Nourish october 2016 issue 63

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Photo: ©P Nielsen 1

Photo: © P Nielsen 2

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Repeating Patterns Exhausted Getting Out of Your Own Way Your Word Power Samhain Come Essential Oils for Meditation Chair Pose What's on our Fork -Wild Rice, Quinoa, Squash Forked - Quinoa and Wild Rice Stuffed Squash Power Animal -Stellar's Jay Navigating by the Stars October A Sun Sign Commentary October Crystal Reading for October October Messages Rune Casting For October Angel Message for October 3

Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2016 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to

Photo: © MCobb


Welcome, October! As I sit to write this, a couple of thoughts are floating in and will not leave. One is “time keeps on slipping, slipping, into the future.” and the other is “a year from now nothing will look the same.” I contemplate both and realize that the message coming through is that each moment slips into the next, the future. We can go along being in the moment doing this and that and without notice, we are in the future. We can daydream about our future, make lists of things that we want to achieve and do, yet until we live the present moment we do not arrive at our future. Does our focus on the "lists" have us desiring the future faster? Bucket lists are all the rage (you can google things to put on a bucket list or print off actual bucket lists). Let me tell you that some people's lists are rather extensive, and I wonder if they want to cross each one off, or if they are creating a pie in the sky dream. Perhaps at some subconscious level, they feel the need to have a list just to keep up with the Jones. Those lists project our dreams into someday land and in a sense keep them alive and give us hope. Someday might never arrive. In the past year, so many have left this earth or have become sick, diagnosis: terminal. It seems that old age is not the most common cause of life ending. I wonder if those who have left knew that time was slipping, or that what troubled them today would no longer cause them stress. There is always a reason to not grab the dream by the hand and make it happen now. Every trouble takes precedent in our life, front, and center. In contemplating these deep thoughts, I am not melancholy. Rather, it makes me realize that tomorrow is not promised to any of us, and how precious each moment is. I don't have a bucket list, and some days I wonder exactly how productively I spend my time. Each day is filled as I wish to fill it. It must be so, for I am the one doing what fills my days. Bucket lists or no, time keeps on slipping, slipping into the future! Make each day great, appreciate every detail, and understand that what you experience today will only be around for a short period. Next year at this time, on this very date, you will be living a whole different life. So grab your sweater and set off on as many adventures as you can this month. Fill your time doing what you love. Mostly enjoy this moment, the one you are in right now, for all on its own the future will soon enough be the present.


Marlene Connect with Marlene at facebook 5


Whenever a client queries, “Why does this keep happening to me?” I can be pretty sure an old, often subconscious pattern is being played out. It may be repeatedly attracting partners who are unfaithful or abusive, getting into business deals that always go sideways, or having a dysfunctional relationship with a teen that mirrors the dysfunctional relationship the parent had with his/her parents. Sometimes it is even seeing ourselves behaving like our parents did, even if we dislike those behaviors.

In the process of changing the pattern there are a number of important changes required on an inner level. The individual has to begin to value him/herself, no longer depending on outside validation. We have to become our own best friend. There is also a need to tend to our own wounded inner child. We have to become a strong parent to her, so she relies on us, rather than others for validation, acceptance and even love. We have to value ourselves enough to remove ourselves from people and situations that are unhealthy for us. We would never leave our child with an abusive caregiver, or one who did not meet our child’s needs, so why, as an adult, would we leave ourselves in such a situation.

If we are functioning in an unconscious way we blame the outside world, or other people, even adopting a victim stance. Without awareness, we keep attracting people or situations that confirm our belief that the cause for our misery is external, and the world is an unfriendly or unfair place.

Significantly, once we begin to truly value ourselves and no longer allow others to treat us badly, we do get more respect. This is because we start to set boundaries for the people in our lives, and if they are not respected, then we leave!

If the negative patterns that we experienced, so often beginning in childhood, left us with low self-esteem and unempowered, it is easy to see how difficult it would be to change these patterns.

Indeed, it can be scary for one lacking confidence and belief in oneself to leave a bad situation and venture into the unknown. That is the inner child’s reaction: the child who would rather be with the known abusive parent than to go into an unknown situation.

Since I believe life is about learning and growing, I see these repeating patterns as opportunities for growth and change. Life situations can be compared to simulated exercises we undertake to gain strength and skill. They can also be compared to school learning. If the child keeps getting a particular math question wrong, he ultimately has to figure out what he is doing wrong, and what he needs to do differently to get the correct answer. Clearly if he keeps blaming the teacher for the outcome he created, he will remain stuck and, likely, bitter and angry. Even if he gets a new teacher the next year, he will decide she is just like the old one and may decide that all teachers are against him.

We must remember though, that we are adults, and we can strengthen that wise adult part. We must know to that if we stay in a negative pattern, life will just be more of the same, and we deny ourselves the opportunity to live the life we truly deserve.

When the patterns from childhood show up in adulthood, we are given an opportunity to do what we could not do as a child. A child does not have power. She cannot stand up to the adult or leave the situation. Now, as an adult, she does have this power, although she may need support and guidance to get in touch with it, and to find the courage to use it.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, Deep Powerful Change Hypnosis CDs and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to and ‘Like’ Gwen on FaceBook! 7


I have exceeded my capacity for emotional stress.

I believe strongly that innately we know what our bodies, mind, and spirit needs to heal itself. WE just have to listen, turn down the voice that yells loudest and leads us to ignore what would heal us. Example, I keep being guided to head outdoors, take walks or just sit in nature and allow life to pass by. The louder voice tells me that I want to hunker down in my sanctuary called home and tune out the world. I know nature is healing for me, there is not one problem in my life that I have not sorted out without getting out in nature, especially by water, and sitting quietly so that resolutions could come naturally. In those quiet moments, my soul (quiet voice) and my ego (loud voice) duke it out!

Yup, there it is in a nutshell. Wrapped up in a not so pretty bow for all to see and who are willing to look. I look in the mirror each morning and wonder when the sparkle will return to my eyes. I see a worn out sad person staring back at me and wonder how the heck that happened! That is not to say there is not joy in my life, for there is! Many pockets, moments of happy fun times where I smile and laugh easily. Emotional exhaustion looks a lot like depression, and I guess it could lead there if one did nothing to correct it. For myself, and yes this is odd, but as soon as I could name what I was feeling, things started turning around. I honor that I can recognize this is what is happening right now in my life. And even while honoring this is the state I am in, I push forward, searching for the time and day when I will have my whimsy for life back. I push forward because I don’t know what else to do, I will not lay down and let it control or take over my life. I also don’t believe it is has gone to the chronic stage. It helps to have an awareness of one's self and hence be able to nip things in the butt when they start to overshadow life.

Self-awareness is key in all areas of life. The better we understand ourselves, the better we can tell when something is off, be it physical, mental, or emotional. Even positive life events can lead to emotional exhaustion. Preparing for your wedding or first child, while filled with joy, can also have you pushing past, not only your emotional capacity, but also your physical capacity. When we reach our physical capacity, the body tends to take over and give us a time out by either a minor illness or we sleep for hours. With emotional exhaustion we still keep functioning, typically there is no outward signal, and people look normal. Self-awareness allows you to detect the signs you are reaching your capacity so that you can avoid a total breakdown. Even if you reach your stress peak, you can recover. It might take time, and a little help from your friends, but soon you can be back to your old self.

Emotional exhaustion typically comes from having so many curve balls thrown at you by life that you can no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel. Basically too much stress is the cause of emotional exhaustion. As a positive person, this is a rather daunting experience! There is no magic scale that lets you know how much stress is too much, each person has a different capacity. Just know that everyone has an emotional limit. Also, know that life does not forewarn you that you are in for a turbulent stress period. You never know when you are going to be hit by too much stress and reach your capacity. It is said that if you have strong coping skills, you will not tend to have emotional exhaustion. However, and I might be biased, I feel I have strong coping skills, yet here I am, exhausted!!

When you feel like you are reaching your peak capacity, or have reached it (you will know because every little thing seems monumental) recognize it for what it is, and admit that you need to recharge your batteries. Take time for you, even if this means you need to ask others to pick up some of the slack that creates. Be present in each moment, and do one thing at a time, baby steps. Be gentle with yourself. Probably the best way to recharge your battery is to do something different. When I say different, I am not suggesting you change how you approach anything you currently do; I mean to do something totally different for you.

When you close in on exceeding your capacity there are warning signs; disturbed sleep, varying degrees of fatigue, irritability; it becomes harder and harder to muster up the energy to care – let alone do something about most situations in your life. You become detached. You lose motivation and interest. Depending on how severe it becomes, it could also affect your physical body, as your system becomes overloaded, you become susceptible to illness, aches, and pains.

Remember if you feel totally down and out, seek professional help. Life is not to be lived in an overwhelmed, run down state, but from a place of joy where we enjoy what we do. Life will always throw us curve balls, and it is ok if we can't hit all of them out of the park with grace and ease. The most important thing is we keep on swinging and realize that tomorrow is another day, not a do-over, with new outlooks and opportunities.

Understanding what I am going through is the first step to finding the path that will lead me out of this state. Intuitively I know that I must be very gentle with myself right now, and allow my emotions full range. I tend to hold back tears when they want to flow, and trust me, for the past couple of months I have held back a river! I must keep my immune system working optimally, resting when I feel exhausted, using my essential oils and ensuring that, while junk food would be comforting, I prepare healthy balanced meals.

Connect with Marlene at facebook 9


“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.� Melody Beattie



I find that there are periods of time where I have a hard time getting out of my own way. The more I learn and the more I apply that knowledge can sometimes lead to an intellectual overload that in actuality means I stay stuck. I over think and then become lost in my mind. Searching my way back to finding focus on the issue at hand and then remembering many of the simple solutions I had learn so many years ago that did in fact work for me. I have a creative soul and at times that creativity takes me to a maze of colour and paths and answers to questions I have not asked. I know that I do this- go of on a tangent- because I love to procrastinate it is a part of my makeup that I have come to accept, because every time I have attempted to change that aspect, it just reappears. So I have stopped frightening the inevitable. So it does not surprise me that when I am seeking an answer for MYSELF I place the need to look beyond the simple to muddle through the complex and to procrastinate until frustration is my motivation to remember the simple. The complexities of the human psyche has always been a fascination of mine The simple solutions that work for me are Meditation. I use a visual meditation when I have a question. I go to a room within my sacred tree of life and there I ask for an answer from either my guides/angels or god. Sometimes the answer is immediate other times I normally receive an answer that day. I love the many decks of cards that are currently available. I use decks for myself because I am literately getting out of my own mind and most of my decks give me a direction or at times remind me that I know the solution. I love Blue Angel Publishing and particularly Toni Carmine Salerno Decks and also Alana Fairchilds decks. They are geared more to those who have been using tarot and spiritual decks for a while and now need a deeper meaning to be shown too questions being asked. Writing. Especially in an letter to myself. Dear Debra, Why are you doing ABC. And allowing spirit to help me to find the answer. Clarity might take me pages of rambles but answers do appear for me to see and more importantly to understand. I believe for me the art of writing allows me to clear out my internal mental and emotional clutter so that the answer can show itself. Listening to music and moving and singing away the mist from my mind so that clarity is then front and center. Spending time just being in nature, stilling my mind and being totally present with the breeze the trees, the animals and the energy of Gaia herself. Reminding me that I am apart of a much bigger picture and that we all are connected. A great way to stop the ego and be grateful for the simplicity of just being alive in the moment. I am off for a mini retreat to the bush for a few days, around the water and the trees and nature in her glory to recharge my batteries with the living breathing energy of our planet and the pure connection to spirit that these places reward with. Take the time to be mindful of your own needs and to recharge. We all hold the answers we need within ourselves we just have to find a way to listen.

NamastĂŠ Debra Rae Connect with Debra Rae 13


Words are the power behind the lives we lead, they are the creative force that we use to orchestrate our projects, loves and manifestations. They can build us up to ecstatic highs and they can nurture the foundation, of who we truly are. The beauty and flow which some words can create, lift us up into the highest light energies, which exist at one end of the arc of polarity.

The last defense of your love, is activated only in extreme circumstances. It is when love starts to shout! It is the most unpleasant experience possible and something major will happen to jolt and shift you back onto the path which you chose to follow. This is when all of the love whispers and love shouts have fell on deaf ears! So there is only one thing left for it. These are the most painful experiences to go through. I have experienced all three and I’d definitely go for the whispers!

Words can also be our downfall, at the other end of the polarity arc. They can describe our fears, our misery and the desperate end of the human scale, in which we live. They can hold us in mental torments and fuel the lower energies, which we are desperate to be rid of. It is the silent words in our heads, that cause us the most pain and give us the largest opportunity, to change our lives.

Some people will say that you were meant to go through this, or meant to go through that, which may well be true. Love though will always give you the options before hand to choose the experience which best fits your path and reason for being here. The wisdom comes in hearing the whispers at the first opportunity.

Through our focus and power of will, we can change the words which play with us, in the game of life. Once we work out the reason, why certain words blight our lives, we can switch them into words that empower. Creating sentences of positive progression and deleting paragraphs of pain.

All that you need to do is focus, focus, focus and open your heart!

Much love - Ryan

If you really want to shift your life, in a way that is more empowering, then you must learn how to shift frequencies of words and all of the baggage that come with them. You can start by journalling each day, writing down the common themes and the repetitions which catch your attention. Sit with the energy of these findings and see where the root is? Once you can find the root, the energy of the word can be shifted into a higher frequency. Some of these roots will be easy to shift and others will be multi rooted and take the will of a saint. Daily, the constant force of love within you, shows you everything you need within that day! It whispers to you, with your chance meetings, work encounters and relationships. These whispers are subtle, but they are constant! Do you notice them? Do you take enough time in your day to notice what’s really going on? Your head (mental) energy will be the one that’s telling you to ignore them, that it’s a figment of your imagination. Then if these whispers go unnoticed for periods of time, the love within you stops whispering and it starts to talk louder to you. Your life starts to become more intense, illness and mental torments can increase and you just can’t work out what is happening. Your head energy is still telling you the same old story, carry on regardless and just stay in the same old energy!

Connect with Ryan,

Copyright © 2009-2016, Ryan Greenwood . All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article's integrity by including the author/channel. 15

Photo: Š P Nielsen

The Druid Year All Hallows/Samhain Modern Tradition – 1 Nov Old Tradition - Sun at 15 degrees Scorpio – 6 Nov 2016

Associations to Samhain: Colours: Black, dark brown, orange, olive green Foods: Spiced cakes and breads, gourds (pumpkins and squash), root vegetables (turnips, parsnips, carrots), apples and cider. Third/Final Harvest Harvest Feast 18

This is the last in “The Druid Year” series. I just want to thank those of you that have journeyed with us during the last year. I hope you have enjoyed exploring a little about the druid way. If I have planted seeds in your hearts then my work is done. How they grow and what fruit they produce is up to you. Blessed Be.

householder the opportunity to choose by asking a question when they open the door. TRICK OR TREAT?? What Druids usually do… Many Druids consider Halloween their New Years Eve, and so it is a time for celebration. Because of the thin veil between the worlds, some have symbolic celebrations where they set extra places at the table and invite their ancestors to join them – to share some family time together – and for communing with their ancestors, remembering where they have come from, and that they themselves are the portal between past generations and future generations.

What our ancestors did… As the summer comes to a close, and autumn brings in the ‘season of mists and mellow fruitfulness’, the most important thing in their lives was harvesting, storing and rationing to ensure they got through the winter. For our ancestors, the cycle of the year closed after the last harvests were gathered in, and the ground was prepared to lay fallow over the cold winter months.

It is also a ‘portal’ between their past and the future lives. The energy of the time of year is to burn away away the remains of vegetation from the fields, to plough and fertilise, turn them over… and to leave them fallow to rest and recharge in preparation for Spring Planting. It is a time when many will take the opportunity for reflecting on their lives in the last year and their hopes for the year to come.

They also believed that there were moments in the natural cycle of time when the veil that separated the worlds of the living and the dead was at its thinnest. And changing from the old year to the new year was one of the most special to them. In Ireland, this was called Samhain, the first day of November, celebrated by the ancient Celts as a festival marking the beginning of winter. Like many other pagan celebrations, it was absorbed into the Christian calendar and called All Hallows Day. And, as was the custom of the time, a feast would be held - on All Hallows Eve - from sundown on the eve of the festival to dawn the following day.

Ways that you can honour the time… Hold your own ritual. This link takes you to a page with a ‘script’ you can print off and follow - -druidry/rites-and-rituals/rites-celebrate-seasonal-festivals/ beltane/beltane-ceremony

Because they believed the veil between the world was at its thinnest on the night of All Hallows Eve, it was believed that the spirits of the dead would walk the earth between sunset and sunrise. For some this was a fearful thought, so they would carve scary face lanterns out of whatever they had handy and put candles in them, to frighten off the spirits of the wandering dead. For others it was an opportunity to welcome their dead loved ones by setting a place for them at their table, and speaking to them to tell them what has happened in their lives in the past year.

Welcome “Trick or Treat-ers”. Decorate your home for Halloween – in colours of orange, black, brown and olive green…have a cauldron of treats (wrapped candies, small orange fruits (satsumas, apricots), and mini-pumpkins (paper mache globes containing gifts). Carve Pumpkins. Dsress up in costume and go Trick or Treat-ing with children, Attend a Druid public Samhain Rite.

It was deemed good hospitality at this time of thanksgiving, to be charitable and give food, drink, money, and so forth, to anyone that came to their door in case it was the ghost of one of their loved ones in disguise. Some of the poorer members of a community would wear costumes, pretending to be a ghost, and would knock on doors seeking gifts. The householders were not so foolish as to believe they were ghosts, but they were compassionate enough to recognise it was a person who had fallen upon hard times and needed help, but did not want to lose face by asking. To maintain dignity between them, they were often asked to say a prayer for a departed loved one in exchange for the gifts. This became known as ‘Souling’.

Take some time to do a review of your year. What went well? What could I have done better? What do I need to keep? What do I need to remove? What do I need to add? Am I living in alignment with my values? Am I developing and progressing towards the life I desire for myself? Have a party for friends and family – fancy dress, of course!! Apple bobbing, gruesome finger food, pumpkin games, anything and everything goes. Invite your ancestors – if you dare. Have fun.

It goes without saying that some homes were not hospitable or generous, and may even have been downright mean spirited and abusive to those that knocked. So it is understandable if some of the poor may have ‘tricked’ the householders with an unpleasant consequence to their poor treatment. These days we are a wee bit more civilised when going from door to door – we give the

Connect with Freya 19


A poem by Vera Enshaw

The spaces on the edge where the Travellers dwell. This is where I long to go These are the places that call to me Come! Come! We are waiting to visit with you! We have knowledge and information for you alone Come, they whisper Come Let us fill your heart with the joy of knowingness Let us fill your being with the joy of connectedness We wait for you….. Waiting on the edge of your awareness Watching you approach with bated breath and sighing each time you retreat without getting to know us. You. For we are you. And whether you know it or not You are Us This Samhain come. Come to the edge of the moon Come to the back side of the sun and let us carry you We will bring to you a joy that you have only dimly dreamt of in your wildest dreams And once you have travelled with us there is no going back to the way you used to be Once you have Travelled you become a Traveller Ready to show the way. Come……


Photo: © P Nielsen 22



How do you meditate? Do you meditate? There are almost as many ways to meditate as there are people on this planet. Meditation means different things to different people, but the one thing that is similar in all of them is the end result. Meditation is a powerful way to reach a state of calm, a wonderful resource for achieving peace in our lives, even if it’s temporary. And the more often we do it, the longer the effects last. I have found that using essential oils as part of my meditation practice enhances my experience. From diffusing oils in my meditation space before and during meditation through to placing a drop on a part of my body prior to stepping out for a meditative walk – essential oils enhance my practice. The frequency of essential oils combined with your frequency is so powerful! There are many oils on the market, and almost all of them will enhance your experience of meditation. I find some more effective than others, especially for going deep and connecting with Spirit in all her myriad forms. For a seated meditation, you can diffuse the oil of your choice in the room for a short time. If you wish to keep the space reasonably clear of scents, or don’t have a diffuser, simply place a drop on the palm of your hand, rub your palms together and then bring them to your nose and inhale deeply. Exhale, inhale from your palms once more and then relax your arms. Do this two or three times during your meditation – more, if you wish. You can also place a drop of oil on the chakra of your choice. The scent and the frequency will work together to bring you to a deeper, more intensely felt experience. Moving meditations also benefit from the use of essential oils. Again, diffusing them into your space is wonderful – but what about walking meditations, or any moving practice that is done outside? Before you begin your moving meditation practice, set your intention. Choose the oil that calls to you and place a drop on the location that feels right to you. As you practice, allow yourself to be aware of the oil, its frequency, and your intention. Probably the most common place to use essential oils in meditation is while bathing. Put a 25

drop or two in the tub, or diffuse it in the bathing room. Try it with and without to see how each experience is different. What tools do you use to meditate? If you have a singing bowl, whether it is crystal or brass, rub a drop of oil around the rim of the bowl. As you play the bowl, the frequencies of the oil combine with the frequencies of the tone. Very powerful, very intense. Try it with the use of any musical instrument, even on the speakers of your stereo system. Which oils you use will be very personal and will depend on what you are seeking to experience. Try many oils, relying on your intuition to choose which oil to use. I love frankincense, lavender, Young Living blends that include galbanum or blue tansy….the tree oils are amazing for use in meditation – Idaho balsam fir, Northern Lights black spruce, cedarwood…there are so many great oils and blends, I could not list them all here! What is important is that you use the oils that you are drawn to. The frequency of Young Living essential oils and essential oil blends is very high. These oils are crafted from wild or organic stock, much of it grown on Young Living’s farms. Feel the difference…. Enjoy your essential oil experience. Make notes about what works for you and what doesn’t. Use high quality, 3rd party certified organic or wildcrafted oils that have been steam distilled or cold-pressed.

For more information about Young Living Essential Oils, please contact me at I look forward to hearing from you! Namasté!

Vera Connect with Vera


INSTRUCTIONS 1. In Mountain pose with the feet together or hip width apart, inhale the arms forward parallel to the floor with the palms facing down. 2. Exhale and bend the knees, squatting down. Reach the hips down and back as if you were going to sit on the edge of a chair, bringing your weight to the heels of the feet. Do not bring the hips lower than the level of the knees. Make sure that the knees are pointing straight ahead. 3. Press the shoulders down and back trying to arch the spine. Relax the shoulders down and back and reach out through the finger tips. Stare at a point on the wall or floor in front of you for balance. 4. Breathe and hold for 3-6 breaths. 5. To release: inhale and press down into the feet straightening the legs and inhale the arms up toward the ceiling. Exhale release the arms down.

BENEFITS + CONTRAINDICATIONS Benefits: Chair pose strongly strengthens the lower body while stretching the upper back. This posture invigorates and energizes the whole body. Contraindications: Recent or chronic injury to the hips, knees, back or shoulders.

MODIFICATIONS + VARIATIONS Modifications: If the feet are hip width apart you can place a yoga block between the thighs to help keep the knees pointing forward. Variations: A) To make this pose less challenging, place the hands on the knees. B) To make this pose more challenging, reach the arms and gaze up to the ceiling.


Excellent source of Manganese, Zinc, Magnesium, Phosphorus Rich Source Vitamins B6, Niacin, Folate, Riboflavin High in Fiber Gluten Free

Gluten Free High in Protein & fiber High in Vitamins B6, folate, thiamin, riboflavin Source of; manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper

Great source of manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium Good Source of Vitamins - C, B6, Riboflavin, Folate High in Fiber, probein, low in carbohydrates and calories



6 small acorn squash, halved and seeds removed 6 cups water 1 cup uncooked wild rice (genuine Ojibwa if possible), rinsed 1 cup uncooked quinoa, rinsed 2 tsp. vegetable oil 4 green onions (white and pale green parts), chopped Y:z cup chopped celery 1 tsp. dried sage Y:z cup dried cranberries Y:3 cup dried apricots, chopped Y:3 cup chopped pecans or walnuts Y:z to % cup fresh orange juice

DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 350° F. Arrange squash halves cut side down in baking dish or roasting pan. Bake until tender, 25 to 30 minutes. 2. Meanwhile, make filling. In large saucepan, bring 4 cups water to boil. Add wild rice and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Reduce heat, cover and simmer until rice is tender, about 40 minutes. Drain if necessary. 3. In another large saucepan, bring remaining 2 cups of water to boil. Add quinoa. Reduce heat and simmer until water is absorbed and quinoa is tender, about 12 minutes. 4. In large, deep skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add green onions, celery and sage, and cook, stirring often, until vegetables begin to soften, about 3 minutes. Add dried fruits and nuts and cook, stirring often, until heated through. Using a fork, fluff quinoa and wild rice, then add both to skillet. Add orange juice and mix until heated through. Season with salt. 5. To serve, remove squash from oven and arrange on serving platter. Spoon filling into each squash cavity and serve.


Photo: © P Nielsen 30

The other morning as I sat in meditation a bird called out to me with a distinct rattle call. Rather beautiful, but one that I had not heard before. As I could not see the source, I asked that they say hello where I could see them. I was delighted to see Stellar Jay landed on the phone wires. It briefly sat there and serenaded me with a variety of calls. I was thrilled to have one visit because the last time one visited was two years ago. The next morning, he was there again, rustling the tree and calling out to me rather raucously. I knew he wanted me to take note and pay attention to his call. I thought, “well aren’t you a little cheeky!” Imagine my surprise when I opened up a Google search, and the first thing that greeted me was “be a little sassy today!” I find it appropriate that this beautiful bird should visit now. Part of the corvid bird family when they show up they always bring a message from the dark into the light. Stellar Jay is the spirit that finds you after the storm has ripped through your life and washed you ashore. Just when you think you have no reserves left, there he is letting you know that you are stronger than you think. To use your resources and adapt to what is and understand that the knowledge gained from the storm brings future wisdom to light. It is also a time for something to break open which brings new opportunities for you. The message Stellar Jay brought was the following; “Take heart for we bring you hope; all is not lost. Have patience for you are just pecking at the surface of the desire you have; you might feel you failed but in truth, you have gained valuable insight. The insight you will crack open in silence and use to your advantage for many years to come. Follow through on what you started, you have not been defeated, it is time to use your resourcefulness and adapt to the ever-changing winds. Do not leave your dreams dangling. You know when to stand tall and firm and when to back down and sink into invisibility. Allow others to show themselves for who they are, time will tell. Have patience and know that you are not lost, you are just beginning a new brighter phase of your life. Have some fun, be sassy, and enjoy the flight.” Sassy Stellar

mcobb 31




Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water or juice box and a couple of surprise items. Double Whammy (DW) = 2 or more hard aspects to the Moon Sunday Sun-Day

Monday Moon-day

Tuesday Mars-day

Wednesday Mercury-Day

Thursday Jupiter-Day

Friday Venus-Day

Saturday Saturn-day 1 Expect the unexpected … Formulate your business plan for the month

2 Connect to your passion – and you will see movement forward

9 Don’t let unexpected surprises through you off your game

3 A beautiful day in the neighborhood Buy yourself a colourful bouquet of flowers … just because you are worth it 10

Best day

… Be … Creative 16

Full Moon Meditation a Must


17 get’er done – plan a dynamic day of activities

Stay Low-Key

24 Mercury moves to Scorpio


Grab a coffee with your BFF and have a deep and meaningful conversational exchange 31

New Moon Most beautiful Day … Tell someone how much you love them




Excellent day to get your office or library organized

Giving Bag

Dig in … a little bit of work brings unexpected rewards

Communicate 11 Write … Talk …

Only give what you can afford … both in time and money

7 Watch your inside voice Mercury moves to Libra




Don’t let your day run AMUCK

Use your words to heal not hurt

A powerful day to organize thoughts and get them down in writing




Venus moves to Sagittarius

High Energy Day peak

20 Don’t let obstacles slow you down

Opportunity to meet someone fun J

Work may feel like a grind but you have the stamina to back you up…

Be Confident you are a beautiful Shining light … show the world your true colours



Ask for help, don’t give more than you can afford … but certainly take giving bags with you 27

You may feel a little emotionally sensitive today … it is good to have a heart-felt cry once in a while.

Opportunity comes knock’in … are you ready?

Opportunity to meet someone of like mind J

Take several short meditative moments as you move through your day

Meditation is a must 8 DW Giving Bag Do a walking meditation today … breathe in the beautiful colours of your environment 15 DW Full Moon Stay organized and keep healthy boundaries in place.

22 Sun moves to Scorpio Watch your inside voice … especially with your self talk Be skilled …

28 Slow down and be conscious of your movements Accident prone

29 Great day for a Yoga session … stretch out the body and build healthy structures Accident prone

Be generous with yourself or a loved one Find some alone time – to just breathe

Accident prone


Planets to Watch

what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter makes a very big shift into Libra on the 8th of September, here he shall stay until the fall of 2017. This will provide an opportunity to see both sides before we expand on our ideas and desires.

Neptune, Uranus continue in a deep inner spiral changing the collective landscape within. Venus is in a beautiful relationship with Jupiter this month from the 24th to the 31st – creating a beautiful opportunity for good will to all. Be Generous!

Opportunity is knocking … are you ready? 10, 18, 23, 26, 28…

Double Whammy and challenging days 15, 25 29… use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.

Don’t give more than you can afford – 8, 14, 20… Don’t lose sight of your budget, over-indulging or over-committing, watch that others do not take advantage of your generosity.

Meditation or relaxed days for the Month – great days 10, 23, 30… Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing - moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation - silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching.

Saturn… Boundaries, Restrictions, Limitations and possibly fear, Saturn supports your ability to get organized. Saturn is moving through Sagittarius, picking up speed and working with a wild-fiery optimistic energy. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion and bounce back into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries!

Mercury… Communication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written to that which travels on sound waves. Mercury moves from Virgo to Libra during the 1st part of the month, and flies into Scorpio by the end of the month. This brings a nice balance of social influences, getting your ideas out there and having the ability to work on a very deep and powerful level.

Go ahead, set some boundaries and get organized – 10, 15, 23, 28… Don’t forget to create healthy boundaries – 6, 13, 19, 25, 29… You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE!

Take advantage of Communication … talk it out – 4, 10, 11, 14, 19, 24, 30…

Uranus … The Bridge between that which we can see and what we cannot see. Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect ideas to inspire, new energy sources are available. Be a Rebel with a cause – let the radical inner changes move you. Uranus moved into a retrograde (inner spiral) on the 29th of July until the end of the year.

Be Skilled with your Communication – 7, 13, 15, 20, 22… Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! Venus … Evokes Love, Beauty and Security. Surrounding ourselves with beautiful things (art, earthy greenery such as organic gardening, flowers, food, music, colour, gems, sparkly things, money, people) … This month Venus moves through both Scorpio she heads to Sagittarius which creates a horn of plenty. Opportunity, beauty, security, generosity… especially from the 24th to the 31st.

Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations, the window supporting understanding and wisdom of what is beyond the physical world and our solar system. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of collective or clan/pack mentality, tune into Love not Hate. Neptune is in a very long retrograde (inner spiral) that will last until mid-November, time to explore your inner-verse. Meditation and self-observation during meditation is a must.

Create something beautiful – 3, 9, 14, 22, 26, 28… Know what you want and why – 11, 18, 25, 29… Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! Mars … Action, Passion and Anger, our ability to do something. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars is finally moving at warp speed. At the end of the month he moves into one of his most favorite signs – Capricorn – here he will settle his energy down, center, connect to stamina and look toward capturing long term goals. The changes/things you have been wanting to go after – are within reach!

The Dwarf Planets … Take care not to get caught up in the harsher side of these dwarfs – they may not have cleared their orbit of debris but they still pack a lot into their symbolic language. We have just begun the exploration of some of the newly discovered. Except for Ceres (asteroid turned dwarf) they are all very slow moving – change is very slow and gradual.

Create some Action … go out and get it – 2, 17, 26, 31…

Pluto… Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn. Pluto continues to push for change in our old and outworn structures of dictatorship and inflexible leadership. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for

Action not Anger – 5, 8, 13, 15, 21, (28, 29, 30)… Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT Jupiter… Growth, Wisdom, Opportunities and Expansion. Very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp 36

change. Pluto is moving direct through Capricorn. Slowly start to release your need to control the details around you … remember – the only control we truly have is to open and allow the destruction and disintegration of the old ways in order to get to the re-Birth, and move to the next level of Be-ing.

through this Full Moon – the last couple of Lunar Eclipses have been seemingly chaotic energy … intense and sometimes feeling out of control. Now is the time to organize thoughts and ideas, step up to the plate – make a decision by stepping onto the path. This full moon contains a cool airy Libra Sun (intellectual and social) and a fiery Aries Moon (passion action intensity). Look for ways to complete projects that came into focus during the recent Mercury retrograde. Opportunity for success is possible by utilizing or drawing toward yourself organization skills and structures to materialize and maintain your goals. Take care not to project anger or use your words to hurt others, instead use your actions to show others the way.

Makemake… who brings quantum experiences and unexpected genius; is traveling through Libra – utilize structures that you have been working on to continue to develop your relationship with the earth and bring your microcosm into balance. Eris… only desires equality! This is a strong feminine archetype who will use our ego against us. Evoke and balance and awaken the warrior within. She fearlessly moves through Aries (very slow moving). She is currently moving retrograde (inner spiral) and conjunct Uranus an exact conjunction to Uranus occurs again around the 23rd of September. A catalyst for unexpected events, which may appear to feel like a painful Déjà vu. Been there done that … Why Am I Doing It Again! The answer is that you will continue to do it again and again until you evoke the warrior within to break the energetic signature being repeated.

The New Moon 7 Scorpio 44’ October 30 at 10:38 am pacific and 2:39 pm Atlantic The New Moon is when the moon is dark and does not hinder our view as we peer deeply into our universe, and look beyond our patterns and habits by connecting to something greater than ourselves. It is a dynamic build toward something new and exciting.

Haumea… Facilitator for transformation as the mother of humanitarian efforts … is currently at 23 degrees Libra. She brings a balance back to the goddess signature as she takes back her power on earth. Step up to the plate take on the global issues by choosing to be different and make a change.

Snap Shot: Be ready to make adjustments in order to make this a most successful time … The veil is very thin during this time period of the year. Breakthroughs are highly possible.

Ceres… loves the work or activity of the harvest – a mother figure in our lives, continues is moving through Aries and in a retrograde (inner spiral). Opportunity to go back and replant seeds that did not germinate the first go around (especially on your inner-seed planting J.

As you move through your day get into the zone of a moving conscious meditation, especially connecting to the need for slight adjustments – which is dusk made will actuPhoto: © - ally make you feel and function much better. Goals that you have in play might need constant adjustments, utilize written detailed instructions in order to move them forward.

Solar/Lunar cycles

Step outdoors and connect to your early evening sky, do it again in the early morning just as the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. Connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies.

This may be a good time to gather your forces step back look at the bigger picture and decide what blocks and or fears are in the way of you achieving what you want in your life. Be open to unexpected help that might be on its way.

As above So below. The Full Moon 23 Aries 14’ October 15 at 9:23 pm pacific and October 16 at 1:23 am Atlantic When the Moon is full - the sky is lit up and you can see the details of where you are headed. It is a time of completion – or looking to see what needs to be completed in the present moment in order to move forward.

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.

Snap Shot: Get yourself organized and keep healthy boundaries in place. Be a Leader! We need to use our heads not our emotions as we move 37

Photo: © P Nielsen 38

Sun moves into Scorpio on the evening of the 22 … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Scorps out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality. Snap Shot … if you need to gather the facts in order to accomplish a goal – this is the month to focus these intentions. We have a lot of Virgo energy playing out – critical, detailed, fact gathering & orderly. Tune into your inspiration of the month to help you skillfully navigate the stars. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) As Above … So Below

This is an excellent time for you to get your bounce back, explore your neighborhood and experience the beauty right in your own back yard.

Aries (March 20-April 19) Strength and power (without ego of course) is in allegiance with you this month. Career is in focus … step up to the plate and knock it out of the park.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You may find yourself powering up, strategize – short term pain for long term gain. Meditation a must this month … inhale your solar energy.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 20)

There is a great focus on eco responsibility this month. You hold yourself and others to a high standards, don’t be blinded … search for the truth.

Accept all opportunities to socialize, from frivolous parties to serious group work. We are starting to get into the part of the year in which you thrive … holiday season.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Balance and harmony of speech is a must this month, if you have an article or writing that you have been working on – push forward to completion.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20)

Cancer (June 21-July 21)

Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 18)

Listen to your body – aches and pains will help you connect to your habits especially the ones that rule your emotions.

If you have been wanting to start a study group (especially if related to inner work) now is the time to put the final pieces together.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 22)

Pisces (Feb. 18-March 20)

Communication is key … not what but how … make sure that you say what you mean and mean what you say.

You may feel intensely connected to the unseen realm. Use this time to go deeper toward your higher/solar self.

Time to finish up year-long goals that have been outstanding, but first you will need to get out of your own way. Just flow with it ;-)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.

Put all of your financial ducks in a row, opportunity for great growth is on the horizon. 39

A Crystal Reading for

October 2016

Read, dear ones, and find the kernels of truth that apply to you. Know that you are supported in all of your efforts. Give thanks for that which you accomplish, and give thanks for those dreams that you have set in motion and are not able yet to see completed. We are behind you all the way…. Namasté

Vera Photo: © VEnshaw


Contact Vera at

Beginning: October 1st – Pewter Heart: Reach into your heart today and search for the desire that lingers and has not been acknowledged. Ask yourself if it is time to let it go…or if it is time to pull it out into the light and examine it.

Week One: October 2nd to 8th – Unakite: Continue the journey into your heart. Ask yourself the hard questions and honour your answers. This is not a time for judgment, it is a time for compassion and gratitude. Sometimes letting go of a dream is the first step to finding out what our real desires are. Pencil, paper, notebook, keyboard - whatever you are most comfortable using, use it to record your questions and answers.

Week Two: October 9th to 15th – Azurite: Every day this week find one thing at least that you are grateful for. Look around at the people you are with, and find something about each person that you are grateful for. Let this week include laughter and joy, make it part of the gratitude. See how these two enhance all the qualities of your life.

Week Three: October 16th to 22nd – Ammonite Nautilus: I Trust. Make that your mantra this week….I Trust. Go within to find out what you trust, who you trust. The most important being for you to trust is you…and the most important thing for you to trust is that you are capable of handling every situation with love. This is not about perfection. Rather, it concerns the ability to see what you are doing, work through the layers and become more and more aware of how you most would like to be. In the end…you are Love, plain and simple.

Week Four: October 23rd to 29th – Royal Saharan Jasper: Relax. Have fun! Go into each day prepared to see what is most beautiful about every part of your day. Find the giggle in every aspect of it. You may not be able to share that giggle with anyone, but don’t let that stop you! The more we look at a landscape, the more we see. Allow yourself to look at each situation until you see the humour in it. This is the path to en-light-en-up!

Week Five: October 30th & 31st – Lapis Lazuli: Treat yourself! Spend what you can – fifty cents, a dollar, 10 dollars…whatever you can afford, treat yourself to something. The trick is finding the ability to treat yourself without having to spend very much. A candy, a comic book, a single flower - treat yourself to that. Open up to loving yourself by gifting yourself. That opens you up to the spaces on the edge where love dwells always. And such a place that is… 41

This month’s messages drawn from Daily Guidance from your Angels by Doreen Virtue 42


Photo: © mcobb 44

I just bought a new set of runes made of hematite. Hematite is a grounding stone and judging by the casts so far, is going to be darker and grittier than other media.

There may be some unpleasant surprises in your future. Any skeletons in the closet may be about to be uncovered and one should be very cautious at this time.

I asked the runes to show me what we can expect for the coming month and they delivered in spades..

Perthro often will herald a disappointment by another person. It could be a close personal friend but in this instance, because I asked for an over all reading, is probably someone in authority or who wants to be.

Our first rune, or problem rune was Berkano reversed. Berkano is the fertility rune, the rune of family and birth. When reversed it shows family and domestic unrest, much conflict between those closest to you. Because I asked for a general reading, I believe this shows the unrest, bitterness, distrust, and general anger manifesting itself in the world.

All in all a very cautious reading but one that does show hope as well. Remember, if you do not like the last rune, you always have the option of drawing another because the future is not written in stone. You have the ability to change your future. As I asked the runes for their guidance, I will not alter their choices.

The second rune, or the course of action rune was Thurisaz. This represents the vexing thorn and is also the symbol of Mjølnir, Thor's hammer and sometimes represents protection and luck. In this instance it seems to show that we should not be so self assured that we stop pushing our agenda or we may be in for a rude awakening. We should take stock and not rush headlong into the abyss.

I also did a reading when I first got my stones, but it wasn't mine or anyone else I know. If any of you believe it may be yours, contact me and I will be happy to send it to you. Let the runes show you the way.

Until next month, SkĂĽl

The third rune, or what could happen if you follow the advice of the course rune, was Perthro reversed. Perthro is the dice cup or the mystery glyph. In divination it deals with things hidden, secrets and the occult.


Because it is reversed, it shows that things and events may not turn out as you had hoped. You may be overwhelmed by the obstacles in your path but you should take heart. Contact Phil at for more information. 45

Message from the Angels September 2016 Greetings Have confidence! All seeds of creation and thought that you have planted begin to sprout this month. Some of these seeds have lain dormant beneath the surface for a long time, months and even years. Things are finally falling into place, the effort and work you have invested begin to pay off. Be proud of yourself for what comes to you this month, you have co-created with the universe. WE hear some of you stating “but this is not what I wanted! It looks nothing like my intentions or desires.” To you, we say, at some point you planted this within the universe as your intent. All the pieces of the puzzle have finally fallen into place and the picture is revealed to you. Take heart if the picture showing up does not look like the one you imagined. You are given the opportunity to recognize and consider what you value and enjoy most in life. Sit with yourself and all that is your life. Contemplate. Allow your mind to wander, allow your inner voice to inspire you, trust what it has to say. Your inner voice has a knack for leading you in the right direction, and it will lead you again to adjust and tweak the picture to exactly what you wish. Open your heart and see what you have created, see how it can help you now and in the future. All you have manifested has been created in love. If it feels less than what you expected or feel you deserve, then open your heart and shine your unique love and light upon it. See how it transforms and becomes part of who you are. All things are possible right now; you are gifted with the ability to generate new things and add shine and sparkle to the old. Or release the old, and allow the new to come forth. Count your blessings and wave your magic wand – which is you. What magnificence can you bring

to light? As you harvest the seeds you have sown, dream some new dreams and plant those seeds. Unleash your potential for all the world to see, go big, dear ones with confidence, faith, and trust that you are in control now more than ever. If you don't like your personal world you are living in, now more than any time in the history of you, is the time to make changes. All things are possible, step into your new with grace and ease. Embrace, appreciate and love all that you are, all that you are becoming, and all that you have. WE are tickled pink that life is bringing you many blessings, know that you deserve them. WE are only a call away should you need our guidance. WE stand at the ready in support to guide and assist in any way we can.

waving our magic wand the power of three

Through Mcobb



Photo: Photo: © ©P P Nielsen Nielsen 48

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