A World of Fairness Passport

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Passage to Fairness

“The rules of the global economy should be aimed at improving the rights, livelihoods, security, and opportunities of people, families and communities around the world.” – World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization, 2004


“All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Since 1919, the International Labor Organization has maintained and developed a system of international labor standards aimed at promoting opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity. In today’s globalized economy, international labor standards are an essential component in the international framework for ensuring that the growth of the global economy provides benefits to all. The International Labor Organization (ILO) was founded in 1919, in the wake of a destructive war, to pursue a vision based on the premise that universal, lasting peace can be established only if it is based on social justice. The ILO became the first specialized agency of the UN in 1946. *A Fair Globalization: Creating opportunities for all, Report of the World Commission





Passport No. /No du Passport / no. de Pasaporte



Surname / Nom / Apelidos


Given Names / Prenoms / Nombres


Nationality / Nationalite / Nacionalidad


Sex / Sexe / Sexo

World Fair Labor Standards


Date of birth / Date de naissance / Fecha de nacimiento

Authority / Autorite / Autoridad

August 7, 1999

Place of birth / Lieu de naissance / Lugar de nacimiento

Oakland, CA

Date of issue / Date de delivrance / Fecha de expedicion




Of Numi Organic Tea believe all people have the right to prosper and thrive. Through direct sourcing and fair labor practices, we can ensure workers and their families are provided safe working conditions, access to education, proper healthcare and fair wages.

Signature of Bearer

FAIR TRADE CERTIFIED™ HISTORY The Fair Trade Movement began in the 1940’s when a few North American and European organizations purchased handicrafts from poverty stricken communities and sold them abroad. Later, a fictional Dutch character, Max Havelaar, was developed as an advocate for exploited coffee pickers and the Max Havelaar, or Fair Trade, certification was created. PROGRAM OVERVIEW Fair Trade Certified is the largest Fair Trade program in the USA. Fair Trade USA audits and certifies transactions between importing companies and their international suppliers to guarantee that the farmers and workers are paid fair prices and wages, work in safe conditions, protect the environment and receive community development funds to empower and uplift their communities. Its largest presence is in coffee, tea and cacao, then fruits, juices and sugar. Producers must be in the developing world to be certified. HOW IT WORKS When a manufacturer purchases Fair Trade goods, it will pay a specific premium above the asking price. These funds are allocated to the community where a democratically elected group determines how the funds are used. Funds are specifically designated for social, economic and environmental development projects. Allocations have included: the purchase of mosquito nets and cooking stoves; the building of new roads and schools; and the improvement of maternity benefits and medical services. All over the world, developing communities have used the funds from Fair Trade to improve their quality of life.

FAIR LABOR PRACTICES HISTORY The Fair Labor Practices Program was created by Numi and SCS Global Services (SCS) in 2007. SCS is a certification organization highly acclaimed for its work in sustainability. SCS was a founding member of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and has been the conformity assessment partner for Fair Trade USA since October 2011. Between 2008-2009, SCS created the Fair Labor Practices standard with Numi’s input. After further improvements and refinements to the program, Numi successfully acquired the FLP program in 2012. PROGRAM OVERVIEW Fair Labor Practices is a continuous improvement program that focuses on the labor and workplace conditions in developing regions where ingredients are grown. The program can be applied to any agricultural supply chain throughout the world, with participants being audited annually by a third party auditing agency for their compliance to the standard. HOW IT WORKS Sustainable Agriculture: Organic certification is a prerequisite for the FLP program, ensuring workers are safe from harmful chemicals and agriculture communities are encouraged to thrive. Entire Supply Chain: Each step of the overseas supply chain is audited for verification, while most other models audit only the farm. Continuous Improvement: As opposed to a pass/fail standard, it is a continuous improvement program that requires verification of year-over-year improvements against the standard. Fosters Direct Partnerships: The FLP program allows brand holders to have a direct role in the social development of the supply chain, giving them more control and intimacy with the resources dedicated to their social responsibility initiatives. Complimentary to Fair Trade Certification: It is not an either/or decision. The FLP program can be applied to products and supply chains where Fair Trade Certification is not available.

Read on to learn about Numi Organic Tea’s Passage to Fairness since its inception in 1999.

In 1999, Numi begins its journey into tea by sourcing directly from farmers from around the world. Numi purchases green and black teas from China and embarks on a partnership with a small Rooibos and Honeybush company in South Africa that continues through today. The company works with a co-op of several farmers and employs a socially responsible program that includes job training.


1999 S.Africa


In 2000, Numi travels to China and establishes a partnership with a bamboo production facility that still exists today. Numi works with this supplier to design sustainable gift packages as well as merchandising racks and displays. This supplier pays his employees more per hour than the average local wage.


2ooo CHINA


Numi begins a partnership with a co-op of 50 farmers in Oman where it imports its Dry Desert Lime teasan (the company namesake). Numi assists in their process to become Fair Trade Certified™, which they achieved in 2011.


2oo1 OMAN


TransFair, now known as Fair Trade USA, launches in the US and Numi meets with the non-profit in Oakland, CA to get various teas and herbs certified fair trade.




Numi increases its range of organic tea offerings and begins to partner with TransFair USA to obtain Fair Trade certification as they expand their certification to teas and countries Numi is importing from (China, India and South Africa).


2003 INDIA


In 2004, Numi travels to China to audit and help improve working conditions for Flowering Tea™ artisans and bamboo factory workers. • 2005: Numi donates $10,000 to the bamboo factory in China that is damaged by flooding. •

2006: Numi’s bamboo production increases to employ an entire village in China, and introduces a new program in which the employees can work on items from home.


2oo4 CHINA


Back to China in 2005, Numi converts three more of its top-selling teas to “Fair Trade Certified™” with the largest Fair Trade cooperative in China. • Maté Lemon • Jasmine Green • Gunpowder Green


2oo5 CHINA


Crossing two continents in 2006, Numi partners with its suppliers in China, India, Sri Lanka, and S. Africa to have 13 additional core teas converted to “Fair Trade Certified™.” Additionally: • Numi launches its own production facility in China with air conditioning, where worker wages are 30% higher than the regional average.





In 2007, Numi partners with SCS Global Services (SCS) to begin the development of a NEW Fair Labor standard that could serve as a complimentary program to Fair Trade. The launch of Fair Labor Practices focuses on Chinese teas. Additionally: • Numi becomes one of the top three brand purchasers of Fair Trade Certified™ teas in North America!

2oo7 CHINA



In 2008, Numi travels to China to visit several suppliers and completes the NEW Fair Labor questionnaires for many projects along the supply chain. Additionally: • Workers’ wages at the Numi production facility in China increase by an additional 25%. • Numi hires a full time employee in Asia to ensure the quality and social responsibility initiatives are being carried out in Numi’s overseas operations.


2oo8 CHINA


In 2009, Numi engages with its long-standing Rooibos and Honeybush suppliers to begin the NEW Fair Labor Practices program in South Africa.

2009 S.Africa



In 2010, Numi becomes the leading brand purchaser of Fair Trade Certified™ teas in North America! Meanwhile, significant work on the NEW Fair Labor Practices program is achieved with Numi’s pu•erh tea partners in Yunnan, China.


2o1 0 CHI NA


In 2011, Numi travels to Egypt to transition its Moroccan Mint, Chamomile, and Dry Desert Lime to Fair Trade Certified™ with new projects in Egypt and North Africa. These projects contribute to Numi’s 60% growth in Fair Trade purchases over the previous year.


2o1 EGY 1 PT


In 2012, Numi begins production in its new and improved Flowering Tea and bamboo processing factories. Additionally: • Numi continues to work on the Fair Labor Practices program with the pu•erh supply chain partners.


2o12 CHINA


Numi is proud to launch Fair Labor Practices with its pu•erh supply chain.

2o13 CHINA


Numi will continue to support the people who help us source the best-tasting cup of organic tea.

2014 AND O AK L


NUMI’S FAIR EFFORTS Numi has been working with Fair Trade USA since 2004 and the Fair Labor Practices program since 2008. Numi has 17 SKUs certified Fair Trade and 8 SKUs verified under Fair Labor Practices (FLP). The FLP program is the brand’s playbook for continuous improvement and driving positive change in multiple supply chains in China. HOW YOU CAN INCORPORATE FAIR LABOR PRACTICES Numi has sole ownership of the FLP program while SCS is the third-party auditor for the verification process. To obtain a “verified” status, there are a set of baseline requirements (tier 1) that will need to be met during the first audit. From there, the brand must engage with its supply chain partners to implement the necessary changes required to achieve significant improvements and meet additional requirements (tier 2) in their operations year over year. Sufficient improvements will result in continued “verified” status. Insufficient improvements will result in a suspension from “verified” status.

The core areas of focus under the new program include the following: Hiring and Employment Practices Hiring and Wages Working Hours Freedom of Association Vacation and Leave Child Labor and Forced Labor Workplace Conditions Sanitation and Housing Worker Training Occupational Health and Safety Human Resources Worker and Worker Family Access to Services Access to Education Health Services Access to Transportation The Fair Labor Program advances social responsibility throughout a brand’s supply chain. The end result is a cost effective, robust program that communicates a brand’s commitment to ensuring the fair and equitable treatment of workers. Please contact us to become Fair Labor Verified.

P.O. Box 20420 Oakland, CA 94620 USA Phone: 888.404.6864 Email: info@numitea.com Website: numitea.com

“The strongest bond of human sympathy outside the family relation should be one uniting working people of all nations and tongues and kindreds.” – Abraham Lincoln




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