"Alea iacta est". The die is cast. Coming back is not allowed.
Images speak more than words. Behind a story there is much more than a simple "click". There is dedication to what was, is and will be our first love: motorsport. But our narration of imagesdoes not stop at two or four wheels: we like dynamism and style behind every single sportsdiscipline.That iswhy weare"Not Just Motorsport": we do not want to be joined to only one category, but we aim to show you many aspects of sports from preparation to action.This is the philosophy of "Not Just Motorsport".Enjoy!
WRC Croatia Rally 2021
Therearevariouswaysto define theWorld Rally Cross prix... An unconventional challenge, where slamming d rule. You can already see at the start the temperamen roaring likecaged lionswaiting to be freed and jump on the green light. 4, 3, 2, 1and then off, sideways, downh rough competition that not even aSebastien Loeb could
or if weprefer, WRX: four-wheeled cross, rally grand doors are always around the corner, and drifting is the nt of these cars: all lined up next to each other, angry, n the prey; nervousashorsesbefore a race. Waiting for hill, jumps, mud, asphalt. And dust. Lots of dust. A wild, resist...
Theindistinct noisesof traffic. Soundsof sirens. Lightson in front of thecomputer. Just your stepsalongtheavenues. Dry think, you ask yourself, "what haveyou got today?"Another s to get home. Or goingto havefun. They slow down, they stop. of melancholy though wrapsyou up. You squeezeinto your co sign comesbeforeyou. The usual red brick pub beforebeing thetower,therearethosewhoareenjoyinga dinner.Tinklin at hisfeet.
n apartmentsor maybein someoffice. Employeeslingeringin snow creakingunder thesoleof theshoes. You walk and you stop in front of you. In thecars, peoplewho arejust in a hurry Stop. Brakeand accelerator. Go. First, second, third. A sense oat to protect yourself from thecold, until somewarm bright sucked into thebowelsof the Metro. Meanwhile, up high, on gof crisscrossingglasses asthewholecity continuesto crawl
In thesetimesof crazy climate, between African heat and (almost) Augustinian snow in certain areas, between those who affirm and those who deny climate change, it becomes difficult to establish the boundary between the false and the truth, between what is illusion and mirage and what is reality. You want toget distracted,goout,dosports,gotothegym, taketheMBand diveintoapath in thewoods.It ishot, but if we observe what is happening out there, in the world, we almost want to re-emerge safely between thewallsof thehouse,in thecool of an air conditioner maybe, dreaming of winter... If not then dreaming of summer again once winter arrives. Can we ever have a linear life and be satisfied with the present moment? Maybe not, because our existence is almost never a straight, it is often winding, sometimes we drift, we make jumps and then land again. And the important thing is to land well... because sometimes it?smoreimportant toget there,even if wedon? t cut it first.
Contentment is not part of human nature. In all field wheelsdoesn? t matter,theimportant thingisthechallen sweat, dehydration, dust that penetrateseverywhere. T thelifeof any livingbeing. So why not racingright there thelimits,and not only thoseof your medium...
ds, sport included. Whatever the medium, two or four nge.Or survival.It isnot easy tocrossafinish line.Heat, Thedesert isan inhospitableenvironment, theenemy of e? A "tugof war"between man and environment, to test
Lorenzo Vannoni
Lorenzo Vannoni
Luca Barsali
Micael Liberato
Andy Vitali
Alessio Corradini
Luca Barsali
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