Nourish april 2016 issue 57

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Photo: ŠP Nielsen 1

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Review Breaking Down, Breaking Open Sometimes Be a Flow-er of Life Beltane Simplify! It's Good for the Soul What's on our Fork - April - Strawberry & Rhubarb Forked - Rhubarb & Meringue Dessert Nutmeg Essential Oil Bound Angle Forward Pose Silverdisc Astro Tid-Bit April 2016 April 2016 Horoscopes Crystal Reading for April Lunar Cycles for April Power Animal -Guppy April Inspiration Where are You? Rune Casting For April 2016 Angel Message for April 2016 2

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Photo: Š PNielsen


“Time keeps on slipping, slipping….” Seems like I just put the March issue to bed and the April issue was upon me! March came in like a lion, and roared pretty much all month in my part of the world. Beautiful gusting winds what whistled through my bedroom window as the rain pelted in sideways. A few nights I was lulled to sleep by this beautiful symphony of nature. The haunting tune awakening a sense within me that the vestiges of the past needed to be released and cleansed so that the new could be born. April appears to be gently awakening, with the promise of new growth for all of us. Not in the sense of a hard fought battle, but one of natural occurrence that pushes into our awareness softly, almost missed by our conscious mind. The month asks us to be aware of the subtle changes that are occurring not only in the natural world, but also within our personal inner world as well. As I watch the goings on around the world, I can feel change is afoot. I have no idea how that change is going to look, or which way it will swing us. It could take us to a brighter future or it could take us to a darker hell. All I do understand is that each of us must be peace personified. No longer can we dig in our heels for the sake of not experiencing change or pain. Instead we need to embrace the changes coming our way. For the gifts these changes will bring us, will be our sails over the coming months, and perhaps years. Let your spirit carry you. Stretch out the slumber of winter and allow your spirit to soar as high as it wants to take you. Let the little things slide, face your biggest issues head on so they don’t get out of control, and most of all, enjoy the gift life is presenting to you now. Go in peace and joy and tread tenderly upon the earth. Shhh, can you hear everything coming to life around you and within you?



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Photo: Š P Nielsen 6

The first quarter of 2016 has passed. If we were a business (as opposed to human), we would be having our first business review. Not a bad idea. We should all look in the mirror once in a while and ascertain what is looking back at us. If we checked our personal balance sheet every quarter, we would see where we were out of alignment, and how we were progressing with regards to our goals for the year.

longer serving. I feel that too many of our beliefs, our judgments, our actions, are predicated on those who have gone before and instilled them in us from a very young age. And actually, not so young an age, for we continue to read, take courses, gain wisdom and integrate new ideas. Does all that I have learned in the last 20 years still feel true to me today? Not particularly, some parts of the equation, yes, and others not so much! There are also the ideals, beliefs, actions and judgments, that we spread out into the world. Worth checking on them to see if they are still valid, or if we are just spreading them out of habit.

Where to begin? Look back to the beginning of the year and see what has changed for you. Are any patterns forming in your life? Synchronicities? Perhaps you were gung ho in January and started a healthy eating plan. Are you still following that plan? Maybe you were just going with the flow, yet something has unfolded as the months have progressed.

Stripping away at the, “why I believed something, or followed something, or did something,” is interesting. It often leaves me feeling giddy and free, as I discover more of who I am, and what I truly stand for. Perhaps this is the most useful tool I have discovered this year, since it has helped me to obtain and sustain inner peace.

Personally, I was one of the people going with the flow. I am finding “my pattern” to be one of personal peace, how I can best obtain and sustain that within my everyday world. It would be easy if I could hibernate away from “life,” but that would be running away. To obtain and sustain peace within the chaos of life, is far more gratifying, I hope, in the end.

Each of us are like children. Children grow, and typically it happens slowly over time and no one really notices. Yet one day their legs are a little longer than their pants, their toes are scrunched in their shoes, and their jackets no longer cover their upper body properly – areas are exposed to the elements. As parents, we celebrate by purchasing new clothing and marking the occasion on the family “measuring wall.” Children sometimes like the new clothes, and other times, they want to continue using their familiar favorites. Each of us progresses slowly over time. Only, when it is an internal progress and growth, or worse – stagnation! – we don’t have the physical items to show us our growth. This is why a quarterly review is important.

Suffice it to say that my year thus far has tossed me enough curve balls that I have not had to go looking for ways to stay centered in peace. I have found that I turned to my “spiritual” tools, some which were rusty from non-use, but they did not take long to polish to a bright shine. Reiki, essential oils, crystals, Ho’oponopono, questioning and sitting in silence, allowing the answers to come; have all served me well, allowing me to feel the stress of a situation fully, and work my way to the center so that I can be at peace.

The main thing with any review is to see where you are. A check-in point if you will. One that lets you know if you are on track, or if you need to adjust something. Right now, in this time frame, the energy is very much about a focus on self, in order to better serve the world. If we do not know where we are within our personal journey, how can we know how best to help others? A review brings us back to focus, to our center, and ensures that we stay the course over the long run. A personal review is a chance to gently look in the mirror and practice some self-care. Self-awareness is invaluable in understanding that we grow, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. Who we were yesterday, or five years ago, might not be staring back at us. As long as we can honestly greet that person with love and understanding, and not criticism, the world is our oyster and nothing can stop us from being who we want to be.

It seems to also be a year of examining my beliefs and discerning if they are mine, or ones that have been placed on me. Do they align with who I am, or whom I wish to be? I find that I am doing less, and I have battled with this internally. Perhaps I have become lazy. My upbringing did not favour idleness, as it was looked upon as something that lazy, good for nothing people did, or at the very least, the extremely wealthy, also known as the idle rich. I have been working on letting that belief go. It has not been easy to come to the realization that it was not my belief, but one I was spoon fed. I am participating in life, and nothing is being left undone. There is a lovely stillness and quiet obtained by just “being.” Plus, I am enjoying all that I am doing. It is a great process to sit with a belief. Debating internally the many sides, and in the end, come away with what I truly do believe, and what feels right to me. Try it out sometime, you might be surprised.

Who are you in 2016? How has your path been so far? Conduct a review and see if you are in alignment or need a slight adjustment. The most important thing to remember is that no matter how invested you are in something, there is always room for growth, and time for change.

This will be an intended focus for me moving forward this year. Everywhere you turn, the “guru’s” are touting “let go of what no longer serves you”, “let go of old paradigms.” I have sat with that on many occasions, searching within to see what is old and no

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Photo: Š MCobb 8

Within sorrow, there is grace. When we come close to those things that break us down, we touch those things that also break us open. And in that breaking open, we uncover our true nature.

This is the beginning of the breaking down process. There is sorrow, there is grief. The intensity of the loss can seem overwhelming. Our lives may seem to have lost meaning, and we may even begin to question the meaning of life itself. We are no longer who we thought we were. Worse yet, we may have no idea who we are. Having identified with ego for so long, there is no awareness of the level of consciousness beyond ego.

Wayne Muller

Our ego often has great plans for us. Like a child playing with a doll or an action figure, ego creates our identity, then sends us forth into the world to live out the vision it has created. Not unlike a movie producer and director, ego would like to set the stage, write the script, and have all the actors speak their lines as written.

As ego begins to break down, at first it seems we are entering a void—a place of nothingness. This can be excruciatingly painful. This is not a peaceful letting go, it is more like something essential to our person is being wrenched from our grasp. It feels as though we are losing our very selves. We are, but fortunately, it is our false self that is beginning to die. Ego is like the cocoon surrounding our true essence, our spirit.

Unfortunately, in life we do not have the same control as the child over his game, or the director over his movie. The other “actors” in our lives are simultaneously playing roles in many other movies, perhaps even trying to direct a few themselves. There may even be a master director, overseeing all of the productions. “All the world’s a stage”, Shakespeare wisely noted. Like a hall of reflecting mirrors, our lives may consist of stages, within stages, within stages, and at each level, our stages overlap and interconnect with the stages of others.

As we lose identification with ego, we feel humble. We may feel a loss of importance, a loss of identity. For so long ego had a sense of being somebody, and now that is slipping away. This is natural and it is good. We cannot remain attached to the cocoon anymore than the butterfly can. We must release it to experience our true nature. Our true nature is our spirit or soul. It is that aspect that is connected to the spirit of the cosmos—it is about connection and oneness, whereas ego was about separateness and disconnection. Our entire journey on this earth has been leading us in this direction.

It is easy to see how infinitely complex the whole thing becomes. Imagine a circus performer trying to keep multiple tops spinning. Ego tries to keep its “spin” on every stage on which it plays a part. Is it any wonder that by the time humans reach mid- adulthood, stress, anxiety, and depression reach near epidemic proportions? Increasingly there is a growing awareness that we do not have the control we thought we had. That awareness may come as a result of the emotional exhaustion created by trying to stay on top of everything. More often, it comes in the form of a crisis—a loss or major disappointment. One of the productions on one of our stages takes a devastating turn. We may lose one of our lead actors, through death or dissolution of a relationship. A role we have played for many years may suddenly be denied us— a job layoff, children leaving home, even retirement.

When we leave the physical body, all that is left is soul. If we are firmly encased in the cocoon of ego, the shift can be abrupt and startling. If we have spent the previous decades slowly letting go of all ego attachments, the final letting go is effortless and joyful. The sooner we begin the process, the more of our years will be lived in a state of grace.

One of ego’s roles has been irreversibly altered: one of the tops stopped spinning. This may constitute the beginning of the deconstruction of the entire ego complex. For if one aspect comes crashing down, what is to stop the others? The pain that is felt is both for the current loss in the life situation, but also for the loss of any sense of security tied to any of ego’s roles.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and award-winning Psychotherapist. For permission to reprint this article, or to obtain books or cds, visit 9

"for what is life but alternate times of light and shadow? When we work out the shadow part in ourselves, the times of shadow are not so dark.â€? Lynn Namka Photo: ŠP Nielsen 10



Today I would like to celebrate the concept of SOMETIME. In this day and age of technology, I find that I am constantly bombarded by the concept of 'perfection' either from Facebook or the internet. The posts that share how simple it is to lose weight or have the perfect home, career or relationship with 3 easy steps! Or on the other hand, I am also bombarded with those wellmeaning ads or posts on being authentic and accepting of who you are, to enjoy the body/ life/career you are in and magically when that happens all of your problems will disappear. After 20 plus years of dealing with my constant battle with weight and also with finding a 'career' that fitted me, I have learnt that FOR ME there are no quick and magical fixes. So I am celebrating my "sometimes", those periods when I am fabulously on track and eat the right foods or exercise or I write a chapter for my book or have a terrific session with a client. I am learning that those "sometimes" moments are my "meat" between the sandwich that represents my life. I know for some people they are comfortable being on 24/7 and for others, they are comfortable being on for a time and then they need to switch off otherwise they will suffer burn out. I used to flow between those two types and would often exhaust myself. Through life happening I have had to change my thought process and it has not been easy, partly because I was brought up with the concept that unless I worked my butt off I was not a success. It has taken me many years and a lot of inner reflection to become comfortable with the idea that I am now a 'sometimes' woman. That I achieve the results I want sometimes and that I flow with the energy I need sometimes and that sometimes I am creative etc. I have moved into acceptance that my sometimes is way better than thinking or feeling that I will never do this or that. 13

By developing a sometimes habit then the end is a RESULT. I see the chapters of my book building up or the daily walks making me feel great and connected to my source, Mother Earth. Really it is true that if you think it is then so it becomes. For me stopping that little negative voice in my head with the message that I do not need to be perfect and that everyone's ideas of success are individual and that for me, I just need to find and accept what fits with the real me. So today I am raising my imaginary glass of red wine and saluting my Sometimes and encouraging others to be kinder and gentler with themselves on their journey of self-discovery.

NamastĂŠ Debra Rae

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What is a Flower? Depends on how you say it, really... either way, a flower reminds us that when we 'Bloom where we are planted', and open to the Flow of Life and of Love, we are Creation made manifest. When we open ourselves to the Flow of Life we become Flow-ers of Life... and of course, Love. How is a Flower made? Well, like everything in Creation, it is a process. Begins as a seed, is watered, nurtured, fed and sunshined, and then it blooms. Voila! I was watching a How-To video on YouTube last night as I wanted to learn to crochet a Flower... as a relative beginner, it has taken me a lot of time and patience getting to know the jargon, the stitches, and how to fit them all together in a pattern. I had tried many times to do it myself using the basic chain stitch but ended up with a lumpy knot of yarn and had to pull it out and start again.

And such is life! Once you understand HOW a thing is created, indeed HOW creation works — and it is more simple than you make it — you can use creation to create the things you WANT, and not accept what is created for you by default, or by handme-down energy from those who have cast off that which they do not want.” We are Creators. But in human form, we forget that we are able to tap into the infinite supply of pattern books that remind us how to make what we need! Source has all the pattern books we will ever need and more are always being created by OUR CREATIVE CURIOSITY!! It takes a while to learn how the different stitches make such and such a beautiful thing, but once you understand the stitches and the structure, you can make infinite creations. The key is FOCUS.

This process was made more difficult by my unwillingness to be patient and to learn how to do it properly. My granny had tried to teach me when I was younger, but I didn't have the patience to sit and learn. I wanted INSTANT GRATIFICATION. INSTANT RESULTS!

Mother explained to me that when we focus, for example upon learning something — be it crochet, knitting, sewing, painting, woodwork or whatever — we are disciplining our minds into a stream of consciousness that is beneficial to the outcome. Focus + Intention = Creation!

What was missing was my willingness to focus, to want to learn how the process worked.

She then reminded me that 'in the stillness, you shall Know Me; in the stillness you shall hear Me'.

As I watched the patient lady on YouTube explain the stitch structure and show me, step-by-step, how to make a simple but beautiful thing the thought struck's all about FOCUS! Is that not what meditation is all about? Focus? Of course it is. Then Mother spoke to me as I pondered upon this thought: Every time we see something beautiful we wish to create it for ourselves or feel the feeling it give us. Because we ARE Creation, we already know that we can… Mother said: “Beloved, when you wish to create something, you begin by concentrating your focus on learning how to create… when you saw the beautiful flower, you wanted to make it but weren’t sure how it was made. So you watched someone that had gone before you, who understood the stitches, the structure, the method. 15

And I felt a rush of love so intense it took my breath away. I have to remember each moment of every new day that I am more than I believe myself to be. I AM CREATION. If I will trust and open myself to the Flow of Love in my life, I will become the Flower of Life... the seed of All Creation... Bloom where you are planted, dear ones... and let the light of Love shine upon you. With love from my heart, Jay xxx

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“and then my soul saw you and kind of went “Oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.” UNKNOWN

Photo: ©P Nielsen 16


The Druid Year Beltane/Beltaine/Beltein/May Day Modern Tradition – 1 May 2016 Old Tradition - Sun at 15 degrees Taurus – 5 May 2016 Associations to Beltaine: Beltane is one of the most well-known pagan festivals, and has been celebrated through to modern times in the form of May Day. It is most associated with celebrating springtime and increasing fertility (of the soil, livestock, and people) and of revelry with village fetes, markets, sporting competitions, and community gatherings. The colours of Beltane are Green representing growth, abundance and fertility. Red representing strength, vitality, passion and vibrancy. White representing cleansing and clearing and the power to disperse negativity. Fertility symbols, fire festival, white flowers (snowdrops, crocus, mayflowers, lily of the valley, jasmine) The Beltane rites ultimately honour our striving for that union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine deep within us.


What our ancestors did…

What Druids usually do…

Beltane was the first major festival of our ancestor’s calendar. We need to remember that our ancestors were not as free to do what they want when they want, in the sense that there were logical times in the year to do things, in terms of agriculture, community and personally. And this was true of the formation of family. The best time for a woman to give birth was usually in the Spring, around February to April. Therefore they would become pregnant in the summer nine months around May to July. But still able to carry on their normal work up until the workload fell off around Yule when the world lay fallow for a few months. So the logical time for couples to handfast would be at Beltane on 1 st May. And so the tradition built up.

This extract taken from the link above says it all… “Beltane encourages us to ask – ‘What is life without passion and connection?’ It opens us to the extraordinary energy of our desire but also to the deeply empathic nature of our being, one that strives to relate, make connections, open ever further to the mystery of life. This Beltane, may each of us be blessed with deep and abiding love – of self, others, our planet – and through those healing fires of love and passion, may we each find our true path to Union within. “ by Maria Ede-Weaving Most Druids will try to attend a rite, private or public. In a public gathering they would be likely to have an opening ritual followed by games and picnics, and closed down at the end by a brief thanksgiving.

At Beltane the young unmarried men and women were looking to take a partner so communities from far and wide would gather in one place for a few days. A small city would spring up in the middle of a plain, bustling with excitement and filled with a carnival spirit. ‘Inns’ would be raucous places where news and information was exchanged; impromptu markets formed for people to sell the goods they have made.

Ways that you can honour the time… These days there many communities that have large scale public festivities that include May Day Fetes with Morris dancing and Maypole dancing. There are also some organisations that have ‘specialist’ events like the Beltane Fire Festival in Edinburgh, and the Flower Boat Ritual on the May Day bank holiday in Kingsand, Cawsand and Millbrook in Cornwall.

Sporting competitions and mock battles showed the speed, strength and prowess of the young men, who often sought to wear a ‘favour’ from their loved one like a sash or a ribbon. And the young men from each village or tribe would also perform ‘Hakalike’ dance routines that gradually developed into our modern Morris Dancing. The overall winner of the contests would be crowned the ‘Horned God’, representing the Consort of the Goddess.

Or you can… v Hold your own ritual. This link takes you to a page with a ‘script’ you can print off and follow - https:// v Decorate a tree with red, green and white ribbons…write a wish/prayer on each ribbon and as you tie them to the tree, imbue them with the things you feel passionate about; with the gratitude you feel for having them in your life. Or make wishes to bring those passions into your life, or increase others.

The young women would have competitions also, to demonstrate their home-making skills. Baking, preserves, spinning, weaving, sewing, quilting and dairy craft were just a few of their skills. They would make special festive clothes to wear to look their prettiest, and deck themselves with ribbons and embroidery to attract the eye of a young man. The winner would be crowned the May Queen, representing the white Flower Goddess. Perhaps the most significant of the traditions is the Maypole Dance. The maypole is an obviously phallic symbol honouring the male consort of the Goddess. Young men and women would dance in a circle with ribbons, weaving in and out to create a basket weave pattern over the Phallic May Pole, covering it like a sheath, the symbol of a vagina. To close the celebrations, the Horned God and May Queen were symbolically handfasted – the pagan marriage - to represent the union of Goddess and her Consort. By this time, many young people will have coupled up, and they would have an opportunity to be handfasted. This was carried out in a ritual setting and culminated in them “jumping the broom”, the symbolic threshold between their old life and their new life. They would then pass between the bonfires to receive the blessings of the Goddess and her Consort, on their way to the newly planted fields where they would consummate their union and in so doing, bless the fields for a good harvest.


Attend a Druid public Beltane Rite.


Think about where your passion lies – what makes you excited? what puts the fizz in your blood? what you are passionate about? Maybe you don’t get passionate about anything and need to look at ways to increase the passion in your life. And if you have passion in your lives – give thanks to the Goddess and her Consort for that.


Try to understand more about the sacredness of sex, the God & Goddess, and The Sacred Marriage. Please follow this link:

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Many communities brought livestock to drive them through between the bonfires and receive their blessing also. 19

As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. Marianne Williamson

Photo: Š P Nielsen

Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Maya Angelou 22

By: Laura Turner

myself a reasonable answer, I keep the item, if not – it gets discarded. It’s just that simple.

Simplify! Simplify! Is the message of Henry David Thoreau in his beautiful book Walden. In it, he writes of giving up all his worldly belongings and traveling to the woods of Massachusetts to build a cabin, live from the land and meditate. We do not have to go to this extreme to become close to nature, of course, but what I love the most about Thoreau's message is his summary in this most profound statement: “A man is rich in effort to what he can afford to let alone.” Think about this idea for a second. Does its clarity ring through to you? To me it says: Simplifying is good for the soul. What's more? I believe simplifying is also an important key in keeping your energy purified and in so keeping your body and soul pure, as well. With this in mind: as we head into summer here in upstate New York – I can think of no better time to roll up my sleeves and shed the old to make room for the new. The reality is, it is hard work. Yet, I'll make it simple for you if you are ready to simplify, too. Here’s three ideas to help keep your process enjoyable and spiritual. Take It Slow: In my book Spiritual Fitness: The 7-Steps to Living Well, I liken closet cleaning to soul cleansing. To me it’s the exercise and meditative process of letting go that creates space for the beautiful fresh and new. This goes for the garage, as well any other cluttered up nook or cranny of the home. Make it easy on yourself, begin by taking an hour at a time and simply looking through what you have. Next, when you are inventorying your space ask yourself – What can I let go of? What kind of space can I create in my life for something new? What am I hanging onto that if I let go of would allow something better to come along?

Affirm: I Already Have Everything I Need: The universe provides. In essence we already have everything we could possibly need. I can remember as a child going to a friends house to play and their Christmas tree was still standing square in the living room – it was the middle of summer! Imagine what message this was sending to the universe? As you clear your space, continue to affirm: God provides. I already have everything I could possibly need. Assignment: Clean Out Your Space In you mind, mentally section off your home. I like to do this by rooms, sometimes corners if there’s lots of stuff in them. If there’s a space where you have harbored items make this its own section. Now take one section at a time and take inventory. Take time to look at each item then decide if it serves you. If not bless the item and let it go. If you find the item does not serve you or you are unsure, keep it. Put it in a box. When the box is full go through each item once more. Next, tape up the box, date it for exactly one year from the present date. When the date comes due, throw the box away or donate the items. Finally, remember this is a constant process. And although you'll never need to give up all your worldly belongings and live like Thoreau, keep renewing your space; expect something new and wonderful to show up for the old. I think you'll be amazed at what comes along to take its place. Laura Turner is a natural health practitioner and author. She hosts and publishes the New Body News and Wellness Letter, The Online Magazine Healthy People Read. ( ) Subscribe for f.r.e.e. and receive her Special Report: "Take Charge of Your Health!" and check out her latest book: Spiritual Fitness! Article Source:

What Serves Me? When you examine each item in question, ask yourself how it is useful to you. I often say out loud to the universe: How does this (suit, pair of shoes, stack of papers) serve me? If I can give 23

Provides Vitamins C, K Source of; calcium, magnesium, folate, potassium Low Calorie High Fiber

Source of Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium Rich Source Vitamins K, A, C High in Folate Low Calories High Fiber


This month’s recipe came to me by watching a program on GUSTO called Delicious Iceland. It looked so yummy I had to try it out myself and it did not disappoint! Light, not too sweet, and just creamy goodness, the grated chocolate sprinkled on top provides a nice touch. Picture from

The meringue Ingredients 2 large egg whites ½ cup/100 g sugar

Directions Prep the fruit by cutting the rhubarb into rather small pieces, and quartering the strawberries. Pour the olive oil onto a pan and add the rhubarb bits. Cook these for a while and then add the water and sugar and cook until syrupy. When the rhubarb has become tender and the syrup has formed, add the strawberries and cook for about one minute. Pour fruit into a shallow bowl and allow to cool. Zest some ginger into the rhubarb and strawberry mixture. I used ginger powder and it worked just fine, how much is up to your taste standards. Whip the heavy cream thoroughly. Add the sour cream and fold it in with the whipped cream. Fold the rhubarb and strawberry mixture into the cream mixture.

Directions Separate the yolks from the egg whites, putting the egg whites in a mixer bowl and start beating on high speed. Once you start to form soft peaks, add the sugar. Keep mixing until you have firm peaks and could hold the bowl upside down and not have anything fall out. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet, and either pipe nice meringue nests or use a spoon and form rounds. Bake in a 250° oven for about 1 hour. The meringues will have a light brown tinge and should sound hollow when tapped lightly. Turn off the oven and leave the meringues in the oven as it cools for another hour. Remove after 1 hour and allow to cool completely.

To Serve; Place a meringue on a dessert plate, top with some of the fruit cream, sprinkle with grated dark chocolate. Enjoy!!

The rhubarb and strawberry filling: Ingredients 2 cups / 475 ml rhubarb, diced 1 tbs olive oil ¼ cup / 60 ml water ½ cup sugar 1 cup strawberries 1 tbs fresh grated ginger 1 cup / 240 ml heavy cream ½ cup 7 120 ml sour cream 25


Nutmeg. No kitchen spice cabinet is complete unless there is a jar of ground nutmeg and a bag of whole nutmeg. Without it, apple and pumpkin pie would be somewhat…bland. With it, cauliflower and mashed potatoes take on a new life. Both of these statements identify my culture…or lack thereof! From the East Indies to the West Indies, and many points in between, nutmeg is a key ingredient in food preparation. Meat, fruit, vegetables, cakes and cookies – all appreciate the addition of this delightful spice.

Cautionary notes: some research indicates this oil should not be used on or around anyone who has epilepsy. Avoid using when pregnant and with children under 6. Enjoy this oil. Diffuse it, smell it, cook with it, play with it! Please – always remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.

Nutmeg essential oil is also widely used. Open a bottle, breathe in the delicious aroma. Like a good comfort food, the scent is relaxing and soothing (without the calories and possible accompanying guilt). Use it in place of the ground spice in cooking – remembering always that a little bit goes a long way.


Diffuse one or two drops to help de-stress after a tough day, or before a meeting. Diffuse in your sacred space for a soothing accompaniment to your meditation. Putting three or four drops in your bath will relax and soothe you into a good night’s sleep.

For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at Or go to the website:

It’s also been used to relieve coughs caused by colds. Diffuse, or massage on the chest and back – diluted by a carrier oil, of course. Nutmeg is a warm oil, so don’t apply it topically without using a carrier oil. It’s wonderful for aching joints and muscles, and has been used by athletes after hard workouts. Those who suffer from arthritis will appreciate this oil as well. Whether you are working on yourself or someone else, begin with a drop or two in a small amount of your organic carrier oil and increase it gradually. Nutmeg has been used to alleviate discomfort caused by menstrual pain. Again, use one or two drops in the organic carrier oil and massage on the lower abdomen and the small of the back. This solution can also assist with digestive problems, such as diarrhea and flatulence. A drop swirled in water and gargled can help with bad breath (nutmeg is used in commercial toothpaste preparations). If your bad breath is caused by poor digestion, a drop mixed in honey or a warm beverage such as almond or rice milk may help. Six to eight drops of nutmeg essential oil diluted in a mixture of 1 tsp. jojoba and 5 tsp. coconut oil creates a lovely, warming massage oil. Test on a small part of the body you will be working with to make sure that it is not going to irritate, then soothe away aches, pains and sleeplessness. 27


We will be looking at a pose known as bound angle forward bend pose. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please read the entire article before trying the pose. How to Carry Out the Pose We have put together instructions on how to carry out the pose correctly however there are also a number of modifications that can be done to make the pose easier as well as deeper. These modifications will be found lower in the article. 1. Start sitting on the floor with your feet together about a foot away from your hips. The soles of your feet should be together and your knees out to the side. It is important to ensure your back is straight. You can determine this by feeling down your lower back and if any of your vertebrae are protruding you should elevate your hips on a folded blanket. 2. Now pull your heels in as close to your hips as possible without compromising your upright position. While in this position

exhale your legs towards the floor in order to increase the stretch across your inner legs.

3. Place your hands on the floor and bend forward from your hips. While holding this pose remember to breathe deeply and ensure your out breath is as long as your in breath. If you are very stiff you may find you feel tension in your hips, legs and lower back. Do not push too far and concentrate your breath in the place where you feel the most tension. 4. If possible continue to bend forward until your head is resting on the floor. This may not be possible at first, especially if you have a lot of tension but with practice your will be able to bend forward this far. However it is important to remember that it may take months or even years until you are able to bend forward this far. 5. Hold this pose for around 30 seconds to 1 minutes then gradually come up to an upright position and sit in a simple cross legged position. Tips and Precautions If you suffer from pain in your knees when practicing this pose you should support your knees on blocks or folded blankets. When practicing this pose it important to only bend forwards as far as is comfortable as yoga is a practice that should not be aggressive. People who have sedentary lives and spend a large part of the day sitting at a desk or driving can find the muscles in their hips, legs and lower back are very tight. By regular practice of this exercise you can gradually increase the flexibility in these areas of your body. Benefits and Focus This pose will help to increase flexibility, especially in the legs, hips and lower back. In addition this can be a very stimulating pose that can help with fatigue and with stimulating the digestive system. In addition people that suffer from stress can get significant benefits from the feelings of surrender associated with this pose. It can also be a pose that can give benefits to people suffering from anxiety and mild depression as well as other emotional problems. By: Mercedes Aspland This article has been supplied by alternative therpaies directory. You can also find more information on our yoga page. Article Source: www.NewAgeArticles.comArticle Source:


Photo: ŠP Nielsen 30



VOC = Void of Course … No impulse purchases or Long term commitments during the void of course, use it as an opportunity to look within… all times are in Pacific Time DW = Double Whammy Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water or juice box and a couple of surprise items.

Sunday Sun-Day

3 VOC Evening Expect a very nice surprise (or give one)

Monday Moon-day

4 DW Don’t get Mad … get passionate and do something about it

Tuesday Mars-day

Wednesday Mercury-Day

Thursday Jupiter-Day

Friday Venus-Day

Saturday Saturn-day

1 VOC All day until 6:30pm

2 Great day to get organized

Expect the Unexpected

Best Day

5 VOC All Day Venus moves to Aries and Mercury meanders into Taurus … hurry up and slow down ;-)


7 VOC All Day


9 All Day VOC

Great day to work it out … or actually work out

New Moon

Excellent day for communication meditation and a giving bag

Meditation day … connect to your Genius

13 Late evening VOC


15 Keep your inside voice … inside

16 All Day VOC

10 DW

11 All Day VOC


Try not to give more than you can afford (in time, money or physical activity)

Work may feel a little daunting … keep your nose to the grindstone and all will work out well

Don’t be so hard on yourself … or your Partner

17 Mars is standing still today in prep for Inner Spiral

18 All Day VOC Pluto is Standing still today in prep for Inner Spiral If you want to make a change … start today

19 Sun enters Taurus

25 DW Value the hard work you do … A giving bag will do someone a world of good today

26 All Day VOC

24 Take care that you don’t let your day run amuck

Photo: © Tamira

Action it !

Potential for unexpected surprises …. Keep your cool

Maybe an unexpected surprise on the work front

Gratitude … it is a beautiful day if you make it that way

You may think it sounds good until it is actually said ;-)

20 Connect to want you don’t want … acknowledge this and let it go

21 VOC until 10:30pm

22 Afternoon & Evening VOC

Full Moon tonight

Use the Full moon energy to let go of what you are not passionately engaged


28 Mercury is Standing still today in prep for Inner Spiral

29 Venus moves to Taurus

Look around … Love what you see!

Don’t get caught up in what you don’t have …


Have an Eye for detail

23 Don’t use your words to hurt yourself or others

30 Evening VOC Meditate on what you want … then manifest it. End of day – watch your inside voice

Planetary Action

the Moon for the Month – 4, 17, 24 …Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT

This is a heavy month for Retrogrades Mars, Pluto, Mercury, Saturn & Jupiter retrogrades creating an internal build-up of passionate ideas and communication. It is a time to pause – inhale taking the planetary influences in – contemplate and then exhale with purpose to move the energy into your external environment.

Jupiter… Our planet of growth, wisdom, opportunities and excess. Jupiter is very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter continues his trek through Virgo focused this month on a Retrograde motion (inner spiral) don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with too many details. During this retrograde he will retrace his step to make sure no stone is unturned … if you missed out on any opportunities in the past they may be presented again. Utilize this time to further evaluate and support your goals by digging deep into your own well of inner wisdom. Jupiter will move direct in the middle of May.

Double Whammy and challenging Days for the Month (personal planets with the moon) Days to watch for are 4, 10, 17, 20, 29 Most Challenging days are the 4th, 25th … use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe. Lots of great favorite Meditation or relaxed days for the Month – best days 2, 3, 8, 14, 16, 22, 27, 26… Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation - silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching.

Jupiter Squares and Oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 10, 25 … Don’t lose sight of your budget, overindulging or over-committing, watch that others do not take advantage of your generosity.

Mercury, our planet of communication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written to communication that travels on waves. Mercury moves from Aries to Taurus and stays here until the middle of June Slowing down communication into a more practical grounded (maybe even sensual) practice … but don’t get fixated on how slow things are going or you will experience setbacks – instead journal/talk about the things that bring you pleasure in life.

Saturn… Our planet of boundaries, restrictions, limitations and possibly fear. Saturn is moving through Sagittarius, and will travel through this fiery optimistic energy for the next couple of years. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion and bounce back into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries! Saturn continues on in Sagittarius where he will hunker down until December 20, 2017. Think quality over quantity. He has started his long Retrograde (inner spiral). This is a great time to review your organization skills. Mercury is the planet of creating the paperwork … but Saturn supports your ability to get organized. This inner spiral will last until the middle of August.

Mercury squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 1, 15, 23, 30… Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! Venus … our planet of Love, Security (which often shows up as monetary wants) and what we like to surround ourselves with (art, greenery, food, music, colour, sparkly things … Venus moves from Pisces to Aries on the 5th – Get ready to power up. Use this time to get inspired through physical activity. Take a self-defense course – or a class on primal scream therapy.

Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month –5, 11, 18, 25 … You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! Uranus … Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect innovative ideas to inspire, new energy sources are available. Be a Rebel with a cause – let the radical inner changes – shine out into your environment!

Venus squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 12, 20, 29 … Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! Mars … Our planet of action, passion and anger. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars is traveling in Sagittarius here he can become a wildfire - he can be a little bit unpredictable yet has the ability to put a little bounce in your step. Mars is going to Retrograde (inner spiral) at the end of the month – this is very powerful as Mars only Retrogrades once every 2 years. This is a very difficult thing for Mars to do - - use this time to recognize (inner you) what you really want to go after – make your plan to funnel that energy into a motivator – and eventually a driving force. He will be in a retrograde (inner spiral) until the very end of June.

Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of what you are creating that is connected to the collective. Take care not to over-indulge in the 7 deadly sins. Connect with a regular routine to your guides, healing angels, and observer self. Don’t forget to balance – with physical exercise or walks in the park and energetically grounding. The Dwarf Planets … Take care not to get caught up in the harsher side of these dwarfs – they may not have cleared their orbit of debris but they still pack a lot into their symbolic language. We have just begun the exploration of some of the

Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions with 34

newly discovered. Except for Ceres they are all very slow moving – change is slow and gradual.

As above So below.

Pluto… Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn and begins a very long Retrograde (inner spiral) in the middle of the month – Pluto continues to push for change to our old and outworn patterns of dictatorship and inflexible leadership (although you will continue to feel the resistance. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. This retrograde will last until the end of September, focus on inner change.

The New Moon – at 18 degrees Aries … April 7th at 4:24 am.

Makemake… who brings quantum experiences and unexpected genius; is traveling at 02 degrees Libra – Retrograde (inner spiral) utilize this energy to go back and re-invest in structures that bring you to a new level of understanding in your relationship with the earth and the macrocosm. Slow and steady.

Communication may be a little slow – and disconnected don’t get caught up in the little things and how slow it is moving or how bored you are with waiting. Hold onto the skilled potential and propel yourself forward using optimism, don’t be foolhardy by being your own worst enemy. Good things come all in due time. (That would be Saturn speaking LOL)

Dynamic build toward something new and exciting. Snap-shot: You may find yourself resetting old goals – go back over lost opportunities to see if you can revitalize them and get them moving forward. You must first be willing to commit to putting the goal in writing then detail it out with a methodical list of things to action.

Eris… only desires equality! This warrior goddess is a truly feminine version of Mars. Evoke and balance the warrior within, as she fearlessly moves through Aries (very slow moving).

The Full Moon – at 2 degrees Scorpio … April 21st at 10:24pm.

Haumea… who is the real catalyst for Transformation is currently in Libra. She brings a balance back to the goddess as she takes back her power on earth. Currently retrograding (inward spiral) use this time to complete inner transformations that you have been working on.

The sky is lit up – so you can see where you are headed … is it in the right direction? Complete your goals. Snap-shot: Jump on the train and BE unstoppable. Tap into your inner powerhouse … Change can happen but you will need to decide if you are going to dig in and work hard (put a fire under your butt) to achieve the seemingly impossible – know in your heart nothing and I mean nothing is impossible –when you have the stars on your side. Utilize sound stable and organized communication, don’t hesitate to speak outPhoto: for what you- want and/ © dusk or need.

Ceres… loves the work or activity of the harvest, Continues to travel through Pisces until the 15th when she moves to Aries. Time to harvest ideas and new ways of moving forward with drive and passion.

Go back to the New Moon goal(s) and reinvent your approach. You are the next success story in the making, but you have got to want it!

Photo: © Tamira

Silverdisc … Solar/Lunar cycles

Step outdoors and connect to your early evening sky, do it again in the early morning just as the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. Connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies.

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 35

Photo: Š Tamira


Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Taurus folk out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.

Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Powerful strides can be made if you have a goal on your list to expand your Fitness or Yoga levels. Now is the time to find a workout partner just as committed as you. How about Yoga teacher training – even if you don’t wish to be an instructor the commitment will take you far.

Utilizing both your personal Sun and Moon sign – as a valuable road map to guide you through the year. Love your life, dive in and live it well! Overlay your Sun and Moon signs as a focus to help you achieve your big picture.

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) New ways to get an income boost may come available … but … you will need to set some serious goals to evaluate what and how you connect with this new found money … things to contemplate might be … are you blowing everything you make? Of course you need to have some fun but create a reasonable budget and stick to it.

Use the monthly guide to re-focus your energy on your short term goals Aries (March 20-April 19) Education and philosophy is key this month, do your research before you move forward. Take a class (on line or in person) Even though it sounds like an old cliché, you really can take action and create/manifest the change you want to see. Things may feel like they are moving in slow mo … but change will come.

Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) These are powerful times for you. If you have a career goal in mind go ahead and set the bar high. You know you are a big picture kinda person, and that is important but once you hunker down and focus on the minutiae you will find that you can accomplish this awesome task at hand.

Taurus Horoscope (April 20-May 20) Getting yourself out there into the spiritual mainstream – might feel like it is way too much work, or even feel like there is too much at stake … if you have a goal to connect your social life with what you love to do, sit down and put structure into it and the payoff will be worth it.

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) If you have had a meditation goal – perhaps 21 days of meditation? This is the month to schedule it in to your day … same time … same pillow. Access to depths you have only dreamt of may not just be pillow talk … all is possible now.

Gemini Horoscope (May 21-June 20) An old project connected to your reputation and career aspirations may just get put back on the table. Make sure you are hearing what everyone has to say … slow down your thoughts with meditation and contemplation, something spectacular might just make its way into your conscious mind.

Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) Reading … Writing and Arithmetic. Check your goal list – if there a goal to write that special article, or to get to a place where journaling becomes a part of your life, learn to create boundaries around your connection to the infinite and then tell us how you did it. Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) Dig deep into that goal list, have you been asking to bring recognition and value to the services you provide? … The answer is in partnering, and you need to make sure everyone is on the same page … who you are partnering with and do they have the same goals?

Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 21) Once you connect to the pattern you will see that money really can come easily and quickly. It is not about other people’s expectations of you … it is about doing what you really love and being the best you can at it. That may mean practicing it over and over until it becomes old hat – but it will pay off in the long run! Leo Horoscope (July 22-Aug. 22) If you have a travel goal on your list that involves religions or connecting to and ancient culture, look at reviving it. This does not mean that you need to travel out of country – look in your own back yard for multi-cultural experiences. Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Find something on your goal list that has been taking a back burner that might involve deepening your understanding of interdimensional worlds. Why not host a séance or channeling group, or take a class on Angels.

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 37

A Crystal Reading for

April 2016

This is the month of fire. Coursing through your veins, dancing across the sky, flowing from your pen. Illuminating your mind and soul, fire cleanses and generates new growth. Earth warms, heated by the energy of the sun. Growth that has been inhibited by the icy fire of winter takes hold and fills the land scape. You, too, are being grown. You choose the level of growth… Dear ones, as you read these words know that there is wisdom here for you. Not everything will resonate and that is as it should be. Take that which speaks to you and go into the energy of the words. I flow the words for you and Spirit flows the energy through you. Peace is an inner journey, a personal quest. I wish you the joy of it…. Namasté


Contact Vera at

Photo: © VEnshaw 38

Beginning: April 1 – 2 – White quartz: Two days. Confusion and uncertainty seem to take hold. Trust that you are only in a minor fog that will lift by the end of the second day. While you are here, explore vastness. Beyond the confusion, beyond the uncertainty is the vastness of all that is. Sit yourself down, gather warmth around you and explore. Relax. There is time for this exploration.

Week 1: April 3 – 9 – Lapis Lazuli: This week could see power struggles, between you and others but also between you and your small self. In the broader world, make certain that you are standing in your power. Light and honesty, openness and being where your heart is will lead you along the path you need to take. A struggle is only a struggle if both parties engage. When one refuses the other is shadow-boxing. In your personal world, commend your small self for trying to keep you safe. Assure it that you know what you are doing and then move out beyond this awareness to where you truly long to be. Connect with Spirit, connect with the knowingness that is your birthright. You long for this. Let it be.

Week 2: April 10 – 16 – Flourite: This week speak your gentle truth. We all have the power of discernment, and we have the ability to see multiple sides to every situation. While it is tempting to tell it ‘like it is,’ find the other side of that. Find the gentle side of truth. Do not lie, do not fudge. In this speaking of the gentle truth you will facilitate a change that has been a long time coming. The celebration will be worth the wait. In order to speak this truth you are going to have to step back, breathe and allow your higher self to guide you. A willingness to wait for the right moment and then act quickly is all you need.

Week 3: April 17 – 23 – Moldavite: Can you take time for you this week? Can you do that which nurtures your essence, your soul? Find a spot where you can stand and allow the energy of the universe to flow into you, to pour into you. Allow it to move through your body, through your energy field and down into the earth. You can do this outside or inside, in public or in private, whichever suits you most. Feel your being recharge, feel the stardust of which the universe is made course through your veins. Then carry on with what you are drawn to do.

Week 4: April 24 – 30 – Ammonite: As this month draws to a close, reach deep into your past. Find those events that have left their mark on you – good as well as bad, happy as well as sad. Like the leaves on this ammonite nautilus, they are with you always. Release those that do not serve you. Visualize a beautiful space – a room, perhaps – and invite those scars to rest there awhile. Thank them for their gift to you, and assure them their job is done. Joyfully and gently close the door to the room. Know those moments are safe in this place, and know that you are richer for having released them. Shine. 39

Marlene Cobb

Photo: Š MCobb 40

new Moon


The New Moon arrives on April 7th at 4:25 am PDT. Change, excitement, and higher awareness are key factors with this moon. It brings the energy of linking our past to our future which seems to be a natural flow from the full moon of March 23rd. If you have been having “old emotions” rise up to the surface for resetting, the New Moon energy should help. As new moons are all about fresh starts and new beginnings, we are being asked to truly clear the slate. All changes you make now will take root and flourish. Be on the lookout for changes on the global scene as well. In the past, change has often been chaotic, forced upon us, but going forward it should be more orderly, structured and methodical. My personal take on this is that “we” are more in charge of implementing change in our lives. Which on one hand I find rather amusing given that many don’t like change. Yet, if we are able to accept that change brings vibrant new energy, we might just start understanding that taking charge of how change happens is the gentler approach. What are you willing to do for yourself? It is the time to be the peaceful warrior, moving beyond your comfort zone, and standing firmly for yourself. No longer allowing anything to strong-arm you into changing, or waiting for something/ someone to come along and change things for you – the chaotic forced change. Not sure why, but I feel that if we don’t start implementing change when it needs to happen, we will just bob along stuck in one place. If you take a look around, I am sure you could come up with a few people you know who are exactly in that place. I have thought about this for a couple days and I think the simplest way for us to honor this moon is by hard boiling two eggs ahead of the time you will sit with 41

the moon. Eggs symbolize rebirth and quintessentially life. They also symbolize breaking through, something this moon energy seems to be pointing towards. Gather one green crayon and one yellow crayon. Alternatively, you could choose to color the eggs using a mixture of 1-part vinegar, 2-parts water, and a couple drops of food coloring (blue and yellow make green). After preparing a comfortable place to sit with the moon energy, and ensuring you have enough time, call upon your angels, guides, and helpers. When you feel relaxed and centered, if you are using crayons, draw whatever comes to you on each egg using green on one and yellow on the other. Do not mix the colors. If you are dying your eggs, place them each in their color bath. While coloring or waiting for the color bath to set, meditate on what you wish to have more of in your life. In order to bring something in, you will need to release something. Example, if you wish to bring a partner into your life – you would release that which holds you in past relationships. Trust me – even when you think you have released something, if the new is not coming in, you are still being held by the past. As you are releasing from your past, see a positive light filling the space. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. We need to be aware of what we are releasing and how it might impact the choices we make going forward, which is why we need to see it being replaced with light. Pick up the green egg, and say “I thank the past for the gifts it provided and now release it along with all negativity.” Pick up the yellow egg and say “I face the future with inspiration and trust.” Close the space by giving thanks. Tomorrow use the eggs in a fresh salad, and as you enjoy, feel your spirit being renewed and nourished.

Full Moon

April 21 The Full Pink Moon in Scorpio arrives on April 21, at 10:55 pm PDT. Escaping distractions. Achieving peace. Balancing ego and emotion. Those are the attributes that this moon energy will bring.

time frame (up to three days before and after) usually challenge us, or at the very least, bring to our awareness, where we could be making better choices.

The moon energy rules our emotions, and with this full moon being in the sign of Scorpio, which on the surface does not seem like an emotional sign, be prepared to be an emotional wreck, for Scorpio is a very emotional creature indeed. A full range of intense emotions could present themselves as the light of the full moon searches them out like a spotlight. Taurus, however, is more about security and safety, so this energy should help to ground us. After all Taurus is more of a logical, mind (ego) based energy. The best advice for this full moon is to pay attention to your clarity around emotional boundaries. Be mindful you are not foisting your issues onto others, and conversely, taking responsibility for issues that are not yours.

For this full moon, gather something that you find exquisite and something that you find distasteful. Also have two pieces of paper – if you wish have one piece in your favorite color and one in a color you don’t like as much. Prepare yourself a beverage, then find a comfortable place to sit where you can have the two items you selected in front of you. Call in your angels, guides, helpers, and whichever god/goddess you worship. Take some time to relax and center yourself. Then start to write out what you love about your life on your favorite colored piece of paper, and on the other piece, write out what you are disenchanted with in your life. When you run out of suggestions for both items, fold your piece of paper into three and place them under the corresponding items. Ensure that you place your two items where you can see them daily and they will not be in the way. Gently allow the changes to come to you over the course of the next month, and just before the full moon on May 21, review your lists and see what has transformed from the ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

What I find interesting is, that from my experience, Taurus does not do drama, they would rather walk away, while Scorpios tend to love the excitement of drama and have been known to stir things up to keep the drama alive in their life. Taurus is very methodical, they love beauty and like to surround themselves with things that are a feast for the senses, whereas Scorpio is more complex, intense and mysterious, and likes to clear out the trash. This could be very beneficial to all of us, for through the intensity of this energy, we could facilitate a powerful transformation whereby only the “beautiful” remains in our lives and the rest is released.

In other words, what do you wish to release and let go of? Everyone is aware that the full moon can bring out the crazies of the world. Police, hospitals, etc. have documented how they are more active during this time frame. The events and circumstances that occur in our lives in the full moon 42

Photo: Š P Nielsen 43

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” T.S. Elliot Photo: ©P Nielsen 44


Contact Michelle blog or email me at 46

whole human race in its beauty, all of humanity calls to each other my brothers and sisters, in love stand united.

Flow with your humanness and oneness When I asked what the power animal was this month I was given guppy.

Today as this is being written it is the first day of spring. Happy spring everyone wherever you are, feel the oneness in your heart and unite together in love for like the rainbow that is united in its brilliance and different vibrations so are you. Go with the flow of this power like we go with the flow of the water and current around us.�

As guppy swims in their message to us this month is: “We are an array of colors some of us are beautifully plain and some of us are beautiful rainbow colours but we are all guppies. So you beautiful souls are all the same example all different and all unique but all human each and every one of you. Flow with your humanness and your oneness. Feel the

Yours in brilliance The Guppies 47


This month’s messages drawn from Fairy Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue And Radleigh Valentine 49

Hello Dearest Souls, Are you awake today? Are you aware today? Are you in the center of you today? A few questions to ask yourself this month and perhaps more often. One of the good questions to ask yourself often and more than once a day is: Where are you?

We are not talking about where you are physically we are talking emotionally in your thoughts and emotions. This question will, of course, help you hopefully come back to the present moment. The other questions also will help in that endeavour. Dearest souls stay centered within you and you can and will weather anything that is brought to you awake, aware, centered and present in love and within your heart. The Angels

Contact Michelle blog or email me at 50


Phil Nielsen

Photo: Š mcobb


Hello my friends.

The last rune is the outcome rune, what should happen if we accept the council of the second stone.

I asked the runes to show me a broad view of world events as they are unfolding. The runes that came to me were ones that I seldom draw, especially for myself, but seem to be appropriate to those of us who are into divination.

This was Tiwaz, but it is reversed. Tiwaz normally represents victory in the upright position, extreme motivation, increase in money or power, and a mainly masculine rune.

The first rune, or problem rune is Gebo. It represents a gift and should gladden one's heart as it has no reversed position and is almost always acts in a positive manner. In this cast, because of its accompanying stones, I see it as a gift of emotion.

When reversed in an otherwise positive cast, and as far as this cast is concerned, I see a continuing battle in this fight of "good vs evil," but it is a "darkest before the dawn" situation. As long as we stay true to our cause and do not try to push, we will see things gradually improve.

Often Gebo will appear when there is about to be relief from our troubles and it usually indicates a time of peace and contentment.

I hope this reading has been of help to you, actually, as long as it has been of help to one of you, it has been worth it.

Not bad so far, so let's look at the next rune, the course of action rune.

Until next month, sk책l to all of my friends

This glyph is Perthro, the rune of mystery and deals with things hidden, magickal, and of the occult. As I do not use a blank rune, this would also represent Wyrd.


Because it is paired with Gebo, I believe it indicates a gift that we have been given of strong intuitive abilities, which we are to use, as we are called upon to help during this difficult time the world is going through.

Contact Phil at

for more information. 53

Message from the Angels April 2016 Beloveds, we come to you with a message that we hope will comfort you. If it provides some insight, we celebrate, and if it provides you with an “ah-ha moment” all the better! Many of you are experiencing what you call “ah-ha moments”, and the beautiful soul we channel through is no different. We love how her eyes and heart light up when everything clicks into place and she “gets” what is relevant in that moment.

How things worked in the past is not going to work now. In fact, we will go out on a limb and say they have not worked for some time, yet you still insist on using the old pattern. For many of you this is causing stress. It is part of the never ending changes that are taking place right now. Some of you are discovering that no matter how hard you work towards meeting an achievement, it is elusive, just out of reach. Like someone is holding you back, keeping you struggling. Yet we are here to tell you that is not true. You are deserving of what you desire, but the grander picture, which you are not able to see, shows that your expectations of how it should look exactly, are out of alignment with your highest good. WE encourage you to take this as a sign. If you are exerting effort after effort and what you desire is not coming to you, stop! Stop exerting yourself, release the desire and ask your angels and guides to show you the unencumbered way of achieving it. Then trust that what you desire will come to you in due time, and will probably exceed your expectations. Oh, we understand that trust and patience are not everyone’s strongest attributes, especially when they really, really want something, yet you need to have faith and realize you are not being punished. You will be blessed. You know that feeling, it is as if the heavens aligned and parted the clouds in the sky so that a ray of sun shines down on you – only you. Everything falls into place so easily and you are left standing there, wondering how you deserved this blessing that has come to you. You are not even sure you do deserve it, but graciously accept and give thanks. That is

what is coming for you now, blessings. Unexpected opportunities are opening for you, and you only have to be willing to receive them. This is the new energy and pattern at play. It does not require you to put a thought out of what you desire, it rather likes surprising you with the unexpected. Not always will the surprise look enticing, but go with it, for you are truly being blessed with gifts that you would never have thought of. Gifts, if you walk the fine line right now of not trying to control each and every little thing, will land at your feet. That is the energy right now. The old is transitioning to the new, and all of you are wandering in this space between the two. This is why some days you get lucky and the old patterns work, and then it feels like the rug is pulled out from under your feet. It is the space of what was and what will be. Accept that you are in the unknown and be curious, explore this new energy, feel it with all your being and then sit with it. Ask nothing of it, just acclimate yourself to it. It is unlike anything that has been before, and we wish to tell you that it holds many gifts for each of you that will unfold over the coming years. For now, the gift is one of healing. Healing the past, whatever has caused pain, anger, discomfort is transmuted. No longer do you need to keep going over and over these incidents, if one comes to the surface, forgive it, make peace with it and say goodbye. If you are able, make peace with the one who caused the pain, or if you caused suffering to another make amends as best you can. It will be released and healed. Set yourself free, you are the judge, the jailor and savior in every past experience you have had. Accept the gift of being healed. Know that you are free to enjoy each day that comes your way, and if something does not go exactly as planned, know that something better will replace it. Ah-ha! In peace Blessings the power of three Through Mcobb 54


Photo: Š P Nielsen 56

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