Field of Being: Traditions of Yunnan Architecture

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01 前序展厅 Preface 03 四影归堂 Installation art 05 滇东北区域展厅 Northeastern Yunnan unit 07 千脚落地 Installation art 09 滇西区域 Western Yunnan unit 11 影像室 video room

02 滇中区域展厅 Central Yunnan unit 04 中央展厅 Central Hall 06 滇东南区域展厅 Southeastern Yunnan unit 08 生土建筑展厅 Earth construction unit 10 滇西南区域展厅 Southwestern Yunnan unit 12 滇西北区域展厅 Northwestern Yunnan unit

展览概述 RESUME 昆明当代美术馆于 2022 年 4 月 16 日至 6 月 26 日,呈现“在·野: 云南建筑传统研究展”,本次展览由昆明当代美术馆与昆明理 工大学建筑与城市规划学院合作,著名策展人邓圆也女士策展, 昆明理工大学建筑与城市规划学院院长翟辉先生做为本次展览 总策划,携手昆明理工大学建筑与城市规划学院师生,以云南 建筑学者的多元视角,结合丰富的学术实践材料,展现出不同 区域“聚落 - 街巷 - 住屋”与“过去 - 现在 - 未来”“时空交错” 的云南建筑传统研究成果。 在·野:云南建筑传统研究展按云南地域差异线索分成 6 个章节, 通过与当代展陈方式的结合,呈现出云南建筑传统的独特魅力 和对这种传统的多元探索。


云南建筑传统与当下,无论其在主流文本中如何缺席,它其实是始 终在场和持续发展的。在海德格尔未完成的著作《存在与时间》中,他以“现 身情态”(Befindlichkeit)描述了“存在”(being)的状态,承认了时间的线性, 继而说明“存在”只能向前。展览标题“在·野:云南建筑传统研究展”中 的“在”,亦得益于海德格尔的“存在”理论,用以描述云南建筑与聚落在 学术语境中的状态似是恰如其分。 标题中的“野”,旨在强调边地与中心、主轴的对仗互补关系,体 现出一个人文地理上相对离岛的状态,描绘出学术话语中相对离心的格局。 此外,库哈斯在他对中国乡村的研究中曾提出一个概念,叫“普通乡村” (generic village),指的是一个普遍的、全面的、平均意义下的乡村(average village),也是一种不囿于个案的综合乡村模型。然而,这个模型无法描述云南。 云南建筑传统的类型多样性,及其所配置和容纳的社会族群多样性, 无法“平均”。从三江并流、“人神共居”的滇东北,到以茶马古道串连缅 滇藏的滇西戍边;从纵横交错的多民族城、寨、村建筑组团和聚落的滇东南, 到传统以冶炼铸造为业的滇东北;从深受傣族影响却又融合与差异并存的滇 西南,再到依水而治、倚水而建、治水而生的昆明。 本展览是关于云南建筑的首个综合性展览,通过对中国几代建筑学 者的长期研究成果的结构性梳理和议题性提炼,推敲云南建筑的物理表现和 空间使用,回溯它涵纳的独特社会文化制度;展览希望籍此呈现关于云南建 筑传统的特征、定义与差异。乡土建筑本具有“匿名性”的特征,超过地表 90% 的土地上由匿名者建造着匿名的建筑。我一方面希望云南的乡土建筑“不 再匿名”,希望长期以来被主流学术研究和发表所忽略的云南传统聚落和乡 土建筑,如今以一个具有整体观和纵深感的综合展览问世,将它珍贵的学术 价值呈现给世人。但另一方面,我又希望它“继续匿名”,因其独特的工匠 技艺、营造特征、文化习俗,一直在其原有的地理环境、生活空间和仪式行 为中传承着,未受到过多的现代主义思潮之干预。 云南建筑传统与其他地区的建筑传统相较而言,一个重要的区别可 能在于,因为少数民族长期聚居和少数民族文化具有强烈粘性的事实,建筑 本身与其所在社会的基本文化共识是强相关的。无论是时间推移或外来文化 侵润,建筑仍能与使用者共筑出基于历史和物质一致性的较稳定状态。于是 在今天,我们所看到的云南建筑传统,仍然与它生发生产的土壤紧密粘连着。 最后,这个关于建筑的展览也势必是关于时间的。作为人类集体经 验的一个抽象元素,时间需要物质化以使其稳定和可读——而建筑则是实现 这一目的的最佳技术。云南建筑传统和建成环境是非常典型的意识、文化和 技艺的物质性结果,它们具有时间连续性的外观(无论历史以何种方式连续)。 它们是日常经验,也是壮观事件。 策展人:邓圆也


01 治水——从水网脉络到绝檄桢干的滇中昆明 Mastering Water: Waterways and Core Pillars in Central Yunnan and Kunming 02 工业的遗存——冶炼矿业而筑镇的滇东北 Industrial Remnants: Metallurgy and Northeastern Yunnan 03 磁体与容器——滇东南的房、村、寨、城 Magnet and Container: House, Hamlet, Village and Town in Southeastern Yunnan 04 具象的边地——滇西的流动与融合 The Concrete Frontier: Fluidity and Fusion in Western Yunnan 05 以一应百——显著主体民族影响之下的滇西南 Versatility in Unity: Predominant Ethnic Influence Over Southwestern Yunnan 06 人神共居——生物多样、因循天地的滇西北 Living Alongside the Gods: Adapting to Nature in Northwestern Yunnan

生土建筑 Earth construction 艺术装置空间 Art installations 【千脚落地】 【四影归堂】


01 治水——从水网脉络到绝檄桢干的滇中昆明 Mastering Water: Waterways and Core Pillars in Central Yunnan and Kunming 学术主持:吴志宏

01 治水——从水网脉络到绝檄桢干的滇中昆明 Mastering Water: Waterways and Core Pillars in Central Yunnan and Kunming 学术主持:吴志宏

昆明既是西南要会、南中首邑,也是山环水聚、气候宜人的滇中高原水乡。 古城形胜宏大,依托山水格局,也形成了地方特征突出的历史街区。昆明是 一座因水而生的城市,历史和文明也随滇池之水而展开。唐时昆明拓东城, 建在盘龙江入海口中间的岛上。汉代时昆明平坝绝大部分都被滇海所淹没, 直至南诏建拓东、善阐二城,昆明中心才从晋宁北移至滇池北岸。元代赛典赤, 治理滇池盘江,筑松花坝辟金汁河,善阐城改造为中庆城。明代昆明城为防 水患整体北移,但城市延续并串联了南诏和元的城市格局,沿五华山,近日楼, 元忠爱坊、金马碧鸡三坊,南诏双塔,形成城市的主轴线。南城密集的水网 绕闾阎之市,城市肌理和脉络沿水网而起,虽然如今大多数水路网络已不甚 显现。本部分展览从滇池东岸古渔村开始,顺着滇池和盘龙江一路而上,讲 述水与昆明古城演变的历程;展示了昆明治水而生的水脉、顺水而居的古城、 半城山水的园林、借水而兴的府城和商埠、以及吸纳了百家诸学的龙泉。

Kunming is a key city in southwest China, as well as a water town surrounded by nature, with a comfortable climate. The ancient city formed into a large layout that mirrored the natural terrain, and grew into a historical district with strong regional traits. Kunming is a city that thrives on water. Its history and culture have developed alongside the waters of Lake Dian. The Tang dynasty city of Tuodong was built on an island in the Panlong River delta. During the Han dynasty, most of the flat basin surrounding Lake Dian was underwater. It was not until the construction of the cities of Tuodong and Shanchan, during the Nanzhao Kingdom, that the center of Kunming moved from present-day Jinning to the northern shore of Lake Dian. In the Yuan dynasty, Sayyid Ajall oversaw channeling and irrigation around Lake Dian and the Panlong River, built the Songhua Dam, dredged the Jinzhi River, and renamed Shanchan City to Zhongqing. In the Ming dynasty, Kunming shifted north to avoid flooding, but maintained and expanded the old Nanzhao and Yuan layout. A central axis formed from Mount Wuhua to Jinri Pavilion, through the Zhong’ ai, Jinma and Biji arches from the Yuan dynasty, and the Twin Pagodas of the Nanzhao Kingdom period. The south of the city was crisscrossed by a network of canals and rivers, and the entire city’ s texture was lined with waterways, though most are no longer visible today. This exhibition segment begins with ancient fishing villages on the eastern shore of Lake Dian, and follows the lake and the Panlong River to recount the ancient city’ s evolving relationship with water. It presents the waterways that emerged from channeling and irrigation, the ancient city that rose along the water, the landscapes and gardens found throughout the city, the administrative and commercial architecture that thrived on the water, and the wellsprings that attracted many scholars and thinkers through history.

01 治水——从水网脉络到绝檄桢干的滇中昆明 Mastering Water: Waterways and Core Pillars in Central Yunnan and Kunming (部分内容)

昆明金马碧鸡坊 杜天荣 摄于 1963

城内街巷图 《昆明县志》 清

01 治水——从水网脉络到绝檄桢干的滇中昆明 Mastering Water: Waterways and Core Pillars in Central Yunnan and Kunming (部分内容)

云南地理 《景泰云南图经志》

昆明黄土坡附近草海 方苏雅 Auguste François 摄于清末

01 治水——从水网脉络到绝檄桢干的滇中昆明 Mastering Water: Waterways and Core Pillars in Central Yunnan and Kunming (部分内容)

营造学社往来信件 梁思成

梁思成林徽因与朋友摄于昆明西山华亭寺 摄于 1938

01 治水——从水网脉络到绝檄桢干的滇中昆明 Mastering Water: Waterways and Core Pillars in Central Yunnan and Kunming (部分内容)

昆明大悲寺石幢 营造学社

昆明大悲寺石幢测绘图 营造学社

01 治水——从水网脉络到绝檄桢干的滇中昆明 Mastering Water: Waterways and Core Pillars in Central Yunnan and Kunming (部分内容)

海晏村 何新闻提供

乌龙村 张雁鸰摄

02 工业的遗存——冶炼矿业而筑镇的滇东北 Industrial Remnants: Metallurgy and Northeastern Yunnan 学术主持:何俊萍

02 工业的遗存——冶炼矿业而筑镇的滇东北 Industrial Remnants: Metallurgy and Northeastern Yunnan 学术主持:何俊萍

云南的滇东北地区,主要包括现今之曲靖、昭通,历史久远。秦修五尺道, 疏交通、促交流,通疆边地交通连接。公元前 225 年,秦始皇派常修通了起 自四川宜宾,终于云南曲靖的“五尺道”,打通云南出滇之路,极大促进了云南 发展。公元前 109 年,汉武帝刘彻在今三岔一带建成南中地区政治、军事中 心味县;并于今昭通市设朱提县(郡),昭通首次被纳入中央政权的管理之下。 由此,奠定了滇东北在云南的重要地位,促进了中原与西南边地的经济文化 交流,并留下了许多较具文化交融特征的历史遗迹和文化遗物。至明清时期, 随着冶炼技术的不断发展,地区独特的矿产资源的价值得到逐步认知,特别 是会泽等地丰富的铜、铅、锌、石膏、磷、重晶石、大理石等。在独特的矿 产资源的吸引和利益驱动下,滇东北商业繁茂,文化蓬勃,也形成了区域城 镇与建筑建设的一个高峰。 本部分展览以时间为脉,以文化空间形态为络,对滇东北的乡土建筑文化进 行梳理、分类,形成四条展示脉络线索:原古智慧——文化的缘起,体现原 始的力量;铸造历史——以铜业开发、铸造等为纽带而营建的空间场所;多 元乡土——展示多元的地方乡土建筑。

Northeast Yunnan mainly covers Qujing and Zhaotong, regions with longstanding history. Construction of the “Five Foot Road” in the Qin dynasty established transportation routes, catalyzed exchange, and connected the hinterland to the frontier. In 225 BCE, the Qin Emperor ordered the construction of the “Five Foot Road,” a trail from Yibin, Sichuan Province, to Qujing, Yunnan Province, creating a path out of Yunnan and promoting development in the province. In 109 BCE, Han dynasty Emperor Wu established Wei County, an administrative center and military outpost, at present-day Sancha, Qujing; and Di County in present-day Zhaotong, bringing Zhaotong under the control of the Chinese central government for the first time. This thereby established the importance of northeast Yunnan to the province as a whole, spurred economic and cultural exchange between southwest China and the Central Plain, and created many historical and cultural heritage sites marked by cultural fusion.By the Ming and Qing dynasties, with advances in metallurgy technology, the value of the region’ s unique mineral resources came to be recognized, particularly the rich copper, lead, zinc, plaster, phosphorous, barite, and marble deposits in Huize. These rich mineral resources brought a thriving market to northeast Yunnan, which in turn fostered a vibrant cultural scene, ushering in a new high point in local architecture. This exhibition segment follows a temporal thread linking between morphologies of cultural space to engage in sifting and sorting of the architectural culture of northeast Yunnan to present four threads: ancient wisdom—cultural origins and primal energy; forging history—spaces and settings built around bronze and casting; and rural diversity—presenting the diversity of rural architecture.

02 工业的遗存——冶炼矿业而筑镇的滇东北 Industrial Remnants: Metallurgy and Northeastern Yunnan (部分内容)

以礼铜运古驿道 张伟提供

昭通盐津豆沙关五尺道 宋大明摄

02 工业的遗存——冶炼矿业而筑镇的滇东北 Industrial Remnants: Metallurgy and Northeastern Yunnan (部分内容)

吉尼斯世界纪录嘉靖通宝 《历史文化名城 - 会泽》画册编委会

会泽老照片 《历史文化名城 - 会泽》画册编委会

02 工业的遗存——冶炼矿业而筑镇的滇东北 Industrial Remnants: Metallurgy and Northeastern Yunnan (部分内容)

会泽四川会馆 王斌摄

会泽贵州会馆 王斌摄

02 工业的遗存——冶炼矿业而筑镇的滇东北 Industrial Remnants: Metallurgy and Northeastern Yunnan (部分内容)

会泽江西会馆 任礼俊摄

会泽江西会馆透视图 《曲靖文物志》

02 工业的遗存——冶炼矿业而筑镇的滇东北 Industrial Remnants: Metallurgy and Northeastern Yunnan (部分内容)

三圣宫全景 张雁鸰摄

三圣宫魁阁 张雁鸰摄

03 磁体与容器——滇东南的房、村、寨、城 Magnet and Container: House, Hamlet, Village and Town in Southeastern Yunnan 学术主持:王冬

03 磁体与容器——滇东南的房、村、寨、城 Magnet and Container: House, Hamlet, Village and Town in Southeastern Yunnan

云南的滇东南地区主要包括现在行政区划的红河州与文山州,主要聚居的少 数民族包括彝、哈尼、傣、回、苗、壮、瑶、布依、拉祜、布朗、蒙古、仡 佬族等,他们与汉族世居在此。传统聚落和乡土建筑都是人们基本本能和诉 求的产物,是族群生存与繁衍的“容器”,陈述着一种有关真实真诚、实用理性, 犹如卵巢般“庇护”功能的“家”的营造故事以及背后的道理。“家”经过漫漫的“生 长”才演变成为“家园”。与“家”相比,“家园”的生计和生产功能愈加强大,与周 边环境的关系也愈加密切,聚落内部空间景观层级也愈加整体、丰富和系统化。 受刘易斯·芒福德的城镇发展中“磁体与容器”关系论述之启发,在本部分展览 中可看到本土传统聚落中 的“磁体”与“磁性空间”的演化及其与家园建构的关系, 诸如府衙、衙署等管控权力空间,寨心、图腾等神性空间,市井、磨秋场等 公共活动空间,文庙、书院等文化教化空间,庙宇、寺观等宗教祭祀空间, 水碓房、井台、谷场等生产生计空间。展陈脉络包括两条线索,其一是传统 聚落:生存与繁衍——整体构成、构成要素、磁体与磁性空间;其二是乡土 建筑 : 人本与匠意——类型、形式、营造。本部分展览案例主要选取建水古城、 石屏古城、迤萨 ( 红河 ) 马帮古城、作夫村哈尼村寨、阿者科哈尼族蘑菇房村 落、石屏一带土掌房民居等。

Southeast Yunnan mainly consists of the administrative districts of Honghe and Wenshan Prefecture. Alongside the Han, the region is home to the Yi, Hani, Dai, Hui, Miao, Zhuang, Yao, Buyi, Lahu, Bulang, Mongolian, and Gelao ethnic groups. Traditional settlements and buildings are the products of instinctual human desires, “containers” for the survival and reproduction of the group. They speak of sincerity and practicality, telling the story of building a “nest” of a home, and the reasoning behind its construction and functions. A“house” only evolves into “home” through a long process of growth. Compared to the “house,” the “home” is more functional in terms of survival and production, is more intricately connected to its surrounding environment, and its clusters are more complex, unified, rich, and systematic. Inspired by Lewis Mumford's description of urban development as a relationship between “magnet and container,” this segment of the exhibition will present the evolution of the “magnet” and “container space” within the traditional settlement, and the construction of the home, including authority spaces such as administrative centers, divine spaces such as the village center and totems, public activity spaces such as village markets and swing grounds, cultural and education spaces such as Confucian temples and libraries, religious and offertory spaces such as temples and shrines, and production spaces such as mills, wells and threshing grounds. The exhibition presentation follows two threads. The first is survival and expansion in the traditional settlement, exploring the overall composition, basic elements, and its magnet spaces. The second is the craftsmanship and human dimensions of rural architecture, its types, forms and construction. The case studies featured in this exhibition segment include: Jianshui Ancient Town, Shiping Ancient Town, the Yisa Horse Caravan Village, Zuofu Village, Azheke Village, the Hani mushroom house, and the Tuzhang earthen house.

03 磁体与容器——滇东南的房、村、寨、城 Magnet and Container: House, Hamlet, Village and Town in Southeastern Yunnan (部分内容)

石屏一中古建筑群 张雁鸰摄

石屏来鹤亭 张雁鸰摄

03 磁体与容器——滇东南的房、村、寨、城 Magnet and Container: House, Hamlet, Village and Town in Southeastern Yunnan (部分内容)

建水古城平面示意图 杨大禹提供

具有地方特色的拱斗 张雁鸰摄

03 磁体与容器——滇东南的房、村、寨、城 Magnet and Container: House, Hamlet, Village and Town in Southeastern Yunnan (部分内容)

小西庄 54 号民居测绘图 何俊萍研究团队绘

小西庄模型 小野工作室摄

03 磁体与容器——滇东南的房、村、寨、城 Magnet and Container: House, Hamlet, Village and Town in Southeastern Yunnan (部分内容)

马帮大院屋顶马帮文化元素装饰 李小彤提供

箐口村全景鸟瞰 马杰提供

03 磁体与容器——滇东南的房、村、寨、城 Magnet and Container: House, Hamlet, Village and Town in Southeastern Yunnan (部分内容)

阿者科聚落模型 王策摄

哈尼族民居手绘图 杨大禹绘

04 具象的边地——滇西的流动与融合 The Concrete Frontier: Fluidity and Fusion in Western Yunnan 学术主持:杨大禹

04 具象的边地——滇西的流动与融合 The Concrete Frontier: Fluidity and Fusion in Western Yunnan 学术主持:杨大禹

云南的滇西地区主要包括现在行政区划的保山市与德宏州,这里有着类型众 多变化丰富的山川地理及生态格局;记录和见证着边地少数民族与内地汉族 及周边国家和地区相互之间文化交往传播的历史轨迹。毗邻缅甸的滇西地区 既有滇藏茶马古道、永昌古道串联起来的西南民族商贸经济文化交流的走廊 和驿站聚落,也有腾冲、龙陵的抗战历史。在此地区内与汉族杂居共处的民 族众多,包括傣、彝、景颇、德昂、阿昌、傈僳、佤族等少数民族。例如, 德宏州的傣族和西双版纳州的傣族,因其与缅甸接壤所受到的不同外来文化 影响,均有所差别,致使在传统聚落与乡土民居建筑的空间形态构成上也各 具特色。同为傣族,且相同宗教信仰,却呈现出彼此不同的传统聚落形态和 南传佛寺建筑空间形式;同为干栏民居,也创造出彼此不同的空间分隔与形 式表现。滇西地区创造出了许多尊重和顺应自然环境,满足当地各民族生产 生活的传统建构技艺的营造经验与方法智慧,并对当今的城乡建设仍然起着 潜移默化的启示及影响作用。本部分展览重点突出滇西地区的两条主线,包 括传统聚落主线,展示表达滇西传统聚落所承载的移民戍边、经贸互市、民 族家园特点与历史;包含古城古镇古村的整体构成、空间形态构成要素及蕴 含的营建经验与智慧。另一条为乡土建筑主线,一是展示有代表性的传统民居: 干栏式民居与合院式民居外观形态、风格样式及相关建构技艺;二是展示有 代表性的传统古建遗产。

Western Yunnan mainly includes the administrative districts of Baoshan Municipality and Dehong Prefecture. The region is marked by a rich range of geographic terrains and ecosystems. The settlements here are a testament to the history of cultural exchange and interaction between frontier peoples, the Chinese hinterland, and neighboring countries. Sharing a border with Myanmar, Western Yunnan is home to corridors and caravan stops along the Ancient Tea Horse Caravan Trail and the Yongchang Caravan Trail, and historic sites from the War of Japanese Aggression in Tengchong and Longling. It is also home to many minority ethnic groups who live alongside the Han, including the Dai, Yi, Jingpo, De’ ang, Achang, Lisu and Wa peoples. Due to different foreign cultural influences, the Dai of Dehong and the Dai of Xishuangbanna have distinctive forms oftraditional architectural spaces and settlements. While both groups are Dai people, with the same religious beliefs, we see differences in their settlement formation and in the architecture of their Theravada Buddhist temples. Both groups build stilted houses, but their homes take different forms and are divided in very different ways. The people of Western Yunnan have developed many techniques and ideas that allow them to create traditional architecture that respects and adapts to nature while satisfying their living and production needs, and they continue to inspire and influence modern construction in the towns and countryside. This exhibition segment focuses on three key threads in Western Yunnan, including the central thread of traditional settlements, showing the lasting impacts of migration and garrison settlements, interregional trade, and the history and characteristics of various ethnic homes. This thread also includes the overall structure and composition of ancient cities, towns and villages, and the architectural knowledge and techniques embodied within. A rural architecture thread presents the forms, styles and related architectural techniques of traditional homes in the region, as well as representative heritage buildings. A thread on ethnic culture uses the traditional settlement as a lens for presenting the effects of interaction between the Han and other ethnic groups, and the fusion between local and foreign culture (Myanmar or Western architecture), which has produced diverse and innovative ethnic architecture.

04 具象的边地——滇西的流动与融合 The Concrete Frontier: Fluidity and Fusion in Western Yunnan (部分内容)

芒市风平傣族村落 杨大禹提供

瑞丽大等喊传统聚落 杨大禹提供

04 具象的边地——滇西的流动与融合 The Concrete Frontier: Fluidity and Fusion in Western Yunnan (部分内容)

芒市三台山德昂族传统村落 杨大禹提供

瑞丽大等喊傣族干栏民居 杨大禹绘

04 具象的边地——滇西的流动与融合 The Concrete Frontier: Fluidity and Fusion in Western Yunnan (部分内容)

盈江允燕塔 张雁鸰摄

瑞丽姐勒金塔 杨大禹绘

04 具象的边地——滇西的流动与融合 The Concrete Frontier: Fluidity and Fusion in Western Yunnan (部分内容)

腾冲马站乡小空山火山及传统村落 杜小红摄

腾冲云峰山 杜小红摄影

04 具象的边地——滇西的流动与融合 The Concrete Frontier: Fluidity and Fusion in Western Yunnan (部分内容)

腾冲古城平面图 杨大禹提供

和顺弯楼子 万谦提供

04 具象的边地——滇西的流动与融合 The Concrete Frontier: Fluidity and Fusion in Western Yunnan (部分内容)

绮罗文昌宫屋顶平面图 杨大禹提供

文昌宫 张雁鸰摄

05 以一应百——显著主体民族影响之下的滇西南 Versatility in Unity: Predominant Ethnic Influence Over Southwestern Yunnan 学术主持:杨毅

05 以一应百——显著主体民族影响之下的滇西南 Versatility in Unity: Predominant Ethnic Influence Over Southwestern Yunnan 学术主持:杨毅

云南的滇西南地区,主要包括现在的行政区西双版纳州、普洱市、临沧市。 这里的民族文化与地理气候有着明显的地域特征,但由于历史上这一地区长 期处于傣族土司统治下,其文化、习俗、建筑等都受到其不同程度的影响。 这个地区的布朗、哈尼、拉祜、基诺、瑶族、瓦族等民族将傣语作为互相之 间的通用语,其建筑营造风格也被傣族文化所影响。很多傣族建筑匠人参与 到其他民族的建筑建造中,其特有的建筑技艺也会对其他民族产生潜移默化 的同化作用。因此该地区虽然分居了多个不同的民族,其乡土建筑在构建特 征以及材料等方面却具有许多相同的特征。 本部分展览主要梳理了滇西南地区建筑传统的几个脉络。其一是以傣族为主 的多元民族聚居和文化融合特征,傣族以及布朗、哈尼、拉祜、基诺、瑶、 瓦族等世代在这里聚居,土司时期傣族作为统治民族对各个民族之间的融合 起到了一定作用。这样的文化交流与融合延伸到了语言、文字、文化习俗、 建筑特征、工匠技艺等方面;其二是聚落分布差异特征,各个民族之间有突 出的地理分布差异。傣族聚落大多选择海拔较低的低热平坝和低河谷地区, 布朗族、哈尼族、瑶族、拉祜族、佤族、景颇族等则大多选择海拔较高的半 山地区;其三是家宅营造特征,无论是从家屋等生活空间,打水的井台、茶 叶红糖加工等生产空间,宣抚司等权利空间,寨心、佛寺、竜林等精神空间, 或古茶山、橡胶林、甘蔗地等,均可观察到傣族工匠在其中的重要作用。

Southwest Yunnan mainly covers the administrative districts of Xishuangbanna, Puer, and Lincang. The ethnic culture, geography and climate of the region have distinctive local traits. The administrative divisions also have distinctive local traits. The long history of administration under ethnic Dai Tusi chieftains led to varying degrees of influence on the culture, customs and architecture of the region. The peoples who were once ruled by the Dai, including the Bulang, Hani, Lahu, Yao, and Wa, used Dai as the lingua franca, and were influenced by Dai architectural culture. Though many different ethnic groups live in the region, their rural architecture shares many similarities in terms of construction and materials, and there is much mutual influence between their craftsmen and builders. Many ethnic Dai builders will even take part in building houses for other ethnic groups, and their architecture influences the architecture of the other groups in subtle ways.This exhibition segment sifts through multiple threads of architecture traditions in southwest Yunnan. The first thread is that of multi-ethnic settlements centered on the Dai ethnic group. The Dai have lived together with the Bulang, Hani, Lahu, Jinuo, Yao, and Wa people for generations. During the period of Tusi administration, the Dai rulers played a role in the fusion between different ethnic groups. This cultural exchange and fusion extends into such fields as language, writing, customs, architectural characteristics, and crafting techniques. The second thread is the distribution of settlements, specifically the differences in the distribution of the various ethnic groups. Most ethnic Dai settlements are in arid basins and river valleys at relatively low elevations, while most Bulang, Hani, Yao, Lahu, Wa, and Jingpo settlements are on mountainsides at higher elevations. The third thread is that of the characteristics of home construction. Whether it is residential homes, production spaces such as water well platforms, or tea and sugar production facilities, administrative spaces such as the Tusi quarters, spiritual spaces such as the village heart, Buddhist temples, and sacred groves, or the ancient tea forests, rubber plantations and sugar cane fields, we can see the important role of Dai craftsmen everywhere.

05 以一应百——显著主体民族影响之下的滇西南 Versatility in Unity: Predominant Ethnic Influence Over Southwestern Yunnan (部分内容)

翁丁佤寨 张雁鸰摄

翁丁大寨的复合屋顶形式 杨毅提供

05 以一应百——显著主体民族影响之下的滇西南 Versatility in Unity: Predominant Ethnic Influence Over Southwestern Yunnan (部分内容)

翁丁佤寨鸟瞰 蒋凌绘

层层叠叠的孔明帽 《云南民居图说》

05 以一应百——显著主体民族影响之下的滇西南 Versatility in Unity: Predominant Ethnic Influence Over Southwestern Yunnan (部分内容)

层层叠叠的孔明帽 《云南民居图说》

孟连傣族竹楼 杨大禹绘

05 以一应百——显著主体民族影响之下的滇西南 Versatility in Unity: Predominant Ethnic Influence Over Southwestern Yunnan (部分内容)

孟连傣族竹楼 杨大禹绘

傣家高架竹楼模型 小野工作室摄

05 以一应百——显著主体民族影响之下的滇西南 Versatility in Unity: Predominant Ethnic Influence Over Southwestern Yunnan (部分内容)

景迈山翁基布朗村寨 张雁鸰摄

景迈山翁基村寨聚落模型 小野工作室摄

06 人神共居——生物多样、因循天地的滇西北 Living Alongside the Gods: Adapting to Nature in Northwestern Yunnan 学术主持:毛志睿 谭良斌

06 人神共居——生物多样、因循天地的滇西北 Living Alongside the Gods: Adapting to Nature in Northwestern Yunnan 学术主持:毛志睿 谭良斌

云南的滇西北地区生态环境复杂、脆弱,而人文环境又独特、丰富,是我国 生物多样性和文化多样性保护的关键地区。滇西北地区又是独特的“三江并流” 地区,被誉为“世界生物基因库”。三江,并行而流在云南境内约 170 余公里, 位于云南省西部的丽江地区,迪庆藏族自治州,怒江傈僳族自治州,整个区 域四万平方公里。这一地区占我国国土面积不到 0.4%,却拥有全国 20% 以上 的高等植物和全国 25% 的动物种数。自然地理环境在很大程度上决定着一个 民族文化发展的类型和方向,生物资源的存在和利用决定文化形成的内涵。“三 江并流”世界自然遗产地复杂多样的自然地理环境和生物多样性资源,形成了 民族文化多元性。多种宗教在这里融合,多个民族在这里共同生活,敬畏自 然的文化传统源远流长。深山之中、田园之间的传统聚落大多都是人神共居 之地。由于滇西北生存条件极为恶劣,其人居环境的研究需要以一种乌托邦 精神,将理想与现实结合。本部分展览内容包括大理古城、巍山古城、束河 古城,体现民族交融、人神共居的聚落形态、聚落与环境关系,以及体现敬 畏自然、因循天地的建筑和环境关系的闪片房和土掌碉房。此外,还展出本 地区的古城古镇、乡土建筑典型等案例。

The ecosystem of Yunnan's northwest is quite complex and fragile, while the cultural landscape is rich and unique, making it a key region for the protection of biological and cultural diversity in China. Northwest Yunnan is also home to the unique “three parallel rivers” region, hailed as the “world’ s genetic vault.” The three rivers run in parallel for over 170 kilometers within Yunnan Province, through Lijiang Prefecture, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, and Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, with the combined watershed covering an area of 40,000 square kilometers. This region covers only 0.4% of China’ s total landmass, but is home to over 20% of the nation’ s plant species and 25% of its animal species. The natural geographic environment is a major determining factor on the development of a people's culture, while much of its formation is influenced by the presence and utilization of natural resources. The complex natural geographic environment and diverse natural resources of the Three Parallel Rivers region have given rise to diversity in human culture. Multiple religions mix together here, with peoples of multiple cultures living side by side under longstanding cultural traditions of reverence for nature. Deep in the mountains and among the fields, in these traditional settlements, humans live alongside the gods. Due to the harsh environmental conditions of northwest Yunnan, research on the living environment requires a utopian spirit that combines ideals with reality. The cases presented in this exhibition segment include Dali Ancient Town, Weishan Ancient Town, Shuhe Ancient Town, settlements that embody multiethnic communities, living alongside the gods, and the relationship between settlements and the environment, as well as the earthen pillbox house. Classic examples of ancient towns, villages and buildings will also be presented.

06 人神共居——生物多样、因循天地的滇西北 Living Alongside the Gods: Adapting to Nature in Northwestern Yunnan (部分内容)

沙溪民居图册 深圳大学建筑与城市学院提供

沙溪民居图册 深圳大学建筑与城市学院提供

06 人神共居——生物多样、因循天地的滇西北 Living Alongside the Gods: Adapting to Nature in Northwestern Yunnan (部分内容)

喜洲民居图册 深圳大学


06 人神共居——生物多样、因循天地的滇西北 Living Alongside the Gods: Adapting to Nature in Northwestern Yunnan (部分内容)

毗邻相接的束河民居 见地工作室提供

9 号民居测绘图 张婕绘

06 人神共居——生物多样、因循天地的滇西北 Living Alongside the Gods: Adapting to Nature in Northwestern Yunnan (部分内容)

丽江四方街 张雁鸰摄

新华街 87 号套院剖视 朱良文编著《丽江古城与纳西族民居》

06 人神共居——生物多样、因循天地的滇西北 Living Alongside the Gods: Adapting to Nature in Northwestern Yunnan (部分内容)

大理三坊一照壁模型 小野工作室摄

大理屋架模型 小野工作室摄

06 人神共居——生物多样、因循天地的滇西北 Living Alongside the Gods: Adapting to Nature in Northwestern Yunnan (部分内容)

松赞林寺 张雁鸰摄

土掌碉房 杨大禹绘

生土建筑 Earth construction

生土材料,是指以原状生土为主要原料,无 需焙烧仅需简单加工便可用于房屋建造的建 筑材料,其传统形式包括夯土、土坯、泥砖、 草泥、屋面覆土、灰土等。以生土作为主体 结构材料的房屋通常被称为生土建筑。

生土建筑展区 昆明理工大学提供

生土建筑 Earth construction

生土材料展示 小野工作室摄

生土材料展示 小野工作室摄

生土建筑 Earth construction

生土建筑展区 王策摄

生土中心模型 小野工作室摄

艺术装置 Art installations

【千脚落地】 杨雄 x 张华

作品以云南千脚落地民居为原型创作。 千脚落地房是云南怒江、贡山等地的传统 民居,当地地质不稳,森林丰富,通常在 斜坡或靠山处竖立几十根木桩,这些木桩 像千百只脚一样,支撑着整个房屋,因此 得名千脚落地房。房头板原料为红杉木, 纹理美观、耐腐、房顶上覆盖茅草,冬暖 夏凉,但不立窗户。有的木材本身有凹形 槽,雨水可以顺流而下,具有瓦片的功能。 铜的作品是以自身的云南生活方式用当下 的视野诠释我对这片土地上生长的人们对 自然中的神性、灵性和人性的探索。用艺 术的方式生活、连接和表达云南文化特征 和民间属性。

千脚落地 王策摄

艺术装置 Art installations

千脚落地 王策摄

千脚落地 王策摄

艺术装置 Art installations

千脚落地 小野工作室摄

千脚落地 张华摄

艺术装置 Art installations

【四影归堂】 筑象建筑 x CG

作品以云南滇中地区“一颗印”民居为原型 创作。 在云南中部地区有许多这种形式的四合院 住宅。三间四耳是最常见的宅制,既正房 三间,左右各有两间耳房(厢房)。前面 临街一面是倒座,中间为住宅大门。四周 房屋都是两层,天井围在中央,住宅外面 都用高墙,很少开窗,整个外观方方整整, 如一块印章,所以俗称为“一颗印”

四影归堂 王策摄

艺术装置 Art installations

四影归堂 小野工作室摄

四影归堂 小野工作室摄

艺术装置 Art installations

四影归堂 小野工作室摄

四影归堂 王策摄

在·野 云南建筑传统研究展 | 开幕现场 Field of Being Traditions of Yunnan Architecture | Inauguration

在·野 云南建筑传统研究展 | 开幕现场 Field of Being Traditions of Yunnan Architecture | Inauguration

在·野 云南建筑传统研究展 | 开幕现场 Field of Being Traditions of Yunnan Architecture | Inauguration

在·野 云南建筑传统研究展 | 开幕现场 Field of Being Traditions of Yunnan Architecture | Inauguration

总策划:翟辉 策展人:邓圆也 展览总监:杨雄 出品人:张霭诗 聂荣庆 展陈设计:子甲设计工作室 展览空间设计:筑象建筑

在·野 云南建筑传统研究展

主办方:CGK 昆明当代美术馆

展览支持机构: 云南省博物馆 云南民族博物馆 石屏县博物馆 七彩云南古滇名城 昆明华侨城美丽乡村发展有限公司 华夏人文地理杂志 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院 深圳大学建筑历史与遗产保护中心 昆明龙泉古镇文化研究所 昆明市盘龙区文管所

展览空间摄影: 小野工作室 王策

编排 & 校对: 筑象建筑设计工作室

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