SIN Vol. 20 Issue 03

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Student Independent News

Meet your new SU Ethnic Minorities Officer:


By Áine Kenny

Last year, the Students’ Union held a referendum on the creation of new roles. One of these roles was an Ethnic Minorities Officer, and on Thursday 27 September, Victoria Chihumura was deemed elected with 218 votes in total, including transfers. SIN caught up with Victoria to see why she ran for the role, and what her plans for the year are. Victoria is 20 and she is studying Arts. Her subjects are Economics, Sociology and Political Science and she is in second year. She lives in Galway city and went to the Pres secondary school before attending NUI Galway.

One area of social justice that Victoria is very passionate about is highlighting how Direct Provision is an abuse of human rights. “I used to live in Direct Provision, and there is such a barrier to education for young people in the system,” she explains. “When I was in secondary school, my guidance counsellor told me that she didn’t know where I would end up and whether I would be able to progress to third level because of my situation.”

Victoria was actually the person who came up with the idea of having an Ethnic Minorities Officer in the Students’ Union. “Last year at Council, this role was my proposal. Then it went to referendum and was accepted. People kept saying to me that I should go for the role, as it was my idea and I could fully envision what the role was meant to be.” “I have been involved with the Students’ Union for the past year now as a class rep, I went to the USI Congress and also took part in Women Lead (a USI seminar on women in leadership).” Victoria says that representation in the SU for students from an ethnic minority background is key. “For as long as I have been in college, there was a mainly white and Irish Students’ Union. Having someone from a different background to interact with the SU, and to highlight different issues ethnic minority students face is important.” One area of social justice that Victoria is very passionate about is highlighting how Direct Provision is an abuse of human rights. She herself went through the Direct Provision system when she first arrived in Ireland from Zimbabwe when she was 12. “I used to live in Direct Provision, and there is such a barrier to education for young people in the system,” she explains. “When I was in secondary school, my guidance counsellor told me that she didn’t know where I would end up and whether I would be able to progress to third level because of my situation.” “People living in Direct Provision only get €21 per week, and they can’t get access to SUSI. They also still can’t work, despite the recent change in the law.” “Many people living in these hostels have skills that they lose because they can’t work, and some have degrees which aren’t recognised here. It is so degrading.” “Me and my brother were in Direct Provision for four years, and every Christmas we would say ‘next year we will get out’. It was supposed to be only temporary, up to six months is what the government originally planned, but I know people who have been in the hostel for ten years, who have had children in there, and that is all their children know.” “The right to work is a human right which is currently being denied to people in Direct Provision. As part of my role, I would love to organise a student – led protest march to raise awareness about this, because I feel this is often not talked about enough in Irish society.”

When asked if she has ever experienced overt or covert racism on campus, Victoria thinks for a while. “I think if you have to stop and ask ‘is this racist?’ then it probably is racist,” she says. “There was an incident in first year, but I think a lot of the time, racism happens due to a lack of knowledge and ignorance.” “My secondary school was very diverse so there were no issues there, but sometimes you hear stuff that is said to people, usually from an older Irish person, and it is horrible.” “I don’t think these people display the views of the majority of Irish people though.” Victoria has two main campaigns she wants to run in Semester One. “I want to have a Culture Council, which would be a meeting of all the cultural societies, firstly the auditors and then I hope to expand it to all members of these societies. We would discuss issues like racism, discrimination and anything else that is affecting us. Brandon, the SU Societies’ Chairperson, would also be at these meetings.” “I also want to organise a collection drive of sanitary products like pads and tampons for people living in Direct Provision. If you have a €21 weekly budget, pads and tampons are very expensive. Period poverty is a serious issue.” Victoria is still planning her campaigns for Semester Two, but it is likely she will run them with grace and a strong sense of social justice.

Over 50 Galway students report being sexually assaulted in past six months By Áine Kenny The Galway Rape Crisis Centre has said that around 50 students from Galway came forward and reported being sexually assaulted or raped in the past six months alone. Cathy Connolly, executive director of the Galway Rape Crisis Centre, told SIN that they were particularly busy in the past week. “A person might be raped today, and they wait a year or more to come forward. This figure doesn’t mean that these rapes occurred in the last six months necessarily,” Cathy explains. Cathy says that the sooner a person deals with their trauma, the better their recovery. “What I would say to survivors is come if you want to, as soon as you can.” “There are a number of reasons why people might not report what happened to them straightaway. They might not remember clearly, it might have happened to them before, they might blame themselves. The important thing to remember is that the survivor is never to blame.” When asked why there are such a startling high number of reported rapes and sexual assaults, Cathy says it is the fact that Galway has so many young people coming to study in the city. “It is a practical reason, the higher the percentage of people, the more likely these awful things can happen.” The Galway Rape Crisis Centre is located in The Lodge in Forster Court in Galway City, and they welcome all who need help and support. “These incidents can be so traumatic, but we are there to support people. We counsel, we don’t advise. We will never tell anyone what they should or should not do.” GRCC offer counselling to everyone who comes to them. “The length of time for the counselling varies from each person. Young people are very resilient though. There is no such thing as a cure, but I have seen young people learning how to manage and cope with the situation after 10 - 12 weeks of sessions. Continued on page 2...


SIN Vol. 20 Issue 03

INSIDE ACCOMMODATION CRISIS: Raise your voice to #raisetheroof 4

NUI Galway and RTÉ partner up for research and a new Masters programme 5 First year diaries: A fresh start 6 NUI Galway and GMIT Students’ Unions launch joint mental health awareness campaign 7 EY Plans to Create 35 New Jobs in Galway Office 8 Vox pop: Did you vote in last week’s Students’ Union elections? 9 Is the education system failing its young people and their sexual health? 11 The library is alive with the sound of music 12 Was socialisation or personality the cause of Naomi Osaka’s apology? 13 Living her best life: Lili Reinhart 15 Ten things you need in your wardrobe this autumn 16–17 Can you find true love online? 18 Campus Streetstyle 19 The manic beauty of Arctic Monkeys’ gig in Dublin 20 Soundtrack to sobriety with Shampain 21 What’s On In Galway 22 Will season three bring Serial back to its former glory? 23 Like it or not, Space Jam 2 is coming our way 24 Netflix or Amazon Prime Video: two streaming giants worth your money? 25 Connacht GAA announce 2018 bursary scheme 27 Club spotlight: NUIG Kayaking 28 Galway United season review: a year to forget... 28 NBA season preview: all roads lead to Golden State 29

EDITOR: Áine Kenny LAYOUT: Shannon Reeves

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An bhfuil rud éigin le rá agat? Cur litir chuig an Eagarthóir chuig


By Áine Kenny Hello everyone, and welcome to issue three of SIN! It is hard to believe we are halfway through our issues for the semester. Mid – term assignments are fast approaching, but don’t panic. Take a break and sit down with a copy of SIN to take your mind off the impending doom that is your 1500 word essay. This issue is packed with articles from new writers. We love it when people come to us looking to volunteer, so please do not be shy! It was also great to see so many men at our last meeting, and to see them writing for different sections, not just sport. Keep up the good work! If you think you’d like to start writing for us, email me at or message the Facebook page and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. These past two weeks were quite tough as a woman who spends an unfortunately large amount of her time on Twitter. The Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination is definitely impacting victims of sexual abuse everywhere. I am fortunate enough to have never experienced sexual assault, but to see survivors shamed and ridiculed by the sitting US President made me feel quite ill. According to the UN: “It is estimated that 35 per cent of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/ or sexual intimate partner violence, or sexual violence by a non - partner at some point in their lives. However, some national studies show that up to 70 per cent of women have experienced

physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime.” This is not even including the cat calling, street harassment, and unwarranted groping in a nightclub that I am sure most women are familiar with. I am taking a Genders, Sexualities and Diversities seminar this year, and in this class we learned that Ireland has the second highest number of women in the EU who avoid social situations (like going to a pub, walking home, going jogging at night) for fear of being attacked. This is a shocking and sad statistic that needs to be changed. This is why I did an interview with the Galway Rape Crisis Centre for this issue. Over 50 Galway students reported being sexually assaulted in the past six months. These students are our lab partners, friends, and housemates. We need to support them in every way we can, and by promoting the good work the Rape Crisis Centre does, I hope that these survivors can feel less alone. I also interviewed our first ever Ethnic Minorities Officer, Victoria. She has some really powerful things to say about the human rights abuses going on in Direct Provision, and she hopes to rally students around ending this unjust system. In other sections of the paper, there is plenty of interesting content. We have a new columnist, Darren Casserly, who is our first year diarist. Harry King also sheds some spotlight on the worrying rise in HIV rates among young people. It is no secret sex education at second level is dismal, and Harry argues more needs to be done in educating young people about their sexual health. Olivia Hanna

Photo: Joanna Kavanagh looks at the worrying trend of teen vaping. I am often engulfed in a white cloud of sweet strawberry when walking to my lectures. It smells good, but what are the side effects? Martha Brennan take a look at the best restaurants in Galway, so if you are stuck in a never - ending cycle of choosing Boojum, this is the article for you! We have a packed arts and ents section, with loads of reviews and commentary. I particularly enjoyed Kayleigh McCoy’s take on Bert and Ernie’s relationship. Is it platonic or romantic? Read on to find out! The sports section is also great this week with plenty of new writers filing spectacular articles. I particularly loved the Home Nations joint – bid for the FIFA World Cup. As someone who struggles to understand sports, Mark Lynch really convinced me that Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales can and will host the 2030 Word Cup. I also learned that there used to be a European Cup Winners Cup (sounds fake but okay) thanks to Patrick Henry. Happy reading guys and good luck with the upcoming assignments!

Over 50 Galway students report being sexually assaulted in past six months Continued from page 1... When one presents to the Galway Rape Crisis Centre, they go through an ‘initial.’ “So, this is an initial assessment, then they are seen to by our counsellors,” says Cathy. “We also have a SATU unit in Ballybrit, which is a Sexual Assault Treatment Unit. People can go here if they want to, and forensic evidence is collected. We have trained volunteers to accompany the people who go to the unit.” “SATU have a storage facility so no one has to press charges straight away. A lot of people will never press charges, or they take a case without any forensic evidence,” Cathy says. Cathy says it is harder to recover from the trauma the longer you leave it. “It can be embedded then, and it is more difficult to process. However, we want to highlight the importance of speaking out about rape and sexual assault, no matter how long ago it happened.”

“Rape and sexual assault can impact your body image, self esteem, your future relationships… this is why it is important to talk about it, and to remember that it is never the survivor’s fault.” “Verbalising what happened to you can be hard, it is an awful thing that can leave you quite vulnerable.” Cathy would encourage anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted to come see them. “Come anytime, come with a friend, come through the Guards, your GP… we will help you and treat you with dignity and respect.” She also has some advice for students who have friends who have told them they have been sexually assaulted. “Listen to them, realise that they really trust you, treat it with the seriousness that it warrants, accompany them to our rape crisis centre... just getting them to the door is important.” “You won’t sit with your friend during their assessment if you accompany

them, we will make you a cup of tea and you’ll be there for them after.” Cathy also thinks that Universities are doing more in terms of raising awareness about sexual assault and consent. “NUI Galway has a SMART Consent programme which is very important in teaching students about consent and boundaries.” The Students’ Union also offer a Life Skills course in disclosure training in conjunction with the Galway Rape Crisis Centre. This training provides participants with the skills and knowledge to deal appropriately with a disclosure of sexual violence. Galway Rape Crisis helpline: 1800 355 355 The 24-hour national Rape Crisis Support line: 1800 778 888 Samaritans: 116 123


October 09 2018

DEPUTY AND NEWS EDITORIAL By Martha Brennan Welcome to issue three everyone! We’ve (hopefully) all settled in to college by now – and if you’re still trying to accept that we are a quarter of the way through the semester, you’re not alone. September flew by, and as the pumpkin flavored dust of October settles, we have a lot for you to catch up on here at SIN. From the announcement of new undergraduate courses, to the list of this year’s Honorary Degree recipients coming out and the recent Students’ Union elections, it’s been a busy few weeks in NUI Galway – and we have everything covered for you in this issue. Be sure to take a look at Áine’s interview with our very capable new Ethnic Minorities officer, Victoria Chihumura, and Tarryn’s coverage of the announcement of an exciting new Master’s course in NUI Galway that’s being prepared in conjunction with RTÉ. Don’t miss Harry’s pieces about the recent rise in HIV diagnoses among young people in Ireland either – it’s a shocker and also a very important read. But it’s not all doom and gloom! We have a great variety of articles in this issue for you to enjoy. So, turn off panic mode for a few minutes, forget about mid - term deadlines and take a breather. And as always – our door is constantly open for new writers. Please just give us a shout!

FEATURES EDITORIAL By Olivia Hanna Happy Fall everyone! The air is getting cooler, but what we have for you in SIN is heating up. A big thank you to all of the contributors for this issue, especially the new contributors to the section. We have some great reads this week! Catch up with Aileen’s final year diaries and meet our first year diarist Darren, who is studying journalism. Learn more about Dansoc from Martha Brennan, and take a look at Marie’s article on Mental Health Mondays, a new initiative being launched by the Students’ Union. Make sure you check out Áine’s article on the Galway Rape Crisis Centre, and look at the sexual assault allegations against US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Everyone around the globe should be paying attention to what is happening in the US right now, this is bound to be an immense chapter in women’s history. I hope you enjoy this week’s edition, and if you want to be a part of the next one join the SIN team, or drop me an email at features.sined@

OPINION EDITORIAL By Tarryn McGuire The back to school ‘excitement’ has finally wore off, and with assignment deadlines fast approaching, I am sure you are all looking forward to reading something that has absolutely nothing to do with your dreaded

essays. We’ve all been working very hard here at SIN in an attempt to give you guys some quality entertainment and something to talk about until our next issue is released. Thanks to this issue, you can all take a well - deserved break and delve into some juicy opinion pieces. Our features editor, Olivia Hanna, takes a step over to the opinions side to discuss the new teenage epidemic that is e - cigarettes. Javier Ruiz draws attention to the blatant discrimination shown in a recent job advert, and argues that employers really aren’t as fair in presenting equal opportunities as they should be. Focusing her attention onto our very own library here at NUI Galway, Rachel Garvey stands her ground when it comes to the controversial discussion of using headphones in the Hardiman library. To our final year students here in NUI Galway, make sure you don’t miss Julia Tereno’s exciting article on the proposition of a three - day work week, fingers crossed this one soon becomes a reality! I just wanted to give a shout out to all of our volunteers on the SIN team, you are all doing so amazingly, and this issue wouldn’t have been possible without all of your hard work, thank you and keep writing! For our readers, thank you for all of your support and if any of you find yourself with an itch to write, express your opinions or even have a poem you want to publish, be sure to let us know! Happy reading everyone!



ARTS AND ENTERAINMENT EDITORIAL By Sarah Gill Hello again! Fancy meeting you here? As the leaves fall and the chill sets in, there’s no hiding from the arrival of October. But look on the bright side; we’re edging closer and closer to Halloween (and subsequently Christmas!). In that vein, issue three is here and it did not come to play. The arts and entertainment section is jam packed with reviews; from the Arctic Monkeys to BROCKHAMPTON, we’ve got you covered. Nostalgia floods the pages as we look back at Friends, Space Jam and the iconic year of 1989. So grab yourself a pumpkin spice latte and get ready to delve into this superb edition.

SPORTS EDITORIAL By Graham Gillespie Hi everybody and welcome to issue three of SIN. We have a jam – packed sport section this week with plenty of


new writers getting involved for the first time. Two of these new contributors are Danny and Darren Casserly, with them writing articles about Tiger Woods’ comeback and Galway United disappointing season respectively. The new NBA season is the focus of Darragh Nolan’s first article for the sport section, while Harry King analyses whether boxing has a doping problem. Paddy Henry, meanwhile, discusses UEFA’s plan to create a third European club competition. There is also some great stuff from our regular contributors including Gary Elbert on violence in the GAA (which will go up online only) and Mark Lynch on Ireland’s involvement in a joint bid for the 2030 World Cup. The club spotlight section continues with Owen Kennedy speaking to the NUI Galway Kayaking club. Owen also looks at the South African rugby team are doing one year out from the World Cup. Last but not least, Martha Brennan reports on Connacht GAA’s new student bursary scheme. Thanks to everybody who has sent in articles so far this year, especially those who have done so for the first time. If anyone wants to write for the sport section, please contact me at sport.sined@

FASHION AND LIFESTYLE EDITORIAL By Molly Fitzpatrick With fashion weeks going on in the all the major fashion capitals over the past month, there’s been no shortage of ins piration when it comes to dressing. However, what we see on the runways is far from within the average student’s budget. Turn to our highstreet what to shop list to see how you can master the trends without breaking the bank. Another thing we’ve been taking major inspo from on the runways is genderless fashion, so we raise the question: is genderless fashion the future, and will we no longer have clothes shops categorized into girls and boys, men and women? Of course, if these kinds of questions bore you and you are just interested in having a gawk at what the students around campus are wearing, turn to our campus streetstyle page. With cold and flu season taking no prisoners, I suggest everyone has a read of our five ways to boost your immune system. These tips will keep you cold and flu free and ready to tackle the up coming midterms and assignments without any sniffly distractions. If you are looking to treat yourself on a rainy autumnal day, take a look at our shrunken guide to Galway’s food scene, to get a list of some of the best tried and tested places to eat and drink in Galway. In fact, any of these places would be perfect for a first date, perhaps even one found online. We looked at the facts and found some very interesting statistics, so turn to our can you find true love online? article. I think you’ll definitely be open to putting your heart on the line, online.



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SIN Vol. 20 Issue 03

Raise your voice to #RAISETHEROOF By Fergus Efe O’Donoghue Without a doubt, Ireland is facing a housing crisis. It is a national emergency as admitted by our Taoiseach last Thursday 4 October. A recent survey showed rent prices increased by 11.8 per cent over the course of this year, bringing the national average to €1,159. That is roughly a €140 nationwide increase per month in rent. As of May, there are 1,724 families with almost double the number of children and other dependents in emergency accommodation. This prompts concise calls to action, such as Dublin City Council’s recent suggestion of temporarily housing 150 people on a rented cruise ship. Students are a demographic that have been hit hard by this emergency. Last Wednesday 3 October, the Student Lockout protest was held in Dublin - a large, loud march of students and representatives from colleges all over Ireland, chanting all the way under the rallies of #StudentLockout and #RaiseTheRoof. Cathal Madigan and myself, FlirtFM’s finest, were sent to Dublin with students from NUI Galway to cover the protest.

It was a little grim at first. Busses left the Galway cathedral in the early morning, half full. I tried rousing the party so I could take a quick photo of our enthusiastic civil disobedients for Instagram, but after a couple of attempts the best I got was a half-hearted moan. “It’s too early for chats,” someone yelled at me from the back. Thankfully we started pulling ourselves together as the bus entered Dublin. When we finally joined the protest, it was impossible not to wake up - there were signs and flags and bright colours everywhere, whistles and megaphones, chants and music. There was an inescapable, almost intimidating energy that built as students from all colleges gathered on the spot, and then went marching. Cathal and I latched on to the march like deranged flies, as it took its circuitous route along Liffeyside central Dublin. We spoke to some protestors along the way: a girl who was four days from homelessness, the SU president of Carlow IT, a guy with a ‘bring Drake and Josh to Netflix’ sign. The spirit was

Photo: @flirtfm Twitter

genuine and authentic - there were some interesting chants that cannot be printed - and the rally covered more than one road at a time, with 6-10,000 people in attendance. The protest peaked at Molesworth Street, where a stage and monitor were set up for several speakers, as well as a short performance from Damien Dempsey. Later on, separate from the Student Lockout march, we encountered the Take Back the City protesters. They are self - described as a grassroots movement, which disagreed with the methods of the main protest (as a representative told Cathal). You may remember them as the group that recently encountered the long 5th appendage of the law, as they clashed with Gardaí in balaclavas. All things considered, it was a good protest and a stepping-stone for more. However, the turnout from NI Galway students was low, with about 50 odd students attending. Special thank you to FlirtFM’s contributors for putting this article together.

NUI Galway researchers find that NUI Galway’s Head of Journalism Tusla is significantly improving calls for media law reform By Áine Kenny NUI Galway researcher have found that Tusla’s Prevention, Early Intervention and Family Support services have significantly improved over the past four years. The research comprised of six reports: Meitheal and Child and Family Support Networks, Children’s Participation, Parenting Support and Parental Participation, Commissioning, Public Awareness and Systems Change. Meitheal, Tusla’s programme for providing early help for families, is making a positive difference to peoples’ lives and was commended in the research. When it is fully implemented, this system may help reduce the numbers entering the child protection system. Meitheal also has a particular focus on mothers. Maternal wellbeing was the most significant predictor of family outcomes, suggesting that supporting mothers is key to supporting families,

and Tusla will continue to work with mothers. The study also showed that Tusla were involving children and listening to their voices more. Children are getting more of a say when it comes to policy and decision-making. This is in line with international best practice. The study also examined the public’s perception of the child and family agency. Public awareness of Tusla has increased, but the results show that families still turn to and depend on other family members and close friends for help and support, rather than contacting Tusla. The research also called for improvements. In particular, the researchers cited the lack of overall integration in the organisation, calling for greater awareness of the different programmes within Tusla. They also recommended more funding and support for the Prevention, Partnership and Family Support programme to continue its ongo-

ing success. The general public also need to be informed about the variety of services Tusla have on offer. Dr Carmel Devaney, lead researcher from the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre at NUI Galway, said that members of the public don’t always turn to Tusla: “Members of the public turned to their local GP primarily if they could not manage a parent or family problem, while increasing numbers of people are asking a teacher for assistance in this area. Family members also reported their appreciation of being included in the process of identifying their needs and in deciding on a helpful response to these.” She also spoke about the success of the Meitheal programme: “Children and young people highlighted that they felt listened to with some noting improvements in their lives as a result of taking part in Meitheal.” The UNESCO Child and Family Centre at NUI Galway carried out the study.

By Gary Elbert The Head of Journalism at NUI Galway, Mr Tom Felle, has called for the reform of Ireland’s Defamation Act to keep pace with a rapidly changing media landscape. Speaking to SIN, the Galway native warned of the need to protect investigative journalism and to counter the ascent of online character defamation. “The Defamation Act was updated in 2009 but now it requires further readjusting,” Felle says. “Journalists and news organisations cannot do their job effectively for fear of litigation.” “Of course, everybody is entitled to protect their name and reputation, but a trend has emerged of repeated litigatory actions over fact - verified stories which eventually becomes a standoff based on depth of financial resources.” Felle’s comments came about during a keynote address that he was giving to local newspaper editors from across the country a few

weeks ago at a conference, which marked the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Press Council and Office of the Press Ombudsman in Ireland. The conference was held at NUI Galway. “Often it’s the news organisation that must capitulate and settle out of court, to ward off the threat of insolvency,” Felle tells SIN. “The spectre of court action, independent of a story’s veracity, is having a chilling effect on reporting in this country, with investigative journalism especially suffering.” Felle’s call for a further update of the Defamation Act follows on from the passing of the Copyright Directive Act in the European Parliament, which seeks to benefit “the creative industries in Europe” according to Axel Voss, a leading German politician. “Social media has become the wild wild west and requires urgent regulation,” stated Felle. The Copyright Directive Act seeks to amend existing copyright laws across the EU, and

to make social media platforms accountable for the content they feature from media companies. The act has received praise from pan European media associations, who view it as a response to the threat that unregulated social media platforms pose to quality, robust journalism. Felle’s call for constitutional reform reflects an ongoing concern about the media’s role becoming increasingly marginalised and muzzled. Fianna Fail TD Timothy Dooley has repeatedly called for new measures from the government to protect and strengthen traditional media brands from an ever - changing technological and globalised information landscape. Tom Felle became the new head of Journalism in NUI Galway this year amid controversy over the quality of the courses, which made national headlines. He is an internationally renowned journalist who has worked with both regional and national titles.


October 09 2018



New undergraduate courses to be NUI Galway and RTÉ partner up for research and unveiled at NUI Galway open days a new Masters programme By Niamh Kelly

By Tarryn McGuire Fíos Físe, an exciting partnership between NUI Galway and RTÉ, is a new Irish language audience research initiative that will examine the reach, listening habits and satisfaction levels of Irish speakers here in Ireland, with regard to RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta. It has been confirmed that Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge will be running the project. The 500 contributors on the research panel will represent the Irish-speaking population as a whole, both North and South. Those on the research panel will participate in weekly online surveys for Raidió na Gaeltachta. It is believed that the research will be extremely valuable to NUI Galway’s teaching and research programme in Irish language broadcasting. Gearóid Mac Donncha, Acting Head of RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta believes that this is a huge step forward, and spoke of the upcoming research; “It will give us a better insight into listener preferences, within the Gaeltacht and outside,

and therefore assist us in devising our strategy going forward.” Dr Eilís Ní Dhúill has been recently recruited to the position of Postdoctoral Researcher with the project. On Friday 21 September, NUI Galway and RTÉ announced they would be collaborating on a new MA programme in Professional Practice in Media (Cleachtas Gairmiúil sna Meáin), with an emphasis on practice - based learning through Irish. Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge at NUI Galway will offer this new MA programme from September 2018. This new programme will be accessible to many students as it will be available on both a fulltime and a part-time basis. This new Masters programme offers a combination of online academic modules as well as significant periods of practice - based work experience in RTÉ. This gives students the opportunity to gain experience in journalism, broadcasting and content creation for radio, television and online platforms. RTÉ’s Group Head of Irish Lan-

guage, Rónán Mac Con Iomaire spoke in relation to Fíos Físe and the new Masters programme; “Among RTÉ’s challenges around Irish language output are identifying clearly our audiences so that we may best serve them, and also ensuring that we enable future media practitioners to continue to provide the high-quality services provided by RTÉ as Gaeilge.” He continued; “That RTÉ have been able to work with NUI Galway with the aim of fulfilling these two key challenges shows the enormous value of partnership, and the importance of building on the continuing relationship between our two organisations.” Dr Uinsionn Mac Dubhghaill, the MA programme director, noted the value of the course and how it responds to the needs of the students; “With its balanced mix of the theoretical study of media and practice - based learning, the new MA programme responds to a demand from students for postgraduate programmes that have strong links to employers and the market.” Is céim sa treo ceart é an chúrsa nua seo.

The NUI Galway Open Days for potential students are fast approaching, and it has been announced that a list of new undergraduate degree courses for the 2019/20 academic year will be unveiled at the event. Next year will see the addition of many exciting new courses - such as a BA of Education in Computer Science and Mathematical Studies, a BA in History and Globalisation and a new Law and Business degree among others. These new degrees could be paramount in improving the overall reputation of the university. In the most recent World University Rankings, NUI Galway fell off the list of the top 250 universities in the world. The latest BA in Education degree could be particularly interesting to incoming students, given that at present there is only one such degree offered in NUI Galway at an undergraduate level.

The addition follows a 4% increase this year in the number of people opting to put an education degree down on their CAO, and it means that NUI Galway may have a better chance at competing with other universities - such as DCU who offer four undergraduate degrees linked to education. Similarly, it is no surprise that there should be a rise in interdisciplinary courses such as the Law and Business degree, as degrees of this nature rose in popularity on the CAO by 15% this year. Sandra Glennon, the Marketing and Student Recruitment officer for the School of Law in NUI Galway, spoke to SIN about the reasoning behind the new degrees. “The School of Law has refocused its current law programmes (Law (BCL), Law and Business) to combine the understanding of the law and the legal process with the development of practical skills, and to provide opportunities for

specialisation and an enhanced student experience through work placement or study abroad,” she said. “The School has also introduced a new programme Law (BCL) and Human Rights, which is the first of its kind in Ireland, to incorporate the study of the history, theory and philosophy of human rights into a full undergraduate law degree.” The new additions to the undergraduate prospectus may also be in response to the dramatic decrease in the total number of applications to the CAO nationally – which dropped from 75,986 in 2017 to 72,643 in 2018. NUI Galway’s Open Days are being held on Friday 5 October and Saturday 6 October. Along with over 100 talks and masterclasses across the different disciplines within the university, the crowds of prospective students can also look forward to a first look at the new degree courses on the days.

Catherine Corless to receive honorary degree from NUI Galway By Martha Brennan NUI Galway announced the names last week of those to be awarded with Honorary Degrees at the 2018 Autumn Conferring. Four individuals are to be honoured by the University for their exceptional contributions to Irish life. Among those named to receive the degrees is Galway historian Catherine Corless, who helped uncover the secrets of the mass grave at the Tuam Mother and Baby Home. Corless’ research led to the discovery of the remains of hundreds of infants in an unmarked grave at the site by a Commission of Investigation in 2017. She is being honoured for her campaign work on behalf of the survivors and those who lost their lives at the home. The degree will be added to Corless’ awards which include a People of the Year award, the Bar of Ireland Human Rights Award and a 2018 Rehab Group People of the Year Award. Corless gave a lecture at this year’s Galway Arts Festival and was praised by President Michael D. Higgins at the festival. The other honourees include traditional Irish musician Sharon Shannon, activist Helen Rochford Brennan and biodiversity cam-

paigner Brendan Dunford. Speaking on the announcement, NUI Galway President Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh said: “NUI Galway is fortunate to be associated with many outstanding honorary graduates throughout its history, and those being honoured this year form a particularly distinguished group.” “Each one has made an outstanding and distinctive contribution in their field. In honouring these exceptional individuals, we signal what we value in areas that matter to us and to our society - local history, disability rights, music and environmental sustainability.” “NUI Galway is very pleased to be in a position to recognise these exceptional individuals. Each of those we honour also have a special bond with our region - drawing on the unique experiences, strengths and challenges with which we as a University also engage: history, environment, social policy and creative arts.” “On behalf of NUI Galway I am delighted to honour them and their achievements in this way.” Galway based musician Sharon Shannon is a renowned traditional Irish artist who has influenced a generation of musicians. With over 10 albums she has received numerous awards

including Hot Press and Meteor Music Awards. Her first solo album was the best - selling traditional Irish music album ever released in Ireland at the time. Shannon was the youngest ever recipient of the Meteor Lifetime Achievement Award. Activist Helen Rochford Brennan has been at the forefront of developing new ideas and human rights strategies for people with dementia in Ireland and Europe since her diagnosis with early onset Alzheimer’s in 2012. She is currently the Chair of the European Working Group of People with Dementia and Chair of the Irish Dementia Working Group. Brendan Dunford has been instrumental in re-invigorating biodiversity within the Burren through his BurrenLIFE initiative. He is being honoured for his work in applying science to a societal problem of biodiversity and heritage loss, and his work with communities to produce more sustainable food systems. He was also an instigator of The Burrenbeo Trust, a landscape charity dedicated to connecting people to their environments and highlighting our role in caring for them. The ceremonies will take place in NUI Galway on 15 October.


Upfront student membership only €199 or Monthly only €29 per month (no contract)

6  N E WS & F E AT U R ES

ERASMUS DIARIES By Anne Rieger I can’t believe I’m in NUI Galway for a month already. Time flies, and so do the assignments. This is why today in this column I don’t want to talk about anything university - related. Which is hard, because my life is basically on campus at the moment. We need to get your minds off college just for a little while. So here are my top five things I noticed Irish people doing a lot, and I thought they were pretty amazing and unique: Obsession with the weather: It rains a lot. We all know that, but people here don’t get tired of making sure you don’t forget that it actually rains. “It’s really wet today, isn’t it?” or “It’s supposed to rain later on” is the most common conversation starter, especially when it comes to the older generation. Positivity about the weather: Again, weather related, who would have thought? What I want to say by this is that people always assume the weather will be better tomorrow. It just shows such a positive mentality that really helps you through the day sometimes. After the usual “It rains today” most people would say something like “But the weekend is supposed to be good” and even if it is most likely not true, it really helps to make you feel a lot better. Cups of tea: I probably don’t have to say anything else, because you might have noticed in your time here that tea is the most important social factor in Irish society. Imagine if all the tea was gone, what would happen to all the tea breaks and all the “let’s go for tea”-s. It’s a horrific scenario that is similar to an apocalypse. Phone calls: Calling Irish people is a really funny and interesting experience that you shouldn’t miss out on. Obviously, you get the “How’s the weather” starter, but I don’t even want to point that out here. People here don’t seem to hang up until they have said “bye” at least five times. I don’t know what that is about, but five byes last better than one, I guess. The last fact is one that is true for most Irish people, and it is by far my favourite one. Most Irish people I met here don’t get tired of you asking questions about their culture. The pride they put into being Irish, while keeping an open mind towards other cultures, is something I truly admire. I love hearing people talk about their upbringing and their background, and to see that little sparkle in their eyes when someone is interested in hearing about the Claddagh Ring or about their parents’ farm. I never tire of asking questions and learning more about the country I’m so drawn to.

SIN Vol. 20 Issue 03

FIRST YEAR DIARIES: A fresh start By Darren Casserly Hello everyone, my name is Darren Casserly and I’m studying Arts with Journalism. This is my diary where I will document my experience of first year. I am from Galway and went to The Bish Secondary School in Galway City. A few things about me is that I love to watch Netflix, especially documentary and crime series. I am an avid soccer and Gaelic football fan, especially Galway United, for which I hold a season ticket. Finally, I have a love of news: listening, reading and watching.

My route to first year was through an alternative route which is becoming more popular with people who are becoming disillusioned with second level education. I was two points off my chosen course and I was completely lost in terms of what I was going to do with my life. However, I was lucky that my school’s guidance councillor recommended the NUI Galway Access course as a way of getting into third level education. I was accepted into the course and it was the best thing that could have happened to me, as it prepared me for the first year of college.

My route to first year was through an alternative route which is becoming more popular with people who are becoming disillusioned with second level education.

So, starting my first year of college I was confident that I was ready for it. However, like many incoming first years I didn’t know many people, and this for me is one of the best parts of starting college. I really enjoyed freshers’ week as I was still unsure of what subjects to do with journalism. It was great to be able to go to all the lectures to see what each subject offered. My time in the access programme had given me the chance to see what certain subjects offered. In the end I chose English, History, and Sociology and Political Science, which I felt went well with journalism. One of the major aspects of freshers’ week is going out, for some that is every night of the week. I didn’t take it as far as other people, partly because I’m not that into going out, but also, I can’t really afford it! The barbecue at the chaplains was great, I was able to talk to a lot of people and the food was amazing. The first couple of weeks really flew by with lectures starting and lots of work to be done! This felt great after four months of a very hot summer. I am really excited to get down to work, but I’ll probably regret saying that in a couple months! This last week has been good, with the start of tutorials it feels like we’re getting into the swing of things. It’s also been great to sign up for societies and to try new things, that’s what I really want to do in my first year. It has been a year - long journey for me, but it has been a really great year.

FINAL YEAR DIARIES Part Three: Let the games begin By Aileen O’Leary Somewhere around 8:50am I make my way to the reading room, groggy and slightly cranky, I convince myself this is how I’ll get work done before lectures, this is how I’ll fill that pesky one - hour gap in between seminars and more. 9:00am, the masses have descended upon the reading room. You have the colourfully coordinated with notes, planners and more, then there’s the poor soul attempting to make sense of lecture slides, and the reading room regulars who have marked their territory by leaving various jackets, hoodies and water bottles scattered over desks. By 9:15am the room starts to fill up, packs of students file in, the door is now redundant as it swings open almost every 30 seconds and the noise from the hall outside slowly spills in. An innocent fresher struggles to get their student ID out and fumbles trying to tap their card at the door. By this stage you can guarantee it’ll be busy, seats here go like gold dust during exam season, but for final years like myself the games have already begun. Already lecturers are telling us if we want to go up a grade and get a better degree we need to show up, we need to do the readings, we need to engage with the content, after all there is a difference between a 2.1 and a 1.1. There is always one unfortunate soul dying from the flu, a few hungover creatures trying their best to get work done, and the snacker. There is always someone who brings

There is always a snacker... someone who brings in the loudest food they can think of, whether it’s rustling packets or cracking open a can of Red Bull or Monster. in the loudest food they can think of, whether it’s the rustling packets, or someone cracking open a can of Red Bull or Monster. If you want to get work done invest in a good pair of headphones to drown out any background noise. In all honesty though, what do you expect from a room filled with people trying to study? There’s always going to be one of these types around, but the worst has to be the gossips. They start a conversation in the middle of the room, taking no notice of the other people around them, and it’s always the same conversation: “Were you out last night?”, “Yeah no I’m not drinking for the rest of the week either”, or “I’m so screwed for this module I don’t know where to start”, and these types can be guys or girls. I’ve been in the same boat, but nine times out of ten, you’re better off just putting your head down until you’re ready to go, or until

you’ve finished for the day. Honestly, the only way you’ll ruin your grades for a module is if you just don’t show up. If you’re going to the lectures and the seminars at least you have some idea of where you’re at. It’s always the same story: someone you know, whether it’s a housemate or one of your own mates, has missed a load of college, they stress out right before the exam and end up cramming in the days before. I’ve done it myself and ended up crashing after the exam. It has been a week of late nights, early exams and drinking coffee just to try to stay awake. From a final year, try to stay on top of college, it can all pile up very quickly. To my fellow final years, let the games begin. Have a final year diary? We’d love to hear about it, tweet us @NuigSin.

October 09 2018





NUI Galway and GMIT Students’ Unions launch joint mental health awareness campaign By Marie Coady


UI Galway Students’ Union (NUIG SU) and GMIT Students’ Union (GMIT SU) have jointly launched a new campaign called ‘Mental Health Mondays’ in conjunction with the student - led mental health awareness movement Please Talk. The aim of the campaign is to cover a different topic every Monday that is associated with students’ mental health. Themes the campaign will cover include settling into college, substance abuse, self – esteem, gambling, mental health supports and looking after your mental health. Based on these topics, Please Talk will provide advice and links to relevant support services every Monday on their website and through Facebook and Twitter. NUIG SU’s contribution to the campaign kicked off on 1 October. Free water and fruit will be on offer at a stand in Smokey’s Café every Monday from 1pm – 3pm to encourage people to talk openly about their mental

health and end the cynicism and gloom associated with doing so. “Mental health campaigns are extremely important as there is an evident negative stigma attached to it,” says Clare Austick, Welfare and Equality Officer of NUIG SU. She notes; “When you think of physical health, everyone immediately thinks of different types of sport, happiness and endorphins whereas when you mention mental health, you’re more inclined to think of the negative aspects such as depression, anxiety and suicide.” “It really shouldn’t be like that - everyone has mental health. If you’re feeling down, reach out and talk to someone. There are so many different support services for students to avail of,” says Austick. “This project highlights how we all have mental health and just like our bodies, some of us are in better shape than others. That’s okay,” says Emma-Louise Duffy, Welfare Officer of GMIT SU. “It’s about teaching people the self - awareness to identify that, and how to signpost the places that you can get care when you need it,” she says.

According to Duffy, “Monday can be a hard day for students, they might be feeling homesick after leaving their family at the weekend, or worried about the week ahead. Whatever the feeling is, we want to shed some light, alert people that there are supports in place, and ultimately bring a bit of cheeriness into our students’ Monday morning!” National Please Talk Officer Treasa Hanniffy says; “This campaign will highlight several areas of importance for student mental health and will remind everyone that talking to someone that you trust really helps. There is support available no matter what you are going through.” The campaign was funded through a special screening of Meetings With Ivor, a documentary about Irish mental health pioneer Ivor Browne, in the Town Hall Theatre. For more information on Mental Health Mondays, visit or call to the Students’ Union to find out more about their mental health support services. Samartains can be reached 24/7 on 116 123

8  N E WS & F E ATU R ES

SIN Vol. 20 Issue 03

AIDS West warns about rising levels of HIV diagnoses in Galway By Harry King AIDS West has warned that the number of young people diagnosed with HIV in Galway is set to rise following a HSE report. The report, which was released earlier this year by the HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre, indicated that 212 people in Ireland were diagnosed with HIV in the first five months of this year. Statistics show that an average of 10 people per week are being diagnosed with the condition in Ireland – up by 35 per cent since 2011. “We are constantly looking at ways in which we can respond to this very worrying

eil/Tel: omhphost/Email:

trend,” says the manager of AIDS West, Joe McDonagh. “You may recall in 2017 we started a pilot project offering Rapid HIV Testing in the west of Ireland, working closely with our partners in the Teach Solais LGBT+ Resource Centre,” he told SIN this week. He repeated the agency’s concerns that young people are not heeding safe sex warnings. Human Immunodeficiency Virus is an attack on our immune system, which happens to be our natural defense against illness. Knowledge of HIV transmission, prevention, treatment and care is important to reduce the risk of transmission and

spread of the infection. According AIDS West, the most common ways that people become infected with HIV is through having sexual intercourse with an infected partner, or through injecting drugs using a needle or syringe of someone who is infected. A baby of an infected mother is also at risk through pregnancy, labour, delivery, or through breastfeeding. Aids West encourages people to research the disease and its stigmas, rather than believing any myths or rumors that they may hear. These include the untrue ideas that you can get HIV by kissing or using the same

Health Week

By Roisin Prendergast

Seachtain na Meabhairshláinte OÉ Gaillimh 2018

#littlethings #littlethings is a mental health and wellbeing campaign. It highlights that there are things that you can do for yourself and others that will have a positive impact on how you feel and how you cope. If you need any support or information please contact any of the following people: Chaplaincy Service

091 495 055

Counselling Service

091 492 427

Student Health Unit

091 492 604

SU Welfare & Equality Officer, Clare Austick

091 492 747

Jigsaw Galway

091 549 252

Samaritans Free Phone

116 123

Here are the #littlethings that can make a big difference to our mental health and our wellbeing: Keeping Active

Talking About Your Problems

Looking Out For Others

Doing Things With Others

Eating Healthily

Staying In Touch

Drinking Less Alcohol

Sleeping Well

More information from/Tuilleadh eolais ar fáil ó

+353 (0)91 493 570

Áras na Mac Léinn, NUI Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland. Áras na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gaillimh, Bóthar na hOllscoile, Gaillimh, Éire.

students to be given improved education in sexual health and relationships, and the Oireachtas committee on the Eighth Amendment called for a review to ensure sexual education information is provided to students. According NUI Galway’s Students’ Union website, some of the symptoms that may or may not be associated with STIs include: abdominal discharge, irregular periods, pain on passing urine, lower abdominal pain and more. Many people with sexually transmitted infections may not display symptoms, however they can still pass the infection on.

The Students’ Union encourages people to have regular health checks if they are sexually active. You can make an appointment at the Student Health Unit on campus, through your GP or at a GUM clinic (Genito-Urinary Clinic). Facilities for STI tests are also available at the Genitourinary Medicine (STI) Clinic in Galway University Hospital and the service is free and confidential. For more information students can contact the Students’ Union or AIDS West, located in Oznam House on Augustine Street in Galway city centre.

EY Plans to Create 35 New Jobs in Galway Office


cups, plates, knives, and forks as someone with HIV. Complementing this, you cannot get HIV from a toilet seat. The agency also highlights that although someone may have HIV it does not necessarily mean they have AIDS. Speaking to the Irish Times in April, Minister for Health Simon Harris said reforms to sexual education must address “modern realities” and include discussions on contraception, sexual health, and the promotion of safe sex to avoid sexually transmitted infections. In addition, the Citizens Assembly last year called for primary and secondary level

At the end of last month, EY - a professional services and consultancy firm popular among graduates - announced plans to increase its personnel in Galway by 35 members by 2020. This will essentially double the size of its Galway workforce. According to The Irish Times as well as the new staff the company aims to offer extra services such as corporate finance and risk advisory. EY (short for Ernst and Young) is one of ‘the big four’, the nickname for the largest professional services companies in the world. It is a popular choice among business graduates in Ireland, being known for their graduation programmes and professional training. The company has one of the largest client portfolios in Ireland, ranging from major tech companies to government institutions. According to EY Ireland’s website, by 2020 the Galway office will employ over fifty people and have a full Service Line offering. They also mention their “ambitious growth plans for the future.”

EY opened its Galway office in 2016 with only five staff members. Currently there are 42 EY employees in the City of Tribes. In the past two years, the company’s headcount has increased by 36%. The additional workers will be recruited to EY’s Hibernian Office, in Eyre Square. The office has the capacity to support the company’s aim to reach 70 members in time for Galway to become the European Capital of Culture in 2020. The company’s centrally located space in Eyre Square is also its latest office in the Republic of Ireland. EY has greatly increased the size of its workforce nationally over the past six months. At the end of its financial year in June 2017, EY had 2,383 employees, including 248 graduates. In July of this year, the company announced the creation of 520 new jobs across its seven offices in Ireland. 305 of these positions are graduate roles, an increase of 57 from the previous year. These new recruits were to take up roles in a variety of areas such as data analytics, IT advisory and digital strategy.

Only 10 of these posts were allocated for Galway, with the majority of the roles based in Belfast and Dublin – which sees many NUI Galway graduates leaving for the capital. It is hoped that the new expansion will help Galway hold on to some of its business graduates. Applications for EY’s Summer Internship Programme for 2019 are also now open on the company’s website. Successful candidates will be fully paid for the 12-week programme, which is open to students of all disciplines in their penultimate year. The company says that impressive candidates may be offered a graduate position at the end of the period.


October 09 2018




VOX POP: Did you vote in last DANSOC week’s Students’ Union elections?

Society spotlight: By Martha Brennan

Andrew Enright

Sarah Foley

Cian Ford

Third year Earth and Ocean Science

Final year Bachelor of Arts in English, Philosophy and Film Studies

First year Bachelor of Arts in Geography, Psychology and English

“I didn’t vote. I knew it was for Students’ Union roles, but there wasn’t enough promotion. It was also an unusual time of year, I am used to the vote happening in semester two.”

“No, I did not vote. I didn’t realise it was on, and I didn’t see much campaigning. I suppose it was the start of the year so people weren’t really looking out for it.”

Chideraa: “I voted. I think it is good to have some diversity in the Students’ Union.” Tomi: “I voted too. It is important to have representation in the Students’ Union for people from an ethnic minority background. You’ll have

someone who is on your side, they understand your experience… and our voice will be heard because it can sometimes be overlooked.” Joy: “I voted too.”

“No, I didn’t vote. It sort of went under the radar for me. I think there should have been a bigger deal made out of the ethnic minorities officer role. I didn’t hear of the results either, but there was a lot of things going on.”

Chideraa Nnaeneka, Tomi Odugbesan, Joy Ogundele First Year Computer Science, Final year Bachelor of Arts in Law and Sociology and Political Science, Second year Biomedical Science

All photos: Joanna Kavanagh

Photos: Joanna Kavanagh

NUI Galway’s Dance Society was formed in 2013 and has grown to become one of the largest societies on campus in recent years. With over 2,200 members, Dansoc has been growing more and more active, running seven different classes this year as well as special workshops and showcases. The classes are all held at beginner and advanced levels and include Irish dancing, Hip Hop, Jazz, Contemporary, Salsa, Zumba and Strength and Conditioning. Dansoc’s PRO, Genevieve Callander, spoke to SIN this week about what Dansoc has to offer. “I got involved in the society in first year. I’d done gymnastics before college and I wanted to start dancing to try something new,” she explains. “I’ve loved learning to dance in such a relaxed environment, and Dansoc is great because there’s such a fun, friendly ­atmosphere!” “As well as learning a new skill I’ve made so many friends and competing at Intervarsity’s is always one of the highlights of my year,” Genevieve says. The National Dance Intervarsities is an annual student dance competition and Dansoc’s teachers - who are all students trained in dance or fitness - hold auditions at the beginning of the year for their teams. Four different categories are represented in the competition and NUI Galway has walked home with five trophies over the last few years. “Dansoc runs classes for everyone and you don’t need to have danced before to join. You also don’t need to commit to coming every week because the teachers do something new every class so no one misses out,” Genevieve says. “There really is something for everyone, even if you’ve never danced in your life! It’s such a welcoming society that’s really worth joining whether you just want to be more active or you’re an experienced dancer who wants to compete.” “For people who do want to make dance a bigger part of their life in college, we’ll be having the auditions for our competition teams this week. The teams will be traveling to Dublin in early March to compete. It’s is always an amazing competition and so much fun too!” Dansoc’s Auditor, Sinead Ruane, told SIN; “People should get involved with Dansoc because not only do we cater for those who want to compete but our classes provide people with a fun approach to learning dance.” “It’s the perfect place to get fit, have fun and learn some new moves to show off!” “Make sure to like our Facebook and Instagram pages to keep up to date with announcements, and make sure to keep an eye out for our special workshops and showcases.” The Intervarsity team auditions are open to everyone and are being held from October 8-11. The society is also holding a special workshop with hip-hop dancer Zacc Milne from Ireland’s Got Talent on November 5. You can contact Dansoc on Facebook for more information and tickets for classes can be bought online or from Socs Box for €3.

Coiste Gnó



Vice President / Education Officer Leas Uachtarán / Oifigeach Oideachais

Eibhlín Seoighthe

President / Uachtarán

Vice-President / Welfare and Equality Officer Leas-Uachtarán / Oifigeach Leasa agus Comhionannais 086 385 5502 086 385 3659

Megan Reilly 086 385 3658

Clare Austick

Oifigeach na Gaeilge

Mature Students’ Officer Oifigeach na Mac Léinn Lánfhásta

Postgraduate Taught Officer Oifigeach na nIarchéimithe Teagasctha

Postgraduate Research Officer Oifigeach na nIarchéimithe i mbun Taighde 087 174 9570 089 966 4053 086 238 6183 085 134 2748

Societies Chairperson Cathaoirleach na gCumann

Clubs Captain Captaen na gClubanna

SU Council Chairperson / Cathaoirleach na Comhairle do Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn

Convenor of the College of Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies / Tionólaí Choláiste na nDán, na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta & an Léinn Cheiltigh 087 677 8449 091 524 810 085 176 2031 087 133 1473

Convenor of the College of Science Tionólaí Choláiste na hEolaíochta

Convenor of the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences / Tionólaí Choláiste an Leighis, an Altranais & na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte

Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy & Law / Tionólaí Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bhearais Phoiblí agus an Dlí

Convenor of the College of Engineering & Informatics / Tionólaí Choláiste na hInnealtóireachta agus na Faisnéisíochta 085 204 8786 087 621 0216 091 524 810 089 223 7676

International Students Officer Oifigeach na Mac Léinn Idirnáisiúnta

Gender and LGBT+ Rights Officer Oifigeach um Chearta Inscne agus LADT+

Disability Rights Officer Oifigeach um Chearta Míchumais

Ethnic Minorities Officer Oifigeach na Mionlach Eitneach 083 884 4332 085 816 3837 089 456 7106

Adhna Nic Dhonnchadha

Brandon Walsh

Ryan Guilfoyle

Scott Green

Daniel McFadden

Teil/Tel: Ríomhphost/Email:

Chuka Paul Oguekwe

+353 (0)91 493 570

Jibran Abbasi

Sabrina Vaughan

Liezel Ravenscroft

Alex Coughlan

Cameron Keighron

Clodagh McGivern

Muireann O’Sullivan

Rían McKeagney

Roshan George

Victoria Chihumura 085 231 3107

Áras na Mac Léinn, NUI Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland. Áras na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gaillimh, Bóthar na hOllscoile, Gaillimh, Éire.


October 09 2018

Is the education system failing its young people and their sexual health? By Harry King The Irish education system is far from perfect, and one could pick at the curriculum being taught to Irish teenagers all day. But following the recent HSE statistics that HIV is on the rise among young people in Ireland, the deficits in sexual education being offered today in schools is truly worrying. Whilst there is pressure on students to do well in subjects such as Maths and Irish, the government’s implementation of the “Relationships

Galway, the second level education system nationally is once again letting their students down. Many of you will be familiar with the SPHE (Social, Personal and Health Education) course in second level - which is a part of the Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum made mandatory by the government. However, according to the Department of Education’s website, it is ultimately down to the individual schools to implement it, saying: “It is the responsibility of the board of management to ensure that

Following shocking reports like these, one begs to ask the question - where does our value system lie in our education system? In second level, kids believe that if they have an aptitude at a mainstream subject they will lead a happy successful life. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Is it a surprise that mental health is such an issue in Ireland when students judge themselves on how they do in exams, when the Department is constantly not taking real issues like sexual health seriously?

Relationships and Sexuality Education remains one of the most contentious aspects of the second level curriculum. Schools are still free to deliver RSE according to their own values. Schools can – and many do – ignore the advice of the department. and Sexuality Education (RSE)” curriculum is well short of adequate - it just doesn’t reflect the modern pluralistic society we live in today. Knowledge is power and in the case of AIDS and HIV, it can save lives. Today HIV is a manageable condition that, with treatment, means those with it can lead a normal life. Whilst AIDS West do incredible work to decrease stigmas by visiting schools and third level students around

the RSE program is available to all students.” This area remains one of the most contentious aspects of the second level curriculum. Schools are still free to deliver RSE according to their own values. Schools can - and many do ignore the advice of the department. Every student has a right to access information about sexual health. It is not just as important as Maths or Irish... it’s more important.

Why is it down to each school’s individual “ethos” as to how they implement the Relationships and Sexual Health program? A lack of adequate education in these areas can have serious consequences. A student who leaves second level with a great result in the Leaving Certificate leaves with a series of learnt off essays and poetry insights that he or she can use to get into college. However, what he or she does not leave with is knowl-

edge of sexually transmitted diseases that may be of use to them or their friends in the future. This is nothing but seriously unfortunate. When you are doing the Leaving Cert, nothing in the world seems more important than graded subjects. But there are so many more important things to learn about than any exam at any level. Many problems in society are not tackled correctly in schools. Every time the mere idea of sex is mentioned there is laughing and sneering in the four corners of the classroom. An informed discussion about sexual relationships needs to be had from a young age, and continued until students leave the institution. A platform for students to ask the questions that are confusing them, in a non-judgmental atmosphere, is needed. Every one of these questions are important and contribute to a mature, informed discussion that will give people a bit more knowledge about challenges that might be extremely important somewhere down the line. When I read about the rise of HIV diagnoses in Ireland I was startled – and I was a lot more than startled when I realised how little I knew about it. We should all be encouraged to educate ourselves with regards to sexual health. It is a lot more important than what the system may lead you to believe.

Storm Ali Lands with a bang By Cathriona M Coleman The recent storm Ali on 19 September brought serious destruction. On Tuesday 18 September, Met Eireann had issued an Orange weather warning, expecting winds of up to 120km, or 75 miles per hour. An orange warning is

Storm Ali preparing to make landfall on 19 September. Image:

the second highest level that Met Eireann gives to weather events, meaning it is quite severe. Not only did a woman in her 50s die in Connemara, there was serious local damage too caused by the storm’s path. There were road closures all over Galway city and county. One man in Newry, Co. Down, who was due to get married this month, died tragically. A man in his 20s, involved in the same accident, was seriously injured. A tree came down on top of them. These are only two examples of Mother Nature. It beggars belief as to why the NUI Galway campus was not closed. People were not prepared for the damage caused. To get across Galway city that morning took some people up to two hours. There were trees down everywhere. Conditions were just deadly. Anyone that was brave enough to go out

in this storm would need their head examined. Winds recorded were at speeds of up to 147km per hour. That’s hard to fathom. It’s even harder to believe that NUI Galway authorities would have people put their lives at risk this way! People were endangering their lives just by getting behind the wheel. Not to mention all the people out on foot and cycling. There were warnings going out on Galway Bay FM advising people “not to make any unnecessary journeys.” The winds were so severe with the storm that the National Ploughing Championships had to cancel the second day of their annual festival. Most of the large tents, particularly the marquee, were all blown over. NUI Galway sent out a warning to people that morning - fair enough. However, this warning was not sent until 10.08am that morning. Why was

this not sent out earlier? As well as this, there could have been a lot more damage had the storm not died out by lunchtime. Lorna Farren from the NUI Galway Press Office said the following; “The safety of the campus community is the University’s priority, and it is University policy to close in the event of a status red weather warning being issued by Met Éireann. All staff were reminded of this in advance of Storm Ali. As the status orange weather event developed, an email was issued to all staff and students to remind them to prioritise safety during the storm.” The bottom line in all of this is that the college should have closed. At time of going to print, there was no one available for comment at the TG4 weather station. Chief Operating Officer at NUI Galway John Gill was also unavailable for comment.


Discrimination under the Employment Equality Acts By Javier Ruiz Scandal has risen again around discrimination under the Employment Acts. A job advertisement was published on Indeed. ie on Saturday 8 September stating; “Persons with young children need not apply.” This post has since been removed but it went viral nonetheless. This situation makes one wonder how often discrimination takes place during an interview; and should we hide who we are in order to get a job?

It has not even been a year since national and local media reported former Minister of State for Training and Skills, and current TD for Waterford, for discriminating against a “female official” during a job interview. The TD asked this woman; “Are you a married woman? Do you have children? How old are your children?” All these questions, which fall within the same grounds as “persons with young children need not apply,” are an illegal practice, creating a conflict with the Employment Equality Acts. Most of the discrimination takes place behind the interviewee’s back. While the interview is being conducted, a profile is being created. Factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, marital status and nationality are taken into consideration even if they don’t ask about them, which will result in a biased decision. Of course, what HR looks for in a new recruit is the ability to fit in and be able to perform well in certain environments. If you don’t fit this criterion, they won’t say, “you are not hired because you are old” instead they will say, “you are not what we are looking for/not qualified.” They will of course rely on stereotypes too. I experienced this myself. On a particular occasion while looking for a job at the beginning of last summer, I handed my CV to a person of authority and after reading the work experience and education sections he acknowledged my name and asked me “are you Spanish?” I answered yes and he subsequently folded the page saying “we’ve had enough Spanish in here and they were all very lazy. I will send your CV up, but you’ve got no chances of working here.” I walked out of the establishment knowing that I did not want to work for them anymore, and wondering if I should hide who I am when looking for a job. I am certain that these examples are not taking place every day, and that there are employers out there who do not discriminate against anybody. But the truth is that there are employers who do discriminate; some of them get away with it, while others don’t.

12  O PI N IO N

Travesty in the name of “weight loss” By Ameya Godse An eternal burning desire humans have had since time immemorial has been to shed excess flab on their bodies for the ideal physique. The hunger for weight loss, and peer pressure to achieve superstar looks, has pushed millennials to resort to all sorts of ways to stay thin. It was not long ago that the American Medical Association recognized obesity as a “disease.” A vast majority of medicos believed that sugar was the cause of this ‘disease’. Consumable sugar items contribute majorily to obesity worldwide. The effect of this has been “quick” weight-loss products started cropping up. It became fairly simple to target the obese population by bribing them with quick results. Slogans of “lose weight feel great” populated commercials and magazines. Dieting pills and slimming meds became a huge hit. Slimming teas and fat - burning medicines started raising hopes of consumers to get thin quick. There was just one question though, that everybody failed to ask; “Is this stuff legit and cleared by the FDA?” It was the rhetorical question of the century. Dieticians have time and time again maintained their stand on diet pills and medicines. There are no proven guaranteed results. In fact, the risk of side effects is titanic. The most common symptoms seen in consumers of diet pills were increased dependency, high blood pressure and anxiety. A near majority of the appetite suppressants were directly linked to heart disease. In addition, there is always a risk of gaining more weight than before if the individual discontinued the use of these pills. The gloomy footprint of social media also plays a part in the diet industry. The advent of social media led to an outburst of unrealistic dreams on the minds of young impressionable kids. The obsession of having the “perfect” slim body became the only objective on their minds. The fashion industry was plagued with anorexic models strutting the catwalk for top brands, showcasing haute couture. In a recent post on Instagram, socialite Kim Kardashian posted about “appetite suppressant lollipops.” The post received severe backlash from users, one of them calling her a “terrible and toxic influence on young girls.” The company in question, Flat Tummy Co, claimed that the lollipops contained Satiereal which was “clinically proven to be safe and extracted from natural plants.” A further detailed analysis showed that such supplements weren’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. While it is true that there is no direct harm or danger upon consumption of these lollipops, the answer lies in introspection – do we really need them? A healthier alternative is the best way forward. We have always asked one immutable question – Are there healthier ways to lose weight? There are plenty! For starters, the intake of processed and sweet foods has to be diminished. We have to break a vicious circle of paying money for food which makes us fat, and start paying instead for a gym membership. Alternatively, a gradual increase in outdoor exercise, brisk walks, and yoga is always beneficial. Quite often, the whole process of weight loss is found to be more psychological than physiological. A simple habit of “mindful eating” can go a long way in keeping a healthy lifestyle. Setting a realistic goal for yourself should be a priority. A self - analysis of your own body type and the type of body you can achieve should help in setting these goals. In conclusion, we need to stop relentlessly pursuing unrealistic goals and gaze at what’s inside each one of us. For the answer then would be more rewarding than ever.

SIN Vol. 20 Issue 03

The library is alive with the sound of music By Rachel Garvey

Alas, there are always those few people who blast their music up to the highest volume and you’re sitting there beside them thinking “How are they not deaf already?”, “Sweetie, does it look like I’m in the mood to listen to your depressing music?” or the worst thought ever “Great song! What’s the name and artist?”. Pull your head back to reality, forget about the song and focus on your studies. Song lyrics won’t help you pass your exams. So, it is clear that I am all for people using headphones in the library with the exception that their music is playing at a considerate volume. I think it is our responsibility as students to follow rules, even when we think it’s

There are two different types of students; the ones who listen to music while studying and the ones who prefer absolute quietness. I, however, am the one who loves listening to music. It’s understandable that the library has quiet zones where no phones or headphones should be utilised. I suppose it wouldn’t help, listening to the Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack when trying to read a topic for your lecture on commerce, so a lot of people study or read in silence. But then you hear a rustling beside you as someone sits down across from you and takes out their book to start reading but wait, there’s more. They have headphones on and all you can hear is Frozen’s “Let it Go” and you can’t hold it back anymore as you awkwardly wave your hand in front of their face trying to get their attention, so you can politely ask them to turn their music down. Then, as silence sets in again, there is just an awkward aura in the air between the two of you. Humiliating, right? But should the library be an all quiet zone? I’m the type of person that tiptoes passed quiet zones, and having to sneak around like a mouse over the entire library isn’t something that I like the sound of. I think listening to music is completely harmless, as long as the music is turned down to a low volume where you can hear it but others around you can’t hear it at all. If everyone did that it would Photo by Malte Wingen on Unsplash be perfect.

okay to break them. Trust me, don’t blast any cheesy love songs or Disney princess songs from your headphones, it’s not worth the embarrassment. To conclude, headphones are indeed a gift from the technology God. We use them everyday and not having them seated beside us while we are studying is going to make us feel like we are missing a part of ourselves. I really don’t understand the phrase “Silence is Golden”, silence is great and all, but too much silence will never compare to the thrilling feeling of nodding your head along to Imagine Dragons “Believer” when you finally finish that long essay.

They have headphones on and all you can hear is Frozen’s “Let it Go” and you can’t hold it back anymore as you awkwardly wave your hand

in front of their face trying to get their attention...

Are we ready for a three-day workweek? By Julia Tereno Imagine waking up on a Monday morning and realizing that you don’t have to go to work, not because you are unemployed or on leave, but because you only work three days a week and Monday is not one of these days. Also, did I mention you are not a freelancer or an entrepreneur? That’s right, the company you are employed with allows you to have a three - day workweek. Sounds impossible, doesn’t it? However, this could be a reality for you, if you work for one of the 400 companies under the umbrella of Richard Branson’s Virgin Group. The billionaire recently wrote in a blog post that he believes in flexible working initiatives, like working from home and unlimited leave policy. According to a CNBC article, he also stated that with today’s technological advances, people could work less hours and be just as effective, maybe even more. With technology’s constant development and the arrival of younger generations in the workplace, flexible working hours is a growing trend. Traditional corporations are beginning to understand that to attract new talents they need to adapt to modern

demands. According to a survey by Catalyst, by 2025, three quarters of the global workforce will be made up of Millennials. Moreover, the 2018 Deloitte Millennial Survey showed that 50 per cent of Millennials pointed out flexibility in hours and location as a very important factor when choosing a place to work. It is no secret that younger generations are seeking better quality of life and positive working environments. As a Millennial myself, the idea that I should follow my parents’ script of success, and work in a 9 to 5 corporate job, is neither appealing nor comforting when I think about my future. We see career as something we should love doing. It should be about pursuing a passion and being able to have a healthy personal life. And technology today can help make that happen. It’s not just about work - life balance; it’s about work - life integration. With artificial intelligence, smartphones and cloud systems, we can work from anywhere at any time, so why not work from home? Why not be able to manage our own schedules, according to our personal waves of productivity? Some people are more effective during morning

hours, while others work better overnight. If you have a job that doesn’t necessarily depend on business hours, then why not work during the period of the day, or night, that you know you will be more productive? You might be able to get more done in less time. This is exactly what Branson defends, as he calls it “flexible working is smart working.” People today are so used to technology, as we use it to support almost everything we do. From keeping in touch with people, organizing our calendars with apps, using social media, to unlocking doors and dimming the lights through voice command. While many are afraid technology is taking jobs away from real people, it also brings new opportunities. As seen by the new business models, shared economy and software development, technology can help us streamline our life quality. We live in a connected world; therefore we can take advantage of the technological enhancements and ultimately be more effective in our jobs, while working fewer hours. So, for those who thought that perceiving Monday as non - working day sounded like an impossible dream, brace yourself: this reality may be closer than you think.


October 09 2018


Was socialisation or personality the cause of Naomi Osaka’s apology? By Stevie Buckley Following Naomi Osaka’s win in the US open over Serena Williams, arguably one of the greatest female tennis players ever, Osaka apologised to a booing crowd. “I’m so sorry it had to end like this,” she explained. People were praising Williams for standing up to the referees, but Osaka was criticised for winning. Was this a matter of personality or socialisation, or possibly a combination of the two? That is the matter that I will be discussing in this piece.

Socialisation is defined as “the process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable to society.” Was Williams’ behaviour acceptable or was Osaka’s behaviour the more acceptable of the pair? I’ll leave that up to you, but I think that Osaka’s behaviour was more acceptable, even if she shouldn’t have had to behave that way. After all, Serena Williams broke out into a hissy fit and broke her equipment whereas Naomi Osaka remained calm. Part of the matter of socialisation is ethnic background. Chances are

that the two women were socialised completely differently due to the fact that they have different ethnic backgrounds. Serena Williams was raised as an African American, an ethnic group known for speaking up since the time of Martin Luther King and before. However, Naomi Osaka comes from a Japanese American background. Japanese people are well known for putting others first and accepting some responsibility for anything that could possibly be their fault, in the least offensive way possible. The backgrounds of the two

TEEN VAPING: a new epidemic By Olivia Hanna According to the Irish Examiner, teen smoking rates have decreased by 28 per cent over the past 20 years. This is no doubt a result of the increasing awareness of the harsh consequences of tobacco inhalation and government efforts such as taxation. But as tobacco smoking has seen a decline, a new market has opened up: vaping. Vaping grew in popularity as a way to wean tobacco smokers off cigarettes, as it was thought

they just evolve. Teenager vape use in the U.S. increased by 900 per cent between 2011 and 2015, according to USA Today. One of the worst additions to the vape market has been the Juul. At home in America it seems as if having a Juul is as common as having an iPhone. The Juul is sleek, discreet, and ‘pods’ come in enticing flavours such as mint, mango, fruit, and even crème brûlée. The Juul seems like it was made for rebellious teens, though on their website Juul maintains it is for

Photo by VapeClubMY on Unsplash vapes contained chemicals that were less harmful and allowed users to control nicotine levels. But since this market has expanded, it has reached a new demographic, teenagers. Of course in the midst of the technological revolution new gadgets have replaced the paper and tobacco cigarettes of old. Some things don’t change,

adult smokers and even has a youth prevention team. Along with many other bullet points in their youth prevention initiatives, Juul states that; “JUUL Labs has supported partnerships for educating parents and educators on the risks of our products, the challenges of nicotine use and ways we can make products less attractive to young

people. We currently respond to educators’ requests for information about our product to ensure those working with youth are aware of its nicotine content.” Though Juul claims to be doing all that they can to prevent teens from using their product, how do teenagers still end up with a Juul in their hands? While I can’t answer that question, I do believe it may have to do with what little we know about the long term consequences of vaping. Before we knew that smoking could cause lung cancer and esophogial cancer, doctors encouraged pregnant women to smoke, and even recommended smoking as a cure for different ailments. There could be so much we don’t know about vaping, and this young generation of vapers will be the first to demonstrate the effects of long term use. Aside from nicotine addiction, one of the health consequences of vaping is wet lung. USA today reported that an 18 year old got the illness after vaping for three weeks. Wet lung is an inflammatory disease in the lung, and the teen was on respirators for five days. The Irish Times shared the findings of one study that shows that e-cigarettes and vapes are safer in terms of cancer risk, but could result in conditions such as COPD after long term use. It seems safe to say that staying away from vaping is the smarter choice given the many health risks. Looking cool might seem important now, but you won’t look cool in the future while being strapped to a ventilator.

Overall, I think that there were two factors in Naomi Osaka’s (unnecessary) apology for winning the US open in tennis- socialisation and personality. women are completely different, as were the ways in which they were socialised. Also, there is a considerable age gap between the two women. Naomi Osaka is young at 20 years of age whereas Serena Williams is almost double her age, at 37. Two people who have an age gap of seventeen years will have been socialised differently, as the social norms change considerably in nearly 20 years. As well as this, Serena Williams is used to standing up for herself, as she has been doing it for years. Naomi Osaka is only starting out in the world and hasn’t gotten much experience in standing up for herself, thus the

whole apologising to an angry crowd for winning a tennis match debacle. Osaka and Williams have both been socialised to be who they are since birth. There’s no point in saying this isn’t the case. However, is there another level to this? I also believe the matter of personality has something to do with this. Any two people on the street have different personalities- it’s a fact of life that there are the same number of personalities as there are people. Serena Williams is well known for being outspoken on topics that matter to her, and this includes possible unfair treatment at work, because tennis is essentially her job. From what I understand of

Naomi Osaka, she is a quiet young woman who doesn’t like to be in the centre of controversy. Overall, I think that there were two factors in Naomi Osaka’s (unnecessary) apology for winning the US open in tennis- socialisation and personality. Williams and Osaka are two completely different people and they act so. I sincerely hope that Osaka gets better at standing up for herself and ignoring the haters. She is a young talent in tennis and will be a force to be reckoned with in her bright future. Serena Williams may have been discriminated against, but she had no right to react the way she did to what happened.


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October 09 2018




Living her best life:

Lili Reinhart

Recreating your favourite star’s boujie lifestyle on a budget!

By Amy McMahon Time to introduce you to our next icon, Lili Reinhart. The actress is best known for playing the all - American sweetheart Betty Cooper on Riverdale, which returns 10 October. When you think of Lili’s style, the word ‘timeless’ comes to mind. Generally, you will see her sporting one statement piece with neutral accessories, hair and makeup. Less is more for this star. One of my favourite looks Lili recently wore featured a bold pair of tailor trousers teamed with simple black pieces. Effortlessly cool and very on trend. Luckily for us, an identical pair of trousers are available from Zara for just €39.95. You can pick up black court shoes in Penneys, costing between €11 and €16 (depending on which style you prefer). Finally, a simple high neck vest top to finish, for only €9 from River Island. This look is perfect for Student Race Day, with a warm coat and a statement necklace or earrings. You will look the part



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content, and vowed to never Photoshop any of her images. With that being said, if you go to @lilireinhart on Instagram, you will only see Kermit memes and unedited photos, what everyone’s account should be. It seems as though celebrities nowadays have a built - in politician mode. Some activate it, preaching without much thought *cough* Kanye, while others aim to encourage and inspire their following. Lili Reinhart fails under the latter. One of her most recent posts featured the more political side of the young actress, as she uploaded an image with the words “I am a voter.” I can’t help but think with the upcoming referendum and Presidential election in Ireland that we must do as the caption says: “Let’s be proactive and be heard.” According to the Irish Times in May 2018, 150,000 young people had not registered to vote. Still wondering how to live Lili Reinhart’s best life? Take action, register to vote and let your voice be heard.




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and still feel comfortable all day. Red is considered to be a lucky colour, so your outfit might act as a lucky charm! Moving onto makeup, Lili is definitely the master of the ‘no makeup’ makeup look. She always opts for a natural style. Her go - to lipstick is Brave by MAC, as it is closest to her natural lip colour. In case you don’t feel like spending €20 on a lipstick, Maybelline have a perfect match, Warm Me Up, for half the price. In a Beauty Secrets video with Vogue, Lili shares her tips and tricks on perfecting a natural makeup look. Her main advice was to tap off any excess product on your brushes. Lili started the video by asking the viewers “Does anyone else eat Chinese food in the bathroom?” while prepping to do her makeup. I think we can all admire her candid confession and take a leaf out of her book. Yummy Wok will be added to everyone’s makeup routine from now on. Lastly, social media plays a huge part in any celebrity’s life. Earlier this year, Lili alongside Riverdale co-star Camila Mendes were the cover stars of Cosmopolitan Philippines. Once the images were released, the girls took to their accounts to show the original unedited photos, stating “Camila and I have worked incredibly hard to feel confident and comfortable in the bodies that we have. It’s an everyday battle, sometimes. And to see our bodies become so distorted in an editing process is a perfect example of the obstacles we have yet to overcome.” What an excellent message to women everywhere. There is a constant pressure to look a certain way, and addressing this issue helps to resolve the problem. With 12 million Instagram users, Lili takes it upon herself to post light - hearted

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16  FA SH IO N & L I F EST Y L E

SIN Vol. 20 Issue 03

TEN THINGS YOU NEED A leopard Emerald 1print piece 4Green By Ciara Lynskey

Thankfully, it’s finally acceptable again to channel Shania Twain’s ‘Man, I Feel Like a Woman’ music video look (we’ve been waiting for this moment). Leopard is everywhere. If it seems scary at first, start with shoes or a handbag and work your way up to a statement coat or dress.

This jewel tone is really making an entrance this season, it can be seen all over the high street. It’s nice to see a bright vibrant colour coming through in the midst of these grey and rainy days in Galway.

Autumn can be a challenging season style - wise. You want to stay trendy and look fashionable, however you’d rather not freeze to death doing it (completely understandable). So, here are ten trends that will make navigating through this tumultuous season a little easier.









Paper bag trousers

Not only do paper bag trousers look super chic but they are extremely comfortable and versatile. Pair with a thin knit for a classy daytime look, or a bralette and heels for hitting the town.


Whether you want to go office chic with this print or channel your school uniform days, the choice is up to you. It’s better to pair check with a block colour, let the print do the talking.

Teddy bear coats

These coats are back and better than ever. They’re available in any colour you can dream of and will keep you nice and cosy as the weather gets colder.

The power suits

Do you have a graduation or a special occasion coming up and you aren’t a big fan of dresses? If you’re bold enough, make a statement in a sophisticated pants suit. You won’t regret it.

Try Our




Seen on the autumn runways of Balenciaga and Valentino, it seems this ladylike trend is here to stay. Pleated midi skirts are an elegant way to incorporate the trend into your wardrobe and are very appropriate if you’re going on placement soon.

The leather dress

This fashion staple is back again this year. However, it’s been seen a lot in dress form. It’s a head turner alright. Keep it edgy with an oversized blazer, or for a more girly look, just add a duster coat and strappy heels.

This luxurious trend is perfect for daytime and night time. Tuck a silk shirt or cami into an A-line skirt and pair with heeled boots for a night out or with jeans for during the day.

A bold Logo

Logos were really big this season on big brands’ runways such as Versace, Armani and Gucci. However, you can get the look for a lot less on Pretty Little Thing.

A very shrunken guide to Galway’s food scene By Martha Brennan Galway is known for its boundless cultural offerings. There’s the traditional music, sporting talents, vast scenery, its conservation of the Irish language, amazing artists and of course; the food. This city is home to countless innovative and amazing restaurants – and as broke students, it is our job to spend money we don’t have testing each and every one of them. So behold, in no particular order, SIN’s guide to the top five Galway restaurants and cafés.

Biteclub Streetfood Discotheque Electric’s culinary endeavor has fared a lot better among Galway students than people first imagined. With affordable, creative cocktails and a menu that ranges from tacos to Korean fried chicken, it’s no wonder it’s become a number one spot among students. The restaurant was recently renovated, and the updated décor is some of the funkiest Galway has to offer. Be sure to try: The chicken wings (famous for a reason) and the crispy hand cut fries.

Only €3.50

A silk top

Java’s A classic among students and professionals alike, Java’s has been serving French style crêpes and Baileys hot chocolates to the people of Galway for years. With both savory and sweet options, and an extensive coffee menu, Java’s always proves the perfect meeting point – especially with its comfy couches and late-night hours. Think Galway’s alternative to Central Perk. Be sure to try: The Caramel and Banana Crêpe

Dela Dela has become a brunchin’ phenomenon in Galway recently. Previously a well - kept secret, the all

day brunch offerings at Dela now attract daily lines. Be sure to wait though, the stunning décor and the fry that can cure anything, it’s worth the wait. Be sure to try: The Dela Brunch Burrito

Papa Rich Papa Rich is another Galway institution quickly gaining notoriety. The Asian chain now has three restaurants across the city, all worth a visit. Offering both the classics and dishes with a signature twist, Papa Rich is a student favorite not just because of its low prices but also its dependability and non – greasy feels. Be sure to try: Singapore Noodles

Kai Kai’s location in Galway’s West End doesn’t make it the first stop to come to anyone’s head when grabbing a quick bite between lectures, but the critic favourite is one of the top restaurants in Galway. The chefs at Kai use locally sourced ingredients to create seasonal menus that attract huge crowds daily. Be sure to add this one to the list when you have a day off from studying and can make the dreaded journey west. Be sure to try: Their experimental desserts, appropriately title ‘happy endings’ on the menu.

Honorable Mentions Date Night – Quay Street Kitchen for amazing food at a reasonable price. Close to College – 37 West for the Famous Chicken Melt. Coffee Spot – Outside McCambridges on Shop Street for the best people watching around. When Notions Arise – Breakfast at Ard Bia. Can’t leave Galway without trying – Boojum for an unarguable classic.


October 09 2018




in your wardrobe this autumn 1 2 3 4

Leopard print skirt, 25 at Zara

Paper bag trousers, €15.99 at Pull and Bear


Check pinafore, €52 at Topshop


Teddy bear coat, €49.99 at New Look

Suit trousers, €19.95 at Zara



Suit blazer, €25.95 at Zara


Leather dress €29.99 at Zara

Green dress, €87 at River Island

Pleated skirt, €35.95 at Bershka


Silk top €19.99 at New look

Stripy top, €17.95 at Zara

18  FA SH I O N & L I F EST Y L E

SIN Vol. 20 Issue 03

Can you find true love online? By Anastasia Burton

Many of us meet people on Instagram, Twitter, Tinder and many other websites. We have hundreds of Facebook friends and Tinder matches, some of whom we may even interact with on a daily basis. But are these people really our friends? Or are they just loose connections refined to the virtual world? Particularly when it comes to online dating, it can be hard to separate the ones with genuine interest from those just chatting with you to pass the time in a boring lecture. Some may say not all of the people one meets in their life will stay in it forever, why should it be different online? However, are we catching feelings too quick and getting attached to people online too easily? I researched some statistics on online relationships which I would like to share with you. In 2017, online dating became the most common way for newlyweds to meet one another. The Knot surveyed more than 14,000 engaged or recently married individuals and reported that 19% of brides said they met their

spouses online. According to one longitudinal study, couples who meet online tend to get married much sooner rather than couples who meet offline. We all know dating sites are a fast way to meet people. You can start chatting with someone online within minutes, so it’s easy to pigeonhole online dating as a tool for superficial hookups and not relationships. But personal compatibility algorithms work exceedingly well and yield great results for users looking for commitment. Recent evidence suggests that dating sites facilitate more diverse and longer lasting connections between online users. Plus, when the University of Chicago surveyed nearly 20,000 people between 2005 and 2012, researchers concluded that those who met their spouses online expressed more marital satisfaction than those who met their spouses through more traditional avenues offline. In some ways, online dating is a crutch for singles that feel uncomfortable or fearful about talking to their crushes in person. It’s much less intimidating to communicate with a date online because you don’t have to look the person in the eye and put your heart on the line.

In fact, over half of British single adults surveyed by The Sun admitted they’ve never asked a date out in person, and 46% said they’ve never dumped anyone in person. While online communication can make these tough conversations more bearable, at some point you are going to have to talk to your date in person. Whether you’re after a short - term fling or a long - term relationship, dating sites have proven remarkably effective at pairing up like - minded people. From the information above, I’m led to believe that online relationships do work for some, but do they work for all? The answer is of course not! Online websites and apps help us find people, and help people find us. You must stay mindful that not all the people that you meet online or offline are interested in being there forever, and that’s ok. You know why? Because no matter what, you’ll always come out of that chat room or Tinder date feeling like you’ve experienced something new (whether it be a pleasant experience or not). It makes you stronger as an individual. It helps you distinguish between who

Five easy ways to boost your immune system for flu season By Tarryn McGuire The harsh Galway winter is approaching, and with cold and flu symptoms becoming increasingly prevalent, it’s important to maintain a strong and balanced immune system. The thought of sitting in a crowded lecture hall on a cold November morning surrounded by sniffling, sneezing, coughing students sends shivers down my spine. My immune system is as bad as they come, so towards the winter months I like to put some thought into what I do and eat in order to boost it up a little bit. I’m going to share with you five easy ways to boost your immune system before it’s too late.

Diet is everything The perfect balance of vitamins and minerals is ideal, obviously, but we as students aren’t going to calculate our vitamin and mineral intake. The most important vitamin you should be worrying about around this time of year is vitamin C. Whether you decide to invest in some vitamin C tablets (these are usually very cheap, and I would definitely recommend), or aim to increase your intake of dark, green leafy veg such as spinach and kale, you should be boosting your vitamin C levels pronto. According to Science Daily, foods rich in zinc, such as lean meats, poultry and baked beans, can balance the immune response and control inflammation in your body.

isn’t fully rested, it will struggle to defend itself against infection. To help boost your immunity and help the body defend itself, aim to get 7 - 8 hours of sleep at night. If you begin to feel a bit run down or tired throughout the day, go ahead and take a power nap, no one will judge.

Wash your hands Whether you give your hands a thorough scrub with soap and hot water every few hours or you carry around some on-thego hand sanitiser, make sure to keep your hands free of bacteria. You should also make a conscious effort to touch your face less, yes it sounds strange, but germs can easily get into the body through your nose, ears, mouth, so don’t give them the opportunity.

Relax Chronic stress and depression can weaken the immune system and make us more vulnerable to illness. Don’t let the Christmas exams get you down, try to balance study and fun this winter. Whether you de-stress by hanging out with friends, taking long walks, meditating or reading, whatever it is, make the time to enjoy life and have fun.

Stay hydrated Even if you have to set yourself little reminders, try to be aware of how much liquid you are consuming. Water helps in the production of lymph, which carries white blood cells and other immune system cells. Drink your body weight in tea, water, juice, whatever you fancy, as long as you are staying hydrated.

Get plenty of sleep A strong immune system is one that has the ability to repair and restore itself effectively while the body rests. If your body

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

will stick around and who won’t, and whom you genuinely want to build a relationship with. I can only speak from experience and statistics, and in my own opinion, as long as you stay safe and enjoy the conversations without expectations; it will all work out on its own. My best friend has met her significant other online and

they are now dating! I myself have found someone I love and cherish, online. It’s possible to make long - term deep connections online, but we can’t completely disregard the short - term ones. If you think about it, haven’t you learned something new about yourself or about others from every curious once off conversation?

Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

Is genderless fashion the future? By Niamh Casey September has been filled with fashion weeks. From New York to London, Milan and of course Paris, we saw many top brands putting their Spring/Summer 2019 collections on display. We also saw the return of genderless fashion to the runway, which was heavily featured in 2017 as well. So, this begs the question, is gender - neutral the future of fashion? Brands like Dior and Chanel are very avid when it comes to displaying genderless fashion on the runway. From suits to shirts we see countless examples of gender - neutrality on their runways. We also know it’s popular in store and online with numerous unisex suits and other unisex items selling out. So, genderless fashion is definitely in high demand. In reality there has been a demand for unisex clothing for a long time, because clothing items like jeans, jumpers and trainers are often very neutral, even if they are marketed towards a specific gender. Even around college campus there are a growing number of gender - neutral outfits. From the classic jeans and jumper combo to women in traditionally ‘men’s’ shirts and even men in jumpsuits. So genderless fashion is quickly moving from runway shows to street fashion, and why wouldn’t it? It’s inclusive, fashion forward and often more comfortable! It is a happy medium between feminine and masculine styles, which means everybody feels comfortable in it and

still looks and feels great. It gives non - binary or genderfluid people more options as well. It is obvious that genderless clothes are popular because they are often very quick to sell out in stores and online. Actress Zendaya said in an interview with InStyle magazine that she feels genderless fashion is “the future of fashion.” Zendaya was speaking about her own clothing line which features many unisex pieces, and her’s isn’t the only brand to carry unisex items. Brands like Pull and Bear and Tommy Hilfiger have already produced many unisex clothes. Even shoe brands like Converse and Vans can be worn by everyone. It is hard to say if genderless fashion is the future, as fashion trends are ever changing, but there is no denying its popularity at the moment which is still growing rapidly. This time last year the UK retailer John Lewis removed its gender labels from their children’s clothing section which received mixed reviews online. Some people said it was a step forward while others saw it as unnecessary. However, the idea of having a ‘children’s section’ rather than a ‘boys section’ and a ‘girls section’ is becoming more popular among parents. Will we see this in adult sections in the future? Many people would hope so. For now however, people find their own ways to wear what they like, whether that be a dress, a shirt or a suit. ‘Genderless’ is a new fashion label that people can look cool in.


October 09 2018





Name: Jonathon O’Brien

Name: Aoife Gallivan

Name: Ikenna Anyabuike

Name: Erin McInerney

Course: MA in Drama and Theatre studies “I’ve been inspired by the whole ‘I look like a sailor but actually do software engineering’ and the slacks are because I just came from an acting workshop that involves a lot of physical activity.”

Course: General Science “I chose to dress like this because it’s comfy. I would probably consider Willow Smith a source of fashion inspiration.”

Course: Drama, Theatre and Performance studies “I chose to dress this way because this is Ireland and it’s cold. Also I like the colour grey and warm clothes.”

Course: Medicine “I chose this outfit because it’s casual but ticular fashion idol, I love street fashion put together and I also love wearing deep and I take inspiration from many differgreens and warm colours, especially at ent icons from Miley Cyrus to Meghan this time of year. I don’t have any one par- Markle, depending on my mood.” AliveProgrammeStand2.qxd


12:03 pm

Page 1

ALIVE Volunteer Programme Get involved!

Jonathon O’Brien

Aoife Gallivan

Volunteer with Charities, Hospitals, Schools & Community Organisations Wide Range of Volunteering Opportunities: ◗

Animals & Environment

People with Disabilities

Children & Youth

Social Justice

Older People

Arts, Culture & Media



Benefits of Volunteering ◗

Broaden your horizons

Be an agent of social change

Gain work experience

Challenge yourself

Build Skills

Have Fun & Meet new people

Earn the NUI Galway Presidential Award for Volunteering, the ALIVE Certificate

Give your time and get so much more in return

Ikenna Anyabuike

Erin McInerney



SIN Vol. 20 Issue 03

The manic beauty of Arctic Monkeys’ gig in Dublin By Caileigh Ryan

anstorm’ and ‘Crying Lightning’ and more recent hits like ‘Snap Out of It’ and ‘Do I Wanna Know?’. “I just wanted to be one of The Strokes, now look at There’s hardly a phone in sight, save for when the the mess you made me make”, sings Arctic Monkeys boys sing one of their slower songs like ‘505’ or ‘The frontman Alex Turner as he kicks off their second Ultracheese’, which is about the only time you can night in Dublin (after a fairly impressive opening safely take your phone out of your pocket to take set by The Lemon Twigs). a blurry picture without it getting flung ten feet There’s an air of disbelief among the fans in front into the air and hitting some poor die - hard fan of the stage when the lads come out. The Monkeys in the face. are here. It’s been over four years since they last Alex is in top form, playing a game of rock-pa- TAISCEADÁIN performed in Ireland. Tranquilty Base Hotel & per-scissors with himself as he sings ‘Four out of AN CHOMHALTAIS TAISCEADÁIN Photo: Jeremy Perez photos via ANFlickr CHOMHALTAIS Casino, their new album released in May, served Five’. The three lads play spotlessly, as always. as an appetizer for fans. It took four months for These guys know exactly how to get a crowd going LOCKERS the SU main course to come to the 3Arena. but just how to take it down a notch too. Turner no match for the guy who’s hopping up and down SU LOCKERS It’s manic but it’s beautiful. There are pints serenades us during ‘Cornerstone’ and pulls on his mate’s shoulders, swirling around his t-shirt being thrown, mosh pits forming, hands waving, out all the stops for ‘I Bet You Look Good on the like a propeller. SU along to the old favourites ‘Bri- Dancefloor’, during which the arena security are people shouting Turner, Cook, O’Malley and Helders have perSU SEOMRA CÓTAÍ SEOMRA CÓTAÍ fected everything that a concert should be. They take AN CHOMHALTAIS SU CLOAKROOM AN CHOMHALTAIS us from the streets of Sheffield to the Tranquility Base Hotel effortlessly, convincingly and with a stage presence that’s nothing short of admirable. They’ve got their crowd wired to the moon and we’re loving it. Turner tells us “don’t sit down ‘cause I’ve moved SU your chair”, and two songs later, to “take it easy for Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn Chomhaltas na Macwhile, Léinncome and stay with us.” I’ve never felt a little so many emotions in the space of two hours.


e Skills

Life Skills

Enrol now for the following reduced

nts’ Union price courses in the Students’ Union Office: Students’ Union




ENTS Second Hand

• Sign Language BOOKSTORE • Occupational First Aid


Cláraigh anois do na cúrsaí seo a leanas ar phraghas laghdaithe in Oifig an Chomhaltais:

Siamsaíocht an Chomhaltais

Second • AnHand Teanga Chomharthaíochta


• An Gharchabhair Oibre • Céad Fhreagróir Cairdiach

• Child Protection Training

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• Oiliúint i Scileanna Feidhmeacha

• Mixed Martial Arts for Self Defence

• Ealaíona Comhraic Measctha

• Disclosure Training

• Frithchiníochas

• Sexual Consent Workshop

• Ceardlann um Chomhthoiliú Gnéis

• Yoga

• An tIóga

More information at or email

Tuilleadh eolais le fáil ag nó seol ríomhphost chuig

RATING:  5/5

Black ’47: A historic review

SIOPA LEABHAR an Chomhaltais ATHLÁIMHE an Chomhaltais By Javier Ruiz Gomez ATHLÁIMHE

Idirghabhála i dtaca le Féinmharú


i gcomhair Féinchosanta

• Anti-Racism


Clár Scileanna Saoil Clár Scileanna Saoil

• Cardiac First Responder

Training (ASIST)


It was more than a concert. It was a show that their fans over the last 10+ years deserved. They’ve handpicked some of their classic bangers, a few sad ones from over the years and a healthy mix of their new stuff to create something other - worldly – an experience that had fans leaving the 3Arena satisfied with their stay. They polished off their set with 2013 hit ‘R U Mine?’, and as they left the stage, all everybody wanted was more. I want to rate it four out of five for the sake of it, but hey, it deserves all five.

an Chomhaltais

Lance Daly has done it, and he has done it right. Not many Irish would be able to tell a story about the Famine without jumping to the conclusion that the English were to blame. As a history major, I would like to cover a few aspects of the movie that are historically accurate but might appear in conflict with what is being taught in schools. The first fact is Irish people joining the British army. This was common during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in families of farmers, mainly, because they had a reduced income. A son from the family would fight for the crown in exchange for a wage, which part of would be sent home to the family. However, the Irish would have joined for other reasons throughout history. The reception at home for those who went to fight for the British is exaggerated in the movie. At the beginning Feeney’s nephew calls him a “deserter” and it is even narrated that they were “seen as traitors by many people.” Taking into consideration that they were farmers, and not part of the middle class who were concerned about politics. This situation becomes unlikely because to most farmers of the time, having a steady income was more important than the independence of Ireland. This brings us to the following facts that Lance Daly acknowledged in the movie and he deserves praise for this. As Feeney travels through Connemara we see him killing and threatening different people. One of them is the rent collector, an Irishman, who had allowed the Feeney family to be

evicted because they could not pay rent. Another takes place during a rainy night. In this scene we find a Catholic priest outside a tent trying to convince his followers not to go into the tent. Inside, there is a Protestant priest who agreed to give soup to all Catholics who would convert to Protestantism. As is expected, Feeney makes a scene and ends up letting everybody have the soup, grabbing both priests by the neck outside the tent. I have pointed out these two scenes because they are in conflict with what is taught in schools. Yes, Protestant priests did try to buy followers in this way, and indeed many people converted during the Famine. This was socially accepted. However, after the Famine finished, when they did not depend on Protestant priests to be fed, they converted back to Catholicism. The second must be read between the lines. When Feeney grabs both priests by the neck it should make the viewer understand that, during the Famine, it did not matter if you were Protestant or Catholic. If you were withholding goods, you were the enemy, regardless of your social status. Even though I would like to nit - pick Daly’s work further, I will finish by appreciating the fact that he kept the Irish language in the movie. Many times, we see Anglo - Saxons travelling around the world and having conversations in English with the natives without a struggle. I would like to thank the Pálás cinema in Galway for facilitating me a ticket for one of the screenings for Black ’47 and allowing me to take notes during such. RATING:  4.5/5


October 09 2018




SOUNDTRACK TO SOBRIETY with Shampain by Cóilí Collins Cóilí/Shampain is a resident DJ in Electric nightclub, former electronic music editor of District Magazine, contributor to District and Four Four magazines, former resident DJ of Hangar, and has written for Mixmag and worked on Rinse France.

“When people start getting booked because they’re sound rather than because of their sound, we’ve ran ourselves into a bit of problem.” A few months back I penned a piece about people taking underground music too seriously in relation to Denis Sulta and his BBC Radio One Essential Mix which contained an edit of a somewhat notorious Scooter track. That sentiment is something I still stand with today, and within music there’s nothing more important than having fun and dancing, especially when it comes to nightclubs and festivals, but are we really being honest with ourselves? There’s an Irish stereotype that we’re not gifted when it comes to being honest, especially if said honesty has negative connotations. Examples include when someone puts too much milk in your tea and you say it’s grand, when the barber asks if your haircut is OK and you nod your unavoidably red cheeks, only to curse him or her out the minute you shut the door of the shop, or when you offer someone a chip and they take two, much to your annoyance. Moments like that are what make us, for better or worse, one of the easiest bunches of people to get along with. Long may it last, but the line between being honest and

being pernickety is blurred when it enters the realm of underground electronic music in Ireland. Along with stating that we’re taking electronic music too seriously, I said that this is one of the most impressive batches of young Irish talent we have had in some time. While it’s great to have an abundance of talent, it’s important that we measure everyone equally, and don’t let our standards drop as the rate of producers increases. It’s natural for people to be inspired by a certain genre or sound that’s doing well, resulting in them throwing their hat into the production ring. Everything is an imitation of something else, that’s why there’s always a loose comparison that you can attach to a track or artist. Assessing current and past trends and reinterpreting them is something that is done across all types of creative industries, but it’s always the true innovators that stand the test of time. So, if we bunch together this group of producers and DJs the green isle has, with a number of hungry party goers looking to emulate their success, it’s inevitable that a peak in the output of Irish tracks is going to be reached, and it seems as though we’re very near the summit. With DIY labels and collectives looking to gain a foothold in a scene that seems overpopulated, it’s forgivable that they would play host to tracks that may not be exactly bad, but of a lower standard to what we’re used to hearing. We are responsible for making sure that this new group of up – and – comers grows in the best way possible, not only for them, but for all sectors of the

electronic community. Once someone comes in and kicks down a door, we can’t just open the floodgates and let every Tom, Dick and Harry in. I don’t mean to sound like certain individuals that love to inhabit comment sections, proclaiming the death of this scene and that scene, but more so that we should hold our heads higher than we currently are. We’re too nice as critics, and we’re probably too nice as producers too. This means it can be difficult to critique some people when this country is so small.


here’s no room to piss someone off, yet there’ll never be enough space to keep everyone happy. Thanks to the glories of social media, it’s as if we can tell who has a nice personality and who doesn’t. Thankfully in Ireland, the place is so small that you’ll find out who are and aren’t savoury characters in person. With that in mind, it can be quite difficult to be honest with up and coming producers without being labelled mean or not up for the craic or being too protectionist of the ‘scene’. While they are all very valid points, when people start getting booked because they’re sound rather than because of their sound, we’ve ran ourselves into a bit of problem. With the number of slots reducing, given the number of clubs that are shutting their doors on a regular basis, the openings for up and coming DJs are thin. This means promoters’ decisions are difficult when it comes to picking who plays and who doesn’t. With the number of producers and DJs being so high, it has come to a point where people’s personalities are coming more

so into play than their actual music. That is the only thing that’s being considered: how many people can be crammed in to watch someone that’s good fun behind the decks play a few tracks. That’s all well and good when we have a plethora of clubs to go to, but unfor-

edits and filter house tracks that are being uploaded at what feels like breakneck speed. Tech house suffered a similar fate a few years ago, but it seems like we’ve already forgotten about that (Mixmag just noticed apparently) and now it’s as if we’ve grouped together to land the knockout blow on

“When people start getting booked because they’re sound rather than because of their sound, we’ve ran ourselves into a bit of problem.” tunately that mentality is suffocating the quality of music emanating from the country right now, as we’re looking to keep everyone happy, rather than keeping everyone on the best track. Producers are looking to copy an already successful formula, meaning that instead of having another impressive crop of young musicians to look forward to, we’re left with a sea of endless disco

another genre. All the while, we are suffocating the rest, so we don’t have a back up plan when the current one bottoms out, because people are too nice to be honest and the country is too small to receive criticism. Every producer remarks in every interview of how democratised music making has become, with the ability to make tracks only a computer away, therefore it shouldn’t be


labelled as negative and protectionist to criticise producers. The bar to begin producing has never been lower, so we must expect the initial standard to lower along with it. If we then as listeners, critics and promoters don’t in turn uphold our honest opinions, all that will happen is people will get sick of hearing the same sub - par sound over and over again, and that the ‘scene’ at large will be left entirely burned out. Electronic music is at a fragile state in Ireland despite it never being as popular. With few legitimate venues for it to be played and lots of high quality acts, it’s imperative to be honest with each other and to speak up when we don’t like something, or when it is bad quality. All we’ll end up doing is squandering our own talent within our own echo chamber. We have international talent, and even more talent should naturally follow that, but we will waste it if we continue to emphasise sound people over people’s sounds.

PLANNER 08-12 OCT //2018 sultnuigalway


SHUFFLE presents



Kayak Club table quiz 8pm Corrib Room

9PM - 11PM

Photo: Maely Lim


DJ SOC - THE BEST 00’s 7pm-11pm








DJ Soc

DJ Graham Doherty 4pm-7pm


Nine Monks Promo

Student Connect Mentor Table Quiz






CHEESY 8O’s Music Night 6pm




SIN Vol. 20 Issue 03

Chasing Abbey at the Róisín Dubh By Sarah Gill Ro, Bee and Teddy C. Three lads from Tullamore with the force of a generation behind them. The infectious charisma and energy of the group permeated into every crevice of the Róisín Dubh.

When they said jump, we jumped. Not one person left the gig without sweat on their brow and a smile on their face. Before the boys even stepped foot on stage, the electricity of what was to come had already flowed through every member of the crowd. The opening acts - Chinnie Izzie and Darcy Faith - made sure

that the audience were sufficiently amped up. The rising stars were both extremely comfortable on stage; interacting with the crowd while the room practically swelled with anticipation. By the time Chasing Abbey took to the stage, the room was filled to capacity. The intimacy of the Róisín Dubh was blown apart; we could have been standing in the 3 Arena or Croke Park with the level of energy that filled the room. The boys have three incredibly successful songs in the Irish charts at the minute and had the forward thinking to release the hooks of four new songs on their Instagram stories in the run-up to the Rollout Tour. What was amazing was the reaction when they came on stage to perform their unreleased track ‘So Many P e o p l e ’. T h e atmosphere was incredible! The fact that very few people present had any prior knowledge of this song faded into insignificance when we all caught up with the lyrics, got into the rhythm and started belting out the tune like it was an old favourite. That just shows the power of their energy; it’s infectious. The lads went straight into ‘Talk To Me’ and to say the crowd exploded would be an understatement. This is clearly the group’s best song - I will fight any man, woman or child that says different! The unique blend of hip-hop, dance, pop and the Tullamore accent make this song a Chasing Abbey signature tune. As the group performed all the hits in their repertoire, the crowd began to feel like one. Being fans of the same music is often enough to solidify friendships and it was clear that the crowd began to lean on eachother. Every person present was a solid fan and had set about learning the pre - released hooks off by heart. From ‘Humblin’’ to ‘Choices’, the tempo in the room didn’t even slightly dip. As the group were reaching the end of their set list, Darcy Faith and Chinnie Izzie were welcomed back onto the stage to perform ‘Kitchen’ as a family. When the boys left the stage after their powerful performance of their award-winning track ‘That Good Thing’, the crowd broke out into the traditionally Irish chanting of One More Tune, which was answered by another unleased tune; ‘Where You’re From’. The room settled, and everyone began trying to process what they had just been part of. Between seeing them on the Eir ad and their non-stop radio coverage, the group’s manager (Big and Bright Ltd) has been paving the way for Chasing Abbey to go down in history. I can just picture the episode of Reeling In The Years now; That Good Thing playing while the Eighth is repealed and the Lidl in Tallaght is being looted. With a track as gaeilge on the CEOL 2018 album and an upcoming appearance as Enrique Iglesias’ special guests in the 3 Arena, the group’s success is well and truly blossoming. From the slick fades right down to the Adidas trackies, Chasing Abbey epitomise our generation.

‘Talk To Me’ is clearly the group’s best song - I will fight any man, woman or child that says different! The unique blend of hip-hop, dance, pop and the Tullamore accent make this song a Chasing Abbey signature tune.

What’s On In Galway By Sarah Gill October is finally here and with every leaf that falls on campus, we are feeling more Autumnal than ever. ‘Tis the season for pumpkin spice lattes, warm scarves and sad songs. It’s the kind of weather that makes you just want to cuddle up with a warm blanket and shut yourself off from society. But we won’t let that happen! Without further ado, here is this issue’s list of where to be in the coming weeks!

1. Pálás Cinema – Halloween screening Are you ready to delve into what is arguably the finest holiday of the year? To celebrate Halloween’s 40th anniversary, Pálás Arthouse Cinema in the Latin Quarter will be screening the timeless classic on Wednesday 10 October. Halloween takes us into the world of a mad killer, Michael Myers, who at a very young age stabbed his older sister to death. Locked away for many years in a mental hospital, Michael escapes one night and returns to his hometown to continue his killing spree. Feeling spooky yet?

2. Hocus Pocus at Galway Racecourse The best childhood Halloween throwback movie has got to be Hocus Pocus, right? As part of the Retro Drive-In Movies special screenings in Galway Racecourse, Hocus Pocus will be filling us all with nostalgia on Saturday 20 October. What better way to spend a Saturday night than living the dream of watching a spooky movie at a drive-in cinema?

3. Jared Dylan live at East Side Tavern Jared has also announced an animated short film, “Consequence”, featuring the single ‘Can’t Stop’ (John Gibbons remix) and a soundtrack of new Jared Dylan music. A cross-over between Jared Dylan and pulp fiction graphic novel, The Beach Chronicles - a popular underground animated, comic book and podcast series based out of South Beach Miami (think Blade Runner meets Miami Vice). The gig takes place on Saturday 20 October and is one not to be missed.

4. Club GASS in the Róisín Dubh Galway’s monthly LGBT club night CLUB GASS is hosted by resident Drag Queen Kiki St Clair with DJ Shazza Ranks playing club tracks and hits. This month, the event will be held on Friday 12 October. Tickets are only €8 and if you head along, please death drop with care!

5. Croí Night Run On Friday 12 October, the Irish Heart & Stroke charity will be hosting a 5km run, jog or walk. Kicking off at 8pm at Salthill Promenade, this is an event not to be missed. It is so important, as students, that we get involved with local charities and try to make a difference in our society. As well as a perfect way to fit in some exercise to your schedule, it is a great cause to support.


October 09 2018




BROCKHAMPTON iridescence review

– the most important boyband in rap fight back by Daniel Brennan After exploding onto the rap scene in 2017 with three of the most critically-acclaimed albums of the year in SATURATION I, II and III, along with their trademark music videos and their defining shunning of norms associated with a group that willingly calls itself a “boyband”, 2018 has been a year of growth for BROCKHAMPTON. Former member Ameer Vann was kicked out in May following several emotional, physical and sexual

abuse accusations that put their ongoing American tour and soon to be released fourth studio record, PUPPY, on hold. Since then, PUPPY was completely scrapped, which led to fears that the group may not be putting out any new material any time soon, but the release of the singles ‘TONYA’, ‘1999 WILDFIRE’, ‘1998 TRUMAN’, and ‘1997 DIANA’ over recent months at least confirmed that the group would continue on. On iridescence, BROCKHAMPTON silence any doubt that the loss of Ameer would influence their ability to produce some of the best rap music out there, as they come fighting back with a raw, visceral journey of learning to deal with the pressures of fame that have molded the band after the Ameer controversy. Mixed with some surprising experimental elements mixed into their consistently masterful production, headed up by members Romil, HK and Jabari, iridescence is most definitely a different listening experience to anything else the collective has put out to date. From the outset, ‘NEW ORLEANS’ comes straight at you with a hard - hitting beat, stand - out verses from Dom McLennon, Joba and Merlyn Wood along with Kevin Abstract laying down a catchy hook, accompanied

along with a surprise feature from Jaden Smith. The transition into the next track, the chiller RnBstyle ‘THUG LIFE’ works brilliantly, with Bearface laying down some of his trademark excellent vocals. The short but sweet ‘WHERE THE CASH AT’ showcases Merlyn’s ability to carry the majority of a song by himself, something that was rarely seen throughout any of the SATURATION trilogy as he lays down high-energy bars over a thumping bass line, but you can only be left wanting more as the track is just under two minutes in length. On ‘WEIGHT’, they deliver one of their most emotionally-charged tracks, beginning with Kevin delivering one of the best verses of the year as he looks back over how much he battled with his sexuality in his youth, and the pressures of fame that came with the group being thrust into the spotlight after the Ameer controversy. This transitions into a high-tempo British drum and bass-type beat, perhaps a nod to the album being recorded at the legendary Abbey Road studio in London. Both Dom and Joba produce stand - out verses of their own, with Dom speaking about his own struggles with fame and how it’s affected his relationships, and Joba mentioning using substance abuse to cope repeatedly to end the track. ‘WEIGHT’ is a song that encapsulates the group’s growth over the past few months, and one that goes down as both a turning point on this record and in their history as a group. What follows on is some of the group’s finest work in the second half of the album, with ‘DISTRICT’ and ‘HONEY’ both featuring excellent beat switch - ups towards the end. ‘J’OUVERT’, one of

the two singles released before the album again features another incredible verse from Joba, as he again unleashes a more unhinged version of himself, and firmly establishes himself as a focal point of nearly every single song where he features. The penultimate track is the other previously released single ‘TONYA’, the first track they released post-Ameer. Kevin directly addresses how the controversy affected both him and his bandmates with another amazing verse, the standout lines being “My ghosts still haunt ya, my life is I, TONYA / A big-eyed monster, only face to conquer / I hated songs about fame cause that stuff meant nothin’ / Until them headlines came, then first flight I’m stuck in.” Merlyn’s verse to finish off the track is significant too, as instead of using his usual upbeat, ultra - energetic style, he uses a speaking tone and slows down, rapping about how his parents doubted him pursuing a career in music after dropping out of college; “Mommy said ‘your career ain’t gon’ last’.” The fact ‘TONYA’ wasn’t the final song on this record did slightly disappoint me as ‘FABRIC’, the actual closer, was only mediocre, but the teaser at the end of the song suggesting that this album would be the first part of a new trilogy called The Best Years of Our Lives, redeems it somewhat. Iridescence is a statement from one of the most captivating groups in music today that they are here to stay, and that if anything, they’ve become even more complete as a unit in the nine months since the end of the SATURATION era.

RATING:   8.5/10

Will season three bring Serial back to its former glory? By Molly Fitzpatrick If you’re a fan of podcasts you’ve heard of Serial, point blank. It’s possibly the most successful and most highly acclaimed podcast of the decade so far. Its first season told the story of the 1999 Baltimore murder of high school student Hae Min Lee and the following conviction of her ex - boyfriend Adnan Syed, who faced life in prison. It racked up a record breaking five million downloads on Apple’s iTunes and was the fastest podcast in history to reach this milestone according to the company. Today the first two series combined have a whopping 350 million downloads. For many, the hype surrounding Serial was the very reason we bothered venturing into the previously unused podcasts app on our smartphones. The podcast was like none we had seen before. It didn’t tell the story documentary style ending with a clear conclusion, but instead brought the listener through every miniscule detail of the trial real time, with our suspicions seesawing episode on episode and even leading us to question the criminal justice system. The podcast is highly reliant on phone interviews with Aynad himself, who proclaimed his innocence, from inside the walls of the North Branch Correctional Institution, Maryland. Serial season one was ground breaking, both in its figures and its style. The Guardian even characterized it as a “new genre of audio story telling.” Every episode left us wanting more, hours spent going over what we had heard, trying to conclude if Adnan had done it or not. So, when the series ended without a clear resolution, we were long-

ing for more. However, what we got with season two was a completely new story. It followed the high - profile military dissertation case of Bowe Bergdahl in Afghanistan, which for many didn’t harbour the same pull as the obscure murder mystery of the previous series. Put plain and simple, although it still displayed a high level of investigative journalism, it was kind of boring. So, when it was announced that a third season was on its way, the anticipation built quickly. Would it blow us away like its debut series, or would it be at best mediocre like the second? The third season dropped on 20 September and although like series one it revolves around the criminal justice system in America, there are some fundamental differences to the previous series. The first series focused on every little minute detail of the first - degree murder case which was far from your average criminal case in the U.S. However, it did raise many questions about the fairness of the criminal justice system. What season three aims to do is debunk many of these questions. However, it doesn’t solely focus on one case. Season three tells tales of many cases that range from petty offenses to more serious trails like murder. Koenig examines the nitty gritty details of the justice system from inside Cuyahoga County Justice Centre Cleveland. Why Cleveland? In the words of presenter Sarah Koenig “we need to spend at least a year watching ordinary criminal justice, in the least exceptional, most middle-of-the-country place we could find: Cleveland.” But that’s not the sole reason for choosing Cleveland. Unlike many other cities, the Cleve-

land courts have granted Koeing access to record a tremendous amount of courtroom proceedings, practically granting the listener a seat on the jury of each case. In addition, Koeing has access to record in back hallways, elevators, judges’ chambers and prosecutors’ offices. As a fan of Serial since the early days, my hopes were high for the new season. Two episodes in, it’s clear that although it’s not as sensational as season one, it remains promising. The tales have been just

as gripping, each painting a picture of the people on both sides of the trials. However, do they lack the certain excitement of a first - degree murder trial with the teenage convict claiming his innocence? Most definitely. Season three may still have the potential to bring the podcast back to the glory of season one with its gripping investigative journalism, or it may be a victim of its own hype. With only three of a predicted ten episodes aired; the jury is out.

Much of the action in Serial Season Three’s first episode, ‘A Bar Fight Walks into the Justice Center’, takes place at this corner bar in Cleveland. For the episode’s cover art, Melody Newcomb’s illustration depicting “a woman in two worlds” was digitally illustrated on the side of the building. Credit: Melody Newcomb/Moth Studio/Serial Podcast.


Reeling In The Years, 1989: It might not stand out, but it was iconic By Caileigh Ryan It’s 9 November, 1989. The Berlin Wall is coming down. The Cold War is ending, and so is the division between East and West Germany. Crowds gather to cheer on the bulldozers, the Eastern and Western citizens unite, rejoice and drink champagne. There are people chipping at the wall, others dancing – everybody is celebrating their newfound freedom and the ability to now cross from one side of the city to the other without a visa. The Stone Roses release their debut album – one that ends up shaping life in not only Manchester, but the whole of England at the time. The Stone Roses, The Happy Mondays and New Order are topping the charts, and with that comes the rise of the Madchester Scene. Manchester is changing, and its people are too. Then comes the popularity of ecstacy, a surge in Manchester’s nightlife, a rise in

1989 is the year Sky TV is launched in the UK, allowing people to watch more than four channels. On our television screens, Bart Simpson tells us “eat my shorts” and Robin Williams advises us to seize the day and make our lives extraordinary in Dead Poets Society.

creative energy. People wear colour, there’s an air of relaxation. Sneakers and Palladium boots take the place of Doc Martens. It’s a welcomed shift in pop culture. The Smiths and monochrome colours have paved the way for long enough. It’s time for change. Artists who top the charts worldwide throughout the year include Technotronic with ‘Pump up the Jam’, Queen with ‘I Want It All’, Bon Jovi’s ‘Lay Your Hands On Me’, Cher’s ‘If I Could Turn Back Time’, The Rolling Stones with ‘Mixed Emotions’, Phil Collins with ‘Another Day in Paradise’ and Madonna’s ‘Like A Prayer’. Whitney Houston wins Soul R&B Female at the American Music Awards and Neil Young takes home the Video of the Year award for ‘This Note’s for You’ at the VMAs. 1989 is the year Sky TV is launched in the UK, allowing people to watch more than four channels. On our television screens, Bart Simpson tells us “eat my shorts” and Robin Williams advises us to seize the day and make our lives extraordinary in Dead Poets Society. Films released in 1989 include the film adaptation of Stephen King’s Pet Sematary, Batman (starring Michael Keaton), Back to the Future II, Ghostbusters II, The Little Mermaid and Honey, I Shrunk the Kids! You’ll find bookworms reading John Grisham’s A Time to Kill, John le Carré’s The Russia House and Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club, 1989’s popular releases. That outfit you’re envying that somebody recently wore to Boxed Off probably had its debut in 1989. Big, bold, colourful and neon print is all the rage, whether it’s on your shell jacket, your baggy pants or your leggings. Popular fabrics include linen, wool and silk. Animal prints are big. So is sheer. Women are wearing lycra swimsuits while men’s fashion is baggy. Acidwashed clothes are incredibly popular. Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren are leading fashion designers. People are excited, the 90s are on the horizon, and who knows what’s to come…

SIN Vol. 20 Issue 03

Down the Prom By Michelle Mitchell


Curled up on the sand with the sun beating down on them, her head in the crook of his arm and the sun blazing ... Not something you see every day, certainly not in the west of Ireland. People streaming down the prom exercising and walking their dogs, they stop and stare at the young man lying curled up on the sand with her dark hair on his arm. Is this precious or bizarre? Several double takes - mothers hurrying their children along, partners not wanting to think about what could’ve been. Rather stay busy, be focussed and keep your eyes averted. As a cloud covers the sun and the day loses just a little bit of light there is movement on the sand. Her head turns sideways, he raises himself next to her. Yawning she looks around and licks him on the nose. ‘Oh I guess we got to go’, he says and stands up.

CEOL 2018 By Sarah Gill “Is linne an teanga, an bronntanas glórmhar. Beo is ag fas, níos mó ná ábhar. Ach níl sí go hiomlan sábháilte go fóill. So bígi ag canadh agus fáilte go ceol.” This spoken word piece, recorded by Macklemore and Saoirse Ronan, sets the pace for what is to come on the highly anticipated CEOL 2018. 2FM DJ Eoghan McDermott, the curator of this album, recently tweeted that this projected is about “how the language is beautiful and versatile but delicate and needs people to help it along.” The album features a star-studded line up of artists including Kodaline, Wheatus and The Coronas, recording their original songs as Gaeilge. This is an initiative which aims to celebrate our national tongue during Bliain na Gaeilge. 350,000 copies of the album were distributed to schools all over the country and download codes are available for third level students through each college’s Cumann Gaelach. I got in touch with Eoghan McDermott to talk about the album’s release. Eoghan’s main hope for the proj-

ect is that it will “let Irish live outside the classroom” and, according to the DJ, it’s been a hell of a ride. “Wheatus recorded Teenage Dirtbag in New York, JP Cooper did September Song in London, Parson James did Stole the Show in Los Angeles, Picture This in their home studio in Athy - so it’s truly been recorded all over the world.” This in itself showcases how wide the reach of the Irish language can be. This initiative has “grown from a place where [the curators] were scrapping to get anybody to care” to a release which has got the country talking. This album has given the people of Ireland the power to refamiliarise themselves with the Irish language. To make a new connection with our native tongue which is not associated with the obligation of learning the Módh Coinníollach. The casualness of throwing in a cúpla focal into any conversation can modernise the language, taking its context away from the classroom and into present day. This album represents something we all should try to emanate in our own lives. There is a real sense of bród agus tír ghrá when listening to the tracks which has the power to give you goose bumps. Even if you don’t fully understand every word, the sentiment is clear. Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam.

Like it or not, Space Jam 2 is coming our way Photo: Ungry Young Man via Flickr

By Kayleigh McCoy It’s finally happening: after years of rumours, the long-awaited sequel to Space Jam has been confirmed. A report issued from the Hollywood Reporter announced that Ryan Coogler will produce Space Jam 2 - 22 years after the release of the original cult classic. The follow up film will see Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James hit the big screen, with production set to begin after the 2018/19 NBA season comes to an end. Terrance Nance, best known for his work on the animated film An Oversimplification of Her Beauty and his sketch show Random Acts of Flyness which debuted

on HBO last month, has also been confirmed as the sequel’s director. Space Jam was initially released in 1996 and was met with a variety of critical views; currently, the film has a disappointing 38% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. However, despite contemporary critics disliking the unusual blend of basketball and Looney Tunes cartoons, audiences around the world seemed to love it. In hindsight, the film did have all the necessary components to create an instant cult classic: Bugs Bunny, an evil intergalactic villain voiced by Danny DeVito, the world’s greatest athlete (Michael Jordan), a simple but moving underdog story and well… Bill Murray. For

anyone growing up in the nineties, this bizarre combination was a dream come true. With that being said, it’s hard to know what to expect from the film’s sequel. Without a doubt, follow up films to childhood classics have been extremely popular in the last few years with huge instalments such as Toy Story 3, Finding Dory and The Incredibles 2 tearing up a storm in the box office. However, what made Space Jam such a likable film was the fact it embodied everything great that nineties pop culture had to offer. So, will Space Jam 2 be able to maintain the franchise’s appeal by drawing on present day pop culture phenomena - such as Fortnite and Marvel - without seeming cliché?

Similarly, Space Jam’s underdog plot was a huge factor in success – Michael Jordan had to lead Bugs Bunny and the Tune Squad to victory by defeating the relentless alien team Monstars in a basketball game. It’s extremely simplistic but in all the right ways that makes the film flow well and easy to enjoy. It’s also an easy plot to return to, which raises the issue of whether Space Jam 2 will provide audiences with fresh content or a rehashed storyline. It is early days for the film yet, so all we can do now is speculate. Hopes are high though, and it’ll be exciting to see how production plays out – we might even get a Michael Jordan cameo yet!


October 09 2018




NETFLIX OR AMAZON PRIME VIDEO: two streaming giants worth your money? By Laura Henßen Who doesn´t know it? University, studying and the voice in the back of your head that whispers “Screw it! Watch a movie!”. And how tempting it is. You are already logged in – actually – you’ve never logged out. You can easily continue Friends on Netflix where you left off three hours ago. Or you have a deserved break on Amazon Prime to watch Life in Pieces. Netflix or Amazon Prime? Some are lucky and have both. But you have to decide which one of these streaming giants is worth procrastinating with. It’s going to be the one that’s giving you the most for your money.

Both Amazon and Netflix are releasing and removing content every month. I’ve broken down the pros and cons of the two streaming giants.

Netflix Netflix kicks off October by uploading about 27 movies on the first day of the month. Sounds like a bunch, and absolutely worth all your spare pennies. But watch out! While the youngest of the new movies is from 2011 starring comedian Kevin Hart, the oldest film was released back in 1974. Basically, half of the new movies coming in October have been produced before 2000. It is not a secret that Netflix focuses more and more on TV

shows. Netflix makes up the gap of newer movies by offering what every Marvel fan out there has been waiting for: the third season of Marvel’s Daredevil. Also, the series initiated Netflix’s ongoing collaboration with Marvel and has therefore a special value. Daredevil is only one of many TV shows on Netflix. Can remarkable shows like Stranger Things or Black Mirror satisfy you enough to watch, over a less exciting movie offer? If you are a fan of movie classics which include old Stephen King masterpieces, famous and outstanding actors like Al Pacino and Jackie Chan in their best years, then you should spend up to €13.99 per month for your very own Netflix account.

Amazon Prime When it comes to TV shows, Amazon Prime offers broader content from the first of October onwards. The newest of these is actually new - from 2018. Trust tells the story of the kidnapping of John Paul Getty III and includes famous actors like Donald Sutherland. You may know him as President Snow from The Hunger Games. If you aren’t looking for TV shows, why not scroll through 180 movies, which will be added to the ones already waiting for you. Be excited about other upcoming entertainment starting from the year 1996. Unfortunately, while looking through all of the 180 movies, none looked familiar or considerably new.

The one where we reminisce By Kaylen Blanchier How you doin’? Right, now that I have your attention… Oh…My…God! It’s been 24 Years. 24 years since Rachel barged into Central Perk in her wedding dress, that Ross grabbed a spoon and Monica dated Paul the Wine guy. I would love to tell you about what a day it was when the premiere episode of Friends went on air, but I was born about five years too late for that. I missed out. I missed out on all the hype, on the feverish wait for the new season to come out, yet it doesn’t feel like it. In fact, I only watched the show for the very first time ten years after the finale episode, but I was pretty quick to catch up with the 80s kids. The truth is, Friends is still very much alive. Actually, strike that, it’s timeless. Monica’s living room is your living room, ugly naked guy was your neighbour, Gunther your awkward but sweet coffee guy and these six chums your best friends. And they are mine too. Because Friends is quite literally home. It is home after a long day at college or work or after the bluest of days. What makes the show so universally home? The fact that everyone has a Regina Phalange, a Miss Chanandler Bong, a Dr Drake Ramore, a Little Harmonica, a Mrs Ross and a Red Ross in their immediate group of friends. It is the most candid snapshot of life. Halloweens, Thanksgivings,

Christmases, break - ups, make ups, weddings, births, funerals, all are portrayed in such a way that if the cameras stopped rolling, you would barely see the difference with your own life. You laugh a lot, you cry sometimes, that’s about life in a nutshell, right? However, it is even more than that. The series is almost like some sort of cultural heritage, which you cannot escape from,

no matter how hard you try. If your friends didn’t drag you down the Friends rabbit hole, then your mom probably did and she proudly showed you all the pictures of the Rachel haircut she got in her twenties. No comment. If you don’t clap four times during the opening credits, hold back your inner sarcastic Chandler self, sound like Monica whenever you say “I know!”, never

attempted to learn the Geller routine, don’t have an opinion on whether Ross and Rachel were on a break or not (they were), don’t sing Smelly Cat in the shower or haven’t found your lobster...could you even be part of the fandom? Where have you been all their lives? But hey it’s all right, they don’t have to know that we know they know we know that you’re not fluent in Friends.

Monica’s living room is your living room, ugly naked guy was your neighbour, Gunther your awkward but sweet coffee guy and these six chums your best friends. And they are mine too.

As well as Netflix, Amazon Prime has a bunch of exclusive and self - produced TV shows. These are not just regular shows. We are talking Golden Globes and Emmys. For example, Amazon Prime’s exclusive The Mar velous Mrs. Maisel won more than one of these trophies. Major advantages of Amazon are all the other offers which are included in the package. Charging students €37 per year, it includes not only movies and TV shows but also a lot of other features you maybe weren’t even looking for. However, there is a reason you certainly will decide to spend your money on one of the streaming websites: simply

because there are a lot of exclusive, highly entertaining and brilliant movies and TV shows to watch. Some of them are really making up for a lack of newer content. Movies your friends are already talking about and series whose memes you saw on Instagram the other day. Don’t worry about missing out! There is a surprising overlap of content. I am sure that whoever’s account you are secretly using right now will appreciate you buying your own. Especially because then you can finally take full advantage of all movie and series categories which the websites offer overall. No need to hide that you sometimes secretly fancy the good old childhood TV shows anymore!

Sesame Street’s Sexuality Suspicion By Kayleigh McCoy In a recent interview conducted by Queerty, long time Sesame Street writer Mark Saltzman delved deep into the relationship between the much - loved puppet duo Bert and Ernie, admitting they are in fact gay. While talking to the online magazine and newspaper, which focuses on gay lifestyle and news, Saltzman discussed his own experiences as a gay man in the TV industry during the 80’s, when Sesame Street was at its peak. A lot of the interview focused around Saltzman’s relationship with his partner, renowned editor Arnold Glassman – who he affectionately refers to as Arnie. Considering the pair had been together for over 20 years before Glassman’s death in 2003, the interview is moving to say the least. When the inevitable issue of Bert and Ernie’s supposedly platonic relationship cropped up, Saltzman confessed that he saw the pair as gay. “I always felt that without a huge agenda, when I was writing Bert & Ernie, they were [gay],” he admitted before explaining how the puppets were essentially based off him and Glassman. As the interview progressed, Saltzman spoke about how he and Glassman were often referred to as Bert and Ernie, asserting the fact that he was Ernie due his jokester like tendencies and removing little doubt from the readers mind that the puppets were ever just friends. Although this revelation was an undoubtedly positive step

towards championing diversity in the Sesame Street world, Sesame Workshop was quick to dismiss the integrity of Saltzman’s claim. An unusual move, considering the show attempted to broaden its reach last year with the addition of Julia, a puppet with autism. Following the release of the exclusive interview, Sesame Workshop released a statement asserting that “Bert and Ernie are best friends” and “do not have a sexual orientation.” Naturally, social media exploded in response to the reductive statement. Many fans drew on the relationship between Miss Piggy and Kermit, highlighting how Miss Piggy has been continually depicted as lusting after Kermit. After the debate became heated on social media, Frank Oz, the puppeteer behind Bert, attempted to quash the argument stating “I created Bert. I know what and who he is” on Twitter. Oz asserted that there was no possibility that Bert and Ernie are a gay couple, and to say differently would be a false representation of truth. This claim left the entire issue on a rocky edge; should a long standing iconic duo be transformed into a gay partnership for the sake of wider representation? Or should the original intended representation be maintained for the sake of truth? Ultimately, allowing Bert and Ernie to identify as a gay couple would be more inclusive, however it is Sesame Workshop’s decision to make.


Health Week Seachtain na Meabhairshláinte OÉ Gaillimh 2018 MONDAY 8TH OCTOBER DÉ LUAIN, AN 8 DEIREADH FÓMHAIR 1pm-3pm

Mental Health Monday at Smokey’s/Online – Who Do You Talk To?


Using Collage Making as a Tool to Improve your Mental Health in the Art Room in Áras na Mac Léinn.




Add a Buddy to Your Tea with Best Buddies Society in the View, Áras na Mac Léinn Limited spaces – to register email

Dance Soc Zumba to Destress in The Cube, Áras na Mac Léinn What’s The Tea with Baking Society in IT202


Mindfulness for Beginners Class in AC201


Paintball Promo in Áras na Mac Léinn

11am-5pm 2pm-3pm 4pm-7pm 7pm-9pm

Vintage Clothes Fair in Áras na Mac Léinn

Fáilte Refugees Society Old School Sports Day in the Kingfisher with prizes

Please Talk Goal Setting & Achieving What You Want Workshop venue TBC Our Mental Health Documentary Screening venue TBC


Mindfulness Shared Practice in AC202


Wellness Workshop #MentalHealth4Millennials in Lecture Room 3 Áras Moyola


5.30pm-7pm 7pm

7pm-10pm 7pm-9pm

Dance Soc Salsa Class to Destress in The Cube Positive Mind-set and Resilience in AMB 1064

Health Care Society “Minding Your Mental Health as Students & Healthcare Professionals” in the Kirwan Theatre Inside Out screening by Film Soc in the D’Arcy Thompson Theatre

Gig Soc Film Night LGBT+ Short Film Screenings + Popcorn in IT202


Homesickness and How To Combat It Talk in the Art Room, Áras na Mac Léinn


Writer’s Soc Night inspired by how to handle a panic attack in AC215

11am-1pm 8pm

Gig Soc Coming Out Day Coffee Morning in the Art Room, Áras na Mac Léinn

NUIG Comedy Soc Gig in the Bank of Ireland Theatre. €5 Tickets from Socs Box includes Free Pizza


Look out for the Welfare Crew handing out freebies throughout the week

Online ‘Silvercloud’ self- help available

• •

FREE Condoms and TOMPAX available all week from the SU

Mental Health Quote Walls in Áras na Mac Léinn and the Engineering Building

More information from/Tuilleadh eolais ar fáil ó All events are FREE unless otherwise stated.

Teil/Tel: Ríomhphost/Email:

+353 (0)91 493 570

Áras na Mac Léinn, NUI Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland. Áras na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gaillimh, Bóthar na hOllscoile, Gaillimh, Éire.


October 09 2018


Is football finally coming home? By Mark Lynch Following the unsuccessful bid to host the 2023 Rugby World Cup as an individual country, there were sighs of relief aplenty around the island of Ireland, with many sceptical about our capability of hosting such a tournament. Those breathing sighs of relief then will now be breathing sighs of exasperation, after it’s emerged a home nation bid, including the Republic of Ireland, to host the 2030 FIFA World Cup is gathering serious momentum. A joint bid of the Republic, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales would share the responsibilities (hosting matches, fans, training bases) of the 48 – team tournament. While there won’t be any decision made for another couple of years, there’s already been indications that this bid would be very difficult to beat.

Currently, the only soccer-designated stadium on the entire island of Ireland that has the official capacity to host a World Cup game is the Aviva Stadium, however the eligibility of GAA stadiums around the country would be a major advantage to any bid involving the Republic. It’s been reported that even if Northern Ireland isn’t able to host any games, their facilities would still be made available for teams as training bases and such. Wales would provide the Millennium Stadium, as well as the home grounds of both Swansea City and Cardiff City. Scotland has the two Glasgow clubs’ fortresses, as well as Hampden Park. England have, of course, already hosted a World Cup as a single nation, but there were only 16 teams competing. Nonetheless, they’re by far the most equipped to handle a tournament of this magnitude. The main concern surrounding the bid, even combined with the

other home nations, is the sheer volume of people that would be involved. Teams, backroom staff, fans, media would all need to be catered for which the hospitality business would, all things considered, likely have no problem with. However, transport would present an issue. Even if Dublin is the only city to host games, with the Aviva and Croke Park, the connection between the airport and city would need to be looked at. As well as that, there’s a chance the mess that is Brexit may still have lasting ramifications in 2030. It’s a small chance, but the uncertainty surrounding even access between the UK bloc and Ireland (never mind the rest of Europe) is a worrying aspect of the bid. It’s not confirmed who exactly the competitors will be in the race to host the tournament, although it’s rumoured that a joint South American bid of Argentina, Uruguay and

Connacht GAA announce 2018 bursary scheme By Martha Brennan Connacht GAA have released applications for the 2018/2019 bursary scheme for student Gaelic players. The scheme, now in its 11th year, is conducted in association with the GAA’s National Student Bursary Scheme, which has awarded over €2 million to student athletes since the initiative began. The aim of the award is to encourage participation in both player’s home and college clubs and to promote Gaelic games in the third level sector. Applications are open to all members of Connacht GAA who are attending a full-time Higher Education course and are active participants in their university’s club. The bursaries are worth a total of €750 each which is granted in two installments. Applicants must be from Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon or Sligo, but don’t need be students of a college within Connacht. NUI Galway students who are from outside Connacht and are playing with one of the University’s Gaelic clubs can apply for a bursary from their own province’s scheme. A number of awards in each province are also being reserved for those excelling in the areas of coaching and administration. Last year 32 players and administrators were awarded from Connacht’s bursary scheme and all five Connacht counties were represented.

The scheme “provides financial assistance to students who have displayed potential and commitment on the Gaelic games front” according to Connacht GAA. The association’s Council Games manager, John Tobin, said that; “The purpose of this bursary scheme is to honour young people who have excelled in the GAA.” “Last year we selected 32 outstanding people, all of whom contribute to the GAA club and life in their colleges, while also young administrators who are involved in their college as team trainers, club officers, and in other crucial roles.” He complimented the recipients on their achievements, however, he also maintained that it was important that young people strive for a balance with both their studies and sport. Further information and application forms for this year’s scheme are currently available to download from The closing date for applications is 5 October 2018. Students who hold any other GAA-related college scholarship or bursary are not be eligible to apply for the Connacht bursary. Senior level Inter-county players who were on their county’s Senior Panel in 2018 should apply for bursaries via the Gaelic Players Association; further information on this is available at

Paraguay as well as a bid from Spain (either on their own or along with Portugal and Morocco) will also be in contention. One advantage the home nations would have in this race is the close proximity of the host countries. The 2026 World Cup will be hosted across almost the entire continent of North America, with games spread around the US, Mexico and Canada, which for teams and fans will pose many logistical nightmares about transport and climate. The emergence of more joint bids was inevitable in one way after the expansion to 48 teams, however it does bring its own challenges for those wishing to follow their team. The last time there was a tournament held in any of the British Isles was Euro 96, before that was the 1966 World Cup. England have since bid individually for World Cups and fallen short, but the addition of the Celtic nations brings a

new aspect to it that is much more likely to succeed. There’s also support from the UEFA President, who has publicly stated that he wants our corner of Europe to host a tournament. He has also said he would like to see just one bid from the continent of Europe, which would guarantee the entire bloc of European votes if he’s listened to. The 2023 Rugby World Cup bid was promising and optimistic but possibly a tad naïve. Backed up by the help of our neighbours, a bid for the 2030 World Cup is much more convincing. As well as that, during a time in which Brexit is digging up a palpable hostility between the UK and Ireland that many thought was a thing of the past, perhaps working together with a common goal is exactly what’s needed to bring the camaraderie and spirit between our proud nations back to where it should be.

UEFA set to announce third European Competition By Patrick Henry European football’s governing body is expected to announce a third European club competition in the coming weeks, European Club Association (ECA) President Andrea Agnelli has confirmed. The tournament will be played alongside the federation’s flagship tournaments, The Champions League and Europa League. Although it has not been made clear how teams would qualify for the new Pan-European competition, it is understood that it is set to provide an opportunity for teams from smaller nations to showcase their talent on a bigger stage to a wider audience. The move comes following a meeting of the Professional Football Strategy Council in Croatia in August chaired by UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin. Agnelli stated that the UEFA panel had picked a preferred format of a 32 team setup in each of the three tournaments, bringing the total participation of clubs in Europe from 80 teams to 96. This reduces participation in the Europa League from a 48 club line - up. The plan for the as yet unnamed tournament could be confirmed by December, where the qualifying draw for UEFA Euro 2020 in Dublin seems the most likely venue for its announcement. UEFA has not run three European Club tournaments concurrently since 1999 when the European Cup Winners Cup was abandoned and absorbed into the UEFA Cup, a precursor to the Europa League. The new competition is expected to be established for the 2021/22 season if everything goes as expected. Scheduling of the new tournament may yet prove to be a stumbling block for the competition’s

organisers. Champions League matches take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the Europa League runs on Thursday, while weekends and Mondays are kept for domestic action. ‘European Leagues’, a body representing Europe’s 32 domestic football leagues, have reacted angrily to speculation regarding a third European tournament, having not been consulted about it in advance. Deputy General Secretary of European Leagues Alberto Colombo levelled his frustration with UEFA in an interview with the Press Association; “we are not happy about the process at all because this is something that has been prepared and cooked up by UEFA and the ECA without proper engagement.” The creation of the new tournament may benefit Irish clubs. Dundalk, having reached the Europa League Group Stages in 2016, have reaped the rewards of playing in Europe. They showcase the level of footballing talent the country has to offer, going toe to toe with team of established European pedigree such as Zenit St Petersburg and AZ Alkmaar from Holland. UEFA themselves have remained tight - lipped on speculation surrounding the introduction of a third tier European competition. In a statement to Reuters, the organisation said that it was constantly reviewing the format of their competitions and are “looking at a variety of options in that respect” and ideas would be discussed “before any decision on potential changes would be made.” UEFA have already made an announcement this week regarding future tournaments having confirmed that Germany will host the Euro’s in 2024 having defeated Turkey with its bid. The Germans haven’t hosted an International football tournament since the 2006 FIFA World Cup.


SIN Vol. 20 Issue 03

Club spotlight: NUIG Kayaking By Owen Kennedy

The kayaking club has a proud and extensive history within the college, spanning over 40 years since its foundation in 1978. Today, the club is captained by Carey Georgius and she has high hopes.

What got you interested in the club in the first place? So even before I came to NUIG, I’d looked at all the clubs and all their different pages. I’d seen the kayaking club and thought “this sounds really fun and interesting.” I’d done a bit of kayaking before, but I’d never really properly done it. I went to the Clubs Day and saw their booth. Everyone at the booth was really nice, friendly and lots of people seemed interested in the club. I

Our beginner sessions are open to anyone, we run them all year round, you can start whenever you want to. joined the club and went to a few sessions and it ended up being the best craic. Everyone in the club was so nice and really welcoming to me. They knew I was scared of being out on the water for the first time, but I was very relaxed knowing that everyone in the club had my back whilst undertaking such an adventurous sport.

What has made you stick with the club for so long?

In my first year, I’d been going to all the club events and doing sessions for the entirety of the first semester. When I came back after Christmas, I was a bit nervous to start again thinking if sticking with the club was the right choice. It wasn’t until I went to the Club Olympics in January of my first year that made me want to stick with the club. It made me enjoy kayaking so much because it’s an event where you get to enjoy every style of kayaking. It’s at this event where I first

tried freestyle and I fell in love with it. I feel that it was this event that made me think “this is something that I really enjoy doing, it’s not just my friends or the parties, I now genuinely love the sport.”

What is the worst injury you’ve attained whilst kayaking?

I haven’t really had too many injuries. I’ve done a couple of things where I’ve bruised some bones or hit my head off a rock (that’s why you where a helmet guys!). I did get a good scare once. We were at our first-year trip in 2017 and me and the other instructors ran the upper section of Aasleagh Falls. There was a split in the river and everyone said to go river left. I was worried and pointed out a massive hole and the end of the rapid and told the group I was going to go river right. We go river right but then someone capsizes in front of me and I get caught up in them. It was incredibly rocky and not a lot of water at this point of the river, so I can’t roll if I go underwater. My paddle gets ripped from my hand and I go under. I pull my spray-deck and someone’s boat goes over my head, and I hit my head off a rock. I get pulled down a channel and get sucked into the big hole on river left. Suddenly, someone else’s paddle pulls me out of the hole, almost as if it was an act of God. I wasn’t too injured from the experience; my hand was a bit cut up. All it did was shock me a bit, but I recovered after I had a quick cry.

What are your recommendations for people who would like to get into kayaking?

Join us! It’s so easy! Our beginner sessions are open to anyone, we run them all year round, you can start whenever you want to as we don’t have a specific training plan that’s rigid. We’re a very relaxed club and willing to take people out. Even if the times don’t suit you, just message the club page and ask if we can facilitate or reschedule a time to suit you. This week in the committee meeting we brought up the proposed start date for the club’s Female Paddling Initiative which is something I want to bring in to the club this year. We’re always trying to do new things to cater to students. If you can make the times, definitely come along even if it’s for one session. It’s so much fun!

Galway United season review: A YEAR TO FORGET... By Darren Casserly For Galway United it was a season of what ifs. The season started brightly with a 4-1 victory over Athlone Town, but ended with a dismal 3-0 defeat at the hands of Shelbourne. On paper, it looked like Galway were one of the favourites to challenge for the title, but titles aren’t won on paper. Galway had lost many key players in the offseason following relegation, such as captain Colm Horgan and top scorer Ronan Murray. However, United were able to hold on to experienced players such as Marc Ludden and Gary Shanahan and add quality players like former captain Ryan Connolly and commanding centre-half Robbie Williams. This quality led to Galway starting off the season winning three out of their first four matches. Unfortunately, the early season form slowly started to unravel as Galway were unable to find consistency in their performance as they failed to close out games. Undoubtedly the performance of the season came against eventual champions UCD, impressively winning 2-0, showing a glimpse into the potential of the squad. Old habits returned as United failed to win in six of the following seven matches. This culminated in

the dismissal of manager Shane Keegan. Off the field, a story broke that two Saudi businessmen were interested in a surprising takeover of the club. The story, broke by Galway’s own Johnny Ward, garnered national attention and sparked hope for United fans that the season could be saved. The takeover seemed even more possible when the Galway supporters’ co – op, who own the club, voted in favour of accepting the investment. However, the investment, much like United’s season, didn’t go to plan as the deal fell through. Supporters felt betrayed and angry as many felt they were misled and sold false hope. Following this, United stalwart Alan Murphy was named player/manager and was given the near impossible task of getting United to the playoffs. He took charge with the season hanging in the balance. In a press conference, Murphy said on being appointed;”I’d hope there will be a reaction with nine games left, I’ll be looking for performances.” The impact was clear to see with the Tribesmen winning three of the next four games. This was even more impressive given the lack of funds that were available to Murphy and the departure of two players from an already small squad.

Again, United showed inconsistency giving up a two-goal lead to playoff rivals Drogheda. At this point, any hope of promotion was gone, and it became more evident on the pitch with a shambolic 4-1 defeat at the hands of Longford. One of the few bright sides of the disastrous last couple months of the season was the emergence of some promising young players for United. Murphy’s’ belief in youth was present in the match against Wexford where six teenagers started including three of the promising under 17 side. For Galway United, it was a season to forget, with a promising start ending in disaster. One of the major disappointments of the season was player performance with experienced players like Ryan Connolly and marquee signing Danny Furlong constantly underperforming. Furlong failed to score any goals after April. A long winter lies ahead for Galway United. Whilst there are many questions to be answered, the big one remains: who’s the man to bring Galway United forward and what backing will he get? If United have any hope of returning to the Premier Division, they need to get behind the next manager and trust him.

Are the Springboks set for Japan 2019? By Owen Kennedy The Springboks are currently causing a storm down in the Southern Hemisphere. After beating the World Champions New Zealand 36 – 34 and conquering the Wallabies, Australia, 23-12, could Rassie Erasmus and his boys be plotting a nasty plot right under the noses of European teams? It hasn’t all been smooth sailing for Erasmus throughout the Rugby Championship this year. In week one, his team defeated Argentina 34-21. However, week two and three saw the Springboks suffer losses to Argentina and Australia. The Panthers returned to the South African team with a lust for revenge, flipping the tables and winning the game 32-19. Australia pulled a very narrow victory out of the hat, 23-18, thanks in

part to the Australian defensive line. So, are South Africa really that big of a threat when they are currently only batting 3 for 5? Yes, they are. South Africa still remain one of the biggest threats in world rugby, ranking fifth in the world rugby rankings. Whilst Eben Etzebeth wasn’t captain of the squad in their victorious encounter against the All Blacks, the privilege going to Siya Kolisi, Etzebeth was lethal in his 50 minutes on the pitch. Handré Pollard was on point, scoring four out of his five conversions and easing through the teams only penalty, whilst New Zealand’s Beauden Barrett scored only 33% of his conversions, going two for six. Willie le Roux did receive a yellow card at the 66th minute, he had added to the scoreboard with a try of his own back at the 24th

with Malcom Marx, 31st, and substitution Cheslin Kolbe, 41st, supporting the cause and bringing a try each to the Springboks. But it was winger Aphiwe Dyantyi that gave the biggest push for the Springboks, scoring their first, 19th, and final, 56th, tries. However, it is important to note that New Zealand scored more tries, 6 compared to 5. Was it Barrett’s kicking game that gave them the eventual defeat? Possibly. However, we still have one more week of rugby to go through, as of writing this, before our predictions for South Africa’s 2019 campaign can be set in stone. New Zealand will play the Springboks again, but this time South Africa will have the added advantage of playing at home. Will New Zealand be able to redeem themselves whilst on foreign soil? Only time will tell.


October 09 2018

Fighters credibility at stake as well as their chin By Harry King It’s fair to say it’s a busy, exciting and dangerous time in the world of boxing. The two most highly anticipated fights of the year have taken place in about as many weeks. Whilst both fights lived up to the hype and proved to be quite a spectacle for any boxing fan, a dark cloud loomed quietly yet undeniably in the background. That dark cloud is unfortunately doping. On 15 September Canelo Alvarez defeated Gennaday Golovkin in a controversial rematch. Gennaday Golovkin stormed out of the ring in protest against the decision made by the judges. Previously, Alvarez was banned for a six - month period after testing positive for a substance called clenbuterol. Clenbuterol is a drug that increases muscle mass by increasing protein photosynthesis, complementing this, it also helps reduce mainly abdominal and visceral fat. Alvarez played the victim card like many other drug cheats do. He pointed to apparent “meat contamination”. Whilst he technically won the

fight and fought admirably, it is very hard for fans to celebrate his success as a failed drug test cannot win you the hearts of boxing fans. Whether he knew what he was doing or not is up for debate, only he knows that. However, for many spectators that is irrelevant. In this day and age, it is the responsibility of every individual athlete to know what they are taking. It is important that boxing remains to be seen as a clean sport, so the credibility of the heroes may not be disputed. On Saturday 22 September, Anthony Joshua defeated Alexander Povetkin in a thrilling heavyweight match up. Against Joshua, Povetkin couldn’t have expected a warm reception from the crowd. Nonetheless, as he has failed two drug tests before, he will struggle to sell merchandise outside of the ring. Joshua believes doping is worse than losing but was also aware that Povetkin had every right to challenge him in conjunction with the rules. It is up to the governing body to act, otherwise there would be no reason for us to discredit anyone who steps into the ring.

Boxing is often referred to as a “sweet science”. Boxing, especially heavyweight boxing, is not for the faint hearted. Boxing is a sport of skill, power, endurance and technique, but at the same time if somebody hits you it hurts. People get hurt badly in this sport and that is why the athletes must look after themselves in a way that is somewhat sustainable and fair to their opponents. There are no excuses to fail a drug test not once and certainly not twice. Illegal substances harm your body, and more importantly could have devastating effects on your opponent. The greatest fight I have had the pleasure of watching in my lifetime was the Joshua Klitschko fight that took place in April of last year. For those of you who missed it, the fight ended when AJ executed an uppercut that could kill an average man. It shook Klitschko and shook him bad. If Joshua was on drugs (which he was not), it would not be unrealistic to say that the previous champion could have died. There are no excuses for athletes or for governing bodies to ignore a problem which is diminishing what is for many a beautiful sport.

NBA SEASON PREVIEW: all roads lead to Golden State By Darragh Nolan Another NBA off season has brought with it the usual whirlwind of change we’ve come to expect. Stars continue to move around the league in pursuit of an elusive championship ring. LeBron James’ decision to don the purple and gold of the Los Angeles Lakers has injected intrigue back into a season where the defending champions looked certain to retain their crown. This league has become defined by the race to dethrone Golden State, and every year the Warriors just find another way to make it nigh-on impossible. Already boasting perhaps the greatest line-up ever assembled, they added All-NBA big man DeMarcus Cousins for the mid - level exception. Anyone else think this just doesn’t seem fair anymore? It’s likely that the toughest opposition to Golden State will once again come from the Western Conference. The depth of talent out west is so great that any one of six or seven teams could challenge for a Finals berth, if not for the fact that five bonafide stars play together in the Bay Area. The Rockets are primed for another standout regular season after signing Carmelo Anthony, Paul George is back in Oklahoma City for another run alongside Westbrook and Portland’s

dynamic backcourt should have them near the top of the standings. Despite all the competition in their way, it’s hard to see anyone stopping GSW’s free flowing offense. There is one wildcard in the mix here and that’s LeBron’s Lakers. Their young core of Lonzo Ball, Brandon Ingram and Kyle Kuzma has been matched up with streaky vets including former All – Star guard Rajon Rondo. The King could well lead the ragtag group to the promised land on the way to another MVP award. LA could just as easily miss out on the postseason altogether. Just as interesting as what LeBron has brought to Los Angeles is what he’s left behind in the east. We’re about to see a power struggle in the conference now that LBJ isn’t around to spoil everyone else’s fun. Between a defensive stalwart in Boston, “The Process” in Philadelphia and the Kawhi Leonard-led Raptors, it’s hard to pick a winner here. How great would it be for Toronto to finally make the Finals, only to be meet the Lakers and get swept by LeBron again? Outside of that three – horse race at the top, the Eastern Conference offers little in the way of a contender. The Pacers are capable of springing a surprise if wing Victor Oladipo can build on his breakout 2018 season.

The Milwaukee Bucks will live and die by superstar forward Giannis Antetokounmpo. Should his numbers continue to rise, the Greek Freak can single - handedly take on all comers in the east. Elsewhere around the association fans are bracing themselves for another year of tanking. Draft lottery reform kicks in from 2019, but expect teams like Sacramento and Atlanta to lose on purpose. Commissioner Adam Silver is moving too slow on this issue. The 82 game season also continues to be an issue. I’m as excited for basketball to come back as anyone, but 1,230 games is too much for anyone to stomach. It all boils down to another regular season of weeding out pretenders from contenders. Golden State will win the west. That much is certain. How the chasing pack shakes out is anyone’s guess. Houston and Boston look to be the best of the rest. Others with lofty goals may crash down to earth. Look for the Minnesota Timberwolves to regress into a dumpster fire thanks to the Jimmy Butler debacle. The quest to topple the Golden State Warriors begins 16 October. Assuming everyone stays healthy, I think it will culminate with the Warriors completing a historic three – peat by taking out the Boston Celtics 4-2.


Eye of the Tiger back for now, but can he end his Major drought in 2019? By Danny Casserly As Tiger Woods made his way around the East Lake Golf course on his way to winning the 2018 Tour Championship, every hit fairway, green and sunk putt was cheered with gusto by those in attendance. For Woods, it had been an impossibly long 1,876 days without a tour win. It would have been almost unfathomable to think in the early 2000s that the golfing phenom would, or indeed could, endure a stretch of over five years without tasting victory. However, through a combination of injuries and widely published infidelity issues

This win is perfectly timed for television networks, as the attention of millions will be centered around Tiger at the Ryder Cup, which at the time of writing commences this weekend. The eruption in interest around golf in the aftermath of Tiger’s win just shows how crucial is it to have a world-renowned name in a sport. In the same way that Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi draw audiences to the Champions League, or how Lebron James attracts viewers to the NBA, Tiger Woods is a major catalyst in the popularity of golf around the world. Following Tiger’s recent vic-

The jury is still out on whether Tiger can re-cement himself as one of the best golfers in the world. affecting Woods, he descended to a byword for ‘cheat’ rather than ‘champion’. His ascent was slow, and he yet must continue to work hard if he is to rediscover his form of old. But at least for now, Tiger is happy to celebrate and reflect on how far he has come. “All of a sudden it hit me that I was going to win the tournament. I started tearing up a bit… I’ve had a not-so-easy last couple of years. I’ve worked my way back and I couldn’t have done it without the help of everyone around me,” he said after his win. The jubilation after Woods’ win was not restricted to the Woods camp either. Congratulations came in from all over sport, with even US President Donald Trump chiming in on his performances at East Lake, inevitably leading to a barrage of questions directed at Tiger over his views on Trump’s presidency. Woods pocketed a cool $1.62m from his win, but there were those who profited just as greatly from the tournament than the winner himself. Television ratings for NBC skyrocketed because of Tiger’s resurgence, with the broadcaster announcing there was a 206% increase in viewers from last year’s Tour Championship, won by Xander Schauffele.

tory, there are now those that are expecting him to deliver his first Major in a decade. The man himself believes he can reach the summit once more before the end of his career, stating in a June 2018 interview that he can “absolutely” win another Major, but conceded that “you have to be on” to deal with the “hardest fields and usually the hardest setups.” Critics of Woods will point to his age (he will be 43 in December) as well as his history of injury and consistency issues as to reasons why he will not succeed in capturing another Major. However, one needs only to look at his history at Majors to see his past successes, with fourteen victories to his name. So for now, the jury is still out on whether Tiger can re-cement himself as one of the best golfers in the world. His recent success shows promise, but debate rages on as to whether he can rediscover his scintillating form at Majors, or whether his unforgettable peak is behind him. But with all the Majors for 2018 having concluded, he has until April 2019 to prepare himself for the challenge. For someone who transcends the sport of golf and is instantly recognisable all over the world, it would be fitting for Tiger to go out on a high by reassuming his position as the sport’s best and most supported figure.


SIN Vol. 20 Issue 03

On behalf of the College of Science Professor Donal Leech Dean of Science was presented with a cheque of €5,000. The College of Science were the inaugural winners of the President’s Cup for the Intramural Participation Programme. The programme was sponsored by Bank of Ireland and NUI Galway Sports unit. Pictured L-R: Mike Heskin Director of Sport & Physical Activity, David Henry Programme Co-ordinator, Ailish O’ Gorman Student Ambassador for Bank of Ireland, Kathy Hynes Sports Officer and Professor Donal Leech Dean of Science. Kathy Hynes Sports Officer for the University Clubs and Participation and Programme Director said ”it’s a great start to this new initiative with over 318 students participating in a grand prix series of events.” The clash of the colleges as it is being dubbed by many of the students will re-commence during the first week of October with taster sessions planned for September. 2018/2019 will also see the introduction of master’s programme of events for staff and students.

No words can describe, or numbers quantify just how much John ‘Beano’ Hynes brought to the NUI Galway Ladies Soccer club, and indeed all the players he coached over the past eight years. He has brought unprecedented success to the club and a true college experience to all his players. Best of luck in the States Beano, they’ve got a good one!

The opening round of the National hockey league ended in a draw for NUI Galway. This game was played in Dangan on Saturday evening and was well attended. The game was an exciting encounter with both sides giving it their all. In addition, the college girls can be very happy with their performance and we look forward to their next outing in this competition. Preparing the ground for the season ahead at NUI Galway. Brían Ó Ruairc and David Henry are at the helm of ladies football at NUI Galway for the coming season. The club would like to wish them and the team the very best of luck in the season ahead. You can check out their views about the season ahead in this year’s Sport magazine which will be published in the coming weeks by Conor Ó Beoláin.

Pictured at clubs day are the NUI Galway soccer men’s and ladies club from L-R Mikey Whelan, Kevin Cassidy Coaching officer and Laura Carroll.

The NUI Galway Frisbee hosted Connacht Crunch -- a 5v5, college warm-up tournament for women’s Ultimate Frisbee teams across Ireland. There were 6 of the universities represented at the event (UCC, UCD, TCD, DIT, NUIG, and some players from Maynooth as well), and after 5 hard-fought games, NUIG women took 1st place! A great start to what is a promising year for the club.












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