The Education Space - Newsletter 2022 - ISSUE 58

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Part of the NPW Group


SPRING 2022 - ISSUE 58

Governance Special Articles & News P2-16 Governance


Training P17

Strategy & Innovation

School Support

Vacancies P18-50 HR & Payroll

The Education Space is part of the NPW Group, providing services, products and expertise for over 30 years



Governing Schools: a Risky Business

Sarah Beaumont BA (Hons) FRSA, Head of Governor Services, focusses on the importance of managing risk.




Risk is inherent in everything that schools do, from child protection and safeguarding, to health and safety, and educational visits. Whilst it is a requirement for academy trusts to manage risks to ensure their effective operation, including maintaining a risk register, and conducting contingency and business continuity planning, it is still not so for maintained schools. Nevertheless, it would be prudent for maintained schools to know, review and manage their risks at a strategic level. Risk management should be an essential part of governance and leadership and an integral part of business planning and decision-making processes. As a relatively new enterprise, academies have been borrowing from other more established sectors such as business and education to build effective governance models, where there have been gaps in regulation. There is now good opportunity for maintained schools to look to academies to model good practice, where requirements are not laid in statute. Risk management involves identifying, measuring, managing, monitoring and reporting threats to business objectives. Such threats can arise from a wide variety of sources such as litigation relating

to safeguarding failures, financial uncertainty from a falling roll, security risk from inappropriate access to data, property risk from fire or flood, accidents resulting in injury, natural disasters, and of course a global pandemic. School leaders identify risks and implement appropriate mitigating control measures as part of normal business, for example managing the risks associated with school trips. There are many categories of risk, and failure to manage any of these may lead to financial, reputational, legal, regulatory, safety, security, environmental, employee, customer and operational consequences. Risk management is not about adding new processes, but ensuring processes are integrated in the management and operation of businesses. Effectively managing risk informs business decisions, enables a more effective use of public money, supports strategic planning and sets out contingency planning. It also protects everyone in the school community. New guidance from The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) walks academies through the risk management process, and much can be learned by all types of school from this guidance.




and training arrangements to ensure effective risk management is embedded throughout the organisation. All potential events that are a threat to the achievement of business objectives (including not capitalising on opportunities) should be identified, defined and categorised. This is best done as a collective exercise and not just undertaken by one tier of management. To ensure all major risks are identified it is helpful to consider the various types of risk and there are several different ways to categorise them. The risks may be internal, external, strategic, or related to a project or programme. Understanding the type of risk being faced can also help determine what action is best to take.

The guidance states that an organisation’s approach to risk should be set out in a risk management policy. This should set out the framework for risk management, including risk appetite, the processes for identifying, categorising, measuring risks and its strategy for treating risks. The policy should also include roles and responsibilities, monitoring, reporting and review procedures,


Whilst risk management assessment at board level will focus on the highest priority risks, which will have the greatest impact on the trust, there is also a need for school leaders to assess operational risks. Once risks have been identified, it is important to measure them with consistency. This can be done very simply in terms of how likely the risk is to occur (likelihood) and how severe its consequences (impact). There are various ways to assess likelihood and impact, but, in an education context, a rational approach could be to simply assess



each on a High / Medium / Low (H/M/L) scale. The evaluation of each risk could be calculated as a combination of likelihood and impact e.g. H/H, H/M, L/H etc. Ranking the risk would then be achieved by plotting the combined scores of likelihood and impact onto a risk matrix. A traffic light system (RedGreen-Amber) can help monitor such a matrix at a glance. It is for the board to decide a system that can be easily understood. Once risks have been assessed, evaluated and ranked, schools will need to ensure there are appropriate plans to manage them. These plans include preventative controls, mitigation processes and contingency plans, if risks materialise. The approach taken will depend significantly on risk appetite and risk capacity. Monitoring risk should be ongoing and continuous as this supports the organisation’s understanding of whether and how the risk profile is changing. Monitoring also provides assurance on the extent to which the mitigating actions and controls are

operating as intended and whether risks are being managed to an acceptable level. A risk register is central to risk monitoring. As risks are identified, they should be logged on the register and the associated control measures documented. A risk register should be a ‘live document’ and should be an on-going process. How, and how often, this is to be reviewed is entirely up to the board. Too often, and it may become a box-ticking exercise with lesser meaning. This term, Governor Services at The Education Space has included Risk as an agenda item at all maintained school governing board meetings. It is not a statutory requirement, but it is an opportunity for boards to consider the importance of risk management, and the risks of not undertaking it. Governor Services has developed a Risk Register template to support schools and academies. Schools should contact their Governing Board Support Officer (GBSO) for more details.

If you would like to find out more, please contact: 0208 249 6900, option 1 or




Self-evaluation: an Essential Tool for Self-improvement Sarah Beaumont, Head of Governance The Education Space

What were your new year’s resolutions, and are you keeping to them?

self-evaluation on their own governance effectiveness.

The start of a new calendar year is a time that many people use to make a change, but this can only come from some form of self-reflection. Shed pounds, get fit, declutter; these are all common resolutions borne from the identification of areas for perceived improvement or ‘opportunities for growth’.

A requirement or not, it is good practice for Governing Boards to conduct an annual self-evaluation of their own effectiveness, which can then be used to drive improvement in the quality and impact of governance. This applies to all organisations: maintained schools and academies alike.

At the recent Newham Governors’ Forum, I gave a presentation about the importance of self-evaluation. This was not entirely out of the blue. The London Borough of Newham has just introduced a requirement on all maintained schools to complete a


The Governance Handbook for Academy Trusts and Maintained Schools (October 2020) says:

“Boards should regularly evaluate their own effectiveness.”



The introduction of this requirement in Newham will mean that Governing Boards can gain a base-line of their own effectiveness, which can be monitored and updated year-on-year. Governing Boards of maintained schools are being required to answer a series of questions to help them to measure their board’s effectiveness. These questions are themed to relate directly to the Competency Framework for Governance, published by the DfE.

This will give opportunity for healthy debate and can feed into an action plan to address areas identified as needing improvement. The benefits of undertaking a self-evaluation audit are manifold. If audits are received by the deadline, Boards have been offered feedback. Submitting an audit to the local authority gives opportunity to raise issues. From the perspective of the local authority, the audit will provide a cross-borough picture of governance effectiveness and allow themes to emerge, to help to identify areas in which governing boards may require support and training.

The answers should be supported by evidence. For example, under the section entitled ‘Accountability’, Boards are asked to evaluate how they know how good the teaching in the school is, how it impacts on and improves pupil outcomes, and what is being done to improve it where it is not good. Here, Governors should describe how they know. Do they ask questions at meetings, undertake visits and ‘learning walks’? How do they learn and understand data, how do they challenge outcomes, how do they know that performance management of staff is done?

But the benefits to the Board itself are just as significant. If a board builds selfevaluation into its annual cycle, it forms a solid framework for improvement, which can shape an action plan. Boards will have a key evidence document to show the Local Authority and OfSTED, and the privilege of having rehearsed answers to questions they may subsequently be asked in an inspection.

For the self-evaluation to be truly effective, it should be undertaken as a collective exercise by the whole Governing Board or a sub-group of Governors appointed to the task, rather than being undertaken solely by the Chair of Governors or Headteacher.

Lessons learned from the self-evaluation audit will be shared at the Newham Governors’ and Trustees’ Annual Conference – ‘Governor Effectiveness and Inclusive and Nurturing Schools’ - on Saturday 19 March 2022.

Rigorous monitoring and self-evaluation against a plan will mean that, for schools, this will be one annual resolution they will be sure to keep.




ANNUAL GOVERNORS’ AND TRUSTEES’ CONFERENCE: GOVERNOR EFFECTIVENESS INCLUSIVE AND NURTURING SCHOOLS Saturday 19 March 2022 at 9:15am – 2pm Venue: Elmhurst Primary School, Upton Park Road, Forest Gate, London E7 8JY For more information about the conference please contact: Sarah Beaumont - training@ If you have a Client Portal account please login and book using the system: https://clientportal.theeducationspace. If you have not been allocated a Client Portal account please fill out a ‘New User’ form and a member of the team will allocate you one.

To book your place at the conference please email: or telephone 020 8249 6900, option 1




ANNUAL GOVERNORS’ AND TRUSTEES’ CONFERENCE: GOVERNOR EFFECTIVENESS Saturday 19 March 2022 at 9:15am – 2pm Newham has a long history of investment in inclusion and inclusive schools. Given the great educational outcomes achieved by so many of our children and young people, and our high performing education system with currently 93% of all educational settings judged good or outstanding by Ofsted, we should be justly proud. The challenges around inclusion, however, still remain significant, taking into account the high number of fixed term exclusions (suspensions) given to so many pupils, coupled with the need for a greater and broader range of behavioural, therapeutic, and relational approaches to supporting pupils who present with challenging behaviours. This conference offers opportunity to come together to consider how the RSA’s ‘Inclusive and Nurturing Schools Toolkit’ can practically support any school to adopt more inclusive and nurturing approaches. Our keynote speakers are Mehak Tejani, Senior Researcher at the RSA, and our very own Joan Deslandes, Headteacher at Kingsford Community School, who provided a keynote at the Toolkit’s national launch event in December, profiling Newham and her school as highly inclusive communities where any child or young person can truly thrive. The role played by Governors and Trustees will provide the context to the conference, with reference to the recently undertaken self-evaluation audit of governance effectiveness. This conference will provide information and opportunity for schools, led by local and national educationalists, through speeches, presentations and workshops.

To book your place at the conference please email: or telephone 020 8249 6900, option 1





KEY NOTE SPEAKERS Mehak Tajani The RSA - the royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce - has been at the forefront of significant social impact for over 260 years. It’s proven change process, rigorous research, innovative ideas platforms and diverse global community of over 30,000 problem-solvers, deliver solutions for lasting change. Mehak Tajani is a Senior Researcher in the Education team and leads the team’s work on school exclusions.

Joan Deslandes OBE Joan Deslandes is Head Teacher of Kingsford Community School, a community school serving 11 - 16 year olds in Newham, which has held the International School Award for over a decade and is also a Confucius Classroom. Joan has coupled her work at Kingsford with other appointments including being a member of a number of government advisory boards.

Sarah Beaumont FRSA BA (hons) PGCert Sarah Beaumont is the Head of Governance at The Education Space. Her career in governance spans over 20 years, during which time she has supported the governance of schools, academies, companies and charities across London, and influenced government education policy. Prior to this, Sarah worked in international trade publishing, supporting companies in meeting, connecting and trading globally. Sarah has been a fellow of the RSA for 21 years.

Paul Smith FRSA MA (Ed) PGCE PGCert BA (Hons) NPQH Paul Smith is Strategic Adviser for Education and Inclusion for LBN and also currently in role as interim Head of Learning and Achievement. Paul’s career in education over 25 years has allowed him to gain a breadth and depth of experience in leading successful schools in both deprived and affluent areas of the country in delivering rapid improvements, as well as leading education and inclusion services in several local authorities. Formerly, national leader of enterprise education (DfE / SSAT),

Anne Sundberg BA (Hons) Anne Sundberg is an Education Consultant, Governing Board Support Officer and qualified Clerk at The Education Space. Anne’s career in education and governance spans 8 years during which time she has supported a range of maintained schools, single academies and multi-academy trusts, with all areas of governance.




Governor Services The Education Space provides governor support services allowing schools to be agile and adapt to remain compliant in governance Specialist Governance Support

Highly skilled clerks: Professional clerking for all kinds of meetings including panel hearings, disciplinaries and complaints.

Dedicated Governing Board Support Officer: A named GBSO that can provide specialist advice throughout the year.

Bespoke consultancy including MAT documentation and company secretarial support.

Unlimited training: Governors up to date on statutory responsibilities.

For more information please contact:




Ask Us Anything Send your questions to and you could feature in next week’s issue.

Dear AUA, I will be going on maternity leave soon and was wondering what the procedure is. Hi Hannah, First you will need to inform your Head Teacher. Around about after 20 weeks of your pregnancy your doctor or midwife will issue you with a MAT B1 certificate which is a Maternity Certificate form from the government providing medical evidence of pregnancy and the baby’s due date. Once you receive this, you will need to take it to the school and also ask for a maternity application form which you need to complete and hand both the MAT B1 and maternity application form to the School Business Manager. This will then be entered on the reporting pack and uploaded to payroll to be actioned. You will then receive a letter outlining your maternity entitlements and other information with regards to returning to work from maternity.

Dear AUA, Our school would like to audio record some of our lessons. Are we allowed to do this? Dear Malika, If the recordings do not include names and the individuals are not personally identifiable, then because the individuals will be anonymous, the recordings fall outside of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA2018). Where individuals are identifiable, the school will need to be transparent about the recordings and ensure that students and parents are aware of the recordings and the privacy notice should be updated accordingly. If the recordings are being used for educational purposes only, the lawful basis is likely to be Public Interest.

Dear AUA, a Nursery child is showing on the register as X codes all day when they should be attending the school for just the morning session. How can I amend the system to allow codes to be added in to the system for the morning session? Dear Abdul, it sounds as if your Part Time flags have been set to the whole day for the pupil. To resolve this you will need to set Attendance to be required all day and then set the Part Time flag. To Do this, go to Tools | Setups | Attendance Setup | Part Time Pupils. Locate the student and set the date range you wish to adjust to all day and then the part time status.




Resource Spotlight Fantastic resources that are included in your school’s LGfL subscription

Parentsafe Do you know what’s happening in your kids lives or on their devices, when they are not around us? Please take a look at the some resources to share with parents all around keeping their children safe.

Amplify with LGfL The ‘Amplify’ project aims to find stories, resources and ideas and amplify them to a wider audience using LGfL’s award-winning range of digital tools. Please take a look at the guidance and submission process.

Holocaust Education Resources A range of unique resources produced by LGfL with their partners to support the delivery of Holocaust Education. Educators are advised to study the content in advance of using or signposting the resource to learners.




EVOLVEAdvice Get Out! grant The Get Out! Grant is a £500 award open to UK Primary, Secondary schools, charities or CICs or micro businesses to enable them to get pupils learning outdoors. The Get Out! Grant is awarded every month and can be used for: •

equipment purchase;

specialist training;



with the focus on supporting pupils getting outside learning. For more information and to apply visit:

Application The application window opens on the 1st and closes on the 20th of each month. Establishments don’t need to provide a budget, but we will ask what you intend to spend the grant on and to let us know the likely impact of the grant. Successful establishments will be asked to share any photos, letters/drawings from students, feedback from staff or parents for us to display on our website. The grants will be reviewed by our team and we will inform the successful recipient before the end of the month.




ECT PRIMARY POOL The ECT Primary Pool will open for the receipt of applications from mid-December onwards. You will be contacted early in the spring term with the specific arrangements for managing the ECT selection days in school. The Education Space will: • • • • • •

Hold virtual recruitment events for primary ECTs from December through to April 2022. Compile a database of primary trainees who are interested in teaching in Newham. Advertise the Primary Pool and ECT vacancies via Jobs go Public. Deliver virtual application and interview workshops to ITT providers whilst promoting the primary pool. Attend virtual ITT recruitment fairs Receive and shortlist primary ECT applications and liaise with schools to arrange ECT selection days.

Access to the Primary Pool is free for schools who currently use NPW as the ECT Appropriate Body, or who usually use NPW but do not have any ECTs this academic year. Other schools will be charged a one off fee of £250 for unlimited access to the pool. Last academic year 234 ECTs applied to the primary pool. The service includes: • • • • • •

Review and short list application forms Maintain a list of short listed candidates Contact referees and receive references Send application forms and references received to schools requesting candidates Liaise with schools about the outcome of interviews Update candidates about the outcome of the selection process.




Headlines from the Community Click news heading to read full story

1 NEWHAM RECORDER Teens win places at private schools such as Eton

2 DFE Improving attendance: good practice for schools and multi-academy trusts

3 TES What I did today when students asked about Ukraine

4 EDUCATION BUSINESS Initiative to encourage female students into STEM subjects







The QA Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF) qualification is designed for individuals who wish to act as an emergency first aider in their workplace. This vital, 1 day course, is for those working in schools and is appropriate for all staff, in particular those who may need to deputise in the absence of the school main first aider to administer emergency first aid.

21 March 2022

Francis House, 760 Barking Road, Plaistow, London, E13 9PJ



09:00 - 16:30

£100 (plus VAT) per person for members, £110 (plus VAT) for non-members.

First Aid at Work Requalification About



The First Aid at Work Requalification (Refresher) QA Level 3 (RQF) Course is specifically designed to allow first aiders to renew their first aid at work qualification when their certificate is due to expire. This 2 day course updates the first aid skills for people who need to renew their existing statutory 3 day first aid at work certificate and whose existing certificate is still valid.

28 - 29 March 2022

Francis House, 760 Barking Road, Plaistow, London, E13 9PJ



09:00 - 16:30

£193 (plus VAT) per person for members, £203 (plus VAT) for non-members.


020 8249 6900



VACANCIES Explore our full range of vacancies. Email your job to: Be first to see when new jobs go live by following us on LinkedIn and Twitter.



Sessional Clerk Employer

Newham Partnership Working


£142 - £213 per meeting (dependent on qualifications and meeting type supported)


Newham Partnership Working, 760 Barking Road, London

Hours Closing Date

15/12/2022 09:00



Link to Vacancy

About NPW NPW is the ethical partner of choice that keeps the child at the centre of everything we do. We care about our clients and work hard to help them achieve their aspirations. We engage with our clients to help develop our products and services to ensure that what we offer is created for schools by schools. NPW is a not-for-profit mutual organisation, owned by our school members. We provide a range of operational, transformational and innovative services to schools and colleges so that they can focus on improving the lives of children and young people. Our services are agile, allowing us to offer bespoke packages that meet an individual client’s needs. Please see here our company brochure: • The Role New exciting opportunities have arisen for enthusiastic and committed people to work within our team of sessional clerks. The post holder will be directly responsible for the provision of services to a specified number of multi-academy trusts, school governing boards, and other commercial contracts, ensuring that our high standards are met in a professional and effective manner. The post holder will: • attend governing and trust board meetings, (physical and virtual as required) • provide advice to the governing board on governance, constitutional and procedural matters (governing boards are required to have regard to advice from the clerk in regard to exercising their functions) • provide effective minute-taking to the governing board and its committees and produce minutes in line with the guidance and templates issued by NPW Governor Services • ensure the governing board is properly constituted • Manage information provided by NPW Governor Services and other training providers effectively and ensure that it is used to provide the governing board with the appropriate advice and guidance You will have: • good working knowledge of schools and academy governance and statutory compliance arrangements, • good understanding of the role of the clerk and how to make interventions at meetings


• good understanding of what constitutes an effective governing board or governance group meeting • ability to produce high quality minutes that accurately reflect decisions, actions and challenge • good written and oral communication skills • good IT skills • good interpersonal skills • the ability to prioritise and manage a busy and varied workload. You must also understand the importance of working with a good eye for detail, have an organised methodical approach and the ability to maintain confidentiality. This role is subject to an enhanced DBS check. Application Process Applicants interested in finding out more about this role are welcome to contact Mr Peter Hooper on 07885972189. If you would like to work in partnership with schools/academy trusts and help to make a positive difference then we look forward to receiving your application. Application for the post is by application form only. No CVs. No agencies need apply please. Closing date: This is a rolling recruitment process. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for tests and interview on receipt of application Equal Opportunities We are committed to and champion equality and diversity in all aspects of employment with Newham Partnership Working and the London Borough of Newham. All employees are expected to understand and promote equality and diversity in the course of their work. Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Support Team 020 7427 8250. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.


Class Teacher Employer

Elmhurst Primary School


Main Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions)


Elmhurst Primary School


32.5 hours per week.

Closing Date

05/06/2022 11:55



Link to Vacancy Elmhurst Primary School Upton Park Road London E7 8JY Tel: 020 8472 1062 Head teacher: Ms S Samra Email:

Class Teacher Required for September 2022 Closing date: 6th June, 2022 We are seeking to appoint a teacher who has: • Outstanding classroom practice or has the potential to develop this • The desire to develop professionally • A good academic background • Experience of teaching across KS1 and KS2 Elmhurst Primary School is an outstanding school which is part of the New Vision Trust, an ambitious and successful Multi Academy Trust (MAT) comprised of four good and outstanding primary schools in the London borough of Newham. Elmhurst Primary School is the lead school for the DfE nationally funded English and Maths Hub. Expertise across our school includes phonics (we are a Read Write Inc model schools), Mathematics, Art, Shakespeare and Debating, ensuring we have a rich and stimulating curriculum. Due to our national profile, Elmhurst is at the forefront of educational innovation, leading school improvement at a local and national level. Our staff are committed to ensuring that our learners receive the highest quality of education. As a member of the Elmhurst team, you will receive high quality support and development in your role. Professional Development: Access to high quality professional learning and leadership development, including nationally recognised programmes e.g. NPQSL & NPQML


High quality induction programme for all joiners and the opportunity for extensive career progression Extended and paid opportunities for 1:1 tuition, after school clubs and running external courses Regular opportunities to work with a network of professionals through the LNE Maths and English Hub Personal and enrichment benefits: Inner London pay in the outer London Borough of Newham Resource rich working environment including laptops available to support planning and preparation Opportunities for study visits abroad once it is safe to do so Free onsite parking and easy access to public transport. If you are interested in working for Elmhurst Primary School, we encourage you to contact Sukwinder Samra ( to arrange a visit to the school. This role is not exempt from ROA 1974. A self-disclosure is required for this post. Please find the School's Safeguarding Policy attached for your attention. For technical enquires please call 020 8249 6946. For any other administrative enquiries please contact Yasmin Begum at Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Support Team 020 7427 8250. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.


ECT Primary Pool September 2022 Employer

Newham Partnership Working


Main Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions)


The Employing School


32.5 hours per week.

Closing Date

16/05/2022 09:00



Link to Vacancy NEWHAM, is a vibrant cosmopolitan community in the heart of East London, the centre of the 2012 Olympics. As an ECT you’ll have the opportunity to work in schools that are committed to developing innovative practice and transforming children’s educational experience. We understand how important the first step in your teaching career is. With this in mind, all ECTs receive an individualised induction programme designed to allow you to pursue your professional development in a supportive environment. We combine high starting salaries with excellent opportunities for promotion, allowing you to develop your career within the borough.*ECTs who apply through the Primary Pool also receive an extensive set of benefits including a generous Golden Hello payment. You can apply to the pool online today by completing one application form. We will support you throughout the application process, right through to appointment. Short listed candidates attend a selection day at a Newham school, then successful candidates are matched to suitable schools. For more information on the process or to find out more about being an ECT in Newham, please visit or email *The Golden Hello is not available to ECTs who completed an employment-based training route. Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Support Team 020 7427 8250. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.


KS2 Experienced Teacher Required Employer

Lathom Junior School


Main/ Upper pay scale and potential TLR (Teachers pay and conditions)


Lathom Junior School


32.5 hours per week.

Closing Date

19/04/2022 09:00



Link to Vacancy

A helping hand from you - a head start for them. The Executive Head Teacher and Governing Board are looking to recruit an experienced, dynamic and committed teacher to join our friendly and inclusive school. Lathom Junior School offers a professional development programme to develop your teaching expertise within a supportive environment, a welcoming school with well-behaved, enthusiastic children and diverse opportunities for career development. The successful applicant should possess inspiring and creative teaching skills and have high expectations of our children, coupled with a passion for high quality teaching. Lathom Junior School welcome a teacher with the drive to maintain and improve teaching standards. A TLR may be available for candidates with relevant experience. We would welcome visits to the school which can be arranged. Please telephone Lisa Wenborne on 07872823503 or email About us At Lathom Junior School we are a large five form junior school who believe that all our children deserve the best education we can give them. We work hard to create a successful learning culture which will enable all children to become confident, inspired and independent leaders of tomorrow. We have developed an ethos where we continually try to spark children’s interest; their quality of learning is central to the school's work and purpose. All children are encouraged to achieve their full potential and celebrate their achievements. The role The successful applicant will be part of our KS2 team and will have the opportunity to work directly with a large team of highly skilled and experienced teachers and intervention staff. Evidence of previous experience and strong practice within the Key Stage is an essential requirement for the successful applicant. Ensuring excellent progress for all children and a good transition to the next part of their learning journey is of the highest importance to the school. An ability and willingness to contribute to the school’s successful community links, including after school clubs and school partnerships is a requirement. We wish to appoint a team player who has a solid understanding of how young children learn, excellent communication skills and who enjoys teaching and being with children. Start date: September 2022 ● Closing date and shortlisting on Tuesday 19th April at 9am. ● If you are shortlisted, you will be contacted and asked to come into school to teach a lesson on: Friday 22nd April.


● Successful applicants will then be contacted for an interview on Wednesday 27th April during the school day. Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Support Team 020 7427 8250. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.


English Lead Employer

Agate Momentum Trust


£35000 - £49999


Scott Wilkie Primary School


32.5 hours per week.

Closing Date

25/03/2022 12:00



Link to Vacancy An exciting and rare opportunity has come up to lead on English at Scott Wilkie Primary. An opportunity to work in an exceptional trust working in collaboration with the T4W teaching school at Hallsville. Key Responsibilities: • Leading English across the school, working closely with the literacy lead in EYFS/KS1. • To model and demonstrate excellent practice in teaching and delivering reading and writing lessons. • To support less experienced staff with planning units of work, tapping into existing unit plans across the trust. Governors are looking for a candidate with the following attributes: • a passion and drive for the subject of English with preferably a degree in the subject area • at least 3 years’ experience in teaching • evidence of excellent competence in core teaching standards • is able to demonstrate outstanding practice • good knowledge and understanding of the-Talk for Write programme (preferable) • deep knowledge and understanding of English teaching including reading, writing, spelling, handwriting and vocabulary • a strong track record of excellent outcomes • good knowledge of the curriculum and its progression from EYFS to Y6 (preferable) • is creative, innovative and reflective • has high expectations of children and staff • is capable of inspiring, challenging, supporting and empowering others • is well read and proactive in regard to their own professional development We can offer the right candidate: • An exciting opportunity to support the senior leadership team in its endeavor in offering its pupils a world class education in English. • An opportunity to work with English leads across the trust, sharing and developing best practice • A professional team with a commitment to providing an outstanding education to its pupils • A governing body that is committed to making a difference If you would like to arrange a visit to the school or you have any questions regarding this position please contact Hannah Cleland, School Business Manager on 07891 181367 or by e-mail at• Agate Momentum Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. The successful applicant will be subject to a full Disclosure and


Barring Service (DBS) check prior to taking up post. Closing date for applications is: 25th March 2022 Interviews to take place: w/c 28th March 2022 Please apply online.


Teacher Employer

Agate Momentum Trust


£30000 - £44999


Agate Momentum Trust Schools


32.5 hours per week.

Closing Date

25/03/2022 12:00



Link to Vacancy At the Agate Momentum Trust, we are driven to develop world class teachers who can become world class leaders. Hallsville and Scott Wilkie are looking for early career teachers who aspire to become great teachers. We can offer: • a supportive caring environment where leaders go over and above to support your professional development • weekly support with planning with a member of SLT • well researched programmes that support pedagogy and workload • a consistent teaching assistant in every year group to support admin and workload • a commitment to each lesson being well resourced to incorporate real life experiences We are looking for bright, reflective, resilient candidates who want to make a difference to the lives of children from challenging backgrounds. We offer our teachers free car parking at both of our schools and a wellbeing package across the Trust. Please telephone Hannah Cleland, Business Manager, on 0207 474 4138 / 07891 181367 to arrange a visit to the schools. Applications should be made online at• The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is Friday 25th March 2022 Interviews will take place during the w/c 28th March 2022 Please apply online.


Class Teacher Employer

Star Primary School


£30000 - £44999


Star Primary School

Hours Closing Date

18/03/2022 12:30



Link to Vacancy Star Primary School Star Lane, Canning Town, London, E16 4NH Tel: 020 7476 5336 Website: This is a rare opportunity to work at an innovative and inspiring school that values the role it plays in the holistic education of our pupils. We are a community focussed school looking to recruit excellent teachers from all phases. ECT’s welcome to apply. September 2022 starts available for teachers with excellent subject knowledge and expertise. Star Primary School is a vibrant multi-cultural school committed to excellent educational provision. We deliver a Rights Based Curriculum with an extensive enrichment offer. Our school community has a strong ethos and shared vision, which lay the foundations for excellence in teaching and learning. Staff wellbeing is high on the priority list. At Star we offer: • Alternative working hours (7:50am – 2.00pm teaching time) to promote staff wellbeing. • A new on-site day-care centre with staff discount and priority places for 0-2 year old • Very well staffed EYFS and KS1 provision • Excellent transport links (Star Lane DLR station, 276 bus route and close to tube) • Opportunity to work with happy and well behaved children who are excited about learning • Established support network from SLT and other teachers within the school • High levels of mentoring and support for ECTs • Excellent CPD opportunities, including lesson study cycles • An employee assistance programme, SAS which provides counselling and support / advice on a wide array of areas • Inspiring playground and excellent facilities that reflect our holistic ethos and school values • Innovative curriculum approaches such as Maths No Problem and Thinking Schools • Focus on developing the whole child through a happy centred school curriculum • Specialist teachers for sports and music • A well-established staff wellbeing programme What you will need to succeed: • Be able to demonstrate excellent subject knowledge • Passion for teaching and learning seen through excellent practice, a strong classroom presence and a love of learning.


• Positive outlook and interpersonal skills – be willing to embrace change • High expectations of yourself and the children Visits to the school are very much encouraged. Please make an appointment to visit the school through Forhana Begum in the school office. CV’s will not be accepted. Accompanying statements should outline candidate’s curriculum passion and expertise. Closing Date: 18th March 2022 Interviews to be held on 23rd March 2022 The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. All posts are subject to preemployment checks, references will be sought and successful candidates will need to undertake an enhanced DBS check. All positions are temporary for the first year with a view to being made permanent.


HR Officer Employer

Selwyn Primary School


Grade: S01 - scale point 23-25 Salary: £30,585 - £31,557


Selwyn Primary School and Portway Primary School


36 hours per week.

Closing Date

15/03/2022 17:00



Link to Vacancy Leading Learning Trust (based between Portway Primary School and Selwyn Primary School) Job starts: as soon as possible We are seeking to appoint a highly motivated, enthusiastic HR Officer to join our Trust central team, based at both our schools. This is an excellent opportunity for a senior HR Administrator with the relevant experience and desire to further develop their HR skills to join our Trust. Although previous experience working in schools is desirable, it is not essential as we wish to attract a wide field of candidates. Selwyn and Portway Primary Schools, both of which are graded Outstanding by Ofsted, form the Leading Learning Trust and are situated a short walk from each other in Plaistow, East London. Selwyn is additionally the resourced provision for deaf children in Newham and we serve a richly diverse community. We need an HR Officer who: • Has the relevant experience as detailed in the job description - ie. experience in all aspects of recruitment, staff development and employee relations matters, as well as strong systems management skills • Matches the skills listed in the person specification (follows the job description and is part of the same document) • Has excellent organisational skills and is able to prioritise workload • Demonstrates a strong work ethic and the ability to work collaboratively with school and Trust leaders, and to work with and support staff • Has a commitment to their own professional development We can offer you: • A role in an organisation with a strong moral purpose, which exists in order to provide children with the best possible start in life • Work in an organisation committed to the professional development and well-being of all its staff • Quality first professional development - including the possibility of professional development beyond the Trust, dependant on the Trust’s current growth plans • A supportive, forward thinking, and dedicated team of colleagues • An energetic and sociable team Further information about our schools and the communities we serve can be found on the Portway Primary School website and the Selwyn Primary School website. Closing Date: Tuesday 15th March, 17:00 Short-Listing: Wednesday 16th March


Interviews: Monday 21st March The Leading Learning Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all our staff to share this commitment. All staff are subject to a satisfactory enhanced DBS check as well as qualifications and reference checks. A disqualification declaration questionnaire is also requested for this post. Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Support Team 020 7427 8250. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.


Design Technology Teacher (Product Design) Employer

Rokeby School


Inner London Main/Upper Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions)


Rokeby School


32.5 hours per week.

Closing Date

14/03/2022 12:00



Link to Vacancy Required for April / September 2022, a creative and enthusiastic technology teacher to work within the technology department in this school for 11 – 16 year old boys in east London. Rokeby is one of four secondary schools in the Newham Community Schools Trust (NCST). At Rokeby it is our aim to get the best out of every student, because of this we put Teaching and Learning at the centre of all aspects of our work. Our vision is based upon clear and concise values: Respect, Success, Passion for Learning, Personal Challenge and Harmony. In working towards instilling these values in every student we strive to provide a safe, healthy, stimulating and exciting environment for all. Our students are our greatest asset. They are motivated, articulate young men who deserve the best that we can offer them. We are keen to appoint dedicated colleagues who are eager to support our students to achieve in all aspects of their school life and who want to be key contributors to our school's success. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful applicant will need a full DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check, which can be applied for once a job offer is made. Further details can be downloaded from Rokeby’s website • Applications must be received by 12noon on Monday 14th March 2022. Applications will be considered as they are received, so early applications are encouraged, and interviews will take place on a rolling basis. Please return this application form to• For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.


Maths Teacher Employer

Rokeby School


Inner London Main/Upper Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions)


Rokeby School


32.5 hours per week.

Closing Date

14/03/2022 12:00



Link to Vacancy Required for September 2022, a creative and enthusiastic maths teacher to work within the maths department in this school for 11 – 16 year old boys in east London. Rokeby is one of four secondary schools in the Newham Community Schools Trust (NCST). At Rokeby it is our aim to get the best out of every student, because of this we put Teaching and Learning at the centre of all aspects of our work. Our vision is based upon clear and concise values: Respect, Success, Passion for Learning, Personal Challenge and Harmony. In working towards instilling these values in every student we strive to provide a safe, healthy, stimulating and exciting environment for all. Our students are our greatest asset. They are motivated, articulate young men who deserve the best that we can offer them. We are keen to appoint dedicated colleagues who are eager to support our students to achieve in all aspects of their school life and who want to be key contributors to our school's success. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful applicant will need a full DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check, which can be applied for once a job offer is made. Further details can be downloaded from Rokeby’s website• Applications must be received by 12noon on Monday 14th March 2022. Applications will be considered as they are received, so early applications are encouraged, and interviews will take place on a rolling basis. Please return this application form to• For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.


Teacher of Science Employer

Lister Community School


Main Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions)


Lister Community School


32.5 hours per week.

Closing Date

14/03/2022 09:00



Link to Vacancy Main Pay Scale (Inner London) Required for September 2022 (NQTs are welcome to apply) Lister Community School is a large 11-16 Academy at the heart of its community and part of the Newham Community School Trust. Our vision is to provide a world class international education for young people in Newham. We believe our young people have the right to the same quality of teaching and range of opportunities as at any school in the country, and our ethos is one of continuous improvement, with a focus on strong partnerships and staff development. Over the last ten years we have significantly raised academic standards and are now the school of choice for our local community. In our December 2018 Ofsted the inspectors found that the school has maintained the good quality of education and ‘made strong progress in many aspects of the school’s provision‘ since our last inspection in September 2013. Our many strengths are highlighted, including how students are ‘courteous and articulate’ and ‘say they enjoy school and value the wide range of opportunities they are given’. We are very proud that the report recognises our high aspirations, the hard work and good behaviour of our students, and the dedication and commitment of our staff. The school benefits from a range of external partnerships including becoming the first partner school in the Music in Secondary Schools Trust, supported by the Andrew Lloyd Webber Music Foundation and the Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust. A positive impact: Our students are courteous, motivated and have high aspirations. You would be working in a school where around 61% of students are identified as Pupil Premium and 60% with EAL and where staff are committed to addressing educational disadvantage. The chance to develop: Work alongside colleagues with high expectations, engage with a broad range of exceptional CPD tailored to your own professional development as part of the Lister teacher toolkit programme. Subject specific CPD includes working alongside the Institute of Physics and the Royal Society of Chemistry. Work in a team that provides real potential for career progression. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. This appointment will be conditional on successful pre-employment and enhanced DBS checks. Application forms are required by 9am Monday 14th March 2022 Interviews will be held during the week commencing 21st March 2022 We will only be contacting those candidates who have been selected to progress to the next stage of the process. Please note we do not have parking facilities onsite.

Information for applicants


Benefits of working with Lister Science ● Friendly and supportive team with a variety of teaching experience ● Regular T&L CPD in faculty meetings and toolkits ● Collaborative planning and shared resourcing ● Clear, centralised behavioural system ● Centralised detention system ● Assessment & feedback policy that focuses on reducing teacher workload and ensuring students can move forward Lister Science vision ● Raise student progress and attainment in Science at Lister. ● Create a knowledge-based Science curriculum that develops a deep scientific understanding and engages all students. ● Maintain a consistent approach to teaching and learning, assessment and feedback and behaviour and learning in Science lessons. ● Develop understanding and aspirations for Science pathways beyond Lister. ● Encourage staff to be continually reflective of their practice and empower staff through effective professional development. Science teacher Competencies ● Excellent subject knowledge ● Ability to use a range of pedagogical techniques to support student progress ● Superb communication and interpersonal skills. ● Integrity and high levels of motivation and commitment. ● Proactive approach and efficient time management and prioritisation skills ● Genuine interest and passion for the education of young people and the ability to contribute more widely to Lister Community School As part of our continued focus to further develop impact on student progress we are seeking to appoint a passionate Science Teacher to join our dedicated Science team. If you think you have the potential to work as an outstanding teacher of Science in a high performing team then an application form can be downloaded directly from the TES website or Lister’s website: or by contacting the school on 020 8471 3311. Please use the information on the following page to help complete your application form. Completed applications must be returned to the school at the above address, or by email to:


Teacher of Art and Photography Employer

Lister Community School


Main Pay Scale (Teachers pay and conditions)


Lister Community School


32.5 hours per week.

Closing Date

14/03/2022 09:00



Link to Vacancy

Lister Community School Lister Community School is a large 11-16 Academy at the heart of its community and part of the Newham Community School Trust. Our vision is to provide a world class international education for young people in Newham. We believe our young people have the right to the same quality of teaching and range of opportunities as at any school in the country, and our ethos is one of continuous improvement, with a focus on strong partnerships and staff development. Over the last ten years we have significantly raised academic standards and are now the school of choice for our local community. In our December 2018 Ofsted the inspectors found that the school has maintained the good quality of education and ‘made strong progress in many aspects of the school’s provision‘ since our last inspection in September 2013. Our many strengths are highlighted, including how students are ‘courteous and articulate’ and ‘say they enjoy school and value the wide range of opportunities they are given’. We are very proud that the report recognises our high aspirations, the hard work and good behaviour of our students, and the dedication and commitment of our staff. The school benefits from a range of external partnerships including becoming the first partner school in the Music in Secondary Schools Trust, supported by the Andrew Lloyd Webber Music Foundation and the Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust. A positive impact: Our students are courteous, motivated and have high aspirations. You would be working in a school where around 61% of students are identified as Pupil Premium and 60% with EAL and where staff are committed to addressing educational disadvantages. The chance to develop: Work alongside colleagues with high expectations, engage with a broad range of exceptional CPD tailored to your own professional development as part of the Lister teacher toolkit programme. Subject specific CPD includes working alongside the Institute of Physics and the Royal Society of Chemistry. Work in a team that provides real potential for career progression. TEACHER OF ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY Required for September 2022 (ECTs are welcome to apply) As part of our continued focus to further develop impact on student progress we are seeking to appoint a passionate Art and Photography Teacher to join our dedicated Arts team. If you think you have the potential to work as an outstanding teacher of Art in a high performing team then an application form can be downloaded directly from the TES website or Lister’s website: or by contacting the school on 020 8471 3311. Please use the information on the following page to help complete your application form. Completed


applications must be returned to the school at the above address, or by email to: The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. This appointment will be conditional on successful pre-employment and enhanced DBS checks. Application forms are required by 9am Monday 14th March Interview dates: TBC We will only be contacting those candidates who have been selected to progress to the next stage of the process. Please note we do not have parking facilities onsite. INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS Benefits of working with Lister Arts Department: ● Friendly and supportive team with a variety of teaching experience ● Regular T&L CPD in faculty meetings and toolkits ● Collaborative planning and shared resourcing ● Clear, centralised behavioural system ● Centralised detention system ● Assessment & feedback policy that focuses on reducing teacher workload and ensuring students can move forward Lister Art Vision ● Promote an interest and love of the Arts. ● Raise student progress and attainment in Art at Lister. ● Maintain a consistent approach to teaching and learning, assessment and feedback and behaviour and learning in Art lessons. ● Develop understanding and aspirations for pathways within the Arts post 16 years. ● Encourage staff to be continually reflective of their practice and empower staff through effective professional development. Teacher Competencies ● Excellent subject knowledge ● Passionate about the role of Art and Photography in education ● Ability to use a range of pedagogical techniques to support student progress ● Superb communication and interpersonal skills. ● Integrity and high levels of motivation and commitment. ● Proactive approach and efficient time management and prioritisation skills ● Genuine interest and passion for the education of young people and the ability to contribute more widely to Lister Community School For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.


Welfare Officer Employer

Learning In Harmony Trust


Scale 4, Actual salary £17,290.94


Upton Cross Primary School

Hours Closing Date

13/03/2022 23:59



Link to Vacancy Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm Term time plus inset days Are you enthusiastic, creative and nurturing? We are looking to appoint a highly motivated Welfare Officer to join our team. This is a 5 day, full time role that will see the successful candidate be an essential part of developing our children's social and emotional skills through active engagement in their play from the start of the day throughout their break and lunchtime. As well as this, you will also be essential in supporting the wider school by helping in a variety of different roles across the school, supporting the welfare of our children and helping with the upkeep of our clean and safe environment. We are looking for people who: • are passionate about engaging with children • are able to contribute to, and work as part of a team • have excellent communication skills and a flexible attitude • have effective time management and an ability to work on own initiative • can help children to develop friendships and to resolve issues with each other • are reliable and able to work as part of a team, will be flexible meeting the needs of the children We can offer: • support from a friendly, experienced staff • welcoming children • opportunities for professional and/or personal development • a focus on staff well-being as part of the Learning in Harmony Trust putting staff first and providing many incentives and opportunities including free access to the Perkbox staff benefit scheme. Closing date 13th March 2022 Safeguarding Statement; Learning in Harmony Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We particularly welcome applications from underrepresented groups including ethnicity, gender, transgender, age, disability, sexual orientation or religion. We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and young people in our care and expect all staff to share this commitment. We follow safer recruitment practice and the successful applicant will need a satisfactory enhanced DBS certificate and supportive references.


For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.


Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants Employer

Plaistow Primary School


Scale 2 - £3,648.61 per annum


Plaistow Primary School


Full-Time, 7.5 hours per week. Full-Time, 7.5 hours per week

Closing Date

11/03/2022 16:00



Link to Vacancy We are looking for a Midday Meals Supervisor to join our staff team. Plaistow is a successful, two-form entry school in the heart of a diverse, multicultural neighbourhood. We are a dynamic learning community filled with laughter, friendship and high expectations for all. At our school we work hard, challenge and believe in ourselves in order to learn, progress and achieve. We want our children to experience joy on their own unique learning journey in order for them to become creative, aspirational lifelong learners. Our school curriculum drivers are: joy, creativity and aspiration. These values underpin the curriculum, inform our decision making, and guide the way we interact with one another whilst on our journey of continuous school improvement. We have a commitment to the professional development of our staff team and ensure that all members of our school community see themselves as lifelong learners. Salary: Scale 2 - £3,648.61 per annum Contract Type: Full-Time, 7.5 hours per week Accountable to: Head Teacher/ Deputy Head Teacher Purpose of the Role: A midday supervisor will be part of a team that is responsible for supervising pupils and the school’s premises during the midday break to ensure that the break runs effectively and that the safety and welfare of pupils is maintained. Closing Date: 11th March 2022 Interviews: 15th March 2022 Job Start: As soon as possible Please see attached for job description, person specification and application form. Plaistow Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be required to undergo an enhanced DBS check and any appointment will be subject to references.


Children's Centre Family Support Worker Employer

Plaistow Primary School


Scale 6 (£27900-£28992)


Plaistow Primary School


8:30am-4:15pm hours per day.

Closing Date

11/03/2022 11:00



Link to Vacancy We are looking for a Family Support Worker to join our staff team as soon as possible. Plaistow is a successful, two-form entry school and Children’s Centre in the heart of a diverse, multicultural neighbourhood. We are a dynamic learning community filled with laughter, friendship and high expectations for all. At our school we work hard, challenge and believe in ourselves in order to learn, progress and achieve. We want our children to experience joy on their own unique learning journey in order for them to become creative, aspirational lifelong learners. Our school curriculum drivers are: joy, creativity and aspiration. These values underpin the curriculum, inform our decision making, and guide the way we interact with one another whilst on our journey of continuous school improvement. We have a commitment to the professional development of our staff team and ensure that all members of our school community see themselves as lifelong learners. Salary: Scale 6 (£27900-£28992) Contract Type: Full-Time (36 hours per week) Fixed Term until 31/12/2022 Accountable to: Head Teacher/ Children Centre Manager Opened in 2009 Plaistow Children’s Centre is well resourced and offers a vibrant and friendly learning environment. Services are delivered across Plaistow Community Neighborhood including Plaistow Library, Jeyes Community Centre and local EarlyYears Settings. Plaistow Children’s Centre’s focus is to ensure families in our area are able to access Newham’s Best Start in Life Guarantee by delivering programmes, workshops and improving outcomes for families with children 0-5 years, with a strong commitment to an inclusive practice. We are looking to appoint an experienced and enthusiastic Family Support Worker as soon as possible, to join our children’s centre team. This is a great opportunity for any practitioner who: • is committed to achieving excellence in providing best outcomes for children and their families. • is highly motivated and enjoys working with young children and their families. • has a strong commitment to professional development. • wants to make a difference for all groups of children. Candidates for this role should have at least a Level 3 diploma in childcare (or equivalent/ higher qualification).


Closing Date: 11th March 2022 at 11:00am Interviews: Thursday 17th March 2022 We encourage visits to the Children’s Centre and to arrange an appointment; please contact the children centre manager Rukhsana Bibi via the school office on 020 8548 5620 (option 3). Please see attached for job description, person specification and application form. Plaistow Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be required to undergo an enhanced DBS check and any appointment will be subject to references. Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Support Team. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.


Specialist Speech & Language Therapist or Speech & Language Therapist Employer

Selwyn Primary School


PO3 or PO4 depending upon qualifications


Selwyn Primary School

Hours Closing Date

11/03/2022 09:00



Link to Vacancy

(to work in the school’s resource provision) Job starts: As soon as possible Grade: PO3 or PO4 depending upon qualifications (band 5 or 6) Scale: 32 - 35 Contract type: Full time - term time only Contract term: This is a one year, fixed term contract with a view to being a permanent post Are you a SLT with the enthusiasm and motivation to work with deaf children in the London Borough of Newham? If so, we are seeking to appoint a highly motivated, enthusiastic and knowledgeable speech & language practitioner to work within our school’s resource provision for deaf children. We are a total communication provision, which means BSL and/or spoken language is used to support individual pupils depending on their needs. Selwyn is a medium-sized, outstanding (March 2019) primary school for children aged 3 to 11 situated in Plaistow, East London. We work within a richly diverse community and are proud to serve the families in our school. This unique opportunity allows you to develop and deliver high quality service to school aged deaf children and their families. This will be based at Selwyn School, and will work to build capacity and resilience amongst the families within the framework expected by the London Borough of Newham. This is a unique opportunity to work with a successful and growing team delivering a seamless service. There are strong links with academic professionals and professionals in national health services. Essential Criteria: • Carrying out formal and informal assessment and making diagnostic decisions • Setting and evaluating aims and objectives regarding speech, language and communication • Carrying out direct and indirect therapy interventions • Working with others, including families, teaching staff and other professionals • Maintaining best practice clinical standards as per RCSLT CQ live guidelines • Maintaining a working knowledge of local policies and procedures and legal frameworks • Carrying out required administrative duties • Working independently and accessing support as needed Selwyn Primary School

arantee and


registered in England and Wales with company number 10028278.The registered office of the trust is Selwyn Road, London, E13 0ES. • Taking independent responsibility for continuing professional development and maintaining up to date HCPC registration • Any other duties as discussed with the leadership team • A passion for working with Deaf children of school age • Good communication and interpersonal skills • Knowledge and understanding of working within a culturally diverse community • Ability to develop effective strategies to engage hard-to-reach families • Experience of liaising effectively with relevant agencies, including health professionals. • Current member of the HCPC and RCSLT Desirable but not essential: • Demonstrable experience of working with children who use cochlear implants and hearing aids, including a strong focus on listening and spoken language • A qualification in BSL • At least 2 years experience as an SLT with additional training and experience of working with deaf children and their families. Experienced in delivering training to educational professionals • Experience of developing language programmes with a focus on speaking and listening • Experience working with children with Sensory Processing Disorders • Experience working with children with complex needs including ASD. This may also include children who may use alternative forms of communication (AAC) • Training and experience working with children with challenging behaviours We can offer you: • Quality first professional development, including supporting BSL proficiency or AV certification • Curious children, who love learning • A supportive, forward thinking, and dedicated team of colleagues • An energetic and sociable team Closing date for applications: 11th March 2022 Shortlisting: week beginning: 13th March 2022 Interviews: week beginning: 13th March 2022 Visits to the school are welcomed. Please contact the school’s office to arrange an appointment with a member of our leadership team. Further information about our school can be found on our website - Selwyn Primary Website Selwyn Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all our staff to share this commitment. All staff are subject to a satisfactory enhanced DBS check as well as qualifications and reference checks. A disqualification declaration questionnaire may be required for this post. Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Support Team 020 7427 8250. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.


Higher Level Teacher Assistant Employer

Nelson Primary School


NJC Scale 6


Nelson Primary School

Hours Closing Date

11/03/2022 09:00



Link to Vacancy Nelson Primary School is a vibrant and well-ordered community and one of the largest in the country. Everyone has high expectations of achievement. We are looking for a Higher Level Teacher Assistant who is passionate about making a difference to children's lives and able to cover whole classes regularly. Suitable for support staff who have successfully passed English and maths GCSE or equivalent. A graduate or an HLTA qualification is desirable but not essential. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All posts are subject to satisfactory enhanced DBS, qualification and reference checks. The closing date: 11th March 2022 Shortlisting: 11th March 2022 Interviews and task: Week beginning 14th March 2022 You will be required to teach a lesson for 30 mins. following a plan set by a teacher and attend a formal interview. For an application form or to arrange a school visit please email Sahanaz Begom •


Cover Supervisor Employer

Lister Community School


GLPC Scale 6 - £24,136 (actual pro rata salary per annum)


Lister Community School


36 hours per week.

Closing Date

11/03/2022 09:00



Link to Vacancy An exceptional school: Lister Community School is a large 11-16 Academy at the heart of its community and part of the Newham Community School Trust. Our vision is to provide a world class international education for young people in Newham. We believe our young people have the right to the same quality of teaching and range of opportunities as at any school in the country, and our ethos is one of continuous improvement, with a focus on strong partnerships and staff development. Over the last ten years we have significantly raised academic standards and are now the school of choice for our local community. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. This appointment will be conditional on successful pre-employment and enhanced DBS checks. Start date as soon as possible – subject to completion of recruitment checks. Start times: Monday and Wednesday 8:10am to 3:10pm All other days: 8:20am to 3:10pm Additional hours to be deployed through arrangement We are seeking to appoint two skilled, enthusiastic, dynamic and inspirational Cover Supervisor to assist the cover team at Lister Community School as soon as possible. Your main responsibility will be to provide cover for classes, supervising and delivering pre-prepared activities. You will cover whole classes in the absence of a teacher and report to the Cover Manager. You will need strong classroom management skills or the ability to develop them quickly. You will also need to demonstrate confidence, strong interpersonal skills and flexibility. The post would suit graduates who have an interest in pursuing a future career in teaching or individuals who have previous experience of working with children. You must be able to communicate and negotiate effectively with external supply agencies, if required. This role will include: ● Setting known and emergency cover using SIMs; ● Managing Teaching Assistants, when required. ● Giving feedback about the quality of cover; ● Teaching cover lessons. ● Liaising with external supply, as required Completed application forms are required by: 9am on Friday 11th March 2022 Interviews will take place Wednesday 16th March 2022 Please note: applications will be considered as they are received and we reserve the right to close this position before the date specified above. We therefore urge candidates to submit an application as soon as possible. Due to high volume of applicants, we will only contact those candidates who have been selected to progress to the next stage of the process.


Completed applications must be returned by email to:


Early Years Teaching Assistant (1 year contract) Employer

Ellen Wilkinson Primary School


NJC Scale 2 Point 3 (£16,672.83 pro rata)


Ellen Wilkinson Primary School


32.5 hours per week.

Closing Date

10/03/2022 09:00



Link to Vacancy Required for Immediate Start We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic teaching assistant who is passionate about helping children fulfil their potential, particularly for pupils with additional needs to work in our Early Years. We are a successful two form entry primary school, which serves a diverse multi-ethnic community in Beckton, East London. Do you want to: ● Work in a happy and friendly school? ● Be involved in driving us forward to excellence? ● Join a hard working and supportive staff team? We are looking for support staff who are : ● Committed to achieving outstanding outcomes for all pupils ● Enjoy working with children across the primary age range (3 – 11 years) ● Able to support the learning of groups of children within and outside of the classroom ● Willing to work 1:1 to support children with additional needs ● Eager to support teachers in preparation and delivery of learning ● Committed to work as part of a strong team with enthusiasm and integrity ● Wanting to make a difference! We can offer: ● An exciting multi-cultural school community with wonderful children ● Friendly staff, supportive families and children who are keen to learn. ● A well run and motivated school which is innovative and on a journey to becoming outstanding ● Work in a stimulating, modern and well-equipped environment ● Excellent and innovative professional development ● A school committed to the DFE wellbeing charter. The successful applicant will have to meet the requirements of the person specification in order to be offered the post and will be subject to an enhanced DBS check. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Applications should be completed on the Jobs Go Public site. Alternatively to request an application form please contact Lynn Wilson on: Tel: 0207 511 9414 Email: PLEASE NOTE ANY POSTAL APPLICATION FORMS SHOULD BE SENT DIRECTLY TO THE SCHOOL. Only applications submitted on the borough’s application form will be considered. We welcome applications regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or religion.


Closing date: 10th March 2022 Interviews: week beginning 21st March 2022 Please apply online. For technical difficulties, please contact the Support Team 020 7427 8250. For further information about the role, please contact the school directly.



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