November 2014 issue 40

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Photo: ŠPNielsen 1

Issue 40 November 2014

5 Thoughtforms 8 Golden Threads 10 What Would Love Do? 16 Be Earth Connected 18 A Path is Not the Way 20 Friendships into Soul-ships 22 Remembrance 24 6 Ways You Can Get Past Procrastination 26 I Want A Real Man - A Whole Man 32 Wild Night 34 Not to Tight 38 The Return to Balance 40 The Basics 42 November Message Words 44 Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - November 2014 48 Lunar Cycles for November 52 Crystal Reading for November 54 Okenite - Gyrolite Earth Crystal 56 Earth Crystals - Crystals for Scorpio 60 Rune Casting For November 62 Essential Oil -Aroma Siez™ 64 Power Animal - Dragon 66 Angel Message for November 2014

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Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2014 by Nourish Publication Nourish is a monthly publication dedicated to empowering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All articles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are provided as guidelines to the readers. Ultimately each reader is responsible for their own choices and decisions. The articles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.


Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen 3


Musings from the Editor November has arrived! Wow, we are starting the 11th month of the year already. 11 is a master number, one that brings us intuition, enlightenment, creativity and inspiration. In angel numbers, it reminds us to stay positive and focus on the good within ourselves and others. If we combine 11 with 2014 (1+1+2+0+1+4) we end up with 9, which signifies the end of a cycle. Another way to look at this, and this resonates with all that I have been feeling and intuitively been given lately, is to take 11 and add it to the total of 2014 (2+0+1+4=7), we get 18 which in tarot is the Moon. The moon is all about revealing what is hidden, both within ourselves and the situations we find ourselves in. It portrays a time of awakening to our truths and seeing our brilliance shine forth. Think of it as a time of purging fears and thought patterns that have been created and reside in our mind. You may find it hard to understand where you are coming from, much less what others are thinking and feeling! It is a time to sit with that uncertainty, and most importantly, try not to force things or people to do things before they are ready. As I am writing this on the 31st of October, there are fireworks exploding outside. For the past couple hours it has been almost none stop. I am sitting here thinking that war veterans must really dislike fireworks. It sounds like rounds of shots being fired across the night. I don’t think it matters what war they fought in, I am sure it is a sound they will never forget. Remembrance day, well for commonwealth countries, occurs this month, but why we only have one day of remembrance is beyond me. My grandfather fought in both of the world wars, and I have a huge sense of gratitude for all who have served, not only for my country but for humanity as a whole, to keep peace. I also have this gratitude more than one day a year, but I will say that on November 11th I do honor those who have fallen. So it is good that we do have one day set aside for this. This year I have been guided to also give thanks for the often unsung heroes who strive to keep the world a safer place closer to home. Those first responders and law enforcers who never know what they are going to come up against. On November 11th I ask you to join me, not only in remembering all those who have fought and fallen for us, but also all the veterans who, thankfully made it back home, as well as those who are still on the front line, those who stand on guard daily so that one day we will know world peace. Send an aura of peace and love out around our world, together we can make a difference. The past round of Mercury retrograde seemed to knock a few people off kilter. Not totally but enough that they noticed! For some, October was a month of changes, mixed blessings I believe, is what came to me for October. It was that indeed!! This month I am being given peace and blessings, a calmer month that will be handled with grace and ease, leaving each of us more balanced and aligned with our higher selves by the end of the month.

Blessings of Peace Marlene


Music review The Soothing Sounds of the Crystal Bowls by Alain Lemay In September Alain Lemay reached out to Nourish asking if we would like to do a review of his new CD. I love when artists reach out to us as it gives Nourish the opportunity to discover what is fresh and new out in the market and in turn share it with all of you! The internet is a vast network and more and more artists and businesses are happening solely on the net. From the moment I clicked play and heard the first soft notes, I knew deep in my soul this music was meant to be shared. The deep, soulful clarity of the crystal bowls cleared a space within me that I did not realize I was holding onto so tightly. I felt relaxed after 2 minutes and totally at peace. It was like I was taken from frazzled to Zen in that two minutes. After listening to one complete track it was like my chakra’s had been cleansed and balanced. I highly recommend this music for meditation and relaxation. Have a listen to the sample of the album on YouTube, I am sure you will feel the same and finding yourself downloading it from iTunes just like I did! You will not be disappointed. This music is only available in digital format, which I personally feel is the way it should be. You can purchase Alain’s music on iTunes. A tagline on Alain Lemay’s website - (please check it out for a complete repertoire of Alain’s music) – says “Discover these crystal music compositions created to awaken the senses.” I think it goes much deeper than your senses and awakens your soul! If you like what you hear connect with Alain through Facebook: Collection Musique Santé or


Connecting you with your Angels and Guides

A reading is a snapshot that can help you wade through the uncertainty that creeps into life. With your Angels you can explore your roadmap. Where should you focus your energy, what paths are open to you right now and which ones should you walk with caution. Your Angels and Guides are always with you offering comfort, support and guidance, together we will

Find out how you could showcase your business here! 7

Marlene Cobb


Since the beginning of time we have shared stories. Even before we could communicate through the languages we know and use today, we were communicating. Through drawings, gestures and grunts perhaps, but we are a culture that likes to share and communicate with others. It does not matter what nationality you are, stories have been shared and recorded for all time.

thoughts that send us into the role of victim. The stories that we tell make all the difference. Take a moment and look at your life story. Oh, it is far from finished, our book continues to be written each day, and while we cannot go back and delete sections or edit parts of our life we would like to do differently, we can consciously choose what type of book we are writing. If you are generally peaceful about your past, chances are you have a strong trust in yourself that you can handle anything. Your abilities to spin gold from straw are well versed in your story, and they reflect in your personality and also in how you face life. If you are not peaceful about your past, chances are you have some guilt, or resentment hanging on to certain situations.

Stories of creation, heroism, found and lost love, simple stories and complex stories of our history – both globally and personally have shaped our lives. We all love to research what went on before we came into being and we love to read great novels of fiction. We truly give thanks for the storytellers of our time and before for the knowledge or entertainment they have shared. Prior to recording devices or scholars who could write, story tellers often went from village to village sharing the same story over and over. This was to ensure it lived on, passed from generation to generation. It was believed that each person came to the story with a different view, the plot and characters could change, much like the game, telephone.

It is important to ensure that you actual own your story. Is it yours? Or have you brought in parts from others? Has your imagination taken the story and embellished it with what you perceive others did or thought or told you? Or have you embellished it to make is grander than what it actually was over time. Our minds are powerful and given the chance can become runaway trains out of control telling our stories.

Today we have newspapers and TV that shares stories and happenings on a daily basis if we wish to partake and read or listen. This gives us an opportunity to instantly be aware of things that are going on, but it also takes us away from hearing from our neighbors or even strangers, the stories they have to share.

You have the power to change your stories, to stop telling particular stories, and to shift your stories so they empower you. Be kind with the roles you give yourself. Are they supportive or do they place you in the victim role? Always know that the relationships and the events that happen in your life are opportunities to learn and grow. You are the author, have total control, and are free to create masterpieces!

Every person on earth has a personal story. How many times do you sit and listen as someone relays a piece of themselves and what is going on in their life? Some stories are hidden from others due to shame or guilt or because the person is too humble. Yet, if we are blessed to have someone share a moment with us, we can learn so much. When we hear others share their stories, we can laugh at their humorous adventures, feel the thrill of their exciting encounters, see parts of our self in them and learn from the challenges they faced.

Listen when someone shares a part of their life with you, take those golden threads they are weaving and see if they spin a tale similar to yours. More importantly listen to the stories you share. Together we are weaving memories that will live on generation to generation, from different points of perception. Each story told, either by you or someone else, becomes part of your story and you will share them with others and they will garner something unique that they take away.

Life in general, scurries along at a hectic pace. No longer do we gather at the water cooler or church picnic, spending time communicating in depth. I think most of us are guilty of, at some point in our life, listening with half an ear as someone relays what is happening in their life, while our “to do” list is rapidly scrolling past in our mind. We are wrapped up in our lives and what is going on in them.

Sharing your story and collecting stories from others helps all of us collectively to learn and grow. The trick is to not get stuck in one story but to continue to gather experiences, research and continue to write a best seller… your life!

This creates our own stories, the ones that we share with others, and also the ones that we play over and over in our minds. Our stories are worthy of literary and storytelling awards. They are filled with relationships and events that help to shape us into who we are. They define how we respond and react to situations yet to come, they determine what we believe to be true. They live on in us, and in our telling.

Connect with Marlene at

Our stories hold power, they can fuel empowerment and selfdevelopment or they can become fodder or negative patterns and

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Linda Adsetts

Photo: Š zhagunov_a - 10

I was in the midst of writing another piece for Nourish and I learned of the news unfolding in Ottawa that will change our country. I tried to keep writing the other piece but for some reason this one was demanding my attention.

So, what is this all about? Where are you hurting? What part of you feels disrespected, unloved, ignored? When all is said and done we all want to be seen, heard and feel as if we have value. If we don’t get that from somewhere, somehow we will act out to get it, emotionally or physically distance ourselves. Fight or flight syndrome is alive and well even though we rarely are physically in danger.

A young Canadian soldier was shot and killed in front of the National War Memorial. There was shooting in the parliament building. Two are injured and a suspect is dead. Nothing is resolved as I write this and on the Internet there is much speculation. The common thread is that ISIS is behind this.

A few months ago, my husband went off on a tirade over something inconsequential and in years past I would distance myself from the anger. This time I stayed with it for a bit, walked off for a bit and then I chose to begin a dialogue. I asked him;

Canada became involved in a plan to stop ISIS. It seems a logical conclusion to connect the two.

“What is happening here? What are you feeling? “

Whether it is or it isn’t, Canada is being bullied. Bullies want to be feared.

I knew it had nothing to do with me. It hadn’t always been that way. I somehow thought that some of it or sometimes all of it must have been my fault. I would frequently second guess myself endlessly. Now I know better. It isn’t always about me but it will be if I make it that way!

Collectively Canada has a choice to react in fear or respond in ways that will keep Canada safe and maintain the rights that we have been blessed with as citizens of this country. I would imagine that many of you have witnessed bullying growing up, been bullied or even been the bully. The only thing a bully is trying to do is to be in control of his environment by creating fear.

It turns out that he was feeling overwhelmed at work with many things that were beyond his control and the one thing that I said was like the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.

The only reason that he/she does this is to increase a sense of self. The only reason that they need to do this is that somewhere along the way they lost pieces of who they be through being bullied by siblings, parents, teachers and other authority figures. Deep inside they are just plain scared.

And so like a small child who felt like nothing was going his way, he had a small outburst. He was very sorry afterwards and I accepted his apology, as always and this time I asked some questions. I didn’t require an answer. I just wanted him to ask a few questions of himself.

Sometimes bullies grow out of their response to the world and sometimes they don’t. Sometimes bullies submerge this particular controlling quality until they are under stress and it becomes their fall back point.

He is getting much better at this. It wasn’t always that way and it almost ended our marriage. But, I owned my part in it. I never drew my line in the sand that indicated to him how far he was allowed to go.

As an adult, when we are faced with someone trying their best to bully us we have Three choices. We can be bullied, we can react with cries of outrage and hurt or we can choose, if it is safe, to be with the energy and allow it to flow through.

The key part of all of this was to do this exactly like you would with a child. You let them know you love them and that the behavior is unacceptable. You see, we are perfectly matched in our fears. We both need to know that we are loved no matter what. I was perfect at playing the good girl and he was perfect at playing the bully. (Thankfully it wasn’t the entire theme of our marriage!) That all changed when I drew the line in the sand, entered into dialogue with him and let him know that he wasn’t a bad person. I let him know that anger was okay but the way in which he reacted with me wasn’t. He let me know

Outrage and hurt merely create more of the same. It is like a wall that begs to be broken through. Resistance simply creates more to resist. But, and this isn’t easy to do, we could stay with the behavior and allow for it to run out of steam. At some point we could choose to engage in dialogue.

We could ask gently and curiously ask these questions; 11

that my up and down moods were okay but he needed to know when I was “caving” that it had nothing to do with him.

Punishment is hastily done and you clean up the mess or a sermon is given and then punishment is given and they clean up the mess or a dialogue is engaged where the child isn’t made wrong and both of you clean up the mess.

Pretty simple stuff really but because you are human you make it more complicated than it need to be. There is so much at play with all of you. You all have your stories that you have been given or take on as being real. Parents don’t always seem perfect but they are perfect in their imperfections for the purpose of this time around on planet earth-just as you are.

Overtime which scenario do you think would encourage a little one into feeling seen, heard and loved? Now, we know that life sometimes isn’t always perfect and all of you stumble and misstep but when the scales balance on the loving side of all then your children will feel seen, heard and loved. Then you will have a planet that becomes progressively kinder and more allowing of others.

Along the way some of you figure it out sooner rather than later. You allow someone to point you in a new direction of consciousness becoming more aware of the possibilities that are offered to you.

Nothing is the same ever, change is the only constant and each of you has an opportunity to respond in a thoughtful way rather than react from fear and anger.

Some of you don’t allow for that opportunity-the story is more important than feeling better. You find your escape in many ways. There are drugs to dull your hurt and your awareness, there is anger to shield you from the various feelings you live with, there are places that you go to distance yourself from the energies that surround you-whether they are in your reality or somewhere else.

So back to the beginning of the story and one question for you-what would love do? There is much afoot on your planet and the energies are accelerating as the planet shifts and changes in its cycles and you dear ones are very much a part of that. You get to choose what to do next. You can be the change that you wish to see and we will tell you that it is far easier for all of you when you can step back from the fear and ask a few curious questions. It is then you will find a novel approach to old problems. It is then that you will see your planet begin to reveal itself in a new and shining light as you clear up the sludge of fear and birth something never seen before.

The truth of it is that all of you are doing your best given where you are and what you are willing to allow into your awareness and what parts of that you are willing to acknowledge as true for you. It is a hard thing to swallow that the young man who shoots at an innocent soldier is doing his best. It was the best he had to offer that day. Perhaps the trajectory of his life would have been different if someone, who cared, curiously asked him a few questions-without judgment. Questions are only valuable when you aren’t invested in the answer being a certain way!

Is more joy the end result? Of course and there is more available to you now if you but look around a bit. Find it and grow it dear ones!

Go For The Joy Linda and The Group

It is hard for a child to believe that their best isn’t good enough and when they misstep are asked a question that they can’t answer or is so obvious-they wonder why you are asking. “Did you do this?” In their mind -of course I spilled the milk. - “Yes” “How did it happen? What were you doing?” “I don’t know.”

Connect with Linda on or Facebook page!/GoForTheJoy

And so they don’t really know. Now there are two options or maybe three or more.


Photo: Šmcobb 13

“Look at the choices you have, not the choices that have been taken away from you. In them, there are whole worlds of strength and new ways to look at things.� Michael j. fox


Photo: Š ilkerureten - 15

Vera Enshaw

Photo: Š 16

We are created from the same stuff that our planet is made from. The fabric of our bodies and the fabric of the earth are essentially the same. Would you like to go on a tour with me? First, do one of two things: either find yourself a spot outside where you can lie on a grassy slope and not be disturbed or create a space in your home as a substitute. You don’t have to bring the outside in physically, but you will need to create it energetically. In the spot where you wish to do this work, see and know and feel the grassy slope. Lying down, feel the grass underneath you. Are you ready? Begin by bringing your body into a state of relaxation, starting with your toes, moving into your feet then into your calves, up through the knees into your things. Relax your spine, vertebra by vertebra right up to the base of your skull. Now feel the relaxation moving through all the muscles and ligaments in your back including your shoulder blades. Allow the softness to move through into your abdomen, relaxing your intestines, your solar plexus, your ribs, moving into your shoulders and down your arms to your fingers. Feel your throat and neck relax, then the back, top and sides of your skull. Your face is next—forehead, cheeks, chin—even the tongue in our mouth relaxes. Take a deep breath, in through your crown chakra, releasing it slowly through your feet. Do this two or three more times. Now bring your focus and attention to the grass you are lying on. Silky, golden grass or firm, pungent green grass, depending on the season. Feel the softness of it and how it supports your body, keeps you up one tiny layer above the soil beneath it. Smell. Smell as you breathe in and as you breathe out allow those scents to carry you to the soil itself. You are going to move down layer by layer into the earth. With your awareness, feel the first layer of soil, the one immediately beneath you. The small dirt particles, tiny rocks and some not so tiny. Is the soil moist or dry? If dry, can you sense any moisture in it at all? Notice the roots of the grasses below you. Worms and small creatures are busy creating and existing...can you feel

them? Can you feel the worm that the robin hears when it cocks its head?

Move deeper now so that your awareness is a foot below you. What do you sense? What is there? Explore….is there moisture/not moisture? Large rocks, small bits of earth? Tree roots? When you are ready, move even further down. What do you feel here? At this point bring your awareness to the elements in earth that are resonating with your body. Go further down, and do the same. When you have awareness of water below you feel the liquid element of your physical body resonate with it. Crystal...silica...our bodies are composed in part of silica...feel the connection between the two, between your body and the earth. Allow your awareness to expand now, to go not just deeper but also wider. Spread yourself over the earth as the earth spreads over you...Go as deep as you wish… When you feel that the time has come to return to the here and now, come slowly. At each level on the way back check to see if there is anything new that wasn’t ‘visible’ to you on the way down. When you are back in your body, take a few moments before you stretch to savour the feeling of connection with earth. Do this meditation over and over again. Create the space in your bed, on your couch or in an outdoor location. Follow your progress in your journal, note your experiences and note how your awareness expands as you expand. As you Be Connected to Earth. Until next month….Namasté


Contact Vera at


Gwen Randall-Young

Photo: Šmcobb 18

There are many pathways along the journey to higher consciousness, and many teachers on the path. Often individuals search to find the one path that suits them, and upon finding it, embrace it fully. There is a security in this, because the structure allows them to be followers. Others have blazed the trail, and the followers need only heed the directional signs. Sometimes it may be difficult to stay on the path, so the struggle is simply to stay focused, and to keep coming back to it. Following is one way to progress along a path. It prevents one from getting lost and wandering around aimlessly. A subtle shift in consciousness occurs, however, in individuals and groups, when one path is embraced in favor of all others. At the individual level, there is a surrender to the ideals or leaders of that path. At the group level, there may be a process of detachment, as the group separates itself from the rest. It does this by defining boundaries, including what is ‘our path’ and excluding what is ‘their path’, or ‘no path’. What is often lost in this process is the unity consciousness, the all inclusiveness, the love and acceptance of all beings as equals. Whether it is overtly stated or not, beneath the outward acknowledgement and acceptance of all paths, lies the inner certainty that ‘my path is the true path’. Followers of one path may reinforce and validate one another, strengthening their belief that they are ‘right on’. A path, however, is not ‘the way’. ‘The way’ is more like an internal flight path. Think of the birds who migrate from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere in the fall. They can cover great distances, returning each year to the exact nesting ground from which they left. Our souls may be like that. We may ‘migrate’ onto the Earth for a lifetime, yet in the moment we are born, we are beginning the return journey. We each have an ‘internal flight path’ which leads us surely and safely home. The more closely we tune into that inner knowing, the more authentically we live. Living authentically means being ourselves: genuinely, clearly, openly. Spiritual authenticity means allowing the energy of spirit to express itself uniquely through oneself. It means trusting yourself to be a reflection or embodiment of the highest consciousness. It means allowing the breath of spirit to move through you, as through a flute or pan pipes, sounding the 19

unique note that is the co-creation of the wind and the instrument. We are the instrument through which God, Buddha, Allah, the Tao, or universal intelligence find expression on Earth. Even if there was not a single path to follow, nor a single leader or teacher, we could still find ‘the way’. Sometimes as we get caught up in the verbiage of a particular path, we drown out the silence which holds eternal truth. As we listen to the voices of others, we may lose the ability or motivation to give voice to truth as it awakens within us. Spirit is evolving, like everything else in the Universe, and always there must be those in each generation or era who express its evolving essence as it manifests within their consciousness. In the past, such thinkers may have been called heretics or mystics, and the truth of their visions may not have been validated until hundreds of years later. Individuals who have the courage to express their own awareness of spirit can awaken others. Like a flashlight beam illuminating the way ahead, the light of their understanding moves us all forward. How fortunate we are to be living at this time. The wisdom of the many spiritual traditions is readily available to all, at the same time as we are becoming aware that we are spiritual beings. We can embrace the wisdom of the wisest of our ancestors, filter it through our evolving consciousness, blend it in the loving crucible of our hearts, and then release it through expression out into the field of the collective consciousness. What powerful fertilizer for growing human awareness. Just as a seed provides the nutrients for an emerging flower, human consciousness is the seed for the blossoming of spirit in our world. It blossoms through each and every one of us.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and award-winning Psychotherapist. For permission to reprint this article, or to obtain books or cds, visit


Photo: Š oneinchpunch - 20

When we start to release the layers of dross, control, conditioning and systematic programming of duality, we start to see our current friendships from a new point of perception. We are shifting from a point of truth which was holding us tightly into these conditional friendships, to a point of elastic revelation about what is true in our heart now and the roles that they played to us.

sacrifices (making sacred from the heart) are worth their weight in Gold once this refinement has happened. I can guarantee at many points in this process your bed will become your best friend as recalibration after recalibration happens, which is just hugely exhausting.

It seems like a never ending process of refinement until at last you see the shining self which no longer needs anything from anyone else. It’s a point where no one can hook any emotion, feeling, thought pattern into your energy field and you can actually feel your own flow of magnificence. This is not an ego magnificence but a loving magnificence that everything is “Just Fine” in the world and everyone is where they should be.

Every friendship and way of relating has served us in the remembering our true self, by releasing karma’s, behaviours, ancestral patterns, earth complexities and soul personalities, It has helped us to experience controls and fears that we were clinging on dearly to as we did not know what was outside our sphere of safety. Steadily we grew through these friendships (control ships/ rememberings) and person by person we started to work our way towards Unconditional Friendships.

At this point your soul-ships (unconditional friendships) come sailing into port and life just starts to flow with a magnificent ease, your soul group are grouping around you and forming the bridges of light that will enable you to carry out your soul group tasks which you chose to undertake. It’s where you have solid Foundations into your Shining self (I Am Presence) but are aware of the collective and are now operating for the highest good of the collective, by totally loving yourself and caring for yourself with true abundance. Here is the sigh of relief that will never end! You have reached the top of the mountain and now the sky is Infinite.

Disclaimer - Now before everyone gets the cosmic knife out and starts cutting away at there stream of friends like a maniac, it’s important to understand that each friendship has been relevant for specific reasons in your existence and some of them may still be valid for your experience right now. So please be solid within your heart before swiping at anything!

Once rooted in the heart the letting go of the old begins, of all these people, places, systems of belief which we have accepted until NOW. One by one we unweave the patterns of our personality and behaviours having many aha moments about what every single relationship was helping us to remember once more. Sometimes this can be painful and sometimes ecstatic with every feeling in between. Now this is a pretty huge thing to undertake and also exhausting as you are constantly delving into your heart allowing all of the old pains, strains, thoughts and emotions come to the surface. Letting go and feeling balanced and empowered is the desired outcome once each relationship is aligned with your growing truthful self.

Diamond Light - Ryan

Facebook - Oriondiamond Copyright © 2014, Orion Diamond. Diamond Light Worker, Shadow Specialist, Sacred Attuner & Soul Alchemist. All rights reserved feel free to share this content with others - post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. but keep the integrity of this article by including the author/ channeler.

All of us on the path of heartfelt truth go through this process, it’s a necessary development tool which provides full alignment when you have mastered your past self. All of the 21


IN FLANDERS FIELDS In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place: and in the sky The larks still bravely singing fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.

Tuesday November 11, 2014 Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day or Armistice Day) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth countries since the end of World War I to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. This day, or alternative dates, are also recognized as special days for war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the end of hostilities of World War I on that date in 1918. Hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month," in accordance with the Armistice, signed by representatives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and 5:20 that morning. ("At the 11th hour" refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 am) World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919.

We are the dead: Short days ago, We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved: and now we lie In Flanders fields!

Take up our quarrel with the foe To you, from failing hands, we throw The torch: be yours to hold it high If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields

By Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

Source: Wikipedia


Lisa Schell

Photo: Š Tijana - 24

So you have a pile of things you’ve got to do but you’re sitting on the couch watching Netflix? Procrastination is something we are all guilty of and chances are it has nothing to do with you being lazy right?


The light bulb in the dining room needs replacing You need to organize your closet You have to organize your bills and receipts to get ready for tax season You have to clean the kitty litter box Your son needs dinner

If this doesn’t help, then take it deeper. If you are still feeling stuck at this point, then chances are there is a deeper form of fear or self -doubt that is blocking you from taking action. The best thing to do in this situation is to bring those fears to the surface by asking yourself, “What am I afraid will happen if I step fully into completing this project?” Then ask yourself whether this is indeed true or an illusion. How will you handle each fear if it were to come true? Most likely it won’t happen as the majority of the things that worry us never end up happening. We make it bigger than it really is. Tell yourself that you will handle it and you’ll be fine. Don’t let fear paralyze you from accomplishing your goals. The most successful people, no matter what, do it anyways.

So why are you on the couch? Because you’re procrastinating, and it’s stressing you out, and finding a distraction allows you to forget about it. In the end it only makes you feel horrible and stresses you out even more especially when you are reminded of it. The longer you procrastinate the harder it gets so the only way to move past it is to take baby steps towards tackling your laundry list of items that you have told yourself you need to accomplish. There are commonly 3 core reasons why people procrastinate: 1. 2. 3.

The project is not in alignment with your true desires/ purpose/passion; The project seems more difficult or unpleasant than pleasurable; There is something else blocking you like fear of failure, rejection, feeling inadequate, and so on.

Here are some powerful affirmations you can tell yourself every day: Passion is energy. I feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites me. I can do whatever I focus on. I am focused and clear on my goals and have a plan on how to get there. I am powerful beyond measure. When faced with obstacles, I push through anyways and experience growth. I go the extra mile, taking personal initiative to realize my goals which will bring me advancement.

4. The only way to get out of procrastination it to take decisive action! This may seem easier said than done so here are 6 steps you can take to get you off Netflix: 1.





and chances are they have some creative ideas to get you there. Need a few people to tackle larger projects? Have a work party and invite them over. Make it a fun event. Create a ‘To Do List’: in the morning write a “To Do List” of all the things you think you can manage today or write a list before of what you would like to accomplish the next day. Don’t let anyone distract you or persuade you to do something else. Make a commitment to yourself that no matter who calls and as long as it’s not an emergency you are going to tackle projects on your list one by one. Turn on the music and enjoy yourself while you do it.

Weigh the pros and cons: Weigh the pros and cons: How would it benefit your life if you completed the project? How would your life be impacted negatively if you didn’t complete the project? Ask yourself how it would feel if you got the project done. Then ask yourself how it would feel if you didn’t get the project done. Visualization: see yourself performing the work and looking pleased, feeling proud and having a sense of accomplishment. Who wouldn’t want that? This will get your brain to associate doing the work with pleasure and reward, rather than with pain and misery. Change your language: rather than tell yourself you “have to do this” or “you should to this” say “I get to do this” or “I have the opportunity to...” It will change how you feel about the task and will help to inspire you to action. Break down projects into manageable steps: some projects may seem too daunting to you either because it will take a long time to complete or its complex. If you break down all the steps required for you to accomplish this task and then set up a schedule for you to reasonable accomplish each step, you will eventually get there. Get some help: don’t want to tackle it alone? No problem, you don’t have to. Ask a trusted friend or family member to help you complete the project. It’s more fun when you can share your experiences with someone else

As a Life Coach, I can help coach you through procrastination by helping you dig deeper into what truly is the underlying core issue behind your procrastination. Together we build a compelling plan for you to move forward! Love & Light,

Lisa Lisa Schell, Transformational and Spiritual Life Coach & Reiki Master A Clear Pathway To You Ph: (604) 612-1450 | or connect with me on Facebook: and via my blog ‘SoulFull Living’


Gail Siler, PhD

Photo: Š Sebastian Duda 26

I woke up hearing myself say, “I want a real man!”

the beings dressed in men’s bodies over eons have only allowed themselves to be half, or limited parts.

I might have been embarrassed if it weren’t for the fact that it is the truth. I lay there, eyes focused on the ceiling as I explored my wake up words. “Who in the world was I talking with and what made me say that?” I threw those thoughts around in the air above me. “What is a real man anyhow?” I added to the words swirling above my head like the beautiful mirrored ball that threw dancing lights around the walls and marble floor at our fancy roller skating rink when I was a kid.

With me either I got the top half or the bottom half, or sometimes strange interesting mixture. But, points for me, I tried to get one whole being, one real man. Oh how I have tried! OK, let’s explore the bits. By top half of the man-being I mean the brainiac. This man-type was often not grounded in his own physical body, and for that reason, not in touch with his sensual side either. He lives in his mind, filled with images, ideas, and thoughts. But when he reached out to touch, I couldn’t feel the touch because it felt like there was no one home IN his body. For me that translated to no sex appeal. Been, done and got the T-shirt!

Speaking of being a kid, I was certain my first true love was a real man. We were both in eighth grade. He not only had pecs, he had those amazing muscles that ran up both sides of his back and when we slow danced, oh it was so yummy to feel them. And when we talked we would go at it for hours, exploring thoughts, feelings and ideas, while I was sitting on the floor with the phone cradled at my ear behind my dad’s man-chair. We explored love…what is it, what does it feel like, what do we feel like. Then we went on a hay ride and explored that one some more! Our shared and equal explorations were tinged with a deep knowing that we were IN love and in the sacred zone.

We all know what I mean by the bottom half! Right? The man who focuses most of his energy through his lower brain? Wham, bam, thank you mam….if I was lucky enough for the thank you part. That also means he was mostly focused on external physical experiences and what goes along with that. This also implies that he may not even have known we women have other parts that come into play. (And oh what fine play that is too!) I have always enjoyed the testosterone element of a man, but when that’s all that lights him up, down goes his sex appeal in my book. Well I confess I might have made a few test runs, just to be sure, back in the olden days! Learning on the job, you might call it!

I loved the feel of his shoulders cradling me as we danced, the smell of him and most of all the sharing of ideas with him. It was pure with little bits of lust appearing now and again. That lust part remained unrequited. It was in the olden days, after all.

Now I am well past the age when Prince Charming should appear. That being the case, I will settle for no less than King Charming. And as for kissing the frog in hopes he will turn into the King, forget it! Been there and done that one too! I don’t want to fix a man….lord knows we can’t do that anyhow! My King Charming will have taken it on himself to pull himself together and make himself whole. Tell me, is that asking too much? Don’t answer that!

I’m not going to make comments about teenagers not knowing what love is. Fact is, that moment in time, we were wise beyond not only our years then, but I’d venture to add, our years now that we’ve been round the sun a good 60 times or more. But let me extrapolate from them and add the intervening experiences and bring it all up to date in 2014.

Looking from distance or the bigger picture, it seems that we are only just growing into our human emotional ‘being-ness.’ In fact sadly for men, they haven’t been allowed to have or at least express their emotions, except on the football field and other sports events! Is it any surprise, then why we have suddenly taken over all family time on the weekends with sports, and TVs tuned to sports channels screaming at us in every restaurant, pub, coffee shop and bank? We are still newbies in growing our awareness and understanding of our emotional selves. Maybe watching sports will be a doorway into men learning to feel their feelings?

Exploring the Bits and Pieces of Men I’ve known As I said, “I want a real man.” Not half or part of a man. “Snakes and snails and puppy dog tales.” Is that really what a real man is? I’ve found interesting men with some of each of these parts. I would be kidding if I didn’t say I’ve even found some snakes among the men I’ve met. Snails and puppy dog tails too. I’ve found lots of half men, or pieces of men. Wondrous men and find examples of their bits and pieces. My mind just showed me the image of the half man, half animal that we see in ancient books. A satyr or the centaur, for example. I think of this only partially in jest because a lot of 27

Have you heard of EQ? It is the emotional equivalent of IQ? It measures our emotional intelligence. (http:// Here’s encouragement that we are moving into this phase with more awareness. It’s a journey in progress, you could say.

at cleaning toilets, healing, changing diapers, cooking - you know the drill.

So being less of who we are, we would draw to ourselves men who weren’t a match for us….because we were obviously hiding our true selves. According to Abraham-Hicks, we attract what we are equal to. Ta Da! We did. Got the T shirt and the divorce.

Now comes the more complicated part. The spiritual aspect of a man. It may not be a complete oxymoron but sometimes it sure feels like it, as this woman looks for a man who won’t freak at the word spiritual.

Second, and this follows Abraham-Hicks too. If we want to find a whole man, we need to be whole women. Same rule. We attract what we are equal to. So we pull ourselves together…in all areas. Maybe we even need to operate a hammer and screw driver and take out the garbage. Hey, it’s only fair, if we are asking them to explore their emotional selves, right?

Times blessedly are changing and more and more we are seeing younger men embracing their spirituality. I wonder if this is helping the older males move a bit too. In fact, thanks to men leading other men, more of them are beginning to touch a toe into the waters of what it means to be a man: a real man, a whole man. More and more are beginning to find their crowns too.

I can speak for myself when I say I want a real man, a whole man: One who can and will show up physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I want a man who is willing to be all there.

Thanks to the exploratory efforts of men like Sam Keen, there is a ‘how to’ book for men on what it means to be a man. Yep a driver’s manual for men on being a man. Don’t even go there when you wonder if they will read it. Do men ask for directions! There are some who will and who have.

I stand in my own real womanhood and wholeness as I send out this call. I am prepared to show up physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually…the whole woman, the real me, and no holding back anymore. And I’m certain there are many other readers doing and feeling the same.

Keen’s book is called Fire in the Belly, exploring what being a man means, from, thankfully, inside the man’s world, his head and his heart. Bless you, Mr. Keen for this. I read it and it’s good. And I want one of those! I want a man with fire in his belly….and all the rest of that good stuff! For a long time it has been apparent to me that men and women have ‘grown’ up at mis-balanced rates. Women for example have been busy growing themselves forward and examining their lives and pulling themselves together into their own wholeness. And they are far and away ahead of men, generally, in that quarter, from what I can see. From where I stand there are two things we women can do in order to get a real man, a whole man. First, we have to learn to be our own whole selves. For eons we have been commanded to be less of who we are in order to partner up with a man. Mothers would tell girls, even in my childhood, not to be good at sports, or too smart so as not to make a male feel insecure. “If you lose at checkers,(or you name it) that makes a man feel better.” That was early training in dating! So we stepped back and pulled a hood over ourselves and sunk inward and shut down our pure powerfulness as women. But we were allowed to be experts

Connect with Gail


Photo: Š mcobb 29

In 30

three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on Robert Frost 31

Nada Rose

Photo: Š kevron2001 -fotolia 32

The woman said to me… You are wild as I watched her standing in the sunlight Knowing how at night, the star songs sang through me Narrating the celestial tales of both far away and close by together While in silent communion, rhythms carolled through me Chanting how the sun and moon strung to each other With all other celestial bodies, including humans Carried the chronicles and miracle of deep existence How that knowledge traveled through our very cells Intoned and vibrating in the deep Silence within… And how these knowings illuminated And showered communion upon me as I journeyed Without moving from the earthly place upon which I stood While like the night sky, I swung inside with stars Sprinkled, glistening, sparkling, throughout the heavens Singing the history and living beingness of all things manifest Of all connections among all phenomena both visible and invisible Night after night I felt the stories Taught to me by the very stars, moons, and planets themselves… Of all plants, rocks and sand, too, spreading out for miles around And I knew where to find the water, the food to nourish me without doing harm Knowing the ebb and flow of heavenly and earthly tides With eyes to the heavens, my ear to the ground listening Knowing we can be the recipients of the best stories ever told. By Nada Rose


Margie Kivel

Not Too Tight She sits in early morning light tatting a strip of pale blue lace, with each movement pulls it right. Disease at twenty took her sight, now her eyes see from the heart. She sits in early morning light, passing starling drops from flight, watches her hand, takes up the strand, with each movement pulls it right. She feels lace lift up to tree height, as bird begins to weave his nest, she sits in early morning light. They work the ends, she keeps it slight, feels his song among the threads with each note he pulls it tight. In spring he comes, knows her by sight, rests on her arm, waiting for lace. She sits in early morning light with each movement pulls it right.

Margie Kivel 34

Photo: 35



Emily Cleland

Photo: Š aallm - 38

The other day, while I was walking in nature I started asking my Self, “How did things on this planet get so out of balance? And when did this start happening?” The answer that I got was (as always) simple and profound.

every single person will have something incredibly unique and equally valuable to offer the world. You may be naturally drawn to develop software, plant a garden, care for animals or children, bake bread, create blueprints for buildings, build buildings, write/recite poetry, organize, heal, share wisdom, make music, brain storm new ideas, etc. Whatever it is, does it allow you to fully unfold, to experience your SELF, to truly and fearlessly express your SELF? With no pressure to do it for any other reason than that alone. When we can understand and embrace this model we will be on our way to rekindling our relationship with Mother Nature, returning once again to a world where each of us can live in harmony and balance and in the full embodiment of our own Divinity.

Here it is. We started going out of balance when we consciously, as human beings, began doing things FOR something – meaning - in order to gain or acquire something in return...i.e. profit, power, wealth, fame, land, survival, humans. Using this model as a way of life has created what we are now experiencing as disharmony and dysfunction when it comes to the natural evolution of our people and our planet. It is a ‘man-made’ concept created from a place of hierarchy, greed and lack and is in direct opposition to the laws of the natural world.

It comes down to the REASON or INTENTION behind what and why we are creating/contributing that will either inspire harmony and a return to balance on this planet or continue to contribute to the perpetual down grading of the quality of human life on this planet. I guess it’s our choice.

True creation is a form of EXPRESSION where our deepest and most natural gifts and talents spring forth to contribute to the whole; as part of the multifaceted masterpiece that makes up all of life. It comes from a place of creative connection and inspiration and is unique to all beings.

A good question to ask ourselves is...would we still be doing what we are doing without the above mentioned personal gains? If your answer is yes, then you’re in the right place...if it’s no...ask your Self what you would be doing otherwise. Chances are you already know!! It just might be the perfect time for a personal upgrade into a more enlivened and aligned state of being...

Each of us are intimately, and intrinsically connected to nature, yet how many of us spend more than 20 minutes outside per day...and how much of that time is spent in actual communion with nature? This is a beautiful gift that most of us are missing out on....and because why?

Thanks for reading!

How many times have we heard that Nature is our best teacher? It brings us into our PRESENCE inspiring Love, creativity, tranquility and balance. Nature does NOT do things in order to receive something in return. It creates because its innate loving intelligence is designed to do so. That’s what it does. It unfolds in perfect alignment, with intelligent design, in all shapes, colours and patterns, in a joyful expression of beauty with ease.

In Love & Unity, Emily

It is our example of the perfect creation template that is right in front of our eyes, interconnected to us in every way possible.

Connect with Emily

Feel it out for your Self. Contributing as a result of the natural expression of your inherent gifts, wisdom talents and desires, or trading your time/energy FOR something (profit of some kind). What feels more fulfilling and life giving?

If this model intrigues you please check out Michael Tellinger and Ubuntu Contributionism for further exploration into how we can create a new global society of peace, love and harmony with nature and each other.

Fully expressing the Self is not always about sitting in a studio with a paint brush and canvas. In fact, the beautiful and utterly most amazing thing about us living in this way is that feature=player_embedded&v=5T0qACvWcYo 39

Debra Rae

Photo: Š petarpaunchev 40

I have found that both for myself and also other healers we need a gentle reminder to remember our Basics. Those practices or ideas that we often learn way back when we where starting out as newbies and spend many hours practicing but over time we 'forgot' about until something happens and we are reminded of why we learnt that technique in the first place. I am a believer in and a practitioner of the 'white light' technique. I use white light before I do Reiki or Energy Work on myself and on my client and I also use it on myself before doing readings or guide connection work. I also white light others and my home/ car/plants etc.. I have been doing this for almost 30 years. But I have also been either too busy or overwhelmed and not in my normal habitat and have forgotten to incorporate it. Every time I do not use white light I can feel a drain on my energy and if I have had multiple back to back clients I can feel the attachment of 'issues' that are not mine and I have to spend many hours ridding myself of these 'issues' and getting myself back into balance. I then spend time doing the normal self talk about why I forgot to do my 'white light' and why I have to remember not to do that to myself in the future; needless to say I have had this talk with myself far too many times! For those out there who are unaware of what I am referencing when I talk about 'white light', let me inform you of what it is for me. White light is an invisible field of energy that acts as a protective barrier and does not allow any negative forces or energies to penetrate it, but rather reflects those energies back to where they came from. I choose to see my white light as a protective armor that I put on so that I can be the most effective healer/energy counselor possible. With practice I can now visualize and feel my white light armor instantly upon thinking about it. 41

Method: Sit or stand

Take a deep cleansing breathe into the stomach – do this three times Close eyes Visualize above your head a golden ball of energy much like the Sun As you look at it you will see thousands of golden white drops coming down and down from the ball You will feel the golden drops softly falling on your head and face Down your torso and back / arms and hands running down your legs and ending at your feet. As you look at your feet you will see a puddle of golden white that will form into a mist This mist will wrap itself back up your legs and torso and back, then around your face and head

You are surrounded from head to toe and toe to head in this soft protective golden white energy and with every breath you take this energy will enter your body and protect you as well. You feel protected, peaceful and balanced Open your eyes and continue with your day. Simple. Easy. Effective.

Remember that your vessel, your body needs to be protected so that you can be as effective in your work as possible. So remember the basics you learnt as a student and apply them....

Namaste Debra Rae Connect with Debra Rae



Month at a Glance

Sunday Sun-Day

2 Daylight Savings Ends Another Great Day – take advantage and start your day with a smile on your face

9 To much of a good thing can become a bad habit

Monday Moon-day

3 voc until 10:53am Great day to get working on ideas that been bubbling up – don’t get overly excited

4 Go with the flow … expect the unexpected

10 Another day to keep your passion & anger in check

16 Venus moves into Sagittarius

17 voc 3:11am to 11:30am

A beautiful day in the neighborhood – go for a walk and EnJoy

Meditation a must … Smiling mandatory J



BE optimistic … a unexpected nice surprise may just come your way

You are what you dream you are

30 Mind grind getting you down? Get yourself fired up and get the job done

Tuesday Mars-day

Wednesday Mercury-Day

Thursday Jupiter-Day

5 voc 5:25 am to 1:33pm

6 Full Moon in Taurus

Great day to talk it all out

Don’t get worked up in critical self-talk

11 You may find a few bumps in the road … use your ability to communicate and connect 18 Take care today, be on your toes for any unexpected surprises Stay calm and move along

12 Keep your inside voice … inside … think before you speak

13 Stay optimistic - it will all work out in the end

19 All Day voc 6:25am to 9:31pm

20 Come-si Come sa

All in all a great day to EnJoy

25 If you have something difficult to say – today is the day

26 voc 7:30am to 11:23 am

Not a bad day, don’t push yourself in your daily meditation 27 Mercury moves to Sagittarius

Great day to get things done in the physical

Pay it forward … surprise someone today

Friday Venus-Day

7 All Day voc 8:17am to 5:45pm Don’t give more than you can afford – monetarily or emotionally 14 Late evening voc Work hard then let it go

21 You work hard for your money … don’t let someone take it from you unless they really deserve it

28 All day voc 9:14am to 2:03pm Biggest bump day … head down and just put one foot in front of the other

Saturday Saturn-day 1 Best Day Meditation connection a must 8 Mercury moves to Scorpio Depth of conversation may come a little more naturally today 15 Neptune goes direct today Bring your dreams into reality 22 New Moon in Sagittarius Watch that your words do not get out of control

29 If you engaged yesterday – then today you may need to balance and ground

VOC = Void of Course … No impulse purchases or Long term commitments during the void of course, opportunity to look within. Not all will be lost … but there will most likely be delays …. all times are Pacific Time, you will need to adjust accordingly


Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Sag’s out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality

Planets at a Glance Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions – 3, 10, 18, 26 …Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT

Solar cycles … New and Full Moons – it is important to step outdoors and connect to our sky, both at night dusk - dawn and during the day sunrise - sunset. When we do this we inherently connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multidimensional bodies.

Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions – 7, 14, 21, 28 …You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! Jupiter Squares and Oppositions – 7, 21 … Don’t lose sight of your budget, over-indulging or over-committing, watch that others do not take advantage

Tracking the conditions of our solar and lunar patterns (both collectively and personally) provides insight on the regeneration of our whole being. By tracking this information you awaken to consciousness of patterns and habits that lie deeply within you. This can be easier said than done, but each time you awaken you get closer to experiencing yourself as a participating co-creator in your life.

Venus squares and oppositions – 6, 14, 29 …Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! Mercury squares and oppositions – 5, 12, 28 …Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY!

The Full Moon – November 6th in Taurus 14 degrees 26

Double Whammy Days – 7, 14, 18, 21, 23, 28 … take care – take short meditative breaks – remember to breathe.

The Full moon is the opposition of the Sun and Moon –shining light into every dark corner. A Lunar Eclipse bring a feeling of destiny into the picture, if you have anything around 15 degrees in your chart – you will feel this eclipse for up to 6 months – this is an inner expression of energy – feelings, patterns and habits all get “lit” up.

Favorite Meditation or relaxed days – 1, 2, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 27… Experiment to see which days you achieved deeper connections and then look on the chart above to see what the overall energetic signature was. Mercury … moves back into Scorpio on the 8th where he will dig deep to uncover a juicy tid bit or two and then onto Sagittarius on the 27th, Mercury struggles here – stories can get out of hand – and if left unchecked optimism can lead to grandiose proportions.

You may find an unexpected opportunity will present itself … are you ready to step up to the plate? You will need to take control (without your ego getting in the way) and be willing to put in a little bit of hard work. Release any emotions that are hanging on that may be an obstacle to holding you back from achieving your goals.

Venus … moves to Sagittarius, here she loves to immerse herself in foreign culture, if you do not have any travel plans in the making – take a short trip to one of the culture centers in your own city. Explore the beauty through the eyes of your neighbor.

The New Moon – November 22nd in Sagittarius at 0 degrees 07

Mars … moves into Capricorn where he becomes a powerhouse

The New Moon is when the Sun and Moon are sitting together blending their energies toward something new. If you have anything around 0 degrees in your chart you will feel the effects of this Solar Eclipse for at least 6 months – this is an outer expression of energy in your life – so it may feel like things are happening to you.

Jupiter …continues to trek through Leo – sounding out a loud but playful roar Saturn … Continues through Scorpio - happy manifesting all of those deep desires Neptune … moving through Pisces on an inner spiral until November 15th as he move direct then picks up speed, everything you have been working on in your inner environment begins to manifest in your external environment. Be MindFul of what you are creating.

This new moon might have your head spinning with new ideas watch that harsh words do not get out of control or create chaos of the undesirable kind. Take your time to think things through, slow and steady wins the race ;-) … Make sure your smaller goals align with your larger goals.

Uranus … Uranus is still on an inner spiral until December 20th moving from 16 degrees Aries back to 12 degrees Aries – if you have anything in these degrees you may continue to feel like you are on shaky ground, use this time to un-root any patterns that have been holding you back.

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.

Pluto …slowly moving through Capricorn – Continuing to help us change our old and outworn patterns of dictatorships (although you will continue to feel the resistance). 45

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 46

Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 17th and 18th

Combine your own Sun sign (ego/identity/core), Moon sign (emotions/ Patterns/Habits) and Ascendant sign (projecting your identity) by reading each sign and combining them into one fabulous guide for the month.

Goal: Be-ing a Receiver Communication of all types are in play, focus on setting up the right environment to listen

Aries (March 21-April 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 3rd and 4th

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 20th and 21st

Goal: Finding Direction You may be asked to step up into a leadership position, in order to do so egos must step aside. Take care that you do not make change just for the sake of change … is it what you really want?

Goal: Connecting to your True Values Tap into an ability to relay your deep thoughts and desires in a very powerful way, use this time to get your message out.

Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 5th and 6th

Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 22nd and 23rd

Goal: Time to Tie up Loose Ends Long term goals are in question, are you reaching your potential or have you sold yourself short?

Goal: Reset You may be feeling a real pull to get out and travel or learn about new cultures. Even if you cannot get away physically try arm chair travel and use film, internet, books to explore new worlds. This New Moon is very powerful tool for you, use it wisely.

Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 7th and 8th Goal: Get the Job Done Seek out relationships that will help you improve your daily habits and transform them into accomplished goals. (stop procrastinating)

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on 24th and 25th

Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 10th and 11th

Goal: Flexibility Photo: ©Adusk - Is it time to join your local yoga center? flexible spine is a flexible mind! You will need this in order to take your power beyond ego and into the collective.

Goal: Health and Habits Focus on health and habits, think outside the box, be creative and make it fun

Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) Monthly Review and Goal setting on 26th and 27th

Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 12th and 13th

Goal: Tend to your Reputation Time to re-connect to any social groups you have been neglecting lately, re-establish your commitment.

Goal: Embrace Opportunities Focus on adding pleasure into your life, whether that means spending more time with your children – or spicing up your love life

Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 1st and 2nd as well as the 29th

Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Monthly Review and Goal setting on 15th and 16th

Goal: Focus on Oneness Devote time to your service work this month and allow yourself to meld into that comfortable feeling of being at one with the collective. Meditation and connection a must.

Goal: The Power of Words Meditate on the deepest aspect of who you are – your roots – follow them to your origins Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) 47

Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen


Full Moon

The November full moon is traditionally named the Beaver Moon. There is disagreement over the origin of November's beaver moon name. Some say it comes from Native Americans setting beaver traps during this month, while others say the name comes from the heavy activity of beavers building their winter dams. Another name is the frost moon. This is the last full moon in the autumn cycle. Nature is busy transitioning the last remnants of autumn in preparation for the winter season. The visual I get is earth is settling in for a long winters nap, a well deserved rest, to gather strength for new life in spring. As we near the end of this calendar year it is the perfect time for us to transition as well, wind down this year and start preparing for the new year to come.

November 6th

Use the full moon’s power and light to illuminate all areas of your life to gently assess what you would like to improve. This is the time for healing and communication. Take a walk in the light of this full moon, this is the easiest way to connect with the earth and moon energies. During your walk honestly ask yourself “what would I like to improve?” “What needs to be released in order to see improvement?” If you are able stop for a favorite warm beverage, or wait until you return home and prepare a cup of tea, hot chocolate, mulled wine, coffee or any beverage that will bring warmth. While you sip your warm beverage, write on a piece of paper what you are releasing. Some examples: if your finances could be improved you would need to release your debt, if your health could be improved you need to release unhealthy habits, addictions or weight, it could be a simple as writing down fears that need to be released in order to be open and accepting for something new to enter your life. Once you have completed jotting them down, fold the paper up as small as you can. While you are folding your piece of paper give thanks to the Universe, God, Goddess, whomever you believe in, and ask for help to release these items from your life so you may see gentle transformations. Next, take your folded piece of paper and place it in a container that has a lid, pour water into the container to cover the piece of paper, seal the container with the lid and place in the freezer. Using the power of the Frost moon to freeze out of your life that which no longer serves you.

new Moon

The November new moon is in Scorpio. Scorpio energy is all about transformations, depth of character, and relationships. For this new moon I thought it would be great to focus on the transformation and relationship we have with abundance. We will use the energy of the new moon as she beings to wax to full to bring abundance into our life. This is one ritual that needs to be done during the 24 hours after the new moon. On November 22, 2014 when the moon is new we will just enjoy its energy. On November 23, we will write an abundance cheque! Here is what you will need and how you will write the cheque: A blank cheque – either one of your own or you can draw one on a piece of paper or print a blank cheque off the internet.

November 22nd

Where it says “Pay To” write your name, in the box next to this where a $ amount is needed write – “paid in full.” On the next line where you would write the dollar amount again put “paid in full.” Sign the cheque “The Law of Abundance” and in the memo area write “Thank You” Leave the date blank. Once you have filled out your cheque, place in a safe place and forget about it. Remember that abundance is not just about money, it can take many forms. Be aware of the abundance that is flowing to you and be grateful for all that comes. You don’t even need to believe that this cheque will work to see an increase in abundance. 49

Ever expanding, growing and flowing

Photo: Špnielsen 50

Life is a journey, with problems to solve, lessons to learn, but most of all, experiences to enjoy. 51

Week 1 Chlorite-Phantom Quartz

A crystal reading for November When you look to Spirit for answers to questions, for resolution to problems, you are always, always answered. You, dear ones, are connected to the entire universe. Everything you want to know has already been answered, every problem, every dream, every thought has already been made manifest. It is up to you to see it, to hear it, to know it. You are dearly loved‌.

Week 2 Ammonite

Week 3 Soapstone

Contact Vera at

Week 4 Jasper 52

Photo © Alena Ozerova

Week 1 - November 1 – 8 Chlorite-Phantom Quartz : Eight days. Eight days in which to heal that which has been troubling you. Chlorite is one of the most powerful healing minerals on the planet, and when it is included in clear quartz the healing energy is amplified. Some of you have been experiencing blasts of negative energy; others have felt an insidious creeping of unwanted energies. This week will see the negativity cleared away, shown for what it truly is. Expect your work place to brighten and your relationships with co-workers and others to come into balance. Rainbows are joyful sights. Expect to see and experience rainbows as the light shines on droplets of moisture, both in the air and in your heart.

Week 2—November 9 – 15 Ammonite: This week you will begin something new. This could be a task that you have been putting off or a project that you have been waiting for the ‘right’ moment to start. There are also potentials here to begin a new life, enter a new zone of being. Whichever it is for you, you will be able to see clearly the path which you must take from the beginning right through to the end. Those of you who are wise will write this knowledge down in order to have it to refer to in days ahead when the way becomes obscured. Meditate on the shape of the nautilus. There is much information for you here. Joy touches you often this week. Take time to acknowledge and appreciate it.

Week 3—November 16 – 22 Soapstone : This crystal will help stabilize the changes that you have begun. You will begin to see the wisdom in your decisions and the choices necessary to complete the process will become clear. As your old routines fall away, notice how the void is filled with the loving energy of the universe. Embrace it. Trust. This is a huge challenge for some of you, but you must know that it all comes down to trust in one person: yourself. You are an amazing child of the Universe. All will be well. Trust.

Week 4—November 23 – 30 Jasper: The supreme nurturer, Jasper is providing you with the energy you require at this time. You have been focussed and intense, and in this week you must know that you are protected. All is well. Although you may feel as though the road is rocky and that you are headed on a bit of a roller coaster ride, you can breathe easy. It is only a kiddie car ride and easily handled. If you have a piece of jasper, carry it with you. Allow the energy of this crystal to support you as this month comes to a close. 53

Earth Crystals At a recent rock and gem show I picked up a rock because I liked the shape of it, it looked like a duck in my eye. Two days after the show I picked it up and decided to explore it. I had, unbeknownst to me, purchased a very special rock.

The rock is a combination of Okenite and Gryolite.

Gyrolite, which looks like little white snowballs, has positive effects on the properties of other minerals by activating them and cleansing them. It is known for the state of well-being it gifts to the holder.

Okenite, which looks like a puffball with its fine hair like crystal growth, is known for the feelings of comfort and belonging it brings, and is often called the warm fuzzies rock. If you gently rub it, it feels very soft to the touch like velvet.

I learned that Okenite is associated with angels. It is a highly spiritual rock that supports spiritual growth by clearing blocks which are impeding you. It uncovers unconscious thoughts and feelings that no longer serve you, encourages forgiveness of self and others and eases the harshness of truth by lessening denial, while bringing forth the truth of situations.

Gyrolite brings forth wisdom and insight when used in meditation. It also assists with willpower, stability, and self-confidence. It can be used to assist the user in overcoming excessive introversion and addictive behaviors.

Mystical and Healing Lore purports that gyrolite helps align the spine, assimilation of calcium, cellular maintenance, bone structure, acupuncture, and emotional healing.

Two very special crystals on their own, but as they grew together we combine their properties to create a whole. Both crystals offer an amazing amount of support no matter what shifts or changes one is going through. It could be considered the go to crystal during this time of “letting go that which no longer serves you�. I think it is a perfect crystal to have in my collection, and the more I have explored it, the more I am sure my angelic gang had a hand in getting me to see it. It was the last rock that called for me to bring it home that day. I will be looking to add more of this crystal, or either crystal in combination with other crystals, to my collection. My search on the internet resulted in being shown many beautiful combinations.

Marlene Photo: Š mcobb 54


Earth Crystals

All crystals have beneficial properties but each astrological sign has crystals that are said to support those born under that sign. Often one crystal will show up under more than one sign yet offers something totally different. Just as there are many aspects to each astrological sign, each crystal has many aspects that vibrate with different aspects of our body, mind and soul and what works for one person is not necessarily true for the next.

Start to collect the crystals associated with your sign and keep them in a small bag you can carry in your pocket. Not all the crystals associated with your sign will resonate with you, as always keep the list for your


Hematite – offers patience and peace of mind. It enables Scorpio to compromise and be more trusting of their partners, put aside their own wishes and give themselves to another. Coral – red coral helps Scorpio to fully enjoy life. It brings joy, energy, and sensuality and protects them from envy and resentment. It also helps deal with jealousy and selfdoubt. Fluorite – promotes intellectual development. It harmonizes the positive and negative aspects of the intellect. Fluorite helps Scorpio use their intellectual gifts, endurance, and will power for the good of others and saves them from overbearing egotism. Obsidian – loosens rigidities. It not only eases psychological problems, it also relaxes constrictions in the shoulder and neck areas that often plague Scorpio. This comes from their iron will, which does not allow them to let go and give their thoughts free rein. Sard – is the gemstone of justice. It encourages Scorpio’s sense of justice while keeping their fanaticism in check. Sard sharpens the mind, promotes openness with other people, and solidifies friendships and relationships. It guides the egocentric and introverted individual to become more outgoing toward those closest to them. Spinel – red spinel promotes determination. It helps Scorpio recognize worthwhile goals and gives them the energy to reach them. It lessens fears, especially of major changes in employment or divorce, which can discourage even the hardy Scorpio. Spinel strengthens the soul’s healing power. Tourmaline – red tourmaline helps Scorpio relinquish plans and ideas that their extraordinary will power cannot bring to fulfillment. With this stone’s assistance, Scorpio can let go without falling into depression or losing their self-esteem. Red tourmaline allows them to approach others with greater awareness and respect for their wishes and ideas.

Other important stones are: Agate – give Scorpio the purity and clarity to recognize their inner nature. It helps them maintain this inner purity and face any difficulty that life has to offer. Chalcedony – supports Scorpio in difficult times. In their darkest hour, when all seems lost, chalcedony can restore self-esteem and trust in their own abilities and creativity. Having regained their self-confidence, they can return to the fray with new energy and succeed in all their plans. Jade – gives Scorpio confidence and joie de vivre. It enables them to acknowledge the beauty in the world and accept it without compromise. This will help Scorpio become more sensitive and sympathetic and allow them to enjoy life even more, as their happiness will spread to those around them. Malachite – gives Scorpio the ability to acknowledge their shortcomings and better deal with them. It increases their compassion for themselves as well as others. It helps Scorpio to speak hard truths in a more tactful and gentle way. Ruby – this gemstone can transform Scorpio’s emotions and sexual desires into true, lasting love. Ruby’s red glow ensures harmony in love relations. It teaches constancy and points the way to perfect oneness with the cosmos.

Garnet – allows Scorpio to transform their emotional strength and sexual desire into true love. Its red rays bring them into harmony with the heart of their beloved. 57

Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen 58


Phil Nielsen

Photo: Š mcobb


My rune for November is Berkana

heart in all situations. Perhaps this is why Berkana has shown up again, it is not enough to just have rebirth, new growth and new possibilities, we must truly be in tune with our inner desires. We must know where we are and where we wish to go.

Well, it appears that Berkana is not done with us yet as I drew it today and have been given it all week. It has always shown up as positive so I am concentrating on that aspect of its meaning.

In a reading, the appearance of Berkana is generally auspicious. However, because it symbolizes the mother, and by implication, the child, there is an element of "nourishment" associated with it. Even if the rune is essentially beneficial, the new project will need the same succour as an infant. Success will not come of its own accord, it needs effort and attention on your part to allow it to come to fruition. This may explain the traditional duality ascribed to the birch, both a tree of fertility and also the "fruitless tree", implying that all is not what it seems and that success will be achieved only through genuine application.

As I wrote last month, Berkana represents the beautiful birch tree whose budding branches are synonymous with spring and is the rune of fertility and new birth. This could be an actual birth or the birth of a new idea. This is a good time to start new possibilities. Just as a birch forest will spring up to renew land decimated by fire, the appearance of Berkana signals the start of a new period of birth and growth. We need to foster this. Clear away the old and dead, that which no longer serves you, and nurture this new growth. Now is the time to revisit old problems, as they may now present new opportunities.

Until next month, Skål my brothers and sisters

Last month I also referenced “Berkana represents your true home, the “home is where your heart is” as opposed to where you might be living now.” Leading me to believe that what is required of us now more than ever is to follow our

Phil Contact Phil at for more information.


Essential Oils– Vera Enshaw

Photo: © youngliving™ 62

Have you ever had a sore, achy shoulder as a result of reaching too far or overplaying at tennis? What about an aching calf muscle from running too far/fast/hard? This oil blend is the oil to reach for—warm and gentle, it soothes those aching muscles in record time!

much happier, especially if the cramp hits you in the middle of the night. Keep a bottle by your bedside! A real treat is to have a massage with Aroma Siez™ mixed in with your favorite massage oil. Make sure the massage oil is slightly warmed then add a drop or two of this delicious blend. Your muscles will be so grateful! (A good massage therapist will gladly use your oil when you are receiving a massage—all you have to do is ask.)

Aroma Siez™ has a delightful scent—it’s a blend of basil, marjoram, lavender, peppermint and cypress. The top note is basil—warm with a hint of anise. (Since I love anise, I was very pleasantly surprised the first time I smelled basil!) The blend also contains marjoram, lavender, peppermint and cypress—all oils that soothe and relax so that muscle cramps and tension are eased in record time.

There’s an extra bonus to using Aroma Siez™ - in addition to soothing and relaxing sore muscles, it will also soothe and relax an agitated, bruised spirit. That’s helpful all around! For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at or go to the website:

A couple of weeks ago I was getting a heavy object down from a cupboard. Without thinking I used the thumb of my left hand as the major support to balance the item until I was able to support it with both hands. I didn’t think anything of it until I woke up the next morning and could barely move that thumb! Painful AND swollen. I used Aroma Siez™ up the whole length of it every couple of hours and by mid-afternoon it was only a bit swollen and hardly painful at all. By the following day I had almost no pain and no swelling.

Please remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.


Bumps and bruises also benefit from this blend. Lavender helps to reduce bruising and both basil and peppermint are anti-inflammatory. If you suffer from muscle cramps or ‘charley horses,’ have a bottle handy to rub on the location. The cramp will ease and you will be so

Contact Vera at


Power Animal

Photo: Š SeanPavonePhoto- 64

Earth Dragon came to me this month to be shared with all of you. I was a bit hesitant to present dragon to all of you as we believe dragons to be mythical creatures, but dragon was very persistent and kept showing me (in my mind) a Komodo Dragon, which is not mythical at all! Dragon energy is about change and transformation, wisdom, infinity, longevity and movement through space, magic and mystery.

As I gathered information on Dragon, a few things kept floating through my mind, one being that many have been experiencing shifts of late that are changing their lives. Dragon's power is that of shedding its skin and coming out as a new, transformed being. The time has come to step into our power, yet most of us do not know how to fully do this. Dragon can help with this, as dragon provides us with fierce protection and possesses inherent magic, adding extra power to every task we take on. Earth dragon brings to us a mirror so that we may see our power, our potential, and the riches we possess already. Dragon guides us gently to see what we are capable of when we access the depth of our reserves. All changes that occur right now will be long lasting, and choosing not to act could mean the opportunity will not come around again for a long time. Trust your survival instincts, the benefits of whatever you initiate right now will bring great treasures to your life. Dragons are solitary, so this journey will be taken alone. Don’t worry, you have the tenacity, strength and endurance to see yourself to the other side. With dragons assistance, you discover the beauty and power that lies within you, within us all. Speak more gently and more lovingly, your words carry power and can be poisonous, guard yours well. You are emerging into a new phase of your life, one where many possibilities and considerable prosperity await. You might be taking risks and be vulnerable, but call upon Dragon for support and protection for adventure awaits that will bring joy and excitement to your life! Dragons message…”go ahead unearth yourself and see what treasures have lay hidden.”

Connect with Marlene at facebook 65

Message from the Angels

November 2014 Blessings dear earth angels!

that you are worthy of the best. If you knew, like we do, that fear based decisions never work out for your highest interests, you would toss fear out the door for good. Whenever you decide to walk away from something that no longer resonates with you, the void created is filled with something that does.

The winds of change continue to blow. Our message for you, have a more active part in the changes happening in your life. What we are about to say to you will seem like an oxymoron, you will require patience this month, which implies nonaction. If patience is hard for you, then you will have your work cut out. Patience allows many possibilities to open up to you this month. The more you stay within the confines of wanting things to happen on your time, the more chaos you will experience. If you can stay balanced in this place of patience you will soon see that better experiences arrive for you, and will seem to fall into place effortlessly. Release your feelings of desperation, release the need for urgency, let go of anxiety and be flexible. Quieting your mind, and bringing peace to the present, will broaden your perspective.

You are ready to break free, the time has come to move forward, this is why you need to have a more active part in your life. You know what needs to be done, the ties that bind you to your current situations are about to break loose. Hesitating any longer will only cause you grief, self directed change is gentler than the variety that just shows up unannounced. Once you decide to have an active part in your life changes, restrictions clear up and opportunities you never thought possible being to show up. Go ahead, open the door to personal happiness and healing! We will continue to walk beside you each step of the way. Listen to your inner knowingness and be an active participant in your life instead of waiting to see what is going to show up next.

Your actions will speak louder than words, stop talking and start doing. If you say you are letting go of something, actually let it go and move on. Habit and fear will keep you holding onto anything that you know no longer resonates. If you take the chance or risk of breaking that pattern you begin to honor your genuine feelings, thus reaffirming to yourself

Blessings of patience and action dear ones, Your angels

mcobb 66

Photo: Šmcobb 67

Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen 68

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