Nourish July 2016 issue 60

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Photo: ©P Nielsen 1

Photo: © P Nielsen 2

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Thoughtforms Shifting Emotional Decluttering It's Never too Late to have a Happy Childhood Lughnasadh/Lammas Summer What's on our Fork -Radish - Walnuts - Lettuce Forked - Market Fresh Salad Tarragon Essential Oil Staff Pose Power Animal -Dragonfly Navigating by the Stars July Navigating by the Stars - A Sun Sign View July Crystal Reading for July Lunar Cycles for July July Inspiration Rune Casting For July Angel Message for July 3

Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2016 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to


Life Unfold At a

natural Pace

Photo: © M Cobb 4

July has arrived and with it, I am hoping that time will feel like it is moving forward once again. I say this because, in June, time felt like it was standing still. An odd feeling that is hard to put into words. I thought about why it was feeling still, and what came to me was; it is not still, time is a unit of measure for humans. However, in the universe, time is irrelevant. It has no bearing, and while you feel it has been standing still, it has been moving forward, you just can't measure it by your standards. Time, it seems, was created to bring order to our experiences. Think about it. If we had no time to measure the hours we need to work in a day, when would we start or finish? If we could not set appointments up with healthcare, or financial providers, would that be better or worse? The sun rises at a different time every day, and the moon rises at a different time each night. If we rose with the sun and slept when darkness fell, well our ancestors did that long, long ago. They did not measure time. They survived by doing what was required, with the technology/resources available to them. For the most part, I do not use a clock. Sure I work for a company so have to be there and leave at a certain time, but for the rest of my hours, I try to go with the flow. It catches me sometimes when time flies by quickly or slowly. Have you ever been so engrossed in something that when you lifted your head, it was dark and you wondered how that happened? Or been doing something that seems like it is taking forever only to discover a few minutes have passed? That is what I am meaning. It came to me that I had been trying to make things happen in my time frame. How I wanted things to go, and hence that is why it felt like time had frozen. Obviously, it was not going as I planned! Or at least how I thought it should. No, I needed to understand that just because I could not see progress, it did not mean it was not happening. Chasing dreams requires following my intuition, my desires, my hopes. The rest will take care of its self in perfect time, on universal time, which does not exist by our measured standards. Hence all things happen when they should, and not one moment sooner! Keep chasing your dreams; it is never too late to realize whatever you desire. Time is a measure to create order in our world, our outer world, our inner world has no constraints, only the constraint of how much we desire something. The choice is always ours, keep pushing forward - even if nothing appears to be happening, or give up - and perhaps miss the blessings 5 minutes before they happen. Will July fly by quickly and have you wondering where it went? Or will it languish slowly and have you thinking time froze? Either way, ensure you fill it with lots of fun, love and laughter. That will ensure the best use of the hours available to you as you step into the adventures of July!


Marlene Connect with Marlene at facebook 5


Sharon Salzberg

With all of the shifts and changes happening in the world right now, which we have a front row seat to even if we are not part of them due to various media outlets, it is very easy to say “it is happening there.” Over there, not here. That is unless you are one of the millions that happen to be living through these upheavals. We should all pay attention with keen interest as to what is happening, for it is part of our experience.

also those who follow in your footsteps. It is hard to imagine what people feel like halfway around the world or even next door when life, as they have known it for so many years, is changing. And not just a shift in the latest trend, but grand scale shifts that potentially will change how they live life. It is human nature though to go into fear mode. To see no possible way that the new could work and cling to the old.

Part of being human is that we get to make choices. That little thing called free will. Our choices become the foundation for our lives. There is no right or wrong choice or way of choosing for all choices lead us to somewhere. They build upon our foundation and because we constantly are asked to make choices we are always securing our foundation.

Media uses this fear and builds upon it. Many can see their comfort zone eroding, and as their fear builds they send that out into the populous, with the hope and intent that if enough people get on board, they can stop this from happening. It does not matter what period we look at in history. History has always made progress by some catalyst that was fierce enough to shift the whole. It left nothing to chance. It was all or nothing. Each brought change, people adapted, and prospered. People don’t like change; they like life the way it is. Hence a catalyst is often required. We find safety and security in what we know. New ideas trigger fear because we don’t know what we don’t know.

Choices are made based on our emotions, which change depending on what we are faced with. It is easier to watch from the comfort of our armchair and determine what choice should be made. We are removed from the experience, yet we still view it with mixed emotions which strongly dictate what we think is best in any given situation. If we were in the same situation would our choice be the same? We all have a responsibility to ensure we don't become dictators and believe everyone should have the same opinion as us or make the same choice as we would. To do so disempowers, not only that person but also ourselves. We must trust, that for whatever reason, the choices they are making are aligned with their highest good.

We are all born with a survival instinct. The optimum choice being to survive, no matter what the obstacles are, we find a way to move forward through them. As you watch the world events unfold, or as you live through them, face them without fear. Hold your fear at bay and instead, see the potential hidden within the chaos. Remember good has come from the chaos; modern technology, the United Nations, medical technology, the right to learn to read and write, and perhaps most important that the world was round! History is being written, and it does not matter if we are “there” we have a part in it because we are “HERE” now, on this planet.

I believe it is hard for all of us to trust, given history to date, and to see how certain things have impacted our lives and continue to do so. Right now many structures that have been in place for thousands of years are crumbling. The more rigid the structure, the more cataclysmic the implosion. The same goes for all of us and our personal lives. The more rigid we are in the structure of how our life should be or is, the harder we may fall. If you are in balance, you can view these changes as opportunities to move forward. You will welcome the imploding and carry on to build a brighter future for, not only yourself but

Connect with Marlene at facebook 7


“ the act of releasing ourselves from the bondage of that which keeps us from living the life we were meant to live.” Kelli Wilson

When you have lived in the same place for a long time you tend to accumulate clutter. Frequently there are things you no longer need or use and they are just taking up space. Sometimes the clutter is a source of constant aggravation because you wish it were not there.

Often we keep things in our lives that do not serve us in a healthy way out of a sense of duty, obligation, or not wanting to hurt another. This is like the hoarder who cannot let anything go. You do not have to keep people in your life who are distressing to you, even if they are family members. If you hate your job, get working on finding another. If you are always doing for others and it is draining you, start setting boundaries and learning to say “no.”

Clutter may get in the way of doing what you really want because you cannot find the things you need or there is simply no room. If you never seriously declutter, it feels so good. Just think how great it feels even if you simply clean your closet. You get a burst of energy and feel better about yourself. There is not more contracted energy each time you look at an overcrowded messy space. The closet now only holds what you really like and need, and there is space if you choose to add something new.

Equally important is letting go of things we do that are harmful to ourselves. We have to assess our level of health and fitness, releasing bad habits and starting new ones. Most important is decluttering our minds. We do not need self-criticism and judgment. We do not need worry and “what if?” thoughts. Throw those all away and make room for self-validation, encouragement, acceptance and love. Nurture and protect the inner child who has carried all the pain and fear. Let that child know he/she is now your first priority and no longer needs to seek acceptance, love and validation out there for it is, now and ever, right here.

Your bodymind is the home you have lived in all your life. And yes, it too has closets. The main space of your life is all that is current. The closets hold your history, all the memories, the joys, sorrows, hurts and resentments and even long-ago established beliefs about yourself. Some things are so far back in the closet that you have forgotten about them altogether. This is your subconscious. So how do you declutter your life? Much the same as you do a house or office. The difference is that with physical decluttering it has to do with usefulness. Emotional decluttering has to do with feeling. Think of the people, situations and things that bring you joy, are uplifting and energize you. Then think of those that stress you, you dislike, that bring you down and deplete your energy. Take an honest inventory. This is not about what you think; it is about how you feel. Imagine you are a magnet. The things that are good for you create a sense of attraction. Those that are not create repulsion; you want to pull away from them.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, Deep Powerful Change Hypnosis CDs and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to and ‘Like’ Gwen on FaceBook! 9


– Brian Johnson

Right now, take a moment and think of the story you tell about your childhood. Does that story make you feel good? If not, give yourself the freedom to recall only the good parts. Write them down. Continue to write down more good memories as they occur to you.

A few years back, one of my mastermind partners surprised me by declaring it’s never too late to have a happy childhood.

Even if you can only think of one positive memory at first, focus on that one positive memory and others will begin to bubble up. That’s the Law of Attraction in action.

My first reaction was Yes!” Followed almost immediately by “Huh?”

You can use this same process for any other previous experiences that feel bad when you recall them:  Was there ANYTHING you enjoyed about that “horrible” job? Focus on that.  Were there ANY good times in that “awful” relationship? Focus on those.  Did ANYTHING positive come from that painful experience? Focus on that.

“Depressed people have good memories for bad stuff.”

Seems like that ship has sailed, right? Although I couldn’t fully understand it at the time, I could feel the power in that statement, and I was more than a little intrigued. Thinking back, I had only known one person who claimed to have had a truly happy childhood – and I married him! Back in those days, I was still railing against the lack of love and attention I felt I had received from my parents. As I got to know him and his parents better, I realized that his childhood was not all that different from mine.

Selective memory is not cheating. It’s actually a conscious creator’s power tool, and you’re cheating yourself if you refuse to use it. Create the reality you truly desire by being very selective about:   

The difference was in what he chose to remember and the story he chose to tell about it. Once again, it’s all about choice and focus!

what you choose to remember. what you choose to focus on. what stories you choose to tell from now on.

You are so much more powerful than you thought you were! In every childhood, there are at least some good times. And you get to choose what you focus on – the good times or the bad; the happy or the sad; the wanted or the unwanted. Unless you’re under oath in a courtroom, you are not required to remember accurately and recite the “truth” if it doesn’t feel good to you. [A topic for another time is whether anyone ever remembers accurately anyway.]

As it turns out, I actually did have a happy childhood because I now choose to remember only the good times. It’s up to you. You get to choose. You are the decisionmaker for your life, and you can choose memories that feel good or memories that feel bad. When you choose to activate memories that feel good, you become the conscious creator of your own precious life! And, as Abraham says “that’s what you came here for.”

“But it’s true,” you demand! I’m not saying it’s not true or that it didn’t happen. I’m saying you have the power to choose what you focus on. And that makes all the difference!

Kate Corbin

If you choose to, you can tell a better feeling story.

To contact Coach Kate and download a free copy of her eBook "Magical Musings on the LOA," visit Gold Star Coaching.

If you choose to, you can free yourself from a negative past and create a more positive present and future. Are you feeling giddy with power yet?

“One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory.”

Source: Free Articles from

- Rita Mae Brown 11

July’s Theme It’s a matter of trust Allow your feelings to guide you this month Strike and believe that you will hit your mark! Photo: ©PNielsen 12


The Druid Year Lughnasadh/Lammas Modern Tradition – 1 Aug 2016 Old Tradition - Sun at 15 degrees Leo – 7 Aug 2016

Associations to Lughnasadh: Symbols: ‘Bread of Life’, wheel, change, Corn dollies. Associated with the heat of summer, sunshine, prosperity, fruitfulness Colours: golden yellow, oranges, light browns, and olive greens. Plants: Corn, Corn on the Cob and Sunflowers Gods of the Sun & Grain: Lugh, Dagon, Tamuz Goddesses of the Corn: Demeter, Ceres, Isis, Danu 14

effort to go out and look for Nature’s free bounty brings is back to the interconnectedness we have with Nature. And it is an opportunity for contemplating the natural process of transformation, of birth and growth to bearing fruit, and especially of the aspect of death& sacrifice – because each plant harvested, each fruit picked, is a sacrifice that gives us life and should be properly thanked & blessed.

What our ancestors did… As was common in those times, it didn’t take much to have a reason for a Fayre - for feasting, story-telling, selling wares, athletic competitions, and hand-fastings. It is named after the Celtic god, Lugh, who mythology says started the tradition with funeral festivities and athletic competitions to honour his mother who died from exhaustion.

It is also a time which is ‘bitter sweet’; the time to enjoy the remaining warm days of summer, and yet reflect upon the fact that they will soon begin to cool and make way for the mists of autumn. It is a time when the wheel of the year is turning; when it begins the winding down towards the close of the year. A time for counting blessings.

This is the first of three harvest festivals. Lughnasadh is the time when ancestors began the First Harvest, of grains in the fields, berries in the hedgerows, and early ripened fruits from trees. It is the time of hay-making, to gather fodder to feed the animals through the coming winter. Gathering and bunching of herbs was something done by the ‘wise’ folks with a view to making oils and tinctures for medicinal uses. The fruits were enjoyed fresh for a short while, then added to ‘pots’ as they ripened and fermented – like Rumtopfs – starting with this festival, and added to until the end of the harvest season at Samhain, before sealing with wax for consumption in the winter months. And those that did not make the grade for the table or the pots were made into wines and syrups.

A modern Druid would usually attend a formal ritual, which may be incorporated within other activities like a Fayre, a Picnic, a Feast – usually including story-telling, games, music, singing traditional thanks-giving songs

Ways that you can honour the time… 

Harvesting of the grains was so important that a lot of ‘ceremony’ was attached to it. Often the chief harvester with his scythe would be blessed in a ritual as they entered the field for the first swing of the scythe and erupting in cheering and clapping. Then the other harvesters would be blessed and join him.

 

It was believed that the spirit of the grain lived in the plants, and as the fields were harvested, the spirit was pushed back into the last field. And as the grain harvest starts with ritual, so does it end – the spirit of the grain was forced into the last sheaf of the last field, so it was revered. From the stalks of the last sheaf would be made ‘dollies’ - hollow shapes fashioned from the last sheaf of wheat or other cereal crops to provide a home for the spirit of the grain. These would then spend the winter in the home until the first furrow of the new spring season when they would be ploughed into the earth to release the spirit of the grain.

As Christianity extended it adopted many of the previously pagan festivals, and this one was no exception. The church called the festival Lammas – believed to be a variation of Loaf Mass, when bread was made from the first harvest, blessed and distributed to everyone, including the poor, to give thanks for the good harvest.

What Druids usually do… In modern times with mechanisation and mass production, there is no need for anyone to go into a field and manually cut and gather grains. And with global markets providing supermarkets with year round foods that are out of season, the sense of seasonal occasion is a little lost. But these cycles are important so efforts must be made to create acknowledge what is part of Nature.

Hold your own ritual. A basic script is available from the Beltane issue Attend a Druid public Lughnasadh Rite. Organise a Picnic/foraging trip – this is a perfect opportunity for a day in the outdoors, picking fruits and wild herbs, playing games, telling stories, making music, and ending the day relaxing with family and friends over a lovely meal. If any play instruments then encourage them to bring them to play folk songs (you can print off song sheets for folks). And maybe help the kids to create makeshift maracas and drums to join in. Make a corn dolly – either using traditional straw lengths, or artificial straws from craft stores. There are many designs and instructions available on the internet by googling. To remind us of all the good things you have – all your blessings – get some lengths of ribbons in yellows, oranges and olive greens. Write on each ribbon one thing you are thankful for then, with a strong sense of gratitude to the universe/God/ Deity of choice, tie it to the branches of a tree so that the breeze passing through it carries your gratitude around the world on the wind. Bake Saffron infused cakes and breads; make salads using edible yellow and orange flower petals; make jams and marmalades.

Connect with Freya

So the focus is on the personal development and how the symbology of foraging can re-attune us to the cycles of nature. Making an 15


I love summer. I love the warmth and the long days and my lush garden. I love BBQing and having friends over to sip drinks on the deck. Have I mentioned that I LOVE summer! For me, it is the season of renewal, a chance to shake off the stored energy of spring and winter and to revisit my goals for the year and also to reassess how I am doing. I believe it is important for all of us to stop occasionally and take a good look at ourselves in the mirror and ask some deep questions. How are you feeling Are you happy What do you need or want to change at this moment? I find that for many women who are nurturers by nature, that they ask questions of others and willingly help to 'fix' a situation if they can, BUT rarely think about applying the same care to themselves. We have been programmed to believe that it is selfish to put our needs above others. Pleeasse..... If we do not start to establish a routine of self-care, then we are going to burn out and be of no use to anyone. Start small if this is new to you. Start with question one. Be open. Be honest. I find for myself that journaling and meditation to be the best tools. Now allow me to clarify how I apply those tools. I often write poetry as a form of expression, and I also write to release emotions that have stored up and then burn what I have written. I also rarely do long deep meditations But will do small 10minute deep breathing ones or conscious stillness of my mind while I walk my dogs. Remembering that this is our life and that we are the only ones that can effect the changes we want to see. It is so important as for many clients I see they sit on the sidelines of their life waiting for others to direct them and wonder why they are not satisfied with where they are at. If you wish to fly then it is in your hands to do so; I encourage you to let go of your fears and start listening to yourself and to create the path you wish to walk down by starting today with the above three steps.

NamastĂŠ Debra Rae Connect with Debra Rae


Don’t worry your

pretty little

mind… people throw rocks at things that

shine Photo: © P Nielsen


TARRAGON ESSENTIAL OIL (Artemesia dracunculus) If you read my article on basil in March, you will remember that the flavour of basil essential oil was quite shocking because it tasted a lot like anise. Tarragon essential oil has a similar anise-like flavour. This is the natural flavour of tarragon - it is the flavour you get when you chew leaves from the plant, and the smell is delicious when the leaves are crushed in your hand. As an herb, tarragon constitutes one of the ‘fines herbes’ of French cuisine. As an essential oil, it has some interesting attributes. Used by many cultures as a digestive aid, tarragon improves the appetite by stimulating the flow of digestive juices into the stomach. It has been used to help with menstruation – especially painful or irregular periods. Tarragon has also been used as an aid for toothache. How’s that for diversity! Use tarragon in massage – its warmth can help to increase circulation. Folks who suffer from arthritis may find relief by diluting a few drops in a carrier oil and rubbing on the affected location. A few drops in the bath can also give relief to pain caused by rheumatism. I like to use it topically on my abdomen and stomach if I’m having digestive challenges, and in extreme cases will put a drop in a gel cap and swallow it. I love the smell of tarragon – just opening the bottle and smelling it lifts my spirits – puts a smile on my face! A drop on the third eye will assist you with catching your visions that come in meditation or dream time. It will also assist you in trusting that what you are seeing is, in fact, your vision. Diffuse tarragon essential oil prior to a meditation when you wish to contact your guides and angels. Negative energies will be removed from the space and you will be left with a clear, clean zone for your connection. Do not forget to use this wonderful essential oil as a replacement when the fresh herb is not available. A wee bit goes a long way – always start small and add more as necessary. Enjoy this oil. Diffuse it, smell it, play with it! Please – always remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils and blends, especially for topical or internal use.


For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at Or go to the website: 21


Today we will be looking at a pose known as staff pose or Dandasana. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please read the entire article before trying the pose.

4. You should now lengthen your upper body. You can do this by imagining an energy force pulling up from the pubis to the sternum and then down from the shoulder blades to the tailbone. 5. Remain in this pose for at least one minute before coming out to a simple cross legged position. While holding the pose it important to remember to breath. You should also ensure that your in breath is as long as your out breath.

How to Carry Out the Pose We have put together instructions on how to carry out the pose correctly however there are also a number of modifications that can be done to make the pose easier as well as deeper. These modifications will be found lower in the article.

Tips and Precautions This is a relatively simple pose to practise and often one that will be done in order to help you move into other poses. However if you have any injuries to your lower back then you should avoid practising this pose until the injury fully heals.

1. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. It is important to keep your back upright and you can test this by running your hand down your lower spine to see if any vertebrae are protruding. If they are then you should sit on a folded blanket or cushion in order to help keep you upright.

If you are new to this pose you may find it difficult to firm your thighs against the floor and so may want to consider using a prop to help. You can place some light sandbags along your thighs in order to help weigh them down and keep them firm.

2. If you are still having difficulties keeping a straight back you can try sitting against a wall. The sacrum and the shoulder blades should be against the wall and the lower back should be away from it. In order to help you place a rolled up blanket or bolster between your lower back and the wall.

Benefits and Focus 3. You should sit on the front of your sitting bones and adjust your body so that your tailbone and pubis are an equal distance from the floor. You should now firm your thighs by pressing them down against the floor and turn them slightly inwards and draw the inner groins towards the sacrum. While you do this you should also ensure that you keep your belly soft and do not tense it. Keep the legs active by flexing the feet and pushing away through the heels.

Due to the fact that this is more of a preparatory pose than anything else the therapeutic benefits are very small. However it is something that can be of a significant benefit to your posture. Regular practise of this pose can help to firm the muscles in the thighs, hamstrings and back in order to help you improve your posture. In addition it can aid in stretching out the shoulders and the chest. Also practising this pose can help to quieten the mind which can have benefits for people suffering from both stress and anxiety. It is also a good idea to get good at this pose so you are able to move on to more complex pose at a later date. Mercedes Aspland Source: www.NewAgeArticles.comArticle


Great source of Potassium, copper, manganese, calcium, iron Rich Source Vitamins C, B6, K, folate, riboflavin High Fiber

High in Vitamins B6, folate, thiamin Source of; manganese, copper, magnesium, Protein, fiber

Great source of Manganese, Potassium, Iron, Calcium Rich Source Vitamins K, A, C, folate Fiber, Protein Low Calories 24

With the variety of fresh vegetables available at our local farmer’s markets and grocery stores I thought it would be a good idea to “fork” a fresh dip this month!

Lighter Greek Yogurt Ranch Dip Prep Time: 10 minutes

Ingredients 1 1/3 cups plain Greek Yogurt (I used regular fat) 3 Tbsp full fat mayonnaise 1 clove garlic, finely minced 2 1/2 Tbsp chopped parsley, plus more for garnish 2 tsp freeze dried chives (or 1 tsp regular dried) 1 1/4 tsp dried dill 3/4 tsp onion powder 1/4 tsp salt, then more to taste (I did 1/4 + 1/8 tsp) 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper

Directions Whisk together all ingredients in a bowl. Preferably chill 30 minutes (you can serve it right away I just like to let it rest and let the flavors meld a bit). Store in refrigerator in an airtight container. Serve with veggies. Recipe Source: Cooking Classy

Salads are easy and diverse. Each salad is different depending on the ingredients you have on hand. Lettuce is the foundation, however, I like salads with more stuff than lettuce sometimes. I also like my salads chopped, the reason for this? Each mouthful explodes with flavor rather than just getting a mouthful of lettuce. In a bowl, place your market finds – this is the joy of market salads whatever is in season can become a delicious salad. Add some crunch – nuts are great for this – toast them first to bring out the flavor! Fresh berries add a delicious sweet twist. Cheese to add some zip.

Salt & pepper to taste. Shake to combine well. HERE IS ANOTHER TWIST TO CLASSIC SALAD FORGET THE LETTUCE! Just chop up whatever veggies you have drizzle with a light dressing and enjoy the bounty and flavors of your fresh market finds. It is like having veggies and dip mixed in a bowl.

Now the dressing, it is easy to make your own, plus when you make your own you know what you are putting into your body. I like this recipe from Jamie Oliver, search the web – there are many quick and easy recipes with as many different combinations as there are salads. Into a pint canning jar place: 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp red wine vinegar (I use basic white as that is what I have on hand) ½ tsp Dijon or English mustard 25

Photo: © P Nielsen 26

Dragonfly carries the wisdom of adaptability and transformation in life. They flit and zip around, their wings illuminating the rays of the sun, reminding us to bring more joy and lightheartedness into our lives. Magic seems to be afoot when dragonfly appears asking us to allow our true colors to shine. Dragonfly’s message to all of us this month; “let go of your illusions, your masks and be natural. Be the real you for all to see, emerge with grace and claim your birthright. Strong, beautiful, playful, fun, and loving. Often we stay beneath the surface before we emerge and allow our wings to catch the wind. We know when we must leave the security of our larvae and spread our wings. The cycles you are going through are here to shape your character, broaden your consciousness and heighten your perception. It is best to surrender to the flow, enjoy this transformation, and allow yourself to flit gracefully into the next cycle of your life. Be the dreamer, find your power in the stillness between life’s responsibilities, the peace you seek is within you. We guide you to zip and flit through your life with laughter and love. Life is just opening up for you and you are on the verge of magical things.” In light Dragonfly

Connect with Marlene at facebook 27




Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water or juice box and a couple of surprise items. Double Whammy (DW) = 2 or more hard aspects to the Moon

Photo: © Tamira

Sunday Sun-Day

3 Great day for good conversation

Monday Moon-day

4 New Moon

Dream large – beyond your wildest

All in all a good day … take care that you are not caught off guard


11 DW

Another Great Energetic day

Take care not to just blurt out anything that comes to your mind … take care

Head to the backyard or the beach … Enjoy

Venus moves to Leo

17 Surprise someone today with an unexpected kind word or a thoughtful gift

18 Journal and reconnect to your goals

24 Very nice day to get the garage or attic cleaned out

25 Expected the unexpected today and tomorrow …

Focus on the task at hand

Great day for the arts … Sing Dance Journal

Tuesday Mars-day

5 Another beautiful day for conversation Add a walking meditation to your day

12 DW If you are sitting in your office wishing that you are at the beach … hunker down and get the job done – play later Unexpected surprises 19 Full Moon Be generous with your time and your attention.

26 What you want and what you need may be not jive … wait until Thursday if you can

Wednesday Mercury-Day

6 We are on a streak … gets that to do list out and start checking things off

Thursday Jupiter-Day

7 DW Don’t let your temper get the better of you …

Friday Venus-Day

Saturday Saturn-day


2 Giving bag today

Don’t let work get in the way

Do not overcommit

Just play … Spend time with Family and Friends 8 Great ideas & opportunities may spill out … but don’t kid yourself it will take work to bring these ideas to fruition … hunker down

Unexpected visitors or events … in a good way of course 9 BEST DAY WOW –take advantage anything you are struggling with now is the time to action it




16 DW

Mercury joins Venus as he moves to Leo

Great day for a giving bag … don’t judge

Great day to get together for lunch with a good friend … but don’t forget to clean out your inbox before you head out

Don’t give more than you can … but a giving bag would be fantastic

21 If someone voiced an opinion that displeased you … let it go J Are your actions in line with your authentic self?

22 Sun Moves to Leo


28 DW

29 DDW

Keep your inside voice … inside

Uranus is Stationary today … Standing still …might feel like the build-up of thunder before lightening strikes

Great day for a noon walking meditation 20 DW Take care that you are not overly critical (or take anyone else’s critic to heart) Keep your inside voice … inside 27 Another day to watch your self-talk Great day for a walking meditation

Words can hurt

Take short meditative breaks especially if work feels overwhelming or daunting

Take care – don’t give more than you can give, but a giving bag would be great 30 Mercury moves into Virgo today – where he wields a powerful pen Don’t spend everything – save some for a rainy day

31 Give a bouquet of flowers just because you can … great day for a walking meditation


Planets to Watch

Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 7, 14, 21, 28 …Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT

Ground yourself and get ready to feel the earth rumble beneath your feet at the end of July symbolically of course ;-).

Jupiter… Our planet of growth, wisdom, opportunities and excess. Jupiter is very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter continues his trek through Virgo. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with too many details. Jupiter moved direct May 9th but the shadow period will last all the way until the first week of July. Start utilizing the opportunities and wisdom you have gathered over the last few months.

Saturn, Neptune and Pluto continue in a deep inner spiral changing the landscape within. Mars turned direct at the very end of June and Uranus moves into an inner spiral at the end of July … they are connected on a very deep and powerful level. Connecting to that moment between the inhale and the exhale is very powerful during this time… Silence is golden J

Jupiter Squares and Oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 2, 23, 30… Don’t lose sight of your budget, overindulging or over-committing, watch that others do not take advantage of your generosity.

Double Whammy and challenging Days for the Month (personal planets with the moon) Days to watch for are 11, 20, Most Challenging days 12, 28 & 29… use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.

Saturn… Our planet of boundaries, restrictions, limitations and possibly fear. Saturn is moving through Sagittarius, and will travel through this fiery optimistic energy for the next couple of years. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion and bounce back into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries! Think quality over quantity. He continues his long Retrograde (inner spiral) until August. This is a great time to review your organization skills and boundaries. Mercury is the planet of creating the paperwork … Saturn supports your ability to get it organized.

Lots of great favorite Meditation or relaxed days for the Month – best day 9th great days 5, 6, 10, 24 … Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation - silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching. Mercury… our planet of communication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written to communication that travels on sound waves. Mercury moves from Cancer where he connects and directs emotions to Leo on the 13th, go ahead stand on your soap box and let the Sun speak out.

Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 … You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE!

Mercury squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 12, 20, 27 … Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY!

Uranus … Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect innovative ideas to inspire, new energy sources are available. Be a Rebel with a cause – let the radical inner changes move you. Uranus moves retrograde (inner spiral) on the 29th of July until the end of the year.

Venus … our planet of Love, Security which often shows up as monetary wants and what we like to surround ourselves with (art, greenery, food, music, colour, sparkly things) … Venus continues to move through Cancer … Think Botticelli’s Venus rising from the water, then on the 11th she will move into Leo, here she enjoys the long hot summer days, bikinis and waterparks. Venus squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month –12, 20, 27 … Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway!

Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations, the window into what is beyond the physical world, (the last planet in our solar system as we know it today). Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of what you are creating that is connected to the collective. Take care not to over-indulge in the 7 deadly sins. Connect with a regular routine to your guides, healing angels, and observer self. Neptune turns inward in a very long retrograde that will last until mid-November, time to explore your inner-verse.

Mars … Our planet of action, passion and anger. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars is finally moving direct … At first you may feel that you are still unable to express your newly found inner discoveries, but as he slowly gains speed and moves back into Sagittarius in August you may find the changes you have been working on really start to solidify … What changes have you been passionately engaged in, get ready to be a positive and powerful force-of-nature around the middle of August. Get your strategy in place.

The Dwarf Planets … Take care not to get caught up in the harsher side of these dwarfs – they may not have cleared their orbit of debris but they still pack a lot into their symbolic language. We have just begun the exploration of some of the newly discovered. Except for Ceres they are all very slow 32

The New Moon at 12 Cancer July 4th at 4:01 am PT / 8:01 am AT

moving – change is very slow and gradual. Pluto… Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn and is in a very long Retrograde (inner spiral) – Pluto continues to push for change to our old and outworn patterns of dictatorship and inflexible leadership (although you will continue to feel the resistance. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. This retrograde will last until the end of September, focus on inner change.

The New Moon in Dynamic build toward something new and exciting. Snap-shot: Communication, peace and beauty The potential for a positive turn of events. A river of emotion flows freely toward the opportunity of a deep and lasting connection to the needs of the greater good rather than the one. Utilize dynamic strategic action as an anchor into our purpose and wellbeing, for some this may bring an incredible understanding of our authentic spiritual nature. This process may create a chain of events that eventually cause a metamorphous into something powerfully new.

Makemake… who brings quantum experiences and unexpected genius; is traveling at 00 degrees Libra – utilize structures that you have been working on that will continue to bring your relationship with the earth and the macrocosm into balance. Eris… only desires equality! This warrior goddess is a truly feminine version of Mars. Evoke and balance the warrior within, as she fearlessly moves through Aries (very slow moving).

Possibilities emerge as you gain awareness through the power of the collective … Keep the Ego out of it.

Haumea… who is the real catalyst for Transformation is currently at 21 degrees Libra. She brings a balance back to the goddess as she takes back her power on earth. Currently retrograding (inward spiral) use this time to complete inner transformations that you have been working on.

The Full Moon at 27 Cancer/ 27 Capricorn July 19th at 3:56 pm PT / 7:56 pm AT

The sky is lit up – so you can see where you are headed … is it in the right direction? Complete your goals.

Ceres… loves the work or activity of the harvest, she continues to travel through Aries then finally move into Taurus on the 17th of July. Get your hands dirty – as it is time to plant and nurture new seeds of hope and restoration.

Snap-shot: Breath of Fire – short forceful intention focused on the exhale of the breath and directed toward a goal. This technique has the ability to break down anxiety and assist in releasing inner desires into the external environment. Focus on creating the Environment in which you wish to live … and make it so!

Solar/Lunar cycles

This Full Moon may enhance yourPhoto: ability©todusk slow your - actions down – use the light in order to see what still needs to be accomplished. Focus on the Output... What is your Intention…Your re-Action.

Step outdoors and connect to your early evening sky, do it again in the early morning just as the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. Connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies.

The inhale is a natural consequence … slow … steady … forceful. Small but powerful bursts is all that is required … this can be sustained for incredibly long periods of time which will create a pattern that become engrained in the very fabric of your Be-ing.

As above So below.

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.

Photo: © Tamira 33


Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Grab a friend and your towel and continue with your beach theme, tap into your inner mermaid. Sitting around the camp fire or bbq will give you the opportunity to spread your social wings – let live and let go of any stress that you have been holding onto.

Sun moves into Leo on the 22 … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Leo folk out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) This is a very powerful time for you, not necessarily in action but more so in the planning. Strategic planning is required as you move forward, but keep your cards close to your chest – no one needs to know … until they need to know ;-)

Although we may see/feel some challenges this month – with a little bit of effort and a lot of balancing it has the potential to be channeled in a positive fun way. Focus on your reality and what you want your summer to look like – create your own living vision board. Draw things toward you that will keep you on track for success, stay true to your course.

Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) Heavy responsibilities might be weighing you down right now and taking the sun out of the summertime. It is all in the details, get your ducks all lined up and the path forward will simply open up. Words are powerful so be sure to use them with care.

Aries (March 20-April 19) Unexpected surprises may seem to come out of nowhere, react with passion not anger. Projects that have been stalled or stuck will begin to gain footing again but you will need to keep your wits sharp as you move forward.

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) You may feel a little more emotional than usual, perhaps it is time to let go of any rigid ideas that you have been holding onto and allow new patterns to develop. Continue to work away at a fun summertime project.

Taurus Horoscope (April 20-May 20) Get back to nature – walk barefoot in the grass or go to the beach and feel the sand between your toes. Connect to the cycles of your experiences, remember the pleasures and the bounty that the earth holds in store. The seeds have been sown now you must continue to nurture your growth.

Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) Summer is a great time for a juice cleanse but you will need to get extra rest and keep the social life to a minimum. You are in the process of creating new healthier boundaries but in order to do so you must first let go of old outworn patterns, the change comes from within.

Gemini Horoscope (May 21-June 20) Daily meditation and connection to your divine is a must. Each day as the sun peeks over the horizon let it inspire you to tell a new tale of love, laughter and rhapsody, as can only be seen through your mischievous eyes ;-)

Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) New directions and new opportunities are on the horizon. You may be torn between an abundance of detailed information that may bog you down … or just jumping in with both feet and asking questions later. Reconnect to your original plan – stay true to your course.

Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 21) Let the summer sunshine warm and activate your core. Take care that you do not get too tied down with responsibility this summer – leave some room for spontaneous interaction. Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses. Leo Horoscope (July 22-Aug. 22) The beginning of the month you may feel a little discombobulated, hold steady on your course. By the end of the month plan for some summer get-togethers that will bring family and friends together that provides a platform for you to shine your feel-good light. Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) It may feel like it is time to surrender and raise the white flag, don’t stop now … keep expanding and uncovering your path – although things may feel a little bit illusive you are headed in the right direction.

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 35

A Crystal Reading for

July 2016

Begin to turn your faces to the sun. As much as you are able to this month, bring the light of the sun into your home, your workplace, your body. Feel your being heat up in joyful celebration of summer and All That Is. July is about opening yourselves to experiencing he warmth that is you, the incredible beauty that you are. It is seeing all of that in the midst of turbulence and in the depths of calm. We are the creators of our lives. We may not understand the why of our lives, but we have total control over how we experience them. And the beauty of it all is that we are able to have a fresh perspective in each and every moment.


Vera Photo: Š VEnshaw


Contact Vera at

Beginning: July 1 – 2 – Spirit Crystal: Two short, intense days in which to feel and touch the Spirit in everything you do and all you meet. Allow yourself to feel the heat, the intensity of the glory that is each of us. When it threatens to overwhelm, ask for the flow to slow down, cool down, until you are able to tolerate it full strength once again.

Week 1: July 3 - 9 – Nautilus: This week is about open-heartedness, especially towards yourself. Turn off your critical voice. Know that what you are feeling is a natural way of being. You, dear ones, are meant for love. Start by allowing yourself to love your Self. This joy will feel tearful at times, but do not mistake this for sorrow. Understanding this, be open to helping others as they struggle with their issues. Recognize that mastery takes many forms.

Week 2: July 10 - 16 – Ruby: The river that you opened last week continues to flow. You may feel as though you are being tossed in the current - one minute you have your footing and everything is clear, the next you are caught up in the turbulence. Know that this is how you are able to master your small self, your ego, by staying aware, keeping your head above the water – and allowing your heart to dictate your actions and responses. Stay out of workplace dramas – be deliberate with your words.

Week 3: July 17 – 23 – River Rock: Smooth transition from the middle of the river to the edge. River rock gives you a solid place to stand while you contemplate what is happening. Where is your heart? Where is the sun and moon in your life? This week your being soaks up the delicious heat of the sun and prepares to embrace the moon. Look around you, at your family and friends. Who needs assistance in stability? Do not rescue…offer tools and give direction to those who are open to receiving. Week 4: July 24 - 30 – Tiger Iron: The heat of the sun and the warm earth are waiting for you to embrace them. This week stand, allow yourself to absorb the warmth of the earth through your body. Lie on the ground, feel the warmth. While you are walking, feel the heat of the sun through your crown chakra and draw the heart of the earth through the soles of your feet. In breath and out breath. In the crown, out the feet then switch it up – in the feet, out the crown. Practice this, remember this so that in the cool months you have body memory to draw on. Last Day: July 31 – Obsidian: Today find a place to look at what you consider to be the dark spots in your life. Obsidian encourages you to see that there is light everywhere, every single place you have ever gone to, every action you have taken – there is light. It is only dark because you perceive it that way. Open your heart and truly let the sun shine in to all the ‘dark’ places you have hidden there. Someone close to you also needs to hear this – share it with your own words so that they, too, are able to see their light. Do not hesitate to be intensely fierce with them about their inner beauty! 37

Marlene Cobb

Photo: © MCobb 38

Our July new moon arrives at 4:03 am PDT on July 4th in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is the nurturing sign of the zodiac, making this new moon the perfect time to plant an intent and nurture it through the birthing process to success. Due to the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury being in Cancer, it is also the moon for self-care. Remember when we take care of ourselves first, everyone benefits.

new Moon JULY 4

The new moon can bring to our consciousness our darker shadows we tend to bury deep in our psyche. Those areas we have been procrastinating dealing with could very well come to a head, and we will not be able to escape them. Not a bad thing because this new moon offers us the chance to be kind and loving towards ourselves. What better way to show ourselves some love than by bringing some light to those shadows? Plus, the energy of this moon aligned with the other planets means we can do so without much worry or stress! If you have a shadow triggering some emotions, look at how you can change that from a negative to a positive. What would the intent be to bring freedom and peace to this situation? That is what you will focus on for this new moon. If nothing seems to come forward, and you have set the intent the last six new moons for money, health, or love, time to step out of the box and try something new. For this new moon gather the following objects. Crystals – of course – whatever you are drawn to along with the new moon crystals (black moonstone, obsidian, black tourmaline, tektite (see for details) you may also add a moonstone as that is the moon in Cancer’s crystal. A candle, black if you have one, if not any candle will do. Something to keep thirst at bay. An oracle or tarot deck. Notebook, and pen. On the day of the full moon treat yourself to some nurturing, perhaps a simple dinner out or brought in, a glass of wine, a warm bubble bath, whatever nurtures you and allows you to relax is perfect. Gather your items, and set up where you will be comfortable. Arrange everything so that it is pleasing to you, then light the candle. Call upon your angels and guides to be present with you. Now pick up the deck of cards, holding them up to your heart, form a clear question. Either “what do I need to know today?” or if you have a particular area you would like guidance on, form a clear question with regards to that. Once you have your question formed, take the deck and shuffle it. If you are used to using your cards, you will know how you will pull one card. That is all we are going to focus on, one card. If more come out of the deck – use the first one and ignore (for now) the others. What do you first notice about the card that came forth? Forget what you know about this card, what is the first thing you notice, or the first impression that comes to you. Pay attention to the details of the card, the colors, the imagery, the energy, how does it make you feel? Notice any memories, mental images, or emotions that it triggers. Spend some time with this card, in quiet meditation, in a relaxed non-hurried way. When you feel ready, jot down your impressions in your notebook, leave nothing out. Next, look at the guide that came with the deck and read through it for that card. Note anything that jumps out at you. Once finished, close your notebook and sit quietly drinking your beverage, and watching the candle flicker and glow, enjoy. Allow your thoughts to be random and go where they wish. Sit for as long as you feel comfortable, then give thanks for the seeds that have been planted, and blow out the candle. If you had more than one card fly out of your deck, you may either look at them now or wait until tomorrow to review them. Don’t put them back in the deck as they will have guidance for you. Tomorrow upon waking, take a few minutes before fully engaging in your day to review your notes. What guidance comes forward for you to manifest freedom and peace in your life? That will be your focus for the next 28 days.

Blessings Marlene 39

The full Buck moon arrives at 3:57pm PDT, on July 19th in the sign of Capricorn.

Full Moon JULY 19

I find this moon fascinating, ok, so I find the name fascinating. Full Buck Moon. It was named by the ancestors because this is typically the time of year the male population of deer, elk, and moose regrow their antlers. The cycle of their antlers is very magical. They lose them after the rut, the mating season, due to the decrease in testosterone. Typically, when the does have dropped their babies the male drops his antlers. This will continue for the duration of the Buck’s life, each year the “rack” grows larger than the last. Alright, back to the full moon. When the moon is in Capricorn and the sun is in Cancer we are looking at the structures, security, in our life. What is illuminated during this time is what our focus is upon. If we are focusing on merely our insecurities or the negative aspects of our life, that is what comes forth. Perhaps those around you will be pointing out or picking up on your insecurities and placing undue pressure on you. Nothing worse than someone pointing out something you are already aware of! As with any full moon, expect emotions to be running high. The key to surviving this moon is balance. Use any challenges that come up for you to your advantage. Take them as a sign it is time to “drop” them, use your natural talents and experience to turn the challenges into successes! This moon ushers in courage and a sense of adventure, slip into your hiking boots and confidently go forth! I am intrigued by the bucks and how they shed and regrow their antlers. What stood out for me was that the regrowth is larger, more massive. I thought about how in life we are often our own worst enemies. What if we shed the history that keeps us locked into feelings of “not worthy, not good enough, lack” any imbalance that keeps us from being confident that we can achieve anything. That keeps us from knowing our own self-worth. Gather your moon crystals, an antler if you have one – I don’t have an antler, but will use one of my stag ornaments in its place, a red candle to symbolize the velvet of the antler when it regrows – this velvet is what nourishes the antler while it is growing, a bowl of water, small pieces of paper – white, a water soluble felt pen. On the 19th, gather your articles and arrange them to your liking, put on some soft background music -whatever inspires you. Once you have things to your liking, light your candle and ask your angels and guides to be with you. At this point you can also call upon the energy of the stag to add his gentleness, grace, wisdom and determination. Sit quietly and ask for guidance on what needs to be shed so that you can experience regeneration in your life. As guidance comes to you write one word that best describes it on a piece of paper. Place the paper in the water and taking your right hand (or left if you are left handed, your dominate hand) and use your pointer finger to stir the water counterclockwise in a circle, like flushing it out of your life. The ink will either smudge or disappear. Continue for as long as you are guided. When you are ready, give thanks to the stag, moon, and your angels and guides. Toss the water away from you outside allowing it to return to mother earth. Blow out your candle. Go with the flow, if the above does not work for you, modify it to suit your needs. Some month’s life gets busy and I am lucky to sit with the moon energy for a brief period of time holding my crystals. It is my way of honoring not only the energy that guides our water, but myself. It is my time to connect, relax, and always learn something about myself.

Blessings Marlene 40

Photo: © P Nielsen 41








This month’s messages drawn from Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid 43

Photo: © mcobb 44

This month, instead of me deciding what the runes are showing, I will give a few different meanings and let you decide which is more appropriate for your life.

some thing you are leaning towards, Kenaz always signify a the male, no matter what sex the querent may be. It usually shows a male offering something to the female. It could be physical gift or something like a declaration of love and fealty.

Because the runes were all upright, I will not bother with the reversed meanings. When I cast the runes, I thought it would be a general reading for everyone, (and possibly it is) but it is also showing to be a very personal reading for me.

Kenaz is the rune of creativity as well and is especially important to artists and craftsmen. It could also indicate, either an actual birth, or the birth of an idea, something creative and sometimes inspired by love.

The first rune is Othala. This is the rune of possessions, materialistic and tangible. As it represents the homestead, it shows all you have acquired, lands, inheritances, pensions, trusts, etc.

The final rune is Berkano, the rune of birth and of family. It often represents mother or child, and usually is an indicator of an event that brings joy to the household, a wedding, possibly an actual birth or the birth of an idea. It is also the sign of your "true home" as opposed to where you may be living at present.

Othala can sometimes indicate one driven by vision or ideals, maybe one inspired by the past. Because it is upright, it can also show help in the matter at hand from an older person or friend.

You should proceed with care and awareness at this time. Berkano upright is always a sign of tangible results and is a helpful rune when projects are being contemplated.

Depending on the accompanying runes, Othala may also signify inherited traits.

As this rune is in the result position and surrounded by positive runes, it indicates a fortunate outcome.

Our next rune is Kenaz. This is the rune of the hearth fire, warm and comforting. It shows strength, energy, and power, although, unlike Uruz, this is also controlled.

I hope this reading sheds some light on a problem or question you may have, I do know it helped me.

Kenaz indicates the power of a positive attitude and is one of the more helpful runes when you are experiencing problems of any kind. In the upright position, it is a protective sign and shows that there will be an end to your worries and that your trials will be few and manageable.

Until next month, skĂĽl to all


It also shows a time of good things coming into your life. Now would be a good time to start something new. For some it will be a new romance and if that is

Contact Phil at for more information. 45

Message from the Angels July 2016 Greetings, We come to you with the message “lighten up and trust the process!� Relax your body, laugh, stop holding your breath, take a deep inhale of air and slowly release it, feeling the tension leave you. Allow your mind to empty, release your worry, and come back to balance. Breathe and surrender to all that life is presenting to you. You have concepts of what is good and what is bad. From our perspective, there is not a separation between the two of them. There are only blessings, and they bring a fullness to your life that is balanced. We see you holding onto these blessings, the ones that cause you to worry and stress, and the ones that bring you joy. You cling to them both equally. What you deem good you hold onto as if you will never receive another one. What you deem bad you hold onto in the hope of making them go away. Only, when you hold tightly to something, you leave no space within your consciousness to see and behold the subtle blessings that are coming to you all the time.

trust that the universal flow provides a perfect balance naturally. Everything presented to you enriches your life. No matter how insignificant it appears or how arduous the situation is to surmount. Each has something within it that nourishes your soul. It is called life, and it is supposed to happen. You will not always wake up each day to ripe fruit, yet with a little patience and nurturing even the green fruit on the vine ripens and can be harvested and enjoyed. It is all a matter of how you choose to play it out. Let it ripen naturally or pick it and try to force it to ripen, you are in control. Commit to a partnership with the universe, and go with the natural flow. Trust that the blessings delivered to you are what you need for balance in your life. Don’t wrap yourself up by labeling things as good or bad. Instead, see them as the blessings they are, flow with each equally and see how quickly both are here today then gone in an instant. Lighten up, smile, laugh, and trust that you are blessed! Each and every day you are blessed. In joyous trust the power of three

Harvest what is ripe and let the rest come to fruition of its own accord. You cannot hurry the process; you must let the universe takes its course. It can be difficult to have patience, yet to rush the process leaves you with bitter fruit. It might acquire the correct color, but the fresh taste from having ripened naturally will be missing. Every part of your life has a unique story to write, and to focus solely on one word, sentence, or chapter disempowers you. Instead, celebrate joyously the fruit that has ripened. Understand that, unlike nature which is depended on the elements to provide the correct conditions, you are in charge of how you nurture and grow each situation in your life. Enjoy the sweet flavour and texture of all the blessings and

Through Mcobb



Photo: © P Nielsen 48

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