Nourish January 2016 issue 54

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Photo: ŠP Nielsen 1

HELLO JANUARY AND WELCOME 2016! Photo: © pnielsen 2

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4 Thoughtforms 6 Happy New Year 8 Circle of Life

10 The Story of Soul 14 K.I.N.D. 16 Sweet Dreams

20 Imbolc - First Day of Spring

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24 What's on our Fork - January 26 Forked

30 Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - January 2016 34 January 2016 Horoscopes 36 Crystal Reading for January 40 Lunar Cycles for January

Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2016 by Nourish Publication

44 Power Animal - Snake 46 Basil Essential Oil 48 December Message Words 50 Do Not Deny Yourself your Own Love

All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to

52 Rune Casting For January 2016 54 Angel Message for January 2016


Photo: Š P Nielsen


I am sitting here in the silence afterwards, that time between Christmas and New Years that seems to be no mans land. Time seems to freeze for a moment during this time. A quiet seep’s in and days languish one into the next with very little routine. A pause to just be and think towards the new, as I release the old. What a roller coaster 2015 was! I embrace each climb to the top and each rush downward that led to another climb. I am not maudlin, just calmly reflecting, as each event that transpired was in the past. I also anticipate with excitement what seems to be a gentler year coming in. One that will still have its share of climbs to the peak and slides to the basin, yet from the past we know we have got them covered. For myself, and I feel each of you as well, the year ahead holds so many bright possibilities that at times we will be overwhelmed with joy and not know which way to go. I sense this because we are the creators of our days, which leads to our years, and over the course, our life. This year as we embark on the new I am asking that we lose the drama and instead seek the excitement. That is really what we are doing at all times, reaching for something exciting. We start something new and feel a rush of adrenaline that sustains us until the polish wears off, and if we are lucky, we recognize when to let go and allow the ending of that new. This is why a new year excites us so much! We feel the energy and want to start something, anything and immerse ourselves in trying on something “new.” Yet the polish typically wears off quickly – think resolutions that don’t live to see a month. Drama gives us the same adrenaline rush, only usually it has a negative impact on our well-being. To my way of thinking, resolutions are self inflicted dramas. We set them up because we think we need to or should, yet they don’t really resonate with our being and that is why the passion fades so quickly. Instead of drama, seek ways to fill your days that boost your overall happiness. Find new creative outlets, try something new (a few times during the year). Overall you will be making wonderful memories and even though there will be some sad endings, mixed with frustrations, confusion and not knowing where things will go, there will be fresh new beginnings. There will still be some dramas that occur, it seems to be a fact of life and not something we can avoid totally. Yet we do have a say in how we react and participate. My new year wish for each of you is that you receive what you are seeking. No matter what you are passionately trying to achieve. That, what you are seeking brings you to a place of peace within yourself. May you find all the tools required to navigate 2016 in a way that is meaningful for you and that grace is part of your journey.



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1. No matter how familiar things may seem; you are on an entirely different road now. The 1 year is the first year of a brand new nine-year cycle of your life. It urges you to create a more satisfying existence by recognizing the new potential that is developing. It is a time of change and new beginnings. Last year brought an entire nine-year era of your life to an end and was probably emotional and confusing. However, those experiences were necessary so that this year's new beginnings can occur. The past is over, but you will need to release the feelings and beliefs that are still anchoring you to it. Then, instead of being shocked or confused by this year's changes, you will more easily understand their purpose. 2. The 2-year cycle is an inspiring twelve-month journey in which you will find exciting connections between your past, your present, and your future. Eventually, you will be able to use this information to set an ambitious goal in motion. But make no mistake, what happens this year is going to take perseverance and, above all, great patience. First, you must slow down and stop pushing to get results. What you want is going to take longer to achieve than expected, so tone down your high expectations of yourself and others, and pay patient and meticulous attention to the details of all situations.

Do you know what your year number is? It is really easy to figure out. Take the month and date you were born on and add it to the year. I will use me as an example, March 16 , 2013. It would look like this: 3+1+6+2+0+1+6 I would end up with 19 which I would further reduce 1 + 9 to get the number 10 which reduces to 1 + 0, or 1.

3. After a year in which other people's needs eclipsed your own, it is your turn now. This is a simpler and more casual twelve-month cycle in which you must constantly ask yourself: "What do I want?" Your own long-term happiness and fulfillment are the central issues, and the 3-year cycle gives you the opportunity to discover, and then create, what you believe will make you happy. What you want is attainable regardless of what appears to be standing in your way. However, before the direction of your happiness can be uncovered, you first have to detect and heal the sources of your unhappiness which, you will find, have as much to do with what is taking place in the world as it does with your own personal situations, relationships, and memories.

Each year I normally look at what kind of a year I am going to be having as a guideline to what is in store. It is amazing how accurate it ends up being. Take some time and discover your year. Knowledge is the key to better understanding of who we are, what effects us, and how we can deal with it. Creative Numerology is spectacular, the monthly forecasts are updated each month on the first, and the weekly forecasts are updated each Sunday. Be sure to bookmark it and check in often. The following are really just a small snippet of each of the numbers, once you know your number head on over to the website, to get a year review, monthly overcast and a weekly overview.

4. The 4-year cycle is one of vision, management, priority, effort, limitation, restriction, determination and breakthrough. Your sense of identity - who you are and what you believe - is the principle theme. The events of this very practical year will leave you in no doubt that the time has come to set new priorities and strive toward a specific long-term goal. 4 is the

Enjoy discovering your number and what it means for you! Marlene 6

number of organization and work; how things work, making things work, and working towards something that means a lot to you. As the year unfolds, you will need to develop a clear vision of what you want and make a firm commitment to attaining it. Keep in mind that the reason the 4 year often feels confusing and 'difficult' is because its nature seems to place obstacles in your path any time your attention is diverted from reality. Setting realistic goals not only helps you to stay focused, but often results in a very satisfying achievement. Whatever it is you hope to accomplish, (and your priorities may change several times this year), you can be assured that it involves mental, emotional and/or physical hard work.

7. Welcome to the 7-year cycle. 7 energy flows in an atmosphere of privacy, solitude, and quietness. It is constantly seeking answers to its steady stream of questions about itself and life. It is seeking truth, wisdom, dignity, fulfillment, and perfection. This year, so are you. However, without knowing its purpose, the 7 journey can be confusing or even depressing. No matter how much you want to surge ahead, this is a year of learning how to create the conditions you truly want for yourself. In the process, 7 will constantly expose you to aspects of your life with which you have become dissatisfied, so that you can realize just how perfect and satisfying your life can become if you are willing to make the changes that need to be made. Only then will you know where you truly belong in this rapidly evolving and uncertain world.

5. You enter your personal 5-year cycle of freedom at a time in humanity's journey when freedom itself is one of the most important aspects of our times. You will have to devise some resourceful and innovative ways to retain and expand your freedom, whatever that may mean to you, while you are being urged to do just the opposite. Just remember the old adage: freedom defined is freedom denied. 5 is the number of diversity, travel, and different cultures. Whatever you are dealing with, seek a deeper understanding of what is involved. Awareness of reality is the best safety-net you can have in this exciting and unpredictable cycle. 5 is also the number of change, chance, variety, choice, different belief systems, the sudden, the unexpected, the unusual, and the physical. This year will be quite an experience for you - a new experience.

8. You get what you want in the 8-year. You really do. However, if what you want is out of touch with reality, it could end up being a liability, and if you do not know what you want, life will react with the same level of uncertainty! This year, you must be specific and realistic. The 8 year is a time of self-empowerment, which starts with the often startling realization of how little power you actually have in this world, and that it is entirely up to you to regain your power and find a way to live as freely as possible. This year, you will prosper according to the strength of your determination, the accuracy of the information you follow, and the depth of your awareness. Throughout the year, your ability to make things happen and get things done will increase. Your expectations will rise, along with your confidence and feelings of satisfaction.

6. Our most basic instinct is survival. But when we, our loved ones, or our beliefs are threatened, we can take some astonishingly extreme protective measures. However, we often fail to realize that the extremes we run to can turn out to be more dangerous than the original threat. There are now three powerful lanes of energy open to you. On the left and right, there are the unstable fringes of opposite extremes. The center lane is balance, and this is where you need to focus. Welcome to the 6-year cycle, in which you will feel a growing sense of duty and priority. Accept that you do have responsibilities, but don't assume you already know what they are. As the year proceeds, you will realize that at least one responsibility is no longer yours, or was never yours to begin with. Overlooked responsibilities may now require attention. Your primary obligation is to yourself, or you will be in no position to take care of others.

9. The 9-year cycle brings you to the end of a complete nine-year cycle of your life. It is a year to complete unfinished business, reach conclusions and tie up loose ends. These actions will help you step into the next nine years of your life without the pressure of unresolved matters of the past pulling you back. As one door closes another opens, but if you refuse to accept that certain doors really have closed, you will be unable to recognize the new possibilities. It is time to face the absolute reality of your past - and how it is impacting your present, and then decide how you want to create your future. Your reality is not just a matter of where you stand today or where you want to be tomorrow. It is made up of everything that has ever happened to you, everyone you have ever met, anything you have ever done, and any feeling you have ever felt - or denied. 7

As most of you know, our family just went through the loss of our mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and great great grandmother. It was very sudden and quite unexpected. While the family was at the hospital, we also found out that a few hours earlier, my nephew and his wife had just welcomed another daughter into our family, so while we were saddened by the passing of one life, we were elated by this new addition. This was one of the biggest roller coaster rides of emotion I have ever experienced and one in which I am loathe to repeat any time soon. My mom was always there, not only for her family, but also for anyone needing help. My parents fostered about 92 kids, volunteered at their seniors centre, were active in their church, and were also involved in their community for almost 50 years. I am sad that I won't have her physically to talk to or go out for lunch or coffee but she is with me every day so I do not mourn for her. Death is always harder for the living, so I am sad for the many people she leaves behind, not the least of which is my father, who walked together with her for 68 years. I want everyone to reach out to someone, either your family, or a friend you have been meaning to call, because we truly do not know when that person will no longer be with us. My love to all Phil




“That’s the story of my life!” How often we hear this exclamation when someone is experiencing a pattern of frustration or struggle. The implication is that a recurring theme, one we don’t particularly like, keeps creeping in like a noxious weed in a flower garden. At times it threatens to choke out the good things. Then it is easy to feel helpless, or victimized by the forces of the Universe.

Like the early visionaries who believed that aircraft could be built to fly, soul knows without question that true alignment with body-mind is possible. It will not give up, even though personality sometimes feels like an experimental airplane that keeps crashing back to Earth. The more that personality can tune into the vibration of the soul, and strive to match that vibration, the smoother, effortless, and flight-like life becomes.

The “story” may start in childhood and with subsequent negative experiences become embellished and expanded. From this standpoint, the story becomes the basis for limited beliefs about our capabilities and fortunes. This story is the work of the ego, or the personality, and it is much like the rationalizations of the adolescent stage, where outside forces are blamed when we have not created what we really want. Strands of limitation may be woven into the tapestry of our belief system by parents or teachers who program us with their own narrow views of human potentiality. And so the story is written, the plot laid out, and the ending, predictable.

The “stories” in our lives are the opportunities to experience how aligned or misaligned we are in relation to our higher purpose, higher self, or soul. The key is not whether the stories are happy or sad, easy or difficult. It is not true that if we are in tune with soul, there will be no struggle. What is significant is how we respond to the stories, how we interpret them. If we see the wisdom that is revealed in the play, and in the outcome, even a sad play warms our heart. If we understand the significance of major, recurring themes such as attachment, polarity, judgment, and denial, then we are released from those kinds of learnings.

Or is it? Not if we are aware of the many different levels of consciousness we can have about our “story.” Imagine a stage production of a play. You might see yourself as an actor or actress, simply playing out your part. Or you might adopt the perspective of a producer/director, recognizing that you can influence how the story is played out. Or you might be the author of the play, and rewrite at will, or write a brand new play.

The more aligned we are with soul, the more we have the feeling, like an aircraft of rising above the mundane, the worldly, and having a broader vision of all of the levels of the being. As we lift ourselves upwards, not only do we see more clearly and in sharper perspective all of what exists as the lower levels, but we also wee the incredible openness of what lies above. It is new territory to be explored but we have to overcome the density of the lower levels to even begin that journey.

Now imagine that the soul is the story writer, and the personality plays spectator, actor, and director. Consider that the soul has profound wisdom and knowledge, and the only way it can communicate that knowing is by involving the personality in a series of stories throughout a lifetime, or over many lifetimes.

And so, indeed; there are many stories of our lives. There are the individual stories, the stories that are handed down from generations past, and the stories that we share as human beings and as spiritual beings. And then there is that place beyond all stories, beyond language, beyond words. It is a place of quiet and of stillness. It exists within each one of us. It is the story of the soul. It is home.

Each “story” that plays itself out in life might be like a fable, with a moral or a learning embedded within. As personality grasps the learning, soul moves on to a new kind of story, but if the learning is not understood, then varieties of the same story are repeated. After a while, outcomes might seem predictable, but that does not mean they are predetermined. Personality can be considered as an understudy or apprentice for the soul. The soul’s ultimate goal is to have personality expand and merge with the energy and wisdom of soul. Assisting body-mind to become the vehicle for the fluid expression of soul is the purpose of the three-dimensional experience.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, Deep Powerful Change Hypnosis CDs and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to 11

You’re off to great places, TODAY is YOUR day, your MOUNTAIN is waiting, so get on your WAY! Dr. Seuss

Photo: © P Nielsen 12



Here we are once again facing the start of a new year. Normally I am exhausted because of the hectic rush of Christmas and this year is no exception, the difference is that I have mentally made the shift to how I wish to view 2016. As I sit and start my year with my list of 'Goals' I have already decided to go with a approach


Knowledge of myself and what I will actually do verses what I think I should do. Believe me, this saves me from having that inner dialog with myself of “ see I knew you would fail” Please do not lie to yourself and set yourself up for failure. We all know on a gut level if we will do something or not. So take the time to be honest with yourself before you do your New Years List or put any plan of action together, that way you are paving the way to success.

Invest in your self and your plan. If part of your plan is getting healthy by taking a class, then book that class and add the schedule into your plan. Remember to break any of you large plans into smaller steps so that you stay on track and do not be afraid to re-start a step if you find you have lost focus. Make a monthly note in your day planners or journals ( I strongly recommend one of these resources to help keep you focused on your goals ) of what you wish to accomplish during that period.

Nurture yourself PLEASE. It always amazes me how unkind we are to ourselves. The inner dialog of negativity to the self sabotage of a diet or exercise program to the abuse of drugs or alcohol that we use to dull out often unacknowledged pain and feelings. Be soft Be gentle Be kind to you. Find a support for yourself whether that is a close friend or a group or a doctor or councillor or a book or C.D. Just find a aspect of help to aid you to move forwards with out dragging the shackles of unneeded emotional or physical burden with you.

Dream. Dream and visualize that you are walking and living the reality of what you wish to be. Feel it in your pores and talk as if you are there already. I would suggest that you do a small meditation and visualization at least once a month to refocus your mind to the goals you are wanting to achieve. Optimally I would suggest you do this weekly to start and once you find you are on a sustainable path then monthly.

“I am a beautiful healthy creative vibrant being surrounded with love and support with ease I achieve my goals and desires” Step into your new year with supported and achievable goals and remember to be the grace and gratitude and kindness that you wish to see and be given.

Namasté Debra Rae Connect with Debra Rae 15

Last night I dreamed that I was dancing with abandon down a long, wide hallway with my daughter, when suddenly, in one of the open -armed twirls I was performing, I lost my footing and fell flat on my back. I laughed and laughed as I lay on the floor and my daughter, seeing my demise, also dropped to the floor laughing at the suddenness of my horizontal position. It was clear that I was not hurt and it was clearly a good time yet it also portrays those elements that suggest falling is a euphemism for troubled times or a situation creating cause for embarrassment. Not so here, as falling flat on my back evoked surrender and a feeling of letting go. Indeed, perhaps when one falls while in a state of exuberance and fun, there exists a cushion that protects a person from severe or any damage to the self.

from a dream. Then, from that point forward, the unfolding of the dream’s content can present more detailed practical as well as intuitive information. In my previous example, the night dancing dream evoked joyfulness and a sense of freedom in me even as I fell. It also reminded me of another time in waking life while walking with my daughter along a brick sidewalk by the Pacific Ocean when I unexpectedly fell. This time I fell flat on my face. There was no warning it would occur. I didn’t trip. I wasn’t pushed either and yet I was suddenly falling forward and without the instinctual reflex of breaking my fall with my hands. It literally was an experience of falling flat on my face. My daughter was shocked, as was I, and asked as she helped me to stand up, if I was hurt. As it turns out, I was fine. There were no bumps or bruises because as I fell, I had the uncanny impression of soft pillows or clouds suddenly appearing between my body and the ground. This softness protected me entirely from the hard brick surface. At the time, I was astounded by how this event evolved – both in how quickly it occurred and also by the sensation of softness appearing all around me. I should have been hurt, but wasn’t. The benevolent action of whoever or whatever provided the ‘soft landing’ protected me. ‘Sweet Dreams’, my dancing dream, reminds me of that time and it carries a similar and significant missive.

Robert Moss, the great contemporary dream teacher and author, states that a person provide titles for their dreams as an author would do when writing a book. The title might be a simple one such as ‘Dancing’ as in my dream, or something more elaborate such as “I Danced Myself Silly and Then Fell to Floor Laughing”, however, I have decided to call my dream “Sweet Dreams” because surely it was.

Dreams can be precognitive or instructive, and more; and, even places we design to work through probabilities that have come upon us in life and that we want to try out first as a kind of dress rehearsal in the form of a dream as we sleep. When you do have the recollection of a dream, Robert Moss states, ask yourself - how did I feel immediately upon waking up from this dream? This practice offers a kind of barometer or index of the dream’s influence as well as a place where you might uncover messages given to you while in the dream state and that can be brought through into waking life. There is immediate feedback when practising this action for a person generally knows how they felt after waking up

Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Maya Angelou

To further the exploration of dream material, Moss suggests that a dream might be literal (could it or did happen in ‘real’ life), or symbolic, or even perhaps the experience of another dimension. He says noticing what people show up in our dreams is useful too. Are these folks we know in our waking life or not? Are they individuals who are not present in our waking life, but have shown up in previous dreams? And finally, he asks the question, “What would I (you) like to know about the dream?” This question moves a per-


son into that contemplative place of sitting quietly within the dream’s content while deeper messages begin to rise to the surface. It is akin to unwrapping a present so as to discover the gift within or similarly in reading a great book to enjoy the inspiration it delivers.

and that there are successes and failures. Life ebbs and flows. Perhaps this is a reminder to me, about not attaching myself to final outcomes, but to allow for the unexpected as the unexpected may allow for possibilities I could never have logically thought out. It is also a dream about gratitude in the co-creation of life events because we each have the possibility around planning out an endeavour, acting out the necessary pieces and then surrendering to serendipity or happy accidents which is a pathway aligned with exploration, adventures, in going with the flow, and in allowing life to unfold in its myriad ways and outcomes. It is about trust. ‘Sweet Dreams’, too, is about the effortlessness around companionship with family; the joy of walking through life together even as lessons appear as the underpinnings of that journey.

In the book, ‘Create Your Own Dreams: A Seth Workbook” by Nancy Ashley, the author says: “In space-time terms, dreaming is what happens when consciousness ‘shifts gears,’ when the energy giving motion to consciousness changes focus”. She goes on to say: “One reason to remember our dreams is so that we will become more aware and trusting of the messages coming through to us. In developing a sense of familiarity with the inner world and its different way of operating, and by becoming used to its lack of logic and juxtaposed images, we’ll be more willing to entertain what may seem to be impossible or ridiculous notions.”

Finally, Robert Moss asks: “How will I (you) honour your dream?” My daughter arrives for a visit in a few days from now and my very loose plan is to simply be present in the moment with her while allowing our time together to unfold with effortless abandon. There will likely be laughter.

It is also understood that many times through the occurrence of dreams or during the hypnogogic state that exists between waking and sleeping life, profoundly creative ideas and possibilities arise to the surface and become conscious. These are then developed into innovative and effective actions undertaken when the person is ‘awake’.

In my work with clients, we will often explore dreams and how their metaphors and/or symbols are unique to the individual dreaming the dream. The deep places of intuition emerge during the dream state and engage us in ways that truly are beyond the logical mind. Dreams are open-ended possibilities that encourage us, play with us and offer us perspectives and solutions that might not have otherwise occurred in our normal, consensual-based reality.

My dream might be both literal and symbolic. Literal in the sense that I have done similar things with my daughter in the past although not in the hallway of a large hotel. In those instances, we were having fun and we laughed ourselves silly. It could be symbolic, because this might be a demonstration about how falling flat on my back might be viewed as part of the expansion and contraction around experiencing life. Perhaps it serves as an example of how I might respond when I fail (or fall). Perhaps, in the scheme of things, this response is perfect; a knowing that all things change

Connect with Nada Rose

Nada Rose 778-800-9640 17

What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness. John Steinbeck

Photo: Š P Nielsen 18


The Druid Year Imbolc – First day of Spring Modern Tradition – 1 Feb 2016 Old Tradition - Sun at 15 degrees Aquarius – 4 Feb 2016

Photo: © M Cobb 20

Associations to Imbolc: Snowdrops, Brighid, Lambs, winter thaw, Light, candles, feminine creativity

and skill, access to the divine realm, healing, artistry in writing and music, metal-smithing, herb-lore and healing, esoteric knowledge and magic.

What our ancestors did…

In the northern parts of Britain, whooping swans would migrate north towards Iceland at this time of the year, and were believed to be carrying the souls of the dead to heaven, north of the north wind. This linked Brighid to swans, and to the constellation of Cygnus.

After the cold dark days of deep winter our ancestors, like us, eagerly sought the first signs of spring. Snowdrops piercing the white blanket of snow, ice melting and swelling the streams, tiny buds breaking out on the twigs, and the first leaves of new grass pushing up from the cold damp earth. The slight warming of the earth and the increase in daylight would begin to stir creatures from hibernation. These heralded the time of the ‘rising of the sap’, and was a signal to all nature to find a mate and procreate. So it is around this time that animals and birds begin to look for materials suitable for making nests, burrows, dens and so on.

Long before Christian times, a sacred flame was kept burning in Kildare, Ireland and has been kept burning since by a sisterhood of priestesses dedicated to Brighid. The flame from which is carried to light a beacon in Kildare town every year during the festival of Brighid, 1st February. Pilgrims are permitted to light candles to take home a spark of the perpetual flame of Brighid to bless them and their homes.

For our ancestors there was work to be done in the fields, and around the homestead. This is the time when they would plant out double rows of seeds for the first harvest of spring vegetables – peas, beans, sunflowers, cabbage, turnips, carrots etc. One row would be harvested early when the vegetables were shoots with lots of leafy growth, while the other row would be allowed to mature.

There is much more written about Brighid, but rather than wax at length about her I shall just refer you to the page on Brighid on the website - It is another opportunity for clearing out of our lives that which no longer serves us. It is a time for starting new actions to bring into our lives the good things we need, want, deserve. In particular they would make a special occasion out of spring cleaning the home. In addition they would either attend a Grove celebration or perform a solo ritual, in which they would receive from the Goddess a spark of the Divine Light and blessed waters – to inspire, heal, and renew.

Hedgerows and shrubs would be pruned for making bundles of twigs for dwelling repairs, making brooms, fresh floor covering. The first broom would be used for the ‘spring clean’ of the home to remove the staleness of windows closed through winter, and the build-up of debris around the home – opening the doors and shutters, emptying cupboards, cleaning every nook and cranny, throwing out anything that was no longer wholesome, sweeping out the floor, and with the stale dust and dirt they were casting out the last of the winter. Fresh herbs were scattered about the floor, and spring flowers brought in to brighten up the room and freshen the air indoors.

Some like to do path-workings to go into their inner landscape and visit with the Goddess – take some time to ask questions and receive guidance. Some like to ask for special blessings for themselves and others. And some like to ‘plant seeds’ for an early harvest – each seed represents a hoped for outcome. Ways that you can honour the time…

Wells and Springs were seen as gateways to the underworld, to the womb of the earth. These suffered during the ravages of the winter weather with, rotting leaves, small animal carcases and rancid mosses building up and tainting the supply. In recognition of the importance of the clean drinking water the villagers would parade a picture or statue of the Goddess Brighid through the village to the spring where they would ritualise the cleaning and decorating of the well and dedicating it to the goddess in exchange for her blessings.


v v v

Also at this time the ewes that had gestated over the winter began to birth their lambs, and some of the ewes milk was collected for drinking or cheese making.


So it was generally a time of awakening, of cleaning out and refreshing, and of thanksgiving for births and the beginning of new growth. And is celebrated across many cultures including Tibetan, Aztec, Greek and the like.




What Druids usually do…


Through the latter part of January think about the seeds you want to plant for an early harvest – then when the time comes, make a ritual of planting the seeds. Attend a public Imbolc Rite Prune hedgerows and shrubs to make a broom – use this to spring clean, or as decoration to protect the home. Go out into nature and find a spring – clean it up, decorate it, and dedicate it to the Goddess Brighid. (to find a well or spring near you try this link - groundwater/datainfo/NWRA.html ) Help to clean up a local pond or create a new pond for local wildlife Plan your spring cleaning – open the windows and let the air blow through - when it is complete, have a celebratory meal honouring the Goddess Brighid. Read about the Goddess Brighid – write a poem, craft something, plant some spring bulbs. Begin something new that you always wanted to do – learn to play an instrument, learn a new language, learn a new skill. Re-start something that you began but never finished.

For modern Druids, this is a quiet and reflective time. It is the time for acknowledging the beginning of a new creative cycle, of thanksgiving that the goddess returns to make the earth fertile again, and for honouring the ancient Triple Goddess Brighid. It is a time for meeting the Goddess in a sacred space and seeking her guidance and her blessings. Brighid is an archetypal composite goddess, symbolically representing all that humanity needs for life and being life itself. Goddess of the Sun, and of the waters, both inspirational and creative, she epitomized knowledge

Connect with Freya 21



Abundant in Vitamin C, rich in fiber, rich in sulfur and iodine. Detoxifier, supports immune system, anti-bacterial, anti-viral. Improves blood flow, reduces free radicals. Anti-inflammatory, rich in glucosinolates, vitamin U, low calorie. Boosts energy, and supports healthy skin cells.


Rich in Vitamin C, A, B6, Copper, Manganese, Potassium Helps control blood sugar levels Low in sodium High in fiber Reduces inflammation

Improves immunity Regulates blood sugar levels Reduce inflammation Remedy for common cold Antibiotic Heal infections 25



1 whole chicken - cut into parts ½ head of cabbage 1 medium onion 4 potatoes 4 slices thick bacon ¼ cup water

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Rub ½ teaspoon onion powder 1½ teaspoons thyme ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper ½ teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon sweet paprika

Mix together rub ingredients. Roll the chicken pieces in the spices and set aside. Fry the bacon. When cooked put on a paper towel to drain. Drain most of the bacon grease from the pan, leaving enough to brown the chicken in. (you can also use olive oil if desired) Quickly brown the chicken pieces. When browned set aside on a plate. While the chicken is browning, roughly chop the cabbage. Then slice the onion into thin slices. Next peel the potatoes and slice into rounds. When the chicken is browned, add the cabbage to the pan with ¼ cup water, after a few minutes mix in the potatoes and onions. Take off of the heat. Cut the bacon into pieces and sprinkle over the cabbage mixture. Add the chicken pieces on top of cabbage mixture. Place the pan in the oven and cook until the chicken is done, about 45 - 50 minutes for all to cook. The juices from the chicken will help to cook the cabbage and potatoes.


No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself. Virginia Woolf Photo: Š M Cobb 27




Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water and a couple of surprise items.

Sunday Sun-Day


VOC ends at 11:36am

Old wounds and Powerful Emotions surface, ... think before you blurt it out Mars moves to Scorpio 10 VOC 9:40am to

Monday Moon-day

Tuesday Mars-day

4 Fantastic day to work further on the details of your resolutions/ New Year Goals

5 VOC 9:50am to

11 VOC 5:10pm

12 VOC Ends 4:00pm


Mercury is Standing Still today Words are extra powerful … use them wisely Giving Bag…

Wednesday Mercury-Day Don’t worry about your New Year’s Resolutions until Saturday January 9th when you will need to step into high gear 6 Mercury is moving Retrograde –

Thursday Jupiter-Day

Get ready to tackle a project that you put on the shelf … re-work it!

Definitely don’t give more than you can …


14 VOC 8:30 am to


Giving Bags Don’t judge … lest it is returned

7 Late evening VOC Jupiter is Standing Still today


Fabulous Day … go for a walk and hug a tree

Another beautiful day in the neighborhood Soak it all in

17 You don’t need to have it all right now … Your emotions might feel like they are getting the better of you … exhale

18 WOW … take advantage of this day … best day of the month

19 All work and no play … is ok for today!

24 Late evening VOC

25 VOC ends 7:50pm

26 Mercury moves direct

Use Action not Anger

Mercury is Standing Still today … watch your words & don’t get stuck on that thought

Healthy Boundaries may seem like they are nonexistent …

Friday Venus-Day 1 Mercury makes the first move as he wanders into Aquarius, getting his genius on…

8 VOC ends 7:00 am Mercury moves back into Capricorn

Don’t try to pay off all your debts at once … plan, organize and … all will be completed

20 Sun moves to Aquarius

21 Early morn VOC

22 Late evening VOC

Don’t push too hard … but push Confidence & timing will come

Keep that inside voice … you can’t take back words that cut too deep

28 Don’t hang onto resentment … keep your independence but sharing creates inter-dependence

29 Late VOC Breathe deeply and let your thoughts melt into the eye of the storm … re-action is your only control

Another very special day … Don’t forget your giving bags

Expect the unexpected 9 New Moon in Capricorn

At 5:30pm Re-Structure use organization skills Don’t take duty for granted 15 Finish off the work week strong … Give or receive an unexpected surprise

Overwhelmed with responsibility? …take it one step at a time

Don’t give away the farm … but a giving bag would be great 27 VOC at4:10pm

Saturday Saturn-day 2 Voc 8:23am (start building the inner structure of your goals) Meditation

16 VOC 3:25 to 9:50pm

If you are having a challenging conversation … be safe and secure in your thoughts 23 VOC ends 11:21pm

Venus moves to Capricorn Full Moon in Leo

30 VOC ends at 7:50pm

Meditation is a must … whether it is a walk in the park – a long run – or centering yourself on a soft pillow

31 Pleasant day … just take care not to let anything blurt out that you will regret later J

VOC = Void of Course … No impulse purchases or Long term commitments during the void of course, opportunity to look within all times are in Pacific Time 31

Planetary ‘Action’ for January


Happy New Year! We start the year out with all planets moving in a direct force – this is a powerful astrological statement. As we turn the proverbial page – all our environment will be very moving in an outward spiral. Use this to take your life to the next level … with a solid concept and action plan surrounding your goals. Focus on the world in which you wish to live – you attract where you are at, and it could never be more important to be aware of where you are at.

Mars … Our planet of action, passion and anger. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars moves from Libra to a power position in Scorpio – use this energy to strategize. What is your next move? Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 3, 5, 10, 17, 24 …Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT

As you become more attuned to conscious behavior (aligning Body/ Mind/Spirit), you may find that it becomes more and more difficult to keep things in balance. Pay attention to the subtle movement of the stars – embrace how and when they activate both your internal and external landscape …

Jupiter… Our planet of growth, wisdom, opportunities and excess. Jupiter is very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter continues his trek through Virgo don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with too many details – leave all that counting of the grains of sand to Mercury. Don’t get overwhelmed with sweating Planets to watch for this month are Jupiter and Mercury as they the small stuff. Jupiter continues to move through Virgo until midboth move into Retrograde after the first week. Retrogrades creSeptember. He retrogrades (do over) this month starting on the 7th ate a pause before action – which can be difficult for the younger crowd – but as you gain maturity so does your ability to utilize the of January that will last until May. He will retrace his step to make sure no stone is unturned … if you missed out on any opportunities energy of the retrograde. in the past they may be presented again. Utilize this time to further Double Whammy Days for the Month (personal planets with the moon) – 3, 5, 6, evaluate and support your goals by digging deep into your own well 13, 17, 22, 26, 29 of inner wisdom. Most Challenging days – 5, 6, 29…use short meditative breaks Jupiter Squares and Oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 7, throughout the day – remember to breathe. 14, 17, 20 … Don’t lose sight of your budget, over-indulging or overLots of great favorite Meditation or relaxed days for the Month – 4, committing, watch that others do not take advantage of your gener11, 12, 18, 27, 20 … Experiment with different types of meditation osity. such as deep breathing - moving (chi gong) or walking, music - siSaturn… Our planet of boundaries, restrictions, limitations and poslence or guided. sibly fear. Saturn is moving through Sagittarius, and will travel Mercury, our planet of communication in all forms from old fashthrough this fiery optimistic energy for the next couple of years. ioned verbal & written to communication that travels on waves. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion into Mercury moves from Capricorn to Aquarius on the 1st and then what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries. Saturn conmoves retrograde on the 5th (our first do-over of the year), he then tinues on in Sagittarius where he will hunker down until December treks back into Capricorn. This provides another opportunity to re- 20, 2017. This transit is the potential to guide you toward freedom structure your ideas. On the 26th he moves into a direction motion without the need to use escapism, or any crutches in order to expeand then back into Aquarius on Feb 13th. Time to get organized for rience the universal truth. Is it time to let go of what is blocking your next step! I like to use the retrograde to re-organize and reyou? Think quality over quantity. vamp my email and website, try to get filing one and dust off any Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions with the Moon for important projects (worthy of a 2nd look) that have been shelved. the Month – 6, 8, 13, 19, 26 …You may feel that life is hard work. Mercury squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! 16, 20, 22, 29, 31 …Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS Uranus … Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas WISELY! and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating imVenus … our planet of Love, Security (which often shows up as monetary wants) pulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect and what we like to surround ourselves with (art, greenery, food, music, innovative ideas to inspire, new energy sources are available. Be a colour, sparkly things …). Venus moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn on Rebel with a cause – let the radical inner changes – shine out into the 23rd – she will take off her party dress and get all bossy and your environment! serious J Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations. Venus squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 13, Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation 17, 21, 28 … Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of what you are creating that is 32

connected to the collective. Take care not to over-indulge in the 7 deadly sins. Connect with a regular routine to your guides, healing angels, and observer self. Don’t forget to balance – through physical exercise or walks in the park and energetically with a grounding meditation.

since the Winter Solstice. Use the New and Full Moon this month to propel you forward toward success.

The New Moon – January 9th at 19 degrees 13’ Capricorn When the Sun and Moon are sitting together blending their energies, out of the darkness grows the light of creation. Build a dynamic anticipation toward something new and exciting.

The Dwarf Planets Pluto … Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn – Pluto continues to push for change to our old and outworn patterns of dictatorship and inflexible leadership (although you will continue to feel the resistance. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change.

This New Moon is not for the faint of heart … This is a great time to activate any of the goals on your list that you have not started yet. With this moon superficial is just not going to cut it. The year starts with passion and quest for the truth. You may be drawn to live your life to its fullest by experiencing more. No more living on auto-pilot … it is time to engage. Look at the goals you set during the Winter solstice and pick one goal that needs a boost of selfknowledge and psychological change. Work on self-renewal and self-analysis. You may be presented with the opportunity to gain inner wisdom, don’t forget to share that wisdom and insight with others. Rein in your fears of lack, working on getting into a good headspace as you activate your ability to attract. The caution as always – you attract where you are at – you can be in the right space at the right time.

This year we are going to explore the collective behaviors of the newly named dwarf planets … all of the collective planets and dwarfs Uranus to Ceres have a harsher side in the way they present energy – they are looking to create collective movement which can sometimes seem uncomfortable when applied individually – it takes considerable conscious effort to keep the energy positive. Makemake who brings quantum and unexpected genius; is traveling at 02 degrees Libra – Retrograde (inner spiral) where past actions may need to be reversed.

The Full Moon – January 23rd at 3 degrees 29’ Leo An opposition of the Sun and Moon. A soft light shines into every dark corner, illumination – realization of both failure and accomplishment. It is a time to complete your goals – or at least set a completion date.

Eris who only desires equality; is also traveling retrograde (inner spiral) at 22 degrees Aries. Supports the warrior goddess a truly feminine version of Mars. Haumea who is the real catalyst for Transformation is currently in Libra at 23 degrees. Brings a balance back to the goddess as she is transformed on earth.

Now that you have been on a quest to find your truth – you may have discovered that the truth (when spoken out loud) when used Photo: © dusk - with love is a very powerful tool. Use the light of the full moon to see what you need to let go of in order to continue on the path of truth, awareness, self-actualization, change and transformation. Sometimes you just have to tell it like it is. This Full Moon brings passion and the ability to direct that passion into something that creates meaning and conscious action (through sustained effort) in your life.

Ceres loves the work or activity of the harvest is traveling through Aquarius at 19 degrees. Time to harvest ideas and new ways of accomplishing old tasks

Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Aquarian’s out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.

Solar cycles … New and Full Moons – it is important to step outdoors and connect to the early evening sky, and again in the early morning just before the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. When we do this we inherently connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies. As above So below. Connect to your night sky – light a fire and sit under the stars … Experience your New and Full moon first hand, set a covered clear glass of water out under the beams overnight then drink in the energy of the moon the next morning.

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.

Continue to formulate the goals that you have been working on 33


source of inspiration, look beyond the surface to the pattern developed as a source of stabilizing these ideas. In order to achieve long term gains, allow yourself to transform to the next level.

Take your journaling to the next level – utilizing both your personal Sun and Moon – as a valuable road map to guide you through the year. The horoscope below utilizes the planetary conditions as you turn the page from 2015 to 2016. … Love your life, dive in and live it Well!

Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) This year you may need to readjust your current habits in order to create stability on the home front, something new is on its way. In order to contain this energy meditation is a must, people come and go … make the effort to ensure the right ones stay.

Aries (March 20-April 19) Don’t let your emotions or emotional relationships distract you from the task at hand … If you have your eyes set on a Career boost for the year … set monthly goals that build over the year. To maintain balance you will need to continue to work on improving/maintaining your physical health during this process.

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Education and Communication is key this year – Slowly expand your communication skill level by taking a computer or writing course to move up a notch. To contain and balance this energy you need to expand your landscape - dream big and don’t let erratic work schedules stop you.

Taurus Horoscope (April 20-May 20) Use your daily habits and routines to lead you deeper into wisdom and finding your truth. If you have set a goal to further develop your education (especially philosophical) continue setting monthly goals to build this focus over the year. To keep everything in balance it will be important to step into opportunities – don’t become your own worst enemy through self-sabotage.

Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) New contacts made through everyday interactions may create a dramatic increase in your ability to earn money and increase your income. In order to stabilize this energy embrace new opportunities in your career be sure to stay ahead of the pack.

Gemini Horoscope (May 21-June 20)

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20)

Your electrical system may be very sensitive this year, take care not to short circuit your system. Investments of all kinds are in focus, you may need to jump into the deep water without looking. To keep everything contained and in balance you will want to connect to your center and be still, allow collective ideas to surface – follow the unbeaten path, or create your own.

Your ability to naturally and effortlessly run the show will not go unnoticed. Let lofty goals … the stars have aligned, so spread your wings and show the world the new you. To balance this energy allow natural changes at home support you in the direction you to travel.

Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) Your focus this year is to set structured daily meditation in order to advance your philosophic outlook on life, keep an open and expanded mind. You may find unexpected insights and communication that will support this investment of time and effort.

Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 21) The other is in focus this year. This will mean that you must open yourself to a new deeper level of connections at the same time setting healthy boundaries. To keep everything balanced you should explore new ways to communicate and keep in mind, what you may have wanted to keep as a family affair could go viral and become directly linked to your reputation.

Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) The habits and patterns you are developing this year will have a tremendous long term effect – make sure your outside (projection) matches the inside. Slow and steady wins the race. Part of this may be to create a supportive collective environment for others to transform. You can support and stabilize this energy by facilitating partnerships and finding innovative ways to fund these ideas.

Leo Horoscope (July 22-Aug. 22) Your health and daily work routine is in focus this year, communication will be a key factor in taking it to the next level of achievement … others need to know what is on your agenda in order to support you. To keep everything in balance you may need to develop a new philosophy on life and how you want to live.

Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) This year may have a bigger focus on the game of chance, including chance meetings which may prove to be a big 35

A Crystal Reading for

January 2016

New beginnings are so exciting! They can also be a bit scary but we will never let THAT stop us from charging ahead into the unknown, will we? For those of you who don’t like new beginnings, who don’t think you are capable of stepping out into something new, consider this: Every dawning is a new beginning and every New Year is a new beginning. Whenever you think ‘I can’t” look to the fact that you CAN and DO – each morning and each year. We write our story on the blank page of the day, the chapters are the months and the entire 12-month creates the book of the year. For some of us the book begins on our birthdays, for others on the first day of the new year in their tradition. The whole of our life story is an encyclopedia filled with all of our experiences, our learnings, our his-or-herstory….Read on to see where THIS new beginning is taking you: The journey of Spirit is multi-faceted. Take a good look around you at the many facets surrounding you. All people, all beings, all things are connected in so many ways. Dear ones, you are not alone, never have been alone. It is only your fear that makes it seem otherwise. You ARE dearly loved. You ARE Love. Know it. Namasté

Vera Contact Vera at

Photo: © VEnshaw 36

Week 1: January 1 to 7 – Malachite: The beginning of a year of healing, of transformation. Remember that healing does not always show up the way we think or imagine it should. Always, always, there is love. It is when we remember that LOVE is ALL the time that we begin the true journey of healing. Malachite beads, malachite stones…find a piece or two of malachite and make it the stone you carry for 2016. On your walls, in your pocket, under or by your bed…be prepared for an explosive year!

Week 2: January 8 to 14 – Ruby: What one does, the other does also. Ruby is the stone of kings and queens. Gem quality ruby sparkles and shines and invites you to look closer. This piece of ruby is blessed with a record-keeper, inviting you to look back to your past. Read it as you would a book, without getting attached to the story. The information there will make its way to you as needed in the coming year. Consider having a past-life regression done to enable you to go even further into your past…

Week 3: January 15 to 21 – Rhodochrosite in silver: Oh dear ones…weep not for what has passed. You are held in the arms of love, spirit enfolding you IS you. When you do not nurture yourself all of your cares and concerns take on mammoth proportions. Take this week to prepare a medley of self-care that is easy to follow no matter where you are. A brief toe-to-head meditation before you sleep, a few extra minutes in the shower or bath receiving the gift of precious water. Walking part way home or to school or work. Little things all add up to let you know that YOU care enough about you to nurture your Self. From there, dear ones, it is easy to carry on your loving practices with the rest of the Week 4: January 22 to 28 – Four Points Energizer: This week take the time and space to connect with all the aspects of you. You are so much more than the physical – take the time to get to know the energetics, the aura, the angel, the Spirit that is you. There is one for whom Tiger is calling, asking you to come closer, to connect. Zebra is calling another. We have the ability to connect with all beings, with all things on all levels. Get serious this week. It does not have to be onerous – when you are walking invite spirit to walk with you, to connect with you. Pay attention to what you begin to notice: a leaf on a tree, a hawk or sparrow soaring in the sky, a cat or a vole or a rat sliding across the path in front of you. All creatures, all things are powerful connections to all that is…do not question, only heed the call. If you are drawn to, keep notes in a journal. If not, the memory will stay in the journal of your heart….

Tag End: January 29 to 31 – Hypersthene: Only three days in this tag end, but they are three days that are very intense. Look below the surface – what appears to be plain and straightforward has a depth that will shine forth if only you allow it. Gentleness, comfort, warmth – feed your Self nurturing food as well as comforting food. Take a load off, worrying is pointless and based on fantasy. Reality beckons, and it is beautiful.


Photo: Š M Cobb

Marlene Cobb

Photo: Š MCobb 40

new Moon

January 9 Our first New Moon of 2016 is in the sign of Capricorn and arrives on the 9th at 5:31 pm PST. The sign of Capricorn is considered to be the most determined of the entire Zodiac. It is ambitious, while being conservative and practical. As we are slipping into a new year, a fresh start, and another 12 months to have adventures and figure out more about ourselves, this is the perfect moon to start us off. The moon in Capricorn is all about long term activities, it encourages us to set a target and go after it relentlessly. Since New Moon’s are all about bringing into our lives what we desire, I believe we should use this moon to set the intent to have a wonderful year, laying the foundation right now with some practical items to help us recall that we are making 2016 our best year yet! Let’s start off sitting in the light of the moon by lighting a white or yellow candle (the moon is not going to grace us this evening with her light) and idly daydreaming about what a wonderful year would look like. What do you desire to have a wonderful year? It might be improved health and fitness, financial freedom, or at least enough to ease up the stress of wondering how you are going to manage all your responsibilities. It could be a partner to share your life with, or it could be a desire to learn something new. Perhaps you have no idea about what wonderful would look like, but you get a sense of how it would feel. Your “wonderful” will be your true hearts desire and I ask that you take the time to quiet your mind, as often our minds


think we want something, when truly our hearts have a different idea all together. Now that you have a sense of what your wonderful is going to be, ask your higher self to provide a mantra. A mantra is a simple sentence that can and should be repeated to remind us of what we are working towards. It could be “My life is abundant and all my needs are met.” “I am attracting the love I dream of and desire.” “I am fulfilled.” “I am fearless.” “I am enough.” “What is my path to happiness.” Just a simple phrase that will embody what you desire for a wonderful 2016. If you feel drawn, say the mantra before rising in the morning and last thing at night when you go to bed. Most likely you will say it faithfully for a while, then drop it, but know that if you hit a roadblock, it will be there to repeat and remind yourself that you are creating your own wonderful 2016.

One last item, a charm! What symbolizes your wonderful 2016? Again, ask your higher self to show you what charm symbolizes wonderful for you. Either search your own items or plan to purchase a small token that you can either carry with you or have in a prominent spot in your home to remind you that 2016 is going to be wonderful. Spend as much time building the foundation with this moon as you need. Make some notes in your journal or day planner to remind you of this evenings desire, mantra and charm. As you blow out the candle say aloud “2016 is my year of wonderful. Nothing can stop me – I can only stop myself!”

Full Moon

January 23 The Wolf Moon or Cold Moon of January comes in on January 23, at 5:46 pm PST in the sign of Leo. As we are in the astrological sign of Aquarius, which is air, Leo’s fire will be fanned to bring brighter, higher flames to help us release whatever we wish. It will burn hot and quick, so to speak, and this speaks to me of knowing what we really want to release. Given the date of this moon, it happens at a divine time as we will have three weeks into the new year and a better idea (hopefully) of what we want to release. In thinking of this moon, I keep being drawn to “being the best you can be.” In order to help with that, we will use this moon energy to release whatever does not make us our best.

word. Write the one word for what you are releasing upon that piece of paper, I would write “fear.” Continue with the other two pieces of paper, using the same word. During the evening of the full moon, light a fire in your fireplace, or have a candle burning in a safe place. Prepare a cup of hot chocolate, or other warm beverage you enjoy. Quietly sit and enjoy the flames, and build up a sense of joy that will come to you from this releasing, see in the flames how brightly you will shine when this aspect is relinquished from your life. When you feel the time is right, take your first piece of paper, holding it on your heart, whisper “farewell my friend” and toss it into the flame (note if you are using a candle make sure that you have this in a safe place and slowly burn the piece of paper). Watch the smoke curl and rise up in the air, transmuted across time and space. Continue with the other two pieces of paper, doing the same, except with the second piece whisper “have a nice day” and for the third, whisper “goodbye.”

This moon is all about positive changes and finding balance. It might seem like I have talked about this a lot in the past months, but the time has come for us to really make sure we are in balance as much as possible. When we are balanced we are able to cope with whatever comes our way better. Leo is the creative, generous sign – they like to shine. Both Leo and Aquarius find they are most happy when they are doing things for others. If you were to look at yourself, your life from the perspective of you being a friend, what would you see that holds you back from shining? From being the best, from having the best life you could? This takes great courage; which Leo the mighty lion has in spades! What is one simple piece of advice you would give yourself that would allow you to step into your own fullness? Take some time with this, and cast away the voice of judgement that limits and suppresses you from truly shining in your full light.

The energy of this moon is creative and generous, have some fun with it, let your imagination choose how you will work with it. You do not have to follow my ritual exactly; it is only for a guideline – modify it to suit your own needs.

During the coming month and beyond if you notice what you have released shows up again, simply observe and whisper “goodbye.” Do not get disheartened that it is still present, instead celebrate that you are aware of it and can choose to release it again. Cheers to you being the best you can be in 2016!

Like I said earlier – this is about positive changes to find balance. I think we could all work on releasing fear. That does seem to be the root of so many of our challenges. While fear is an innate part of us that keeps us safe, it can also hold us back from shining our brightest. I will use this moving forward, but please use whatever you wish to release.

On or before the 23rd, gather 3 smaller pieces of paper in different colors. As we have many symbols involved with this full moon, you may also wish to gather a wolf, feather (air), lion, something to represent your release. Take one of the pieces of paper and hold it between your hands, simple breath into it “blessings” by saying the 42

Photo: Š P Nielsen 43

Power Animal


It is time to shed Your skin of the past

The power animal that came to me this month is snake. So as snake slithers in their message to us this month is: “It is time to shed your skin of the past, release things that are keeping you back. We know this may not be easy, however like for us, it could be. Do not ignore the feelings that go with releasing, that is not good for you, be kind and gentle on yourself and know it will pass.� Yours in release The snakes

Contact Michelle blog or email me at 45


I love the warm taste of fresh basil, and when it’s in season I put it in my daily salad. Yum! When I first opened a bottle of basil essential oil, I was SO surprised! Take that delicate plant and distill it and the first thing one smells is….are you ready? Licorice. Anise. Blew me away, it did. Still deliciously warm, but it’s a delicate warm. Unlike thyme or oregano, the warmth in basil is gentle. Achy joints? a bit of basil rubbed on is like a localized hug. Suffering cramps? Again, basil on the lower abdomen is the hug your body loves to receive.

into the bottle and then swirl it in your cup of hot – just boiled but not boiling – water. If you desire more flavour, repeat the process. Enjoy this oil. Diffuse it, smell it, cook with it, play with it! Please – always remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.


Basil is one of the oils that promotes clarity of thought. If you are working on a project that requires the ability to stay focused, consider diffusing basil into the room. This will also work for those young – or not so young! – folks studying for exams. Since it is not always possible to diffuse the oil, a drop or two on a cotton ball carried in a pocket or held in the hand would do the trick nicely. Put two or three drops into a small acrylic or glass jar filled with Epsom salts. You can open the jar and leave it on your desk or just take an occasional sniff.

For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at Or go to the website:

One of the benefits of having your own essential oil is that you never have to make up more than you are going to use in one go. There are many reasons for sore, achy muscles, but basil EO helps to soothe them all. Mixing several drops into an organic carrier oil – jojoba, coconut or sweet almond – will make a lovely massage oil that will leave your body feeling loved, nurtured and much less achy. It’s a wonderful way to gift yourself – or to have your partner or a loved one gift you. It truly is a gift that keeps on giving, because everyone in the vicinity gets the aromatic benefits and the massager and the recipient both get the physical benefits. It is easy to give and receive a massage while sitting in a comfy chair – you do not need a special table or to be lying down. Those are nice, of course, but don’t let the lack of the table limit your massage experiences. If you like to cook with basil, having a certified organic, therapeutic grade oil from Young Living EO means you always have it on hand for those yummy pasta dishes. Add a drop or two just before the dish is complete. Always go slow, because a very little bit goes a very long way. If you want to make a tisane, insert a toothpick

Contact Vera at



This month’s messages drawn from Archangel Gabriel Oracle Cards by: Doreen Virtue


Dear ones, It beseeches you to be aware at this time of rapid change of the need to take care of yourselves. There is much emphasis placed on helping others and the world, this is always a major focus, for love will change the world. You need to give service to each other, mother earth and the world. It should always be a focus. However, this is an important time for you to look after yourselves too. You see, dear ones, it is not wrong to look after yourselves. In fact, it is mandatory that you do. If you push yourself forward without doing so you run the risk of doing yourself, as well as those you love and care for, an injustice. For your balanced love and compassion are needed to move the world, its people and yourselves forward into the new perspective and age on this earth. The world needs leaders, love and compassion and it is time to learn to give that to yourselves. Do not deny yourself this love, the love that “All of Creation� has to give you. Do not deny yourself your own love and compassion. You see, dear ones the depth of love is unfathomable, endless and it is always available to everyone and everything. This universe is love and love is all there is. Every particle, every cell, every atom is that of love. You see, beloved ones, this is truth and the truth of love will give you wings to fly into the depths and heights you have never known before. So learn to love yourselves and know we are all one and the same with love. Yours in the truth of love Archangel Metatron

Contact Michelle blog or email me at 50


Phil Nielsen

Photo: Š mcobb


This month's reading seems to be an overview of last year and what we can expect for the coming year.

We should also listen to knowledge imparted by the elders as they have more experience and wisdom.

The first rune I pulled was Raidho. Raidho is the rune of travel, sometimes physical but it can also be a spiritual journey, and this is what I feel is the meaning in this particular cast.

This was a very positive reading for me, and I hope for you. I for one, am happy to have gotten through this past year. We have seen turmoil and strife throughout the world, not only physically but personally and spiritually, and seem to now be ready for the next leg of our journey.

We have all been on a roller coaster ride this past year, our beliefs have been tested, and in some cases, altered by new knowledge and understanding. We seem to be finally coming out of this upheaval and I feel we are better for the experience.

We are strong and as long as we stand together, we can overcome whatever is thrown at us in the coming year. Until next month, Sk책l my friends

The next rune was Ingwaz. Ingwaz indicates a successful conclusion to whatever problem one was experiencing. This also ties in nicely with our problem or past rune (Raidho) as they both show an ending to this upheaval we have been experiencing.


The final rune, the result rune, was Ansuz. Ansuz is the rune of the mouth, the god rune, the rune of advice, an acquisition of wisdom. As it was upright, it shows we can put our fears aside and sail through whatever happens next with ease. Contact Phil at for more information. 53

Message from the Angels January 2016

Hello beloveds Swing sweetly, softly, slowly, the new is arriving on the wings of blessings for each of you. You are on the precipice of wonderful happenings. Not without, but within, for what you are seeking will first be found within your soul, and then it will integrate within your heart. Peace will be yours when the old sloughs off and you are cleansed by the winds of the new. This means that you will begin to see things from a different perspective, the blinders will be taken off and truth will start to shine brightly for each of you. No more will you wallow in the self inflicted dramas, but will rise above them and see how you have played a part and how you could have tranquility if you but decided to follow your natural flow within the universe. Stop resisting and allow the divine path that has been set before you to be your guide. Each and every day we are with you, and we provide the signs that lead to ease. No need to take the hard knock path, for that was never the intent nor the purpose of why you are here. You see, my dears, you are here for the purpose of love. Love what you do, do what you love, and love will shine forth from you unto all those who are seeking to be at peace. Love and peace are not separate, if you feel dis-peace, find out where you are not loving yourself and resolve

to correct it for then you will know peace. When you feel stuck, it is only your limited thoughts and beliefs that have placed you there. You live in a time when whatever you desire can be yours for the asking and then following the steps laid before you. More often than not you do not desire something as strongly as you thought, and the mere thought of taking the steps, doing the work involved, lead you to lay down that desire and pick up a new one. Sometimes fear rears its ugly head and tells you that you are not deserving or that you can not possibly achieve your desires. Yet ultimately, you are in charge of how your life is. You are the artist who creates the picture on the canvas of your life. BE bold, BE brave, for you were born programmed to know what you desire and to have it at the same time. Step into this new year knowing it WILL be wonderful! Accept nothing less, and if a quake happens, know that you have the power, the tools, and the wits to change it to what you desire. Seek your soul and celebrate the beauty of being you. You are needed and appreciated, and we thank you for your earth angel assistance. Blessings the power of three Through Mcobb



Photo: Š P Nielsen 56

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