Photo: ŠP Nielsen 1
Photo: Š pnielsen 2
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Imbolc - First Day of Spring The Secrets of Truth Our Vulnerable Child Within Experiencing Life What's on our Fork - February Forked Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - February 2016 February 2016 Horoscopes Crystal Reading for February Using Crystals To Beat Winter Blues Lunar Cycles for February Power Animal -Copper Fish Marjoram Essential Oil February Inspiration Listen!
Rune Casting For February 2016 Angel Message for February 2016
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Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2016 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to
Photo: Š JCobb
Seems hard to believe, but here we are welcoming February 2016 already. There will be much to celebrate this month. If we choose, there is Groundhog - Imbolc day on the 2nd, Chinese New Year on the 8th, in Canada, we have Family Day on the 8th or 15th depending where you live, Valentine’s Day on the 14th and all those special people born on the 29th will actually get to celebrate their day this year! February is also known as Black History month. There is even Paul Bunyan Day on the 12th, wow! I will have to refresh my memory of Paul Bunyan; it has been many years since I heard that story. I decided to have Owl observe this month with us, rather than a heart or other symbol of love, which is typically what seems to be the focus of February. It is not because I don’t like Valentine’s Day, but rather because I don’t feel we should limit expressing our love to one day of the year. Love should be honored each day of the year, and celebrated and acknowledged. In the case of owls, we don’t typically have our attention drawn to them because they call out to us, more often than not we intuitively look up and there they are. Owls are the silent witnesses of the forests they live in, quietly – for the most part- observing from a vantage point high in a tree. They silently observe, with sharp vision, everything that is going on down below. Yes, they are looking for their next meal, but they see much more than that. February gets its name for the Latin term februum, which means purification. We are coming down the home stretch to the spring equinox in March. For many, winter has been here long enough and the anticipation of spring leaves them antsy. They want to be doing something and often this turns to starting spring cleaning. When we seek to purify something, we are removing contaminants, make ceremonially clean, or extracting something from. In order to do this, we need to first observe what is present. When we do spring cleaning, we tend to wash down everything, and this includes going through stored boxes, drawers, and closets. We sort through everything and determine if we are keeping it in our life or passing it along either through recycling, donating or tossing. February, to me, seems the perfect month to silently observe our lives. Remove the noise in between celebrating the events of the month (celebrating is very good for the soul, so don’t avoid it) with some meditation or day dreaming. In doing this simple activity you might be amazed by the wealth of information that comes to you. You might just see what you have been missing, what has been hidden from you, or what you have been hiding to avoid dealing with. Owl’s senses pierce through shadows, beyond fear and darkness, into the light, brightness of happiness that is gained through this knowledge. Do not limit this silent observing to your own life. Get out in nature often and watch/observe as the season starts to slowly transition. Watch for early flower varieties to be shooting up, even in snow covered areas. Watch how the ice begins to leave little pearls from melting during the day, and freezing in the early evening when the temperature drops. Listen for the sound of robins returning, and enjoy the slow return of the sun as it shines longer each day before dipping below the horizon. Balance this wonderful month of February with celebration and purification. See what knowledge you can bring to light. Do a little spring cleaning and see what long forgotten treasures you have hidden away. You might just surprise yourself when you silently observe your life and life around you as it is reborn in Spring.
Connect with Marlene at facebook 5
Candle burning bright, winter’s halfway done tonight. Only a few more weeks of winter and spring will arrive!
The Druid Year Imbolc – First day of Spring Modern Tradition – 1 Feb 2016 Old Tradition - Sun at 15 degrees Aquarius – 4 Feb 2016
Photo: © M Cobb 8
Associations to Imbolc: Snowdrops, Brighid, Lambs, winter thaw, Light, candles, feminine creativity
and skill, access to the divine realm, healing, artistry in writing and music, metal-smithing, herb-lore and healing, esoteric knowledge and magic.
What our ancestors did…
In the northern parts of Britain, whooping swans would migrate north towards Iceland at this time of the year, and were believed to be carrying the souls of the dead to heaven, north of the north wind. This linked Brighid to swans, and to the constellation of Cygnus.
After the cold dark days of deep winter our ancestors, like us, eagerly sought the first signs of spring. Snowdrops piercing the white blanket of snow, ice melting and swelling the streams, tiny buds breaking out on the twigs, and the first leaves of new grass pushing up from the cold damp earth. The slight warming of the earth and the increase in daylight would begin to stir creatures from hibernation. These heralded the time of the ‘rising of the sap’, and was a signal to all nature to find a mate and procreate. So it is around this time that animals and birds begin to look for materials suitable for making nests, burrows, dens and so on.
Long before Christian times, a sacred flame was kept burning in Kildare, Ireland and has been kept burning since by a sisterhood of priestesses dedicated to Brighid. The flame from which is carried to light a beacon in Kildare town every year during the festival of Brighid, 1st February. Pilgrims are permitted to light candles to take home a spark of the perpetual flame of Brighid to bless them and their homes.
For our ancestors there was work to be done in the fields, and around the homestead. This is the time when they would plant out double rows of seeds for the first harvest of spring vegetables – peas, beans, sunflowers, cabbage, turnips, carrots etc. One row would be harvested early when the vegetables were shoots with lots of leafy growth, while the other row would be allowed to mature.
There is much more written about Brighid, but rather than wax at length about her I shall just refer you to the page on Brighid on the website - It is another opportunity for clearing out of our lives that which no longer serves us. It is a time for starting new actions to bring into our lives the good things we need, want, deserve. In particular they would make a special occasion out of spring cleaning the home. In addition they would either attend a Grove celebration or perform a solo ritual, in which they would receive from the Goddess a spark of the Divine Light and blessed waters – to inspire, heal, and renew.
Hedgerows and shrubs would be pruned for making bundles of twigs for dwelling repairs, making brooms, fresh floor covering. The first broom would be used for the ‘spring clean’ of the home to remove the staleness of windows closed through winter, and the build-up of debris around the home – opening the doors and shutters, emptying cupboards, cleaning every nook and cranny, throwing out anything that was no longer wholesome, sweeping out the floor, and with the stale dust and dirt they were casting out the last of the winter. Fresh herbs were scattered about the floor, and spring flowers brought in to brighten up the room and freshen the air indoors.
Some like to do path-workings to go into their inner landscape and visit with the Goddess – take some time to ask questions and receive guidance. Some like to ask for special blessings for themselves and others. And some like to ‘plant seeds’ for an early harvest – each seed represents a hoped for outcome. Ways that you can honour the time…
Wells and Springs were seen as gateways to the underworld, to the womb of the earth. These suffered during the ravages of the winter weather with, rotting leaves, small animal carcases and rancid mosses building up and tainting the supply. In recognition of the importance of the clean drinking water the villagers would parade a picture or statue of the Goddess Brighid through the village to the spring where they would ritualise the cleaning and decorating of the well and dedicating it to the goddess in exchange for her blessings.
v v v
Also at this time the ewes that had gestated over the winter began to birth their lambs, and some of the ewes milk was collected for drinking or cheese making.
So it was generally a time of awakening, of cleaning out and refreshing, and of thanksgiving for births and the beginning of new growth. And is celebrated across many cultures including Tibetan, Aztec, Greek and the like.
What Druids usually do…
Through the latter part of January think about the seeds you want to plant for an early harvest – then when the time comes, make a ritual of planting the seeds. Attend a public Imbolc Rite Prune hedgerows and shrubs to make a broom – use this to spring clean, or as decoration to protect the home. Go out into nature and find a spring – clean it up, decorate it, and dedicate it to the Goddess Brighid. (to find a well or spring near you try this link - groundwater/datainfo/NWRA.html ) Help to clean up a local pond or create a new pond for local wildlife Plan your spring cleaning – open the windows and let the air blow through - when it is complete, have a celebratory meal honouring the Goddess Brighid. Read about the Goddess Brighid – write a poem, craft something, plant some spring bulbs. Begin something new that you always wanted to do – learn to play an instrument, learn a new language, learn a new skill. Re-start something that you began but never finished.
For modern Druids, this is a quiet and reflective time. It is the time for acknowledging the beginning of a new creative cycle, of thanksgiving that the goddess returns to make the earth fertile again, and for honouring the ancient Triple Goddess Brighid. It is a time for meeting the Goddess in a sacred space and seeking her guidance and her blessings. Brighid is an archetypal composite goddess, symbolically representing all that humanity needs for life and being life itself. Goddess of the Sun, and of the waters, both inspirational and creative, she epitomized knowledge
Connect with Freya 9
All of us have secrets. We hold onto to them dearly like long lost buddies, held tight in our hearts and minds like strands of time, though not forgotten. We often share these secrets with others, but more often than not we share them with ourselves. Sometimes we diminish the importance of them and other times we embellish them to grandiose status; ultimately to make ourselves look better in the light of this secret. These secrets are pages in our book of life that tell a story we are either proud of or not. And they scare us to our very core. Perhaps not the secret or action itself, but the fallout that could happen if our secrets became public knowledge. Or the accolades that would be bestowed upon us if they should come to light. Truth also holds secrets. Our truth is not the truth of others, for it is seen with our eyes and hearts, and is based upon our emotions, beliefs, thinking and experiences thus far. When we are slighted for our truths, we turn inwards, and hold tight to them. And much like secrets, we diminish or embellish our role, and that is why truth holds secrets. It is said that truth is multifaceted. The proof is in how our personal truth will vary from others truth that lived the same experience. I recall things differently from the same time period as my friends and family often and wonder why this is. If, in fact, we all experienced the same experience, why then do we tell different versions? For some reason, and I cannot speculate why for that is not my job, we honor our truth as the righteous gospel of what we experienced. So in that pondering, I am given to understand that, for that moment in time, our reality was such that our truth blinds us to seeing anything else. While I am not ancient, I am learning, and slowly accepting all sides of the truth. The truth holds many secrets, and it does so 11
silently, since it does not have a voice. I accept that my truth is not yours, and more often than not, your truth is not mine. If I can listen with respect to your truth, openly without forming an opinion, I might just walk away from the experience with a fresh new awareness and from that expand my beliefs and thinking. In our crazy world right now, too often people take up sides after only seeing a brief flash of the whole or hearing a brief report on what is going on. Unless we are living it, we cannot have fully earned a “truth.” It is instead, our emotions, beliefs and thinking that creates this truth. We can be touched by the plights that are going on and want to make a difference. Making a difference then, would be our truth. And how would that truth look? Would it be truly helping those in need, or would it be spreading more fear based “truths” to others in hope of gaining favor. See, that is how, much of our society works today. As humans, we are pressured from many different sources to take up a side, and believe the “truth” as it is presented to us. Our truth will always be ours. We own it, and we should always speak from our truth, no matter what the consequences are for doing so. Yet, we should still listen to another’s truth, even if it varies from ours, for in listening we can be reminded of aspects of ourselves we do not wish to see. Then healing can happen, and along with it perhaps a more compassionate world. One that does not judge but rather seeks to know all the secrets of truth and from that, learn to accept how unique we all are.
Connect with Marlene at
Children always melt my heart. They are so often, at the same time, vulnerable and trusting. They are the new visitors to our home planet, and they look to us for a sense of safety and acceptance. We see them move gingerly, at first, out into the world. From the womb, into the welcoming arms of parents, they explore wider circles as they grow. They learn trust when Mom or Dad is always there to reassure them when they become frightened or hurt. The trust they develop in the safety of their home environment often forms the basis for the trust they will feel in the world. If home is not safe, nowhere is safe, and from early on the child learns to build a protective wall around him or herself. The heart still feels, still experiences delight and pain, but this occurs more and more behind the closed doors of an expressionless exterior.
the courage to release the tidy faรงade constructed by ego that we can enter into genuine connection with one another. The more we can do that, the more we tap into the experience of one heart/one mind, in which we all participate. The frightened child will run to our arms, and surrender to our caring embrace. Vulnerable adults are more likely to withdraw, to become angry, or behave defensively. Why is that? Somewhere along the line we have made it unsafe or unacceptable to show our true feelings, and therefore perpetuate the practice of suppressing or subverting them. Maybe that is why so many adults abuse drugs, alcohol, food and even technology, while children have tantrums, cry, ask for hugs, and roll giggling on the floor when something is funny. They have not yet developed strong egos, and really do not care what anyone thinks of their emotions. They express them, and then move on.
As adults, an extension of the expressionless exterior may be the ability to intellectualize at length, without accessing feelings at all. The child built walls to defend against feelings of helplessness, and the adult maintains them for the same reason. After a lifetime of suppressing emotions and developing the skills to sidestep them, their presence can set off alarm bells. Rising emotions trigger feelings of childlike vulnerability. If the child could not trust the parent to remove that vulnerability by offering reassurance and protection, the adult certainly will not trust the one to whom he or she is closest. This is why it can be easier to talk to a friend or therapist, because you can count on unconditional support in most cases.
Dr. Seuss said that adults are obsolete children. If that is so, what may have made us obsolete may be our efforts to 'try to be' something, rather than just being who we are. If we want to relax into a more real, natural way of being, then we have to make it safe for each other. Maybe it is the vulnerability of children that melts my heart. Perhaps human vulnerability is a trigger for gentleness. By sharing our vulnerabilities we may enhance our collective gentleness. One more surrender, one more learning.
If you or I were to meet a child who seemed shy or intimidated, we would do everything possible to make that child feel safe and comfortable. Most of us have an instinctive desire to protect children or animals who are vulnerable. What we may fail to realize, far too often, is that the vulnerable child still exists within all of us. Yes, we have developed strength, and all of those adult competencies. We may be empowered and actualized. We may even be enlightened. The little cracks, however, that developed when we were small, can still widen given sufficient pressure. It is important for us to have compassion and acceptance of our own vulnerabilities, and to be unafraid to let others know we have them. It is the essence of compassion to respond with gentleness to the pain and dis-ease of others. The pretense we perpetuate externally in our culture of being so strong and together does a great disservice to all, for it cuts us off from support and alignment with our own humanness. It is only when we have
Gwen Randall-Young is an author and award-winning Psychotherapist. For permission to reprint this article, or to obtain books or cds, visit
"Only one thing is of absolute importance and that is your connectedness with being." ~Eckhart Tolle
Photo: Š P Nielsen 14
Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Maya Angelou 16
Hello and happy New Year to those that have inquiring minds.
Knowing that all energy started with pure love, makes it easier to recognize the dark matter and transmute it back from which it is a universal law that states this...and knowing the laws allows us as healers to do just that. Faith in that law is of utmost importance if we are to raise the vibe of this planet, and in doing so, raise the vibes of those who seek it. Knowing there is no right or wrong, and our heavenly family will support us in any endeavor we choose to experience.
It’s been a hectic start to the New Year. Many souls reaching out for healing or direction. There is a theme to the past month, or so I have been seeing in our students, and it revolves around faith. Much of what we do as healers, or my new word, as energy transmuters, is done by manipulating dark energy, held emotions, or old belief systems into love energy. Think of it as taking the energy from the soul you are working with, and turning it back into the love energy from where it first came.
An example of this: some clients experience multiple car accidents, they ask me and themselves, “What lesson do I need to learn here?” When you turn the thought pattern to an experience, you can transmute that event to, "I don’t want to experience this anymore", herein you will find that the student will rise in vibration, pay more attention to the driving experience and be free from that experience. This works with all events.
Let me address this....all energy on this planet, in this universe all started with love intensive energy vibration. When the God/ Goddess Gia created this dense experiential planet, it was for growth, it was for experiencing. We need to remove the word lesson from our growth path. We need to experience to grow, we need to experience to show us what we need to work on. The word “what lesson do I need to learn ", is too binding for our growth. The last few years, I, we, have been replacing the word lesson, with the word experience, and it has helped many to see the new direction.
We have chosen to experience in these avatars. We have chosen to seek our higher self, which is love. We have chosen to do this without judgement from our universal family, as we judge ourselves when we leave this illusion. WE judge ourselves, no one else; for like star trek has taught, there is a prime directive of the universe, and that is to not interfere....unless we ask. To come here and experience this grand illusion, only strengthens our resolve as incarnates, to raise the vibe of this planet, raise the vibe of each other, and transmute as much of the dark energy as we can for future souls who wish to join us here.
You see, we already know, we are powerful creators, we need not have to learn a “lesson,” we need to experience, we need to grow from the experience. When you do your work, or do your growing from this point of view, it changes the outcome and it changes the event of that moment. There is no right or wrong on this planet, only experience. We choose what WE EXPERIENCE BY WHERE WE ARE ON OUR VIBRATIONAL PATH. THERE IS NO-ONE WATCHING. I’ll say it again, there is no-one watching. There are only guides and ancient wisdom to lead us, we choose our path, no judgement, Universe asked us to come here, or in some cases we volunteered, to experience ourselves out of the loving energy we came from and so enjoyed. But how can we know what love is if we don’t experience hate, fear, hot, cold, hunger, longing, addictions? All that this dense planet was designed for was to experience what we are not. Yes you can experience love on this plane, but it in no way reflects the energy of love we came from. For those who think they have found love, much praise for your experience, but you have not felt the love of where we came from.
Now before you get all universal on me, yes we have many tribes here experiencing many different paths, from karmic to healing, but we need to recognize that in the end, we are all one. We all came from the same loving pool of God/Goddess, we will recognize that when the vibe is raised enough to stop the wars and segregation we experience now. This is all doable. We have tried many times and destroyed ourselves, but this new time in earth’s life is being offered to us, it’s been granted to us to break the ego barriers that have lost us to the knowledge before time. Because time is earthly, we can manifest true healings, find true love to help those who seek us out, and transmute the energy on this earth plane to one of higher learning and higher healing.
Having said that, we know there is/has been 10,000 tribes on this plane, and some are here for other purposes, which is a book in and of itself to go over. Healers have to understand that not all who seek us, will fully heal or feel love within themselves, for they are not ready, but, you open their hearts for future experiences in love and healing. Many healers we see, are good in their intentions, but we need to understand that our mode of healing is transmutation of energy. I have found that some healers, while they possess training, haven’t gone through the peeling of the onion. They still hold some emotional garbage, which in turn, affects the way that they heal others. The biggest example is held ego.
Much love and light,
Robert Connect with Robert 17
Provides Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, K Potassium, Beta-Carotene, Fiber Contains omega-3 fatty acids which are powerful anti-inflammatory agents. Heart healthy Low calorie Fat free
Rich Source Vitamins B6, C Thiamin, Riboflavin, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium Low Calorie
Excellent source of Selenium Rich Source Vitamins B2, B#, D High in Iron Low Calorie
1 head cauliflower, cored Olive oil, for cooking Salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 shallots, finely minced 1 cup sliced mushrooms 1/3 cup dry white wine 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 to 2 tablespoons capers 4 paper-thin slices lemon 1/4 cup minced fresh parsley 2 teaspoons chilled butter
PREPARATION Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Place the cauliflower on a cutting board, cored side down and cut it into 1/2inch slices, as if you were cutting a loaf of bread. Arrange the cauliflower slices on a lightly oiled baking pan (you may need more than one) and season with salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle with a little olive oil and roast until tender and nicely browned, about 30 minutes, turning once with a large metal spatula about halfway through. While the cauliflower is roasting, make the sauce. Heat 2 teaspoons of oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add the shallot and sauté for 3 minutes, then stir in the mushrooms, if using, and cook 2 minutes longer. Add the wine, lemon juice, and capers and cook, stirring, until the liquid reduces slightly. Just before serving, add the parsley and lemon slices, then stir in the vegan butter, if using, stirring to melt it into the sauce. To serve, arrange the cauliflower on plates and spoon the hot sauce on top. Serve hot.
Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water and a couple of surprise items.
Sunday Sun-Day
7 A very magnetic day. Keep your passion alive and focused toward manifesting the world you want to live in. 14
Monday Moon-day 1 Late evening VOC A very dynamic day – use it for all you can. Watch for opportunities to continue to make permanent change 8 VOC 6:40am The New Moon in Aquarius at 6:40am After that don’t let your day run amuck use it to go within 15 Short VOC 2:50am
Tuesday Mars-day 2 No Exact Aspects Don’t let your day run AMUK Candlemas 9 Excellent day – Short meditations through-out the day
to 6:35am
Watch your temper
21 Late Evening VOC How did you do last Sunday? … Watch your temper again today 28 Meditation a must – but you will need to keep your self-talk under control
Great day for journaling and artistic endeavors
22 Full Moon in Virgo Watch your boundaries (or others) 29 VOC 11:55am to
Wednesday Mercury-Day 3 You may struggle with boundaries today … to many … not enough. Release your expectations 10
to 4:45 pm
Don’t give more than you can give… but a giving bag would be good 11 No Exact Aspects
Friday Venus-Day 5 A potential for unexpected surprises – go with the flow as the energy today has potential for great good 12
Saturday Saturn-day 6 VOC from 7:55am to 10pm
Another very dynamic day … use it for the good 13
It may feel like it is hard work today – take care not to promise or give more than you really can
Don’t let your day run AMUK
Watch for unexpected surprises today – maybe provoking your core values
Watch your inside voice – don’t get fixated on the right answer
17 VOC 8:35am to
18 Sun moves to Pisces
19 VOC 6:35am to
20 Watch your self talk
Don’t get caught up making too many changes too fast. Don’t give away the farm. 23 Work hard and stay optimistic.
Thursday Jupiter-Day 4 VOC from 2:05am
A great day for a walk in the park
24 VOC 6:22am to 2:41pm
Get up early and go for it
A great day to take it easy.
25 Organize your communication
Talk any opportunities you come across and run with them. 26 VOC 3:20am
All Day VOC
Unexpected surprises could urge you to talk it out
Meditation a must
Structure plus action equals success
VOC = Void of Course … No impulse purchases or Long term commitments during the void of course, opportunity to look within all times are in Pacific Time 25
your life. Jupiter continues his trek through Virgo focused this month on a Retrograde motion (inner spiral) don’t let Planets to watch for this month are Jupiter and Mercury as yourself get overwhelmed with too many details. During this they both move into Retrograde after the first week. Retroretrograde he will retrace his step to make sure no stone is grades create a pause before action – which can be difficult unturned … if you missed out on any opportunities in the for the younger crowd – but as you gain maturity so does past they may be presented again. Utilize this time to further your ability to utilize the energy of the retrograde. evaluate and support your goals by digging deep into your Double Whammy Days for the Month (personal planets with the moon) – own well of inner wisdom. 2, 10, 11, 12, 16, 20, 28 Jupiter Squares and Oppositions with the Moon for the Most Challenging days – 2, 11… use short meditative breaks Month – 4, 10, 16 … Don’t lose sight of your budget, overthroughout the day – remember to breathe. indulging or over-committing, watch that others do not take advantage of your generosity. Lots of great favorite Meditation or relaxed days for the
Planetary ‘Action’ for February
Month – 9, 17, 19, 24, 25, 27… Experiment with different types Saturn… Our planet of boundaries, restrictions, limitations of meditation such as deep breathing - moving (chi gong) or and possibly fear. Saturn is moving through Sagittarius, and walking, music - silence or guided. will travel through this fiery optimistic energy for the next couMercury, our planet of communication in all forms from old ple of years. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility fashioned verbal & written to communication that travels on and passion into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries. Saturn continues on in Sagittarius where he will waves. Mercury moves from Capricorn to Aquarius on Feb hunker down until December 20, 2017. This transit is the po13th. Mercury gets stimulated with ideas recycled from old tential to guide you toward freedom without the need to use ways of being, just take care as these new ideas may turn escapism, or any crutches in order to experience the univerinto very fixating thoughts. sal truth. Is it time to let go of what is blocking you? Think Mercury squares and oppositions with the Moon for the quality over quantity. Month – 13, 20, 28 … Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions with the Moon WORDS WISELY! for the Month – 3, 10, 16, 23 … You may feel that life is hard Venus … our planet of Love, Security (which often shows up as monework. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! tary wants) and what we like to surround ourselves with (art, Uranus … Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden greenery, food, music, colour, sparkly things …). Venus joins Mercury in Aquarius on the 16th of February. Get ready to make changes ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative – freshen up. ideas. Expect innovative ideas to inspire, new energy sources Venus squares and oppositions with the Moon for the are available. Be a Rebel with a cause – let the radical inner Month – 12, 20, 28… Heartache/domestic and security chalchanges – shine out into your environment! lenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitaMars … Our planet of action, passion and anger. It is imtions. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with portant for you to connect to and work with your Martian experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of what energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars continyou are creating that is connected to the collective. Take care ues his trek through his power position in Scorpio – use this not to over-indulge in the 7 deadly sins. Connect with a reguenergy to strategize. What is your next move? lar routine to your guides, healing angels, and observer self. Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions with the Don’t forget to balance – through physical exercise or walks Moon for the Month – 1, 8, 14, 21, 29 …Use Caution! Be care- in the park and energetically with a grounding meditation. ful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT The Dwarf Planets … Take care not to get caught up in the Jupiter… Our planet of growth, wisdom, opportunities and harsher side of these dwarfs – they are looking to create colexcess. Jupiter is very slow moving which allows us to settle lective movement which can sometimes seem uncomfortable in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in when applied individually– it takes considerable conscious 26
effort to keep the energy positive.
Build a dynamic anticipation toward something new and exciting.
Pluto … Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn – Pluto continues to push for change to our old and outworn patterns of dictatorship and inflexible leadership (although you will continue to feel the resistance. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change.
This New Moon provides sound structure and optimistic change but only if you are willing to accept new revelations. Remain open to receive messages (these may come from inside or outside yourself) as they bring relief from old problems. Even if you find it difficult to action these messages, it is important to create detailed battle plan.
Makemake who facilitates quantum experiences and unexpected genius; is traveling at 02 degrees Libra – Retrograde (inner spiral) utilize this energy where it falls in your life to go back and re-invest in structures that bring you to a new level of understanding in your relationship with the Macrocosm.
The Full Moon – February 22 - 10:20 am 3 degrees Virgo An opposition of the Sun and Moon. A soft light shines into every dark corner, illumination – realization of both failure and accomplishment. It is a time to complete your goals – or at least set a completion date.
Eris who only desires equality; moved direct on January 10th. This warrior goddess is a truly feminine version of Mars. Evoke your true warrior within, as she fearlessly moves through Aries
It is time to flex your muscle by continuing to dissolve boundaries that are blocking you from your goals If there is a lot going on in your mind and you are having trouble focusing … utilize meditation, journaling or other creative technique to help you clear the webs. Try to remain flexible and go with the flow in the moment. Take care that you do not get distracted and take a detour (the long way around).
Haumea who is the real catalyst for Transformation is currently in Libra at 23 degrees. Brings a balance back to the goddess as she is transformed on earth. She moves into a retrograde on the 22nd of January – use this inner spiral to contemplate the transformations you have been working so hard to accomplish. Ceres loves the work or activity of the harvest moves from Aquarius to Pisces on January 28th. Time to harvest ideas and new ways of accomplishing old Spiritual tasks … Hi Ho Hi Ho … It’s off to meditation you go ;-).
Photo: © dusk -
Sun moves into Pisces on the 19th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Piscean’s out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.
Solar cycles … New and Full Moons – it is important to step outdoors and connect to the early evening sky, and again in the early morning just before the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. When we do this we inherently connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multidimensional bodies. As above So below. Continue to formulate goals that you have been working on since the Winter Solstice. Use the New and Full Moon this month to continue to propel you forward toward success.
The New Moon (Chinese New Year) February 8 - 6:39am … Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.
19 degrees Aquarius
When the Sun and Moon are sitting together blending their energies, out of the darkness grows the light of creation. 27
Utilizing both your personal Sun and Moon sign – as a valuable road map to guide you through the year. Love your life, dive in and live it well! Overlay the following monthly theme as a focus to help you achieve your big picture.
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Your emotional body may not be feeling up to par – but your physical body is strong. Take it easy, rest and relax – use your home base to create a sanctuary. Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) Don’t be your own worst enemy. Communication is key this month – set a goal to connect.
Aries (March 20-April 19) Create an overlay goal to work on your social skills don’t undervalue this long term investment.
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) Social affairs need to take a back seat this month. Focus on increasing your day to day finances.
Taurus Horoscope (April 20-May 20) Don’t undervalue your partnerships, work on finding your niche and watch your reputation grow. Quality of education = Quality of life.
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) Don’t let your work distract you from focusing on your getting your physical body in tip top shape.
Gemini Horoscope (May 21-June 20) Invest time in yourself, your well-being may depend on it. Use your innate ability to educate yourself on the best approach.
Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) Meditation is a must this month. Time to get out of your head and into your heart.
Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 21) Investments made this month are important and risk could have a significant payoff, but try to not be too creative. Leo Horoscope (July 22-Aug. 22) Get your partner involved in your health routine whether that is with your diet or as a workout partner. Don’t let anyone on the home front sabotage your efforts. Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Continue to watch for opportunities especially at work. Communication may be a trouble spot this month. Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Continue to readjust your current habits in order to create stability on the home front, something new is on its way. Watch your pennies …..
Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 29
A Crystal Reading for
February 2016
Thank you for being here in this place, doing that which you are drawn to do. Thank you for walking this path, taking steps every way the path opens to you. Thank you for the smiles you bestow, for the love that shines through your eyes into the eyes of another. Thank you for being present to do this work. Now, we begin the reading: Dear ones, you are so well-come, walking on your path this month. Each day celebrate a little more of who you are. You have imbued this month as the month of love. Celebrate all the wonderful facets of that beautiful energy. Week by week, celebrate Love…. What a beautiful gift you are! We celebrate you, we Love you. We are truly only a half a breath away at any point in time. Celebrate the wonder, the glory that is you. We do…..
Contact Vera at
Photo: © VEnshaw 30
Week 1: February 1 - 7 – Spirit Quartz: Feast your eyes on this beautiful crystal cluster. Part amethyst, part rose quartz, it asks that you join together with your heart and soul this week. Allow your heart to open fully, knowing that your soul will guide you. As you think with your heart, trust. Trust that between them – between your heart and your soul – truth exists, exists for you. Allow your truth to shine forth. Do not let yourself be swayed by the opinions of others, whether real or imagined. To do so would be opting out of what your knowing is offering. Accept. You know you want to….
Week 2: February 8 - 14– Uvanovite: You are Love. Celebrate that in this week by gifting yourself with a token of your love. A flower, a photograph of a beautiful scene, a chocolate, a walk in nature. A quiet meditation, a deliberate hug, a warm bath. After you have received your gift, expand beyond yourself. Feel far out beyond your energy field and gift the universe with the joy that comes from loving and having our love received.
Week 3: February 15 - 21 – Clear Quartz Vogel Crystal: This is the week to spread your love around! Smile at strangers. Take a special something to a friend – a chocolate heart, a small pot of spring flowers, something delicious that you have created. Send a picture that you have taken via email so that it gladdens their heart upon opening it. You touch the lives of so many – this week be deliberate about spreading your joy. The week after Valentines can be hard for people. In your own special way you will help your loved ones cope.
Week 4: February 22 - 28 – Obsidian: This is a week for body work, whether you go to a massage therapist or give yourself the gift of your own self-massage. Trade with a friend if you are able. Work the stress that has accumulated over the past 3 weeks out of your being. Use a soft and gentle oil, find a high quality essential oil that resonates with you (cedar wood, black spruce, orange, rose…). As you receive the gift of that body work, allow that which resists to soften. This is all about trust. What you release now will stay released – it will not come back for another round.
Tag End: February 29 – Fuchite: This last day of February is one we receive only every four years. Let yourself shine. Bring flowers into your home, clean your fountains and have fresh water flowing down them. Go our when you can and find a stream where water flows, right and chatty. Listen to the messages. Allow yourself to hear what the water has to say. If there is no fountain, no stream close by – listen to water from the tap. Listen as you pour water into your glass. Listen. Hear. Dance to the song of Love.
Photo: Š P Nielsen 32
Well, it seems to be the time of year when most of us are in full-on hibernation mode (well, at least I know that's how my body was feeling!) We tend to hunker down and while we wait for those first few amazing days of spring. For many, the quiet time that we experience over the winter is accompanied by a lack of motivation or a nasty case of the winter blues.
er. It’s also great for motivation, so I love using it to help me tackle projects. I’ve had the best results with this when using my Sulfur in a crystal grid. Sunstone is the last crystal in my recommended list for beating the winter blues. It brings the healing energy of the sun into your auric field, filling it with light and warmth. This stone is wonderful for treating the effects of S.A.D. and (for some people) it may even work better for this than Citrine. I recommend placing a palm-stone shape over the Solar Plexus Chakra for approximately 10-15 minutes. While the crystal is in place, visualize breathing in the orange or golden light of the Sunstone, filling your Solar Plexus Chakra and radiating throughout your physical body. I especially like using the Pink Schiller Sunstone from Plush, Oregon, but any Sunstone will work well (with the right intention, of course!).
This year, I decided to get proactive and work with my healing stones to help me through what is normally a challenging time of year for me. I’ve been feeling happy, organized, productive, and energized - not to mention super motivated and having fun with my many energy healing projects (which is almost the completely opposite of how I usually feel midwinter). So, I wanted to share with you a list of crystals that you can use for the winter season with the hope that they will help you in the same way as they have been helping me.
Hope this helps you get cozy with your crystals! The most commonly known crystal for treating something like the winter blues is Citrine. This was always my go-to crystal for relieving Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.), but through experimenting with different types of Citrine, I determined that Phantom Citrine is an amazing crystal ally for this purpose.
The Phantom Citrine crystals are especially good when you’re in times of transition in your life (like the beginning of a new year) or when you’re making plans to better yourself. These crystals can help you keep track of your personal growth - just like a phantom is the record of the growth of the crystal, these crystals can help you to keep a record of your self-growth. This makes them highly motivational tools because they can show you just how far you’ve come. When you’re feeling good about yourself and your accomplishments, it’s hard to let the winter blues stand in your way. However, citrine crystals with phantoms are kind of rare, but it is possible to find them. So, keep your eyes open; they’re really great stones to have in your toolkit. If you can’t find a Phantom Citrine crystal to work with, then another great stone for a winter pick-me-up is Sulfur. It enhances your life-force energy, fortifying you for the winter months and energizing your physical body (keeping you from feeling sluggish). To energize yourself with Sulfur, hold a piece over your three lower chakras (Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus) for approximately 2-3 minutes on each (beginning with the Root and moving upward). Sulfur also helps to pull warmth into the body, keeping you happy and healthy during the cold weath-
Certified Crystal Healer Ashley Leavy Founder & Educational Director of the love & Light School of Energy Medicine E-mail: Love & Light School of Energy Medicine Mimosa Books & Gifts Online Shop Article Source:
Photo: Š M Cobb
Marlene Cobb
Photo: Š MCobb 36
new Moon
February 8 The new moon on February 8th at 6:38 am PST in Aquarius, is bringing some wonderful energy for us to explore! When the moon is in this sign there is an instinctual need for improvement, which could bring about a chaotic change in direction. As an added bonus, it is Chinese New Year, bringing in the year of the Monkey! Time to explore something new and unusual. Typically, I suggest “moon” rituals that are solo, but this moon begs us to get out with some friends, do something we have never done before. Perhaps have dim sum and celebrate Chinese New Year. Basically, welcome this new moon in the company of good friends or family, catch up on each other’s lives and have some laughs. For about a three-day period you will be open to new methods of doing things. Welcome this energy! Even if it is a chaotic change in direction, it could be just what is needed to change your paradigm. We all want change, either in our personal lives or globally, and yet typically we keep doing the same actions over and over with the result being things staying the same. It will not necessarily be easy breezy, however, if you embrace and accept the effort it takes, you will be pleased with the results down the road. As we honor this new moon, let’s use the Aquarius energy and manifest improvement in our overall health, wealth and cheer for the rest of the year. Nothing elaborate, just a simple chat with the moon will suffice. Allow the energy of having been in good company tonight to lead the way, light a candle and simply state your intent for a year of good cheer, a year of good health, and a year of prosperous wealth. Don’t go into imagining how any of that will look, just intend it and let it go. Pour yourself a cup of tea, and enjoy the flickering flame of your candle until you are ready to head to bed. Be open to receiving new ideas that will bring your desires into being. All that is required of you is the willingness to embrace and accept good cheer, good health, and prosperity – no matter how it comes to you.
Full Moon
February 22 February’s full moon arrives on the 22nd at 10:10 am PST in the sign of Virgo. It is referred to as the Snow Moon, and it got this name because usually the heaviest snow fall happens during this time. It has also been referenced as the Hunger Moon, supplies stored in the fall were dwindling and hunting was difficult due to the snow. For us, we have grocery stores to stock up on food supplies and while heavy snowfall might cause havoc, it is usually cleared up within a day or two. How times have changed, yet the names given to the moons hold the energy of all our ancestors. I mention this because, while we think we have tough times, our lives are so simple compared to theirs. No matter when this moon shows up, signs of spring start appearing. We might be blasted with another hit of winter, yet hope reigns and we are buoyed by it.
it, they buoy our sense of self with pride and the ideas that have not quite taken off hold us because we want them to work, gosh darn it! And admitting defeat, even to ourselves, somehow diminishes our sense of self. We will keep this simple, don’t stress about or try to figure out what you should be releasing. Instead, simply ask your higher self to facilitate releasing whatever you are holding onto from your past that is not serving your highest good. Asking our higher self for assistance with this removes our ego over thinking what we should be releasing. It also allows us to move out of the way and not try to hang onto situations which should have long been released. Four Elements Releasing Bath. Draw a warm bath, adding Epsom salts and your favorite Bubble Bath. Light a candle to represent fire. Settle into the warmth of the water and take three deep cleansing breaths. Call upon your angels and guides to assist your higher self in releasing what is no longer serving you. Focus on your breath, notice any thoughts that come to you and enjoy your bubble bath. Do not add more warm water to the bath, instead when you feel guided or are starting to look like a prune, pull the plug to release the water. Do not get out of the bath, instead stay present and feel the pull of the water draining, and as it does so knowing that whatever you have released is going down the drain. Stay in the tub until all the water has drained, then stand up and starting at your head dry your body towards your feet furthering the release. When dry, wrap yourself in a fluffy robe and spend the rest of the evening relaxing or do this releasing bath just before going to bed.
With that in mind, this is the perfect time to decide what is next. What hasn’t taken root yet? Has something reached its peak? What needs to be transformed, released or diminished? It is a time for healing. Before we decide what is next, we should release what has been. Full moons tend to bring whatever we are trying to hide to front and center! We are called to move beyond our secrets and the past. As this is the last full moon of winter, what better time to purge our past mistakes and faux pas than now? Think of it as early spring cleaning for your highest good. This full moon fully supports us in this endeavor. Virgo when combined with the moon energy is all about purification, growth, healing, loving ourselves, accepting responsibility for our past errors, forgiving ourselves and then making plans for the future. When we hold onto things that have reached their peak, or that did not take off as planned, we are staying tied to that time frame in our lives. Our peaks hold us because, let’s face 38
Photo: Š P Nielsen 39
Find your openness and receptivity with the depth of your heart It is interesting that copper fish came up when I asked what the power animal is. So as copper fish comes swimming in their message is: “Go with the flow of life like us that swims and glides in the waters of the world and Creation. Our color symbolizes receptivity, openness and the feminine essence because of these qualities much healing comes to you through our color copier. Like us swim down deep into the depths of your emotions and release anything that is not needed. For water symbolizes emotions and the flow of emotions as well. Find your receptivity in the depth of your heart and then share and give it to others, yourself, mother earth and the world. Be at peace in the flow of your life and go with it” You’re in receptivity Copper fish
Contact Michelle blog or email me at 41
Sweet marjoram is part of the oregano family of herbs – and, as with oregano and basil, it is a multifunctional essential oil. If you have the plant growing in your herb garden or in a pot, take some in your hand and pull on it without tearing it away from the plant. Smell your hand and breathe in this deliciously woodsy, tangy herb. If you have the essential oil, open the bottle and bring it slowly to your nose – then take in a lovely breath. Mmmmmm. Feel your sinuses open, your mind clear….
den, I gladly use it. But sometimes I don’t have it on hand – and I always have the oil on hand! That way I get the best of both worlds! Enjoy this oil. Diffuse it, smell it, cook with it, play with it! Please – always remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.
Marjoram was called ‘joy of the mountain’ by the Greeks and was considered a symbol of happiness by both Greek and Roman cultures. Its beautiful white flowers were woven into bridal headdresses to symbolize health and happiness.
If you are having trouble sleeping, put a few drops of marjoram in your bath before bed – or diffuse it into your bedroom as you are going to sleep.
For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at Or go to the website:
The warmth in this oil makes it ideal for massaging achy muscles, and is very effective for treating those nasty muscle spasms that can destroy a good night’s sleep. Create a blend that is at least 50% marjoram and take it to your massage therapist for use in your massage. You will both benefit from it. Put a drop on a cotton ball and breathe in to help combat a tickly cough. A drop massaged into the muscles on the back of the neck can help soothe a headache. Put a couple of drops with an organic carrier oil such as sweet almond or jojoba to help relieve menstrual cramps. Marjoram helps to open the heart chakra, so using it in a diffuser prior to working with a client on heart-related or trust issues could facilitate healing on many levels. People who have separation anxiety could also benefit from the use of this oil, both in energy sessions and by carrying it with them on a cotton ball or tissue and inhaling the scent occasionally throughout the day. Diffuse it in the yoga room prior to a class, and watch students walk out happy and relaxed – even more so than usual. Finally, when using therapeutic grade marjoram oil, use a small amount of it in cooking. A single drop will be sufficient to cover an entire lamb roast; a toothpick inserted in the bottle and swirled in a salad dressing will give it just the right touch. Experiment, remembering that less is always more – you can always add a touch more, but it’s hard to take an excess away. Try it in soups and stews, too. You might ask ‘but why use the oil when you can use the herb?’ When the herb is growing fresh and green in my gar-
Contact Vera at
This month’s messages drawn from Gateway Oracle Cards by: Denise Linn
Hello Dear Ones Blessed is this day. The sounds of the universe greet and surround you. A symphony just for you if you would just sit quietly and listen. The sounds of the universe and the music of Creation is within you and around you all the time. Listen beloved souls. Listen. Within each of you is your heart song, which the universe made and sings just for you. In joyful harmony, let it merge with your heart, feel it come from inside of you out to the world. A joyful expression of you. It matters not how it comes out into the world, only that it does, in the infinite and powerful expression of love that you are and always will be. With love from our heart song to yours. The Angels
Contact Michelle blog or email me at 46
Phil Nielsen
Photo: Š mcobb
Well, January certainly has been a wild one. We have seen a lot of our musical heroes pass away, well before we are ready to let them go. I wanted to get a sense of the coming month and asked the runes to show me what we can expect.
The third rune that I drew was Berkano. This stone is the symbol of fertility, either of a physical birth or the birth of an idea. I see this cast as early delay and patience, followed by facing whatever is in our path, and then finally, the light at the end of the tunnel, the birth and beginning of change that we have been seeking. This will not be quick but I see a continuing change for the better, something we have been working towards for a long time.
The first rune pulled was Isa, which signifies a cessation of activities - a freeze. I see a period of delay early on in the month but this should be temporary. The second rune was Naudhiz, another rune of delay. This glyph counsels patience and indicates, that whatever issues we have, they will work out in their own time. No amount of coaxing or prodding on our part will force them to be resolved faster.
As long as we stay true to our purpose and do not try to force the cosmos to bend to our will, we will see positive results.
Naudhiz always presents a time of passing through a difficult learning situation, also known as "crossing the abyss."
Until next month, Sk책l my friends
We need to meet this challenge head on without fear as it can be the catalyst that drives you to overcome whatever obstacles may appear in your path later on.
Contact Phil at
for more information. 49
Message from the Angels January 2016
Hello dearests, Tally ho! You are off on an adventure! What started to build during your last month, inner healing and peace, is about to take off as the door opens on an energetic expansion. Expect new beginnings around every corner and do not get attached to anything, for what appears today could be gone tomorrow. Energetically, things are really taking off and we advise you, not so as to scare you, but rather to allow you the pleasure of enjoying the ride. You will be asked to speak up and take charge of your destiny. No longer can you lie in wait for the winds of change to direct you. They have blown hard and fast, but now the choices lie at your feet. It is time for you to make a commitment to yourself. A commitment to yourself that you can create the life you want. Stop relying on others to achieve or support your happiness by creating the life you want for you. It does not work that way and never has. Only you know, and truly know at your soul level, what you desire. You know, and now is the time to use your personal magic and power to create a peaceful, happy, abundant life. You are the alchemist, and right now the door opens and the Universe welcomes you to refresh, or erase and repaint your personal canvas, to reflect who you are. All that you see as difficulties, are actually blessings. Expand your vision and
see how truly wonderful your life is, even the difficult bits. Nothing is out of your reach dear ones. All you need to do is think big and make a commitment to yourself that you are off on the grandest adventure of all. You are creating the life you desire and can fill it with as much love and happiness as you wish. Begin by enjoying each moment of your day. Understand that the small voice that tells you your story over and over, is just as scared as you are to step out of that story. It knows not what it does when it keeps you in victim mode. For if it could only see beyond what has already been, it would start to tell you stories of what could be. Then both your small voice and you would be searching for new adventures each day. Take the time to clean up your life so that it looks as pristine as you wish it to look. A fresh outlook – achieved by living in the moment – can do wonders for coloring your world in a new variety of colors you have never experienced before. Now is the time as the doorway opens upon this energetic expansion. Allow the Universe to welcome you. What you will refresh, or erase and repaint in your life? There are no limits, only expansive opportunities to draw upon. Your higher self, guides, and angels are with you always. Know that their encouragement and support are only a request away, and then watch how they help in synchronistic ways. Blessings the power of three Through Mcobb
Photo: Š P Nielsen 52