Issue 22 May 2013
May 2013
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Enchantment Gratitude Yearning For Contentment Channel - step UP to yourself MAY - the Force be with you You Are Magnificent Beings of Light and Love - Period! Energy 101 - Journeying On Runes - Hagalaz - Eihwaz The Key is Within - I Matter Free Range Edibles - Fireweed Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - MAY Magick, Meditation & Drugs Yoga - Finding Your Groove Essential Oil - Gathering Be Woman Power Animal - Dove Love is All Crystal - RHODONITE Tarot - THE STAR Angel Message for MAY
May 2013
Welcome to May fellow Nourish readers! May 1st marks the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. It has long been heralded as a day of celebration no matter what your beliefs are. It marks May Day celebrations where young lads and lasses twine brightly colored ribbons around the May pole. Beltane, the day of celebrating the joining of the Gods and Goddess, gives blessings for the coming prosperity of crops and harvests. Large bonfires are lit; the bonfires offer protection for cattle, crops, and people and encourage growth. The ashes from these fires are deemed to have protective power, so all celebrants take home a little scoop to ensure a good growing season. For me May always means flowers, I love the bursts of colors that start to appear, I love to plant them on my deck, to me they symbolize joy. I was not surprised to discover that May Day celebrations, which pre-date Christian times, honored the Roman Goddess Flora, who you can guess is the Goddess of flowers. So this month plant some flowers or buy some and honor your inner Goddess. Flowers raise our vibration, clean the air of pollutants, and give a general sense of joy. At the very least, honor the Goddess, known as your mother, Mother’s day also happens during this month and has long been associated with the gifting of flowers, presents, and breakfast in bed or brunch! May offers many things to be grateful for and celebrate, as we start planting the seeds to sustain us during the summer, fall and winter months. All content 2 Š011 - 2013 by Nourish Your Body Mind Soul Nourish Your Body Mind Soul is a monthly publication dedicated to empowering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All articles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are provided as guidelines to the readers. Ultimately each reader is responsible for their own choices and decisions. The articles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.
Our magazine this month, offers articles to enrich your life as you journey towards self-love and the love of all your neighbors (even tolerance is a good start). We learn that contentment is an inside job, how gratitude is the fuel that moves us forward to infinite possibilities, and how each of us are unique and magnificent. We are given a glimpse of what to expect with the lunar and solar eclipses that will happen during the year, a MUST READ! We get to learn about Fireweed, one of my all-time favorite wild flowers! Dove speaks to us, we find our groove, the Star makes an appearance, and we learn how an essential oil can help us pull it together on all levels. Another MUST READ is the Rune section, it really weaves a tale of what each rune represents. This month it is Eihwaz and the tale of Eir the Wolf Mother. Also included is an article on the use of drugs in conjunction with meditation to create magick, not an endorsement to use drugs to achieve a certain state, but gives a modern view on an ancient practice of using altering substances to achieve mysticism. Enjoy the magazine! If you have any suggestions please send them along to me. I would love to hear from you. Marlene
May 2013
With the sweep of an artist’s pallet knife land boldly plunges down to the sea. Trees and sheep cling to cliff and soil in a rock climber’s slow ascent as they anchor their connection to this place. Man has shaped the hillsides with hedge rows of blackthorn, honeysuckle, wild roses and oak tossed together in winding tunnels or rock walls with thick blankets of moss and wildflowers. Wind sweeps across the hills with such force that trees and shrubs moan and bend into one sided arches, yielding with the passage in an arboreal line dance. This is our place, we will hang on. We will survive and carry within the bowl the memory of feminine creation and the strength and wisdom of the ancestors. Margie Kivel (Written while in Wales)
May 2013
Card from Denise Linn’s Gateway Oracle Cards Â
My inspirations are varied when creating, I Am drawn to Crystals and Gems and feel the energy from each while working with them. keeping the harmony of each Gem in mind when combining into Window K eepers, Pendants, and all other Creations so each sends out it's own unique energy. All Crystals and Gems are kissed by the Moon and ready for Your Love. I feel privileged to be creating something that brings others happiness in small but powerful ways Blessed be Us...Creation's by Colleen Mae o604-832-3999
May 2013
“The Law of Attraction” has been around for q uite a few years (since at least as far back as 1900, and more recently, in 2005 with Abraham/Esther and Jerry Hicks, and 2006 with the Secret) and we all know that gratitude is a key component. Why is gratitude the key to success when working with the Law of Attraction? What makes it so special that it helps us to attract that which we desire?
Of course, this means that, every day, you need to find the silver lining in each situation! It is so much easier to get dragged down in the crappiness of what is going on. Yet, you are then fueling exactly what you don’t want. Not exactly in alignment with trying to have good in your life, this is what the Law of Attraction is all about, having everything in alignment for the best possible outcome.
Gratitude is the fuel. We feed our souls by being grateful for the minutest details in our life; the more grateful we are, the higher our vibration rises. What actually happens when we are grateful is that we fill our happy meter, and our happy meter helps us to adjust easily to whatever comes our way. Just taking a few minutes a day sitting in gratitude tops us up. And being in a state of happiness allows us to open up to infinite possibilities coming our way.
We can take it a step further and break down gratitude into levels. Level 1 is being grateful for what we have in our lives. This is the easy one. We are grateful for a roof over our heads, the food we eat, the car that gets us where we want to go, the friendly cashier who helps us when we are having a crappy day, our health, our jobs, our mates, all of these “gratitude’s” come real easy when we are listing what we are grateful for. In fact, we started learning about being (Continued on page 7)
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grateful for these back in childhood. All of these are wonderful, however are they enough? How many people are out there listing these wonderful things that they are happy for, and not achieving what they want? For the most part, the above gratitude list is of our own human doing. We bring these into our life by virtue of necessity. We need a roof over our head in order to stay warm and dry. We need food so that we can have enough energy to get through the day. We are in charge of ensuring we get regular checkups, exercise, and eat balanced diets in order to stay healthy. All of these give us security and a sense of being safe. The car, we might be able to do without, depending on where we live, and the cashier being friendly really depends on them. Yet for the most part, we list things that we work towards having in our life out because of necessity. Don’t get me wrong, we need level 1 because it shifts our focus. It places us in a better place than grumbling and complaining about what we don’t have. But I think from there we need to “kick it up a notch”, to quote Emeril Lagasse, after all, we all want to be living the best life we can. How about if we put another aspect into this, a twist, perhaps even a “spiritual” twist. Or if you are uncomfortable with that word a “holistic” approach. Personally it makes sense to me to include “spirit” because I believe that is who we are working with when we are manifesting. How about if I was grateful for that breathe I just took? From there I could go to, I am grateful to be alive, for that is what came to me when I was grateful for the breath, and I am alive thanks to the breath I just took. That was pretty easy and it felt totally different than being grateful for my home (which I love and am grateful for). How about if I was grateful for my quirks, lord knows I have enough of them, but they do make me unique and who I am? I might as well include my foibles as well. That leads me to having free choice, or free will. This leads me to my consciousness and ego combined because that is how I discern to be able to make choices. I guess I might as well throw my challenges, problems and hardships into the equation, for from them I grow and learn.
It is about taking all that comes to me and seeing it from a place of gratitude. Being grateful they exist so that I can exist. I typically do not create any of them; they are a natural part of life. This is about kicking it up a notch, basically being grateful to be alive no matter what is happening to me, or around me. That is what separates level 2 from level 1. It goes deeper and is about the experience rather than the material aspects. In fact, you could liken this to unconditional love for all that is within your life. Unconditional love is another part in the “grid” of attracting that which you desire. It becomes a fascination with all that is your life, the wow factor, and from there because everything is exactly as it should be there is no scarcity, and there is no fear. There becomes only gratitude for what is. When we go to the next level we are in alignment with our highest good. Gratitude becomes a state of being. It is no longer the bargaining tool we use to bring good into our life or the carrot we dangle out to the universe to attract what we want. It becomes a way of living, being grateful not for what we can obtain but for what we have. Once we get to this state, I believe that the rest falls into place. Perhaps it is because we no longer are focusing on what we don’t have. We have it figured out that we have exactly what we need. Either way, once we no longer focus on the lack of something, it opens up the space required to bring it to us, a void that the universe rushes to fill. Try it on for size, start today, don’t wait until you are having a crappy day to start being grateful on both levels. Shift this one small part of you and see what you attract. Make “gratitude” your state of being. “Mind is the Master power that molds and makes, And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills, Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills: — He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: Environment is but his looking-glass.” Dhammapada
Connect with Marlene at or email at
May 2013
I have recently begun to wonder if we have created a culture of chronic dissatisfaction. It is unsettling to realize how many of us are continually striving for more. Yes, there are those materialists who must have the newest, the best, the most. We may feel smug if we have evolved beyond that form of ego gratification. But wait a minute. How different is it to be striving for more simplicity in our lives - or to be striving for more inner peace, more enlightenment, more spirituality, or deeper meditations? Is that not ego, just the same? If we are striving, it is because we have not realized the perfection that we are. It is like a drop of water in the ocean wishing it could be a big wave. Only in the process of seeing itself as separate from the whole, can that drop diminish itself. It must first, in its own mind, reduce itself to relative insignificance, before it can have any sense of something grander towards which it could strive. It takes itself out of the greatness, perceives the greatness and wants to be a part of it, and then struggles in vain to ‘grow’ into a wave. If it simply forgot about its ‘self’, surrendered into the oneness, ‘merged’ its con-
sciousness, it could be nothing other than ocean, manifesting as wave after wave. What we, as humans, yearn for, is a sense of contentment. Contentment implies satisfaction: a mind at ease. When we are content, we are not yearning, wishing, or striving for anything. We are at peace with what is. And when are we most content? Is it when we have acquired many things? Is it when we have made it to the top? Does it come from a weight loss program, or winning the game? Such things may bring gratification, but contentment has more to do with letting go and not needing, than with acquiring or achieving. Our deepest sense of contentment comes in those times when we have forgotten about all the things we want, and are just appreciating the moment. When we stop thinking about ourselves and just feel into the moment, we transcend that sense of separateness, and however briefly, we ‘merge’, like that drop in the ocean, with something much bigger. We experience a moment of bliss, heart opening, love, or perhaps even divinity. In that moment, it is all there. There is ab-
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solutely nothing outside of ourselves towards which we might strive. Our highly developed left brains may tell us it cannot possibly be that simple. We have been taught, since kindergarten, that the right answers reside outside of our own consciousness, and that learning means filling our minds with that which is consensually validated. No wonder it is hard for us as adults to suddenly do a complete shift, and consider that the answers to life’s most complex and seemingly unanswerable questions, reside inside of us, and not out there somewhere. Dare we suggest that heaven and hell reside there too- because there is no in here /out there, other than an illusion created when we evolved beyond the intuitive right brained early humans, and analyzed ourselves right out of the loop? What an incredible amount of energy and thinking it takes to maintain that illusion! Did we really need q uantum physics to ‘prove’ that we, like the mountains, rivers, birds, rainbows, stars and galaxies are part of an integrated, living, breathing oneness? How could we possibly be separate? We can take a deep breath, relax our bodies, and surrender in the realization that we do not need to create our own separate world, and then carry it on our shoulders. We will eventually have to put it down anyway, so why not do it sooner, and savor the lightness of just ‘being?’ This does not happen by trying or striving. It is a shift in perception, and can happen in an instant. When we align with our intuitive knowing, we go there instantly. The trick is staying there.
Gwen Randall-Young is an author and award-winning Psychotherapist. For permission to reprint this article, or to obtain books or cds, visit
May 2013
I am Michelle Hayes, an empath/intuitive who has a passion for healing and children. My Shamanic name is Whitestar Eagle, given to me in a naming ceremony. I offer reiki, reflexology, intuitive healing, intuitive/angel readings, channeling, shamanic healing and shamanic journeys. My services can be done in person or long distance by phone, email or Skype. I currently reside in Toronto. If you have any questions, comments or would like to contact me for more information please visit my blog or email me at I look forward to hearing from you!
May 2013
Recently while walking to the store in the evening I was having some feelings I felt were off. Why was I feeling this way? So I asked myself: are these feelings mine or someone else’s? Immediately my gang piped in. “Some of it is yours but much of it is not. It is the mass consciousness you are feeling given the events of Boston, Iraq and Iran. This is not surprising given what you are right?” My answer “No I am an intuitive empath and it is not surprising I am picking up the mass consciousness given those events.” My gang and I continued this conversation as I was questioning my own part of what I was feeling. My gang said something in that conversation that sounded like a demand and rather negative at first, was it? No. Was it perhaps my defensiveness with the way it was put to me? Yes. So I asked them to explain and clarify because it sounded rather critical. My gang did clarify and what they said made sense, and was loving and compassionate. Later I was trying to explain it to a friend, I was stuck for the line my gang gave me and could not explain it to her. We concluded that as long as the main points were embedded in my heart and mind it did not matter. That if I was meant to remember the line I was trying to tell her, I would. The next morning I had the day off work for an appointment. After the appointment I was sitting having lunch and the line from the conversation with my gang came back to me. After losing the thought once or twice again, it came back to me and I wrote it down. My gang and the angels defiantly wanted me to remember it!
words impact you? We will give you a moment to be with your thoughts on this. Step up to yourself is a powerful statement; it is about stepping up to who you really are in love. It’s about stepping into and up to yourself and embracing all your strengths, shadows and gifts, embracing the totality of yourself with love. Love yourself completely and unconditionally. Step up to and into yourself, do it now you won’t regret it. For when you commit to yourself to love yourself under all conditions no matter what is happening it changes your world and the universe. When you step up to yourself in love then the world and others step up to themselves and you in love as well. It is felt on a vibrational level to you, others, the world and Divine Creation itself. Divine creation then conspires to bring you the love you are, the abundance you are, the joy you are etc. You get the idea. So today make the commitment to you to “STEP UP TO YOURSELF IN LOVE!!” The Universe and Creator is calling you!! How will you step up to yourself today? What small step will you take today? Then what small step will you take tomorrow and the next day etc.? Soon you will have stepped up to yourself so completely that LOVE will be your reality; there is nothing else for you. All of Creation is love. That love expands to infinity and beyond. That love fills everything for everything is love. So step up to yourself and discover the love and magic you are and the love and magic of All of Creation.” With Unfathomable love and joy that stepping up to yourself brings. The Angels and WhiteStar Eagle’s Gang
The line they wanted me to remember is:
“STEP UP TO YOURSELF!!” Below is what they would like each of us to know about stepping up to ourselves. Just to give what they were saying an extra punch a song, that my gang has been using as confirmation and a sign for me, came on the radio at this point. Without further ado here is what my gang and the angels want us to know: “Think about the words step up to yourself. What do they mean to you? How do those
May 2013
MAY - the Force be with you! I know that sentence doesn't make a lot of sense right now, but read on...
the Best in others. I couldn't believe how many people passed us by, without even asking if we were okay... one of them, surprisingly, was a neighbor who lives not half a mile away. Oh well...
As I considered which of my streams of heart-light to share in this month's edition of Nourish - I have at least a hundred a day! - I thought about how in the UK we have been experiencing one of the most freakish winters for many years. February brought more snow than has been seen for over 50 years. It has been unbelievably disproportionate, imprisoning us and our vehicles at Heartlight Cottage on our little mountain in North Wales for over four weeks. The cars - one of them a 4 x 4 - were under about 8 feet of snow and could not be dug out or moved. I know that for many of you reading this, 8 feet of snow is simply a light flurry, but believe me, when you're only five feet two inches in your high heels, it's 'snow joke' (!)
As April arrived - incidentally, April is the month of my birth and is usually adorned with flowers and sunshine - we received no respite from the gales and blizzards and rain and sheer quagmires of mud that we have to negotiate each time we leave the house. Okay... enough already!
As Kim and I trudged down the mountain in waist-high snow, in blizzard conditions, we dragged the sled on a 5-mile round trip to town to collect fuel for the fire. We had to drag 5k bags of coal and wood back up the mountain again, by which time we were half dead. It was at this point I began to realize how isolated we were. I also noticed how this weather was beginning to bring out the Worst in some people and
As I cleared and scraped and shoveled and cleaned, complaining all the way (!) the Mother of All Creation wrapped her gentleness around my heart and once again I found myself Wholly in Communion with my beloved one.
Cabin Fever finally hit and I donned my wellington boots, picked up the shovel and set about digging through the mountain of snow around the back of the house. All because I wanted to clean my windows. I wanted at least 2 hours more daylight - they hadn't been cleaned in weeks and I was beginning to think I must be living in some kind of twilight zone.
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"Oh Mother", I complained, "my back hurts... I can't shovel any more of this darned stuff. What's this all about? I need to know". "My beloved daughter. Can you see that each tiny snowflake is a unique and individual expression of Me. Each creation of mine is perfect and fits perfectly into the big picture if you can stand back awhile and observe, instead of getting covered in it and consequently succumbing to the avalanche, as it feels to you right now. Each snowflake is a connection to the bigger picture. As each frozen flake descends it joins with the others who are frozen also. They become overwhelmingly compacted. Is this not like your emotional state right now?" I reflected and had to agree that yes, indeed, of late my emotions had been a little frozen. Many of you may also share the sentiment and may have been wondering what it's all about and if we are of any use on the planet after all. Things seem to have been frozen in time for some reason, for many of us. Mother continued.
sound - a new frequency. So instead of harping on about what is wrong, instead sing a new song. Create a new frequency and send that out before you... then watch what happens to your world around you. The rain and the sun after all, co-create the rainbow". This made me smile so much and immediately I felt lighter. I thought about how many times I'd been frustrated by circumstances seemingly beyond my control and then I realized that nothing is ever beyond my control, once I LET GO OF THE NEED TO CONTROL. As May arrives, I am assured that much will have shifted and changed. I am assured that by May, the Force will once again be with us! Hence 'MAY - THE FORCE BE WITH YOU'. It is with me. It is with you also. My heart already feels more aligned. I know that I have been inadvertently clinging onto old stuff, even though I thought I'd cleared the yard, so to speak. Instead of shouting at the snow for being there, I accepted it as part of my progression, and embraced it. Isn't that what makes our world a better place?
“Celebrate each creation of mine, beloved daughter. Instead of raging against it, accept that this is part of a divine process. Love each flake as if it were your self, for indeed it is. Don't forget, there is no separation".
In conclusion I share my heartlight words with you, created from my own thoughts at the Kitchen Synch/Sink... I wish you a beautiful summer.
“Each particle of ice represents a frozen state of the sentient world. As each snowflake or individual creation, settles and compacts, it will stir emotions within each of you that is surrounded by it. If you are compacted by frustration, anger or resentment, for example, this will solidify further and you will feel restricted in your ability to flow. This is all simply a process and it will not last. As soon as the snow melts, so too will your emotional state. You do not need me to tell you that snow eventually turns to water. As do your frozen emotions turn to tears. Flow commences and the floodgates open, releasing all that has been held within. Notice that when a glacier moves and changes from ice to water, it also takes with it anything that has been clinging to the surface beneath".
With all my love, Jay 'Granny' Atkinson
"Look to Nature for your answers. There you will always find signs of infinite possibilities for infinite change and movement. These signs have been given to you. For those who have eyes to see, they are all around. Nothing is static for long, however it may appear to you at the time". "Incidentally, SIGNS, re-versed or re-told another way, also makes the word SINGS. Each creation of mine carries within it the tones and notes (or frequencies) of Creation. When the notes or tones are sung harmoniously they create a new
May 2013
I just finished reading a book, that in my humble opinion is a must read! It is called Proof Of Heaven written by Eben Alexander a neurosurgeon. The title is indicative of what the book is about and includes his experience while in a coma induced by bacterial meningitis. He wasn’t expected to live and yet he came out of the coma with none of the expected repercussions. I had heard about this book and there it was in the bookstore in an unlikely place, waiting for me to pick it up. I had to buy it, not because I don’t believe in an “afterlife” but because I do.
It turned out that it offered me much more than I expected. This book gave me permission to step even more fully in who I am and what it is I do and that is a precious gift to be given to anyone. After all, if a famed neurosurgeon can write about his “weird” experiences then I can too. If he is willing to be judged then I can too. The fact of the matter is that for all the people that judge those of us who are different there are many others that are looking for us to share ourselves. They need to be given hope that all is not hopeless.
May 2013
Many years ago I was feeling hopeless. I cried out from the depth of that to the God of my understanding-I can’t do this anymore! I don’t know what to do! I need help! My cries were answered. The doors to the life I lead now and the person I have allowed myself to be were revealed to me. The first door I entered was into meditation and for me it led me, in what I refer to as, down the proverbial Alice In Wonderland, rabbit hole. Meditation quickly and for a few brief moments, at the beginning, opened up my third (Continued on page 15)
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eye. I experienced flashes of vivid imagery that confounded me. I found myself asking-Who were they? What was that? Those questions opened another door into healing and mediumship in a local Spiritual Church. I felt like I had come home, after I got over the “weirdness” of it. The initial experiences were unlike anything I could remember having, until I remembered that I had, as a child. I was in a new, yet oddly familiar landscape and I liked it. The doors continued to open each time I asked for something more. The ritual of the church began to seem cumbersome, but the mediumship classes offered me another precious gift. They gave me the confidence to trust my intuitive knowing and to trust the incredible experiences that I have had. Along the way I will share some of those experiences but today it is about something else. Life isn’t meant to be hard and every single time that I was beginning to feel that something was too hard to do, whether it was channeling, giving messages or healing, that surely it could be easier, someone would simply say to me, it doesn’t have to be hard. That simple statement landed in my being and caused a remembrance within me. Everything became a little easier. Access Consciousness’, which is a recent door that opened has a mantra, for lack of a better word. “All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory.” I have discovered that everything I did before allowed me to embrace living in the question, which is what Access is all about and to allow for more ease, joy and glory. We have been told this throughout the ages. Ask and you shall receive. There is no maybe in there, but what may have been left out or not understood is that you have to ask the right question for you. Each step I managed to ask a question that led me to my answer. Notice I said my answer. I do not have your answer. I am not an oracle, though I am willing to help you into the question and the infinite possibilities that exist for you.
Part of my “weirdness”, is my ability to link into your blocks and assist you in clearing them. None of this could I do if you weren’t searching for answers but you may be disappointed if I don’t tell you exactly what to do. I have discovered that the biggest gift I offer, is help guide you back to yourself, more fully, more aware, more willing to give “it”, whatever “it” is, a shot. The energies have been pulsing in on our planet creating a perfect storm. Emotional debris is rising to the surface and wanting to be released. Our physical bodies are adjusting to a new way of being, creating unease. Don’t make it significant because what you focus upon grows. Instead allow the energy to move through you. Find a place in nature and allow the very earth to assist you. Sleep more if your bed calls to you. Nurture yourself with the food your body wants, but stop when you have had enough. Listen to music that uplifts your spirit and it will lift your energy. Dance, run, play, watch a sunset or a sunrise. Be in gratitude for yourself and the planet. Be in gratitude for everything. Love is in everything and if you stop resisting that, it will show itself, sometimes in unexpected and delightful ways. As the planet shifts you will find each other, the ones who will contribute in the way that you have asked for. As the planet shifts, some people will fall away. It doesn’t have to be trauma and drama. If you allow yourself to be in nonjudgment and be the observer you will find the trauma and drama will dissipate and become of no conseq uence to you. It doesn’t mean that you allow others to treat you badly. It simply means that you notice it and choose something else for yourself. Perhaps love? Love includes all and discounts nothing and no one. It is the seed at the very core of your being. It is who you are dear ones. And in that love are all the answers to every question you have asked, you have cried out to us, to God, to your angels, to the universe. You are not alone. You never were and you never will be. You can choose love for yourself and for others.
May 2013
There will always be someone who answers your questions, your longings to know. They may be in the physical and they may not. It may be in the writings you read, the music you listen to, a certain phrase sung, in the news, from your family or perhaps a stranger. We have your back. The universe has your back and guess what? You have your own back. The part of you that has never forgotten is doing everything in their power to remind you of what you already know. All you have to do is allow for the infinite possibilities that exist and trust that yours will present itself-just like a present. (smile) Beloved ones-dear ones-heart of our hearts-spirit of our spirit-light of our light -you are loved beyond measure. There is nothing broken about you. There is nothing to fear. Love will prevail. It always does. You are magnificent beings of light and love-period! Each and every one of you-no ands, ifs or buts! We see who you are and we are in gratitude for your willingness to play on planet earth. We are in awe of your willingness to have forgotten who you were when you birthed, but times are a changing dear ones. Now it is time for you to remember. Now it is time for you to step fully into who you be. Now is the time. Go For The Joy Linda & The Group
Linda Adsetts lives in White Rock. She is an intuitive healer, medium, psychic reader, Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner/ Facilitator and a writer. She receives guidance and inspiration from The Group, a gathering of spirit who teach that our souls’ path is best expressed when we come from a place of joy. You can read how Linda got started down this fascinating path on her website and you can follow her on her Facebook page Go For The Joy, where she shares daily messages from The Group. You can also request to have them delivered directly to your inbox each day.
Vera Enshaw is a spiritual being in human form who currently resides in Vancouver. Her path in this life is to know love and to share that love with you through the mediums of healing, spiritual counseling and teaching. She is a Reiki Master, shares high quality essential oils using the Raindrop Technique and uses crystals and quartz crystal toning bowls to help you find healing in all your bodies. She is fascinated by energy and teaches people at all levels how to expand their awareness. Working with guides and angels – with Spirit in all its forms – is one of the greatest gifts she has received. Let her share it with you! Contact Vera at for more information.
May 2013
The question is: how do you feel about yourself? We have done the mirror work, we have looked at our body, we’ve written down our thoughts. Now, sweet one—how do you feel about yourself? What do you believe to be true about your physical body?
at your self in the mirror and you feel depressed or angry, when you feel hatred or sadness? Is this the message that you want to send out?
Step up one level: what message is bouncing back to you? The message that could be bouncing back is a message of What is the thought that you think when love, a message of acceptance a message you look in that mirror? Just think about this: of “I know you, dear one, and you are inwhen you look in the mirror as you are getcredibly loved and valued and special.” Is ting dressed, how do you feel about yourthat the message you hear? Or do you hear self? As you are choosing the clothing for bouncing back your own judgments not just the day, how do you feel when you are pull- about you but about others. Others that are ing those clothes out of the closet and you the same shape as you are or the shape see the size of them? How do you feel? Are that you are afraid to be. Yes. What mesthey a size 5 and do you feel slender and sage is bouncing back to you? What mesadorable and sexy? Are they a size 3X and sage do you carry with you into your day? do you feel alive and adorable and sexy? What do you choose? What type of clothI challenge you this month. I challenge ing do you choose to wear? Are you wear- you to put yourself in the body of every pering clothing that hides your form? Clothing son that you see. I challenge you to begin that shows off your form? The energy, the looking at yourself as perfect. I challenge emotion that you hold as you clothe yourself you to make choices that bring you a feelis carried with you as you leave home for ing of joy—as you dress yourself, feed yourthe day, for the night, for the weekend. It is self, pleasure yourself, nurture yourself. Whatever you do—make sure that you carried with you all of the time. know why you are doing it. What is it that you do to avoid thinking I challenge you to pay attention to your about you? What is it that you do to avoid seeing who you truly are? What is it that you thoughts and to the emotion that follows those thoughts. I challenge you to bring do? Do you eat? Do you exercise? peace, love and light to your body. Begin Do you know that your weight does not today, continue tomorrow and carry on for the rest of this month. May you begin a love matter? How much you weigh does not matter. It doesn’t matter whether you are 5’4 affair with you, a peaceful relationship that lasts your entire life. and weigh 300 pounds or whether you are 5’4 and weigh 95 pounds. What matters is Until next month….Namasté! how you see you. And how you think about you. Do you value you? When you looked at your body in that mirror was there a point when you fell in love with yourself? Because that option is always there. It is without a doubt one of the most incredible gifts you can give yourself: the gift of seeing your own beauty. This is without a doubt an incredible gift. So now I ask you this: when you look in the mirror, what message do you send out to the rest of the world? It’s not just the rest of the world—it is the entire universe. What energy are you sending out when you look
May 2013
Phil Nielsen
nitely negative, and any risk should be avoided at this time. Sometimes this rune is an indication that your fate is in the hands of another. Because Hagalaz is an “impersonal rune,” this “other” is a faceless official or someone having no personal interest in you whatsoever. Often you will learn of this control in a secondhand manner or through an official letter.
The rune I drew for the month of May is Hagalaz. This rune represents all the forces outside of your control and is a primary rune of limitations and delays. It is a symbol of elemental disruption. This disruption may be good or bad, but due to the fact that the forces bearing down on your life at this time are mostly impersonal, it usually takes on a negative tone. Often Hagalaz will turn up when you are contemplating taking a risk of some sort. In this case, the surrounding runes will determine if this risk will pay off. If paired with Jera or Fehu, it can show eventual success but only with much hard work and effort. If Perthro is the accompanying rune, it could indicate an unexpected gain, such as a lottery or something along that line. Although Hagalaz cannot be reversed, if any other runes in the cast are reversed, the indications are defi-
Hagalaz is a firm indication that the time is not right for any new starts, so learn from this and try to be content. Trying to fight against Fate or circumstance will only bring about grief. Now is the time to step back, reassess the situation, and go with the flow. This rune can sometimes foretell a disruptive natural event, such as an illness, a birth, or maybe even death. Sometimes this disruption will be a major but temporary one, sometimes only lasting for the duration of the reading. In an otherwise positive runecast, Hagalaz can merely signify an interruption, rather than a disruption, especially when the other runes are delay runes, such as, Isa, Naudhiz, or Othala reversed. This interruption may then be the catalyst that causes you to totally change your direction in life, but again, much depends on the runes, especially the ones immediately following Hagalaz in the cast.
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Geri leapt up and stabbed the traitor to death but not before Hunding gave an unexpected shout of agony and terror before falling to the floor in a bloody heap. The alarm had however been sounded by his dying shriek and husband and wife barely escaped into the forest. Soon they were being pursued by their enemy, the hunting horns seeming to be all around them. There seemed to be no way out. Geri and Feri were exhausted and they called out to Eir, the goddess of their people, “save us!”
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Our next rune is Eir, Wolf Mother or as it is known in the Elder Futhark, Eihwaz. At the end of one particularly brutal war, the conquerors were not content just with the victory. So they first began murdering and raping the vanquished, reducing them to virtual slave status, thinking that would remove any further resistance. What that did however, was fuel the thought of eventual liberty in a handful of warriors. They called themselves Ulfheonar, or Wolfskins, a secret band of warriors who disguised themselves in wolf masks during raids on their hated enemy. Geri was a young member of this clandestine group and had special cause to hate the man their conquerors had set up as a puppet leader. By cooperating with the enemy, Hunding had betrayed his own people and was condemned to death at a secret meeting of the Ulfheonar. Geri’s wife was being held in the fortress where he lived so they could lure the Wolfskins into a trap, but they were more daring and cunning than Hunding had given them credit for. Late one night while Hunding and his lackeys were carousing with the occupying forces, Geri stole past the drunken guards and down to the dungeon, where he found his wife dying of grief and abuse. To her, his appearance was like a vision from the gods, but he cautioned her to be brave and wait with him quietly in the darkness for a little while longer. After a time, they heard a very drunk Hunding stumbling toward the cell door. “Tonight’s your very lucky night, Feri” he slurred. “I am going to be your husband until dawn!” With that,
The soldiers were anxious to avenge their chief’s execution and their captain ran on ahead, to capture them and gain glory for himself. He disappeared into the thick foliage but only minutes later his blood curdling screams froze his troops in their tracks. They recovered after a few brief minutes and rushed to where the screams had come from. They came to a clearing in the woods where a great yew stood apart from the other trees. On its trunk they saw a deeply cut rune of the goddess Eir, as though cut with flame. Resin, like red blood and poisonous to the touch filled the three strokes of the symbol. At the base of the tree lay the crumbled corpse of their captain with his throat torn out as though by a wild animal. One of the soldiers caught a brief glimpse of two wolves vanishing into the thick undergrowth. They did not pursue them. In the years that followed, Geri and Feri retained their wolf shape. They raised litters of true Ulfheonar to harass and terrify the enemy. No one knew how long the struggle for liberty would take, but no freedom fighters doubted the eventual victory either. In time Geri and Feri grew old and near death and Eir came to them a second time. Now she escorted them from Midgard to the rainbow bridge and into Asgard, the home of the gods. Odin so admired the pair that he kept them as his own private companions. Thereafter, whenever All-Father would sit on his throne overlooking the world, they would sit at his feet and during his wild rides across the sky astride Sleipnir, they would run swiftly and loyally beside him, snarling and barking at all tyrants and traitors below.
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Eir means “care for” or “save” Eir’s rune, better known as Eihwaz in Elder Futhark is the symbol of protection and signifies warding off difficulties or threats. This means that we are shielded from those opposing forces that strive to deflect us from the attainment of our goals that are beneficial, just and reasonable. If we aim at a good target, we are sure to hit it. Like the Ulfheonar, our tactics must remain, not only flexible but steeled by iron determination. Overpowering obstacles may be skirted or outmaneuvered before an attack is renewed. With the correct strategy, escape from or avoidance of any threat or difficulty is assured, and we will have the endurance to see our struggle through. McVan points out that, like the Ulfheonar, “this rune contains the mystery of life and death…” Pennick refers to it as “the death rune.” Although the situation may seem bleak at times, the appearance of Eihwaz indicates that circumstances are about to change for the better. There may be delays before you see success, but these setbacks are temporary. Eir counsels that they may be overcome by grit, foresight, and decisive action. She also has a strong mystical dimension. There is a certain immediacy in her wiliness to connect mortals
and spiritual power in the form of meaningful coincidences or a transformational experience. In other words, her rune signifies a direct relationship with occult or arcane energies. The goddess belongs to Landvidi, the White Land, which is in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, from December 21 – January 19. Her gemstone is smokey quartz, because, like the color blue associated with Eir, it is synonymous with mysticism.
Until Next month …
Phil is passionate about many things in life. Having been a free wanderer all his life he has gained wisdom on many topics he is passionate about. Wanting to have a deeper understanding of his roots, Phil started to delve into his family background. His grandparents immigrated to Canada from Denmark. This passion has led him to explore the history and lore of runes which he shares with you here. If you wish to contact Phil please email him at
May 2013
In the pit of my frustration I was in the middle of a full swing rant when that little voice inside began to speak. “Hmmm this isn’t the first version of this story!” the voice began, “In fact only the characters have change but the story remains virtually the same”. With a deep sigh I groaned! “Oh man maybe I need to look at my part in this frustrating, crazy rant.” Yes indeed I did! You see this story began with a “Why are they _______ ________ _________ (feel free to fill in the blanks we all have had a version of this at some point in our life) and then some various version of a story I tell myself of how I don’t matter or they would have done ______ _______ and blank. While there is truth is that they didn’t take the action I desired in the time frame I felt it
should happen. It doesn’t change my feeling of “I don’t matter.” So really at the end of the day whom am I trying to convince “I matter” and could I change this thought around and own the thought. Hmmmm. What I noticed was I was looking for outside validation that I mattered and yet the internal work hadn’t happened. I wouldn’t need to look for the outside world to validate I matter if I already knew it to be true in my own life. And in my own life I could just declare, “I matter” and know this to be the truth about my being. Hmmm So as I came to my insight on my long walk I began to repeat the words out loud and in my head. I felt lightness, I felt empowered! Please note it may take more than
May 2013
a day of say the affirmation for it to really sink in. What is interesting is that when I changed the way I felt about myself the actions and words of those around me changed as well. No the other people weren’t magically gushing with gratitude however they did acknowledge appreciation to the best of their ability and that felt wonderful coming in such a short amount of time. Today I would encourage you to sit with the affirmation “I MATTER” and say the affirmation again and again to yourself silently and out loud until you can fully take the words into your heart. Hold them, feel them and believe it to be true. Honestly the word wouldn’t be the same without you!
Who hasn’t looked in awe at hillsides and meadows previously destroyed by fire that are covered in rose pink splendor so beautiful you could easily forget the blackened mess the fire left? Perennial Fireweed or Epilobium angustifolium stands from 2 to 4 feet and sometimes taller. It’s shooting star shaped flowers are colored rose-pink and sometimes white depending on the soil. Fireweed is one of the very first plants to show up to help reclaim damaged land. In fact fireweed will happily flourish on very little soil. By sending out lateral roots it soon congregates in masses, hence those lovely pink covered hills and valleys. Fireweed may also be found alongside a river or providing a shock of color to a vacant lot in the city. Fireweed is commonly seen from Alaska right down to San Diego and over to the east coast. I know you’ve seen it, maybe even picked a bouq uet for your Mom, Mom’s love fireweed and so do bees- think Fireweed Honey! During its growing season Fireweed provides something useful or edible at all times. In the spring the new reddish shoots which are full of vitamins A and C can be eaten raw, steamed lightly or stir fried. You can always add them to soups and stews as well. Tasting similar to asparagus they are a cherished favorite of foragers, hikers, explorers. First Nations people preserved the shoots for winter eating by packing them in seal oil….OK, I don’t know if I’m up for that but you could pickle them especially once the shoots get a little older and stronger in flavor. Spring Fireweed shoots The young leaves picked before the plant blossoms are good in salads mixed with other greens or cooked as a side vegetable. Fireweed leaves are very distinctive looking but in
May 2013
early in early spring before it flowers you will want to be sure what you’re picking is actually Fireweed. The long lance shaped leaves have veins that do not reach the edges of the leaves. Instead they curve over and join to the next vein. Something like the picture I’ve drawn here. The older fresh or dried leaves can be used for a tea that is said to be a mild laxative.
When test mixture gels to your satisfaction, ladle jelly into hot jars, add two-piece lids and process in a boiling water canner for 5 minutes.
The immature unopened flowers are edible raw or cooked and make a gorgeous addition to any salad. I have seen mentioned in several sources that the flowers, rubbed into rawhide will waterproof it.
Lastly in the late summer/fall the long seed pods open and you have this wonderful fluff that looks like trapped earthbound clouds. This cloud- fluff can be used to start your camp fire. First Nations people also wove this with mountain goat hair or blended it with duck feathers for warm winter blankets.
As the blossoms age they can be picked and made into jelly. Fireweed Juice In a large saucepan bring 2½ cups water to a rapid boil. Pour boiling water over 2 cups hardpacked fireweed petals and buds (press fireweed down hard to measure 2 cups), let stand until cool. Refrigerate overnight to bring out the color. Strain through a jelly bag or several layers of cheesecloth. Yield: 2½ cups Fireweed Jelly 2½ cups fireweed juice 3 cups sugar 1 teaspoon lemon juice ½ teaspoon butter, margarine or oil 3 tablespoons powdered pectin Sterilize canning jars and prepare lids. Combine fireweed juice, lemon juice, pectin and butter, margarine or oil in a large saucepan. Bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add sugar and boil hard for 1 minute, stirring constantly. To test, drop ½ teaspoon of jelly on a cold saucer and put it in the freezer for 5 minutes. If the mixture does not set to your satisfaction, add ½ cup sugar to the jelly in the pot and boil hard for 1 minute. Retest. During the test, the rest of the jelly mixture should be removed from the heat.
Yield: 3 cups In the summer a tasty sweet treat can be had by picking the larger stems, slice them lengthwise and then draw through the teeth to extract the marrow. This pith was also dried and then ground into a powder that was rubbed into the skin of the hands and face in winter to protect from the cold and chapping. The stringy fibers left after eating the marrow can be woven into twine and fishnets.
Fireweed is an excellent survival plant providing food, warmth and even waterproofing, no wonder it grows in such profusion!
Marilyn Dyke is a Dedicated Practitioner trained in Dolores Cannon's Q uantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy© . She has been an active/ongoing teaching and healing Reiki Master for many years (Usui) When she isn’t teaching or seeing clients she messes about in the garden producing herbal creams, salves, tinctures, teas etc. It is Marilyn's pleasure and purpose in this life to help support your quest for balance, peace and physical well being! Visit Marilyn at
May 2013
Monthly Astro Tid Bit Long Term Forecast for May 2013 Special addition for the 1st Eclipses of the Year Mercury moves to Taurus on May 1st so get ready to slow down your thinking and communication. Mercury in Taurus can bring a very melodic (beautiful) communication … enJoy. As Mercury is travelling at an unusual lightning speed so by the 15th get ready to speed up your thinking and communication … when he moves into Gemini. In fact it may feel like you have just gone into warp drive. Use meditation and breathing to alleviate any mind grind you may experience. Venus moves to Gemini on the day of the Solar Eclipse – May 9th intellectual love for everyone… mind melding ;-) As Venus travels through Gemini you may feel the need to spice up your love life by changing your appearance or clothing, be flirty and playful … it is good for the heart. Mars moves into Gemini on May 31st. Using your words as a sword or a weapon, take care … that could be a double edge sword and you don’t want to cut yourself. Strategic planning would be a better use of this energy. We usually have two sets of Eclipses per year (occasionally three); this year we have three Lunar Eclipses and two Solar Eclipses. Starting our year off in April with our first Lunar Eclipse, followed by a Solar and Lunar in May.
2013 Eclipse schedule Lunar Eclipse
Apr 25 2013
05° Scorpio 46'
Solar Eclipse
May 10 2013
19° Taurus 31'
Lunar Eclipse
May 25 2013
04° Sagittarius 07'
Lunar Eclipse
Oct 18 2013
25° Aries 46'
Solar Eclipse
Nov 3 2013
11° Scorpio 16'
The Eclipse is a foundational underlying wave of energy that sets the stage for the next six months. Eclipses give us a shake asking to activate higher levels of maturity or evolution. Like a slap in the face, when we are in the middle of a meltdown – telling us to get our stuff together. Growing up is not always a pleasant experience, but when we evolve from unskilled to skilled behavior – wow – what a difference it makes in how we move through our daily lives. These planetary signatures are like super-powered Full and New Moons.
The Solar Eclipse is a “New Moon” energy where the Sun and Moon are sitting together - both in the same sign so it a powerful collective energy between our ego or identity (conscious) and the patterns and habits (unconscious) that we have developed to express our identity in the world. This is the anticipation of something new about to begin and can act as catalysts to a major life decisions or changes. The path forward is enveloped in complete darkness and it may take time to understand or become aware of an expression that needs or wants to be developed between your conscious and unconscious. Solar Eclipses foretell external changes in your life.
The Lunar Eclipse is a supercharged “Full Moon” energy, fully illuminating current conditions and potentials of New Moon & Solar Eclipse activities (seeds planted & reaping what you have sown). Indications that you are either ready for completion (fulfillment) – or to recognize your need to let go of the goal or situation in order to avoid any potential problems, will be seen during this time period. The Lunar Eclipse can be much more emotional than the Solar Eclipse so check “inwardly” often during this time, to become aware of how you feel. Lunar Eclipses are indicator of inner (Continued on page 25)
Tamira has over 20 years’ experience working in the “Arts” She holds a BA in East West Traditions/Religions/Astrology and is NCGR Certified Level III, and loves to share with you her insights into your Transpersonal path. Other interests include: Certified Yoga Teacher and a practicing Usui Reiki Master (since 1996) and a Registered Karuna Reiki® Master through the International Center for Reiki Training; and a Meditation Teacher she is a dedicated Energy Worker. Certified Level II with Dolores Cannon Method in Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help
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changes that need to be processed then expressed outwardly. Both Lunar and Solar indicates daily patterns and habits that need to be changed, worked with and/or evolved. Your Spirit wants to shine so work on reflecting healthy patterns and habits that to support your goals. If you are working within a skilled level of the energy signature - you can gain maturity and seasoning. The planetary energies including the Sun are funneled or reflected through our moon; the actual events may not be felt for several weeks even up one year from (usually within four months) from when the actual Eclipse signature occurred. The sign, house and aspects (communication between planets) will tell “what” needs to change in your daily routine … like news of big events: birth of a baby, a marriage or divorce, a promotion, career breakthrough or job change (loss or new), the start of an important business venture, signing of vital documents, even health changes such as surgery, just to name a few. Really anything that brings major change into your life, where you will need to work with or make changes to your current patterns and habits. Collectively we might see indications of a change in government, finances for a country, natural disasters and other major events. In our collective world watch for breaking news, major weather patterns, financial indicators and political unrest. On a personal level notice how you feel and take notice of symbolic messages, an event or phrase that sticks with you, someone calls you to tell you the “news” about something; the messages that resonates deeply within you are going to be the biggest reflectors of potential events that will play out in the next 6 months. Eclipses have been watched for thousands of years and carry a fated quality – meaning the major news or messages you receive around the eclipse – cannot be changed – Luckily this does not dictate how you respond – so it is imperative that you contemplate and work with the energy before it impacts your life permanently. If an eclipse does not directly affect or light up your natal chart you will still feel the effects around you as your environment, country/world, friends and family changes who are directly affected by this energy will
need your support. Try not to initiate too much or issue ultimatums in the 8 days around the Eclipse. You may notice that you are feeling a little more emotional under the Lunar Eclipse - - if you have ever talked to (or work for) law enforcement or the hospitals they all notice a difference in what kinds of cases or increased numbers of cases during a regular full moon – think about the potential effects of a full moon with 10x’s the power … craziness! During a Solar Eclipse you might notice people are jumping the gun – wanting to action things before even thinking them through – they just want to see change in their external world and will do anything to get it. During the Lunar (Full moon Eclipse) relationship and emotional issues crop up. The simple answer … is the universe is asking for and supporting change. You may not have the insight or information to see that you are short changing yourself – if you go with the flow – you just might find that in the end the changes are better than you could have ever imagined. You have the dream job, finances come together, and love blossoms where you never thought possible could be just around the corner. Inspiration from Adele …”Rolling in the Deep”… Throw your soul through every open door, Count your blessings to find what you look for. Turn my sorrow into treasured gold, you’ll pay me back in kind and reap just what you've sown. It is important to step outdoors and connect to the night sky, when we do this we inherently connect to this energy helping us recognize genetic and collective habits and patterns deeply engrained in our cellular memory. The beginning of this Eclipse cycle we experienced our first Lunar Eclipse of the year (April 25th Scorpio/ Taurus Lunar Eclipse) and in its wake … we have watched as world news focused on the Boston Marathon attack and what has unfolded over the days that followed. The Full Moon illumination of this Eclipse brought to the surface our deeply engrained fears of not only being attacked but the initial symbolic messages that came to mind was the increase in security (more specifically homeland security). With Saturn (restrictions/limitations/boundaries) sitting on top of the moon in the 4th house of home/clan/roots and patterns/habits/emotional well-being in this Eclipse chart … really the symbolic message could not be clearer …
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we are about to experience more fall out over the next six months with loss of and greater restrictions placed on our personal rights. This does not just effect when we travel or that this is happening in a different part of the country/world but when was the last time you checked on your rights in your own backyard – you might be surprised how little you actually have and this is potentially going to get tighter. The Evolution: We must collectively stand in individual support and protection of each other’s rights … of speech/of religious practices/ of movement and of lifestyle. As we respond to this – we cannot allow the “witch hunt” mentality to return to our consciousness. Do we want to be safe … yes … but do we want to lose our freedom in order to be safe … I hope not! The Eclipse also shows another side to the story. Coming together of like minds, sharing faith, and making the most out of a bad situation. It is important to step up to the plate and take our fears in our own hands ... Do not let FEAR (false evidence appearing real) be our guide. Let's decide to be a community that is responsible for each other … know thy neighbor – and help thy neighbor out – don’t point your finger at him/her just because you do not know them ... make sure you get to know them. Focus on coming together as a compassionate Worldly community and most of all continue to be a holder or vessel of the “light” projecting peace and harmony… The transiting New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Taurus. 9th at 5:28pm
This is a “Power Eclipse” chart that encompasses our ability to action, communicate, move through our world or country (more specifically security and transportation), health of our This is all wrapped up in our unconscious habits and patterns that have been created or allowed to be created in our external environment. intellectual and emotional mind, and express our individuality. This chart hinges on external changes and opportunities in investments and financial situations, our security and values (including intellectual property and values). It also deeply reflects our self-worth and whether or not we feel we are worthy of others investing in us (and standing up for our rights – think back to the former Eclipse. We will also focus on how we express our love and evoke harmony into our lives … Do you feel worthy to hold the light – are you ready to create beauty within your own community?
The seeds we plant today are going to grow … are they based in anger or peace and harmony? What we are investing our time and energy in … limitations and restrictions that have been created by fear (false evidence appearing real)? Collectively the evolution is to transform and re-classify what we see as worthy of an investment, moving into higher energy ultimately creating balance on a multitude of levels … If you want changes in your environment … now is the time to plant the seeds. The transiting Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Gemini/ Sagittarius. May 24th at 9:25pm As initiated in the former Lunar and Solar Eclipses this year, this Lunar Eclipse also indicates a need to come together as a community and get to know your neighbor, but it is by creating a focus on supporting each other as we get to know each other more intimately. This community does not have to be limited by mileage – it is a global community. We have become somewhat detached and cynical about our neighbors, and unconsciously assume they are our hidden enemy. This Eclipse is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse so we can let it shine a light in even the darkest of corners to discover who lives in your community and where can you find common ground? What services do they provide that is of value to you and what talents can you offer as a reciprocal solution to something that they might need? This is very grassroots, and is not necessarily monetarily oriented. The challenge here is to step up to the plate and take responsibility for the creation of our environment (personal/country/world) … Get your hands dirty by digging in the dirt – do not fear what you cannot see, move your consciousness into the moment, be aware of the reciprocal - repetitive motion of reaping what we sow in the moment … make sure your crop is quality. The evolution is in – partnering and expanding our community intimately. Utilizing “homegrown” resources and businesses to provide your basic needs and focusing on reciprocal grassroots solutions when you can. This will allow the community to expand and grow in a healthy harmonious way … do not allow yourself to be limited with unrealistic boundaries and restricted movement. You will not mind purchasing products from across the country or around the world if you “know” who they are as individuals. Have we forgotten what service with a smile is? An interesting look on International manufacturing and desensitization of community can be found in the movie Samsara … check it out – the movie is very eye opening ;-) For those that are in homegrown business’s or have already planted the seeds and if this Eclipse lights up your personal chart – there is opportunity for “overnight success” … promote your product or yourself in a Continued on page 2
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clear – honest – and of course straight from the heart way and success is yours. In the Collective chart for the month all energies are being driven through emotional responses take notice of your unconscious actions – and awaken to your greatness utilizing your ability to act with a more evolved or skilled response . This month I thought it would be interesting to look at how the Solar and Lunar Eclipses will affect each sign. Don’t forget to note all symbology that comes to you four days prior to and after the eclipse. Let the energy work for you … watch to see how the energy unfolds over the next six months. Remember it is all in how you respond, are you going to work in a skilled mode and let your spirit shine through … or fall back into your old patterns and habits.
Aries (March 21-April 20) New goal setting opportunities are on the 6th and 7th Solar Eclipse: You are moving fast and it feels like you have too much to do. This Eclipse is about planting the seeds to increase your day to day income and security. Planting the Seed: It is important not just to think about earning money to pay the bills but also plan for days off (vacation time) and putting aside a little for your nest egg (retirement). Lunar Eclipse: Sudden inspirations break old through forms and behaviors. This Eclipse features – breakthroughs. Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21) New goal setting opportunities are on the 8th and 9th (Solar Eclipse) If your birth/natal Sun, Moon or Rising sign is in Taurus you may be significantly affected by the Solar Eclipse. If your Sun is affected the Eclipse effects will project into the better part of a year. Solar Eclipse: This Eclipse is very connected to your physical body, watch for signs or messages about how you feel in your physical body and “who” you are projecting out to the world. Planting the Seed: Nurture and fertilize your creativity, recognize your internal beauty, this will overcome any restrictions or limitations you might feeling. Lunar Eclipse: This Eclipse lights up your ability to see the compassion and understanding that others truly feel for you. You must receive as much as you give.
Happy Solar Return (Birthday) Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality to take you through the next 12 months. It is important that you soak it all in. Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20) Sun moves to Gemini May 20th at 2:10pm New goal setting opportunities fall on the 10th and 11th If your birth/natal Sun, Moon or Rising sign is in Gemini you may be significantly affected by the Lunar Eclipse. If your Sun is affected the energy of this Eclipse effects will be projected into the better part of a year. Solar Eclipse: This Eclipse is focused on recognizing and receiving messages from distant places. You have incredible stamina and self-determination, but you can be your own worst enemy by doubting your power and holding yourself back. Planting the seed: Create a pattern or habit that will ensure consistent connection to your highest possible self. Focus on the achievement of one clearly defined goal at a time. Lunar Eclipse: Go ahead free fall into your meditations … just make sure you have a helmet on! The hard work put into planting your seeds will pay off with breathtaking new experiences and the potential to move your body into a new cellular –level. Happy Solar Return (Birthday) Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality to take you through the next 12 months. Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20) New goal setting opportunities fall on the 13th and 14th Solar Eclipse: You may feel that your limits or abilities are tested to the extreme and it is too uncomfortable to “rock the boat” or to be judged as you stand up in front of a group to state your cause; but you are wearing your heart on your sleeve and someone needs to be the mouthpiece for the collective. Planting the Seed: Recognize within you a powerful and emotional voice, which will move others into action and create much needed social change. Speak up – as long as you come from an open your heart … others will listening. Lunar Eclipse: As you begin to fully express and develop your skills and talents your soul simply and beautifully shines through. Keep grinding away until you find the truth.
May 2013
Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22) New goal setting opportunities fall late on the 15th, all day 16th and 17th Solar Eclipse: You may find yourself in the scrutiny of the public eye. Be aware of the picture you are projecting for the
world to see. Others are waiting and watching to see if you are able to complete your journey or task. Planting the seed: Take one step at a time, and be comfortable with your story and who you are. Do not lose track of the big picture Lunar Eclipse: Expect to be inspired. Shifts and refinements made deep at the core of your being … are made naturally along the way. Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) New goal setting opportunities fall 18th and 19th Solar Eclipse: You could be confronted with opportunities for great growth in your career or aspirations of your public life, but take care not to be naïve about balance in the relationships of those involved. Re-evaluate any educational needs or uncomfortable travel involved in the situation. Planting the seed: You are a role model and you others are watching your progress, take the necessary steps to do it the right way. Lunar Eclipse: This Full Moon Eclipse shines light even onto your shadow … use this opportunity to confront any lingering fears you might have to your achieving success. Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) New goal setting opportunities are on the 20th and 21st If your Sun Moon or Ascendant is in Libra this Solar Eclipse may be signifi-
cant impacted Solar Eclipse: You may find that you need to do some reconstruction to re-build a healthy sense of selfworth? Are you investing in the right resources for the job. At first glance you may feel that the other party is to blame for your feelings. Planting the Seed: Take the time to utilize this opportunity by finding the right expert in order to put the pieces together. You will need to find and fix the underlying foundation or original cause of the problem, the great news is that once it is fixed – you will find that balance you have always been looking for. Lunar Eclipse: There is light at the end of the tunnel … and it is not a train com’in the other way. Expect the unexpected in your personal relationships – you may see some changes that you need to care of in order for you to achieve your most desired goals. Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) New goal setting opportunities are on the 22nd and 23rd If your birth/natal Sun, Moon or Rising sign is in Scorpio you may be significantly affected by the Solar Eclipse. Solar Eclipse: You may find yourself feeling incredibly limited and restricted by the habits and role-playing you have created within your intimate relationships.
Rules and manners feel limiting but they are a necessary part of dealing with others. Planting the seed: Stay true to “natural” self by listening and learning from others as they provide a much needed reflection for you to work with. If you don’t like what you see – turn inward to see who or what you are projecting. Lunar Eclipse: As this Eclipse shines its bright light on the darkest corners of your relationships take a good look for any signs of co-dependency. Check to see if this is a repeated pattern (something you have drawn to yourself over and over). Once you become aware ... a new level of connection will unfold. Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) New goal setting opportunities are from the 24th (Lunar Eclipse) and 25th If your birth/natal Sun, Moon or Rising sign is in Sagittarius you may be significantly affected by the Lunar Eclipse Solar Eclipse: You may find that you need to “hunker” down and get to work, in the short run your social life may feel a little restricted. Is your lifestyle becoming outworn or outlived? Planting the Seed: Find fun and joy in even the most mundane of tasks, this will take your “work” to the next level. This time it is not about monetary gain … in the end your sense of value and worth will increase dramatically. Lunar Eclipse: Opportunity is knocking – are you ready to open the door? Relationships are highlighted. Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) New goal setting opportunities are on the 26th and 27th (also morning of 28th) Solar Eclipse: Creativity and knowing when to finish is the focus for this Eclipse for you. You may find that old control issues come to surface. You may tell yourself that you do not have the resources available to delegate. Plant the seed: Increase your shared resources by working with others so you are able to pass the control torch for others to take the task to completion. Sharing responsibilities means that you have more time to play and enJoy life … lighten up. Lunar Eclipse: Share your bounty with others. Creativity and infusing your life with more fun … is also featured in this Eclipse. Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) New goal setting opportunities are from the afternoon of the 28th all day 29th and until 5pm on 30th & May 1st and 2nd Solar Eclipse: Home, Clan and your deep connection to an inner wisdom is highlighted in this Eclipse. But to utilize this wisdom you will first need
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to “walk your talk”. Teach others by example. Plant the Seed: Set a daily meditation schedule to practice moving to the most inner aspect of your being, where you will find this innate well of wisdom. By conquering your own base nature and emotional roller coaster ride, you will find you can let go of things that no longer really matter. Lunar Eclipse: Recognizing that what you have been projecting may not have been the ideal. Family and fun are featured. Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) New goal setting opportunities are on the 3rd and 4th Solar Eclipse: You may feel you have had enough of the negative energy of others surrounding you and wish cut yourself off from the world. Being so deeply in tune and incommunication with the collective at times can be a great burden.. You often lose sight of what feelings belong to you and what doesn’t. Plant the Seed to create a filter within your energy allowing you to express and celebrate the uniqueness as well as similarities without having to “take-on” the energy personally. Lunar Eclipse: Communication and feeling a sense of belonging is featured. This Eclipse lights up your ability to see the best in others, allowing you to surround yourself with peace and tranquility.
For more information
May 2013
May 2013
In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, it is mentioned that one way to reach states of higher consciousness is through the use of drugs. It is not the recommended method and is not permanent. In other words, while reaching the highest states of Samadhi will carry with you into your next incarnation, using drugs to achieve these states is temporary, but might be useful to achieve a specific purpose. Being a product of the 60’s, I’ve had firsthand experience with many of these substances as well as Yoga and Meditation. A rather controversial subject perhaps, and not something I would recommend, yet it is a tangible method for magickal workings. Here I would like to share my experience with those who are curious or those who may decide to take this path for whatever reason. Psychedelics: Great for visions (but that’s the obvious). When taking psychedelics the senses are heightened to the degree of hearing and seeing things in very different ways. Sensitive to light you see things that you normally wouldn’t although they are really there. Sense of time and space become obsolete. Marijuana: Good for meditation, ceremonial Magick and healing. This is only true if the user is not a daily user of the drug. Cocaine: Good as a topical anesthetic (numbing agent). Other than that this drug has no use whatsoever. Narcotics: Narcotics such as prescription pills like hydrocodone or oxycontin or even street level heroin have little use in meditation or
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magick. Aleister Crowley used narcotics and became addicted. Again the effects of narcotics are not real conducive to meditation or magick. If used as prescribed for a medical condition it is also not a hindrance. Methamphetamine: Unlike most other drugs that have some natural origin, meth is made from toxic chemicals and garbage. If you are sensitive to what goes into your body you immediately feel the garbage in your system. Surprisingly, the energy that comes from this drug is very easy to direct and utilize. If you are willing to spend the next several days detoxing this is a good drug for meditation or astral travel. Alcohol: Dulls the senses and is really not much good for meditation or magick. This posting is not to promote the use of drugs, but merely to share the author’s experience in this little talked about aspect of magick and method of producing altered states. Eastern mystics, American natives and many other cultures have used drugs in their spiritual paths. Again, recreational users of these substances will have no spiritual benefit from using these substances. Most of the effects produced by drugs are attainable without them. The path may be a bit slower, but it also more likely to stick with you than artificially produced results. It is up to the individual to decide if the risks are worth the benefits.
Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale continue on for three more round and notice yourself begin to feel centered. When rushing around in a state of busyness it is hard to feel centered and even more challenging to find your groove. Your groove is the mojo that puts the passion back into your practice. Start your next yoga practice with a simple centering exercise like above and then start your practice with the basics to waken and enliven the spine. Inhale stretching the arms up above your head, exhale folding forward bring your hands down towards your toes. Don’t worry if they don’t touch that is only the direction we are working towards. Inhale stretching up to standing with your arms above your head and bending slightly back. Exhale bending all the forward again bringing you hands towards your feet. Practice three more round of forward and back and then return to center. Next we are going to move the spine side to side. Start by inhaling your right arm up above your head and then exhale leaning your body to the left. Letting the left arm slide down the leg or placing the left hand on the left hip for extra support. Stay here for five breaths. Then inhale and return to center and exhale lowering the arm to your side. Okay now over to the other side. Inhale the left arm up and exhale leaning to the right. Letting the right arm slide down the right leg or placing the right hand on the hip for extra support. Breathe 5 nice long deep breaths. Beautiful. Inhale coming back to center and exhale bringing the arm back down to your side.
So far we have moved the spine if four directions and we have two more to go. Begin by placing your hands on your shoulders. Right hand on right shoulder and left hand on left shoulder, perfect now bring the elbows up so they are in one line with the shoulders and begin gently twisting side to side. If having your arms like this is too awkward you can place your hands on your hips instead and gently twist side to side. Excellent. Often getting started is the hardest part and now that your spine is awakened feel free to proceed on to your favorite poses. You like your top three of all time! Mine are Down Dog, Bow and Happy Baby. Play, have fun and let your groove move you. PS; your session can even be done to some lively flamenco music or jazz. Let your yoga time have a magical flavor all of your own! Jeannie Magenta resides in Vancouver and has a passion for people and assisting them on their journey. Offering coaching sessions, reiki energy healing treatments, private yoga sessions and group wellness workshops for individuals and organizations around BC. To every session she creates a nurturing space for clients to journey inwards and she brings a positive energy that is tangible and uplifting. If you’re ready to clear out the internal clutter book a session with Jeannie. She can be reached by email at Live, Laugh, Breathe and Shine On!
May 2013
Using essential oils in our day to day lives opens up all sorts of wonderful possibilities to assist us in attaining balance, from our physical health to our spiritual health. GatheringTM essential oil blend can help us to gather ourselves together, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Use it to help gather your thoughts before an important meeting— or during a discussion. When you are feeling scattered and unable to settle, a drop of GatheringTM can help you to become centered and balanced. During meditation allow GatheringTM to bring yourself into a focused state. Gather your resources together, gather your Guides and spirit helpers. Using GatheringTM during meditations has assisted me in connecting with spirit, drawing together all the aspects of my Self in a manner both focused and clear. Working with someone during a healing session—
GatheringTM will assist you to bring together the energy required for an optimum healing experience. During your yoga practice, GatheringTM can help to ground and center you so that you (and, if you are the instructor, your students) have an optimum experience. GatheringTM just
I use before meetings. I have found that putting this amazing blend on my solar plexus just prior to a meeting helps the meeting flow. The meeting tends to be more focused and the work gets done without distractions and conflict. Prior to teaching a class I put a drop of GatheringTM on my heart, my third eye and my crown. The energies that I need for the group naturally gather round us. These oils are contained in the blend: lavender, galbanum (this distinctive scent is one of my favorties), frankincense, geranium, ylang ylang, spruce, cinnamon bark, rose and sanMay 2013
dalwood. For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please go to the website: Please remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.
Vera Vera Enshaw is a spiritual being in human form who currently resides in Vancouver. Her path in this life is to know love and to share that love with you through the mediums of healing, spiritual counseling and teaching. She is a Reiki Master, shares high quality essential oils using the Raindrop Technique and uses crystals and quartz crystal toning bowls to help you find healing in all your bodies. She is fascinated by energy and teaches people at all levels how to expand their awareness. Working with guides and angels – with Spirit in all its forms – is one of the greatest gifts she has received. Let her share it with you! Contact Vera at for more information.
Be Woman When I was 25, my lips curling around a Russian phrase with youthful malleability elicited a kiss from my lover. At 45 my lips were set in the grimace of hard times, and I was less willing to be manipulated, thus less desirable. And now there are no lips, only lines running from my mouth, to tell the tale of hormone loss and the beginning of androgyny. Without the pressure of two I am able to move, fully secure within who I am, be it crone, owl or moth. Freedom’s excitement wanes, to be replaced by the joy of life experience without judgment and restriction. My window is clear and wide as I navigate towards the circle that awaits my coming, for we have much work to do. The sky is open to our reach for the strands of vital force as we dance and sing it into being within the heart of man Margie Kivel
May 2013
Dove had come to me a couple of ways this week almost immediately I realized with the events that happened with Boston, Iraq the message that dove brings to the world and humanity is sorely needed right now in love. Two doves fly above my head making hearts together as they speak. “First much love from us to you. We are with you in peace and love at this time. Please do not despair and grieve for the loss of humanity for humanity is not lost due to recent events that have happened in your world. We understand your grief and sadness for these events and these things most defiantly need to be felt and then released for peace and love to spring forth. There was and is much love given to these events and the world for many stepped up to help and assist and continue to do so. However, now is a time to bring peace and love back to your hearts? Now is a time to forgive and send love
to all involved for the highest good of all. We do not know Creator’s plan or what others destinies or fates were. All we do know is that peace; love and forgiveness are needed and should be given freely and without reserve to all. Peace and love be with you, your families, the world and All of Creation. We are all one remember this within your hearts and bring peace and love back to them. We leave you now till next time with much love, peace and forgiveness from us to you� The Doves
I am Michelle Hayes, an empath/intuitive who has a passion for healing and children. My Shamanic name is Whitestar Eagle, given to me in a naming ceremony. I offer reiki, reflexology, intuitive healing, intuitive/angel readings, channeling, shamanic healing and shamanic journeys. My services can be done in person or long distance by phone, email or Skype. I currently reside in Toronto. If you have any questions, comments or would like to contact me for more information please visit my blog or email me at I look forward
May 2013
I don’t care whether or not you are my soulmate, twin soul, twin flame or Superman. It matters not that I know what Sign you are, or if your twelfth house is in Venus and your rising sign is three degrees north of Neverland. I don’t mind if you were born in the Year of the Monkey, the Year of the Aardvark or the Year of the Great Fire of London. It doesn’t matter to me whether or not we have lived several thousand past lives together; or only this one. What I can’t remember doesn’t need remembering, for a good reason. In the end, we only remember that which touches our hearts. I am not interested in whether you can speak Pleiadian, Arcturian, Andromedan or Italian; I could care less that you are able to connect with, channel, transmit or translate Plato, Jesus or Captain Kirk. I give not a care if you are capable of Intergalactic Travel, Astral Travel or any other kind of travel not generally known to man; or woman. Unless of course you are willing to boldly go where few men and women have gone before. To the core of yourself. I am not bothered in the least if you regularly converse with Archangel Michael, your Great Uncle Fred and Aunty Fanny, Mary Magdalene or Lucifer. Are they not all You in disguise?
And after all, what is an Ascended Master but one who has remembered who they truly are and has lived a life in alignment with that knowledge? I ask You as I have asked Me: Is Kindness your Best Practice in every thought, word and deed? Because as someone once sang, Only Kindness Matters, in the End… It matters to me that I feel safe and secure in your friendship. It matters to me that there is a bond of Trust between us. It matters to me that we can be authentic and that I bring forth the best in you, and you in me. It matters to me that I feel Love in my heart when I think of you; and that I feel your Love for me, here in my heart. It matters that you will go the extra mile for me, as I will for you. It matters to me that you can offer me Understanding, as I have understood you. For in the end, however many garbs you cloak yourself in, I will know who you are. Love cannot lie. It wouldn’t even try. Love feels safe. Love feels secure. Love feels warm and fuzzy. Love feels Eternal… Love. Is. All.
May 2013
This stone have been called the self -respect stone, or self-confidence stone. Its gentle, beautiful pink color draws you in and sooths your emotions, bringing a sense of serenity while holding or wearing this crystal. If you are feeling unbalanced, scattered, or ungrounded this is the crystal to reach for. Almost instantly you can feel it working to transform and stabilize your emotions. It does not stop there; the energy gently works with your physical body raising the energy. In exploring this crystal, my energy field felt like it was being washed with a million bubbles. I could feel it working from my toes up through my crown. In fact my whole desk area felt like it was being cleansed and stabilized. Rhodonite works with the heart chakra and so hence is known as a “love” crystal. In fact, if you were opening to love or wanting more love in your life, I would suggest that you carry Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, and Rhodochrosite in a small pouch. Rhodonite builds up confidence and self-worth/self –respect making it a perfect crystal to help bring love into your life. You know the saying “no one can love you until you love yourself” For healing purposes Rhodonite has been used to help support you while going through the grieving process. It is a great crystal to use when you are trying to reduce stress in your life. Folk lore mentions that the Ancients used Rhodonite for speech and hearing problems, emphysema and asthma, trauma situations, confusion, and it is noted it was also beneficial for growth of bones. Next time you get an insect bite, reach for your Rhodonite it will relieve the sting. Rhodonite balances yin and yang; stabilizing the emotional/mental, and clearing confusion so you are able to trust your own heart, voice and the choices you make. If you are working on clearing the past, reach for Rhodonite and continue to carry it with you or wear it, until you have gone through the process. Next time you are in a chaotic situation reach for a piece of Rhodonite. It has the ability to relax you so that you can assess whatever situation you are in, and bring about a sense of well-being.
balance, love, cleansing, forgiveness, alternatives, delicate
May 2013
The Star card from Shadowscapes Tarot Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore
and goals, we need to pick one to follow. When we follow with the unwavering faith that we can do anything, eventually we will see our dream to fruition. If your question was with regards to work, be prepared for new opportunities to present themselves. If you are not satisfied with your current job update your resume and send it out. If you are happy with your current job expect better things to come your way, perhaps it is time to ask for that raise you have been waiting for. In matters of love it is an excellent time to meet someone new! Get out and mingle as a new relationship can happen at any time. Already satisfied with your current relationship? You can expect it to move to more fulfilling levels. Your health should be optimal at this time but always take good care of yourself. Don’t rest on keeping up with your fitness and healthy eating program. In regards to finances it should be a time of having enough with a little left over at the end of the day. It is a great time to take risks (but only those you can afford) sell items you no longer use or need, or ask for a raise. It is a very auspicious time with regards to money with the Star shows up in a reading.
A beautiful card to receive in any reading! The Star is always a good omen. This one card brings hope and renewed faith that the Universe really does have your best interest at heart. Usually you feel like you are truly blessed in all areas of life when the Star shows up or know that you are about to. When the Star appears in a reading you are likely feeling inspired in all areas of your life. In general you are feeling very hopeful and confident about the future and that your needs are being met. It is a time to think big, you can accomplish anything you set out to do during this period of time. New opportunities are entering your life as if on a wave of good fortune and it appears that you have found the lucky shamrock.
On a spiritual level you are being rewarded for past efforts. It is a time to reach out and share your wisdom and joy. That which you give will be returned to you 10 fold. Shine bright for all to see! When the Star shows up it is time to enjoy life, bask in the wonderful treats you are enjoying for like all of life what goes up eventually comes down. Ride the wave of good fortune now and save a little for a rainy day.
In the Shadowscapes Tarot deck, the beautiful lady seems to be following a star. This is a symbol for all of us that while the stars are distant from us, they provide hope and light to us. If we look at the symbolism of the star being our dreams
May 2013
Hello Beautiful Earth Angels, April showers bring May flowers and also new exciting opportunities for you! May is the month of opportunities dear ones, and we ask you to take advantage of them as much as you can. Do not be afraid or hold back, for every opportunity warrants perusing enthusiastically. The time has come, if you want to change your life, do it now as a fresh start is being presented to you. You have spent most of the year coming into balance with the new energies, and from doing so; you are now prepared to take action. In fact, some of you have been feeling the need to move but have not had any clear ideas as to how. Some of you have been asking repeatedly, what now? We have heard your pleas, and while it seems like you have been left dangling in the wind, the time leading up to this was important. It was a rest period so that you could integrate with the new energies. It was a respite to get comfortable with the new way of information coming to you. The time was also given to cleanse your physical and energetic bodies. Now the time of change comes forward. By the end of the month some of you will be wishing for a respite again. It will be a month of action, perhaps not for all of you, but for those who are ready and have been feeling the tug to spring into action. Prepare yourself now! You only need to pay attention to the ideas that are presented to you, and if it feels right, go for it! That is what we are asking you to do this month. Do not get too hung up on the logic of it, if it feels good then give it a whirl. There is no judgment as to right or wrong. Think of it as the experimental period, finding your fit, your new skin, your new path. Know that you have done well in grounding yourself and releasing past beliefs, concerns, issues, and thoughts, and are ready to step into the new. You might not know what the new is right now but before the end of the month you will be well on your way. Self-discipline and willpower are in your corner waiting to assist you as you move forward. The feeling of emptiness will leave and will be replaced with fulfillment. Make sure you take good care of yourself, proper diet, exercise, and sleep will keep you in top form so that you do not end up being burned out. The best way we can describe the energy coming to you this month is being a kid in a candy store and having so many options you will want to try them all! The Angels
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Photo by Phil Nielsen
May 2013