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Photo: © PNielsen 2
Watching Our P's & E's
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10 Food For Your Soul 12 2017 14 January Ascension Energies 2017
16 Another Trip Around the Sun 20 Goldenrod Essential Oil 22 Happy Chinese New Year 24 What's on our Fork
Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2016 by Nourish Publication
25 Forked - Broccoli Frittata 26 Power Animal -Red Breasted Sapsucker 30 Navigating by the Stars January
All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to
32 Navigating by the Stars Astro Cliff Notes 36 Crystal Reading for January 40 Seven of Cups 42 January Messages 44 Rune Casting For January 46 Angel Message for January 3
Photo: © PNielsen 4
It hit me, mid-December, that we were about to turn another page of life. We are on the precipice of a crisp new start, stepping off into the unknown. We might think we know where we are heading and what the year will bring, but life has taught me that you can never fully know what will come your way. It is an adventure to be enjoyed, fully present and accounted for! Let the JOY begin and may the adventures be gentle! January is always filled with hype and hope. Most people are glad it arrives, but that is short lived by the end of a cold and dark month. New goals and resolutions are set and usually broken within a couple of weeks. Some will, however, stand the test of time; determination is strong medicine! Yes, January is typically a grand month that starts off with kisses and hugs under a sky filled with fireworks and ends with a few realisations that all that was going on at the end of 2016 did not magically go away. A good thing too because that means we can hunker down with our thoughts and realise some selfgrowth. As we step into the year 2017, remember what is important to you and do more of that this year. If 2016 taught me anything, it was that what we often think is important really does not matter at the end of the day. If we take the time just to enjoy what we love, we have more time to do those things. Once we identify what brings us joy, we realise that we over think way too many things and push to achieve those things when they do not bring us what we want. Once achieved they leave us feeling let down and searching once again for that elusive “thing� that will bring us the love and joy we are seeking. This year, seek not the fluff, but the substance that is love, and you will be far better off at the end of the year. The second thing 2016 reminded me of, was make each day fun, even if just for one single moment let yourself go with total abandonment into the space of joy. It can turn even the worst day around. Be a bright spot in someone else’s life and yours will be enhanced as well. Spread joy, and reap the reward of love and peace. Brightest Blessings for a wonderful 2017 no matter where it takes you. Namaste
Marlene Connect with Marlene at facebook 5
“ Pity makes suffering contagious”
ation. It means that when you pity someone you are not being the rock of support they need but rather are enabling them to stay in that state. Chances are we are still carrying a feeling left by their plight, while they have moved onward and upward.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Perhaps it comes down to looking at whatever plight the other person is going through and pondering how we would react, or resolve it, should we find ourselves in their shoes. It might mean pausing and checking in with our feelings around what others are experiencing. It might boil down to listening and knowing beyond a doubt they have this fully in hand and don’t need us to carry it as well. It is one thing to wallow in self-pity, but to be pitied leaves a bad taste in one’s whole being. Maybe, this is all my perception, something that I need to work on, but to me being pitied indicates that I don’t have the courage, the wit, or the strength to deal with what is going on. Worst though is that perhaps I pity others instead of having empathy, after all we are given a mirror in others to look at ourselves.
Have you ever given much thought to how you come across to others or how you are perceived by others? How your experiences effect or alter the lives of others? How they might internalize your experiences and then see you as your experiences? Personally, I always try to be very conscious of how I use my words to portray anything I tell others. I do so in the hopes that I am sharing what I am going through without placing the person listening in a position whereby they feel they need to help me or fix anything. I mean after all, whatever I am sharing is my experience, and not theirs to carry. No matter what I am experiencing in my life, be it joy or sorrow, there is growth involved for me. Yet, in the moment of expressing myself, I am sure that it comes across differently to the ears that are listening. I suppose I could just chalk it up to being their experience of my experience, but it bothered me that I might be giving a false pretense. What came to me was this. “You process and work on whatever is bothering you. If something disappoints you, hurts you, brings you great joy, etc. you deal with it, work on it and release it. Essentially, you move beyond it. Yet the person who listened never hears that part unless you share.”
Bad things happen, that’s life, yet it is how we respond to what is happening that defines us. Most of us pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and carry on, making the most of a bad situation and leaving it behind us. I understand why we share our moments, both good and bad. It is part of processing our experiences and healing ourselves. We need the connection of being listened to by another, to perhaps have someone reach out and tell us it will be ok. And it will be ok – I don’t care what you are going through, in the end it always becomes ok -maybe we are given a hug, and ultimately, we feel like we have a support team. We want to feel like we are not alone, like we have someone to lean on when the going gets rough.
In the light of a few things lately I have contemplated not sharing my experiences with others. Conversation would tend to be rather boring perhaps, but it might stave off their pity. There is a fine line between empathy – the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, and pity – the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others. Empathy is about supporting the other person while pity has us taking it personally and owning it. At least for me that is what it boils down to. It is subjective at best to figure out what empathy or compassion means to different people. Pity, however, has us feeling, and not the other person’s feelings, but our own.
Sharing our experiences with others can allow them to have growth as well. Be sure to speak with integrity when sharing and try not to be the victim. Maybe that is the key between pity and empathy. If someone shares their experience with you, no matter how it leaves you feeling, or what it brings up within you, let go of placing them in your pity. If it brings up feelings within you, work on them and heal them within you, for it is then your experience. As for the friend, family member, or even the stranger on the street who openly shares, boost them with your empathy, and compassionately stand beside them offering support, fully knowing they can handle whatever has been brought to them. It will never not turn out ok, no matter the outcome, for each experience brings something to us. We might not see the benefits right away but somewhere, somehow, they will show up and leave us feeling richer and blessed for having had them.
I have sat with this thought for a few days, I have been drilling down on it during quiet moments, how do I share my experiences with others so that I don’t evoke pity from them? How do we listen to whatever is going on in the world and have empathy rather than pity? Right now, in our world there is much suffering going on, yet to assume another is suffering can make matters worse. What happens is, you start to see the other person as “less than,” which in some ways contributes to their suffering and can hold them as victims, instead of helping them to overcome their situ-
Connect with Marlene at facebook 7
Our physical body houses the soul during our journey on this Earth. The body is not an entity separate and apart from the earth, but is rather one part of the living, breathing organism that is our world. We are the Earth, made of the same stuff, the same atoms, which are continually recirculated. In a very real sense, each new body that is born into the world is created from recycled material! That body can be nourished, both inside and out, and the greater the nourishment, the stronger, more vital, the more full of life that being is.
less than optimum quality food. This is important, because, realistically, not everyone can grow their own, or afford to buy fresh organic food.
Consider the farmer’s wheat crop. If the Earth is rich, and well prepared, and the seedlings are provided with good quality nutrients, then what results is a healthy, life sustaining crop. So it is with the physical body. A healthy environment in which to grow and plenty of high quality nutrients contribute to the development of a strong, vibrant body.
How is food nourishing to the soul? The soul carries the awareness of our purpose on Earth, and one of the major aspects of anyone’s purpose is to learn to love, honor, nurture and cherish our own being. Eating whole, fresh natural foods, and maintaining optimal health are to the body as care and tuning are to a musical instrument. It is also a way of honoring the gift of life.
It is the body that allows for the ‘personified’ connection between the soul and the Earth. It is the body that allows the soul the experience of three dimensionality. And the higher the vibration within the physical form, the deeper the experience of soul. If the body is not nourished with “high vibration” foods, clean water and fresh air, it will still survive, but might function something like a car that needs an oil change. When the body is functioning at less than optimal levels, energy is diverted to maintenance, or in severe cases, survival, and is less available for growth.
If we honor the Earth for producing the food, and those who worked to bring it to our table, and we bless the food as a gift from the Earth, then the food can serve us well. If we ask that it nourish our bodies and our souls, and visualize it as energy that blends with ours, we enhance the experience of eating.
And so, at harvest time, we give thanks to the Earth for providing our home and our sustenance. We give thanks to those beautiful beings who plant, cultivate and harvest so that we may be nourished. And we give thanks to those who transport the harvest to our neighborhoods, and those who sell it. Take a moment to think about how many of our brothers and sisters are involved in bringing that salad to our table. If you are one who grows your own produce, then you are deeply connected to the Earth, and your blessings are multiplied
The Earth gives birth to nutritious foods, and when we harvest these gifts, and eat them while they are fresh, the life force of the planet literally flows through our veins. What a joy it is to eat something straight from the garden. Not everyone can do this, but we can strive to seek out the best quality food we can find. Fresh, raw food has the highest vibrational level. Organically grown, pesticide free is, of course, best. How ironic it is that often it is not until someone is seriously ill that emphasis is placed on the quality of food ingested. So often, in our culture, eating is largely unconscious activity: unconscious in terms of what is eaten, and unconscious in terms of the process of eating itself. It has been suggested that a high consciousness around eating can compensate for 9
Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, MP3’s and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to and ‘Like’ Gwen on FaceBook!
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost: the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by frost. J.R.R. Tolkien Photo: Š PNielsen 10
Here we are at the beginning of a new year. Take a deep breath. Last year in numerology was a 9, bringing with it endings and on the world stage we can certainly point to many of those events and with it the intensity of energy that came with it. This year is a 1, heralding newness our way. I for one am glad to be on a path that allows me to paint it with whatever brush I wish to use and in a colour palette of my desires.
I have a great friend who asked me to read a book by Alice Bailey (wrote in the early 1900's) and one of her teachings is on coming to the understanding that we (all of humanity) are Not our Bodies, Not our Emotions and Not our Minds. We are far more than those aspects of our human selves. It is interesting to contemplate that thought and to then apply it in real time. To elevate our minds and hearts to go above the day to day and ask “ What is my role and purpose at this time” and wait to hear or to see what will appear in response to that question. To be aware that we all have a higher purpose and that we are here in this present time to actually live up to that purpose.
I always know that I have worked hard on my 9th cycle year to resolve whatever I had said I would in the years working up to it, as I am wiped both physically and emotionally. So for me January is a month of taking it slow. I no longer jump in with resolutions blazing – to burn out around March. January, especially on a 1 year, is the month I spend in contemplation/introspection and then as the month ends I will then write down my goals for the year.
So for me being mindful to that thought process is certainly one of the goals I will place on my list when I write it. I love to learn and to expand my mind and increase my vibrational body so that I on occasions fly with the cosmos.
As I age I believe in doing things that are both motivating and positive and I have become very selective in how that is achieved. I would rather relish in achieving a goal that might appear small to others, but to me might mean overcoming a life long obstacle. The best thing I have learnt to do for myself is to TRY to stop judging who and where I am in life with that of others. To comprehend that my life is MINE and I am the one who is in charge of what that might look and feel like.
Take the time in January to contemplate what this next 9 year cycle may mean to you. Small steps are encouraged and celebration of all the milestones you achieve along your journal needs to be rewarded. Have a great year
Namasté Debra Rae
To actually walk into your life and accept responsibility for what it looks like, warts and all. To get to a point where your warts are just another lovable aspect of self.
Connect with Debra Rae 13
December Review
connection. ;o) A quiet within the chaos.
December began with an emotional intensity that moved into an emotional detachment for many. This is a precursor to the 2017 energy.
2017 Overview Areon is calling 2017 The Year of The Empowered Sovereign. Within the human experience duality, separation, and physical conditionality are obvious. But they’re not the whole story. The Divine Human experience also includes the unification with the subtle realm of Oneness, connection, and unconditionality. 2017 will call Lightworkers to honor their inner uniqueness and power more boldly. It’s an inside job.
December initiated some deep patterns beginning a new layer of shift within humanity, though that is not visible on the outer experience. I saw patterns of abuse resolving to new levels as inner change continues to rise to the surface and dissipate. This is the flow of these times—as humanity ascends, the discord shakes out and shapes into new form. A new you, a new union.
The Empowered Sovereign.
The energy of December offered practice in self-nurturing. Learning to be your own well-spring of support, even while it is appropriate and necessary at times to give and receive support. Humanity has generally interacted from dominate/subservient positioning, so this is a necessary step into more Empowered Sovereignty (2017 energy).
THE honors your uniqueness. In all of timespace, you are unique. With all of your parallel lives, your timelessness, your infinite nature—your unique perspective adds to the totality of perfection that Life is. Do you honor your uniqueness and all of the beautiful uniqueness around you? That which stirs you to compassion, to courage, to a new direction, to a new connection?
This is why Ascension is about being consciously and actively focused on the Light, the quantum information, your inner world— because that is where real change begins. The focus on your thoughts and emotions is about utilizing your power to reshape Life from within, within the quantum realm. Peace and patience are key to creating the (k)new within the chaos of the current human condition.
EMPOWERED honors your work. In this realm of time and space, your unique perspective leads you to unique choice, which leads you to unique action. It is always available to you on the inner realm. The past tense of empowered is a clue to this timelessness. You already own it. Pro-claim it! SOVEREIGN honors your divinity. You are the supreme ruler of your inner domain, the realm within which you connect with the Oneness, potential, God, unconditionality, and Love—no matter what
December heralds a trajectory of choice that diverges the path of 14
the external circumstance presents. You hold court within, the ultimate judge, ruler, and decider of your inner realm. Does the outside dominate you, or do you choose your inner action (interaction)? It’s your response-ability.
within that can keep one interacting from past fear. The past, no matter what occurred, offers the potential of empowered support for the present, which builds the future. Many sensitive people, Lightworkers, empaths, etc. were overwhelmed by the pain and circumstances of the past and are unconsciously reacting rather than choosing in the present. Again, that ability to self-observe, self-nurture, and support yourself into change (even when you receive support from others) is a vital part of humanity changing.
The Flavour of 2017 Because there is an increased focus on inner empowerment and honoring your sovereignty in 2017, we can expect to continue to see humanity polarizing more. For many this will look like strife, divisiveness, and chaos, but for others it will be a more subtle realm experience. Like an understanding of a differences and potentials before an actualization of choice.
Releasing Trauma, Realizing Empowerment As you release trauma, work toward forgiveness and neutrality, and seek more peace and ease in your internal realm, you are simultaneously building your strength and clarity. As you release, you activate; as you activate you release. As you release trauma, your “real eyes” become clearer and you can see the truth of your divinity. Here we come full circle. Your wholeness. Your Empowered Sovereignty moves up to a new level in 2017, the energetics of Ascension are compelling humanity into more empowerment. You are a forerunner of this because you are actively focused on your Loving evolution. With great power, comes great responsibility. ;o)
There is likely going to be quite a bit of surprising experiences in the mainstream. Your Light work will be to look for the potentials that are forming. I’m shown this polarization as cell mitosis— division is life continuing, expanding, a new “generation.” But there is a connection to the whole and what is being created on a larger level that is the broader truth. You are creating the future. Don’t let the outside world confuse your vibration. Areon says this polarization will feel like “bigger gaps,” so be the bridge of connection. In 2017 look for more emotional detachment at times, more ah-ha moments, and yes, more discord releasing (likely stronger in the first 4 months of the year). At times this may feel like bigger waves that pass more quickly, so in the midst of change keep your eye on the prize of more freedom and empowerment with each shift. For others (or at other times), 2017 will feel more neutral, like you’ve “been there done that.” It may surprise you that you aren’t getting more upset at circumstances. Mark your progress and create from this more empowered stance rather than a fear response.
In general January may feel a bit distracting with activity, but it will begin a catalyst of movement that may feel a little removed as well as deep. Your work is always the same, maintain a positive healthy focus of Love while being boldly "grounded" in reality. This anchors the new energies and your inherent divinity into your life and on Earth rather than creating patterns of avoidance. Your power is immense and now you may notice more internal progression (after the workout of 2016!) and more external energetic support. Enjoy the quiet moments of January. They will be silent reminders that you are on the right track. This is more natural to us than it sometimes feels. Love and improvement are the natural pull of Life.
Look for clearer vision within, that your focus can bring you clarity, with less fear about “am I doing it right?” There is a simple yet powerful exercise offered in the January video. 2017 will offer some tests of personal responsibility, so observe your integrity, your intentions, and your motivations. This ability to honestly self-observe and assess change is a powerful, powerful, powerful part of Ascension. Can you do that without negative judgment or fear? A weak ego will avoid (go subservient) or distract (go dominant), so as you can observe both challenge and triumph with more ease, you will find more rapid and easier change. And change is constant.
In Summary 2017 is going to be a fast-moving, intense year in many ways. Yet for those on a path of conscious Ascension, you may notice healthy detachment (almost surprisingly after 2016!) helping you to remain more neutral and focused in the midst of intensity. This will benefit you and humanity.
I also feel some exciting support in 2017 that in many ways feels like much of the clean slate/reset energy that kept surfacing in 2016 (not the easiest of years!). I especially feel a powerful wave of this coming in February.
Remind yourself of the amazing work you did in 2016 and know that 2017 will be a wonderfully transformative year of new beginnings (it's a "1" year numerologically - a new beginning) that are calling you to open to receive the support of Life flowing through you. You are Life in human form and cherished beyond measure. See that in yourself and in All Life and keep enhancing Life with your blessed presence. Happy 2017!
All of this is creating a more empowered you that is more “in the moment” rather than reacting from fear of the past or future. Which brings us right into January energies… January Energies There is a pattern of dominance/subservience releasing that is a deep wave. Most can’t see the movement of it yet. 2016 brought a lot of release as you refined and clarified (the Year of Clarity) yourself. It created a momentum of humanity standing up in ways that aren’t always pretty or easy. This wave will continue to grow.
Copyright: © 2005-2016 Jamye Price All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.
There is a pattern of "enabling" that is changing. It begins with a release of past traumas that set up a disempowerment or fracture 15
Can you believe it? 2016 is becoming a memory as we welcome new adventures in the year 2017. 2016 was a 9 year, (2+0+1+6=9) and that meant we were in a year of endings. Cleaning up things, and when we look back at the year that was, it is hard, perhaps to see what we cleaned up and ended. 2016 meant for me a personal 1 year within a 9 year. One years are about beginnings, setting the foundations for the coming 9-year cycle. However, it appeared to me that I spent much of my year clearing my past, and coming to a place of acceptance. It was a tremendous personal growth year for me, which happened on the inside and probably not many can see from the outside. Yet the gifts that 2016 left me with will flourish in the coming years. It takes great courage to wade through all that comes to us individually. Every bit of knowledge that we can gather helps in some way to pave the way and hopefully, makes the
year easier to traverse. One reason I like to know what the numerological value of a year is going in, along with what my personal year is going to be. I will be honest and let you in on the secret that I don’t always understand the full ramification of the numbers combined, and it is not until I am immersed in the goings on that I get a glimmer of an ah-ha! 2017 is a 1 year, (2+0+1+7=10 1+0=1) which means a year of beginnings, acting independently and getting things done. It is about leadership, cooperating without losing your individuality, it is the maestro and will lead us to positive outcomes if we can recognize and overcome our negative thoughts. Perhaps the best gift of a 1 year is confidence, the confidence to believe in yourself and know that you can achieve whatever you set your sights upon. Within this 1 year, each of us will be having our
own significant year. To discover what your personal year number will be, calculate like this; Let’s say your Birthday is June 8th, June = 6; 6 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 24; 2 + 4 = 6; You are in a 6 year! Now, let’s just get the basics of what each year is about. Remember you will also be experiencing a 1 year because of 2017 being that, and if you are a personal one year within a one year – expect lots of new to come your way! 1 – Beginning A journey of change, new beginnings, independence and becoming who you really are! 2 – Connecting A slow journey of Connection, Patience, Attention to Detail, Relationship, Cooperation, Courtesy, Sensitivity,
Caring, and Gradual Progress 3 – Creating A Journey to Personal Happiness On a Sea of Appearances 4 – Building A journey of breakthrough - on a sea of obstacles 5 – Changing a journey of change, freedom, new experience, and learning from mistakes. 6 – Nurturing a journey of responsibility, relationship, balance, love and healing. A year of re-inventing yourself. 7 – Reevaluating the inner voyage ~ a year of learning ~ 8 – Expanding Developing personal power.
A journey of true understanding, balance and achievement 9 – Completing - the end of an era going back to claim your future For a more in-depth look at your year ahead here are a couple of great sites you can explore, Briefly, here is what my year might involve; collectively we are in a 1 so each of us should expect on some level change, new beginnings, independence and becoming more of who I am. Now let’s throw my personal 2 year into the mix; connecting, patience, attention to
details, relationships, cooperation, gradual progress. To me this sounds like a year of meeting new people, not rushing into anything without first crossing all the t’s and dotting the I’s in triplicate, and did I mention having patience that things will work out in the divine right time. Well, I am up for the challenge always so I shall have to see what 2017 brings! No matter what personal year you are going into, remember, that you are the creator of your life. Sure, the numbers and the astrological symbols and signs will play a part in cocreating, but each of us can decide right here and now that we are taking an active role. Be a pioneer and discover just how far you can go, what you can overcome and what paradise awaits you at the end of this year. Happy journeys to each of you as we start another trip around the sun!
M Cobb
The color of springtime is in the flowers, the color of winter is in the imagination. Terri Guillemets Photo: Š PNielsen 18
As we head into a new year, have another look at this little essential oil. It’s not fancy, but it is a great oil to consider getting for your collection. As you read, consider how the benefits relate to your hopes and dreams for this year – and how it can help you to achieve the balance that is so necessary to help us maintain a healthy lifestyle. It’s a familiar site along the highways and byways of this country – beautiful, brilliant golden flowers atop a long, leafy stem. I remember it from my childhood, along with wild raspberries and chokecherries. We moved often, so my childhood memories are from Alberta; but I see it all over Vancouver, from ocean beaches to the land that runs underneath the skytrain line. It brightens my day to see them, it brightens the landscape no matter where they take root and flourish. The essential oil has a rich, sharp smell with a bit of a sour undercurrent. It is steam distilled from the leaves, stems and flowers. The botanical name is solidago Canadensis – “solidago” comes from the Latin “solide” – to make whole. There are hundreds of varieties of solidago that grow throughout the world, but the plant I am speaking of is native to Canada.
Physically, goldenrod supports the circulatory system, the urinary tract and liver function. Research done at the University of Montreal shows it has great potential to help with impotence. Dilute 1 drop of goldenrod to one drop of organic carrier oil (grape, olive, sweet almond are readily available) and apply topically over the area of concern or to the vita flex point that relates to that area. Finally, bring this oil out to play when the winter months begin to drag. Allow the sunshine that fills every drop to brighten your mood, to bring you to a feeling of well-being. Yes. For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at or go to the website: Please remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.
Feeling fractured, torn, indecisive? Diffuse this oil while you are meditating with your focus on being whole and complete in all the areas of your life. Giving a workshop? This oil will be a splendid tool for the “end of the class” segment. A drop on a few cotton balls scattered about the room during the last break will provide the energetic help required to bring the session to completion. If you are giving a Reiki workshop, rub a drop between your palms before the final attunement. Completion. Wholeness. And out of that comes balance. This is an awesome oil to put in a small container of Epsom salts to keep at your work space. If you begin to feel your balance and stability break down by the events of the day or week, pull it out, take off the top and allow the aroma to fill your senses. The delicious golden colour relates to the solar plexus chakra, our power centre. Just for fun, rub a drop on your solar plexus. Pay attention to how you feel before and after. 21
Photo: © Young Living
Connect with Vera
The Year of the Rooster will be a powerful one, with no middle of the road when it com be clear on your intentions concerning love, money, and business. Stick to pr
Remember: In a Rooster Year, all of the Chinese animals can reap great rewards b top-notch appearances are just some of the characteristics that will be rewarded this crow Source: 22
mes to moving forward. This year, impressions count. You’ll want to look your best and ractical and well-proven paths to ensure success, rather than risky ventures.
y tapping into Rooster traits. Loyalty, commitment, h ard work, family values, and s year. Read on to see what YOU can expect over the next 12 months – “as the Rooster ws! 23
Source of Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium Rich Source Vitamins C, K, A, Folate,
High in Vitamins K2, B12, A, Riboflavin Excellent source of Calcium, zinc, phosphorous
Source of Selenium, Phosphorus, Iron Vitamins Riboflavin, B12, Pantothenic Excellent source of protien 24
Broccoli Frittata INGREDIENTS 8 slices thick cut bacon, chopped 1 splash water 12 eggs 1 bunch broccoli, trimmed and cut into small florets 1 ½ cup your favourite cheddar cheese, grated ½ cup milk ½ tsp salt DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat your oven to 350ºF and turn on your convection oven if you have one. 2. Whisk the eggs, milk, cheese and salt together and set aside. 3. Trim the broccoli, toss it with 2 tablespoons of water and place in large plastic container, cover it and microwave it on high until tender, about 2 minutes. Alternatively steam it on the stovetop. 4. Toss the bacon and a splash of water into a large non-stick skillet over medium high heat. Stir frequently with a wooden spoon. As the water simmers the bacon will begin to cook. Then as the water evaporates the bacon will render, releasing its fat. Lastly it will crisp as the fat left behind heats past the boiling point of water into the brown flavour zone. Strain the crisp bacon and stir it into the eggs along with the cooked broccoli. Leave some of the rendered bacon fat in the pan and discard or reserve the rest for another use. 5. Pour the egg mixture into the hot pan. Stir the mixture until large curds form and roughly half of the mixture seems set, 3 minutes or so. Stop stirring but let the pan stay on the heat helping the bottom crust form and se, a minute or so. Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake until lightly browned, cooked and firm, about 15 minutes. Carefully flip onto a plate, divide and share. Recipe from:
Photo: © P Nielsen 25
Honor your own truth Red Breasted Sap Sucker, part of the Woodpecker family came rat-atat-tatting into my life. His message to all is that great change is coming and that we should be open to all possibilities. Even when life seems at its most difficult, don’t give up, set your own pace and do what works for you. Even if what works for you is unconventional, keep hammering away because success is at hand. Independence and stability are our gifts to you, ride the flow of life silently and know that you have whatever it takes to achieve whatever you set forth to do. Pay attention to what is going on in your life, are you overlooking something? Be diligent in your thoughts and actions and try to bring your life back into focus.
Sunday Sun-Day
Monday Moon-day
Tuesday Mars-day
Wednesday Mercury-Day
Thursday Jupiter-Day
Friday Venus-Day
Saturday Saturn-day
Happy New Years
If you connect to your passion not anger – this is the day to take a breath and step into the New Year focused and aligned, ready to kick it!
Step up and meet the challenge
Mercury moves back into Sagittarius … O Boy – Keep that inside voice … Inside –
5 Don’t promise more than you can deliver … great day to keep the head down and one foot in front of the other … Work is good!
Excellent day to sit down and reorganize, communicate after careful thought
Start your day with a walking meditation
Mercury is standing still today … don’t forget to Exhale
Be Careful for what you ask for.
Keep your inside voice … inside
It is important to Be Clear about what you want.
Challenges need to be met head on … but skillfully
Make sure you have a giving bag with you today
Don’t let your day run AMUCK … Stay Calm and Carry on
Opportunity and a little bit of elbow grease might just bring big rewards
Don’t push too hard today
Watch your temper … use passion not anger
Put your feet up and enjoy this wonderous Day …
BE Mind/Full
Don’t forget your giving bag 12 Full Moon in Cancer/Capricorn
End your day with a 10 minute deep reflection
Unexpected events
Mercury moves back into Capricorn
You have a mind but it does not run the show
Stay Focused
Sum moves into Aquarius at 1:24 pm PT
Excellent day to attract a little bit of harmony into your life
What gets put out comes back … the power of the magnet
Release the mind grind
Where there is a Will there is a Way
Meditation a must A Mantra or positive affirmation could be very fruitful
Watch your temper, don’t take the challenge unless you can put your ego aside
Communication is incredible today – use it wisely
Don’t get caught empty handed …
New Moon in Aquarius
Giving bag today
Mars moves to Aries … giddy up and GO
If you come across an opportunity … organize it and move forward
Deep and powerful communication is possible today
Meditation a must today
Great day to reflect …
but you must be prepared to step up to the challenge
Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water or juice box and a couple of surprise items. Double Whammy (DW) = 2 or more hard aspects to the Moon
munication – verbal/written/computerized, you should find things begin to settle out after the 8th. By the end of the month you should be back in full swing. Mercury in Capricorn brings practically to your thoughts and the written word. Choose your words carefully because they have staying power. Sagittarius and Capricorn will benefit from Mercurial activities … journaling, writing, communicating.
Snap shot for 2017 It is always important to focus on the positive, but at the same time it is not wise to walk around disconnected from the bigger picture. Our goal is to create a healthy balance between these two extremes. The main focus of this upcoming year is to work with events that create growth and evoke evolutionary change, but not at the cost of losing our sense of individuality. We will be successful if we utilize current infrastructures, and work through the discord that this potentially brings with it. Don’t be a rebel without a cause no matter what chaos is happening in the world the most important thing you can do is to focus on is harmony, this will anchor your reality and help you skillfully maneuver through times ahead.
Take advantage of Communication … talk it out – 2, 6, 8, 14, 20, 25, 30 Be Skilled with your Communication … 4, 10, 17, 31 Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! Venus … Evokes Love, Beauty and Security. Surrounding ourselves with beautiful things (art, earthy greenery such as organic gardening, flowers, food, music, colour, gems, sparkly things, money, people) … This month Venus connects to a soft mystical, and extremely harmonious energy. BE creative, use your magnetic qualities to attract what you want in your life. Pisces is blessed with creativity and harmony this month
I wish you the best year yet … get up each morning, kick the tires and give it your all, do the most you can with the skills you have. Be mindful, calm and use harmonious actions … most of all get’er done.
Month of January
Evoke harmony … Create something beautiful 1, 2, 6, 11, 21 …
Mercury moves direct on the 7th but don’t let that fool you – it will take a couple of weeks to get back to your usual fast talking pace … this shadow period where he retraces his steps will last until around the 28th of January.
Know what you want and why – 9, 15, 23, 27 … Heartache/ domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway!
As of the 7th all planets are moving direct … full steam ahead as we move into our New Year.
Mars … Action, Passion and Anger, our ability to do something. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. The first three quarters of the month you may feel like your instincts on overdrive – just to get through the day. By the end of the month Mars gains strength, you can get your second wind, and BE a force. Pisces Aries need to ride the wave of energy.
Sun moves into Aquarius on the 19th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Aquarian’s out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.
Connect to Action with Passion … 7, 11, 21, 27
Double Whammy and challenging days 9, 10, 12, 14, 13, 16, 24, 31 … use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.
Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! … 2, 9, 16, 24, 31 Jupiter… Growth, Wisdom, Opportunities and Expansion. Very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter made a very big shift into Libra in September, until the fall of 2017. This will provide an opportunity to see both sides before we expand on our ideas and desires. Anyone with Sun or planets in Libra will feel Jupiter’s generosity … take care that you don’t manifest this as weight gain ;-)
Meditation or relaxed days – make them the best days ever – 1, 2, 6, 7, 20, 21, 28, 30 … Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing - moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation - silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching. Mercury… Communication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written to that which travels on sound waves. If you have been experiencing any discourse with your com33
Libra Gemini Aquarius may hear the knock of opportunity – are you ready to open the door.
Pluto… Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn. Pluto continues to push for change in our old and outworn structures of dictatorship and inflexible leadership. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. Pluto is moving direct through Capricorn. Slowly start to release your need to control the details around you … remember – the only control we truly have is to open and allow the destruction and disintegration of the old ways in order to get to the re-Birth, and move to the next level of Be-ing. Makemake… who brings quantum experiences and unexpected genius; It may be time to use a deeper quantum level that will bring your microcosm into balance. Capricorn, Aries, Cancer Libra will need to work without ego in all endeavours.
Opportunity is knocking … are you ready? … 1, 14, 18, 28 Don’t give more than you can afford … 5, 11, 12, 24, Don’t lose sight of your budget, over-indulging or over-committing, watch that others do not take advantage of your generosity. Saturn… Boundaries, Restrictions, Limitations and possibly fear, Saturn supports your ability to get organized. Saturn is moving through Sagittarius, picking up speed and working with a wild-fiery optimistic energy. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion and bounce back into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries! Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces may feel more restrictions
Eris… only desires equality! This is a strong feminine archetype who will use our ego against us. Evoke and balance and awaken the warrior within. She fearlessly moves through Aries (very slow moving). She is currently moving retrograde (inner spiral). A catalyst for unexpected events, which may appear to feel like a painful Déjà vu. Been there done that … Why Am I Doing It Again! The answer is that you will continue to do it again and again until you evoke the warrior within to break the energetic signature being repeated. Aries and Libra Cancer and Capricorn – may struggle with discord trying to shaking up your world.
Go ahead, set some boundaries and get organized … 1, 14, 28 Don’t forget to create healthy boundaries … 3, 10, 16, 19, 24, 27, 31 You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! Uranus … The Bridge between that which we can see and what we cannot see. Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect ideas to inspire, new energy sources are available. Be a Rebel with a cause. unleash your genius on the world … Aries and Libra Cancer and Capricorn – may struggle with impulsivity and unexpected surprises.
Haumea… Facilitator for transformation as the mother of Photo: © dusk - humanitarian efforts … Haumea brings a balance back to the world with a strong goddess signature as she takes back her power on earth. Step up to the plate take on the global issues by choosing to stand up for the underdog. Libra Gemini Aquarius may find opportunity to get involved in humanitarian projects
Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations, the window supporting understanding and wisdom of what is beyond the physical world and our solar system. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of collective or clan/pack mentality, tune into Love not Hate. Explore ways that you can expand your boundaries. Pisces Scorpio Cancer benefit from dream journals, meditation and art.
Ceres… loves the work or activity of the harvest – a mother figure in our lives, continues to move forward with a fiery warrior essence she pushes for growth of the new seeds you have planted. Aries, Sagittarius and Leo may see new seeds quickly sprouting, especially if they are related to being a mother or mother figures.
The Dwarf Planets … Take care not to get caught up in the harsher side of these dwarfs – they may not have cleared their orbit of debris but they still pack a lot into their symbolic language. We have just begun the exploration of some of the newly discovered. Except for Ceres (asteroid turned dwarf) they are all very slow moving – change is very slow and gradual.
Solar/Lunar cycles Step outdoors and connect to your early evening sky, do it again in the early morning just as the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a 34
cyclone of heavy magnetic energy fully connected to healing …
monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. Connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multidimensional bodies.
In the darkness of the New Moon we have that heady moment when we need to push through our fear to trusting that we can move forward – forging new paths – one foot in front of the other. Words are very powerful this month, and needs to be focused on the truth. Choose your words carefully – allow them to motivate and touch others via a Soul to Soul connection. Watch for Humanitarian Efforts with which you can get involved. There are great things being accomplished by great people in this world every single day – BE one of those people. Use this New Moon to set your personal humanitarian goals for the year, connect to like- minded and support them with positive thoughts (intellectually), projection of stability (monetarily) and by lighting the way to them - tso others can see the value of their truth.
As above So below. Full Moon January 12th at 22 Cancer/Capricorn 3:34am PT … 7:34 am ET When the Moon is full - the sky is lit up and you can see the details of where you are headed. It is a time of completion – or looking to see what needs to be completed in the present moment in order to move forward. Snap Shot: Take time during this full moon to enjoy a walking or sitting meditation, there is potential for a beautiful mystical experience with strong healing undertones with access to a powerful, very advanced shield of protection. This powerful Full Moon is potentially challenging and needs to be focused in a very positive way. There is potential of egos flaring and temper tantrums had by all - which if not directed skillfully, can create a great fall from grace.
I know you won’t want to get caught up in mob mentality and push others down in-order to make yourself feel more powerful, just because they have differences of opinions and philosophies! At the same time - that does not mean you can throw your hands up and say it is beyond you, it remains your responsibility to help your fellowman/woman to seek out the path of light and love, not in a preachy way but by holding their hand and leading the way.
New Moon January 27th at 08 Aquarius 4:07pm PT … 8:07 pm AT Chinese New Year: The Rooster The New Moon is when the moon is dark and does not hinder our view as we peer deeply into our universe, and look beyond our patterns and habits by connecting to something greater than ourselves. The dynamic build toward something new, exciting & unknown. Snap Shot: We may feel a disconnected and aloof, our intellect may be telling us it is the right thing to do … but still be careful what you wish for. Positively we have access to a
Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 35
A Crystal Reading for
January 2017
What a splash we are going to make this year – and it begins in January! The work you have been doing to improve your lives and yourselves, your personal growth work, begins to bear fruit – more fruit than it already has. Hold onto your hats, dear ones – the ride begins! Dear ones, January is the start of your year, it is the time when winter darkness and cold seem to settle into the depths of your souls. Get out! Even if there is no sunshine being outside, breathing the freshest air, will bring calmness to your heart, strength to the center of your being. Get out! Get out! Namasté
Vera Photo: © VEnshaw
Contact Vera at 36
Week 1 – January 1st to 7th – Chrysocolla: There is an intensity in this week – your physical body becomes deeply aware of every subtle shift in the energy around you. Pick up a stone, run your hands through water, feel the wind on your face – all of this will be amplified. Get prepared – because all energy will be amplified. There will be moments that are excruciatingly beautiful, and moments when you need to draw on all of your resources to stay balanced.
Week 2 – January 8th to 14th – Burgundy Agate: Focus your attention on your third eye chakra this week. As you well know, there is much to be seen through the third eye. Cleanse it by walking with the wind in your face or taking a shower, allow the spray to go right into the chakra, cleaning and purifying as it goes. After each cleansing, sit quietly for at least 10 minutes to allow your chakra to stabilize. You can place a small bubble around the chakra, front and back, in order to offer you some protection. Then, as you go through each day, use the third eye to take stock of each situation you find yourself in. You will be amazed at the insights and discoveries!
Week 3 – January 15th to 21st – Stichtite in serpentine: Watch this week to make sure that your temper does not get the best of you. Hidden agendas will be made clear, and you are going to have a few surprises. Nothing that you can’t handle, but forewarned is forearmed! Call on your angles and your higher self to assist you when you are feeling really low – then allow the help they offer to penetrate.
Week 4 – January 22nd to 28th – Jasper: This is the week to come home. Home to your personal space, where your knowing and awareness are ready to prepare the way for you in each endeavor. There are giggles this week, as you discover areas where you have been pompous or overbearing without realizing it. Those who love you will giggle back as you share your discoveries with them. Nurture yourself – you need it!
Week 5 – January 29th to 31st – Sandstone: Storms will rock your world in this short space of time. Be aware, and look always beneath the surface. These are truly only surface storms, they do not rage into your deepest fears and concerns. If you pay attention you will see this before you do or say something that you might regret…
Photo: © PNielsen 38
For something different, I decided to draw a card for each month of 2017 and present it here. This month the card is Seven of Raphael, which is the Seven of Cups. I found it appropriate when I sat down with this card that it is all about having our hopes and dreams laid out before us. A new year always starts off with us having the desire to make this year better than the last. We pull out our desires and lay them before us for our careful consideration. We are like kids in a candy store, so many choices, so little coins to make our purchase. We glaze over as we try to carefully consider what choices we will make, and how far we can stretch our coins to bring lasting fulfilment. While the Seven of Cups does not tell us what choice to make, it can express the feelings we have around our choices if we allow ourselves to sit with it. Consider all possibilities carefully, until you can focus in on what feels right, then make your choice. That is what the seven of cups brings to us.
The Seven of Cups is all about mixed emotions and confusion, so knowing the right thing to do could be challenging this month.
The more you seek advice or opinions from others, the more confused you will become. The only way to deal with challenges or issues is to trust your instincts and intuition. Very often this card indicates the need for an important decision or choice, perhaps regarding an intimate relationship, or about work or finances. Don't try to rush decisions at this time. If you are really unsure about something, it's best not to make a decision if you can avoid it. Wait until you have the mental clarity to find the answer.
This month’s messages drawn from Gateway Oracle Cards By Denise Linn 42
Photo: © mcobb 44
Hello my friends
problem at hand. The aid could manifest itself in good advice.
I asked the runes to show me what we could expect in the coming new year. 2016 has been a tumultuous year in so many ways. We have lost some family, friends, as well as musicians and actors we grew up with. We have seen political upheavals all around the world. Brexit and the recent USA elections come to mind but also the economic craziness of Greece, Italy, etc. in the EU. Everywhere we look, we find people who are either being displaced by war and are trying to find a safe country to raise their children, or people who are worried that the people who are immigrating to their country are going to diminish, or somehow undermine that country's sovereignty and security. I personally feel privileged and blessed to live in a country that has accepted the refugees and I hope that that policy continues throughout the world. Until we stop bombing cities, these civilians will need safe havens to live.
This is the time to seek out that good advice and to try and adopt a more positive and progressive attitude. Because this is a positive reading, Mannaz can indicate it is a good time to implement any new plans. This rune may also show that it is time to stay modest and not become boastful towards accomplishments. The last rune is Ehwaz. This has strong associations with protection.
Ehwaz indicates you have set your sights on a reasonable target. There may be slight obstacles in your path, so do not be over eager to move ahead. You cannot force the issue and in fact, a delay could prove to be ultimately beneficial.
OK, soap box rant over, here is the rune reading.
No matter how bad things seem, because Ehwaz is sitting in a prominent position, it indicates that things will turn around for the better. There may only be a slight delay. You will need foresight, perseverance and right action to avoid difficulties that may arise.
The first rune was Dagaz. It is the symbol of growth and increase. The growth is not one of overnight success, but rather slow and steady. Dagaz has much to do with attitude and suggests that putting up a good face will go a long way to dealing with your present problem.
All in all, a very positive reading. We need to try and eliminate the negative and move forward with the positive. No matter what is happening in the world, as long as we can move forward without fear, none of the negative can affect us.
Sometimes, drawing this rune will mark a major change in your life, perhaps one so radical that you will never live your life the same way again. It sometimes shows that you must make the best of a situation over which you have no control. Things will get better, perhaps through an outside agency.
Until next month,
SkĂĽl min ven Phil
Because the next rune is Mannaz, this is especially true. Mannaz is the rune of humankind, of interdependence, and you can expect to receive aid or cooperation regarding the
Contact Phil at for more information. 45
Message from the Angels January 2017 Greetings beloveds, Tally Ho and away we go!! What awaits each of you will depend on you, on your frame of mind and the space you are occupying right now. It is not placed upon the stars or planets that shine down upon you. It is not placed upon those around you. It grows within you and comes from your actions, your determinations, your intentions. How simple it would be to blame anything for your life, yet to do so does a great dishonour to you. It means that you can not possibly have the capacity, wit or intelligence to plan and execute your own life. Think about it for a moment. How often do you place blame outside of yourself? It does not matter if you feel shame for deeds you have done or guilt, or that you will be persecuted. It matters only if you always look to the outside, it means you do not trust your own judgement, and quite frankly it means you do not trust yourself. This saddens us for we see you struggle with the choices you make, how you weigh each option and then decide upon a path. Yet when it does not go per “plan”, and we are not sure that it really is not following a plan, you deflect rather than defend. Stand your ground dear ones, own what is yours, honour your values and your wisdom. In doing so, you will rediscover a part of you that has served you well since the beginning of your days. It will bring harmony and healing, not only to yourself but to those around you. Love will be the offering for all when you do what is right, not only for yourself but for everyone involved. The power of your soul, your inner self, is greater than you think. It can move mountains, grant
peace, and promote healing. Not only within your life, but when you choose to move your own mountains, regain peace and heal, you inspire all around you. Your change effects change in the most positive loving way. Don’t be held back by fear, remember your soul knows the path to a life of happiness. Follow its guidance, and you will not be steered wrong. Pause often on your journey of life this coming year. Breathe to receive. In the quiet moment of taking a pause, newness will flood in. Newness which will recharge and rejuvenate you so that you may keep exploring your world. Keep moving forward. Try not to understand the motives of others, just focus on understanding your motives. Move beyond behaviour, mistakes and challenges, and instead, move into compassion and love, unconditional, where no boundaries define either you or another. It is not others, after all, that make you whole. You are the key to wholeness and being all that you can be. If ever you should feel scattered or displaced, pause, breathe and receive our guidance. We stand beside you awaiting your next brilliant move, excited by where you will go. Honour yourself and fully understand you determine where you go, who you are and what you will be. Beyond the stars of space and time The power of three Through Mcobb
Photo: © P Nielsen 48