, leaving behind their Celebrity influence has caused many abandon hopes of a bright future in Ireland. Dramatic increases in the occurence young people to become image obsessed. endured on Irish youths to obtain andof anorexia and bulimia depict the pressure toria Beckhams tiny waist, Cheryl Col maintain the famous “size-zero” figure.VicPrices’ fluttering false eyelashes have es hip-lenght hair extensions and Katie caused many Irish youths to suffer low esteem as they desire this perfect, airb selfnological advances, undoubtedly, prov rushed complexion. While techide and entertainment for teens, cyber-bu a ready source of information ment for many young Irish residents. llying has become a major torand Bebo account and the continous The need to have a Facebook page from nights out ,and add “friends” cancompetition to upload photos ate overwhelming feelings of isolation have devastating effects and cregirl recently showed that although she. The suicide of a thirteen-year old “friends” no-one noticed or realised had hundreds of Facebook Having said that, as an eighteen year she was suffering from depression. old I am extremely happy with my life here in Ireland. If the many people who are all too quic “druggies” and “spoilt” would just stop k to label todays youths as “lazy”, may like to wear the latest Nike trac and appreciate that although we phones we, as the youth of the 21st ksuits and have our own mobile century society also have our own challenges to face. It is essential to rem ember: “Mol na h-oige agus tiocfaidh siad”
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Michael Clarke
science news & technology
LG unveils 'next generation' 3D TV
New capabilities for mobile phones LG Electronics says competition is heating up in the global battle to woo viewers to 3D TVs and the South Korean company thinks it has an edge. Seoul-based LG showed off its Cinema 3D TV, which it called the "next generation" in the sector as it went on sale in the domestic market. A global release for the TV is set to start next month. LG and other manufacturers including South Korean rival Samsung Electronics and Japan's Sony are making a big push into 3D TV, though sales last year were considered disappointing. The need for bulky and expensive battery-powered glasses has been seen as a drawback for 3D TV. Among other negatives have been a lack of content and consumer complaints about eye-strain, headaches and even queasiness. Still, makers are rushing to improve the viewing experience and come up with cheaper and lighter versions of 3D glasses. LG is touting film patterned retarder, or FPR, technology in which lighter glasses like those worn at 3D movie theatres match up images optimised for each eye to result in a smoother picture. For people who wear their own glasses, there is a clip-on version. Havis Kwon, president and CEO of LG's home entertainment business acknowledged that since all manufacturers are introducing 3D TVs and so-called smart TVs, the stage is set for a tough fight in the developing global market. "There will be competition between the Korean manufacturers and, of course, there will be another competition between the Korean and the Japanese manufacturers in these areas," he told reporters. "And we believe that there will be a fierce competition ahead of us." LG Electronics is the world's second-largest manufacturer of flat screen televisions behind Samsung.
MOBILE phones are usually used to communicate with people far away but soon they could get the ability to do the opposite: communicate with things that are close enough to touch. Phones will get some extra capabilities with the addition of chips for so-called near field communications (NFC), a wireless technology with
a range intentionally limited to just a few inches. The phones will be able to talk to payment terminals designed for "smart cards", replacing credit and debit cards. They could also be used as public transport passes or two phones could be tapped together to exchange contact information. Nick Holland, analyst for re-
latest Android software for that and other phones has NFC support. Nokia, the world's largest maker of phones, has committed to putting NFC chips in all its next-generation smart phones. Based on job postings at Apple, there is speculation the new iPhone model due this summer will have an NFC chip. It is possible to upgrade some current phones with NFC chips. Small memory cards that are accepted by some phones can be given NFC capabilities. Both MasterCard and Visa are experimenting with "jackets" for the iPhone that have NFC chips, for instance. But not all phones are compatible with these solutions, so the most likely way to get NFC into consumer's hands is with new phones. Yankee Group estimates that there will be 151 million NFC-enabled phones in 2014, up from 834,000 in 2010.
Discovery's final launch date set
Artificial hummingbird developed A California company says it has demonstrated controlled precision hovering and fastforward flight by a camera-equipped micro aircraft that flies like a hummingbird. Monrovia-based AeroVironment released a video of the remotely controlled Nano Hummingbird it developed for the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency. The artificial hummingbird uses only its two flapping wings for propulsion and control. For the video, an operator flew it outdoors and then through a doorway into a building. The prototype has a wingspan of 6.5 inches (16.5cms), weighs two-thirds of an ounce and has a body shaped like a real hummingbird. AeroVironment was founded by the late Paul MacCready, designer of the pioneering human-powered flying machines Gossamer Condor and Gossamer Albatross.
search firm Yankee Group, said adding NFC is like adding a whole new capability on the level of GPS navigation or a camera. The industry has been talking about including NFC in phones for years, mainly to turn them into "electronic wallets". Beyond a few trials, nothing much has happened, except in Japan and Hong Kong, where these systems have caught on for mass-transit ticketing. But at the world's largest mobile phone trade show, held last week in Barcelona, it was clear that the logjam has loosened, in part because NFC chips are now cheaper. Millions of NFC-equipped phones will be in consumer hands in Europe and the US before the end of the year. Jim Balsillie, co-CEO of BlackBerry maker Research In Motion, said at the show that "many if not most" BlackBerrys will have NFC chips this year. Google's Nexus S already has one and the company's
NASA will attempt to launch space shuttle Discovery next week following a four-month delay. Discovery's final lift-off is set for Thursday afternoon, with senior managers voting unanimously on the new launch date. Discovery has been grounded since the beginning of November. Cracks in the external fuel tank were discovered following a launch attempt that was foiled by leaking hydrogen gas. Discovery will carry six astronauts and a humanoid robot, along with a full
load of supplies, to the International Space Station. One of the human crew is a substitute, replacing an astronaut who was injured last month in a bicycle crash. NASA opted for a Thursday lift-off, even though a European cargo vessel will be docking at the space station that morning. Officials normally prefer more time between arriving spacecraft, but they want to get Discovery flying as soon as possible given its lengthy delay. The shuttle launch will be put off if anything goes wrong with the docking of the European freighter. As for the cracks in Discovery's external fuel tank, engineers traced the problem to inferior material combined with assembly issues. The cracking was confined to some of the aluminium alloy struts in the centre of the tank, which holds instruments but no fuel. The damaged struts were patched, and the others reinforced as a precaution. Nasa feared that the underlying cracks could have caused foam insulation to break off the tank and slam into Discovery, as it did during Columbia's doomed mission in 2003.
Anoter problem cropped up last week: A measuring gauge broke at the launch pad, and one of the falling pieces gouged a tiny slit in the fuel tank foam. No repairs were necessary because of the location on the bottom back side of the tank. This will represent the end of Discovery's flying career. Nasa is retiring the three remaining shuttles this year, leaving orbital trips to private companies so it can focus on interplanetary travel. Until the private sector can take over crew transportation, Nasa will have to pay millions of dollars to Russia for astronaut trips to and from the space station.
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Family of 167 all live under one roof
w rldnews
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Virtual tour of Dublin attractions An Indian man has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren - all living under the same roof. They all live in a four storey building with 100 rooms in a mountainous village in Mizoram state, in India's remote northeast. "I once married 10 women in one year," said Ziona Chana, 66, according to the Daily Telegraph. His wives share a dormitory near Ziona's private bedroom and locals said he likes to have seven or eight of them by his side at all times. The sons and their wives, and all their children, live in different rooms in the same building, but share a common kitchen. The wives take turns cooking, while his daughters clean the house and do washing. The men do outdoor jobs like farming and taking care of livestock. The family, all 167 of them, consumes around 200lb of rice and more than 130lb of potatoes a day. They are supported by their own resources and occasional donations from followers. "Even today, I am ready to expand my family and willing to go to any extent to marry," Ziona said. "I have so many people to care (for) and look after, and I consider myself a lucky man." Mr Chana met his oldest wife, who is three years older than he is, when he was 17. He heads a local Christian religious sect, called the Chana, which allows polygamy.
A virtual tour of leading Dublin attractions is expected to bring tens of thousands real visitors to the capital. Developers claim their new website and iPhone application will
make it easier for tourists to find and explore cultural landmarks in the city before deciding to visit them in person. Users can click on 16 sites in the Dublin Culture Trail - including
the GPO, the Irish Museum of Modern Art and the James Joyce Centre - and take an introductory video tour inside. The free service will carry practical information about the venue including location maps, upcoming events, special offers and photos. The iPhone app also has built-in GPS technology which shows the user where they are on a map in relation to which attraction they want to visit. Senator David Norris, launching the website, said it allows curators, educators and artists in the city's museums and galleries to bring their collections to life for people in their homes or on the move. "This is a new way of making their collections more accessible on a daily basis to the public both around the country and interna-
'Safety' wall built across motorway Road officials who built a wall across a 70mph motorway at night without warning motorists are being sued by crash victims. The five feet high wall - which had no lights or signs - had been built to protect road repairers working further down the highway. But officials are facing an inquiry after dozens of cars slammed into the wall in Xian, Shaanxi province, western China, without realising it was there. Survivor Zou Tieqin, 42, said: "I had my family in the car and I suddenly saw the wall in my headlights. I braked but it was too late and I went straight through. "We were saved by our airbags but when we got out of the car we saw lots of other vehicles piling in. Some weren't so lucky. "The people responsible cannot get away with this and we are demanding compensation," he added. But far from apologising - workers kept rebuilding the wall every time it was hit - saying they had put lights up but they had been pinched.
Crowds flock to naked sledging event
COMPETITORS have been baring nearly all in the snow in Germany for the naked sledging world championships. Dozens of topless sledgers took part in the event in Braunlage, in front of a record crowd of more than 17,000 spectators. With only crash helmets to protect their heads and briefs to protect their modesty, teams of male and female sledgers fought it out in the team event, won this year by three workers from a local hotel. "It's a very closely fought contest which is good for us because we're all very keen on studying the photo finishes," said one judge. Naked racers sledged down a 90 metre long iced snowy piste battling it out for the prize of ÂŁ1,000 as well as the title of Naked Sledging World Champion. Race organiser Tobias Wannemaker said: "This year attracted more people than ever. The naked sledgers definitely got things hotting up, even in such cold conditions. "Over 400 people applied for a place in the third annual race but we could only select 30.
tionally," he said. Other featured venues include the National Museum of Ireland, Christ Church Cathedral, City Hall, the National Photographic Archive, Trinity College Dublin, the Irish Traditional Music Archive and the Hugh Lane gallery. Grainne Millar, of the Temple Bar Cultural Trust, which helped develop the online guide with government funding, said it would help boost tourism in Dublin: "We believe this and other similar innovations could grow audiences in participating venues by 20% in its first year alone," she said. The virtual trail was developed by software companies Software Design, Red Diamond Media and Davis Events, along with the Temple Bar Cultural Trust.
Women shows false leg to warden A traffic warden issued a parking ticket to a one-legged woman in a disabled bay - despite being shown her false limb. The attendant "nearly fainted" after Sylvia Taylor, 67, rolled up her trouser leg and said: "Take a look at that", reports The Mirror. Mrs Taylor, of Llanedeyrn, Cardiff, who lost her left leg when she was 16, forgot her disabled permit when she parked at a shopping centre. She returned to the car to find the warden had just stuck a ÂŁ70 ticket on her windscreen. She said: "I explained but I thought he didn't believe me. So I rolled up my trouser leg to show him my false limb - there was
no arguing with that. "He wouldn't cancel it but told us to write to head office to explain." Car park bosses initially told her she must pay up but later cancelled the fine after she wrote an appeal. Mrs Taylor, of Llanedeyrn, Cardiff, had been shopping in the city with daughter Lynne Solly, 40, who said: "When my mum exposed her amputated leg, I thought he was going to throw up - he looked absolutely horrified." An ECP spokeswoman said the ticket had since been cancelled but warned: "If you forget the badge, alternative parking should be sought."
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The information provided to you on this page is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice and it is important that you do not make medical decisions without first consulting your doctor or other healthcare professional.
Improve Your Hearing but you'll look a bit funny to any passer-by so you might want to find a private spot. Now, the drill is simple. Starting at a regular distance get your partner to sound off small two or three-second bursts around you. Then just point where the noise came from. Limit your choices initially to the eight compass points (including northeast etc). Later on, vary the drill by having your partner alter the distance at which he sounds off. You should not only name directions, but the approximate distance away from where the noise was made.
HEARING is the ability to perceive sound by detecting vibrations through an organ such as the ear. It is one of the traditional five senses. The inability to hear is called deafness. Most people are prone to loss-of-hearing or getting bad hearing as they get older. Hearing cannot be restored with medicines. In such case, you will need hearing aids to compensate for your lack of hearing. This article will talk about the things you can do to improve your hearing now, while it's still fully functional. Here are five assorted tips and drills you can do to make sure you maintain your hearing ability. Maintenance is Important Avoid loud noises, as these can damage your eardrums. Listening to loud music or with plug-in headphones as opposed to the foam or rubber types that just nestle on your ears is a quick way to lose hearing. Being subjected to incredibly loud, shrill, and irritating noises every day such as power tools in your workplace or road-works are detrimental to your hearing. Avoid them at all cost.
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Regular EENT (eyes, ears, nose & throat) Check-ups Add visiting an EENT doctor to your list of bi-annual check-ups alongside your usual ones, like visits to the dentist and general medical check-ups. This helps maintain all your senses, not just hearing. EENTs can give you preventive medications to treat any mild problems you may have with hearing before these worsen. Vitamins and Medication There are four vitamins and medications that have been tested and proven to help in the maintenance of hearing. These haven't been noted to significantly enhance a person's hearing acuity, but they have been known to prevent the deterioration of hearing ability. These four vitamins, with corresponding dosages, are the following: Acetyl-Carnitine (150mg a day), Alpa-Lipoic acid (150 mg a day), Glutathione (50 mg a day), and Coenzyme Q10 (60 mg a day). Sound Source Location Exercise Here is the first drill for sharpening your hearing. This helps your ear's directional sense and requires a partner. Get some small noisemaker like a horn or even a small radio speaker. Go to a large room with very little acoustic bounce off and furniture. If you can do this in an open-air environment so much the better,
Noise Filtering Exercise This drill is for filtering sound and it's simple to do also. Tune in to a station that plays a moderately fast music. It shouldn’t be too loud. Then, talk to a friend. Do not raise your voice and carry on a conversation without leaning in to hear-better. Then after a few minutes, add a second radio playing a different music. Then later throw in a third... you get the picture. This helps you filter out any extraneous noise and improves your ear's ability to pick out only the sounds you want to hear. Keeping Your Ears Clean Bacteria, (known as “wax”) builds up in ears very fast. Although this is the case, a small amount of bacteria is actually good for your ears. It protects the skin of the human ear canal, assists in cleaning and lubrication, and also provides some protection from other bacteria, fungi, insects and water. But excess wax can press against the eardrum and/or occlude the external auditory canal and impair hearing. That is why it is essential to use earbuds or sprays to clean your ears twice or three times a month. Avoid cleaning your ears everyday as this will irritate your ears.
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7 Ways to Prevent Spots & Blackheads We all know how frustrating it can be when a blackhead or whitehead begins to show up. But there are simple ways that we can reduce them or get rid of them. Exfoliate The simplest way to keep the pores clear is to exfoliate regularly, followed by a product which will help peel away blackheads. Look for medicated products containing resorcinol, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. There are ranges of CLEARASIL® products that help prevent black heads or exfoliate the skin. Clean Hair Keep your hair away from your face. When
greasy hair touches or rubs off your skin it causes bacteria to build up and can spread infection. UV Rays Sunshine or ultra-violet light encourages skin peeling, and so helps to clear blocked pores. So sunbathing or use of sun-beds in moderation can be helpful. To Squeeze or not to Squeeze? If blackheads look ready to pop out, you could try removing them gently by using a blackhead extractor. This is a neat little instrument with a hole at one end, available from chemists. Pres-
sure around the blackhead helps it to pop out through the hole. Use tissue not your fingers to prevent bacteria spreading from your hands. Steam your face first to soften both the skin and the material blocking the pores. Then wrap your fingers in tissues and gently roll against either side of the blackhead. If it won't budge easily, leave well alone, as too much pressure will bruise and break the skin, making your face red and blotchy for days to come, and possibly leaving tiny broken veins. Finish by applying a medicated cream to the empty pore. Only ever squeeze a spot with a definite head that looks about to burst - pressure on an unready infected spot spreads bacteria below the skin's surface, infecting the surrounding tissue. Bad spots need a doctor's advice, and he/she may suggest antibiotic or even hormone therapy. Whiteheads are plugs of sebum under the skin which are cysts in sebaceous or sweat glands. You can treat them yourself by pricking with a sterile needle (dip in boiling water) and squeezing out. Then apply antiseptic cream. If in doubt, seek professional treatment.
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John buys an Island in Mayo
blast past Travel to the 70’s from the
The death of Eamon and Sinead De Valera MARCH 1971: John Lennon planned to turn a remote island off the Irish coast into a hideaway retreat, shortly before he was shot dead in December 1980 outside his apartment block in New York. The former Beatle was investigating how to renew planning permission to build a house for himself and Yoko Ono on Dorinish island in Clew Bay, Co Mayo, just before his death, his Irish solicitor revealed. He bought the island in 1967 and soon afterwards was granted planning permission by Mayo county council to build a house. After the collapse of his first marriage to Cynthia, he postponed the plans and permission lapsed in 1972. "It was a place where we thought we could escape the pressures and spend some undisturbed time together. But because of what happened our hopes never came to be," Ono has said. "We often discussed the idea of building a cottage there. It was so beautiful, so tranquil, yet so isolated; it seemed a perfect place to get away from it all". John bought the island for £1,700 after a newspaper advertisement for ‘an island off Ireland’ caught his eye.
Alex Higgins wins the world snooker title
7TH JANUARY 1975: Sinéad de Valera, also known as Sinéad Ní Fhlannagáin was the wife of the Irish republican leader and third President of Ireland, Éamon de Valera. She died on 7 January 1975, at the age of 96, the day before what would have been the de Valeras' sixty-fifth wedding anniversary. Éamon de Valera died nearly eight months later, on 29 August 1975, aged 92. They were predeceased by one of their five sons, Brian. The couple is buried together at Dublin's Glasnevin CemeTERY.
Dana wines Eurovision Song Contest DECEMBER 1969: Tom McGrath, head of Light Entertainment at RTÉ and producer of the Irish National Song Contest, invited Dana to try again in next year's event feeling one of the entered songs: the ballad "All Kinds of Everything", would suit Dana. "All Kinds of Everything" became Ireland's 1970 Eurovision entrant and on Saturday 21 March 1970 Dana performed the song at the Eurovision finals held in Amsterdam, with an estimated viewing audience of two hundred million. Dana was the last of twelve contestants to perform that night, perched on a stool while wearing an embroidered white mini-dress. The UK's Mary Hopkin (already famous for "Those Were The Days") and the
Spanish newcomer Julio Iglesias had been the odds-on favourites to win, but it was Dana who took the victory. This came as a particular surprise for Dana herself, who was planning to concentrate on her ALevel exams once the contest was over and had intended this performance to be her last as a singer. This was Ireland's first victory in the Eurovision Song Contest and Dana was declared a national hero on her return. "All Kinds of Everything" composed by Derry Lindsay and Jackie Smith - had been issued as a single on 14 March 1970 following its winning the Irish National Song Contest.
Cork are All-Ireland hurling champions FEBRUARY 1972: Alexander "Alex" Gordon Higgins, also known by his nickname of Hurricane Higgins, was a Northern Irish professional snooker player who was twice World Champion and twice runner-up. Higgins earned the nickname The Hurricane because of his speed of play. Higgins was also a former World Doubles champion with Jimmy White and won the World Cup three times with the All Ireland team. He was a heavy smoker, struggled with drinking and gambling, and admitted to using cocaine and marijuana. Diagnosed with throat cancer in 1998, Higgins was found dead in his Belfast home on 24 July 2010.
SUNDAY 6 SEPTEMBER 1972: The AllIreland Senior Hurling Championship of 1970 was the 84th staging of Ireland's premier hurling knockout competition. Cork won the championship, beating Wexford 6-21 to 5-10 in the final at Croke Park, Dublin. The All-Ireland Senior Hurling Championship of 1970 was run on a provincial basis as usual. It was a knockout tournament with pairings drawn at random in the respective provinces - there were no seeds. Each match was played as a single leg. If a match was drawn there was a replay. If that match ended in a draw a period of extra time was played, however, if both sides were still level at the end of extra time another replay had to take place.
Word Puzzle!
Did you know?
Here is a game that you can play to test your skill. This game will present you with a matrix filled with letters. The objective is to form words by concatenating adjacent letters. Letters that are to the left, right, on top, bottom, or on a diagonal to each other are all acceptable.
History of Toothbrushes Toothbrushing tools date back to 3500-3000 BC when the Babylonians and the Egyptians made a brush by fraying the end of a twig. Tombs of the ancient Egyptians have been found containing toothsticks alongside their owners. Around 1600BC, the Chinese developed “chewing sticks” which were made from aromatic tree twigs to freshen breath. Egyptians are believed to have started using a paste to clean their teeth around 5000BC, before toothbrushes were invented. Ancient Greeks and Romans are known to have used toothpastes, and people in China and India first used toothpaste around 500BC. Ingredients used included a powder of ox hooves' ashes and burnt eggshells, that was combined with pumice. The Greeks and Romans favored more abrasiveness and their toothpaste ingredients included crushed bones and oyster shells. The Romans added more flavoring to help with bad breath, as well as powdered charcoal and bark. The Chinese used a wide variety of substances in toothpastes over time that have included ginseng, herbal mints and salt.
SAMPLE PUZZLE Here are some words that can be found in this sample matrix: any chant panel path trench Here are some words that are not valid in this puzzle: chance - uses the 'c' twice chaps - 's' is not adjacent
WIN! 25
Anfield Football Grounds Anfield, now home to one of Englands most successful and historic clubwas originally home to Everton Football Club. However the rising rent at Anfield, prompted Houlding, a football legend, to suggest that Everton FC should buy Anfield.The price seemed high and the cluns committee members said no. The on-going deadlock over this situation resulted in the vast majority of the Board and players of Everton F.C. walking out to build a new ground. Houlding, as the ambitious businessman he was, saw a great future for the club. He wanted the club to have its own home ground and wanted them to buy land so the club could expand in due course. Most of the Everton FC board members failed to share his forward thinking and lacked confidence. They wanted a long term rent deal on all the land, but Houlding wanted a rent at a price considered too high for the Club. The official split between Anfield and Everton took place on the 12th of March 1892. At a members meeting one of the opponents George Mahon, led the meeting when John Houlding unexpectedly turned up. Mahon stood up to give the club's President the chair. But surrounded by "enemies" Mr. Houlding said the famous words: "I'm here on a trial, and a criminal never takes the chair". He then left the club with 18-19 other members. On the first of September 1892 Liverpool AFC played their first match at Anfield and Anfield has been their home ever since, its connections with Everton almost forgotten.
1. We'd cry unto fox. (anag.) Area of Ireland bounded by the Wicklow hills, the River Barrow, and the Blackstairs Mountains. (6,7) 9. American uncle follows up lab reversal to discover oily resin. (6) 11. Leading lady of the County Down who looked so neat? (4) 12. Semi-precious stones a slop spilled over. (5) 13. Tree seen in Clonmel mansion. (3) 14. "But we do be afraid of the ---, and we do only be drownded now and again." Synge. (3) 15. Century at finding an animal. (3) 16. The very chap to support the tent? (3) 17. "Under ---- Ben Bulben's head in Drumcliffe churchyard Yeats is laid." Yeats (4) 18. "Must then a ----- perish in torment in every age to save those who have no imagination?" Shaw (5) 19. Work's not set. (anag.) Roscommon town noted for coarse fishing near the Slievebawn Hills. (11) 20. Getting weary, ring it up first. (6) 22. Line of turning in Maxi song. (4) 23. Used teeth to get a portion. (3) 24. Exist plurally in Castlebar estates. (3) 25. Pick up the tab for the piece of sports equipment. (3) 26. Jerry's 15 across antagonist. (3) 28. Sudden flow back through Bunbeg rushing. (5) 29. Group of families seen in Celtic lands. (4) 30. The son may get confused, but is truthful. (6) 31. Sweet new talcs. (anag.) Limerick town with a fine castle built in 1184 for the Knights Templars. (9,4)
Dream On.... Research shows you cannot snore and dream at the same time. Adults dream off and on, for a total of about an hour and half to three hours every night.e In a lifetime. the average person will have spent a quarter of a century asleep, of which six years or more will have been spent dreaming—and almost all of those dreams are forgotten upon waking The average person has about 1,460 dreams a year with about four per night.
DOWN 2. Lay off in confusion in central county with much bogland bordered in the west by the Shannon. (6) 3. Arrests on returning in glorious Bantry. (4) 4.You will soundly elide into the festive season. (4) 5. Cheese in Banbridge damn good. (4) 6. Reverse to include in food allowance in motion about 22 across. (8) 7. A Co. graph trick. (anag.) Ireland's holy mountain with a pilgrimage on the last Sunday of each July. (6,7) 8. Gets after torn up version in Dublin's premier shopping area, famous for buskers. (7,6) 10. Live eons, man. (anag.) Tipperary mountain where Gráinne won the race to choose Fionn's bride. (11) 11. Dry and wither by disturbing eras. (4) 14. "Philosophy! the lumber of the -------." Swift (7) 17. Nobleman seen in Casrlebar one time. (7)
19.Tears ban up in Tyrone border town, birthplace of John Dunlap who founded the first daily newspaper in the USA, the Pennsylvania Packet. (7) 21. Some of the Dromahair anthology concerns modern Persia. (4) 23. Rob sir, up in picturesque Carlow town in the Barrow valley. 6) 26.What to do with a caber in Rialto's sports. (4) 27. Male upset by food. (4) 28.Wot's up? Put it away! (4)
To be in with a chance of winning, fill out the crossword and your your name, telephone number and address and post to Puzzle Time Competition, Northwest Express, Unit 3, Riverview House, Barret Street, Ballina, Co. Mayo. - Good Luck!!
55. ads (1) 56. adz (1) 57. aga (1) 58. age (1) 59. ags (1) 60. ark (1) 61. ars (1) 62. ask (1) 63. dag (1)
64. dah (1) 65. dak (1) 66. die (1) 67. dig (1) 68. dis (1) 69. due (1) 70. dug (1) 71. duh (1) 72. eau (1)
73. eds (1) 74. gad (1) 75. gae (1) 76. gag (1) 77. gas (1) 78. ged (1) 79. gid (1) 80. gie (1) 81. had (1)
82. hae (1) 83. hag (1) 84. hue (1) 85. hug (1) 86. ids (1) 87. kae (1) 88. kas (1) 89. kid (1) 90. kis (1)
91. ras (1) 92. sag (1) 93. ska (1) 94. ski (1) 95. zag (1) 96. zas (1)
46. saki (2) 47. sark (2) 48. side (2) 49. sika (2) 50. skag (2) 51. skas (2) 52. skid (2) 53. skis (2) 54. zags (2)
37. hade (2) 38. hags (2) 39. head (2) 40. huge (2) 41. kadi (2) 42. kagu (2) 43. kids (2) 44. raki (2) 45. saga (2)
28. gads (2) 29. gaga (2) 30. gage (2) 31. gags (2) 32. gaud (2) 33. geds (2) 34. gids (2) 35. gied (2) 36. gude (2)
19. ague (2) 20. arks (2) 21. asks (2) 22. dags (2) 23. daks (2) 24. disk (2) 25. egad (2) 26. egis (2) 27. gadi (2)
10. kadis (3) 11. rakis (3) 12. sarks (3) 13. skags (3) 14. skids (3) 15. skied (3) 16. agas (2) 17. aged (2) 18. agha (2)
The Worlds most popular name The name Muhammad is the world’s most common name. It derives from the Arabic root “h-m-d” and means “praiseworthy one.” It’s often used, to indicate someone whose name is un known, or in combination with another given name. At least 15 million people worldwide are named Muhammad. Muhammad has a multitude of spellings, depending on the country of origin. Muhammed and Mohamed are familiar spellings in the Arab world. The variations are virtually endless: Mohamet, Muhamed, Mohamad, Mahammed, Mohammod, Mahamed, Muhammod, Muhamad, Mohammed, Mohamud and Mohammud.
1. gauged (4) 2. aside (3) 3. disks (3) 4. egads (3) 5. gadis (3) 6. gaged (3) 7. gauds (3) 8. gauge (3) 9. heads (3)
Name: Address: number: Telephone
Fact: Chewing Gum Ban in Singapore In 1992 chewing gum was banned from Singapore. Chewing gum was causing serious maintenance problems in all areas of the city-state. After the 1987 launch of the $5 billion mass transit train system, it was reported that vandals had begun sticking chewing gum on the door sensors of the trains, preventing the doors from functioning properly and causing disruption of train services. Surprisingly, after the ban no known black market for chewing gum ever emerged in Singapore, although some citizens did occasionally manage to smuggle some from Malaysia for their own consumption. In 2004 the ban was revised to recognize the proven health benefits of certain gums that contain calcium lactate to strengthen tooth enamel.The sale of this newly categorized medicinal gum was allowed, as long as it was sold by a dentist or pharmacist, who is required to record the name of the purchaser.
Britain’s Royal Family Britain's present royal family was originally named Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. The name was changed in 1917, during WW1 be cause of German connotations. The name Windsor was sug gested by one of the staff. At the same time the Battenberg family name of the cousins to the Windsors was changed into Mountbatten.
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Friday 4th - Saturday 12th March memorable play in which memsees Roscommon celebrate its bers of a motley cast search for annual drama festival.Tickets cost their private resurrections. 14/12. On Monday 7th Kilrush Drama Nine nights of stunning per- Group introduce 'Playboy of the formances by amateur Irish Western World' by J.M. Synge groups, all intending to showcase which tells the story of Christy their talents, receive awards and Mahon, a young man running reach the All-Ireland Drama Fi- away from his farm, claiming he nals. An dynamic mix of excellent killed his father. Tuesday 8th drama takes centre stage offering March “Portia Coughlan” is set to 0310 something for all intersts includ- be performed by K.A.T.S. Galway ing comedy,tragedy, classics and which follows the struggles of contemporary styles. Paula Portia as she attempts to escape Dempsey, recognised actress and the ghost of her deceased twin director of Laois Youth Theatre is brother.Wednesday 9th March, this years adjudicator. Glenamaddy Drama Group illus'The Loves of Cass McGuire' trate the story of the five unby Brian Friel will be performed married Mundy sisters in rural onthe opening night of the pres- Ballybeg. tigous 10th March Prosper festival telling the story of Thursday Cass McGuire a block from Skid ous Drama Group will perform 'November' Row. This play details her return by David Mamet a 0910 to Ireland and her family’s cruel satire depicting one day in the life rejection of her. It follows her of a beleaguered American comlonely struggle as she attempts to mander-in-chief. re-discover her purpose in life. 11th March Kilmeen Drama Saturday 5th March sees the Group depicts the reunion of an Bunclody/Kilmyshall Drama Irish family in Coventry in ‘WhisGroup take to the stage to per- tle in the Dark’. On Saturday form 12th March Kilmuckridge Drama 'The Mai' by Marina Carr, a Group conclude the festival with moving story of four generations 'The Field' by John B Keane, a of women in one family in the fierce and tender study of the a man can have for land. midlands. Sunday 6th Shoestring love information availible at Theatre Group present 'Moon- More shine' by Jim Nolan, a moving and www.roscommonartscentre.ie
Neil Delamere renowned as one of Irelands finest comedians presents his latest show titled “Implement of Divilment” in The Hawkswell Theatre Sligo for one night only on Wednesday March 16th at 8.00pm. His distinct style makes him a unique and in-demand stand up performer. In his latest show, Neil humorously explains why exercise classes are damaging, the useful fact of how to reconstruct a corpse and how to address a random man jumping on the bonnet of your car. Delamere began his career in 2004 at the Edinburgh Festival and made his radio debut on 11 December 2010, before proceeding to work for both RTE and the BBC including the BBC comedy series One Night Stand, BBC radio and The Blame Game and RTÉs The Panel. He also hosts his own series named Neil Delameres Just For Laughs, in which he interviews acts performing at the Montreal Festival. In order to experience Irish comedy at its best log onto www.hawkswell.com where tickets can be bought at 20.
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Jedward fever descends on Castlebar
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Jedward have announced that after previous very successful shows in Castlebar they will return on 27th April. “Jedward are a phenomenon, the crowds just go mad for them and they don’t hold back on stage, it’s a show full of energy, dance song and music, if you have never seen them book tickets now and if you have already seen them well you know you want to see them again…they are addictive viewing” advises Sandra Hunt of The Royal Theatre. John & Edward have rarely been out of the limelight since they burst onto the scene on last year’s X Factor. Tickets are available on www.ticketmaster.ie as well as from the Royal Theatre Box Office on 0818 300 000. Tickets are priced from 27.50 incl. information booking fee. For further please check the Royal Theatre website twins from Dublin. While their singing on: www.theroyal.ie or www.ticketmas abilities are undoubtedly questionable ter.ie Tickets range from 39.20-44.20 can be purchased online from ticketthere is no doubt that they provide a and master or www.theroyal.ie. hugely entertaining act.
ONE of the controversial and discussed acts to ever arise from the X-Factor are Irelands John and Edward Grimes.The energetic, high-spirited duo are identical
WINNER of the second series of X-Factor ,Shayne Ward has delighted Irish fans by an Royal nouncing he will perform in Carslebars Theatre on March 23rd. Following his rise to success, Shane has sold
over 3 million records worldwide and has had number one albums and singles in 9 countries. Ward was mentored by Louis Walsh during X- Factor and is of Irish descent making him extremely popular throughout Ireland. In August 2008, Shayne had the privilege of being the first major act to perform in the brandnew, state of the art Royal Theatre and just a few short weeks after that extremely successful appearance, he was back for another show at Christmas. Shayne recently returned to the X Factor Stage to perform his new single "Gotta Be Somebody" which received a standing ovation from the Judges and the audience alike.
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chestra will play the piano and masterpieces including the: Mozart Piano Concerto No. 8 in C major, Mozart Piano Concerto No. 22 in E flat major and the Mozart Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major will all be performed.
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MACHINERY IN STOCK • Taarup 307 Mower Conditioner, 9ft, Very Clean Machine • Kverneland 3 Furrow Plough • West 1300 Dual Spreader • Tractor mounted table saw • PZ Haybobs • Bomford Super Trim Hedgecutters • 16ft Hydraulic Fold Pin Harrows • Vicon Spreaders from 6 bag to 1 tonne, all fully serviced • Marshall 6.5 cubic Muck Spreader in Excellent condition, Large wheels & Hydraulic lid • 14ft Fold Out Grass Harrows • Fergusin Riger / Drill Plough • Grubbers • Hydraulic Baler Handlers
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O.M.B., a firm specialized in the production of fertilizer spreaders among the main in the world, presents its new, line of single-spinner machines: CN-CH Series. Ten models with different hopper capacities from 130 to 580 litres, that have been studied and made to meet the needs of small and medium farms. Easy use, high performances and long life are the main features of the new line.This new series is the result of a twentyyear experience in manufacturing fertilizer spreaders; continuous researches and the development of up-dated systems have constantly been our most important care. The machines belonging to the CN-CH Series are characterized by: • high spreading precision, • versatility and easy use, • low working cost, • reasonable price, • high performances and reliability, • feasibility of use with low-powered tractors.
OEM.B., a firm specialized in the production of fertilizer spreaders among the main in the world, presents its new line of pendular machines: PXT Series. Three models with different hopper capacities from 400 to 1200 litres, that have been studied and made to meet the needs of small and medium farms. Easy use, high performance and long life are the main features of the line new.The machines, belonging to the PXT Series, are characterized by: • high spreading precision, versatility and easy use, • low working cost, • reasonable price, • high performance and realiability, • feasibility of use with low-powered tractors.
The APP Series is used for the medium farmer, who owns tractors with a power between 30 and 50 cv. The machines of this serie are the most appropriate for mountainous areas and irregular grounds.
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Water, our most precious natural resource It has an ability to dissolve different minerals, compounds and chemicals, many of which cause damage and even health concerns in some cases. At Grant Water we can provide you with a professional service to make sure that the water you use and drink is safe and pleasant, be it mains water, or an alternative source such as a well, stream or lake water. Our Engineers will be happy to assist with any queries you have regarding water, we offer a full system design service, installation and backup. All our work is carried out professionally and is guaranteed. Areas Covered include: Removal of Iron, Manganese and Hardness - UV Sterilisation - Taste and Odour Removal - PH Correction - Removal of Sulphur - Dosing Systems - Ammonium / Nitrate Removal
Testimonials from Satisfied Customers Donal O’Connor - Dairy Farmer, Carney, Co. Sligo The well on this farm is servicing 150+ dairy cows, and provides approximately 20,000 litres of clean water per day. After drilling this well, the water was found to be badly contaminated with sulphur and iron. These two elements are among the toughest to deal with in a water supply, but thanks to Grant Water, a treatment system was designed and built to cope with the volumes of water used and the level of contamination. This system resulted in a substantial annual saving on the cost of the farm’s water supply.
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Black Shadow is a Class 1 registered Connemara Stallion. Standing at 148cm. His sire Silver Shadow Grade A international show jumper and his Dam Tawin Ballinvoucher’s grand father was the legendary Killyreagh Kim. Black Shadow has been very successful as a young stallion in the show ring. He has been placed in the All-Ireland 3year old loose jumping competition and the 4year old All-Ireland Ridden Connemara Pony discovery, he has also been placed in the RDS, Clifden and has won numerous Championships throughout the country. Having developed into a super model, he is blessed with traditional bone and feather-light movement. Black Shadow is recognised as one of the up and coming young sires in Ireland who will prove in time to be a sire to produce true to type traditional and athletic Connemara Ponies. Black Shadow’s progeny all stand on correct limbs with correct free flowing movement and like himself have brilliant temperament.
Moylough Bouncer is a fully approved R.I.D Dapple Grey outcross Stallion. Standing at 170cm. His sire Grange Bouncer is a grade A showjumper and his Dam Another June Day is by the RDS champion Grey Macha. Moylough Bouncer is a successfully performance tested young stallion, on the pathway to R.I.D sire stardom. Having developed into a fabulous model, he is blessed with an abundance of height, bone and feather-light movement. Moylough Bouncer is expertly recognised as one of the most outstanding R.I.D stallions in Ireland who will prove in time to be a sire with the genuine capability and pedigree to produce true to type proper R.I.D and traditional Irish sport horse progeny. All of Moylough Bouncers progeny are well conformed, smart featured individuals with super athletic movement and brilliant temperament like himself.Young stock have won and placed throughout Ireland in the show ring
A Western Warrior is coloured Dutch warmblood stallion. Standing at 172cm. His sire Kostolany was the World Trekehnr Breed Champion in 1987 and regained the title in 2009. His Dam Jorinde is by the world famous Samber, probably the best coloured horse in the world. A Western Warrior with his world class breeding, has been very successful in the show ring throughout the country and narrowly missed out of the final of the 3 year old loose jumping in Mill Street. This is a sire with true potential in all equestrian fields. He has just started his jumping career under saddle and has qualified for the winter league final in Turlough, Co. Mayo. A Western Warrior has produced quality foals that have won in the show ring. All his progeny bring his own super-athletic movement, good looks and of coarse temperament.
Concrete gang available to Wind Turbine Bases – new carry out all sorts of concrete option for farmers! work Nationwide
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THE opportunity to use their land to generate electricity and link to the national grid may become a more enticing option for farmers in the near future. Some farmers may even be considering erecting concrete bases as platforms for 1kw and 2kw turbines if they can obtain appropriate planning. Brendan Ruane from Breaffy, close to Ballina, can supply the complete concrete gang, to pro-
vide shuttering and steel frames for the construction of the turbine bases. He can also provide full information on the sources of the turbines, as he has close links with a German supplier. The bases themselves contain upwards of 400 cu metres of concrete and can be 20 metres in diameter, coming in square or circular shapes. Full information can be obtained from Brendan at 087-2228899.
Dead and Worn Out Animal Collection Service Prompt Attention to all Calls Office: 049-433 8331 Mobile: 086-8551932 Or Call Kevin on: 086-3827008
In McKeons, Keshcarrigan on Tuesday Night 1st March at 9.30pm Meeting on Improving Grassland Production and Utilisation. LIAM Lynskey is the very proud stallion master of a very distinctive stallion – A Western Warrior (KWPN) – who has a world class Trakehner blood line. This 16.3 hh full pedigree Dutch Warmblood won seven first prizes in 2008, including Westport and Claremorris in Co.Mayo. A Western Warrior (stable name Ace) also took the Supreme Champion title at Athenry, Co. Galway and performed very well in the loose jumping competition at Millstreet, Co. Cork.
A Western Warrior's sire, Kostolany, is a 170 cm black Trakehner, who is from the famous mare family of Kassette. Kostolany was the champion at the Trakehner Stallion Selection at Neumunster in 1987 and has a Trakehner Verband breeding value of 120 points. With this breeding value, Kostolany, is one of the best sires of the Trakehner Association for years. He combines his great talent for jumping and dressage with a wonderful temperament and character.
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Contact: Jim McLaughlin on 087-7997009
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Large range of Vicon Fertilizer Shakers available. Over 50 in stock. • All are imported from UK • All sizes available from 5 bag to 20 bag • All are fully serviced and come with a 3 month warranty Large selection of other machinery also available
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ICMSA says Dairy Equipment Scheme discriminates against small and existing dairy farmers SPEAKING following a meeting with senior officials of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Mr. John Comer, Deputy President and Chairperson of ICMSA’s Farm Services and Environment Committee, said that the current terms and conditions undoubtedly discriminate against small and existing milk producers and need to be amended to level the playing field amongst farmers. While acknowledging that the Department had moved the production units qualification downwards, Mr Comer said that the facts remain that the Department proposal, just in respect of milk, would exclude about 4,400 dairy farmers and leave
new entrants needing only 40 production units to qualify while existing dairy farmers will require 80 production units. In addition, the weighting given to cost per litre means that the larger your milk quota, the greater the weighting you will receive. Mr. Comer said that the selection criteria proposed by the Department incontrovertibly favoured new entrants into milk over existing suppliers and greatly diminished the prospects of existing farmers receiving the grant. The Department’s selection criteria would ensure that in nearly every circumstance existing small and medium dairy farmers will be behind new entrants in terms of priority.
ICMSA say QPS Beef Grid still unfair BASED on figures ICMSA has received from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on the cattle kill between April and November 2010, Mr. Kevin Connolly, Chairperson of ICMSA’s Beef and Cattle Committee, said that ICMSA estimate that almost 75% of steers are getting at or just around the absolute base price payable under the MII beef grid and a further 10% of cattle are gaining less than 6 cents per kg. “Can we now have an end to the fiction, please? It is quite clear that the vast majority of farmers have not benefited under the grid and, most partic-
ular, dairy farmers have not and cannot benefit under this grid”, observed Mr Connolly. “Given these figures, it will surprise no-one to learn that farmers want to get their cattle killed off the grid. With the reduced kill since early December, more and more farmers are finding that factory agents are now prepared to buy cattle ‘off the grid’ or ‘on the grid’ with some adjustments. If your own agent will not give you this option, ICMSA would suggest that farmers should seek out other agents who will provide this option”, he continued.
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Warning for farmers at Dublin meeting A Dutch farm leader, Sieta van Keimpema, has warned that precisely the same forces that have destroyed Europe’s banking sector are set to do the same to European food production unless the European Commission faces the challenge posed by gigantic retail multiples and the various levels of speculators that are now inserting themselves into the chain between farmers and consumers. Mrs van Keimpema was speaking at a conference held by the European Milk Board at the Carlton Hotel, Dublin Airport, where dairy farmers from 14 European countries were hosted by the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association.
Mrs van Keimpema was supported by Jackie Cahill, the ICMSA President, who told the conference that the Commission was “never done regulating things it had no business regulating but was either unwilling or unable to regulate the pricing system of European food production which was the one area that was simply crying out for the imposition of transparent regulation”. Mr Cahill said the brutal truth now was that several European multiple retailers were now of a size and financial muscle that enabled them to effectively ‘make’ their own markets and dictate the prices ‘backwards’ to the farmers and ‘forwards’ to the consumers..
Farmers! Do you want to be part of an organisation that concentrates on solutions? Do you want to be part of an organisation that’s sole focus is improving farmers’ incomes? Do you want to be part of an organisation that - alone forecast accurately what would happen to milk price? ICMSA is the farm organisation that concentrates on solutions Ring ICMSA at 061-314677 and your local county officers will contact you