Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen
Issue 32 March 2014
When you finally
let go
of the past
something better comes along
Unexpected Healing and other Interesting Elements
True Love
Health Benefits of Potatoes
You have Forgotten that you Knew there would be Contrasts
You Were Born To Create
A Journey Through the Elder Futhark - Donar - Cloud Drummer
Winter Candy
Men are from Atlantis, Women are from Lemuria
What on Earth is Going On? Ripples of Change
Soul Coaching
Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - March
Crystal Forecast - March 2014
Earth Crystals - Crystals for Pisces
Essential Oil - Believe
Power Animal -Bee
Rune of the Month - Mannaz
Spring Tonic
Channel -The Truth of You
Angel Message for March 2014
Nourish is a global magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2014 by Nourish Publication Nourish is a monthly publication dedicated to empowering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All articles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are provided as guidelines to the readers. Ultimately each reader is responsible for their own choices and decisions. The articles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.
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if you are your authentic self‌ you have no competition.
Photo: ŠMarlene Cobb
Here we go!! The month of March has arrived! I would say we have made it through winter and lived to tell about it but we all know Mother Nature can have some surprises up her sleeve well into April, or May even. It might not have helped that February is a short month but it flew by so quickly!! It felt like a express train zooming by at breakneck speed, when I was on the train it felt normal but if I stepped off and was standing by the tracks I could just see a blur. However in reflecting back on the month I got a lot accomplished, perhaps the speed was helping me to achieve some goals. March has a few causes for celebration, and with a little imagination we can all find ways to bring a little light and laughter into our lives. I look forward to each March with the excitement of a school girl and watch to see if it comes in like a lion or lamb. Seem a little understated to you? March 8th is International Woman’s day… can you think of a better day to gather your friends and share some wine and laughter? Me either! I am a proud Pisces and anticipation of what I will come up with to celebrate my birthday this month is the stuff day dreams are made of. If this year is anything like other years I will spend it quietly doing what I love and what brings me joy. It is still fun to day dream up grandiose ideas that in the end don’t seem to compare with doing what I love. St. Patrick’s Day! One of my favorite colors is green, I will be celebrating ‘the wearing of the green’. Never had a green beer, does not appeal to me, although a great ale might be in order to celebrate the day. There is also a Celtic festival that happens locally and is fun to take part in, complete with a parade to watch. Spring equinox on the 21st brings day and night into balance once again. From this point on the daylight hours take back their power as winter recedes her grip. Flowers, buds, blooms and bugs will start showing, ponds will have ducklings and goslings to watch. I sit here and think that I might just go fly a kite, literally, this month. This month I dare you to celebrate something for no reason other than you are unique. I would love to hear what you come up with to celebrate your uniqueness, as spring is reborn and winter comes to an end. Blessings for a Beautiful Spring Marlene
Marlene Cobb
In June of 2012 I wrote this and posted it on the wall of my cubical at work, “To understand the wisdom of your soul you must first explore who you truly are. When you chip away all the bravado, fear and masks, what is left?” I see it every day and it reminds me to do my best to be authentic to myself. None of us are the bravado, fear or masks; we are much more than that. Bravado often hides insecurities, fear is the reaction for anything unknown or that we are unsure of, and the many masks that are worn depend on the people we are interacting with. This simple phrase started a journey, a personal journey to being my authentic self. What would
happen if I allowed my vulnerabilities show? What would happen if I dropped the masks? And what would happen if I gave fear a boot to the curb? Those were the questions I started asking myself and consciously being aware of each time I was not being authentic to me. Each of us believes that we are being our authentic self at all times, and we would be correct. You see being authentic basically means we are standing in our truth in each moment. What my truth is during one moment might not be my truth in the next. An example would be…wearing our masks for different people. Maybe you don’t don masks, or think you don’t, but if you think about it you probably are one person to your boss and a totally different person around your partner. Your parents see you as a 6
person, who probably is not who you really are, it is just the mask they chose to see or that you are allowing them to see. Same goes for your children. Typically you are being authentic based on what you perceive you need to respond like, or act like, to keep the status quo in each relationship. Yet being your authentic self means that deep down you are following your heart and are living within the boundaries of what makes you happy. Ahh, does that give you a small clue as to how to live as your authentic self? It is one thing to understand what defines our authentic self, but quite another thing to get to the point of being our authentic self always. It is really about tuning into yourself and discovering who you are. It means learning to come from a place of stillness, responding rather than reacting, and determining what brings you the most joy. It means choosing how we will live our lives day by day. What do you really desire out of life and what does it take to make you happy? NO small feat!! Your authentic self is who you truly are, not the role you play, example: if you are a mom and you were asked “who are you?” and you replied “I am a mom” well that is what you do and do very well but it is not the full you. You are more than the sum of the job you are doing raising your children. Who are you as a person? What are your likes and dislikes, what brings you joy, what do you tolerate and what do you avoid? All of these aspects play a role in creating who you are. Are you just a mom? That would indicate that your children define you. That is the crux of discovering who you are at your authentic core, what defines you? If you are a mom chances are you are a wife, and a daughter, and I am sure you have friends. Each role probably has a definition if we look at the masks I mentioned earlier. However, being authentic means being the total package, all of you rolled into one, and not allowing fear of being rejected or not liked, to jump in and veer you off your path. Alright let’s look at a few ways to start digging and see who is lying under all the muck!! Do you feel comfortable enough to be yourself all the time, meaning, are you living as your authentic self each moment of each day? Or are you living a fictional storybook life that society has led you to believe you should be? Take one day and observe when you are being authentic and when you are being fictional. Do you
see the difference? What would it look like to tear away that mask? What would happen if you did? How would you feel? Jot down notes of when you felt the need to be inauthentic. List the person you were with or the event that was happening. Be brief, no need to write a thesis, just brief facts that you can look back on at the end of the day. It might take a couple days of observing, yet this will give you a really good starting point to work with. From the notes you jot down, can you discern why you felt the need to be inauthentic? Jot down these points beside the event. If you keep seeing the same key points beside different events, it indicates an area you might want to look at. It could be as simple as agreeing to something that you don’t agree with, but felt it was easier to agree than to have to explain yourself. Your values become compromised when you are not your authentic self. If you go along with something just because you don’t want to upset the applecart, you are compromising your values, desires, beliefs and passions. Chances are, in a group of people, most are compromising themselves to not upset the applecart. Yet, open dialogue can lead to solutions. By not following the herd you are giving voice to what is authentic to you. You do not have to be forceful or even expect they should do it your way, dialogue however, can open up the door towards setting forth goals and plans. Teamwork does involve compromise but does not have to still your voice. This will be the beginning of your journey in discovering your authentic self, and trust me your authentic self will continue to evolve and change as you evolve and change. It is important to realize this and just know it is a normal part of the process. Don’t get hung up on the how to get to your authentic self, just keep taking small steps each day working towards coming from your truth in each moment. Being anything but your authentic self is draining, not to mention you are giving away your power to that person because, even if they are not aware of it, for some reason you feel you can’t be yourself with them, and that is manipulation. Take back your power. Define the reason for the mask and start to peel it back till you shine through. Your authentic self is brighter and more beautiful than any mask could ever be.
Connect with Marlene at 7
Marilyn Dyke
Unexpected Healing and other Interesting Elements The Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) session I’m going to talk about in this article was very interesting because it had some elements in it that we don’t always see together in one session. When this client emailed their questions they mentioned in passing that they had been hit by a car at age 26. I immediately wondered why none of their questions asked about this event. When we met for the session the client agreed to allow me to ask the Higher Consciousness what purpose this accident had for them. The client then mentioned the physical issues resulting from this accident that ran from their ankle up to their jaw. I thought it odd they weren’t asking any healing questions…..Hmmmm. The Client’s past life was as a young male living in a small village on a cliff near the ocean. He wore a deer skin tunic and simple moccasin type shoes. He wore a hat with black hair cropped in a bowl cut that the client remarked later made them feel they were in South America somewhere. The village consisted of small white adobe houses perched on the hills near the ocean. He lived with his Mother, sister and an older brother. Their father had gone away and never returned having had an accident. He was well loved and missed by his family and other villagers. The client and his older brother both fish from simple wooden boats and their sister helps their mother in the house.
After his older brother married and moved to another house in the village the client decided to travel by foot to another village up the coast where he visits with a girl he knows. They marry there and return to the client’s village to live. He and his wife are very much in love, and the client recognized the wife as someone in their life today. I love when this happens spontaneously. I know from my own experience that the recognition comes to you in an instant and has nothing to do with recognizing the same features in the two people separated by hundreds of years. It’s a very specific knowing.
ance could be seen. The client knew the beings were taller than themselves. The purpose for lying on the table was to restore the client after the past life, which often happens in this state and is the reason no one wants to leave! Once restored the client’s body glowed in white and gold, like the 6 beings. Once I established contact with the HC I began asking the client’s questions which were mainly about their spiritual development.
One day he notices his wife is very upset. There are others in the village who are packing up and moving inland because there is some unusual weather and they feel threatened. The client feels he and his wife and the other younger villagers that decide to stay are safe though because they are so high up above the beach level that the large waves won’t be a problem for them. His brother and wife also stay in the village.
At one point the HC said “Si” and then followed with a short Spanish phrase with perfect pronunciation. At first I thought they had said see, but soon realized it was si. Later after the client had been brought back I asked them if they spoke Spanish. They answered no. Then I told them that they had spoken perfect Spanish during their session. I don’t know if they believed me, but I knew they would hear it in the recording later. This sometimes happens in sessions and it’s always surprising to hear them speak in an another language as if it was their mother tongue
The next thing the client sees is a huge yellow light that is not the sun and it’s coming closer. Then he sees nothing but white. In my sessions I will always try to move the person into the “between lifetime state” after the death scene, sometimes I’m successful; sometimes the Higher Consciousness deems something else to be more important. I soon realized this client had moved there spontaneously.
When I asked what purpose the car accident served for the client the HC answered, Can you help the client to understand why they were hit by a car, what purpose did this serve, the answer came loud and clear, “To wake up!” The client later said after that accident their life had changed quite dramatically and this is when they really began looking into their spirituality.
The between lifetime state is such a lovely experience that once there most people would be quite happy to stay there for the rest of the session. I’ve noticed that every person who goes to this state experiences something a little different. From studying this I’ve come to the conclusion that we create where we go after death just as we create our life in this reality. While most people experience roughly the same things in the between lifetime state as others, some experience something quite different. I have never had anyone go to a heaven or a hell though. In fact recently when asking another client’s questions whether there really was a hell or a heaven the Higher Consciousness (HC) gently chastised me, saying “You know there isn’t any such thing!” I answered yes I know, but I have to ask their questions! This client found themselves laying on a large rectangular table with 6 humanoid beings sitting around the table that were glowing, outlined in blue and white light. No other details of their appear-
So I then asked if the HC could heal the body all along the right side and bring it back to the condition it was in before the accident. This the HC agreed to.
In the post session talk the client noticed the right shoulder was feeling better right away and then they got up to check on the other aches and pains they live with daily.....guess what? They’re all gone, they were so excited about this they nearly started crying, this was the icing on the cake, something they didn' t expect at all. We don' t know if the jaw was fully aligned, we have to wait until the next dentist appointment. Won’t it be wonderful if surgery is no longer needed!
Visit Marilyn at 9
Gwen Randall-Young
Sometimes we see things not as they are but as we are: Love brings understanding. ~ unknown~
What is the ideal loving relationship? Many are searching for Mr. /Ms. Right, or questioning the relationship they are in. It is relatively easy to imagine all of the qualities one might want in a “perfect” partner, or to compare a current partner to an ideal standard. While certainly we all have some parameters when we think of a mate, the truth is that the quality of the relationship is not so much about the “quality” of the two individuals as it is about the quality of the way they treat one another. Finding true love is not a matter of finding the perfect mate, but more about being ready and willing to give true love. What is true love? It is not “falling in love.” It is what we do in the days, weeks, months and years afterwards. It is all the things described in Corinthians: it is patient, kind, does not envy, is not proud, rude, self-seeking nor easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs, does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth; always protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres. Truly, that says it all. To really love another is to be loving towards that being. Saying “I love you,” often means “I want you,” or “I like having you in my life,” more than it is a statement about actively loving the other. Active loving means being as concerned for the wellbeing of the other as for our own. It means getting our ego out of the way, so that we are not needy, controlling, judgmental or demanding. Actively loving another means we are neither critical nor hurtful. We are as careful around the feelings of our partner as we would be if there were a small kitten underfoot. We will go out of our way to ensure our words and actions will not be harmful, even accidentally.
It goes even deeper than this. Truly loving another means that we do not even think negative thoughts about the person. Everyone has aspects of their being that could be judged or criticized, but when we commit to loving another, we commit to hold only the purest thoughts about that person. This is so very important, because if we hold nega-
tive thoughts about someone, even if we do not utter them, they will know. Holding pure thoughts of our beloved is the most powerful nutrient we can add to the garden of our love. It provides a safe and positive environment in which our loved one can blossom. The more that we create this for one another, the more beautiful and bountiful our garden. Criticism and judgment are like hailstones that come crashing down, damaging the tender plants. Angry words and harsh actions are like strong winds that cause breakage and weakening. Non-communication or days of silence are like winter frosts, stopping the flow of life. Dishonesty or infidelity is like disease that slowly disfigures and eventually kills the blossom, if not the whole plant. How often it happens that couples bring negativity into their relationship, but then blame the other when the relationship does not flourish. How ironic that some will try to “fix” the relationship by pointing out the defects of the partner. You cannot fix a relationship by bringing pain to your partner. We can think of two partners as mirrors. If one starts reflecting negativity, it will be reflected back, often increasing in intensity, and gaining momentum with each reflection. If each reflects unconditional love and acceptance towards the other, it is like a hall of mirrors with endless reflections of love. Truly loving another means only seeing the good, and reflecting that back to him or her. This applies to our children, as well as our partner. Ultimately, it also applies to every other human. This is what it is to be a loving being. Maybe that is what relationships are for: the opportunity to practice growing in love, even when we are challenged, tired, irritable or cranky. It could be the highest purpose, with the greatest reward.
Gwen Randall-Young is an author and award-winning Psychotherapist. For permission to reprint this article, or to obtain books or cds, visit
Vera Enshaw
When we watch television, we do not try to focus on one pixel of the image, we don’t try to freeze a particular frame. At least, not with our eyes or our mind! Sometimes when I close my eyes to sleep or to meditate a moving scene occurs. It is as though I am driving or flying through a place that exists. What often happens is that I attempt to focus on it—at which point it disappears. Sometimes I can get back to it for a few seconds, but that desire to focus keeps coming back into play. Many years ago I was blessed—very suddenly— with the ability to see auras. Everywhere I looked, there they were. People, animals, cars, houses— they all showed me their hidden wonder. Beautiful—but disconcerting. As much as I appreciated the gift, it also felt like something I was not ready for. People who “saw” aura’s lived in hippie communities and did drugs, right? I was an ordinary person working on expanding my awareness. “Regular” life became a lot slower, and I didn’t feel that driving was an option. Kind of dangerous to be driving down the road focusing on some beautiful aura rather than on the goings-on around me.
happening, trusting that we are made to move through our days in this fashion. Be-living. Be-lieving. I challenge you this month. I challenge you to Be-Lieve that you CAN walk through your days being who you TRULY are and STILL get the job done the tasks accomplished, the appointments met….. You will begin slowly. It may take some time to get past a few minutes at a time. If you work at it diligently, I am sure that by the end of the month you will BE aware of BEING. I am on the journey with you. If you need help, send me a thought in that moment and I will support you energetically. If you want to discuss your journey, you may contact me at Until next month—Namasté
A wonderful side effect of this was that I was able to show other people how to see auras, beginning with the etheric—the layer closest to our bodies. By focusing our gaze just above a person’s head (a tall tree works well, too!) and softening our gaze— letting go of our focus—we are able to see the silvery etheric. It’s not very far from that to being able to seeing the aura itself, layer by layer. Colours may or may not be there, we may see more with our 3rd eye than with our visual eye—but we are seeing the aura. It requires a softening of our focus. We tend to view our lives with a very sharp focus. Each event that occurs is not only viewed in the moment but replayed over and over again. Since we are working with memory and our “small self” the event changes each time we look at it, becoming either more or less favorable to us depending on what we perceive our role to be. What happens if we soften our focus on our lives? What would happen if we were to get out of bed and walk through our day paying only enough attention to the mind chatter to say “thank you for sharing,” and allowing our focus to be within and without at the same time? Softening enough to see what is
Contact Vera at for more information.
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Linda Adsetts
I know that February is over, which would be the expected time of the year to write about love, but The Group said it is to be about love. I tend to listen to them. Love is such a multi faceted subject. It is layered with so much cultural meaning that we mutilated it into a something that we cannot clearly understand. What does love mean to you? It is so very different for everyone. We all want to be loved in a way that is meaningful to us, but that meaningful way is a reflection of our responses to our environment, our family and our culture. What might happen if we changed the word love to appreciation? Appreciation has nothing attached to it. If you were to say to a loved one -I appreciate you- they would not have to think of why you might appreciate
them. They wouldn’t have to consider if they were worth appreciating. There is no charge to appreciation. But love has a big charge to it. If you love someone then you have expectations of what that means to you and how you should be treated. The only time that isn’t true is with a very, very young child. It is perhaps the only time some of us have been loved unconditionally. Until, we begin to grow and gain some autonomy and suddenly someone expects us to behave a certain way in order to be smiled at, hugged or given words of appreciation-usually in the form of praise. Oh and then we want more of that and so we begin to figure out how act in order to receive that sunbeam of acceptance from mom or dad.
But what would your world look like now, if your story were different? What if you didn’t have to be anyone but you? Some of you know. Lucky you! Most of us fall in somewhere in between. We may not have been loved in that way but we weren’t shamed totally into submission. Lucky us! The Group tells me I am writing about this because the energies are supporting a rewrite of your stories. You can choose to rewrite your history. You can be in appreciation for all of those that agreed to be part of your life and be the contrast, as well as the encouragers. You have forgotten that you knew there would be contrasts. They are part of life on planet earth that gives you the ability to choose. You even had choice as a child. It would seem less so to most of you. We are diving into deep waters here and so bear with us. Take a deep breath dear ones. If everything were sunshine and roses, if everything were your human on planet earth idea of perfect there would be no room for growth. What would fuel your desires to expand your being? You would be lolling around on soft cushions enjoying instant manifestation of anything you could think of. But dear ones, in that story you wouldn’t be desiring of anything new. There would be no contrast. You would have no reason to question your thoughts because instantly you would think a new thought and what you wanted would appear. It would become tiresome after a time-a much shorter time that you would think too! So take another deep breath and consider your life story (or another’s if that makes it easier for you to do) and think of the things that have caused you to choose something outside of your norm or your family’s norm. Was that choice birthed from sunshine and roses everything is perfect or was it birthed because of contrast - even the contrast of the norm being too perfect? Were you one of those that decided that there must be more? Where did that come from? Were you one that wanted to make your mark on the world? Mmmmm, where did that come from? And consider this; was your family, your community, your culture perfectly contrasted in order to support the expansion that you have chosen so far in your life? Was it always comfortable? No it wasn’t. But change isn’t always, until you move through to the other side and then dear ones, you know this, you start to become a little bored and from that contrast you begin to look for another choice to make. Perhaps in your boredom you overlook the day-to-day goings on and find yourself in a situation that requires your full attention. Who created that? You did!
We say this over and over again. It is your story. It is your expansion. It is always about choice. It is always about the contrasts. So here you are landed on planet earth and oh the choices, the choices! So many choices, that you begin to judge the ones that others are making. Would you have it be that your choices were the only right choices? That would get very old soon. There would be no contrast. The contrasts are there because you have free will-the gift to choose again and again as often as you want another choice and one there and one there. We do not judge the choices. Each choice brings clarity for you. Sometimes the clarity needs a few not so nice choices before you find the choice that supports you perfectly in your journey of expansion. You have all the time in the universes for the stories. Many lifetimes are available, have been available to you and will be available to you. If you don’t quite get it this time around -how magnificent you are- the power that you hold within that beautiful being that you stand within and surround-you will always have another chance to explore the many and varied aspects of life on planet earth and one of those lifetimes may be lolling around on cushions as others await to satisfy your every whim-though that just may be the contrast that gets you moving to step out of that beautiful box and try something new -for you- or maybe not. Sometimes that life is just what was ordered up, by you. And so dear ones, we want you to know how much we appreciate you and our love for you holds no conditions and or boundaries. Our wish for you is that you extend that to include yourself and as for the others in your life a little appreciation goes a long way. Always and forever we hold you in our hearts, always and forever we see you as perfect and always and forever we are in deep gratitude for your courage to land on planet earth time and time again. You are part of the shift. You are changing the universes. Your choices make a difference. Do not be so hard on yourself and on others. Time truly heals everything in the end, though it may take the ending of your current lifetime to get there. You dear ones, are magnificent beings of light and love period- no ands, ifs or buts. The Group and Linda
Connect with Linda on or Facebook page !/GoForTheJoy 19
you were born to create, to invent, to make something from nothing, to stretch your imagination as far as it can possibly go, to turn fantasy into reality, to create new worlds, indescribable before, warm and welcoming, for the mind’s eye to drift to and reside, to find new perceptions of possibility. you are the progeny of a unique universal experience. all that you have ever seen and heard, tasted, touched and experienced (whether joyous, boring, good or blisteringly painful and bad)... these are the ingredients to your one-of-kind recipe of creation.
with every thing you create, you are the first. be awestruck by that. it’s your original work. it’s your limited edition.
i more c it’s the thing that' s
it’s like a compass do the unimaginable (that only you can do). be the unthinkable (that you only you could ever be). do the unthought of. make art! it makes you human. it reflects how you felt, what you thought, and what you deep-down, inherently knew... but could never quite voice.
it needs no reason,
give a thought shape sprout your express
play with doug spill your scattered t
splatter pain 20
create! it makes life easier, complete, less alone. s missing in most of our busied lives. sionate hug you give yourself. other than to just... be.
thump on drums, thrash on guitar, caress the keys. kiss the sky and sing without abandon! cook with no cookbook, colour outside the lines, stitch with no pattern…
e. give an idea form. make! inklings into being. what has no words.
gh. craft from wood. thoughts onto paper with pen. nt. sculpt from rock.
explore the canvas of your mind. care not, if you’ll be heard. it matters not if it’ll ever be seen. let your soul speak. create! find bliss through art. dammit, just make! bt 02.24.2014
Phil Nielsen
Kyot was a lonely young man living at a time of spiritual repression. The old gods had been officially banned by the church long before he was born. Yet within him was a deep reverence for the demonized gods of Asgard. He kept those feelings to himself because to express them openly meant severe punishment, sometimes torture or death, but always damnation. When in church, kneeling before the image of a man outstretched on a cross, he preferred to see, not the foreign Jesus, but Balder, the earlier god of resurrection once worshipped by the Norse. Kyot had secretly learned of the criminalized beliefs of his people from a poor lonely old man, who remembered when Odin, Thor, Freya, Heimdall, and all the other gods could still be revered. The old man told him that the greatest valuable object from those days was a vessel that could expend its dimensions from the size of a huge cauldron to the size of a small drinking cup. " Some say it originally belonged to the giants and was stolen by Thor for a banquet of all the gods in Aegir' s palace beneath the sea," he recounted. " Others believed it belonged to Aegir all along, but however Aegir came to possess it, it was the real source of the god' s greatness. The Gral furnished everything for those who claimed it for their own." " Gral, what does that mean?" Kyot asked. " The Power." As the old man shared his knowledge of an alternate spirituality, Kyot seemed transported to the lost realms of the Æsir and Vanir. He also learned of the runes and the conjuring spells that went into their creation. Anxious to explore their efficacy and establish some kind of relationship with the banned gods of his heritage, he stole away from town early one dawn and reached a remote clearing in the forest. There, he selected an ancient oak that seemed to stand out from the other trees, and into its trunk he carved a single rune. He chose the sign of Donar, because his old teacher said it was one if the few magical symbols that possessed entirely positive aspects and so, if he made a mistake, he hoped thereby to avoid any negative consequences. He had just incised the glyph when he was startled by a loud voice behind him. " Kyot, you will burn in hell for this!" He whirled around in time to be confronted by a black-robed figure who unexpectedly threw a fisherman' s net over him. " I' ve caught you, you heathen devil!" the priest exclaimed, as he bound his terrified captive. That evil old man who poisoned your soul has gone to perdition and now it is your turn. As he pushed the boy forward, Kyot stumbled and fell to the ground, but in doing so, the knife he had used to carve the rune tumbled somehow into his hand.
" On your feet!" the priest commanded. " You can' t get out of this that easily! I' ve been watching you for a long time. The church sees and hears everything, especially a guilty conscience." Kyot spoke not a word, but his mind was racing. Soon he would be back in town, this time under lock and key to await a punishment he dare not contemplate. The priest railed on about hell and damnation while he pulled the sinner along by a noose slipped around his neck. Kyot, meanwhile had worked the dagger up and down against the rope that tied his wrists. None too soon they were free and with a desperate slash of the blade, he cut the rope around his neck. In an instant he was free of his bonds and he was off like a deer. Yet he could not completely disengage himself from the fisherman' s net, so he held it close to him as he ran for his life, and the priest' s outraged threats echoed after him through the forest. For all his superior strength, the priest was too well fed to pursue the light-footed escapee with any hope of recapturing him. Kyot ran all day, and for his first night as a religious outlaw, he slept under a bush. For two more days and nights, chased by unrelenting fears, he ran and slept where he could, like a hunted animal, avoiding all contact with fellow human beings. The forest, however, offered little that was edible, and he was growing progressively weaker from his hunger. Although he had long since severed the net tangled around him, he had kept it and the dagger used to free him, because they were his only possessions other than the increasingly torn and soiled clothes he wore. During the morning of his fourth day as an outlaw and faint from a lack of food, the forest suddenly ended, and he walked out into a broad field of high weeds. Storm clouds were gathering overhead and he thought of the god whose rune he had carved into the old oak tree. " Donar!" he shouted at the sky with a mixture of anger and delirium. " I chose your sign because it was supposed to be the most fortunate. But see how unlucky I am!" Just then, a powerful boom of thunder sound with such force that Kyot could feel it reverberate through his chest cavity. In response to this shock from the lowering heavens, innumerable birds, startled from their hiding places in the fields, rose squawking toward the sky. The lad recovered from his astonishment in time to cast his net high into the air. As it came down he counted no less than nine plump pheasants. He ate well at last and thanked Donar for the blessing. The next day, Kyot crossed the field, soon after arriving at a small village where he traded the
Phil Nielsen remaining birds for some new clothes. On the wall of the tailor' s shop hung a portrait of a young woman set in a wooden frame covered in runic writing. Just as he was about to leave, he mentioned in passing, " Gerda is a name as beautiful as her face. I am sorry to learn she died so young but at least Friedstein is a peaceful place for a burial." The tailor was deeply affected by the boys revelation. " You understand the runes then! No one has been able to read them for at least three generations. You say her name is Gerda? That was my grandmother and no one knew what became of her or where she might be buried. This portrait has been in my family for years but no one knew anything about her, not even her name, until this very day. You have done my family an invaluable service!" Kyot easily translated the rest of the inscription, which revealed much more about the tailor' s missing grandmother. Henceforward, the educated stranger was made to feel very much at home in the little village, where he earned a modest living, through his ability to read the old runic writing still found on old important documents, especially those pertaining to deeds and legacies. He supplemented his income by entertaining at banquets with the stories he had learned from his old teacher about the gods and goddesses, dwarves, and giants of the Norse. Luckily for him, it was safe, in this village at least, to teach these beliefs. His origins were never questioned or discovered by the villagers, who respected his learning and gentleness even after something of his renown spread beyond the immediate area. By then, when he was an old man himself, still spinning tales of Odin and the other gods, he was sought out by a curious visitor. The youthful scholar was aware of Kyot' s reputation and he wanted to learn everything the old man had to offer. One story particularly fascinated him: the Vessel of Increase, the Power known as the Gral. Kyot shared with him the entire account: he described the cup' s infinite abundance and mystical potency, it' s strange disappearance, and the quest undertaken to recover it for the benefit of all humankind. Sometime after the visitor left, Kyot passed away peacefully in his sleep and he was mourned by the villagers whose lives had been enriched through his mind and his heart. Yet his story of the Gral did not die with him, for the young man who sat at his feet to hear the tale was none other than Wolfram von Eschenbach, the medieval author of Parsifal, the story of the Holy Grail.
Donar is the elder, less famous brother of Thor, whose war hammer, Mjolnir, flashes lightning when thrown through the air. It is at such moments, out of sheer exuberance, that Donar strikes storm heads with his massive club, like a gigantic stick beating a drum, to generate thunder and force the clouds to give up their beneficial rains for life in Midgard. Even today, the German word for thunder is Donner, and Thursday is known as Donnerstag. He is at once the god of agriculture and war, granting success in both undertakings--crops from one and spoils from the other. Donar is the deified personification of abundant increase and burgeoning potential in all manner of endeavor. These qualities are clearly expressed in his rune, which signifies growth and the activation of inner powers necessary to reverse unfavourable conditions. There is joy in strength associated with god and his sign-- a gleeful, almost effortless smashing of obstacles. His motto could well be " Attitude is everything!" In other words, by merely emphasizing our positive aspects of ourselves and our situation, even if reason dictates otherwise, we strengthen ourselves for coming success. Although Donar' s glyph, now known as Dagaz, is filled with optimism and cannot be reversed or inverted, in the presence of entirely negative runes in a cast, it warns against excessive worry, because such a self-defeating attitude only attracts negative energy. It sometimes indicates that if we make the best of conditions beyond our control, our cause will triumph in the end. This rune may also signal a life-altering event, often of a spiritual nature, concerned with mystical illumination. Fresh beginnings and viewpoints can initiate a new, even life-transfiguring phase, such as manifestations of personal, inner germination. Such growth is synonymous with an enrichment of mind and spirit. Donar, or Dagaz, belongs in the Norse zodiac sign of Himinbjorg, among the life-giving rains from the Cliffs of Heaven, which corresponds to Cancer, from June 21 to July 20, early summer, when thunderstorms rumble. Donar' s colour is sky blue and his gemstone, fluorite, which is a transparent, crystalline mineral displaying numerous colours and cleavage--all embodying the positive aspects of his life -supporting, auspicious rune.
Contact Phil at
Margie Kivel
A flash of speckled white drifted overhead, flew across the dump. Flap of long wings and flat profile… and a flash of recognition – owl! In particular, snowy owl, come down from the arctic in search of food. News called it an eruption. I saw winged visitations, owls landing on roof and tree tops, airport runways – falling gumdrops for hungry eyes until green’s main meal in spring. Margie Kivel
Lisa Schell
Ever feel that the weight of the past is too heavy, and you don’t know how to break through to a new future? This is a common problem, and often people waste months or years of their life suffering from guilt, shame, or feelings of inadequacy… then one day break through to the life of their dreams. How? Let’s talk about it. 6 Human Needs:
Connection & Love – to connect with others and to love and be loved Growth –
the need to develop and expand
Contribution –
the need to give beyond yourself
Certainty –
the need for stability, safety and comfort
Variety –
the need for stimulus and change
It’s important to understand which of these needs you are trying to meet. Explore what the deeper motivations are in your life. It is very different to want to earn money for stability and safety than from wanting to earn money to give.
Significance – the need to be special and worthy of attention
In relationships, it is important to note the differences between men and women. A man needs to
feel that they can make a woman happy as it makes them feel like a man. They want to feel needed and desired. As a result, they will give their partners anything because that makes them feel needed. However, there are times when women don’t want men to make them happy but to have them understand and appreciate their pain. Feminine energy takes little things and makes them as big as possible while masculine energy takes really big things and pretends to make them small. A woman expects that a man knows everything she’s thinking but in reality they have no idea what women are thinking. Men are not mind readers. For example, when a man says “no don’t help me fix my problem” they really mean no. However, if a woman says “no” she really means yes. A man hears no and walks away, and she gets angry and thinks he doesn’t care. Problem!
People trigger an emotional response when they’re out of control, and powerless to change something. When people are out of control, they go from one emotion such as depression to another such as anger. Which side of the emotional spectrum you go to has more to do with which needs that you learned to value like significance and certainty, even though you want love. If you want significance and certainty, which emotion is going to help you get it faster? Answer: anger. Paradoxical blaming is seen in intimate relationships where you blame your partner for your own mistakes because they’re supposed to take care of you. The next time you blame your partner, ask yourself which of the 6 human needs are you trying to meet.
forth like this when they’re under the illusion that they have no control.
Most people get out of the emotional spectrum with a distraction such as gambling, smoking or drinking. Focusing on something else, like creating an additional problem, makes the emotional craziness disappear. A man bases his life on logic and a woman bases it on her relationships/emotions (different lenses). Men’s physiology is completely different. They can’t watch t.v., read the paper and understand what’s happening to their wife. Women tend to speak in riddles. Men believe what you’re saying so it confuses communication in a relationship. Ladies – don’t expect your men to be mind readers! Tell them what’s on our mind and they will do what it takes to make you happy. The Truth about Anger: we blame our loved ones not because it will help, not because they are responsible but because anger helps us feel significant and certain. Solution: To really get out of this emotional pattern the best thing to do is to: change your model of the world…change your perceptions. Change the rules that you have made for yourself and for others. Stop the addiction of the story that you tell yourself. Stop thinking it’s your partner when it’s you. This is a lesson in meaning. To release the baggage that you’re carrying around, try visualizing you taking that baggage (i.e. false belief about yourself), go outside and shoot it in a rocket to the moon or try visualizing it as a “garbage bag” and taking it to the garbage or recycling bin. We feel in our bodies whatever is represented in our visualizations are a powerful tool to influence your unconscious mind. Give it a try and I guarantee you that your relationships will improve!
Anger helps you to feel significant and certain right at the moment when you feel insignificant and uncertain. If you can figure out why you’re angry, you can take responsibility for the real reason why you’re blaming your partner. People who value love the most go to sadness first. They feel alone in the Lisa Schell, Transformational and Spiritusituation or misunderstood. al Life Coach & Energy Healer
When a person is feeling angry their bodies are tense. They feel good playing victim all the time as they are addicted to their story of blaming someone else. However, after a while the body has to let go so people go back to sadness and aloneness as they lose the tension in their bodies. People go back and
A Clear Pathway To You
Ph: (604) 612-1450 | or connect with me on Facebook: and via my blog ‘SoulFull Living’
Crown Chakras … Why are they so important right now? Do you know about chakras? Perhaps you have heard about them and know that it is a Sanskrit word which, roughly translated, means wheel or turning. Basically chakras are energy centers within our body that align with our endocrine system. I have included a link to a video I created which briefly outlines the chakras, where they are within the physical body, and some of the aspects associated with each one. I want to keep it really simple. I want you to know that you have 7 major chakras and that is what we will focus on. Even if you do not believe you have them, bear with me, they are an important part of your day to day life. The chakras work as balancing tools within us. Clogged and dirty, they can wreck havoc, causing anger, depression, negativity, lethargy, and grumpiness. If they are clear and clean they can keep us balanced and calm. Life will still have issues that arise, but you will be able to deal with them in a calm fashion without going through a lot of drama. When your chakras are balanced and clean they vibrate (spin) at a faster rate and they support you on all levels, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. Chakras have been around for a long time and are not woo woo as some would consider them. Even Dr. Oz has brought them to people’s attention as a tool towards gaining good health. In the video, I give you a really simple cleaning and balancing technique. It will take you less than 5 minutes and will not hurt you, so give it a try. It will make a difference in your life. Now, more than ever, it is important to check in on them and clear them up. The energy coming into our systems has risen since 12/21/12 and these are the centers that are assimilating and processing the energy so we can handle the increase. Have you been struggling with your energy levels over the past year? Does it sometimes feel like you could run a marathon and then, in the next hour, feel like you just can’t lift your foot to walk 2 feet ahead? You might be finding the physical demands of life just too hard. Clean and clear your chakras on a daily basis and you will notice improvements. It will keep the energy flowing smoothly and will not cause a blowout, think of an electrical socket sparking or worse bursting into flames! I am excited to share this with all of you, because it is an empowering tool that we can all use. It only takes a few minutes a day to ensure you keep your chakras cleansed and balanced, but the benefits to our health are immeasurable. Physical ailments aside, when we are living in imbalance we are attracting people of the same out-of-balance nature or negativity, and that adds more discomforting issues to our daily lives. We also attract circumstances and experiences that we don' t think we deserve. Because the law of attraction is absolute (in that, we always get in return what our vibration is emitting) it is very important that we maintain our one-ness and our alignment with our higher selves, for our highest good.
Third Eye
Solar Plexus
Our body is an amazing self-regulating organism that always seeks balance. It is up to us to fuel it properly or to the best of our ability, on all levels, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. YOUTUBE - CHAKRAS
Connect with Marlene at
Gail Siler, PhD
As I sit here the winds are swirling around the house, and for the past three days it’s been raining continually at right angles. The good news is I am getting my windows washed for free. The disconcerting news is that everywhere across the US and Canada people are climbing out of a long winter’s deep freeze, shovelling snow off their roofs, or hunkering inside to keep warm, shaking their heads in wonder or disbelief at the weather. On top of that deep freeze, record snows, record lows or highs for some, NASA is telling us that the Sun’s magnetic field is about to flip. ( http:// .UwP0OoVniHM ). In their own words: " It looks like we' re no more than three to four months away from a complete field reversal," says solar physicist Todd Hoeksema of Stanford University. " This change will have ripple effects throughout the solar system." Ripple Effects of Solar Change Today is a good day to talk about ripple effects. But let’s talk about the ripple effects we are noticing and feeling on Earth and allow the solar system to handle the details of its own ripples, for the moment. Frankly, I’ve got my hands full just handling the ripple effects on me, and I have a strong feeling you are feeling the same way too. We are all in this together, from molecule to mouse to moon and beyond! But I have a sense that if we can get a good handle on ourselves and take care of us, we will be contributing to the stability and harmony of anchoring these new energies, one ripple at a time. What does the magnet energy from the sun have to do with us? Well, for starters we are experiencing how solar flares send out ripples that when they hit earth how they can cause some pretty big burps in our electrical and magnetic systems. Take the cell phone towers, or your home phone for instance, your lights, and electrical objects of all sorts. Have you noticed any ‘blow outs’ recently? Or just momentary quirks? As of yesterday my home phone started acting wonky. It seemed like it didn’t know whether it was ringing the number I dialed or going for a dial tone. Less than an hour ago it just gave up and is telling everyone it’s ‘busy.’ But it isn’t. Today, my phone decided to work again. But sometimes it’s very far away….hmmm, where did the voice ap go
anyhow? My neighbor says it sounds like I’m calling him from Mars. At this point, I am willing to believe that’s a possibility! Back to solar magnetics and what it does to us. Here’s the amazing part. Our heart is the most powerful magnetic force in our body. But there’s more. Our energy field not only affects our health, but it reaches out of our bodies into our environment and every creature we come in contact with and vice versa. ( v=1X qPhoRKPWw ) So let’s add that to our soup of electromagnetic ripples. Here we are walking by each other like magnets and affecting each being we pass and being affected by them in turn. To make a long story short, we are all in this together, we are all affecting and affected by one another. Our hearts ‘feel’ the sun when he winks, let alone when he throws out solar flares or dances his polarity shifts. Then it’s passed down the line to us and all creatures on Mother Earth. We react and we either pass it on, get jumbled or we can anchor it and balance it. We probably do it all varying from one instant to another. The Big Shift Upward Let’s add another ‘biggy’ to this ripple soup that is simmering on the back burner relatively unnoticed by many of us. That is the fact that we are evolving upwards in energy frequency. Spiritual messengers are telling us that we are moving away from a third density and growing into fourth and fifth density. We don’t quite know what that means, but I promise you, it means we are changing. We are moving from a world view based on opinions, activities, judgment and responses that are polarized. Either right or wrong, strong or weak, good or bad, etc. The way we have organized this life has been according to polar opposites and judgments about them and judgements as to which is the best! That’s the status quo, the old 3D way of viewing and handling life. But now we are edging into a higher energetic way of viewing and doing things. We are creating as we breathe a new society and a new way of doing things. Instead of polarities, we are moving to higher ground where judgment is not a good thing to carry. We are evolving to a more balanced perspective called ‘both-and.’ I can be right and so can you….both at the same time and about the same topic, even though we hold opposing opinions! In 31
fact, right and wrong are easing away into the history of the past and we are learning that everyone simply has a point of view generated from within ourselves. Like the blind man and the elephant story, our point of view depends on where we are standing and what we see and feel from that vista and view and value set of life where we stand. AND there some interesting side affects happening as a result of these new directions. It’s like white water rafting and the rapids are, duh, RAPID and speeding up too! How do we ride on these ripples? So here we are….belly deep in ripples from all sides and angles and levels. Talk about ripples! Forget ripples, we’re talking tsunamis here! So let’s look at the effects. One person, one tsunami of ripples sits next to someone in a coffee shop where two other people and their respective tsunamis of ripples bounce like rubber rafts into one another. But when they touch, they exchange energy and here things begin to get more complicated in a hurry.
our job is to handle it! Just handle it. Be confident and courageous enough to carry our own load and manage the feelings we are getting as we rub up into other beings ripples and experience their energies. We have been given skills. We also have teachers and guides both in the visible and invisible realms who are eager to help us learn these skills. We learn to shield ourselves from unwanted energy invasions, and we learn ways to keep our own energy integrity. Some of us even know when to share our ripples to help others who seem to be all aflutter in the chaos of ripples around them, like a raft in white water, heading for the falls. Shining a light can help others surf a ripple or two with a little more ease. So when we smile we send forward our light with love from our hearts. It’s all invisible to us, but it’s not to animals or trees. But it still goes on and as we move ourselves into more balance, we can take the time to offer some balance out there for the white water rafters being tossed about on the ripples.
Here’s what’s happened to me. I can be feeling top of the world and walk into the coffee shop. Ten people are drinking their coffee, chatting, texting, or working but whether we look at each other eyeball to eyeball or not, we all bump into each other’s ripples. By the time I am back in my car, I am not who I once was. I am filled with the energy of all the people whose magnetic ripples rubbed up against me. I feel very different. Sunday this actually happened to me and suddenly when I sat down in the car I felt sad. Then I remembered to fix my energy and clean out that which wasn’t mine in my own energy. I did the cleaning and soon I was back to feeling like I was me. Sometimes energies ripples can help us and sometimes they don’t feel so good. We are now entering the time when it’s up to us to manage our personal energy fields and pick and choose what we share or take on, rather than be a victim of these energy currents without even realizing that our behaviour is being modified (and vice versa) by the other ripples. We have a job to do So with this magnetic ripples rippling from the sun all the way down to us, we also have a job to do. The job is what we agreed we would do, so we aren’t victims here at all. We are great energy management technicians, artists and angels. And
In terms of managing our energy in the midst of these ripples, it doesn’t mean that we close down our energy systems….no lockdown for us! No indeed! It does mean we learn and practice keeping our energy system in its best functioning capability, one ripple at a time, while these new magnetic energies are being sent to us from the Sun or other planets around us, or even as they are being put out there by the people around us. Truth is we are getting a boost from the Sun and from others around us as well. For example, one of my biggest boosts comes from seeing and hearing the eagles as they soar overhead. I literally feel their energy filling me with joy and light! Others might get their boost from the trees, or waves, or even talking with their friends. Lighten Up We are all being called upon to lighten up. That’s a double message. First lighten means we let 32
go of old lower frequency energy like carrying old anger and someone who hurt us, or stop worrying about everything. In place of letting go of this heavier weighted energy, we get our second lighten up lesson. That comes when the higher frequency energy rushes into our body essence to fill in the void we create when we let go of old stuff. And we have now increased our personal energy frequency. It’s not a one-time thing either. It’s ongoing and comes in bursts and lulls. A pattern emerges that works like a cycle: incoming higher energy from ‘out there,’ followed by a feeling of wonder and delight. Then these new energies work their way into our energy bodies and we are often hit with sadness, physical ‘owies’, anger, heavy energy. That’s just the vacuum system in process. Nature abhors a vacuum. When the new energies come in, they push out the old heavier no longer needed stuff we’ve been carrying around. Then having cried, talked, run, or soaked out these heavy energies, we have a vacuum and that automatically draws in more high energies. We get the ‘wow factor’ and the pattern repeats until finally we’ve burned off most of our darker energies and we get more ‘wows’ and fewer groans. The Vacuum Squad For light workers, there’s a further set of tasks some of us have been trained for and are called upon to fulfill. Some of us, as well as the invisibles are hard at work transmuting the lower and the darker energies for those beings that aren’t aware or able to yet. No judgment at not being there yet. But sometimes the heaviness can be palpable in the air and the ‘vacuum team’ is invited to do their stuff and help to lighten the load the rest of us are feeling. In the past few days, we must have received a huge energy boost from the sun, or sun and moon as it was full moon time, because I could feel a heaviness and palpable sadness out there in the air. First I had to ask if it was something I needed to realign within me. Then I checked and found it was out there being released into the air by us humans as we responded to the new energy of a higher frequency. So first we received a great does of higher energy. Then it pushed on us and helped us let go of a lot of old stuff. All of us releasing that old heavy hurt and sadness and anger into the air….well it was crammed into the air and ‘sensitives’ were really feeling it, while others were reacting in it. So the vacuum squad was called to action to do it’s best to lighten the load. Enter eagles, invisibles, and happy people everywhere!
Moving from Third to Fifth Dimension Yes, we are in the midst of turbulent ripples that bring change and we’re in it up to our eyeballs now. We are beginning to live in two overlapping realities….the old that represents our old 3D way of living in polar opposites in society, the way we’ve been doing for centuries. But the newer and higher realities are being added by these new ripples of higher energy we are receiving. The higher energy ripples are starting to push their way into reality and form a newer and higher frequency-type of culture. The new dimension will eventually form into a newer type of society with values, behaviours, actions and options that are more aligned and reflective of the higher frequency ripples that are coming onto earth thanks to the sun and other planets beaming them to us. Here we are in the middle of overlapping realities. We are now experiencing frequencies from lowest to highest and all in between that are rubbing up against each other. They are operating simultaneously and creating white water types of ripples. Is it any wonder we are experiencing anger outbursts like road rage? And then a wave of wondrous unconditional love washes over us? We are all being jostled around in our energy from so many ripples each day that we are taxed to the max. At both personal and societal levels we are like a cell in mitosis as it begins to give birth to a new cell by pulling apart. Individually each one of us is going through this, but so is everything else on earth as we begin to hitch up together according to energy levels. Soon we will have many different energy levels living together simultaneously. But because of Law of Attraction, we will seldom interact outside of our own energy frequency bundles. So here we are, surfing the white water of the ripples that started out from our Sun, not to mention many other energetic inputs being beamed into our Mother Earth. Not only are humans increasing their energy frequencies, not only our global societies are morphing into new ways of living and being, but Mom Earth herself is ‘moving up’ in frequency. We really ARE all in this together. Isn’t that exciting! Connect with Gail fref=ts
Soul Coaching - My Experience by Marlene Cobb This would be my first experience with taking an online course. Much thought went into if I would join or not given my busy schedule. I finally decided to take the plunge and participate in the course, giving it my all.
Soul Coaching®
Kelly Chamchuk, the coach, arranged the course to start on January 1, 2014, which just happened to be the day of a New Moon. A New Moon is about manifesting items into your life. A great way to start the New Year! Each week there would be a conference call to start the new week off as each week in the 28 day course represented an aspect of self. Week one – Air – mental and intellectual, week two – Water – emotional, Week three – Fire – spiritual, week four Earth – physical.
What exactly is soul coaching?
Like anything new one starts, there is an excitement that floats around you and carries you forward. I was excited to see what each day would bring. Each day there is a handout and an audio to listen to, and within the audio there is a brief meditation. I am going to be brutally honest here and admit that beyond the meditation, I did not listen to all the audio every day. The handouts were perfect to follow along with; I recommend printing them off and filing them into a binder with tabs to keep each week separate. If you want, you could purchase the Soul Coaching book and follow along that way. Even though the daily handouts follow the book, it would be a good idea to skim them each day to ensure you don’t miss something. I did participate at the “full out level” each day. For me personally, this course was a revisit and kick start I needed to get back into connection with myself on a daily basis. To focus 30 minutes a day on me, to connect with my inner soul and discover exactly where I was today, not who I was yesterday, but now, in this moment. Life has a way of taking us in many different directions. I feel that for me personally, while I was connecting each day to my higher self, it was by rote. Through this course, I stripped it back to the basics, and feel I am better attuned to myself moving forward. I highly recommend taking this course, no matter where you are on your journey. If the lessons each day are something you are already really comfortable with, the opportunity lies in discovering how you can go deeper.
What exactly is soul coaching? Why would I want to take this course? What benefits will I reap?
Soul Coaching® is a course designed by Denise Linn to help you align your inner spiritual life to your outer life. Through a process of daily activities you work on clearing out the mental, emotional and physical clutter from your life in order to hear your spiritual voice clearer.
The 28 days are distinguished into 4 weeks, each week focusing on a different aspect of self , Week One – Air – Mental Intellectual; Week Two – Water – emotional; Week Three – Fire – Spiritual; Week Four – Earth – Body. Following a daily handout, you embark on a journey to your authentic self. As an example, Day 4 is about observing what happens in your day as neither good nor bad. Just observing whatever comes your way as an event, without attaching a perception to it. You start each day off with brief meditation and audio about the handout. Next, you are on your way and get to decide at what level you are able to participate that day, level 1, 2, or 3. It is said that with as little as 15 minutes a day, you will see benefits from taking this course. Yes, you could spend as little as 15 minutes a day on this course and you would have benefits, however, this is an investment in yourself. Since you are investing in yourself and your own personal growth it would be better to allow for at least 30 minutes to one hour a day to commit to the exercises.
Why would I want to take this course? “To know yourself better” is one of the taglines for this course. This is an investment in yourself, time spent learning who you are, right now, in this moment of your life and what brought you to this point. Convenience and flexibility, no need to leave home, no need to search for materials everything is accessible from the first day of the course. You decide how you are going to schedule your – Soul – time each day, you decide at what level you can
Give yourself the gift of self You deserve it! Sign up NOW!!
soul-coaching For more info please connect with Kelly at
participate, and you decide how deep you want to go in discovering your authentic self. Help is available to guide you through the clutter. Soul Coaches have taken the course, studied with Denise Linn, and are certified to help you on your journey. Camaraderie with other members taking the course via a private forum, this is invaluable as often when you are learning on your own you have no one else to bounce ideas off of. It is a great opportunity to have support and encouragement from others. If things are more private for you, the choice is yours to participate or not in the forum.
you are going to go all out, or keep things simple. Altars, vision boards, and spirit sticks offer you the chance to get creative and share (or not) with the group.
What benefits will I reap? A really good understanding of who you are. Not who you perceive yourself to be or who others perceive you to be, but your authentic self. Plus, many more which I could not even begin to list, as this will be your journey and what you get from something like this, is unique to you.
Use of altars, vision boards, and spirit sticks. Learn how to create them and the significance behind them. As this is a course for you, you decide if
Month at a Glance Sunday Sun-Day
Monday Moon-day
Tuesday Mars-day
Wednesday Mercury-Day
Thursday Jupiter-Day
Friday Venus-Day
Saturday Saturn-day 1 Movement forward could be difficult today – don’t push
3 expect the unexpected and if you are asked don’t give more than you really can
5 Venus moves into Aquarius today - go ahead let your quirkiness come alive
7 Unexpected surprises might just come your way today…
8 Good day to go through the email and old files … delete – delete – shred!
9 Daylight Savings Great day for meditation – go to the park or get on the tread mill – get into the zone
10 An unexpected event may take on a life of its own. Stay Calm and Carry on ;-)
15 Start putting your action plan together opportunities are waiting for you
16 Full Moon in Virgo
17 Mercury moves back into Pisces You may feel a little overly optimistic 24 Great day for communication but don’t let yourself get to gregarious
Early morning voc.
Could feel like a challenging day
Voc 10:08am to 5:46pm
Persevere 23
Voc 3:40 am – 1:03pm
Don’t let your emotions get in the way – connect to your passion 30 New Moon in Aries A little bit of a trying day … keep your head down and just put one foot in front of the other
Voc 9:31am – 11:12am
Your selfesteem could come into question – use inner action not anger
Voc 12:50pm to 7:09pm Don’t
get mad – do something about it. Remember the only thing you can control is yourself 18 Evening voc
Action …. Not Anger
Voc 5:35am – 3:39pm Focus
your excess energy (especially internal frustration) into work
12 Take care of yourself … because you ARE worth it.
Voc 5:55 am – 6:37pm Meditation
a must today. Don’t jump on perceived opportunities … if it seems too good to be true – it probably is 13 Watch your inside voice – and keep it there!
Early morning voc
Great day to journal your thoughts and goals
19 Excellent day for meditation … take a lunch walking meditation
20 Sun enters Aries … Vernal Equinox Late evening voc
head out of the clouds … watch your self-talk
26 Very nice energetic day – expect the best
28 Very nice meditation day – meditate often
Focus – Strength - Control
Voc 6:13am – 5:10pm
Dig in … it may feel like hard work but no pain … no gain
Early morning voc Keep your
22 Best meditation day of the month
Voc 6:44am to 6:54pm
You know you’ve got it … so use it … don’t block it, share with the rest of us
Voc 1:07pm – 10:20pm
You may feel a push - pull between being optimistic about the state of an important relationship and wanting to “run” ;-)
Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.
VOC = Void of Course … No impulse purchases or Long term commitments during the void of course, opportunity to look within
Sun moves into Aries on the morning of the 20th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Aries out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health
Planet at a Glance Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions – 1st, 2nd, 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, 31st …Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions – 2nd, 6th, 10th, 13th, 20th, 27th, 29 th …You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! Jupiter Squares and Oppositions – 3rd, 17th, 24th, 30th…Don’t lose sight of your budget, overindulging or over-committing, watch that others do not take advantage Venus squares and oppositions – 2nd, 4th, 12th, 20th, 29 th …Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! Mercury squares and oppositions- 5th, 10th, 13th, 21st …Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! Double Whammy Days –2nd, 4th, 13th, 20th … take care – take short meditative breaks – remember to breathe. Favorite Meditation or relaxed days –15th, 19 th, 22nd, 26th, 28th Mercury turns Direct on February 28th at 11:50 pm Pacific Time and on March 1st at 2:59 am Eastern Time. Continue to use caution in your mercurial endeavors as Mercury trudges back to the position he was in before the retrograde which will take until 20th of March. By the 18th Mercury moves into Pisces – get ready to be a receiver … Venus now moves into Aquarius this month … let your eccentricity shine forth – be the change! Mars has decided to stop and begin a long retrograde back through Libra – starting on March 1st … we are still working out the details He loves me … he loves me not … he loves me ; -) again and again and again!!! Jupiter who has been retrograding since November 7th 2013 back through Cancer – will finally move direct on March 6th – It will take him a while to gain any speed but if you have been working on new opportunities for yourself and this Jupiter lights up your personal chart … expect lift-off. Saturn plods through Scorpio and he too decides to move retrograde – back through Scorpio. The energy of manifestation – boundaries and limitations becomes internalized and delayed as we work through these issues.
Solar cycles … New and Full Moons – it is im-
portant to step outdoors and connect to our sky, both at night dusk - dawn and during the day sunrise - sunset. When we do this we inherently connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies. Tracking the conditions of our solar and lunar patterns provides insight on the regeneration of our whole being. By tracking this information you awaken to consciousness of patterns and habits that lie deeply within you. This can be easier said than done of course but each time you awaken you get closer to experiencing yourself as a participating co-creator in your life. . The New Moon on February 28th (pacific time) at 10 degrees Pisces (note: on the East Coast the New Moon is on March 1st)
Don’t let your ego get in the way especially with speculation and your finances. You may have conflict between what you need and what you want, opportunity to let go of the heavy load so that life can once again get back to being fun and joyful. The Full Moon on March 16th at 26 degrees Virgo Communication is focused in this Full Moon – the approach could be a little unrealistic or less grounded, take care when working with contracts or written material. Luck or opportunities may come with a little bit of a price or shocker, so try not to do things too fast – let things unfold naturally. The second New Moon is on March 30th at 9 degrees Aries (conjunct Uranus) Expect the unexpected. Opportunities continue to come with difficult or unreasonable ties. Meditation and this time controlled communication is key to understanding how this unruly energy will play out. … Make sure your smaller goals align with your larger goals.
Combine your Sun (ego/identity/core), Moon (emotions/ Patterns/Habits) and Ascendant (projecting your identity) by reading each sign and combining them into one fabulous guide for the month. Aries (March 21-April 20) New goal setting opportunities are on the 2nd – 3rd and 30th Take a hard look at your relationships - what do you love about them – what do your want to change … Be creative and take an elevated view, start with yourself and your world will change in wonderful ways.
Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21) Confirm your new goals on the 4th and 5th This is a great month to work on higher education – this could be a course to increase your marketability or philosophical pursuit to take you to a higher level of understanding. Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20) Confirm your new goals on the 7th and 8th Continue your educational pursuits there is a high probably they will lead to acclaim. Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20) Confirm your new goals on the 9 th and 10th Search out new ways to bring a spiritually cultured pearl into your home focus on a peaceful and balanced atmosphere. Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22) Confirm your new goals on the 12th and 13th Pay attention to your investments this month boundless rewards could be on the horizon Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Confirm your new goals on the 14th and 15th Work … work … its off to work we go … you guessed it - this month is about putting your nose to the grind stone and getting the job done Photo: ©Phil Nielsen
Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Confirm your new goals on the 17th and 18th Dramatic changes are on the home front ... go wild try adding vivid colors and theatrical touches. It is time to show your personal flare and surround yourself with beauty. Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Confirm your new goals on the 19 th and 20th Whether you go on retreat or just take long bubble bath “meditations” be sure to focus on your inner strength this month. Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22Dec. 20) Confirm your new goals on the 21st and 22nd It is time to go back and look at some of your old long term investments – you may find that a hidden gem awaits you
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21Jan. 20) Confirm your new goals afternoon of 23rd and 24th What hopes dreams have you been denying yourself … free yourself up to accomplish the things you really want … dream like there is no tomorrow – do it today. Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21Feb. 18) Confirm your new goals on the evening of 25th and 26th You may find yourself in a position of power and control – with power comes the need to delegate - don’t try to do it all on your own (even if you can do the job better ; -) Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) Confirm your new goals on the 1st and late on the 27th as well as the 28th
Let your hair down … literally … do something crazy, laugh, smile, go have some fun… the time is right now.
and Spring arose on the garden fair, like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere; and each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast arose from the dreams of its wintery rest. Percy Bysshe Shelley
Photo: ©Phil Nielsen
Serafina Christine
Among all the rays of probabilities I bring forth to you that which is greatest probability for the masses of awakening humanity to experience this month of March. Each week of this month Sunday to Sunday, beginning Sunday March 2cnd we call forth the energies emanating at that time to best know how to respond in our lives to those influences surrounding us.
Over-Arching Theme of The Month of March There are two cards that are pulled that create the theme this month. The first card is Iolite, Vision. It is the card that informs us our third eye will be quite active this month for many. Many will be experiencing shifts in this chakra as the chakra moves, merges, beats, and changes its tune. As the decalcifying process occurs in the pineal gland naturally throughout this awakening process we are all in to some degree, dreams will shift and new sights will be seen. The way that we perceive the world will be changing fast, quickly must our intuition keep up, or better said, quickly we must keep up with our intuition. Do not loose yourself in the chaos of this world for only when we step back and breathe can find our truth that sits, waiting deep inside our gut, or as the soft silvery words that appear when everything else including ourselves is quiet. Leading into the next card, Turquoise, Spirit of the Earth. There is a call that is coming more and more clear, louder, and prevalent as we move through this world. It is a call of us can hear when we go outside and connect to the Earth, to the Mother of us all. In this month we will witness this call strik-
ing each of us differently yet strong. We will feel the deep need to connect deeper to Her, and if we are connected deeper many will feel the call to do something further to really protect her. These things can look like educating other people who wish to learn about simple things like composting and releasing the usage of plastic bags. It can look like lobbying for the planets rights, or participating in projects already occurring around the globe to bring protection here. As we see the planet enter the realm of Spring we are reminded of how important she is to us, and how much we need her. We are reminded of the goodness of the healing that takes place when we visit her and feel drawn to visit her as much as we can. We can feel her opening up our hearts as we take the mind-space-time to visit her and allow her to love us. She loves us. She always has and always will despite the pain she suffers at times. She is our Mother. It is important to be reminded that we need to connect the heart to the third eye and vice versa for the best way to unfold for us to be in awakened community with each other. How do we do this? Meditations abound! We cannot ignore the heart when working with our intuition and third eye, and the heart cannot be ignored at this time of awakening. For it is through the opening of the heart we find that we can stand firm in this world with true compassion, unconditional love, and peace of mind. It is through the heart that we will create the society and the reality that we really want. The heart must use the mind as a tool, if we are to put words to it. The mind makes the visions into realities, links up synchronicities and receives many of the ways the
Universe speaks to us. Combine these two realms together in a balanced way and we voila. We create that which is most desired.
March 2 – March 8 Azurite, Focus This is a reminder that despite the draw to do other things, and the new weather that will occur, to stay focused on our plans. There is a newness abounding, a lifting of the heavy energy of winter that will begin this week, and with this lifting of the heavy energy we want to spring forward into the future and joy and bliss. Allow all these feelings, the joy and the bliss to permeate your being, but do not loose focus of the task at hand. You are close to completion I am guided to remind you who read this. You are close, so just keep going. Some of us during this week will be having intense heart openings, and throat chakra mishaps I feel as these chakras mend and bend into the New Way of Being. I feel that many of us will be in the practice of receiving this week, by which I mean, feeling good about receiving what comes your way both positive and negative. State what you need and allows yourself to truly receive that which you have requested for. It is your right. You are an abundant child of the Universe despite any scarcity consciousness that may abound around you. You are an abundant child of this Universe. Because you are the Father, the Mother, the Child, the Lover, the Star, you are all of these things and more. Macro-consciousness will show you the way, the tides, the lines, the grids that play out in your life, and as you tune into these you will see the waves of life. You will realize none of this is personal, as much as we like to think it is, and see ourselves as each of us. This is one of the bonds of community: to see we are all each other and known it deep within our hearts, our beings, our worlds. If you don' t know it, act like it and you will see the rippling effect flow through humanity effortlessly.
March 9 – March 15 Petrified Wood, Past Life Embrace I feel loose ends will be tied up for many of us this week. It feels like there are many completions through the world and on the planet of karmic cycles. Bring with you to these completions the knowledge that whatever has been completed can be continued freeing to the Beings involved to truly be as they are without any of the oddness that often comes with the
karma between Beings. I see many lines lifted from the grids, many of them dissolved into the Crystalline Unconditional Love that Is. I see many triangles forming the grids of Love, Peace and Harmony coming forward onto the Earth, and shifting the energies almost imperceptibly at this time. Feeling, think, and be Love as best you can. We are constantly climbing the Ladder of Consciousness. It is by focusing on the Godhead within that we find we move through this ladder easily and effortlessly. Remember always to say your prayers to yourselves and the Beings that are you working with you and through you. We are all one.
March 23 – March 29
Rose Quartz, Forgiveness This is the week that I feel we may have a tendency to be a bit harsh on ourselves and the world around us. This is the week we are reminded to relax and to take it easy. This is the week where I feel energy not flowing as smoothly, as if there is a resistance to moving forward, almost like someone is trying to stop the forward movement of a vehicle. As we resist we create more pain to us and the world around us. Be wary of other people resisting and creating more friction than necessary, and remember not to resist their resistance for that will create a snowball of resistance.
The more conscious each one of us is, the more responsibility we have. “With great power comes great responsibility” infamously goes the line said in Spiderman. Consciousness is power. Use it wisely. Use it to your advantage and clear the karmas that surround you so can live your dharma, your truth, your soul. Remember to surrender and to engage with your wisdom and greatest consciousness you can muster. Remember to come from the heart, and the heart is truly the greatest power. Nothing can supThis does not mean stop moving or breathing or go- press or squish down Unconditional Love. ing. This means Be Here where you are, not in the past or the future, but in the Now. As best you can, You are Unconditional Love. return to the now as often as you can. Deep within you, all of you, lies a Soul made of UnMarch 16 – March 22 conditional Love. I feel an openness occurring after the karmic cycles complete and another space is created but not to be filled. It is created to just be. Many of us will take on, if we have not already, more of a practice of Being and Surrendering. We have new visions and realigned with the heart space from last week, setting into motion many positive things inside our lives, and now we practice Being.
Sapphire, Spiritual Truth As we slowly embody the breadth, the heartbeat, the knowledge, the knowingness of us, our beings, our truth, our service, we find that we expand and we open up to truly receive our spiritual truth. We find that we are now receiving that which we opened up to previously this month. We were in preparation for more clarity as to what our truth is even more, deeper, expanded. We have come into Being to receive this. We have allowed the weight to be lifted in order to rise into the frequency that we seek as our Spiritual Truth no more no less. We cannot argue with our truth anymore. There is nothing to argue. How do you argue against your Truth? How does anyone argue against a Person' s Truth? All Truth is Truth albeit some is more expanded than others. Where are you going? What is your Truth? How have you expanded? How have you yelled, spoken, expressed your Real Being, Your Soul?
Be that love as best you can. Get rid of anything that is not that, and allow your soul to live. Be easy on yourself, love yourself, forgive yourself, and remember that for others that surround you. At times words must be spoken, and if your heart wishes to speak them, speak them from the heart and no where else.
We leave you hoping that these words help your hearts and souls in Divine Timing. May these words become what you need when you read them. <3 Thank you.
Connect with Serafina: Serafina Christine – Willow' s Lavender on Facebook
Boundaries are imaginary, rules are made up, limits donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t exist.
When you offer a vibration, the Universal forces are working in concert with each other in order to satisfy you. You really are the center of the Universe. -Abraham
Earth Crystals
Photo: ŠMarlene Cobb
All crystals have beneficial properties but each astrological sign has crystals that are said to support those born under that sign. Often one crystal will show up under more than one sign yet offers something totally different. Just as there are many aspects to each astrological sign, each crystal has many aspects that vibrate with different aspects of our body, mind and soul and what works for one person is not necessarily true for the next. Start to collect the crystals associated with your sign and keep them in a small bag you can carry in your pocket. Not all the crystals associated with your sign will resonate with you, as always keep the list for your sign handy and carry around those that do. If a stone does not resonate with you now, still find one that you are attracted to, down the road you might find you are drawn to that one crystal.
Amethyst—will give Pisces the strength and courage to open their hearts and minds to love. Also furthers their creative gifts, helps them express feelings and organize them in a coherent fashion. Opal—is known for its fortunate properties. It brings harmony and happiness into life. These qualities can help spur the intuitive meditations of Pisces. Opal can also help restore cheerfulness to one stricken by depression or heartache. Blue Sapphire—helps Pisces achieve higher levels of spirituality. The deep blue color signifies divinity, as well as loyalty, de3votion, and friendship. It also strengthens the critical faculty and promotes mental toughness. Flourite—enlarges understanding and can help Pisces grasp complex truths. When they come to a dead end, Flourite can restore a sense of proportion and give an overview of the situation.
Sugilite— strengthens selfcontrol. It prevents Pisces from getting lost in daydreams and protects them from easily being taken advantage of. It also helps them to endure uncomfortable situations, gives them courage of their convictions and the ability to stand up for themselves in every instance. Other important gemstones are: Garnet—with its deep-red fiery color, Garnet endows Pisces with will power, physical energy, success and good luck. It also helps Pisces to stop daydreaming and make their dreams a reality. Agate—this stone provides Pisces with stamina and patience. It helps keep their feet on the ground. Under its influence, Pisces can gain selfconfidence and make use of the positive side of their personality. Diamond—no other sign is as strongly influenced by diamonds as the sensitive and emotional Pisces. Its clear vibration and pure, bright light, combined with its concentrated hardness, enables Pisces to recog-
nize their sensitivities and susceptibilities. Jade—this stone supports and reinforces the loving and empathic nature of Pisces. It provides harmony and serenity, and teaches trust in the wisdom of the heart. It opens the soul to the beauty and abundance of life. Carnelian—this gemstone helps Pisces put the past behind them and reconcile themselves to life. It provides them with a sense of stability, but encourages them not to stagnate as well. Rose Quartz—while providing inner harmony, rose quartz teaches Pisces to better cope with the vicissitudes of life and the mood swings they can bring. Its radiance heals emotional wounds and awakens new life. Citrine—prevents Pisces from allowing their feelings to go unexpressed. Stifled emotion produces energy blockages in the solar plexus and leads to loss of peace of mind, dissatisfaction, and irritability.
Essential Oilsâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; Vera Enshaw
What do you want to believe? That you are a go-getter? That life is going to get better? That you have a lot to be grateful for? That life is good, people are wonderful and the world IS a better place? BELIEVE™ essential oil blend brings the energy, the frequency, of belief to you. Open a bottle and breathe in the refreshing scent of Idaho balsam fir, rosewood and frankincense. The fir is predominant but is tamed by the maturity of frankincense and the endurance of rosewood. We need it all in order to become that which we know we can be. It is not enough, sometimes, to see and hear approbation of our efforts. Bringing in the frequency of belief may make the difference between going after your dream and shrugging in defeat after a set-back. Got an important test coming up? BELIEVE™ . Being interviewed for that job you’ve wanted for a long time? BELIEVE™ Even the most confident among us can benefit from this wonderful blend.
step and at the same time a calmness to my spirit. What better way to start the day?
Please remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.
can be diffused or worn topically. Diffuse when you are teaching, studying, preparing. Put a drop on a cotton ball to carry with you. Use as a cologne or perfume….it’s a great aftershave, men! Relax in the bath with a few drops, yet feel energized when you are done. I put a drop of BELIEVE™ in the palm of my hand, rub my hands together and then rub my hands through my hair before I head out for my day. Brings a spring to my
ESSENTIAL OIL TIP: When using an oil in the bath, start the water and put in unscented bath salts (if using) so they can dissolve as the tub fills. When the tub is almost full, step in with your essential oil bottle in your hand. (Of course this is Young Living oils I’m speaking of here!) Drop the oil into the water around you—and then sit in the tub. This way the aroma swirls around and about you and you get the full aromatic effect. Caution— therapeutic grade essential oils are very strong. A couple of drops go a LONG way! For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at or go to the YL website:
Vera Contact Vera at for more information.
Rev. Hope
A Shaman lives in harmony with all things, particularly Time as marked by the seasons. The Shaman sees their life has seasons, as does the year and the day. Energy is heightened and diminished according to the Season of Life. As the Wheel of Time turns, we turn with it. On Mach 20th at 9 :57 PST, Spring arrives, the Sun returns to the Northern hemisphere, and Life is more apparent in Its brilliant colors and increased wildlife populations. This is more than a metaphor for our life. When we are in harmony with Nature, we benefit from this increase in Energy, too. The first indication of Spring Energy is an increase in wind. Those winds come streaming across the Atlantic from Africa; bringing rich African soil to the Americas. Fertilizing our farms, creating an abundance in our produce. Prosperity comes in those winds; sweeping away debris and leaving behind a sense of newness, a revitalized energy that promises all possibilities exist. On the windy days of Spring I open all the windows and door for at least ten minutes, allowing the wind to rush through my home, and take away stagnant energies. Using my power of intention I envision those winds clearing away any debris in my personal energy fields; including unwanted thoughts and
feelings, disappointments and doubts, everything that is not serving my highest good. Then I immediately replace the cleared out energy with a positive one. Nature (we are Nature) abhors a vacuum. If we do not replace energy that is removed with a higher vibration, that unwanted energy will come right back. The easiest way to increase the positive vibration in your home is with things that resonate; bells, gong, chimes, music with bells, tapping a crystal glass, Singing Bowls, anything that has a clear sound that resonates positive with you. I also like to use sweet smells; sweet grass, Palo Santos, dragons blood, and cedar are my favorites. I close the windows and door, and walk through out all the rooms of my home, wafting sweet fragrance in all the corners and cabinets. You can also fill the space with positive intention. And, since this is Spring consider intentions that bring increase and expansion, to your specific areas of your life. Here' s an effective spell for increasing your fertility. First, be VERY clear about what area of your life you want to fertilize. Remember, this is not a specific wish, it' s a general fertility spell. Do you want to be physically fertile, more passion, more spiritual experiences. Here' s what you' ll need:
One quart canning jar, with lid Healthy, rich soil to fill the jar one copper penny 1 teaspoon each of: Cinnamon Cinquefoil Orange zest Parsley Mix all of these together, and set aside 1 Votive candle Create a sacred space, and surround it with protective energies.
Fill the quart jar half way with rich soil. Think of an area in your life you want to fertilize and write it nine times, in red ink, on a small piece of paper. Fold it three times, folding towards you, not away from you. Place it in the jar, place your herb mix on top of it, and the copper penny goes in next. Then with your intention clear in your awareness, light the candle .and place on top of the penny. Do not leave your candle unattended. This would be a good time to meditate, journal, and prepare for increase. When the candle is completely burned, cover it with the rest of the soil, put the top on the jar, and place in a sunny area until either your wish is fulfilled or Fall Equinox. Then take it apart, add the soil and paper to your compost, throw away debris, and spend the penny. Spring is the time for " do-overs" and an opportunity to do it better. Use this time to clear out what is not wanted, and fill that space with what you do want, or at least a vibration of it. Allow yourself to be excited about the opportunities presented, and make the most of them. Fertilize your life with positive thoughts and attitudes, and share those blessings with others. Happy Spring Equinox! In Her Love and Service ~Rev. Hope
Connect with Hope at
Michelle Hayes
Fertility is everywhere and in everything
So this month the power animal I thought would came to me to share its message with you this month and the one that’s actually going to share with you are different. I am not sure how I quite missed the signs because they were not exactly subtle. However, as bee comes buzzzzzzzing in again I have to chuckle to myself. Their message for us this month is:
“Buzz in on your own life pollinate it with love.
Find the honey in it and share it with others .Shared the load you are not alone. Be productive and help each other out. Share your wisdom, share your load, and share your dreams. See the honey in your life the good, the bad ,the ugly it matter not because it is all honey for your life with the right perspective. Make your life fertile spread your seeds. Fertility is everywhere and in everything find it within your heart and buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz on. BEEE!!” The Bees Contact Michelle blog or email me at I look forward to hearing from you!
3409 736
Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it
so it goes on flying anyway. Mary Kay Ash
Rune of the Month
The rune for March: Mannaz This is the rune of humankind and interdependence. You can expect to receive some sort of aid or cooperation regarding a problem at hand. It could come in the form of good advice, and as with Ansuz, this advice will be totally honest and unbiased. If this rune appears in reference to the individual in the reading, it can indicate that you may be becoming too caught up in the problem to be effective in solving it. (You can’t see the forest for the trees.) In this instance you have blown the problem way out of proportion and are about to give up. This is the time to seek out that good advice we spoke of and try to adopt a more positive and pragmatic attitude. When Mannaz is surrounded by positive runes, it can indicate that now is a good time to implement any new plans. However, if the cast has relay runes, such as Naudhiz, Isa, Othala, or Ansuz reversed, it suggests that the time is not yet right for any fresh projects. This rune also may signal that it is a good time to remain modest. Now may not be the time to take credit for accomplishments. Examine your situations at present, look to the runes, and be aware.
Reversed: This rune indicates that you can expect no help from anyone. Chances are good that you will run into all kinds of obstacles to your plans at this time. Sometimes it is an individual but more often, the adversary is a group of people who see fit to interfere in your business. In this case the runes surrounding Mannaz with show you how to deal with them. Isa or Naudhiz indicate waiting before acting; Jera shows taking a legal means, and if it is Tiwaz, “fight fire with fire.” The message of Mannaz can also be that you are your own worst enemy. When relating to an individual, it is a prime indicator of selfishness and shows that your selfcenteredness is the root of your problem. Try seeing this from another’s point of view for a change. In an otherwise positive cast it can also mean a way of life alien to you, possibly a foreign country or foreign person. This person often will hold a sexual interest for you. As always, I encourage you to work with your runes if you have a set. The more you work with them, the better your results will be. They don’t have to be expensive; they just have to feel good to you. Until next month, Skål, my brothers and sisters
If paired with Perthro or Laguz, it can indicate magickal ability, although Mannaz with Laguz can indicate a problem with women in general, no matter what the querent’s sex.
Contact Phil at for more information.
Margie Kivel
Ice and snow, caught in sudden melt, cascade through storm drains in their rush to the sea. All froth and frenzy, leaping boulders, converging into a storm of twisted folds of water. Below the stone wall, ducks swirl as neck bobbing drakes practice, work the ripples. It’s a fine day for letting go, pulling new air into winter lungs, taking a walk into life outside. Forecast is return of arctic cold, but we don’t burrow-in this round, ‘cause we’ve sipped spring’s tonic. Photo: ©Phil Nielsen
Margie Kivel 55
Michelle Hayes
Hello Dear Ones Greetings to you. Find your way back home dear ones. Find the truth in our words. Feel it!!! Your home is where your truth resides in your heart. This truth is neither good or bad, black or white, light or dark ,it matters not, for the truth within you will lead you home. This truth just is. It is the one that lies in your heart untouched by your illusions, societal expectations or approval. Do you understand? We know it may feel like we are speaking in riddles. We assure you we are not. Check in and let the truth well up to meet you right where you are. Let the answers bubble up from where they lie in you, deep within, to meet the questions you ask. Let
your heart speak. Let your fear speak. Let your anger speak. Then listen with the innocence and curiosity of a child. Listen to the stillness within you answer the questions you find in fear, in anger and in your heart. The truth will lead you home to YOU. The truth in your heart. The truth in your stillness. The truth of YOU!!!! With love and affection The Wisdom Keepers of the earth Contact Michelle blog or email me at I look forward to hearing from you!
Three things cannot be long hidden the SUN, the MOON and the TRUTH Buddha
Message from the Angels
March 2014 The message this month has taken some interesting twists and turns to arrive. It has been coming to me in bits and pieces, a puzzle where the gang is offering clues and I am on a “where’s Waldo” search. They have been having fun with this one and so have I! Before the 20th of February, I kept receiving the message “enjoy winters tail end, for before you know it spring will have sprung and with it all that comes along with it” You see, we all get to a point where we want winter to be done and spring to arrive. It arrives and invariably along with it comes slush, mud, rain, and oh yes, new buds and blossoms. The buds and blossoms don’t have us talking though, it is the slush, mud and rain that holds our attention and has most grumbling. Early Sunday morning… before 6 am… the gang woke me up by shouting “James Tyberonn, James Tyberonn” Needless to say, sleeping in was no longer an option. After having a cup of coffee, I decided to reach out to my favorite research device and googled James Tyberonn. I had the awareness that James Tyberonn has the Earth Keeper Chronicles and channels Archangel Metatron (whom I adore). It was not long and I hit on the information the gang wanted me to see.
This is a portion of a channel from Archangel Metatron, I have included the link so you may read the whole channel should you choose. “An extraordinary Harmonic Portal is opening in Year Two of the New Paradigm of the Planet Earth. It is the ‘Harmony Portal ‘. As we have told you, it will initiate on the March Equinox of 2014 and flowers into exquisite full potency on the April Solar Eclipse and follows in peak potency thru the June Solstice. It is an utterly astonishing coded energy that will plant the seeds of World Peace.” EKchronicles_9 3pdf.pdf
On Monday the 24th I received “Get ready to rumble!!!” It was the gang delivering, but in the voice of the announcer from wrestling. Yes, we were having a little fun with Marlene this month, the message however, is so very important that we wanted to be sure you all received it. Making it fun is exactly the point we wanted to convey. Not everything has to be so serious. Even if we deem the information we present here, for you, as important, we want you to find the silver lining and what better way than to have a few laughs to lighten the load. The reason we wanted Marlene to see this is because so many of you right now are
anxiously awaiting springs arrival. We realize you are tired of winter, yet in the unseen, there is an energy that has been building and even if you are not aware of energy you can feel it. You can feel it within you, creating an excitement, creating the feeling of newness, of rebirth. Tired as you are of winter, there are many areas in your life you are tired of as well. You are ready to move on to greener pastures and new adventures. That is what has you anxious and excited. The possibilities that can, and will be realized, if you are ready to take leaps. Leaps into your present. Not into your future, but here, where you are now. Too many of you are always looking into the future, waiting for something to arrive. When you do this, you are missing what is being presented to you right now. Fear has you looking towards something in the distance and when it arrives you will project your desires onto the next thing down the road. Each “thing” will arrive, and you will quietly ignore that and project onto the next. The cycle could go on forever. What would that accomplish? Go with the excitement of newness and see what you can create right now. Whatever you are tired of is ready to be booted out and something new is just waiting to take its place. NO, don’t go there… we can hear you … “what if the new is no better or worse that the old”… new refreshes you and recharges you.
is towards making a better world, and will just be grumpy. Extend your compassion towards them and hold out your hand in fellowship to help them through it. As we said earlier – a few laughs along the way lighten everyone’s load. Laugh often, step into any change that needs to happen within your life and know that you are fully supported by the current energy pattern and by us. We LOVE you unconditionally, we know what you are going through, and still we will find ways for you to laugh and enjoy this process if you ask us to. So pay attention to the signposts we give you as guidance. This energy is so supportive all you need to do is “think it” and you will be one with it. Don’t take things so seriously; embrace the energy for what it is….. “The harmony portal”. By the power of three so shall it be. (Apparently there were three members of my gang speaking throughout this.)
The energy that Archangel Metatron speaks of is coming … you all want harmony, world peace, love. The time has come, and again we will tell you, it starts with you. Be harmonious with whatever situation you are in now. If you are not in harmony, you are not in peace, and chances are you are not in love either. Fight the urge to look ahead at what could be, and embrace what is, right now. If you are in harmony with your current moment, the world around you will be more harmonious. If you are in peace with your current moment, you will experience peace now, not years from now. If you are in love with your current moment, you will know love, and see love all around you. We gave the ‘get ready to rumble’ because it will be an internal rumble. Human nature seems to love to find the bad, and run with it. Even positive people can see the bad before they find the good. The energy coming in is such that many are struggling to hold onto what they sense as normal. Rumbles happening there as well. Many of you will be in contact with those who are not aware that the push
Gwen Randall-Young
Sometimes we see things not as they are but as we are: Love brings understanding. ~ unknown~
Photo by ŠPhil Nielsen