Nourish Issue 4 November 2011

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Your Body ~ mind ~ soul Inside this Issue Energy Pendulums Archangel Chamuel Yoga

Issue 4 November 2011 NOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL




Woven Threads


Energy 102


Ensuring a Good Night’s Sleep


Inner Voice


Conversations with Chamuel


Hand Washing 101




Essential Oils




Taste Sensations


Yoga Beyond the Physical Body


Power Animals


Earth Crystals





Feed Your Body ~ mind ~ soul All content ©2011 by Nourish Your Body Mind Soul Nourish Your Body Mind Soul is a monthly publica on dedicated to empowering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All ar cles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are provided as guidelines to the readers. Ul mately each reader is responsible for their own choices and decisions. The ar cles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.


Nourish will be published on the Full Moon Date of each month. Upcoming Publication Dates November 10, 2011 December 10, 2011


January 9, 2012



Feed Your Body ~ mind ~ soul



“When the power of love

overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” Jimi Hendrix

November se les in with a cold blast of air, drenching rain, leaves swirling, fog rolling, and mountains tops turning white. The clock rolls back and in the silence of the early morning I reflect the month that has been. A website was born to host PDF versions of Nourish Your Body ~ Mind ~ Soul, giving way to a rush of new viewers. Healing in the form of helping my partner recover from emergency surgery, adjus ng to crutches, and just being there to support and comfort him. This entailed many trips to the hospital, and paid parking of which I hope the hospital gets a cut of because that would go a long way to buying new items or paying a few wages each month. It also inspired the ar cle Hand Washing 101. All of the washroom doors have s ckers on them that say “this door handle has been touched 5671 mes”. Enough to make the staunchest person go yuck!! This month we offer for your reading pleasure ar cles to sweetly temp your taste buds, take yoga to the next level, and expand your knowledge of energy. Chamuel delights us with mely connec ons. Also learn the art of using a pendulum, read inspiring poems, and the consistent ar cles on essen al oils, power animals, crystals. Even though we have just flipped the page of the calendar to November, many ads on the radio and TV have been telling all who will listen “the holiday season has arrived” This irks me a li le as I like to wait ll December to bring on the season. What happened to enjoying what November has to offer? However as a publisher I am looking ahead to the next issue. I am asking for ar cles on holiday tradions. If you have a special memory, recipe, or tradi on that you would like to share, please contact me at nourishpublica . The ar cles are not limited to the upcoming holidays; I will be including other ar cles as well so give me a shout. Un l next month, enjoy! Angel Blessings Marlene






By Vera Enshaw

MARLENE COBB The woven threads of all our lives speak to me now and then:

They whisper in the morning breeze, Get tangled in my hair They laugh out loud in memories of this and that and there

I marvel how they seem to come from someplace deep inside No rhyme nor reason can I find, they’re just there, inside my mind.

“Remember when?” the stories go, but these are not like those Just whispy, tangled threads that seem to enter in the flow.

They wander in when I am at the counter, making sales or at a mee ng, listening to someone else’s tales. My daily walk, or li ing weights, or lunching with a friend, I never know just why they glide into my brain, or when. But this I know with certainty – I’m glad when they arrive, It’s like a special visit, with you right by my side

Editor/Publisher Ensuring a Good Night’s Sleep Inner Voice Hand Washing 101 Pendulums VERA ENSHAW Energy 102 Me Essential Oils Woven Threads KAYE CASTLEMAN Taste Sensations Archangel Chamuel JEANNIE MAGENTA Yoga Beyond the Physical PHIL NIELSEN Photos/Editing

Laughing, figh ng, loving – sharing secrets just us two Las ng for a memory of how it was with you.

I know it happens just this way With everyone we love It’s one of life’s most precious gi s that I am so glad of

New memories will not be made, You’ve le us all behind, But special threads, these golden threads, are with me for all me.




ENERGY 102 By Vera Enshaw

I’m assuming that you have been prac cing feeling your energy field. Some of the braver ones will have followed their energy field out as far as they could – and that’s pre y sweet! When you have developed an awareness of your field, you have two choices. You can develop an inward focus, or an outward focus. This month, I want you to work on an inward focus. A er going through the relaxa on exercise, pick a part of your body that you want to get to know very well.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.

They must be felt within the heart. Helen Keller

For the purposes of this exercise, I am going to use the heart, but please feel free to experiment with the liver or kidneys, the pancreas – any organ or part of your body you wish. So, focus your a en on on your heart. Feel the outer edges of it, the smoothness, the rounded corners of it. Feel it pumping, bring in the blood and sending it back out again. No ce all the cells that are being created, see and feel the incredible mass of energy that is located in & around this organ. Stay here for a few minutes, just ge ng to know this incredible part of you. Now – keeping your awareness partly on the organ you have chosen, move your focus to your energy field just outside of your body in the area of that organ or body part. Feel the energy connec on between your field & that part of you. Now expand further. Move out 6 – 10 inches, and slowly expand out 6 – 8 feet. Allow your awareness to follow the connec on, to touch it just as your tongue would a tooth that was aching – gently, but consistently. Now, for the next month do this exercise with various parts of your body. Pay a en on to changes that occur. Note what happens in your energy field if, for instance, you eat something that does not agree with you, or have a headache, or are blissfully watching rain or snow fall. Next month, we’ll go further out there!




ENSURING A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP By Marlene Cobb Sleep is an important part of our life and about 1/3rd of our life is spent sleeping. Throughout our life the amount of sleep that we need changes. When we are babies we sleep a lot as our bodies and organs are growing. As teenagers we tend to have a different sleep pa ern, we stay up all hours then crash for longer periods o en to the dismay of our parents, but again our bodies are growing and having hormonal shi s. As adults while we know the value of sleep we o en push ourselves to the limits, depending on caffeine to keep us going when our bodies are crying out for a long winters nap. Let’s face it sleep is an important me for our bodies. It needs this me to recover from the daily stresses. It is the number one tool to healing our bodies. It fuels us with enough energy to make it through our day. All too many people have a hard me sleeping. Some fall asleep ok but wake up o en during the night. Others find it hard to unwind a er a full day and falling asleep is difficult. There are things to help us get a good night’s sleep. First make sure your bedroom is a place that you like to spend me in. You should want to go there; it should be a calm environment with soothing colors that scream peace, and relaxa on. Your bed should be comfortable, if it is not, it is probably me to invest in a new one. The sheets, blankets and pillows should be what you like. O en bedroom purchases are made by what is affordable and on sale and not what pleases you. Spending a li le extra is well worth the value of a good night’s sleep and is an investment that will last for years. Invest in a feather bed, good quality pillows, and a down duvet to keep you cool in summer and warm in winter. Next the items you sleep in should be comfortable, and appealing to you. Some people like to sleep in the nude, nothing to get twisted in the night and wake NOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL

you up. Others love the feel of flannel pajamas, a silk nigh e, or a comfortable co on sleep shirt. Whatever you decide on make sure you love the color, texture, and weight. Take me each night to unwind from the day. Make me a er dinner to watch a favorite tv program, read a good book, or catch up on emails. Give yourself about 30 minutes before bed to either have a bubble bath, or read. Watching TV un l bed me or having a TV in the bedroom disrupts the brains waves and can actually keep you awake. It over s mulates the mind. A nice warm beverage also relaxes the body, nothing with caffeine is recommended. Herbal tea or warm milk are the best choices. Finally try to get to bed at the same me each night. This programs the body to know that it is sleep me and you will be more able to fall asleep naturally. For those who wake up in the night, keep a flashlight handy so you don’t have to turn on lights, this enables you to get back to sleep easier. Use the washroom, get a drink, or inves gate the noise that woke you, and then head back to bed. The less me you are out of bed the easier it is for your body to go back to sleep. If you just can’t fall back to sleep try reading, (this is my personal sleeping pill) or this technique. I o en use it to fall asleep at the end of a long stressful day and it works amazingly well. For each breathe that you inhale and exhale count backwards from 10, un l you reach 1. What you are doing is focusing not on being able to fall asleep, instead you have shi ed the focus to your breathing. If you get to 1 and are s ll wide awake, start again at 10. Lastly don’t stress and worry that you are awake, this will only make it worse. Accept that you are awake for whatever reason, and that you will eventually fall back to sleep. Sweet dreams!



INNER VOICE By Marlene Cobb


“Your mind knows only some things. Your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything. If you listen to what you know instinctively, it will always lead you down the right path.” Henry Winkler


What do Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Edison, and Walt Disney have in common? Besides being brilliant inventors of their time, they all were in-tune with their inner voice. They listened and while they were considered crazy by their peers, made a difference in our world. We have all heard of the little girl who paints remarkable pictures which she is guided to paint by her angels, we don’t think of her as weird, we think of her as talented! All of these people and many others listen on a daily basis to their inner voice for guidance on how to do things and how to have a better life. I am not suggesting that if we all listen to our inner voice we will be brilliant inventors, but perhaps we can achieve inner peace and have better lives as a result. It is a personal choice to step away from the crowd and be in-tune with your inner voice. Each of us at some point in our lives has had a gut feeling about something, a nudge to do something not normally on our radar, that has resulted in being a good thing. Birds have an inner radar, that is how they know to fly south to warmer climates, whales have sonar that directs them as to where to go, and us humans have our inner voices. For too long having a sense, vibe, or knowing have been considered woo woo and not normal, while it is becoming more mainstream it is still considered out there and is not freely talked about. There are many people around the world who are listening and not talking about what they are doing. This is ok, and the more people who wake up to this the better life gets. Just how do we get more in-tune with our inner voice? We start by accepting we have an inner voice that is there to help us with any situation that comes up in our lives. This is the first step. Our inner voice is our sixth sense. We have no trouble accepting the other five senses, taste, smell, feel, hear, see, yet this sixth sense is a little more subtle and while we know there is such a thing we don’t accept everyone is born with it. Yes everyone! Our sixth sense is linked closely with energy, our five senses with the material. Since everything is energy we should easily be able to tap into this sense and use it. So decide today to hear your inner voice, accept that you do indeed have one. Take it one day at a time and enjoy your special wisdom that comes from your inner voice. Ask yourself questions and listen for the answers. The more you tune into your inner voice the better it will serve you.



CONVERSATIONS WITH CHAMUEL by Kaye Castleman Hello, again, dear angel of Earth! Welcome to the energy of the angelic realms. It is so beau ful to be with you once again. For even as Kaye is pu ng these words on the paper in the solitude of her office, I am with her, and I am with you. This is the beauty of me in other dimensions that you do not experience in your reality. But it allows me to be with you in the moment that you read this, whether it is days or even years a er they appear on Kaye's page, or in the format you are now reading. All of life is like this. It may be difficult for you to comprehend, but let me assure you that it is so. And under certain circumstances, you can experience it this way, too. In the par cular reality of Earth, there is the clear and appropriate percep on of me as linear. A one me experience that has happened in the 'past' cannot be occurring now. Similarly, a single event that is occurring in the 'present' will be over in the 'future'. But this is all an illusion. There are very specific reasons for you to operate under this illusion. It is actually a very clever and effec ve tool for the work you are doing on the Earth plane. You see, in the denser energies of your reality, many things have been slowed down in order for you to be able to isolate experiences. In order to be able to focus on individual elements of all that is, many aspects of reality in your dimensions needed to be crea vely altered, shall we say. From the perspec ve of the angelic realms, it is much more difficult to appreciate the isolated aspects of crea on. We see things harmonically, as whole and perfectly balanced, and for us, there is a disconnect between this percep on and the experience of crea ve elements in isola on. You may wish to say we can't see the trees for the forest. From the vantage point of the higher realms, we can appreciate the perfec on of the forest in its en rety. We grasp, without needing to think about it or reason our way through it, that all elements of the forest are required for it to flour-


ish. The earth, the air and the water all contribute to the beauty of the whole. The animals, birds and even the insects are connected to each other as they are to the air, the water and the earth, and as all is connected to the trees. One does not exist without the others. Separa ng one from the others is inconceivable, since they all exist together as part of the whole and would not exist without the whole. In the same way, the forest is part of the planet, and could not exist in isola on from it, and the planet is part of the universe, and could also not exist in isola on from it. There is great beauty in perceiving all that is in this way. This understanding of the universe allows us to recognize our connec on with each other and everything in existence. There is great peace and comfort in this understanding, and it one of our finest gi s to you, who have le behind this memory to par cipate in the magnificent work of Earth. For just as we have our own vantage point which serves the work we are doing, so do you who have elected to be part of the Earth family have an understanding that serves the work you do. To create the perfect condi ons for exploring the minute details and experiences of all the universe has to offer, it is necessary to alter many things. One of these things is your percep on of me. It must be slowed down and divided in such a way that things may be contemplated in isolaon. Just as we have the advantage of seeing the perfec on of crea on as a whole, you have the advantage of seeing the perfec on of the individual elements of crea on. You can see the colours of the rose, feel its velvety texture, smell its intoxica ng scent, and appreciate each as its own unique gi . You can experience the devo on of a family member, feel their anger, watch their crea ve endeavours, and appreciate each aspect as part of who they are. You can swim in the ocean, lay on the beach, huddle by the fire, and relish the gi of each sensa on. All these and so many more things are possible for you because of your earthly percep on. And a cri cal part of the construct for you to have these percepons is the adjustment of your rela onship to the reality of me.





By Marlene Cobb

by Kaye Castleman So it is that I can be with you at all mes. I can be with all of you at all mes. In fact, I am with all of you at all mes. When you call me to be with you, you are in fact calling yourself to be with me, because I am already there! (smiles) It is this way with all the angels and beings in higher dimensions. There is no need to be concerned that you are 'bothering' us with your requests or your 'interrup ons'. We are always with you, and always in service to you. It is our greatest joy when you reach out to us for support. There is never too much or too o en. For in this moment and in all moments, we are with you. We are all connected....always and forever.

With the upcoming cold and flu season this might be mely advice for all of us! Did you know that the simple act of washing your hands can help prevent becoming infected with a cold or the flu? Yet most people don’t know the correct way to wash their hands. Some just quickly wave them under running water, others apply some soap and rub them together while the water rinses off the soap, and people don’t wash their hands at all! So in quick point format here are some ps for washing our hands correctly; • • •

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“Every me you smile at someone, it is an ac on of love, a gi to that person, a beau ful thing.” Mother Teresa

Washing with soap and water is the best way to combat germs, yet some mes this op on is not available. In these cases it is a good idea to have a hand sani zer at the ready. While they don’t eliminate all types of germs they do quickly reduce the number of them. Hand sani zers are available in liquid and wipes usually in travel size opons perfect to take on the go. Try to pick one that contains at least 60% alcohol. **last month I included a recipe on how to make your own with essen al oils** For op mal effect here is how to properly use a hand sani zer; • • •


Use warm water (not hot or cold) Use whatever soap you like, don’t worry about it being an bacterial or regular they all do the job. Get your hands wet, and then start lathering the soap (hands out of the flow of water) make sure you later and cover the whole area between finger ps and include the wrist. Both sides of the hand, between fingers, and around the nails. An easy way to know how long you should be lathering is to hum or sing in your head “Happy Birthday” twice. Rinse well under running water, and pat dry. If you are prone to dry skin or chapping make sure to pat dry and not rub, and later up with hand cream.

Apply the product to the palm of one hand. Rub your hands together. Rub the product over all surfaces of your hands and fingers un l your hands are dry.



ENDULUMS Have you seen someone suspend on a piece of string the wedding ring of a pregnant woman over her belly? I am sure most of us have, and probably a few of us have had this done to us to determine the sex of the child. Ok so this was done more o en in the days before ultrasounds that could show you a picture that told you the sex of the child, but none the less this was a fun and o en accurate thing to do.

Photos: Marlene Cobb

Now the next thing you need will be ques ons that can be answered with a YES or NO. Are you ready? Holding the pendulum string in which ever hand it feels comfortable in, between your thumb and forefinger, ask the pendulum to show you YES. There are a few things it can do; swing side to side, up and down, clockwise in a circle, or counter clockwise.

The ring a ached to a string would be considered a pendulum. A simple tool to help access your higher self. The process is called dowsing or divining. Historically dowsing has been used to find water, minerals, gold, oil, and even gemstones. Tests have been extensively done to try and prove if dowsing is actually real or not or if somehow the person using the pendulum is controlling it. Most people if they keep an open mind, and don’t try to influence the pendulum can have a very high accuracy rate. If nothing else it is fun.

You will need a pendulum to start. It can be anything that feels right to you. Pendulums come with bobs fashioned out of crystals, metal, or wood. If you are crea ve you can make your own and the choices are unlimited, the bob can be a key, seashell, acorn, ring, the key to making a pendulum is balance. I have a pendulum I made from a seashell (pictured on page) and the key was to find a way to suspend it from the chain at the exact point of balance so it would hang correctly. I have also constructed smaller pendulums for workshops I have facilitated out of small crystals and beads. The blue sodalite pendulum was purchased. I felt it was me for a new pendulum so went to store that had a large selec on. While standing in front of the pendulums I said to my partner, “I think one of these needs to come home with us, which one?” . I walked away and he soon called me back, “that one wants to come home with us” he said. I looked at the display and there swinging wildly and knocking all the other pendulums out of the way was the blue one you see in the picture. NOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL

Once you have received this answer, ask the pendulum to show you NO, again it will do one of the above. You now have the basic knowledge of how your pendulum will answer YES and NO. Try a simple ques on that you already know the answer to, like “Is my birthday _______?” (Everyone knows their birthdate). Keep asking this type of ques on un l you feel comfortable with your pendulum, like you have bonded with it. The more you use your pendulum the more your energy will be in tune with it. Now you can ask it anything as long as it only requires a yes or no answer. Somemes the pendulum stays s ll and does not move, what can that mean? I normally take it as I have not asked the correct ques on, that I don’t want to hear an answer, or that there are too many variables to answer with yes or no. I will then try to rephrase my ques on, o en this works and the pendulum responds. You should ensure that your pendulum stops moving between quesons, either wait for it to se le down or simply stop it with your hand. Like all tools we can use to help us determine answers, we should not over use and become dependent on them. Ul mately we need to be able to answer our own ques ons that life throws are way. When we are having a difficult me though a pendulum can give us some guidance that can help us make be er choices. Have fun and remember that if you don’t like the answer you have the free will to change the direc on of it! Marlene Cobb NOVEMBER 2011


ESSENTIAL OILS THIEVES ESSENTIAL OIL BLEND By Vera Enshaw Thieves may just be the most popular oil blend that Young Living has. When you use this blend you help your body to ward off colds, flus and all sorts of nasty things! We are heading into the worst me of year for nasty bugs, and Thieves can help keep you healthy. (People have taken Thieves with them to other countries and stayed healthy and playing, while others in their group have fallen prey to illness.) A drop in your water, or running a bit down the gland that runs from just behind your ear to your throat is sufficient. According to the Reference Guide for Essen al Oils by Alan & Connie Higley, you can massage the bo om of your feet, your throat, stomach and abdomen. Or dilute one drop of Thieves in 15 drops of V-6 Mixing Oil (also available from Young Living) and massage the thymus to s mulate the immune system, and massage under the arms to s mulate the lympha c system. Because it is a “hot” oil, dilu on is recommended. Thieves may also really helpful for controlling bacteria in the mouth. Thieves oil blend is available only from Young Living Essen al Oils—you can find them on-line at Email me: for more informa on on this and other Young Living essen al oils.

ME I am a rainbow a crystal a kaleidoscope of colours moving through me and space O en, there is nothing to reflect back to me my image my beauty At those mes I feel fat ungainly awkward Then – something changes my world becomes solid enough bright enough to reflect my colours back to me And I see again how beau ful I am how graceful how special Some mes it's hard to remember that I need both experiences to grow my love of myself Vera Enshaw June 9, 2009





By Kaye Castleman

THE DELIGHTS OF WHIPPED CREAM Oh, the heavenly pleasure of rich whipped cream! Though perhaps not the most nutri ous or healthful of all foods, whipped cream's greatest benefit may be it's ability to make us feel loved and appreciated. A close kin to ice cream, which has o en been used to sa sfy feelings of depression or lack of worth, whipped cream has the same ability to li our spirits. This is Soul Food! Our objec ve this month is to help you derive the most from your whipped cream experience. No longer will you find yourself skulking to the fridge for that aerosol can of 'whipped topping' , by-passing the fruit en rely and instead aiming directly at your open mouth in an a empt to sa sfy your craving for that fa y goodness. Never again will you be driven to scoop a spoonful or six of prepared 'whipped cream subs tute' from the tub to feel that oily richness on your tongue. The decadence of fresh whipped cream, containing no preserva ves or other chemical agents, flavoured only with a small amount of organic sugar and real vanilla, is a sensa on so superior to its subs tutes that we invite anyone who has not yet tried it to take this opportunity to indulge yourself. Real cream is what naturally separates from and floats on the top of the milk layer of freshly gathered milk. This highfat cream layer can be spooned off and used in cooking, making bu er or to produce the ul mate whipped cream. The fat content of whole cream ranges from 35% to 45%. Different breeds of cows produce varying amounts of cream in their milk, and cows who have recently calved have higher cream levels to nourish their newborns. Many other factors can affect the fat content in cow's milk, including their diet and weather condi ons. Raw cream is always our first choice to make the most wholesome and delicious whipped cream, NOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL

but if you don't have a cow in your backyard, or access to raw milk, then your next best choice would be a commercially processed product. Processed milk is homogenized, which s rs the cream and milk together in such a way that it breaks down the fat molecules and does not allow the cream to separate from the milk. The cream content is also standardized to produce approximately 3.5% fat in whole homogenized milk. A variety of cream products are now available, and each has their ideal applica on. HALF AND HALF This is a mixture of milk and cream containing at least 10.5% but not more than 18% milk fat. It contains about 20 calories and nearly 2g of fat per tablespoon. LIGHT CREAM OR TABLE CREAM This product contains at least 18% but not more than 30% milk fat. It provides about 30 calories and 3g of fat per tablespoon. LIGHT WHIPPING CREAM, SOLD COMMERCIALLY AS WHIPPING CREAM This cream has at least 30%, but not more than 36% milk fat. It can be used as is (un-whipped) or whipped. Un-whipped whipping cream has about 44 calories and 5g of fat per tablespoon. HEAVY CREAM This must contain at least 36% milk fat. It is readily whipped and can retain its whipped state longer than light whipping cream. Heavy cream provides about 52 calories and 6g of fat per tablespoon.



NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION Because of its high fat and trace protein content, whipped cream can help sa sfy food cravings. One cup of whipping cream doubles in volume to two full cups of tasty goodness when it is whipped, crea ng a rich addi on to a simple fruit dessert. And a single tablespoon of sugar is sufficient to sweeten this amount for most palates. Check out our recipe sugges ons below for some common sense ways to use whipped cream. As a dairy product with a high fat content, it is wise to be aware that excessive consump on of cream is not advisable for anyone. However, it is important to remember that fats and oils are a recognized food group, and a necessary part of our diet. Our brains, especially, crave healthy fats and oils to func on op mally, so we are naturally drawn to dairy products and their high fat content. Consuming whipped cream in modera on can ease those cravings, especially for anyone with 0-type blood, since they are o en sensi ve to dairy products, but generally able to tolerate higher levels of fat. About three quarters of the fat in heavy whipping cream is from saturated fat, and the amount of saturated fat in one tablespoon is about 17% of the recommended daily allowance. Depending on the fat content of the whipping cream you use, 20 mg or more of cholesterol will be in each tablespoon. This accounts for 7% of the U.S. recommended daily allowance of cholesterol in a 2000 calorie diet. Those with cardio-vascular issues such as heart disease or clogged arteries need to be aware of this fact when determining their whipped cream por ons. The trace amounts of carbohydrates, protein and riboflavin (B2) in whipped cream are not sufficient to consider whipped cream to be a source of any of these nutrients. However, for those on carbohydrate-reduced diets, this makes whipping cream an allowable indulgence!

within one week. Freezing is not recommended for unwhipped cream, but once whipped, it can be frozen. Place dollops of whipped cream on waxed paper and freeze. When frozen, wrap individually for use as needed. HOW TO MAKE CREAM WHIP BETTER Both the amount of fat in cream and its temperature influence how well cream whips. For best results, choose a cream with a high fat content. Because the fat content of cream can vary among brands, check product labels. Storing cream in the refrigerator for several hours and chilling the whipping bowl and beaters for 30 minutes in the freezer improve cream's whipping quality. If using an electric beater, chill only the detachable metal beaters. Begin whipping slowly, then increase speed gradually as the cream begins to thicken. For best whipping results, cream should be as fresh as possible. ADDING OTHER INGREDIENTS Ingredients such as sugar or vanilla should be added near the end of whipping. If ingredients are added too early, the volume of whipped cream is reduced. If ingredients are added too late, or a er the volume of whipped cream has reached its peak, the cream may be over-whipped, causing some of it to turn into bu er.

Cream does supply a significant amount of calcium - as much as 10 to 30 mg per tablespoon, depending on the product. Each tablespoon of heavy cream contains about 4% of your recommended daily allowance of Vitamin A in a 2000 calorie diet. Calcium is a vital mineral to maintain health of bones and teeth. Vitamin A is beneficial to healthy skin and the immune system. STORAGE AND HANDLING Whipping cream is extremely perishable and should be kept in its closed container in the coldest part of the refrigerator, at 4 degrees C or lower. Once opened, it is best to use it





By Kaye Castleman



WHIPPING OPTIONS There are three basic ways to make whipped cream - with a whisk, an electric beater, or an N2O cartridge. Whipping cream manually with a whisk takes longer and requires more effort, but it allows the cream to reach its fluffy perfec on more slowly, giving you more me to add any addi onal ingredients and minimizing the possibility of overwhipping. Using an electric beater is quicker and produces an acceptable product as long as you are paying a enon. The difference between creamy peaks and bu er may be only seconds! Nitrous oxide chargers are an efficient op on, whipping cream to four mes its volume, compared to twice the volume when whipped with air. However, the N2O cartridges are more expensive, the cream remains in its whipped state for only about an hour before returning to liquid, and there are several known health risks with inges ng nitrous oxide. Now that you know all there is to know about whipping cream, it's me to make some! CREME A LA CHANTILLY Making simple whipped cream, or Crème a la Chan lly as it is less commonly known, is extremely easy. It requires only fresh cream, a small amount of sugar and quality vanilla, and a li le pa ence. Remove fresh cream and sugar from the refrigerator, where they have been placed for at least an hour to cool. 35 g of sugar for every 30 ml of cream is sufficient. Remove beaters or whisk and mixing bowl with NOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL

high sides from fridge or freezer, where they have also been set to cool. Pour cream into bowl and, beginning to whip slowly, gradually increase speed un l cream starts to thicken. Then add sugar in increasing quan es and con nue whipping un l cream is able to form so peaks that hold their shape. Add a small amount of real vanilla extract, whip just enough to blend, and your whipped cream is ready to serve. For best results, keep cold and serve within 2 hours. *Some recipes recommend adding any flavourings to the cream before it is whipped. This also works well, but fine-tuning your flavouring at the end is always a good idea. **Icing sugar can readily be subs tuted for granulated sugar, and this yields a nice, smooth product, but we prefer using organic sugar, which is usually only available in the granulated form. CREATIVE IDEAS *Use Crème a la Chan lly to accompany desserts such as fruit salads, cakes, pies or cobblers. *Add it to coffee instead of regular cream and sugar. *Mix it with a fruit puree such as passion fruit for a sweet mousse. *Flavour it with an orange liqueur like Grand Marnier, and fill scooped-out oranges. *Flavour it with whiskey and honey, and serve in tall glasses, alterna ng cream and raspberries. *Use it on top of unsweetened fruit compotes as a topping for pancakes, waffles and french toast.




"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direc on you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..." Dr Seuss

Most people think yoga and have their first experience of yoga by joining a yoga class at the local studio pu ng their body through the paces of prac cing Asana (poses), Pranayama (breath work) and Medita on/Relaxa on. For many yogis the prac ce extends beyond the physical body into Seva, also known as selfless service. In a Yoga Retreat Centre, the majority of the daily schedule, whether it be for a swami, a resident, a student or a visitor is occupied by the prac ce of Seva yoga. This can be a surprising and confusing situa on if we neglect to think about and appreciate Seva yoga correctly. For first me students it can even be somewhat of a rude awakening. They come with the inten on of deepening their yoga prac ce and perfec ng poses; then being asked to clean, cook or assist those less fortunate in the community react with a rebellious heart. They o en ques on how this is yoga. Every moment, movement, ac on can be done with inten on - transpor ng the energy of bliss from the mat to all aspects of life and community. The prac ce of yoga can make a perfect center point: Asana to keep the body limber and in alignment, Pranayama to calm the mind and stay grounded by connec ng to your breath, Meditaon to quiet the internal cha er and get centered and Seva to move past the vessel of the human body and help transform and care for surroundings and the greater community. As the holiday season approaches a vast opportunity to give opens up in a variety of ways. Drawing our awareness outward in our yoga prac ce it is easy to see a need for a en on everywhere you look and your Seva prac ce could take many different forms. Such as a daily prac ce of picking up trash as you walk down the street or volunteering at a local shelter/charity. If you get crea ve the list really can be endless. Whatever forms your prac ce takes as you move, speak, and help… be conscious to be mindful to spread those feelings of bliss, peace and rejuvena on that most experience in their Asanas. To sit on a quiet mountaintop and meditate is easy however medita on in a noisy train sta on can be much more difficult yet s ll has the same poten al. This is the same thing so be mindful also if at first it feels challenging and be gentle with yourself. Above all remember to laugh adding a large dose of joy to this season of celebra on!

Jeannie Magenta 778‐235‐7488


Jeannie Magenta runs a weekly non-profit Laughter Club and presents laughter workshops, Sessions, and conference energizers for corporate and non-profit organiza ons. Jeannie is also a cer fied Hatha Yoga teacher and Wellness Counselor. She has always had a passion for people and spreading joy and once you meet her you will understand why she can help so many find more joy in there life. She can be found at




PREPAREDNESS ACTIVITY GATHERING You see me scurry about, stopping occasionally to click my tail, sensing what is around me, be it danger or the scent of a precious nut or seed. My scurrying is not a fran c hapless meandering but a well thought out path. I am always in ac on, but do not waste precious energy. I am about ac on, the ac on of being prepared. I must gather nuts and seeds to survive the winter months, yet I do not worry that I will have enough, I have immense trust that as long as I do what I need to do my needs will be met. Squirrel is very focused on the task at hand, they know that as long as they do what they need to do they will be ok. They can teach us to focus on just the ma er at hand in any given moment. Instead of waking up and thinking of all the things we need to do that day, if we wake up and just focus on ge ng ready to start our day, having breakfast, showering, etc. we are in the moment while preparing for the day ahead.

I also share with my community of squirrel peers, for we all gather and store nuts and seeds in different places, and should a squirrel come upon a pile of gathered food, we do not ask if it is ours, we have a nibble, leaving some for the next squirrel who comes along. Squirrel can also teach us to release that which we no longer need. If you look around and have items that you no longer need be like the squirrel and give them to someone else or an organiza on that could use them. Squirrel asks are your ac ons planned out and necessary? Or do you scurry about with busy-ness just to fulfill a need to feel important? It is me to look at whether you are gathering when you should gather, playing when you should play, and relaxing when you should relax. Life is about balance and squirrel can teach us how to have balance. Have you ever watched a squirrel for a period of me? One moment they are gathering nuts and storing them, the next they are playing chase with another squirrel, and soon they will just sit or lie on a branch to rest.

Squirrels take only what they need. No more, no less. Tune into your being and figure out what you need, trust yourself. Then gather what you need to fill your body, your heart and your soul. Trust that life is abundant and give to others freely what you can.




Earth Crystals

Six years ago I saw a picture of Rhodocrosite, I did not know what the metaphysical proper es were; I just knew I wanted a piece for my collec on. This was solely based on how pre y it was, the colors were my colors, I love pink. It was a gentle pink, so and soothing unlike Rhodonite which is a more vibrant pink. The white lines throughout the crystal created pa erns that one could lose themselves in and to my eye each rock had its own unique design. My journey to find Rhodocrosite was to be long, partly because it seems to be a rarer stone and can be costly but also because none of the ones I saw called to me. I wanted a fairly large piece so that the design was apparent. I was willing to pay a premium price should one call to me. My quest ended last month at a local rock and gem show. Instead of one piece I found four!! Holding them was magical right away; I could feel their energy sync up with mine and felt soothed. Now I would research what the proper es were and also allow the crystals themselves to speak to me. Although Rhodocrosite is a fairly recent discovery in the mineral kingdom; its name is derived from the Greek word “rhodochrosis” meaning pink colored. It was referred to as the Inca Rose by the Incas who believed the blood of their rulers turned into this stone. The Na ve Americans offered this crystal as a token of love. Rhodocrosite ranges in color peach to pink and has stripes of various widths in shades of white. This pink color is formed when manganese is dissolved by ground water and combines with a carbonate material. It is found in Argen na, Peru, and Montana, U.S. Rhodocrosite aligns the physical and spiritual energies making it a great crystal. The duality of being on a spiritual path while living a human life can be puzzling; Rhodocrosite helps us to balance the emo onal process thus energizing the body and soul. It helps with

♥ HEALING ♥ COMFORT ♥ HARMONY ♥ FRIENDSHIP ♥ KINDNESS ♥ TOLERANCE ♥ COMPASSION ♥ SELF-LOVE opening our hearts, encouraging a posi ve cheerful outlook, and making it an excellent stone for healing depression. Rhodocrosite is said to improve self-worth, crea vity and innova on, and enhance dream state. On a medical level Rhodocrosite is known to help regulate blood pressure and circula on. It has been used in the treatment of chronic migraines; this must be done over a long period of me. From my personal experience since purchasing these stones when I hold them in my hand I can feel the stress shi ing in my body. Depending on which hand I am holding them in, the opposite side of my body seems to be affected. So if I am holding in my right hand I can feel my le shoulder releasing tension. I drew a bubble bath and took my Rhodocrosite into the tub with me; the energy that they emit is wonderful. Very calming, and I gently tumbled them from my right hand to my le hand feeling the tension of the day drain away. I used them at work when a deadline was looming, instantly I felt more in control and was able to calmly complete the project at hand. For me I am glad I have added this crystal to my collec on. Even if I just use it for the reduc on of stress it is worth its weight in gold. If you have pieces of Rhodocrosite take it out, hold it and see what you feel. If you don’t have a piece start the journey to find one, I believe you will be glad you did.




NOVEMBER 2011 Source: Aries Horoscope (March 21-April 20): There may be an inner ba le for self-transforma on in the next month. A rather beau ful one. You may shi from love of self to love of family, friends or the group called humanity. A great libera on occurs with your vitality and crea vity. Till now everything's been for you alone. Now your needs to serve expand. Watch for illumina ng ideas.

Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): For the next month you may enter into a sort of self-analysis, looking at your strengths and what you may consider your weaknesses. Try not to be selfcri cal. Simply assess. Also try not to make other people's situa ons, problems, sadnesses, pains your own. These are steps upon their path of self-discovery. Much of your energy should be in retreat.

Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21): You desire a birth (of sorts). Perhaps a child or a birthing of consciousness wherein, detaching from emo onal desires, you aspire for God, heaven, the path back to Spirit. This will not be easy but you will spiral upward quickly, should you make this choice. Otherwise, keep seeking all things in ma er though the Light is hidden.

Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Try and slow down so that things aren't done too quickly. It's also possible that you need to rein in too much extravagant spending. Taking me for self is so important now because you could become involved in other people's vicissitudes much to your later chagrin. Also don't tend to details now, unless it's coun ng your money which needs no risks at this point. How's your faith in yourself doing?

Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20): All dualies will feel more tense as you begin to relate, blend and join (through Venus) with the Soul purpose. This tension is important to observe and understand. It occurs so you can see the energies of ma er and energies of Spirit in a clear light. Eventually you will experience a "marriage" of opposites. Then you will teach differently.

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your execu ve posi on, wherever that is, has been earned. Yet it is also a place where you are tested. It is most important to display the right use of your will. Be willing to use goodwill to create Right Human Rela ons. This is the scien fic formula for leadership. Anything less is personal ambi on, which everyone falls down from.

Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20): It might be interes ng for you to study Vulcan, the Blacksmith who married Venus. Why? A spiritual ba le may occur within you and it's under the jurisdic on of Vulcan who took clay, placed it into the fire, shaped it while it was burning, and created a golden vessel. In other words you will be refined as you walk over a burning ground. Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22): You are to be a vehicle for Divine Mind, which creates a new order and beauty. This is a new phase of group and individual life for you are to also be the "Fire of Life" that everyone recognizes and follows. There may be a ba le within your personality before this occurs. You may not recognize it; you may not want it, but these you must be for your Path to unfold.




Sagi arius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20): You will not allow anything to stop you from marching toward your goals. Therefore it's good to call in the Soul for direcon and guidance, lest you march over others and leave them rather wounded. What you must do is move forward yet provide a path for others to follow. This demands of you a certain courage, wisdom, and love. Can you do this?

Your dreams are ready when you are!

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20): You need to study something that educates you beyond the level of abili es you presently possess. A greater view of life is needed so you can synthesize the parts that don't fit together. Everything outside your usual reality will make you curious, more intelligent, and more interes ng. The la er is most important. Travel comes to mind here. Will you be? You should.

Count the steps you take not the mistakes you make.

Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18): In the past few Months you've had to arbitrate between warring fac ons. This was due to Mars in Leo in your 7th house. Some Aquarians tended to family troubles. Others had troubles in rela onships. Now you are to relax un l a consolida on takes place. Later, two reali es will become one and something new will manifest. Rest now.

Believe you are 100% wonderful!

Detours are the

beginnings of

Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20): Your spiritual life quickens. Sensi vity becomes greater. You will feel there is as "indwelling" of new consciousness being gathered, a sacred space gesta ng. It waits for you to sense it and "see its light." One of your eventual tasks will be to assist in the crea on of a new religion and spirituality designed for humanity's future. It's me for research.

wonderful adventures. Photo: Phil Nielsen




today I will

take time

to slow


and breathe NOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL Photos: Phil Nielsen NOVEMBER 2011


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