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Your Body ~ mind ~ soul

Issue 8 March 2012



MARCH NOURISHMENT Nourish will be published on the Full Moon Date of each month. Upcoming Publication Dates April 6, 2012 May 6, 2012 June 4, 2012 July 3, 2012 August 1, 2012

Welcome/Quote Taking Care of Our Own


Oh I Have No Will Power


At Kaye’s Desk


Celebrating Wild Flowers


Just Sayin’ Free Range Edibles Mayan Horoscope


"Change happens when you understand what you want to change so deeply that there is no reason to do anything but act in your own best interest." Geneen Roth

8/9 10/11 12/13/14

It’s A Start


Essential Oils


Energy 101


Music That Moved Us




Shopping with the Divine




Life Through Tarot


Taste Sensations






Power Animals


Conversations with Chamuel


Questions to Chamuel






Book Review Earth Crystals Kryon



32/33 34 35-39 2

CONTRIBUTORS Marlene Cobb Editor/Publisher Hello and welcome to March!!

Vera Enshaw

Spring is on its way and I find that when the sun is shining there is a extra little spring in my step. I find myself smiling quietly to myself and others that I meet. The air is still crisp but the sun offers a little warmth and it seems to brighten everyone’s demeanour. Outside our apartment, birds are arriving. I have been taking great pleasure in the flicker who taps on the metal transformer. Beating out a sound that makes me laugh, and then laugh harder as another flicker answers wix, wix, wix. I am sure not all the apartment dwellers appreciated the noise at 7:30 am on a Saturday morning. There are also the usual crows and some small little birds that I cannot identify yet. I am also delighted by the nice neat row of snowdrops shining bright white, brightening even the darkest days. The past month has been an amazing journey for me. You will notice that the magazine grew a little this month (smiley face). Some amazing authors have come on board this month, and there is promise of more in the following months. I am thrilled and honored to have met each of them. I am humbled that they gladly offered to contribute to this magazine. Please enjoy the articles and if a particular one grabs your attention, send an email to either the author, if an email address is supplied or to and I will pass it along. I am planning on putting together a survey and will be randomly sending it out to people. If you read the magazine each month and have 510 minutes to spare please send me an email. I am looking at having it anonymous so that answers will be freely given. Nourish has been up for 8 issues as of this month and feed back is valuable as we are beginning to grow. I want to know what you think, what works and what doesn’t really turn your crank. Okay time to put this issue to bed! Until next month, blessings to all of you!


Author Proofing

Phil Nielsen Author Photos Proofing

Jeannie Magenta Author

Kaye Castleman BA, MA Author Abby Armstrong Author Marguerite Paquin PhD Author Gwen Randall-Young Author Marilyn Dyke Author Tomke Mast Photos


Feed Your Body ~ mind ~ soul All content ©2011 - 2012 by Nourish Your Body Mind Soul Nourish Your Body Mind Soul is a monthly publication dedicated to empowering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All articles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are provided as guidelines to the readers. Ultimately each reader is responsible for their own choices and decisions. The articles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.



TAKING CARE OF OUR OWN By Marlene Cobb As a society or even as an individual do we do this? What defines our own? The phrase “think globally, act locally” was a cliché born in the 90’s that has stuck around. It is used today for many situations. Business planning, Town planning, and environment issues, especially global warming, all use this phrase. One could say that “sustainability” is the new catch phrase that could encompass “thinking globally and acting locally” as the premise is along the same lines. Sustain our communities. If each of us did this the world as a whole would be better off. I have been pondering this thought for a month now. Who are my own? My family and friends definitely, yet in there I also want to include more. People who I don’t know personally but who touch a cord within me. I guess I should also include myself. Then there is the thought; exactly what does “thinking globally” mean to me? Hmm, ponders for a moment. I don’t come up with an answer! What does that tell you about me? I do care about what is happening in the world, I have compassion. I see the unjust going on. Yet I don’t have a magic wand to wave and create a world any better. I can help in little ways to help others working in the same fashion to facilitate change but I cannot do it alone. For me “thinking globally” means connecting in some way to a larger group from around the world, each working individually to become a collective whole. I have friends across the world via the wonderful tool called the internet. I have met these people through message boards, chat rooms and Facebook. Each one is helping in the manner they can. Do I donate hundreds of dollars to disaster relief funds, or sponsor a child in a less fortunate country? NO. I do support other efforts that help in those areas…I like RED (you may have heard of it, a little organization that Bono belongs to). I have also participated in the Shoe Box drive and UNICEF. I have listened to people around the world tell me their troubles with unemployment, floods, tornado’s

and fires. I have been there in the capacity of a friend listening, the person who for a few moments steers their thoughts to other things…laughter and companionship via a keyboard and monitor. Locally when I shop it is at stores in my community. If a store has a program that helps out the community I am all over that. Count me in! Let’s look at grocery shopping. We all have to visit the store at least once every two weeks, and if you are like me, chances are it is twice a week. I buy products, which helps to pay for the salaries of all the employees…good, I am contributing locally. The suppliers who have produce farms, organic trade coffee, soap, dairy in BC are being supported by me as well. All the other products that are imported…. yup I am contributing to them as well, for my dollars get broken down in to pennies that are passed along to them. You see, even the act of shopping locally can have a global effect. My thoughts are, when I do anything locally, like give return bottles to the family who needs a few extra dollars a month, drop my change in the Sally Ann caldron, support the local youth team, have my car washed by grads or youth sending money to Mexico to build homes, I am also being global. When I support the local shelter or food bank I am looking out for my own. The homeless person on the curb who I give a sandwich or a couple dollars to again I am looking out for my own. I am facilitating a change globally for we are all global. To someone somewhere we are the global portion and they are the locals. I also believe that we start with looking after ourselves and the more we do this the more we are able to help others. Yes I take care of my own. and globally!


Near and far, locally,


By Jeannie Magenta

This particular phrase I have heard numerous times in the past couple months as I have cut sugar among other things out of my diet. Here is the deal people and it really is quite simple. In fact willpower requires using again and again the first word I became fluent in as a child. Can you recall what most little kids first word is? Let me give you a hint “NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO.“ I often need to say “No” to others and let them know that that behavior takes me away from the direction I want to be moving towards. I also need to say “No” regularly to myself, and the negotiator that resides within again and again. I have found sticking to my plan is really simple when I use the word “No” and don’t cave in to peer pressure, people pleasing or “oh its just a little indulgence”.

Willpower to me is about asking the question again and again “Does this bring me closer to my goal or farther away?” If the answer is “closer” great, if the answer is “farther away” then what the heck am I doing? Time to re-evaluate because doing things twice or even more for the sake of a reward that sets me back, is crazy! How often do you say you want something and then turn around and blow the money on something else or settle into something unsatisfying? Does it really have to do with willpower, or having clarity around the end goal? We all have the ability to listen and now our willpower demands that we listen to ourselves and the voice that knows best for our highest good. Time to drop our excuses, get really clear, say “No” to what defeats us and “Hello” to where we want to go!

For the sake of simplicity I will use my wellness plan/diet as an example. I have been tracking my progress really closely and every time I cheat it shows up in black and white on the scale. Imagine my frustration when I worked really hard to drop two pounds in a week and bang the two pounds are back again because I didn’t want to hurt someone’s feeling and say “No”. Or worse yet I ate crap as a reward for being so “good” this past week. My internal voice said “No” but I chose to not to listen.



nothing but a few minutes and the focus of the conscious heart and mind. There are four short phrases that must be repeated like a mantra, in any order you wish. I've found an order that works for me. You may find your own. While repeating the phrases, it's important to connect with the feeling that each represents. With time the feelings becomes automatic. The first phrase is, “I love you.” This opens the heart. Think of how you feel when you are saying these words in earnest. Feel how your vibration expands and the energy of your heart is activated. This is the goal of the first phrase, to dissolve the defensive wall around your heart, and open you to the possibility of a positive outcome.

I watched a movie-length documentary on my computer last week. Normally I skip over them. I'm at work, and who has time? But this one related obliquely to the work I do as an alternative practitioner, so before I left for the day I clicked on the 'play' button, thinking I would watch it long enough to get the core of the information. As the documentary unfolded, I was gripped by a kind of fascinated horror. Each scene brought new and more compelling evidence to light. Personal stories and scientific data intertwined, with every scenario more heartrending than the last. I was riveted by its implications for our planet and future generations. When it was over, I shut down my computer and headed home, but my reaction to the scenes and information I had just watched hung around me like a dark cloud. This is the main reason I don't watch the news on television or read the major newspapers. Yes, there are tragedies and injustice everywhere, but we don't need to carry them around in our personal space or build our life on them. They're already part of who we are, since we're connected to everything that's happening in the universe. Focusing on them just gives them power over us....the power to make us feel small and victimized. And it reinforces their grim message.

The second phrase is, “I'm sorry.” This acknowledges our accountability. Since we are each part of everything that is occurring at any point in time, there is no situation that exists for which we are not partially responsible. Accepting this fact shifts the energy in a powerful way. We no longer resist our share in events with expressions like, “It's not my fault.” Instead, we voluntarily admit the reality of our participation, however minimal, by apologizing. The third phrase is, “Please forgive me.” This surrenders the ego. By handing over control of the situation to the party that has offended us, we completely disable the ego. This statement doesn't mean we've done anything wrong, but it does guide us to relinquish control. Most of our fear and associated emotions come from the need to feel in control, which is a protective mechanism of the ego. Letting go of this need neutralizes our fear. The last phrase is, “Thank you.” This lifts the vibration. The vibrational frequency of gratitude is one of the highest that exists. By giving thanks for the experience, we acknowledge that this person or event offers an opportunity for us to grow in understanding and awareness. It takes away our judgment of the situation and replaces it with the uplifting energy of gratitude. As you say each phrase, connect with its inherent emotion and apply that feeling to your situation. Some feelings may be easier to connect with than others. Search until you find a way that you can honestly relate it to your circumstance. If you do this, I guarantee that you will no longer be plagued with the troubling feeling you had when you started.

As I drove home I was acutely aware of the heaviness in my chest, and I recognized that this was not a feeling I wanted to have, or project into the world around me. I reminded myself that all things are evolving in perfection, and that no event or circumstance, no matter how painful, is beyond our ability to shift. We create our reality. This has been demonstrated over and over again. So how was I to clear this persistent sense of doom? I opted for the Ho'oponopono clearing technique as described in Joe Vitale's book, Zero Limits, on the life and work of Dr. Hew Len. The technique is fast and simple and can be done anywhere, in any situation. It requires

The Ho'oponopono mantra is a phenomenal tool for clearing your heart and mind. It releases your attachment to the drama of fearful or depressing thoughts. It leaves


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you with a positive outlook by linking together some of the most empowering vibrational frequencies we can generate. Immersing yourself in these frequencies opens you up to more positive, balanced thinking. Do it after any experience that has clouded your mood, or before any practice (like meditating or going to sleep) when you want to feel clear and uplifted.

CELEBRATING WILD FLOWERS By Abby Armstrong Pink Lady Slipper aka Calypso Bulbosa Americana

I repeated the mantra in the car on the way home, and by the time I turned off the engine, I was feeling my usual self – healthy and happy, and blessed to be part of this phenomenal human experience. Live long and prosper! Kaye

Kaye Castleman, B.A., M.A., Health Intuitive, Channel for Archangel Chamuel, Reiki Master and Certified Attunement Practitioner, has been a practicing alternative healer in the interior of British Columbia for over a decade. She offers massage, Raindrop Technique and body realignment treatments, as well as in house and long distance healing sessions, nutritional counseling, magnetic therapies, and recommendations for all types of holistic health issues. She also offers a collection of therapies and techniques to clear the mental and emotional blocks that get in the way of the true health and wellness that are ready to enter your life. To arrange a phone, email or Skype session, contact Kaye at 250-395-2239 or

Photo: Tomke Mast

Could my love of nature have started at age six? On a spring walk with our mother through old growth jack pine and spruce forest, we found an endangered species, the pink lady slipper. We wanted to pick these delicate flowers but our mother told us we could not do that. They had become rare and on a list called the Endangered Species List. This flower from the orchid family is also known as the moccasin flower or fairy slipper. The Latin name is Calypso Bulbosa Americana. Few flowers grew in the deep moss of the Omineca Forest District. It was magical to find a small cluster of bright pink blossoms bravely peeking up in early June. Our mother was excited at finding them after the long winter and treated them like royalty. We were equally charmed by the hidden secrets found along this path or old logging roads.

Photo: Tomke Mast

We continued to find the lady slippers every year after that and at times packed a lunch to have a picnic along the way. My desire to find out if this beautiful slipper would fit one of my tiny dolls at home was explored as well. It fit perfectly. And, the pink lady slipper is still on the Endangered Species List and in my memory is as charming as ever.

Kaye Castleman BA MA Health Intuitive Channel for Archangel Chamuel Reiki Master Certified Attunement Practitioner Contact Kaye by Phone: 250-395-2239 email:

Abby Armstrong Artist, Writer and Lover of Nature.

Editors note: On the list of endangered species for BC, Lady Slipper is listed as yellow. Take care for while this beauty is safe right now as with all our indigenous plants one harsh winter, over picking, or other hazards could place them back on the red list. 3/8/2012


Just Sayin’… Vera Enshaw I have diabetes. Type 1 diabetes. Which is to say that I need to take insulin to allow my body to make use of the glucose in the food I eat. If I don’t take insulin I pretty much am going to a) get really skinny as my brain uses all the glucose that is stored in my bones and muscles and anyplace else, and b) probably die a little earlier than I planned on. So I take insulin. Happily and joyfully. I have not always had diabetes. I lived the first 50+ years of my life without it. One day, though, there it was. My brother has had it for a long time. It’s kind of in the family…..but I never actually though that I would get it. We never do. It’s the other guy who gets diabetes, cancer, MS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's—so it’s always a bit of a shock when we turn into the other guy. At least it was for me. I was less than happy. In fact, you could say I was downright mad. Angry. Took it kind of personally, I did. My diet was pretty darned good—didn’t eat a lot of junk food, haven’t eaten white anything on a regular basis for so long—mostly ate organic—and I even exercised. So I couldn’t actually see what I had done to deserve it. Which is kind of funny, in a real sarcastic sort of way. Because that means, you see, that I thought that the other people who had diabetes must have, somehow, deserved it. Boy, was I in for some education! The first thing that I had to do was come back to the living. I’d gone pretty far down the slippery slope—lost a ton of weight and had something called ketoacidosis—which is what happens when you’re eating a ton of food and none of it’s going to the brain. At the same time I had to learn a whole new way of being. If you know me at all, you know that I’m a bit of a perfectionist. My friends lovingly agreed that if Vera was going to be diabetic, she was going to be the best damned diabetic out there. They laughed—but they were serious. The doctor told me that my A1C (average blood sugar level) should be 7.2—so that’s what I aimed for. That two hours after a meal I should be between 7 and 10, and that before the

next meal (about 4 hours) my blood glucose should be between 4 and 7. The dieticians at the Diabetes Centre told me how to figure out how much insulin to take for how many carbohydrates I was eating— no problem. Ha. And ha again! In the first place, as far as my body was concerned I had been starving and it needed food! In the second place, it’s a lot harder to figure out carbs and exercise and sleep and work and play and …… I struggled. I was angry a lot. I cried a lot. I actually found it a lot easier to reconcile myself to the fact that I had diabetes than I did to reconcile myself to the struggle for balance (what does that say, hey? Oh, yeah—I went there, too!). One of the things I have been most grateful for has been my eating habits. I am so glad that I already ate whole grains; that I enjoy cooking, even if it’s just for me. I am grateful that I love vegetables— most vegies don’t even count as carbohydrates! So many people don’t even begin to understand real food—the diagnosis of diabetes knocks them even further than it did me. Of course we all think that sugar is evil. Bad sugar! But really, it doesn’t matter whether it’s white sugar, brown sugar, honey; whether it’s white flour, brown flour or spelt—it all turns into sugar in the body. The distinction is how much fiber is mixed in with it, and how long it will take to turn into sugar. I already sort of knew that—I was just somewhat of a snob in that I was sure that if I used whole, unrefined cane sugar that it was better than the white variety. It is better—but as a diabetic it really is the amount of insulin that I take for the amount of sugar that I eat that really counts the most. The rest is just good eating habits that we all need to be paying attention to. Another thing I’m grateful for is that I am a type 1 diabetic. I don’t know all the ins and outs of it, but I watch friends who are type 2 diabetics and man, they struggle for control way more than I do. And there’s more than one reason for being type 2, as well. We have a bit of an opinion that if a person is type 2 they are overweight and don’t exercise. I was a bit shocked to see the young lady from SFU who is a track athlete—and has type 2. Turns out her body manufactures insulin, it just can’t get it


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March Sayings and Rhymes

into the cells. I’ve learned a lot on this journey. One of the biggest lessons was that I don’t know what anyone else is truly going through, why they are having their experience. All I know is that it’s my responsibility to support them any way I can. If that’s by making sure that only gluten free food is available when someone with Celiac’s comes to dinner, because they have a hard time turning away from anything with wheat in it—then that’s what I’ll do. If it’s by making sure that there is lots of juice and hot tea and coffee for someone who is learning to live with not drinking—then that’s what I’ll do. If it’s by making a dessert other than chocolate because someone who loves it but can’t eat it is eating in my home—then that’s what I’ll do.

If March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb. Comes in like a Lamb, goes out like a Lion.

And I’ll take my opinions, my judgments, my unknowingness and park them. Hopefully on some other planet, right alongside yours. Which is where they belong. Just sayin.

A dry March and a wet May, fill barns and bays with corn and hay. As it rains in March so it rains in June. March winds and April showers, bring forth May flowers.

(I have created a great bran muffin recipe that has no sugar and no sugar substitutes. If you would like a copy of this recipe, send a request to and I will send it to you.

Oh, the music in the air! An' the joy that's ivrywhere ‐ Shure, the whole blue vault of heaven is wan grand triumphal arch, An' the earth below is gay Wid its tender green th'‐day, Fur the whole world is Irish on the Seventeenth o' March! ~Thomas Au‐ gustin Daly

Love to Shine Jeannie Magenta Yoga Wellness 778.235.7488



By Marilyn Dyke

I've been rummaging around in the natural foods/new age/metaphysical world for most of my life and among several other creative endeavours, I have been growing a medicinal herb garden and making my own salves, creams, tinctures, liniments, teas etc., mostly from my garden and the surrounding wild spaces since about 1996. My interest in herbal medicine making began in my mid 40's when I decided that I needed to start using a skin cream for wrinkles, especially under my eyes. So off I trotted to the mall, and I bought myself a teensy little jar of eye cream for around $50. This was it; my problems solved, but instead of solving problems that cream created more problems. I very dutifully applied it to freshly washed skin day and night but for some reason the skin under my eyes quickly became very dry and red, almost like it was burned? So I did the only logical thing and I applied more... and more. Well after a few days I was literally peeling off chunks of dry dead skin from that very sensitive area just under my eyes. Not to be discouraged, once healed I set off for the mall again, but this time I was going to purchase a product that was hyper-allergenic! This cost me around $60 for the same teensy little jar, and it did exactly the same thing. Long story short, incredulously, I talked myself into trying yet a third product.....same results. I always say I'm thick as a brick- definitely not quick on the up-take, so after 3 tries I figured my body was trying to tell me something....duh? Soon after, a booklet came to the house from Douglas College with an array of very interesting courses, including courses in Herbal Medicine Making, Natural Body Care Products and Gardening With Herbs. Yay! This was it, my body had spoken (actually screamed) and I had finally listened. Ignoring the fact I knew nothing about herbs..... I quickly signed up. I enjoyed every moment of those weekend courses,

this was a whole new world. We measured, and ground, heated and strained, then whipped up some amazing products. I learned just about everything I needed to know to make my own herbal medicine and body care products. All the while my instructor Elaine Stevens, a very gifted herbalist and a bottomless pit of knowledge and inspiration talked herbal uses and properties non-stop. Unfortunately it was mostly going right over my head...... I was hooked! The rest of that winter and spring I had my nose in some herbal book at every chance. I studied and learned and by spring had dug up a portion of the back yard ready to plant everything I had bought at various nurseries and the VanDusen herb sale. Unfortunately I bought at least one plant or seed packet of every herb I had ever read about, or so it seemed. I was enthusiastic, if a tad naive. Most of the plants and seeds thrived; some thrived a little too well! I'm still pulling out Lemon Balm that I thought I'd irradiated 15 years ago. What I soon learned was that I didn't need to actually grow and have at my doorstep every herb known to man. Over the years I've whittled it down to my favorite cast of characters, and yes, herbs do definitely have characters. I've also learned that the herbs I grow, dry and process have more oomph to them than anything I can buy. And I've learned that the simplest of formulas often gives the best results. And after all that the best thing ever was my very own natural skin cream


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that didn't burn or dry my skin! About the same time my husband and I became friends with a couple who had been eating a macrobiotic diet for about 35 years. He had been to his doctor about some troubling pain in his joints. After being handed a prescription for pain medication his doctor told him that it was arthritis, there was no cure and the only thing he could do about it was take the medication.....the end. Well our friend was not a man to be told there was nothing that could be done so he started investigating and very shortly came home to his wife and 3 young boys and announced that they would be eating a macrobiotic diet from then on. You can imagine the excitement can't you? Yes, it was a diet of brown rice for him and nothing else, but after a couple of weeks of this monotonous diet he noticed his pain had gone, he was feeling great and he has never looked back. Because of their macrobiotic diet they both became avid gardeners. Her garden has very neat rows of well-tended, weed-free vegetables. His garden is a riot of vegetable, herb and weeds all happily growing together. You would be hard pressed to find any bare soil in his garden; in fact, he never digs or pulls anything out, he snips.

This made allot of sense to me at the time, although I'm not one to go out to snip weeds every morning I have tried the soup and it is quite delicious. Of course you can't just snip any old weed, you have to be able to recognize the edible ones from non-edible or the downright poisonous. Fortunately Mother Nature has provided us with far more delicious and edible weeds than not, so come back and next month I will tell you all about some of my favorites, I might even add a flower or two! Until then....Bon AppĂŠtit!

Marilyn Dyke is a past life regressionist trained in Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy. She has been an active teaching and healing Reiki Master for many years (Usui & Karuna). Much of her summer is taken up communing with her vegetable and herb gardens and concocting herbal creams, salves, teas and herbal essences. It is Marilyn's pleasure and passion to assist others to create their highest potential. You can visit Marilyn at

She very vocally disapproves of his wild and crazy garden, but when he explained to me his reasons I could see just by looking that he had a point. Not only is he very fit and active, neither of them had any of the usual aging complaints that you would expect in people who are in their 60's and 70's. He explained it to me this way. "You see those weeds over there, how do they look to you....sad and droopy, or happy and healthy?" Of course I had to say happy and healthy, like most weeds you see. When he himself noticed that the weeds in his garden were growing vigorously and the carefully tended vegetables were barely viable he wondered "Why would I want to put these vegetables into my body when they can barely manage to stay alive and produce, even with my help? I would rather eat the vigorous weed that is selflessly volunteering of itself to feed me." Every morning he goes outside and snips himself a bowl of weeds which he steams a little, and then adds to miso soup, and this does him for most of the day.


My green thumb came only as a result of the mistakes I made while learning to see things from the plant's point of view. ~H. Fred Dale�



by Marguerite Paquin, PhD educator, author, Maya Calendar specialist

The Great Cycle of Time, as tracked by the Maya Long Count calendar, incorporates 7200 revolutions of a 260-day cycle known as the Tzolk’in (Count of Days). This Great Cycle, which began in 3114 B.C., comes to a close on Dec. 21 of this year, at which point a whole new Great Cycle of Time begins to unfold. We are about to enter the last Tzolk’in cycle – the last 260 days - prior to this great transition.

The full moon in early March this year makes its appearance on 2 Eb’, the second day of the 13-day period known in the context of the Maya Calendar as a trecena. Within the Maya 260-day Tzolk’in (Count of Days) there are twenty of these trecenas, each of which has a definitive theme. Within this system the energy aligned with the first day of each trecena is seen as exerting a particular type of influence on the rest of the days within that period. While each day within any given trecena has a unique quality and meaning, the nature of the trecena itself also exerts a strong influence on the days contained within it. The trecena that came into place on March 7th began with a day known as One Chuwen, the energy that represents the Monkey-God sitting in the centre of the Tree of Life, weaving together the threads of time. In a colonial era manuscript written by a Yucatec Maya chilam balam (jaguar-priest), the day known as One Chuwen was seen as the point when the creator, in his guise as creative twin monkeys, magically created the uinal (a 20-day cycle that is a fundamental

part of the Tzolk’in) in conjunction with the creation of heaven and earth. So this refers to the creation of time itself. Tied in with this “creative monkey” idea, the theme for the Chuwen trecena is Artistry, Play, and even, a times, a kind of “reckless abandon”. People born on One Chuwen days include cartoonist Lynn Johnson and actor/comedian Steve Smith (aka Red Green). From this point all the rest of the days reflect aspects of that creation sequence, with 2 Eb’ being the energy that was in place when the first “stairway” was created that descended from the heavens – a metaphor for the creation of the “animating vitality” type of energy that comes in on 2 Eb’ on March 8th. In 1981 this was the energy in play at the time of the elaborate wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana, when millions around the world were swept into the fantasy of what appeared to be a real-life fairy tale, filled with both pageant and promise. March 9th, 10th, and 11th coincide with the days in that creation sequence when many of the others things of the heavens, the seas, and the earth were made, with the “first light” coming into being on the sixth day, known as Six Kib’, a kind of “restoration of order” energy that can have wide-spread influence, coinciding with Mar. 12th . In October 2010 this “first light” idea was vividly illustrated when a drill first broke through to the trapped Chilean miners in their underground chamber, after they had been trapped for 66 days, signaling that rescue was very close at hand. March 13th will be the mid-point of the trecena, when 7 Kab’an comes in. This is “self -generating movement”, an Earth-oriented energy that often can be highly actionoriented, as seen when the Global Work Party – the “largest day of environmental activism in history” –



unfolded on a 7 Kab’an day that aligned with 10/10/10. At this time 7,000 communities in 188 countries participated in campaigns to plant trees, collect rubbish, and rally against pollution. Within this trecena one of the most pivotal days is 10 Ajaw, a “Burner” day that often provides a strong energy boost. Coinciding with March 16th , this force can translate as “foundational enlightenment”, the birth energy of Pope John Paul II. In October of 2010 this was the energy in place when the 33 Chilean miners were finally rescued, with the first miner coming to the surface just after midnight and the last miner being pulled out 22 hours later, exactly spanning the day. Many extraordinary “coincidences” aligned with that day, including the fact that it occurred at the point where precisely 800 days remained to the completion of the Great Cycle of time in Dec. 2012 more information please see ( for In 2011 this 10 Ajaw energy marked the beginning of William and Kate’s first official tour, a nine day visit to Canada. On that same day the last rotation of Canadian combat troops began their departure from Afghanistan. The day known as 12 Ik’ (March 18th) was seen as the day in which the breath of life was created. This is a “collecting together” type of force associated with Wind, Breath, and Spirit, which can be strongly aligned with communication (including spiritual communication) as well as powerful environmental forces. Jeane Dixon, one of the best known psychics of the 20th century, was born under this influence. The final day of this trecena, March 19th, will be 13 Ak’bal (“transformational temple or house”). In legend this was the energy that brought forth the creation of the first human. This can be a high-powered force, a force that has brought severe weather conditions on its appearance over the past few years. It is also the energy that was in place when the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in the U.S. in 1862.

As the Vernal Equinox arrives on Mar. 20th, so comes One K’an, at the beginning of the “anything is possible” K’an trecena, a robust energy sequence associated with the germination of new ideas or setting the foundation for the forging of new directions. In some ways this is a time of “testing”, as new

tentialities begin to take shape and the process of nurturing those emanations begins. The third day of this sequence, on March 22nd is the point where vigilance may be particularly needed, as this will be 3 Kimi, the “activation of death”, or the “activation of absolute foundations”, at the time of the new moon. Representative of the highly life-oriented energy of Quetzalcóatl (the Feathered Serpent who represents Freedom and Transcendence) in combination with the “absolute foundations” of Kimi, who takes the form of the skeletal deity who stands at the portal between “death” and Life, this energy can sometimes be a critical (or even delicate) point in the process of bringing something new into being, particularly if that new entity is highly original. As the birth daysign of people such as Paul McCartney and Diego Rivera, this is an energy that can literally build something “from the ground up”. On March 27th, the day known as 8 Chuwen (or 8 Batz’) comes in, which is the most important festival day for Quiche Maya daykeepers, a holy date oriented around renewal of calendar traditions and the initiation of new daykeepers. Eight Chuwen represents a kind of “resurrection” of the kind of solar energy that can “weave together” past and future to help the “new entity” gain a foothold on the road of life, which is represented by the following day, known as 9 Eb’. This day coincides, this time ‘round, with the “seating” (or first day) of a five-day end -of-year mini month called the Wayeb’. Traditionally thought of as a time of “rest” or even a time to be extra cautious, the Wayeb’ was traditionally seen as a transition period. By March 29th we are at 10 B’en, symbolic of the full authority of maize, the birth energy of people such as Nostradamus, Salman Rushdie, and Mel Gibson. This energy was perceived as a strong “pillar”, as in the central pillar of the Tree of Life, that is representative of strength, inner power, self determination, and strong personal authority. This can be a point where a new idea can really start to “hold its own” through its own personal strength. The energies of this day and the three following days (Mar. 30 – 31st and April 1) could be quite intense, particularly during this Wayeb’ phase, as they evolve towards the “transformation” point at the end of the trecena. All of this helps to provide a foundation for one of the most important trecenas within the entire 260-day cycle, which follows immediately thereafter. And that is the Kab’an trecena, associated with “evolutionary” movement.


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One Kab’an, the “initiation of evolutionary movement” comes in, therefore, on April 2nd. This important day coincides with the “seating” of the Classical Maya New Year, so that from this point on everything that happens for the rest of the year will be taking place in the year of “evolutionary movement”. April 5th is THE key day within this Kab’an trecena, as this is the Burner Day known as 4 Ajaw, a “defining” energy associated with the full light of the sun, seen as the symbol of enlightenment. In the past many significant events have happened under the influence of this energy, such as the signing of the unconditional documents of surrender of the German forces to the Allies in May of 1945, and the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969. Most significantly, this was the energy that was in place on “Creation” day – the day in 3114 B.C. when the current Great Cycle of time came into being – and this will be the energy that will be in place on Dec. 21st this year when that Great Cycle reaches its conclusion. As of April 5th there will be precisely one Tzolk’in cycle remaining (the last of the 7200 revolutions) before this 5126 year cycle comes to a close and a whole new Great Cycle of Time embarks on its journey.

Check our website for a wealth of information on the Mayan Calendar. Intrigued by what you have read? Checkout the book review.

Mars Inc. the company that produces favorite treats, Snickers, Mars Bars, Skittles, Juicy Fruit, M&M’s and Twix bars announced that by 2014 they will no longer sell chocolate products with over 250 calories in them. As part of their ongoing plan to promote responsible snacking, in 2007 the company decided not to buy advertising time or space if more than one quarter of the audience was likely to be under 12. Mars Inc. also has plans to reduce the sodium levels in all its products by 2015. All part of the company’s broad-based commitment to health and nutrition. Many companies are reducing the salt/sodium content in their products. Most companies seem to be striving for the World Health Organizations recommended daily allowance of 5g. That is a huge start to reducing sodium content in our society and ultimately reducing health risks. The next step needs to be educating consumers on serving portion sizes. Reading the nutritional values is beneficial if you adhere to what you can actually eat to have your sodium content fall within the acceptable daily allowance. On Wednesday February 28, 2012 - Lady Gaga launched her foundation Born This Way. The foundation is aimed towards creating safe communities for youth who are being bullied or abused. Lady Gaga was joined by Oprah Winfrey, spiritual leader Deepak Chopra, and US Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius to unveil Born This Way's mission and aims. Gaga's mother, Cynthia Germanotta, will act as Born This Way’s president.



Body Soul


Creating Your Highest Potential

Quantum Healing Hypnosis ~ Dolores Cannon’s

Lemon EssenƟal Oil

Reiki - Classes & Individual Healing Essence Testing ~ Pacific Flower & Sea


Lemon essential oil is one of my favorite oils. The sharp, citrus smell permeates quickly throughout a room, taking away any unwanted odors – from stale garbage to dog! You will want to get in the habit of diffusing it in every room in the house at least once a week. As with all citrus oils lemon has a calming effect. When someone is having an emotional or mental upset, a drop of lemon oil on a tissue or rubbed on the palm of the hand is very helpful. It can also be rubbed onto the bottom of the foot. I do not tolerate the smell of commercial cleaning products, so I purchase scent-free, biodegradable cleaners (Vancouver Only is one of my favorites!) and add lemon oil to the water I’m using – my house smells so lemony-fresh – naturally! And here’s a bonus for you – lemon essential oil will take off that sticky residue left when you remove the price tag from new dishes! Beware, though – don’t use it on or in plastic containers, it will eat right into the plastic! If you purchase therapeutic grade lemon essential oil, you can also use it in your cooking! I have used it when I wanted a bit of lemon in my drinking water and had no fresh lemons available. Exercise caution, try a bit and if you are OK with it, continue. I find that 1 drop goes a long way—so a pitcher of water (glass, naturally!) and 1 drop of lemon is very satisfying.

Light Matters

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There is a note of caution when using any citrus oil, and lemon is no exception: do not put it on your skin anyplace where the sun may shine! Avoid direct sunlight for at least 12 hours after putting lemon – or any oil blend containing lemon – on your skin. In these last, long days before spring spirits can be incredibly low. You can quietly and effectively lighten the mood of those around you by carrying a small cloth with a few drops of lemon oil dropped onto it. Its bright, fresh scent is welcomed by almost everyone – watch faces light up as you walk by! 3/8/2012


ENERGY 101 - LISTENING By Vera Enshaw Last month you began listening. How did that go? This month we are going to do more listening. Being quiet and listening is so very important. Without it our world is just so much noise and we begin to be overwhelmed by it. Today we are going to sit down and listen to our Self.

Please have a notebook and pen close at hand. Find the most comfortable spot you have. Turn off the phone, lock the door, and prepare to be inspired! If you want to play some soft meditation music, go ahead. Go through a gentle relaxation—relaxing your body from your feet all the way to the top of your head. Take a deep breath—and another. Take a deep breath in through the soles of your feet, hold it in your heart briefly and then release it through your crown chakra. Now go in the other direction— breathe in through your crown chakra, hold it briefly in your heart and release through your feet. Follow this sequence until you feel completely relaxed and in your own body. Focus your attention now on your physical body. The whole body, not parts of it. As your attention wanders, bring it gently back. You will have awareness of your whole body and of your breath. Now, holding your awareness of your body and breath, bring your attention to your ears. Notice what you are hearing. You may have to bring your awareness back to the body and breath—do so gently. As you breathe in, notice that you can hear this inward and outward flow. You will be able to hear your heart beating. Expand your awareness out beyond your body a short distance—say an inch, maybe two. Continue to listen—and notice that you are now listening to something you may never have heard before….your energy. Spend several minutes in this place. Expand further—but remember to only go as far as you can hear. You are listening to you—if you be-

come distracted by exterior sounds bring your entire awareness back to the sound of your breath, your heart. As you listen you may begin to experience emotions. Allow them to be but do not attach to them. When you feel as though you are finished listening, gently take up the paper and pen and begin to write. Do not edit, don’t worry about spelling, just write whatever comes. When there is no more to write, you can do one of two things. Sit with yourself, eyes closed, for a few minutes to bring your awareness back to the here and now—wiggle toes, tense and un-tense knees, move your shoulders. You may also want to go back into the listening for another round—listen, then write. If you do, just follow the breath into and out of the crown chakra and the feet, then follow the other steps until you are once again listening. As you become more comfortable with this form of communication with your Self, you may want to write a question about a topic that you are seeking clarity on before you meditate. Enjoy your extra connection with your Self. Namaste!

"Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself."


Hermann Hesse


By When I was first asked if I wanted to write a music column I saw it as a “what moved me this month” piece, but I realized that all music moves me. It could be jazz, blues, heavy metal, classical, etc. I just love music, so this month I am writing about the first time that I was really moved by music. When I was around 7 or 8 we would go to a friend’s house to watch cartoons Saturday morning but when American Bandstand came on, her teenage sister and her friends only let us stay if we were quiet, lol. I got to listen to The Big Bopper, Buddy Holly, etc. which was a great introduction to rock n roll but it wasn’t until I first heard The Beatles that a light switch went off in my head and I realized I wanted to play music. The first time the Beatles played on the Ed Sullivan show I was at my grandparents. Grand dad always watched Sullivan on Sundays. He loved the comedians, jugglers, Topo Gigio, Senor Wences, etc. but when The Beatles came on, all the adults were shocked! Me and my sister where glued to the tube, lol. Girls screaming, you could hardly hear the band but it was so moving that I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen. Many artists from the late sixties said that show was an epiphany for them, the moment when they realized that they wanted to play music.

Phil Nielsen to see Led Zeppelin ($2.00 in advance, $2.50 at the door, lol), Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, and the list goes on. This is my roundabout way of saying that music is in my blood. Depending on how you feel, any music can move you. Sometimes The Canadian Tenors are what I need to hear, other times it could be Ozzy, lol. This week I was listening to a guy from last year’s American Idol, James Durbin. He never won but probably should have, showing that America should never have the last say in who wins. This kid overcame Tourettes and Aspbergers and is an amazing power metal singer. Another band that you might want to check out is Blues Traveler. Mars loves Tea Party. If you haven’t heard of them you should check them out. I am looking for this column to be organic and grow, with people writing me to recommend bands to listen to. There is no restriction on the type or genre of music that we will review. Please, if you have heard a local band that you think could use more exposure, don’t hesitate to contact me at and we will get their name out there. Until next month, be well and listen to music that grabs you.

I tried piano, guitar, and bass but when I started playing the drums everything went out the window. Music became my life. I practiced constantly and drove my folks nuts. I listened to all of the English bands, which in turn led me to the old blues players, like Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf, Bo Diddley, and on and on. One of my first live concerts outside of a school sock hop was The James Cotton Blues Band. I also was able



By Gwen Randall-Young

Forgiveness is a difficult concept, yet one that is fundamental to healing. Many refuse to forgive because to do so seems to absolve another of responsibility for hurtful behaviors. Somehow by holding a grudge, we imprison the offender in a cell of our consciousness. We will hold them there until they are sufficiently remorseful or repentant. Even then, we may not release them. Sometimes remorse is not enough, we reason. It cannot fix the past. Consequently, one is left feeling that he just cannot get over the harm that was done. Of course it is difficult to move on, when you keep the offender in a cell in the middle of your consciousness. Ironically, the hardest pain to carry in life may be the one we create within our own mind. The deepest hurts, notwithstanding loss of loved ones or the pain of abuses, invariably result when we feel someone has not lived up to our expectations. They have not loved, respected, or cared for us as we wish they might have. We yearn for that fulfillment to come, like a cat waiting for someone to fill up her food dish. We feel a void inside, and keep focusing on that emptiness. We feel sad it is there, and look to someone else to fill that void. It may be a parent, partner, friend or even an employer. When it does not come, there is a feeling of disappointment, sadness, and perhaps bitterness along with feelings of lesser worth. Unfortunately, others cannot fill our void. They have their own inner void. We are all moving along a healing path, after all. The love, respect and caring we crave needs to come from within anyway. If we truly love and honor ourselves, with compassionate patience, we fill the inner void. Then we are free to simply love others, without expecting anything in return. This is the unconditional loving that returns a hundredfold. Waiting for others to do this for us creates pain. Resenting them for not having done it in the past creates bitterness. Pain and bitterness reside in our own hearts: we are hurting ourselves. If we no longer want the hurt, we must give up the idea of changing what is outside of ourselves. Instead, we just release the pain and bitterness. That’s it. As soon as we decide to let go of the pain and bitterness we have chosen as the response to life events, the hurting stops.

longer going to hold others responsible for the pain and bitterness we have been carrying in relation to them. We will no longer keep them locked in a holding cell in our minds. We may not understand their actions, or why it is they cannot change. We recognize the pain as our way of blaming them for not being who we want them to be. Forgiveness means we see they are who they are, and we are free to choose a less painful response. We may love them anyway, or decide to keep some distance. Either way, we no longer blame them for our unhappiness. This is letting go. Once we learn to let go, whether the person is in our lives or not, we have untied the knot that bound us together in negativity. Both feel the freedom. The irony, or the miracle, is that often once we have let go, the love we have always wanted begins to flow more freely. Even if we have chosen to move away from that individual and there is no further relationship, we have freed up space in our consciousness for our own loving energy to circulate. Just as we cannot be relaxed and anxious at the same time, we cannot be fully loving if we are also carrying bitterness somewhere within. So if we want a lighter heart and more love in our lives we must set our prisoners free, then get rid of the walls and bars. Having cleared out our consciousness and opened our hearts, we take a quantum leap along our healing path. The energy that was tied up in guarding our pain is now released and available for building our joy.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and awardwinning Psychotherapist. For permission to reprint this article, or to obtain books or cds, visit

Forgiveness does not mean that the hurtful acts of others are okay. Forgiveness means that we are no



SHOPPING WITH THE DIVINE By Vera Enshaw A good friend of mine says that to eat healthy, you stay on the outside edges of the grocery store—in other words, don’t go up and down the aisles. I think that’s great advice,; it’s what I do most of the time. My forays down the inside aisles are few and far between.

That being said….there are times when we need to travel the “inner sanctum” of the grocery store, and this month you and I will head there—with the participation of the Divine! Name some of the things you purchase down these aisles. For me, it’s things like mayonnaise, salad dressings, cleaners and paper products. Depending on the store, it’s also bulk goods and beverages. The products found in the aisles of your grocery store can cause as much discomfort and as many arguments between friends as the products in vegetable and meat. Ever notice that we are an opinionated bunch? In these aisles it’s not only organic versus not, it’s biodegradable versus chemical. Green versus…..brown? What do you buy? Why? In the food aisles my choices tend to be organic, except when the organic product is not something I like or is so expensive that buying it just feels wrong. Therein lies the “green” shoppers dilemma., isn’t that right? I go with the “I can buy one of these, or I can buy this not organic and 3 of those that are organic.” I buy toilet tissue made from recycled paper, but regular Kleenex; plastic wrap, but also unbleached muffin cups, parchment paper and waxed paper.

ly—fewer pastas (organic), more Indian food. So, have a look at what you regularly buy. How do you feel when you purchase it? Great? Not so great? Are you heading furtively toward the checkout with your cheap laundry soap hidden under the rest of the groceries? This is what I know. Shopping the inner aisles is no different than shopping this outer aisles. The most important thing is for you to BE THERE. Consciously shopping. Is what you normally purchase the right choice for you? Is there something else that seems to be calling you, something you might want to try? We owe it to ourselves to shop consciously and conscientiously. If what you are purchasing feels right to you—then that is the item for you to buy. Doesn’t matter what I buy, your mother buys or your best friend buys. Doesn’t even matter what the guy on TV tells you is the best thing. He knows from nothing. You, and only you, are the best judge of what the product is for you. Don’t let money be the deciding factor. Obviously it will be a factor, but it does not need to be the deciding one. You can use all the excuses that you want….if you are reading this, price is no longer your deciding factor. You want to be heading toward the checkout feeling good about everything in your cart. Read labels. Hold whatever you want to purchase to your body and ask yourself what you want. And then listen to you. Because what it all comes down to is—you are the connection to your Divine. I’ll be back next month for the last article in this series. In the meantime….Enjoy!

Mayo is my all-time “guilt” purchase. I buy the big containers of Best Foods Light Mayo at Costco. Eight bucks gets me a huge container that lasts for months. The alternative, organic mayo is almost the same price for less that a litre. I have even given up trying to justify it. I like Best Foods mayo. End of story. All the salad dressings I purchase are organic. I tend to buy organic canned goods, but I buy fewer of them than I would have a couple of years ago, mostly because we are eating




By Phil Nielsen

one of the core meanings is “surrender to God.”

The rune I drew for this month is Othala. It is the rune of home, family, possessions, inheritance, etc. Even though they were great wanderers, the Norse held great importance to the homestead, however temporary. Upright, Othala can signal inheritance, not only monetary but also what we have inherited from our ancestors. Reversed, it may only mean that success is possible but we should remain cautious and progress carefully. There are many ways to cast runes. The one rune cast, or Odin’s Cast would be used to ask a question such as: what is going on in my personal relationship? You could spread all your runes out on your runic cloth, turn them face down, swirl them around and then pick one, but it is just as easy to shake them inside your pouch and pick at random. Keeping a written diary is a good way to see how you are progressing. Write down the day, time, what is going on in your life at that time, the issue you were asking about, and what rune you drew. Over time, it should give you a clearer indication of your patterns as you become more skilled in the art of selfchange. Previously, we used a Three Rune Spread, of past, present, and future. It can also be overview, challenge and course of action called for. The stones are shaken inside of your pouch and you draw them out one at a time and lay them on your rune cloth from right to left.

Sometimes the vitki (magician or wise one) will shake his pouch and drop all of the stones on the rune cloth or a circle drawn. The stones that land outside of the circle will have no bearing on that issue; only the ones inside the circle are read. The meaning also depends on whether or not the stones are inverted or face down. A good starting book that I was recently introduced to is, A Practical Guide to the Runes by Lisa Peschel. She describes how to make your own runes if you chose not to buy a ready-made set (I have bought both of my sets but will make a set later). As the Germanic peoples were very in tune with nature and the earth, runes should be made of natural elements such as; stone, wood, bone, etc. The pouch used to carry your runes should also be from natural products, like cloth or leather. Your rune cloth can be either square or round about 18” x18”. The color doesn’t really matter but white was predominately used as it is the symbol of truth and purity and also has the advantage of being totally neutral visually. Next month we will look at some other rune spreads and later get more into the mysticism behind the runes but for now I hope I have tweaked some people’s interest towards learning more about the Norse culture and if you have any questions, feel free to email me at and I will do my utmost to answer them. Until next month, Skaal

In the Five Rune Spread, begin by formulating your issue. Then after shaking your pouch, draw five stones, one at a time and lay them in descending order. 1: overview of situation. 2: challenge. 3: course of action called for. 4: sacrifice. 5: new situation evolving. Sacrifice does not mean pain and loss but rather recognition that life offers you choices. Originally a bonding of two Latin words, sacrificium and facere,



LIFE THROUGH TAROT By Marlene Cobb and jealous of those who would take away her "baby." It is important to realize that plants can die from over-watering as easily as they can from neglect. The fool having finished relaying his story waits for the wisdom the Empress will offer. Smiling the Empress gently gives him the following advice “Like newly planted grain or a newborn babe, a new life, a new relationship, a new creation is fragile. It requires patience and nurturing. It needs love and attention. Only this will bring it to fruition." The fourth card on our journey through the major arcana is the Empress. Number 3. As the fool continues on his journey eager to get on with the decisions he made while visiting the High Priestess, he sees a beautiful woman sitting in a field of wheat backing onto a lush forest, a river flows and spills over the embankment creating a waterfall before carrying on its way past the Empress. The Empress relaxes on a throne covered in rich blankets and pillows. At first glance a traveler would wonder if she was pregnant, and in some decks she is indeed depicted that way. Her long flowing gown is white (purity) with pomegranates (fertility and also the Goddess Persephone); on her golden hair she wears a crown of 12 stars (depicting the 12 zodiac signs), in her right hand she holds a golden scepter. Beside her chair sits a heart shaped shield on which the symbol for female is engraved. Feeling beckoned by the calm serenity the woman exudes, the fool walks over and kneels beside her to share his story. What wisdom would this beautiful lady provide our young traveler?

The fool sits for a while contemplating this wisdom. Slowly the fool understands that his creations will take time to develop. Having received the seed from the Magician, planted it in the fertile earth with the High Priestess, he is prepared to give his ideas what they need to grow. The Empress is almost always a good omen to have show up in a reading. She is the smiling face of encouragement, the warm embrace of comfort and compassion. The Empress represents our desires and needs, birth and creativity, as well as abundance and wellbeing. With a little patience and nurturing everything will turn out ok. This is the card of unconditional love and remembering that no matter what is going on right now in this moment a helping of unconditional love is never out of place. Slowly the fool rises and bids the Empress goodbye with thanks for her wisdom.

The Empress is the mother of all things and personifies the creative power associated with the natural world. Be that creation life, romance, art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea time and space to decide on a form, the Empress is either the womb or nursery where it grows till it reaches a certain level of maturity. She is about emotions rather than thoughts, her motto is “From love I do come, from love I do go". The Empress is the ultimate nurturer - patient, loving, giving, generous, and devoted. The flip side to this is the Empress can also be about the not so nice aspects of a mom. She can smother, not knowing when to let go, be possessive




By Kaye Castleman

Perhaps it's the Irish in me, but I've always loved the hearty flavour of lamb. Some consider it an acquired taste, though it's much milder and more tender than the meat of mature sheep, called mutton. Lamb and mutton are ancients foods. Sheep were domesticated several thousand years ago, and they're the primary source of meat in many parts of Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and India. In fact, sheep outnumber all other types of livestock in the world. Since they were originally tended in flocks by migrating cultures, sheep meat used to be tough and stringy, but modern breeding and raising methods produce meat that is both tender and flavourful.


CHOOSING YOUR SOURCE If you are new to lamb, you may consider taking steps to find a good source. Animals raised in factory farms are given diets designed to boost their productivity and lower costs. The main ingredients in their feed consist of genetically modified grain and soy that are often kept artificially inexpensive through government subsidies. To further cut costs, the feed may also contain 'by-products' of highly questionable foodstuffs for growing animals. A high grain diet can cause physical problems for ruminants (cud-chewing animals). Ruminants are designed to eat fibrous grasses, plants and shrubs – not starchy, low-fibre grain. When they are switched from pasture to grain, they can become afflicted with a number of disorders. In addition, when they are raised in feedlots, they deposit a large amount of manure in a small amount of space. The feedlot becomes overloaded with nutrients, often causing ground and water pollution. In order to prevent serious or even fatal reactions to the above conditions, the animals are commonly given chemical additives along with ongoing, low-level doses of antibiotics. Changing grazing animals from a natural diet of grasses to grains also lowers the nutritional value of the meat. Compared with natural grass-fed sheep, the meat from animals raised in feedlots contains more total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and calories. It also contains less vitamin E, beta carotene, vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). On the other hand, animals raised on pasture avoid these challenges. Ideally, they are raised on feed that is free from drugs and meat by-products, and

are never given growth hormones. They are provided a life that allows them to engage in natural ruminant behaviours. The pastures are not treated with chemicals. The animals have shelter from wind and snow, and are given free access to well and spring water. They are not given any kind of growth stimulant, steroids, antibiotics or other chemical additive. In order for grass-fed lamb to be succulent and tender, the sheep need high-quality forage, especially in the months prior to slaughter. This requires healthy soil and careful pasture management. Sheep raised under these conditions will yield the most nutritious and tasty meat.

Lamb is an excellent source of high-quality protein, containing 21-26 grams per 3-oz serving, depending on the cut. This places it roughly equivalent to the same portion of beef, turkey, salmon or almonds. It is nature's best source of an amino acid called carnitine, which is needed to generate energy from fatty acids. It is also an ideal source of iron, which is vital in the formation of red blood cells. A single serving provides approximately 20% of the recommended daily intake for men, and 12% for women. The iron found in lamb and other red meat is in a form that is easily absorbed by the body. Lamb provides 45% of the daily requirement of zinc, a mineral essential for growth, tissue repair and a healthy immune system. Like iron, the zinc found in lamb is more easily absorbed by the body than zinc from many other sources. Lamb is also a great source of B vitamins, which are essential for the metabolic processes that occur everywhere in the body. It can provide 100% of the daily requirement of B12, a vitamin often lacking in modern diets. Lamb is a good source of thiamine (B1) and riboflavin (B2). Lamb contains important trace elements such as copper, manganese and selenium, as well as palmitoleic acid, a fatty acid with strong antimicrobial properties. As a result of improved breeding, feeding and butchery methods, the fat in lamb has been greatly reduced in recent decades. Lamb steaks may contain as little as 5 percent fat. Half of this fat is unsaturated, which is a vital part of a healthy diet.



Most of this unsaturated fat is mono-unsaturated, the kind commonly found in the healthy “Mediterranean-type diet.” BUYING AND STORING TIPS Although lamb is generally a very tender meat, you can look for signs to ensure the highest quality. Purchase lamb whose flesh is firm, fine textured and pink to light red in color. Any fat surrounding or marbled throughout the meat should be white and waxy - not yellow. The bones should be reddish in colour and moist looking, rather than dry. Some cuts may be all or partially covered in a silvery membrane, the 'fell', which may be removed or left on, depending on the recipe. When purchasing packaged fresh lamb in a food store, the package should be cold and in good condition, with no tears or holes in the wrapping. Lamb that has dried-out edges, does not smell fresh, or has a slimy feel should be avoided. Excess liquid may indicate that the lamb is old or has been stored at the incorrect temperature, or was previously frozen. Lamb with little excess liquid in the package is the best. Since lamb is highly perishable, it should always be kept at cold temperatures, either refrigerated or frozen. Lamb roasts and chops can stay fresh in the refrigerator three to five days, while ground lamb will only stay fresh for up to two days. If you have more lamb than you can use within this period of time, it freezes well. Using freezer paper, wrap the lamb carefully so that it is as tightly packaged as possible. Ground lamb keeps for three to four months, while roasts and chops will keep for about six to nine months. HAVING THE BEST LAMB EXPERIENCE Since lamb has a richer flavour than beef, it does exceptionally well with robust seasonings like garlic and rosemary, which do not overwhelm the taste of the meat. Lemon juice is often drizzled over steaks to balance the fat. Hearty vegetables such as red cabbage, Brussels sprouts and yams will compliment lamb chops or the exceptional roast leg of lamb. Our personal favorite lamb dish, however, remains the modest Irish stew. A simple, tasty and virtually foolproof meal-in-a-pot, it provides unlimited opportunity for variations that can be tailored to suit individual tastes. Here's our basic and beloved recipe.

IRISH STEW Traditional Irish stew does not brown the meat. We recommend organic ingredients whenever possible for the best results and highest nutrition, but this is a virtually fail -proof recipe that works with any fresh ingredients. Doubles well. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

1 lb. organic or natural pasture-raised lamb, cut into 1-inch cubes 6 cups organic vegetable broth, or 6 cups water and one low-sodium organic vegetable broth cube 1 bay leaf 1 clove organic or home grown garlic 1 large organic or home grown onion, diced 3-4 medium organic or home grown carrots, sliced 2 large organic or home grown boiling potatoes, cubed 2-3 Tbsp. organic or home grown parsley, chopped Salt and pepper to taste

Combine the first five ingredients in a dutch oven and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer covered for about an hour. Add carrots and potatoes and continue simmering for another 45 minutes. Add parsley and seasoning to taste, then simmer for another 10 minutes. Serve with a green salad and bread or roll.

LAMB BURGERS Prepare as you would ground beef for beef burgers, one pound of ground lamb meat. Season liberally with any of the following - onions, garlic, rosemary, salt, pepper - as the robust flavour of lamb can handle these combinations well. Grill on the barbecue or fry in a pan with a teaspoon of olive oil until medium well. Serve on lightly toasted whole wheat or multigrain buns with fresh lettuce, tomato, and dijon mustard. You'll never go back to beef burgers again!



YOGA TAPPING INTO THE WARRIOR WITHIN By Jeannie Magenta Within each of us resides a strength beyond the physical, mental, and emotional. The strength that comes forth in challenging times when all reserves felt empty. This is the strength of the warrior within. A strength that can be practiced, honed and embodied. Stepping onto the yoga mat turn and face the long edge of your mat. Widen your stance to approximately 3-4 feet. Turn your right foot to face the top of your mat and your left foot on a 45-degree angle. Looking down you should be able to draw an imaginary line from the heel of your right foot to the arch of your left foot. Perfect! Now I want you to have a look at your right knee and be sure that the knee is directly over the ankle and not extended past the ankle. When the knee is past the ankle it puts more stress on the joint putting you at risk for injury. So be mindful and keep those knees happy. If the knee is over a bit or you feel like you can go farther just widen your stance and sink into your power center. Left leg is straight. Align your hips to the long side of the mat opening the body and stretching the arms out long in one line with the shoulders. Balancing as though you are being pulled in both directions by the tips of your fingers. Turn you head and look out over your right hand gazing in line past your middle finger. Breathe.

and to bring our goals and dreams into fruition. As you hold the posture just a few more breaths take a moment and notice the mind chatter. “Oh my arms are tired!” or “My legs feel shaky”. Notice that voice, take a deep breath in and on the exhale let all that chatter go. Continuing to breathe take note of the calm presence of the warrior that says, “I got this!” or “A few more breaths, no problem!” Slowly lower your arms to your sides. Turn both feet to the long side of the mat. Turn your left foot to the end of the mat and move your back foot to a 45-degree angle and repeat the above steps on the other side. Breathe. Always remember to come back to your breath and allow it to be your guide. The breath is strong, powerful, healing and life giving. With practice on and off the mat of exhaling the chatter and dwelling in the presence of the warrior within, time will reveal your stillness of the power greater than any pose!

Jeannie Magenta runs a weekly non-profit Laughter Club and presents laughter workshops, Sessions, and conference energizers for corporate and non-profit organizations. Jeannie is also a certified Hatha Yoga teacher and Wellness Counselor. She has always had a passion for people and spreading joy and once you meet her you will understand why she can help so many find more joy in there life. She can be found at

Notice your body in the posture. Follow the desire to sink a little lower into your power center, always being mindful of your front knee. With your arms outstretched allow your mind to envision the tribal warrior that resides within. Fostering the warrior is an important step for our daily wellbeing. The warrior is our infinite reserve of strength that we can draw upon in times of need

Book your laughter session today to discover more joy, happiness and zest for life. Laughter really is the best medicine!



MIRACLES By Marlene Cobb This is a beautiful card; most people love to get this card in a reading. This card speaks differently for each person I read. The message of this card is;

“Miracles are occurring all around you right now. Begin to notice them, and you will experience even more miracles. This card is the angels' way of telling you to expect a miracle. Perhaps you feel that you need one right now because you can't see any other way to a solution. Be open to allowing Source to help your challenges in ways that will surprise you. You open the door for miracles when you become willing to surrender your fears to God. Visualize the angels carrying away the issue, and feel yourself supported by God's wisdom and creativity. As you relax into the Source, you are assured that blessings are surrounding you right now. Be open to a miracle coming your way.” Since I don’t use the card meanings but read intuitively it gets a little tricky, most people are searching for an exact miracle that is going to be granted to them, however that is not for me to know. Also when it comes to miracles we don’t always know how they will look when they appear. Life is a miracle and it is how we perceive our world that makes miracles, miracles. Granted there are people right now asking, praying for a miracle in the form of world peace, better jobs, and equality. Some are praying for better living conditions. If they were to come to me for a reading and this card landed on the table they might assume that a miracle was going to occur around that prayer. Miracles are more subtle than that for the most part and are usually specific to the person. Below is an example of what I mean; This is a true account of a miracle that happened through social media. Many people are on the phenomenon Facebook. It

connects us with people we know and also connects us with people around the world whom we have never met, but become at the very least acquaintances with. People allow us to get a glimpse of their everyday life, their likes and dislikes. The remarkable story I am about to share took place all because of the power of networking on Facebook. We are all connected, and through this connection people’s lives are better off. A woman was diagnosed with a terminal illness. This woman was a very caring person and her thoughts were on the two dogs that she had rescued from the SPCA. There was no possible way she could look after them and herself as well during this period. Not wanting to let the dogs go, she asked her sister to post on her Facebook wall pictures of the two dogs and to put out the word they were looking for a good home. On February 1, 2012 the post went up simply stating that due to medical reasons the sister would no longer be able to look after the dogs, and if anyone knew of someone with a fenced yard that would be willing to adopt the two lovable fellows to get in touch. By February 11th both dogs had been placed in good, loving homes where they would continue to get the attention they were used to. The story could end there, with the thought that Facebook really has become the new “newspaper” or “classifieds” of the times. This story however had another miracle attached to it. One of the dogs was a Rottweiler, and many people shy away from these big beautiful dogs because of the reputation they have. The faith was there that someone would step forward and accept this fellow. Five years previously a family let their dog out for its nightly constitutional before heading to bed for the night. The dog took off, weeks turned into months as this family searched for their beloved dog, but no sign of him was found. Not knowing what had happened to him was very hard but deep down they never gave up hope that he would just turn up on the doorstep one day. Fast forward 5 years later and there he is on Facebook, looking for a new home! Dog and family were reunited both remembering each other. The dog


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shadows the original mom and is very gentle with her young boys. The joy that this reunion has brought to all of the participants in this story is amazing. One can rest easy knowing both her beloved dogs have good homes. The original owners have their beloved pet back none the worse for wear. The good that comes out of what seems to be a negative is often hard to embrace, but I believe that miracles happen to bring rays of sunshine into otherwise dark moments. When we need them most they appear, perhaps not how we imagine them or want them to be, but there they are.

“There are only two ways to live your life . One is as though nothing is a miracle . The other is as though everything is a miracle .” Albert Einstein

I have been prompted to offer goose for this issue. Goose arrived for me earlier this year; two flocks flew overhead catching my attention. Not only was it rather early (just the end of January) but they were two distinct groups flying in V formation and not together as geese usually do. The next evening around 8 pm I was outside and one lone goose flew overhead honking like crazy. I joked then saying he was looking for his mate, calling “Martha? Martha, where are you woman?” All kidding aside I decided to refresh my knowledge around goose. While some people find geese to be pests due to leaving deposits in parks and beaches, the bacterial in the deposits can be harmful, plus the loud honk that is their signature call they are amazing birds. The V formation in which they fly is an aerodynamic strategy to reduce fatigue. All the birds, except the first bird which drops back when tired, fly in what is called the upwash created from the wingtip vortices from the bird ahead. This upwash helps to support each bird’s weight thus allowing them to fly for longer periods of time before resting. They are excellent (Continued on page 27)



By Marlene Cobb

cooperation, communication, dedication, knowing when to lead or follow (Continued from page 26)

navigators with their inner radar of where their migration route is, and they follow the same flight path each year. This gives us the wisdom that we should follow our gut - rely on intuition and instinct in order to get where we need to be. Allow others to help us on our journey. Perhaps the more important lesson goose could teach us; know when to lead and when to follow. Something humans often struggle with. Should a goose become ill during this migration another goose will stay back with them until they either heal or die. They are very “family” or “community” oriented. Geese mate for life, should one partner pass the other may or may not choose a new mate. “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander” Both parents look after the goslings during their first year of life. Geese are very protective, should a predator or human come within range of the nest they will be chased away, the goose extents its wings outward (50 - 68 inches) hissing, all the while racing towards the threat at break neck speeds. If you have ever been chased by a goose you know that they can run very fast and you get out of the way! It might be of interest to note here that after the goslings are hatched the adults going into a molting period that lasts the same duration as it takes the goslings to grow their flight feathers.

honking, if you have ever been close to a lake that has a group land on it, they are all honking back and forth to each other. Look this is the spot, land here! Goslings are very quiet in fact I am not sure I have heard them “speak”. As they move about and gain mobility along with the ability to fly, they speak their minds and move independently, while still being very much a part of a family. Communication and cooperation are the lessons here. If we don’t communicate our needs, no one can help, and as people don’t read minds if we don’t speak up how will others know what we are feeling or experiencing. Perhaps you have a great idea that would help at work; if you don’t share it with others it will stay locked away in your mind. Cooperation is huge as all geese work together to ensure survival. If Goose enters your life it will be a short cycle, this is reflected in the migration of the birds. They arrive in spring and leave in fall. The wisdom they share with us is that a journey or quest is about to begin. Goose arrives in spring, brings forth a new birth, nurtures it until it is able to fly on its own and then bring it home in the fall.

The whole family is grounded. From these aspects of goose we can learn to protect that which is most valuable, but make sure we have our priorities straight (meaning, be sure you're protecting that which is worth protecting). To also remember our roots, and not forget all who have helped us along the way. Being grounded with family and community nurtures us and helps us to grow close, while offering a nurturing environment for others to grow as well.

Geese communicate to each other through their



CONVERSATIONS WITH CHAMUEL by Kaye Castleman Archangel Chamuel is most commonly known as the angel of love and compassion. (S)He can be helpful in dealing with communication issues, relationships, ethnic and racial tension, and to assist in situations where we are looking for things we have lost, or cannot find. As a channel for messages from Chamuel, I have found he has a strong desire to support the opening of our heart chakra, especially at this critical time in our development.

“Welcome, Dear Heart, into this special energy of the angelic realms. It is I, Archangel Chamuel, of the Pink Ray. I invite you to take a moment to relax your body and your breath so that you can fully appreciate the special energies that are available to you in this connection. Many of you will feel the shift from the stress of your current environment as you do this. In these exciting times on planet Earth, this transition is particularly acute. There is a great deal of chaos, fear and worry surrounding you on your plane. There is no need for you to fret about this, or become engaged in it, but it is often difficult for you to detach from it. We have said this before, and it remains true, that one of the simplest ways for you to access the higher levels of vibration that exist beyond your current earthly chaos is to breathe. Just that. Take a few slow, conscious breaths in succession, with the intention of leaving your stress behind, and you can be immediately transported to a place of peace and calm. Do this same exercise with the intention of reaching us in the angelic realms, and you can connect with the vibrations of unconditional love and healing. It is just that easy. We await you with open arms.....�

Do you have a question for Chamuel? Archangel Chamuel is happy to respond! Please submit your question to if you click on this link it will come up in your email format with Archangel Chamuel in the subject line. If you are going to manually email please include Archangel Chamuel in the subject line. Please include your name, it will not be published, sold or used in any fashion it just prevents us from having bots respond.

We trust in plumed procession For such the angels go -

Rank after Rank, with even feet And uniforms of Snow. ~Emily Dickinson



QUESTIONS TO CHAMUEL Question: Dear Chamuel, thank you so much for being available to help us through our challenges. I have a problem that's been bothering me for many years. I have been working on raising my awareness, becoming an enlightened human and living a life of higher purpose. But there are some people in my life that have been very difficult. And no matter what I do, I still have feelings of animosity toward them. I don't wish them well. In fact, I'm quite delighted when I hear that things aren't going well for them. This is not who I want to be, but no matter how many times I try to open my heart to them and embrace them as a fellow angel on our earthly journey, underneath I really don't like them and still harbour a lot of judgement about things they have done to me. Is there anything I can do to change my attitude toward them?

Question: Hi, Chamuel. Can you help? I'm surround by stupid and ignorant people. They just don't get it. Even my own family is nuts. When I try to explain things to them, they just won't listen. I'm getting tired of even trying. What can I do to get through to them?

Chamuel: Breathe. Then breathe again.

Chamuel: Bless you, Dear Heart, for all the work you have done as an Angel of Earth. We recognize that it is not easy to overcome the powerful emotions that reside in your consciousness. The fact that you are aware of these stuck emotions indicates how far you have travelled on your path as an enlightened human. The fact that you continue to wish to overcome these blocked energies, despite their persistence, lifts your vibration far higher than you are aware. In many ways, it is your intention to shift this stubborn issue against your experience to the contrary that brings more light into your being than if you were actually able to achieve it! A committed heart that stands resolute against all odds, even its own weakness, is one of the most beautiful and inspiring things we see in humans. There is seldom a higher calling than this. So we ask you to tread lightly on this brave heart. Honour it for its intentions. Do not judge it for its apparent failure to achieve your goal. There is great good in these relationships, just as they are. And here is a practice you may try that can help. When you begin to have dark feelings about these people, or even in the middle of the day when you think about it, imagine that they are your infant child. Or a dear friend or sibling that you would do anything for. Then think of their behaviours that are still so painful for you remember, and imagine how differently you would react under these changed circumstances. Can you feel a how this altered dynamic might change everything? If this were your child, would you have more tolerance and compassion? Could you let go of your own pain and allow your heart to open, as it is already aching to do? Bless you, dearest human, you are loved and surrounded by angels. All is well....



“I sat up, sliding them off, and the quiet around me did not, for once, seem empty and vast. Instead, for the first time in a while, it felt like it already was full.” Sarah Dessen,

Just Listen

MANDALAS By Marlene Cobb When was the last time you opened a new box of crayons, felts, or pencil crayons? The joy of creating with color is one that most of us toss out the window with childhood, yet being creative is an excellent outlet to reduce stress, relax and recharge. Often we can lose ourselves in the creating and all else slips away. One of the ways that is inexpensive is through the coloring of Mandalas. Mandala is a Sanskrit word loosely translated to mean circle. Used predominately in Eastern cultures these beautiful works of art are considered sacred. Before I lose you though, Mandalas, specifically the coloring of them has been used for traditional therapeutic healing as well. Motor skills, eye hand coordination, and bringing calm to patients are just some of the benefits. Traditional doctors who are open to the idea of having patients color these wonderful designs have great success stories to share. Inadvertently coloring mandalas offer us the benefits of; • Learning to cope with limits and to accept those that are necessary • Find quiet and rest within ourselves • Focus and concentration • Fun Where can you find these wonderful gems? There are coloring books, the internet, or you can learn to make your own. I have not tried to make my own yet, but feel it would be a very special process to go through. Personally I like to pick one design to fill in. Then I look to my pencil crayons and choose between 3 – 5 colors. Next I start to fill in the design. I challenge myself by not permitting myself to pick another color but instead use what I first picked. Some say you are to start at the center and work your way out. Some days I do this, other days I am drawn to a certain part of the mandala and start there. There is no right or wrong way and I try not to get too caught up in the how to’s. Instead I want to just allow myself to be carried away with my creating something beautiful. Dating them is useful and I think, if you want them to be a learning tool, a brief outline on what you were feeling before starting to color and how you felt after. I have included a mandala for you to print off and color. Give it a go and see for yourself how much fun this can be.

This is one that I have done!





READING REVIEW By Marlene Cobb "If you pay attention to when you are hungry, what your body wants, what you are eating, when you've had enough, you end the obsession because obsession and awareness cannot coexist." While searching for books that might be of interest to review here, I came across this one. The title intrigued me and after a week of having it haunt me, I decided to download it on iBook’s and have a read. I was captured from the first page. This is a book for every woman who has ever been on a diet. Raise your hand if that is not you! It speaks about going deeper than our weight being just about the food we eat. It speaks to us about what is behind the reason we eat. In a compassionate manner, and speaking from her years of experience with dieting only to gain back the pounds she lost and more Geneen takes us on a journey to discover what drives us to eat when we are not hungry. Her concept that we need to stop dieting rang true with me. Each time I have lost weight I have not dieted, instead I paid attention to when and why I was taking that bite of food, be it a chocolate bar, a salty pretzel or some fantastic appetizer, or entrée. I also listened to what my body wanted to eat. At the time of writing this I am not finished with this book (I am about half way through) yet it has made me laugh, go aha, and brought compassion bubbling to the surface from the letters participants of her workshops and or readers have sent to her that have been included. It is a very personable book that grabbed me because Geneen has lived it, not researched it. In reviews I looked at people either stopped reading it due to something the author said (hit a nerve me thinks) or have loved it. A couple put the book down only to revisit at a later date and thoroughly enjoyed the book. I realize this book might not be for all but I feel it is worth a look. If you would like to try it before you buy it both Kobo and iBook’s have a download sample. Book Description Publication Date: March 2010 Geneen Roth’s 1991 bestseller, When Food Is Love , spoke to a wide audience—including Oprah Winfrey, who embraced Roth’s empowering message. Since then, Roth has taken the sum total of her experience and combined it with spirituality, psychology, and self-awareness to explain women’s true hunger in Women, Food, and God . .

Roth’s approach to eating is the same as any addiction—it is an activity to avoid feeling emotions. From the first page, readers will be struck by Roth’s intelligence, humor, and sensitivity, as she traces the path of overeating from its subtle beginning through its logical end. Whether the drug is booze or brownies, the problem is the same: opting out of life. Roth’s premier advice is “eat anything you want”. She powerfully argues for personal investigation and urges readers to pay attention to what they truly need—and it usually cannot be found in a supermarket. She provides seven basic guidelines for eating (the most important is to never diet) and shares reassuring, practical advice that has over the years helped thousands of women who have attended her highly successful seminars and workshops.. Truly a thinking woman’s guide to eating—and an anti-diet book— women everywhere will find insights and revelations on every page. I chanced upon this book while wandering around the local Chapters book store. I was in a funky mood that day and books tend to bring me out of that state. I picked up the book, purchased it and then spent a lovely hour with my partner sitting in the adjoining Starbucks sipping lattes and reading aloud from this book. Laughing out loud and reminiscing about the way school playgrounds use to be among other things. Gone was the funky mood, I had just received a shot of positive!! I reach for this book often as the entries are short and the style of writing really does lift my mood. Neil has published subsequent books of Awesome so the supply will not run out in the near future. I feel the best way to read this book is to share it; it pulls out memories that should be shared. Check it out, I am sure you will find it as enchanting as I do.

Book Description Publication Date: April 1, 2010 Based on the award-winning 10-million-plus-hit blog, The Book of Awesome is a high five for humanity and a big celebration of life's little moments: • Popping Bubble Wrap • Wearing underwear just out of the dryer • Fixing electronics by smacking them • Getting called up to the dinner buffet first at a wedding



READING REVIEW By Marlene Cobb • Watching The Price Is Right when you're home sick • Hitting a bunch of green lights in a row • Waking up and realizing it's Saturday Sometimes it's easy to forget the things that make us smile. With a 24/7 news cycle reporting that the polar ice caps are melting, hurricanes are swirling in the seas, wars are heating up around the world, and the job market is in a deep freeze, it's tempting to feel that the world is falling apart. But awesome things are all around us-sometimes we just need someone to point them out.

The Book of Awesome reminds us that the best

things in life are free (yes, your grandma was right). With laugh-out-loud observations from award - winning comedy writer Neil Pasricha, The Book of Awesome is filled with smile-inducing moments on every page that make you feel like a kid looking at the world for the first time. Read it and you'll remember all the things there are to feel good about.

The Book of Awesome reminds us of all the little

things that we often overlook but that make us smile. With touching, warm, and funny observations, each entry ends with the big booming feeling you'll get when you read through them: AWESOME!

“The year 2012 is not the end… but rather the beginning of a whole new cycle of time.” This book is a reference book and one that is well researched with lots of useful information contained within its pages. The preface and introduction starts you on a journey that leaves you wanting to find out more. If all you picked up this book for was to figure out your birth date correlation it would be worth it. You would soon find yourself immersed in finding out all of your families information too. Who was born under the same Tzolk'in as you? What happened historically on any given day? Each day has an energy associated with it. Follow Nourish and see the Maya horoscope that will be included each month. With the whole 2012 Mayan Calendar mystery this book sheds light on those who are wondering what is going on this year, what will happen on December

21st and beyond.





Book Description Publication Date: December 2009 The Maya Calendar, the Aztec Sun Stone, Mixtec codices: these—and many other documents, artifacts, monuments, and stories—speak of an amazing timekeeping system that has been in use in Mesoamerica for thousands of years. This system, still kept alive by Mayan daykeepers, not only explains and encodes the nature of the energies that influence daily life, but also provides the key to understanding human destiny. Hidden for centuries after the Spanish Conquest, aspects of this system are now coming to the attention of people the world over, often through media hype that sensationalizes ideas related to the “enddate” of the Maya Calendar. In Manual for the Soul these ideas are put into a larger context as mythological, historical, and technical aspects of this system are explored from the perspective of history and personal biography. Within this work over 1500 significant events in world history are viewed through the lens of this calendrical system, as are the lives of over 1800 prominent figures, from scientists, humanitarians, artists, and mystics, to builders, entertainers, and world leaders. Designed to shed light on questions such as “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?” and “What is happening on this planet right now?” this work also includes the identification of important evolutionary cycles, helping to explain the significance of December 21st, 2012. Manual for the Soul may be of particular interest to those who enjoy reading about world history, biography, and/or mythology, and to those for whom the mysteries of Mesoamerican calendars and cultures hold intrigue. It could also be of great value for those interested in connections between body, mind, and spirit.



EARTH CRYSTALS By Marlene Cobb I will be honest with you; I fell in love with this crystal one year ago from the color of it alone. I did not know what crystal it was, I just loved the light, almost neon-green and had to have one. I picked up a piece for myself and also one for a friend as I felt it was healing. It was Serpentine and while the bowl that held them had various green crystals from dark to light, crisp to mottled, I was drawn to the smooth even light green toned ones. I did not rush home and research this crystal. Instead I held it, packed it around in my crystal bag, pulled it out and had it on my desk. I just enjoyed it. I think that sometimes that is all that is required, just to have a crystal that brings you joy and not feel the need to know what it is all about. This love affair has lasted a year, I know I glimpsed into its properties but if someone were to ask me what it was for, I would not be able to share that wisdom. I would say “I love it and for me it is soothing�. The energy always calms me and I feel balanced when I hold it. Yet how could I just include a crystal within this magazine if I did not share with all of you the properties? Here we go, all of us will learn together (you might already be acquainted with Serpentine, so bear with me and perhaps I can shed something new). The name Serpentine refers to a group of crystals that occur in small masses of inter-grown crystals which are predominantly green. The stone earned its name from the word serpent as it color resembles the skin of a snake. And while some resources say it was named this because it healed snake bites that information was not consistent so I am not sure I follow that belief. Meaning I would not want to sustain a bite from a snake to prove it accurate. Serpentine has a deep history with various cultures through time. The Romans felt this stone protected them from sorcery and the dark arts. Thus they crafted drinking vessels out of Serpentine, the vessels shattered if they came into contact with poison. Serpentine was around in the Middle Ages in the capacity of vessels that held medicines. The people believed that Serpentine increased the healing powers of the medicine and that it lasted longer. This was probably due to the crystal being dark in color and also stone tends to stay cool if not in the direct sun. In my mind I can see like a little carved bowl with a lid, keeping whatever was stored inside cool and dark. The Early American civilizations considered it the guardian of vital energy and the protector of the soul against invisible powers. Perhaps the most noted discovery was in the 19th century when people became aware of the fire resistant nature of the crystal. Depending on how Serpentine is formed, the mineral composition, it creates Asbestos. Asbestos and all commercial forms of asbestos (including chrysotile asbestos) are known to be human carcinogens. Asbestos was used for fire retardant material, brake linings and also used in buildings (think gypsum sheets). Serpentine in this fashion forms white Chrysotile fibers that are curly; it is very flexible and can be spun and woven into fabric. It was

commonly mixed with cement to form sheets for building fire barriers and accounts for most of the Asbestos found in older buildings. Feeling creeped out! To think I had bought and loved a crystal that could be bad for me, I went down the internet trail to discover more. There are two basic structures of Serpentine, antigorite, and chrysotile. Chrysotile is fibrous and is the mineral most likely to form asbestos. Antigorite is the mineral used for gemstones. Serpentine is mined in Southwest Africa, China, India, the USA and Italy. The colors range from opaque to translucent and have a luster that is described as greasy, waxy or silky. It might seem strange to have them described as greasy or waxy but it really fits! This is an interesting crystal it seems to be understated and not as out there as some of the other crystals I gravitate towards. Yet within it subtle energy lays the potential to heal a wide range of physical disorders. Cardiac irregularities, stomach and bowel issues, kidney disorders, problems within the heart and lungs, and menstrual problems seem to top the list. It has the potential to even out moods, and bring calm during moments of stress or hectic chaotic situations. It is also listed as an excellent crystal for cellular regeneration. The verdict is out still, but it may help Diabetes, eliminate parasites, and help us better absorb magnesium and calcium. Not only will it help with human healing it can also help heal the planet. A couple pieces of Serpentine in your garden couldn’t hurt! We are not yet done with this little wonder. Want to meet with or have guidance from your angels? Hold a piece of serpentine while asking for guidance on any situation. With its calming influence it is a great crystal for meditation, finding inner peace, or clearing your mind. And one last piece of information that I discovered, this is one stone that despite its color will work on each of the chakras. If you feel there is a block somewhere this crystal will help to open the path. If you have worked with your chakras and know which one feels clogged, place Serpentine on that chakra, if you want to amplify the crystal I suggest using a piece of clear quartz with it. I chose a keeper! Picked for its color and the vibration it was sending me it is one that I will explore more now that I have a better understanding of what it can facilitate. But mostly I will just enjoy this beautiful crystal!



Live Kryon Channeling


As channeled by Lee Carroll for Kryon The information below is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. The Copyright, however, prohibits sale in any form except by the publisher

"The Recalibration of the Human Being" This live channeling was Given in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada January 7, 2012 To help the reader, this channeling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Red Deer, Canada. Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. It seems like only a moment ago that I told you there would be changes in the room, and I can feel them. The attribute of those from the other side of the veil is compassion. There are always questions, however. Some ask, "How do

I know who is visiting me? I'm afraid of this or that and when I channel and I open my mouth, I don't know what's going to happen. Do I allow any energy in the universe to pop in?" And we say to you, oh, how 3D of you to think that the angels standing around you would ever let that happen! If it's compassionate energy, it is from God. If it is not, it is from you. It's that simple. Do not envision in your mind a plethora of dark energies waiting to pounce upon you, for this is a man-made suggestion. You've humanized God so much that you're not even sure when Spirit takes your hand.

Let tonight change that. Know that wherever you go, you could call it what you wish, but there is an entourage with you. It's so difficult for me to explain soul fragmentation, for it sounds like a negative thing, but it's beautiful. There's always three of you all the time, wherever you go. Oh, there are actually more, but three represents the main group. One of them is the Higher-Self, which is your core. How can I explain the Higher-Self? It is the core, you. It is the part of you that vibrates higher. It is not above you, but rather it is in you, and this higher vibrating "you" opens a portal that is literally a connection and a handshake to Spirit. And that's you. So that's number one. Then there's the conscious mind that represents the biological you. Now there are two parts. How many do you need for a group? You see? There are things about the quantum you that you have barely, barely got into, including the field around you eight meters wide. The Human Being is amazing. The other major part is the part of you that remains on my side of the veil that you totally deny. You see it as a guide or helper that you are very attached to. Instead, it is the constant that connects you to God - always, wherever you are.

I want to talk about what is currently happening on the planet and I would like to give you, in this, the first full channeling of 2012, what I would call the attributes about the energy visiting you now. This energy is changing. Those who are in the seats in this particular room, and will be in the seats in the room tomorrow [speaking of those in the Okanagan Valley], will receive the same message. This represents one of the few times that I will repeat a message in the same language. It needs to be repeated. Transcriptions will be taken and many will hear it. After my explanation, old souls will know more about the experiences that they are having and will understand more about what is causing them. This is given in love and there's no fearful thing here. You sit in a safe place. The energy that is being visited upon this earth has been expected. The Ancients predicted it and we have given you recent channelings, even the channeling given in that country which you would call Peru, about the shift of what we would call the movement of the feathered serpent [first presented in Kryon, Book 8 in 2000]. There's an actual polarity shift happening between the male and female energy of the planet. The Northern Hemisphere, which has always been masculine-heavy, is changing. The Southern Hemisphere, which has not been biased in that way, is changing. The wisdom of the Ancients in the Southern Hemisphere is beginning to replace the wisdom of the Ancients in the North. And you're starting to see a softer Human Being. Spiritually, the old souls are alerted to this shift first and are beginning to receive biological changes. You expected it and it's here. This process is one that is felt by the entire planet. Those disruptions you see in countries right now, which have not had disruptions for hundreds of years, are a result of this change - for this is what takes place when humanity begins to have more compassion, when they wish to unify more than separate, and new thoughts and wisdom start to occur. New Invention This new consciousness creates new inventions - higher science, higher thinking and solutions to those things that you have called basic Human issues. Population explosion, food, water, power generation - all of these things are going to change. There will be new thinking, new

thought and new revelation in the next two generations, even some of it in the next 18 years. But a shift is occurring and I want to tell you who's going to feel it first. It's those in the chairs, listening to my voice and reading this, who have been on this planet so many times that they are used to the old energy. Old soul, you're starting to remember. You're starting to remember what it used to be like and what it can be like again. Old soul, you are beginning to recalibrate and this is cellular change in 3D.


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These energy shifts we speak of are not going to be some kind of New Age esoteric magic. Instead, you're going to see it clearly grounded in governments and in science. You're going to see it all over the planet as energy begins to shift away from what anyone expected. Slowly. I've said it before. Slowly, there'll be countries that have been in isolation for years that will open their gates. You better take some pictures now, because things will never be the same. Slowly, they will join the rest of you, and their children will meet your children and you'll realize you have things in common and not the low energy attributes that you have been told. The Recalibration of Biology The recalibration of the old soul is the subject of this and tomorrow's channel. So the channels will be similar and not a continuation. You don't need Part A and Part B. I'll give you everything today and everything tomorrow. I want you to know what you can expect and what some of you are already working with: Recalibration. Your biology has to shift. It has to absorb and work with, and be part of, a softer energy. If it's going to do that, there has to be a recalibration of the core, or the center of the energy. Those who have studied the lattice, representing the patterned energies around you, know of calibration. You know of the energies of balance that are required for a Human to start changing themselves. You know about that which is body rejuvenation, mentioned even this day about how cells divide and how every single kind of cell in your body, including brain and heart and skin, regenerate. They are designed to regenerate and if they're lost, they're designed to regenerate, and if they're damaged, they're designed to regenerate. Oh, I say it again, Human, don't you find it odd that the starfish can grow back a limb and you can't? Don't you think that's odd? This will change. Well, if everything rejuvenates, don't you find it odd that a disease can start to change how a Human thinks, and the scientist will tell you that their brain cells are starting to die or move or change or be poisoned, and the Human even loses the memory of love? Where is the rejuvenation? Where is the repair? That's not how DNA is designed, dear ones. Cells are designed to go back to the blueprint and create a new, fresh cell. That's how it's designed! Your science is going to see that and your spiritual bodies are going to see that, and the ones who sit in the chair have got to recalibrate to work with it. The recalibration is automatic. You don't have to ask for it. Let me repeat that. It's going to happen because you're an old soul, and that's why you're here. You don't have to ask for it. But the recalibration is what you expected and what you're remembering. But perhaps it's not what you e x p e c t , e x a c t l y ? It's uncomfortable! Now some of you will know where this message is going when we start giving you the attributes that I would say are less than positive, which some of you will experience in the recalibration process. Now, this is some of you, not all. Every single Human Being has their

own unique path, so they will experience these things in their own way. So this is not a generic list of what is going to happen to all old souls. These are, instead, potentials given of many symptoms of recalibration that old souls may experience, and who are here and ready to move f o r w a r d o n t h i s p l a n e t . The List Some of you will have dizziness. It's an attribute of recalibration. That's all it is and it will pass. But it's worrisome, for those who will become dizzy will also become disoriented and that might even cause a fall. So what do you do with this new knowledge? Number one - know you're not catching a horrible brain disease. Number two - walk more carefully! Does that make sense to you? There are other things. You're going to have trouble sleeping - more trouble than normal. You're not going to have one awakening, but rather two or more. So already some of you, who have been feeling these things, know what's going on. It's recalibration. The first question the Human asks is, "How long will this occur?" The answer is, as long as it takes, oh dense one.

[Kryon smile] I think you get the idea. The recalibration will take place as long as it takes, and if you fight it, it will take longer. Worse yet, if you drug yourself against it, it's just going to keep happening. Celebrate it and move forward with it. Tell your cellular structure you understand and move with it, not against it. This will quicken it and it will pass even sooner. Every single biology [Human] in the room is different, and now we bring up something that we have not brought up for some time, but you need to hear it. What works for you in health is based almost completely and totally upon your Akashic inheritance. Where did you spent the most lifetimes? Perhaps it was in Asia? Perhaps India or Tibet? Perhaps it was in the Southern Hemisphere? Each of those places and cultures will have had different food, which worked to keep you balanced and healthy. Yet, here you are in the Northern Hemisphere, in this lifetime. What I want you to know is that you are significantly influenced by the kind of diet that you used to have [in your past lives].

Perhaps you were vegan. Perhaps you ate only grains. Therefore, your cells will crave that diet to feel balanced. Do you understand? There are others who come mainly from North America, from Europe, and who never had those kinds of diets from Asia or the south. Therefore, they won't have any trouble at all with the food of the land. Listen: There is no one, generic answer to the question: "What should I eat for Spiritual health?" There are no "shoulds." Instead, there are good signals from "innate" inside you, which gives insight as to the most healthy things for your own body. In other words, listen to your cells! Now, why do I mention this? Because you're going to get advice from people on what to eat to correct what's wrong with you as you recalibrate. So I'm going to tell you right now, ignore them. Instead, go inside and let your own Akashic Record tell you what is going to work for you. Don't be surprised if some of you come up allergic to (Continued on page 37)



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some things you've always eaten. I will tell you: Your biology is recalibrating. This attribute will be necessary for you to move forward, for you to shift to the place where you can be balanced with the most wisdom. Many of you might not like some processed food, because you're not used to it in your Akash. Do you see what I'm saying? If you're going to pull the Shamanic energy up from the depths of the wisdom that you have learned and walked through over and over through past history, some things are going to come with it - like your balanced diet, for instance - and you're going to have to deal with it. Don't fight it. Expect these things. They're there for you to see and feel. See them for what they are: recalibration. "Dear Spirit," you might say, "thank you for this recalibration, for caring

enough about me to know that this is where I want to go and what I want to do." Human Being, how you recali-

brate now will determine how you will come back in the next life. You won't have to go through this again - ever. Akashic inheritance is far more than the genealogy of those Human Beings you came from [parents]. You know this. An inherited Akash represents those things that you've experienced in all the lifetimes, regardless of your parents' genes. Sometimes, these are the most predominant and heaviest things that you have to deal with. The ones in the chairs listening to my voice are beginning to deal with these things. So that is the other thing: Expect these past things to come forward for clearing. Clearing the Past Maybe you haven't done very well with the life lessons in the last few lives, and this one you felt you would do better? You will, because the earth needs you. And it doesn't need you encumbered with fear. Instead, it needs you to say to yourselves, "I accept this recalibration. No matter

what is in my body at this moment, it can be gone. If it's inappropriate, it can be gone. I stand as a piece of divinity on this planet - wise, appropriate, and I belong here. This is my time. Cellular structure, listen: If there's anything inappropriate, let it be gone. Let it wash away with the waste. Let it go out because it is not seen as appropriate, it is not commensurate to the energy of the love of God. Let only compassionate things enter my consciousness."

This may be hard for some of you to say. The Good News

So now, let us look at those things that you can expect physically, which will not be as hard. Number one: You are going to be able to deal with even the worst habits that you've ever had in your life, and get rid of them very quickly. It is a new energy of cooperation with the energy of the Lightworker. Did you get that? Oh, let us pause, please, and take just a moment for a deep breath, for I am dealing with those listening to my voice and reading this who have gone through thousands of years of persecution, suffering and torture. There are those who have been burned at the stake. This is because the energy you brought into the earth was not a match at all for what the earth was experiencing. Holy men and women would be asked to heal somebody one moment,

and then to go to the edge of the village and jump off a cliff the next. Fear is that way. And you're here. I know you. You've come back. However, now, this planet is starting to move so that all of the things that you have brought to this planet with your Akashic experience will begin to cooperate with the new energy. Oh, take a deep breath, for enhanced manifestation begins - not immediately; not today; not this hour; but ever so slowly. This quantum clock starts to move in your direction. The earth is receiving a more gentle, passionate energy. That is what you were born with. That's the tool that you have. In the past, this has been seen as odd and strange and representing weakness. You've been ostracized. Some of you have been cast out of your family. I know who's here. I'm telling you that in this new energy, even they may look at you differently and see how you've started to become softer, not even knowing it's them who have changed. Things are going to work that didn't before. Do you have a habit you'd like to break? Is it the way you think or the way you eat? Is it what you put into your body? Is it what you smoke? Is it killing you and you know it? You know who I'm talking to, dear one. Would you like to change it? So I'm telling you that what you do in this energy is going to respond in your body very differently, even if you tried i t b e f o r e . Listen: Not one of you is allowed to say, old soul, wise one, you're not allowed to say, "I tried that and it didn't work." If you do, it will be as a child talking who doesn't know how things work. Instead, you're going to say, "This

time I know better. I will manifest it because the body is listening. It's my time." Cooperative Energy and How to Use It

So that's what the new energy brings: Cooperation. Things are going to go better and flow better. They're going to move forward instead of back. When you put out the word of what you wish to have in your life and the process begins, many of you are going to start seeing a positive return right away. Synchronicity is the key. Put yourself in places to have those things take place. Do not try to manifest something and then go into the closet and wait for it. Instead, put yourself in places where you would expect it to manifest. Do you understand? That is where the answers will be because there are others walking around with your solution! They're looking for you, as you look for them. Don't sequester yourself. In a recalibration mode, there's a tendency to sequester, because you don't feel quite right. The Common Cold You're going to catch more colds. Why would that be? But then you're going to heal them quicker - and why would that be? The Human cold has always been a recalibration of the biological process. To catch a cold is needed, and that is why you cannot "cure" it. You must go through it. The common cold is a cyclical opportunity for the immune system to correct itself. Perhaps you didn't know that? That's why you're not going to receive the chemistry to cure the common cold. It's a recalibrating device within you. It builds up the system in a certain way that helps


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you, and it must be reoccurring. Don't be shocked when you catch one, and say, "Well, I didn't think that would

happen because I just got through with the other one." It's recalibration.

What are we going to do?" The Key to Self-worth

These are the kinds of things we wanted to bring to you, so that you will know what is taking place and not fear it. There are many positive things representing a truly positive energy that is occurring on the planet and turning the corner of opportunity for humanity. This is an energy that supports the Lightworker. There's no more upstream swim, dear ones. Now, all of you are different, and I know who you are. Commitment is the key. You cannot do any of these things casually, but you knew that, didn't you? When you commit to the manifestation of what you need in your life, the Universe is listening. When you receive messages from my side of the veil, I will tell you something that you already may know. We do not have a clock. So I speak to y o u i n t h e n o w . I see the energy in the room, and I see who is here. I see the old soul. I speak to you in the now. So it's up to you what your clock does and how long it takes in your reality. In my reality, it's already done... already accomplished, for the strongest potentials become manifested reality. Can you see that way? Can you walk out of here with it already done in your mind? There's energy in this room that is infusing itself right now into the places it needs to go. What to Expect Spiritually Spiritually, what can you expect? This recalibration is about being able to stay on this planet in health and in happiness without drama or fear. That is what the old soul remembers is the potential of this time. [Pause] My partner mentioned earlier in his communications [the lecture] that one of the greatest mysteries to him is why old souls have such profound self-worth issues. In his ignorance, he stands there and says he has no idea why this would be with old souls. I'll tell you why: It's because for hundreds of years, you've been beat up! Every time you move two steps forward, you're beat back one sometimes five. Then you come into this life expecting what? Very little. For some of you to even start a project, you have the little voice inside that says, "Oh, I knew that would happen." You don't expect much, do you? That's because in an older energy, everything you did was met with resistance. Everything. Every time you wanted to make a positive suggestion about something that might help, you are told to get lost. Every time you saw spiritual wisdom in a complicated problem, nobody else saw it. They weren't interested. You were isolated over and over. When things got hot, you called for a solution. Most others called for the sword. Now we are saying that this is changing. So, spiritually, you are going to have to love yourself more, and now is your opportunity to do so because there is a Universe inside of you called cellular structure with trillions of pieces of DNA. These pieces are starting to re-

act and are becoming ready for your instruction sets to be given. The hand is out, you might say, of your cellular structure, and the cells are saying, "Ok, you're the boss.

Self-worth is a program. It's a program! It's information developed from experience, and it's something that is learned. You can un-program it! All you have to do is tell yourself what you want. "Dear cellular structure," you might say, "I deserve to be here. This is my time. I have

things that others want. This is my time. I'm important in the scheme of the earth. I have earned my stripes. This is my time. Dear cellular structure, get rid of inappropriate, emotional issues that keep me from moving forward into my beauty and power. The power that I speak of is that ability to create compassion and light everywhere I go." Your cellular structure will smile, give you the hand that has been waiting, and say, "We are your partner in this co

-creation. Let's get going." Uncomfortable?

Recalibration. It's going to have attributes that are challenging and that are beautiful. What's it going to feel like to you, to suddenly become more enlightened and have more information? You will feel you're much more part of God - with a cold. [Kryon smile] Falling over sometimes, and you have to laugh. Biology is this way. It takes a while for the shift, months, perhaps more. So while you deal with the issues of recalibration and discomfort, know why they are here. Then at the same time, celebrate that which is in you, which is more compassion and which starts to work in your life. Things are going to work better. Free Will and the Whole Picture Now, all this is assuming that you get this message and you relate to it and manifest it. That is to say, your free will choice is what's going to happen. If you ignore the message, very little will happen. You're still an old soul and you have free choice. Finally, I give you one of the common questions about this recalibration: "Kryon, you say the Earth energy is

shifting. That means all humanity is going to feel it. Right?" Yes. All humanity will feel it. You're going to see it

in the way governments are eliminated and are reformed. You're going to see it in ways of different thinking. You're going to see it in the ways my partner has told you are possible, which I have channeled in the past, thinking differently. Old energy regimes will not renew themselves, but decide to change. Societies that have lasted 1,000 years a certain way will decide to suddenly change. Cooperation and unity over the next two generations will start to become the norm. Someday there will come a time where you will look back on today and say, "We were barbarians." That's a change.


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Timing and the Future I am on my side of the veil in the now. I have no clock to give you here. I am just telling you that this is what I see. I see a healed planet, eventually, with new science. I see a planet where there is no permanent disease and where clean water is never an issue. Never! I see a time where all Humans have electricity and it's easy to get and it's inexpensive, where you can heat your homes easily and well. These are all of the things that are in the strongest potentials in the quantum soup of manifestation. But I cannot give you a clock. What I can tell you is that Earth recalibrates itself and there are going to be issues. Some of them will be political, and some will get worse in the recalibration attributes, and the earth will feel it. Will everyone become enlightened? No. You represent less than one-half of one percent of the Human population, old soul, and you are going to strike that match in the dark. We've told you this before: You've become the match bearer in the dark when a few lights allow all to see better. That's your job, only the work just got easier. I speak in the now. I cannot give you a clock. Please understand the wisdom of this as you leave the room. See the potentials, not the daily news, and if things don't happen tomorrow, Human Being, in your quick turn-around consciousness, don't be angry. God has patience; you have patience. Isn't it worth it, having lived all these lives, to now come and give this one a chance? There are those in this room who wonder how long they're going to live, because of what's going on right now. You know who I'm talking to. So I will tell you the potential that I see is a very long life. There are still those who might say to me, "Yeah but, yeah but, yeah but..." No matter what I tell you, some will have an excuse why it can't work. That is the old energy speaking to you. Recalibrate! Start seeing what is possible and make it what IS.

never dreamed you would go in invention and health. This is the beginning. I have no clock. But I have the strongest potentials to see, and that is what I give you today as my partner sits in the chair in front of you. The potentials that we see are grander than they were last year. If the Lightworkers will recalibrate easily, they can speed the process. Don't fight it. So, as you leave this place and life returns to normal, and the routine is the routine, you might look back upon these few minutes we've had together and say, "I wish I could do those things." You tend to fall into the old energy so easily, not realizing who you are. This is why recalibration is needed, so you will not think that way. What happens in a multidimensional state has to do with consciousness out of time and space. Just walking on this planet, holding the light, creates energy that you did not know you had. That's why we want you to stay in health, without drama or fear. Those who feel they are not doing anything for the planet are in a black and white world as they spread color all around. So assign a goal, if you wish, because Humans love to do that. But let me tell you this: There are many of you already achieving change just by being alive and having compassion for others around you. Some of you in the room are teachers; some are channelers, and some are healers. Some are not interested, and I know who they are as well, for this message is not for all. You stand on a precipice of potential that I came here for. That's why Kryon is here - to help you across this bridge. Congratulations for making it this far. The old energy will fight back, dear ones. Expect it, but this time expect to win. And you will. For now, in 2012, is the beginning of Lightworkers having the upper hand. That is to say, light is being seen and the seeds that were planted so long ago are beginning to be harvested. And so it is.


The Quantum Factor Finally, this: The more science takes a look at atomic structure in the very small and then looks at the Universe in the very large, they will begin to see a commonality. Your science is starting to see that there's no randomness in what looks to be random in 3D. Instead, they're looking at intelligent design. This means that in those attributes you call creation, the way things came together were biased for life, biased for compassion. What you see is the handiwork of God. It can no longer be denied that there is a creator. As you turn inward and start to deal with yourselves, I want you to see the same thing within you. It's about time you understand that you are not random. Your life is not random. Things don't happen to you randomly. They happen to you in a way that you create. There is a system here, and it can be directed and programmed and reprogrammed. This is manifestation. This is the lesson of all humanity eventually - to create a healed earth; to create a peaceful one; to go places you



Today I will take time to slow down and breathe!



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