Nourish november 2016 issue 64

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Photo: ©P Nielsen 1


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Universal Beings Empowerment In Flanders Fields A Universal Reminder Do You Really Care What Other People Think of You? Morning Surprise Samhain Thieves Essential Oil - Revisited Standing Forward Bend Pose What's on our Fork -Curry, Bell Pepper, Carrots Forked - Slow Cooker Coconut Curry Chicken Gratitude Power Animal -Warthog Maple Tree Navigating by the Stars November A Sun Sign Commentary November Crystal Reading for November November Messages Prepare, gather and do only what you can do. Rune Casting For November Angel Message for November 3

Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2016 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to

Photo: © MCobb


Welcome, November! October has slipped into the void, and November stands at the ready. If you are like me, 2016 seems to have melted faster than crayons placed between two sheets of wax paper and touched with a hot iron. Each month is melding with the next to create a year that has been interesting, to say the least. It is like a whole box of crayons was placed between the wax paper and we are left with an abstract art form that holds all the mysteries of the year. One that we could frame to look at later with each colour representing another aspect of our year. Some aspects have been vibrant, others have been lacklustre, but together they create a beautiful arrangement filled with many contrasts. We still have time to add a few crayons to the palette before the piece will be complete. What colours will be tossed into the mix this month? October for me was a quieter month, by choice. It was still filled with a concert that added some beautiful blues to my art form. The colours of gratitude of turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, friends and family added during Thanksgiving. A sporting event added some orange, white, gold and sky blue. A ladybug brought bright red and some black as one landed on me. Heralding a time of luck and wishes being fulfilled. To not try so hard to make things happen, let them flow at their natural pace. A time to leave worries behind and not be scared to live in one’s truth. A moth graced my palette leaving me some beautiful beige, brown, and black. The combination might sound dull but presented in the pattern of its wings was stunning and exquisite. Its message was to have faith in the journey and trust that all will be right. See past the surface and delve into the whys and wherefores to set yourself free. Some crystals would add to the variety of colours displayed. One that called to me just as I was leaving the rock and gem show. A beautiful small piece filled with purple, pink, white and blue-green that was filled with healing energy. As I write this, it is the last day of the month, Halloween. A day that is always colourful and filled with joy for me as the little one’s scurry about trick or treating. The rainbow will be added to this day. Each day adds colour to our palette, sometimes we are the artists and choose the colours carefully while other days the universe holds the brush. 365 days of colours, at times overlapping, other times starting a new pattern away from other colours seeming not to tie in at all with the over-all theme. In the end, a master piece is created, one that holds many memories of days well spent. As we step into November, notice what colours get added to your masterpiece. If they seem dull and dreary be the artist, pick up the brush and add a stroke of bright colour. Nothing in life is dull, even the colours less chosen will add depth and dimension but don’t always reveal the reason they were used until the rendition is complete.


Marlene Connect with Marlene at facebook 5


In the last decade there has certainly been a broadening of perspective, and many have opened themselves up to the wonderful energies of the Universe. We are understanding that we are more than “human” beings, we are universal beings. With this awareness, we learn to trust more in natural unfolding, understanding that our lives are a co-creative dance with the universal energies. However, we are all still learning (or we wouldn’t be here), and we need to refine our understanding a little, in order to really create flow in our lives.

see expansion in our outer life. We must cease to be afraid of our power or our greatness. This is no time for modest or playing small. Remember learning to ride a bicycle? The bicycle would not balance itself or hold us up. But when we stopped putting a foot down and trusted that we could stay up, when we found that feeling of balance, we were on our way. And once found, we never lose it.

Often I hear people express the thought that they are trusting in the Universe, or asking the Universe for guidance, yet “nothing” seems to be happening. The Universe provides, so where is it? There is a feeling of confusion, disappointment, or even betrayal. So what’s the problem? The problem is that in these thoughts, there is still duality. If we see ourselves as separate from the Universe, like lost little souls waiting at the cosmic bus stop for the right bus to deliver us to our path, it could be a long frustrating wait. Don’t be hard on yourself if you’ve been thinking this way, because it is a natural stage in the evolution of individual consciousness. The next stage, however, is understanding that universal consciousness resides within us, expresses through us, is us. It is not “out there”. We can know this, but still have difficulty living it. Learning to live it is what we are here to do. How do we practice? The best way is to begin to allow our hearts to be our compass. Always, the “needle” is pointing towards what we love. Unfortunately, interference from the head, and from the outside world keeps us from marching ahead in the direction that the heart already knows is right for us. Fears and insecurities often arise when we think about bringing our lives more into alignment with who we really are. Limiting beliefs prevent us from walking across the imaginary line that separates the possible from the “impossible.” Much as we might say we trust and believe in the Universe, in practice, this really means trusting and believing in ourselves. It means seeing the unlimited power that can move through us when we no longer see ourselves as separate from all that is. It means doing what we love, and being who we naturally are, without a need to know the outcome in advance.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, MP3’s and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to and ‘Like’ Gwen on FaceBook!

We must be brave explorers, setting out from the safety of the know, to embrace the entire territory of our inner space. And as we expand our experience of this space, so we will 7


To experience empowerment, we must have a sense of selfworth and value, give voice to our needs, and give equal validity to them as we do to others'. When we don’t value our needs, resentment, anger, and blame can accumulate. There are many ways that we ignore our needs. It happens gradually over time, and mostly we are not aware that it is happening. We give freely to others; “others” could be our job, partner, children, friends, acquaintances, etc. From birth, we are taught to share, accommodate and take care of others first. Basically, it is better to give than to receive, which over time can diminish our self-value. Sometimes we “saint” ourselves, believing that we are doing so much good for those around us and the world. It is important to give, it does make us feel good, but if we do so at the expense of ourselves, of our needs, we become unbalanced. Over time this builds up an accumulation of energetic, mental, emotional and physical gunk.

in them. When it is first happening, it is so raw that we cannot fathom how we will move forward. However, if left to our own devises, we would not shift enough to make a positive change. Meltdowns, life crumbling, etc., all remove the glue that has us stuck so that we are no longer limited. It identifies actions that empower movement. If we can allow our world to crumble in a positive agreement with the universe without going into fear mode, we can see the threads that brought us to this point. If we can be honest with ourselves, we also see that we painstakingly wove each thread ourselves, probably since our birth. If you feel like life is just not going your way, that you have no power over your life, that you are not empowered, take heart. Nothing is lost – your self-worth, your value, your power – you still have every attribute, it is in how you utilise these attributes that bring about unbalance. Within the storm of chaos is the chance to begin balancing your life once again. Something must give to create balance; typically, it is our limiting beliefs, thoughts, and ways of being. If asked, not one of us would be willing to release them. However, when faced with them in the light of a new perspective, we can gladly let them go.

While not fully understanding what is happening, we see/ feel that the energy is not flowing, and we want to do other things but don’t know where to focus our energy or where to begin. We push ourselves harder and do more for others all to gain that sense of fulfilment or self-worth. Or we pull back from life in general and do less and less due to the belief we are not good enough, or we don’t make a difference. Both leave us depleted.

Trust the process. Have faith that you are at this point in your life for a reason. Chances are you asked for a change. You are an intelligent being. You recognised that there was more to life than how you were living, and on a conscious and subconscious level decided to start living it more fully. Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself lots of time to process what the storm has dislodged in your life. Face the chaos with courage and compassion. Value yourself first, honour that you have needs, and start to focus on how to bring them into your life. Know that somewhere along the line you have allowed yourself to give your power away to others. Empowering yourself takes back that power, and shows others that you value yourself as much as you value them. Empowerment lets you know you are worthy of a balanced, fulfilled life that brings you joy.

To regain empowerment, and hence shift ourselves, we must first define the areas of our life where we feel disempowered. From there we can discern how we can go about changing this. No easy task. We are so entrenched we cannot see the forest for the trees, even if the tree landed squarely on us. To pinpoint one area that we could shift to see a difference in our lives, would be like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack. We spend so much effort trying to figure out what the "problem" is - and who is "at fault," that we become lost in the search. We allow ourselves to think we are empowering ourselves by sifting through our minds trying to find the nugget that will bring resolution. Eventually, if we are lucky, life and the universe step in and wave an invisible wand to save us from ourselves. Life as we know it starts imploding upon us. This process never feels good! In fact, we never see this as a blessing. It does not help us to feel like we are taking back our power either. It can feel like your heart has been ripped out and you are left empty and hollow. The chaos that ensues is however, a beautiful, necessary process which topples us onto our butt and dislodges the patterns we repeat so that we may see the truth

Connect with Marlene at facebook 9

In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch, be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields John McCrae


Today was one of those busy days where everywhere I went there was an endless line of other busy people and the energy around me was at times frantic and tense. It was not until I got home with a merging headache that I realised that I had not grounded myself or white lighted myself today.

earth. See it wrapping around ONCE then taking the energy of the crystal back up and up and up into your body where it will re-enter and mingle with the energies of your chakras.... You will then feel centred and supported and ready for your day.

With the upcoming season of both Halloween and Christmas rapidly approaching, I said thank you to the universal for this timely reminder that I have the tools at hand to provided myself with some protection from the at times overwhelming energy of others.

Carry a crystal on you. I have crystals that I wear around my neck in a medicine pouch when I know I am going to be in places that are full of people, these stones help me stay focused and form their own layers of protection around me. I also have stones that I place in my pockets so that I can hold them if I am feeling out of sorts and they help me by relaxing and centring me once again. To me, crystals are personal chooses. I always pick them up and carry them around with me in the store to see what energy they have before I buy one.

Here are my three favourite quick tools that I use (when I remember)

White Light In reality, because I have been using this visual technique for over 30 years now, it only takes me a few minutes to do. This will help you if you are sensitive to the energy of others by keeping your energy protected. Close your eyes and breath in deeply. Visualise a bright golden ball of energy (like the sun) shining above your head. As you look at it, you will imagine that it is raining hundreds of golden white drops down on you, gently covering your head and then body and legs and forming a golden pool around your feet. As you look at this pool, it forms into a Myst that wraps itself around your body forming a golden white cloak of protection around you. As your breath, you are breathing in this golden white energy and feeling at peace. For me, I think of this cloak as my protective Armour. I send out the thought that any negative energies or emotions will reflect of my cloak and dissolve. This is a powerful but simple technique; I often send out a ball of white light to surround those I love and to objects like my car and home.

Three quick and easy tools that will aid you and keep you feeling like you are in control and not being controlled by the energy of others. Remember that even though we do not see either negative or positive energies, we do feel them. So, keep yourself safe and your moods YOURS by simply applying these three steps and have a fabulous day.

NamastĂŠ Debra Rae

Grounding. I will often also after using the White Light Technique then ground myself for additional stabilisation of my energy and to enhance my connection to the Earth. After white lighting is completed then visualize looking back up into golden ball of energy and seeing a golden cord coming down from it...see it coming down and entering through your crown chakra ....3rd eye...throat.... plex.... stomach and going down through your root chakra to the earth beneath your feet then continuing down and down until it reaches the core crystal of the

Connect with Debra Rae 13


When I first heard Abraham’s guidance to not give a rip what other people think, I was thrilled at the idea but I had no clue where to begin. I had always liked the aphorism “happiness is an inside job” and decided to figure out what that actually means. I finally – halleluiah! – started looking inside to feel good. There were shaky starts and setbacks, but my True Self continued to call me to feel good from the inside out. DO YOU REALLY CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK OF YOU? “What will the neighbors think?” That seemed to be the main concern of my parents when I was growing up. As much as I rebelled against it at the time, and as much as that concern always felt like bondage to me, and as much as I really did see it as an example of how NOT to live, I still internalized the message that it matters VERY MUCH what other people think of me. What I realize now is that being so concerned with what the neighbors and other people thought of us back then meant we were denying our own inner guidance and our own right to choose the best way to live and especially our own right to choose what feels good to us. “What will the neighbors think” morphed into what will anyone and everyone – except me – think about me!!! Believing that I was constantly being judged and that it was extremely important not to be judged negatively, my connection with my True Self became tenuous at best. While I remained in the prison of what other people think of me, my external guidance was playing at full volume and my inner guidance was often set on mute. “It’s just about being you and being cool with that.” – Carmine Gallo Subtly and stealthily, I learned to let the way other people felt about me determine how I felt about myself. Which lead to trying to get other people – especially significant others – to like me so I could like myself.

Can you imagine? Trying to get other people to like and approve of me in order to like and approve of myself! Well, it made sense at the time. Actually, it never made sense. It just became the game I was playing. The impossible game of trying to feel good about myself while believing it matters desperately what other people think of me! When I first heard Abraham’s guidance to not give a rip what other people think, I was thrilled at the idea but I had no clue where to begin. I had always liked the aphorism “happiness is an inside job” and decided to figure out what that actually means. I finally – halleluiah! – started looking inside to feel good. There were shaky starts and setbacks, but my True Self continued to call me to feel good from the inside out. I set intentions, recited affirmations and practiced new beliefs. Most importantly, I made friends with my Inner Being and decided if my Inner Being and I feel good about me, that’s enough for me. Now, with rare exceptions, I celebrate each day that: I Feel Good from the Inside Out and I No Longer Need Other People or Circumstances To Make Me Feel Good!!! And that, my friend , is #freedom!!!

Kate Corbin Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her three eBooks "Dining at the Cosmic Cafe, How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire;" "Manifesting from the Inside Out with the Law of Attraction;" and "Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction" - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate and download a free copy of her eBook "Magical Musings on the LOA," visit Gold Star Coaching. Source:


A poem by Vera Enshaw

This morning geese flew smallish vee against the morning sky I watched, entranced as each bird saluted with bright wing Did you know that geese have wings that sparkle in the sun’s first light?

Photo ŠGino Santa Maria 16


November comes and November goes, with the last red berries and the first winter snows. With night coming early, and dawn coming late, and ice in the bucket and frost by the gate. The fires burn and the kettles sing and earth sinks to rest until next spring. Clyde Watson

Photo: Š P Nielsen 18


Photo: © Young Living 20

I first wrote about Thieves™ Essential Oil blend in the November 2011 issue of Nourish. Probably the only thing that has changed about this oil blend in that time is the label on the bottle. I use Thieves™ blend every day – several times. One of the first things I learned about essential oils is that they are little powerhouses – and they have to be used often in order to work their magic effectively. Thieves™ is no different. I experience far fewer colds and flu than the people I work and associate with, and I attribute that directly to my constant use of Thieves™. I live in a large city, take public transit, work in a place where I come into contact with other people on a regular basis. People coughing on the bus or sky train, folks coming in to work with a flu – most of the time we don’t even know that we are passing on germs because we don’t even feel sick when we are starting to be contagious. I don’t worry about getting sick, though, because the first thing I do in the morning is put a bit of Thieves™ on the tip of my tongue and run it through to the back of my throat. Then I put a drop on my finger and rub it down a line from the back of my ear to my collarbone. That may be it until just before I go to bed, unless I encounter someone who is coughing or otherwise displaying symptoms of a cold or flu – or if I get a tickle or a bit of soreness at the back of my throat. Then I put another drop on the tip of my tongue and again run my tongue to the back of my throat. I may do this every hour or so until the tickle or soreness goes away. Not everyone is a fan of using Thieves™ this way – it’s a hot oil blend and it can cause a burning sensation, especially if a person has sensitive skin. You can use Thieves™ diluted in an organic carrier oil (sweet almond, grapeseed, or one of several Young Living massage oil blends). One or two drops in a tablespoon of carrier oil should dilute it enough to be usable without discomfort. Always test a small spot of skin with your 21

oil or oil solution first – every body is different and what works for me may not work for you!

If you don’t want to apply it on the more tender parts of your body, try using the oil on the bottom of your feet. Using Vita Flex or Reflexology, massage the oil into the reflex point for the area you want to enhance healing on – sinus, stomach, intestines. You can also diffuse Thieves™ into your home or workspace. A little bit goes a long way – diffuse for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day. Put a drop on a cotton ball and carry it with you. When you are in public spaces you can bring it to your nose and smell it. A few drops in a small bottle containing Epsom salts can easily be carried in your handbag or left at your desk. Open it whenever you feel the desire to breathe in the aroma and frequency of the blend. It’s a great support, just when you need it! Enjoy the benefits of this oil blend. And please – always remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils. For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at or go to the website:



Connect with Vera


INSTRUCTIONS 1. From Chair pose, return to Mountain pose exhale forward hinging at the hips. Bend the knees enough to bring the palms flat to the floor and the head pressed against the knees. 2. Feel the spine stretching in opposite directions as you pull the head down and in and press the hips up. Work on straightening the legs to deepen the stretch in the backs of the legs. 3. Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths, actively pressing the belly into the thighs on the inhalation. 4. To release: bend the knees keeping the back straight, inhale the arms out to the sides and inhale the arms and torso up back into Mountain pose.

BENEFITS + CONTRAINDICATIONS Benefits: Standing Forward Fold pose lengthens the spinal column and stretches the backs of the legs and the back muscles. This posture stimulates digestive, uro-genital, nervous and endocrine systems. Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the legs, hips, back or shoulders.

MODIFICATIONS + VARIATIONS Modifications: Place yoga blocks under the hands. Variations: There are multiple variations on the placement of the hands: A) Hold on to the backs of the ankles, B) Scoop the fingers under the feet until the toes reach the wrists, C) Cross the arms behind the legs and hold onto the front of the ankles with opposite hands, D) Clasp the elbows behind the legs.


Excellent source of Manganese, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium Rich Source Vitamins B6, K, E, Folate,

High in Vitamins C, A, E, B6, Source of; manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium

Great source of manganese, potassium, copper, iron Good Source of Vitamins - A, K, B6, Folate low in carbohydrates and calories


This recipe is all over the internet on various websites. I decided to give it a go and I will be adding this to my repertoire of go to recipes. Very simple to prepare and the slow cooker does the work. A wonderful dish that works well for company.



1. Grease your slow cooker with Pam. Place the chicken, carrots

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2 lbs. boneless skinless chicken breasts or chicken thighs, cut into cubes 5 large carrots, peeled and diced 1 medium onion, peeled and quartered 2 cloves garlic, peeled 1 large bell pepper, seeded and chopped (I used a yellow pepper) 1 (5 oz.) can tomato paste 1 (14 oz.) can coconut milk 1 1/2 tsp salt 1 tbsp. curry powder (I used 4 tbsp.) 1 tbsp. garam masala 2 tbsp. water 1 1/2 tbsp. cornstarch

and bell pepper on the bottom of slow cooker.

2. Place the rest of the ingredients (except water and corn starch) in a food processor and process together until mixture is mostly smooth. I used my Bullet ***If your food processor is too small to hold everything, process everything but the coconut milk. Transfer mixture to a medium bowl then mix in the coconut milk.

3. Pour the sauce over the chicken and carrots, mix well, then cover and cook on low for about 6 hours.

4. An hour or so before serving, mix cornstarch and water together in a small bowl until cornstarch is dissolved. Pour mixture into the slow cooker, stir to combine, and continue cooking for another hour. **This will thicken up the sauce. When the sauce is to your desired thickness, turn slow cooker to warm setting until ready to serve. Serve over rice, with Naan.

Photo: © P Nielsen 25


“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.� William Arthur Ward



Forage your minds, hearts and souls for those things you need

As I asked what the power animal was, this month warthog came to mind. I thought “really?” And heard “yes really.” So, as warthog floats into my awareness this is their message to us this month: “We have strong abilities to forage for what we need. You could learn that from us. Forage your minds, hearts and souls for that which you need. Follow your instincts and intuition on what those things are. Then steadfastly and courageously stand by and with those things for they will serve you well.

Stay in your strength like us for you may not think so but we are strong, and so are you. Know your strengths and weaknesses is a good thing and using them for the greater good of yourself and all you meet is even better.” Yours in courage and exploration The Warthogs Contact Michelle blog or email me at 29

Stand proud in your beauty and majesty

This month to my complete surprise I was also guided to do a power tree. So, as the beauty of the maple tree springs up tall around us their message this month is: “In majesty, we stand tall and proud for the world to see. Like us, we want you also to stand tall and proud in the beauty magnificence beings that you are. You see your majesty is always there whether you believe it or not. It is not earned it is and was always there from the very beginning from the day you were born. Be at peace in this knowing.” Yours always in majesty The Maple Tree

Photo: © Phil Nielsen 30

Contact Michelle blog or email me at 31




Sunday Sun-Day

Monday Moon-day

Tuesday Mars-day 1

Wednesday Mercury-Day 2

Thursday Jupiter-Day 3

Friday Venus-Day 4

Saturday Saturn-day 5

Meditation is a must … go for a walk in nature

Be ready for opportunities today – a little hard work will go a long way to finding your groove

Expect the unexpected … or give to the unexpected

Don’t overcommit

Giving bag

Another great day for a meditation

Great day to dig deep and really tell it like you know it to be








Passion not Anger

Creative Boundaries

Mars moves to Aquarius

Meditation is a must

You are Beautiful

Venus moves to Capricorn

Mercury moves to Sagittarius

Take your ideas and run with them

Healthy Boundaries

Talk it out

Giving Bag

Slow down to listen before you get angry








Excellent day

Full Moon in Taurus

You may feel a little overwhelmed with work … but take the time to talk about opportunities that might come up

Unexpected Surprises …

Giving Bag

Silent meditation … No music, No talking, no writing … get let it be

Neptune moves Direct

Go to Yoga or a walking meditation

Watch your words don’t get all emotional and misinterpreted

No action required








Surprise opportunities might present themselves … jump on board

Sun moves to Sagittarius

Healthy boundaries

Powerful Words … so use them wisely

Know what you want before you ask for it

Watch the sweets

Must do Meditation

Great conversation

You may get that message you have been waiting for





No action required

No Aspects today … don’t let your day run AMUCK

New Moon at 7 Sag

Put all effort in … (it may feel like the impossible) the results will be work it.

Just Be Harmony

Healthy Communication

Don’t try to push your wants on others … if you want it go get it!

Giving Bag

Tell it from the Heart


Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water or juice box and a couple of surprise items. Double Whammy (DW) = 2 or more hard aspects to the Moon

that others do not take advantage of your generosity.

Planets to Watch

Saturn… Boundaries, Restrictions, Limitations and possibly fear, Saturn supports your ability to get organized. Saturn is moving through Sagittarius, picking up speed and working with a wildfiery optimistic energy. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion and bounce back into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries!

Neptune moves direct this month, get ready to let go of old boundaries and limitations. Uranus continues in a deep inner spiral … inner genius ;-) Double Whammy and challenging days 17, 22, 24, 28… use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.

Go ahead, set some boundaries and get organized – 7, 11, 20, 24…

Meditation or relaxed days – great days 1, 16, 20, 26 … Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation - silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching.

Don’t forget to create healthy boundaries – 2, 9, 15, 22, 30… You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! Uranus … The Bridge between that which we can see and what we cannot see. Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect ideas to inspire, new energy sources are available. Be a Rebel with a cause – let the radical inner changes move you. Uranus moved into a retrograde (inner spiral) on the 29th of July until the end of the year.

Mercury… Communication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written to that which travels on sound waves. Mercury moves Scorpio to Sagittarius. Think Big picture. Try not to let your ideas or fact gathering get out of control. Take advantage of Communication … talk it out – 5, 10, 15, 19, 25, 26… Be Skilled with your Communication – 8, 14, 18, 22 … Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY!

Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations, the window supporting understanding and wisdom of what is beyond the physical world and our solar system. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of collective or clan/pack mentality, tune into Love not Hate. Neptune turns direct on the 19th of November. Explore ways that you can expand your boundaries.

Venus … Evokes Love, Beauty and Security. Surrounding ourselves with beautiful things (art, earthy greenery such as organic gardening, flowers, food, music, colour, gems, sparkly things, money, people) … This month Venus moves through both Sagittarius which creates a horn of plenty. Opportunity, beauty, security, generosity… and then to Capricorn where she gets serious about goals.

The Dwarf Planets … Take care not to get caught up in the harsher side of these dwarfs – they may not have cleared their orbit of debris but they still pack a lot into their symbolic language. We have just begun the exploration of some of the newly discovered. Except for Ceres (asteroid turned dwarf) they are all very slow moving – change is very slow and gradual.

Create something beautiful – 2, 8, 12, 19, 22, 27 … Know what you want and why – 10, 24 … Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! Mars … Action, Passion and Anger, our ability to do something. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars moves from Capricorn to Aquarius Create some Action by utilizing strategic long term planning and share it with others.

Pluto… Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn. Pluto continues to push for change in our old and outworn structures of dictatorship and inflexible leadership. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. Pluto is moving direct through Capricorn. Slowly start to release your need to control the details around you … remember – the only control we truly have is to open and allow the destruction and disintegration of the old ways in order to get to the re-Birth, and move to the next level of Being.

Action not Anger – 6, 10, 12, 19, 24, 27 … Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! Jupiter… Growth, Wisdom, Opportunities and Expansion. Very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter made a very big shift into Libra in September, until the fall of 2017. This will provide an opportunity to see both sides before we expand on our ideas and desires.

Makemake… who brings quantum experiences and unexpected genius; is traveling through Libra – utilize structures that you have been working on to continue to develop your relationship with the earth and bring your microcosm into balance.

Opportunity is knocking … are you ready? 2, 7, 15, 19, 22, 24, 29 …

Eris… only desires equality! This is a strong feminine archetype who will use our ego against us. Evoke and balance and awaken the warrior within. She fearlessly moves through Aries (very slow

Don’t give more than you can afford – 4, 11, 17, 25… Don’t lose sight of your budget, over-indulging or over-committing, watch 36

moving). She is currently moving retrograde (inner spiral). A catalyst for unexpected events, which may appear to feel like a painful Déjà vu. Been there done that … Why Am I Doing It Again! The answer is that you will continue to do it again and again until you evoke the warrior within to break the energetic signature being repeated.

saying things because you think it is what others want to hear. Focus on your spending habits especially as we move into the holiday season – where we often panic and spend more than we can really afford. Use this opportunity to make a list (check it twice) and – keep it simple – bigger is not always better, unless you are talking about meaningful exchanges. Where/what are you willing to give more time.

Haumea… Facilitator for transformation as the mother of humanitarian efforts … is currently at 24 degrees Libra. She brings a balance back to the goddess signature as she takes back her power on earth. Step up to the plate take on the global issues by choosing to be different and make a change.

New Moon 7 Sagittarius November 29 at 4:18 am Pt / 8:18 am At

Ceres… loves the work or activity of the harvest – a mother figure in our lives, continues is moving through Aries and in a retrograde (inner spiral). Opportunity to go back and replant seeds that did not germinate the first go around.

The New Moon is when the moon is dark and does not hinder our view as we peer deeply into our universe, and look beyond our patterns and habits by connecting to something greater than ourselves. The dynamic build toward something new, exciting & unknown.

Solar/Lunar cycles Step outdoors and connect to your early evening sky, do it again in the early morning just as the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. Connect to our genetic/ collective habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies.

Snap Shot: Unexpected Changes with glimpses of pure genius are highlighted in this new moon. If you took advantage of the Full Moon’s ability to point to the problem – you may find unexpected yet crystal clear direction is found. This is a great time to review your notes from the Full Moon, connecting to your truth will help you to unravel the patterns you were shown during the Full Moon. You will need to bring your past and your future into balance, focus on what you can accomplish today … right now. Connect to that which gives you a feeling of security, harmony and peace, and that is the direction you need to go, (I am that). Photo: © dusk - Take this opportunity to write down your spiritual ideas which may be more fringe then what is acceptable in today’s mainstream of ideas, but resist telling others that this is the be all end all. You may feel you have paid your dues and that the hard work and personal battles you have overcome puts you in the know … but it may not be right for others (yet). Set some short term goals for the next month – get ready to do your big review.

As above So below. Full Moon at 22 Taurus November 14 at 5:52am Pt and 9:52am At When the Moon is full - the sky is lit up and you can see the details of where you are headed. It is a time of completion – or looking to see what needs to be completed in the present moment in order to move forward. This is our 2nd Super(full)moon (October was the 1st). We still have one more to go in December … but November’s Supermoon is the closest of the three. A Supermoon happens when the moon is perigee (near to the earth) this has a big impact on the tidal action. A tremendous Push pull action – free will to choose vs our deeply engrained emotional patterns. We must put forth a tremendous effort in order to act consciously, learn to disconnect from old emotional ties and act with intent. As the moon is pulled closer to the earth our emotional mind gets lit up. We move into our sub-conscious patterns and habits, the ones we most often use as go-to behaviors – deeply engrained can be inherited patterns from previous generations – linked to the feminine lineage and our DNA. Use this opportunity to become consciously aware of these patterns. Sometimes that is all it takes to bring these patterns to the surface, write them down and use this information during the New Moon – to make changes and set new patterns based on your findings J

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.

Snap Shot: Take care that what you say or how you are communicating actually reflects who you are. Don’t get caught up in 37

Photo: ©kevin carden 38

Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Sagittarian’s out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.

All of us need to focus on nutrition over the winter months to give the body a little boost by getting sufficient healthy oils into your diet to satiate all the brain work you are doing indoors. Gemini’s may need a little extra if they are feeling a little out of sorts and tired during the next couple of months as Saturn continues to move through Sagittarius. Sagittarius’ need to hunker down and focus the powerful energy of the Sun and Saturn as it moves through your sign … if there was ever a time to manifest … its now Sag. (see Saturn)

Snap Shot … You will want to take advantage of the November and December Supermoons. Use this time to get in-touch with your emotional body/mind, what needs to be let go of (habits and patterns) and how you can use your emotions as the tool they are meant to be … to get impassioned and engaged in your life.

Everyone needs to take care until the intense energy from the beginning of the month stabilizes. Cancer’s you may need to find a way to balance your energy output, skillfully focus those deep feelings of needing change in a heart centered way to be productive, tenacity is on your side. Capricorn’s may be feeling like an earthquake has been rolling through their life – in a long drawn out process (see Pluto). The month may have started out with some very intense feelings or – uncontrolled explosions – so regular meditation, deep breathing and be sure to laugh a lot (those deep belly laughs) ;-)

This is a great month to get the holiday season started by extending a hand to help others feel their best while we travel through the winter months. Re-establish connections (into the holiday season) that will focuses on celebrating our differences. It is important to remind ourselves to focus on peace and harmony – it does make a difference. With every extended hand that truly comes from the heart – we create tolerance and understanding which brings a wonderful balance within our desire to express our individuality and our inherent oneness.

Leo and Aquarius really have a bit of a smoother ride this month, both of you in your own way love to experience the holiday season with reciprocal giving, fun and frivolity. Whether that is by getting family and friends together and getting the neighborhood involved in group projects or the bigger social events that have an international impact. Get excited – put your bells-on and express your joy wholeheartedly.

If you are thinking about purchasing any electronic devices for the holiday season do it before the end of November. If you can manage it – purchase them or at least determine what you are purchasing before the 12th, then stick to your plan.

Those that have planets in Pisces or Virgo may find insight into evolution and growth. Gather the facts and details in order to create tangible shifts in perspective. Virgoians may be experiencing a crisis of connections to the collective … go out on the fringe – try new things meet new people. If your Sun is in Pisces you may be feeling the pull to escape and/or create new realities. It may be time to go back to your roots, follow your heart it must be all inclusive. You will both need to find a healthy regular venue in which to explore this very long process (see Neptune).

Those with their Sun in Aries may have been feeling a little depleted in energy over the last month, use spontaneity and variety to get your physical body back into balance, do the unexpected. In Contrast Libra Sun will be wrapping up their month of renewal, now that your energy is topped up it is time to move forward with newly discovered opportunities. Everyone – especially Aries and Libra will need to be conscious of unexpected verbal outbursts, egos can get out of control, don’t let mind grind get the best of you – raise your thoughts up. (see Uranus) Anyone with lots of Taurus energy in their chart needs to get outside and put your hands in the earth to harvest any of the late fruit and veggies in preparation for winter. Time to pull out the Sun (Vit D) lamp. As for Scorpio we know you are secretly excited about the upcoming cold weather – anyone experiencing their birthdays in November needs to get out and soak up the energy of the cool crisp rising and setting of the Sun, make it a habit and set a schedule every day, breathe it in.

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 39

A Crystal Reading for

November 2016

Welcome, dear ones. Take a seat, relax and prepare yourselves for a most delicious ride! This month you will be surprised by how quickly time flies. Before you know it, December will be upon you! Make the most of each day without rushing through it. You choose how you experience the passage of time…this month be aware of all time’s facets. Oh, how we love to watch you grow. You are becoming so strong, so adept at being who you truly are. Keep on, keep on! You are dearly loved…


Vera Photo: © VEnshaw


Contact Vera at

Week 1 – November 1 to 5th: Spirit quartz: Joy, love, promise. Hidden meanings for you to seek. Make the most of each day, finding the beauty in your Self, your surroundings and the gems you come into contact with every day. The surface does not always show the beauty within. Be prepared for some gentle surprises.

Week 2 – November 6 to 12th: Amethyst Cluster: This is a week for you to take responsibility for where you are travelling. There are so many layers in your life, yet they all culminate in a beautiful, divine you. Notice how you stand upon the layers, that each facet of your being owes itself to all that has gone before. Quit cursing your past, quit lamenting your present. Enjoy each rainbow filled day for the gift that it is.

Week 3 – November 13 to 19th: Malachite: More layers for your awareness – this time use them for healing your soul. You are who you are, you have been and done and experienced what you have. It is time, dear ones, for you to look at the gifts that each experience has given you. Rejoice that you are now in a space where you can – and have begun to – shift the energies that are holding you back. Carry this stone with you for this week. Touch it often, look at and ponder the patterns, the colour changes, the shape. Know that you are like this stone – solid yet ethereal, with deep, healing layers.

Week 4 – November 20 to 26th: White quartz: Rest, dear ones. This week, rest. Meditate only on space. When thoughts drift in, thank them and let them go. This is a good time to practice staring at walls. Very peaceful, walls. No comments, no issues to bring up, they just are. When you find yourself tensing up at work or at home, give yourself some wall time. Become a wall flower!

Week 5 – November 27 to 30th: Golden quartz: You may be feeling fragile this week. That’s OK – this is a good time to practice nurturing yourself. Long walks, hot baths, chocolate… make use of the tools you have for a clean way to deal with the rawness of coming out into the world as the divine one you are. If you can, have a massage – you are worth it! It is very important that you allow the clarity that you have worked for this month to stay. Stay away from the temptation of arguments and situations that appear to give you permission to hide. Be here. Now. 41

Photo: © P Nielsen 42


This month’s messages drawn from Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray 44



Prepare, gather and do only what you can do

Hello dear ones;

Fall is here and with it comes crisper and cooler weather. The winding down of the year is slowly upon us. It is a time also to wrap up anything that needs completion. Soon it will be winter, a time to hold things warm and cozy and bring forth next year. So, with fall coming prepare and gather what is needed. However, also take extra care to nurture yourself and your needs paying special attention to that. Do only what you can do. Do not force anything. You see dear ones the time is now, and the path to it is clear. Yours in truth The Angels

Contact Michelle blog or email me at 47

Photo: © mcobb 48

Hi my friends

indicate unexpected good luck, being in the right place at the right time, however it could also show a run of good luck ending. In this instance you should take care not to be so full of yourself that you recklessly proceed at your peril. Do not have the "I am right and you are wrong" mindset. Reversed is not much different from upright although it indicates the person will not want to heed any advice not generated by their brain or experience. The consequences of blindly following your own path are even worse than they would be if Thurisaz was upright.

This month's reading will be a bit different from normal. I am using my new wood runes and when i asked them to show me what we could expect in the coming months, my first cast was rather confusing to me, so I cast another and received a second disjointed reading. I then got Mars to pull three runes and decided to base this month's reading on all three casts. The first cast was Naudhiz, Algiz reversed, and Mannaz reversed. The second cast was Sowilo, Dagaz, and Kenaz reversed and the third was Thurisaz reversed, Eihwaz, and Naudhiz.

You should proceed with much caution as any hasty decisions will cause regrets because they are brought about through a weakness inside yourself. You will deceive yourself as to your motives at this time and will continue to create new problems, ones far more severe than the ones acting on your life at present.

In the first instance, Naudhiz is a delay rune and counsels one to be patient while they are going through a difficult learning process. Many people call this ''crossing the abyss" and is often a time of emotional upheaval. We should however, meet this challenge head-on, while also thinking twice before attempting any new project.

Sometimes Thurisaz reversed indicates you feel threatened by someone you see as being weaker or subordinate to you. Ehwaz is a protection rune, the rune which represents Yggdrasil, the great tree of life, which form the nine worlds. The rune indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and are well positioned to achieve your goals. There may be a slight obstacle in your path, so do not be too over eager moving ahead. This may not be the time to try and influence outcomes, and even a delay could prove most beneficial.

Algiz reversed indicates vulnerability and sacrifice with no gain. This rune usually shows that you are being misled by others and should avoid that person or persons, and refuse any offers from them.

The last rune is Naudhiz and as in the first reading, it is a rune of patience. Looking at all three readings, I sense they are about the political changes occurring in the USA and throughout the world.

Mannaz reversed indicates that you can expect no help from anyone for a time. Chances are very good that you will experience delays and obstruction. Sometimes the adversary is a person but it could be a group of people that are throwing obstacles and subversions in your path.

The first reading is all about patience, learning, hard times, sacrifice, no help from others and subterfuge on the part of an individual or group.

The message of Mannaz could also be that you are your own worst enemy because of your self-centeredness and you need to try seeing things from someone else's point of view.

The second reading was all about victory, a new dawn, and a time to move on. The third reading was a caution about blindly following a path because you do not want to heed the advice given. Being able to achieve what you have set out, not trying to force changes but taking it one step at a time. And the last rune counsels patience through your learning process.

In my second casting Sowilo is the rune of victory and is a rune of great power. Dagaz indicates a new dawn, and changes coming, although not overnight. Sometimes this rune marks a major change in one's life, something so radical that you will never live your life in the same way again. Kenaz reversed shows an ending. You may feel that you have exercised poor judgement in matters to date or that your vision has been obscured in some way, leading to confusion and a compounding of your problems. When reversed, Kenaz shows that people, whether personal, or business, have done all they can and it is time to accept that and move on.

I will not comment which particular group falls into which reading but I hope a part of this resonates with you and if it does, that you take this message from the runes to heart. Until next month,

SkĂĽl min ven Phil

Mars' cast was: Thurisaz reversed. This rune is a protection and luck rune, and is the glyph of Mjølnir; Striker, the Hammer of Thor. It could

Contact Phil at for more information. 49

Message from the Angels September 2016 Greetings to all. Beloveds, The month that you call November will be an active one. More mentally and emotionally than physically. Things that are playing out on your world stage will bring much that is hidden to the light of day which will present many thoughts that will float through your mind. Not many answers will be forthcoming, but that will not stop you from thinking the thoughts. Memories and wishes long forgotten or repressed may emerge and bring with them fear or place you in the state of overwhelm. None of this mental dialogue with yourself will serve your greater purpose. It might, however, serve to place you in fear, anger and self-pity. Our advice this month is to be aware of all that is brought to you by thought and don’t allow them to be wasted energy. Use these thoughts to shift and clear how you perceive things. It is a critical period for all humans. One that will bring you a deeper understanding of yourself, your beliefs; how everything and all is connected. Please don’t waste this time projecting and focusing your energy on things beyond your control. Rather use it as a gift of self-discovery. Face your inner thoughts with courage and compassion. Beware of allowing the thoughts and the emotions behind them to rule you in any way you will regret. Collectively you are being challenged to step out of your box and try something different. Discover new ways to bring magic into your life, don’t feel limited; you always have options, and there are no wrong choices. The energy of this earth year has been prodding you to make a decision; this will not lessen. Now is the time to honestly look at what the year has brought you and make a decision based on love; what is best for you. Start by knowing you will not fail and see what choice you make. Take time each day to be in service to yourself. We are not asking that you become selfish and only serve yourself, just that you make time each day to do something just for you that will refresh your soul. Doing so will harmonise your light and dark, your masculine and

feminine, making you whole and able to give freely to others. You are perfect just as you are, all your bits, we cannot express this enough. Never doubt or listen to the words or actions of others that you are not enough. Or perfect. You bring light into this world with your uniqueness. Accept you are exactly as you are supposed to be. Count your blessings. Notice how miracles and solutions appear at the exact moment you need them most. You are never alone in your struggles or your joy. We are always with you showering love down upon you and your life. Feel confident this month that things are falling into place. Even if it looks like chaos is all around you, trust that there is a divine plan at work with each of you playing a crucial role. Keep shining your light brightly. Know that you can only control your personal outcomes. Your efforts will pay off for peace begins with you and when each of you achieves peace it creates a community of peace. Peace is the nourishment for all new ideas to break through the surface, emerging and giving hope that our tomorrows will be provided for. Clear your soul – body and mind, of the old paradigm thoughts and feel proud of all that you have accomplished. Keep reaching for a better place, and you will not be disappointed. No matter what is playing out on the world stage, know that you are in charge of your personal life. One thought at a time. In self-discovery the power of three

Through Mcobb



Photo: Photo: © ©P P Nielsen Nielsen 52

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