NUI Galway Students' Union Impact Report 2010 - 2011

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Find out what the SU has done for you

only ctively. It is als and colle d du an vi ry di ve in co as economic re ccess both will fuel our rious threat key to our su at se e r th th s s de ld ea un id ho e e cam ing force that potential and create th l education ant would be r the empower ss third leve ntenance gr ai m e Education is ion that we can reach ou e opportunity to acce th , le d midwives at e would doub y for student nurses an here. Th through educ gistration fe ople everyw pa re pe d e of th an es d at liv th tte improve the was a threat ance Fund would be gu year. There st hasn’t over the past ts like the Student Assi in a way thrdat ppor to mobilise 000 ts 2, , en 3 slashed, su ud r st be r fo st. lin on Novem the first time. the chance ub d D re fe of s of would be lo et is re for cris took to the st reds registered to vote ity and this ted e is opportun 0 NUI Galway students th and hund ch was adop took hi w n 18 00 In crisis ther r ig 1, be pa s. m em de ca so ov ca al D N rT de es r on iv ou fo w ch llY ng the Te been seen es and mid Spanish Ar d spearheadi ched to the Student nurs students mar ay devised an tters being sent to TDs. w al G I U N le from Class Reps over 50,000 r case. drastic cuts d resulted in in Dublin to make thei of the most y an m le d taken nationally an ab an ovement was ts is accept s in Galway t for studen d student m to the street or ite pp un su d in an t e activ st or cu crease in co e avoided. An Though no in d student supports wer reckoned with. r an be t all play ou n ets. We mus to educatio as a force to re w g st it on e ed th am t ow to iri d sh neurial sp ly by taking seriously an overcome on r to ignite that entrepre ds which rewards the es won’t be ar de or ng Aw le e In . al ris w ch rp ro s udent Ente e. ns of tomor Our nation’ g the solutio eated the NUI Galway St and business enterpris tin ea cr in al cr part ci e w so ay in as a w ts al NUI G of studen year there w students at and creativity forefront this West and e e ty iv th ili at at Ab iti r n in fo l te lighted exceptiona er €22,000 ation was of ov uc omoted high ed ed pr is l to al ra ss k k ce ee ee W W ac helped r k ge ng fo vi lle n ee Li ig W y Co campa ed d Postgrad g the year. and Health k an rin t ee du gh W Though the ni ully highlight ns lth rt ig ef ea rc Fo tive campa Fresher’s mpaign fo ts have for k, Mental H s. ca en si y ee lit W ud ba st ua ily AG y Eq wealth of ac da an SH e . a the love m st time. Th ins Projects ced with on ay for the fir aeilge again celebrated the Alan Ker es that students are fa to NUI Galw G ts su na en is n ud ai th st ht al of the he s. Seac horts e different co sability access to campu the fight for: welcome th ided a we have led nd di ar ou ye ar is es Th . su ding and prov ents’ Union important is tre overcrow ud ea St th y e an . ur of ge ct ua ial work ion of le the Irish lang the eradicat is the essent oblems of education feedback mechanisms; dual schools. rd da an st ght ideas, pr e t vi en Improving th SU. They brou rsity and indi proved stud e ve im th ; ni U of ng e ki ne th ar m of the backbo anonymous ality reviews . they formed pective in qu atasha, r campaigns is year and th ou d of te student pers ch ec el ea so due to N e nd er w hi be es tiv gy ta er l thanks is al en en ia e es ec th pr sp Re A ed . s id as rts all year ting and prov Over 500 Cl tireless effo to every mee otecting ive for their duty. ut of ec ll and solutions Ex ca e on allenge of pr th ni ke on the ch rous society. and beyond Students’ U ta e e s th ov nd to ab sa e g in ou du go is seen th and prospe Great credit and Chris for constantly ent. We have a more just re udents udent movem ay our role in creating st e th Joanna, Clai of rations of st er pl ntinue to mense pow e next gene co th im t g e us in th m ch d e at se W w . es le forward to We have witn once seemed impossib Union. I look ars to come. at e Students’ ’ Union in ye th ts in education th en rt ud pa St l al er ng sm ro a st ay a pl to build an honour to and continue It has been nges of now le al ch e th take on


orew President’s F

Beir Bua, on Peter Manni

nion Peter Man Gaillimh Uachtarán Léinn, OÉ c a M a n s Comhalta

Message from USI Pr


The last year has been momentous . Our response to Government’s att the empts to reintrod uce tuition fees, cu previous their failure to tac t student support kle the graduate em s and igration crisis will books. In Novemb go down in the his er over 40,000 stu tory dents from across over 2,000 stude the country, includ nts from NUI Galwa ing y SU marched on In February over 15 Government build ,00 ings. out in unprecedente 0 students registered to vote and young people turne d numbers to have d kick started a new their say in Irelan d’s future. We’ve wave of student ac tion and shaped the education in a ma nner never before public debate on seen in this coun try. The achievements of the last year wo uld not have been dedication and de possible without the termination of Stu dents’ Unions acros contribution of NU s the I Ga I wish to congratula lway SU has been immeasurable. On country. The te and thank Peter be and his team for the half of USI, persistence and cre ir unrelenting ativity. That being said, the new Gove it a new political lan rnment brings wit dscape. The chall h enges over the ne will be great. It is xt twelve months up to both NUI Ga lway SU and USI to foundations laid thi build on the stron s year and to conti g nue to campaign members in the tur on behalf of our bulent times ahea d.


Gary Redmond Uachtarán Union of Studen ts’ in

Ireland (USI)

Impact Report 2010 - 2011


“Mission Stateme



"to represent its members and p romote, defend levels of society" and vi

ndicate the righ

ts of its member s at all This report is d esigned to give some idea of th the lives of stud e work the Stud ents at NUI Gal ents’ Union does way. Here are so to improve me of the highli ghts of the year so far: TellYour launched – 50,000 letters se nt to TDs New SU Constitutio n approved NUI Galway Studen t Enterprise Awar ds launched Student Support A ct signed into law 22,000 raised durin g College Week Life Skills Progra mme expanded Freshers’ Fortnig ht – 3000 new stu dents welcomed t o Galway Overcrowding in l ecture halls tack led 1,000 NUI Galway s tudents at Nation al Demonstration 2,000 attend Galw ay March Largest ever turn out in SU Election s Anonymous markin g agreed Improved Student Feedback Policy p assed Mature Students O fficer introduced Class Rep system overhauled Student Assistanc e Fund protected Centralised grant authority Corrib Village ren t reduction

Impact Report 2010 - 2011


Protecting Education n.

uairí Quin

tion, R for Educa

ter new Minis e h t d n a alish, Noel Gre , y h a F n. k itt, Fran onstratio K m e l D e a l h a ic n Natio uiv, M amonn O’C ate in the E ip g ic t in r d a u p l ents to d TDs inc way stud Ds. l ** Lobbie a G I U N sent to T 00 tudents. s g ,0 1 0 in 0 r e 0 o b f 2 s d r r ise h ove lette ** Organ March wit er 50,000 v y Genera o a w in l a d G e he ult t s l e d r e is h n ic a h w m o E ** Org .c l d . t y e r . t u c n r tion r Pa ectio ellyo neral El the Labou ed www.t e y t G b a 1 e 1 d r 0 e C 2 n e ig * * The G was s for th en ge which ndidates d a e c studen eral Electio l h P it n w io t t n t e c e M l E * * Ireland s to directly on Februa ry 25 influen n the USI s. for yea o u I p S m U a t c h h r r s it n e to com ce the po presented e main eo ed w iv k r r d o an opp e n is W . io e s T t d * u h ucatio * es: th e Stu licies that or t registra r e grants n; cuts and e proposed dents’ Unio would be pu unity for t o v a d ; and t n rsued in e c c h t is a r a n o m n a du g p h clinica in ** Org l place e proposed e to the adja ction of fee aign focuse d s cu m c th




fo on e tuden ncy criteria r third level t nurs fo es’ pa r student yment for

ts to s

f the We me cand t discus with candid s their ates ru idates lobbie views nning d o in Conna were: Dere n education local cons k Nola ughton tit . Amon n and th g thos uencies to J T n D r. TD , Se e e we m TD. W newly-appo , Lorraine H n. Fidelma et and H e ig in trying spoke to M ted Ministe gins, and C ealy-Eames to , r. o r were to protect stu Quinn abou for Educatio lm Keavene Paul d y t electio form par t o ents and ed our commo n, Ruairí Qu TD, inn f a new n. n uc govern ation if the concerns fo r Labou ment after t r he gen Par ty Voter e r R a l egistr With t ation he D registr suppor t of r i v e a Á registe tion day an n Garda Sío d r c registe ed to vote in more than 3 hana we he r ld 0 voice ing our mem less than nin 0 students a voter when it com bers to vote ety minute were es to lo s. , bbying we are stre By ngthen politic Electi ia ing ou n o s. r The SU n Guide p r e pared the big a gu issues at stak ide for stud en e in th e elec ts detailing tion. some of

Student Support Ac t - signed into law January 2011 saw a major step forwa rd for making thirdlevel education ac cessible to all, wit h the signing of the Student Support Act into law by Pre sident McAleese. Act completely ref The orms the existing student grants sys making it more effi tem cient, easy-to-use and responsive for students. NUI Galway SU ha s be for several years no en pushing our local TDs on this iss ue w, and working wit h the USI, we mana to secure the pass ged age government. Amon of this Bill in the last days of the ou tgo g the key changes to the grants system ing the Student Supp ort Act will bring are that : ** A single, centra lised grants agency , with one set of reg (compared to the 60+ ulations agencies and sets of regulations at the moment ** Electronic monthl y bank transfer pay ments (compared to for cheques each sem students waiting ester) ** G uaranteed pay ment dates for studen ts (compared to som to four months for e students waiting up a first payment) **



Students will know by 1st September whe ther or not they wil student grant for tha l be getting a t academic year (compa red to some studen several weeks into ts having to wait the academic year now ) A single appeals pro cess and a single set of guidelines and reg electronic applicatio ulations, as well as n forms

Impact Report 2010 - 2011

Budget 2011

gistration Fee

uble the Re t planning to do

from €1,500 to

e governmen yearucation with th put together a for third level ed at re th us rio the country to se ss ry ro ve ac a ns d io se po . students’ un Budget 2011 grants by 10% land (USI) and cut all student Students in Ire of n io €3,000 and to Un e th n joined with to education Students’ Unio protect access The NUI Galway defend students’ rights and ecting to e case for prot long campaign ies to make th ggle to nc ru ue st tit d ul ns co wo nary families d Galway East di an or t y es ns we an io W m un ay at ’ lw ts uld mean th her studen s from the Ga ng the grant wo r efforts with ot tti ou cu g Lobby of TDsst semester SU Officers met with TD or tin e na Fe di n or tio e fir ucation. By co g the Registra Throughout th rced out of ed dget. how increasin inevitably be fo t TD in the lead up to the bu showed them d e ul W wo n. e io m at so uc d en ed an m rn ge ve lle go co y h history ren to met with ever send their child t protest in Irteisd numbers. n e d representative u t en st ud st st e a rg at en ensured th ets in unpreced nts join the la is Galway studeeducation so students took to the stre I U N 0 0 ,0 students of th 1 e ration st er, and that th astic cuts to story. n ov hi dr o t sh m op no e Iri st e D ar in to l t ts a gh es es n Natio t student prot ing to be enou s student prot es go as r gg m bi ve of e ne th s ys it da wa g s the akin ent Meeting with TD try showed that the streets of the capital, m re to Governm l over the coun m Parnell Squa fluenced the Fianna ts took to rd students from al en fro ud try st un 00 co 3 ,0 e r 40 all over th certainly in On Novembe s heard. Over r colleges from ovement and ake their voice ts from 22 othe d solidarity of the student m %. en country will m ud st e id gs marched alon liticians the strength an ent grant by 10 lway students have shown po d cut the stud ration showed 1,000 NUI Ga the 1980s we stration fee an . This demonst gi ce re re ua sin e n Sq th io n le ss rio ub er to do e biggest rece Buildings on M don their plan the midst of th alition to aban much – but in o to Fáil/Green co 00 €5 ill l education. e increase is st otect third-leve victory – as th e in order to pr This was not a ilis ob m ll wi d can an that students As part of Budg d to forget et 2011 the go s weren’t allowe mpus h vernment prop radically alter e sure that TD rc ca ak A ch m h ea to is m n ed a fro ed p osed to the criteria for ed S ne ch e ts ar en th m ud IT to St . GM h in d receiving a no rc bl lp st an a Du he ud ay M of to en lw y s nt t a et Ga gr I wa re an lw st nNU ts t, e ad Ga m en wh th jacent ud fro ich on st th ts is at op en m st th uch higher than rate. Previous ber 18 stud oach didn’t essage was ucation. the adjacent ly, students liv The direct appr on November 3rd. On Novem stration. The m necessary skills through ed on m de in e g th NU 24 in I nt km or more fro Galway would ed if given the m the message se 0 students join ly play our role the grant. Unde qualify for the non-adjacent Arch. Over 2,00 s but we can on m level of r th le e ob to the Spanish ne pr w ic pr om op on os al ec al m ’s s os th try t at do un lim uble to it would solve the co ents’ come into affe 45km. If implement this ch nt to TDs subsequently adopted by USI andsestntudto TDs ange will ct from Septem se rs e tt le 0 be 0 hi r t 2011 and woul both current an r 50,0 ve o 00 letters were is website was ,0 d Th m d . 50 o ne m .c er w co e. D st Ov m D. . ud rT m rT 11 ents who live be 24 and 45kms TellYou the tellyou rnship progra to Budget 20 tween from Galway. Th ts’ Union set up a graduate inte in the lead up en s p ud lo TD St fro is ve y in m ay de bb clu lw d lo la rg de an to Ga t e feeder towns s students NUI order e student gran for NUI Galway the country in Headford, Gort fee, protect th such as Tuam unions around and Kinvara. e registration th , p ca ey th demanding The SU intend s to focus on th is issue throug rest of the year hout the .

Student Grant


SU Gra nt Pro tes

t Adv ert










| W W













Minister fo r Education Ruairi Quinn Pledge in th signs the US e lead up to I Election the general election





** The increase in the new Student Contribution to Higher Education was limited to €500. ** There was no increase in the student contribution for second and subsequent children. ** The Student Assistance Fund and Disability funding were protected.





Wed nesd ay N Bus ovem leav ber 3 ing N rd, P UIG ar ne at 9:0 ll Sq 0, €4 uare . Tic , Du Petiti kets blin on y from @ 12 our T the S :30 Ds o tude n ou nts’ U r we nion bsite Offic : ww e .nuig alwa telly ourtd


** The cut to the student maintenance grant was limited to 4%. ** The Student Support Act became law

Impact Report 2010 - 2011






Student Nurses’ Pay Protecting payment for clinical placement ** Held a meeting with all student nurses and the INMO. ** Organised a lunchtime protest on February 9th. ** O rganised over 100 NUI Galway students to participate in a national demonstration on February 16th. ** Used to highlight the issue in the lead up to the General Election. ** T he HSE Director of Human Resources and the former Minister for Health both came out in favour of retaining pay for final year students. In the days before Christmas the Health Service Executive proposed a new payment plan for student nurses that would see their payment for clinical placement reduced over the next four years, at which point it would be eliminated completely. These students are an integral part of a hospital’s workforce providing essential, direct and immediate bedside care. NUI Galway SU, alongside the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO), began a campaign of action against the outgoing government’s proposals to seriously reduce and eventually eliminate payment for student nurses during their clinical placement. This is obviously an attack on the rights of our SU members The Students’ Union and the INMO began the campaign by lobbying politicians and general election candidates about the issue and why they should not introduce these proposals. We organised a lunch-time protest outside University College Hospital Galway on the same day that nurses protested outside hospitals across the country. On a national level, we were involved in organising Student nurs es take to th the National Student Nurses’ Demonstration, which took place e streets to p their pay for rotect cl in ic a l placement in Dublin early in semester two, and organised over 100 student nurses from NUI Galway to attend that protest, in which 4,000 student nurses marched from Parnell Square to the Department of Health’s headquarters in Hawkins House. We have already won the support of the HSE’s Director of Human Resources in calling for these proposals to be scrapped. Over the summer we must work with the INMO, the other students’ unions, and the USI to ensure the new government are lobbied hard on this and other issues that are of grave importance to the students concerned. 7

Students from NUI Galway cros s O’Connell Bridge during the 4,000-str ong nurses’ protes


march down Student nurses t, Dublin O’Connell Stree Impact Report 2010 - 2011

t h ig n t r o F ’ s r e h s Fre Freshers’ Fortnight welcomed all of the new (and returning!) students to campus in style in September. Things kicked off on Campus the day after Orientation with the second ever Failte Fest to help everyone get familiar with Campus and all of the fun that can be had with the SU, Clubs and Societies. A scavenger hunt, giant games, competitions and a massive launch party featuring i102-104FM’s Barbara Nic Dhonnacha ensured everyone got to know where everything was whilst making some new friends along the way. In the first week of the fortnight students had a chance to sample what the 100’s of student societies at NUI Galway had to offer and pick which ones they wanted to get involved with over the year. The SU Sessions made a welcome return to the Bialann with an amazing gig from the ever-popular Keywest who have been entertaining the crowds on Shop Street each weekend. Later that evening the live band Starman turned the volume up a notch to play a fully plugged set in the College Bar. Also in week one the day long Freshers’ Fair saw the distribution of over 3,000 Freshers’ Packs, 12,000 free SU diaries and more freebies than you could shake a stick at! The giant inflatable games were back along with the traders from Galway’s famous St. Nicholas’ Market. There was also a chance to get sporty with the Clubs’ Day offering a wide range of clubs for all to join from athletics to windsurfing and everything in between. The inaugural Welfare Day brought a huge amount of helpful free advice and information on student issues such as accommodation and sexual health. Fight Like Apes rounded off week one with an electrifying free gig in the College Bar. In week two Freshers’ Fortnight saw the return of the Treasure Hunt with a €200 cash prize for the winners. The ever popular Speed Dating gave everyone a chance to find their soul mate or just someone new to avoid study with! A sold out gig by award winning musical comedian David O’Doherty rounded off Monday. Tuesday was all about the music with John, Shelly & The Creatures playing a memorable SU Session followed by Tuam’s finest the legendary Sawdoctors playing a packed gig in the Black Box. The joint Clubs’ and Socs Fair on Wednesday gave everyone another chance to find a new interest or rekindle an old one. The Freshers’ Ball was a Traffic Light Party with everyone dressed as per their status: red for taken, yellow for maybe and of course green for young free and single! Arthurs’ Day rounded off the fortnight with all paying tribute to the great Irishman at 17.59 with a pint of the black stuff. Throughout the fortnight there was also a chance to just sit back and relax enjoying some quality box-set comedies with Fr. Ted, IT Crowd, Black Books and Mighty Boosh marathons.

Number of SU Free Diaries distributed: 12,000 Number of Freshers’ Packs distributed: 3,000 Number of orientation talks by SU Officers: 25 Events included: Saw Doctors, Fight Like Apes, David O’Doherty and Traffic Light Party

Impact Report 2010 - 2011


s n g i a p m a C e r a f l We Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week wa s held on campus in Oc tober. Launched by the importance of your menta Rose of Tralee Claire Ka l health and how we all mbamettu, it is a week need to look after it. Th Áras na Mac Léinn and designed to highlight the roughout the week there Áras Moyola. There were were health promotion also some self help book and read a good book. information stands in s and comfortable chairs Renowned artist Bobby in the Library for anyon Baker held a fascinating Psychology students ga e who wanted to unwin tal k about her work and her ve talks and held quizz d pieces were displayed in es about mental health. other treats to students Áras na Mac Léinn. Th e guys from HeadsUp we . re on campus handing out pens, locks and One of the highlights of the week was a sold ou t Neil Delamere gig playin a break and a laugh the g to a packed out O’Flah re was plenty to do, wit erty Theatre. For those h movies like ‘Dumb an Troopers’ shown in lectur needing to just have d Dumber’ and ‘Super e halls and comedy ma rathons like ‘How I Met Development’ all on ove Your Mother’ and ‘Arres r the course of the week ted . Another highlight of the Soc’s ‘Mad Hatter Tea Pa week was Comedy rty’ in the Bank of Irelan d Theatre. Hilarious come was the Mad Hatter wit dian Danny Dowling h tea and cakes provided by Nom to unwind or Soc. If you wanted even thrash a bit of canv as, Mood Drawing classes were held in the Art Room. There was dancing and jugglin g classes for anyone who wished to tak e part. There was also an ASIST course on for students who wished to learn more ab out suicide prevention.

way as was at NUI Gal Neil Delamare Health Week part ofMental

The Rose of Tralee,Clare Kamb amettu, launching Mental Health Week

Healthy Living Week This year Healthy Living Week was held in November. It’s a campaign designed to encourage everyone on campus to shake off their old habits and develop a new healthier outlook on life. There were classes for anyone who wanted to get involved with a new sport so there were beginners Archery Classes. For anyone brave enough to get their knee pads and skates on there was Inline Hockey on in the Hall. There was also basketball on in the Hall so there was no excuse for anyone not getting up and getting active. The guys from Sláinte Soc held their annual 50c Clinic in The Hub. The 50c Clinic gave both staff and students a chance to have their blood pressure to be taken and their BMI read. There was also information on better eating and how to maintain a healthy heart. Organ Donor cards were also handed out during the week. The Market Fair made a welcomed return to the NUI Galway campus with stalls selling delicious falafel, mouth-watering crepes and delectable sushi. There was also health food sampling in Áras na Mac Léinn for anyone who wanted to try it. As it was the start of November we kicked off Movember with a massive movie marathon paying homage to the cinematic moustache greats like ‘Anchorman’, ‘Pulp Fiction’ and ‘The Big Lebowski’. There was also a big ‘Clean Shave’ party in the College Bar. There was music from Apartment 44 at the SU Sessions in the Bialann. There was also a brilliant comedy gig with Foil Arms and Hog displaying their deliriously funny sketches and Tiernan Douieb providing his own brand of comedy using cute and clever



ental Health W

Cupcakes for M

Impact Report 2010 - 2011



Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance is one of the most important campaigns during the year. The week is designed to educate and inform students on sexual health and offer practical advice and guidance on these matters. Each year we give out thousands of SHAG Packs to students all over campus and this year was no exception with volunteers handing out thousands of packs over the course of the week. This year the SHAG Pack contained a small plastic card with all the contact information for GUM clinics, a small leaflet on everything from abstinence to syphilis and of course the SHAG Pack contained a condom. There were loads to do during the week with information stands in Áras na Mac Léinn. Some lucky students won some goodie bags and hampers courtesy of Boots. There was sexual health screening in the Health Unit. Flirt FM held a nightly SHAG Week competition and there was a massive SHAG Week quiz in the College Bar. Ents and Music Soc created their own version of the popular TV show ‘Take Me Out’ to the delight of so many single students on campus. Not only was there music at the SU Sessions but there was also an Interactive Rocky Horror Picture Show with GIGSoc. Comedy Soc brought the hilarious and informative ‘Keith Farnan’s Sex Traffic Show’ to NUI Galway for one night only during SHAG Week. Sex and politics were disgusted along with a showing of the ridiculously fashionable TV show ‘Mad Men’ during the week. Another highlight of the week was the Health Fair organised by the students from the Health Promotion class that was held in the Bailey Allen Hall.

t SHAG packs

nd ou SU volunteers ha

SU volunteers hand

out SHAG packs

Equality We


Equality W eek took p lace in Oc Time to Kil tober. The l’ and ‘Ren high t’. Live mu Stripes we sic came in tlights of the week in re on Colle c the form o ge Green g Equality ta f The Dead luded screenings of iving out t lk and Dra ‘Milk’, ‘A hou Flags and mSoc held biggest hig Cleere. Ca a Transgen sands of chocolate hlights of dbury Spo bars. ShO der Acting the week w ts vs. UT! gave a Workshop as GigSoc n LGBT Ge . One of th ’s Gay Ma nder e rriage, wh ich was he ld outside Aras na M acLeinn.

Impact Report 2010 - 2011


Class Reps

Number of 2 3 5 s p e R s Clas

s p e R s s a l C f o r e b m Nu 8 3 s g n i t e Me

This was a good year for the continued deve lopment of the class reps system. As well as reaching the hig hest ever number of class repres entatives on campus wi th 532 reps registered published a new and up - we also dated class reps’ hand bo ok with lots of informati class reps including ho on for the w the SU operates and what their role is withi reps approved a new Fa n it. Class cebook ban for campus computers in Septemb although controversial er, which among the student bo dy , has been seen to be a and welcome move. necessary Overall, we held 38 cla ss rep meetings during the year as well as two sessions in which spea training kers included Gary Re dm ond, President of the US Michael D. Higgins T.D I, and ., candidate for Presid ent of Ireland and forme Galway SU President. r NUI

This year saw a major shake-up of the class rep s system when new pro were approved by the stu posals dents as part of a refere ndum held on March 10 Among the changes wh Michael D th. ich will come into effec Higgins re t in time for the 2011/1 academic year is the ele freshes his 2 knowledg ction of a class rep as e of SU str Chairperson of the Stu Union Council who will uctures dents’ also be a part-time SU executive officer, and and help draft policies thu s be able to sit on the and run campaigns wi SU executive th the other officers. We will also elect a cla ss rep to the positions of College Convenor for time officers – bringing the five colleges of NU the number of class rep I Galway. They will sit s on the executive to six class and each year in on the SU executive as – and will have respons their relevant College. partibility of ensuring class They will also work with students and class rep reps are elected in each the ir Deans, Heads of Scho s on matters that can be resolved at that lev ols and College Offices el. to represent their Overall, these changes will allow the class rep s system to be both mo run the system - but als re independent of the o more involved in decis sabbatical officers - wh ion-making in the SU by should in turn lead to the o until now would basic having six class reps on class reps becoming mo ally the new, 16-person SU re involved in the SU ge protests, policies, aware executive. These chan ne rally and also in helping ness weeks and so on. ges initiate and manage ne w campaigns, Another major benefit of the new Students’ Un ion Council is that it wi Reps Council is at the ll be open to all students moment. This will allow and not just class reps any student with issue class reps will be able as the current Full Cla s to speak at any of the to vote on motions. Th ss thr ee meetings each seme is creates a balance be ster, while only tw ee n be tte while maintaining the r pa rti cip ati on fro m all students importance of the role of being a class rep by ensuring they are the de cision-makers in the Students’ Union.


Impact Report 2010 - 2011

Improving your education e exams will b te a u d ra , rg e d of their exam ll written un ts g a ri y in e b k m re r e e a h th w M us ill tem ly on Anonymo fully advocated for a new sysall students are judged soleand lecturers. This change w at es ess will ensure th students on their cours The SU succ is h T . ly s u o nym ack from marked ano onest feedb h g n ti a it il c . as well as fa 2011-2012 in t c e ff e to come in e ould becom w k c a b d e fe te student r, or comple ement that a g e a k y n c l a a a c m b ti y d a it b e e ab ers Student F an agreement from the univto go for promotion, take a sthe way student feedback is got form of wishing This year we of a wider re demic staff a rt c a a p r is fo a is ri h te riod. T a crucial cri ployment pe m e ry a n o ti upon. their proba d and acted e s ly a n a , d gathere e as part of th s u p m a c to t o came d pointed ou w elegates wh n d a ie l v a re n e e o h R ti l a ts a n rn n stude hich are Institutio ves met with national and inte of concern to ents. These reviews, w s e u s is d e s ategic d tati . We discus iversity’s str ering for stu w n v u li ie SU represen e v e d re th l in a to n n o o harder instituti ontribute NUI Galway university, c eeds to work e n y th it e rs id e ts iv u n eu om o areas that th pendently by experts fr e d in carried out t plans. e managem n gy nd Archaeolo nd a y h p ra g o e ol of G views a ar; the Scho uring the re e d y s is rn e th c s n w o s c ie ’ dents ool Rev Review resented stu t on two Sch p a s re s e e w v , ti in ta a n g . nces. A SU represe Health Scie elp students f h o l to o w o o h h c r S lans fo and the e Schools’ p th to d te u ib contr the ation y to extend v it o rs n e e iv r n d u n e le a Hours bbying of th g with valuab lo in l ts n n fu e s e s d p e tu c O s c u s our s Room rovide Reading nt for students this year was1.30am each night. This pmanagement to completely rea ith dy a m to pme rs from 11p A big develo tly working w ide a more pleasant stu u n o e h rr g u c in n re e a p om o t. We ill prov Reading Ro environmen 011. This w 2 fe r a e s b a m in te e p e tim e for S extra study . Room in tim g in d a e ower sockets R p e to th s s te e a c v c o a ren etter as well as b for students ble to r we were a e v e w o h , . The ts ion in the library t es to studen s c k ic e o ll rv o e o b s C d e n n rv a if e a m s 3 Hour Lo the library withdrew desk rellection for the most high-deeme and more can be added o year ugh this sch Hour Loan C ro 3 th Early in the a f le o b a n il o a ti troduc now av secure the in high-demand books are of books. vast majority es for other s a re c in d n dema NUI ogether with T y. tr n u o c ss the s as ry a r libraries acro get for buying new book b e li g e e ll o h c t y g g n Protectin en severe budget cuts in ma to protect the library’s bud when such services are bein e ble s se t, we were a ams, at a tim x n This year ha e e m to e p g a -u n n a rary m ng the ru Galway’s lib g times duri in n e p o g in as well as incre olleges. c cut in other l ndary schoo o c e s h it w t e me d s g in Galway. W nt grants an g in e n in d n e tu e v s v e r e fo n fo o ly Grant in nched our grants informati showed them how to app and e lau s. and parents In August w ts n e d system work tu ts s n re ra g tu a e m th , out how students uestions ab q ir e th d re answe

Impact Report 2010 - 2011


College Week For 2010/11 the Students’ Union officers nominated two charities as the beneficiaries of the College Week fundraising events. These charities were Ability West and Alan Kerins Projects. Ability West provides high quality, community based services and support to children and adults with an intellectual disability and their families throughout Galway City and County. Alan Kerins Projects work in Zambia with vulnerable children and isolated families to alleviate poverty by improving basic standards of living. The College Week fundraising got off to an early start with collection boxes placed in all of the Students’ Union commercial outlets encouraging customers to donate their loose change early on in the year. In the lead up to College Week a series of inter-school table quizzes were held to determine which school had the biggest brains on Campus with the Science students emerging victorious after a hard fought battle of wit and intellect. College Week offered students a chance to take part in fun, non-alcoholic events on Campus all with the aim of raising money for two very worthy charities. There was a sold out gig by chart topping Limerick comedy duo, The Rubberbandits, along with performances from 90’s cover band Smash Hits and “The Savage Eye” star, comedian David McSavage. Fundraising events such as the mini triathlon, the sponsored Croagh Patrick Climb and the 5 A Side Competition proved popular as ever with students looking for a challenge. University staff also played their part in the fundraising efforts by taking part in the 4th annual auction for staff. New fundraising events this year included the sponsored Skydive, the World Record Attempt and the PhD in a box. 47 students jumped from 10,000 feet in a tandem skydive at Galway Airport raising a staggering €10,000 for charity in the process. 907 students played their part in breaking the Guinness World Record for the Largest Rock the Boat. PhD student and SU Postgrad Officer, Ciara Staunton, sacrificed her College Week to live in a box during College Week raising almost €1,000 for charity in the process. Altogether the week’s events raised a staggering €22,000 for charity with a lot of fun being had in the process!

November: Movember Campaign 80 Moustaches €3,000 raised for the Irish Cancer Society This years Healthy Living week in November saw the start of the biggest Movember campaign ever held on Campus with almost €3,000 raised for the Irish Cancer Society’s Action Prostate Cancer Programme throughout the month. Almost 80 student “Mo Bros” donated their faces for the month of November and grew some very impressive facial hair whilst raising money for a great cause in the process. They all started the month with a level playing field following the Clean Shave event on November 1st. A series of moustache themed movies were also shown to provide encouragement and inspiration for the Mo Brothers during the month until the eventual Man of Movember was crowned at the end of the campaign.


Impact Report 2010 - 2011

Comedians: Over the year NUI Galway students had a chance to see award winning comedians on Campus at a fraction of their usual ticket price. Perrier Award winning comedian David O’Doherty brought his off beat musical humour to a packed out gig during Freshers’ Fortnight in September. The star of TV’s “The Panel” Neil Delamere played another sold out gig during the Mental Health Week campaign in October. Emerging Irish comic act Foil Arms & Hog entertained the crowds during Healthy Living Week as laughter is, of course, the best medicine! During College Week the star of “The Savage Eye” David McSavage entertained a packed theatre of comedy fans. Also during College Week chart topping musical comedy duo The Rubberbandits played a sold out gig in the Black Box.

All Year: The SU Sessions Number of SU Sessions held 25 The SU Sessions are a free weekly music event hosted by the Students’ Union in An Bialann (the Canteen) every Tuesday evening. The third year of SU Sessions again saw the cream of unsigned musical talent from across the country performing on Campus in an intimate, alcohol-free setting. Bands that played the sessions over the year included Royseven who are currently topping the charts with their single “We Should Be Lovers”. Bipolar Empire also played the SU Sessions ahead of their spot at Oxygen this summer. Galway’s favourite buskers Keywest played two packed out SU Sessions with over 100 enthusiastic fans turning out to listen and join in with their mix of popular cover versions and original songs. John Shelly & the Creatures travelled down from Belfast to play the SU Sessions in September to a delighted crowd familiar with their song “Long May You Reign” which features on the Visit Northern Ireland ads. Other acts to grace the stage in the Bialann during the year included: At

Last an Atlas, The Dead Flags, Ugly Beautiful, Windings, Palko, Apartment 44, Pearse McLoughlin, Kowalski, Bobby Noonan, Red Brick House, Spy-Fu, Arms That Fit Like Legs, Lost Chord, Simon Fagan, El Hombre Jokes, Niall Teague & The Fast Company, 21 Outs, Von Shakes and Storyfold - all bands destined to become household names in the not too distant future!

Impact Report 2010 - 2011


SU Services The Students’ Union provides many services to help you in through your time in college. It’s important to remember that all services are owned by you, the students, and we try to deliver a quality service to make things better for you. Here are some of the things that have been keeping us busy:

The College Bar continued to grow from strength to strength this year. SU Card offers, Class Parties, charity fundraising events, signature pizzas, €3 Wednesday, Super Tuesday, Open Mic…the list goes on. Last year your feedback told us there wasn’t enough space in the College Bar, so over the summer months we invested in brand new seating increasing the number of seats by 50%. The College Bar was the most popular venue for events this year. Over 18 weeks of term we hosted the following: **

Charity Fundraising Events: 29


Class Parties: 122


Club Parties: 89


Departmental & Postgrad Staff Parties: 126


Society Parties: 153


Students’ Union Event: 39


Live Sport on the Big Screen: 35

College Bar Catering proved successful again this year. Super Tuesday sold thousands of €5 dinners and the pizza service has been a welcome addition on campus especially in evening times. We also diversified our menu and offered you a different cuisine every Thursday.

The Students’ Union Shop continued to provide discounted newspapers, cheap water & fruit and all of your stationary needs again this year. For the second year in a row the Students’ Union Sop picked up a national award for its stationary offering at the Annual Shelflife C-Store Awards. The awards were set up to recognise retailers and retail outlets that set the highest standards in the retail industry.

Smokey’s is still the top spot to relax over coffee between lectures. We’ve been constantly updating the product line in Smokey’s Café and we use any opportunity to offer something different. Christmas pudding, Pancake Tuesday... and don’t forget St. Patrick’s Day green milkshakes! Smokey’s Café made it to the final three of the Galway’s Best Awards which were held in September.


Impact Report 2010 - 2011

Students’ Union Lockers The Students’ Union rented 949 lockers this year. Of course we couldn’t offer everybody a locker right beside the Reading Room, but we’ll be planning how to develop the locker service before you get back next year.

Second-hand Bookshop More and more students are using the Students’ Union Second-hand Bookstore. Anybody can drop their books into the SU office with the price they want to charge and we do the rest. Your books are listed on our website and when they sell, we pass on the money to you. If you’re looking for books, you can browse the up to date stock on the SU website. This year we sold 1,488 books on your behalf.

SU Card The SU Card which was launched in 2009 is now part of campus life. It’s a great way to get better value and it’s our way to thank you for supporting us. In November, we launched the SU Card top-up service. The top-up service means that, instead of just earning teas or coffees, carvery dinners or a cash balance, you can now pre-pay for these services. We see the key advantages in topping up your SU Card: **

Pay for your dinners or teas/coffees at the start of the week and get better value on your purchases.


By prepaying, you can budget better, ensuring that you have dinners on your account come the end of the week.


T op-up the cash balance on your SU Card. If a friend, parent or sibling wants to give you some cash for use on food, coffee or stationary they can do online and instantly top-up your SU Card account. Your balance cannot be spent on alcoholic products.

Every year the profits earned from services supported by you are reinvested in the Students’ Union to further develop and expand what we do. What makes the Students’ Union services unique is the money you spend on campus stays on campus. In addition to the profits, The College Bar contributes €30,000 to the Projects Fund every year making it the biggest single contributor. The College Bar also contributes €30,000 directly to the Students’ Union. Every year, we re-invest in our businesses based on your feedback. We get look for your feedback on a regular basis and act on that feedback. In 2010 we changed the furniture in the College Bar, in 2009 we made the SU Shop bigger, and in 2008 we built a new Smokey’s Cafe.

Did you know: Student employed/student hours Over 50% of our staff are students. In the College Bar, over 85% of College Bar staff are students.

Waste Reduction The Students’ Union is leading the way in waste reduction: **

Sales of travel mugs with a 10 0/0 discount every time you refill. Available at SU Shop, Smokey’s Cafe, The Wall Cafe and The College Bar.


Composting of all organic waste from Colleg Bar Catering, Smokey’s Cafe and The Wall CafE.


Recycling of cooking oil.


Introduction of crockery in The College Bar to reduce the usage of paper cups.


Introduction of recycling bins in the College Bar and Smokey’s CaFE.

Sponsorship of student events Over the course of the year, we support the many of the good causes run by the different charities, clubs and society parties and class parties. Some of the bigger events we sponsored during 2010 / 2011: Dramsoc’s ISDA Festival, Athletics Club 24 Hour Challenge, Who’s Got The Biggest Brain, Witless 2011, GOAL X-Factor Night, BizSoc Business Review, College Week Triathlon.

SU Card 2010 - 2011 **

1,940,000 points awarded.


1,700 free dinners.


10,800 free teas/coffees


9,000 active accounts in 2010/11


Over €600 donated to the SU Charities by students at the end of their time at NUI Galway. This campaign will run again at the end of the 2010/11 academic year.

Impact Report 2010 - 2011


Life Skills Programme The Life Skills Programme, partially funded by the Student Projects Fund, entered its second year. This initiative saw the Students’ Union running courses throughout the year to allow students the opportunity to enhance their life skills away from their academic studies and also improve their employability. The programme was expanded this year through partnership with the Irish Red Cross to include: Occupational First Aid, Heartsaver AED and Emergency First Aid courses. These classes gave students vital life saving skills to allow them to deal with emergency situations. **

Number of students trained up in Heartsaver AED 60


Number of students trained in Emergency First Aid 60


Number of students trained in Occupational First Aid 60

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) courses were again run on Campus in conjunction with the HSE to equip students with the skills to recognise the danger signs for someone who is a suicide risk. **

Number of students receiving Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training 60

A series of sign language courses were held during the year which gave students the basic skills needed to converse in sign language with deaf people. This year a more intensive year long sign language course was also provided to meet student demand. **

Number of students trained in Basic sign language 30


Number of student trained to Level 1 Sign Language 15

SU Enterprise Awards Few sectors of Irish society have seen and felt the impact of the changed economic climate in this country more than young college graduates in recent years. Colossal unemployment rates and a lack of investment in new opportunities mean that highly educated and skilled young students are faced with bleak prospects upon graduation. Nonetheless, it should be acknowledged that the innovations and initiatives that will spur our economy and our communities to growth again will come from the students who are on our college campuses today. To help set this in motion, the NUI Galway Students’ Union have this year launched the NUI Galway Student Enterprise Awards. The goal of the competition is to make students aware of the opportunities they can create for themselves, simply by utilising their own talents and abilities. To help achieve this goal, the competition offers the winning entry an investment of €15,000 into the winning project, with two runners up prizes of €2,000. The prize money has been made available by the SU Businesses and NUI Galway. To distinguish this competition from other enterprise competitions, and to encourage students from the whole spectrum of academic backgrounds in NUI Galway to utilise their skills and abilities, students are encouraged and rewarded for teaming up with students from a variety of different courses and academic disciplines. The competition focuses on three separate areas of enterprise; business enterprises, social enterprises or artistic initiatives. Our six finalists will be given an investment of €500 in their project, and are also given the benefit of the advice of our highly skilled panel of mentors, comprised of members of the local business community and the academic staff of NUI Galway. Not every idea is going to be successful on the first attempt, but to encourage students to take the risk and to put develop their ideas, every entry submitted to the competition will have the benefit of specialised feedback from our distinguished panel of judges, so that even the ideas that may be a bit raw and undeveloped have still taken the crucial first steps and can progress from there The true measure of success for this competition will be the success of the ideas that come from it. Interest amongst students has been robust, and many members of the local and national business community have been tremendous in their support of the competition in this its inaugural year. We hope it is a competition that will go from strength to strength in continuing to develop the creative and enterprising abilities of the students of NUI Galway.


Peter Mannion, SU President and Damien Cogrove, CEO of Students’ Union Commerc ial Services, launch the Student Enterprise Awards

Impact Report 2010 - 2011

Graduate Employment Policy In August 2010 90,800 people under the age of 25 signed on the live register compared to 51,300 for the same period in 2008. Only 45% of students who graduated in 2009 are employed. We risk loosing an entire generation of graduates to long-term unemployment or emigration. Working with USI the SU campaigned for a graduate internship programme which would give young graduates a chance to work while retaining job seeker’s benefit. This idea gained huge support and was acted upon as part of Budget 2011. 15,000 internships were created for young graduates allowing them the opportunity to develop their skills and increase their chance of future employment.

New SU Constitution On Thursday 10th March the students adopted a new SU Constitution. The constitution changes the SU Exec, Class Reps System and introduces a Board of Trustees to hold the assets of the Union in trust for students.

Board of Trustees

A Board of Trustees has been created to hold all the assets of the Union - including the commercial assets like Smokey’s Café, the College Bar, the SU Shop and The Wall Café - in trust for the students of NUI Galway. These trustees will be from outside the SU and will ensure everything financial is above-board and accounted for.

Finance Committee

A Finance Committee will oversee the SU finances and ensure annual budgets are sensible. They will have a say in big expenses and if the Executive Officers wanted to take out a loan in the name of the SU.

Students’ Union Executive **

Mature Students Officer: A new part-time position on the SU Executive of Mature Students Officer was created to help respond to the needs of Mature Students.


C ollege Convenors: College Convenors were created to represent the students in their particular College on the SU Executive. They will also oversee the election of class reps in each class in their College and liaise with the Dean and College Office on student issues.


S tudents’ Union Council Chairperson: The SU Council Chairperson will be part of the SU Executive and will run the class reps system independently of the other SU officers, in order to allow greater scrutiny of what work officers have been doing or not doing as the case may be.

Students’ Union Council

Full Class Reps Council has been replaced with the Students’ Union Council, which will be open to all students and will decide on Union policy and mandate SU campaigns.

Facilities on campus The SU is always working to improve the facilities for students on campus. Here are some of the new facilities students can enjoy: **

Upgraded Muslim Prayer Room


New furniture in the College Bar


New benches on the library podium


Ramp to the library podium


Refurbished SU Office

Over the coming months there will be more development: **

The Library Reading Rom will undergo a serious upgrade over the summer months


We are working to provide a bike compound on campus to help reduce the instances of bike theft

Corrib Village Following concerns raised by students at the beginning of the academic year the Students’ Union worked hard to make some changes to Corrib Village. As a result: **

The price of accommodation was reduced by between 3% and 5%


T he payment options have been amended to allow payment in two instalments, as opposed to demanding the entire sum before the academic year begins


There was a significant upgrade of Wifi throughout Corrib Village


Work has commenced on a significant upgrade of accommodation

Impact Report 2010 - 2011


A Year in Sin ** 1 45 contributors, a record (up from 90) ** 12 issues, with specials on Freshers’ Fortnight, General Election, SU Election ** 72,000 copies distributed across campus ** Formed the Sin Charter adopting the Press Council of Ireland Code of Practice (available on ** M ajor news stories included: Construction on campus, Corrib Village payments, lecture overcrowding, disabled access, return of tuition fees, graduate unemployment, DERI private jets scandal, anti-fees marches, club closures and College Week ** O ther stories included: Sin’s 10th anniversary, Sin Style section, Desk Reserve, Leathanach Gaeilge, Hunger Strike 30th anniversary and the Japan earthquake ** 22 writers were awarded the ALIVE cert i Ficate for volunteering


is Galway’s only student newspaper. Founded in 2001, this is Sin’s 11th year covering the news, sport, features and reviews around NUI Galway. Sin is funded by the Students’ Union, yet remains editorially independent. The newspaper is full-colour and runs to 32 pages in length. Sin will continue to inform and entertain NUI Galway students and, in doing so, present students with the opportunity to get involved in journalism. 18

Impact Report 2010 - 2011

Impact Report 2010 - 2011


Off icer Reports Vice-President/Education, Emmet Connolly This year has seen major challenges to Irish students on two main fronts: firstly, we had the threatened doubling of the Registration Fee from €1,500 to €3,000 by the outgoing Fianna Fáil/Green government as part of Budget 2011, and secondly, we’ve had a reduction in student grant rates alongside proposals given to the new government that would increase the qualification limit for non-adjacent student grants from 24km to 45km, which would cut students incomes from €3,200 to €1,200 overnight.

Vice-President/Welfare, Emma Conway Since July, the amount of casework Emma has received has increased. This casework has included financial issues, accommodation, health and there has been a considerable increase in those asking for advice on emigrating. As for campaigns, September saw the first Welfare Day taking place during Freshers Fortnight, with different groups offering help and advice to students. Mental Health and Healthy Living Week took place in the first semester, with loads of different ents, freebies and other events providing loads of different information on all sorts of issues. The second semester saw a fantastic SHAG Week. As Welfare Officer, Emma sits on a number of different university committees and throughout the year a lot of things done to make NUI Galway a better place for it’s students. Campaigns are nothing without those who help out, to all the societies, clubs, class reps and crew who helped Emma out with the Welfare Campaigns, she wants to express her sincerest thanks.

Oifigeach na Gaeilge, Melissa Mannion This years Oifigeach na Gaeilge played a part in many Student Union campaigns and worked hard to ensure fair representation of Irish students on campus and on the Union. She did not engage an tAcadamh students as much as preferred, but was in steady contact with them throughout the year. Melissa was successful in other areas, however, organising a Seachtain na Gaeilge in the first semester for the first time for example. She worked on translations for the Union and took part in many Union-led initiatives like Tell Your TD, College Week and the Fees campaign. Admittedly she did not achieve all she set out to do in her role, but certainly performed well as a more general member of the Exec. Ghlac Oifigeach na Gaeilge páirt i bhfeachtais Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn i mbliana agus d’oibrigh sí go chrua ionadaíocht cothram a thabhairt do phobal an Ghaeilge ar an champáis agus laistigh den Chomhaltas. Níor gabh sí móran le mac léinn an tAcadamh cé go raibh sí ag iarraidh, ach bhí sí i teagmháil leo i rith na bliana. Bhí sí rathúil i réimsí eile an ról, áfach. Mar shampla, bhunaigh sí Seachtain na Gaeilge sa chéad seimestear don chéad uair riamh. Rinne sí aistriúcháin don Chomhaltas agus ghlac sí pháirt i dtionscnaimh áirithe in aghaidh an bhlian cosúil le Abair le do TD, Seachtain na Mac Léinn agus an feachtas Táille. Chaithfear admháil nár d’éirigh léi gach rud a dhéanamh leis an ról is a bhí sí ag iarraidh, ach d’oibrigh sí go maith mar bhonn den choiste gnó.

Equality Officer, Robin Allen After a slow start early in the year, Robin quickly adapted to the role, contacting departments and the people in charge of the various systems relating to disability and access. After this he engaged in meetings, sat on several committees relating to drugs policy and other areas. Beyond this he engaged in various protests around the campus and brought about several positive changes to the access around campus. Robin went to various conferences including USI Pink Training in Cork and USI Equality Standing Conference in Castlebar. As well as this he worked out a system for streamlining casework and took part in all the different students union weeks such as Mental Health Week, College Week and SHAG Week. Overall, he was an effective and attentive officer.

Student Development Off icer, Darragh O’Connor Soon after taking office, the SDO joined the “We Volunteer” steering committee for organising a volunteering photo exhibition for the EU Year of Volunteering 2011. The SDO travelled to Limerick and Dublin for these meetings. September was a busy time with Freshers Fortnight and the events that accompanied it including the Traffic Light disco in the College bar and The Saw Doctors in the Black Box. Working closely with ALIVE, the SDO helped out with the Volunteering Fair during Volunteering Week. This was a fantastic opportunity to encourage both new and returning students to get involved with volunteering in NUIG this year. The SDO also sat on the ALIVE steering committee, where plans for the year ahead were discussed. The SDO was also part of the NUIG delegations to USI Pink Training which took place in Cork, and USI Congress which was in Meath this year. Help was given to various SU events such as College Week at Smash Hits and the Rubberbandits. The ALIVE awards ceremony took place at the end of March and had guest speakers from the staff and student faculties plus the Mayor of Galway. The SDO was the host and MC for the event.


Impact Report 2010 - 2011

Off icer Reports Societies Chairperson, Tadhg Tynan The role of Societies chairperson was in the beginning of the first semester of the year a confusing and vague position from the perspective of an individual who had dealt with committee positions in societies for two years previously. The Students Union dealt with events and issues that affected every NUI Galway Student which was an experience for the ‘society person’. But the vagueness was interesting as it allowed the Societies chairperson to literally be in two places at once. One would be the Students Union representing the Societies of NUI Galway informing them on important issues which occurred on and off campus such as the March against the rising of registration fees in November. And secondly being involved in the Socbox helping societies with anything and everything they needed, whether it was letting them know how to create a new society, acting as a returning officer for committee elections, dealing with issues that affected them internally or externally related. This made the role of societies chairperson not vague anymore but a greater horizon than any other executive officer position in the Students Union (except for clubs captain) a strength that gave a role purpose that would assist, instruct and coordinate societies into a new direction than in previous years, a direction which is still going strong.

Postgraduate Off icer, Ciara Staunton Upon taking office, €50,000 was secured from the Students Projects Fund to promote community life among postgrads on campus. To date some of the money has been spent recruiting and training postgrad reps as well as aiding many of the events of the Postgrad Research Society. The third aspect of the project (which seeks to improve the skills of postgrad students) will come on stream during the summer. October 2011 witnessed the inaugural Postgrad Week which welcomed postgraduate students to campus. Activities during the week included orientation, tours, mini clubs and socs day as well as gigs on campus to encourage the new postgrad students to become familiar with others in NUI Galway. During the winter the Postgrad Officer was involved in the Constitutional Review of the Students’ Union. Out of this Ciara lead a group which reviewed all aspects of the elections. As well as examining the procedures Students’ Unions across the country use for their elections, this group discussed the role of the elections committee and returning officer, a spending cap, promotion of the elections and methods to encourage students to run. From this group it was decided to hold the first “Look Before You Leap” information evening for all potential candidates. This year also saw the first NUI Seanad Meet the Candidates on campus where all NUI candidates were invited to attend so that postgrad students as well as alumni could question the candidates. This event was a unique event and had not occurred in NUI Galway, nor in any NUI campus previously.

Clubs’ Captain, Eric Coleman-Brockie Eric was heavily involved with the Clubs Days, held in September and January. He attempted to restructure the Club Grants formula to encourage development in smaller clubs. He was also involved with increasing participation in sports through avenues such as the Leadership Program. He assisted in the process of making club finances more transparent and open to potential audits. This was achieved with the introduction of log-in kiosks for club training and an online finance logging system. Eric generally solved individual club logistical issues. He also was involved with the promotion of Fees March as well as attending the march. He met with various people to discuss the Corrib Village cages. Eric attempted to solve the issues that both club members and the wider student body have with the Kingfisher Sports Complex by drafting a proposal for the introduction of a Universal Gym Membership. He went down to UCC’s Mardyke Arena to assist in his research for the proposal. This issue was brought to an appropriate student forum for discussion and provided clubs with sustained momentum for moving forward. Eric also attended the Sports Awards. Most importantly Eric stood on plenty of toes and would like to thank all the clubs for their support throughout the year.

Impact Report 2010 - 2011


The 224.00 Student Levy, where your money goes The Student Levy is paid annually by every student in addition to the Student Contribution to Higher Education (Registration Fee). The levy was introduced by a referendum of all students and has been increased over the past number of years. All increases have been agreed by students by referenda. The Levy is adjusted with inflation every year (with the exception of the contribution to the University Sports Centre which is fixed at €100). The most recent referendum was passed on 22nd February 2006 and increased the levy by €40 to increase funding for Clubs, Societies, the Students’ Union and the Student Health Centre. Further information on referenda concerning the Student Levy can be found on the Students’ Union website:

University Sports Centre


Students’ Union






Student Projects Fund


Health Unit


Flirt FM


Áras na Mac Léinn



€224.00 Fees 2%


€1 0 0 .0 0 University Sports Centre €2 5 .14 Students' Union


€1 9 .28 Societies 9%


€1 9 .28 Clubs €1 9 .69 Projects Fund


€1 8 .46 H ealth Unit €4 .9 2 Flirt FM

8% 11%

€1 7 .23 Áras na M ac Léinn

University Sports Centre

A referendum in November 2003 agreed to increase the Student Levy by €100 to fund the construction of a University Sports Centre, Societies Centre and ancillary developments. The levy will remain in place for eighteen years. The Sports Centre was also funded by the University and Atlantic Philanthropies.

Students’ Union The portion of the student levy paid to the Students’ Union is the largest source of income for the Students’ Union. Details on how the Students’ Union allocates this money are outlined below.


This portion of the levy is paid to the University Societies Committee which allocates funding for University Societies.


This portion of the levy is paid to the Sport & Recreation Union which allocates funding for University Clubs.

Student Projects Fund

The purpose of the Students Projects Fund is to support projects in the general student services domain that are either: **

Capital including Building Projects


Non-capital/Specific Student Services projects

or The Student Projects Fund is administered by the Student Projects Fund Committee which has equal allocation of University staff and students.

Health Unit

The Student Health Unit is managed by a Board of Directors chaired by the Students’ Union President which approved the finances of the Health Unit.

Flirt FM

The portion of the levy paid to FlirtFM is managed by the Board of Directors of FlirtFM which includes representatives fro the Students’ Union and the student body.

Áras na Mac Léinn

This portion funds the running and upkeep of Áras na Mac Léinn.


Impact Report 2010 - 2011

Students’ Union Funding 2010 / 2011 The Students’ Union is funded by a variety of sources:

Students’ Union Funding 2010 / 2011 €368,686.00 Student Levy


€38,676.00 USI Levy (Non Tuition Fee)


€72,301.00 Non Tuition Fee


€30,000.00 Contribution from College Bar


€4,300.00 Travelcards


€21,191.00 Lockers


€2,976.00 Second-hand Bookstore


€36,000.00 Contribution from Students’ Union owned services



€581,829.00 Students' Union Funding 2010/2011

Cam paigns

Bank Fees

Professional Fees - Legal & Accounting

Class R epresentative Expenses Cam paigns

College W eek Expenses

W ebsite & I.T. Printing Postage & Stationary Freshers' W eek

Freshers' W eek

Class R epresentative Expenses

College W eek Expenses Bank Fees Professional Fees - Legal & Accounting

Printing Postage & Stationary

W ebsite & I.T.

Student Levy

The main funding for the Students’ Union is the Student Levy. €25.14 of the €224 levy students paid this year was paid to the Students’ Union. This year, that amounted to: €368,686.00.

USI Levy

NUI Galway Students’ Union is affiliated to the Union of Students in Ireland. In March 2005, USI affiliation fees increased from €2.86 and €1.43 per full- and part-time student per annum respectively to €5.00 and €2.50 per full- and part-time student per annum respectively. Fees at the old rate are paid from the Non Tuition Fee. The increase in the affiliation fees, and costs of attending USI events etc, are paid from the Student Levy as agreed by a referendum in March 2005. The USI Levy, from the Non Tuition Fee was 38,676.00. Details on USI expenditure are outlined in Expenditure.

Non Tuition Fee

The contribution from the Non Tuition Charge (€1,500 per student) paid to the Students’ Union amounted to €82,301 which is approximately .3% of the charge.

Contribution from the College Bar

The College Bar pays an annual rent to the University. €30,000 of that fee is paid directly to the Students’ Union. The payment is ring fenced for the Students’ Union and is paid regardless of the profitability of the College Bar.


The Students’ Union are agents for Student Travelcards and earn a small commission on each sale. This year that has amounted to €4,300.00.


The Students’ Union operates the locker booking service on campus. The income contributes to staff time, administration and maintaining the IT infrastructure.

Second-hand Bookstore

A €2 administration charge is deducted from the sale of all books in the second-hand bookstore. The income contributes to staff time, administration and maintaining the IT infrastructure.

Contribution from Students’ Union Owned Services

The Students’ Union Shop, The College Bar, Smokey’s Café and The Wall Café are owned by the Students’ Union and operated by a Students’ Union owned company. A share of the profits of that company is paid to the Students’ Union each year. The remainder of the profits is reinvested to develop and expand the services. All profits stay on campus. This year’s contribution was €36,000.00.

Impact Report 2010 - 2011


Students’ Union Expenditure 2010 - 2011 Expenditure Salaries & State Insurance




Class Representative Expenses


Website & I.T.


Printing Postage & Stationary


Freshers’ Week


College Week Expenses


Bank Fees


Professional Fees - Legal & Accounting






Election & Referenda


Officer and Staff Training, Development & Welfare


Publications (levy portion)


Union of Students in Ireland


Officers & Staff Expenses





€523,029.53 Professional Fees


Accounting fees and Legal fees. Salaries & State Insurance



Campaigns Class Representative Expenses

Election & Referenda

Two separate election campaigns take place every year: Full-time Officer and Part-time Officers. Each campaign requires clerks, Returning Officers and IT backup to manage the electronic register of electors.

Website & I.T.


Printing Postage & Stationary Freshers' Week

Officer and Staff Training, Development & Welfare

Training needs of new officers and staff, Team Building and Christmas Party.

College Week Expenses 6%

Bank Fees


Professional Fees - Legal & Accounting

2% 1%





0% 2%


Election & Referenda 4% 2% 1%

Officer and Staff Training, Development & Welfare Publications (levy portion)

3% 6%

Union of Students in Ireland Officers & Staff Expenses Entertainments


The increase in the student levy apportioned €2 of the increase to Students’ Union Publications. This money goes to the SU owned company which manages the publications: Students’ Union Publications and Promotions. The main publications are the annual Students’ Union Diary and Sin Newspaper. Both publications also require advertising to cover costs.

Union of Students in Ireland

Includes annual affiliation fees, cost of training events and conferences. Income from the Student Levy and Non Tuition Charge are collected specifically to cover all costs associated with USI.

Officer & Staff Expenses

Day to day expenses such as travel incurred by officers and staff in the discharge of their duties.

Salaries & State Insurance

The Students’ Union employs three full-time staff, one part-time staff and three full-time officers.


All materials and resources necessary for campaigns. Includes 18 coaches to the National Fees Protest and coaches to the National Nurses Protest.


Entertainment costs outside of Freshers’ Week and College Week such as comedians and SU sessions. At the time of going to print, a surplus of approximately 10% is estimated for 2010 / 2011. This money will be placed in a Sinking Fund to offset any unforeseen costs in the future.

Class Representative Expenses

Class Rep Hoodies, Handbooks, Training, Christmas Party.

Freshers’ Fortnight

Includes Freshers’ Fortnight entertainment, giant inflatables at the Freshers’ Fair and a contribution to the SU Freshers’ Packs.

College Week Expenses

Entertainment costs, prizes for various activities, t-shirts etc.


Impact Report 2010 - 2011



Peter makes sure the go! megaphone is ready to Students learn first aid as par t of the SU Life Skills worksh ops

A STUDENT Gets To Grip With College Life

hugely popular SU Students sign up for the rs’ Fortnight she Fre Cards during

of the fine Students make good use ’ Fair weather during Freshers

Impact Report 2010 - 2011

Students enjoy the fine weathe r during Freshers’ Fair

David McSavage

Students on th e march to Spanish Arch

the craic udents have les st r a e y ab First iant inflat with the g

d as part of Students learn first ai rkshops the SU Life Skills wo

Peter Mannion, SU President and Damien Cogrove, CEO of Students’ Union Comm ercial Services, launch the Student Enterprise Awards

Students march past Galway


Emma is kept on her toes during the Freshers’ Fortnigh t

SU Sessions Pearse McLough



SU Elections The 2011 Students’ Union Elections for full time officers set a new record for the amount of votes cast in an NUI Galway Students’ Union election. Almost 3,372 students cast their votes to elect the three full time officers for 2011 – 2012. The race for the three positions was keenly contested by twelve candidates – Four for President, three for Vice President / Education Officer and five for Vice President / Welfare Officer. Some familiar names appeared on the ballot paper which contributed to the high level of awareness across campus. The campaigns were colourful and resourceful with candidates doing everything possible to make an impression on the electorate. This year students also had the opportunity to vote on North Campus in Friars Restaurant. This was in addition to the usual polling stations in An Bhialann and Áras na Mac Léinn, CSSI and Acadamh na hOllscoille, An Cheathrú Rua. Ben Archiblad, Returning Officer oversaw the count of the record number of votes on the following morning. Transfers were required in all three races to elect the eventual winners.

President: Emmet Connolly Vice President / Welfare Officer: Brian Grant Vice President / Education Officer: Conor Healy The election of the Part- time Officers of the Students’ Union also recorded a record turnout. 789 students turned out to elect the Equality Officer, the Student Development Officer, the Postgraduate Officer and An tOifigeach na Gaeilge. On the same day, representatives from the University’s Clubs and Societies elected the Clubs’ Captain and the Societies Chairperson. In total, thirteen candidates contested the six positions. The counting of votes for Part Time Officers was supervised by Returning Officer, Ken Curtin. The successful candidates were:

Equality Officer: William O’Brien Student Development Officer: Cian Moran Postgraduate Officer: Richéal Burns Oifigeach na Gaeilge: Senan MacAoidh Clubs’ Captain: Eamon Flynn Societies Chairperson: Paul O’Connor The ratification of a new Students’ Union Constitution sees the introduction of seven new positions on the Students’ Union Executive Committee. A Mature Students’ Officer (which will be elected in September 2011) and the Chairperson of the revised Students’ Union Council will be joined by five College Convenors elected by the class representatives of each college. The election of the Students’ Union Council Chairperson and the five Convenors took place on Thursday 31st March. The newly elected Chairperson and Convenors are:

Students’ Union Council Chairperson: Claire McCallion Convenor of the College of Arts Social Sciences & Celtic Studies: Kevin O’Donoghue Convenor of the College of Science: Tadhg Tynan Convenor of the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences: Mathew Sheridan Convenor of the College of Engineering & Informatics: Alan Callery Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy & Law: Aoife Reaney


Impact Report 2010 - 2011

It’s your Students’ Union! Over to you! This report gives some idea of what the Students’ Union has achieved over the past year. The SU can only do its job well if students get involved and let us know what needs to be changed. Please let us know your ideas, complaints and suggestions so we can represent you for the rest of the year. Just email with anything that comes to mind!

There are plenty of ways to get involved in the SU:

** Run for Class Rep ** Join the SU Crew ** Give us your ideas ** Just send us an email

Coming soon ** SU Office on North Campus ** Mature Student Officer ** Continued grants campaign ** National Discount Card ** SU Buses to Salthill Exams ** Bicycle sales and repair shop ** More students employed in SU Businesses ** Payment by instalments for Student Contribution to Higher Education (Registration Fee)

Grants Campaign Over the coming weeks the SU will be campaigning to:

** Protect the student grant for those living between 24-45km from college, who will see grant cuts of 60% ** Defend student nurses’ pay, who will be forced to work for nothing if the government gets their way ** Secure mature students’ grants so they can fully participate in third-level education and contribute to economic recovery Students can get involved by:

** Signing the SU’s Tell Your TD postcards (we’ll send them off to all your local TDs) ** T elling your parents, your neighbours and your friends about the serious threats to a decent student grants system. We need to raise awareness of this issue! ** Follow the campaign on our Facebook page and talk about the issue on your own page ** Register to vote to strengthen the students’ voice at election time Impact Report 2010 - 2011



rmation Log o

e i . y a w l a g i’ Union 2011 For More Info

ay St © NUI Galw 24810 5 1 9 ) 0 ( 3 5 Phone: +3 ig u n @ n io n entsu Email: stud

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