Your Body ~ mind ~ soul
Issue 6 January 2012
January 2012
CONTRIBUTORS Marlene Cobb Editor/Publisher The Silence Afterward Power Animals Earth Crystals Life Through Tarot Ego - Friend or Foe
Vera Enshaw Energy 104 - Inner Worlds Essential Oils Just Sayin’ Wind
Kaye Castleman Taste Sensations Archangel Chamuel
Abby Armstrong Active Aging
Phil Nielsen Runes Photos/Editing
Welcome to the sixth issue of Nourish! If you are new to Nourish Your Body ~ Mind ~ Soul, welcome and we hope you find inspira on within these pages. Our goal is simple, to have a well rounded publica on that speaks to many. While not all ar cles will en ce everyone, we hope that there is at least one or two that make you go hmmm and think out‐ side of the box or give you inspira on to create a be er world. Even if it is only your world that is enriched. The past month has been a busy one for me with quiet moments that gave me pause to find inspira on in the small things. The joy of the holidays and having friends and family to share it with. Good food, conversa on, and spirit. The local newspaper printed le ers to Santa from different students a ending local elementary schools. I always find great joy in reading these le ers as they can be quite humorous. This year I could tell that the teacher had set out a lesson plan for the le ers. It appeared that each student was to write a le er that in‐ cluded not only a wish for themselves to the jolly magical elf, but also a wish for their family, and one for the world. It soon became apparent that there must have been much discussion with regards to the wish for the world, as each stu‐ dent seemed to ask for one of three things. What stood out for me and inspired me was one student who asked for something different. I could tell this child was a free thinker and was not about to follow the herd! His wishes were sim‐ ple, a soccer ball of his own, a home with a yard for his family so they could spend more me out doors playing together instead of having to take a bus to the park each day, and that each child in the world have a parent. A parent so they would know they were loved, would have someone to help them not feel afraid, and have someone to play with them and teach them what life was about. I sat there with a feeling of awe, here was a child who obviously came from a loving family, so much so that his wish for the world was for all to experi‐ ence that. He did not follow the curriculum of what had been taught, but thought outside of the box. He followed his heart on this one and not his mind. From this one short le er to Santa, I was reminded that we should always follow our hearts, think outside of the box and do not what others are doing but in‐ stead forge a new path. All to o en in life we get caught up in what the norm is and just follow blindly because it is the easiest, most harmonious thing to do. It got me thinking that short le er, if I was to wish from the universe something for the world what would I wish for? What would any of you wish for? I would wish for each person to feel blessed. To know that someone loved them, that they were enough just the way they were, to know that whatever they thought of they could achieve. To feel blessed enough to know that their life was perfect just as it was, and that if they didn’t like what they were experiencing they could choose to shi it. No ma er what chaos was happening right now in this mo‐ ment for them that they felt blessed to be alive and knew that no ma er how bad it is that someone else was probably going through something the same or worse. As 2012 gets off to a start I wish each of you to feel blessed! Angel Blessings
Marlene Nourish Your Body Mind Soul
January 2012
Welcome/Quote JANUARY The Silence Afterward Crystals NOURISHMENT Earth Energy 104 - Inner Worlds
2/3 5 6 7
Essential Oils
Active Aging
Power Animals
Taste Sensations
Taste Sensations Recipes
Just Sayin….
Ego - Friend or Foe
Conversations with Chamuel
Questions to Chamuel
Life Through Tarot
Feed Your Body ~ mind ~ soul All content ©2011 - 2012 by Nourish Your Body Mind Soul Nourish Your Body Mind Soul is a monthly publication dedicated to empowering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All articles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are provided as guidelines to the readers. Ultimately each reader is responsible for their own choices and decisions. The articles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.
“Understanding means throwing away your knowledge.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Being Peace
Nourish will be published on the Full Moon Date of each month. Upcoming Publication Dates February 7, 2012 March 8, 2012 April 6, 2012 May 6, 2012 June 4, 2012 Photo: Phil Nielsen
January 2012
Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods ill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy lake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.
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Nourish Your Body Mind Soul
January 2012
Ah, January, the quiet month a er all the hustle and bustle of Decem‐ ber. It can feel like the letdown month of the year. Sure it starts off with a bang as we say good bye to the previous year and welcome the new. We have just had me off and will not have another holiday un l Easter ar‐ rives. For some of us it feels awkward all this silent me, wondering what to do with it. Typically January is a dismal month, dark and dreary, snow or rain filled depending on where you live. Yet somehow each year we manage to sur‐ vive this month. Probably with thoughts turned toward spring and what it will bring. Most people are catching up on bills this month so money is a li le ghter, giving way to spending me with family and also with our selves. If we are unaccustomed to spending me alone this can be a long month. I think we should embrace this month and the quiet that it is. Yes I realize that clubs and organiza ons are back in full swing but do we really have to rush around when all this quiet me is beckoning us like a warm blanket? This is the month that sets the pace for the whole year. What do we wish to choose for 2012? If we are in touch with our qui‐ et selves, if we embrace this quiet me, and ponder what choices we wish to make for the year, we will be be er off.
determined if they are blocking you or moving you for‐ ward. It is about loving enough to detach from everything while remembering that detaching does not mean discon‐ nec ng. World change happens one person at a me. It starts with you. You can only change yourself and by doing so effect change on a larger scale. If 2011 was a year of sub‐ stan al personal growth and change 2012 has the energy to bring freedom, change and abundance. Our percep on of “what is” will be clearer, and spontaneity will drive us for‐ ward. Living in the now is the key. If self‐created fear and an a tude of lack are s ll predominant within, then 2012 can be a year of extreme difficul es. To ease this one must let go of these external a achments. January. Take this silent month and a leap of faith to know that you are indeed, divine and beloved. Sit in the wonder of who you are in the larger picture. Choose to begin your work of releasing self‐created fear, intolerance, and separa‐ on. Choose to turn to unity, but also enjoy diversi‐ ty. Choose to become free. Choose to change your world which in turn will change the whole world.
The year 2012 is probably the most talked about year in the history of humans. Many have pondered what the Mayan cal‐ endar means, and what impact it will have on us. Will the world end on December 21, 2012? Is this the beginning of the end mes foretold in the bible or by other noted seers from past dec‐ ades? All I know for sure is that we are fortunate to be alive at this me. We are on the threshold of something and have the opportunity to be involved in the making of histo‐ ry. What will be passed on to other genera ons that follow us? What story will be retold about 2012? Will future gen‐ era ons laugh at our thoughts that this was the year to end the world or will it really be wri en as the end and nothing will be said? So in the silence a erward take a moment or two and contemplate your part of this ground breaking his‐ tory about to be laid down. The year 2012 will be the year to clear out, and clean up anything that holds you back. People, things, beliefs all need to be reviewed and
January 2012
Photo: Phil Nielsen 5
Earth Crystals
By Marlene Cobb
Photo: Frank Mulchay Howlite was discovered near Windsor, Nova Sco a, Canada by Henry How in 1868. Henry was called to a gypsum quar‐ ry by miners finding this stone a nuisance as they mined the gypsum. In its natural state Howlite resembles cauli‐ flower, when cut the stone is creamy white with black or grey veins running through it. Henry called the new miner‐ al silico‐boro‐calcite; it would soon become known as Howlite, named a er Henry for discovering it. Howlite is considered a rare crystal due to being found only in a cou‐ ple loca ons in the world: South Africa, California and No‐ va Sco a. Due to being a so porous stone it is o en dyed to resemble more expen‐ sive crystals such as Lapis Lazuli, Red Coral and Turquoise. I own a piece that was dyed to look like turquoise, and when it was given to me I ex‐ claimed it was the most beau ful Photo: Phil Nielsen piece of turquoise I had seen. It was so er somehow than what turquoise normally is, and the energy was gentler as well. It did feel energe cally differ‐ ent to me as well, but I was not familiar with Howlite. A friend upon being shown this newly acquired crystal ex‐ claimed what a beau ful piece of Howlite! Howlite, while not necessarily a shiny stone is s ll beau ‐ ful. It has a very gentle energy that can be amplified when it needs to. I have held Howlite and no ced only subtle energy, other mes it is a very strong buzzing that seems to reach all the cobwebs of my soul. As this year is about clearing out that which no longer serves us, I figured Howlite was a perfect stone to show‐ case this month. Howlite has a calming, stress reducing effect. Over me our bodies build up blockades, accumulat‐ ed from unprocessed emo ons or painful experiences. One of the major quali es of Howlite is dissolving these block‐ ages. Howlite reflects and transfers spirit energy through‐ out the body, cleansing the mind and emo ons of nega ve thoughts and images. This clearing helps clarify our thoughts so we became more aware of our goals and ambi‐ ons. Howlite promotes independence, precision and re‐ sponsibility. Nourish Your Body Mind Soul
It balances energy flow in chao c spaces and infuses them with peaceful energy and tranquility. It helps reduce con‐ flicts and facilitates respec ul communica on. It promotes kindness, compassionate behavior, and peaceful coexist‐ ence. Howlite can be placed everywhere where balance and calm are needed, par cularly in rooms where people meet together. On the medicinal side of things Howl‐ ite is beneficial for helping with in‐ somnia. It calms overac ve minds which makes it a good crystal to have on your bedside table or shelf. It fur‐ ther for fies the balance feeling, helps with nausea and reduces skin irrita ons. Howlite contains a large Photo: Phil Nielsen amount of calcium and has a balanc‐ ing effect on the body’s calcium level. It also for fies the skeletal system, the teeth and nails. I personally feel that working with Howlite this year will be very beneficial. If you don’t own a piece yet go on a dis‐ covery to find one to join your crystal family. Be prepared to bring more than one piece home from the store, as many will likely call to you. Allow Howlite to help you cre‐ ate the life you want this year, a er all this is the me his‐ torically noted to be the year of change. Conscious or physical change can use a balanced approach and what be er crystal to help us along than Howlite!
January 2012
Photo: Phil Nielsen
ENERGY 104 - INNER WORLDS By Vera Enshaw ask if the informa on resonates with them at all. If it doesn’t make sense to them, don’t worry. Make a note of it for yourself and look at it later. Clarity may come as you ponder! Once you have prac ced this with an aware partner, prac ce on other people. If you are uncomfortable about doing so without permission – ask. Lots of people don’t mind, and are actually interested in par cipa ng. If you can’t ask them personally, because of shyness or because they aren’t physi‐ cally present – ask their guides/higher selves for permission. Whether they give permission or not – whether you ask or not – please know that you will never be given any infor‐ ma on that it is not relevant for you to have. You can also check out your pets and other animals in this Now, for an inner journey. I trust that you have been prac c‐ way. It is fabulous! Good luck, and enjoy! ing the tools you have learned in previous sessions! For this exercise, you again want to be quiet and centered. You will need a willing partner (get a friend, teach him the other ex‐ ercises and then you can prac ce together ‐ you learn way more when you teach!). Explain to your companion what you expect from her as you are doing the exercise. Offer the opportunity for her to trade posi ons once you are done— PS: If you have ques ons about this or any of the energy ex‐ ercises you are prac cing, please contact me by email. I will or set up a date for him to have his own session. be happy to begin a dialogue with you! My email address is: When you and your partner are ready, focus your a en on on your energy field. Feel the depth of it, and move right to the edge of it. Don’t stress about this – inten on is the key here. Now, with your energy and awareness move into your partner’s energy field. Pull back, and move into it again. Do this several mes, narrowing and expanding your focus – one me doing the area just around a leg or an arm, the next me the whole of one side, and so on. As you do so pay a en on to the thoughts that come into your mind and to any sensa ons that you are feeling. Ask your partner for feedback. An example of this might be that when you are feeling around the leg you experience a “warm” sensa on. When you ask your partner if there is anything happening with that leg, he tells you that it has actually been bothering him lately. Now you can move your awareness right into the skin, and under the skin into the ssue and bone structure. Do it slowly, again going in and pulling back. Do the whole body – it is truly a delight! The more that you do, the more you learn. It is helpful if you have a partner who has some awareness of his/her body, and who will be honest with you when giving feedback. The interes ng thing that may hap‐ pen is that you begin feel in your body the ailment that your companion has. When this happens do not panic. Again, ask for feedback. Explain what you are feeling and where and
January 2012
ESSENTIAL OILS LEMONGRASS By Vera Enshaw Latin name: Cymbopogon flexuosus There is some very exciting research that shows that lemongrass has promising anticancer activity, and causes loss in tumor cell viability—while leaving normal cells intact. (see Anticancer activity of an essential oil from Cymbopogon flexuousus: Sharma PR; Mondhe S; Pal HC; Shahi AK, Saxena AK; Qazi GN http:// Also see “Fresh Lemon Grass Causes Cancer Cells to Self-Destruct” from researchers at Ben Gurion UniversiLemongrass essential oil is steam distilled from the ty of the Negev. leaves of the plant, which grows in India, Asia, the West The plant itself is a staple in Thai and South East lemon-grass-causes-cancer-cells-to-self-destruct Asian cooking. This oil has a light, fresh citrus aroma with earthy undertones. Because of its high citral con- There are many wonderful essential oil references. Two tent, lemongrasses fresh, clean scent is popular in of my favorite books are the “Reference Guide to Eshousehold cleaning products such as detergents, room sential Oils” by Connie and Alan Higley; “The Comfresheners and insecticides, as well as deodorants, plete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy” by Vasoaps, cosmetics, shampoos and skin lotions. (This lerie Worwood. An amazing resource is www.oilscent is also the familiar scent in Ivory soap.) Once you register (free) you have access to thousands of oil testimonials—and each person Historically, lemongrass as who has submitted must be registered and is identified been used for infectious illby name, city and state/province. There is some pretty nesses and fever, as an insectiinteresting information! cide and as a sedative to the central nervous system. It also supports digestion, dilates blood vessels, strengthens vascular walls, promotes lymph flow and is antiinflammatory and sedative. It is an excellent antidepressant, it tones and fortifies the nervous system and can be used in the bath for soothing muscular nerves and pain. I love the smell of this oil, and often apply it topically just so that I smell like it! I also diffuse it throughout my home. It is a deeper scent than lemon—and sometimes I want that rather than the lighter citrus smell. It promotes psychic awareness, making it a great oil to diffuse or apply just before doing a reading or a healing session. As with all oils, take care to dilute with a carrier oil such as organic almond or V-6 Mixing oil. If you choose not to dilute, then apply a small amount to make sure that you do not have a skin sensitivity. Nourish Your Body Mind Soul
January 2012
A Little Inspiration Goes a Long Way All men a women are born, live, suffer and die; What dis nguishes us one from another is our dreams, Whether they be dreams about worldly Or unworldly things, And what we do to make them come about… We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch, The country of our birth, or the immediate cir‐ cumstances of our upbringing. We do not, most of us, choose to die; Nor do we choose the me and condi ons of our death. But within this realm of choicelessness, We do choose how we live.”
Our bodies slowly reveal to the world—and to us—that we are over the hill or on the downward slope. There are numerous potions, solutions and pills to aid the process but just like the early years of growing-up, nothing is going to stop the body from changing and moving along to another stage of life. The options are limited . However, I see maturity as a grand state of affairs and it really involves both body and mind. Difficult as it may seem to many of us, maturity is not the same as “getting old” and “going down hill.” With maturity comes acceptance, understanding, compassion and strength of character. Slight, insipid changes to our physical body may aid in our maturing. Maturity requires us to pay attention to what is happening within ourselves and everything surrounding us. A deepening appreciation of life starts to emerge. This might be the most important area of ageing for many of us. In fact, this might be why our senior years are sometimes referred to as the “golden years.” We learn about our weaknesses, frailties and vulnerabilities. Hence, we are real—and what you see is what you get. There are infinite attitudes to be considered and explored with regard to ageing, growing-up and maturing. In fact, we may always find new ways for inward growth and a deeper peaceful state of mind, right to the end of our time here. It is the inner journey that is most important! We realize that we do not have time to be phony (at least I think along these lines and it enriches my days!) Having a sense of humor is a huge asset. We can laugh at ourselves and laughing with others about the situations we get into helps to ease the awkwardness. People around us will have various ideas on ageing and growing old. How we are experienced by others will determine the reaction to us and the treatment we encounter along the way. Living in a world where youth is worshipped does not paint a climate of acceptance. When we have heard “Yes, dear,” too often it may be time to speak up, or time to realize that we no longer wish to be in this particular situation.
Joseph Epstein
January 2012
THE SECRET MAGIC OF CREATION IS CALLING Crows, they either fascinate you or annoy you. It seems that there is no middle ground with these birds; people have an opinion that is one or the other, love or hate. Crows fascinate me! I have watched these birds most of my life. Right now I live on a flight path for these majes c birds, which means that each morning hundreds of them fly overhead on their way to start their day. They would return at night on the same path but I am at work so don’t get to see this spectacle yet. In the summer months when the days are longer I will enjoy this return to the nest as well. Some mornings the flight is silent, I can hear only the flapping of their wings, and other mornings they are rau‐ cous as if sharing what adventures they hope to have that day. I have taken to paying a en on to what they are do‐ ing as it usually indicates what type of day I will have. Did I tell you crows are messengers? They speak to us about crea on and the magic all around us. Watch crows, they are forever searching for the hidden treasure, what is available just for the asking or taking. Nothing escapes their keen sight. They build nests high above the ground in order to keep a lookout for danger approaching and alert the murder. Owls are their predators. Teaching us to pay a en on to the small details for they will lead to the big‐ ger events in life. The striking black colour of the crow rep‐ resents the colour of crea on. Crows are so black that o en you can see shades of deep purple and blue in their feathers when the sun hits them. Black is the colour of the night, giving birth to the light of a new day. Teaching us that, even in what appears the darkest moment of our life, this too shall pass and another day will dawn. To have faith and hope for a brighter me will come. Crows are very much community birds and are o en in large groups. Even when you see only one or two, know that there are others nearby just a caw away. When they find something new, one crow will explore it while the others stand back watching to see what will happen. I think of this as wai ng in the wings to help should something go awry. They share Nourish Your Body Mind Soul
the bounty they find. Sure it looks like they are trying to keep it for themselves but in reality they are kibitzing much like families around the dinner table. Even when in a murder they are s ll unique and individual. Teaching us that while we walk this earth with billions of other human beings it is important to walk our own talk, speak our truth, and know our own personal mission; to trust our intui on, personal integrity, and create our own standards. By doing this we will enhance the whole group. Be an indi‐ vidual, not judging others or their beliefs just knowing what our beliefs are and following that code. Crows are adaptable to all environments and will eat almost any‐ thing; they can survive in almost any situa on. Crow is sur‐ rounded by magic, unseen forces and spiritual strength. If crow enters your life, get out of your familiar nest, look beyond your present range of vision, listen to the message (s) in its caw and act accordingly.
January 2012
TASTE SENSATIONS QUINOA – A SUPER FOOD FOR ALL SEASONS By Kaye Castleman Nutrient-packed quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) has sparked the interest of the health conscious, those seeking weight loss and many who are on high-protein diets. Although it is mostly grown in South America, it can be found locally on grocery store shelves as well as health food stores. Quinoa cooks in 15 minutes and keeps in the refrigerator for a week. It can compliment almost any food, which makes it an acceptable addition to breakfast, lunch or dinner dishes. Quinoa has been identified as one of the world's healthiest foods, as it combines all life-supporting nutrients in one delicious, easy-toprepare package. And its versatility makes it compatible with almost everything you eat throughout the year. Soups, salads, entrees and desserts can all be made with quinoa and taste great. It is also considered kosher, as it is technically not a grain, nor related to grains.
complex carbohydrates provide energy and endurance to hardworking muscles. Since quinoa does not belong to the same plant family as wheat and does not contain gluten, it is safe for the gluten-intolerant or those with celiac disease, Crohn's disease or colitis. It has been recommended in the gluten-free diets for autistic children and those with Attention Deficit Disorder. Though not technically a grain, it acts similarly to grains, which have been demonstrated to reduce high blood pressure and prevent heart failure by slowing the speed of arterial plaque buildup in the arteries, and even helping to remove buildup. Its rich magnesium content also helps to reduce high blood pressure by allowing the blood vessels to relax. Consumption of whole grains has been linked to a decreased risk of breast cancer, prevention of gallstones, and lower risk of Type 2 diabetes. Besides these specific health concerns, quinoa's super nutritional profile makes it a valuable asset to any diet. It is high in vitamins and minerals such as riboflavin, calcium, Vitamin E, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, folic acid and beta carotene. It is abundant in linoileic acid, the essential fatty acid that has proven benefits to immune response, and plant lignans, which are believed to be responsible for protection against a variety of illnesses. Quinoa is also rich in the amino acid histadine, which cannot be formed by metabolic processes and must be provided directly in the diet. Histadine is considered an essential amino acid in children because it is necessary for human development. Quinoa is a great alternative to traditional “first� foods that have inferior nutrient value, such as rice. The perfect profile of quinoa's nutrients is ideal for providing a great start to life, without risking any of the prevalent allergic reactions to dairy and wheat.
At $6 to $8 per kg (organic can cost up to twice as much), quinoa can seem expensive. However, it cooks up to three times or more its original volume, and provides more nutritional value and energy Quinoa truly is a super food! than comparable amounts of white rice, pasta or even meat. Information taken from Quinoa, The Everyday Super food, by PaEspecially important for vegetarians or vegans, quinoa is a nutri- tricia Green and Carolyn Hemming tionally superior source of non-animal protein. Optimal amino acid content and ease of digestion make quinoa an ideal alternative to meat proteins. And since it is a slow-digesting complex carbohydrate, it makes a better companion to meat dishes than the traditional rice, pasta or potatoes. Quinoa is truly one of the most versatile foods available today. As a high-protein carb, it is ideal for those looking to lose weight, even those on low-carb diets. Since quinoa digests gradually, it helps to regulate blood sugar levels and leaves you feeling fuller longer. It can also serve as a substitute for high-fat, high-calorie meats, without losing the sense of hunger satisfaction this food group provides. Quinoa has been touted as one of the top ten muscle-building foods. The quality of protein in quinoa means that the body efficiently uses the amino acid building blocks rather than eliminating them as waste as with many of the protein supplements that muscle building requires. It is also an ideal athletic performance food because the
January 2012
QUINOA—RECIPES Overnight Quinoa Cereal Make this hearty breakfast the night before and wake up to a nutritious bowl of quinoa and oats along with your favourite combination of dried or fresh fruit. It also makes a healthy and light lunch or midmorning snack. 1/2 cup
large-flake rolled oats
125 ml
1/4 cup
quinoa flour
60 ml
1 Tbsp.
brown sugar
15 ml
1/4 tsp.
ground cinnamon
1 ml
1 cup
plain yogurt
250 ml
1/4 tsp.
pure vanilla extract
1 ml
1/4 cup
chopped almonds
60 ml
1/4 cup
chopped dried apricots
60 ml
1/4 cup
pumpkin seeds
60 ml
1/4 cup
dried cranberries
60 ml
banana (optional)
In a medium bowl, combine the oats, flour sugar and cinnamon. Stir in the yogurt and vanilla, mixing thoroughly. Add the almonds, apricots, pumpkin seeds and cranberries, and mix well. Cover and place in the refrigerator overnight. Spoon the cereal into serving bowls. Slice the banana on top if desired. Serve cold. Stays fresh refrigerated in a sealed container for up to 2 days.
Perfect Quinoa Side Dish Mildly flavoured to enhance any meal, this quick and easy accompaniment practically cooks itself. Seasoning possibilities are limited only by your imagination. 1 cup
250 ml
2 cups
500 ml
1/4 tsp.
mineralized sea salt
1 ml
Your choice of any one or combination of the following: (Use slightly less water when adding liquid flavouring.) 1 clove
fresh garlic
1 tsp.
fresh rosemary
5 ml
1 tsp.
fresh parsley
5 ml
1/2 tsp.
curry powder
2 ml
1 Tbsp.
lemon juice
15 ml
Bring the quinoa, water and salt to a boil in a small saucepan. Reduce to a simmer, cover and cook for 10 minutes. Turn the heat off and leave the covered saucepan on the burner for an additional 6 minutes. Remove the lid and fluff with a fork. Serve.
Nourish Your Body Mind Soul
January 2012
QUINOA—RECIPES Quinoa-Stuffed Chicken Breasts A lightly-seasoned chicken breast is wrapped around a savoury
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. (200 C.) Bring the water and
quinoa filling with melted goat cheese. Perfect with a small spin-
quinoa to a boil in a small saucepan. Reduce to a simmer, cover
ach salad.
and cook for 10 minutes. Turn the heat off and leave the covered saucepan on the burner for an additional 6 minutes. Remove the
1/2 cup
125 ml
lid and fluff with a fork.
1/4 cup
60 ml
In a small bowl, combine the quinoa, goat cheese, olives, red pep-
3/4 cup
crumbled goat cheese
185 ml
pers, green onion, black pepper and 2 tsp. (10 ml) of the oregano.
2 Tbsp.
chopped black olives
30 ml
Add the egg and blend well. Spoon the mixture onto the centre of
3 Tbsp.
diced red bell peppers
45 ml
each chicken breast, roll up and secure with a toothpick. Place
green onion, thinly sliced
1/4 tsp.
ground black pepper
1 ml
In a separate small bowl, combine the olive oil, lemon juice, salt
3 tsp.
dried oregano
15 ml
and remaining oregano. Drizzle the mixture over the chicken.
the rolled chicken breasts in a 9x13” casserole dish.
large egg
Bake on the centre oven rack for 20 minutes. Remove from the
large boneless, skinless chicken breasts
oven and let the chicken stand for 3 to 4 minutes before serving.
2 Tbsp.
extra virgin olive oil
30 ml
2 Tbsp.
fresh lemon juice
30 ml
1/4 tsp.
1 ml
Quinoa Veggie Bake A flavourful dish, full of healthy vegetables. Serve as a complete meal or with your choice of salad.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. (180 C.) Grease a 9x13” casserole dish. Bring the quinoa and water to a boil in a small saucepan. Reduce to simmer, cover and cook for 10 minutes. Turn the heat off and leave the covered
1 cup
250 ml
2 cups
500 ml
2 Tbsp.
30 ml
1 cup
diced onion
250 ml
Melt the butter in a large pot over medium heat. Add the
3 cups
broccoli florets
1/4 tsp.
1 ml
minutes. Stir in the broccoli, salt and 1 to 2 Tbsp. (15 to
2 cups
sliced button mushrooms
500 ml
1 cup
chopped red bell pepper
250 ml
1 tsp.
basil pesto
5 ml
pesto. Cook until the mushrooms are just softened, 4 to 5
large eggs
1 cup
shredded cheddar cheese
250 ml
Beat the eggs in a medium bowl and stir in the cheddar
1 cup
ricotta cheese
250 ml
1/2 cup
light sour cream
125 ml
1/4 tsp.
ground black pepper
1 ml
1/4 cup
cheddar cheese (optional)
60 ml
750 ml
saucepan on the burner for an additional 6 minutes. Remove the lid and fluff with a fork. Set aside. onion and cook until softened and opaque, about 5 30 ml) of water to facilitate cooking if necessary. Sauté for 2 minutes, then add the mushrooms, red pepper and minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the quinoa. cheese, ricotta and sour cream. Mix well. Season with pepper and fold into the vegetable-quinoa mixture. Spread into the prepared casserole dish and top with shredded cheese if desired. Bake on the centre over rack for 30 to 35 minutes or until the centre is hot. Refrigerate leftovers for up to 3 days.
January 2012
Just Sayin’… Vera Enshaw
I am human. Yup. I realize that this piece of informa on is going to come as a shock to some people, but there it is. Human. I fart. At home, of course. Me? “Fluff” in bed? What are you thinking??? In public? Ewwww, gross. And yet…..I do. Be‐ cause one of the things I’ve learned in this human life me is that gas held in becomes gas inverted. And gas inverted is very painful. I am not in favor of pain. Especially MY pain. I get angry. Jump‐up‐and‐down‐on‐my‐hat angry. Not that I have a hat. But if I did! I’d like to say that I only get angry at nasty world events. Corporate greed, that sort of thing. Ba‐ bies and children being hurt. Unfortunately, I get angry at mundane, personal sorts of things. Things like … wai ng. Drives me crazy. Don’t get me wrong – I understand that some mes people are late and generally I have a ton of pa‐ ence. But every once in a while it seems as though every person in my life is either late arriving, late finishing or late for dinner. Then I have to examine what my expecta ons are. Pre y simple, that one. I have an expecta on that people will conduct themselves in a mely fashion…..based, of course, on my me frame. Since I know this about myself I am pre y darned good at breathing in (and out!) and finding something to laugh about. Usually my a tude (it’s always a good thing to laugh at one’s expecta ons!). Only some‐ mes….some mes my anger goes way beyond what the sit‐ ua on seems to call for. And that gets me scared – and real‐ ly searching myself to find out what the heck is going on. Recently I have begun to realize that my anger is in direct propor on to how much I can control people and events around me. That’s like Personal Growth 101 – I’ve already visited this and I don’t mind telling you it’s kind of irrita ng to be visi ng it again! (We all know, of course, that irrita on is just another form of anger, right?) When I want to control people and events is ‐ come on, you know the answer to that – when I am feeling out of control myself. Hmmmmm. That’s going to require a wee bit of self mastery, that is. Breathing. Nurturing. Medita ng. Taking me out for me. Nourish Your Body Mind Soul
Remembering that I do not have to keep a perfect house, cook the perfect meal, and that really the only person grad‐ ing me on what is happening in my life is … me. Using the tools that I know in order to shi the problem with perspec‐ ve. “There is no problem so great that it cannot be solved.” Barb Coloroso said that in her book “Kids are People Too,” and it applies equally to the small human and the big one! Helps some mes to remember that. It also helps to ask my‐ self “What is the worst thing that could happen here?” and then looking honestly at the answer. I sing. In the shower, on the street, in stores and at work. I am one of those irrita ngly cheerful people who actually wake up singing. Singing is one of my purest expressions of joy. And because I am human I dearly love to express my joy. I do not always keep my home in the shape to which I’d like YOU to believe it exists always. Nope. Cleaning house seems to get in the way of other, more fun things to do, such as going to our favorite coffee bar. The older I get, in fact, the less I seem able to crack the whip on – well, heck, just about anything. I used to be able to draw on a seemingly inex‐ haus ble supply of energy that enabled me to work around the clock if I had to. Or thought I had to. You know, the older I get the less able I am to be able to pull even a frac on of that off. I love. I love people I know and people I don’t know. I am open and honest and giving and at the same me I am se‐ cre ve and lie and have huge scarcity issues. I honestly do not know how two people like that can co‐exist inside one human shell. And man, do they have opinions on what this human existence ought to look like! What is amazing and scary and wonderful is……we’re all hu‐ man. We’re all like this in varying degrees. No ma er who we are, where we were born, how we live, how much mon‐ ey we have or don’t have…..we are all like this. And you know what? I’m glad. Just Sayin……
January 2012
EGO - FRIEND OR FOE By Marlene Cobb
The ego is a very funny thing. If you are following a spiritual path, you have heard that you must s ll, quiet, let go of that part of yourself. This in turn causes many people to be out there working on just that, quie ng the li le fellow so that the voice of the universe can step in and be heard clearly. The ego, if you are not already aware, is the voice that constantly (if you let it) comes from a place of fear. It exacts the exact opposite of what you are trying to achieve. For many spiritual warriors this is a constant ba le. What if we started seeing the ego as a thing to love and honour? Treat it like a supreme guru who offers wis‐ dom when ever asked? The ego has a very important role in our lives. Yes it can get in the way of what we want to achieve in life, but it also gives us the opportunity to ques on each and every thing that comes along on our path. It gives us the chance to see if what we are ge ng is indeed coming to us or from us. When the ego becomes the hamster on a wheel, constantly remuner‐ a ng over the same thing, then it is me to thank it for its thoughts and steer away from the hamster. It keeps us fixated on the same thing, and that does become a problem, because eventually whatever we are thinking about becomes our reality and we have no way of seeing how to get clear of it or shi it. An example of this would be constantly thinking nobody likes us because we spend each Saturday night at home alone. This thought could lead us to turning down invita ons because we
would feel they were only doing it to be nice, and didn’t really want to include us. If we instead used the ego to ques on what is put before us, take this ar cle for example, it could help us to discern our truth, what we really know resonates with us. In the form of using the ego to discover things about ourselves it is like having a debate team at the ready. Throwing thoughts and ques‐ ons back and forth un l we have a solid understanding of exact‐ ly what we believe. As spiritual warriors we are more than the li le guy in our heads cha ering all the me keeping us compa‐ ny. We are a physical body that gives us clues to what we are experiencing. We are an emo onal body that lets us know what we are feeling. And we are a mind that helps us si through the informa on and file it into knowing. Every part of us is im‐ portant; we have it for a reason. It is me for us to embrace all of the gi s and tools we were born with, and this includes the ego. If we did not require an ego, we would not have received one at birth. It helps to keep us in our integrity and truth. Yes we do need to have it turn down the volume so that we can hear the universe talking to us, but a er the message has been re‐ ceived we should listen to what it has to offer and then discern what our truth really is. So make friends with your ego, see what it is telling you, and ques on what it is telling you. Does it ring true with what your body and emo ons are telling you? Does it just keep you in a place of fear? Or is it helping you to become who you really are by ques oning each ac on and thought that you present to the world. If you come from a place of love and speak your truth, the truth that is really you, and not the masked version that the ego first presents to you. Then you will start liv‐ ing your truth. Gained not only from universal wisdom and what you have read or heard, but what you really feel to be your truth.
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see. Taoist Proverb
January 2012
CONVERSATIONS WITH CHAMUEL by Kaye Castleman Archangel Chamuel is most commonly known as the angel of love and compassion. (S)He can be helpful in dealing with communication issues, relationships, ethnic and racial tension, and to assist in situations where we are looking for things we have lost, or cannot find. As a channel for messages from Chamuel, I have found he has a strong desire to support the opening of our heart chakra, especially at this critical time in our development.
Happy New Year to all our readers.....Kaye, here! Chamuel and I have been conversing about our format for 2012. Since this is a year for dynamic change on Planet Earth, we are changing things up for the ar cle, too. As of right now, Archangel Chamuel will be available to answer ques ons submi ed to our publica on. Any ques ons that relate to his par cular special es, listed above, are especially wel‐ come. No names will be published, but we do request that you include your name and phone number or email ad‐ dress. Anonymous ques ons will not be answered. As a prelude to this new format, Chamuel has something he would like to share....
Welcome, Dear Heart, to this new earth year, with its vi‐ brant poten als for change and spiritual development. Before we invite you to submit your ques ons, I have some informa on to share with you all. Many wish to ask
about the fate and the whereabouts of their loved ones who have passed from your three‐dimensional reality. This is a natural curiosity that you have about what lies beyond your human awareness, as well as a very human desire to remain connected to those who are no longer with you. There are two things I can say to all of you. The first is that they have moved on in a way that is en rely appropriate for them. No souled being leaves their earthly existence without having given permission and this is a truth that can help you release your concerns for them. There are many avenues they may take once they have crossed over, but this is a very complex issue, and of no consequence to your reality. In fact, it is virtually impossi‐ ble to explain accurately using human concepts, so an‐ swering these ques ons or using third par es to contact these departed energies serves neither you nor them. Which brings us to the second point I wish to share with you on this subject. In all cases, the most helpful thing you can do in these situa ons is to release your es to them, and send them on with love and gra tude. This does not mean that they are forever lost to you. Far from it. It ac‐ tually allows them to move more freely, and they may re‐ turn to you at a me of their choosing. When they remain ed to you by your feelings of fear or grief, this can inhibit their development in other dimensions, and can cause a level of dysfunc on in your rela onship with them. But when you con nue to love them and celebrate the con‐ nec on you enjoy together, then this connec on is always alive and can be used by both of you to join your energies in the best possible way. The universe is a very fluid place, and all things are connected at all mes. When you have bonds of love and caring with each other, these connec‐ ons are reinforced. So I urge you to free your loved ones to con nue on their journey, and the moment you hold them in your thoughts with joy and celebra on, they are with you once again, for there is truly no power greater than love. With that out of the way, we are open to an‐ swer our first ques on from a reader....”
QUESTIONS TO CHAMUEL Do you have a ques on for Chamuel? Archangel be published, sold or used in any fashion it just pre‐ vents us from having bots respond. Chamuel is happy to respond! Please submit your ques on to nourishpublica , if you click on this link it will come up in your email format with Archangel Chamuel in the subject line. If you are going to manually email please include Archangel Chamuel in the subject line. Please include your name, it will not Nourish Your Body Mind Soul
January 2012
QUESTIONS TO CHAMUEL Ques on: I would like to ask Archangel Chamuel, what is this year bringing for me? Will any big chang‐ es happen in my life (like family, love, health or fi‐ nances)? Signed “Curious” Chamuel: “My dear 'Curious', I must preface my answer with the statement that there are no future events that are absolutely certain. There are only poten als, though some of these poten als are more likely than others. But you are the master of your fate, and can change even the most likely poten al outcome at any me by the sheer power of your will. This is especially true this year, as your personal power and awareness are stronger than they have ever been, so you are even less a vic m of your cir‐ cumstances than any previous me in your life, and much more consciously in control of your life than before. The planetary energies are suppor ng this personal growth, so you can expect your own powers of control and decision‐ making regarding major events in your life to reach an all‐ me high. This will affect all the areas of your life that you men oned in a posi ve way. Your family, especially, will celebrate your growing confidence. It will help them to increase their own confidence in themselves. As you trust your own judgment, they will learn to trust theirs. Person‐ al confidence can be a challenging issue in love rela on‐ ships, because there is usually a ba le for control in these situa ons, even if it is a friendly ba le. However, it is al‐
ways more produc ve to have two strong energies work‐ ing together than it is when they are unbalanced in per‐ sonal power. You can expect some challenges in this re‐ gard, as it is difficult for the human ego to share control, but pa ence and a loving heart (which are present on both sides in this situa on) will build an even stronger loving rela onship. On the subject of health, you are closer than you have ever been to finding harmony in this area of your life. Many things are coming together this year to facilitate a leap forward in the way you think of and a end to your health. Invite this poten al in, and you will find the an‐ swers you are looking for. A part of the solu on lies with how you see yourself and how you value who you are. You are very close to a major shi in this area, which will spill over into many areas of your life in wonderful ways. Re‐ garding finances, there is s ll a lot of confusion in 2012, which makes it difficult for prosperity to se le in. There is no reason for you to experience a financial downturn, ei‐ ther. You are currently drawing in what you need, and this will con nue to be the case. There are many opportuni es for small windfalls of financial support which can help to see you through and offer you perks through the year. Con nue to trust that all will be well, and it will be. So there are no big changes in your finances for this year, but as you con nue to take steps to look a er yourself and grow in your own personal confidence and awareness, your financial future begins to improve more and more. Bless you, Dear Heart, for your ques on.”
January 2012
By Phil Nielsen
stand. Rather, the rune master would be asked for advice on a question or problem that the person had and would then do a rune casting which is more of an analysis of the path one was on and as such, the outcome that was likely. However, because the future is not fixed, if one did not like his or her likely outcome, the rune master would draw another stone to replace the last one, and they could change paths and thus change the outcome. Runes should be used as a tool to self-knowledge, guiding you to an answer that is already within you. We will start with a 3 rune spread as it is the most common. After you shake the runes in the bag, you draw 3 stones and lay them on a cloth from right to left.
My journey to learn more about my family background started about 10 years ago when my then 6 year old daughter came to me and wanted to know about her “heritage”. Needless to say, I was quite taken aback, as when I was 6 that idea would have never crossed my mind. She was actually quite surprised that I couldn’t speak or read Danish. As it happened, it was the middle of summer, so I took her to the Midsummers Festival. We both had a really great time and I decided it was time to learn about the Scandinavian people. I discovered how far the Vikings travelled, down the Danube to the Black Sea to trade with the Turks and Arabs, as far upriver as what is now known as St. Petersburg, Russia. They sailed down the west coast of Europe, thru the Mediterranean and also down the coast of Africa. Not to mention across the North Sea to the British Isles, where the Danes settled in the midlands and the north and lived quite peacefully with the Britons to the south. They gave the Britons a form of law (called the Danelaw) 200 years or so before there was a thought of a Magna Carta. I encourage you to read about the Norsemen and the Vikings so you can get an understanding of how adventurous they were. Yes, I know the Vikings weren’t the nicest people (all that looting and pillaging has a way of souring people’s perception of them) but they were fearless and sailed across the North Atlantic in ships no larger than 33 meters, when the rest of the planet thought the earth was flat and you would fall off and be devoured by monsters. This is my around-about way of talking about runes. According to Edred Thorsson who wrote: Futhark, A Handbook of Rune Magic, and whom I will reference quite often, they originally were totally ideographic or hieroglyphic. However, when contact was made with the Mediterranean cultures, the notion of phonetically representing language by symbols was slowly introduced to the Germanic territories. Runes are not merely a letter but bear a primary definition of “secret” or “mystery” and as such may be easily compared to the use of the term arcana in Tarot. Therefore, runes should be thought of first in the sense of a secret and holy concept. For our purpose, we will be dealing with the “Elder Futhark” which consists of 24 symbols, etched in wood, stone, bone, or metal. They are divided into 3 groups; Freyr’s Aett, Hagal’s Aett and Tyr’s Aett. This is not fortunetelling in the sense that most people underNourish Your Body Mind Soul
The first stone (farthest right) is the past, middle stone is the present and the last stone is the probable future if you stay on this path. Remember, if you don’t like the probable outcome you can replace the last stone as you have the power to change your course.
Photo: Phil Nielsen
(Joy) Personal happiness, Success and recogni on of worth Wunjo represents happiness through self and one’s own efforts rather than through others’ achievement, and is o en used as a focus for those needing success. It is those who have experienced hardships who know the importance of taking happiness as it comes and above all finding personal joy through one’s own ac ons and not expec ng life to provide boun es. (Sun) Victory, Success, Poten al, energy and Expansion Sowilo represents the Sun. As with any system, the Sun is the most posi ve and potent symbol, especially in the world of the North where the sun was so precious. It can also be seen as lightning and forms the third and most powerful fire rune, mel ng ice, causing the crops to grow. In the Far North and Scandinavia, the Sun was female. The
January 2012
Sun is referred to as the White Sow even today in Scandina‐ vian countries. It is the rune of the sun or the sun‐wheel, the sun moving through the year. Her fes vals, especially the Longest Day or Summer Sols ce were celebrated throughout the Northern world by great fire‐wheels rolled down hills with flaming tar torches waved over the fields and bonfires lit on hilltops to welcome the Sun and give it power. (homestead) Home, Domes c Ma ers, the family and family financ‐ es, stability, responsibility and Duty Othala is the rune of the sacred enclosure, the homeland, the village, the homestead. It is the rune of the home and family, its customs, du es and responsibili es that go along with maintaining family es. In the Rune poems, Othala is said to be “beloved of every human” but this domes c contentment is linked with a good harvest, i.e. material comfort. Because odal refers to land owned by genera ons rather than leased from a lord, it speaks of permanence and stability and so represents do‐ mes c stability and security and living with others rather than branching out alone. Though the Norse people were great wanderers, nevertheless, the homestead was im‐ portant to them. Establishing the new homestead, however temporary in a new land, was a priority. Reference source: h p:// This casting does show my past accurately, the present is the new changes occurring in my life, and the future probability shows family stability. As this the future is what I would want, there is no need to cast a different rune. I hope you will join me on my journey learning more about runes and their secrets.
Moderately wise a man should be not too crafty or clever. A learned man's heart whose learning is deep seldom sings with joy. - The Havamal
January 2012
WIND Standing in the middle of Your home Your office Your outside space Feel the air on your face Take just a moment to feel the air on your face Really feel it Softly turn yourself around in the space you have just created One foot at a time Turn your body gently, softly Feel the air on your body On your face As you turn your self slowly around You have created Wind
Tarot Spreads ‐ Spiritual Progress
As you turn softly, gently Allow yourself to think A thought Any thought See what happens in your turning See what happens to the Wind you are Creating Vera Enshaw
Nourish Your Body Mind Soul
Category: Spiritual Descrip on: This is a five card spread which looks at the querent's current spiritual cycle and gives clues as to what is preven ng further progress and how the querent can overcome the obstacle(s). Cards: 1. Where the querent is in their current spiritual cycle. 2. The querent's central lesson for this cycle. 3. Influences in favour of spiritual progress. 4. Influences ac ng against spiritual progress. 5. What the querent needs to do.
January 2012
Photo: Phil Nielsen
Con nuing our journey through the 22 Major arcana tarot cards we come to the first card which has a number. The Magician is the second card in the major arcana, but as the Fool is classed as 0 the Magician is number 1. So while we consider the Fool to be the beginning he is actually the space before the beginning and the Magician is the begin‐ ning. Think of the fool as the thought, and the Magician as the ac on. This card represents the fool waking up the next morning a er star ng his journey and having the thought “OMG what am I doing? How could I just step off that cliff and start this journey? I am not prepared!” The Magician has all the joyful and youthful exuberance of The Fool but with the added benefit of wisdom from experi‐ ence. He is the bridge between spirit and humanity. His right hand holds a staff raised toward the sky and his le points to the earth. This card shows two symbols of eternity, the symbol of eternity over his head and the snake wrapped around his waist as a belt bi ng its own tail. His magical table holds all four suits of the Tarot, each of which repre‐ sents one of the four primordial elements of the alchemists – earth, air, fire and water. The cool, airy Sword of intellect and communica on (air), the fiery Wand of passions and ambi on (fire), the overflowing Chalice of love and emo‐ ons (water), the solid Pentacle of work, possessions and body (earth). These symbolise the appropriate use of mind, heart, body and soul in the process of manifesta on. The Magician’s robe is white, symbolising the purity and innocence found in the Fool but his cloak is red, repre‐ sen ng worldly experience and knowledge. In the bed of flowers at his feet this duality is repeated in the mix of pure white lilies and thorny red roses. The Magician represents the early stages or beginnings of
an opportunity or phase of your life. If you have the will‐ power and determina on to pursue your goals, you have every chance of being successful. He is about harnessing your own magic and resources to have things happen. You will need to think on your feet but with insight and wisdom you can find a way to succeed. Beware though, as with all magicians there is the art of illusion, whether you are trying to force something to hap‐ pen and go your way when it really shouldn`t or if you are being tricked by those around you. The magician can ask you to take a second look at what is going on and discern if it is for the highest good of all involved or if you are trying to get your own way. Be careful who you trust for all may not be as it seems; and as with all things this includes your‐ self! The Magician is about the magic of possibility and how, with crea vity, enthusiasm and sheer willpower, we can make things happen in our lives. With ini a ve and careful insight you can harness your own magic and have the wis‐ dom to see through illusion.
January 2012
The below ar cle is a channel that I first read in Sedona Journal Magazine. It spoke to me so much that I decided it was worth sharing. It is a long read but there is much informa on within the following pages. I have included the below from h p://, please note the copyright . Live Kryon Channelling Sacramento, California July 2, 2011 As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon The informa on below is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. The Copyright, however, prohibits sale in any form except by the publisher
LIVE KRYON CHANNELLING "Attributes of the Match Bearer" This live channelling was Given in Sacramento, California July 2, 2011 Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. A group of old souls sits in front of me as they often do. Each one has his own attributes that are spiritual as well as that of the earth. It's a duality that is present with appropriateness and that literally speaks of the year you're in, which is 2011.
swer for what their work is about. But they wouldn't be here if they had not asked the second question.
The entire reason for the lessons is to develop compassion. If the earth becomes more compassionate in any way at all, the actual spiritual vibration of the planet increases, and that is the goal. So the old souls in the room have a goal for their being here at all. It's not just to exist, and it's not just to solve problems while they are here. That's what I'm going to talk about.
You might say that you take the new energy where the old energy used to be, and that changes everything around you. That is your entire purpose. So we're going to be specific here in a moment. We're going from the big to the little, and the first is this metaphor, even before I start the teaching. Again, dear ones, for the ones in the room and for the ones specifically who are reading this message right now, I see you.
So we're going to be quite generic and yet fairly specific. We're going to give you concepts that you haven't thought of - the reason you are here, old soul. Right now, especially now, the reason you If you examine the numbers of 2011 as we have discussed with you are here is to hold light in dark places. You're not here to try to before, you get the energy of the two and the 11. The two represents evangelize or change any other Human Being to what you believe, for belief is not the issue. The vibration of the planet is the issue. It your duality; the 11 is illumination. You might say 2011 is "the can only be changed with a consciousness that is pure. It's not just illumination of duality." When you add them together, you get a in what you believe. It is in the being and not the doing. It is being four, which is structure and Gaia. So this is the year where great lessons occur. Lessons are occurring in groups as well as individu- light, for as you walk around with illumination, you change that which is dark. als.
Potentials One of the attributes of God is that there is no time. If you are listening at this moment to this recording, or reading this message anywhere, it's the now. That is how time is for me. It is not just for the souls in front of me, for those old souls in front of me here are in a three-dimensional state on a linear track of time. It's critical for them to live their lives in a succinct way. But not me. So the potential of your ears hearing this was known to me as something you might do. I know you're here. I know you're listening and reading. There are two areas of concern that you come in with [arrive on the This may be hard for you to understand, since you might say, "If God cannot tell the future,"you might say, "then Kryon, how did you planet]. There are two sets of questions you carry as you sit in the know I would be listening or reading?" That answer is easy because chairs. The first set of questions are all about yourself, as they the potential of your doing so was so strong, I knew you'd do it. should be. You ask, "How I can get from A to B and become better at what I'm here for? How I can live longer?"You might ask, "How I I sit in front of a group of approximately 100 souls. Now, I knew can eliminate drama in my life? How I can be healthier?"The second part is, "What am I doing for the planet?"These questions aren't when they made their decision to come. I knew the potentials of really something that come in pairs. The second one requires a con- them finding out about the meeting. I knew even those who found out yesterday. I knew. For the potentials of this energy is what is in fluence of energy for old souls who want to know how they can stay longer and do the work that they came for. If you would inter- the quantum soup that I have spoken about so often. Not the future, view everyone here in the chairs, they would have a different anbut the potentials. This allows us to bring forward an entourage that I'm going to talk about a metaphor that we have given so often before, but that takes on special meaning as we give it yet again. I have a title for this message, which we don't often give. Usually I let my partner do that later. This time I'm going to give it. It's "The Attributes of the Match Bearer." These are the ones who sit in front of me right now and who are reading this message.
Nourish Your Body Mind Soul
January 2012
is then complimentary of those who sit in the chairs, of the old souls and their lives, of their lessons. It even drives the subject of the channels. We wait for you to come and sit before us, dear ones, way before we really know what we're going to say and what we're going to do. So I know you and I thank you for being here. This is your time on the planet. The Light and Dark Metaphor Let us begin the teaching. The metaphor has been given over and over. Imagine that there is a room full of entities called humanity who walk around in darkness. So the metaphor here is spiritual darkness. The Humans don't know who they are or why they are. They have no concept that they are part of the creative energy of God. They follow whatever is given to them and whatever doctrines they learn about when they are young. They find God in whatever corner they can. Some find God profoundly, and some do not. Many go through the motions and never understand any more than the motions. Seemingly in the dark, they often bump into one another. Some of them bump into another and become angry‌ a war starts. That's what happens in the dark when you can't really see what's going on apart from what you know about yourself. Therefore, what is always going on is apart from you and is always a mystery. Therefore, there is drama. Therefore, there is conspiracy and mistrust. Being in the dark creates war. Being in the dark creates separation and hatred. Being in the dark creates fear and anxiety.
the more understanding there is, the more peace there is. This is the attribute of the planet as we see it right now. We have made the statement over and over that less than one half of one percent of the planet must strike the match for there to be peace on Earth. Now you know the reasoning behind that. It means that there could be Human Beings all over the planet who never strike a match, who don't believe anything that you believe, yet they still participate. They participate in your light. This is difficult, perhaps, for you to grasp - how one small match would make a difference. But it does. So in this room and listening to me now and reading these words are Match Bearers. How do I know that? Because I know you. Oh, human being. There are warriors in this room; there are stories that would make your hair stand on end. There are heroic actions and joy. There is sorrow beyond belief; there is gratitude. Everything that you can imagine has ever happened to a Human on the planet is here right now. Some of the greatest dramas ever presented on Earth, you participated in. Some of the most heroic actions any Human Being can do for another, you've done. Some of the suffering that never should have occurred on the planet, you've experienced. Some of the greatest celebrations that the planet has ever seen were about you. The Variety of the Old Soul Energy
There are men here who have given birth! This is because their gender is different today than it was then. There are women who have worn the battle armor because their gender was different when they But now, as the metaphor continues, there is one in the darkness wore it. Old souls take turns, you know? Here is something I'm who knows who they are. You might say that the attribute of this going to tell you now, and I want you to listen because this is a person is our Match Bearer. This person bears with them the ability concept you don't think of often. Humans tend to stay in family to create light. Small as it might be, this person has a match. In a groups for a very, very long time through many incarnations. They fully darkened room, one lit match is interesting, for it creates light stay in cultures for a very, very long time as well. Oh, you may enough to see dimly for everyone, so that one Match Bearer in that move around once you're born, but you can't change your blood, darkened room, on their own, decides to light it. The reason? It's to can you? You can't change where you came from no matter where study their own spirituality, their own self-worth, to light their you move to, can you? You may sit in a chair today in America but match to see themselves better. it can't change where you're born. So what I want to talk about is outside the purview of three dimensions. This means it's outside of So they light it for themselves so that they can take the hand of the your understanding of the way things work, or how you think about Higher-Self and discover who they are. Therefore, they light their your ancestors, relatives, and ancestry in general. It's different than match. And in the process of lighting that match, they illuminate you perceive how things work. So now we're going to talk about (very dimly) the rest of the room. Suddenly, Humans can see one your parents, your grandparents, and their parents. We'll go back another and they like it! They see family! Fear starts to go away. 100 years or more. Understanding what is next to you creates understanding and peacefulness. There's less distrust. Some actually look for where The Timing of the Shift the light has come from. Many don't. My partner spoke today of fractal time. He gave you examples of The attribute of the light of the Match Bearer is similar to the light- how time is actually in a circle that makes no sense in three dimenhouse that stands by the sea, which we have given you before. The sions as you perceive it. But it is the way of things in a multidimenlighthouse stands alone, all by itself. It shines a light that others sional world [using the word quantum to mean that]. Your own may or may not see, that steers them into safe harbors by their own science is starting to understand and participate in the belief that choice, since they have the rudder of choice on their own ship of time may very well be in a circle and may have what they would life. The Match Bearer is sitting with the match, has illuminated it call fractals or a predictable cycle of potential influence that occurs for themselves, yet it affects all around them in a positive way. on a regular path as you transverse the circle of time. These potentials can be computed, and so they sit there even without those to The Match Bearer says nothing. Those around this person may not give them an esoteric prediction, those who have the calendars of know his/her name. They may not even know she has lit a match! old. The calendars reflect the cycle of time. All they know is they can now see! Some of them start looking for the match in themselves and they begin to slowly light their own We have discussed with you that the Mayans had a system in their matches, and the room becomes brighter. The brighter the room observatories besides pure astronomy. Like many of the ancients, becomes, the more is seen and is not a mystery, and the further a they used their intuition to develop systems around the calendar Human Being can see past themselves and their immediate family, that were the esoterics [spiritual] of the study of time fractals and
January 2012
predictions of potentials used even today. We told you that you are in a 36-year window representing the precession of the equinoxes, the center of that time window, which is 2012. We told you this 36year event is what you have called the 2012 Galactic Alignment energy, and also what you have called The Great Shift. If this is so, this means it was predictable - and many predicted it. Also, if this is so, it means it was expected, and the potentials of the expectations are upon you now.
" e're coming into the planet. We're going to be there in a lower W energy, and we will try to shine as much light as we can, but it may not be much. We might never awaken,"they're saying. "Because it's not time,"they're saying. "But we see the potential of the Galactic Alignment looming. We see the 36-year window is coming. We may not even be alive."they say. But they are planning on coming anyway. They are old souls and have something to do: Plant seeds.
S" o, why are they coming to the planet while there is an old energy?" you might ask. Here is the answer: They're coming to the planet your grandparents, all four of them - so they can give birth to your Let me take you to the other side of the veil where there is no time. mom and dad. Now, your mom and dad are also in the meeting as Remember, we are not in linear 3D on my side. We are in a multidi- well - and by the way, so are you! So are your children. Do you understand this? You are all part of the collective and parts of you mensional state, which we often call a quantum state, using still never leave it, even though you are here, walking on Earth. Within another metaphor of real physics that means, "outside of 3D." On the other side of the veil, I want to tell you about meetings that have that quantum meeting, there is no linear time, only potentials of time. This is tough for a linear thinker to grasp. taken place and are still taking place. When there is no time, there are only potentials. When there are only potentials, even the past, Listen: Your grandparents, parents, and you are agreeing as your present, and the now are blurred to you. They are blurred because you have a 3D filter. The future is not known, but the potentials of ancestors speak: "We are going to go through this so the timing is what you might do are and the strength of the potentials are gener- proper that our children will be born in the shift."They know what ated by your consciousness and what happens today, yesterday, and the potentials are and they need to make certain that it is YOU who tomorrow. arrived during this time. I could go back even further than your grandparents. Come with me to the meeting of your parents and grandparents, for they represent souls just like yours. Like you, they are a piece of the If it's true that the timing of the shift is known in advance, since it is God Creator. Even if they never awakened to examine that fact part of Gaia, and also the cycles of the earth, then it's a system and while on Earth, they are NOT on Earth for this meeting. Let's go to not random. This means the planning of the potentials of the souls this meeting where they are, even now, right now. who occupy your ancestors, as well as you and your children, line up perfectly so that your cellular structure has the bloodline it does "Wait a minute, Kryon! My parents are still alive. They can't be in a and the Akashic records it has. Did you ever think of this? You meeting on the other side of the veil."For us, they're still in that might even start to realize that you may actually be "old soul spemeeting, because part of your soul energy is on the other side of the cialists," here at the perfect time. veil all the time, dear one. What do you think your Higher-Self is? It is the energy of your own personal, angelic form. The metaphor Let's again talk of your parents, as we have done before. They may we like to give is that one foot is on the other side of the veil all the say, "We're going to come to the planet, meet each other, and give time, and one foot is in 3D. The entire duality issue and the test of birth to this soul, an old soul [many incarnations on the earth], one your life is to open the door and see that, and to take the hand of of the oldest souls possible, even older souls than our ourselves. We that which is your Higher-Self. Your Higher-Self has been the same may never awaken. But this is our chore to go into the planet. We Higher-Self every single time you've been on Earth, the same one can't hold much light. We may even criticize those we birth. We occupying the different Human bodies of your many incarnations. may even throw them out of the family! We may even abuse them. There is a commonality through the ages. Do you see it now? No The old energy may completely hide all of this current divine intent matter how many past lives you've had, no matter what you've from us, but that's why we're going, so that our children will be the done, no matter where you've been, the same Higher-Self is there. ones with the wisdom of the potential of an awakening. They will be It's your core. Now, do you start to understand why you would want The Match Bearers." to connect with it? Now, we stop to remind you that there is no predestination. So again, this is a planning meeting of potentials, not contracts. HowBirth of the Match Bearer ever, Human Beings incarnate into karmic groups, so the attraction Come to this meeting with me, metaphorically, and watch. Your and synchronicity often plays out to enhance the overwhelming grandparents are there, too. They are looking at everything with the chances that they will indeed meet each other and come together to mind of God, which is theirs while they are in the meeting. They're birth you. not in 3D; they're in that perfect place, which the Creator energy represents beyond anything you can imagine. Although there is no The Match Bearers, as in the metaphor above, are the ones born in individuality or singularity with the parts of God, and although the- this time who can metaphorically light a match in the old energy se in the meeting are part of a collective quantum group, the esdarkness and illuminate the planet. Did you ever think of that? Your sence of the potential of who they've been and who they will be are parents came together on purpose. Oh, I know you're going to say, still represented there. I don't ask you to understand this. I just ask "Wait a minute, Kryon, you don't know my parents. I don't think they you to see it with me. All their past lives are there with them. have that consciousness in them."Maybe not on this side of the veil, dear ones, but do you understand what I'm saying? With the mind Now, in what you call your past, I'm going to tell you what they of God, they came in saying, "We probably won't wake up. We won't said: remember this planning session or even believe it was possible. The old energy will keep us from seeing. But we're going to have a child A Quantum Meeting of Your Own Ancestors
Nourish Your Body Mind Soul
January 2012
you're just describing Mother Teresa! I'm not sure I can do any of those things. This is a hard call, Kryon, because you really don't know what happened in my life... what has gone on with those That's why your grandparents came in and their grandparents came around me and my family."Oh, yes, I do. You see, I was there. And in as they did. The lineage is there for you to see. The potentials are by the way, so were all the seeming angels you carry around with there to see, and you sit in the chair today listening to this channel- you. Why didn't you take their hands when they had them outling because it all worked together, and here you are, Match Bearer. stretched? I know who's here! You always want to do it alone, don't you? You'd better be listening, my partner, because this is for you, too. You always want to do it alone - all that help that's around you, Attributes of the Match Bearer yet you always want to do it alone. We know who did what to whom. We were there at every step. Let's talk about the match that you hold, dear one. I'm speaking to the match bearers who are here, who are reading. Wherever you The attributes of the pure Match Bearer are to push love. They have create light, in any situation through your own individual actions, the energy you create changes the energy of Gaia where you walk. tolerance for every single Human Being who they come into conIt changes that which is quantum around you. The whole earth tact with. They assume love is present in every situation. They creknows you. If you awaken, the whole earth knows you have done ate light. so. Gaia knows you. You walk into the forest alone with the trees, they know you. The animals know you. God knows you. I know I want to tell you about dark and light, yet again. If you've got a you. It's why you came. It's what you're feeling now that brings you light lit, darkness cannot invade you. How can darkness, which has here. It's why you sit in the chairs, and why you came today. no energy at all, be around and invade you when you're holding the light? Darkness, as defined, is the absence of light. Some LightYou might say, "What is different about me? What am I feeling in workers have a strange 3D concept that says, "I don't want to go this lifetime? Why is there a feeling that I have to do something?" there because the darkness may get me. I'm very careful where I go. Well, wake up, Match Bearer, because this is your destiny. With I don't want to go around these people because they have dark enfree choice, you will illuminate your life to the point where all ergy."Why don't you go there and shine your light in their lives, oh around you know who you are, or at least feel your light. courageous one? Are you only going where there is other light? Do doctors go to work and only see doctors? So let me ask you about your family. I'm going to ask you about your immediate family, your blood family. How are you treating How do you treat your family? When you go to work, what goes on them? There are some who will say, "Well, let's not bring them into there? I can hear the verbiage now: "I've got the worst boss in the this, because I don't like them very much."That's why the drama world. This is one who delights in torturing us with tasks that make circles all the time, dear one. You continue, "I do my best, but I don't no sense at all just to make work for us. This boss doesn't like the like them very much. But I sure am stellar when I go to New Age New Age because he happens to believe differently, so he makes fun meetings. I love everybody there, every one of them."[Laugher] Yes, of it."You don't think we know this, dear one? Remember, those in but I didn't ask you that. It's easy to get along with others like you. charge don't always have the wisdom to be in charge. Sometimes It's because you all have a light! No, I'm talking about you alone in they're egomaniacs. Don't you think we know this? That's how they the dark, by yourself. I want to know how you're treating your fam- got where they are. So, how do you treat them? Do they continue to ily. push your buttons? Do they do things just to irritate you? Or perhaps you just have one who is always depressed? Therefore, you Let me tell you how the Match Bearer sees family, immediate fami- have to walk in the dark energy all the time at work - or is it lighter ly. They look past the abuse; they look past the drama; they look because of you? and see what has been done for them. They may even say to Spirit, "Mom and Dad, thank you for giving me life and for knowing on the I want to give you the truth, Match Bearer. If you're holding light, other side of the veil that I can change the planet. Thank you for no darkness or dark energy is going to affect you. You're going to what you've done in that planning session. No matter what the walk into that place, open the door, and do your work. And while words have been or the slings and arrows and the abuse and the you're there, you are saying: "Thank you, God, I have a job. Thank names I've been called, I honor you."Now, is that you? you, it's here for now, because wherever I go, I'm going to make a difference."Some say it's impossible to make a difference at work. You come into relationships; you grow; the relationships someThey again say, "You don't know my work."Oh, how 3D of you! You times change; you stay in them for a long time; they change again. don't know that the light you carry creates tolerance, appreciation, Now, let's say there's drama in that relationship. Remember, this is and love? It creates the ability to share and listen with care. It not a blood relative; it's an elective. Do you think there is a possibil- changes the planet. Some of those around you may eventually come ity they were in another meeting? This becomes a bit ponderous to to you with their issues and their problems. You might sit and ask, "I think about, doesn't it? So how do you see these in this relationwonder why they want to share it with me?"Perhaps it's because ship? No matter what the words have been, no matter what the ac- they intuitively see your light; maybe because they see your tolertions were, no matter what the betrayals were, no matter what goes ance; maybe you're the only one who will listen to them, and in the on today, the Match Bearer looks at them and says, "This is a crea- process, you share love. In the process of them being next to you, ture of God designed to give me lessons and to push me out of the you love them. And maybe it's the only love they're going to get nest. Maybe the lesson is even to give me a kick in the pants so I that day or that week or that month or even that year, dear Match can have compassion for the rest of humanity. Thank you, God, for Bearer. them."That's what the Match Bearer says. Can you do that? That's what you do. It's one Human at a time with another. The The Match Bearer has the light of God, and you may say, "Well, earth changes one Human at a time, and that's why you came.
that's a Match Bearer, a very old incarnate soul on this planet. That's why we're here."
January 2012
That's why your parents saw the potentials of it. Everywhere you walk, every situation you're in, you have a chance to strike the match. The greater your light, the greater the planet's light. So now, are you still wondering why you came to the planet? " ryon, I'm not a healer, nor an author. I'm not a channeller either. K I just go to work, come home, do errands, make the beds, then go to work again. What kind of a life is this?"I'll tell you, dear one, it's a Match Bearer's life! Your lineage asked for you to come and for you to walk on the planet and strike the match, go to work, make the beds, do the errands, and come back home again. That's why you're here! I don't want you to diminish that for a moment, since everywhere you go there is more light because of you. How do you handle fear and anxiety? What pushes your buttons? What makes you worry? Isn't it about time to conquer that? What's happening in your body that's tested you lately? I don't just talk to those in the chairs. I talk to my partner. I talk to him all the time. He's just like you. He walks through life just like you. He has some of the same questions you do, yet he's the channeller! So I talk to all. I am Kryon. I've never been a Human Being. I'm always seemingly standing on the outside. I am in charge, if you want to say, of the information that comes through your guides, which comes through your Higher-Self for the energy of the planet. I was not even allowed here until this shift began, because the planet's energy was not commensurate with the energy of the information that I now teach. I'll be here a long time, because the potentials are for the energy to stay and grow and be - all because of the Match Bearers.
continue to see today. You're still on track. Nothing has derailed it and you still have free choice. It's not a given, and it's not a set future. Instead, it is the strongest potential that we see in this quantum soup of many potentials - yet we still see it. It is building upon itself, and there is evidence that is manifesting everywhere, and the Match Bearers continue to light their matches. When we opened this seminar this morning with a short channel, we invited those who would build a wall between me and them through self-doubt, and through skepticism, to let me in for a little while. Now I give you the opportunity to put the wall back. If you came here and you don't want any part of this metaphysical talk and you're not ready, then it is your safety net to put the wall back. I know that and I say to you, "Put it back,"because you're not ready. We are not here to force anything upon you. We don't want you to leave with an energy you don't want. This message is for those Match Bearers who feel it is appropriate and timely. But I want to give you a fact: You will never forget what you heard today. There is no "delete" button in the Human brain.
The match doesn't go away, either. The old soul carries it as long as they need to. Your children will carry it as well. So this is the truth of it, and it is a beautiful plan. Again, less than one half of one percent of this Human population must light the match for all this to take place, and it's slowly happening. That's not that many of you. So let the matches be lit this day in whatever degree. Some day you'll realize that to have a fully lit match, there must be many lit in many places, not just one. That's why there are so many Lightworkers all around the earth. You'll never meet them, but you all know What irritates you the most? What buttons get pressed the easiest in each other in a quantum way. you? When you watch the news, when you see politics, when you see certain kinds of attitudes, do you get angry? Think of what So that is the message of this day for you. For the listener and readmakes you the angriest. Now, let me ask you, can you see it in tol- er, it is the message of Kryon. It always has been and always will erance? Well, that's what the Match Bearer learns to do. be. It becomes more succinct and clearer as the energy increases and allows for these things to be said and mentioned and taught. "I hate war,"you might say, "I don't want anything to do with it. I hate the sorrow that it creates, the heartbreak that it creates. It seems to Grateful, I am, as Kryon, to have come this distance to meet the perpetuate itself."I'm not asking you to love war. I'm asking you to Match Bearers that I always knew would be here. And so it is. love the Humans who created it. They're pieces of God, just like you. Can you look at these things with tolerance and see the parts of KRYON them who are loved by God? If you can do that, then you shine light Inserted from < in their life. It doesn't matter where they are, and they never may k_channel11_sacramento.html> know who you are. It's just like the lighthouse on the rock. How many ships and the captains of the ships have gone to lunch with a lighthouse keeper? The answer is very few of them. But they look for the lighthouse, don't they? Well, humanity looks for you! It's intuitive, and even the darkest energy knows about light. There are Match Bearers everywhere. Everywhere my partner goes, there are auditoriums filled with Match Bearers. That's why they're there. They may not know the particulars, but they feel it inside. These are old souls coming together to participate in an event called, "Planting the Seeds of Peace on Earth." When this 36-year window [The Galactic Alignment] is over, they will have been planted securely and permanently. The potential will unravel itself and unfold itself and there will be more wild-cards for you to see. Wild-card is the term we use to describe actions that are not expected, and that change things on the planet. It is often expressed as countries who have unexpected turns, or dictators who unexpectedly fall. A wild-card is a scenario where humanity starts to put things together instead of tearing them apart. This is the potential we saw 22 years ago and it is the potential we Nourish Your Body Mind Soul
January 2012
Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony. Thomas Merton
Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings. Just for today I will not worry. Photo: Phil Nielsen
TO A SNOWDROP Lone flower, hemmed in with snows and white as they But hardier far, once more I see thee bend Thy forehead, as if fearful to offend, Like an unbidden guest. Though day by day, Storms, sallying from the mountain‐tops, waylay The rising sun, and on the plains descend; Yet art thou welcome, welcome as a friend Whose zeal outruns his promise! Blue‐eyed May Shall soon behold this border thickly set With bright jonquils, their odours lavishing On the so west‐wind and his frolic peers; Nor will I then thy modest grace forget, Chaste Snowdrop, venturous harbinger of Spring, And pensive monitor of flee ng years!
January 2012
Just for today I will not be angry. Just for today I will do my work honestly. Just for today I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.
today I will
take time
to slow
and breathe Nourish Your Body Mind Soul
January 2012
Photos: Phil Nielsen 28