NUI Galway Students' Union Annual Report 2011-2012

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NUI Galway Students’ Union Annual Report

2011—2012 Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh


“ionadaíocht a dhéanamh dá bhaill, agus cearta a bhall a chur chun cinn, a chosaint agus a chur i bhfeidhm ar gach leibhéal na sochaí” “To represent its members and promote, defend and vindicate the rights of its members at all levels of society”

Rannpháirtithe Contributors Contributors: Emmet Connolly Brian Grant Conor Healy Richéal Burns Claire McCallion Joanna Brophy Chris Newell Amber Walsh Olesen Cormac Donoghue Senan MacAoidh

Layout & Design: Leon Butler, © NUI Galway Students’ Union 2012

GOOD PRACTICE MANUAL NUI Galway Students’ Union, Annual Report, 2011—2012

Ábhair :: Contents Réamhfhocal :: Foreword


Cosite Gnó 2011-2012 :: Executive Committee2011 / 2012


Nuachtáin SIN :: SIN Newspaper


Toghcháin :: Elections




Scileanna Saoil :: Life Skills


Tiomsaithe Airgid Don Chartanacht :: Charity Fundraising


Gradaim Fiontraíochta CML :: SU Enterprise Awards


Siomasíocht :: Entertainment


Comhairle Comhaltas na Mac Léinn :: Students’ Union Council


Feachtasaí :: Campaigns


Seirbhísí Comhaltas na Mac Léinn :: Students’ Union Services


Cosite Gnó 2011-2012 :: Executive Committee2012 / 2013



Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh, 2011—2012



NUI Galway Students’ Union, Annual Report, 2011—2012

We have also taken more practical steps in addressing the issues our members are facing: »» We lowered prices while maintaining standards in the SU-run cafés on campus to reflect students’ tightened budgets »» We protected the value of NUI Galway degrees by replacing RAG Week while maintaining our fundraising for local charities, and matching last year’s amount of €22,000 raised for and the Galway Rape Crisis Centre »» We opened a new SU-run café in the refurbished student common room - The Hub - agus anois tá an Comhaltas í gceannas ar Bia Léinn í Áras na Gaeilge freisin »» We succeeded in cutting repeat fees from €2,350 to €1,600 and extended the opening hours in the newly-renovated Reading Room »» We tackled anti-social behaviour in Newcastle, winning the commendation of the Gardaí and local residents’ associations »» We secured an annual €60,000 supplement to the Student Assistance Fund, which will keep students in college who are struggling financially »» We sent over 1,000 students to the national student demonstration in Dublin- the highest turnout from NUI Galway in history

Réamhfhocal :: Foreword A Chairde, “Never before in the history of the State have tens of thousands of school-leavers and graduates been unable to find a job. The effective level and extent of student grants has never been as low.” This was the message from then SU President, Eamon Gilmore, in the University College Galway student handbook from 1976. Despite the passage of over thirty years, and with Mr. Gilmore now occupying the position of Tánaiste, his words are as true today as they were then. In such times, it is easy for our young people to give up hope and look at Ireland as a lost cause. We in the Students’ Union do not subscribe to this view. We are optimistic for our country’s future and firmly believe that the students of Ireland will be the driving force behind getting our economy working again and reforming our State so we may never again allow the mistakes of the past be repeated. We have been doing our part here in the Students’ Union. This year saw the SU and the University jointly launch “Explore”; Ireland’s first staff-student innovation initiative, which provides support and funding for structured collaboration on joint projects which benefit the university or society at large. We have also enhanced the Students’ Union Enterprise Awards, with an increased number of participants engaging in both business and social entrepreneurship.

»» We have recently concluded negotiations for universal membership of the University gym. This year has seen remarkable collaboration with the University management in projects that benefit our members – from tackling anti-social behaviour to the SU Enterprise Awards and Explore – while also maintaining the independence from the University which allows us to represent our members without fear or favour. The SU also took on the role of defending Irish students’ interests through the national Union of Students in Ireland, leading the campaign to retain a taxpayer-funded model as the preferred method of funding higher education in this country. It has been a special year for our University community, with the opening of the flagship Engineering Building and the Library extension nearing completion. We have also witnessed an interesting year in terms of our graduates and the world of politics, with the election of Michael D. Higgins (SU President 1964-65) as President of Ireland in October 2011. President Higgins subsequently appointed three NUI Galway-linked academics to his Council of State. This is all in addition to the fact that NUI Galway graduates hold the positions of Taoiseach, Tánaiste and the leadership of both Fine Gael and Labour. Overall, we’ve had a successful year and have made good progress on many issues of concern to students. A special thanks to our staff, Chris, Joanna, Natasha, Claire and Amber. Beir bua,

Emmet Connolly Uachtarán :: President


Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh, 2011—2012

Executive Committee 2011 – 2012 Coiste Gnó 2011 – 2012

Emmet Connolly

Conor Healy

Brian Grant

An tUachtarán

Oifigeach Oideachais

Oifigeach Leasa

Will O’Brien

Cian Moran

Eamonn Flynn

Paul O’Connor

An tOifigeach Comhionnais

Officer -An tOifigeach Forbartha Mac Léinn

Captaen na gClubanna

Cathaoirleach na gCumann

Richéal Burns

Claire Mc Callion

Kevin Donoghue

Tadhg Tynan

President -

Equality Officer -

Postgraduate Officer -

Education Officer -

Student Development

Welfare Officer -

Clubs’ Captain -

An tOifigeach Iarchéime

Students’ Union Council Chairperson Cathaoirleach na Comhairle do Chomhaltas na Mc Léinn

Tionólaí Choláiste na nDán, na nEolaíochtaí Sósialta & an Léinn Cheiltigh

Matthew Sheridan

Aoife Reaney

Alan Callery

Convenor of the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences Tionólaí Choláiste an Leighis, an Altranais & na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte


Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy & Law Tionólaí Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bheartais Phoiblí & an Dlí

Convenor of the College of Arts Social Sciences & Celtic Studies

Convenor of the College of Engineering & Informatics Oifig Choláiste na hInnealtóireachta & na hIonformaitice

Senan Mac Aoidh

Oifigeach na Gaeilge

Societies Chairperson -

Convenor of the College of Science Tionólaí Choláiste na hEolaíochta

Mark Pierce

Mature Students’ Officer ‘Oifigeach Mic Léinn Lánfhásta

NUI Galway Students’ Union, Annual Report, 2011—2012

Sin Newspaper In September 2011 SIN was radically overhauled with a new look and new ethos. This revival saw a shift in focus to exclusively student and campus news. Our university newspaper is in the unique position of being distributed to a very specific readership. The stories contained therein: the reviews, features, comics, photography and news are uniquely tailored to our readership. Our sports pages report the incredible achievements of NUI Galway athletes. Our news reports keep the university population abreast of important education issues we feel are not given adequate coverage in the national press. SIN brings its readers regular reviews and commentary on staff and student publications, performances, musical extravaganzas and our representatives’ success and failures.

The highlights of our year include: »» September 2011 saw Sin rebrand itself with a radical new design by Shannon Reeves. »» Bigger and better editions, and more news in each issue. With our new design came more content. Each issue of SIN packed over 30,000 words into 32 pages. In February we published a bumper edition – because we just had too much great content!

May 2012 the website had over 40,000 page views. 30,000 people read the SIN online edition on ISSUU or via »» Níos mó ábhar as Gaeilge: Paying special attention to NUI Galway’s status as Ireland’s designated Irish Language University, SIN published stories as Gaeilge in every issue. In March 2012 SIN produced its first ever Irish Language cover story. »» Lots of new regular features, including Sustainable Campus, Style Spotter, ReNew Public, What’s Happening Guide, Sin Sanctioned Procrastination, Graduate Spotlight and the triumphant return of everyone’s favourite made-up news section, Cloakrumours. »» Included Students’ Union supplement in each issue, providing our Officers with a regular forum to keep students informed of the work being done on their behalf. »» Became the first newspaper in Ireland to syndicate Piled Higher and Deeper: the PhD comic strip. »» Published two Election Specials: In October SIN brought NUI Galway students all the information on the race for Áras an Uachtaráin including exclusive interviews with Mary Davis, David Norris and Martin McGuinness. In March we covered the race for Áras na Mac Léinn with a 16-page Special Edition.

»» More Volunteers: With more than 50 volunteers contributing to each issue and 195 contributors throughout the year this was definitely our biggest team ever. SIN volunteers were awarded ALIVE certificates for their hard work.

»» Revived the popular “Overheard in NUIG” section with a comic strip by Fiona Curran.

»» In November 2011 SIN became a member of the Press Council of Ireland, officially adopting the Press Council’s Code of Practice.

»» Formed partnership with In March 2012 SIN and teamed up to bring the work of NUI Galway’s

»» Over 16,500 visitors to Between September 2011 and

Rosemary Gallagher, Editor 2011 - 2012

»» Referenced in several NUI Galway Memes!

best writers to a national audience.


GOOD PRACTICE MANUAL Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh, 2011—2012


NUI Galway Students’ Union, Annual Report, 2011—2012

Toghcháin :: Elections Voter Turnout 4000










2010 Full Time ELections

The Students’ Union elections brought the usual fanfare and excitement to elect a new team to oversee and direct the work of the Students’ Union. A total of thirty eight students put themselves forward for the various positions. The elections differed from other years due to the introduction of new rules which prohibited the use of promotional gifts and freebies and placed more focus on candidates’ manifestos and qualities. Ben Archibald and Ken Curtin once again provided a steady hand as Returning Officers on both days.


2012 Part Time Elections

The successful candidates were: President - Paul Curley Vice President / Welfare Officer - Dami Adebari Vice President / Education Officer - Conor Stitt Oifigeach na Gaeilge - Feidhlim Seoighe Equality Officer - Claire McCallion

A new system was developed this year to replace the outdated Postal Vote. “Remote Vote” was developed by Starlight Solutions to allow students to cast their vote electronically through their account on the SU Website. The system ensures all members can participate in elections regardless of work placements, Erasmus programmes etc.

Mature Students Officer - Barbara Preston Postgraduate Officer - Brian Grant Societies Chairperson - Robin Allen Clubs’ Captain - Emmett Craig

The elections were heavily promoted by the Students’ Union in the weeks leading up to polling day and a SIN Election Special provided detailed coverage and analysis of each contest. The newly launched S:TV Galway also featured interviews and updates on the elections.

Convenor of the College of Arts. Social Sciences & Celtic Studies - Patrick Clancy

The turnout for the full time elections dipped slightly from a record turnout the previous year, however the part time elections attracted the highest amount of voters ever recorded in a NUI Galway Students’ Union Part Time Elections.

Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy & Law - Conor Nolan

Convenor of the College of Science - Phelim Kelly Convenor of the College of Engineering & Informatics - Alan Callery

Convenor of the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences – Molly Smith


Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh, 2011—2012

Toghcháin :: Elections

Toghcháin lán-aimseartha Uachtarán

Toghcháin lán-aimseartha Leas-Uachtarán / Oifigeach Leasa

Toghcháin lán-aimseartha Leas-Uachtarán / Oifigeach Oideachais


Full-time Elections President

Full-time Elections Vice President/Welfare Officer

8ú Márta 2012 - 8th March 2012

8ú Márta 2012 - 8th March 2012

Full-time Elections Vice President/Education Officer


Marcáil ord do rogha 1, 2, 3 sna spáis seo thíos. Vote 1, 2, 3 in order of your preference in the boxes below.

Marcáil ord do rogha 1, 2, 3 sna spáis seo thíos. Vote 1, 2, 3 in order of your preference in the boxes below.


8ú Márta 2012 - 8th March 2012

(Beartas um Bac a chur le Cainteoirí ó Eagraíochtaí Líomhnaithe Faisisteacha) (No Platform Policy) 8ú Márta 2012 - 8th March 2012

Marcáil ord do rogha 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 sna spáis seo thios. Vote 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in order of your preference in the boxes below.


An mian leat an Beartas um Bac a chur le Cainteoirí ó Eagraíochtaí Líomhnaithe Faisisteacha, arna rith ag Comhairle na Mac Léinn ar 7 Samhain 2011, a choinneáil? Do you wish to retain the No Platform Policy as passed by the Students’ Union Council on 7th November 2011?


ALLEN, Robin KITT, Rory

Is mian - Yes




Ní mian - No Athoscail Ainmniúcháin Re-open Nominations

STITT, Conor

Athoscail Ainmniúcháin Re-open Nominations


Athoscail Ainmniúcháin Re-open Nominations

NUI Galway Students’ Union, Annual Report, 2011—2012

Students take the lead on innovation

EXPLORE facts and figures (Jan-June 2012)

EXPLORE was launched this year to foster greater collaboration between students and staff, and help turn innovative ideas into reality

»» Number of projects approved: 19

The Students’ Union joined forces with NUI Galway in early 2012 to introduce the EXPLORE Innovation Initiative. The first scheme of its kind in the Irish third-level sector, EXPLORE invites students and university staff to work in equal partnership to deliver innovation on campus. Students and staff team up, devise an innovative, sustainable project, apply for €1,000 funding and, where successful, deliver this project within an eight-month time frame.

»» Project themes: Learning and teaching/skills development, technology/smartphone apps, the arts, health and wellbeing, communications, careers, enterprise, the environment, transport, innovation and collaboration, outreach

»» EXPLORE received an outstanding response from both staff and students, and will be reopening for applications again in 2012-2013 »» What makes EXPLORE different is its commitment to equal partnership between students and staff, as opposed to the traditional student/ teacher relationship, and the fact that projects are not a part of regular coursework »» EXPLORE projects give students more influence in bringing about positive change at the university, plus they enable students to use the campus environment as an incubation unit for trying out new ideas

»» Number of student and staff participants: 95

»» Student versus staff led rates: 71% student led, 29% staff led »» Funding committed to projects: €17,100

Examples of projects: Establishment of The Galway American Studies Forum, development of a campus map app, research into the health and wellbeing of postgraduate students, creating student-led video teaching tools and much more EXPLORE is supported by the Bright Ideas Initiative and the Student Projects Fund.


Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh, 2011—2012

EXPLORE wrap-up lunch event, May 2012

EXPLORE kick-off networking event, February 2012

At the launch of the EXPLORE video, May 2012

NUI Galway Energy Night EXPLORE project, March 2012

Video Production for the Web EXPLORE project, March 2012 0010

NUI Galway Students’ Union, Annual Report, 2011—2012

Scileanna Saoil :: Life Skills Life Skills Programme 2011/12 The Life Skills Programme, partially funded by the Student Projects Fund, entered its third year. This initiative saw the Students’ Union running courses throughout the year to allow students the opportunity to enhance their life skills away from their academic studies and also improve their employability. The programme was expanded further this year to introduce new courses in Self Defence, Guarding Skills and Door Security Procedures facilitated by the International Centre for Security Excellence. A new Anti-Racism Training course was run in conjunction with Galway One World Centre and theALIVE office. Free Irish conversation skills were also held throughout the year organised by the SU Oifigeach na Gaeilge through weekly meetings of An Ciorcal Gaeilge. The SU continued it’s partnership with the Irish Red Cross to bring more Occupational First Aid, Heartsaver AED and Emergency First Aid courses to Campus. These classes gave students vital life saving skills to allow them to deal with emergency situations. »» Number of students trained up in Heartsaver AED 90 »» Number of students trained in Emergency First Aid 45 »» Number of students trained in Occupational First Aid 60 Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) courses were again run on Campus in conjunction with the HSE to equip students with the skills to recognise the danger signs for someone who is a suicide risk. »» Number of students receiving Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training 60 A series of sign language courses were held during the year which gave students the basic skills needed to converse in sign language with deaf people. This year a more courses were provided to meet student demand in particular for the Occupational Therapy students. »» Number of students trained in Basic sign language 50


Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh, 2011—2012

Tiomsaithe Airgid Don Chartanacht :: Charity Fundraising NUI Galway Students’ Union set a trio of unique charity challenges for students this year taking their inspiration from the elements with the Earth, Wind and Fire Charity Challenge. Over 200 students rose to this challenge raising more than €21,600 in total for charity in the process! The Fire element of the Charity Challenge 2012 was a sponsored Firewalk with students walking across 20 feet of wood embers burning at 1200 degrees Fahrenheit without experiencing any pain or injury at the Westwood Hotel. In the Wind challenge students took to the skies for a thrilling Tandem Freefall Skydive from 10,000ft at Galway Airport! This event was again run in partnership with Skydive Ireland and raised an incredible €12,000. The Earth Challenge had students with their feet back on solid ground climbing Croagh Patrick and reaching a height of 762m above sea level. SU Officers and volunteers also took to the streets of Galway on Saturday 11th of February with their annual Charity collection day during which they convinced the good people of Galway to part with their spare change - almost €1,500 worth of it! University staff also played their part in the fundraising efforts by taking part in the 5th annual auction for university staff in May raising over €2,000. All of the money raised from these events was donated to the Students’ Union nominated charities for the year – Galway Rape Crisis Centre and Galway Rape Crisis Centre has been providing counselling and support services to survivors of sexual violence and abuse in the West of Ireland since 1984. is an independent, youth powered national charity working to empower young people to create personal and social change.

Cheque Presentations to the Galway Rape Crisis Centre & SpunOut


NUI Galway Students’ Union, Annual Report, 2011—2012

Gradaim Fiontraíochta Comhaltas na Mac Léinn :: Students’ Union Enterprise Awards Niall O’Connor, an MSc student in Enterprise Systems at NUI Galway from Sligo, scooped the top prize of €10,000 at the NUI Galway Student Enterprise Awards ceremony held on Friday, 30th March, 2012 for his Smart conferencing technology package SonorPlex. The creator of SonorPlex was presented with his prize by Dragon’s Den star Bobby Kerr, NUI Galway President, Dr James J. Browne and NUI Galway Students’ Union President, Emmet Connolly.

The Students’ Union Enterprise Awards returned for a second year aiming to unlock the potential of the students of NUI Galway to invest in their own futures. Students were invited to submit their proposals for a new business or social enterprise to this competition. The competition is the initiative of the NUI Galway Students’ Union, with the support of NUI Galway and has the goal of fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship amongst the students of the University

Finalists of the Students’ Union Enterprise Awards 2012

Niall’s product SonorPlex seeks to deliver services which enhance the learning and interactive experience of delegates at conferences, using ‘smart’ devices such as tablets and smartphones. Sonor- Plex will unify these services using a cloud-based system to store, and manage access to conference content and data. Judges were very impressed with SonorPlex and its potential to draw investment to the domestic economy. The two runner-up prizes of €5,000 were awarded to Tunes in the Church and An Mheitheal Rothar. Cormac Ó Beaglaoich, hails from a traditional musical family in West-Kerry and is currently in his final year of a PhD in Psychology. His project, Tunes in the Church, presents traditional Irish music concerts in churches around the country and has already been run in St. Nicholas Church in Galway. An Mheitheal Rothar (The Bicycle Gang) team hopes to set up a free, student-run bicycle workshop at NUI Galway to promote and support the benefits of bicycling. An Mheitheal Rothar is Paul O’ Donnell an Arts Student from Galway, Mary Green a Geography Student also from Galway, Sarit O’Donovan, Environmental Science Student from Kerry and Senan Mac Aoidh an Arts Student from Monaghan.

The competition successfully attracted entrants from across all of the colleges and schools of the University, from which eight ideas were chosen to progress to the final stage. As part of the final assessment of their entries, these eight finalists received an investment of €500 for their projects, and also received the assistance of specialised workshops from a team of experts, which was comprised of a combination of members of the academic staff of the University and members of the local business community. The eight team’s final challenge was to present their business plan to a judging panel of business and academic representatives in anticipation of securing an investment of €10,000 for the winning project. Winner of the Students’ Union Enterprise Awards 2012 Niall O’Connor


Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh, 2011—2012



Over the year NUI Galway students again had a chance to see award winning comedians on Campus at a fraction of their usual ticket price. The year’s comedy kicked off with a rare campus gig by Des Bishop which sold out in record time as part of Freshers’ Fortnight in September. Neil Delamere was welcomed back to campus in October with a full house for his gig in the O’Flaherty Theatre as part of the Mental Health Week campaign. Musical comedy act Dead Cat Bounce rocked the crowds in the College Bar in November with their amazing brand of power rock comedy. Support on the night came from NUI Galway student comedian Steve Benn who made sure that the audience was very much ready to rock (and laugh) on the night for this free gig. David O’Doherty made a welcome return to campus during SHAG Week in February playing to a sold out crowd yet again.

The SU Sessions welcomed the new first year students to campus in style for September’s Fáilte Fest with a line up of nine bands playing on four stages across the Campus in one day! Seven Days, Jupe and Fat Baby Panda took control of An Bialann whilst The Profile and 21 Outs played loud and live in Friars. The Statics, We Go Go and The Dead Flags got things going in the College Bar whilst Keywest rounded off the day’s entertainment with a great gig in the Bailey Allen Hall.

239 Freshers Week Des Bishop.pdf




289 SU Session Mor Poster.pdf



In semester one The SU Sessions resumed their usual spot in An Bialann (the Canteen) with free music every Tuesday evening. The fourth year of SU Sessions again saw the cream of unsigned musical talent from across the country performing on Campus in this intimate, alcohol-free setting. Bands that played the sessions included The Cool Hand Dukes, Derek Ellard, Niamh Regan, Seven Days, Eleventy Four, The Profile, Mojo Gogo, The Koubas, Gavin James & the Problematic and The Gorgeous Colours -all bands destined to become household names in the not too distant future!


NUI Galway Students’ Union Presents


During Equality Week in October music legend Natty Wailer and the Reggae Vibes played a free gig in the College Bar.


















The SU Session/An Séisiúin Mór was one of the most eagerly anticipated music events of the year. For just €5 students were treated to an amazing night of music in the College Bar with performances from Ryan Sheridan, The Kanyu Tree, Rhythm Scheme, Buck Taylor and Smash Hits 90’s. This event was a fitting way to round off a great year of musical entertainment and can only get better in 2013!


For More Information Visit SU.NUIGALWAY.IE For MORE INFO VISIT 244 SU Sessions Poster V2.pdf




266 SU Dead Cat Bounce.pdf

Tuesday 11th October 6pm



NUI Galway Students' Union presents:

NUI Galway Students' Union Equality Week presents:





8.30pm Monday 28th November

9pm Wednesday 5th October

“a record that’s diabolically good in many’s complexity ensures that it is most certainly an opus that rewards the listener…clearly the devil really does have all the best tunes” – Hotpress

Fox Jaw Bounty Hun ters

“If 2011 doesn’t see Fox Jaw Bounty Hunters do great things, I will be extremely surprised and disappointed” –

Tuesday 18th October 6pm C

“It would be a hard heart that couldn’t be charmed by this solo female’s acoustic vignettes that are as


comedic as they are brimming with melody.” – State Magazine





“Eleventy has the ability to bring the magic to every song … A record full of wit, sing-a-long-ability and charm … If The Joy Imperative doesn’t


give you a warm and fuzzy feeling, you’re completely dead inside. And we’d get that checked out if we were you.” – Pop Culture Monster

ur ty Fo








Tuesday 25th October 6pm

The Profile

The Profile are an anthemic, alternative rock band. If some bands are friends, some grow to be friends or some even fuse their talents in performing arts schools The Profile are a mixed bag of all of the above. The Profile are a blank white page but have collectively cut their teeth on the Irish gig circuit.

Come and celebrate Equality Week with Natty Wailer o f Bo b Marl e y a n d t he Wa i l e r s at t h i s F R E E e v e n t .

More info email Will at or check

Tuesday 1st November 6pm Mojo Gogo who are in their early days are already making huge waves in the industry with their outstanding energy fuelled live shows, punchy tunes and catchy choruses. With more hooks than a Japanese whaling vessel, Mojo GoGo are ones to watch for 2011.

Mojo Gogo Live Bands Every Tuesday, Free Entry. 6pm in An Bialann (The Canteen). For more info see Supported by the Student Projects Fund


The College Bar NUI Galway

The College Bar NUI Galway Time Out People Choice Award Winners, Sydney Comedy Festival 2011. "One Of The Funniest And Most Energising Hours You'll Find." The Observer

For more info check

NUI Galway Students’ Union, Annual Report, 2011—2012

COMHAIRLE COMHALTAS NA MAC LÉINN :: STUDENTS’ UNION COUNCIL 2011/2012 was once again a ground breaking year in the Class Rep System in the Students’ Union. For the first time in many years the Union itself ran the Class Rep elections in early October. Over a two week period, an information campaign was conducted followed by the election of individual class reps. The SU found that by taking complete control over the elections, that more students were aware of the Union in the first few weeks of the College year. Over 350 Class reps were elected and received the ever popular class rep hoody. In the last week of October Class Rep Training took place. Training was facilitated by Coly McGivern and Colm Jordan who are both very experienced in the area of student representation. The event was very well attended and generated very positive feedback. Throughout the year there were six SU Councils and two Special Councils, when Class Reps decided they needed to consult with their respective classes further in order to make their decision on a more informed basis. The two decisions that called for Special Councils were the end of Rag Week, and whether the SU would implement a ‘No Platform for Fascists’ policy. Both decisions were the first of their kind in the Republic of Ireland. For sacrificing Rag Week the Students’ Union secured an extra €60,000 for the Student Assistant fund which has resulted in an extra 80 students being in a position to continue their studies in NUI Galway. The ‘No Platform’ Policy was upheld by a referendum during the Full-time Officer elections. Another decision that was taken by Class Reps was to issue a statement of solidarity with the Occupy Galway Movement. The Occupy Galway camp was later removed by the City Council and the Gardai to chants of ‘’Chemtrails are being released into the sky!” The Students’ Union acknowledged and thanked the Occupy Galway Movement for everything they accomplished during their stay in Eyre Square Great credit is due to all students who participated in SU Council throughout the year. The SU Council is a fundamental part of the Students’ Union and provides a forum for members to raise issues and air their views.



11 - 2012

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Class Rep

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Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh, 2011—2012


Fees Campaign Shortly before the General Election in February 2011, Ruairí Quinn, Labour’s Education Spokesperson, publicly signed a pledge on behalf of the Party to not increase college fees or cut the grant. Within a few short months of entering government with Fine Gael, Labour revoked that pledge and agreed to a €250 increase in college fees, with student grants eliminated for postgraduate students in December 2011’s budget. Following these policy reversals, NUI Galway Students’ Union called for the national Union of Students in Ireland (USI) to launch a large-scale and sustained campaign to oppose these regressive moves by the coalition. Over 15,000 students took to the streets of Dublin for a national demonstration on 16th November, with over 1,000 coming from NUI Galway – the largest number of students we’ve ever sent to a Dublin protest. We also protested the Fine Gael Parliamentary Party’s annual “think-in” in the Radisson Hotel in September, held a demonstration outside Labour TD Derek Nolan’s office with GMIT students, and led over 300 students to protest outside Fine Gael TD Brian Walsh’s office in late February. The previous government imposed severe cuts in relation to grants for students living between 24 to 45km from their college, resulting in many students losing 60% of their grants and forcing


many out of college. With the full support of NUI Galway SU, the USI took the State to the High Court with a claim that these students had a legitimate expectation to retain these grants throughout their degrees. While this case was lost, the USI are currently preparing an appeal to the Supreme Court. As part of our long-term strategy of empowering students’ voices with the government of the day, we registered several hundred students to vote in the Presidential election of October 2011. We continued our policies of lobbying members of the Oireacthas through the USI and meeting local TDs and Senators when required, as well as keeping up the pressure on the coalition with the local and national media. In terms of our role within the wider student movement, NUI Galway SU led the campaign to secure a taxpayer-funded thirdlevel education system as the preferred model for the USI. We also actively and vocally opposed the timing of the USI’s national student vote on how college should be funded. With the vote scheduled to take place after exams and through an online poll, we warned that there would not be enough engagement with ordinary students and that there would be potential security flaws with an online vote, and we instead called for regular, oncampus votes in October 2012. Unfortunately, we were proved correct, with a low turn-out and security breaches evident from the May 2012 vote.

NUI Galway Students’ Union, Annual Report, 2011—2012

Campaigns Mental Health Week 2011


Mental Health week was held from the 10th-14th of October to highlight the importance of maintaining and understanding mental health issues. The week itself was geared at looking at some of the most common issues facing students such as personal pressures, stress, anxiety and depression. Many students suffer from mental health problems at times, and these problems limit our potential as human beings. For this reason NUI Galway partnered up with Mental Health Ireland to promote resilience as the main theme for the week, as life is not about disappointment but how you react from your disappointments in order to succeed. Mental Health organisations such as Reachout, Positive Mental Health, the Samaritans and Spunout visited our campus throughout this week. The ‘note to self’ campaign that took place between lunch hours was such a great success with over 500 students participating in it that Reachout wished to run this campaign once again during Healthy Living Week. With regard to the theme of resilience the Film Society projected a film each night based on this topic including the award winning Shawshank Redemption. For those needing a good laugh Students were offered the chance to attend a live comedy gig with award winning comedian Neil DeLamere who played to a packed out O’ Flaherty Theatre. Students were also asked to submit some of their top tips on how to de-stress themselves with the judges providing fabulous prizes to the winners.

SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness Week and Guidance) Week is one of the most important campaigns of the year. The aim of this campaign is to educate students on sexual health , offer them practical advice and guidance. Throughout the week, volunteers handed out over four thousand shag packs across campus. Each SHAG Pack contained a condom, lubricant, an information card on where to get screened for sexually transmitted diseases and advice on contraceptives from the Crisis Pregnancy Agency.

277 SU SHAG Week.pdf




NUI Galway Students’

Union presents

T he SHAG Bal l A s p ar t o f S HA G We e k 2 0 1 2

Many different events took place during the week. The Irish Family Planning Organisation visited Smokey’s Café between lunch hours on the Monday providing freebies and displaying the different methods of contraceptives. Comedian David O’Doherty reminisced of his own sexual experiences amongst many other topics of interest and was introduced to a sell out crowd by the one and only Captain Condom. Meanwhile in the College bar, a speed dating event was held to find aid people find a date for the valentines shag ball. This was followed by an auction in which the three sabbatical officers were sold altogether to three different groups of lucky ladies for no more tha 30 euro. Aids West once again came to visit on Valentines lecturing students in the view in Áras na Mac Léinn ‘ How to have a good head in Bed. Fellationships by a Cunning Liguist.’. The SHAG ball held in the College Bar was perhaps the biggest event of the week. Students were entertained by live band Electric Lemon, some of the Connacht Rugby players took a visit, students were treated to love potions while best dressed and best couple also won great prizes. Many other events took place during the week such as ‘Think Contraception’ running a national competition on campus, the Lit and Deb society organised a HIV discussion as well as the English Society organising a night of Erotic Fiction hosted by Writer C. Margery Kempe titled ‘The PenIs Mightier than the Sword’. Images from Welfare Campaigns









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Electric Lemon, Phot obooth, Connacht Pop-Up Beauty Salo Rugby players, n, Love Potions, Free bies and more.

On sale

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from SU

With SU Card

All proceeds go to

Galway Rape Crisis

Centre and

Over 18’s NUI Galwa

y ID Required

Over 4,000 Sexual Health Awareness Packs were distribute


Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh, 2011—2012

Feachtasaí Road Safety Week This Year NUI Galway Students’ Union teamed up with Galway City Council, HSE West, Galway Healthy Cities Initiative and An Taisce Green Schools for Road Safety to highlight the development of the Bishop O’Donell and Seamus Quirke Road on which it is estimated that 7,000 University staff and Students travel on daily. The commenced a programme of actions aimed at encouraging maximum uptake of the new infrastructure encompassing new bus lanes, 1.6km of cycle lanes and 5 pedestrian crossings (previously there were just 2). Focusing on the opening of these new roads the interactive shuttle has been re-located off campus and was situated in the Westside Shopping Centre. The Shuttle was targeted at both second and third level students and adults. This Shuttle accommodated many groups of students which held 25 at a time and most of them spending approximately 30-40 minutes in the shuttle. The key features of this interactive shuttle were as follows: »» A fully interactive, educational road safety experience »» A driving simulator enclosed in a specially designed pod »» A fully equipped presentation area, with lectern, projector, screen and seating for an audience of 25 people »» A motorbike simulator »» Two bicycle simulators »» Reaction timers »» 6 x Computers equipped with the Driver Theory Test, questionnaires, interactive games, RSA website »» Exhibition areas to promote road safety Plasma screen showing a series of road safety advertisements and road safety programming for all ages. Many Road Safety free bees were provided to students across campus throughout the week including luminous cycling bag covers, cycling reflectors, pedestrian vests and armbands. Galway city council also provided a speaker to give a talk to University Students which was held in the McMunn theatre giving a brief overview on the successes of road safety over the last few years, specifically focusing in the reduction of fatalities on the road. Many more organisations visited throughout the week, such as the Marie Keating foundation and With this week taking place at the start of November, the Movember campaign was also launched on the first day of the week. A reduction of prices on healthy food was also offered from the SU Commercial Services as well as free fruit being handed out throughout the week.


NUI Galway Students’ Union, Annual Report, 2011—2012

Campaigns Healthy Living Week Healthy Living Week took place between the 1st and the 4th of November. Throughout the week the SU advised students how to maintain a healthy lifestyle whilst studying in college. Many different events took place throughout Campus during the week looking at physical, mental and sexual health issues which all play a part in the student lifestyle. In conjunction with Mental Health Ireland the theme of resilience was carried over into the campaign from the earlier Mental Health Week. Sports competitions, quizzes, books and films were all utilised to spread this message of resilience. As the suicide rate is higher than the number of road deaths in Ireland, and most of these victims are males between the ages of 18 and 30, the promotion of young men’s mental health was a priority of the campaign. Websites such as, and were promoted to get this message across along with a further Note to Self campaign run with ReachOut. To relieve the stress and anxiety of studies, soccer competitions, training sessions and exercise classes were held. The Off the Couch fun run was held at lunchtime on the Tuesday while the Athletics Club organised circuits in Dangan Sports Hall that evening. The Sports Centre provided students with a free trial of its wonderful facilities on Wednesday and Kingfisher kindly offered students a chance to try out several free exercise classes. On Thursday Kevin Cassidy Marketing Director of the Corrib Village soccer cages organised a five-a-side soccer tournament with cash prizes for the winners and the runners up. Mountain biking demonstrations were also held on campus. With college being a time when many people participate in increased sexual activity safer sex was highlighted and awareness was raised about sexually transmitted diseases. The Health Connect team spread their love around campus by handing out Durex extra safe condoms to students. The entertaining Siobhán O’Donoghue from Aids West also visited for a sex talk to highlight the dangers of unprotected sex

Postgraduate Students Upon commencement of the office, the focus adopted was one of promoting social inclusion across the postgraduate population. A strategy was constructed to provide more social events, more training courses and construct innovative models to provide PhD researchers with a platform to get to know their peers. Throughout the year courses/workshops were organised and delivered by the Students’ Union including, Presentation Skills Workshop, Mathematics and Statistical Modelling for postgraduates, SPSS refresher course for postgraduates and GIS Software training; all courses were provided free of charge to Postgraduates. Social events were also enhanced this year with the introduction of Postgrad-Aoke held monthly in the College Bar and monthly movie nights in the IT building; both proved very successful. The Annual Postgraduate Soccer Tournament was held in conjunction with the 2nd Annual Postgrad Week along with a variety of social events targeted at postgraduates including a screening of “PhD the Movie.” The most common concerns raised by PhD students were based on the changes to the PhD Viva process, the increases in write-up fees and changes to higher education grants. Administrative issues represented the largest proportion of complaints by postgraduates which was relayed to the new Dean of Graduate Students, Dr. Lucy Byrnes at the end of year change over meeting. A template was put in place to undertake yearly PhD student surveys on Health and Well Being in order to fully comprehend the PhD experience in NUI Galway. Postgrad Moving Mindfully through Yoga classes were again held for beginners, improvers and intermediate levels throughout the year at a greatly reduced rate.


Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh, 2011—2012

Feachtasaí Activist Academy This year for the first time the Students’ Union organised a discussion in the area of activism. Five speakers for various different backgrounds discussed their area of activism and what motivated them to stay involved. The participants in the inaugural Activist Academy were: Sarah Clancy, a long time campaigner and activist who has collaborated on, and worked with, human rights and social chance campaigns in Ireland, Mexico, Spain and Borneo. She is fascinated by tactics and strategies and has spent the last few years researching or observing the methods used by communities in resistance everywhere and sharing those tactics with groups all over Ireland. She is also a published poet. Dan O’Neill, a human rights activist from Dublin. He currently works full time for Amnesty International as their national Youth and Student Officer and co-founded In the past, Dan was the Campaigns and Communications Vice President of UCDSU and Deputy President/ Campaigns Officer of The Union of Students in Ireland. Dan has been involved in both lobbying, advocacy and awareness campaigns along with more traditional direct actions such as protests and occupations of government departments. Mark Conroy who having lost his job due to Budget cuts a number of years ago, is a now a non-practicing English teacher. Presently he works full-time as a self employed web designer, devoting a significant amount of his time to developing his political campaigns website, Huwaida Arraf is a Palestinian-American lawyer and human rights advocate. She received her Bachelors degrees from the University of Michigan, and her Juris Doctor from the American University Washington College of Law, where she focused her studies on international human rights and humanitarian law. In 2001 Huwaida co-founded the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Huwaida is co-editor of the book “Peace Under Fire: Israel, Palestine, and the International Solidarity Movement.” Kurt Nikolaisen is the coordinator of Love Music Hate Racism Ireland, a musically orientated anti racism campaign that highlights racism by using the positive power of the music scene. In 2011 LMHR received an award from The Integration Centre in the category of ‘’Best Arts/Cultural Organisation’’. The Activist Academy was a great success and gave students the opportunity to discuss the topical issues that are to the fore of the student movement. It also provided an opportunity to meet likeminded people and also build on their own personal capacity in terms of developing the skills needed to organise effective campaigns.


NUI Galway Students’ Union, Annual Report, 2011—2012

Campaigns An Gaeilge Fá dheireadh na bliana acadúla féadaim a rá go raibh mé sásta leis an mhéid a chuir mé i gcrích mar oifigeach na Gaeilge. Ar bhuaicphointí na bliana bhí an cheardlannn scríbhneoireachta Gaeilge, an léacht ar Karl Marx le hAindrias Ó Cathasaigh agus ar ndóigh an choicís chraiceáilte lán le himeachtaí éagsúla, Seachtain na Gaeilge. Ag toiseacht domh i mbliana bhí neart dúshlán os mo chomhair ó thaobh saol agus sláinte na Gaeilge de sa choláiste seo. Chonaic mé féin agus daoine go leor eile gurbh éigean níos mó imeachtaí sóisialta a chur ar siúl ar mhaithe le lucht labhartha na Gaeilge sa champas. Chuige sin d´eagraigh mé trí chiorcal comhrá, ceann do thosaitheoirí, ceann do chainteoirí breac-líofa agus ceann do Ghaeilgeoirí flúirseacha. Bhí na ciorcail chomhrá seo ar siúl sa dá sheimeastar i mbliana. De thairbhe fhlaithiúlacht stiúrathóirí na gciorcal comhrá éagsúla, Lisa Ní Fhlatharta, Daithí Ó Madáin, Eoin Ó Catháin, Maitiú de Hál agus Feidhlim Seoighe, a thairg a gcuid ama ar mhaithe le leas na teanga san ollscoil, d´éirigh go maith leis an togra seo agus tá súil agam go leanfar leis sa bhliain seo chugainn. Ar an imeacht shóisialta is mó I bhféilire Ghaeilge, taobh amuigh d´Oireachtas na Samhna, tá Seachtain na Gaeilge agus i mbliana rachainn sa tseans agus déarfainn go raibh SnaG na bliana seo ar an fhéile Ghaeilge ab fhearr dá raibh againn san Ollscoil seo le fada. I gcuideachta choiste an Chumainn Chraic, an Chumainn Rac-Cheoil agus an Chumainn Drámaíochta d´eagraigh muid an dubh rud imeachtaí, ina measc sin; Péinteáil Múrphictiúir leis an tseachtain a sheoladh go hoifigiúil, Dráma ´Finscéal Fíbín´, Caint Phoiblí ‘An Ghaeilge agus an Ghaeltacht – fágtha ar lár?’, Ceardlann Drumadóireachta, Coisirí in Áras na nGael, Banna ceoil Miotal Trom ´Mael Mórdha´, Craoladh beo le raidió na Gaeltachta, An Cabaret Craiceáilte leis na réalta reggae as Béal Feirste ´Bréag´, Áirneán le filíocht agus scéalaíocht thraidisiúnta, banna ceoil punk Gaelach as an Albain ´Oi Polloi, agus go leor eile. Anuas air sin, agus taobh amuigh den tsaol sóisialta is gá a chothú sa teanga, d´amharc mé chuige an teagasc frí mheán na Gaeilge san ollscoil a chosaint. Le fada an lá anois táthar ag gearradh siar ar an teagasc frí Ghaeilge sna heolaíochtaí agus sna daonnachtaí ar phríomhchampas na hollscoile. I mbliana thug mé orm féin eolas a scaipeadh i measc phobal na hollscoile ar an fhadhb dháiríre seo. D´fhoilsigh Comhaltas na Mac Léinn bileogaí ar an ábhar, labhair mé ar Raidió na Gaeltachta fá dtaobh de agus scaipeadh greamathóirí feachtais ag tarraingt airde ar an cheist phráinneach seo. Chomh maith leis sin chuaigh mé go dhá chruinniú de Bhord an Acadaimh, áit a ndearna mé gearán le huachtarán na hollscoile faoin mheath atá ag teacht ar an teagasc frí Ghaeilge. Tá i bhfad níos mó oibre le déanamh sa ghné seo den phost agus tá constaicí go leor roimhe a chaithfear a shárú. Tá feachtas mór le tacaíocht iomlán Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn de dhíth. Rinne mé mo dhícheall i mbliana a chur ina luí ar mo chuid comhghleacaithe gur gá an Ghaeilge a bheith le feiceáil agus le cluinstin i ngach gné dár gcuid oibre. Ag na hagóidí náisiúnta agus áitiúla bhí an Ghaeilge le feiceáil ar mheirgí agus ar phóstaeir. Mar sin féin tá neart oibre le déanamh go fóill sa dóigh is go mbeidh Comhaltas na Mac Léinn dátheangach mar is ceart. Cé go bhfuil sé sna rialacha s´againn go bhfuil an dátheangachas lárnach san eagraíocht, ní mar sin atá i bhfírinne. Cuir I gcás an suíomh idirlín nach bhfuil aistrithe go Gaeilge fán tráth seo fiú. Is gá baill uilig an choiste a chur faoi bhrú ar an ábhar seo nó go mbeidh an Comhaltas ag déanamh freastal mar is ceart ar lucht labhartha na Gaeilge. Leanaimis leis an obair!!

Use two Gaeilge images here


Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh, 2011—2012

Seirbhísí Comhaltas na Mac Léinn :: Students’ Union Services

The College Bar continued to grow from strength to strength this year. SU Card offers, Class Parties, charity fundraising events, signature pizzas, €3 Wednesday, Open Mic…the list goes on. The College Bar hosted An Seisiún Mór, An Caberet Craiceáilte and the ever popular Witless competition. Last year’s €5 dinner on Tuesdays was so popular the offer was extended to five days a week -the first catering outlet on campus to offer €5 dinners. College Bar Pizzas also proved popular again this year, particularly with postgrads on Fridays. The College Bar was the most popular venue for events this year. Over 18 weeks of term we hosted the following: »» Charity Fundraising Events: 23 »» Class Parties: 118 »» Club Parties: 91 »» Departmental & Postgrad Staff Parties: 128 »» Society Parties: 136 »» Students’ Union events: 40 »» Live Sport on the Big Screen: 48

The Students’ Union Shop continued to provide discounted newspapers, cheap water & fruit and all of your stationary needs again this year. For the third time, the Students’ Union Sop picked up a national award for its stationary offering at the Annual Shelflife C-Store Awards. The awards were set up to recognise retailers and retail outlets that set the highest standards in the retail industry.


Smokey’s Café, The Wall Café and Bia Léinn are still the top spots to relax over coffee between lectures. The product line in Smokey’s Café was further extended this year to include pasta and hot potato options. Smokey’s Café and The Wall Café remained open all year long to cater for students and staff who spend more time on campus than off campus. The Students’ Union opened another café this year – The Hub Café is the latest addition offering drinks, confectionery and sandwiches in The Hub Common Room. A microwave oven is also available for students who wish to bring their own food. The SU Card which was launched in 2009 is now part of campus life. It’s a great way to get better value and it’s our way to thank you for supporting us. Throughout the year the IT system in our outlets has been developed to ensure students can use their SU Cards in all Students’ Union outlets. Some highlights of the SU Card in 2011 -2012 »» 1,940,000 points awarded. »» 1,700 free dinners. »» 10,800 free teas/coffees

NUI Galway Students’ Union, Annual Report, 2011—2012

Sponsorship of student events Over the course of the year, we support the many of the good causes run by the different charities, clubs and society parties and class parties. NUI Galway Students’ Union established a partnership with Connacht Rugby in 2011 which saw students benefiting from huge discounts on tickets for all of the Connacht home matches including Heineken Cup games throughout the season. This partnership also saw some of the Connacht rugby players dropping in to surprise the attendees at the SHAG Ball! During 2011/12 the Students’ Union also worked to bring students great discounts on tickets for other big events such as snooker’s Players Tour Championship Grand Finals and the Galway Arts Festival. »» 9,000 active accounts in 2011 / 2012 »» Over €900 donated to the SU Charities by students who donated their points at the end of term. As always, the profits earned from any Students’ Union services are reinvested in the Students’ Union to further develop and expand what we do. What makes the Students’ Union services unique is the money you spend on campus stays on campus. In addition to the profits, The College Bar contributes €30,000 to the Projects Fund every year making it the biggest single contributor. The College Bar also contributes €30,000 directly to the Students’ Union regardless of its profit levels.

Lockers The Students’ Union took over the management of the lockers in The Engineering Building this year. In total, we rented 1,138 student lockers across campus.

Travel Cards A whopping 2,396 students purchased Student Travelcards through the Students’ Union in 2011-2012

Secondhand Bookstore Did you know?

The Secondhand Bookstore continues to go from strength to strength. We sold 1,568 of your books this year.

»» Student Employment - Over 50% of our staff are students. In the College Bar, over 85% of College Bar staff are students. »» Waste Reduction - The Students’ Union is leading the way in waste reduction: Sales of travel mugs with a 10% discount every time you refill. Available at SU Shop, Smokey’s Cafe, »» The Wall Cafe and The College Bar. Composting of all organic waste from College Bar Catering, Smokey’s Café and The Wall Café. Recycling of cooking oil. Introduction of crockery in The College Bar to reduce the usage of paper cups. Introduction of new recycling bins in the College Bar and Smokey’s Café.

Students’ Union Cloakroom The Cloakroom, which is provided by NUI Galway Buildings Office, is managed by the Students’ Union. Cloakroom staff are all students and the service is provided free of charge to students during term time. Diary.pdf 231 Student




Do Chomhaltas, Do Dhialann





2011 - 2 YEAR 012












Students’ Union Diary 12,000 Students’ Union Diaries were distributed in the first semester. The diary is a useful resource for students and contains information on exam dates, campus facilities and clubs & societies.




Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh, 2011—2012


NUI Galway Students’ Union, Annual Report, 2011—2012

To provide


with better social, representational & support services ,


Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gailimh, 2011—2012

Executive Committee 2011 – 2012 Coiste Gnó 2011 – 2012

Paul Curley

Conor Stitt

Dami Adebari

Feidhlim Seoighe

President - An tUachtarán

Education Officer - Oifigeach Oideachais

Welfare Officer - Oifigeach Leasa

Oifigeach na Gaeilge

Claire Mc Callion

Barbara Preston

Emmett Craig

Brian Grant

Equality Officer -

Mature Students’ Officer -

Clubs’ Captain -

Postgraduate Officer -

An tOifigeach Comhionnais

‘Oifigeach Mic Léinn Lánfhásta

Captaen na gClubanna

An tOifigeach Iarchéime

Alan Callery

Molly Smith

Patrick Clancy

Phelim Kelly

Convenor of the College of Engineering & Informatics

Convenor of the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences

Convenor of the College of Arts Social Sciences & Celtic Studies

Convenor of the College of Science

Oifig Choláiste na hInnealtóireachta & na hIonformaitice

Tionólaí Choláiste an Leighis, an Altranais & na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte

Tionólaí Choláiste na nDán, na nEolaíochtaí Sósialta & an Léinn Cheiltigh

Tionólaí Choláiste na hEolaíochta

Robin Allen

Conor Nolan

Societies Chairperson

Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy & Law

Cathaoirleach na gCumann

Tionólaí Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bheartais Phoiblí & an Dlí


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