Photo: ŠP Nielsen 1
Photo: Š mcobb
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Excavating What Your Words Say About You Judge Much? The Story of the Sightless Man What's on our Fork -Almonds - Stawberries -Spinach Forked - Strawberry and Spinach Salad Build Your Dream™ Essential Oil Upward Facing Dog Pose Power Animal -Dog Silverdisc Astro Tid-Bit May 2016 May 2016 Horoscopes Crystal Reading for May Lunar Cycles for May May Inspriation New Growth Rune Casting For May 2016 Angel Message for May 2016 3
Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content ©2011 - 2016 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to
Photo: Š MCobb
As spring awakens the world around me, I find I wish to spend more time out in nature. I have been feeling the call from my soul to ground myself within its awakening beauty. Each variety of flora and fauna comes alive in its timeframe; blessing us with a constant array of beauty. Gone are the snowdrops, to be replaced by buttercups, the magnolia blossoms replaced with rhododendrons, the daffodils with tulips. It is the same with us humans; people die, and babies are being born. That is the circle of life. There is a balance in all things. As nature shifts around me from one stage to the next, I too find myself wanting to make different choices. This morning I decided to have my coffee in a different mug. Yes, I am a creature of habit and tend to find something I like and just go with it until something else takes my fancy. I love the mug I used this morning. However, it changed my whole coffee experience. I pondered how one small change could feel so different. It was still the same coffee, the same procedure, yet the mug made it different. What other little things could I shift and have an entirely different experience? It showed me how being focused on doing something one way always, narrows my point of view drastically. How if I just change one thing, I can benefit greatly, and still enjoy the experience. The thought came to me that we don't need to make drastic changes to have a shift. One small change can bring a different perspective, which can be enough to allow us to see a view not seen before. This month I am making changes that will benefit my overall health. Winter has left the building, and soon summer will be upon us. Time to slim down and tone up. I will be taking the gentle approach shown to me this morning, small steps which I feel will impact me greater than anything drastic. The goal is long-term, sustainable change that will see me through not only summer but many years to come. What will you awaken this month? Try a new coffee mug, just for the heck of it and see how it could change your whole day! Namaste
Connect with Marlene at facebook 5
In my observation, and listening to others, 2016 has been a year of excavating our souls and moving a ton of personal “earth”. Things that we thought we had healed, had moved beyond, had let go, are showing up for re-examination. Some of the events float in and out of our consciousness quickly. It is like they are just coming forward to show us how far we have evolved. Other memories are causing more grief, leaving us wondering why. Many of these events, when they were happening, were so traumatic that we either denied or buried them. We thought we were doing an excellent job of healing and moving on, but in reality, we just swept it under the rug and did our best to forget about it. Some of them perplexed us, and we didn't know why they were happening. Along comes the year 2016, and to pass “GO” and collect our proverbial $200, we are being asked to release that which no longer serves us. 2016 is a 9 year, the year to finish up things and start to visualize/prepare for the new about to begin next year, which is a 1 year. We cannot move forward and hold onto the past at the same time. If we continue to grasp the past, like a security blanket – afraid to let go, we become stagnant. Sometimes it is not even about letting go; it is about doing the work required to come to terms with it. There is a whole place within our psyche that raises the fear barrier. To allow our being to process this memory might mean acknowledging we had a part and were partially responsible, or in some cases that we are giving up on or forgetting what/whomever, so we just continue to stuff the emotions/feelings. Please note, some memories arise that we had no control over, someone dying, being abused - mentally, physically or emotionally, natural disasters, terrorism, etc. They too, however, need to be healed so that you may move forward. It can be difficult to allow these emotions and feelings to wash over us without getting caught up in the drama of them all over again. You are not alone; everyone has buried or denied experiences. However, it is key for us to remember they are in the past. The only power they hold over us is that which we give them. We have survived and live to tell, even if we keep them locked deep within us. In our collective intent to awaken, the only way out is through; we need to face our shadows once and for all. Besides, what happened in the past 7
cannot be changed, we have no way of going backwards in time nor forwards. It is strange how a problem, hurt, or slight from the past, can dredge up such strong feelings in us even after years of being dormant. If they have not been resolved, at least within ourselves, they have been quietly festering all that time. This year we are being given the opportunity to heal and move on. There are a couple of things that I have found useful to deal with “past” thoughts that float up for re-examination. First, I tell myself, stay calm, it is not happening now, you have already lived through it. Second, I let it float around and see what the lessons were for me from that experience. I give thanks for the lessons. Then I H’oponopono it until I feel lighter, and clearer. I have to say that it rarely comes back for another examination. H’oponopono is amazing in that it allows us to take responsibility for whatever causes grief in a gentle manner. There is no blame game or shaming. It just clears the energy in all directions to all involved and transmutes it to love. I find it works really well, but try it out for yourself. Simply hold the thought, event or person in your heart and mind and say “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.” Say it until you feel clear.
Anything that takes hold of your thoughts and causes you stress needs to be looked at and healed. If you have indeed tried and still the thoughts/feelings rush to the front, it is probably time to seek professional help. But first, give it a go yourself. After all, you are the person who has experienced them and allowed them to live and grow within you. The gift from this excavating of our souls is freedom. Freedom to move forward unhindered. The world needs all of us to be clear, to be able to shine as bright as we possibly can, to effect change. Don’t keep stuffing your past, or sweeping it under the rug, deal with it. The energy of 2016 supports your clearing if you choose to do so. It will be easier and more complete than it has ever been.
Connect with Marlene at facebook
"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill." ~Siddhartha Gotoma or Buddha (probably from 563 to 483 B.C.)
It is through our words that relationships are formed. It is how we reveal who we are to others, and let them know who they are to us. It is the way we communicate our intent, and how we make things happen.
In his book, The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz says, “Always be impeccable with your word.” There is so much embedded in such a simple phrase. The word “impeccable” means faultless, irreproachable. Our words are our way of communicating to the outside world. They also are a reflection of who we are inside. Once words have been spoken, they are out there, and cannot be erased.
to battle for what you believe in. It is another to battle for the sole purpose of trying to make the other look bad. Being impeccable with our word means being truthful. It means not using words to deceive or mislead others. Again built into our culture, particularly in advertising is the practice of using words to sway others by slightly or overtly misleading. Media is awash in claims that products can do things that they really cannot. The phrase “buyer beware” speaks to this built-in trickery. Finally, being impeccable with our word means being true to our word: following through and doing what we said we would do. Think how devastating it is when a divorced father says he will pick up the children on Saturday and then does not show up. Consider how destructive it is to relationships when the partner commits to quit drinking, gambling or being unfaithful and then breaks this commitment. This is like an emotional tsunami whose waves move beyond the partner to the rest of the family, relatives and friends. It is easy to use our words carelessly, not thinking of the impact they may have on others, or on the way we are perceived. Words are not just words. They are the way we connect to others and make meaning in our lives. When we practice impeccability, we are honoring ourselves, others and our species.
Being impeccable with our word means several things. Firstly, it means that our words impact others, so we must be careful how we use them so as not to hurt or harm others. Any message can be conveyed to others in a way that is dignified and respectful, regardless of what they have said or done. Barak Obama says that we can disagree without being disagreeable. It also means being careful what we say. To use our words to gossip, malign or denigrate others is far from impeccable. Our words have power, and that power should be used for good. What purpose is possibly served when two or more people pick apart someone else? When this happens, words are used to negate and belittle another human being. This says more about the gossipers than it does about the subject of their criticism. It is interesting to note how much of politics is based on undermining, negating and blocking others. Governments should be like the parents providing leadership and looking out for the best interests of citizens. In our culture government and opposition are like dysfunctional parents who continually battle one another and neglect the children. It is one thing if the intent is
Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, Deep Powerful Change Hypnosis CDs and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to and ‘Like’ Gwen on FaceBook!
Don’t let life slip through your fingers by living in the past or the future. Photo: ©PNielsen 10
Have you ever caught yourself watching a stranger and judging their appearance? I catch myself frequently either making a judgmental comment in my head about someone or creating a story that is just that, a story. The not so funny thing about this internal dialog is that I would never say any of those things to anyone, I actually try to be positive in my interaction with others whether I know them or not. I know that this internal mental dialog happens without my input and that it is a part of my inner judge that offers opinions formed by my child self and by society and by my current emotional state. I like to think I am not judgmental BUT in reality, I have to say that I am. I think we all are. I believe that we are raised to be critical of both ourselves and also others, to constantly compare ourselves and to be in competition with everyone. I believe depending on your experience that you are either taught you are better than this person or that person or that you are less than. Because of this download we then form the judgment aspect of self that often does not grow up as we ourselves grow physically and emotionally. When I catch myself in an inner state of being critical of someone I always shut that aspect down and also tell myself off for being critical of someone appearance or actions, but my mind will still go into auto zone and offer an unwanted opinion or judgment.
3. Create a new positive dialog to put into play I also believe that sometimes I am allowed to be judgmental and critical BUT for me those times are when I am consciously aware of what I am thinking and that those thoughts are accompanied by me verbalizing them! We all have free will and the freedom to think and believe what we want. Because I am on a continual journey of selfdiscovery and self-improvement, catching and reprogramming those harsh critical and hurtful judging thoughts that are often self-directed as well is a simple thing for me to implement. I just have to be less self-judgmental and more accepting that it may be a much longer process that I would like. One step every day is my motto because by continually moving forward I will achieve my goals. We all have it in our power to create the changes we wish to see and be. Have a great May and enjoy the beauty of mother nature has to offer you along the way.
NamastĂŠ Debra Rae
I believe the only way we can change this automatic critic is to
1. Become aware that we have an inner judge 2. Catch that dialog in play and shut it down 13
Connect with Debra Rae
and looks across the room. He says, "Didn't you ever find the elevator? It's right across the room."
The New Paradigm is Here It's interesting that in this new energy there are more people starting to look around. There are more and more who don't understand metaphysics or channeling, yet they'll come to a place like this to hear Kryon give this message. This then creates an energy, not necessarily an understanding, but an energy that says, "Finally, I know I can open the door without fear." That's all they may leave with and that's all they needed - assurance that Spirit is a loving energy of benevolence and caring. But I want to go beyond opening the door to faith. You see, in this energy there's more - a lot more. I'm going to use a metaphor, a story.
"I thought it was a window. Why would there be an elevator?" "You didn't know? You've been living in an 80-story building!" The sightless man realized that he has spent his life in one small area of an enormous building. Later, when he's alone, he presses the button on the elevator and it opens. It's the beginning of an ascended personality. [Laughter] There is so much to explore! What kept him from finding the elevator?
The Story of the Sightless Man
Our Limitations Are Our Presumptions
A sightless man opens the front door of his new life and goes in. He can't see anything, but he knows he's in a special place and he does what a sightless person will do: He explores slowly, carefully. He takes mental notes: This is where the door is; here is the window; here is an escape path if I need it; I'll count the steps; I will listen to what it sounds like; I'll find the kitchen for sustenance; I will locate all of the things that I need for survival and comfort and life. I will explore and find them one at a time and know where everything is. I will move things, if needed, to my immediate reach.
First, although he explored everything, he did it with a presumption of what was available and what he would find. He didn't know an elevator was available, so everything he touched and felt was based on a concept of what it should be. The elevator felt to him, in the brain that could not see, like a window. It was a window that he couldn't open, but because his brain expected a window, that's what he got.
Am I getting through? What is it you don't expect? What is it you don't know about or perhaps you've made up your mind is there or not there? I want to tell each of you something: The love of God is not limited to the one room that you live in. This is a metaphor. What does your room look like, oh sightless one? I say this because a Human doesn't immediately have second sight. You are not born using that which you call intuitive power. Instead, you tend to make up your mind based on only what you perceive must be real. What is real and what is not? Reality is different for the sightless than for those who can see. Metaphysically, it is the same. What size building do you think you live in?
Once the sightless man does this, he thinks, "Now I can live here. I open the door and I'm in my room. It feels good; I found the kitchen; I found the bedroom, and now I have all of what I need to exist." There he sits, and he lives there for a month, for a year, for a lifetime. He is comfortable in his surroundings because he knows everything about them. He'll go to many metaphysical meetings and he will speak about his experiences with Spirit. He will testify that he knows he has God inside, and he will say, "I'm an old soul. It feels good and I see small changes in my life." But there's more coming.
There are answers and solutions for every single problem you brought here. They've got your name on them and some of them are on the second floor, the third floor, the fourth. I want you to leave this place and know that there's an elevator! Of course, this is a metaphor. You know exactly what I'm talking about. What is it you haven't done, you haven't thought of or that you don't think you can do?
He starts hearing about new tools that can be discovered and he thinks to himself, "I've explored every cranny of my area - all the rooms in my house. I haven't found anything new." There's a little frustration for the sightless man. He wants more. He intuitively knows there is, indeed, more. He goes to another meeting where much is discussed. He is told, "Go find it." He looks again and he finds nothing more than he found before.
Find the elevator.
Then he's visited by a person who is not sightless, a person who can see better than he can. This person has been aware of things that he was not. They talk together and the sightless man says to the one who can see, "I've looked everywhere. Can you help me find something that I've missed?" The one who can see listens to his question
And so it is. KRYON
And remember that you do not simply carry the lamp; you yourself
are the lamp. Jack Kornfield
Photo: Š P Nielsen
High in Vitamins C & K, niacin, folate Source of; calcium, magnesium, potassium Low Calorie High Fiber
Great source of Calcium, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium Rich Source Vitamin E, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, folate High Fiber
Great source of Omega-3 fatty acids Rich Source Vitamins B6 & B1 High in Iron Low Calories High Fiber
Ingredients—Salad Fresh baby spinach, rinsed Fresh strawberries, sliced Toasted sliced almonds Ingredients—Dressing 1 Tablespoon fresh lemon juice 2 Tablespoons white wine vinegar ¼ cup sugar (adjust to your own taste) 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil Combine salad ingredients in a bowl. In mason jar, combine dressing ingredients and shake to combine. Plate salad and drizzle dressing over, enjoy! 19
What do we know about energy? We know that everything – even thoughts – have a vibration, and therefore a corresponding energy. Essential oils all vibrate at differing frequencies, creating an energy particular to that specific oil. When oils are blended together, the frequencies of all of the oils are combined, creating a new, unique frequency. This is relevant, how? Remember, thoughts also have a vibration. When we have a dream, we think about it, we may fantasize about living that dream. What do you dream about?
Don’t just take my word for this. Research the oils in the blend, see how they fit into creation of that which you most desire. Meditate. Ask your higher self, your soul: ‘Is this a blend that can help me access the frequencies I need in order to make my dream a reality?’ or ‘Is the frequency of this blend in harmony with the frequency of my realized dream?’ or any variation that feels right to you. You are the creator of your dream. Do not be afraid to use all of the wonderful tools at your disposal in order to make it manifest in your life! Build Your Dream™ Essential Oil Blend is one such tool.
Build Your Dream™ essential oil blend is a combination of lavender, sacred frankincense, melissa, blue cypress, Idaho blue spruce, ylang ylang and blue lotus plus the oils that are already contained in Dream Catcher™ and Believe™ essential oils blends. The frequency of the blend is similar to the frequency created when a dream is realized. What would it feel like to have your dream come true? To become a writer, a musician, an architect, a healer, a spiritual teacher. To have the home of your dreams in the mountains or by the sea, to have children, to travel…What would it feel like? Smell this blend, let it take you to that feeling.
Enjoy this oil. Diffuse it, smell it, play with it! Experiment with small dreams, see how easily the frequency of this blend works with you. Please – always remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils and blends.
Build Your Dream™ essential oil blend cannot, in and of itself, make your dreams come true. Only you can do the work required to make the dream a reality. What this blend can and does do is provide you with a tool that carries the same frequency as your realized dream. A powerful tool!
For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at Or go to the website:
Use the blend when you are meditating on the steps to take in the creation of your dream. After your meditation, put a small amount on your third eye and on your heart centre. Have you written your dream out? Place a small amount of oil on the paper so that the frequency is always connected with it. Carry a small vial of the blend with you so that you can inhale it throughout the day, whenever you are thinking about your dream or taking a step necessary to make it a reality. The intensity of your energy when working on the dream reality, combined with the energy of the blend will be so incredibly powerful!
look past your thoughts, so you may drink in the pure nectar of this moment. RUMI
Photo: ŠP Nielsen 22
Today we will be looking at a pose known as Upward Facing Dog Pose or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. We will look at how to properly carry out the pose, the benefits you can get from it and anything that you need to consider before beginning. Please read the entire article before trying the pose.
Tips and Precautions You should be careful carrying out this pose or even not do it if you are suffering from a back injury, carpel tunnel syndromes or get regular headaches. In addition you should not carry this pose out if you are pregnant.
How to Carry Out the Pose We have put together instructions on how to carry out the pose correctly however there are also a number of modifications that can be done to make the pose easier as well as deeper. These modifications will be found lower in the article.
1. Begin the pose lying on your front. Extend the legs out and point the toes. The feet should be on the floor with the top of the feet pressing down on the floor. You should then bend your arms and place your hands flat on the floor next to your waist.
When people first begin practicing this pose they can often lift the shoulders which can cause the neck to compress and put pressure on the upper back. It is important to actively draw the shoulders away from the ears and pull the shoulder blades towards the tailbone.
Benefits and Focus
2. You should now inhale and press your hands into the floor and back. It is a movement that is similar to attempting to push yourself along the floor. You should now straighten your arms and lift your torso off the floor. On the next inhalation you should lift your legs slightly off the floor. In this position your thighs should be firm and turned in slightly. You should also ensure the creases of your elbows are facing the front.
The main anatomical focus of this pose is on the wrists and can significantly strengthen them. In terms of other benefits it can help to improve the posture. As well as strengthening the wrists it can also help to strengthen the spine and the arms. The pose can also help with firming and toning the bottom and stretching out the chest, lungs, shoulders and abdomen. In terms of illnesses you may find practicing this pose on a regular basis can help to relieve mild depression, anxiety, fatigue and sciatica. People who suffer from asthma may also find this pose therapeutic. By: Mercedes Aspland This article has been supplied by alternative therpaies directory. You can also find more information on our yoga page.
3. You should keep your bottom firm but don’t over engage it as it should not be hardened. While in this position you should press your tailbone towards the pubis and at the same time lift the pubis towards the naval.
Article Source: www.NewAgeArticles.comArticle Source:
4. Remember to not tighten the lower back. You should press the shoulder blades against the back. It is important to keep the neck long and do not compress it. You can either look forward or lift the head back slightly to look upwards. 5. You should hold this pose for anything between 15 and 30 seconds. While holding it remember to keep your in breath as long as your out breath. On completion exhale and release yourself back to the floor.
Be loyal to Yourself When I asked what the power animal of the month is, a dog came to mind, then three dogs visited me in a row. So as dog comes, wagging his tail, into sight their message to us is: “Be loyal to yourself. Be loyal to your dreams. Be loyal to what you believe in. Stand strong and be kind to yourself like we are kind to all and give unconditional love to all. Like us, you need to also. For you are worthy of love no matter what or what your circumstances you are. We give love, and that's all. Know there is nothing you need to do or nothing that you have done that would make us withhold love. It is the same with your angels, God, the Universe and All that is and ever was. Be comforted and warmed by this and know that all you have to do is accept it, trust in it and our loyalty and love and your helpers and angels too.� With unconditional love the Dogs
Contact Michelle blog or email me at 27
Photo: Š P Nielsen 28
VOC = Void of Course … No impulse purchases or Long term commitments during the void of course, use it as an opportunity to look within… all times are in Pacific Time DW = Double Whammy Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water or juice box and a couple of surprise items.
Photo: © Tamira
Sunday Sun-Day
Monday Moon-day
Tuesday Mars-day
Wednesday Mercury-Day
Thursday Jupiter-Day
Friday Venus-Day
Saturday Saturn-day
1 VOC until
2 DW
3 VOC until
5 VOC until
6 NEW Moon
7 VOC until 9:35 am
7:30am PT /11:30 am AT
10:05 am PT/2:05 pm AT
Release pent up frustration … Do a breathing meditation today
You work hard for your money … don’t give more than you can afford … but a great day for a giving bag
8 DW
Don’t over commit Or make promises you can’t or don’t want to keep
Jupiter is Standing Still today
Expect the unexpected at work today
Share your wisdom and passion
11 VOC until 2:30 pm
Another BEST Day! Engage!
Expect the unexpected … make a plan to action it
Happy Mother’s day
16 VOC until 10:30
You may feel a little challenged at first … but step up to the plate, beautiful things can be accomplished today
am PT/2:30pm AT
22 Triple Whammy Mercury is Standing still today getting ready to move direct
Slide into the day
17 Work hard so you can Play hard J
Power up after Lunch
PT/ 1:35 pm AT BEST Day!
Pick up a fresh bouquet of spring flowers on your way home
12 DW
PT/ 6:30pm AT
Early morning Meditation is a must
15 DW
10:10 am PT/ 2:10 pm AT
Watch your inside voice … don’t get frustrated and use angry words (especially with selftalk)
Late VOC 7:10 pm PT /11:10 pm AT 13 VOC from 10 am PT / 2:00 pm AT until 11:00pm PT … Journal, Write poetry, or sing to the birds … make some beautiful sound
19 No Aspects
Sun moves to Gemini
21 FULL Moon
It may be a day of unexpected surprises … listen to what is going in your inner world
Don’t let your day run amuck …
Be sure to keep that inside voice … inside!
Early morning VOC ends at 11:50am PT / 3:50pm AT
Great day for a giving bag
BE gentle
24 Venus moves to
26 VOC ends at
Gemini Today
Great ready to present the new ideas and opportunities you have been contemplating over the last while
7:30 am PT / 11:30 am AT
Mars most back to Scorpio
Perfect Date Night
Watch your words – don’t say something that you may regret
Definitely a day to be low key and take it easy
Go for a walk or a run to release any pent up frustration … or you could take a kick boxing course J
am PT/ 12:25 pm AT
from 8:40am PT / 12:30 pm AT Go to the park or the beach … Relax
14 VOC until 3am AT
18 VOC starts at 8:25
23 Long Day of VOC
Great day to change it up … new hair style … new clothes
Don’t let your negative emotions get the best of you …
Continue on with yesterday’s caution … add to that don’t DO anything you may regret later
Late evening VOC
29 Triple Whammy Great day for a meditation … no pressure just deep breathing and relaxation, release any negative self-talk
30 Short Evening VOC
Excellent day to gear up for your work week Evoke the power within
Getting into long summer days … ENJOY
ble yet has the ability to put a little bounce in your step. Mars continues his Retrograde (inner spiral) and will move back into Scorpio – one of his power positions. Use this time to strategically plan your next move. What are you passionately engaged in, make your plan to funnel that energy into a motivator and force.
Planetary Action This continues to be a heavy month for Retrogrades Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn and Pluto. It is a time to pause – the Ebb and Flow … inhale the planetary influences by preparing and creating an inner vision, use the shadow period to pick up any losses, then exhale your vision out into your external environment. Jupiter moves direct on the 9th of May … let your inner wisdom shine through, pick up any lost opportunities during his shadow period lasting through to the 6th of August. Mercury finishes his inner spiral on the 22nd but continue to watch for the shadow period where you can reclaim facts and information through to the 7th of June.
Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions with the Moon for the Month –1, 14, 21, 28 …Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT Jupiter… Our planet of growth, wisdom, opportunities and excess. Jupiter is very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter continues his trek through Virgo focused this month on a Retrograde motion (inner spiral). Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with too many details. During this retrograde he will retrace his step to make sure no stone is unturned … if you missed out on any opportunities in the past they may be presented again. Utilize this time to further evaluate and support your goals by digging deep into your own well of inner wisdom. Jupiter moves direct May 9th but the shadow period will last all the way until the first week of July.
Double Whammy and challenging Days for the Month (personal planets with the moon) Days to watch for are Most Challenging days are the … 2, 8, 12, 22, 29 use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe. Lots of great favorite Meditation or relaxed days for the Month – best days 6, 10 … Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing - moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation - silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching.
Jupiter Squares and Oppositions with the Moon for the Month –2, 8, 22, 29 … Don’t lose sight of your budget, over-indulging or overcommitting, watch that others do not take advantage of your generosity.
Mercury, our planet of communication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written to communication that travels on sound waves. Mercury stays in Taurus until the middle of June and started his Retrograde on April 28th. Slowing down communication into a more practical grounded (maybe even sensual) practice … but don’t get fixated on how slow things are going or you will experience setbacks – instead journal/talk about the things that bring you pleasure in life. He moves out of that inner spiral on the 22nd. The Shadow period will end on June 7th. Slow and steady we go.
Saturn… Our planet of boundaries, restrictions, limitations and possibly fear. Saturn is moving through Sagittarius, and will travel through this fiery optimistic energy for the next couple of years. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion and bounce back into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries! Think quality over quantity. He has started his long Retrograde (inner spiral). This is a great time to review your organization skills. Mercury is the planet of creating the paperwork … but Saturn supports your ability to get organized. This inner spiral will last until the middle of August.
Mercury squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 12, 21, 27 … Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY!
Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month –2, 8, 15, 22, 29 … You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE!
Venus … our planet of Love, Security which often shows up as monetary wants and what we like to surround ourselves with (art, greenery, food, music, colour, sparkly things) … Venus will be in Taurus until the 23rd, where she is strong, practical, sensual when she moves to Gemini and gets a little bit flirty. Venus and Mercury will be powerful allies we can lean as we work through our spring and early summer months.
Uranus … Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect innovative ideas to inspire, new energy sources are available. Be a Rebel with a cause – let the radical inner changes – shine out into your environment!
Venus squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 12, 29 … Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway!
Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations, the window into what is beyond the physical world, (the last planet in our solar system as we know it today). Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of what you are creating that is con-
Mars … Our planet of action, passion and anger. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars is traveling in Sagittarius. here he can become a wildfire - he can be a little bit unpredicta32
nected to the collective. Take care not to over-indulge in the 7 deadly sins. Connect with a regular routine to your guides, healing angels, and observer self. Don’t forget to balance – with physical exercise or walks in the park and energetically grounding.
Silverdisc … Solar/Lunar cycles
Step outdoors and connect to your early evening sky, do it again in the early morning just as the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. Connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies.
The Dwarf Planets … Take care not to get caught up in the harsher side of these dwarfs – they may not have cleared their orbit of debris but they still pack a lot into their symbolic language. We have just begun the exploration of some of the newly discovered. Except for Ceres they are all very slow moving – change is very slow and gradual.
As above So below. The New Moon in Taurus on May 6th at 12:30pm PT / 4:30 AT.
Pluto… Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn and is in a very long Retrograde (inner spiral) – Pluto continues to push for change to our old and outworn patterns of dictatorship and inflexible leadership (although you will continue to feel the resistance. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. This retrograde will last until the end of September, focus on inner change.
Dynamic build toward something new and exciting. Snap-shot: This a very practical and loving New Moon, providing opportunity to develop natural gifts and talents that have a real practical outlet. You must guard against your self-esteem getting caught up in the cross fire of promising more than you can fulfill. Even though your heart is in the right place you must not give more than you actually have, especially if you are trying to build a business. Unrealistic expectations may play a part were you feel compelled to help others out of seemingly desperate situations. Just keep in mind that you cannot fix others, you can only provide the structure and support. The other party must step up to the plate and take the healing/guidance you provide to the next level.
Makemake… who brings quantum experiences and unexpected genius; is traveling at 01 degrees Libra – Retrograde (inner spiral) utilize this energy to go back and re-invest in structures that bring you to a new level of understanding in your relationship with the earth and the macrocosm. Slow and steady. Eris… only desires equality! This warrior goddess is a truly feminine version of Mars. Evoke and balance the warrior within, as she fearlessly moves through Aries (very slow moving).
The Full Moon a Gemini / Sagittarius Opposition on May 21st at 2:15pm PT / 6:15pm AT Photo: © dusk - The sky is lit up – so you can see where you are headed … is it in the right direction? Complete your goals.
Haumea… who is the real catalyst for Transformation is currently at 22 degrees Libra. She brings a balance back to the goddess as she takes back her power on earth. Currently retrograding (inward spiral) use this time to complete inner transformations that you have been working on.
Snap-shot: Make plans to gather all the facts and information you need in order to utilize the natural talents and gifts you set goals to discover during the New Moon.
Ceres… loves the work or activity of the harvest, she continues to travel through Aries. Time to harvest ideas and new ways of moving forward with drive and passion.
Guard against stuffing down any anger or resentment you may feel. This could be connected to either the support you are unconditionally giving others … or the unconditional support you feel you should be getting from others. The key to success is in your ability to develop how you express yourself in a language that others can understand and accept. Unexpected and lasting change is on the horizon, that might feel a little bit uncomfortable at first … put on your big (girl/boy) pants … except the change and move forward.
Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.
Photo: © Tamira 33
Photo: Š Tamira
Sun moves into Gemini on the 19th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Gemini folk out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.
Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Although you may find it a little difficult to see it right now – a very important summertime opportunity may come knocking on your door … take your time with it, and be sure to let it unfold in its own light.
Utilizing both your personal Sun and Moon sign – as a valuable road map to guide you through the year. Love your life, dive in and live it well! Overlay your Sun and Moon signs as a focus to help you achieve your big picture.
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Similar to Aries you may feel that your world is moving in reverse, you may even be struggling to find the source of the trouble. Quiet your body, take the time to move inward in order to hear your inner voice … by the end of May you could find the real answers you have been searching for. Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) Details may feel like they are getting out of hand as an explosive build up seems inevitable. By the middle of the month things should start to smooth out. Changes that needed to happen will but be patient, you will return even more powerful and confident by the end of June.
Use the monthly guide to re-focus your energy on your short term goals
Aries (March 20-April 19) Hunker down Mars is plodding along in his retrograde (inner spiral). This is the time to quiet your physical body and take an inner journey to discover what changes really need to happen. It may just be easier than you ever anticipated.
Taurus Horoscope (April 20-May 20) April showers bring May flowers … Venus returns home for the month … Eat, drink and plant your garden, something special is about to grow! This New Moon is the perfect time to set new fresh goals.
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) You have probably been going through some very intense changes over the past year and there are still more to come. It is important to check on your levels of fear and anxiety and not to allow yourself to get overwhelmed by them. Step up to the plate it is time to BE the change you want to see.
Gemini Horoscope (May 21-June 20) Mercury moves into slow-mo and turns inward … time to step back, get a grounded perspective on your communication and presentation. Now you have opportunity to reclaim any lost material or ideas … are you really reaching your intended audience?
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) Give yourself the gift of introspection, connect to your inner genius (inventor). It may be time to make something work at a higher level of operation. Give yourself time and patience to develop these ideas thoroughly before presenting them to the world.
Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 21) You may start off the month feeling a little aloof – by the middle of the month you become very connected and grounded – at the end of the month … you will certainly be fired up … get passionate not angry! New ideas present themselves, be open and ready to receive.
Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) You may feel stops and starts this month, some of it caused by your rough edges … it is time to get out the polishing cloth, although you have been working on refining newly discovered (or recovered) talents – slow down and take the time to make them sparkle before you present them to world.
Leo Horoscope (July 22-Aug. 22) Get out into the yard feel the solid earth beneath your feet and raise your face to greet the warm sun … you may find yourself in the midst of a great metamorphic experience … patience is a must as all will unfold in due time. Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Head to the beach or anywhere you can stretch out on the sand … time to contemplate all of the glistening diamonds you have gathered over the winter. Fire up that gratitude journal it is time to take stock of your accomplishments.
Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 35
A Crystal Reading for
May 2016
How have you grown this year thus far? What plans do you have for increasing your growth? Now that spring is truly upon us growth is rushing, consciousness is expanding, the ideas that have been nurtured are beginning to blossom. Such an exciting time! Stop for a moment and feel the excitement within you. Where is it centered? Find the chakra that is radiating that excitement….then flow into it and feel the bloom. We celebrate the love that is you. Nurture your Self, adore your Self, be kind to your Self. Give your Self five minutes every day to love and be loved by You. It is the best investment you can make. Namasté
Vera Photo: © VEnshaw
Contact Vera at 36
Week 1: May 1 – 7 – White Quartz: Sit down, my child, and go now to your Soul Star – that chakra that lies about 12 inches above your head. Feel the radiance that is so much a part of who you are. Resist the impulse to denigrate yourself, to deny that this beauty is truly you. Visualize this star radiating white light, soft and smooth as the quartz. Feel it rain down upon your, through your very being. Do this each night, all of this week. Watch how you expand.
Week 2: May 8 - 14 – Clear Quartz Point: Everything intensifies this week, and you will feel your emotions, your impulses, your joy and your sorrow deeper than ever before. Don’t let it take you away from your centre, from your balance. You will need to be aware in each moment so that you can ride this intensity. By the end of the week, you will be grateful many times over for your diligence.
Week 3: May 15 – 21 – Selenite Cluster on Hematite: So many things will clamour for your attention this week, each one seeming as important as the other. Again, use your discernment to recognize what truly needs to be attended to, as opposed to those activities that are distractions. There is a lot of fun to be had at this time, and you have a genuine need to experience it with full awareness. Take care to enjoy life in all her manifestations.
Week 4: May 22 – 28 – Apatite: Do you pay attention to your third eye, to the knowing that is always there? It is tempting to ask others for their opinions and to follow those rather than being bold and following your intuition. The flowers that are blooming are the result of your work, not theirs. Make sure that you nurture the bloom that will become your soul desire.
Ending:May 29 – 31 – Mahogany Obsidian: You have been flying all month. Take these last few days and ground yourself. Go barefoot on the earth. Find good, solid rocks to stand on – in the river, at the shore, in your garden, in the park. Wiggle your toes into the earth. Breathe, and breathe again. 37
Marlene Cobb
Photo: Š MCobb 38
new Moon May 6
The New Moon arrives on May 6th at 12:29 pm PDT, in Taurus. New moon manifesting is all about discerning what you wish to bring into your life. This month however, with so many planets in retrograde, it seems more like a month to remember, review, re-claim, re -wire, re-do, relax, release, refresh, and renew. Rather than set the intent for something new to come into our life, let us review with the practical eye of Taurus helping us, the manifesting we have done to date. What needs to be released, or refreshed, what needs to be re -defined. In the quiet, darkness of this moon, let us revisit something that needs to be recharged by our intents. What adjustments can we make so that something can be transformed and changed? I think this is perfect, as often we just keep putting out intentions without pausing to see how they are growing. It also brings allows us to appreciate how far we have come and what we have managed to change our lives for the better. Don’t over complicate this, just trust what comes to you for renewal and breathe new life into it. The simpler, the better. Take some time today to get out in nature, tend your plants, walk in the woods, or just sit on your favorite bench and appreciate all the scents and sounds of spring. The constant, reliable energy of Taurus will encourage us as we re-define, refresh and re-think our goals. Marlene
Full Moon May 21
The Full Flower Moon arrives on May 21, 2016, at 2:14 pm PDT. 4 planets will still be in retrograde, however, Mercury will be direct tomorrow. During the past few weeks you might have had many triggers pull you in a direction that you thought you had released and healed, yet there it was, staring you down like a long lost friend. Good thing Full Moons are about releasing! This full moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, which will help us to benefit from new ideas and fresh insights. It is time to listen, probably to the triggers that blindsided us, and figure out what is important. Sagittarius will lend a calm, balanced emotional outlook as we delve into our inner psyche. As we sit down with our cup of tea or cold beverage and prepare our workings, it is good to note a few things. Not to scare anyone, but to extend how seriously powerful this moon is. First, if you believe it - it could happen. Make sure you understand that what you release now will dissipate and be gone. More so now under the influence of Sagittarius than any other planet. Optimism will be high, and you will know what to release by what does not feel positive. Don't be surprised if you decide to make a move - any move, including; new partners, new careers, new home, etc. Best to do this release as a walking release if at all possible. I know, I just said as we sit down.... however, the urge to move freely might take over. You could dance this release as well, allow your body to dictate what works for you. No need to make a list, just think back over the triggers that have come up recently, or what feels stagnant. As soon as a thought comes to mind, sit with it for a moment. Can it be given a second chance or is it time to release it? If it is time to release it, gently say " I now release_____ to the moon with thanks and love. It has served me well by the blessings it brought my way. I ask that it be carried by the light of the moon and transmuted. May something better come to replace it." Take as much time as you need, don't feel rushed but don't overstay your welcome either. No point in releasing everything, remember - listen to your heart, what is important? Trust yourself and enjoy the beauty of the moon's light and feel confident that you are on the right track! Marlene
Photo: Š P Nielsen 41
“...meanwhile concern [yourself] with the present because there, and there alone, all duty, all grace, all knowledge, and all pleasure dwell….” C.S. Lewis Photo: ©P Nielsen 42
Honesty; accepting things at face value; coming out of denial; the willingness to be transparent; clarity of communication
Unfinished business; an incomplete lesson; lack of closure; the need to make amends.
Birth of new ideas; growth; opportunities; a breath of fresh air; life renewing itself
Motives driving intention; the power of knowing the “why.”
Transitions; not being quite out of one situation and fully engaged in another; temporary blindness; no-man’s-land.
The feminine principle of receptivity; letting someone else make the first move; gathering information and taking in cues; the art of conscious allowing.
This month’s messages drawn from Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid 45
Hello Dear Ones;
It is finally spring and with it, trees and flowers bloom. It is time to till the ground dear ones and plant the seeds. Tilling the earth of our hearts, mind, bodies and souls can be hard work but worth the wait. For in the wait blossoms blooms and sprouts appear. Tilling is an important part of the process though it is the time of new growth. This new growth comes with the loving-kindness you give to the garden within you. Please do not strange the growth with weeds and vines that are not needed there. Remember these things are useful at some point but not now. Not for where you are growing too. Call on us your angels, guides, helpers and whoever you may pray to for help. Rest assured; support will arrive, even if you feel you have gone unheard. We heard you dear one truly we did and truly we are with you under all circumstances. We hear your calls, and we answer. Breathe, listen, breathe, and help the new growth as the whispers of our support bud and root within you. Love in new growth Archangel Raphael Contact Michelle blog or email me at 46
Photo: Š mcobb 48
Hi my friends
to force our will on the problem will only result in frustration. And three, we need patience to allow the universe time to fulfill our goals.
The message from the runes for May is one of hope and trust, but also to be patient and bide our time.
If you are anything like me, that patience thing is your bugaboo lol, but we have to learn it unless we want to be constantly frustrated by what we consider a lack of progress.
Everyone has been this way and that and I am sure it is all getting to feel rather overwhelming. I asked the runes to show me a path we could all follow and the resulting cast definitely does that.
I hope this reading resonates with some of you. Sometimes a reading is only for one specific person, but I believe this particular one is for most of you, judging by what I have been hearing.
The first stone cast is Laguz. Laguz is the rune of intuitive knowledge and because it is upright, shows that you should follow your intuition. You are not alone and will meet others who are like minded.
No matter how discombobulated and pulled in a hundred ways you feel right now, it is time to sit back, take a deep breath, and know that your intuition is bang on.
The second rune is Ehwaz and it is the rune of protection. It indicates that we have set a reasonable goal and we should move ahead, albeit cautiously, do not be over eager. As with most things worth while, all happens in the fullness of time. No matter what is happening right now, things will improve.
Until next month, I wish the best for you and your family Sk책l to all.
The last stone is Isa. It signifies a cooling off period. As this cast is otherwise positive, this is only a slight delay. Isa further reinforces Ehwaz's message to be cautious moving forward. What I get from this cast is that; one, we are on the right path and should follow our intuition. Two, trying
Contact Phil at for more information. 49
Message from the Angels May 2016 Our words of wisdom this month are meant to help you surf the waves of life that are trying to capsize you. Be mindful of your thoughts, for many are casting shadows on your life instead of light. We realize that you don’t intend to worry and place fear on each and every event that is happening in your life. Yet it slips in slowly without your notice, and before you even realize it, you have a dark cloud hanging over you. One that will only cause you to see your life as less blessed, which leads to finding someone or thing to blame it on. Take responsibility for your thoughts and be mindful of what you are creating.
You have nothing to fear, you have laid the groundwork leading up to this time solidly. Each decision you have made before now was made subconsciously to bring you to this place in time. Trust that you did the best for you, and that right now, even if you are being questioned, you are safe. Sift through the sand of fear and find the glimmering gold sprinkled throughout. Hold onto that gold, and start seeing that life is always balanced. It does not matter what side of the scale you are on right now, life gliding smoothly or tossing you topsy-turvy. Eventually, the tide will turn. Remember, you have what it takes to get through today, this moment and live to the fullest. All of life then becomes gold and glitters. For when you can understand and realize that all you need to do is handle this moment, you will see that there is nothing you cannot handle. You will manage each moment as it comes along, and you will be the winner each and every time.
Stay true to what is happening right now. Do not deviate from “now” to include what has gone before. Do not cast your thoughts to what could be. Really, do you know with certainty what is to come? From your past, you have learned tools to see you through, and you are learning and integrating every moment. No matter what is happening to you, let life unfold. Be it joyful or challenging, let it unfold and see where it will take you next. Lighten up and don’t take everything so serious. Trust that you have made it this far, and will go much farther yet. Spirit (whatever you choose to call him), and your angelic helpers always hear you and are ready to help when you feel disheartened. Let them know and ask for guidance, then follow as best you can. Know you are in an opportune time, my dears, one filled with blessings that are bestowed upon you so that you may see your light and use it to guide you to a better you, a better tomorrow. Shine on brightly with thoughts that support you rather than diminish your light. In peace Blessings the power of three Through Mcobb
Photo: Š P Nielsen 52