SINCE 1910 NOVOYE RUSSKOYE SLOVO PUBLISHING CORPORATION Empire State Building 350 5th Ave., Ste. 5301 New York, NY 10118 o. (212) 387-0299 f. (646) 218-6950
Novoye Russkoye Slovo Publishing Corp. EMPIRE STATE BUILDING, 350 5TH AVE, STE. 5301 NEW YORK, N. Y. 10118
It gives me great pleasure to inform you about an important endeavor that will open a new dynamic period in the relationship between our two leading countries of the world community, Russia and the United States. In April of 2010 the oldest Russian language newspaper in America, Novoye Russkoye Slovo, will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publication of its first issue. In the century of its existence Novoye Ruskoye Slovo (New Russian Word) has become the oldest and most widely read Russian-language newspaper in the United States and certainly the most popular newspaper among millions of Russianspeaking people around the World. For the vast exodus of Russian-speaking people, this newspaper has been a vital source of information that is inseparably connected with historical events of Russian culture, literature and politics of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The founding role of the newspaper helped establish a communication venue for its readers and a way of keeping the Russian language alive. Novoye Russkoye Slovo’s important contributions have been celebrated in the past by Presidents of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Putin, and Boris Yeltsin, and this newspaper’s direct involvement in the development of the Russian-American community has been noted by United States Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, William J. Clinton, and George W. Bush. On behalf of Novoye Russkoye Slovo, I welcome your involvement as a partner and sponsor of this Anniversary Ceremony along with the expected presence of the President of The United States of America and the Russian Federation. Participation in these commemorative activities has been already confirmed by Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton, Senator Charles E. Schumer, Congressmen Anthony Weiner and Jerrold Nadler, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Governor David Paterson. The opening ceremony will include the presence of the President of United States Barack H. Obama and the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. During the celebration you will have the unique opportunity to be at the center of an international event and join an elite circle of influential politicians, leading business people, and renowned cultural dignitaries. Your participation will be especially valuable as you take part in world community history. All cultural, commercial, social, charitable, and celebratory receptions will be organized with the purpose of publicizing the 100th anniversary of the newspaper, and the development of the traditionally friendly relationship between our two countries. This grand celebration will be attended by the international news media and world history will record an important Centennial Anniversary. The itinerary of your attendance will be planned in advance by our staff in order to achieve the maximum benefit to your business and the sponsorship package you select. We take full responsibility to fulfill all your wishes. I will appreciate any level of sponsorship and support of the project and your interest in participation in the upcoming events. I trust our partnership, as always, will be strong and mutually rewarding.
Lawrence Wajnberg Editor-in-Chief “Новое Русское Слово” Vice President of World Association of Russian Press
1910 - 2010
For many Russian immigrants, Novoe Russkoe Slovo continues to be a reliable source of information and a link to our native language and culture. Today, when many former Russian citizens feel desire to take part in historical developments that are happening today, your newspaper’s role is especially important.
President Boris Yeltsin In years of service, Novoe Russkoe Slovo has brought truth and inspiration to generations of Russian immigrants. As America’s oldest Russian language newspaper, you have demonstrated special perennial values which help to preserve the cherished traditions of our forefathers.
President Ronald Reagan
As we lay the cornerstone of America’s Third Century, I commend the editorial staff of Novoe Russkoe Slovo for their service to Russian Americans. Your newspaper has perpetuated the finest traditions of a rich heritage and assisted thousands of Russian immigrants to adjust to American life. Your newspaper serves to remind all of us of the important contributions to our society by Americans of Russian ancestry.
President Gerald Ford
Dick Cheney and I want to thank you for all you have done. Your leadership, energy, and commitment of time are crucial to our success. I am grateful for your hard work and honored you were on my team to lead our great country.
Novoe Russkoe Slovo (“New Russian Word”) is known not only as the oldest, but as an authoritative, periodical, Russian speaking publication in USA. Through the span of 90 years “Slovo” remains unchangeably “New”, sensitively reflecting a pulse of life.
Thank you for your support,
President George W. Bush
President Vladimir Putin Your newspaper is an example of a wonderful American tradition of community publishing. Communicating the local impact of some of the most dramatic and challenging events in our nation’s history, as well as presenting issues vital to the interests of Russian community, Novoe Russkoe Slovo, is a vibrant part of our American heritage. President Bill Clinton A strongly democratic newspaper, the Novoe Russkoe Slovo, has reflected the voice of the people and articulately espoused their needs and best interests. It has promoted the highest standards of American Journalism and staunchly defended the freedom and individual human rights we cherish.
President Jimmy Carter
Novoye Russkoe Slovo (The New Russian Word) Read All About It! (in Cyrillic)
Plugs for three strong stories inside the paper. Left: Major World events scrutinized by our analysts. Middle: Major developments in Local and National politics. Right: Consumer Report: New Products review, economy, businesses, entertainment. Cover Page: High quality images on Top Story
The New York Times. Twelve pages of NYT exclusive and quality content in Cyrillic. Page A4: Major business and economic news of the week. Page A5: Science & Tech Reports. PageA9: Restaurant Guide and Food review. Page A 11: Local and National Top Stories, including accidents and crime. Top Story: Read the full article at the indexed pages.
The NRS is the oldest Russian language newspaper established in 1910. Over the century, it became a well-recognized brand of Russian journalism in the United States, with broad circulation and loyal readership.
The New York Times, International Weekly Section. As a significant and credible source of the news in Russian community, Novoe Russkoe Slovo is published in a partnership with the New York Times (NYT) Co. Each edition of the NRS is accompanied by the twelve pages or more of exclusive and quality content, translated into Russian language, from the NYT selected as the most relevant and useful to our community. In addition, our readers are provided with such an exclusive feature as the NYT “Help Wanted” section. As a high quality content and print periodical, the NRS is printed in full color. Top Story: Major World Developments. Prime articles from NY Times On Global Economy, Local and National News.
Articles are selected to appeal to the broadest range of readers. In response to our partners, we have expanded our subject areas to include feature pages that reflect the interests of today’s world. Sections Include: Money and Business Science & Tech Arts & Style World Americana Personalities Living New York Gadgets Business Travel Business of Green The Way We Eat Health & Fitness New York Arts Fashion Education Exclusive Columns Intelligence Lens
The International Weekly insert is more than 12 page supplement that highlights the most insightful writing and news coverage from Times correspondents around the world. New York Times editors choose articles to: - Engage readers with the most entertaining, readable and informative stories - Reflect the unique vision and world view of the New York Times, the leading paper in America.
Article of the Week: Major NY times correspondents, including Steve Lore, Rodger Cohen, Stephanie Clifford, Dan Levin, Simon Romero and others, touch on major issues in US and World politics, developments and lifestyles.
Authors of “Novoye Russkoe Slovo” – distinguished minds of Russia and America.
and many others…
Many celebrated personalities were involved in the making of “Novoye Russkoe Slovo”, including:
Mstislav Rostropovich
Andrei Voznesensky
Raymond Pauls
Al Gore
Maya Plisetskaya
Bella Ahmadulina
Mikhail Jvanetsky
Kofi Annan
Innokenty Mikhail Smoktunovsky Barishnikov
Mikhail Shemyakin
Ernst Neizvestny
Aleksander Rosenbaum
Ariel Sharon
Rudolf Nuriev
Vladimir Visotsky
Vitaly Corotich
George Pataki
and many others…
Anatoly Sobchak
Galina Volchek
Stanislav Govoruhin
Nathan Sharansky
Hillary Clinton Michael Bloomberg
THERE IS OVER 5,000,000 EDUCATED, SUCCESSFUL INDIVIDUALS LIVING IN USA THEIR COMMON DECSENT AND THEIR NATIVE LANGUAGE UNITES THEM INTO A COMMUNITY WE REPRESENT – SINCE 1910. Founded 99 years ago, the anti-Communist, pro-democratic Novoe Russkoe Slovo, has chronicled Russian and Russian-American Life throughout most of the 20th century. Covering all the stories of Russia, through revolution, fascism, the cold war, social upheavals, and the fall of Communism. Through its dedicated work, Novoe Russkoe Slovo has acclimated its Russian readers to the culture, history and politics of the United States, thereby helping newly arrived Russian immigrants adjust to and take pride in their adopted homeland. The Council of the City of New York