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HiSPANO La Voz Latina del Nuevo Milenio




Jenni Rivera sigue reinando en Billboard P: 24

De la Hoya reparte miles de juguetes

HiSPANO • 26 de diciembre de 2012/1 de enero de 2013


Feliz Navidad Año Nuevo

Holiday Shopping Modest for Many




LOCALES Navidad/Christmas 2013

• 26 de diciembre de 2012/1 de enero de 2013

Holiday Shopping Modest for Many Posadas on Ninth Street and Parrandas in North Philadelphia went from one shop to another the day before Navidad continuing a Puerto Rican and Mexican tradition in the region.


P: 2, 10 & 11

OPINION P: 4 y 5





CALENDARIO Comunitario P: 20




PAGINAS 2,10 &11

J. Smith - El Hispano

Ninth Street’s Italian Market hosted the Mexican community’s similar event known as a Posada, which like the Parranda, is a dramatization of the search of Mary and Joseph for a place to stay in the days before Navidad y Christmas. Hundreds of friends and families crammed into the “Saludable” health clinic near 9th and Federal, as

J.S.El Hispano

a joyful candle-lit procession circled the block singPhiladelphia- In the days preing traditional aguinaldos ceding the celebration of Navidad and moved from one shop (Christmas) and Tres Reyes, it was to another. for many a busy mixture Navidad As miniature candles (Christmas) songs and shopping. were distributed, Rene For the friends and families who Castellanos -the father of gathered in Eastern-North Philadelthree and native of Puebla, phia’s Barrio to join in Parrandas, Mexico- explained to his the advent celebration was a respite children that the candle filled with rich Puerto Rican aguiwas symbolic of the star naldos or music, accompanied by which guided the three guitars, the cuatro and guiro. kings to the birthplace of Jesus. But the early indicators for sales by local businesses was not quite as joyous as some had anticipated. “It’s been pretty good. We‘ve been selling a lot of boots, especially for kids.” That was Nelson Rivera of Colosseum Sports of Kensington, offering his assessment of sales of holiday shopping season. A few shoppers, like Chris Pagan agreed: “This year has been petty good for me, so we’re spending a lot more than last year.” Janette Paz of Peru, and the owner of the Janette’s Designs, which sells Latin American handmade clothing in Philadelphia and along the east coast, was equally pleased with Jessica Perez and her family, along with other opera- business in Philadelphia, tors, provided small decorations for families to place summarizing the shopping season in two words: “Fealong gravesites over the holidays. J.S. - El Hispano

liz Navidad.” But the majority of local businesses were not so sanguine. Standing outside his “Gift House” shop in Kensington, M. Algmal reminisced about the years “before the 2008” recession, “In those years you couldn’t move outside there were so many people (shopping). But this year everything is down.” Across the street, Sam the manager of “Rainbow” echoed Mr. Algmal’s poor sales conclusion, “It’s not good. Even Black Friday, compared with last year. We should be having a good business season, according to the experts,” added Sam. “but right now we’re looking at nothing. According the International Council of Shopping Centers, retail sales in he week up to Christmas Eve were up only 0.7%, although the organization is forecasting a 3% increase in sales for the entire holidays season. In an analysis by Master Card in twas noted that he total holiday

sales are usually increased by 15% On Christmas day itself, Jessica Perez and her family set up a makeshift shop of colorful Christmas floral arrangements and bouquets, on Front Street near Luzerne. From the simple cross for $4 to the more elaborate $20 items, Ms. Perez’s Christmas-day customers can stop and pick something up as a remembrance of a deceased family member. Both Jose Nieves and Maria and Mark Salveson also were looking for the last-minute holiday shoppers and voiced disappointment. “We haven’t had to buy any new (product) for the last few years and even lowered prices,” said Mr. Salveson. Also, in the barrio Navarro, in Gurabo puerto Rico between songs and the lighting of Christmas trees, Padre Pedro Ortiz offered prayers before a crowd of 900, for the political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera.

A nativity scene led the posada that marched along Ninth Street in Philadelphia as families and friends sang traditional songs. J.S. - El Hispano

HiSPANO • 26 de diciembre de 2012/1 de enero de 2013


Peruano preside comité de inmigración de organización de defensa de latinos

Nueva York-(EFE).- El peruano David Toledo ha sido designado presidente del Comité de Inmigración de la Alianza de Liderazgo Latino en Nueva Jersey, informó hoy el presidente de la organización, Martin Pérez. Toledo sustituirá en el cargo a Nelson Carrasquillo, “uno de los más destacados activistas hispanos de la lucha por el respeto de los derechos de los latinos en Estados Unidos”, indicó Pérez. “Me satisface que Toledo haya aceptado esta nominación. Por su trabajo, dedicación y liderazgo, es la persona idónea para dirigir el comité y continuar el trabajo de Carrasquillo”, agregó. “La responsabilidad que tiene Toledo no es sencilla pero confiamos en su capacidad para continuar con el compromiso de lograr una reforma integral y justa de inmigración que dignifique al inmigrante”, afirmó. Toledo nació en Surquillo, en el Departamento de Lima, y estudió sicología en su país. En 1998 se estableció en Nueva Jersey, donde ha defendido los derechos humanos y civiles de los inmigrantes y ha colaborado con diversas organizaciones. A inicios de 2009 Toledo formó parte de la Alianza de Liderazgo Latino de Nueva Jersey, una coalición de organizaciones fundada en 1999 que tiene como misión impulsar y fortalecer a las comunidades latinas para que obtengan igualdad en la política, lo económico y social. También tiene como objetivo unir a las organizaciones y las personas para la defensa de los latinos a través de Nueva Jersey.



El activista peruano David Toledo durante una protesta en favor de los derechos de los inmigrantes en Nueva Jersey.

Bank volunteers made a special delivery of 200 “Stockings of Love” to assist women and children in need at People’s Emergency Center in West Philadelphia.

The stockings and the items stuffed inside are donated by Citizens Bank colleagues. They are being distributed to homeless shelters and service agencies throughout the Greater Philadelphia area. Over the years, Citizens Bank’s “Stockings of Love” program has delivered items to thousands of homeless men, women and children as well as families living in transitional housing. Pictured from Left: John Lawrie, Citizens Bank Public Affairs team member, Leslie Donnell, Assistant Communications Manager, Farah Jimenez, President of People’s Emergency Center, Dan Fitzpatrick, President & CEO of Citizens Bank, Henri Moore, Sr. Vice President of Public Affairs at Citizens Bank and Deborah Khan, Vice President of Community Affairs.



• 26 de diciembre de 2012/1 de enero de 2013



Sobre las armas, ¿Qué se ha hecho?

Un nuevo incidente de violencia nos ha estallado, una vez más en la cara de la conciencia de todos los que vivimos en Estados Unidos de América. Veinte niños inocentes entre las edades de seis a diez años de edad, comenzando a vivir la vida, fueron masacrados en Newtown, Connecticut por un joven perturbado que logró acceso a la escuela de párvulos con un arma de asalto en las manos repartiendo balas por todos lados. Nuevamente, las grandes transmisiones de televisión y de radio llenaron el espacio abierto del país. Los titulares de los periódicos quedaron impresos en todo el planeta como testigos del suceso y la idea de que no vuelva a repetirse. Pero esto no era nuevo. Anteriormente, en el relativo corto espacio de 20 años, habíamos sufrido este tipo de evento en más de una ocasión y en cada uno de esos momentos jurábamos que tendríamos que hacer algo para evitar que se repitiera y, como ocurre, poco o nada se ha hecho. En este editorial no caeremos en ese mismo debate trillado y,

obviamente, infértil. Sencillamente le expondremos a ustedes una serie de datos frente a sus ojos y los dejaremos ahí para que la conciencia de cada uno de nosotros las evalue y determine qué nos corresponde hacer. Comencemos con un recuento de las masacres ocurridas en los últimos 20 años: El 20 de abril de 1994, Eric Harris y Dylan Klebold, de 17 y 18 años de edad, respectivamente, ingresaron a la escuela secundaria de Columbine, Colorado, y asesinaron a 12 estudiantes y a un profesor antes de suicidarse. El 6 de abril de 2007, un estudiante de la Universidad de Virginia Tech, de nombre Seung-Hui Cho, mató a 32 compañeros y dejó 17 heridos al disparar en el interior del complejo educativo. Se suicidó antes de ser detenido. Jared Lee Loughner, de 22 años, asesinó a seis personas e hirió a 14, el día 8 de enero de 2011, en una masacre en el estacionamiento de un supermercado en el que la representante demócrata, Gabrielle Giffords, quedó gravemente

herida, pero luego se recuperó. El 2 de abril de 2012, One Goh, de 43 años, ingresó a la Universidad cristiana de Oikos, en Oakland, y asesinó a siete estudiantes. James Holmes, un joven de 24 años, irrumpió en un cine de Aurora, Denver, el 20 de julio de 2012 durante el estreno de la última película de Batman y disparó contra la audiencia. Asesinó a 12 personas y 58 resultaron heridas. Y el 5 de agosto de 2012, un ex soldado estadounidense ingresó a un templo Sikh en Wisconsin y asesinó a seis feligreses e hirió a 14. Repetimos, en cada una de estas masacres, la voz de los titulares de prensa y televisión tronaron con que había que hacer algo para evitar estas tragedias. Pero, ¿qué se ha hecho? En todas estas ocurrencias hubo factores comunes: una multitud, problemas de salud mental y, principalmente, la existencia de armas de fuego de repetición del tipo de asalto. ¿Qué se ha hecho? Como dirían los latinos: ¡Facta; Non Verba!

Para que tengamos claro de lo que se trata, hagamos unas representaciones: En Estados Unidos es más difícil lograr atención individual para la atención de problemas mentales que tener acceso de manera ilegal y, ni se diga de la manera ilegal, de armas de fuego de alta potencia. Esto quiere decir que para el perturbado es mucho más fácil conseguir un arma de fuego para descargar sus frustraciones que conseguir en un médico le atienda. En Estados Unidos existen 88 armas de fuego por cada 100 personas. Se están vendiendo anualmente hoy día un promedio de 20 millones de armas de fuego. Muchas de ellas tienen capacidad de disparar 100 balas por minuto. En Estados Unidos hay más tiendas de armas de fuego que el número de ‘fast foods’ y supermercados juntos. Alrededor de 30 personas por día son asesinadas con arma de fuego. Esto totaliza alrededor de 10,000 en un año. El número de víctimas equivale a cinco veces la ocurrencia de muertos por el mismo motivo en Canadá, 13 veces los ATTENTION READERS/LECTORES: asesinados en Alemania, 24 El Hispano wishes to allow various points of view on their pages. We believe in “freedom of speech” and veces la cantidad de España “freedom of opinion” for all. Our publication of a Op-Ed piece does not necessarily mean we endorse that y 44 veces más que el Reino point of view. We welcome all “opinions” and Letters to Editor. They should be sent to: alopez5268@aol. Unido. com. Please provide your name and phone number, as they cannot be published without this. Hay millones de personas

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Aaron G. Lopez, Publisher/Editor Madelyn Madary, Advertising Director Josué Rodriguez, Circulation EL HISPANO es la voz latinoamericana, y lucha por mantener la libertad de expresión. EL HISPANO respeta la opinión de sus colaboradores, aunque no signifa que esté de acuerdo con su opinión. EL HISPANO no acepta ninguna responsabilidad de lo que aleguen sus anunciantes. EL HISPANO tiene el derecho de rechazar cualquier anuncio. Although EL HISPANO respects the opinion of those who collaborate with us, we do not neces-

que defienden la tenencia de armas de fuego y argumentan que ese derecho parte de la misma Constitución de Estados Unidos de América. La entidad más poderosa de apoyo lo representa la influyente Asociación Nacional de Rifle, a la que se le reconoce un activismo político que le ha estado ayudando a prevalecer. Ellos han estado defendiendo la cultura nacional de la caza deportiva pero nosotros decimos que las armas de repetición o de asalto no son diseñadas para la caza sino para propósitos de aniquilación. Lo cierto es que el texto de la Constitución dice más a menos así: “Siendo una milicia bien preparada necesaria para la seguridad de un estado libre, el derecho del Pueblo a tener y portar armas no será vulnerado”. Entendemos que los partidarios del apoyo a las armas han estado estirando la intención de los constitucionalistas porque realmente el derecho se confería a entidades oficiales como el ejército. Hay interpretaciones y hay interpretaciones y habrá otras nuevas, pero en todo este tiempo no será posible devolver a la vida a los buenos estadounidenses asesinados y a los 20 niñitos de Connecticut.

sarily agree with their opinion. We believe in giving everyone the oppty. to express their opinion even if it isn’t our own. EL HISPANO does not assume any responsibility for any claims made by our advertisers or any typographical errors. EL HISPANO reserves the right to reject any advertisement. EL HISPANO is a weekly publication. A copy can be picked up in many local businesses or in our Street Racks. Subscription by mail will cost $52 for 52 issues (full year) or $27 for 26 issues (6 months). Copies of old issues cost $3.00 per copy. Photos $10.00 each per print.



HiSPANO • 26 de diciembre de 2012/1 de enero de 2013


by Mark Segal This is not a political endorsement ... Great way to start a column, but the truth is we really want to make a point that seems to be missing among Pennsylvania political pundits: Although most are writing her off, Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz would most likely be one of the strongest candidates to challenge current Gov. Tom Corbett. Maybe pundits look at her as a liberal Jewish woman and see those attributes as a hindrance. Let’s look at each of those points. Religion is often used in describing Pennsylvania, which is often characterized as a conservative Christian state. You’ve heard the now-famous quote from CNN political pundit James Carville: “Pennsylvania has Philadelphia on one side, Pittsburgh on the other and Alabama in the middle.” Well, that Christian state has not once but twice elected Jewish governors: Milton Shapp in the 1970s and Ed Rendell just six years ago. And throughout the state, there are countless other Jewish elected officials. So much for that issue. That conservative state elected

Picking the next governor

Rendell and recently went for a guy named Barack Obama, who many in that Alabama part of the state might consider more than liberal. And as for being a woman, we’ve had a popular woman as lieutenant governor, Catherine Knoll, in office from 2003 until her death five years later. When she ran for that post, she topped the field. Barbara Hafer was state treasurer, and we just elected the state’s first female attorney general. Anyone who knows Pennsylvania knows that, in order for any Democrat to win, he or she has to really roll up the numbers in the five-county Philadelphia area. The first serious woman candidate for governor, Schwartz has a strong Philadelphia-area base and could possibly match Rendell’s high numbers from the area. Lastly, the question, why would she leave Congress? The truth is that it might very well be a while before the Democrats are the majority in the U.S. House again. And unless you’re in the majority party, there is not much out there for you. Especially in a House that is so partisan. As I said, this is not an endorsement, especially since there are

Brown calls for stricter gun laws in the wake of tragic school shooting PHILADELPHIA - State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown, D-Phila., has been one of the leading voices advocating stronger gun laws since taking office, and she joined the rest of the nation in grief on Friday as the news of yet another mass shooting broke. “To call the events that transpired in Newtown a tragedy would be an understatement,” Brown said. “The mass carnage that took place on Friday can only be described as 26 different tragedies perpetrated by one individual with access to a number of powerful weapons.” “I want to honor the victims with condolences, but then when I think again, are condolences really what is needed,” she asked. “The more I think about these tragedies, the more I conclude that we, as a country, should have honored the lives of those children and educators well before Friday’s atrocities unfolded by adopting tougher gun control laws to better protect them and every other citizen.” Since joining the General Assembly in 2009, Brown has attempted to open up the discourse on gun control on several occasions, but her attempts were met with unwillingness and indifference each time. “These atrocities may have occurred more than 150 miles away, but they happened right here in our backyards,” Brown said. “This type of mindless taking of life, with such relative ease, should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans and the elected officials who represent them.” “Let us honor the children who lost their lives by taking practical steps to tackle gun control,” she continued. “We can start by demanding the reporting of lost and stolen guns and closing loopholes that allow guns to proliferate through licenses granted by surrounding states.” The suggestions that Brown gave have been made in a number of gun control measures introduced in the past. It is expected that similar legislation will be reintroduced early in the 2013-14 legislative session along with new legislation inspired by the shootings in Newtown.


many others in the Democratic field. And many are very attractive candidates with impeccable credentials and résumés. Ah, you might say, what about the Republicans? Well, the governor hasn’t announced if he’ll run and if he does, it seems like he might have a challenge in his own party, something unusual for a sitting governor. That points out something about the current

governor, and why Democrats are lining up to challenge him. But I caution those challengers. Rendell was also unpopular when he began his campaign for re-election. If you think I’m off, remember it was this column that first predicted that presidential candidate Rick Santorum would not run in the Pennsylvania primary against Mitt Romney, no matter

how strong his momentum was, thereby leaving the pathway clear for Romney’s nomination. All of this might be a little premature since the race is a year off but, hey, it’s two weeks before Christmas and I needed a topic to write about. Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the nation’s most-award-winning commentator in LGBT media. He can be reached at

On December 13, the Senate Democratic Policy Committee met in Erie to conduct a roundtable discussion about the Department of Public Welfare’s delivery of human services. At the meeting, we joined Senate Democratic Leader Jay Costa, as well as Democratic Policy Committee Chair Senator Lisa Boscola to hear testimony from intellectually and physically disabled members of the community and their advocates, as well as human services professionals. The discussions we had brought to light many important issues facing Pennsylvania’s human services delivery system. A lot of conversation thus far has focused around county dollars and reimbursement classifications; however, the testifiers and the communities they represent are more than a line item in a budget. We were especially touched by one young woman from Edinboro, who told us that her paperwork is so excessive and invasive that she feels as though Pennsylvania’s prison population is treated with more dignity and respect. This young woman and the thousands of those who rely on human services value their independence, and so should we. Pennsylvania continues to face financial hardships, but we have to be willing to make room in our budget to provide services that can help the physically and intellectually disabled live productive lives. Additionally, we heard that one of the biggest issues with human services providers is that when they do not receive payment, vital services cannot be delivered to those who need them the most. While we understand that Governor Corbett values streamlining government, paring down the thirty eight human services financial management agencies to one Massachusetts-based company will only slow down the rate that human services reimbursements

are delivered. When these changes are added to the potential sale of the Pennsylvania Lottery to a United Kingdom-based firm, it paints a startling picture for Pennsylvania jobs. We could see further job loss by outsourcing major business to other states and countries, and a loss of quality and availability of an already faltering human services program. This past week, we wrote a letter to Governor Corbett imploring him to do the right thing and ex-

amine ways in which we can responsibly and adequately deliver human services, while preserving the dignity, privacy, and independence of Pennsylvania’s disabled citizens. We were elected to represent all of our constituents, regardless of their level of independence. Without proper consideration of the obstacles and ramifications that the changes to human services have caused, we stand to do great harm to a vibrant and hardworking community.

Washington and Wiley: Human services are more than a line item



• 26 de diciembre de 2012/1 de enero de 2013

Lo Más Reciente Sobre la Salud


Madres inmigrantes enfrentan desafíos para adaptarse a las comidas en EE.UU

Denver- (EFE).- Las madres inmigrantes latinas, especialmente en zonas rurales o provenientes de familias de bajos recursos, enfrentan “serios desafíos” para encontrar comidas nutritivas, según un nuevo estudio. El estudio publicado esta semana en el Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal indica que las madres hispanas tienen problemas cuando quieren proveer alimentos saludables y nutritivos a sus hijos, debido al “ambiente alimenticio” nuevo para ellas, en Estados Uni-


La investigación fue realizada por la doctora Kimberly Greder, del Departamento de Desarrollo Humano y Familia de la Universidad Estatal de Iowa (ISU, en inglés), junto con Flor Romero de Slowing y Kimberly Doudna, también de ISU. Greder y sus colaboradoras entrevistaron a 83 madres latinas de bajos ingresos en zonas rurales del Medio Oeste del país para “explorar la satisfacción con la comida que sus hijos comen”. Las investigadoras de-

tectaron tres elementos importantes en la conducta de las madres y sus hijos. Primero, las madres son las encargadas de asegurarse que sus hijos coman alimentos nutritivos. Segundo, existen barreras, o “factores ecológicos”, que impiden que eso suceda. Tercero, los niños cambian sus hábitos alimenticios. Según Greder, “las madres retienen su identidad cultural como las principales personas a cargo del cuidado de los niños y quieren que sus hijos coman comidas nutritivas”. Pero, por su condición

de inmigrantes, no todas las madres logran adaptarse al nuevo ambiente alimenticio, por lo que muchas latinas enfrentan un conflicto entre mantener las comidas tradicionales o promover hábitos saludables de comida. Greder y sus colaboradoras sostienen que la solución a este problema la deben dar “profesionales de la ciencia de la familia y el consumo”, quienes deberían generar oportunidades para integrar a las familias inmigrantes a ciertos programas ya existentes, como técnicas de

jardinería o de cultivo. Esos mismos profesionales, dicen las investigadoras, deberían trabajar con las escuelas y con otras organizaciones para asegurarse que los niños tengan acceso a comidas adecuadas y para “identificar estrategias para mantener tradiciones culturales de consumo de alimentos saludables”. Según el Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos, casi uno de cada tres de los 16,6 millones de niños con inseguridad alimenticia en este país son de origen hispano.

HiSPANO • 26 de diciembre de 2012/1 de enero de 2013


Pacientes de cáncer tienen dificultades para recuperarse por la fatiga

Atlanta - EFE.- Muchos pacientes que han padecido de cáncer enfrentan dificultades para recuperarse debido a la fatiga severa y debilitadora que les afecta durante meses o incluso años después del tratamiento, de acuerdo con un nuevo estudio. "La fatiga es un factor que no solo disminuye significativamente la calidad de vida, sino que también ha sido asociado a un nivel de supervivencia reducido", declaró la autora del estudio, An-

drea Cheville, psiquiatra del Departamento de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación de la Clínica Mayo. De acuerdo con el estudio, que llevó a cabo este centro médico con fondos del Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos, los investigadores encontraron que es poco común que los doctores que tratan a estos pacientes ofrezcan opciones de tratamiento para este problema agregado. Asimismo, descubrieron

Avoid Flu, Stick to Winter -Wellness Routine

(NewsUSA) - Most of us can't survive the winter without falling prey to at least one virus, infection or zealous set of cold germs. The phrase "winter wellness" sometimes seems like an oxymoron. After all, staying indoors in a closed air system makes people more susceptible to certain germs. Winter's affection for cold, dry air means germs will stay airborne longer. Just like adding layers of hats and scarves, we must add layers of immune support to bolster our defenses. For many families, the flu vaccine is a viable option, but don't take any chances. Fortify your body's immune system by making smart dietary choices, too. To keep your family healthy through the winter cold/flu season, use the following advice to keep the sniffles at bay. Keep vitamins, minerals and supplements on hand. In addition to vitamin C, zinc, echinacea and fish oil are all proven to strengthen immunity. If natural herbs and roots aren't cutting it, use reliable flu medicine like products from Rexall. For over 100 years, Rexall products have been working to keep families healthy during cold/flu season. Rexall products are available at more than 10,000 Dollar General locations, making them affordable to all kinds of families. Learn more at Stock kitchen with immune-system boosters. A healthy diet is one of the most effective ways to help the body fend off illness, but you have to know what you're looking for. Green tea helps fight viruses, especially if combined with anti-inflammatories like ginger. The more vitamin C, the merrier, so get your daily serving(s) of orange juice. Add cashews for healthy fats and extra antioxidants. Other edible flu-fighters include mushrooms, red peppers, sweet potatoes, garlic, whole grains and beans. Common sense is king. Common sense rules for hygiene are twice as important during cold weather. Be extra diligent about the basics -- i.e., cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing, and carefully wash your hands often. Remember, the more tired or worn out you feel, the longer your immune system will take to respond. So, get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water.

que la mayoría de los pacientes no estaban llevando a cabo prácticas que les ayudaran a reducir la fatiga y a mejorar con ello la calidad de vida. El informe cita la práctica regular de actividad física, como caminar con un podómetro, como manera que ha probado ser efectiva para contrarrestar los efectos de la fatiga extrema producto de la enfermedad. Pese a los efectos positivos que las técnicas de control del estrés pueden tener en estos pacientes, los investigadores encontraron que solo una décima parte de los mismos dijeron que sus médicos les sugirieron hacer un mayor ejercicio físico o tomar otro tipo de medidas no medicadas para reducir la fatiga. "Nuestros resultados sugieren que los pacientes de cáncer no están recibiendo tratamiento para un problema extendido y significativo", agregó la especialista.

Más del 35 por ciento de los pacientes han sido recomendados tomar medicamentos para dormir, aunque este ha demostrado ser el tratamiento menos efectivo, según señala el estudio de Andrea Cheville. La investigación encontró que, si bien el género o la edad no fueron factores importantes en la forma en la que se trataba el problema, el tipo de cáncer que padecían los pacientes sí lo fue. Sólo al 15 por ciento de los pacientes con cáncer de colon y a un 17 por ciento de los que tenían cáncer de próstata se les trató la fatiga, mientras que esta cifra fue del 48 por ciento entre pacientes con cáncer de seno. Los investigadores consultaron con 160 pacientes de cáncer en cuarta fase, tanto hombres como mujeres, que experimentaban distintos niveles de fatiga. En pacientes con cáncer de pulmón, seno, colon y prósta-


ta a los que se les preguntó si su equipo médico les había mencionado o recomendado algún tipo de tratamiento para la fatiga recomendados por la Red Nacional Completa contra el Cáncer (National Comprehensive Cancer Network). Este organismo recomienda aumentar la actividad física y buscar ayuda psicológica en conjunto con el uso de medicamentos para superar esta enfermedad. Un estudio previo realizado por investigadores de la Clínica Mayo, unas de las más prestigiosas en este área médica, encontró que el consumo de gingseng puede ayudar a combatir el cansancio en enfermos de cáncer. La investigación halló que un grupo de enfermos a los que se suministró dosis altas de la planta ginseng americana (Panax quinquefolius) experimentó una reducción del cansancio, en comparación con otro grupo al que se le aplicó un placebo.



• 26 de diciembre de 2012/1 de enero de 2013

Método para Hacer Bien las Cosas

ArteYCulturA Desarrollo Artístico

Turn Your “Terrible” Day into a Terrific DayWith Walnut Street Theatre for Kids’

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

PHILADELPHIA-Fall in love with the delightful misadventures of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day with Walnut Street Theatre for Kids. Judith Viorst’s popular children’s book comes to life with an hour-long musical adaptation of Alexander… performed LIVE at Walnut Street Theatre, February 1 through February 9, 2013. From the moment he wakes up, Alexander can tell it’s going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. He wakes up with gum in his hair, trips on his skateboard and drops his sweater in a sink full of water. Breakfast is another disaster, when both his brothers find prizes in their cereal boxes and all Alexander gets is cereal. At school things aren’t any better; his best friend abandons him on the playground and his mom forgets to put dessert in his lunch box. Might as well pack up and move to Australia! Alexander’s unique outlook on life reveals the humor in the everyday challenges of being a kid. Audiences of all ages will be laughing along at each entertaining mishap. Filled with hilarious hijinks, lively songs and energetic dancing, this totally awesome musical is sure to tickle your funny bone as it helps kids understand that some days are just like that. lexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, is Viorst’s most popular children’s book, having sold over 2 million copies. It’s the first in a series of books that follow the comic calamities of Alexander. Viorst is a native to the area, having been born and raised in New Jersey, and a graduate of Rutgers University. The inspiration for the Alexander series

Fall in love with the delightful misadventures of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day with Walnut Street Theatre for Kids came from Viorst’s real-life family. Alexander is based on her youngest son, who experienced many “bad days” when he was young. Also appearing in the series as Alexander’s brothers are Viorst’s two older sons. Walnut Street Theatre welcomes back David Stradley, who directed last year’s hit production of Miss Nelson is Missing. Music and Vocal Director, Mark Yurkanin,

returns to the Walnut having most recently worked on WST for Kids production of A Christmas Carol. Creating Alexander’s zany world are returning artists Scenic Designer Andrew Thompson (Proof, The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley), Sound Designer Ryan Peavey (Miss Nelson is Missing), Choreographer Samuel Antonio Reyes (A Christmas Carol) and Lighting Designer Mark Grady (A Christmas Carol,

Miss Nelson is Missing). Adding color and excitement to the stage with their costumes are Jennifer Lanyon and Anya Loverdi, this season’s costume apprentices. Brandon O’Rourke, who audiences will remember as Gavroche in Les Misérables and the Artful Dodger in Oliver, returns as unlucky Alexander. Portraying Alexander’s oblivious parents are local talents Tara Tagliaferro (A Christmas Carol) and Matthew Mastronardi (A Christmas Carol). His annoying brothers and playful friends will be played by Bren Thomas (Love Story, the musical), along with last season’s Acting Apprentices, Nate Golden (A Christmas Carol) and Samantha Joy Pearlman (A Christmas Carol) and Walnut newcomer Emily Kleimo. The Walnut Street Theatre for Kids Series is celebrated for its commitment to encouraging parents (and grandparents) to read to their kids. Families can read together, and then discover a whole new level of imagination when they see the shows live onstage. The Walnut takes pride in bringing families together through reading and the arts. Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day is an ideal outing for every elementary classroom and family with weekday and weekend matinee performances February 1, 2, 3, 8 and 9. Tickets are only $10-$16 with group discounts available for groups of fifteen or more. For tickets and information, please call 215574-3550 or 800-982-2787. Tickets can also be purchased online at Ticketmaster or by visiting the Walnut’s website at www.

Free at the Kimmel -New Year’s Day Celebration!

PHILADLEPHIA — Join us for the Kimmel Center’s annual New Year’s Day bash! The day kicks off at 10:30am with balloon artists, face painters, and the Greater Philadelphia Paper Pholders for some hands-on activities. At 11am the kids can gather ‘round for Grow Up Great’s I Love a Parade. This interactive concert will take children and families back in time to learn about early jazz, marches, and ragtime. The Deedle Deedle Dees take the stage at 12:30pm for a rock-n-roll, hip hop, New Orleans experience great for the whole family. Next, experience the Broadway Dreams Foundation as they perform numbers from our current Broadway season. The day ends with an exciting performance by the Philadelphia Ukulele Orchestra on the Plaza Stage at 4pm.

Off-Stage: Take a moment to visit the Resolution Wall and tell everyone what you are planning for 2013. Additionally, children’s crafts and snacks by Jose Garces will be available throughout the Kimmel Center all day. Stop by for some time travel inspiration at the Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts photo booth while you’re here! All Day! - Resolution Wall The Kimmel Center’s Verizon Hall and Perelman Theater will be open for viewing. The Resolution Wall returns! Write your New Year’s Day resolution on our public wall for the world to see. 10:30am - 3:30pm Balloon Artist & Face Painter Bring the kids for balloon sculptures courtesy of Black Cat Bal-

Sponsored by the PNC Grow Up Great concert series Come explore the roots of jazz as we listen and learn about marches, ragtime, and early jazz. In this interactive concert, we will take a trip back in time to experience early jazz. Children will be up close to instruments and understand each musician’s job within the group. Children and families loon Company, face painting, and will sing, improvise, and move along with the band as we march crafts for everyone to enjoy. down the streets of jazz. 10:30am - 3:30pm Greater Philadelphia Paper 12:30pm The Deedle Deedle Dees Pholders The Deedle Deedle Dees use All ages! Learn how to make your own origami paper craft with rock-n-roll, country, hip hop, New the help of the The Greater Phila- Orleans piano music, punk, and folk to teach kids about American delphia Paper Pholders! history, the natural world, social action, and other cool stuff that 11am they might never have thought I Love a Parade

Commonwealth Plaza Tuesday, Janunry 1 Free @ the Kimmel: New Year’s Day 10am - 6pm Commonwealth Plaza

about before.

2pm Broadway Dreams Foundation: Celebrating Broadway! Students from the Broadway Dreams Foundation Summer Performing Arts Intensive program return to the Kimmel Center to celebrate Broadway Classics. Watch tomorrow’s stars perform numbers from Broadway shows such as, Les Miserables, Catch Me If You Can, Priscilla Queen of the Dessert, The Addams Family, Sister Act and Wicked! 4pm Philadelphia Ukulele Orchestra The Philadelphia All-star Ukulele Orchestra is a twelve piece ensemble bent on spreading the gospel of the ukulele to all those with open ears and an open heart.

HiSPANO • 26 de diciembre de 2012/1 de enero de 2013


Obama, “persona del año” para Time, como “arquitecto del nuevo EE.UU.” su segundo mandato en enero de 2013, el mandatario afronta retos como el “abismo fiscal” a finales de año; una economía con altas tasas de desempleo en los próximos años, según la Reserva Federal, y más convulsión social en Oriente Medio. Stengel señaló que Obama obtuvo el premio “por forjar una nueva mayoría, por convertir las debilidades en oportunidades y por buscar, en medio de gran adversidad, el crear una unión más perfecta”. Más adelante, en declaraciones a la cadena televisiva NBC, Stengel destacó que Obama ganó la reelección pese a que el país tiene una tasa de desempleo del 7,7 %, “una tasa de desempleo más alta que la que ningún otro presidente

El presidente estadounidense, Barack Obama, sale de la Casa Blanca para asistir a una fiesta de Navidad en la Casa Blair en Washington DC. Preguntado por la prensa, Obama dijo que las negociaciones con los republicanos sobre el precipicio fiscal eran un “trabajo en curso”. EFE/Michael Reynolds Washington-(EFE).- La revista Time nombró hoy “persona del año” al presidente de EE.UU., Barack Obama, por segunda vez desde 2008, al señalar que, como “arquitecto del nuevo Estados Unidos”, su reelección el mes pasado simboliza la diversidad demográfica y el cambiante rostro del país. La prestigiosa revista ya lo había seleccionado como “persona del año” en 2008, cuando el hasta entonces senador demócrata de Illinois se convirtió en el primer presidente negro en la historia de Estados Unidos. El editor de Time, Rick Stengel, explicó en una carta que acompaña el artículo que Obama es “beneficiario y autor de una especie de nuevo Estados Unidos, una nueva demografía y (cambio) cultural, del cual él ahora es símbolo”. “De muchas maneras, Barack Obama es la versión del siglo XXI de este nuevo estadounidense. Pero es más que simplemente una figura política; es una (figura) cultural tam-

bién. Es el primer presidente en apoyar los matrimonios homosexuales y en ofrecer permisos de trabajo a muchos jóvenes indocumentados”, observó Stengel en “http://poy.time. com/2012/12/19/the-choice”. “Se ha hablado mucho de una coalición de grupos en ascenso -los jóvenes, las minorías, los hispanos, las mujeres con educación universitaria- y, al ganar la reelección, Obama mostró que estos grupos de mayor crecimiento no solo son el futuro sino que ya son el presente” de EE.UU., continuó Stengel. Cerca del 40 % de la llamada “generación del milenio”, la cohorte generacional más grande en la historia de Estados Unidos, incluso mayor que la de los “baby boomers”, aquellos nacidos entre 1946 y 1964, no son blancos. Si la victoria de Obama en 2008 fue “extraordinaria”, la de 2012 es otra confirmación de que ese cambio demográfico en Estados Unidos “está acá para quedarse”, resumió Stengel. Antes incluso de comenzar

ha tenido que afrontar en 70 años”. “Es el primer demócrata en ganar dos mandatos consecutivos con más del 50 % del voto, y eso es algo que no hemos visto desde (el presidente) Franklin Delano Roosevelt”, dijo Stengel, al referirse al presidente que lideró a EE.UU. durante la Gran Depresión y la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El pasado 6 de noviembre, Obama venció en las urnas al republicano Mitt Romney al obtener el espaldarazo de las mujeres y de los votantes afroamericanos, latinos y asiáticos. La derrota de Romney, además, ha sumido al Partido Republicano y a su base conservadora en un período de in-


trospección y de análisis de su estrategia electoral para 2016. La Casa Blanca aún no ha reaccionado al reconocimiento de la revista Time, que se otorga cada año desde 1927 pero no confiere ninguna medalla o compensación monetaria. Casi todos los presidentes lo han recibido desde entonces. Este año, Obama, que además es Premio Nobel de la Paz 2009, figuró en la lista corta de posibles galardonados, junto con el presidente egipcio, Mohamed Morsi; el principal ejecutivo de Apple, Tim Cook: la física Fabiola Gianotti y la bloguera adolescente paquistaní Malala Yousafzai, agredida de bala por los talibanes por defender el derecho de las niñas a la educación en ese país.


Olivia Culpo recupera la corona de Miss Universo para EE.UU. 15 años después

Olivia Culpo Miss Universo 2012

Antonio Martín Guirado

Las Vegas - (EFE).- Olivia Culpo superó en el tramo final a la filipina Janine Tugonon y a la venezolana Irene Sofía Esser Quintero y recuperó para Estados Unidos la corona de Miss Universo, 15 años después del último triunfo

de su país, cuando en 1997 fue proclamada ganadora la hawaiana Brook Mahealani Lee. Es el octavo título para Estados Unidos. Previamente se alzaron con la victoria Miriam Stevenson (1954), Carol Morris (1956), Linda Bement (1960), Sylvia Hitchcock (1967), Shawn Weatherly (1980), Chelsi Smith (1995) y Lee. tima fase. Culpo, de 20 años, se ganó al público con su respuesta a la pregunta efectuada por la mexicana Ximena Navarrete, miembro del jurado y ganadora de Miss Universo en 2010. La modelo fue preguntada por alguna experiencia en su vida que nunca repetiría. Su respuesta fue: “De cada experiencia, ya sea buena o mala, se aprende algo. Así es la vida. Posiblemente me arrepienta de no haber sido más cariñosa con mis hermanos siendo pequeña, porque cuando creces te das cuenta de cuánto los quieres realmente”. Originaria de Rhode Island y amante del cine y la música, Culpo tiene cuatro hermanos. Sus padres son fervientes amantes de la música y todos sus hijos aprendieron a tocar distintos instrumen-

tos en su infancia, siendo el cello el elegido por la reina, según la web oficial del certamen. Cautivó a los espectadores con su desparpajo y sus ojos color café, pero no resultó suficiente en parte porque, a tenor de la reacción del público, probablemente no convenció su respuesta a la pregunta sobre qué ley no existente hoy día propugnaría para que se pusiera en vigor de inmediato. Contestó en inglés que “todas las leyes constitucionales ya están en efecto” y alargó su discurso con un ejemplo relacionado con su afición al surf. El título de Miss Simpatía fue a parar a Miss Guatemala (Laura Godoy) y el mejor traje típico se lo llevó Miss China (Ji Dan Xu) dentro de una ceremonia de dos horas que tuvo lugar en el hotel Planet Hollywood, de Las Vegas (Nevada), en la que se guardó un minuto de silencio por las víctimas del tiroteo de Newtown. Entre las diez finalistas se encontraban Rusia (Elizaveta Golovanova), Francia (Marie Payet), Hungría (Agnes Konkoly), Suráfrica (Melinda Bam) y México (Karina González), que habían accedido tras desfilar en sus respectivos trajes de baño.

10 ElHiSPANO • 26 de diciembre de 2012/1 de enero de 2013




Philadelphia – The website, in collaboration with researchers at Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia, announced this week that Philadelphia ranks as the ninth most bikeable city United States and the best city for biking with a population more than one million. The rankings are based on four factors: bike lanes; hills; destinations and road connec-

tivity; and bike commuting mode share. “I am pleased to see Philadelphia recognized as among the nation’s most bikable cities,” said Michael A. Nutter. “The work of the Mayor’s Office of Transportation and Utilities to coordinate agencies across City government has led to major strides in making biking a safe and convenient option for traveling around Philadelphia,”

Nutter continued. More than two percent of Philadelphians bike to work according to the 2011 Census Bureau’s American Communities Survey, this is a full percentage point higher than the next American City with a population more than one million; Chicago. The Census Bureau data also ranks Center City Philadelphia and South Philadelphia as among the top twen-

ty five biking neighborhoods in the United States. In the past five years the Mayor’s Office of Transportation and Utilities and Streets Department efforts have significantly expanded bike infrastructure in high demand and key employment areas including Center City, University City and around Temple University. In 2010, the City was awarded a $17.2 million US Department of Transportation TIGER Grant to fill critical gaps in the regions biking and walking trail network. By the end of 2013, nearly five and half miles will be added to the trail network Mayor Vaughn D. Spencer and said Mayor Spencer. “We’ve fine and fee. For four and above knitting together a more that Director of Community Devel- restructured the inspection fee non-compliance complaints, 50 mile network of cycling and opment Lenin Agudo recently schedule to make it a fairer an additional $1,000 plus all walking trails, with a focus on

held a news conference to announce the new housing inspection fees which were recently approved by City Council. The initial housing inspection fee, which in the past was a $505 dollar fee and based on an average of 3.75 inspections, has been lowered to $140 for a single family rental and $165 for a two-unit rental property. This new fee schedule is for each inspection, not for any number of needed inspections combined. Any additional inspections that are necessary will cost the same as the initial inspection. “We’re trying to work with our property owners to receive benefits and help from the city,”

schedule that will reward good landlords who do the right thing. For those who are complying, if we need to come out and reinspect, within three days, we won’t charge you. If you don’t comply, we’re going to come after you and the penalties will be stiff.” The cost for an additional inspection, if necessary, for a single family rental will be $140 within a 120 day period. After that, a non-compliance penalty of $350 will be charged with an extension inspection fee of $200. A second non-compliance penalty and extension fee will cost $1,000, while a third will bring an additional $2,000

prior penalties and fees will be charged. A letter detailing the new inspection fee and penalty schedules will be mailed to all property owners in the city. The new fee and penalty schedule will begin on January 1st, and the inspections will be in a three-year cycle. Community Development Director Lenin Agudo also announced that a voucher will be sent to any property owner who had their property inspected in the last three years and paid the old fee. “Their next inspection will be free,” said Agudo. “We want to be fair and show property owners that we want them to continue to invest in Reading.”

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Thomas Caltagirone, D-Berks, announced he has been reappointed to serve as Democratic chairman of the House Judiciary Committee for the 2013-14 legislative session. The House Judiciary Committee deals with legislation affecting law enforcement and corrections. It also provides oversight for several state departments and panels, including the state police, Office of the Attorney General, Department of Corrections, Board of Pardons, and Board of Probation and Parole. “The committee is one of the busiest in the General As-

sembly,” Caltagirone said. “It is responsible for reviewing and advancing legislation related to the public safety and welfare of the Commonwealth’s 12.7 million residents. “The committee has worked tirelessly this past session on such issues as better protecting children from sex offenders and increasing overall public safety.” Throughout the 2011-12 session, the committee actively held public hearings on judicial bills and issues, toured correctional and related facilities and conducted meetings to vote on more than 100 pieces of legisla-

tion. “I am proud to say one of the committee’s most recent accomplishments is working to reduce the escalating costs associated with incarceration in Pennsylvania, while protecting public safety and ensuring justice is served,” said Caltagirone. “We helped guide groundbreaking legislation into law that will achieve that balance and save taxpayers more than $250 million in the next few years. “I have no doubt the committee will be ready to hit the ground running to build on our successes when we convene in January.”


Caltagirone reappointed Democratic chairman of House Judiciary Committee

the ability of the trails to be used for transportation. By the end of 2014, the City expects to complete another five trail projects creating more than ten miles of new trail that leverage the existing network. “We have been working hard for five years to make Philadelphia easier to get around, however you travel. The latest survey shows that our efforts are working. Perhaps most importantly, our streets and trails have never been safer for cycling, with bike commuting up by 150 percent since the year 2000 and the number of accidents involving cyclists down 50 percent,” said Deputy Mayor for Transportation and Utilities Rina Cutler.

Departamento de Ley y Seguridad Pública

Da a conocer los ultimos datos de la delincuencia en NJ

TRENTON - El Departamento de Leyes y Seguridad Pública de New Jersey dio a conocer el Informe 2011 (Uniform Crime UCR), el cual muestra los indices de criminalidad en New Jersey y el aumento del tres por ciento respecto al año anterior. Los delitos violentos se mantuvieron sin cambios el año 2011, en comparación con el año 2010. Según el informe los homicidios aumentaron menos del dos por ciento de los incidentes reportados de 372 a 380. Los casos de violaciones sexuales virtualmente aparecen sin cambios de 985 a 991. Los delitos en robos aumentaron tres por ciento, de 11,859 a 12,216 y asaltos agravados disminuyeron un tres por ciento de 13,958 a 13,586. “Los últimos índices de la delincuencia demuestran un ligero aumento en la tasa de criminalidad en New Jersey”, dijo el Fiscal General Chiesa. “A pesar de los factores que influyen en las tendencias del delito, vemos que son complejas y están relacionadas entre sí, sin embargo seguimos comprometidos a trabajar más fuerte y de manera inteligente para combatir la delincuencia y proteger a los ciudadanos de New Jersey en lo que quedan momentos difíciles en lo económico de gran parte de nuestro estado y nuestra nación”, puntualizó Chiesa. El informe anual de UCR es elaborado por la Policía Estatal de New Jersey (Unidad de Información Uniforme del delito), que efectúa un análisis y medición de los delitos cometidos durante el período del primero de enero de 2011, al 31 de diciembre de 2011. El informe contiene datos relacionados con los índices de los delitos denunciados - Índice de delitos que caen en siete categorías de delitos, entre ellos los cuatro crímenes violentos: homicidio, violación, robo y asalto con agravantes, y tres son los índices de crímenes no violentos, robo, hurto y robo de vehículos motorizados. UCR también contiene diferentes informes estadísticos sobre crímenes de prejuicio racial, violencia y robos de autos a nivel nacional. Para ver el informe completo puede visitar: / info / stats.html # ucr

HiSPANO • 26 de diciembre de 2012/1 de enero de 2013 11


Youngblood: Public input hearings, informational meeting set for Philadelphia casino

HARRISBURG – With the announcement that the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board already has scheduled informational and public input hearings on the six proposals to build a second casino in Philadelphia, state Rep. Rosita C. Youngblood, D-Phila., applauded the state’s efforts to bring transparency, openness and accountability to the process of awarding the Category 2 casino license. Youngblood said the action by the board to schedule an informational hearing where the six applicants can present their plans in a public forum months before the required public input hearings should be a clear indication that the public will not be kept in the dark about the plans for a new Philadelphia casino. “The public deserves to know exactly what the proposals are, how it will impact them and what benefits they will see,” Youngblood said. “The board is right on the mark to require applicants to make their case to the public, and doing so a full two months before

the public hearings is critical in allowing those interested to have every opportunity to make informed comments on each of the casino plans.” The board announced that the six applicants will present their proposals beginning at 9 a.m. Feb. 12 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Then from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. April 11 and from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. April 12, the board will hold the public input hearings, also at the Convention Center. Additional days may be added depending on the volume of those seeking to make public comments. Youngblood said that in March, the board will open up the registration for those interested in testifying at the public input hearings. Also in March, the board will begin accepting written public comment from anyone unable to provide oral testimony. “As I have said before, it is a great sign that we have six applicants who are all willing to take a risk and invest hundreds of millions of dollars in our city,”

Youngblood said. “With this level of competition for one license, it is evident that the city will prosper with two casinos. But we cannot afford to create an environment that could cast doubt or a gray cloud over the development of this casino.

“Pennsylvania has become the model for casino development and regulation across the globe, and I have the utmost confidence that the board will exhaust every resource to ensure integrity and accountability in the process,” she added. “It takes a significant

amount of time, sometimes up to a year or so, to fully vet all applicants and ensure they are suitable candidates for licensure. But the key to the process is informing the public and making sure they have all of the information necessary to make their voices heard.”

TURNER CALLS FOR GUN BUY BACK PROGRAM IN TRENTON Initiative Has Gotten More Than a Thousand Guns Off of Camden’s Streets, Same Success Possible in Trenton

TRENTON – Senator Shirley K. Turner (D-Mercer/Hunterdon) today announced that she has made a formal request to Attorney General Jeff Chiesa to provide funding for a gun buy back program in Trenton. A recent successful initiative in Camden was financed with criminal forfeiture funds. In a letter to Attorney General Chiesa, Senator Turner pointed to the spike in gun violence in our capital city, and the concerns expressed to her by residents and business owners, as

well as state employees and visitors, who are fearful of loss of life and property. Senator Turner noted that she has “no illusions that a gun buy back program will eliminate crime,” but believes that getting guns out of homes will help to prevent them from falling into the hands of criminals and children. “While we may not be able to eradicate crime completely, we can work to chip away at the crime problem with initiatives such as this,” said Senator Turner. “This is just one piece

of a multi-faceted approach to eliminate gun violence. Step by step, bit by bit, we can make our communities safer.” Senator Turner is hopeful that with the success of the Camden initiative that resulted in the collection of over 1,100 guns, Trenton would also benefit from a cash-for-guns program. She noted that the food-for-guns buy back program earlier this year netted over 200 firearms, but believes that a cash-forguns program would be more successful.

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ElHiSPANO HiSPANO• 26 • 26 de de Diciembre de 2012/1 de enerode de enero 2013 de 2013 El diciembre de 2012/1

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La Voz Latina del Nuevo Milenio

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