Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen
Issue 44 March 2015 1
8 10 14 16 20 22 24 28 30 32 34 38 42 48 50 54 56 60 61 62 66
Black Sheep The Crystalline Light Body Spring Sometimes I Get Bored While Healing Energy I Knew You Before Moving ON Who Needs Permission? Alignment of your Head and Heart March Message Words How we Create Peace, and Become Balanced and Whole Rune Magick Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - March 2015 Crystal Reading for March Lunar Cycles for March Cedarwood EO Rune Casting For March Snake Crow The Seeds of Celestial Light Angel Message for March 2015
Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen 4
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Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2015 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to
Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen 6
Musings from the Editor As we step into the third month of the year, I look back and wonder where the time has flown! I have been busy in a good way and I suppose that has helped to make the time go quicker. Yet there have been moments of pause, moments to stop and ponder and moments filled with love and joy. I feel blessed with an abundance of many things in this year of 2015. Spring’s return is the focus this month, signifying renewal and rebirth. The sun's warmth and light, grace us for longer periods of time, and while it is not the full heat of summer, it feels good upon our face. We are illuminated with hope as the trees start to bud, the early spring flowers poke out of the ground and the birds return with their cheerful calls. We are awakened after the winter, and we dream of how our gardens will grow. The clearing and cleaning will start in earnest, preparing for what, not many of us know, just following some inner call to get things done, to be prepared. The new is coming and we can feel it in our bones. We hasten to toss off our winter coats and step into lighter jackets that support freer movement. We venture outdoors to see what new growth appears and if we are lucky we can pause and marvel at the scent of spring as the wind softly breezes around us. Ah, spring, welcome back my friend, welcome back! I sit here and raise a glass of orange juice in honor of the sun and send each of you a blessing for welcome rebirth and renewal. Allow spring to usher in something wonderful and new for you. Allow a dream to bubble up like the brooks around the melting ice and see it flow into your life as a dream come true. Cheers to a blessed Spring! Namaste
Marlene Cobb
When I was in elementary school, March was the month we watched to see if it came in like a lion or a lamb. The other day, a heading caught my eye… The Black Sheep. Instantly the song “baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool” rolled into my mind, quickly followed by “in like a lion, out like a lamb.”
Lambs are always perceived as gentle creatures. They are soft looking and have sweet faces that make you want to cuddle them. Yet society labels those who are different as “black sheep.” This goes back to the 1800’s as a black sheep’s wool could not be dyed and was worth less. Anyone deemed a black sheep is said to have deviated from accepted standards. Often those deemed black sheep have a record of unlawful conduct, but those are not the black sheep I am referring to.
that you tolerate, much like you push theirs. That is what life is about, not becoming stuck in the rut of what is current forever and ever, but growing beyond the limitations we set upon ourselves, or others set upon us. This thought came to me a while back; “When we find those who support us totally, no matter how crazy and intense we seem, we become whole. We are allowed to explore our uniqueness in a safe environment and grow to our full potential.”
The very act of living an authentic life means you risk being unusual, different, strange, or the proverbial black sheep in a herd of white sheep. It does not matter what makes you stand out, the way you dress, how you choose to live, what you eat, or that you meander on a path that takes you away from social norms. It takes a lot of courage, tenacity, and self-esteem to be a black sheep. Hold onto that! It means you are daring to live your life the way you want and on your terms. The reward is an honest, real life. Is there really anything better than that?
It works the other way as well, when we totally support others, they are allowed to explore their uniqueness, enabling all of us to grow to our full potential. Much like a lion, we roar when we are not comfortable in our own skin and secure in knowing our beliefs, our values, our desires, or when we are trying to make everyone be like us!. Can you see in your life, how others roar? I am sure something instantly came to mind. Notice how it made you feel. When you are living your life because it is truly authentic for you, you do not need to preach or get on a soapbox. You can lead the way beyond comparisons by accepting yourself and accepting it is perfectly acceptable and ok to be different. You do not need to look for validation outside of yourself, if it truly is right for you then it really does not matter if others do the same or not.
If you have experience being the lone black sheep, you will understand what I am talking about. You have probably explained your lifestyle and ideas to others more times than you care to admit. People might avoid you. There can be a sense of not belonging, even with your own family and peers. You might feel you were adopted, that is how different you are from your family. You have probably been humored for your different views on life, or worse… been told it is just a phase and you will grow out of it.
Understand that some of your ideas might be a passing phase as you explore the world more and more. Sometimes our ideals are but a stepping stone towards a bigger goal. Ideally being a black sheep means you are living a life that brings inner peace to you. If it does not bring inner peace to you, ask yourself if you are putting on a façade to garner attention.
There are many people in history who have been considered different, radical, and even crazy. From them we have received many inventions that have made our life easier, we have also been entertained by them and have come to love them. Without most of them we would still think the world was flat, be walking or using animals as our only means of transportation, candles would light our way, which leads me to think of the ones who discovered fire, and computers which we can’t live without, not to mention Disney Land! You get my drift. If it seemed far-fetched to the masses at the time, and those black sheep did not persevere (for some it was life threatening to do so), we would not have many things we take for granted today.
If you are a black sheep, welcome to the club. This month take the action challenge of coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb. Allow yourself to come in like a lion, roar if you need to, but pause when you roar and check in with the belief you are roaring about. Does it fit you? I mean really fit you on a soul level? If so, why are you roaring? What purpose are you hoping to achieve? If you want inner peace in the outer lane of life, you must be comfortable with who you are. It is not a popularity contest or I‘m right and you’re wrong. It is about acceptance and accepting. Our world has enough strife right now, strife that is caused by non-acceptance and who can roar the loudest. Be a leader, don’t follow the herd. You are the peace you want to see in the world. That is the challenge this month. Be yourself while allowing others to be who they are.
When you stand out, don’t follow the norm, or have different ideas you tend to be labeled. Even when you are comfortable in your own skin and ok with being different, there can be times when you just want to hide away from humanity. A desire to hunker down in your home and only venture out when necessary, or being cautious when you speak in certain circles. It can lead to a revolving circle of trying to fit in, or perpetually searching for a tribe that accepts you for who you are. If you do find a tribe, over all your tribe could be connected by one aspect of your uniqueness (say vegan), there will still be other aspects that make each tribe member unique.
Connect with Marlene at facebook
There will always be people who push you to expand and explore new facets of yourself. They push the boundaries of acceptance 9
Photo: © Litios Light Crystals - The Angels Gate 10
In our last article in the February issue, we spoke about the "Chakras in the Light of the New Age" and how important it is for us at this time to clear, balance and activate the chakras and raise them into their original pristine, high vibrating state. This is the pre -requisite for the next step – activating our crystalline light body.
gotten your true essence. You were but a shadow of yourself. The time of awakening has come and light portals are opening everywhere on Earth, the crystalline primordial light is streaming in. The light portals activate the memory of your crystalline light body, the infinite beauty that still lies dormant within you even if it fell into a deep sleep.
The primordial state of all form is purest crystal. In the very beginning, our own light body was created out of these divine crystalline structures which are pervious to light and magnetically attract light frequencies. This means we were in harmony with creation and lived in the divine rhythm of evolution. However, this inner connection to the divine creation became lost over the past thousands of years. We lost ourselves in the game of duality and experienced the veil of forgetting. In recent years, the light frequency of the entire earth has been increasing through the increased infusion of high-vibrating energies. We are remembering that we came out of the light and we now have the possibility to return our light body back to this light, to transform it. By reactivating your crystalline light body, you reactivate the primordial light consciousness within you, awaken your chakras, your light body, the primal genesis codes and your own star codes. You yourself will become a powerful portal of light. Through this higher state of consciousness, your light frequency will be increased and through the principle of resonance, you will draw in illuminated people into your life as well as new and inspiring situations. The chakras and the aura, even the consciousness of your cells, will begin to radiate from within. You will be able to claim "I AM the radiant presence of God in expansion now."
Light crystals of eternity are streaming in, crystals of primordial creation are filling your time and space, awakening the primordial light within. Your chakras burst into a pure crystal bloom, into the light consciousness that is still hidden deep within and they will be aglitter by the touch of this primordial crystal light. The Litios Light Crystals awaken the consciousness in the chakras. They expand with the awakening consciousness and begin to radiate, they activate the light crystals in all bodies. Even the divine consciousness of creation will be activated in your physical body. This divine information is stored in every cell.
Lightlord Metatron explains in a channelling the evolution which we can now undertake with our Light Body. Read the following channelling in a meditative way and allow the divine intent behind the words to flow through you and touch you.
Crystals are perfect memory storages for light information, and therefore they were embedded in you from God’s heart carrying the primordial knowledge of creation within. They awaken with the touch of the Primordial Light and reveal their information. The divine genesis codes are freely poured forth into all cells of your physical body. This genesis information begins its divine work: Reconstructing the light bodies.
Lightlord Metatron speaks: Beloved, this is Metatron and I swathe you in my vibration of lightness and joy, I suffuse this time and space with the purest light. I bring you the Primordial Creator Light of all worlds and dimensions, the light that gives rise to the creation of this universe, whose original form is purest crystal, the Primordial Crystal of God. In its origin your light body was a pure crystalline form. This primeval creation is still inherent in you and in everything you are. From there the primordial light body arose, following the evolution of the whole universe, the rhythm of evolution and the Divine Will to transform and recreate All. The only constant is change, recreation and rebirth.
The primal information is released into every light body. You may compare it to computer programs that you can activate – the divine source codes begin to operate. The divine creator programs will be re-activated and you will be re-connected to the evolutionary frequency of the universe. As in the last thousands of years you have lost your rhythm, so to speak. Your whole system derailed and since then it has no longer been able to align its frequency with the universe.
Over the last thousands of years you have forgotten that you are purest crystal beings of light. You have reflected upon yourselves as if you saw merely your shadows, saying: This is me. You had for11
Angels of the purest primordial creation enter through the open portals and work with your aura bodies, transforming them into crystalline light bodies. Primordial light crystals will awaken in your whole aura and be activated in all nerve and control centres.
consciousness. These planes gradually merge with your here and now and enable you to gain contact. Thus your higher plan, the supreme plan, begins to pervade your life. You will actively contribute to the divine plan of ascension. Your light will shine and radiate throughout the whole universe. Supernal World Teachers, Masters and Lady Master of Light from primordial creation will come and rekindle you in order to teach you: You are a creator and master yourself. They ignite the level of master-consciousness after having scrutinized the deep purity of your intention of heart.
Primordial crystals awaken and fill your entire system with their genesis information; you immerse in the vibration of bliss. They constantly send their impulses into your whole field of light. As your higher light bodies unfold, they awaken to the connection to the Higher Self and to the consciousness of Allness, the Universal Divine Matrix into which you are embedded.
Your life will be realigned and restructured as it is now time to clearly manifest the consciousness of light in the outside world and to transmute into a teacher and creator yourself. Once again a new level of infinite radiance will be initiated within you. Step by step your light body will continue to expand in the process of awareness, it begins to shine and radiate – purer and brighter in its divine order. So it is. The channelling is given through Angel Medium Antje "Kyria Deva" Eisele, who, together with her husband Edwin Eisele, manifests the Litios Light Crystals. Photo: ©Litios Light Crystals The Flower of Life supports the activation of the Crystalline Light Body.
The activation of the Crystalline Light Body is a major theme throughout Part 1 of our Metatron Diamond Light Priest Training.
The Universal Divine Matrix is now imprinted into you. These supreme connections kindle a new level of consciousness. The Divine Matrix releases you from all manipulations and programming of the last centuries. You are interwoven with the primordial threads of light on all planes of being and they ignite a new plane of the crystalline light body within you allowing you to shine in new brilliance. Even more light crystals of eternity will be activated within you and bring forth your true divine being in all its clarity. In your heart you carry the certainty: I AM Light from True Light. The portal of pure grace is open and golden grace streams in incessantly, the golden Light of Christ from the eternal divine masters and goddesses. This will in turn ignite the next plane of your light body as you elevate yourself above time and space redeeming all Karma with unconditional love and unconditional forgiving. You enter into the total liberation of all earth-bound issues and reach a new level of consciousness. You may call it the diamond consciousness of light. As with the redemption of all Karma and energies of cause and effect, your ego will begin to transcend and allows the higher light bodies to radiate, which means that they shine into your here and now from the supreme dimensions.
Contact Ursula & Peter Schnell, Litios® Light Crystals Canada,
The mission of these light bodies is not directly linked to your daily lives, but is interwoven with the higher dimensions and planes of
Metatron School of Light Metatron Diamond Light Priest Training The Metatron Diamond Light Priest Training is an exceptional seminar series which participants have described as life changing, inspiring and empowering.
The Litios Founders received the full training through Archangel Metatron and the Ascended Masters and its brilliant step-by-step method activates your higher light consciousness and your true life plan.
Benefits of the Training
Practical exercises and powerful clearings and meditations together with the highly energized Litios Light Crystals bring you to a new level of awareness, clarity and consciousness.
Learn how to connect with the new Crystalline and Diamond Energies Accelerate your own personal transformation Develop your higher light consciousness Step into your true divine potential Learn how to work with advanced light tools for yourself and others.
"The experience has been incredible, I've been definitively waiting for this all my life. I feel all of the burdens have been lifted and have been elevated to just another level of being, to joy and bliss right now. It's the fastest, most efficient method that I have experienced, the speed is incredible."
You will be given a crystal clear technique in form of the Intuitive Light Body Reading, to evaluate the state of the chakras and energy bodies intuitively and be able to harmonize them. In this way, your Crystalline Light Body will be built up step-by-step.
"I would want to say this is the lightest, easiest, most beautiful work I have ever encountered. I would love to see everybody doing this.”
You will learn to ascertain who or what is blocking you up to now and is hindering you to go into your own power. Once you are freed and independent of old manipulations, then advancements in your life become quickly visible.
Seminar Leaders: Peter and Ursula Schnell April 24-26, 2015, King City (Toronto), ON May 16-18, 2015, Moncton, NB
Angels and Ascended Masters work directly in your Light Bodies and accompany you. This reactivates and expands your talents and abilities. You yourself will experience this transformation and cleansing throughout the seminar. More mation
Lightlord Metatron: "It is time to unfold your true Light Potential and pass it on to the Earth".
inforand contact
The Litios® Light Crystals of the New Age are highly energized Light Tools that have been infused in a sacred way over a period of time by Archangel Metatron, the Crystal Angels and the Ascended Masters. All Litios Light Crystals help to balance your aura, raise your vibration and activate your higher, divine consciousness.
Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, Many people who have Litios Light Crystals claim to feel a deep sense of peace and harmony, wind braces up, loving. snow is exhilarating; a connection to something higher us and intensely there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~ John Ruskin
They create a protective field of light and help to release and transform disharmonious energies.
Photos: © Litios Light Crystals 13
Photo: © pnielsen
Bursts of bloom stark against a clear blue sky Fragrance wafting from unknown sources moist air circulating round my face from wind created by my movement I am afraid to say that spring is here Afraid because it feels too soon I long for, dream for warm days and long evenings. March….oh, sweet, sweet March… Will you roar in with sleety rain, with dumps of snow and howling gales? Or are you planning a different sort of spring? Vera Enshaw 14
Linda Adsetts
I want to let you in on a little known secret. Sometimes, it is can be boring working with clients. It is one thing that is rarely talked about, even among other practitioners.
Here is a something you may or may not know. The motivation of energy practitioners, using whatever modality they use, is not money. After a “rocking” session, when they see the change that is created, money is the last thing on their mind. Sometimes, we even forget that final step. Really we do!
Did I really just write that? Do we want our clients to know this?
Here is another secret of mine and perhaps of other practitioners. Even when you don’t feel like anything “happened” it could still be a “rocking” session. We know that change is being birthed. We feel the potential that is being created. You may not but we know when it is there. We can’t wait to see what happens next.
Of course not! They have put their trust in our hands. They pay us for our time. They deserve to have the best experience possible! But read on to find out more! When I facilitate readings it is an interactive experience. I get to engage using language and smiles and laughter. It is easy for me and more fun. Time passes quickly. This too has its challenges, but that is a story for another time.
But, sometimes, we never get to find out from you. Even with a follow up, your response can be vague. It was nice but no, nothing changed. That can be hard to hear. We know that “stuff” happened. What is going on?
So, what would it take to have a fun experience that passes quickly, every single time, when I am doing energy work?
Sometimes, people don’t want to change. Sometimes, there is no match between the client and the practitioner. I always tell people who ask me that you are best to pick a practitioner that you resonate with.
My entire perception changed when I heard this; what would it take to be entirely present with the clients you are working with? What would it take?
Yet, despite picking someone you resonate with and trust there is still no discernable improvement. Hang in there people.
It took a different choice. I chose to become present. I had always known it was a gift to work with my clients. Whenever anyone was on my table I saw only the magnificence of their being, even when it was buried under all the judgments that they had about themselves. Even when it got a little boring, I still saw all of that.
When the time is right it will all come together. When you are ready to embrace change and you are ready to trust the person that you resonate with, magic can happen. It may not be the magic you were looking for but it will still be magic. The Group:
A session would unfold like this: Lovely to see you. (It always was) Tell me what is going on in your life or in your body? Where are you stuck? Great! Let’s get you on the table.
The universes do not work in a linear manner. Energy spirals, dances, shoots off one way and return from another direction, dear ones. When life is causing you to ask a question the answers will come. Just don’t expect them to come in a certain form. It rarely does.
It might be a slow start as I waited for the client and their body to relax in the process. I would even talk to them silently. “Come on, it is okay. You can relax.”
We have observed many magical moments that are not recognized by those who are in the midst of it. It can be frustrating for those of you who are being paid for facilitating change on the different levels of being human. It can be frustrating for those that have put their hope in your hands.
Or it could begin effortlessly and easily. Sometimes, everything that needed to be accomplished was done in less time than was allotted. Now what?
Then my mind would wander. I would wonder what time it was. (I never remember to have a clock close by) I would wonder what they were experiencing. I would wonder if I had remembered to shut off my oven.
Each of you are wanting what you want and sometimes forgetting, often forgetting that energy is not static or linear. Sometimes the answer is quite different from what you both are expecting. The very best healers do their best and let it go. They are present. They are open. They are trusting of what comes forth. They are hopeful. They don’t second-guess what they do.
I had this wonderful, trusting being on my table. They were expecting an experience that would enhance their life. They were hopeful that their life might change in the ways that they were wanting and I was going through a list of what I needed to do!
That is not to say that they don’t wonder what they might do differently next time. They do.
What would it take to change that? So, given all of that there was only one choice to make. I could choose to be fully present with them.
You are in a miraculous time on planet earth. Change is occurring rapidly in many areas and sometimes you cannot see what is changing until it is smack in your face and then you wonder how it happened.
I made that choice and time flew by and extended beyond the allotted time. I really must have a clock within sight! 17
It happened because each and every one of you is asking for change. Some of you don’t even know it because your very being is the one doing the asking. There are many talented “healers” in all areas, including conventional medicine, that are aware of the asking even when the patient/client is not. They are the ones who can create miracles because they are not stuck in box of their making. The ask questions and they wonder where to go next and in that wondering they “magically” create something else that is of value. Sometimes, it is merely a step on the path towards an answer. That can be hard for everyone if they are stuck in wanting it to look a certain way. But, if everyone is allowing of what might unfold and allowing of the energies to lead the way towards an unknown destination that just might give the relief that is being asked, then magic can and does happen. The answers are not always what you expect but they are always what you need in that moment in time. There is so much more complexity in your world than you know in terms of how it all works and yet within that is a beautiful symphony and paradoxically a simplicity that when you join us you will marvel at the joy of it all. So, for those of you who lead the way towards wholeness and those of you who let yourselves be guided towards that-be patient-be curious-be like a child who expects goodness but doesn’t know how or what form it will show up as. That is the magic of the universes that each and every one of you is a part of-even if you don’t know it yet. One day you will and when you do you will celebrate, as we do, the magnificence of it all. Your very being will be joy in its entirety and you will rejoice with us.
Go For The Joy Linda and The Group
Connect with Linda on or Facebook page!/GoForTheJoy 18
Debra Rae
I love knowing that I am energy and that everything around me is energy too. I have been actively exploring our internal energy centers – our Chakra System for over 30 years now and I am constantly learning something new.
The above is a very basic and simple chart, we human beings are complex and of course many other emotions can be found stored in our chakras and often cross over to be stored in every chakra in our body if it is a major issue. We store often many layers of the same issue but with a variation attached to it and we need to gently peel back each layer and let go of that attached emotion.
I find it both illuminating and fascinating that we – humans – have the ability to touch base with our history and also to create change by connecting and understanding and then choosing to release stored energy and ties no longer needed via our chakras.
Try to become aware of what you are holding onto in your chakras. Try lying down and placing a hand over a chakra and taking a deep breath and allowing yourself to flow into the energy and color of that chakra and ask yourself “What am I holding onto”
Years ago I would have had to explain what a Chakra was but today most people have a awareness of what they are, but most do not touch base with or understand the importance of those energy sources.
Trust that the feelings or thoughts you get back are right and then using the hand you have on that chakra feel the emotions stored building up under your palm and then GENTLY pull them away from your body
Do me a favor, close your eyes and touch base with how you are feeling. Did you feel any heaviness/tightness or anxiety in your body? And if so where. For example feeling a 'knot in your stomach' is often your stomach chakra signaling that it is not in balance. Having a tight chest or lump in your throat can also represent issues with those chakra points. For most of us having a general understanding of where your major chakra points are and the qualities associated with them is a self loving thing to do.
When I do this I physically feel TWO things 1. I feel the energy as being heavy under my palm and also can be hot 2. As I pull and release this energy it becomes Lighter and cooler until it flows freely. After either just tuning in and freeing up the energy of one or all of your chakras I then do a quick visualization 3. Imagine that all of your chakras front and back are floating 3 feet in front of you 4. Now see all of your chakras Gently spinning anti-clockwise and thinking that you are releasing any tie and negative emotion that is being stored in your chakras 5. Then starting at your root chakra see it filling up with radiant red color and settling back into your body and spinning Gently in a clockwise motion and then go up to your stomach and remaining chakras and do the same. 6. Now once you have reached and done your crown I always see and feel golden white universal energy coming down from above and running through the crown and down through every chakra and forming a golden aura that wraps around my physical body 7. I then see this energy running down into the ground beneath my feet and going down to the core energy of Mother Earth and then having that energy flow back up into my body and co-mingling with the universal energy and my personal chakra energy until I radiate 8. I know and say “I am balanced and supported by myself and the universe and Mother Earth -Thank You “
I am always on the side of self empowerment. Very basically these are your chakra's and the general emotions stored within Root – found in our sexual organ Emotions stored range from fears and insecurities to sexual issues Color of Root Chakra is a deep Red Stomach – found in the stomach Emotions stored ranged from self doubt and fear to anger Color is Orange SolarPlex – Found at the top of the rib cage Emotions found run the gambit but often past life issues are stored in this chakra Color is Yellow Heart chakra is found in the center of your chest Emotions found are around love/hate /doubts and fears Color is green and also pink. Throat Chakra is found in the throat Emotions found are often centered around feelings about communications and expressions of your ideas Color is sky Blue
I then get up and go on with my day. This can take me only about 5 minutes if it is a quick tune up.
Third Eye is found centered just above brown line Emotions found are around ideas and thoughts of self and directions and blockages Color is flexible and changes from light purple to opaque lavender
and being aware of and balancing out your emotional body through your power points – your chakras- is a great place to start.
You have the power to run on maximum with minimum effort
Namaste Debra Rae
Crown chakra is a the top of our head Emotions found here have a foundation in our belief systems and our attachment to spirit Color is golden white.
Connect with Debra Rae 21
Margie Kivel
“The smallest indivisible human unit is two people, not one; one is a fiction. From such nets of soul societies, the social world, human life springs. “ –Tony Kushner
There’s no absolute in one, needs:two for a greeting, brush of words as we pass, needs:eyes to meet, then nod I see you in that code for good luck with your journey, needs: skin to touch in a handshake, give recognition to our place in this society of souls. We’re of the same breath blown by Spirit, the full-hearted measure of love for this life. So say: Blessings go with you my heart to yours.
Margie Kivel 22
Gwen Randall-Young
Sometimes there are people in our lives with whom we have painful connections. It might be a parent, whom we hold responsible for a difficult childhood, a friend who has betrayed us, an ex-partner, or a supervisor or colleague in the workplace. Those relationships may remain unresolved, either because raising the issues may create more difficulty, or because we simply do not want the relationship anymore. Either way, as we try to move on, we may find we take the pain with us. Is it that the person hurt us so deeply that our wounds just will not heal? Is it our karma to suffer some punishment for harm we have done to others in this or a past life? Or is the pain in part our own creation? Any or all of the above may be true, but the third option is the only one which allows us to create a different future for ourselves.
The tendency to hold on to pain, almost like an emotional constipation, may in part be genetic. I know of one family in which for at least three and perhaps even four consecutive generations, there was one sibling who stopped speaking to one or more of the other siblings, and the silence lasted for decades, until death. The individual held on to perceived slights, ruminated and obsessed about them, and never let go. Genetics create predispositions, not destinies. A family history of pain and suffering is all the more reason to work to change the pattern, rather than unconsciously passing it on. Letting go of pain does not mean that whatever someone has done to us is okay. It only means we choose not to spend the rest of our lives suffering from it. Others can inflict pain upon us, put only we can release ourselves from emotional pain. It takes a lot of energy to maintain the pain, and so releasing it frees up large stores of energy for creativity, loving, and moving forward in our lives. Think of every resentment, every pain, every grudge you carry as a heavy piece of baggage. Picture yourself dragging this baggage everywhere you go. Then, imagine setting the bags down, and walking into your future without them. All that is left now is to choose what you will do with your baggage. It’s your future, and it will be what you make it. Choose consciously.
When we talk about creating our own pain, this does not mean that we have somehow ‘attracted’ painful situations to facilitate our learning. It means the situation in itself is not the problem, for often it happened in the past, but rather it is our response to the situation which creates the pain. It is our holding on and continuing to put our energy into the memory of the problems that keeps the pain alive and thriving in our consciousness. Our learning is not so much to ensure that we avoid painful situations and relationships, for that would mean avoiding love and life, but it is to learn to let go of the pain. If we keep thinking about it, keep talking about it, and begin to define ourselves in terms of what happened to us in the past, then we bind that pain to ourselves. This does not mean we should suppress pain. It is important to talk about what has happened to us, but the goal is to heal it and move on, not to keep etching it deeper and deeper into our psyches. Speaking badly of the ones who hurt us, or fuelling vindictive feelings only creates more toxic energy. This is harmful to the physical body, and, like an inversion layer, blocks the rays of the light of wisdom to which we all have access. This kind of toxic energy hardens our hearts.
Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, Deep Powerful Change Hypnosis CDs and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to
Photo: Š mcobb 26
Emily Cleland
Photo: Š phil nielsen 28
I’ve recently experienced a brand new aspect of Self Love and I’d like to share it for those who may relate.
I recently became aware of the significance of this and how it relates to Self Love when I was given an opportunity to just be me. Away from it all, for a solid period of time. During this time, I chose to give my Self permission. Permission to be exactly who I am in this moment – without guilt, blame, shame, fear or judgment. I chose full acceptance of every aspect of my being; my lonely inner child, my rebellious teenager, and my serious, highly conscious adult. I chose Love no matter what I thought, felt or did! I observed my Self from a different perspective and found it quite amusing actually. It was like a mother giving permission to her child that it was OK and safe to be me. My heart was able to expand and I was brought into feelings of deep comfort, safety, support, security and even JOY! Joy because I finally felt FREE! Free and safe to be me. In all that I am. Without the need to please or appease anyone else (even myself). I allowed a settling to occur through this deep level of Self acceptance and realized that ALL IS PERFECT. I AM PERFECT. WE ARE ALL PERFECT – ALWAYS. The need to be anything else is illusion. It’s false.
It seems revelational to me although it’s likely pretty simple. As a person who is highly aware of other people’s thoughts and emotional states, it’s easy to navigate in a way that appeases others in order to avoid the experience of conflict or negative attention. We might call that behaviour people pleasing. I’ve certainly participated in this behaviour (consciously and unconsciously) and sometimes find my Self in that role while trying to keep peace in certain environments and with certain relationships. This behaviour can be quite damaging to our Spirit – our Core Essence - and is actually a trap of the ego designed to keep us playing safe. It creates distortion between our different aspects because we are basically communicating to our deeper Selves that how we are is imperfect in some way and it’s best to be something else. When we choose to participate in this behaviour of being ‘good’ or ‘pleasing’ (whatever that looks like to you) so as to avoid any negative consequences, we deny and suppress our thoughts, words, feelings and actions that would (if we allowed it) flow freely and naturally from the unique perspectives that we are all here to share and enjoy in! But, we are so afraid of hurting others, looking ‘bad’, being ‘rude’, being foolish, standing out, being rejected, judged, abandoned, ridiculed, arrested or even worse - killed or exiled! We’ve been so programmed and conditioned to be polite, be respectful, to follow rules, to be a ‘Good Samaritan’ or a good student, to not ‘make waves’, to ‘choose our battles’ etc. all the while repressing our true nature drawing ourselves further and further away from the experience of our fuller expansion and expression (personally & collectively).
Whether we’ve gained a few extra pounds, we drink too much, we eat emotionally, we like to swear, we feel lazy – whatever it is that you would normally judge about your Self – choose to accept it. Choose to be with it. Choose to Love it. Choose to embrace the perfection of your experience of you in this moment – with no resistance! I realized the only permission that I needed in order to do this was my own. And now I challenge you. Can you give your Self permission to do the same? Take a step away from your everyday environment with those people and places that you normally surround yourself with. Tune in to see how you think, feel and act when there is no one around. Does this feel liberating to you? If you feel that it is or would be, then you are holding back in some way from being the True you... (and that’s okay too!)
We’ve developed a sense of what it means to be ‘perfect’ or ‘good’ and spend a great deal of time and energy running around trying to be this. We strive and compare and judge ourselves in relation to these ideals and when we don’t align with those – wow! Are we ever hard on ourselves!!! These rules and social norms that we agree to participate in may create within us a deep desire for freedom which can manifest itself through rebellion (which we see happening globally too!). I my Self (and I think my family would agree) consider this aspect part of my personal experience at the moment. It’s an accumulation of a lifetime of ignoring or repressing my natural impulses in an attempt to ‘fit in’ and to be loved, supported and accepted.
Can you give your Self permission to Love your Self right now for everything and all that you are in your DIVINE & HUMAN PERFECTION? If you can – you are one step away from experiencing a deep level of Joy – and that, my friend, is what it’s all about! Thanks for reading!! To your unending & joyful perfection!!!
In Love, Emily
I asked my Self ‘when did I first begin to do that?’ I was instantly brought to a childhood memory of feeling pain around being ridiculed at school for always being ‘too sensitive’. I remembered that many things would touch me deeply in which I would respond to by crying. At that time, instead of being labeled as ‘different’ I chose to shut down that part of me and became part of the ‘normal’ group. It was only in my early 20’s where I began to crack open again.
Connect with Emily 29
Lisa Schell
Alignment is the key to getting the answers to the questions you have. When are bodies are aligned we experience physical well-being. When we live out of the head, and our heart and head are not aligned, our mind and spirit suffer. How can you tell if your head and heart are not aligned? You feel the resistance in your mind, body, spirit, emotionally and energetically.
for headaches would be: “I love and approve of myself. I see myself and what I do with eyes of love. I am safe.” And “I relax into the flow of life and let life provide all that I need easily and comfortably. Life is for me.” Don’t give up on the tapping. Tapping therapy needs to be done consistently over a period of time to experience the long-term health effects of moving the negative energy out of your system.
Resistance is the gap between what our mind thinks and our heart knows. The bigger the gap the more out of alignment our heart is from our head and the greater the resistance. This resistance can manifest itself as destructive thought patterns, behavioural issues, procrastination, non-action, and laziness. On an emotional and mental level, it can manifest as frustration, irritability, boredom, anger, doubt, fear, and confusion. On a spiritual level, we feel off purpose, lost, stuck, and the Universe puts up roadblocks and doors to what we want to achieve.
This will move the negative energy from your and the key is to be open to the process. Healing is a process so be patient with your body. As you open your mind to a new found perspective, your long held fears and judgements will be healed. Another technique to use is to visualize beautiful green healing light as you tap on the body party. See this light going right into the body and all the cells, veins, and tissues around the area. See this body party as healed and pain free. Now visualize a beautiful angelic white light going from your heart chakra to your third eye chakra in your head creating a rainbow bridge. Keep your mind quiet and listen to any messages you get as you do this visualization technique.
No matter what level resistance shows up, it inevitably always affects certain parts of the body. For example, if you suffer from chronic headaches, it’s because you are invalidating yourself, criticizing yourself and feel fear. Migraine headaches area as a result of you disliking being driven, resisting the flow of life, and sexual fears.
The heart is a bridge to our soul, and our soul is our connection to the Divine which is unlimited. Our mind has a limited perspective which is affected by our upbringing, circle of influence (friends and family) and life’s experiences. When we lead with our hearts we are tapping into a loving guide, a brilliant diving wisdom that comes from an infinite universal perspective.
Most people aren’t even aware of their bodies and don’t realize that when our body hurts or we suffer from health issues, it’s our body trying to connect with our minds to tell us that something is wrong; something needs to change and be fixed.
Pay attention to resistance because it’s what you need to focus on for healing. When you feel resistance, stop, take a deep breath and imagine you can drop your awareness down into your heart and ask “What can I do to make it better?” Be willing to give it over and let go of everything you think you know so you can tap into the divine wisdom of your heart. It will lead you to everything your heart desires and so much more. When you follow your heart, you will create the greatest impact on your life and on the world.
I used to suffer from lower back pain a lot and once I starting pursuing my spiritual path, meditating and aligning my head and heart, I discovered that this was a result of my fears over my finances…which was absolutely true! My body was communicating that I needed to relieve my financial fears by thinking and acting more abundantly. Once I put myself on a strict budget paid off my personal debt, and changed my thinking, my lower back pains disappeared.
Alignment is the key to you discovering all that you desire. Imagine your heart in the driver’s seat, and your head in the passenger’s seat. The mind is not the enemy but it is also not the leader….so go from hard work to heart work and have the best ever 2015!
You can cure your health issues too by listening to the messages your body is sending you. This means getting quiet, getting out of your head and listening to your heart as your heart knows the answers to your ailments. Once you have discovered what the message is, you can try some tapping therapy where you actually tap with your fingers on that body part (i.e. your temples for chronic headaches, for example), and state positive affirmations to change your negative thoughts and feelings. An example of a positive affirmation
Love & Light, Lisa 31
Gail Siler PhD.
I was in the shower this morning contemplating an email I received. Ok, let’s just ignore for the moment the synchronicity of me ‘cleaning’ in the shower whilst the email was about cleaning! Sometimes a wash cloth is just a wash cloth! (to paraphrase Freud and cop his plea.)
Hmmm, we are born with two sides…why aren’t we using them? And now we must grow up and grow back into our own personal wholeness and balance, and allow and expect and support the opposite sex to do the same. We need to be both the man and the woman in our own inner life. And that balance will then show itself out there in society at all levels. Women as decision makers, men as dusters and cleaners included.
The email in question was titled ‘Dust if you must, but….’ It offered sage advice, salted and peppered with outrageous baggy women cleaning various parts of their houses. (I don’t know about you, but I am tired of women being portrayed either as porn starlet wannabes advertising their boobies as if they are gems to be bought or freely bestowed upon the ogler, or frumps complete with warts and wrinkles and portrayed as the aged hag. There seem to be no grounds in the stereotypes for the female human being in balanced and harmonious energy. We know that is untrue. Or do we deep down believe these stereotypes? When media generated stereotypes emphasize these values we grow up plugging them into our self-concept either consciously or unconsciously.
Using Balanced Power to Create Peace Let’s now move into our true potential. Let’s talk of humans operating in a balanced state and focus on the real power of people. And since wars of all form are so ever present in the news of late, let’s talk about the antidote to war: peace. I want to focus on the real power of the feminine at this time, and it lives in all of us - women and men. Reminder: each human has two brain hemispheres…one left brain offers us the masculine capabilities of turning thoughts and ideas into action by analyzing and breaking things down into linear, sequential and doable/actionable pieces. The other, the right brain hemisphere we describe as the feminine qualities: feelings, intuition, seeing the whole or the big pictures (macrofocus), creative abilities, imagination.
What I am aiming at is moving beyond gender stereotypes and talk about being our whole selves. But first let us take a look at the counterbalancing genderisms men have been wearing for as long as women have been relegated to being inferior beings. Men are the decision makers, the heads of the house, the policy makers, the war makers. Whether in the home punishing children (wait til your father gets home, we used to hear!) or giving or withholding permission to their wives or partners, or in the larger society…men have had to be the leaders and the action figures for society. No fairer than the dusting brigade, is it! Wow, what imbalance on both sides of the gender blanket.
For thousands of years (and millennia if we believe the new findings of how long we have been around on earth,) humans have been solving problems by warring on one another, or one community or group. Let’s be sociologists and look closely at this. Dominated by the left brain and the power of the masculine, we have been using our masculine energies including fists and fist-extensions that look like penises soaring through the skies and named bombs in our attempts to cause peace. Women as a group shake our heads “NO,” but because we have been out of balance and had no power or respect as equal contributors to deciding over our futures, we are outvoted or simply ignored, and so we have war. Some women, Maggie Thatcher for example, have even created wars using the aggression of the negative masculine Mars power. But in war, women, children and community suffer as much as the warriors themselves.
If women are seen as the cleaners and dusters, the sirens and the hags; men are given the unfair responsibility to be the warriors and leaders in our imbalanced cultures. They are asked to be warriors in business offices making ‘take over’ corporate raid strategies; community gangs; or in the halls of the military sending the newer generation of people, into war. Men are from Mars we have been told. Well, if we look at our left brains, they most clearly embody Mars as the planet of action. But unfortunately when that action is out of balance it competes, it causes rifts, fights over territory and power, and makes war …big world level, community, or right in our own homes
So here we are in a dangerous unbalanced scenario. We are growing a bit wiser, and more and more of us are shaking our collective heads NO to confrontational warrior tactics our military, corporations, or police systems are creating. And let’s not blame the military or police for doing the job we have given them to do. We pay them to be Mars and warlike to protect our interests. So we as society are responsible for allowing the funding to these activities and sanctioning the continuation of these activities, particularly when they become unbalanced.
The bottom line here is for thousands of years we have been severely out of balance, both women and men limited to only certain specified and sanctioned activities. We have all been living heavily in our left hemisphere of our brains, and almost without any input from our amazing right hemisphere. 35
Whether we own up to that responsibility or not, that is a challenge we must examine within ourselves. Thomas Jefferson and many others have cautioned citizens to be continually vigilant over our elected officials.
nes, that image goes into the mass consciousness. When we get to the turning point….poof, war ceases to be an option. And it is all accomplished by creating the images of peace and all that goes with it. We don’t even use or need protest signs.
Well, we are good at creating war, but can we create peace? And if so, how?
We have ample research that proves this. As well, Abraham Hicks and tons of corporate gurus have been telling us about the importance of creating what we want by feeling it, seeing it, being it, imagining it. Before anything can appear in our reality we first feel and imagine and visualize it. Then there’s the turning point that happens when a certain number of us imagine the same thing and poof….there it is manifesting in culture.
Using Our Feminine Power to Create Peace Remember the ‘Visualize Peace’ slogans people glued on their bumpers along with peace signs in the 60s? John Lennon and Yoko Ono were so far ahead in seeing this. From a true power perspective, the way to create peace is to see it, imagine it and hold it in our mind’s eye. This is what we have been missing in our left brain world’s dominance. No imagination, no feminine power to be equal with and counterbalance the masculine action principle. No space for seeing the big picture, no focus on looking at the consequences of short term actions.
So, dear women and small group of newly aware men, we are the fulcrum that creates peace. It’s up to us. As women, we make up 51 percent of the world’s population, so we have the numbers in our favor. But now we must act. While we are keeping our skin unwrinkled, our bodies supple and appealing to the still dominant power-elite, and applauding ourselves on the designs, colors, furnishings or even the cleanness of our homes, we are also indulging in our masculine Mars actions. So let’s broaden our focus and move more actively into our right brain/feminine skills.
Truth is, our inner masculine works effectively only when it is connected to the visualization of a goal….in our case here PEACE. If there is no overall reason for something, we just have the busy-ness of a hamster running around on his wheel endlessly. Doing, doing, doing…running around being ‘big wheels’ actually, when if we stopped and reflected (right brain, feminine skills.
We must remember and believe we are the leaders at the moment, in creating world peace….It is up to us to start the process rolling. We have too much power to hide it under the dust cloth! Imagine what we can do in a world of peace, and talk it up, spread it and share the wonderful scenarios for others to feel and build upon.
When we are balanced in our humanity, we women do more than dust and clean, and heal. We take our place as decision makers in society. So here’s a place to start. Let us create peace in the world.
And watch what happens. The world is depending upon us. We can do this!
We gather together and agree to imagine a wonderful peace. And then we agree that we will not tolerate any more warring and violence. And we hold that image and share it among ourselves and with the world. We imagine amazing and delightful peaceful lives, we share our images among others on Facebook, in our family, in our mind….because that is the quickest internet connectivity we have...intuitive connection. (Don’t get me started on how darn slow the internet has become lately and why!) Imagination! Bah! That’s what our masculine says. But women dominate at the moment in this skill of using the right brain and intuitive communication, many men are learning to open their right brains, but for now, it’s up to us to ‘Make it so!’ and start the peace ball rolling! We just agree we want peace, we don’t fight for peace, we don’t even protest against war. We focus on peace, how wonderful it will be, how we can use the budget currently dedicated to war and that interest group to create wonderful communities and delightful, joyous things… imagine away. That’s what we do. With each person who imagi-
Connect with Gail
Phil Nielsen
Photo: Š PNielsen 38
Welcome friends. Let us look at the meanings of the rune's as they relate to magick. This month we will look at the first Aett. The runes are broken down into three parts with eight runes each. These sections are known as Aetts. The first Aett we are dealing with is Freya's, the next is Hagals, and the last Aett is Tyr's. Yes, I know most sets of runes have 25 stones, but as far as I am concerned, the blank rune is only useful as a spare if you lose one. In magick, runes are not cast, but rather chosen by the vitki, depending on what the subject is looking for. Fehu symbolizes the primal, uncontrolled fire. Think of the Big Bang and of lightning strikes in a forest. Its energies are totally wild and very useful for magick involving swift, radical changes. We would use this rune to; hasten affairs to their next stage - use after the "subject" runes in your runescript. Increase one's monetary wealth. As a protection of your valuables. The "sending" rune - we would use it to send, either your energy, or the energy of the accompanying runes out to the formative spheres. Uruz is the rune of changes and as such is the shaping power that brings about manifestation. Use it to give sluggish circumstances a little nudge. As a rune of vitality and strength, it is also useful in any healing magick, especially if the querent is weak and could use extra strength. Uruz is used to; Draw new situations into one's life. Initiate new circumstances purely by force of will. Heal and maintain good physical health.
To increase one's active magickal energies.
Raidho is not only the rune of travel, but also rules over the cosmic laws of Right and Order. Therefore, like Jera, it is useful for legal matters, especially when one has been unjustly accused and needs to bring those forces of Right to bear on the issue. Uses; Obtaining justice according to Right. Safe and comfortable travel. Kenaz is another rune of fire, but unlike Fehu, it is a gentle, controlled form (think of a hearth fire in the home) which gives the ability and the will to create. It is the rune of the craftsman and artist and is useful when creativity is an issue or when artistic things are very important to the subject for whom you are creating the runescript. It also governs the technical aspects of magick as well as governing passion, lust, and sexual love as fiery, positive attributes. We use it to; Strengthen any runescript Healing and physical wellbeing. Love, stability, and passion in relationships. Protection of valuables. Gebo is the rune of partnerships in all realms. It contains the power to meld the energies of two or more people in order to produce a force that is greater than the sum of the individuals. It is the primary rune of sex magick. Its uses are then; Love and sex magick. Increase magickal powers. Anything to do with partnerships. Mental and physical equilibrium.
The next rune is Thurisaz, the directed cosmic power of defense. It symbolizes Mjølnir, Striker, the Hammer of Thor. It is pure will untempered by self-consciousness. It is a projectable form of applied power. Thurisaz is especially useful when used with, Fehu, Kenaz, Sowilo, Uruz, Wunjo, and Berkana. The force of it is able to direct their energies in an effective manner. Use Thurisaz when a little oomph is needed to get hints moving.
Wunjo is the rune of "happily ever after." It is generally used in the final position to signify success and happiness. Its uses; Fulfillment in any area, especially love and career. Success in travel.
We would use this rune for; New beginnings. When you need luck or when circumstances are beyond your control. Protection or defense. Neutralization of enemies or opposition. Pushing the issue in love magick.
As you can see, many of these runes have similar attributes and using them together makes the magick that much stronger.
Ansuz is the rune of communications. It rules over song, poetry, examinations, interviews, and magickal incantations. We would use it wherever communication is an issue.
Until next month, Skål, my brothers and sisters
Next month we will look at the second Aett (Hagals) but until then, practice using your runes to get a feel as to how they work together. The more you use your runes, the more they will show you.
Its uses; Convincing and charismatic speech. To gain wisdom. Confidence and luck in exams and interviews.
phil Contact Phil at for more information.
Look for the light and you shall find it. We celebrate at this time of year the return of light, but the truth is - it never left. Even on the darkest days it shines in you, and from you. Always shine and allow others to see your light for they might be looking for the light! What a wonderful gift to give someone‌ your light, joy and love. mcobb Photo: Š pnielsen 40
Sunday Sun-Day
Monday Moon-day
Tuesday Mars-day
Wednesday Mercury-Day
Thursday Jupiter-Day
Friday Venus-Day
Saturday Saturn-day
1 VOC until 3:34pm
2 Best Feel Good Day of the month … schedule a visit to the Spa (or at least a
3 VOC from 0:47am
4 … Hump day Pay it forward … give several spontaneous deserving complements
5 VOC 10:36am
6 VOC All Day
Full Moon
Take small Breaks – use your breathing exercises to keep you calm and balanced
7 Be Prepared ! Don’t get caught up in an unexpected tempertantrum
9 What opportunities can you create for yourself … AND others
10 Take care not to give/commit to more than what you really can afford in time … emotions … money …
11 VOC 12:46p to
12 Mercury moves to Pisces
17 VOC from 11:18
18 Great day for communication on a higher level
Get ready to end your winter blues with a Roar
8 Daylight Savings begins at 2am
massage after work)
Talk it out
15 Hunker down … one foot in front of the other Glass of Wine and a long Soak
22 Fabulous meditation Day! Take it easy and relaxing
29 Excellent day to clean out the garage – or tackle that daunting project
Don’t let it run Amuck J
Pull your socks up and get it done …
23 VOC 7:24am all day
Great day for a internal conversation … but don’t get carried away
Venus moves to Taurus … get your taste buds ready
24 If you have been struggling with your work … take a break today and do something fun
30 VOC at 6:57am
31 VOC continues
Mercury moves to Aries
Mars moves to Taurus … Don’t poke the Bull !
all day
Keep your inside voice … inside and your temper in check
Get in touch with what is under the surface
Be optimistic!
Think about healthy Boundaries
14 Saturn Stationary Retrograde … Think Healthy Boundaries Great Meditation day
19 Go for a long walking meditation today
20 Solar Eclipse – New Moon
26 VOC until
A bit of a mixed bag today , keep your head down and keep on keep’in on
Consider it a rest day and tackle that big project tomorrow
Meditation day
25 As long as you can keep your inside voice … inside – it may turn out to be the most productive day of the week
Get physical! In a healthy way of course ; -)
Very powerful day today – ground your core
21 Don’t let any unexpected surprises get you hot under the collar… keep your cool
Late evening VOC
until noon
Keep your Fashion advice to yourself
VOC = Void of Course … No impulse purchases or Long term commitments during the void of course, opportunity to look within all times are in Pacific Time
Planet to watch out for this month is Saturn … don’t let yourself get caught up in fears, winter blues or feeling like you have to much work to do or have too many boundaries and limitations set on you. Instead focus on healthy boundaries, and being organized and taking one day at a time! 43
tion! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT
Planetary ‘Action’ at a Glance Double Whammy Days for the Month of March – 16 … take care – with short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.
Jupiter… Our planet of growth, wisdom, opportunities and excess. Jupiter is very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter continues to retrograde in Leo (inner spiral) where we can contemplate and create our own opportunities to shine our light.
Favorite Meditation or relaxed days for the Month of March –2, 14, 18, 22 Experiment with different types of meditation, breathing - moving (chi gong) or walking silent or music/talking.
Jupiter Squares and Oppositions with the Moon for the Mercury, our planet of communication in all forms from Month of March –10, 17, 23 … Don’t lose sight of your old fashioned verbal & written – to communication that budget, over-indulging or over-committing, watch that travels on air waves. Mercury is truck’in along in Aquari- others do not take advantage of your generosity. us – Allow your genius to flow through but avoid rigid or Saturn… Our planet of boundaries, restrictions, limita‘my way or the highway’ kind of thinking. By the middle tions and possibly fear. Just at the end of 2014 (25th) of March Mercury moves into Pisces – take care not to Saturn moved into Sagittarius, and will travel through this get lost on a dark foggy road J fiery optimistic energy for the next couple of years. SatMercury squares and oppositions with the Moon for the urn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy Month of March – 3, 11, 25 …Think before you speak, boundaries. This month Saturn starts his long retrograde CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! (inner spiral), he makes it all the way back to 28 degrees Venus … our planet of Love, Security (which often shows up as Scorpio for a final a hurrah – don’t let your fears get the monetary wants) and what we like to surround ourselves best of you. If you have any planets between 3 and 28 with (art, greenery, food, music, colour, sparkly things … ) with a very degrees focus on creating healthy boundaries. individual flare and expression. Venus is moving through Aries in the first part of the month – think Zena Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month of March – 4, 12, 18, 24, 31…You … then gets back to her old ways as she saunters into Taurus … don’t forget to stop and smell the spring flow- may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! ers. Venus squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month of March – 8,16, 30… Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! Mars … Our planet of action, passion and anger. In today’s society I think Mars is one of the most difficult planetary projections into our personal psyche. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars gains his strength back as he moves through Aries. Think exercise program! … Do It!
Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of what you are creating. Uranus … Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments in our lives … be a rebel with a cause. Focus this energy on new and innovative ideas that make your life the best it can be!
Pluto … Our planet of transformation, control (ego) and Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions with power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn – Pluto continues to push for change to our old and the Moon for the Month of March –7, 15, 28…Use Cau44
outworn patterns of dictatorship and inflexible leadership (although you will continue to feel the resistance).
(like a build-up of energy that has not expressed itself). This late degree Solar Eclipse is a wake-up call to action. It is time to start something completely NEW. If this Solar Eclipse connects directly to your natal/ birth chart you may find your life spirals into monumental change over the next 6 months. Record any dreams, omens, happenstance and Deja vu over the next few weeks, as these insights will provide clues of what the possibilities that await you. Be aware of unskilled energy you have been working with, take it up a notch step into the new you … make the change. J
Sun moves into Aries on the 20th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Aries out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.
Solar cycles … New and Full Moons – it is important to step outdoors and connect to the early evening sky, and again in the early morning just before the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. When we do this we inherently connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies. As above So below.
Combine your own Sun sign (ego/identity/core), Moon sign (emotions/Patterns/Habits) and Ascendant sign (projecting your identity) by reading each sign and combining them into one fabulous guide for the month.
The Full Moon – March 5th at 10:05am 14 Virgo 50’
Cartesian Co-ordinates … incorporate these questions as you work with your monthly goals: What will happen if I do achieve this goal? … What will happen if I don’t achieve this goal? What won’t happen if I do achieve this goal? What won’t happen if I don’t achieve this goal?
The Full moon is the opposition of the Sun and Moon – shining light into every dark corner. You may find some areas of where you have experienced an inner growth, struggle to become incorporated in the core of who you are and expressed in the outer you and your environment. Hold on to goals and ideas of who you are Be-coming, and how that will look in its creative expression, you may have some surprising realizations of who is actually looking back at you in the mirror, you may need some practice to get comfortable in your new clothing .
This month we have our first Solar Eclipse of the year. This will set an overtone for the next 6 months, we use these charts for mundane applications such as looking at the effects on our counPhoto: © dusk - tries well-being. When your natal chart has planets that are close to the degrees of the eclipse you will feel great impact on your individual lives over the next 6 months. Read the New moon / Eclipse info and incorporate that into your monthly goal planning. It is important to be clear about – “who you are and who you are becoming (or wish to become)”. On the 20th - light a candle, contemplate using the Cartesian Co-ordinates and write out your intentions and thoughts, be sure to incorporate your individual messages (below).
The New Moon – Solar Eclipse / New Moon March 20th at 2:36am 29 Pisces 27’ Vernal Equinox – Sun enters Aries at 3:45pm
… Make sure your smaller goals align with your larger goals.
The New Moon is when the Sun and Moon are sitting together blending their energies, creating anticipation toward something new. The Solar Eclipse is a outer expressive layer of energy that will set the tone for the next 6 months. You may feel like you have awakened from a deep slumber, steeped in deeply engrained patterns and habits. Failing to engage and fully connect could have you feeling like you have been holding your breath
Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 45
Ever expanding, growing and flowing
Aries (March 20-April 19) Who are you … Who are you Be-coming … do your everyday actions meet the needs of your greater intentions? Meditation is a must – use your physical body to help you get into the zone, regular walking or running meditations (or use the treadmill as a substitute).
Healthy … Wealthy … and Wise. Try a radical new approach, hit the gym or the mat and try out that new juice fast, see an alternative practitioner … it is time to take care of the inside as well as the outside. Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Who are you … Who are you Be-coming … do your everyday actions meet the needs of your greater intentions? Fun and Frivolity, take a risk … how about a little romance, or a night out on the town. Schedule some time for you and a loved one or a love possibility.
Taurus Horoscope (April 20-May 20) Who are you … Who are you Be-coming … do your everyday actions meet the needs of your greater intentions? Are you dreaming large (or large enough)? Magnetism is key, you may experience an increase in … attracting where you are at … be mindful.
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) Who are you … Who are you Be-coming … do your everyday actions meet the needs of your greater intentions? Home matters, is it time to reconnect with your clan, grow your roots a little deeper and a little stronger. It will be much easier to reach your goals with a solid foundational understanding of where you have come from.
Gemini Horoscope (May 21-June 20) Who are you … Who are you Be-coming … do your everyday actions meet the needs of your greater intentions? Your reputation may be at stake, take it to the next level … talk, write, others want to hear what you have to say… communicate.
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) Who are you … Who are you Be-coming … do your everyday actions meet the needs of your greater intentions? Find ways to increase your reputation in your local community. Get passionate about creating change. Run for council or get on a neighborhood board focused on making a difference.
Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 21) Who are you … Who are you Be-coming … do your everyday actions meet the needs of your greater intentions? Keep your mind sharp by learning something new. Is it time to make a commitment to your own education and the freedoms that come with the quest to Be the best.
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) Who are you … Who are you Be-coming … do your everyday actions meet the needs of your greater intentions? Money Matters, don’t shrug it off, take care of your day to day working finances. Take all extra opportunities to increase your disposable income over the next 6 months.
Leo Horoscope (July 22-Aug. 22) Who are you … Who are you Be-coming … do your everyday actions meet the needs of your greater intentions? Check on your investments over the next 6 months, cross the t’s and dot your i’s, you may find significant opportunities to increase your worth.
Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) Who are you … Who are you Be-coming … do your everyday actions meet the needs of your greater intentions? It is important to pay attention to your physical body, take care of the vessel that carries you through your day. Let’s get physical and in-Body, think of this as a long term project.
Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Who are you … Who are you Be-coming … do your everyday actions meet the needs of your greater intentions? Communicate clearly what you need and expect from your relationships (business and personal). Feel good about yourself and your contributions – something new might be just around the corner. Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Who are you … Who are you Be-coming … do your everyday actions meet the needs of your greater intentions? 47
Week 1 Pietersite
A crystal reading for March Week 2 Onyx
Week 3 Amethyst
Dear ones, you are seeking resolution in your lives. You ask questions, you yearn for answers – and you find them in the strangest places! A hint of a song, a neon flashing sign….or a special rock that speaks to you….These crystals have asked to be the ones you listen to this month: Namaste
Week 4 Fluorite
Week 4 Blue Calcite
Contact Vera at
Week 1: March 1st to 7th – Pietersite: What you see is not necessarily all that is. Just when you think you have it – understanding, connection, love – the energy shifts and you are left wondering. Is it me? Or is it the other? What this elusive quality is doing is asking that you recognize that there is much worth below the surface. Shape-shifting comes to those who ponder with love and understanding. You – yes, you! – are beginning to see below the shimmer to what is truly there. Celebrate that which you are becoming. Week 2: March 8th to 14th – Onyx: Knowledge is yours. Are you willing to climb the heights to retrieve it? This week you will be offered opportunities to learn. Some will be easily grasped, others will require you to reach deep within for the stamina that is there, always there. Ask for help, for guidance. Knowing is always there. Be sure to wrap your ego in love so that you are in control. Week 3: March 15th to 21st – Amethyst: Allow yourself to be guided towards fun and laughter this week. Fun means something different for each of us. Make this week a journey of joy to your fun. It can be a private journey or a shared one. The important part is that you take the journey. Make a play date with your higher self and your inner child – you’ll be so grateful that you made the choice. Week 4: March 22nd to March 28th – Fluorite: This is a week for strengthening connections with loved ones, co-workers, people in your community. Look for hidden depths in people and you will find them. Someone you know is crying out for recognition. Not for a job well done, not for any feat except that of being human. You have the ability to recognize the love in them, just by being you. Awareness is the key – and it is not necessary for you to know who is in need. Willingness to BE love is sufficient. Week 5: March 29th to March 31st – Blue calcite: Rest. Ponder blue skies and green grass. Revel in the change of seasons. Light changes and with the change comes clarity. You are now clear about what you wish to do, have to do, need to do. You are supported in your decisions, and most wonderful of all, you feel that support all about you. In every breath, every whisper of wind, every touch of air – there YOU are/I AM. We are Love, we are Light. 49
Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen
Marlene Cobb 50
The Full Moon for March arrives on the 5th! This full moon is known as the Full Worm Moon, Full Crow Moon, Full Crust Moon, or Full Sap Moon. All these names hint to us that spring is just around the corner.
Full Moon
Full Worm Moon – the ground softens and the earthworms reappear, inviting the return of the robins. Full Crow Moon – when the cawing of crows signal the end of winter. Full Crust Moon – the snow cover becomes crusted over from the daytime thaws and the nighttime freezing. Full Sap Moon – tapping of the maple trees.
March 5
Regardless of which name you choose to call this full moon, you might feel the urge to set things right. This full moon arrives in the sign of Virgo. Instinctively we will gravitate towards practical matters. Re-organizing and re-thinking plans will be top of the list. We will be called upon to heal our emotional body as well, if not heal than set the healing in motion. Emotional satisfaction will come from solving problems. Pay attention to the smaller parts that make up the whole, working to iron out the smaller bits, one at a time, gives us the confidence to move ahead. As this moon favors being active, honor it by re-organizing your closet or junk drawer, taking a yoga class, or whatever activity fuels your heart. If something is bothering you emotionally, and it is within your control to do so, actively seek to set it right. Extend the olive branch over a walk in nature, or a cup of tea or coffee. Use the energy of this full moon to set things right in whatever area of your life needs attention.
new Moon
The New Moon in March arrives on the 20th, along with Ostara/ Spring Equinox. Both mean new beginnings are at hand! The possibilities are endless right now, limited only by you, and your imagination. Time to be spontaneous! Typically we spend time with the moon energy only when it is shining or during the night, but this month is extra special and we should spend the whole day wrapped up in anticipation, excitement, and positive expectation that our dreams and goals are being served to us now! Start your morning by preparing yourself. Get grounded and relaxed by savoring your first cup of coffee (juice or tea) uninterrupted. Do not allow yourself to think of what the day holds for you until you have savored every drop. Instead, notice the beauty of this first day of spring. What is the weather doing? Have you seen blossoms and blooms appearing in your neighborhood? Perhaps you still have the remnants of winter snow, see how it is receding and give thanks for the nurturing water, it is supplied to all the trees so they may burst with new growth soon.
March 20
Say I love you when you stand in front of the mirror preparing for your day. Don’t plan your day fully, do something spontaneous today. Be wildly creative, start a new project, one you have been putting off for a while would be ideal. Bless your home by opening the doors and windows and allow the crispness of spring to refresh the air. Today, with the “New” energy of the Moon and Spring, take a walk and with each step for the first half, release all negativity of the past. During the second half of your walk, with each step see yourself stepping into your future with positive inspiration and creativity. End your day by preparing a meal you would normally only eat during spring and summer. Have a picnic! Celebrate the joy of the moon ushering in Spring! 51
Photo: Š mcobb 52
Essential Oils
(cedrus atlantica aka Atlas Cedar)
The oil I am writing about this month is cedrus atlantica, commonly known as Cedarwood or Atlas Cedar (the name comes from the place where it grows – the Atlas Mountains in North Africa.) The oil from this tree has been used for centuries….oh, heck – millennia is more like it. It is thought to be one of the first plants to have been distilled as an essential oil.
shampoo, put on your hair and leave for 3 to 4 minutes) to acne (apply one to two drops directly to the area). Do a bit of research on your own, experiment, use your intuition – it’s fun! One might think that cedar is, well, cedar – right? Apparently that is not the case! The cedar I grew up with is Canadian or Western Red Cedar – thuja plicata. Another tree whose oil is called ‘cedar wood’ is juniperus virginiana. Be very careful which oil you are purchasing. Make sure the oil you get is the oil you want.
The Egyptians used it for embalming – not really interested in that particular application myself, but it does help deter the little critters that are responsible for chewing through fabrics. The original cedar chests were made of cedrus atlantica and its kin. There is an application for you right there - put a drop or two on a cotton ball and place with your favorite clothing – or anywhere you don’t want bugs or rodents to be. I put it in the container that holds my out-of-season clothes. Always smells faintly of cedarwood when I pull them out, and so far I haven’t been greeted by the dread cloud of moths!
Enjoy exploring this essential oil, and please – always remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils. For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at or go to the website:
Aromatically, this oil is a little powerhouse, helping with ADHD, anxiety and sleeplessness. Diffuse cedarwood for the incredible aromatic effects – in addition to reducing stress and anxiety it can help to create a safe space for emotional release work. In your meditation space it can help you to go beyond the realms you normally travel in. It thrives in the high mountain ranges – let it bring you to the peaks of your ability in all your endeavors. The tree is hardy, growing tall even in times of drought and in sandy soil. If you have had a rough patch, diffusing this oil or using it in the bath may help you to face your challenges with renewed energy.
Having difficulty sleeping? Diffuse cedarwood just before you go to bed or, if that’s just too intense, rub a drop on the bottom of each foot or put a drop on a cotton ball and put it under your pillow – then dream sweet dreams! Photo: © youngliving™
Cedarwood has been shown to be effective in the treatment of coughs and colds. Diffuse or use in a steam bath, breathing in the fumes. Remember that a small amount works wonders, more is not necessarily better. Start with one drop and work your way slowly up to 3 or 4 drops if necessary. Dilute in an organic carrier oil for an aromatic massage. Those of you who give these loving treatments may find that your clients thrive when you use this oil at the beginning of the massage. Besides assisting them in feeling safe and secure, it is a great oil for the skin. There are many more applications, from hair loss/ rejuvenation (add a drop or two to your regular amount of
Contact Vera at
Phil Nielsen
Photo: Š mcobb
The rune for March is Ingwaz.
positive energies and deliverance, and when it turns up in a runecast, you may be assured of good fortune.
This is a primal rune whose symbolism is that of female genitalia. The essential meaning is completion or, by implication, orgasm. It is the desired goal that spends one's force.
On a more spiritual level, Ingwaz shows that the subject is soon to reach a state of inner peace and quiet, of inner balance. In all cases time will tell whether this happy state is lasting, or simply transitory. The accompanying runes will give strong suggestions as to the eventual outcome.
Ingwaz is always positive, there is no reverse. Only in the most negative rune cast would it ever suggest failure. It shows a successful conclusion to whatever problem you are dealing with.
Until next month, Sk책l my brothers and sisters
It can also indicate a sense of relief that comes from a positive accomplishment or merely show a mind free from anxiety. It is a very important rune and coupled with Berkana could indicate the birth of a child. When Fehu is also in the cast, it could mean a new job or if Wunjo shows up, a new love affair. Ingwaz also indicates the ending of one phase of your life and the beginning of the next. It marks a time of
Contact Phil at for more information.
Power Animal
Be joyful about your transformation The power animal took a little longer to come to visit this month and give their message to us. Slowly slithering in with a soft hisssssssss snake has come to join us. So as snake begins to speak the message this month is: “Transformation dear ones is at hand. The shedding of one’s skin is necessary for there are so many things you no longer need. Like us you to shed your skin both physically and metaphysically. Unlike us, though you wish to hold on to those things you have released. Dear ones be like us and be joyful of your transformation. You see the transformation that occurs for us and for you is magic. Do you not see it just happens? It is alchemy as much occurs in the unseen realms for such transformation to materialize into THE PRESENT MOMENT. For us the releasing of the old us to the new is natural as breathing is for you. We know our old skin will nourish the earth, the animals, the trees, the plants and “All of Creation”. Know, dear ones this is true for you as well. For it is the never ending story of transformation and life itself.”
Contact Michelle blog or email me at
Yours in the joy of transformation The Snakes 60
Make your uniqueness the magic and alchemy of your soul A few days ago I saw three crows together so close to me I was startled by their present and how close to me they were. As they flew up on a hydro wire cawing hello and cheerfully chattering to each other for a few minute. This to me was also a sign that perhaps the crows also wanted to join us this month too. So as the crows cawww out loud to the skies their message to us this month is: “Be proud of who you are in all your glory!! Do not apologizes for being who you are!! Do not make yourself wrong for what others do not like about you. It is as you know their issues not yours. Make your rightness your crowning glory!!! Make your uniqueness the magic and alchemy of your soul!!! You see dear ones you do not apologies for breathing do you? So stand in the power of YOU!! For you are magnificent!! You are amazing!! You are the deep well of love that bubbles up and over flows with your abundant radiance into the world and “All That Is”. Be at peace dear ones. Yours in celebration of you Photo: © pnielsen
The Crows 61
Michelle Hayes
Hello Dear Ones, With happy greetings of celestial light we speak to you this day. March is of course just around the corner and will be here sooner than you think dear ones. Let this thought warm your souls, for spring echoes its call to you all. The seeds of celestial light bloom forth in eternal bursts of infinite possibilities. These seeds are to be sprinkled wide and far. These seeds are to be nurtured by your hearts and your heart’s desires are to be heeded and nurtured into beautiful celestial flowers of light. These flowers blossoming within your soul are to be planted everywhere you go on your earthly realm. Heaven on earth dear ones these are the seeds of heaven on earth. You are the caretakers and the harbingers of these seeds nurture them well. Love them into existence and coax them into the explosions of celestial light that bloom through all eternity. This is your task, dear one’s for you are loved beyond measure. In celestial love and light, peace be with you. The Angels
Contact Michelle blog or email me at 62
And Spring arose on the garden fair, Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere; And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast rose from the dreams of its wintry rest. ~Percy Bysshe Shelley Photo: Š pnielsen 63
Photo: Š pnielsen 64
Message from the Angels March 2015
It is time for you to be present in your now. Stop thinking about your past as you cannot correct it, and so that is a waste of your time. However, if you focus on your now, you can accomplish way more by doing what you love every moment of every day. We give you guidance to help you focus on what is right here, right now, but you focus on what you need to do in your day, your week, your month, or even your year. There is no accomplishment happening, instead you are focused on everything else. You are scattered and this does not create joy. Joy is the fuel you need, to bring all those mundane tasks to light, fueling them to be done quickly and easily. If you continue to live in the past you are not going to be creating memories for your future past. Do you understand what we mean? If you keep going over what you loved in your past or what you did not live in your past – that is where you are living. Nothing new is being created, you have the movie of “YOU” on rewind. We understand you are trying to recapture those magical feelings of being alive and living well. Yet we promise you if you can let it all go and only occasionally trip down that lane, you will add so many new lanes to your memory bank. Ones filled with the joy you have not known. You may choose to not heed this guidance, the choice really is yours. Know that choosing to stay present in your past is where regrets are born. Regrets that show up in your future past of those things not tried or done. Fear can only hold you back if you allow it. We watch all of you and see how brave and courageous you are to jump in and save others yet when it comes to your own self you hesitate. You allow fear to dictate what you are willing to do.
You are collectively in a very opportune time in your world to achieve so much. It does not matter if the achievement is on a personal scale for you and you alone, or if it is on a grander scale whereby you are achieving something for the good of all. Really, the way we see it, if you achieve something for yourself, you are achieving something for the good of all. For when your life is free from cumbersome details you joyfully share of yourself and everyone is inspired and love flows. IN that moment you are all connected. Stand tall, and break free from your past, feel the barriers of your present being shattered across time and step into this moment. Live each moment, like it was the grandest gift ever given to you. The more you can create minute by minute memories and not worry about your future – the better the future will be. Not only for you, but for all those around you and who come after you. Live in your now, for if you do not you will miss out and life will pass you by. Enjoy each moment that is given to you for each of them truly is a gift. A challenge if you will, to see what you can joyfully achieve so that when each now moment adds up to a day, a week, a month, or even a year – you will look back with wonder and pride and say – “Wow look at what I have created! Does it get any better than this?” And of course we will respond with a resounding “YES” and bring even greater moments to you. Power of three.
Mcobb 66
Photo: Š pnielsen 68