Nourish March 2013 - Issue 20

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Issue 20 March 2013

March 2013





The Way Forward


Winter Thaw


An Early Spring 2013


Free Range Edibles - Woodsorrel


Playing the Happiness Game


Ascending the Dimensions - Ascension Homework


Channel I just want you to know who I am


There is a Hole in my Sidewalk


Energy 101 - The Journey Continues




Runes Isa - Iduna


Change - The Process of Allowing Yourself to Be Pleasantly Surprised


Messages from the Mother of All Creation




What's Happening to Us in 2013


Conversations Within


You are an Encoded Being




Monthly Astro Tid-Bit


Pure Flame


Playing our Edges to Touch Our Toes


Health Benefits of Turmeric


Calendar Considerations




Essential Oil - Raven


Power Animal Nightingale


Devil - Tarot


Crystal - Amazonite


Angel Message for February

March 2013


Welcome to March fellow Nourish readers! Here we are on the cusp of spring, the season of birth. Awakening from our dark slumbers of winter’s hibernation where we dreamt and awaited this time. Now we must get busy planting our dreams so they may become actions that carry us forward into the coming months. I don’t believe there is one person on this earth that does not celebrate within their heart, the return of spring. It brings with it joy as the trees start to break out in leaves and the early flowers start to peak through once frozen ground. It harkens us to step out into the longer days and bask in all its beauty. It puts a spring in our step and we want to get out and enjoy the warmth the sun is starting to bring to us. Even the rain seems to be more refreshing and brings a clean newness to all with its sparkling drops. Spring is the reward after the dark days of winter. It holds the vast potential that all we have dreamed about can become reality. Take your dreams, dust off the cobwebs, and head out on an adventure to see where they lead you. Now is the time to put into action anything you desire, for you have prepared well during the winter, and the season of birth is upon us. Take the luck of the Irish, the fertility of Ostara and step into spring with gusto. You can “birth” anything you desire right now, just start planting your seeds!

w w w .n o u r i sh p u b l i ca t i o n .co m A l l co n t e n t © 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 3 b y N o u r is h Yo u r Bo d y Mi n d So u l Nourish Your Body Mind Soul is a monthly publication dedicated to empowering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All articles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are provided as guidelines to the readers. Ultimately each reader is responsible for their own choices and decisions. The articles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.

Happy Spring!


March 2013


Old souls unite! Come together and relax, for 2013 is the year to take a vacation. Ah, the warm beaches of your souls are calling out to you, the water temperature is just right, and the margaritas are blended perfectly. The sun is soothing and the moon is guiding you with its mystery. “YOU ARE HERE” is on the map of each of us, we have arrived. Not to thunderous applause or even kudos of a job well done. Just here, right now, in this mo-

ment, at this place in time you have landed. “NOW WHAT?” is the phrase on most minds. Most of you have been on this path for many years and the energy that arrived shortly after 12/12/12 was, to say the least, a little discombobulating and disheartening. The first two months of 2013 have indeed been a time of adjustment. Some have settled in well, while others are still trying to find the

March 2013

path they knew so well. The path seems to have disappeared before their eyes. If you have surfed the internet or connected with your guidance team, you know “all is well”. You have landed exactly where you are supposed to, however a navigation manual would have been nice.

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You have been given a gift this year of rebirth, rebirth by the energy brought in from all the work you have collectively done in the past, in order to bring about this shift. As with any newborn, you cannot run until you have learned to crawl, and in order to get to the crawling stage there is a lot to learn. The first lesson is how to work with the new energy and not against it. As the year progresses, you can expect that things will no longer work the same as they used to. It is time to toss out the book and write a new script.

fecting, proving and pretending; by tolerating toxic relationships; by being passive; by being manipulated; not believing in ourselves; and allowing your inner critic to be in the driver’s seat. The ascended concept of power is the power within, your internal source. You need to be in alignment with your power in all things. When you are in alignment, you will start evolving your life experiences so that they align with your highest potential, learning that you own your power and are fully in control of your life. As the year progresses, you will become more aware of truth. Truths that you have long held will start to crumble on a personal and world level. It will become increasingly more apparent that you need to be the observer and be detached as the drama unfolds. Over the coming year you will realize, as you evolve into your higher aspects, that your truth/perception will have changed from a year ago. All new truths will reveal new paths of transforming your journey from one of karma to one of creation. It is important to allow others to discover their own truth. It is not a time to cast judgments or your perceptions of truth onto others. Eventually you will be lead to a new way but for now it is a personal journey of discovery and preparation. Be the truth you wish to know and you will have peace, joy and love to guide you this year.

Do you remember back when you first opened this strange book of self-discovery? The pages were blank and you started filling them with knowledge of who you were as a spiritual human. You are back to this time. Time to go back to the basics, only this time you have a well-supplied tool box to work with. This will be a hard concept for some to grasp, some will shout …. “Heck, I have been working on myself, I am done, and there is no more work to do”. Yet how has the new energy served you so far? Have you not felt it? Has it shaken you to your very core? Have your emotions been all over the place? Has your memory seemed to have flown out the window? How about those aches and pains? If you have any desire to complete what you came here to do, you need to accept, that evolution, through “me” focus, is the start. You need to learn how to work with the new 2013 is the year you personally shift from mindfulenergy. If you are one of the way-showers you need ness to soulfulness. Your desires will become more apparent and important as you continue to clear out to know how to lead the way. the old. This will be welcome for most. You will be The vacation part comes in the form of doing for moving beyond just knowing what your soul’s desire yourself and not trying to rescue the rest of the is, to actually realizing your soul’s desire. You will world. YOU need to take this time for yourself. step into creation with not one possible potential but with many possible potentials. It will mean that you They say 2012 was the year you took back your pow- are creating many different avenues until you find the er, now you have your power plus the power of the one that fits you best. You will begin to lead with the new energy swirling around and you need to figure soul; this will mean the mind will be learning a new out exactly what this means on an inner level. Again concept. It will be learning to create, instead of alno manual came with regaining your power, and to ways knowing what will happen next. be frank, most people didn’t even know they had lost it or given it away. You gave your power away (Continued on page 6) through many different avenues; by pleasing, per-

March 2013


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Starting during the spring equinox, the door to the old power will close. It will not slam shut; think of it as a slow release door closer. Eventually the door will be closed and it will be increasingly harder to work with the old energy. The universe is giving us the gift of this year to weave ourselves with the energy so that we can be who we are. Light workers, healers, old souls; sharing our wisdom and knowledge with many, to create the future we have all dreamed about and known could be. This might not be a navigation manual, but hopefully, it will give some guidance as to what you are working on this year. At the very least, there seems to be a theme happening. A vacation they say, well in some aspects I suppose it will be. It will be a year of personal focus, of filling your soul with the vibration of the new energy, and allowing it to resonate with you, so you can continue the work you came here to do. By focusing on the here and now you are leading by example and letting your light shine. Hey, they said the world would end and yet, together we enabled the consciousness to shift enough that we survived. You are triumphant and will continue to see victory in small increments until a new earth is born.

Marlene resides in Burnaby BC and is a certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher. Marlene has also been certified in Angel Medicine by Dr. Doreen Virtue, and has taken many courses/ workshops to keep current in all aspects of spiritual healing. Marlene’s passion is to help others live up to their fullest potential through insightful, helpful, gentle treat-

ments. Marlene is the publishing editor at Nourish Publication which she founded in 2011 to provide wisdom and healing to a larger audience through a variety of authors. Marlene also writes variouscolumns for the publication. Divine blessings, gratitude, love, light and healing to all, may you know peace and have serenity in your life. Connect with Marlene at or email at

March 2013


blue skies backdrop tree lined ridges overlook supine mother earth quilts of snow crossed hatched ski lines, animal tracks bearing testimony to life white capped roof amidst snow mounds, thin stream of chimney smoke – messages from those within sudden flash of color from naked branch – bluebird flies against the odds. good omen! mother’s heart beats,

we are, we have survived!

Margie Kivel

March 2013


It is almost Spring here in Vancouver. One of the joys of living on the West Coast, is the sound of the chirping birds at 0500 in February! This wake up call definitely marks the start of an early Spring. As we are moving into 2013, are you feeling the shift? Are you sensing a push in your life? We are all seemingly challenged in different areas of our life – work, family, finances, relationships, health and more. The challenges may push us against the wall and have us feel like we can’t do this and are alone.

Nothing could be further from the truth. With the planetary shift of 2012, some of you may have found more of these challenges than prior. The beautiful, most awe inspiring thing is that we can move through this energy with ease and grace if we allow ourselves to. I have worked with thousands of clients on issues of health, family, relationships and more teaching

them these skills. Here is a summary of some of the foundational principles: 1. You are an infinite being in a human body. 2. In that space of infinite energy – anything is possible. 3. You are more than just this physical thing called your body and the mind you perceive. 4. There is an energy around you and within you that wants you to succeed, be healthy and be happy. 5. We create everything in our lives. 6. If what we are creating is not serving us, then it is up to us to shift and change our energy to affect the physical things around us. 7. As we shift and change our own energy, we can sit back and watch as the Universe gives us back in spades. 8. Our energy affects everything around us. It is up to us to be aware of this. 9. Our ability to love, feel gratitude, be happy and contended, live in peace and joy is our shift in our energy. 10.As we live in energies of anger, resentment,

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hatred, greed and self loathing we do not serve anyone, especially ourselves. 11.We have infinite capabilities to shift, alter and completely modify our lives if we choose to. 12.We are infinite beings in human bodies. Our natural state is of joy and well-being. It is normal for us to feel joyful and alive. Our bodies respond well to joy, creativity, passion and excitement! Think of children – they would rather be playing at the park than be locked up in a room studying. We are simply grown up children. What works for them and allows them to feel alive is exactly the same for you. What change can you take in your day to allow yourself this sense of ease, well-being, grace and joy? Maybe take a walk in the park, smell the flowers and watch the children play. Possibly take out your bike and ride around the block hands-free! Take up a new activity – try out zumba dancing, jumping rope, a new yoga

class or something that makes you laugh! Every day and every moment, we have the chance to completely transform our lives. What will you do today or even right now to start this process? This is a phenomenal way to start your Spring!

Dr. Divi Chandna is a family doctor and an intuitive healer. She loves to work with clients who want to get to the root source of their disease process. Dr. Divi believes that illness is not a one way road, but all disease can be unravelled and healed. She stands in her life mission to help people understand the majestic beauty of who they are, and to realize that they have the ability to self heal and release into their own supreme perfection. She intertwines her gifts of intuition and her practical, cognitive mind of medicine to help people on their healing path. Dr. Divi practices in Vancouver and does sessions in person, on phone and via Skype.

March 2013


Oxalis corniculata

If you’ve never met the plant I’m about to talk Oxalis stricta about then consider yourself very, very lucky. I don’t mean to scare you, but if you’re any type of gardener, even if you’re just the mower of lawns you will easily recognize Woodsorrel- Oxalis corniculat and upright Oxalis strict. The Husband and I refer to it as “That horrible red clover”, even though we’re both quite aware it is NOT a clover. For the most part I’m a live and let live sort of gardener. Every plant and animal has a right to share the earth with me. When you understand that many times a plant chooses to be in our garden for a reason that we may not be immediately aware of, you learn to allow Mother Nature to make the decisions. If you learn to pay attention and listen to your intuition you may discover the plant is trying to tell you something about your health, or the health of your soil. This concept just does not compute with The Husband though. He tends to allow Woodsorrel’s pres-

Mar ily n Dy k e

March 2013

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ence to send him into fits. He huffs and puffs and pulls and digs and scrapes, but never, never, never is he ever going to see it’s demise and this is because once the plant sets seed the slightest touch will make it spew it’s tiny seeds all over god’s creation and I mean that quite literally. Being a one with creation type of person my mode of operation is quite different. I’m not going to let myself go into convulsions over a little red clover thingy, I won’t curse it- what’s the point? I don’t even want to pull it- damn seeds go everywhere! No, I’m just going to quietly slip a paper bag over it, slide a trowel under it and yank it out of the ground! …..And then….then I’m going to eat it! Woodsorrel, like other sorrels and plants of the Oxalis genus has a wonderful sour/tangy taste I love. Enjoy the leaves and flowers raw in salads or sandwiches. If you’re ever caught thirsty without water try chewing the leaves, they quench the thirst. Even the juicy, crisp green seed pods have a tartness that will spice up a salad.

long dark winter. Try adding them to your smoothies, or be adventurous and use them in salads. Your body will thank you for it. Bon Appétit!

Marilyn Dyke is a Dedicated Practitioner trained in Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy©. She has been an active/ongoing teaching and healing Reiki Master for many years (Usui) When she isn’t teaching or seeing clients she messes about in the garden producing herbal creams, salves, tinctures, teas etc. It is Marilyn's pleasure and purpose in this life to help support your quest for balance, peace and physical well being! Visit Marilyn at

I haven’t tried making a tea of the plant, but will put this on my must do list as it is said to have an aroma like cooked green beans…yummy…NOT! The flavor is said to be lemony so just drink don’t smell. Although you could easily pick buckets of this stuff and eat it every day I must caution you. Woodsorrel like other Oxalis’ also contains Oxalic acid – and this in large quantities eaten daily can deplete your system of other important nutrients like calcium. Now I stress, you would have to eat it in large quantities and every day and it’s also worth noting that many of our fruits and vegetables that we eat daily also contain oxalic acid, our bodies even produce it so it’s an important part of our chemistry. So even though you probably could pick buckets of the stuff everyday, and you would soooo love to eat every last one of it’s little red leaves and then throw the roots into the garburator…(am I going overboard on this?) try to restrain yourself and eat wisely. And now on another note; I was out in the garden the other day and noticed little green shoots starting to come up here and there. Could this be spring? Now is the time to quickly dig up any roots like Dandelion or Burdock you want. Their energy and goodness is stored in the root until they start to sprout leaves, so hurry! And oh those leaves! When they first come up they are so very tender and tasty. So keep checking the garden as these first green shoots of edible plants have so much green goodness to offer you after the

March 2013


When we think of happiness, we generally imagine a state in which our lives are in balance, our needs are met, and there is no pain or suffering. If we ‘only’ want to be happy, according to the above criteria, we are asking for the impossible. We can certainly experience moments, days, or even weeks, when we feel balanced, fulfilled, and free of pain or sorrow. Happiness, however, is not a constant state. If it were, it would lose its charm, and we may become bored. Happiness is an emotional state, like sadness, grief, or excitement. It ebbs and flows. If we become discouraged during times when it is not there, or when it is eclipsed by reactions to life’s difficulties, then we may experience living as being on an emotional rollercoaster. Yet, it is the presence of the valleys that give us the experience of the peaks. Happiness is relative, and not so much something that ‘comes’ to us, as a decision we make about how we feel. The individual who is distressed about not finding good quality bottled water during her travels, might well drop to her knees in ecstasy upon finding a puddle of muddy water after being lost for days in a forest. The street person, after an exceptionally productive day of bottle-collecting may be happier than the wealthy entrepreneur who agonizes constantly about the stock market. (Continued on page 13)

March 2013


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Whenever we have expectations of life, or people, we set ourselves up for unhappiness, because the focus on our satisfaction is outside of ourselves. If we need the right job, the right house, the right partner, the right income, or outcome, then it is like we are sitting on a teeter-totter over which we do not have ultimate control. We could crash at any time. Ego, of course, would like to sit on one end, and direct the forces at the other end so as to keep itself exactly where it wants to be all the time. But then ego pays little mind to the agendas of others, or the Universe, for that matter. While life is, indeed, an interactive experience, it is much healthier to value the experience for what it is, rather than according to what we want.

Ego is that aspect of humans that puts the head down, wanting to win at any cost. Ego will have temper tantrums and argue with the referee. Ego really does not care much about how others see things. Ego wants to win. Ego cannot comprehend its transitory nature and does not realize that wherever we go from here, the ‘stats’ it accumulated will be irrelevant. Soul knows it never was about winning. Soul watches Ego’s torment, and wonders why it chooses struggle, when contentment and inner peace are a mere perception-shift away. When we let go of our rigid expectations and ego-based demands, joy and peace come rushing in to fill the void. In this, we must allow our souls to take the lead, because Ego is still focused on the score, and does not fully understand the implications of the running time clock.

I am reminded of a time when my then young son began playing organized hockey. From the stands I would cheer his team on, and was surprised at how hard I took it when they lost. It did not help that the parents of the opposing team would cheer the victors as though they had just won gold! I wanted that happy feeling! As time went on, I realized these were just a bunch of little boys out there playing a game. They were having so much fun, that they may not have cared too much about the score. It was the adults who made it such a big deal. Their main purpose was to learn to play the game, to develop the ability to be team players and good sports.

Gwen Randall-Young and award-winning pist. For permission article, or to obtain visit

is an author Psychotherato reprint this books or cds,

I wonder sometimes if a higher presence looks down upon us, and wonders why we all seem to take the game so seriously, and focus so much on our ‘score’. Maybe we, too, are here to learn to play the game, to develop the ability to be team players and good sports. People come and go in our lives, fortunes change, good and bad things happen. Some things we can influence, and some, we cannot. Being a good player means accepting what is, giving our best, learning from mistakes, getting right up when we get knocked down, not blaming or making excuses, and always being willing to get back into the game, giving our all. In sports, playing against good teams can sharpen your skills. In life, handling tough challenges can also bring out the best in us.

March 2013


*Peter = italic parts Carrying on from last month’s discussion, Peter and I are going to discuss how we can face our shadows and shift our thoughts and beliefs to overcome them. We are getting to the action stage and this will require homework for all of us. Many will look at this and think, “I have been doing the homework for many years now; I am already in the 4th dimension”. This could be true; however earth right now is embracing the 4th dimension. Each of us, whether we have been doing the work or not, are going to have shadows come up for us to look at again. It is about going deeper and preparing for the new. It is about living more consciously in the now. For all of us it is important to actually do the work and not try to skip onto the next dimension. The more we can shift out of our old ways, the more open we will be to bringing in new ideas that will sustain us through the coming years. Earth and her inhabitants are only going up from here. Are you ready to go along with her? First off, if you have never worked with facing your shadows, you need to know that they are not bad, evil, or diminishing. They are there to point us in the direction we need to go for growth. They are blessings that we often don’t want to look at but if we do, wonderful transformation can take place. Peter can you tell us from your perspective what is a shadow, how would a person recognize one?

We came into this world with both sides, light and dark, because earth (3d) is about duality. There is an opposite for everything, love/hate, north/south, east/west, light/ dark, polarities that balance each other. Our shadow is usually what we hide from others and sometimes from ourselves. If you are very shy, maybe you have put the spontaneous part of yourself into your shadow. Sometimes we don’t want to show our weakness in front of others, so we put on a mask. Usually our shadow shows us a part of ourselves that we think others don’t see. It is a work in progress and the idea is to be flexible to change. We usually don’t mind changing easy things. Where the going gets tough is when we have issues with parts of ourselves. The first thing to do is not to judge our(Continued on page 15)

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selves. If you fight your shadow either it hides or, on the contrary, it gets too much attention and gets very strong. The more you fight something the stronger it gets. We can’t get rid of our shadow so there is another way. The way is to embrace it. How do we do this? When a part of the shadow shows itself, you accept it and then you explain that you are the driver and that it can sit in the back seat of the car. Let’s say your shadow tells you “don’t talk to strangers. It’s dangerous.” You can look at it and say, “Thank you for protecting me”. Then you can look at that and realize that it was your mom who first told you that when you were young. “Don’t talk to strangers or else a mean man will take you away and you will never see mommy again.” Except you are an adult now, and people you meet are strangers until you get to know them. At that point you can see that there is an upgrade needed of your belief system. You can negotiate and make a deal with that shadow, you can say “Tell me when I’m in danger. As for the decisions, I will make them.” By doing this you are not ignoring that part of you which is trying to protect you, and at the same time you are shifting your belief so you can go ahead with your life. Science has told us, thanks to Einstein, that the 4th dimension is time. Time does play a part in the transition through this dimension, time is speeding up. What this means for all of us is that our past is coming around quicker to bless or haunt us. Unresolved issues are coming up faster and stronger in order to be released. Often they look the same as the issue you thought you dealt with 3 months ago but sometimes they come in disguise and while the underlying issue is the same, the outer face is different. It is also a time to detach from time, stop watching the clock or calendar, and just work through the progression in your own time. Perhaps that is one of the best pieces of advice, each person will progress along the ascension at their own pace, no one is in front, and no one is lagging behind. We are all in this together and it is not a race to the finish line, it is about being in the now, your own now and not the world consciousness now. To detach from this linear time concept we must learn to accept and trust our intuition, Peter, do you think there is a different way for us to detach from time?

When we think as we usually think, we see time as, past, present and future. That is linear time as we know it. This comes from the left side of our brain which analyzes; calculating mainly from what we have learned in the past. The door that opens the right side of your brain is intuition. It can open the artistic part or yourself and as you go into your art you don’t see the time go by. You are in the “Now”. It’s a bird’s eye view of things. Until now the rational mind was in power of our lives. Here is a quote from Albert Einstein that explains it well:

W e h av e cr e at ed a so ci et y t h at h o n o r s t h e s e r v a n t an d h as f o r g o t t en t h e gift Now we are starting to wake up more and more, and yes… intuition will take a larger part of our lives. Metaphysically the 4th dimension is the dimension of the heart or reality. Basically, what this means for each person, is that the time to live from our hearts is here. Our hearts will show us the way to carving out our reality in this new energy. When we come from our hearts, our intuition is leading the way. When we do what we love, our reality is based in unconditional love and that is the start and foundation for social communities which will work together for the good of all. In order to get to this point we need to continue coming from our hearts and not allow our egos to put us in the place of fear. Fear is a strong-hold which can either, motivate us to change, freeze us in place, or have us running for our lives. Ego works with fear to keep us from looking at our shadows. It also has a firm hold on what we believe, and I mean it has been there every step of the way anchoring our beliefs into what we perceive as our reality. Part of our homework is to disassemble our belief system. That sounds daunting doesn’t it? I mean, we have had years to hone our belief systems; we have garnered information from all our years on earth and built the foundation for what we believe strongly. How do we even go about breaking this down?

What works best is if we just keep moving along in our life and face each “one” as it comes. Our beliefs will be challenged more and more in in our daily lives. All that we need to do is to accept what is proposed to us and try not to resist changing. Since our planet is moving towards change faster and faster, our part is to adapt to the changes. These changes will be mainly inside of us, like I said earlier, an upgrade of our beliefs and thought patterns. The best way is to let go and adapt to the new energy. It is a very important and auspicious time for each of us to work on our shadows. Within each part of us that we hide away from the world, no matter the reason, there is a golden nugget. This golden nugget contains power and strength that add to who we are. If you learn to face your shadow and integrate it into your being, absorbing it to make you whole, you can turn fear into courage, anger into power, prejudice into acceptance, and hatred into love. As you do your shadow homework, not in a scholastic way but in the way our souls designed it, looking at each shadow as it shows up, we are working towards unification. The saying, “it starts with you”, takes on new meaning. It does start with you and through your example you will inspire others to face their shadow. The future is indeed bright and what better way to shine than to have your shadows work for you and not against you.

Th e i n t u i t i v e m i n d i s a sacr ed g i f t an d t h e r at i o n al m i n d i s a f ai t h f u l s e r v a n t .

March 2013


Hello Dear Ones, Let’s begin… The month of love has past but as we have said before every day is a day to celebrate love in all forms and in all ways. For in this love we expand with All That Is and All of Creation. March is the start of spring where everything starts to sprout and blossom. So like the flowers, plants and trees what do you want to blossom and sprout? Tend the garden of your heart, mind, spirit and soul. Remove the weeds (beliefs, thoughts, old worn out habits etc.) that no longer serve you. Release shame, guilt, fear and regret as they are no longer needed. Tend the seeds of what makes you happy. Tend the seeds of joy. Tend the seeds of love. Spread the seeds around to others, the world and the universe. Spread the seeds around to yourself as well for you deserve these seeds of love, joy happiness, laughter and abundance as much as anyone else. YOU ARE ENOUGH!!! YOU ARE WORTHY of all the universe and Creation has to offer you and more !!! There are lyrics to a song we heard that says what we would like to convey. It is this: “I just want you to know who I AM” We want you to know who you are at your very core!! We want you to understand how much you are loved beyond measure, time and space!! THAT YOU ARE ENOUGH!! No matter what you’ve done in the past or will do in the future you are all enough always and forever.

Channeled by Michelle Hayes Michelle Hayes, is an empath/intuitive who has a passion for healing and children. During a Shamanic naming ceremony Michelle was given the name Whitestar Eagle. Michelle’s passions guide her to help educate others so they may find the gift within of love, purity, compassion, kindness and the grace of creator and spirit. Michelle offers reiki, reflexology, intuitive healing, intuitive/angel readings, channeling, shamanic healing and shamanic journeys. Her services can be done in person or long distance by phone, email or Skype. Currently Michelle resides in Toronto. If you have any questions, comments or would like to contact her for more information please visit her blog http:// or email her at Michelle looks forward to hearing from you!

We want you to look at yourself, polish the mirror of your heart, and with your heart full of love see yourself and know I AM !! Then from that deep place of peace ,calm, love and knowing you can say “ I just want you to know who I AM and genuinely show others who you are in love , gratitude and joy. They in turn can show you who they are at their core. This way the seeds of love, intimacy, joy, happiness and abundance are perpetuated everywhere around the world to yourself, to others, to the universe and to All that IS. Then the universe can answer back with “I just want you to know who I AM” and with deep abiding love from heart and your very core you can say “I see you and know who you are because I see my-

self and know I AM.”

With abiding love that is beyond measure Arch Angel Michael and All of Creation

March 2013


March 2013


Many of us walk through life without knowing about, or paying attention to, what is happening around us. We have a very small “me” approach to life that can limit our experiences. The journey to peace requires that we expand beyond “me” to “us”. This is an intensely personal journey. Paradoxically, in order to be more aware of Yo u I first have to be more aware of M e! Isn’t that interesting? Awareness of “Me” will actually allow us to expand beyond the “me” approach to life. Last month we worked on awareness of our energy fields from the moment we awoke and beyond, as we were able to focus occasionally throughout our day. This month we are going to pay close attention to what happens when we are in conflict, whether outspoken or internal. It will require you to step across the “short wall,” to detach and observe. It will require you to be honest with yourself about your feelings, about your reactions to words and events. It will require you to let go of your desire to answer insult with insult, to let go of the sarcastic reply. If this feels like a big order—it is! It is not something that is completed within a month—it may take your entire life. You will get better and better at it, though, and this one month spent working on it intensely will open the door for the rest of your life. We have a lot invested in being “right.” Many very wise people have suggested that you can be right—or you can be happy. Meditate on this for a wee while. Think about it. Write about it. What happens if you take out the word “happy” and replace it with “peace?” Do you know how to stand in your truth without forcing that truth on another? There is a huge difference between knowing what is true for me—and insisting that others see life the same way. I know that spirit IS. I have siblings who KNOW that there is no such thing. I know what I know—and I do not require that they know what I know in order to vali-

date my knowing. When they speak to me of their beliefs, I am able to choose words that validate their knowing. At the same time I rejoice in MY knowing—because that knowing is what helps me to see the truth in theirs. Carry something with you that will help you to record your experiences this month. It can be a phone with a recording device, a small journal, blank business cards—what you record can be very brief, just enough words to allow you to recall the event later in the day. In the evening, take the time to listen to/read your notes. What were you feeling at the time? Have your feelings changed? If so, why? What was at the heart of the emotion? In a larger journal, explore what went on, from beginning to end. Own all of it. Read over what you have written. If there are places where you have passed off the responsibility for what happened—can you rewrite it? How do you feel when you do that? Please do not be dismayed if you find that you would like to turf responsibility. The only way that you can get to the place of accepting full ownership of an issue is by first not accepting that ownership. In Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsh, the point is made that “you cannot know who you are until you know who you are not.” This very powerful observation has helped me to accept who I am—and to very definitely know who I am not. I rejoice in your journey! Until next month….Namasté! Vera Enshaw is a spiritual being in human form who currently resides in Vancouver. Her path in this life is to know love and to share that love with you through the mediums of healing, spiritual counseling and teaching. She is a Reiki Master, shares high quality essential oils using the Raindrop Technique and uses crystals and quartz crystal toning bowls to help you find healing in all your bodies. She is fascinated by energy and teaches people at all levels how to expand their awareness. Working with guides and angels – with Spirit in all its forms – is one of the greatest gifts she has received. Let her share it with you! Contact Vera at for more information.

March 2013


Connections If I cannot step into the space that is you, to see and hear with your eyes and ears, I will have no understanding. If I have not experienced the understanding of one on one, or known earth, sky and water, I will not have found harmony. Without the strands that unify heart and mind, the harmony of all life will not be mine, and I will never find peace. If peace within does not expand to include all life without, I will have kept the gift, locked the love within myself. One serves the other; as tree yearns for blossom’s opening to bring the bee, share the nectar grow the fruit, feed the life. Margie Kivel

March 2013


Phil Nielsen

The rune cast for March is Isa, which is also the next rune in the Elder Futhark we will be discussing.

trend in relationships. These could be personal or business related depending on the other runes drawn. There will be ill feelings and resentments, perhaps even a separation or severance of ties. In an emotional relationship, the problem is often a breach of loyalty, either by the other person or the querent. Unless coupled with love runes that are reversed, this should be resolved within a fairly short period of time. If, however, Isa shows up in a rune cast that is strongly negative, it could signify that the relationship has run its course and is not salvageable. If this is the case, you would be better served by moving on to a more profitable venture or a new relationship that will bring you more contentment.

This rune indicates a cessation of activities – a freeze if you will. All plans should be put on hold for the moment to be resumed at a more opportune time. When the cast has more delay runes, it shows that any positive accomplishments are unlikely now. Delays and frustrations are sure to be a problem, but unless surrounded by negative runes, they will only be temporary. Isa can indicate a cooling off

March 2013

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her and told her that a miracle had just happened and another Tree of Life had sprouted overnight just outside the gates of Asgard. More importantly it was blooming with golden apples that were far more beautiful than the ones she has just picked. She demanded to be shown this new tree and Loki quickly agreed adding that she should bring her apples for comparison, as he may have been mistaken about their beauty and maybe hers were truly the finest in creation.

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They both marched out of Asgard while the gods waited vainly for their morning meal. Once past the shelter of the gate, she demanded to be shown this new Tree of Life. Instead, Loki suddenly bound and gagged her, threw her over his shoulder, picked up the basket of apples, and set of in the direction of Thrymheim, the giant’s grim castle in Jotenheim. He arrived several days later to a mocking but hearty welcome.


“Your debt is paid,” roared Thjazi. “Now get out and hide somewhere because the giants are about to take over the world.” With that he popped one of the apples in his mouth whole. “One a day keeps the Asgard away!” he laughed, much to Iduna’s dismay.

The Gatherer of Golden Apples.

Norse gods were not themselves immortal; they relied on the golden apples from Yggdrasil. Those apples could only be picked by the purest of heart and seeing as how almost every god and goddess had at one time or other fallen rather short of that lofty goal, it fell to a very special Asynir named Iduna, the Renewing One. The apples would only respond to her pure hand for they withered away if anyone else tried to pick them. Each morning she would go gather the golden apples from the very top of Yggdrasil and bring them to the Aesir, Asynir, and Vanir for their breakfast and in this way, they remained healthy and youthful throughout time. While all the world knew of the apples, only Iduna knew where they grew. Because of this knowledge, the giants and dwarves either offered whatever she wanted for them or threatened to kidnap her. All Father knew of these plots and made certain that both she and the golden apples were well protected. But as was usual, he was betrayed by Loki, the trickster god, who had gotten in trouble with a powerful giant named Thjazi. Loki traded his freedom by promising to hand over Iduna and her apples to Jotenheim. As Loki had never been permitted to eat the golden apples, that promise meant nothing to him. Iduna had just picked her basket of apples when Loki appeared to

Loki fled the giant’s land quickly, glad to be freed from his obligation to such a despicable monster. Meanwhile, the gods and goddesses had begun to wither away as age, so long postponed, began to catch up to them. Heimdall barely had breath enough to blow Gjallarhorn, Thor could hardly even pick up Mjolnir, and worst of all, Odin’s wisdom was fading which meant the Aesir, Asynir, and the Vanir were without effective leadership. Was this the Twilight of the Gods, predicted by Earth Mother? Well into their terminal condition, Loki suddenly appeared. He confessed his crime and was sincerely contrite, less for knowing what he had done to Iduna and his fellow gods and more for knowing what Thjazi and the rest of the Jotenheimers had planned for the world. Loki had a plan and begged Mardal-Freya to lend him her falcon cape. “With it, I will fly back to Thrymheim, rescue Iduna, and bring her back to Asgard” Too weak to argue, the goddess gave him her flying cloak of falcon feathers. He wrapped himself in it and was instantly transformed into that bird of prey. As he arrived at the giant’s castle he spied a tiny slit of a window and guessing that was where they were keeping her, flew through the tiny opening. She was sleeping on the hay strewn stone floor when he

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demonstrated by the Hindu Kshatriya diamond which cautiously awakened her. “Iduna, it’s me, Loki. I is believed to prevent the approach of old age. Astrohave come to save you.” logically, Iduna or Isa, corresponds to Taurus, April 21 – May 20, where it known to the Norse as Thrym“How is that possible,” she said, “now that you are a heim, the giant’s castle where she was imprisoned bird?” until freed by Loki. (Continued from page 21)

In answer, he used his shapeshifting skills to change Until next month, her to a nut, which he gently grasped in his talons, Skål my brothers and sisters and flew out the window. Thjazi caught sight of the escape and guessed what had happened. He too, was a master shapeshifter and transformed himself into a huge, black eagle. Loki flew as fast a Mardal-Freya’s cloak could carry him but Thjazi’s powerful wings gave him greater speed and he was quickly gaining on him. Heimdall, the Watcher who sees all things, gathered the last of his strength and blew Gjallarhorn to warn the gods. The gods struggled to roll barrels of oil to the highest ramparts of Asgard, as Kvasir stood ready with his torch. As Loki crossed over the battlements with the larger eagle in hot pursuit, Kvasir dropped his torch in the hot oil. Suddenly, a wall of flame shot into the sky, engulfing the eagle. It fell from the skies in a pile of burning black feathers and then enlarged into the colossal form of a giant. Thjazi was dead.

Phil is passionate about many things in life. Having been a free wanderer all his life he has gained wisdom on many topics he is passionate about. Wanting to have a deeper understanding of his roots, Phil started to delve into his family background. His grandparents immigrated to Canada from Denmark. This passion has led him to explore the history and lore of runes which he shares with you here. If you wish to contact Phil please email him at

An exhausted Loki then threw off the falcon cloak and presented Odin with the nut. “Here is your salvation” he said. In explanation, he changed Iduna back to her original form and all the gods and goddesses gathered around to welcome her home. Iduna was shocked at the condition of her fellow gods and goddesses and immediately set off for the secret Yggdrasil branch. It blossomed in anticipation of her arrival, and the apples fell into her basket of their own accord. She hurried back to the withered and weak gods and goddesses and after a few bites saw their wrinkles disappear and their health return. Thor’s strength and vigor returned, Odin, standing erect now, no longer needed his staff, but instead commanded it, Mardal-Freyr and Freya’s youthful beauty returned, and once again all of Asgard rang out with the revelry of restored youth and vitality Iduna’s rune, indicates an end to progress, static conditions, inertia, entropy, a cooling trend. Its appearance warns against making any immediate decisions and shows that we should wait for more favorable times. McVan puts a positive spin on the rune, stating that “it represents drawing into the center of ones being, giving calm in times of strife” Iduna’s color, gold, represents the golden apples and her gem stone is diamond, which represents her purity. The common Aryan heritage of her significance is

March 2013


By Jeannie Magenta In life some changes come naturally and effortlessly while others are a day to day battle. Then there are those other spots where change feels like the impossible dream. Change that feels like the impossible dream often relates to our relationships with others. They claim to have made changes and yet given enough time their true colors show through and they are back to the same old patterns. So frustrating right? Wrong! Change – No matter who I want to be different begins with me. I encourage you to be mindful of what is happening around you and I invite you to be open to the possibility for change. Sitting waiting for the other person to slip up is unfair because your vision of who they are hasn’t changed even though they are working really hard to make the changes in their life. In essence its like seeing a friend after 20 years and expecting them to still be the party girl you knew them to be in high school. You may

laugh and yet begin to notice how this is true. We create imaginary boxes for the people in our lives and then keep them there even when they have outgrown the box. Next time you are meeting with a friend, family member or even an ex- partner: visualize in your mind the willingness to be pleasantly surprised by their behavior. Imagine they will treat you with kindness. Imagine if they are angry that it has nothing to do with you and in turn not taking any of the things they are saying to heart. Imagine the best possible outcome and take actions from your side to move towards that positive outcome. Allow yourself to be open to change. Okay hold the snickers and snorts for two more minutes because I am getting to the big questions of “What if the other person acts in the same old way they always do?” Keep holding the vision of them doing the best they can and remember its not about you. Allow yourself to be the agent of change rather than placing them back in the box. So

March 2013

often the people closest to us can be the hardest to see and appreciate yet we love them the most and treat them sometimes the worst. Change starts right here right now in my heart and I hold the highest vision for you and for me as we step forward and build new relationships with people who have touched our hearts for years. Jeannie Magenta resides in Vancouver and has a passion for people and assisting them on their journey. Offering coaching sessions, reiki energy healing treatments, private yoga sessions and group wellness workshops for individuals and organizations around BC. To every session she creates a nurturing space for clients to journey inwards and she brings a positive energy that is tangible and uplifting. If you’re ready to clear out the internal clutter book a session with Jeannie. She can be reached b y em ai l at j ean n i em ag en t a@g m ai m Live, Laugh, Breathe and Shine On!


When I submit my monthly contribution to this most excellent publication, it is always a pleasure. It is also a responsibility I do not take lightly. As a writer, it is my intention that the words I write bring insight, a fresh perspective, freedom, peace and Joy. My words are always offered with great love. As each month passes I am becoming increasingly aware of the simplicity of my role. I used to overcomplicate it and become frustrated with my impossible standards and judgements of it, until one day my lovely stepsister Sara said to me, “What is it that you want to be, Sis?” “Oh, that’s easy. I want to be a writer – a successful writer. With all my heart and soul, that is what I wish or have ever wished to be”. “But you already ARE”, she stated simply and profoundly. “You write things that uplift me and others, and in my eyes that makes you a Writer”, she told me. Her words took my breath away because I had been thinking I had to be a published novelist or celebrated author in order to become a Writer. I did not think that the things I penned from my thoughts or from my heart were worthy of anything until she gave me that gift. I prevented myself from acknowledging myself, in other words because I was making an unfair comparison – measuring myself against what I was (wrongly) defining as success. In hindsight, it is clear that I began writing as soon as I could hold a crayon! I spent all my pocket money on books and pens and pencils and loved to read for hours. When first shown a book with words, I knew what words were. It was as if the letters were old friends reintroducing themselves to me; I felt they spoke to me, showing me how they could form their relationships into words, sentences, paragraphs and such. To this day, it actually physically hurts me if I see a ‘mis-spelled’ word, and I am all too aware of my pedantic nature when it comes to correcting words! Forgive me… As a child, I loved to create stories and illustrate them alongside my best friend, Debra.

Jay “Granny” Atkinson

When I was about 11 years old my first ever letter to a magazine was published. I felt I’d won an Oscar! When I reached the age of 15, my writing took on a more serious tone. I would be engaged in some mundane task when from out of the air, I would hear a few words, dancing across my mind, and I would feel compelled to write them down. As I wrote, the words flowed seamlessly until my hand ached as the words came too fast to get them onto the paper! When I read the words back, they made absolute sense and no sense to my teen self. (Continued on page 25)

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I now know that was the beginning of my ‘channeling’ showing up! Much has happened since the first tentative acceptance that I was receiving something wonderful and my work has taken on many facets and dimensions, which is incredibly exciting. Fast forward to present day, in my daily musings or Kitchen Synch meditations as I call them, I receive a stream of invaluable wisdom. As I focus on cleaning the dishes or how lovely the bubbles feel in the water, the feeling/words stream straight into my heart. One morning, I realised I was in the presence of a very different and even more wonderful energy than that with which I was familiar. I was in the presence of my Mother. Not my physical mother, but the Mother of All Creation. Our True Mother. After one particularly lovely half hour’s chat, I felt the exquisite love of this Mother in my heart so deeply it made me cry – and that is an understatement. The energy I was experiencing spoke to me in wordless words:

I am your Mother. I have been with you since time began and will be with you eternally. When you call to me, I am there. When we communicate like this, know that this is what I mean by Holy Communion. When you are speaking to the Mother of All Creation in your heart and you are hearing Me, THAT is your own unique Holy Communion, do you see? I GOT IT! I asked the Mother about the Father and the male role in all of this creation stuff. It has long been taught in the Western world that God (the creator) is the Fa-

ther, Son and Holy Ghost (presumably and because I also assumed from what I was taught at school, the Holy Ghost is also male!) I also know that there are many religions that have female deities, but bear with me… I’m on a roll! So (and these are my personal musings and are only relating to my own confusion and need to know) HE sent HIS only begotten SON… (Note: To be channelled

through the Chalice or Vessel of Mary. A WOMAN!)

The communion I experience can only be inadequately described as Omni-Energy. We hear of omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience. I understand all of that. This is all of that plus several zero’s! The Mother spoke again: “I am

the Mother of All Creation, yet I am not a female, as you would describe Me”. I was then given a sense of whom S/He is. The Alpha and the Omega with all points in between if you can get your head around that one! (Interesting note here: SHE contains the word HE. It is not so the other way around!) I think that thought was given to me just now to explain what I’m trying to say about this magnificent energy I am coming to know. And just to bang home the point I am making, the word WOMAN contains the word MAN. It is not so the other way around! The Mother continued. The Fa-

ther is honoured also, but the Father alone does not create for it takes the Mother vessel to manifest an imagined creation into Being. That is why I say to you: Honour your Father AND your Mother. My words have manifold meanings. It is good to honour those who gave life to your physical being, even if that

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experience was not deemed by you to have been a particularly happy one, as is so in a lot of life experiences. However, your true Father and Mother co-created with you to give you the most expansive experience. What you do for yourself you do for the Whole of Creation and many of you are coming to realise this now. It matters not to me what you call me. It matters only that you come to KNOW Me. Each child has it’s own unique relationship with it’s Mother. It is no different here, do you see? Your joy is my joy. Your pain is my pain. There is no separation. I was then given an energetic picture of what I understand to be the Womb of Creation. To put it simply, and I am putting it very simply, it is like an egg. Within the Womb of All Creation, there lies all possibility for manifestation, for birth, in fact. Issued forth from this vast and indescribably beautiful energy, are all things that are willed into creation. Yes, I know. It’s a lot to get your head around. It begs the question, ‘which came first? The chicken or the egg?’ but I think we’re onto something wonderful here. So, it takes male/female energy (man, woman – or chicken, rooster) to make another being in your likeness. Not rocket science at this stage. But what was it that created each component in the first place? AHA! Now we’re talking!! As I understand it the divine energy of the Mother of All Creation issued forth the energy of CREATION and in that divine moment, ALL possibility became possible! Got it? (Continued on page 26)


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I said earlier I intend my writings to give rise to new horizons of thinking. You may already know this stuff in which case I am only serving as a reminder of that. You may not be awakened to all possibility in which case I am serving as a gentle awakener. You may be thinking I’ve gone off my rocker in which case you could be right! But it FEELS GOOD! To give you an example of how I commune on a daily basis with the Mother, here is one of our latest conversations. Always the Mother speaks to me when I am in a state of calm and tranquillity. Washing last night’s dishes, garbed in my comfy dressing gown and slippers, I chuckled to myself about the latest must-have beauty innovation advertised in a women’s magazine, promising the moon, stars and the man – or woman - of your dreams. I chuckled to myself, thinking how much I’ve moved on from the belief that all that stuff would change my life.

“Buy our WonderMegaFabuLash and your eyelashes will…” Will what exactly? Double in size? Change their genetic structure? Duplicate so that you hardly have enough extra eyelid to accommodate the additional growth? Go to the gym and work out? Advertising is a very powerful hypnotic tool, and I have been under its spell many times, so I know from experience that the only thing likely to change is my bank balance! As I reflected upon how many thousands of pounds I must have donated to the beauty industry over the years, in pursuit of the magic wand that would mend my flawed image of myself, I felt the love of Mother flooding into my heart and I heard her speak:

Each and every one of you is a perfect reflection of Me. You are each a perfect likeness and expression of Me. There is no imperfection, only expression.

Even when you decide that you need to help one another, you do not realise that I am always with each and every creation of mine, from Alpha to Omega as you might say. It is good to feel love and kindness in your heart toward your brothers and sisters (or as I said in the words I sent to you aeons of time ago, ‘love your neighbour as you love yourself’). It is wonderful to feel Me for yourself, and know that I will never leave you. There is no greater love or kindness to yourself and to others when you come to this realisation. This wonderful and loving Mother is eternally present with me. It flows to others via me when I am speaking to them, especially if they need direction or a nudge of confidence. The love and the energy that pours through is something to be experienced. It is truly breathtaking. It is not something I can keep for myself. This feels like a major upgrade on all the other work I have done before. I hope to share more of the Mother’s wonderful gifts with you. Meanwhile… Th e e n er g y a n d l o v e o f t h e M o t h e r i s a v a i l a b l e t o a l l . I f y o u f e e l y o u n ee d o r w o u l d l i k e t o e x p e r i e n ce t h i s i n t er a ct io n f o r y o u r se l f , co n t a ct m e v i a m y w e b s i t e : w w w .h e ar t l i g h t co t t a g e .co m I d o n o t m a k e a ch ar g e f o r t h i s. I o n l y ask t h a t y o u b e a u t h e n t ic i n y o u r q u e st i o n i n g , a n d i f t h e sp i r i t so m o v e s y o u t o e x ch a n g e e n er g y i n t h e f o r m o f m o n e y o r a n y t h i n g e l se y o u ca n co m f o r t a b l y o f f er , t h a t w i l l b e w o n d e r f u l . I f y o u a r e n o t i n a p o si t i o n t o d o so , t h a t too. Mother be with you always. Jay ‘Granny’ Atkinson W: E:

You imagine in your flawed image of yourselves that you need to help, fix, enhance yourselves and each other and so you manufacture things that dazzle you into believing you are never going to be good enough without this product or that process. Hear me when I say that each and every one of you is a beautiful seed and when you Bloom Wherever you are Planted, you will realise that I have created only perfection…

March 2013


This time around life’s routine orbit I will take my cues from the oak and beech, my brothers and sisters in the moon mist. I will feel each tremor of singing wren, cycles of the nest woven from need. My feet wrapped in lace to make soft patterns, will leave faint marks of a passing through; for there are whispers beneath the leaves, where children and their strange creatures run through stories of magic which are spoken so clearly they pierce the heart with deadly precision. Margie Kivel

March 2013


My tea has grown cold as I sit here in wonderment, or maybe confusion. I am beginning to feel like Alice at the tea party with the White Rabbit. What is going on this year – and is it really 2013 or am I just dreaming it? As I reflect on the first two months of 2013, some days I get it, and I mean I really get it: I can see things happening all over the world, popping into place and I am exhilarated! Then some days I don’t get it, but oh boy do I feel it! Ouches and grouches galore! When that happens more often than not I waver between, “OMG, am I really sick, maybe it’s a heart attack” vs. “it’s just the new energies coming through and boy are they redesigning our bodies!” I’m not a newbie to the evolution of spiritual consciousness, but let me tell you there have been a number of days where, frankly I’m feeling like the lights may be on but nobody seems to be home inside my noggin. I can’t tell you how relieved I feel when I hear from one or another of my friends that they feel they have been MIA (missing in action) too. Excuse me a minute, someone is knocking on my inner door. Oh, it’s Butterfly Woman and she has asked me to step aside for a bit and let her speak. Ga i l Si l e r , Ph D So I’ll pour myself some more tea and listen in while who are invisible to you at the moment but as bondmy fingers dance to her words. ed with you as Gail is with me. Bu t t e r f l y W o m a n Sp e a k s “Rainbows and sunlight blessings I send to you, dear sisters and brothers. For those of you who haven’t read Decoding the Butterfly Promise, I am called Butterfly Woman. Am I real, you may ask? You bet your bippy, I’m real.

“For starters, let me share with you some of the frustration Gail was feeling a few weeks ago. She wrote it on her blog, but even before the words hit the page, we of invisible realms were happily organizing our loving and fun surprise of support in answer to her call.

Let me show you an image in your mind. Gail is sitting here in her comfy queen-anne-wingback chair with her tea tray complete with tea cozy and cuppa to her right on a round table and I am standing behind her. I am about 8 feet tall My Monarch Butterfly-esque wings are enfolding around her. Most of the time she forgets that I’m right here with her. But we have been connected for some time now and I am the reason she wrote her book. “I have asked to speak today because it is time. I will speak to you of what is happening to light workers and the advance team of which you, dear readers, are a part. So let us talk about these changes earth and we are experiencing right now and about the support you have from others of us

March 2013

“Gail said, well let’s say she raged forth the following: So we climbed to the top and welcomed in 2013 amidst cheers and 'we done good's' and we collapsed on our couches in joy and exhaustion. We made it to the top of the mountain, only to find that, oh OOPS, there's another mountain peak just behind it! After all that cleaning and clearing, we reached the top of the mountain only to find another? Well pardon me, but I'm pissed! Oh, and I'm tired out, I want a celebration (Continued on page 29)


And then in the echo of her exhilaration at the joy that humanity had chosen to move forward on this journey, she stopped and looked around. There was no party, no apparent welcoming feast in honor of the new cycle. No celebration. And so she called out in anger on her blog. Su p p o r t i s a l l a r o u n d y o u “So allow me to deal with two more things. First and all important is Team Support. This is important to us - we who are your invisible team members aren’t only your personal support teams, we are in this together, like crazy glue we are bonded. For every job you have across earth as you carry the light, we who are your team members also in our corresponding dimensions have jobs too. One of which is supporting you. “We are in a dance together and we are now into our next phase which is growing together and braiding together as a multidimensional team and beginning to link up our energies across the dimensions. We will grow more into that as the months pass and each of you will gain more in conscious awareness. But suffice, we knew this is what we were going to be doing and we planned it long ago. So while your conscious minds are not able to remember, your right brain link to your higher soul self does. “Let’s return back to Gail’s frustrating blog message. As I mentioned, we were already busy arranging support and shows of appreciation from us through many of your own earth angels. (That’s how we often work, don’t you know! Particularly if you aren’t listening to us or can’t hear for all the jazz in the background.)

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and I want a day off, and happiness and sunshine and people dancing in the streets celebrating the fact that we made it to the top. (click here to read the entire blog) “So what caused her rage? Mostly it was her confusion at what she was experiencing. Like all light workers she thought she would get a breather when the new year, 2013 dawned. Like most of you she was also exhausted from the climb…cleaning out old energy, dodging the anger bolts being thrown by the darker beings, clearing her own stuff, pushing beyond the obstacles and generally doing it with a strong and loving heart. “When light workers and the transition team of humans breached the top of the mountain in December, 2012….you all believed in your hearts that it would mean it was going to be downhill from then on. And as all deadlines bring with them, there was the physical exhaustion and relief of having completed it. Gail was right there with you.

“Within minutes of Gail having posted her blog we arranged a surprise in the form of support from the Empress of the Universe, herself. She is what Gail calls the Feminine Face of Source, Mrs. God. Tired and frustrated, Gail wandered over to Facebook and found this YouTube sitting there from one of her friends. When she clicked on it she began to sob out loud and the tears helped her wash away some of her frustration. There it was. Appreciation and support and from the Empress herself! Pleased beyond belief she headed back to the Facebook onramp and found half a dozen more notes had been posted that also offered support and congratulations to light workers for a job well done. “Gail began to glow and vibrate with joy as we watched and nodded happily amongst ourselves. Then we knew what she would do and she did. She headed over to her blog and shared her finds and her

“But it wasn’t soon before Gail began to feel that something wasn’t at all what she expected.

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appreciation for all the earth angels who’d participated in creating the images and words we flowed through them. We knew she knew this was meant for all of you, not just Gail. Her heart was light and despite there being no group celebration, her own jellybean jar had begun to refill. ‘The important thing I want you to understand is how we love you so tenderly and we want you to know that. You are part of us, you know. Well, if you don’t, you soon will. But that’s for another day. “As the 2013 pattern began to form Gail began to understand more of what was happening and what will continue to happen during 2013. Yes, there is another mountain to climb, as Gail has noticed….but it IS easier. It’s a twofold path. One part is navigating the effluvium or discharge of negativity that seeps and sweeps over the earth coming from both humans and the darker entities as they seek to maintain their past controls. This is happening simultaneously as the sun beams energies onto earth and into humans and all being-ness. This incoming energy is of a higher frequency than earth and her creatures, including humans, have ever experienced before. The light is effervescent and bubbles up and also bubbles out the darker energies. “What’s your part in this, I hear you ask me? More cleaning and clearing and facing and releasing. But it happens faster and faster as the energy balance slowly becomes stronger in favor of the lighter harmonious energies. Making room for the light and allowing the light to work its way with you….it is rebuilding your circuits; your very DNA is changing, being changed by the new light that bathes you from the Universe and the invisibles.

Cr e a t e , cr e a t e , an d cr e at e “Because of this newer and higher frequency everything will shift and change….not just within your own body matrices, but out there in the world as well. Look at the seeds of new ideas flowing around on Facebook and the internet; watch the new technologies; the new forms of electricity, new forms of social organizations; a car that parks itself. Also there is accessibility to sharing and organizing like never before through the internet and social marketing. The wonderful result is it equalizes the playing field dominated prior by the mega-agencies who have had the power to manipulate your opinions and values until now. All these things are changing. “We are putting out a ‘call to action’ to you in the most enthusiastic way. Dare to create, dare to ask for what you want and go after it, dare to dream big dreams and know they can be turned into reality. Just look around….it’s happening right now. Be part of the solution. Now ….in the next two decades….you have a blank slate and as light workers it is your gift and your job to create spectacular dreams for yourself and use them for the benefit of all to seed the world. We are watching the lights turn on as these new forms are adding their energy to the networks around earth. We feel joyful and proud of you, we do. “I don’t mean to be pushy, but from where I stand, your tasks for 2013’s spring are four-fold:

“So what are the side effects of having your matrix and your DNA altered? I heard that question too…I’m good at that The side effect of changing your energy pattern is that you feel altered, strange, absent some times, missing something, lost in what you were thinking, doing, confused. Missing in action is what Gail notices most….her brain seems to go somewhere else and time seems to rush in and push her through the day. Some days it’s like being not sick but not well either….just being ‘off.’ Are you noticing any of these feelings? Well, rest assured that you are OK, you aren’t sick, even when you feel unwell. You are having your electrical and magnetic matrices boosted to handle the newer frequencies that earth is now downloading. Your light bulbs are going to be much brighter as this evolves forward.

1 . Ta k e i n t h e l i g h t Allow the light to fill you and cleanse you and rebuild you. That means there will be ouchies and grouchies at times. Listen to your instincts and know you are in the process of a divine overhaul right down to your DNA and your toes. 2 . Le t g o o f t h e d ar k n ess a n d h u r t - n e ss w it h in you . The light will shake stuff free within you…you’ll remember stuff you haven’t thought of in years. Don’t hide it, but let it show itself and then it will easily be pushed away and transformed simply by looking at it with clear eyes and an open heart. Think of it as shadows appearing in the bathroom mirror that has misted over. It’s easier to erase it when you can see it! 3 . Tu r n y o u r p a ssi o n i n t o a f l a m i n g co m et an d allow it t o bat h e t h e ear t h in you r j o y f u l l y m a n i f est e d d e si r e . Create one little thing, one little light every day. Soon you will be filled with exciting desires and they will be manifesting with (Continued on page 31)

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a will of their own it might seem. You can smile and greet one person each day and that act is creating giant ripples you would never imagine. What do you feel when someone’s heart shines through their eyes and welcomes you? : A feeling worth passing around, indeed. Imagine what one hug from you can do…for both of you! Gail is a hugger and passes around a lot of ripples this way. 4 . Ca l l o n h e l p a n d su p p o r t a s y o u n e e d it . Like Gail did within her blog. Well, maybe you can do it earlier, before you are so frustrated! Giggle. But, we are a team and we work together, both laterally and vertically. That’s what we showed Gail and what Gail passed on to others through her blog response. It’s not just OK to ask, but we’re asking you to remember you aren’t alone and please DO ask for our assistance. We are tripping over ourselves wanting to help. But you know the rules: you have free will and we can’t do anything unless you ask us to. “If you are a lightworker, my partner Gail (whose tea is now cold) will be sharing the continued support we are sending via others her way on her blog We arranged to have Marlene send her two wonderful and supportive audios just this week and I have a strong feeling she will be posting them even before you get a chance to read this article, so they will be there awaiting your attention.

A b o u t t h e Ga i l Si l e r , Ph D Dr. Siler, an international consultant and social scientist worked for more than two decades with people - from international organizations and governments to communities - to help them create positive change in their lives. She was Associate Professor with University of Toronto for many years and taught at Humber College School of Business. Gail is the author of Directing Change and Changing Directions, a book about change in Canada’s health care system. She has also created The Inner Entrepreneur and Champions of Change programs. Dr. Gail offers counseling and workshops on maximum wellness and personal energy management, including counseling on management of obsessive-compulsive disorders and addictions. Gail’s new book, Decoding the Butterfly Promise describes her personal journey to meet Butterfly Woman, and what she learned about how we regain our power and return to wholeness. To purchase or learn more a b o u t t h e b o o k g o t o Visit her on Facebook at DecodingtheButterflyPromise to share in the community of others returning to wholeness, and visit her blog to see what she and Butterfly Woman are up to; and to find encouragement and insights on 2013 - the year we learn to

love ourselves.

“And please remember, you are NOT alone in this. We are standing behind you with wings enfolded around you, even if you don’t see us. And we are sending earth angels your way with messages, just like we did for Gail. In fact, this N o u r i sh Pu b l i ca t i o n E- m a g a zi n e is filled with earth angels sharing their heartful knowledge, channeling messages from invisibles like me, and awareness to help shine forth a spotlight to help you shine yours. “Be blessed and bless each other, dear ones. Thank you for sharing this page with me. “Shine on!” “OK, Gail, would you like to heat up your tea?”

March 2013


Sita-Rani MacMillan, M.Ed, B.Ed, B.A.

Candle lit. Deep breath in and out. Om, Shanti, Shanti... Peaceful tunes play in the background as I begin my writing ritual.

How much inner dialogue have I had today? How much of it was with a higher spirit (God)? As I prepared to write my article I went through many of my journals to look for my most used writing techniques. I was surprised to see that I do not always use the intuitive writing, but more so a conversation or letting writing technique. Many of which seem to be written about relationships. It reminds me of the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. In chapter 18, she reaches out urgently to write in her private notebook while thinking about life. How I can relate to this moment... I can feel the panic as the thoughts are there and need to be

Fr o m Ea t , Pr a y , Lo v e ( p g . 5 2 - 5 3 ) :

I’m spiraling into panic, like I always spiral when I don’t know what to do. So what I do for tonight is reach for my most private notebook, which I keep next to my bed in case I’m ever in emergency mode. I open it up. I find the first blank page. I write: “I need your help.” Then I wait. After a little while, a response comes, in my own handwriting: I’m right here. What can I do for you?

As I go through my journals I can see the same question asked over the years. I find this writing technique to be quite powerful as I sit and connect with a higher power as I am able to connect much deeper in this way. Dialogues, or letter writing, are powerful tools in connecting with the several voices/conversations that occur within us. How many times have you argued with yourself? I know I have had a dialogue with someone where I didn’t feel it was quite finished within our interaction. Perhaps I will see the person again and I can continue to dialogue with them and perhaps I will never see them again, maybe they are in the spirit world or are strangers I met in passing. I seem to need to finish our interaction and one of the best methods to stop the chatter in my mind is to finish that dialogue in my journal. I have written many letters to people I may no longer be in contact with (or maybe I do, but I am not willing to share the conversation, yet). Or, maybe I have an emotion that keeps taking over and I want to better understand why it is so prevalent in my life at the time.

H e r e i s a n e x ce r p t f r o m m y j o u r n a l ar o u n d d i a l o g u e:

1: I didn’t want to say that...why did I? 2: I don’t know why. You have been putting a lot of stress on yourself these days. 1: ...I want to let go. 2: You will... (Continued on page 33)

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1: Why do I feel like I can’t? 2: Perhaps you are not ready. And that’s ok. 1. Is it? 2. Yes. Trust me. Everything is going to be ok. This conversation deepens into a private world I will not share with others, but I knew by writing the question “I didn’t want to say that why did I?” would produce a deeper understanding to why I did. Even though that was written in 2011 I can remember exactly what the dialogue was speaking to, but I did not hold the same attachment to the feelings of insecurity and hurt that surrounded it so powerfully before.

W r i t i n g A ct i v i t y : Try your own dialogue! What story is running through your thoughts right now that involve another person? Is there someone that you always wanted to say something to but haven’t seen them in years? (Maybe they have passed away?). I prefer to prepare myself as best as I can prior to writing a dialogue. I will make sure I won’t be disturbed and sit silently. It can be uncomfortable at first as I sit there and question: How can I have a dialogue with my own thoughts? Try to push past those thoughts of doubt and respect the silence and ability you have within. What do you think? As always, I like to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me via my website or with your stories or questions. Wishing you a blissful month. Until next time... Namaste, Sita-Rani MacMillan, M.Ed., B.Ed., B.A. Sita-Rani has recently relocated to the South Okanagan from Vancouver, BC where she enjoys writing, painting, dancing and exploring the world. She can be booked for journal writing facilitation workshops via e-mail. Her courses can be adapted for whatever your writing needs might be! She has facilitated writing at Teacher’s Conferences, BC Children’s hospital, Pre-employment and healing programs, as well as writing groups. She has worked with young students to Elders. Follow @questionwwld

“I’m here. I love you. I don’t care if you need to stay up crying all night long, I will stay with you. There’s nothing you can ever do to lose my love. I will protect you until you die, and after your death I will still protect you. I am stronger than Depression and I am braver than Loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

March 2013


I have to tell you, that most of the time I am pretty much in love with my life. Then like anyone and everyone, sometimes, something bubbles up in me and I find myself angry, sad, disappointed, frustrated and or worried.

draws me into those less than stellar moments?

These are the moments that make me sit up and pay attention, really pay attention!

The time away was very nurturing for us. Our joy vessels were topped up and we happily returned home to our very happy, furry companion.

What is it that happened that causes me to step out of the love? What just happened that

Two years ago my husband and I spent a month in California and my wonderful friend, Michal, offered to house-sit and dog- sit for us. How did we get so lucky?

I became friends with Michal in Ontario where we used to live.

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She courageously had sold her home and was travelling the country house-sitting, being guided by spirit on where to go next. I was the lucky beneficiary of her next. While Michal stayed in White Rock, she explored the different healers in the area and soon found Jenny and Access Consciousness. One class and two sessions later Michal was in love. As soon as I returned home she insisted she had to run my Bars. The Bars are thirty two points on (Continued on page 35)


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the head that when lightly touched are activated. These points relate to all aspects of life on planet earth, very cool! There is one other piece to Access and that is rather perplexing, at first telling; the clearing statement. Michal ran my Bars twice and then as all good friends do, photocopied the material and left it with me, as she headed off in her car to her next. I instantly fell in love with the possibilities of Access, which funnily enough, is what Access is all about, infinite possibilities. After working with the clearing statements for a month, I began to see subtle and some not so subtle positive changes. I had to take a class, which ended up being the first of many!

sions. Each new discovery occurs because they are willing to be in the question. What if we tried this or that? What if that weren’t true? And so I have come to love those kinds of questions. The answers aren’t always apparent but I have come to know that they will eventually always reveal themselves to me in time. But, what does that have to do with those feelings that can be so overwhelming and uncomfortable? I know that we are energetic beings. Science has proved this. Our bodies are energy that are constantly changing and adapting to our environment. The environment is a pretty big world!

I came to fully understand, it wasn’t just the clearing statement that was creating change, but the Bars session was the foundation of the whole process. They said that in the material but I didn’t quite get it, at first!

We respond to the food we ingest, the air we breathe, the temperature, our thoughts, other people’s energy and their thoughts too.

Access is also about being in the question. The question being one of inquiry and always starting with a what and not a why! Why questions are frequently unanswerable and not helpful. Why do people kill each other? Why are children starving over there? But, if you ask a what question, such as; what would it take to change this? Then magic can begin to unfold. Scientists are in question mode all the time. Cures wouldn’t be discovered if they were not willing to step out of previous conclusions, judgments and deci-

Good, stretching is good! We have all had the experience of thinking of someone and the phone rings and it is the very person you had been thinking of. We have all had the experience of walking into a room and feeling like something not so great had occurred or something wonderful!

Is that a bit of a stretch for you?

“So, would you consider dear ones, that you are aware beings and that includes other people’s feelings and thoughts? We know this to be true and we are in delight when you begin to anchor in

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the knowledge of the being that you are. You were not willy nilly plunked on planet earth to blindly fumble around with no guidance system to help you navigate your life. That would not be very nice. As it is many of you fumble around with your guidance system not quite trusting that you have one, let alone use it as it is meant to be utilized. Birds have it and bees have it. Your furry friends have it. The fish in the sea have it. The earth has it. All of creation is encoded with this knowing. What if you used it? What might your life look like? Linda has finally come to understand that she is an aware being and when she finds herself in those uncomfortable places, she is beginning to utilize the very code of her awareness. We hear her ask “Is this mine?”, because frequently dear ones, more than you know, you are picking up other dear ones thoughts and feelings and physical discomfort, including the very earth that you have your feet upon. If you would begin to live in the question that is full of infinite possibilities the cries of why oh why does this happen, would begin to fade. As you begin to reside in the question of life you will find that you will ask just the right question, which will reveal to you, your answer. Notice we say your answer because your

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answer is not always the defining answer for every- Be in love with your life and do not make significant one. It is yours to act upon or not. those fleeting emotions that flow through and around you, causing less than feelings. What if they were Here is a delightful question for you; What if you only temporary and you made them significant? The were magnificent beings of light and love come to only thing we see happening is that you are beginplay upon planet earth? What if? Who would you be? ning to make love significant. What would you do in the playing? That dear ones, is the magic of the universe. ReSome of you will live relatively quiet lives thinking joice! You are part of it! You are it!” that you aren’t contributing much, but your very being is the contribution as you quietly become more of Go For The Joy who you be. Some of you want to play at being Linda and The Group something bigger and your very being will be the contribution as you step into more of who you be. Linda Adsetts lives in White Rock. She is an intuitive healer, medium, psychic reader, AcAs energetic beings you affect everything that surcess Consciousness Bars Practitioner/ rounds you. Your very thoughts contribute to the Facilitator and a writer. soup that is the energetic field. Your feelings contribShe receives guidance and inspiration from ute to the soup that is the universal energetic field. The Group, a gathering of spirit who teach You could be the one defining thought or feeling that that our souls’ path is best expressed when we births something delightful on planet earth-heaven on come from a place of joy. earth perhaps? It is coming and it won’t be stopped. You can read how Linda got started down this fascinating The pendulum is making its way back to love. The path on her website and you can follow her on her Facecontrasts have encouraged the thoughts and feelings book page Go For The Joy, where she shares daily messagthat will reveal your very nature, the one encoded es from The Group. You can also request to have them delivered directly to your inbox each day. with love for everything.

March 2013


Looking through a window, abstract designs of nature confront my vision. Various combinations of light and density fill my retinas, and ever altering vibration and never ending possibility...... compel. Looking through a window another picture makes its fleeting escape just as another flows in. In color, and in contrasting brightness...... is. Looking through a window, It be mine. The reflection that gazes in return. Whiteness to a half life, fleeting moments of here's and now's. This be my path, my personal lesson within the fold time..... present. Daniel James

March 2013


March 2013 by Tamira As we move through our first retrograde cycles of the year I thought I would re-view the meaning. The constant cycle of retrogrades or planets have the illusion of moving backward in the sky retracing its steps. This spiral of energy moves your thoughts or actions inward for contemplation and reconnection with your Cor e before expressing them. This provides opportunity to re-work, re-do, reinvent, re-write, re-vise, re-generate … you get the jest.

M e r cu r y our energy of expression, communication

and intellect has moved retrograde, which started on February 23rd and moves direct on March 18th with a shadow period lasting until April 6th (when Mercury finally gets back to the degree where he started the whole inward process). … It does not do well in Pisces where it is travelling right now … it is like trying to see and communicate through thick fog. Mercury will be in Pisces until mid-April … lots of day dreaming and getting lost in collective thought, which is perfectly fine if you are on vacation ;-) The retrograde provides opportunity to go back and re-do or complete any communicative loose ends … clean-up – old books, emails, files, old projects. It is not an optimum time to sign contracts or purchase electronic equipment (especially computers) during this time but as we all know life happens and we cannot always wait – so check out the return policy.

Sa t u r n … who holds us in the 4th dimension of ‘time’ provides boundaries & limitations in order for

us to manifest … is also very actively picking up retrograde speed this month as this energy spirals inward diving deeply into our Scorpi-onic psyche reaching depths we often are never able to reach. Use this to reveal aspects of yourself that need to be cleaned up and cleared out to make room for new. Saturn will not turn direct until the first week of July. If you find yourself becoming a little depressed during this time – especially with lost goals or aspirations that have not come to fruition … be sure to work with a Saturn remedial measure. Note: A remedial measure is an action to repair or correct a perceived or actual, fault or deficiency; A remedy. You can use colour, sound (music, tuning

forks, bowls), food, stones etc. to provide temporary strength while you work on the root cause.

M a r s is returning to his seat of power in Aries dur-

ing the New Moon on March 11th – if you feel that you have been running no-where fast in a tunnel of thick fog for the past month and a half – keep your feet pointed forward … you will finally see some light at the end of the tunnel … and I promise it is not a train coming … it is a brightly infused Mars! This planet of action, will be joined by the Sun after the 20th and from 21st to 25th of March you may find an unexpected infusion of explosive energy come your way… especially if this aspects something in your chart. Start these days with a meditation to center your core…ensuring that this energy is activated at a highest skilled-level possible in your life.

Ve n u s who has been basking in the lovely energy

of Pisces joins the Sun and Mars in Aries on the 22nd of March. You may feel like jumping in with both restless feet. A great way to use this active energy is to get moving – walking, running, hiking … bring all of this active energy into a focus toward your temple (body). Don’t forget to watch out for that explosion of energy - the 25th really being the climax of this combined energy.

For some the collective energy hits closer to home as these planetary actions directly involve the personal birth map, for others not directly affected … support the ones you love that are struggling with the energetic signature! N e w an d Fu l l M o o n s – it is important to step outdoors and connect to the night sky, when we do this we inherently connect to this energy helping us recognize genetic and collective habits and patterns.

Th e t r an si t i n g N e w Mo o n i n Pi sce s o n Ma r ch 1 1 th

The Collective New Moon – External energy reveals new directions and possibilities for the next 6 months. The general feeling surrounding this Solar Eclipse is that we may be provided opportunities to go above and beyond our normal expected respons-

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es – step up to the plate. The opportunity may be something we have very little experience with and will seem very alien to us … this may have something to do with intellectual property and investments. Keep your mind open ;-) We have a huge lineup of planets in Pisces during this time … this is a very universal and collective energy to tap into, a time to experience ‘Oneness’, perhaps in a very new way. It may seem like you are groping around in the dark trying to feel your way. In this exploration see if there are some collective habits and patterns that you can release by making some sort of conscious change – like changing a buying habit from an offshore product to supporting local – even if it means purchasing less because it costs more. Mars also moves from Pisces to Aries today which will infuse action into your change. As each individual moves from unconscious choices to conscious – we all benefit!

Th e t r a n si t i n g Fu l l M o o n i n Li b r a o n Ma r ch 27th The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse casts a light into our darkest corners; this may bring up negative emotions or fear … this internal emotional energy is ready to bubble into the collective awareness over the next 6 months. The general feeling around this Lunar Eclipse is a theme of hope, trust and protection, on the other hand let’s not become complacent or lulled into a quiet deep sleep. Take a hard look at whether or not you have really achieved ‘Balance’ in your life … if not – how can you create this much needed element in your life – start balanced every morning by centering your core and moving into an observation mode and out of a reaction mode.

Yo u r M o n t h l y A st r o - Sco p e I h a v e cr e a t e d t h e f o l l o w i n g co n t e m p l a t io n s f o r e ach si g n b a se d o n t h e so l a r / l u n a r e n e r g y co m b i n a t i o n f o r t h e si g n d u r i n g t h e m o n t h , Lu n a r b e i n g o u r Un co n sci o u s p a t t e r n s a n d h ab i t s ( w r i t t e n i n a q u e st i o n f o r m a t ) a n d t h e So l a r o u r Co n sci o u s st a t e ( w r i t t e n i n a n af f i r m at i o n st y l e ) . Check your Sun, Moon and Ascendant (Sign on the horizon at your birth) to create a personal insight into your month. Ri d e t h e w a v e t o se t n e w g o a l s o n t h e d a t e p r o v i d e d u n d e r y o u r Su n si g n . W r i t i n g d o w n y o u r g o a l s i s a n i m p o r t an t st e p , b u t b e in g p a ssi o n a t e l y co n n e ct e d t o ea ch g o a l i s v i t a l t o a ch i e v i n g t h e m . All times are in Pacific Time you will need to adjust according to your time zone.

Th r o u g h o u t y o u r d a y t r y t o st o p a n d n o t ice t h e m e l o d r a m a t h a t i s o ccu r r i n g i n t h e m i n d w h e r e p a t t er n s a n d h a b i t s a r e u n co n sci o u sl y cr e a t e d . Th i s i s y o u r n e v e r en d i n g i n t er n a l v o i ce p r o v i d i n g y o u a d v i ce a b o u t w h a t i s g o i n g o n i n y o u r l i f e . I t i s n o t t h e co n t e m p l at i v e w i sd o m t h a t y o u a l l o w t o f l o w t h r o u g h y o u w h e n r i se a b o v e t o b e co m e a w i t n e ss, i t i s t h e co n st a n t ch a t t e r i n t h e b a ck g r o u n d . I t i s l i k e h a v i n g a n o l d f r i e n d t h a t co n st a n t l y g i v e s y o u b a d a d v i ce . N o t i ce , p a y a t t e n t i o n t o t h e h y per bole t o st o p i t a b o v e t h e n o i se y o u ca n f o cu s o n b e co m i n g i n t i m a t e o r a t o n e w i t h t h e st r e n g t h p r o v id e d b y t h e co l l e ct i v e ( p l a n e t a r y in f l u en ce s) t h i s m onth. A r i e s ( M a r ch 2 1 - A p r i l 2 0 ) New goal setting opportunities are from March 12th and 13th

Challenge: Patterns and habits created in your ability to communicate your needs and to feel heard. What kind of self talk is coming up, are you - your own worst enemy? Do you have a sharp tongue … or does someone else’s sharp tongue sabotage how you feel about yourself? St r e n g t h : I a m f i r st a n d f o r e m o st m y v e r y o w n b e st f r i e n d u si n g m y w o r d s w i se l y . Happy Solar Return (Birthday) The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th of March. If your birthday falls in Aries – get outside during the daylight hours (even in clouds, rain or snow) and allow the Sun’s rays to infuse you with health and vitality, fill yourself with this light … to take you through the next 12 months. Ta u r u s H o r o sco p e ( A p r i l 2 1 - M a y 2 1 ) New goal setting opportunities are from are from March 14th to 15th

Challenge: Patterns and habits created to make feeling secure an issue. Do intellectual insecurities bubble up when you are working in groups especially the fear of lacking control of your personal environment? St r e n g t h : I a m a ch a r m i n g l o v i n g l e a d er w i t h a u n i q u e a b i l i t y t o b e t h e a n ch o r f o r a so l i d co m m u n i t y I a l l o w a f lo w t h r o u g h o f e n er g y , m o n e y a n d p o sse ssio n s a s t h i s cr ea t e s a st a b l e e n v i r o n m en t a l l o w i n g a g e n er o u s p o o l i n g of ener gy

Yo u can h a v e i t a l l - y o u j u st n e e d t o d eci d e w h et her you really w an t it ! (Continued on page 40)

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Ge m i n i H o r o sco p e ( M a y 2 3 - Ju n e 20) New goal setting opportunities fall on March 16th, 17th and 18th

Challenge: Patterns and Habits created to protect from interacting with the external environment. Have you created a physical layer of protection (body image) in order to justify hiding from the greater world, creating an excuse not to step up and out? St r e n g t h : I a m a p o w e r f u l , k n o w l e d g e a b l e a n d w i se Ra y o f Gu i d i n g Li g h t , a n d I l e t t h i s l i g h t sh i n e f o r a l l t o see . I a m w h o I a m ! Ca n ce r Ho r o sco p e ( Ju n e 2 1 - Ju l y 20) New goal setting opportunities is March 19th and early on the 20th

St r e n g t h : I a m f u l l y e n g a g e d a n d i n t h e N OW w i t h e a ch an d e v e r y p e r so n a l r e l a t i o n sh i p a l l o w i n g m o v e m e n t i n t o a d e e p i n t e r co n n e ct e d o n e - o n - o n e u n co n d i t i o n a l b o n d . Li b r a H o r o sco p e ( Se p t . 2 3 - Oct . 22) New goal setting opportunities are from afternoon on the 26th and until 11:00am on 27th

Challenge: Patterns and habits created from your need to belong to something greater than yourself. Have you been using the Dogma of knowledge that you have gathered (not necessarily practiced) as a comforting blanket to surround yourself with a feeling of belonging? St r e n g t h : I f i n d st r en g t h i n m y cr e a t i v e a b il i t y t o se r v e t o o t h er s u n co n d i t i o n a l l y

Challenge: Pattern and habit of being your own worst enemy. Are you evoking fear when attempting to travel beyond your comfort zone? St r e n g t h : I a m a b l e t o co m f o r t a b l y e x p a n d a n d t r a v e l i n t o h i g h er w o r l d s ( i n t e r d i m e n si o n a l l y ) a l l o w i n g m y se l f t o co n n ect a n d l e a r n a b o u t m y g r e a t e r f a m i l y o r cl a n . Le o H o r o sco p e ( Ju l y 2 1 - A u g . 2 2 ) New goal setting opportunities are from March 21st and 22nd

Challenge: Patterns and habits developed as a social butterfly. Are the social groups and your social activities really in your best interests? Networking is important but a realistic perspective of why you are at the party is even more important. St r e n g t h : I a m Un i v e r sa l l y su p p o r t e d ( em ot ion ally an d m on et ar ily) in all m y pr oj e ct s an d e n d e a v o r s a n d n o l o n g er n e e d t h e p r o t e ct io n o f t h e g r o u p ; I a m g o i n g t o j o y f u l l y do it m y w ay. Vi r g o H o r o sco p e ( A u g . 2 3 - Se p t . 22) New goal setting opportunities are March 24th and 25th

Challenge: Patterns and habits created to achieve fame. Are there patterns developing that feed your aspirations to be remembered as an intelligent creator in this world ‌ has this lured you away from developing intimate relationships?

Sco r p i o H o r o sco p e ( Oct . 2 3 - N o v . 21) New goal setting opportunities are from late on the 1st and 2nd as well as 28th and 29th

Challenge: Patterns and habits created by being an energetic receiver. Are you focusing on the energy of others and projecting them like they are your own? St r e n g t h : I e m a n a t e co n f i d e n ce a n d cr e a t iv e l y e n g a g e w i t h o t h e r s as a f l o w t h r o u g h o f Un i v e r sa l e n e r g y Sa g i t t a r i u s H o r o sco p e ( N o v . 2 2 D e c. 2 0 ) New goal setting opportunities are on the 4th as well as 30th and 31st

Challenge: Patterns and habits created in Relationships. Are you overthinking your relationships and expecting growth where you have not provided enough light? St r e n g t h : I h a v e a n a b u n d a n ce o f h e a l t h y f o u n d at i o n a l l i g h t w h i ch b u r n s b r i g h t l y w i t h i n m e , a n d f l o w s t h r o u g h m e e n d l e ssl y . Ca p r i co r n Ho r o sco p e ( De c. 2 1 Ja n . 2 0 ) New goal setting opportunities is on the 6th

Challenge: Patterns and habits created in work and service to others. Do you feel overburdened by the pressure your mind creates (mind grind) related to your work (job).

March 2013


St r e n g t h : I ca n co m m u n ica t e an d a r t i cu l a t e m y i n d i v i d u a l n e e d s a n d a cce p t h e l p f r o m - w o r k er s t o g e t t h e j ob don e. A q u a r i u s H o r o sco p e ( Jan . 2 1 Fe b . 1 8 ) New goal setting opportunities are from late evening on the 7th until 2pm on the 8th

Challenge: Patterns and habits created around children and creativity. Do you feel burdened by the pressure to come up with creative ideas that will solve “the problems of the world”? St r e n g t h : I h a v e a n i n n a t e a b i l i t y t o se cu r e l y cr e a t e a v a l u a b l e sp a ce f r o m w h i ch t h e co l le ct i v e m i g h t co - cr ea t e . Pi sces H o r o sco p e ( Fe b . 1 8 - M ar ch 20) New goal setting opportunities are from the 10th until 1pm on the 11th

For those with birthdays from March 1 to 19 … Happy Solar Return, allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality to take you through the next 12 months. It is important that you connect to the collective Sun in the sky and soak it all in. st


H e r e a r e so m e Sa t u r n Re m e d i a l m e a su r es t o h e l p y o u w o r k a t t h e h i g h e st l e v e l o f t h i s r et r o g r a d e en e r g y . In combination with the Mercury Retrograde happening until April 6th … Goal setting by getting to the details of how and why you are going to accomplish your goals. Use this time to meditate on each goal – take the goal to your deepest inner level to determine how this goal really serves you – then breaking these down in into a weekly and daily process that really fits your lifestyle … Listening to music to increase your focus - there are many types of music that helps with the release and or focus processes – set aside time each day (just before bedtime if possible) to re-affirm your desires to do so. Eating Saturn foods such as beets, blackberry, Cabbage, capers, Lentils, Olives Planting a tree in honor of the earth and being rooted and grounded on earth Centering yourself often throughout the day - energy work). Going for short walks in your local park – hanging out with the trees … giving a tree a hug ;-)

Challenge: The Patterns and habits related to isolation. Are you using your home to hide away (cave) from the intense energy of the world. St r e n g t h : I ca n b a l a n ce m y t h o u g h t s o f co ll e ct i v e g o o d v s. i n d i v i d u a l n e e d s. I a m a n e n er g e t i c m i r r o r r e f l ect i n g t o e v e r y o n e I m ee t - a b a l a n ce d a n d st a b l e en e r g y .

Ta m i r a h a s o v e r 2 0 y e a r s e n ce w o r k i n g i n t h e Sh e h o l d s a BA i n East W e st Tr a d i t i o n s/ Re l i g i o n s/ A st r o l o g y a n d i s N CGR Ce r t if i e d Le v e l I I I , a n d l o v e s t o sh ar e w i t h y o u h e r i n si g h t s i n t o y o u r Tr an sp e r so n a l pat h . Ot h er i n t e r est s i n cl u d e : Ce r t i f i e d Yo g a Te a ch e r an d a p r a ct i ci n g Usu i Re i k i M a st e r (since 1996) an d a Re g i st e r e d Ka r u n a Re i k i ® M a st e r through the International Center for Reiki Training; a n d a M e d i t a t i o n Te a ch e r sh e i s a d e d i ca t e d En e r g y W o r k e r . Ce r t i f i e d Le v e l I I w i t h D o l o r e s Ca n n o n M e t h o d i n Pa st Li f e Re g r e ssi o n a n d Qu a n t u m H e a l i n g

Em a i l : Ta m i r a @si l v e r d i f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n h o w a Ph o n e o r Sk y p e Co n su l t a t io n ca n h e l p y o u w i t h an y t r a n si t i o n s y o u ar e ex p e r i e n ci n g i n y o u r l i f e .

March 2013


March 2013


Je a n n i e M a g e n t a For many the thought of yoga can be daunting especially if the simple things like bending down to tie your shoes feels like an impossible feat. Maybe you have even switched over to slip-ons to avoid the hassle. Well have no fear and play your edges. As time passes our bodies seize up if were not staying active. Even then there is no guarantees when our activities have become repetitive. As creatures of comfort we tend to stick to the things we enjoy most. Tight hamstrings and calves can create many challenges. For example sitting on the floor crossed legged or forward fold to touch your toes. Do your arms hang half way down on forward fold when your legs are straight? Well the next few poses you may find really helpful. First things first never pull or push your body past the point of a gentle stretch where you can continue to breathe naturally. If you are holding your breath in the pose you have gone too far and it is important to come slightly out of the pose to avoid injury and to avoid stunting your progress. When we are playing our edges we want to strive for the point where we just begin to feel a slight stretch almost like were doing nothing and still moving in the right direction. If you listen to your body, the body will slowly begin to respond and release the tension to allow you to move further. However if you go past your edge the body will immediately go into survival mode and tense up. As you can imagine getting a really good stretch and releasing tension is impossible when the body is fighting to hang on and prevent injury by tensing up. Start every pose with a deep breath and then aim to breathe naturally through the whole pose. Your breath will be your guide I promise you.

The first pose can be done lying in bed or on the floor and that is actively flexing your foot towards you and then pointing it away and then again drawing it towards you. Repeating this action several times. Yes it is as simple as it sounds and works great when combined with the next pose which is downward facing dog. Downward facing Dog is a great pose to work the entire body and most of all the backs of the legs. Begin by coming down on the mat to your hands and knees. Placing your hands shoulder width apart and just in front of your shoulders not directly under them. Tucking your toes under your slowly going to begin lifting your hips up as high as you can. Slowly draw the chest towards your thighs stretching out the back. Now one heel at a time you are going to alternate lowering them to “Walk the dog”. After a few rounds you can slowly lower your heels as far down as they will go. If your heels touch the mat wonderful otherwise know that is the direction you are working towards. Once again being mindful of your breath, taking long deep easy breaths in and out. You can come out of the pose at anytime by returning to your hands and knees and then moving into child’s pose or relaxation. Enjoy and notice the difference a week of consistent practice can bring! Jeannie Magenta resides in Vancouver and has a passion for people and assisting them on their journey. Offering coaching sessions, reiki energy healing treatments, private yoga sessions and group wellness workshops for individuals and organizations around BC. To every session she creates a nurturing space for clients to journey inwards and she brings a positive energy that is tangible and uplifting. If you’re ready to clear out the internal clutter book a session with Jeannie. She can be reached b y em ai l at j ean n i em ag en t a@g m ai m Live, Laugh, Breathe and Shine On!

March 2013


Nat u r al an t i- in f lam m at or y Nat u r al an t ib iot ic Nat u r al an t isep t ic Sp e e d s u p w o u n d h e a l i n g I m p r ov es d ig est ion H e l p s co u g h s I m p r ov es ast h m a An t i- ar t h r it ic Help s p r ev en t g as/ b loat in g Lo w e r s ch o l e s t e r o l I m p r o v e s s k i n co n d i t i o n s H e l p s p r e v e n t ce r t a i n ca n ce r s Pr e v e n t s p r o g r e s s i o n o f A l z h e i m e r Co n t a i n s Vi t a m i n s C & B6 , m ag n esiu m , ir on , an d p ot assiu m

Ba k e d Cu r r y Ch i ck e n an d Ri ce Ingredients

8 chicken drumsticks 8 chicken thighs 2 cups (500 mL) long grain rice 1-1/3 large tomato, chopped 1-1/3 green pepper, chopped 1-1/3 small onion, chopped 1-1/3 pound button mushrooms, coursly chopped 2 3/4 tbsp (34 mL) parsley, chopped 3 - 4 cups chicken stock 1-1/3 generous pinch sea salt 1-1/3 generous pinch freshly ground pepper 2 3/4 tbsp (34 mL) West Indian curry powder 1 1/4 tbsp (18 mL) t u r m er i c 2 3/4 tbsp (34 mL) olive oil

Pr e p a r a t i o n : ~Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F. ~Brown the chicken ~In a 9" x 13" casserole pan(stove top safe), heat two tablespoons of olive oil(med/high heat) in the centre. Add tomato, green pepper, onion, mushrooms & parsley and saute until they start to slightly brown....then add rice and saute for five more minutes. ~Add chicken stock into the casserole pan then add the salt, pepper, curry and turmeric and mix all well. ~Using tongs, place the chicken pieces on top of the mixture in the chicken stock. ~Place full casserole pan in the centre of oven and set timer for 1/2 hour. Check periodically to ensure the casserole is not drying out....Just add a little more stock to keep moist. ~Remove from oven and let the casserole sit for about 10-15 minutes to settle then..... BON APPETIT!!!!

March 2013

Ca u t i o n : p l e a se d o n ca p su l e f o r m . A l t h o u g h i t h a s t r e m e n d o u s h e a l i n g b e n ef i t s su ch a s a n t i - i n f l a m m a t i o n , b l o o d p u r i f i er , l i v e r cl e a n se r , i t w o r k s b est w h en co o k e d i n w a r m o i l a n d co m b i n e d w i t h o t h e r sp i ce s a n d f o o d s. I n i t s n a t u r a l st a t e i t ca n b e b i t t e r , y e t so m e i n t o so u p s a n d st e w s t o g e t a d d e d d e p t h an d f l a v o u r w i t h o u t t h e b i t t e r n ess.


Calendar Considerations Fe a r o o ze s l i k e m u d b e t w e en t o es a s ca st l es cr u m b l e u n d e r t h e w e i g h t o f e l e p h an t d r e a m i n g , r e m e m b e r i n g m i l e m a r k e r s o f e x p e r i en t i a l r a v i n e s. Ev e n i n g e m a i l s, l i k e t h e t u r n i n g o f l e a v e s t o r e ce i v e m e ssa g e s o f r a i n i n t h e w i n d , f l u t t e r a n d t au n t t h e t r a v e l w e a r y w i t h m u l t i t u d e s o f m i sse d co n n ect i o n s. Ea ch p l u n g e i n t o ci r cu m st a n ce i s a n o t h er cl o se ca l l w i t h Go d sh a p e sh if t i n g f o r a t t e n t i o n f r o m b l i n d cr e a t o r Ti ck i n g o f f d a t e s b r i n g s n o so l ace f r o m t h e g r i n d o f t h e ca l e n d ar m a r ch i n g o n w a r d w i t h m ech an i ca l p r e ci si o n a n d i n d i f f er e n ce . Th e o n l y r e co u r se i s t o b e i n t h e m e l ee b u t n o t o f i t , cl i m b i n g o u t t o t h e e d g e f o r b r ea t h a n d t e a , su r v e y i n g e v en t s a cr o ss t h e l a b y r i n t h A f i n e t u n i n g o f i n st r u m en t s e n a b l es a ch a n g e i n r a d i o f r e q u e n cy , so f t so u n d s f r o m t h e d i m e n si o n s o f l i f e a n d l o v e w h e r e n o t es d a n ce b e t w e en t h e l i n e s. I r e t u r n a g a i n a n d a g a i n t o r eca l i b r a t e m y d e p a r t u r e d a t e f o r n o - t i m e e x p e r i en ce , t o a d j u st t h e p o r t a l o p e n in g , t h e g a l a e v e n t o f f i n a l a sce n si o n s an d a l i g n m e n t s. St i l l l e a n i n g , st r e t ch in g , y e a r n i n g f o r t h e l a st h e ar t st r i n g t o b e p l u ck e d i n a play t h at is yet t o be w r it t en , let alon e p l a n n e d o r si g n e d f o r i n t h i s l i f e t i m e . Or a n g e ca t w a i t s f o r m y l a p w i t h a d e d i ca t i o n w h i ch e x ce e d s m y o w n , m y a n ch o r t o e a r t h e x p e r i en ce a n d r e m i n d e r o f w h a t h as b e e n o f f e r e d , a n d I su ccu m b

M a r g i e Ki v e l

March 2013


sun’s rays call and I move to the window, plants turn and reach, cat stretches in sun-all of us need food. starved for light after winter’s gray relentlessly obscures any nuance of change within and without the source is there, yet soul hungers for mother’s awakening. we stir in our cocoon ready to split open and emerge damp with newness. when the witch hazel opens its yellow spider flowers I will pluck a branch and dowse for gold. earth’s ground will heave and accept the seeds of winter’s reflections, promise of change.

Margie Kivel

March 2013


This is one of my favorite oils—I always carry it with me! A long time ago I was diagnosed with asthma. At the time I had no awareness of essential oils and their benefits, so I used the inhalers prescribed for me by my doctor—and grateful I was for them, too, as I could once again breathe! Life is a learning process— and when I found out what the chemicals in the inhalers were doing to the rest of my body, I determined to use them only if I absolutely had to. I began to work with my breath, and to pay attention to when the attacks happened. An asthma attack is very tiring—the body is being deprived of oxygen. I was determined to make it through without inhalers, even though it took from 6 to 10 hours to completely recover from an attack. I made some interesting discoveries: sometimes I had an asthma attack after I had eaten peanut butter. I had been introduced to Young Living oils, so I began experimenting. I thought to myself “if this is food related, maybe peppermint essential oil will help,” and I was very pleased that it did, in fact, help my body to overcome the respiratory distress caused by the food. Instead of 6—10 hours, I was over the effects in 10—20 minutes! (see more

about peppermint essential oil in the August 2011 edition of Nourish Publication).

As most people with asthma will tell you, exercise can be a challenge—particularly in cold weather. I decided that I would try essential oils for that, too. Research led me to Young Living’s RAVENTM essential oil

blend. I started out putting a drop on my chest and on the back of my neck. This worked—but putting it in a gel cap and taking it just as I headed out to exercise was much more effective! I was able to exercise in cold weather—down to about –20 C. I personally do not need the help for temperatures down to about –2C, but I am careful to carry it with me, just in case!

RAVENTM is more powerful than

RC, and works very well to counter the effects of the colds and flu that abound at this time of year. Because it has peppermint in it, it will help to bring down a fever—use it on the bottom of the feet for this purpose. Diffuse it throughout the house to make breathing easier. Put a drop on a tissue and carry it with you, or rub a drop between your palms, cup your hands over your nose and mouth and breathe deep. This is especially helpful when out in public and overtaken by a coughing spasm.

RAVENTM is a “hot” oil (it con-

tains ravensara, lemon, wintergreen and peppermint) so use it diluted on the skin. N ev e r use it in the bath—it creates a very uncomfortable, prickly heat within minutes (ask me how I know that!). If you are going to use it in a gel cap, try one drop first with a few drops of olive or another organic, edible oil, to see how it works with your system. As with all oils, you should be able to use it on your feet undiluted.

Please remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.

Vera Vera Enshaw is a spiritual being in human form who currently resides in Vancouver. Her path in this life is to know love and to share that love with you through the mediums of healing, spiritual counseling and teaching. She is a Reiki Master, shares high quality essential oils using the Raindrop Technique and uses crystals and quartz crystal toning bowls to help you find healing in all your bodies. She is fascinated by energy and teaches people at all levels how to expand their awareness. Working with guides and angels – with Spirit in all its forms – is one of the greatest gifts she has received. Let her share it with you! Contact Vera at for more information.

For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, p le a s e g o t o t h e w e b s it e :

March 2013


to be your shadows, what wondrous gifts will you be given to behold and bring to the light? What gifts of star dust will be shown to you in the light of the moon and starlight? Rejoice in this release in this letting go to see your own brilliance in the light of the glorious sun and the light of the glowing moon and know we are one. That is all for now my human friends and remember to sing your song into the dark and the light. Those songs are your gifts to the world and creation.”

ings. However, my research revealed nightingale’s lessons include:

The nightingale has already explained her medicine and teach-

With Unfathomable Love Michelle

Proper use of song in healing Using vibration to see in shadow Teaches how to move through shadow and fear with grace Using song to move through fear Connection to the moon So I will leave you this month with nightingale’s song to brighten the dark and bring light to your soul.

This month’s power animal is the nightingale. It was interesting when nightingale came forward as the power animal this month. It is an animal I actually know nothing about in terms of what they can teach us or what their messages is if they show up. I am flying blind here. I have decided to let the nightingale share her message to us all, then after I will do some research and see what wonderful things I find . So nightingale is hopping from branch to branch singing excited to talk to you. She says:

“I sing my twilight blessing song as

the sun sets and continue on into darkness. So my human companions take my lead and sing your own song in the darkness through it you bring light. The dark and the shadows are not to be feared. They are to be loved and blessed for in darkness beautiful things are born and seen. There is the moon, the stars, galaxies, comets and many more wonders. So by blessing and releasing your shadows or what you perceive

I am Michelle Hayes, an empath/intuitive who has a passion for healing and children. My Shamanic name is Whitestar Eagle, given to me in a naming ceremony. I offer reiki, reflexology, intuitive healing, intuitive/angel readings, channeling, shamanic healing and shamanic journeys. My services can be done in person or long distance by phone, email or Skype. I currently reside in Toronto. If you have any questions, comments or would like to contact me for more information please visit my blog or email me at I look forward to hearing from you!

March 2013


This card, for all its intense graphic design, is not as daunting or horrifying as it would appear. The devil’s message is actually about not giving up hope. For no matter what situation you find yourself in, you always hold the key to unlock the “door” and get yourself out. The Devil asks that we look past superficial appearances and see the deeper truth and meaning. Often when we are in the midst of a situation, we are so wrapped up that we cannot see the forest for the trees. If we look past the trees, we just might be able to see some other options that will allow us to set ourselves free. Watch what other people are putting onto you. Are they the “Devil” in your life? Are they holding you hostage by telling you your options are limited? Do they cast negativity onto you when you suggest different options? In other words do they support you or hinder you? Most of the time, when we feel trapped or locked into a situation, it was started by one of our actions in the past. The key to remember is that since you initiated this action into being, you can take another action to correct it. Sometimes we are trapped due to inaction, meaning rather than do something about it, we hide our heads in the sand or clouds and hope it will just disappear. Taking action sets

The Devil card from Shadowscapes Tarot Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore the energy in motion so changes can happen. Even the slightest movement, it could just be a thought, will set in motion solutions. No matter what you feel trapped about in life when this card shows up, be it work, finances, love, or health, it is important to keep a positive mindset. Look for solutions to free yourself by going past the surface and discerning what the truth is. If you set it in motion, discover how you can change the course. Take a look at the people in your life. How are they contributing to this situation? Are they upbeat and positive, or are they overly critical and fault finding? Take stock and then take action. Life is short and there is always hope. For you do indeed, hold the key to having the life you want.

March 2013


♥ Inspires truth ♥ Sincerity ♥ Honor ♥ Self-love ♥ Communication ♥ Eloquence ♥ Integrity ♥ Trust ♥ Clairvoyance ♥ Clarity

Amazonite, with its soothing blue green color, calls to me this month. In my collection I have a few pieces of this beautiful crystal. I enjoy the color and also the soft energy it emits but have not worked with it to any extent. It has been said that 2013 is year for maintaining balance and Amazonite is the perfect crystal to assist with this. It is one of the best crystals for bringing our masculine and feminine energies into balance. When our masculine and feminine energies are in balance we are better able to take inspirations received from our heart (feminine) and put them into action (masculine). Along with balancing ourselves, we are also looking at our shadow selves and releasing that which no longer serves us. Amazonite is a great crystal for discerning one’s truth. It can help you see both sides of an issue. If you are dealing with emotional trauma of any sort, reach for Amazonite. The gentle energy calms the nervous system, dispels negative energy, and alleviates worry and fear. It will also help you with communication, on all levels. As it is associated with the throat and heart chakras, it

can help you communicate your truths from a place of love. Amazonite is a soothing stone. It calms the brain and nervous system and aids in maintaining optimum health. Amazonite is reported to be beneficial in working with osteoporosis, tooth decay, calcium deficiency and calcium deposits. It also said to relieve muscle spasms. I have not tested on any of the above but I believe it does calm the nervous system, as I wore my bracelet while out driving today and I did not have one nervous moment in traffic, even with cars cutting us off. I was calm! When you are looking for pieces of Amazonite, remember the darker the crystal, the more intense the energy vibration. With the energies of the heart and throat chakra activated by this crystal, it will serve you well throughout 2013 in creativity and expressing yourself. 2013 is offering us the opportunity to embark on our sacred journey of self-discovery, exploring new experiences, and seeking clarity. Dare to be different, think outside of the box and carry a piece of Amazonite with you this year!

March 2013


Hello Beautiful Earth Angels, Endings, endings, endings. This is what March is bringing for each of you. More to the point the endings will take place during the weeks leading up to the Spring Equinox. After that you will be starting anew. All endings are really just new beginnings dear ones and you are in the final stage of clearing out excess baggage you have been packing around for years. The more you allow to come to a natural end, instead of hanging onto outdated ideals, relationships, beliefs and thoughts, the lighter and fresher you will be to step into the next stage. It is time to upgrade your stage to a bigger, brighter stage from which to shine and be your magnificent self. NO longer can you continue procrastinating dear ones. Do not allow your fear to hold you back any longer, the time to be free, happy, and at peace has arrived. So let down the battle within to continue holding onto that which is no longer serving you. It takes more of your precious energy to keep adjusting and adapting, than to just let it go. Once you have released this energy that has had a hold on you, the new will be able to enter. It will carry with it a freshness that will exhilarate your whole being. You are ready. If you have feelings of guilt or any negative feelings, ask us angels to help you release them. You need to stay positive as you transition from this ending, which has taught you all that it can, and step into a new beginning filled with new lessons just waiting to be discovered. Like the start of a New Year, sing out the old with Auld Lang Syne and then raise a cup of cheer and celebrate the coming blessings. The Angels

March 2013


Photo by Phil Nielsen

March 2013


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