Your Body ~ mind ~ soul
I Live In a Beau ful World
Yoga—Let it All In
Energy—Heading Out
Out with the Old—In With the New
2012—What’s in Store for Your Sign
Life Through Tarot
Essen al Oils
Inner Voice
Peaky’s Rose
Taste Sensa ons
Shopping With The Divine
Conversa ons with Chamuel
Power Animals
Earth Crystals
Just Sayin’
Feed Your Body ~ mind ~ soul All content ©2011 by Nourish Your Body Mind Soul Nourish Your Body Mind Soul is a monthly publica on dedicated to empowering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All ar cles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are provided as guidelines to the readers. Ul mately each reader is responsible for their own choices and decisions. The ar cles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.
Nourish will be published on the Full Moon Date of each month. Upcoming Publica on Dates
December 10, 2011 January 9, 2012
Feed Your Body ~ mind ~ soul
Six species account for about 90 percent of the nation's Christmas tree trade. Scotch pine ranks first, comprising about 40 percent of the market, followed by Douglas fir
which accounts for about 35 percent. The other big sellers are noble
WELCOME November finished with a flurry of ac vity for me, a flurry that blew in many blessings. We had a li le snow, my being welcomes the pris ne beauty and quiet a li le snow can bring to the city. There was quiet me for contempla on while unpacking boxes in our new home. Joy at being able to share with others as we passed on things we no longer could use to those who could. Each year I look forward to the arrival of December. I don’t think it is any more special than the other months of the year, There is just so much joy at this me of year. I have joy year round but it feels more abundant during the month of December. Like there really is a special spirit that fills everyone's hearts and it shines out into the world. There is peace. This issue of Nourish is our gi to you, may it fill you with warmth, love, peace and joy!
fir, white pine, balsam fir and white spruce.
“You don't need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are.” John Lennon
If you have something that you would like to share, please contact me at nourishpublica . Un l next month, enjoy! Angel Blessings Marlene
Marlene Cobb
Angel Readings
Reiki ~ Master/Teacher Spiritual Coaching
Workshops Phone: 604.908.9444
Marlene Cobb Editor/Publisher The Fool Inner Voice Out With The Old In With The New Pendulums Power Animals Earth Crystals Vera Enshaw Energy 103 Shopping With The Divine Essen al Oils I Live In A Beau ful World Just Sayin’ Kaye Castleman Taste Sensa ons
Jeannie Magenta 778‐235‐7488
Archangel Chamuel Jeannie Magenta Yoga—Let It All In Kim Waite Peaky’s Rose Phil Nielsen Photos/Edi ng
I LIVE IN A BEAUTIFUL WORLD I live in a beau ful world, a world filled with beauty and light. A world filled with people who care. A world filled with posi ve, wonderful signs of the incredible power of the human being. Yes, shit happens. I see that people are hurt and wounded and sick. I know that people are being killed/murdered/ tortured every day. I know that people are killing, murdering, torturing, selling and doing drugs, blowing their minds. I know that people are hur ng and killing small children, or worse, making them do things that will forever scar them mentally and emo onally and physically. S ll….I live in a beau ful world. A world filled with beauty and light. Do you know why? Because I cannot change, not even in an instant, what someone else is going to do. I can put rules in place un l there are so many rules around me that there is not room to breathe. I can legislate un l way a er the cows come home, un l I am legislated to death. But if someone has the intent to harm another human, or to harm the earth – there is nothing that I can do to stop that. Do you know what I can do? I can make sure that my every breath, every thought, every moment is spent knowing posively that we as human beings are capable of incredible acts of love. I can make posi ve sure that when I purchase goods, I purchase those that are created in harmony with the planet – as much as I am able. I can make posi ve sure that when I have waste, I dispose of it in the most beneficial manner possible – using recycling and re-using and re-gi ing and sharing. I can make sure than when I have a nega ve thought/feeling/belief about another human being that I look closely at what that says about me – so that I can let go of that belief about me and thus let go of that belief about them.
By Vera Enshaw
whether I am afraid or not – because every me I allow fear to decide what I am going to do, I make my world smaller. I can smile and greet people on the street, whether they look rough or whether they look posh. Because every me I smile at another human being, I am receiving love reflected back through me and to me. And they don’t even have to no ce. I can say hello to people. I can smile and laugh and joke with sales clerks and bus drivers, with the person next to me on the bus. I can acknowledge that they are alive and ma er, whether they no ce that consciously or not. I can give thanks for where I am, for where I live, for the employment that I have. I can give thanks that I live in a country that is so incredibly beau ful, on a planet that is stunning no ma er where one travels on it. I can give thanks, such big thanks, that I live in a country where heat and light and shelter are a ma er of course, not the excep on. That I live in a country where I can walk the streets and not see men with rifles, sub-machine guns or tanks as a part of my daily life. I can give thanks that I live in a country where people are trying to meet the needs of a small popula on in a big country. This country is the 3rd largest in the world in terms of land mass, yet has a popula on the size of Germany. What we create here is simply amazing, and I am grateful for that crea on. I can spend every waking moment of my life knowing that love is. That I am. That I am a reflec on of the love that is. That each person on this planet is also a reflec on of that love. I can know that where I am, love is. I can know that where you are, love is. I can remember that fear can only exist in the absence of love – and that since love is all there is, there is truly no fear – only a forge ng of love. And I can share these thoughts, so that others will see and remember, too. Namaste!
I can sing, expressing my pure joy at being alive. I can laugh, especially at myself and my foibles, knowing that laughter is healing and an affirma on that life is, a er all, a journey and a game. I can sit in silence, knowing for all of humanity incredible peace. I can walk streets before and a er dark,
YOGA - LET IT ALL IN By Jeannie Magenta Last month we talked all about the prac ce in yoga called “Seva” the prac ce of selfless service and the importance of giving, to open our heart and help to keep us grounded. This month we are switching gears to bring balance and celebrate this holiday season with a heart full of joy and abundance. Be prepared to receive and let it all in! With each inhale there is an exhale that follows, and with every exhale we inhale. The de goes out and the de comes in. We give to others and in exchange we receive something back. This is the natural rhythm of life. Yet o en we get caught up in wan ng to only give. Mainly because somewhere in life someone reinforced and told us it was good to give. Kind, generous, abundant people give and of course that is how we desire to be seen in the world. We also know that if we don’t give we might be labeled as s ngy, greedy, cheap, uncaring, mean, gh isted, or even worse selfish! With limi ng beliefs binding us, it can be pre y challenging to open our hearts and let the goodness in to be savored. Imagine you have a month off and you decide to help at an orphanage abroad and you give countless hours of your me. Reading to or playing with the kids. Holding them when they are hurt, and sharing hugs. Showering them with a li le extra love; o en due to the sheer number of kids to staff ra o, the children don’t receive a lot of one on one me. Imagine yourself teaching those songs that you know even if it’s only “Happy Birthday” and “Twinkle, Twinkle Li le Star “. Imagine taking part in the ac vi es that are familiar to them and the joy that you bring the group as they laugh watching you do something for the first me. Priceless
mind that you put a lot of thought into that decision rather than fre ng whether it was the right one or not. Receive the smiles as you walk down the street on the faces of those you pass. Receive the change back from the cashier at the store knowing you are abundant (even if it doesn’t feel like) and that you are able to create more abundance in your life again through various means. Receive the feedback from those around you as an opportunity to learn and grow. If we were always perfect life would seem rather dull without a few ups and downs. In some moments of my life I have had only a few quarters to rub together and yet I made it through by the grace of god, the support of friends and an openness to receive. We are able to create numerous opportuni es through our own ability to give and we are able to receive infinite opportunies through our ability to receive! Each goes hand in hand; allowing more possibility for giving and receiving. Are you ready to open your heart and let all the infinite goodness in star ng right now?
This month for your yoga prac ce I encourage you to no ce and celebrate the gi of receiving all that comes your way. To no ce the gi s in each moment, especially the moments we wish could happen differently. Each morning take a moment to receive the informa on the body is sending the brain before giving each pose your full a en on. Allow every breath to be a reminder of the aliveness that resides in your cells. Acknowledge all the hard work you put into each task and receive recogni on when it comes your way. Be mindful to not brush it off as “No big deal”. When making difficult decisions receive the peace of NOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL
Jeannie Magenta runs a weekly non-profit Laughter Club and presents laughter workshops, Sessions, and conference energizers for corporate and non-profit organiza ons. Jeannie is also a cer fied Hatha Yoga teacher and Wellness Counselor. She has always had a passion for people and spreading joy and once you meet her you will understand why she can help so many find more joy in there life. She can be found at
ENERGY 103 - HEADING OUT By Vera Enshaw
Christmas crackers were invented by Thomas Smith in 1946. During a visit to Paris he came across the bon-bon, a sugar almond wrapped in ssue paper. Thomas decided to try selling similarly wrapped sweets back in England leading up to Christmas. The bon-bons sold well, but only at Christmas me. In the 1850’s Thomas came up with the idea to include a mo o. As many of the bon-bons were bought by men to give to women, the mo os were simple love poems. In 1860, Thomas decided to add the banger, the two strips inside that create the loud popping sound when pulled apart. Before this addi on they were known as ‘cosaques’ but soon a er they were known as ‘ crackers’. Crackers became a huge hit and were copied by other suppliers. The sweet was replaced with a surprise gi . The company Thomas founded was bequeathed to his two sons, who added the paper hat in the early 1900’s. By 1940 the love poems had been replaced with limericks and jokes. Today many families enjoy “Crackers” at Christmas, they delight children and adults alike, and who doesn’t get a kick out of the paper hats as everyone around the table dons one!
Let’s head on out! This month as promised we are going out to the edge of where ever. It doesn’t take as long, either. So get yourselves comfortable, go through the relaxa on process and begin to focus on the edge of your energy field. Choose, in the room that you are si ng in, a plant or a rock, even an animal or another person. With your a en on on the edge of your energy field, feel them or it. That’s right. It does not take a lot of work – just follow your energy field over there, because when you have the intent to go there, to focus on anything, your energy automa cally follows. Now that you’re there, explore! Check out the energy field that you have chosen. If it is a plant, person or animal no ce the form, feel the so ness. If it is a rock, or another hard object, feel the firmness. Get well acquainted with it. Now – go inside. You bet! Pull back to the edge, and go inside again. Feel and no ce the difference. Explore. You cannot, with another person or en ty, go where it is not appropriate for you to go; for those of you who are worried about invading another person’s space, get permission from them. When you have explored what there is around you (and this may take several sessions) – head out! From the comfort of your chair, send your energy field out to see what there is around you. Taste it. Allow all of your senses to become fully involved. Listen. Remember that your energy field is all around you, not just in front of you. Avoid the tempta on to only go forward, it’s very restric ve. From here on out, the only limits are the ones you set. You can go to the edge of the universe, you can go into other dimensions. You can travel to other parts of this world, to other planets. You now get to spend as much me as you want filtering the informa on you get, checking back to see if what you think you are ge ng is actually what you are ge ng. How much is actually there, and what is your imagina on pu ng there? Ah – such a wonderful journey! Next month, we will travel into another person’s body/energy field, and begin to figure out what’s happening there. Have fun, and remember to prac ce, prac ce, prac ce!
OUT WITH THE OLD I love this me of year! Not just for the holiday atmosphere that comes with the arrival of December but the whole ending of the year past and beginning the year to come. It is at this me that I feel it is important for each of us to take some me out of our busy schedules and reflect on the year that was. It is about closing the year off right. Think of it as a year in review, the news gives us a year in review of events that touched our lives, why not make it personal and note the events that happened in our year. Where we started, what transpired in each month, the goals we accomplished, and the ones yet to complete. It is not about grading yourself, or ge ng maudlin, it is about acknowledging what you achieved. For me this taking of me lets me see exactly how far I have come, I know I have filled the me. It is the details that get lost. Some years I think I have just existed without making progress but progress always happens. Progress is subtle, things may seem unchanged
By Marlene Cobb
on the surface; my life might seem to be the same old same old, and I may feel like there has been no change. The process of progress is a silent partner moving slowly and surely with each step I take. It does not happen instantaneously, nor does it arrive with grand fanfare or excitement. Rather the ac ons I take each day towards my goals set the bricks firmly in place un l one day it is complete. Taking a moment at the end of the year to reflect gives me the opportunity to step back and see the finished result. In this moment of doing a year review I see how truly far I have come, how I have grown and what needs to be changed. Once you have reviewed your year to the depth you wish to look at it, give yourself a pat on the back for surviving another year! Celebrate all of the moments with joy for they are now a part of who you are. They have helped shape you to be who you are today. Collec vely each year, each month, each week, each day, each hour, minute, and second, life is embracing you and you are making progress. I have a feeling that you will be amazed by all that you have accomplished this past year while you thought you were just exis ng! A fresh year is about to begin! A er looking at the previous year, I take stock of things I am s ll working on, and set up goals of what I would like to do.
IN WITH THE NEW Once you have completed your year in review for 2011, it is me to start laying the ground work for 2012. The start of a new year is like ge ng a fresh page in a note book. Nothing is placed there yet; it awaits your first stroke of the pen to start filling it in. Take stock of things s ll being worked on, and set up goals for 2012. What do you want to bring into your life? What do you want to change? Where do you want to personally be at the end of the year? Don’t look at these as resolu ons, think of them as personal progress projects (PPP). Both require the same amount of work on your part but when it is a PPP, it will not be a should, it will be a want. You will have a be er chance of achieving your goals. Of all the people who set New Year’s resolu ons, most break them before the end of January, and only 12% ever achieve them. I am not totally sure why this is, but a part of me feels that, while people want to achieve these resolu ons, they look at them as short term. One slip up and they decide that it is done, like it was never a serious commitment. This goes back to progress being slow and steady, not a quick fix. In our society today most are looking for a
By Marlene Cobb quick fix and perhaps this is what resolu ons are based on. If you go into the New Year with a couple of PPP’s in place and know that this is a yearlong adventure, the stress of ge ng something accomplished will be alleviated. A er all you have 365 days before your next year in review to achieve them!
Aries – Peace and tranquillity are predicted for you this year. Much of your efforts and projects that have been put in the back-burner shall come to the fore-ground this year. Take ample me to prune unwanted persons, things and ideas from your life this year. The pace of your life might slacken a bit but do not lose hope. Slow and steady always wins the race. This year is likely to give you more freedom, par cularly in rela onships and career areas. Taurus – So much change has been experienced by you in the past year, that you have to go in for many reworks and revamps on your life. This is the apt me for you to go for the same. You would come out unscathed periods as good dings are ahead. Do not be a sca er-brain, instead focus on one thing at a me and come out with flying colors. Long term projects might meet with impediments but do not lose hope and heart. There is plenty of me ahead. It is yours for the asking. Gemini - The year 2012 would be an even ul year for the Gemini's. New ventures take shape with new ideas and new goals in life. You would be coming out of your shell and shall venture into unknown territories with renewed vigor and strength. Variety shall spice up your life this year. Rela onships need utmost dedica on for the year. Certain compromises ought to be made in your personal and professional life this year. Cancer - Major changes in your rela onships are in store for the year 2012. Some of your near ones are likely to dri apart leaving you in sha ers. But avoid depending on others and rise and shine. Peace and calm shall prevail then in your life. Towards the middle of the year you may need to take an important decision in life related to personal and professional life of yours. If single you might meet the ideal partner. But beware of foxes in sheep’s clothing. New ideas of all sorts take shape this year. Keep your cool, and enter into ac ons to meet your plans. Success in legal processes are predicted for this year. Leo - Renewed energy levels are predicted for you this year which shall help you to achieve your long sought a er gaols in life. Your crea ve talents shall come to the forefront this year. Your wishes and aspira ons shall materialize. You ought to make some major sacrifices for family or home sake. Take life as it comes by and live it simply in a posi ve sense. Some laziness might set in during the last quarter of the year. But beware that only strong ac ons shall give good rewards in life. Virgo - This year shall see to that your crea ve abili es are expose to the outside world. Express yourself as be er as possible because this is the me to showcase your abili es. Some painful results can also be expected. But do not lose your cool. Work hard, put in all your efforts and you shall get posi ve energy in a rewarding way. Make efforts to improve your lifestyle. Be op mis c this year and try to avoid all sorts of nervousness and nega vity that might creep in now and then. Do not get along with those who are likely to cause some discord in your life. Libra - Life would be much happier, contented and lighter for Libras this year of 2012. You would be empowered by much freedom
than before this period. Concentrate on your inner-self and do some spiritual rejuvena on. New rela onships are likely to come into your life this season. Peace and harmony shall prevail for most of the year. Financial and legal entanglements are forecast for the year, hence beware of the consequences. Deadlines and resoluons shall not be met and shall go with the wind. Scorpio - New projects and ideas shall take wings in this year of 2012. You shall pass through a new phase of your life and would be relieved of issues that had been haun ng you for the past few years or months. You shall be able to enjoy much freedom in your life like never before. Much important decisions regarding career and personal life ought to be taken this year, hence take wise counsel in this regard. Do not remain idle or become lazy. This is just a passing phase and me once lost cannot be regained. Therefore put good use of the me you have in your hand this year to your u er fulfilment. Sagi arius - Your life would be free from difficul es unlike the last year. You stand to gain much in terms of power and authority this year. Your social status and living also gets an enhancement. If willing; there is scope for a change of residence, career or rela onship. You shall be loaded with much poten al energy which would take you into the road for success in life. Some retrospec on would be needed to understand your past life deeds. Take decisions then and there and do not procras nate. Remain op mis c throughout the year. Capricorn - This year would be generally a year of low profile for you. It helps you to enter a serene and peaceful atmosphere. You can go in for introspec on and spiritual pursuits for the year. Much reflec on can be done on your future prospects of the course of your life. You are likely to give up some of your projects that were dear to your hear this year. Your ambi ons might take a back seat. Don’t lose heart and let op mism take over you. Certain impulsive ac ons should be taken in your personal and professional life this year. Aquarius - You would be able to enjoy the fruits of your hard toils of the last few years in this year of 2012. Much socializing is predicted in this year for you. You might meet up with unwarranted confronta ons this year. Meet up with it head on. In fact this comba ng spirit would be good if healthy in a sense. Some of your resolu ons shall take wings and land on be er grounds. Though occasional minor unhappiness are predicted for the first quarter of the year, it would be a generally rosy year for you. Your perspec ve of life shall see a major change and put good use of your knowledge for a be er rewarding future. Pisces - Year 2012 seems to be a calm and peaceful year for you much devia ng from the hustle and bustle of the previous few years in your life. Involve yourself whole heartedly into any task which you undertake and ensure it con nues and ends on a posive note. There would be much freedom for your thoughts, ideas and ideals in life this year. Time is on your side and hence do not compromise on quality and quan ty of work done this period.
Tarot cards can be used to tell a story. A tarot deck has 78 cards, broken down into two components, the major and minor arcana’s. The Major arcana are what we will be taking a look at over the course of the next issues. The major arcana in a tarot deck are referred to as the des ny cards and there are 22 of them. They are considered to signify the deeper, more meaningful; more “spiritual” parts of life. Of course all parts and events of life are important to us as we are experiencing them, but the major arcana are signposts to things, events, and people, that are meant to be taken more seriously and looked at more closely. The minor arcana represent our day to day experiences and are broken into four suits much like a deck of playing cards. Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles; Ace to Ten, along with four court cards, Page, Knight, Queen and King in each suit complete the tarot deck. Our journey will be through the life of the Fool, focusing on the majors.
The Fool: A Leap of Faith Every journey starts at the beginning. 0 – The Fool. If we look at the card, it usually doesn’t ma er what deck, there is always a person about to step off a cliff, or is balancing precariously close to the edge of something. The fool normally has a small bag that represents his/her worldly possessions. Usually a dog walks beside him/her. In the image here it looks like the dog is encouraging him to keep going, or warning him of impending danger. The Fool however is not watching where he/she is going but rather has his head in the clouds so to speak. The sun is shining and he carries a rose.
What does the Fool mean? The fool represents the new beginnings. Something new coming into your life. Be it a move to a new job or home, star ng a fitness program, a new relaonship or something with a deeper spiritual meaning. Sorry, but it does not usually indicate new shoes or material items. It is generally considered a posi ve card, one sugges ng purity and innocence with an open mind. The dog perhaps warns us to look where we are going and take our me, but usually the Fool means jumping in with both feet. He does not sit on the fence wai ng for life to find him; he takes the first step himself. The Fool does not analyze all the possible risks of a new adventure; he learns as he goes along. Any experience, pleasant or challenging, is life knowledge that he accepts as part of his learning. When The Fool appears, ask yourself how open-minded you are being at that moment in me. How enthusias c are you about life and do you desire new experiences and excitement but fear taking that first step? A me to exercise cauon is when The Fool comes up as the first card in a reading for you. You may want to ques on your mo ves or judgment, since as this is the first card, it can indicate folly. Perhaps you are mo vated for the wrong reasons, so look before you leap. An important aspect of the Fool is a reminder to go out and enjoy the world! Live each moment to the fullest. Don’t allow fear to stand in your way, take the first step and start a new adventure. No ma er what happens a er that first step you will be gaining life experiences to carry with you on your journey.
ESSENTIAL OILS EUCALYPTUS By Vera Enshaw When the weather gets cold here in the northern la tudes it tends to mark the onset of cold and flu season. We use Thieves, Oregano and Lavender to ward off the bacteria and viruses that cause these discomforts—but once they’ve made their way into our system we turn to other oils to help ease the effects. One of the best is Eucalyptus. There are many varie es in the eucalyptus family—I have the most experience with eucalyptus radiata and eucalyptus globulus. Both are steam dis lled from the leaves of myrtle shrubs & trees. Mmmm. Wonderful scent clears the head and soothes the chest! I put it on my forehead and sinus points on my face & head as soon as I feel any conges on. If the cold does make it into my chest, rubbing eucalyptus on my chest and back over the lung area helps immensely. And, there’s always the wonderful steam method—put a drop of eucalyptus essen al oil into a bowl, pour boiling water over top and then make a tent with a towel over your head. Breathe in the wonderful fumes and feel the relief! Or you can diffuse the oil into the room.
As always when self-trea ng—pay close a en on to what is going on with your body. Use only therapeu c grade essen al oils. If you begin to experience any unwelcome side effects—stop using that par cular oil.
P.S. Eucalyptus is also wonderful when dealing with sinuses that are unhappy because of airborne allergens. I have experience instant relief from tree pollens, dog & cat dander and just plain dust! Used in conjunc on with peppermint….I breathe freely & easily.
If using on your skin, dilute with an organic carrier oil such as grape seed or almond oil. I use V-6 Mixing Oil from Young Living. It’s non-greasy and washes out of clothing really well. Feel free to apply the oil to the bo om of your feet! Remember that the pores on the bo om of your feet are the largest pores on your body. This makes them the second fastest area to absorb the oils. For babies and children, or people with sensi ve skin it is also the safest way to apply them.
out the eucalyptus and begin the process once again! I may do this as o en as every 1/2 hour.
A great reference for essen al oils is the “Reference Guide for Essen al Oils” by Connie & Alan Higley. It is available from
Essen al oils are not cure-alls, they are not “medicine.” You may want to re-apply the oil as the relief you get from it fades. As soon as my sinuses start to feel full again, I get
INNER VOICE By Marlene Cobb
Part One Last month we talked about accep ng that we all have an Inner Voice we can hear and tap into. This month we are going to con nue along our path to discover how we can be er hear and tap into our Inner Voice (IV), to access the knowledge that is inherent in all of us. In order to be er hear the Inner Voice we all need to be in tune with ourselves. I am sure all of us think we are in touch with ourselves but the truth is that more o en than not we have a million things going on and we are not really focused on any one thing. Our efforts become sca ered across the 100 things we need to get done. If you think about all of the things going on, can you imagine hearing a quiet subtle inner voice? Probably not, I suspect it would be drowned out by people around you, and your own mind cha er. When we are in touch with ourselves we can discern be er our IV because we can idenfy that part of us when it is speaking. Think of it as being able to pick a loved one’s, or your child’s voice out of a crowd. This is an easy task because you are familiar with it. Would you know your inner voice? Would you understand the nuance that it comes from? For some of you your IV will not be heard, it could be a sight, a feeling, or a knowing. And in order to be er tap in, you need to understand how you do that. On the next page is a quiz to help you figure out how your inner voice speaks to you. Take a few moments right now to take the quiz and determine your Inner Voice method. There are four main ways as men oned briefly above in which your IV will communicate with you; Sight - Clairvoyance; Sound - Clairaudience; Feeling - Clairsen ent; or Knowing - Claircognizant. OH that sounds very suspect, some of you might be thinking right now, but really it is not spooky, Clair means clear in French so we could name each one clear sight - clear sound - clear feeling - clear knowing.
Your IV is founded on awareness, and in order to be aware of your IV and learn to trust it, you must start with common sense. For your awareness to func on at its highest potenal you must give your body what it needs to be aware. You can think of it as tuning a radio sta on (back in the days before digital) to get the best quality sound to enjoy. You would not want to listen to a scratchy, cu ng in and out staon; you would become annoyed and change the sta on. Don’t worry, I am not going to ask you to make huge changes! Think of it more as gentle adjustments, not a strict, you must do this or you will not hear your IV! You can s ll access it, but why not make it as crystal clear as possible? There are few requirements to ensure this. First, you must provide your body with enough sleep to funcon normally. When you are sleep deprived you don’t always no ce what is under your nose, never mind the subtle messages from your IV. Second, we need to fuel our bodies with wholesome food. In a busy schedule we o en turn to fast food, processed food, or we eat at restaurants. While these types of food provide us with the calories we need to keep us going, they are o en empty calories. The easiest way to ensure you eat healthier op ons is to keep a supply of quick ready to grab and run items in your cupboards and fridge. Keep sugar, caffeine, and processed foods to a minimum and your whole being will thank you with a higher energy level. Try to follow a food guide (each country has one) and you will be making posi ve changes. Keep in mind that our bodies will tell us when they are not being nourished correctly by allowing us to become sick. So listen to your body, and find out what foods keep it working op mally. Third, we need to be grounded. Being grounded simply means being in tune with each moment and not being sca ered. We are out of balance. Grounding is important because it balances you. If our energy is overac ve we are not in balance. When we are short tempered, nervous, anxious, emo onal, or vola le we need to ground. When ungrounded, our inner voice shuts down. We fall out of touch with reality and start exaggera ng our problems, fret over imagined things, act like drama queens, feel insecure, out of sorts, restless, ineffec ve, trip over our own feet, repeat ourselves, can't focus or concentrate, and spend a lot of energy without ge ng much done. Basically what happens when we are ungrounded is the energy stops at our feet and does
me, if something floats into your brain, acknowledge it and let it go. Use this me to think of goals and dreams that you would love to do. By allowing yourself this gi , you are in fact recharging your ba eries and will be be er able to face whatever comes up during the day. When you are first incorpora ng You Time into your schedule it might take some shuffling. With a li le organiza on you will achieve the ideal me. If at first all you can manage is 15 uninterrupted minutes that is fine, start there and work your way up to an hour. This me is just for you, no outside distrac ons. You should come away from you me feeling relaxed, recharged, happy. See, nothing earth sha ering, I didn’t ask you to stand on your head, chant a special work, and eat greens for a month. Just some common sense, day to day basics that will not only help you to discern your inner voice but also be a gi to yourself!
not flow through our bodies. We need to restart the flow. Going for a walk or exercising is a great way to get it restarted. This is why people who exercise feel great a erwards, even if they had to convince themselves to start. We need to be grounded in order to receive any "vibes". It is like being plugged into an electrical circuit. Last, give yourself some You Time. Part of being human is that we like to do things. We love our families, jobs, friends and enjoy being able to help them and be a part of their lives. OK, so maybe the job part is because it sustains us but we s ll give a fair chunk of ourselves. While we enjoy this, it also takes its toll on our souls and we can start to feel there are not enough hours in the day, we can start feeling unappreciated. It is me to start honoring yourself. Take one hour a day, put your favorite cd on, brew your favorite tea, light a candle, and just sit and enjoy. Do not answer the phone, do not let problems from the day enter into your
FINDING THE WAY YOUR INNER VOICE SPEAKS TO YOU What I first no ce about a new acquaintance is: a) How the person looks, such as facial expressions, hair, style, or manner of dress. b) The sound, tone, or volume of the person's voice. c) Whether or not I feel comfortable in the person's company. d) Whether or not the person has interes ng informa on to discuss with me. The last movie I really enjoyed had: a) beau ful scenery or a rac ve actors and actresses. b) great music and expressive voices c) a story that moved me emo onally and le me feeling great. d) a wonderful message that made me learn something new. Which of these phrases are you most likely to say? a) "I see what you mean" b) "I hear what you are saying" c) "This is how I feel about it" d) "Let me think about that" Whenever I am solving a problem, I am most likely to: a) visualize different possible solu ons. b) talk to myself, un l I come up with a solu on. c) contemplate the situa on un l I get a feeling of peace. d) wait for an answer to appear in my mind. What I most love about nature is: a) beau ful flowers, trees, and other scenery b) the sounds of birds, animals, the surf, and the wind. c) the scents and the fresh air. d) I don't get out in nature much, but I would like to spend some me alone outdoors.
What I'd most like to improve about myself is: a) my physical appearance b) my voice c) how I feel about myself d) my knowledge about my favorite topic If I received some extra money, the first thing I would do is: a) buy something to beau fy my life, such as a pain ng, jewelry, or new furniture. b) get front-row seats at a performance by my favorite musicians. c) go on a rejuvena ng retreat. d) upgrade my computer system. I love to relax by: a) watching TV or a movie. b) listening to music. c) soaking in a hot tub. d) reading a good book
This is a very shortened test due to space but should give you an overall idea of which way you connect with your Inner Voice. Mostly A’s— Clear Seeing Mostly B’s— Clear Hearing Mostly C’s— Clear Feeling Mostly D’s— Clear Knowing
PEAKY'S ROSE by Kim Waite I've been asked to write a bit on my experiences of how I feel supported by an intangible force that sustains me. I think it's important to say, that during the most difficult mes in my life of challenges that this "light of homecoming" (which I refer to it as) has its mes of feeling brighter, and mes when it is more difficult to see, however, I recognize it's s ll abiding with me nonetheless. Though I'm an advocate of being in the NOW and seeing the roof or the sky over my head, I know there is a great flow of choices that are available with each moment that comes. I have found it invaluable also, to look back on mes in my life where I believed there was no end to the suffering. Yet, when le ng go in acceptance of these things and moving on, I see that they were a valuable gi that honed my heart to the recep ve quali es of love and the giving of it, with no condi ons placed upon its grace. I wouldn't change those things because I see how it's helped me to form a heart of compassion for those who s ll suffer. And perhaps, even in this love, I feel an opportunity to encourage others in order that their torment can be recognized earlier and their ills can be seen in a greater light rather than all-encompassing pain. O en it can feel as if there's no conscious awareness at the me. To embrace the Knowing we all have, that the Light is always there to shine upon those at mes of the most desolate feelings. Since I am speaking of something so intangible with spoken words, I find it necessary to say more about experiences that I've had along the way. These experiences validate that there is so much more to this world than this illusionary drama. Whereby the majori es are living out of their awareness and fail to see that there is far more to this world than the dead end street of their existence. They are a ached to it in a way that is carried out daily in so many forms like a societal hypno c trance. Firstly the most youthful memory I have of this is being a child in a crib, with the light shining behind me from the window. The s llness, the non-labeling of what exactly it was, but the peace that resided there, was a very good start to that which has always been and guided me. As a child, I had to find a safe place where a part of me could be stored, in order to come back to and remember. This plan was formed in my mind very early on for safety, NOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL
with an understanding that, though much of me had to go through things that a child ought never have to, there was s ll this place inside my percep on of who I was intrinsically, which could not be destroyed or taken away from me. I went through many of the wrinkles of torture, pain and joy of growing up feeling desperately lost. At the age of 30, I had a divine encounter where I felt brought to the cosmos, shown life as it is here, from a vantage point which made me understand solidly so much more of Truth and Love. It is a vast wisdom that is within us ...that we are ALL intrinsically ONE. This is a story on its own and perhaps for another me. I went on for many years in ego beliefs of which I ins lled early on about who I "thought" I was. I didn’t know how to incorporate this most profound experience I had in understanding of eternal life, love and oneness. I just carried on for a long me. Spiritual growth happens in the blink of God's eye but can take many years in this world, and this is what happened for me. I hit 50 years old, while celebra ng at my birthday party my camera acted up. It only happened this once and in a very odd way. I was in a stage of ongoing unrest. Anxiety was building within me, overwhelming disabling feelings which prompted a decision to just "stop". Stop the rat race world and my small business that consisted of striving outward and start to focus on the inner journey again. The photo on this "special day" showed an arc of light that went right through me. I was cu ng the cake and the arc ended up where it said Happy 50th Birthday. Changes were already happening but I really started to see that it was a requirement to focus on the inner discontent so thus became a me of new star ng. I started medita ng again with the realiza on that my search was to be a spiritual one once again, a er examining in the beginning to find the answers psychologically. All the books available were quite the challenge to find. I didn't know where to start, but they came. I found some flakey books, but then found author's speaking to me that helped me to see the Truth that came from having had that enlightening awareness that occurred at 30. One book that I picked up and understood, whereas prior had found no meaning , ended up to be one that was reciprocal in understanding of that 1988 me. That book was a Course in Miracles. Others that began to be so much a part of me that even on the first read, I knew what was to be said on the pages before I read them. DECEMBER 2011
These were A New Earth, and The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle. Many other good books, friends, came at just the right mes. As my focus finally and at long last began following that beacon of Light that was presented, I was able to see synchronici es /miracles/ grace quite regularly. I saw them as symbolic guides to the path that I'd finally consciously embarked upon at the age of 50. One of many that I've had, for the sake of keeping the words to a dull roar are about a li le bird I loved and lost by the name of Peaky. Birds for me are a spirit that lives within me. They are in and around and everywhere and help keep my spirit reminded that in essence we are all connected, free and of joy. A part of Peaky's Story. It was Easter Sunday when I was watching on video the Ten Commandments and I heard an unusual shuffling in Peaky's cage. I realized she was in transi on of her spirit leaving her body. I held her, comforted, spoke to and loved un l her spark le . I was very much saddened and could find no comfort in this loss. Some me passed and I focused on a medita on about this need to unfreeze my grief with all I felt to be true about spirit and its eternal way. I le the room a er this contempla on and sat on the couch. Shortly a er, I heard a zip, kind of an electric "click", my eye caught a painted silk rose in an arrangement and I watched it roll 4 feet away from its sedentary spot. It landed in the vicinity of where Peaky's cage was. I saw this as a message, as I "logically" checked out to see that the li le free birds about the house weren't playing a trick on me. (I realized that they weren't) I decided to take a picture of this miracle, which was to become even more so. I used a film camera and months later developed the film. The picture of that miracle showed that the TV was on, and in the photographed screen were two women hugging, one of them could have been my twin. I've heard (upon discussing this with people who are knowledgeable in this) that there is a saint in the bible who gives away roses for comfort. This was a comfort for me in the losses of those I love so much. Please know that this is for all of us. I wish to extend my own experien al understanding of just a bit of what I've seen and to let you know that this is only one of so many things that have come to me as a synchronicity of understanding that this world is so much more than we normally comprehend. It's here all the me and we can learn to see them. We TRULY are SAFE and LOVED. "Peaky's Rose" was a most beloved gi which I feel honored to share with you.
THE HISTORY OF CHRISTMAS MUSIC Christmas music originated just a few hundred years a er the birth of Christ, and at that me Christmas songs were exclusively religious, sung as La n hymns in Rome. Around 1000 AD these songs made their way into Germany and France, catching on like wild fire. But it wasn't un l the 1200's that Christmas songs were created in languages other than La n. In fact, English language Christmas music didn't appear un l the 1400's in the UK. The first non-La n songs were sung in Italy, Germany, and France. While many people don't realize it, a significant number of the most popular Christmas songs today originated in the last hundred years and actually don't have anything to do with Christmas. Songs like Jingle Bells, Winter Wonderland, and Baby it’s Cold Outside don't men on Christmas at all, and were not made to be Christmas songs!
By Kaye Castleman
The humble EGG.... Whether you are planning to prepare fresh eggnog for your party guests, or make simple poached eggs on toast for the family on Christmas morning, eggs are a common holiday food. This economical and abundant staple can be dressed up and lavishly adorned for the fes vi es to provide a decadent taste treat, or served naked as a reprieve from your diet of calorie-rich and nutri onally-poor foods of the celebra on season. Though there is much discussion on the health benefits of the egg versus its cau ons, we can say unequivocally that the humble egg has much to recommend it. Contrary to popular belief, we now know that moderate consump on of eggs does not have a nega ve effect on cholesterol levels. Research is indica ng that it is saturated fat that raises cholesterol, and not dietary cholesterol. Recent studies have shown that regular consump on of two eggs per day can help to improve a person's lipid profile, since eggs contain the 'right' kind of fat – one egg has approximately 5 grams of fat, and only 1.5 grams of that is saturated. The cholesterol content of eggs has also given it a bad rap regarding heart disease. However, many studies, including one by the Harvard School of Public Health, are showing that there is no link between egg consump on and heart disease. In fact, regular consump on of eggs may help prevent blood clots, stroke, and heart a acks. Eggs are also great for the eyes. Their carotenoid nutrients, specifically lutein and Zeaxanthin, are more bio-available in eggs than most other sources. An egg a day can therefore help prevent macular degenera on and lower the risk of developing cataracts. Eggs also represent a nearly ideal fuel source, providing quality protein and fat in an economical, convenient and delicious package. One egg contains approximately 6 grams of excellent protein, and all 9 of the essen al amino acids, as well as varying amounts of omega-3 fa y acids. NOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL
They are also a good source of choline, as one yolk contains about 300 mg. Choline is an important nutrient that helps regulate the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system. Eggs promote healthy hair and nails because of their high sulphur content and wide array of vitamins and minerals. Many people find their hair growing faster a er adding eggs to their diet, especially if they were previously deficient in foods containing sulphur or Vitamin B12. In addi on, eggs are good sources of Vitamin E, and one of the few foods that contain naturally-occurring Vitamin D. There are even studies sugges ng that egg consump on may help to prevent breast cancer. In one study, women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week lowered their risk of breast cancer by 44%. With so much nutri onal evidence to support regular consump on of eggs, what other factors are there to consider?
WHICH EGG IS BEST? On the ongoing subjects of white vs. brown, organic and/or free range vs. commercially-produced, standard diet vs. omega-fed, there is s ll discussion. I will highlight some of the main points here, and leave the conclusions, if there are any, up to you. The most straigh orward of these choices is the white or brown egg. This is largely an aesthe c choice, as the colour of the shell does not relate to the taste or goodness of the egg in any way. Shell colour is related to breed, and beyond the usual white or brown eggs, we can also find bluish and greenish coloured eggs, depending on the breed of the chickens that have produced it. It is environmental factors that affect the nutrient values of DECEMBER 2011
the egg. A poor diet cannot provide the raw materials for a chicken to be able to manufacture a nutri ous product. The science of feeding chickens the appropriate mix of proteins, grains and grit from the me they are chicks, through the pullet stage, un l they are fully producing hens, and maintaining their op mum egg produc on through a long and healthy life, is a detailed and well-researched subject. Various feeds and supplements have been developed for this purpose. Virtually all commercially-raised hens are given medicated feeds, at least in their earliest stages of life. An bio cs are the primary medica ons delivered to the growing birds. In addi on, approximately 98% of all eggs produced in Canada are 'cage eggs' - obtained from hens kept in cramped wire 'ba ery cages'. Birds in cages are unable to perform natural behaviours such as nes ng, perching, and dustbathing, stretching their wings and simply walking around. On the other hand, the term 'free range' conjures up images of happy, barnyard-roaming hens, clucking and pecking in the dirt and patches of grass or shrub, downing their fill of protein in the form of grubs and insects, while skir ng the a en ons of a stru ng and some mes maniacally-territorial rooster. Though there con nue to be farms and villages where this scene s ll plays out, the greater majority of so-called free range eggs purchased at the local grocery do not hail from such bucolic environments. In fact, the label 'free range', along with other designa ons such as 'free run' and 'pasture-raised', is neither regulated nor audited. As long as a producer defines the term as it relates to his prac ces, any of these labels can be used. For instance, it may simply be that the chickens have access to a specified amount of space outside the coop for a por on of the day. That space may or may not be grassy or contain any addi onal food sources. Without contac ng the farmer, there is no way of knowing. Organic eggs are the most stringently regulated in the industry. Both BC and Quebec have regula ons in place, while the remaining provinces rely on voluntary systems. Producers of organic eggs are audited regularly, and the regula ons pertain to the living condi ons, health and sanita on, waste management, etc., of the laying hens, besides oversight of their cer fied organic feed and clean water. One of the most recent developments in egg produc on has been the modifica on of the diet of some laying hens to in-
clude large amounts of essen al unsaturated fa y acids, in order to boost omega-3 levels. Essen al fa y acids are a group of nutrients especially vital to eye health, brain funcon and immune response. Being unsaturated, they also provide a healthy source of dietary fat. These fa y acids are called essen al because the body cannot fabricate them through metabolic processes as it can with many other important molecules, so they must be ingested in their complete form. Omega-3's are the most abundantly-used EFA group that the human body requires for op mum func on. The sources of the EFA's that are added to the laying feed are primarily fish oils and plant oils. Some consumers object to the slightly fishy flavour when fish oils have been used. There is also some controversy about the use of crushed or stale flax seeds, which have oxidized, and therefore produce an egg which is actually less healthy. Omega-3 eggs are also more perishable than regular eggs. The safest, most nutri ous egg you can buy appears to be the organic free range egg, though other op ons could be just as good, and even be er in some cases. As with all food choices, our recommenda on is, to know where your egg comes from whenever possible.
Ever since the character Rocky Balboa downed a pitcher-full of raw eggs while in training to fight his archrival, Apollo Creed, in the original Rocky movie, bodybuilders and macho wannabes everywhere have consumed record amounts of this gela nous health drink with the intent of boos ng their strength and endurance. The fact is, raw eggs have been regarded by many cultures as a sort of super-food for genera ons. Current studies, however, are debunking this myth, much to the dismay of many of its firm believers. A host of authori es conclude that there is no evidence to support the claim that raw eggs provide more nutri on or added benefits beyond those of cooked eggs. The major nutri onal difference between ea ng eggs raw or cooked is in the effec veness of its diges ve enzymes. Cooking renders the enzymes ineffec ve, making the cooked egg somewhat
less diges ble than its raw counterpart. There are, however, other ways for the body to acquire enzymes to facilitate the diges ve process, so if the body is not enzyme deficient overall, then ea ng cooked eggs does not stress the diges ve system unduly, and the full value of the egg's exemplary nutri on is s ll absorbed. It is worth men oning the a ributes of raw eggs to those who have egg allergies. Since the cooking process alters the structure of the protein molecules, many people who are allergic to cooked eggs find that they are able to eat raw eggs without any nega ve effects. This may be the single biggest factor in favour of the raw egg. However, while we're in myth-debunking mode, we should also address the subject of salmonella. One of the major arguments against the consump on of raw eggs has always been the risk of contrac ng the salmonella bacteria. Salmonella is a serious infecon, and it is believed that in the US over 650,000 cases of illness per year result from ea ng contaminated eggs. However, an analysis of the actual risk of contrac ng salmonella from raw eggs shows that it is quite low, about .003 %. That is, only one in approximately every 30,000 eggs is contaminated with salmonella, and usually only in the eggs of tradi onally raised commercial hens. When purchasing eggs from healthy chickens this infec on risk reduces drama cally, since only sick chickens lay salmonella-contaminated eggs. If you obtain high quality, cage free, organically fed, omega-3 enhanced chicken eggs, this risk virtually disappears.
In addi on, a salmonella infec on is seldom a big deal. Anyone with a weakened immune system, the very young and very old, as well as anyone with auto-immune dysfunc ons, will naturally be at greater risk. However, a normally healthy person may feel sick and experience loose stools when they contract the salmonella bacteria, but the infec on is easily treated using high quality probio cs that have plenty of good bacteria. Take a dose every thirty minutes un l you start to feel be er, and most people improve within a few hours. So....raw eggs? Go ahead, if you can handle their slippery goodness, but know you're ge ng pre y much the same food value as in a common poached or so -boiled egg. References:
EGGNOG SUPREME From the Best of Bridge cookbook, this is one of the thickest, most decadent eggnog recipes we have ever made. We have also tried this recipe with half the alcohol and double the light cream, and it is s ll rich and delicious. Thanks Monika! In a large mixing bowl, combine
Submi ed by Kaye Beat 12 egg whites to s ff peaks. In a separate bowl, beat 3 cups whipping cream. Pour chilled mixture into punch bowl, and then fold in egg whites and whipping cream. Sprinkle with nutmeg and decorate with a sprig of holly. Serve with ladle and individual cups and spoons.
12 egg yolks 1 cup granulated sugar Beat un l thick and lemon-coloured. To this slowly add 13 oz. brandy 26 oz. rum 2 cups light cream (Creamo) Beat to blend well, chill one hour or overnight to allow egg to mellow. NOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL
Submi ed by Kaye
Begin toas ng the bread. This is our adapta on of a breakfast classic. It is a bit tricky, as the sauce, toast and poached eggs all need to come togeth When the water is simmering, gently add eggs, taking care to er at the end. This recipe serves six. keep the yolks from breaking, and the eggs as separate from each other as possible. 1 packet of organic hollandaise sauce mix
(You can use an egg poacher if you have one.)
Soy milk or almond milk
Keep the water at a low simmer.
6 free range or omega-3 egg yolks
As the eggs are poaching, place two slices of toast on each plate. Arrange a couple of slices of pastrami on top of each slice of toast.
1/4 lb. bu er 12 free range or omega-3 eggs Worcestershire sauce and cayenne pepper
Don't forget to check the hollandaise!
When the egg whites are cooked and the yolks are s ll runny, remove the eggs from the frying pan, taking care to drain well. Place one poached egg on top of the Pastrami on each slice of toast and cover with a liberal serving of hollandaise sauce.
Half fill a large non-s ck fry pan with water and heat to simmer.
Serve immediately. We enjoy fresh grapefruit and melon slices with this dish. Bon Appe t!
12 slices mul grain or sprouted bread, thick cut 400 g sliced pastrami
As the water is hea ng, make the hollandaise sauce according to the package direc ons, using soy or almond milk as the liquid component. Thicken as directed, and then add egg yolks and bu er and s r. Be sure to heat gently - do not over boil. Season with Worcestershire sauce and cayenne. S r intermi ently while the eggs are poaching so the hollandaise sauce remains smooth.
WHIPPED CREAM DESSERT One year for Christmas my mom gi ed my brothers and I with a homemade recipe book. It was a binder with the recipes all typed out and placed in page protectors. This binder was dear to each of us and each of us had tears in our eyes as we thanked her for this special gi . This recipe was included in that binder. My mom was given this recipe by my dad’s mom. My Grandma came from England at the end of the first world war. My grandparents had a farm plot outside of Barrhead Alberta. Since they had a farm, eggs and cream were abundant, so this desert was one she made o en. What she did for marshmallows I will never know! Each Christmas un l it became to much for her the whole family (her 7 children and their large families) would gather for dinner at her home. This is the dessert she made. Cook un l thick, and then cool to room temperature; 2 eggs 3 tbsp. vinegar
Submi ed by Marlene 1 pint whipping cream 1 Large n of fruit cocktail (drained) 1 n of pineapple (drained) 2 bananas 15—20 Marshmallows (I use mini and just guess) Whip the cream, gently fold in the cooled cooked mixture. Fold in the fruit cocktail, pineapple, banana and marshmallows. Allow to set in the fridge so the flavors mix and mingle. Enjoy!
I kept the recipe original, this was how my grandma passed it along. This recipe is marvelous for large gatherings as it makes enough that if people desire they can have seconds.
6 tbsp. sugar S r in 1 tsp. vanilla WWW.NOURISHYOURBODYMINDSOUL.COM
POPPYCOCK This recipe—and holiday treat—is a huge hit with my children. It is one that their grandmother made and handed down—and we are very, very grateful. It’s simple, easy and soooo tasty!
Pop enough popcorn for 6 cups popped (from 1/2—1 cup of dry popcorn). I always make several batches in one go and one cup makes A LOT of popcorn. Assemble the other ingredients: 1 cup bu er 2 cups mixed nuts—peanuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans—not roasted or salted, just plain. I chop the brazil nuts and hazelnuts into smaller pieces and generally buy pecan & walnut halves. Almonds I use a mix of whole & sliced. I also vary the nuts in each batch. Experiment! Use your favorites and make a batch to give with their favorites!
Submi ed by Vera frothing up in the pot—that’s when you add the vanilla. S r well—breathe in that amazing aroma and then add the nuts and popcorn. Mix really well, then spread out on a greased cookie sheet (or a marble candy block if you have one!) Allow to cool completely, then break into pieces. Stores well for up to a month—the longer it sits the chewier it gets. For a more roasted nut flavour you may cook the nuts for a minute or so before you add the popcorn. S r constantly! Experiment with different kinds of sugars—I have used honey in the place of corn syrup. It makes a bit s ckier end product but is really tasty. This is not a project you can walk away from—you must stay constantly in a endance. The sugar/bu er mix can boil over and make a real mess in a ma er of seconds! Enjoy, and have a wonderful holiday season filled with incredible sights, delicious scents and incredible love
1 1/3 cups Demerara sugar (that dark, rich brown stuff!) 1 tsp. vanilla 1/2 cup white corn syrup Combine the bu er, sugar and corn syrup In a large, heavy pot over medium heat. S r o en! Once it is melted together and starts to bubble, cook for 10 minutes or so— you can smell the sugar ge ng to that dark stage! It will be
ALMOND ROCA This recipe was given to me by a friend. She was from England and used to make this for a li le Christmas treat for her clients. She was my hairdresser, one taste of this delectable treat and I was hooked!
Submi ed by Marlene ring constantly to hard crack stage. Pour over the chopped almonds, cool. When completely cooled, melt the Jersey Milk chocolate bars and pour evenly over the top. Sprinkle with more chopped almonds and let cool and set. Break into pieces and enjoy.
I Cup of Sugar 1/2 lb. less 1 tbsp. Bu er
This really is a simple gi to make and share with friends if you can manage to give any of it away!
1 tsp. Vinegar Chopped Almonds 3 or 4 Jersey Milk Chocolate Bars On a small cookie sheet sprinkle a layer of chopped almonds. Mix sugar, bu er, and vinegar in heavy saucepan. Cook s rNOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL
Submi ed by Marlene
This recipe has been passed down in my family for at least 4 genera ons. It is a very good tas ng gingerbread and while the recipe tells you to form small balls and roll them in sugar, which are delicious, it works really well for Gingerbread Men. Just chill the dough a er making it.
I have a short story to share about this recipe. Gingerbread Men have always been my favorite treat at Christmas me. When I was a young girl my aunt would bake many Gingerbread men and then have us come over to help decorate them. When I was 3 or 4 I apparently got really excited because I had been chosen to put the “far es” on the Gingerbread Men! This story has been retold at every family gathering since then. I am now 48 and while it was not a story I wanted shared when I was younger it is one that I hold dear in my heart now. For sharing is what the holidays are about, not just good me and gi s but sharing family me and making memories.
2 cups flour 1 tbsp. ground ginger 2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. cinnamon
Cream shortening un l so in medium sized bowl, gradually add sugar, beat in egg and molasses. Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture, blend well. Form tsp. size balls and roll in sugar, place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 350* for 12 - 15 minutes un l lightly browned.
3/4 cup shortening (this is bu er or marg. For those really young)
If using for Gingerbread Men, chill dough for 1 hour a er mixing, roll out on floured surface, cut into shapes, place on ungreased cookie sheet and bake for about 8 - 10 minutes. Watch carefully as they cook quickly.
1 cup sugar
1 large egg
When the Gingerbread Men have cooled, decorate as desired with icing and different candies…. Don’t forget the “far es” they make great eyes!
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 cup molasses Granulated Sugar for Rolling
It is believed that the eggnog tradition began in Europe as an adaptation of the various milk and wine punches often served at social gatherings. In the 17th century, eggnog was used as a toast to one’s health and was consumed by the well-to-do of society as milk and eggs were scarce commodities in Europe.
Ohhhh, crap—I’ve got to go grocery shopping tonight. I HATE grocery shopping! How many mes have you heard that sen ment—or expressed it yourself? Then you have been making a chore out of shopping for food—and that’s a real shame! Shopping for the food that is going to nourish your body can be a wonderful experience. Almost...maybe as good as...really good sex! Don’t believe it? Try this the next me you go. You are at the grocery store….which one doesn’t ma er. DON’T WALK IN THAT DOOR YET! Nope. First of all, stand where you can see the door. Look at the entrance, knowing that behind it is everything you need to sustain the physical requirements of your body. Think about that for a moment. What does it mean to you? If you have an “ahhah!” moment—write the gist of it on the back of your grocery list (or in the Note sec on of your phone). Look at the contents of your shopping list. Actually get a feeling for each item. Now walk towards the entrance. As you pass through the doors, take a deep breath through your nose. Smell all those deligh ul smells. Mmmmmmm. Oranges & grapes and the deep, earthy smell of greens. Cardboard and paper. Sharp sweet scent of meat and poultry. If your store has a bakery—ah, the deligh ul odor of baked goods wa ing through the air. It simply amazes me that the bakery smell does not permeate the enre store! Today you are going to start in the produce sec on. As you find each item, gaze at NOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL
the display. Focus on the item. Allow your a en on to totally embrace—let’s say you have chosen grapes— the whole display of grapes. Feel them without touching—then reach out and touch some. Put your hand over top of them, scanning the different bunches or bags. Occasionally pick a bunch up. Without pu ng it anywhere near your lips, taste it. Mmmhmmm. You can do that! Know that there are grapes there for you to take home….ask them to make themselves known to you. Pick up a bunch that seems to be saying “pick me!” and hold it to your solar plexus. Ask the ques on, silently (or not!) “are you the grapes for me to take home?” What is your body’s response? Does your mouth feel sour? Saliva flowing? How does it feel to put that bunch back with the others? Move on to the next vegetable—onions, perhaps. Le uce. Check out the different varie es of le uce— what fun! Serious Romaine, fun-loving green leaf le uce , cool iceberg—each has its own special feeling. I think that you will find that you already have an affinity for the food you choose. You no ce le uce that’s limp, tomatoes that are either past their prime or are never going to get there. It is a wonderful gi to yourself and to the people you create food for to nurture yourself and the food that you purchase this way. I could go on and on, just about fruits and vegetables—but I’m going to let you go and check it out! If you find this exercise difficult, please take heart. Know that we are not used to listening to the subtle es that exist all around us. It takes me and pa ence—but we get a uned to it very quickly! Next month we’ll move further into the store. I look forward to connec ng with you then! Blessings DECEMBER 2011
CONVERSATIONS WITH CHAMUEL by Kaye Castleman Archangel Chamuel is most commonly known as the angel of love and compassion. (S)He can be helpful in dealing with communication issues, relationships, ethnic and racial tension, and to assist in situations where we are looking for things we have lost, or cannot find. As a channel for messages from Chamuel, I have found he has a strong desire to support the opening of our heart chakra, especially at this critical time in our development....
"Welcome, Dear Heart, to the sacred energy of the angelic realms. Once again it is I, Chamuel, archangel of love and compassion, who addresses you here. In order to facilitate the full power of the message I am relaying to be felt by you, I suggest that you pause for a moment as you begin to read this, take a slow and focused breath, and release all the thoughts and feelings that are holding you cap ve in this moment. This process may be challenging for some of you, so I entreat you to simply have the inten on for this to happen an then trust that it is so. Trust is a vital component of our coming together. So please take a moment to allow this trust to manifest before you read on. As you do, you will noce a lightness in your body and a new awareness in your sensing-self. So en your physical self and moving into the knowing that is your true essence. Another breath, and here we go.... Today I wish to remind you that you are the most beau ful and revered beings in the universe, without excep on. You are con nually forge ng this fact, even those of you who have some understanding of how true it is. For those who have never before been introduced to this no on, it is a vital element in your apprecia on of all that exists, and your place in all that exists. This perspec ve changes everything. It changes how you see yourself. It changes how you see others, and how others see you. It changes your environment, and how your environment operates, and especially how your environment interacts with you. For all things are at your command. It is as if you were in a room filled with down feathers. Every me you move, the weightless down shi s and responds. Every me you take a breath, the air current produced by your lungs causes the smallest feathers to wa on the flow of air. If you turn, small cyclones of whirling fluff are created around you. If you take a step, he feathers part to clear your path. If you reach out, the down will dance along your arm before gliding into the air, floa ng and dri ing through the room, in response to your every movement. This is how the universe responds to you. Every thought, every word, every ac on produces a result. As long
as you are alive on this planet, this is how it is. Not all results are desirable for you. Some mes you inhale a li le too quickly, and feathers are sucked up your nose. Some mes they will s ck to the bo om of your feet, or to the sweat at the back of your neck, where they might ckle or even prick. Some mes they are just plain annoying - all this whirling and swirling that never se les down. Who can think with things shi ing and changing every me you blink your eyes! So much ongoing ac on and interacon......enough, already! This is how it is for you much of the me. We see your frustra on and impa ence. We watch as you wave your arms about in an effort to disperse the dri ing des of feathers. Unfortunately, the more aggressively you try to sweep them away, the more violently they return to you on that current of air created by the sweeping mo on of your arm. As you become more agitated, your breathing becomes stronger and some downy wisps dri into your mouth and s ck to your tongue. The air becomes filled with feathers. There is nowhere to turn that does not bring them back to you. Arrrrgggg! But when you pause for a moment, relax your breathing, and take the me to contemplate the effect of your ac ons, do you see what happens? As you gentle your body and your mind, so, too, is your environment gentled. The feathers cease their assault, and meander down, covering the floor once again. As you respond in harmony with your surroundings, they obey your wishes and move with you. This is the marvel of what you do every moment of every day. Though the feathers are metaphorical, and o en you cannot observe their response to your input, they are there nevertheless. From our perspec ve, we are able to see the wonder of this spectacle. We see not only the grand effect. but we follow the path of each singular downy wisp. Each is a marvel, as are you, the conductor of this amazing orchestra. We watch as you move in harmony with your masterpiece, then shi to a more confronta onal stance. We are in awe of the ini aon and response, the ac ons and interac ons, the forward and backward choices and reversals. It is all wondrous and perfect, and completely beau ful to behold. And you are the creator of it all, the manager, the wizard. This is an awesome posi on in the universe that you maintain, one that we hold in the highest regard. Know your power, Dear Heart, as all the angels of Earth are honoured as masters of crea on. We offer ourselves in service to you. Know in your heart that we adore you, as we adore all that moves in response to you. As you open your heart, you become ever more aware of this. All the beings of love and light are here to assist you, for we are all, and always."
LIFE ~REBIRTH ~ABUNDANCE ~ HOPE This might seem like strange animal to feature in the December issue of Nourish, but Ladybug has been coming to me physically lately. Not just one or two but 100’s of them. Enough for me to take no ce that even though it was November these precious li le beetles choose to land on me. Maybe they were looking for some warmth, yet I felt that they had a message for me. Ladybugs, Ladybirds, or Lady Beetles whatever you choose to call them are the natural farmer/ gardeners friend. They can consume large quan es of aphids and other plant harming bugs making them invaluable. While they belong to the beetle family, people adore them as opposed to most of the other 249999 species of beetles. Each me a ladybug lights on me I am reminded of a childhood verse my friends and I use to sing “ladybug, ladybug fly away home, your house is one fire and your children are alone” I really don’t know why I sang it along with my friends as it used to disturb me, to think that her children were in trouble and she was not with them. For me they represent joy as that is what I get a sense of when I see them. They fascinate me, for they are ny yet beau ful and if I get to see the wings I am amazed at the structure of them. So what do these small wonders have to offer us? While we normally only see red ladybugs with black spots, there are yellow and orange ones. The dis nc ve spots and a rac ve colors are protec on against predators. Red and black are the colors of thoughts and manifesta on. The ap-
pearance of ladybug can herald that our wishes/thoughts are beginning to be fulfilled. As all thoughts become realies, eventually ladybug also asks us to check our thoughts and ensure they are in line with what we want in life. Ladybug will o en appear to us when we have an opportunity to succeed, grow, and start something new. Worries dissipate, leaving room for new happiness to come about. Given the two months leading up to having this wonderful interlude with ladybugs, I can see how this was happening. It was me to shield from the aggrava ons and pests in my life, and to give a clear warning, “while I am gentle I will defend when a acked”. A threatened ladybug will play dead and secrete an unappe zing substance to protect itself. It was me to not to try so hard or go to fast to fulfill my dreams. Let things flow at their natural pace. Time would reveal all and changes would happen. Luck was in the air and I was protected. Big or small, Power Animals that come into our lives can offer us much if we pay a en on and look to what they offer. Not only did I receive the joy when they landed on me, and then took flight, I was blessed to learn that even though gentle and small this creature could look a er herself. So her children were probably fine even with the house on fire. My circumstances were about to change, and while I had a part in that happening much of it would happen at its natural pace, so stand back Marlene and let it happen. May Ladybug to fly into your life, consume your fears and encourage new adventures.
Earth Crystals
This is a perfect crystal to showcase for December; the colors alone speak of tradi onal Christmas colors; red and green. I asked Phil to pick the crystal for this month, and this is what he picked. I don’t think he picked it because of the colors; I happen to know he really likes the piece of Ruby Fuschite he owns. Ruby Fuschite is a rela vely new discovery, and comes from South India. It is formed when Ruby grows within green Fuschite. Ruby has a hardness of 9 while Fuschite has a hardness of 2.5, and when they are combined have a hardness of 5 - 6.5. Since this crystal is a combina on of two crystals we need to look at both Ruby and Fuschite as well as what proper es it has as a conglomerate. Ruby is the second hardest crystal/ gemstone a er Diamond. They come from many areas, with the most sought a er coming from Burma. They are the most famed red crystal/gemstone available on the market today. Ruby is an intense, warm and vivid stone that represents love, passion, and power! Rubies provide wisdom, nurturing, knowledge, health and wealth. In some Asian countries rubies were placed below the founda ons of buildings to give good fortune. Ruby works with the Root, and Heart Chakras. Fuschite is a rela vely so crystal that belongs to the mica family. Fuchsite owes its green color to the presence of chromium. It can be found across Europe, Asia, and in New Mexico and Canada. This crystal is known as the well-being crystal and assists with personal interac ons and produc vity. Fuschite enhances knowledge and “right
ac on”. This is a good crystal to have in your collec on as it promotes good health on all levels - emo onal, mental, physical, and spiritual. Fuschite works with the Heart Chakra. Combined they create a synergy that is more than the sum of their parts. It is a balancing crystal, think of it as having yin and yang all rolled into one stone. As Ruby is intense and Fuschite gives understanding we now get intense understandings, making it a good crystal to work with when trying to come to a decision. Ruby amplifies emo ons and brings them to the surface. Fuschite helps to speed up emo onal healing, returning one to a state of wellbeing a er an emoonal drama. It also brings consciousness to emo ons and refines them into intui ve awareness. Ruby Fuschite allows one to bring understanding and enlightenment to troubling emo ons. Use this crystal to meditate with when trying to muddle through daily challenges as it will bring a greater awareness to what is going on at all levels - emo onal, physical, mental and spiritual. I get a real sense as I write this that this crystal offers a sense of higher love and joy. If you don’t own a piece of Ruby Fuschite, buy a piece that speaks to you and pack it around during the rest of this fes ve month and into the coming year. It will help balance out your life with joy, peace, understanding and love.
Just Say‐ in’……. I have opinions. All right, we all have opinions. But sometimes I want other people to know my opinion about a particular issue or item. Lucky you!
to believe in “us” and “them.” There is no longer any place for these limiting beliefs on this planet. As I see it, we are living in an increasingly visible global world. For many of us this means living with cultures that are totally foreign to us. Canada is increasingly cosmopolitan and multi-cultural. We are a nation of people from every part of this beautiful planet. Some of our ancestors came here 200 years ago or more. Some of us have been here since time began. Some of us have just arrived. We all have customs, beliefs, traditions that date back millennia. We all have skin, blood, bones, teeth and hair. We are all children of two people. We were all babies who suckled and who cried. Most of us were comforted, though not all. Some of us have been blessed by being born and/or brought up in countries where life, for the most part, was stable. Our parents or care-givers either made the day-to-day things needed to survive—food, clothing, shelter—or purchased it ready-made.
Today I am touching on a subject that I find deeply disturbing: fear mongering done through social media that goes viral. Through email, Facebook and other social media sites we are inundated with “true” stories that we are sup We live in a global village. The food we eat has been posed to forward on, grown in places some of us will never get to visit. Shrimp and repost and talk about. prawns grown in rice paddies. Tomatoes and wine from Chile. Vegetables whose names I can’t even pronounce, much less figure out what to use them for grown in China and Malaysia and Thailand. Flour and seasonings from India. Candy & treats from everywhere—you can buy shortbread made in Scotland, Australia and Denmark! The clothes you wear were made in Nepal, Pakistan, Mexico, Turkey, Germany, China. Your shoes were made in Taiwan, Malaysia, Brazil, Italy. The blankets you The ones that I find most disturbing are warning articles on sleep under… get the picture. the dangers of purchasing things made in China (or India or We sit on the bus and listen to conversations in 17 Taiwan or….) The objective seems to be scaring us into buying only products that we can trust—products made in the USA or different languages. In Vancouver there are signs in English, Canada!” There is even information to help you recognize the French—and Punjabi, Arabic, “foreign” or “domestic” items. A more recent one had to do with “glue” in food. The message was the same. Only buy from Japanese, Spancorporations that are Canadian or American. As if food prod- ish & Mandarin. ucts made in Canada or the US are pristine and free from any And because I nastiness. As if Canadian or American corporations would nev- am ignorant of er stoop to creating products that would endanger someone’s global language there are probalife. bly variations on Do you know what bothers me most about these horthose that I’m rid articles? It is fear-mongering that is designed to make you not even aware afraid of people from other cultures, from other parts of the of. I do not world. Fear-mongering that propagates the myth that we are know for sure separate and apart. Fear-mongering that encourages people Con nue next page NOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL
because I am not a world traveler—but I think that this holds true for every major city in the world, and probably a lot of smaller cities as well. There is no room for fear on this planet. And especially there is no room for fear of our neighbours. The word neighbour means someone close by or near to the speaker. We are only hours away from anywhere in the world. If the people in Prince George are my neighbours—which they are—then so are the people in Taiwan and Japan and Hawaii. 10 hours driving me, 10 hours flying me. The person who sits beside you on the plane/ boat/bus is your neighbour, no ma er where in the world she comes from.
World Peace begins with you with you Make it a goal to drop habits that no longer serve you. serve you.
There is no room for fear on this planet. It is fear that has gotten us into the problems that we have today. Fear, propagated by people who want us afraid. If I am afraid of my neighbour it makes it very hard to love him. If I am afraid of my workmates culture, it makes it very hard to love her. If I am afraid of the people who attend the church/synagogue/temple down the road, it makes it very hard to see their children, let alone love them. If I am afraid of my neighbours it makes it very easy for me to allow the military to bomb their homes. It makes it very easy for me to swallow lies about them and their cultures that justify toxic warfare. It makes it easy for me to turn a blind eye when my government makes up rules to disenfranchise them. It makes it very easy for me to rationalize the atrocities that are perpetrated on them by military regimes that are supposedly friendly to “us.” And that is exactly what the people who have the biggest fear of all want.
I celebrate all the joys and wonders of my life! life! Know you are a mag‐ net for good and net for good and accept it!
today I will Photo: Phil Nielsen
take time
Photo: Phil Nielsen
to slow
Photo: Phil Nielsen
and breathe NOURISH YOUR BODY- MIND-SOUL Photo: Phil Nielsen DECEMBER 2011